Why does it feel like the Republican Party gets a free pass in this sub?

343  2017-10-12 by jo9008

This sub seems wholly obsessed with shitting on Democrats and Clinton (which has it's place) even though Trump and Republicans have literally sold out to every big money interest in washington: wall st, big oil/coal, private prisons, nra, pharmaceutical companies, telecoms, military industry, etc. Those used to be the conspiracies we talked about here. Follow the money. Question those in power. I am not saying Democrats arent bad as well but when was the last time you saw a post here about the corruption of the RNC, the numerous sex scandals on the right or data literally being scrubbed from EPA websites. All I wish is that the Republican party which runs all three branches of government got the same amount of scrutiny as Democrats get here. Also if you really thing both parties are equal I suggest comparing this subs values with congressional voting records: https://np.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/6pc5qu/democrats_propose_rules_to_break_up_broadband/dkon8t4/

Conspiracy time... Republicans have conned millions of Americas by using Trump to fuel cultural divide and outrage to distract from a massive consolidation of wealth and power for the elite. Unfortunately most people in this sub have decided that it's more important to contradict the narrative in the media than those with power. I want to say that one more time. This sub has decided that it's more important to contradict the narrative in the media than those with power.

I get it. I hate the media too but occasionally you find yourself on the same side as people you dont like. Honestly sometimes this sub feels like a parody of itself they way it spouts government talking points like it's their job. I would never call people here russian shills even though criticizing this administration will gets me instantly labelled a shareblue shill.

Lastly this sub claims to be so woke about identity politics being used to divide and distracted yet no one ever mentions that Trump intentionally fuels these divides while hes supposed to be uniting and leading our country. This administration has no interest in your privacy, has no interest in getting money out of politics, has no interest prosecuting the criminal elite, has no interest in reforming the justice system, has no interest in transparency, has no interest isolationist foreign policy. It's time to wake up, the Republican party and this administration are the enemy. Stop giving them a free pass.


Alt right shills / sheep

Everyone and everything should be fair game to question. Fuck rep and dems and whatever parties there are. If shady shit is going down, it needs to be looked into, regardless...

Yes but proportionately how much time do you think this sub spends talking about Democrats compare to Republicans. Especially those in office and those not.

I honestly can't answer that question. Partisanship is so far off my radar at this point that I really pay no mind to it. Until we can all distinguish that parties are yet another divisive tactic we are doomed to fall into the same gaps. End game is the same regardless of what they claim to be. Basically I feel like if your still looking at pol parties as teams, your doing so by design. They even have fun mascots!

I'm glad youre so enlightened but my point is that the rest of this sub clearly is not. This sub clearly only plays attention to Democratic wrong doing while the corruption of the Republican party is almost universally ignored. How obsessed is this sub with the Weinstein scandal? How much attention did this sub pay to O'Rilley, Rodger Ailes, Dennis Hastert? How obsessed with the false flag narrative are they with the Vegas shooter when there is no real political motive. That never seems to happen when the shooter is brown or Muslim even though that's exactly the kind of false flag a government like this would want.

Where were you the summer and fall of 201

summer and fall of 2016

Not really, back then this sub was filled with exactly how many people HRC has personally murdered, how many children she trafficked for pedos, how she literally should face life in prison (or possibly death) for these crimes. there wasn't much room for anything else.

Sorry if i came off arrogant or whatever. You are 100% right and, I agree there should be no leaning one way or another on this sub. Well said buddy:)

The only people talking about George Bush are conspiracy theorist and the type who watch the news and accept his new innocent painter image.

Look at the people who are glorifying old Republicans like Bush, Cheney, and Rice on the news with stories against Trump.

Not even a conspiracy theorist would accept that nonsense. So who is really trying to give Republicans a pass?

I dont really understand your comment.

You're right about that. The only time this sub tagged a post "unverified" was when the trump/Russia stuff first broke

The republicans don’t hide the fact they’re bought and paid for. The democrats pretend they’re righteous and honorable servants of the American people. When they’re really no different.

Yea totally on the up and up with republicans. I especially like how they let us know they're shitting on us while they're shitting on us. That's why we don't need to talk about them and when they get caught in lies or the fact their own party is worried about them starting ww3. Not important. /s

I love getting shit on by rich men. Especially when they let me know about it before they start shitting in me.

I'd love to see some quotes from Republican representatives admitting to being bought and paid for.

.. They don't hide that they're bought and paid for? What

The republicans don’t hide the fact they’re bought and paid for. The democrats pretend they’re righteous and honorable servants of the American people.

Uhhh, Republicans are the family values and morality party, no?

My theory is the trump army has orders to brigade this sub but why I don't know. Activity there appears to have slowed in the last week.

Bannoncorps most certainly has its hands in toss pie

Russia dude. It's obvious. Who talks shit about Russia with its corrupt oligarchs and dictatorship that kills them political opponents when they feel like it?

This is a hilarious post

Funny coming from a far right hack

Keep stalking and I'll report your ass

Keep posting on threads in the same fourm and I'll keep responding.


Same people control both parties, so that's a great question.

Both parties are in the pocket of lobbyist.

Yes so why does this sub exclusively talk about Democrats. Also I think theres and argument that Republicans are more so https://np.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/6pc5qu/democrats_propose_rules_to_break_up_broadband/dkon8t4/

It doesn't, people around here shit all over McCain, Cheney, Bush, etc. There are a lot of anti trump posts, and also pro trump posts. Most people here hate both parties equally, but since this is a public forum, there are people who post and comment here who are lefties or righties


Ah, good ol' pseudointellectualism: everything is always 50/50 and I don't need to do research to feel smart. You would love CNN.

Just look at the donors

That's complete bull dude, I see more anti Trump rhetoric here than I do anywhere else I visit. It's gotten so bad I have given up looking for good conspiracies...

Sounds like you live in a reddit Trump bubble of your own creation...

LOL I think my downvotes here and your comment speak for themself. This place is clearly no longer objectively oriented towards conspiracies but just another partisan hack.

Seriously, if the most anti-Trump rhetoric you see is in /r/conspiracy, you have created an extreme fringe media experience for yourself. Trump is unpopular, and /r/conspiracy shills for him all day.

Well, I think the majority of people who voted for Trump were voting against Clinton of course, but were also voting against the GOP, the establishment GOP didn't want Trump in office any more than the DNC. Given limited options, they opted to give the finger to both.

How that pans out we'll see, but I think a lot of Trump voters were behind him as a person, not the GOP at large. This was a sole populist victory for trump, and a vote against the power structure. The DNC and the GOP are two sides of the same coin. Voters saw a situation where a Clinton might run against a Bush again and were horrified. They went with the dark horse candidate.

Yes but now it's plenty clear Trump isn't a dark horse. He seems actually like exactly what the elite want. He's might as well be Bush except little less religious but a little more racist. A figure head that can convince the people hes on their side while blatantly selling out to right in front of their faces.

Trump is more indulgent with the religious right, he has proposed allowing chruchs to donate to politicians. Trump is far worse then any president of the last 50 years. He's driving us to nuclear war, destabilizing the world while allowing Russia and China fill the void of our leadership. The establishment sucks big time but trump is far worse.

Yeah but he hates immigrants so that makes him a anti-globalist folk hero /s

He is nothing like Bush to be fair, whether it ends up good for us, like I said we'll see, but id take Trump over Hillary any day.

