The Absurdity of the Las Vegas Shooting.

1079  2017-10-13 by psy_raven

Let's look at the ridiculousness of this case thus far.

  1. Stephen Paddock was a professional gambler who made a living off of video poker. A successful casino gambler can only be found riding unicorns. Supposedly a rich real estate guy, but no one knows of any holdings or transactions in his name. Throughout his employment career, he worked for the post office and the IRS. It seems they pay extremely well since real estate investing needs quite a bit of seed money.

  2. Jesus Campos was security guard who was shot when he knocked on the door of Paddocks room. But only, he wasn't shot then, but 6 minutes before the shooting began. And didn't bring the police/security to the room until 58 people were dead and nearly 500 people were critically injured. Update 10/13: the timeline has again changed so now the story is Campos encountered Paddock 6 min prior to shooting start, and was shot 1 minute before actual fire began. Make what you will out of this.

  3. Jesus Campos house is guarded by someone who works for a possibly fictitious security company with no physical address and who's license to operate ran out last year. Why does a witness to a mass killing, with the killer dead, need protection? Why hasn't he given even ONE interview to anyone?

  4. Stephen Paddock's house gets robbed while the FBI is combing over it for evidence.... No further words needed here.

  5. Jesus Campos disappears right before he is to give 5 interviews, including Hannity. No one, including the FBI, knows where he is. So the FBI has lost the KEY witness to their investigation. Meanwhile, scary guys guarding his house 24 hours a day.

  6. Jesus Campos drives a Corvette with no license plate and whose registration points to 2006, on a security guard salary.

  7. Hotel casinos, the single most extensively surveilled buildings in the world, can not produce even ONE clip of Paddock going on about his business.

  8. Has 23 guns and dozens of loaded magazines. But takes over a minute between volleys of fire.

  9. No trails of social media exists for Stephen Paddock. Nothing at all. Paddock must have not known that the internet existed.

  10. The media is continually pushing the narrative "we may never know his motives" over and over again, as if they're trying to tell us something. hmmm...

Is anyone buying this? Is anyone foolish enough to think that this was a planned mass murder by a crazy guy?

Anyone wanna add to the list?


The sad part is there really is a lot more to add to that list, it's not even funny.

So, they did this to ban semi-automatic rifles like the ar-15 which is a subset og a rifle. The only reason they would conduct a false flag like this is to slowly pass state legislation to ban rifles, attachmemts and ammo amounts whilst then down yhr road introducing a blanket ban. Why pinpoint something so insignificant??

UN2030 elements are who I assume is involved in any suspicious anti gun programs/ops. Gotta disarm the peons.

So let me get this straight, you need a highly sophisticated network to pull of this atrocity but a network dumb enough to not realize gun control isn't going to pass after the attack. You realize how dumb that sounds right? We don't even have to look that far back, I know where I am posting but the majority of America knows Sandy Hook happened and if a bunch of dead children wasn't the line America doesn't have a gun violence line that can be crossed.

To be fair, no one KNOWS that Sandy Hook happened, you can only know something if you have direct experience of it yourself. To assign power to people you don't know to create your reality and your 'knowing' in that way for you is very foolish. You only KNOW what you yourself have experience. Nothing else.

If personal reality is constructed from lived experiences, wouldn't those who experienced Sandy Hook know it happened and therefore someone does KNOW it occurred because people experienced it...

don't worry, fully understand and know the conspiracy belief some have. I have my own beliefs and I respect yours. But we were talking about reality construction and how something cannot exist if it isn't experienced. My question is how can something not exist when we have people who have experienced it. If anything, imagine having a loved one who dies in some manner and then all these people are like "that never happened" and "that person didnt really exist" and then ask yourself where you feel the conspiracy really is...

If the parents were able to muster up a single tear for their "dead child" I would be more inclined to believe their story. But I guess everyone grieves differently...

