Why is the Bolshevik Revolution, where Jews murdered 60+ million Christians, almost never mentioned?

56  2017-10-11 by [deleted]



Too antisemitic.

Its said a lot by the capitalism fan boys

Do you even hear yourself?

It should be said a lot by anyone with a shred of human decency.

You mock capitalism yet support a system that, when finally implemented, killed tens of millions of human beings. But, that wasn't "real" communism, was it?

How is consumer capitalism track record?

Match up well does it?

Not only kills millions but fucks the planet too. Marvellous.

Show your math.

Yet support a system that, when finally implemented,

It literally was never implemented though... there has never been a communist country using the definition of communism.

It's really really telling that there's so much anti-communist pro-capitalist regurgirated propaganda on a conspiracy site.. shows how little Americans think outside the confines of their "education".



because there is no more evidence for Jews being behind it as there is for jews being behind any global conspiracy. i'm surprised this sub has starting blaming the jews for the holocaust.

Nice meme!

It certainly couldn't be that there is a faction which controls the upper echelons of the means of information distribution whom want to disappear that important part of history because it shows their true nature.

OY VEY shut it down

The goyim know!


There us a ton of Russian jews in Israel, correct?

You're thinking of Soviet Zion. A project meant to corral the Jewish population into one city. The project mainly failed. The Jewish leaders were executed, schools shut down, and people persecuted and purged. So there isn't a ton of Russian Jews there anymore. Jews account for less than .1% of the Russian population now a days.

In israel

Hmmm.. Hm....Hm....Hmm....Hmm.....Hmmmmmmmm.

"Once... there was this girl who... got in to an accident and couldn't go to school..."

I've never heard of this one. Jews were involved?

It wasn't Jews specifically. Russia was an autocratic country with Russian Orthodox being the state religion and a major part of the Tzar and his power, religion held a major part. The Bolsheviks Revolutionaries associated Russian Orthodox with the government and a key point of the Communist revolution was state atheism. There was even a communist sponsored program of forced atheist conversion in the Soviet Union.

They considered anti-antisemitism to be abhorrent, however it did not fit the ideology and thus Jewish Community Councils were abolished 2 years after the revolution in 1919. Later they created a Soviet Zion to attract Jewish population. However the project failed, and Jewish leaders were executed, Jewish schools were shut down, and the Jewish people were persecuted and purged.

I missed the part where Jews killed 60 million Christians...

I was responding to the comment of how Jews were involved in the revolution. There were only 5 million Jews during the Bolshevik Revolution and they were mostly poor and the Tzars ran pogroms, where Jews were killed. They didn't have the capability plain and simple.

This misconception stems from the condemning of antisemitism by the Bolsheviks which many confuse for affirmation of Judaism. This policy did not last. As Stalin later would even create massive propaganda against Jewish people.

Much of the antisemitism today is the remains of the Stalin's propaganda rather than Germany and Nazis.

You are sooo wrong I can't even begin to refute you. Let's just say the entire revolution was headed by Jews.

There is evidence many of the Russian revolutionary had Jewish connections.

Stalins education was literally state propaganda against the Jewish in order to kill his opponents. Being Jewish is what he cited to kill them.

So he didn't attend a society of Jesus institution ?

Well, if they'd stop trying to control nations, ans cut it out with that usury, they'd be alright.

There were Jewish culling raids called pogroms during the Tzar's beforehand and during Stalin. For a brief period they were just put in atheist conversion programs instead of being killed during the Bolsheviks. Let me guess that's why you think they were trying to control Russia. Because for about two decades they weren't being killed randomly. Yes so much control..... and obviously any nation not killing them is under Jewish control....

I'd like sources. I'm confused here, and you aren't elaborating.

Yup. KGB and other soviet secret police were predominantly jews who murdered millions of the non-jew Russians.

Most of the Soviet government were jews and they got Churchill to wage war against Germany.

Many jews have admitted it and you can gain some much needed insight from this Rabbi's speech.

For those just learning about the Bolshevik Revolution, but be warned -- this series makes Schindler's List look like Sesame Street:

EUROPA - The Last Battle

Because it makes Hitler's actions in Germany look like a rational case of self-defense and undermines one of the primary arguments for the apartheid state of Israel maybe?

If anyone has never heard of [Benjamin Freedman|(https://youtu.be/HhFRGDyX48c) you’re missing out on some of the best hidden history of WWII.

Invading Moscow is self defence?

Yes. After murdering about 60 million of their own people, Soviets were lined up to invade Poland, Germany, and the rest of Europe. You can watch the series if you're interested.

Because it makes Hitler's actions in Germany look like a rational case of self-defense

Jesus fucking christ


Just going to throw this out to you but a lot of Russians still consider the Soviet Union a good thing and support for Stalin is high in Russia today, Putin has a painting of him in his home- so to the actual people involved it’s not as black and white

It’s the same issue with the cultural revolution in china- a lot of Chinese people think Mao was a great figure and think communism is good and don’t blame him for the deaths but consider the deaths a result of incompetence

I live in china and a lot of Chinese are basically like- well it all worked out so fuck it, especially the elderly who lived through the great leap. And Eastern Europeans are all over here and they don’t like how their governments have gone since the fall- which was only in the fucking 90s!

There is also the eugenics issue- Hitler and the Nazis believed in eugenics while the communists just did not, Mao never said if we just kill enough Manchu the Han will get super powers and Stalin never said if we kill enough East Germans the inner Russians will get super powers- it was about money and power, same as most regimes

The Communists believed in didgenics. They actively rounded up the best and brightest Russians and executed them.

Citation needed

Sounds like you'd really enjoy the series posted above.

I have seen it, it does not say that Stalin literally was practicing disgenics

The Soviet Union had science and technology capabilities able time fight the Cold War, it’s unlikely that they where intentionally mass reducing their intelligence

Because it was not that many casualties and it wasn't a war against Christians, but against capitalism. Try sourcing something that isn't Prager U.

I don't think that's how that worked? Proof

It's because millenial leftists are pro-communism.

Better than being 'alt right'

Cause.. haha.. jewst

Because that narrative is propaganda started in 1917 by the "whites" who fought the "reds" (Bolsheviks) in Russia. It was then revived by the Nazi's, for the same reason. Honestly, it's a bit ridiculous. Communism and religion don't get along. The state doesn't like competing for power with the church, preferring the "glory of the state" to the "glory of god". It's like saying that Dianne Feinstein is secretly the head of the NRA.

Do you have a source?

Because if you knew the whole story, then you would understand why Hitler was so popular. And that would mean that you would be a Nazi supporter. And that would mean you would have to be executed. And I don't want you to be executed. So forget you ever posted this thread.

Christians would have to fund movies every single year as a constant reminder and also get together with the dept of education and require reading of a childs memoir around 6th grade.

Perhaps the admin of the revolution were jewish, but unlike the holocaust the official narrative was establishing communism. Id like to see your sources on this, but i doubt many bolshieviks were jewish. Even if there was a conspiracy what got russians to go and murder millions of russians wasnt anti-christian sentiment but the goal of communism

Who invented communism and its goals?

Well, id say lenin established the guiding principals of what all communist regimes would use

Cause king Rothschild needed to rob the Czar of Russia at the time due to him having quite a collection of gold. Can't let monetary history get out. Check out Eustace Mullins. Tons of great information.

Them being Jew's has nothing to do with it. They weren't targeting Christan's because they were Jew's they were referring Christan's because they were authoritarian ass wipes.

I wasn't expecting this to be deleted, and there is no archived version of this... Just commenting for other purposes.