Probably because the pedophile allegations are disproportionately higher on the Democrats side of the street and most people here more than likely don't sympathize with that sort of thing.

List of convicted Republican pedophiles up to 2010 (I'm sure we could probably add a few more in the last 7 years):


Republicans rush to defend pedophile:


Republicans enabling child sex abusers:


It is ludicrous to me that people think one political party is more guilty of any kind of abuse than another.

I didnt say there were no Republican pedophiles just that Democrats (especially their leaders) seem to be more in the news for it... for whatever reason

Definitely not the news I watch. Just look at Fox News.

Not "the news". Just the news you consume. Aka looking at /r/conspiracy. Aka the premise of this post.

lmao you got fucked up and then backtrack. you are a pathetic. Its so clear you dont care about bad shit happening and you really care about bringing down democrats for what ever reason. Then you go on and blame the media for your ignorance

Hilary and Podesta were front and center on the pedogate. Bill was on Epsteins private island. Hilary again in Haiti trafficking kids. Im not back tracking just trying to speak the truth and be pleasant at the same time.

Epstein's Whore Island is the only thing you mentioned that's real and Trump has been there too.

So angry

That's a well thought out counter.

Trump vouched for Epstein and said they have the same taste in woman but you seem to ignore that

Hillary never trafficked kids and there's no evidence Podesta ever did anything either.

Pedogate is not news. Pedogate is the fevered imaginations of delusional people.

Please don't compare random wild-ass accusations to convictions. Let's talk convictions.

If you only want to talk about convictions then you probably shouldn't be in r/conspiracy but in r/politcs

Are you admitting here that you have no interest in facts?

No im saying you're only barometer for a discussion cant just be "convictions"

If more Democrats than Republicans were pedophiles, we'd have more convictions. And more arrests. And more allegations...allegations made by the victims, or by witnesses.

Allegations of pedophilia from complete strangers analyzing emails do not count.

Not sure what Weinsteins political affiliation was but it could be an indicator that things are changing inside the government and more investigations maybe forthcoming because it was kinda out of the blue.

This train of thought is so stupid it makes my head hurt. This exact line of thinking is why tons of users in the sub voted trump, and still, they can't imagine why pizzagate could possibly be a conspiracy driven by Russia. What happened to pizzagate? What happened to Seth Rich? These things drove people to be political foot soldiers and then the narratives just grind to a total halt.

Give it a couple of years for them to get drunk on their power...DNC still controls may levers of power including media, movies and tv, academia etc....but as that grip fades and R power increases, they will start to abuse and get shat upon

This is a really dumb statement. Sorry, will come back to explain after work.

Bannon(and maybe Russia, I honestly have no idea) co-opted the conspiracy-niche of voters and hitched them to Trump's wagon, they done this by highlighting the real grievances and shady doings of the dems/Clinton's while either sweeping the other side's under the rug, or calling it neo-can and grouping it in with Clinton under Globalism.

This successfully put Trump above and apart from the perceived "man", even though he's anything but. It was a brilliant strategy honestly, I don't like Bannon but I respect his gameplay.

Yeah US foreign policy has been complicated and a unmitigated disaster recently. Clinton had no choice but to defend it. When Trump talked about past policy he talked with the ability of hind sight which is obviously that we should have been more isolationist. Whenever Trump talked about the future it was in terms of surprise attacks with boots on the ground and bombing innocent civilians. People had selective hearing. It was fun to think Trump was fighting globalist super villains while also indulging in american military fantasies.

Now I dont think they have a choice. They had to pump the DEEP-STATE angle when the Russia angle heated up. Remember before they were all about the FBI and intelligence committees when it was Hillary being investigated. Now no one has credibility but Trump.

Great post and something definitely worth addressing/discussing in this sub.

Fuck the parties!

Self reliance in a capitalist system, yeah?

The party system is stupid, period. Also do you have a conspiracy to post or are you just going to whine about Trump? There's plenty of subs for that on reddit including places like r/politics, r/news, etc.

Read his post.

Not so much republicans. Just Trump, and not from everyone on this sub but he gets a total free pass from far too many.

As a UK outsider I loath Trump's racism and divisive language. He has a responsibility to ensure their is peace among all sections of society.

Am I right in thinking that he has relaxed guns laws, especially in regards to people with mental health issues? Is this true? Because if so, that's bloody mad.

However, I do think he has a certain appeal in terms that he is very funny to watch and could do some pretty wonderful things. He more than anyone has an opportunity to open the lid on what really goes on behind closed doors.

Comments like the Israeli leadership are a real hindrance to peace in the middle east is refreshing. I also would like him to open the door on big time theories like aliens and extreme business interests.

I also think his foreign policy is quite good in regards to N.Korea. It is almost like he is speaking their language and using it to tell them to back down. Who knows if this could open a more positive dialogue further down the line. Kim Jong Il just wants to stay in power and wouldn't risk a military strike on any terms. Its all noise.

If he doesn't open the lid and continues to propergate racism. He shouldn't get another term.

What? Trump is a huge supporter of Israel. I remember Obama getting a lot of flack for critical statements about Israel.

You're actually wrong about N.Korea.

The U.S is not going to war with them. All the expert's have said as much.

It's interesting thay you picked apart my positive aspects about Trump and completely ignored the negative aspects.

You need to look at life with more balance. You're very one dimensional.

the negative things you said about trump are well established and don't need to be picked apart. The positive things you said about trump were that his North Korea "policy" of shit talking them on twitter is helpful. It really isn't, it has both aggravated tensions between the two countries and made the US seem weaker. It puts the US on the level of North Korea, making petty threats they will not go through with. You may be an outsider to US policy and politics, so you may not realize that this is very damaging to the US foreign policy objectives.

Come back here in one year.

The U.S will not be at war with N Korea and will had been.

If I was your friend, I'd put money on it.

If “not engaging in nuclear war” is what you think the bar for success is then you definitely don’t have a full understanding of US objectives in foreign policy.

Where did I say nuclear war?

They ain't gonna be in ANY war. I'm gonna save this thread and show you that some of you are delusional/easily manipulated by the MSM.

Fine, here:

If “not engaging in a war” is what you think the bar for success is then you definitely don’t have a full understanding of US objectives in foreign policy.

I’m not being manipulated when I can see for myself what you apparently can not - that it is detrimental to the US foreign policy objectives when the POTUS engages in a Twitter war with an easily agitated leader.

I know you’re an outsider to the US politics, but over here we take the presidents level of discourse seriously. When the president does this nonsense it is considered beneath the dignity of the office of the presidency, which is one of the reasons why a lot of people (not just the media) hate these constant twitter battle distractions.

Surely the idea is containment?

N.Korea only wants to propergate war as it keeps Kim Jong Il in power. If he has a war, he will lose and therefore lose his power.

Is that hard to understand?

Who are all these experts?

Does Adam. James Stavridis constitute as “all experts”?

So far you’ve managed to back up 5% max of your statement.

Trump is currently withdrawing from international peace orgs because they aren't friendly enough with Israel.

The only lax in gun laws is that a judge must deem you unfit to carry a firearm. So they will need to be able to prove that he is a threat to himself and others around him.

I think he plays American people like a game show. He has the media jumping up for anything that he says which is why he pulls the "calm before the storm" nonsense and twitter stunts.

He is using reactionary politics to his advantage, which is something no Republican has ever been able to do.