You've brought up an interesting point on grief and our social construct of what a grieving person "should" look like. Too little, not believed. Too much, not believed or seen as over the top/hysterical. I'm trying to think if I've seen a "just right" for grief moment illustrated in the news. I mean, as a society overly outward emotions bother us and when you think about the gendering of emotions, a dad might not cry but show anger where a mom might cry more only due to allowing women the emotional space we deny men as well as how we feel these matters should be "performed" within our society. Just neat stuff to think about

They should've gotten better crisis actors, there were no visible tears in all the parents who were interviewed. Most parents would be crying hysterically on the day and days after their child died, not smiling and laughing like Robbie Parker and in all of the interviews I've seen of Sandy Hook parents, I've yet to see a single tear shed. If anyone can find a clip of a Sandy Hook parent shedding even one single tear, that would give me reason to believe the official story more than I currently do.

So, for you, the only way grief can be properly performed (and please note my use of the term perform does not relate to actors but to the roles and feels whatever our society dictates are the proper ways to express. Realize: this is different culture to culture and person to person) is through shedding of tears.

Again, I'm not denying your belief. I'm discussing a flaw within a reality construction definition by another user and how we, not just actors, perform emotion and what we deem to be authentic emotion during events like this.

One single tear is all the proof I need. 20 dead children means there were 40 parents who lost a child that day. If you can find me a video with even one single tear coming out of the eye of one of the parents who lost a child on 12/14/12 in Newtown, CT, then I will believe that children died at Sandy Hook.

Personally I think Sandy Hook happened, I phrased it that way because on this sub Reddit it wouldn't be an accepted fact and for my argument it really doesn't matter if it did or did not happen, what's matters is a very large majority of Americans accept that it happened and it still didn't move gun control forward.

That last point is one of the more enlightened statements and perceptions i've heard on here in a while. Especially since most of us will agree that perception is 'reality' wether or not it is accurate or factual. Makes me stop and ponder deeper. Gg.

Personally I think Sandy Hook happened, I phrased it that way because on this sub Reddit it wouldn't be an accepted fact and for my argument it really doesn't matter if it did or did not happen, what's matters is a very large majority of Americans accept that it happened and it still didn't move gun control forward.

You should watch this documentary about Sandy Hook AKA one of the most bogus fake news stories of all time.

I've seen this mentioned a few times in this thread already. I'm definitely going to give it a watch here in a few.

I wanted to add, I really liked where you were going with you reality construction definition and I apologize if my attempt to highlight a flaw made you feel anything other than encouragement to reexamine it and fill the gap. You are on a nice path with this metaphysical thought.

I read somewhere that wall street higher ups could potentially be behind it because they had stock in firearm companies and guns always sell like crazy after a mass shooting. Could be wrong but just another theory.

There was also another theory stating that the company that makes those metal detectors you walk through at any high security venue may be behind it since security will most likely be overhauled all over America and they may end up selling millions of those machines.

What about the theory that sometimes people are completely mentally deranged and commit mass murder? I mean it's happened 1000 times before in history.

Occam's razor and all that

That's the easy way out, and in this case (much like Orlando last year), is laughably bad.

I still think its incredible that people consider Orlando to be staged.

The shooter had an IMDB page because he spoke as a security guard in a documentary about the BP oil spill a few years ago. And he spoke actually like a real person:

"The man behind America’s deadliest shooting was working security for the company G4S when a filmmaker from “The Big Fix,” Rebecca Tickell, drove up and asked about the cleanup operation.

Mateen asks her if she has a badge, and Tickell responds, “I’m actually just wondering what’s going on here?”

When she asks if she can talk to anyone, Mateen goes off, saying, “No one gives a s—, no one gives a s— here.”

Without being prompted, he continues:

“Like, everybody’s just out to get paid. They’re, like, hoping for more oil to come out and more people to complain so they’ll have job. ‘Cause once people get laid off here, it’s gonna suck for them. They want more disaster to happen. That’s where they’re money-making is.”

But yeah, lone gunman killed all those club goers for ISIS.

