Is the Weinstein scandal the start of pedogate disclosure? Or is Weinstein the fall guy?

8  2017-10-13 by Question_History

It is really hitting the mainstream and people are waking up to hollywood/elite pedophilia/blackmail.


Maybe, with our help, we can get people to look at politicians too

The latter, unfortunately. The latter.

However, more and more people are indeed becoming more aware of the truth, and that's a good thing.

He doesn't look like the type to gown down silently. I'm hoping he tattles on some other people.

He went to a ranch in Arizona to learn how to keep his hands to himself. Weiner tried this as well...and that worked out.

I dunno where this is going, but I like how uncomfortable all the pedos are.

But wiener didn't even get to touch his prey? On record

Maybe he touched it on cassette?

I can't keep up with you hipsters

He won't change. He isn't even sorry. He is just sorry he got caught.

Oh, I never expected change. I'm just happy the little slime is in jail.

He isn't in jail. Rehab is not jail. He hasn't been charged with anything yet.

I was talking about Weiner.

Oh, okay.

I'm not sure about the fall guy angle. At least to me, I've never given the Pizzagate story much thought, but after these allegations I've given them another look. It only makes it more likely in my eyes and not less.

Maybe you should. Look up the Franklin scandal.

Why do redittors call pedophilia anything having to do with liking much younger women, even when they're adults?

We don't see what really goes on. Where do you think all the missing kids go?

This post is about Weinstein. What the hell are you talking about?

Hurdeedur. Look into Ted Gunderson, ritual abuse, child trafficking rings, David Paulides, the insane amount of missing children, Epstein's private fucking island (literally), CPS fuckery, that Dr. Phil interview, and this video. Don't be naive.

What does any of that have to do with this post, which is about Weinstein?

I mean the title of this post is asking if the two are connected and you're just being a dink.

Nobody is calling Weinstein a pedo, even though his sexual predator tendencies could harbor that as well.

But child sex rings and pedophilia have long been suspected to have deep ties in Hollywood and D.C elite circles. Anywhere with money and power. Just look at the Jimmy Savile scandal and the Franklin cover up.

Remember when "sessions is gonna arrest all the pedos as soon as he's sworn in!!"? Turned out to be a nothingburger.

This is an nothing burger too. Pedophilia isn't as rampant as you want to make believe.

Actually there have been hundreds of pedophile arrests in the last 8 months or so. Something like 11 mayors too. You are wrong.

Oh! Oh really?! And where are all the high level arrests? Hmmm? Why were there no senator or anyone on the house arrested like everyone swore was gonna happen for months? A couple of mayors get arrested on totally unrelated investigations and you call it a won?! PLEASE! !!!!!!!


WHERE ARE THEY?!?!?!?! a few mayors is not what was promised,delivered, and you know this. Saying a few mayors getting arrested and calling it a win is just bogus.

Time for the public to apply fucking pressure and MAKE it the start of pedogate disclosure.

But wiener didn't even get to touch his prey? On record

He won't change. He isn't even sorry. He is just sorry he got caught.