I don't support the guy, but I also don't see the evil that most project into him.

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This is partly the result of Trump's campaign courting conspiracy theorists. He went on infowars, his Foundation donated to Project Veritas, he carried the birther banner for years, he claimed election/voter fraud, and so on.

Was he wrong about the voter fraud though? I mean there were dead people voting for Hiliray Clinton.

Yes he was wrong. All of his own investigative committees have not found any significant evidence wide scale voter fraud. It was just convenient to blame illegal aliens for the fact that he lost the popular vote.

No, he knew that Obama and Clinton would would claim "No fair! He cheated!" after his win, so he said the process was rigged BEFORE to get Obama on record saying the election process can't be rigged. He played them like a piano.

Do you have a source on that?

Do you have a source?

Did you read the article?

“There is no indication any fraudulent votes were cast in November’s election as a result of the improper registrations.”

So no dead people voted. This guy REGISTERED 18 dead people to help a co-worker meet a quota.

Hahaha so it isn't far fetched to say this happened else where as Trump claimed right????? You people are acting like it never fucking happend when people all over were charged doing this. How stupid do you really need to be to not be able to put two and two together?

So do you have the proof that dead people voted for Hillary or are you just reverting to name calling?

Well I mean there was a kid convicted in trying to do so. So I guess you can either take that as "proof" or you can remain ignorant. That is up to you.

Big difference between “trying to register voters” and saying “dead people voted for Hillary” so if that’s your “proof” I’m sure you’ll be a huge hit over at /r/t_d

Let me know how many more videos of these I can show you before you take your head out of your ass.


Again I’m trying to have a conversation and you are being aggressive with name calling and saying my head is in my ass. I’m not watching that video ha I’m at work making a living. Listen until you can provide proof that “dead people voted for Hillary” don’t even bother replying bc I’m not interested in arguing. Dont send me a link about “maybe this happened” or “dead people are registered” I’m not interested in maybes and mights. Thanks!

The video was last year (2016) was confirming Trump's claims. People literally saying there dead relatives were voting and yet you still say I am wrong.... okay like I said have being delusional.

“Dead people voted for Hillary” sends video before the election. Yet I’m delusional hahah. if you are one of those people who just need to get the last word in feel free to reply. I have 0 interest continuing this conversation. Have an awesome weekend.

But living people did illegally vote for Trump. Not dead people registered; living people voting twice (or maybe more) for Trump.

Were you unaware of this, or do you have a reason to say it doesn't matter/count?

You got shown up to be wrong. Put on your big boy pants and admit it.

Shown up? The kid was charged with voter fraud for 18 dead people? I was right you idiots. Man you neckbeards must be really fucking stupid. They said it as a disclaimer because they don't know if the votes got through and effected the election's. Why else would they say it? But as usual the good neckbeards of reddit defend the criminals. Your so progressive...... back to anime porn for you.

You support Trump. You're the socially awkward one here.

Let's see a source for your claims eh?

https://youtu.be/FBna_oHXetc well this guy just got fucked by mother nature and isn't even from the US and he seems to like Trump so I guess I am not thee only one. Proof to my claims hmmmmmm🤔 maybe look up all the people whos dead family members ended up on the registration list. Later hater.

No, you claimed these people voted.

What is it with Trump supporters and there continual desire to lie? Want to be like daddy eh?

No lies. YOU... just choose the to listen to comfortable lies instead of uncomfortable truths. That is the difrrenece between you and a lot of other people.

“There is no indication any fraudulent votes were cast in November’s election as a result of the improper registrations.”

This is from the article. You claimed dead people voted.

Why are you so incapable of taking responsibility?

I can't believe you guys can't get past that. They put that there so they are not on the record saying they think voter fraud occured. So people like you don't call them and start bitching that they are "conspiracy theroist." It doesn't mean the kid wasn't charged trying to use dead people as votes for a friend of the democratic party for a quota. Your totally missing the fact the kod was CONVICTED of doing it. I made sure to blow the word up so you would read and I will do it one more time. CONVICTED!!!! MEANS FOUND GUILTY OF A CRIME. Please stop being so dumb and just don't answer.

I'm going to spell this out for you again, slowly.

You said the following

I mean there were dead people voting for Hiliray Clinton.

You've shown no evidence to back that up what-so-ever.

Own it.

I have shown you plenty. But wait..... here's more!!!! https://youtu.be/pZMU2oMJNHU https://youtu.be/94ZvLmhWCM4 https://youtu.be/RZtiPf44rHo https://youtu.be/CFwfFWRtFRk https://youtu.be/CHqlUrdEGwU So should I trust your CNN reporters or an election expert?

James O'Keefe?!!!


James O'Keefe?!!! Holy shit, did you really try use these sources in earnest?


What actual undercover journalism instead of getting paid to read governemnt news provided by the CIA every morning? Have fun being a useful bitch to these people. And I posted CNN one in there just for your sorry ass. Funny how you mention that one out of every video I posted. Back to anime porn neck beard.

O'Keefe has been shown many times over to stage encounters. He's a fucking fraud. Keep using him as a source though mate, makes it obvious to everyone what a fucking shill you are.

Now run along child.

Video source? You should be able to provide one since I have provided you with plenty of proof on my claims and video evidence. But lets see if you can provide any what so ever? Oh that is right you fucking can't except hit pieces from "anonymous sources" stfu and go run your cock sucker on your dads shaft. Fucking shill boy.

What do you know more "democrat progressives" such as yourself getting arrested for voter fraud. http://www.dailywire.com/news/17483/yup-theres-voter-fraud-here-it-–-democrats-hank-berrien

Let me guess Ben Shapiro is also a Nazi racist conspiracy theroist Jew that you also know more then as well? You are the scum of thee earth man. Your the shit on my toilet paper quite literally. Special places for people like you when you are dead and gone.

You haven't provided shit you absolute moron. Your sources are equal to me paying a homeless guy outside to suggest Trump is actually a lizard man.

If you had any fucking honesty you'd do some research into O'Keefe before you started using him as a legitimate source. But you won't because you're a fucking shill. Now go back to fucking your Trump fleshlight you god damn child.

Ok will do. And I will still be waiting on that source. Thanks.

No, you claimed these people voted.

What is it with Trump supporters and there continual desire to lie? Want to be like daddy eh?

You're embarrassing yourself.

It takes a big man to admit when he was wrong. You showed your true colors.

You posted an article which was your proof. Yet the article proves the «proof» was not really proof after all.

«But Trump said so..!» Congratulations, you bought into fake news

So the guy was charged for voting fraud for quotas and I am wrong. Okay Sounds good. Have fun being delusional.

«There is NO indication fraudulent votes were cast in novembers election» How am i delusional?

It is just a disclaimer so the news outlet isn't saying they believe the elections were rigged over the person that was caught. It doesn't mean people weren't charged doing it you fucking idiots. How dumb do you have to be really? https://youtu.be/hggabHmAdxY If this doesn't prove it then there is no helping you guys. Sorry... have fun with your circle jerk.

I saw the video, and it was interresting, but gave me more questions than answers honestly. If you know the answers to any of these please answer. It is required to have ID to vote, why did she get through this. We didnt actually see her vote, did she? Do you have proof of people ACTUALLY tampering with votes, and not just showing it is possible.