I don't think it was for ISIS at all. There's plenty of reports of him having visited the club prior to the event, and of him having experimented with men there. However those activities are clearly highly frowned upon in his religion. He was having difficulties dealing with the pressure of living the two lives so he snapped, and attacked the club using the guise of an ISIS attack as an easy out.

This has been reported.

You think something, and I think something else. I agree to disagree.

Get out of here with your facts and logic! There will be none of that here!

Give us an explanation of what all happened then. You know it all so enlighten us please!

I don't know what happened because to my knowledge no CCTV footage has been released (which many of us on r/conspiracy had called for when the event happened). I feel that SWAT teams took people out when they stormed in, and Mateen was the patsy and tagged as the lone shooter. You ask for definitive proof of what happened, when there is none accessible to us. There is a narrative. That has been chosen to be accepted, or not accepted. I choose not to accept it. I'm not going to believe some guy strapped with weapons and a trenchcoat in summer Orlando weather is too far-fetched to be believable.

O I agree the cops took people out when they stormed the place. I've had this convo with other people. There were so many people packed in a small dark place they had no way to tell for sure they didn't hit anyone. The SWAT uses 5.56/.223 and so did he so they would say it was his rounds plus they would pull the whole the rounds fragment so they can't tell etc....

I agree. I don't think Orlando was staged but I do think they probably could have done better with the investigation and distribution of information.


I find it hilarious that a good number of people here can't seem to grasp the fact people go crazy everywhere and all the time. They'll all agree some terrorist killed a bunch of people but any fucking time something happens here in the U.S. they just can't seem to understand it may just be some one who flipped their shit.

I agree that this whole Vegas deal is shady as fuck and there's tons of holes in the story. I'm just referring to other mass shotings in general.

look at the stock short sales just 911, UA and AA sold short ...

Either this was a gun crazed psycho who went to great lengths over many months to orchestrate mass murder and he just failed to leave a clue as to why OR this was a precisely planned event by a organised group to achieve a hidden purpose.

Which sounds most plausible?

My money is on the latter and the theories you mention are connected along with others. Just think not about motive, but who and how stakeholders will gain.

Gun laws aren't going to change, at least not significantly. Some minor stuff to appease some lobbiests maybe, but that is just good PR. Give them a win and they will go away.

Gov and gun / ammo companies won't let that gravely train stop. This event has already boosted sales, that's direct revenue. But the big bucks came from the insider trades. Look at the stock movements and who was selling before the event and who then bought back. Can you spell CEO and CFO?

Don't stop at the gun and ammo companies. MGM and similar groups have the same characteristics on their share movements.

Now, it's all good having everybody armed to the teeth, but it is still a problem. How do you stop someone wandering into somewhere and shooting up the place - a la Paddock? Simple, scanners at entrances to all public places.

Body scanner manufacturers are stand to make a fortune selling body scanners once building owners see no other option. Part of the lobbiest appeasement mentioned above will be mandatory scanner installation in a number of key places. Soon it will be accepted as normal because it is expected then law grows that all buildings need a scanner. At the same time, private scanners are marketed and people feel they must have one to be safe "like how big businesses do it". (This is how private CCTV came to be in many homes today)

So, where is the Gov link? Well some is in the money but more importantly, all those scanners will bizarrely be necessary to link to the cloud to function (WiFi and IP connection). Once they become part of the IoT, then gov have just expanded their surveillance network massively (because those scanners will do more than detect metal).

The alphabet agencies involved are also gaining valuable feedback. There is a view that this event was a botched false flag. But I think it was a false flag that went exactly as planned. Precisely placed and outlying variables and zero information release except for a fine trickle to coerce public investigation. Why? So they can thoroughly test their information control systems and gauge the public's investigative abilities. Fake news pushed out all over the place and real news / leads suppressed.

There are major unavoidable events on the horizon globally and control of information is going to be key for keeping control of the masses. These events are both manmade (global economic failure) and natural (pole flip and dehabitablisation of huge areas) meaning the only way to survive is depopulation. (PS. They are not interested in WW3 as that will lead to nuclear devastation and even more uninhabitable lands - and is why Clinton got dropped in favour of a navigable business man)

We are all getting desensitized to the idea of depopulation presently and the new movie "small world" is just the next part of that.