Why are you so defensive, there is no reason to throw around insults, that isnt doing anyone any good

Not in some states. That wasn't the full interview. The commissioner says on camera he is told to stand down on voter ID laws by the Governor. So that alone should be proof enough for you, but yeah there is plenty. Some guy voted as Eminem. Why thee insults? Because the people's ignorance on this thread is cancerous.

As i said, can you give me proof? I am not trying to be condescending, but i want proof so i can form an educated opinion. No offence, but i dont take your word for it, although the video was interresting.

Throwing insults is just as ignorant. And your argument that they are ignorant is based on the facts you gave them with the article which directly contradicted what you are saying. You prove yourself wrong, and then get mad that they read the article. That is counterproductive to be honest, and creates conflict where there doesnt need to be one

Literally it is a youtube or google search away. Idk why I have to provide proof when you just saw the Commisner saying the govener of NY said not to enforce voter id laws? Here is another video about it in LA there is endless videos about it but that is up to you not be lazy.


The dead voter thing has been debunked


and time



This is also an article that shows that voter registrations problems do NOT equate to fraud which is why i wanted some actual proof which you have been unable to give me. Instead of being rude and call other people lazy, you could actually do some research on what you are preaching.

Trump said there was voter fraud, which has been debunked numerous times. For someone who is running his mouth on fake news he sure does like to spread them. Thats his trick. He tricks gullible idiots to believe his lies. Congratulations, you are perpetuating the stereotype of how gullibld Trump voters can be.

What do you know post all of thee outlets that were attacking Trump for even thinking about running for president. You know it is also debubked that CNN is paid to do stories in favor of the contributer no mater what the atrocitie is? Sorry but this conversation is over have fun following apologists for pedophiles.

So because they are attacking the president they are not a reputable news source?

What about when fox attacked Obama? How do they remain a reputable news source?

Like I said they were attacking him for thinking about running for President. He wasn't even president yet. Just out of no where Hitler was reincarnated because Trump announced he was running for president. So I am assuming you think Trump is also Hitler if you source them. So what are some Hitler like things Trump has done go ahead do explain. Did he hurt your footbal players feelings is that why he is now Hitler?

I am guessing you are a serial sexual assaulter since some fox news reporters have been accused of it?

That is how dumb you sound. You are literally dragging arguments out of thin air and attributing them to me because i refute your claims.

You just proved you are impossible to converse with. You just added to the stereotype of Trump supporters. Jeez

Yeah on your mom. At least we still far out surpass you and your zombiefied hordes and will for a long time to come pinche pen dehoe. Hopefully the final solution comes before you people even get a inch ahead.

Yes.. weee are the zombie-fied horde but you are the one who blindly follow the exact words of the «god emperor», and REFUSE to even look at evidence that contradicts him. In what way does that not apply to you?

Is this the final solution you’re talking about? If you’re so pissed that people are comparing Trump to hitler, who do you as a Trump supporter openly use nazi terms?

Final solution to absolute retardation. God emporer is Nazi king you will be in internment camp soon and all your wishes will come true. He will use voter fraud to vote you in to. Have a good day kook.

Jokes on you i am not even an american. Good to know you actually think he is a nazi though, thanks for clearing that up

Well that is defnietly not a bad thing. Just do me a favor and stay out it is so white supremacist here. Yup. Total Nazi. You should try and convince the Hiliray supporters to move to you that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

So you are saying being a nazi is not a bad thing now. I will try and talk to every Hillary supporter to move so There’s (your words) only white supremacists there. Then, they get so used to seeing white, that when they Get a little tan they will be jailed. Veldig bra plan ikkesant?

Yeah all one thousand of them are coming for people like you and Hiliray supporters. Trump's army is hugggggeeee.... oookay?

So huge he didnt even Get the most votes?

I gotta say, you are just hammering down the ignorant Trump stereotype

Oh is that why he is in the white house? Must of slipped my mind.

Did you not even know that hillary got more votes than him? Damn Thats embarrasing for you.

Must have*

Who is in the white house again?

Who has the lowest approval rating in modern american history again?

Who sold uranium to the Russians again?

That literally has nothing do with anything, as i have said. I am not an American, so you dissing your own presidents is inadvertently dissing yourself. That still does not excuse Trump in the slightest, and does in no way make him any less of a laughing stock

Why does that have nothing to do with anything? Because a corrupt old haggard bitch that also ran for president sold weapons of mass destruction to the very people she accuses Trump is colluding with? You people are pitiful what are you even doing on this sub? I see now why the no shill rule exsists because this sub is full of them ans only loosing subscribers. Peace out shill boys have fun being an apologist for a pedophile hopefully your kids get touched to.

You are implying because i dont like Trump i am a Hillary supporter. You have a toxic mindset of an «us vs them» and «party before logic» attitude which you definately prove when you say you actually HOPE someones kids get sexually abused. Why? Because i dont agree with you politically? That will show me to take your party seriously, wouldnt it?

I dont like Hillary, i think she is despiccable. Trump is just a moron who dont know what he’s doing.

I hope you get help someday. You seem incredibly angry, and maybe you get help with your problems someday

If you are not even from here then why are you trying to discuss this with me? That is the probelm with the whole world today they look at Americans outcomes because "it effects them." How about all those things you are being "effected" by, how about you fix it instead of worrying about America's help for it? How about you worry about your own elections to pull you away from America instead of getting closer with it? Oh that is right because we have been exploited for years and all are tax dollars go to protecting people like you. Where are you from?

You replied exactly how i thought you would «You’re not from america so your opinion doesnt matter» Except i view america from the outside, and i can see EXACTLY how messed up it has become. America has become the laughing stock of the world. 0.2% of my country supports him, we are laughing at his mistakes and our reporters make fun of him. He is ruining americans reputation, and you can say «no he isnt» but you would be wrong. I am from the richest country per citizen. We have the best Prison system in the world (which is an undeniable fact) and free healthcare. Where do you think i am from?

Oh Canada sit down you silly bitch.

Nope, not Canada. Far from it actually. Canada is not the first country in the world with free healthcare. USA is the last though

https://youtu.be/q2jijuj1ysw Well good thing your still healthy. Funny how I can keep providing video evidence for these things and you guys just blow out your ass.

What exactly is your video «evidence» good for? Showing me canadian healthcare which is inferior to the one i have is not evidence of any kind. I pay lower taxes than you do, and i dont pay for any treatment. I dont pay for transportation, i dont pay for health checkup, i dont pay for casks. Hell, i wouldnt pay for the most expensive surgery you can think of.

It boggles my mind how you hate your fellow americans so much. You dont want them smart. You dont want them HEALTHY! But you DO want their kids to get raped, after all, they dont agree with you politically. America is fucked if there are many like you

Yeah you must be really proud. That is why you can't even say it because you know I will rip it to shreds more then likely. Free health care always leads to the rich getting treatment and everyone dieing off. But anyway have fun saying your country's name loud and proud there bud I can tell you are so progressive for your people.

I am from Norway, find some fake news about it and give it back to me will you? Can you explain how giving free healthcare to EVERYONE means that everyone but the rich gets treatment? That is inherently false. What the fuck kind of thought-process do you have to think that? Hahah what!?

My uncle has had brain surgery, didnt pay a single dollar. My brother crushed his knee, didnt pay a dollar for over 10 operations. I broke my wrist, didnt pay a dollar. How does that equate to just the rich getting treatment? Americans really ARE stupid

So you like being a free loader is what your saying? I am also assuming you believe in universal income as well then correct? Let the government take care of you and all that right?Well soon enough you will be Norgeistan so your thoughts won't really matter. Now that Germany isn't taking any more they will take advantage of the next lil bitch. Sweden and Norway. Have fun teaching muslims not to rape your daughter. What part of Norway do you live in so I know to stay away?

Hey that is great guess what I actually work for my treatment and the things I own and have. Have fun being a lazy fuck and gaming while jacking off to American politics and letting your governemnt rape you while doing so. Hopefully Russia busts a Crimea grab on you guys and puts you back in check haha.

I.. i struggle to comprehend how you are able to drag all of this shit out of your ass. How am i a freeloader exactly? Again with the strawman why are you attributing these things to me i have never said? Actually Norway has this thing which your country should totally try, it is called INTEGRATION, so our citizens actually leave behind the toxic mindset which does not belong here. Wait, i got your answer ready for you «THEYRE LYING TO YOU!!!!» no they’re not. Its an extensive thing.

Why should i want universal income when every norwegian is secured over 1 million dollars?

So you are actually proud to be able to say you waste your hard earned money when i can save it and use that for buying a house or car or you name it? You are actually PROUD to say you are wasting money?

Just let me know, are you an accurate representation of the average American? Are all of you really this dumb?

Yeah because your country doesn't pay there protection fees to NATO whike American's who pay there taxes pay for your protection. So again your freeloading off another countires work. So that is why we will be letting Russia take your land soon enough. You people literally have classes for immigrants on how they are supppses to treat women and we are the dumb ones? Okay? hahaha http://norwaytoday.info/news/record-high-number-rapes-bergen-oslo/ Like I said have fun in the near future of Norgeistan.

You are aware the LEADER of NATO is our former prime minister? Right? Or does that make too much sense to you? So we are dumb because we actually want them to conform to our culture instead of imposing their laws and beliefs on us? Isnt that what you DONT want? That is hypocritical. And that makes us the stupid ones? Jeez man.

Funny how the article failed to mention it is mostly Norwegians, polish and east-europeans who does that. Not muslims, or people from the middle east. But you dont care about FACTS, you have proved that ten times over.

Keep it coming please, your stupidity just keeps proving my every point

Haha maybe you should go ask the women in Sweden if it was Poles or any kind of European that were raping them. And maybe you should look up the word "Refugee" before saying anything else. What part of Norway do you live in? Oh I can keep the facts coming all day long with actual video proof you just speak out of your ass not providing anything as is usual. I like how you don't even listen to actual victims of your own people either. Are you sure your Norwegian? https://youtu.be/xoiCYwoJKrE

You believe that video dont you? ONE HUNDRED percent done by immigrants, oh boy. You really want to stay ignorant dont you, lol. The video is also obviously partially filmed in Sweden, which has nothing to do with Norway, so it is obviously fake. Spitznogle is even a con-artist heavily scrutinized for twisting the truth for her own personal gain. I mean.. come one dude, i fucking LIVE here!! You have NO idea what you’re talking about.

Okay, i could show you proof. Just use Google translate Or let me guess.. you didnt bother. Facts obviously doesnt matter to you, so you wont read it. Am i right?

And I live here so your telling me you know more about my country then me? But I can't know more about your country then you? Makes a lot of sense dude. And yeah it isn't just her. https://youtu.be/l0tdHgZLL7I Let me guess..... the police are lieing as well? And why wouldn't Sweden matter you are neighboring countires with basically the same policies you idiot. Hahaha God you are so dumb. If I am not mistaken you weren't actually born in Norway correct?

Oh boy, where do i begin.. Firstly; the video is from 2006. The text is mostly wrong, partly right. Did you notice the «traumatized countries» part? THAT is the reason we teach them how to act properly! You literally proved my point which you said was stupid, so Thank you. Secondly; one isolated incident you find proof of, is not proof that everyone does this, even you should figure this out.

Thirdly: i never said i knew more about your country than you did. Again with the strawman. Stop it, Its childish. Let me put it this way. America has NEVER BEFORE been so heavily in the worlds eye. NEVER. All because of Trump, and all the shit he pulls. As i said earlier, i am only voicing MY OPINION. Every platform, be that YouTube, Snapchat and Reddit shows news upon news upon news about what is going on with america at the moment. I have an opinion. You dont know anything about Norway, and probably have only heard the name 2 times before this conversation. Is it really comparable when you say you know more about my country than me? Please enlighten me more on a country you dont know anything about I never tried to pull out bullshit made up facts to you, which you did to me.

Fourth; i am a norwegian with ancestry all the way back to the viking age and one famous Earl. I couldnt be more norwegian.

Fifth; You do know we are famous for not spending a single cent of our oil reserve right? Even if, and thats a big if, the oil runs out, we can check how our money is doing right here, in real time Thats 1 trillion dollars by the way.

Every Word you said was wrong lol, except the thing you unwillingly confirmed for me though. Thanks for that

So what is the shit he pulls? We will try to start off small. What has Trump done to effect your country?

Why do you make it out to be so that he needs to have done something that has effected my country in order for me to have an opinion? You are setting it up so that IF i say «he hasnt effected my country» you will just say «well why do you care then?».

He has values the leader of the free world shouldnt have. He is an embarrasment to your nation and he has made you all a laughing stock, and brought out the worst in your people.

Okay so what are his values?

Lets twist this around. Why dont you explain to me what his values are, since you are a supporter, live in his country, and can educate me on the matter

Funny how when I ask you a question there is never a straight answer or a source. I am the one that has to educate you not thee other way around.

His values have been stated over and over again. That he will put American's first instead of the rest of the world like his predecessors did. That is why he wants to take us out of NATO because we meet the financial requirements every year while countries like yours haven't been paying at all.

So I guess what your trying to say is that he is wrong because he wants to put his country and people first over others when your country doew that excat thing.

So I will ask you again and let's see if you can actually provide a straight forward answer. What do you think Trump's values are?

And trust me your the furthest thing from a Viking. What Earl if you don't mind me asking?

Oh man, okay «Never a straight answer or a source» Have you been in a different conversation or are you that willfully ignorant, like, are you legit serious? You have never educated me, you have never tried this, you have only stated inaccuracies and lied about my country. Are you trying to convince yourself, or me here?

Trumps values is not that he puts america first. That is only partly true. He puts his rich friends first, and the rest of america second, and doesnt give a shit about the rest of the world. He believes in torture which even people who have used it says doesnt work. Doesnt matter, his opinion is the only one that matters, just like you. He does not believe in global warming, and the dangerous greenhouse gasses.

Yes, in an increasingly more interconnected world he wants to step out, and isolate themselves. America first, right? That is a step backwards i Todays world

I never i said i was a viking, i said my ancestors were. I am starting to doubt your comprehensional skills.

And it is you’re* (YOU ARE). I’m a foreigner and even i know this. And exact* Embarrasing

Ohhhh I see so your mad about us not getting taxed more while the same people pushing global warming are taking there private jets while eating a fillet to the nearest convention to talk about it.

I see so you just hate Americans in general I don't know why I didn't just see it in the first place. So basically your thought process is "the free world" should be the slaves for the rest of the world. Because Trump is an embarrassment.