For all the rebels who don't conform, you'll get to visit a fema camp for neutralization. And the conformists get to continue life in the freshly depopulated and sustainable environment (until you mess up - got to maintain that lower people level!)

Now, you might like to make a run for it or you might expect some outside intervention but unfortunately there will be a big wall in the way on one side and barren land on the other. Beside, you will not want to go there anyway because the world is financially crippled back to the dark ages and the grass is not much greener on the other side (except Mexico and C.America. Look at all the disaster movies - where do US Americans flee to each and every time?)

It's a scary world we are living in with scarier times ahead. They will keep pushing these false flag events until they get what they want then move onto the next agenda item.

Passing gun control law isn't the goal. You have to look at the two party system as really one big party. On the right, gun attacks mean more people go out and buy weapons for fear that they will be taken away, which helps the gun lobby. On the left you have a narrative of always trying to ban weapons but needing more support to do so. This cause drums up campaign support and lobby dollars.

See I can accept this theory more than a group that wants to stage false flag for the purpose of banning guns. Money will flow on both sides so it isn't moronic, I just really hate the theories about gun grabbers because it requires a sophisticated group that are also complete idiots who can't decipher past trends.

I agree with what your're saying, cant be smart and stupid at the same time.

If you have one side "trying to take away guns" and the other side wants to "keep guns in our hands" you can keep the money flowing by lobbyist and people buying guns before they are "banned"

Yes. Divide and conquer. Also we were due for a mass attack to condition us to live in fear. The power that things like this have on human psyche is underrated and not talked about very much. Whatever its purpose, the end result has been calculated with 99.9% accuracy by some Tavistock-esque think-tank.


Pulse nightclub, San Bernadino, Las Vegas... all had gun legislation within the week

Of course it is the goal..they staged the port Arthur massacre in Tasmania to introduce gun control in Australia. They did a similar thing in Britain

Oh dang. It's almost identicle to our foreign policy, except aimed towards not foreign nations... Huh. Makes me stop and think, since this is how tptb typically ramp up and escalate interference in foriegn nations. Any good reasons why this might NOT be a valid suspician?

Or just plant in people's heads that nowhere is safe. Soften them up for more and tighter security and surveillance wherever they go. There's BIG money in that for some people.

They can still make progress, on a state level. They did so in Connecticut after Sandy Hook. They can still use this to target individual gun owners. Believe me.

So for incremental progress they pull off one of the biggest tragedies in modern history? Once again it is absurd on face value.

Yes. The world runs on incremental progress. The economy runs on marginal progress. It's called "leverage." That's how it all works.

You have to understand what is going on here, and how it fits into the larger political picture. Nevada just flipped from red to blue. It is a "battleground" state. We are talking about gangs that are literally fighting for their survival, at this point. Their entire programme depends on this level of total control. And this is how these leftist gangs operate. They come from indebted, overpopulated states. They invade and take over neighboring, wealthier, growing states just long enough to alter the political climate, to push out their rivals, and to begin to take over.

Nevada is easy pickings. Las Vegas is a high growth real estate market. Just like Connecticut, if they can get Nevada to pass gun control regulation, they start to win there. Their opponents start to pack up and move, or get pushed out. Every time some individual gun owner with a couple of houses gets set up, or killed, or sent to jail, they collect. They leverage one instrument of control to gain five others.

You seem to think there is some kind of "risk/reward" calculation involved, but there isn't. They aren't ever going to get caught, because they make sure to control all the appropriate agencies of government before hand. They don't even care if you know. It's the "big lie." They are criminals. They have nothing to lose.

Nevada has been purple for a very long time, them rejecting Hillary Clinton is not turning red.

Everything else you said is just pure unadulterated nonsense and isn't worth my time.

Right, you're here to troll. I figured as much.

Yea partisan gangs rule every law enforcement agency and I am trolling.

Such as asshole

The truth can sound dickish quite often. He is talking to himself in his first reply, if you notice every other response I had wasn't dickish except to the delusional guy who was doing the internet equivalent of yell talking.

It sounds absurd only if you havn't looked at the incrimental progress made through history by massive tragedy. It has to be shock and aww to get anything done quickly or it likely will never get done.

Incremental progress is how almost anything gets done, but unless you think all mass shooting are hoaxes they could just wait for the next one.

My problem is the prospect of incremental progress on gun control isn't a big enough motivator for a shadowy group to do something like the Vegas shooting. It is too big of a risk with little reward.

Have you paid attention to how shoddy our foreign policy is in executing black opps and proxy events? ... In a bubble it sounds like a fool proof plan.. To people who have no real world existence... But it has almost always bit us in the ass. We suck at foreign ops, why would domestic ones be my better executed?

That has always been my other point, it isn't like groups don't get caught all the time in conspiracies. It is important to remember that some conspiracy theories turn out to be true because there is normally loose ends or loose lips. With something this depraved you would have to hope everyone in the know was a true believer or else it unravels quick.

So say a real shooting happens. Then after the fact these groups swoop in and push the agenda that group would likely be tied back to those shadowy international interests is my point.

Since we can see the track record of responses to mass shooting I question why any group that wants to outlaw guns would think a mass shooting would do the trick. So a group sets up a fall guy all to push gun control when the pulse shooting and Sandy Hook resulted in pretty much nothing. They would be killing a shit ton of people despite seeing clear evidence it doesn't work, it is a bad theory.

Those just increased the number of ARs bought along with high cap mags. In 2013 after Sandy Hook I made a killing off selling some ARs I had then a few years later I was able to buy 2-3 ARs for the same amount I sold one for in 2013.

Seriously it is such an odd correlation, I actually sold my AR-15 before rules went into effect in California because it sold for double what I paid for it and I wouldn't have been allowed to sell it later. It was a cheap one I built years ago and I didn't really like it that much.

What I think is really insane is how much AR and AK prices have changed over the years. I'm a fan of both but really love my AKs and I remember when they were considered junk and sold all day long for $200-$400 while ARs were selling for $1000+ easy. Now you can get a decent AR for $400-$500 and if you can find a good well built AK it will cost you upwards of $1000 or more. Hell Chinese AKs used to be considered bottom barrel and now they are highly priced collector guns and finally known as some of the best factory built AKs out there. The PolyTech Legends will always be the nicest AK ever brought state side. Hell, a bottom tier WASR or YUGO will cost you $550 or more these days when they used to go for $150-200 10yrs ago or so.

Sandy hook was a hoax bro. Those kids all sang at the super bowl within a year or so, which you can find a whole documentary on “Dear Wolfgang” I highly recommend watching to anyone who doesn’t believe this Vegas story because it’s pretty similar. And by similar I mean events and how they took place during the drill.

That isn't the point and I even said it wasn't the point. The point is the general public accepts it happened and it didn't cause significant gun control, that is the point.

Has there ever been a mass shooting that wasn't precoordinated? Is it possible?

Whats the columbine consipracy or is that an accepted incident. Also, bit late to the game, is there any shade on virginia tech ( i was in VA not far away when it happened but heavily involved ina cult and cut off from looking into or even questioning it at the time)

Columbine I was like 6 for so I haven’t done any research into that, but I can tell you from 9/11 on, every single massive event is without a doubt a staged event.

Why would they get these secret supposedly dead child actors to sing at the most widely viewed public event in the country?

So are you really suggesting that those kids were not killed? What about the entire town and community of parents who lost their kids? I've heard people say that it was a planned attack with more than one shooter, but if it never happened at all....wouldn't the whole town/community/staff of the school have to be in on it?

Look at the evidence on both sides. I'd say to anyone who looks through it all will wind up heavily on one side of the argument.