Well good thing Trump didn't help his rich buddies on taxing us more with that deal then huh? I am sure you would of liked that though.

Hahaha you claim your family are decadents from Vikings but aren't a Viking? Hahaha okay. Again can I get a straight answer? What pussy ass Earl spawned your family? If you actually know any.

You are (YOU’RE) legitimately the most unintelligent person i have ever encountered on the internet

Why in the world do i care how much you are (YOU’RE) getting taxed? Where did you pull that from? Oh yeah.. your ass, like every other «argument» you have.

Why do you think i hate americans? Oooh thats right, because you have nothing more to be mad about or argue against, so yet AGAIN you are giving me attributes i do not have, and you are (you’re) saying i mean things i have never said. How do you even go from A to B with that mindset dude?

«so you think the free world should be the slaves for the rest of the world because Trump is an embarrasment» How... how do you even think this is remotely what i am saying? Your frontal lobe must be smaller than usual because your reasoning skills are severely lacking. Funnily enough the frontal lobe is also the part of your brain which controls parts of speech since you are unable to STILL get YOU’RE right. It also controls problem solving, so you should definately go see a doctor.

You are (YOU’RE) aware there are NO living vikings, right? I dont think you understand what i am trying to tell you. Just because i am descended from vikings does not make me one. The word viking literally means OLD NORSE SEAFARER, there are no living OLD norsemen. But you dont care about logic right?

YOUR as in, something that is YOURS. An example would be YOUR stupidity. YOU’RE. And an example would be YOU ARE stupid. (Also notice all the you’re words i have circled for you so you can understand it easily) Should HAVE, not should OF. I dont even speak your language and i know your grammar better than you. Arent you embarrased? I would be

YOUR fucked when we let Russia rape you. End of story.

My fucked what? Seriously dude, how can you still not grasp it? It is YOU ARE fucked. And it is funnily enough in the same way that you can use «oddly enough»

How embarrasing! You keep digging your own hole deeper.

Good look with your cultural enrichment bud.

Arent you the one who wants to close your borders to Mexico and ban muslims from entering?

Kind of hypocritical

No we are trying to ban stuff like this https://m.liveleak.com/view?i=f3b_1338716477 instead of allowing it into our country. Unlike you when you will be far out numbered when the Sweden horde comes for your precious rock.

So are we, but how we do it like this. Show them how our countries rules and norms differentiate from theirs, and if they cant understand that, we send them back. It has been a hugely successfully implemented idea.

How you do it. Ban EVERYONE! «USA is superior, you are inferior! There is no helping you, goodbye»

And the Sweden horde..? More inaccuracies or what are you even trying to imply here?

Yeah difference is we are neighboring countries and your illegal immigrants have a big travel difference then Mexicans do to the US idiot. What am I trying to say? Your letting a very different culture brew next to you. Good luck.

Seriously..? It is YOU’RE! I seriously thought you would have grasped that concept by now. Are every mexican a raping, murdering, job stealing bad guy in your eyes?

Nope not at all. But I grew up with them and most are racist as fuck. And it isn't a secret they work here for cheap labor then just send it back to Mexico. People like your lords that push global warming to tax Americans more love the cheap labor so they protect them even though there not citizens. They would rather pay the Mexican 10 dollars an hour under the table TAX FREE then pay the average American 18 to 25 for picking in the fields and contirbuting to America. There is literally documentaries on this with illegal immagrants admitting this.

That is actually the only intelligent thing i have ever heard you say, Congratulations.

Do you believe trumps Big wall will work against the illegal mexicans?

There will be no wall. Only Iron Domes and National Guard will be deployed on the border. We will protect ourselves and our interests. If there is problem you may proceed however you like. Just know there is a little under 165 million people who support us over your 5 million people's point of view. You can take it however you like it but that is just the bottom line.

By the way my family holds a ruin stone of Lief Eriikson left behind in New Vinland. So I am just sad to see the way places like Sweden have fallen to a Hitler like plan aka the EU.

It also sickens me Saudia Arabia hasn't taken in any of these refugees. Your country alone has taken in more "refugees" then there actual homeland has even considered taking in. I don't know..... call me what you want man but I am pretty sure I am seeing a broder spectrum of things.

Well i guess two comments that made sense in a row would be too much to ask. «We have more people than you, therefore we are right» lol what.

The EU is a hitler like plan? Are you seriously mentally deranged? Can you explain this?

No I am saying if you have a problem with our border policies then you may proceed however you like. Just know you facing that many supporters of the new supposed Hitler.



You can believe whatever you want.... fortunately I really don't give a shit. Good day to you. Hope your day is boring as ususal.

Oh my god.. i dont believe someone could actually be this persistently ignorant... Who is this, new supposed hitler exactly?

You arent talking about the guy who actually wants to what hitler wanted, and ban an entire religion are you? Or are you talking about the similarities between the Berlin wall and trumps wall? Before you say the Berlin wall was not hitlers idea, i am aware. It was made long after his death. It was still something that divided more than it brought people together, as was Its plan.

As was the EU part of his strategy. Have fun supporting Hitler's ideas.

Holy shit you are insufferably ignorant when it comes to things you know nothing about.

Let me ask you this, what are the downsides towards a unified europe in todays world?

dude you got owned.

If getting owned is telling the truth over lieing to yourself. I will take ownage everyday. Just like I can take every female in your family away and own them as well.😉 Have fun posting CNN articles on here boys. I wonder how much the paycheck is for sitting at home all day defending Hiliray Rapist Clinton is?

Yes. He's wrong. Voter fraud is EXTREMELY rare.

Yes. But whether he was right or wrong doesn't matter. When he made that claim there was no evidence. He had no source. He just said it to pander to his base.

Either that or maybe he knew of a plan...and as we all know there was a major "upset" on election night that surprised everyone. Plan foiled?

I'm not sure what you mean. The upset was that Trump did better than expected. Whether there was fraud or not, Trump still won.

No idea just throwing it out there. Not defending anything just throwing an idea out there. Regardless of everything you just typed, it is still possible something was "supposed" to happen but didn't, for whatever reason...thus giving Trump the win.

It's also possible I have a 12 inch cock but I'm not texting you any pictures.

Here's my theory, and I am probably being biased because I consider myself a conservative and align with many republican views. Nonetheless, I think the last administration, especially when they were in power for two presidential terms, gets a lot of the conspiracy flack because they were the ones conspiring. Therefore, the current conspiracy theories point to the democrats. If you asked 8 years ago, it was the Republicans that couldn't get a break. That said, the bias also tends to focus on certain topics as well. Democrats are usually the ones blamed for education and welfare and chemical substance based conspiracies because they tend to focus more on those programs as a matter of policy. The Republicans are generally the topic of military, financial, and prison based conspiracies, much for the same reason. I saw a chart at some point in the last couple of years that showed conspiracy bias over time via Google trends, but I forget the exact context, and it seemed to support my view of trends aligning with the recent administration's political party. I hope at least part of my answer is helpful.

this is a good theory

I agree with your general analysis but how do Democrats have to do with chemical substances? Arent they the ones usually trying to be a check on the FDA and pharmaceutical companies? Aren't liberals usually more skeptical of pesticides and food additives?

They're usually the ones involved in the pharmaceutical and drug regulation stuff, so they end up getting the blame for all the stuff like human experimentation and drug company favoritism and stuff. Recent examples that come to mind are the human experiments at Synthes and the AIDS drug dilution stuff. Like I said though, my experience is limited and I haven't researched this topic directly, so I am definitely showing some bias, and this might be one of the areas in which I am biased. I'll keep an eye out though.

Why do so many in THIS sub think there's a difference between them? After this past "election" the 2 "opponents" literally being business partners who socialize publicly together, their children are life-long friends who hang out together, and there are so many people that think they are on a "side". Not sure if this is a new thing to this sub, but when I see people on r/conspiracy spewing blind support for any political party, it takes away from the integrity of the sub as a whole.

Exactly but my point it this sub has obviously become a right wing circle jerk. This sub claims to be woke about "sides" but clearly promotes only right wing conspiracies.

Do you have some links to posts that prove what you're saying?

r/conspiracy this one should cover it

It's the lack of links he is pointing out. You can't prove a negative. Bad logic.

Because they keep pretending like there is a difference to get this subreddit to argue.

This sub is not functional if we are all arguing race, partisanship, and each other at every step.

If the elites were worried we had any power, they've discovered how to nullify it based on our own paranoias and lunacy.

Which they have done.

Fuck the GOP!!!

there is a botnet and artificial amplification dedicated to propping trump up and denouncing his enemies. It is not all artificial but it builds on some existing sentiment and reinforces zealotry. Of course there is a small segment of the population that organically feels this way, and the amplification both reinforces them and makes them seem louder than they really are.

pretty lame

Because most people on here know that republican Vs democrat or left Vs right is all an illusion of choice and free will. Right now democrats as a whole are more obviously worse, but that's likely just because we have more evidence exposing them. Just because we don't have emails from republicans doesn't mean they don't do the same shit.

Yes but what about their voting record and public statements. Theyre doing plenty of shitty things if this sub actually wanted to do it's job and be critical of those in power.

That is so fucking nuts. Can you think of anything obvious to make America a weaker nation, a less respectable nation, in the eyes of the world? It's been done already by the GOP. Or, if it hasn't, you are predicting their next action. They are anti-government in our government. Wrecking the ability of Americans to take meaningful actions on the world stage.

Well the Republicans have hijacked the highest levels of the Democratic party over the past few decades, so there is only a fictitious differentiation between the two parties as far as actual policy that is passed.

If you are still looking at American politics in terms of Left vs. Right instead of Rich vs. Poor, then you are missing the big picture entirely.

Are Republicans getting a pass? Are Democrats getting a pass? The answer doesn't matter because crony capitalists and the wealthy have always gotten a pass throughout all of history.

Are you upset that your political party appears to be losing the public relations battle at the moment? Perhaps it's time to work together so that we can all be on the winning team.

Damn right. There are a lot of subs that seem relentlessly fixated on Hillary even though she lost the election and no Clinton is in power in any branch of the government.

Get over Hillary, and focus on who's really fucking us over. The folks who run all three branches of government (and the rich assholes they're getting their orders from).

You're just lucky flytape isn't here anymore, you'd've prolly gotten a ban from this.

Because the Democrats fucked up big enough and cracks are appearing. It's been the big thing for a while now.

his administration has no interest in your privacy, has no interest in getting money out of politics, has no interest prosecuting the criminal elite, has no interest in reforming the justice system, has no interest in transparency, has no interest isolationist foreign policy. It's time to wake up, the Republican party and this administration are the enemy.

Sounds like nothing more than your personal opinion.

Show me how this administration has taken any steps in those directions. Seem to be going backwards on all of them.

Man going through this sub the last week or so the same thought crossed my mind especially with the Weinsteingate happenings. No mention if our current president and the sexual harassment claims against him. And when they talk about the "Washington Elites" and pedophila almost always bring up Podesta and the "Dems" but somehow no republicans involved or even aware of a pedophile ring. Thats one reason to be very cautious when Pizza Gate narratives and the like that oust one side and never mention the other players.

It's all a smear against democrats, never republicans. "We hate people in power touching kids." No mention of the House page scandal. "We hate people in power molesting women." No mention of Trump, even though he bragged about it. "Sexual harassment is awful!" No mention of Roger Ailes.

It's all a propaganda campaign. This is ground zero if the real infowar. The irony is that they are being used by the powers that be by playing on their biases.

Well said. Pretty much sums it up. Gotta start telling people this to make everyone aware that we are being used against each other for their benefit.

How is this post getting so many upvotes if this is a Russia shill zone like you claim? This sub has discourse from both sides, the amount of libs on this sub is insane. This post is just yet another example of the divide and conquer plan by the global elite to enslave us, creating disruptions in our investigations and putting up roadblocks (like those RINOs in Congress who insist on increaseing the Obamacare death toll by not repealing it).

It's only natural for liberals to be involved with child sex trafficing, it seems. Maybe the media will finally wake up.

If I were a member of the global elite trying to divide and conquer, you'd be one of my best agents.

Why, thank you

I dont. I said I would never call another user a shill. My point is for the last year criticizing this administration has gotten me immediately called a paid shill. There's not even room for dissent. Ironically you just did the same thing.

Also providing heath insurance to millions is killing people lol? You guys truly are the brightest.

It's because people are waking up to the disinformation campaigns the DNC has been behind with (((CNN))) and other liberal controlled news outlets. The Clintons can't get over the fact that they lost the popular vote, and are trying to save face by putting up beaurocratic roadblocks and having their cronies in the media slander Trump, turning people against each other in their divide and conquer strategy. How are you not seeing this? You are just enabling the (((globalists))) takeover of this country!

Disclaimer: We should not dismiss others' opinions based on their political, religious, racial or sexual attributes. We should examine every new opinion based on the merit of that opinion.

Has anyone else noticed that the right wing, pretty much worldwide, think almost exclusively in fear?

Dissect their valued issues. Do they have these issues, because of compassion for others or because of fear of others?

Please, do the mental work yourself in order to see it for yourself, so that you need not trust anyone else to know it for yourself.

Fear is the kind killer. It shuts down positive emotions, complex thought and it makes us vulnerable to manipulation. It works as it should. Fear has to do this to function. For when you are faced with a threat to yourself or those you love, you must react quickly and effectively, fighting or fleeing or there may be no more of those positive emotions. This reallocates blood to muscles from digestive organs and also from complex thinking parts of the brain to faster, simpler parts of the mind. That's exactly the way evolution should go. Proficient manipulators do not ignore the utility of successful exploitation of this system.

They create deceptive constructs of belief and sell them to others in order to get others to serve their own interests in some way. Frequently, it's to get more money, by influencing policy, by influencing elections, by influencing the electorate, by selling their poison to every day people. Although, con artist employ the same practice to generate stupid, irrational decisions that serve them at the expense of others.

The dichotomy of fear vs love is misleading. We need both in balance to able to properly react to our ever changing environments. When threatened, we should protect ourselves. When we aren't, we should release the stress, feel good and think with more complexity. In politics, spirituality and other mindful endeavors, we should strive to abandon fear and instead analyze the reasons for the fear. Logic can serve us, to help us cut through fear and find sensible solutions.

So, while the left polarizes toward compassion for others, it neglects to fear moochers and frauds. It is just a tendency of vulnerability toward the fault. Many leftists do a count for moochers and fraud. The right goes to the other extreme. It fears threats often ignoring compassion. Many right wing people do have compassion, but less so in the policies they prefer.