Could you provide me with some type of evidence that addresses how the whole entire town/community was duped in to believing this happened to their own children?

See my original reply “Dear Wolfgang” by Marty Leeds on YouTube. Check out a lot of his stuff, he’s a very smart and informative guy


I agree with this. I don't think it's about guns, though that may be what's being focused on. I still think it is shaping up to be a false flag or cover up of some kind but I'm not sure about motivation.

in all honesty gun control will never be passed with these "lone wolf" cases. We all view them as random nutjobs, but if 10-20 armed dudes flooded an arena or something and let loose most of the country would be spooked af because the threat becomes alot more scary.

What would be the point of staging something like this in order to ban certain guns/mods though?

If you're worried that these guns and mods are dangerous and want to avoid a big mass shooting, shooting 500 people seems to really go against that ideal. Why not just wait for it to happen naturally if you're so sure that these rifles, attachments and ammo amounts lead to mass shootings? What's the big rush to get them banned if you don't give two shits about loss of human life?

I can understand the reasoning people think that 9/11 was staged - the US government profits a ton off of war. It did wonders for Bush's approval rating and gave us an excuse to go bomb a bunch of shit, which we love to do. I can see and understand a possible motive, which I think is the only thing that particular conspiracy really has going for it.

I feel like this event sucked for both sides. Will the people who want to ban guns really profit that much if guns are banned right now instead of a year from now when the next Joe Shmoe shoots up his school? It seems like the pro-gun people make money when guns are allowed, but neither side benefits much if they're banned (except for the anti-gun people who actually care about loss of human life, but these people wouldn't shoot 500 other people).

What am I missing here?

People don't want to ban guns because they want to prevent loss of life (I mean the powers that be who want to ban guns) they want to ban guns so that the population is disarmed and easier to control, or so the theory goes.

Ah thanks, I guess that makes more sense. I bet nothing will actually change in terms of gun control though, other than maybe some red flags being sent out if someone buys too many guns.

They may get rid of bump stocks but if so then O well, they are stupid anyways. The only ones buying them are idots who play to much Call of Duty, as a gag gift between gun loving friends, or someone who just wants to mess with one. Any real gun person would use it once or twice then forget about it. There are better way to bump fire like binary triggers for ARs or an ALG fire control group in an AK. Hopefully they dont go after certain FCGs.

Not a theory really see pretty much all recent dictatorships they all disarmed before going nightmare mode.

Exactly! They know that theri NWO can't happen here in the U.S. until most if not all of the population is disarmed.

I can see and understand a possible motive, which I think is the only thing that particular conspiracy really has going for it.

You actually think two Boeings caused three of the largest skyscrapers in the country to pulverize themselves? Are you one of those great masses of people who think that your subjective sense of what's plausible is as valid as looking at the actual evidence?

You actually think two Boeings caused three of the largest skyscrapers in the country to pulverize themselves?

I definitely think it's possible, but I'm no expert on anything involved with that. I don't think there's enough evidence to say for sure one way or the other. I know that it was a tragedy and that whoever did plan it was an incredibly fucked up individual.

Are you one of those great masses of people who think that your subjective sense of what's plausible is as valid as looking at the actual evidence?

I haven't seen any evidence yet of anything else exploding, but I have seen evidence of two planes hitting the building. I've seen demonstrations explaining how a huge jet filled with fuel could cause such catastrophic damage to such a tall building, so right now I lean towards feeling like it happened as it seems. I feel like if it was impossible for these buildings to collapse due to plane strikes, and the planners of this atrocity knew that they had to plan and execute other explosions somewhere, why would they bother with the planes in the first place? I'm not really one to ever say "this is definitely what happened" though unless I'm confident I know the whole picture. I just like asking questions and am always open to new evidence and opinions!

Feelings are a poor guide to reality.

Total skyscraper collapse without the use of explosives is extremely rare or non-existent. Believing that it happened three times on 9/11, with no physical evidence, precedent or coherent collapse theory, is not rational.