Balance is best for us all, but we are encouraged to polarize to accommodate the corruptors of our reality that want to make us crazy and own us. They prefer we favor fear because it's easier to control us with fear than love. Love, through stockholm syndrome, through submission to abusers, through forgiveness for intransigent abusers, can also control us. Our enemy dies not want us to balance protection and growth modes of being, which we call fear and love respectively. We need to honor both in all areas of life to defeat them.

Disclaimer: We should not dismiss others' opinions based on their political, religious, racial or sexual attributes. We should examine every new opinion based on the merit of that opinion.

Has anyone else noticed that the right wing, pretty much worldwide, thinks almost exclusively in fear?

Dissect their valued issues. Do they have these issues, because of compassion for others or because of fear of others?

Please, do the mental work yourself in order to see it for yourself, so that you need not trust anyone else to know it for yourself.

Fear is the kind killer. It shuts down positive emotions, complex thought and it makes us vulnerable to manipulation. It works as it should. Fear has to do this to function. For when you are faced with a threat to yourself or those you love, you must react quickly and effectively, fighting or fleeing or there may be no more of those positive emotions. This reallocates blood to muscles from digestive organs and also from complex thinking parts of the brain to faster, simpler parts of the mind. That's exactly the way evolution should go. Proficient manipulators do not ignore the utility of successful exploitation of this system.

They create deceptive constructs of belief and sell them to others in order to get others to serve their own interests in some way. Frequently, it's to get more money, by influencing policy, by influencing elections, by influencing the electorate, by selling their poison to every day people. Although, con artists employ the same practice to generate stupid, irrational decisions that serve them at the expense of others.

The dichotomy of fear vs love is misleading. We need both in balance to able to properly react to our ever changing environments. When threatened, we should protect ourselves. When we aren't, we should release the stress, feel good and think with more complexity, growth. In politics, spirituality and other mindful endeavors, we should strive to abandon fear and instead analyze the reasons for the fear. Logic can serve us, to help us cut through fear and find sensible solutions.

So, while the left polarizes toward compassion for others, it neglects to fear moochers and frauds. It is just a tendency of vulnerability toward the fault. Many leftists do a count for moochers and fraud. The right goes toward the other extreme. It fears threats often ignoring compassion. Many right wing people do have compassion, but less so in the policies they prefer.

Balance is best for us all, but we are encouraged to polarize to accommodate the corruptors of our reality that want to make us crazy and own us. They prefer we favor fear because it's easier to control us with fear than love. Love, through stockholm syndrome, through submission to abusers, through forgiveness for intransigent abusers, can also control us. Our enemy does not want us to balance the protection and growth modes of being, which we call fear and love respectively. We need to honor both in all areas of life to defeat them.

Could you win an RTS game with only protection or only economy booming? No, you need to balance both.

Could you raise children with only fear or love? No

Can you truly be independent and free without protecting yourself or nourishing yourself with growth mode? Nope.

Do you now see what I perceive?

We are being controlled in a clever way with false dichotomies here.

Yea totally on the up and up with republicans. I especially like how they let us know they're shitting on us while they're shitting on us. That's why we don't need to talk about them and when they get caught in lies or the fact their own party is worried about them starting ww3. Not important. /s

I'd love to see some quotes from Republican representatives admitting to being bought and paid for.

.. They don't hide that they're bought and paid for? What

The republicans don’t hide the fact they’re bought and paid for. The democrats pretend they’re righteous and honorable servants of the American people.

Uhhh, Republicans are the family values and morality party, no?

List of convicted Republican pedophiles up to 2010 (I'm sure we could probably add a few more in the last 7 years):


Republicans rush to defend pedophile:


Republicans enabling child sex abusers:


It is ludicrous to me that people think one political party is more guilty of any kind of abuse than another.

This train of thought is so stupid it makes my head hurt. This exact line of thinking is why tons of users in the sub voted trump, and still, they can't imagine why pizzagate could possibly be a conspiracy driven by Russia. What happened to pizzagate? What happened to Seth Rich? These things drove people to be political foot soldiers and then the narratives just grind to a total halt.

I honestly can't answer that question. Partisanship is so far off my radar at this point that I really pay no mind to it. Until we can all distinguish that parties are yet another divisive tactic we are doomed to fall into the same gaps. End game is the same regardless of what they claim to be. Basically I feel like if your still looking at pol parties as teams, your doing so by design. They even have fun mascots!

The only people talking about George Bush are conspiracy theorist and the type who watch the news and accept his new innocent painter image.

Look at the people who are glorifying old Republicans like Bush, Cheney, and Rice on the news with stories against Trump.

Not even a conspiracy theorist would accept that nonsense. So who is really trying to give Republicans a pass?

Seriously, if the most anti-Trump rhetoric you see is in /r/conspiracy, you have created an extreme fringe media experience for yourself. Trump is unpopular, and /r/conspiracy shills for him all day.

I dont really understand your comment.

Does Adam. James Stavridis constitute as “all experts”?

So far you’ve managed to back up 5% max of your statement.

Why, thank you

summer and fall of 2016

Not really, back then this sub was filled with exactly how many people HRC has personally murdered, how many children she trafficked for pedos, how she literally should face life in prison (or possibly death) for these crimes. there wasn't much room for anything else.

Read his post.

I am guessing you are a serial sexual assaulter since some fox news reporters have been accused of it?

That is how dumb you sound. You are literally dragging arguments out of thin air and attributing them to me because i refute your claims.

You just proved you are impossible to converse with. You just added to the stereotype of Trump supporters. Jeez

Ok will do. And I will still be waiting on that source. Thanks.

Well that is defnietly not a bad thing. Just do me a favor and stay out it is so white supremacist here. Yup. Total Nazi. You should try and convince the Hiliray supporters to move to you that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

You're right about that. The only time this sub tagged a post "unverified" was when the trump/Russia stuff first broke

Nope, not Canada. Far from it actually. Canada is not the first country in the world with free healthcare. USA is the last though

Yeah you must be really proud. That is why you can't even say it because you know I will rip it to shreds more then likely. Free health care always leads to the rich getting treatment and everyone dieing off. But anyway have fun saying your country's name loud and proud there bud I can tell you are so progressive for your people.

I.. i struggle to comprehend how you are able to drag all of this shit out of your ass. How am i a freeloader exactly? Again with the strawman why are you attributing these things to me i have never said? Actually Norway has this thing which your country should totally try, it is called INTEGRATION, so our citizens actually leave behind the toxic mindset which does not belong here. Wait, i got your answer ready for you «THEYRE LYING TO YOU!!!!» no they’re not. Its an extensive thing.

Why should i want universal income when every norwegian is secured over 1 million dollars?

So you are actually proud to be able to say you waste your hard earned money when i can save it and use that for buying a house or car or you name it? You are actually PROUD to say you are wasting money?

Just let me know, are you an accurate representation of the average American? Are all of you really this dumb?

So are we, but how we do it like this. Show them how our countries rules and norms differentiate from theirs, and if they cant understand that, we send them back. It has been a hugely successfully implemented idea.

How you do it. Ban EVERYONE! «USA is superior, you are inferior! There is no helping you, goodbye»

And the Sweden horde..? More inaccuracies or what are you even trying to imply here?

Holy shit you are insufferably ignorant when it comes to things you know nothing about.

Let me ask you this, what are the downsides towards a unified europe in todays world?