I don't mean to be rude, but saying there's not enough evidence confirm or refute the official story is the kind of thing that would destroy the possibility of any real knowledge. It's like saying there's not enough evidence to decide whether the sun will come up tomorrow morning. It's true, in a sense, but it's entirely rational to be sure that it will.

That said, in some cases it's true that there's not enough evidence to come to a conclusion. I'm not convinced either way at this point that Paddock planned this event, for example. But refuting the official story of 9/11 is not one of those cases.

Total skyscraper collapse without the use of explosives is extremely rare or non-existent.

I don't see how that's relevant since there were certainly explosions. I don't think there's many bombs that would be easy to smuggle in to the WTC unnoticed that would do much more damage than a plane smashing in to the side, and if they did go off there would have been people seeing/hearing them. I guess the main disconnect between me and this theory is that I haven't seen even a little bit of evidence of something else happening. Again though, I'm no expert in skyscraper construction nor am I an expert in explosives, so I feel like it's more rational to draw my conclusions from the multiple different experts I've seen who all explain/demonstrate how the collapse was possible. Do you have anything more to go on than saying "it just doesn't seem likely to me that two planes would cause these buildings to collapse"? Do you have any real experience or education that makes your opinion regarding this more viable than the professional scientists I've seen? If so I'm totally open to it.

saying there's not enough evidence confirm or refute the official story is the kind of thing that would destroy the possibility of any real knowledge

Personally, I think that faith is more destructive to knowledge than seeking evidence. Neither are perfect 100% of the time, but unless I see evidence of something else I like to default to the simplest explanation. It's just my way of viewing the world, and everyone is welcome to their own views.

It's like saying there's not enough evidence to decide whether the sun will come up tomorrow morning

Predicting the future is a bit different than drawing conclusions based on something that already happened, plus we actually have pretty solid evidence that the sun will come up tomorrow morning. We have tons of simulations and models of our solar system, we've seen evidence of the sun's gravity that keeps us in orbit, we've seen plenty of proof that the Earth rotates, and we could even ask an internet buddy on the other side of the planet if they can observe the sun setting in the sky, on it's way to our half. It's true that there might be a really really really tiny chance that the sun could like explode or something (though surely there would be some kind of warning first), but there's still plenty of evidence that it will come up tomorrow.

I think we should focus less on the "why" for there may be a plethora of reasons why they did this, and more on what we - we as in people who realize our government is deceiving us - should do about stopping further acts of atrocity against America from its own leaders.

I think we should focus less on the "why" for there may be a plethora of reasons why they did this, and more on what we - we as in people who realize our government is deceiving us - should do about stopping further acts of atrocity against America from its own leaders.

I think we should focus less on the "why" for there may be a plethora of reasons why they did this, and more on what we - we as in people who realize our government is deceiving us - should do about stopping further acts of atrocity against America from its own leaders.

The only reason they would conduct a false flag like this is to slowly pass state legislation to ban rifles

That's not the only reason. Any high impact incident has a myriad of political, social, and psychological repercussions. The effects are projected and planned before execution.

It's like a move in a chess game. The best moves accomplishe multiple objectives at the same time.

The Orlando shooting for instance

  • Gun control
  • pro LGBT
  • Muslim tolerance

Pathetic, disgusting, and undeserving.

It's interesting how we're getting white males making these mass attacks now and not Middle-Easterners. I wonder if the trend will continue.

I don't think this was a shooting orchestrated in order to pass gun control, or any other, legislation. More likely, this was some shady FBI sting in the vein of fast and furious that went horribly wrong, and blew up in their faces.

i would say that makes more sense and now they are tripping over there dicks tryign to get a story straight so they have someone to blame since paddock is already dead and has no next of kin to cry false.

lol, I'm going to use the phrase "tripping over their dicks" from now on.

So if Paddock is just a patsy here, I want to know who else has rented his suite in the past three months. Though I guess they could figure out through Google Street View and math that it was a primo spot to snipe the concert.

I don't think he's a Patsy. I think he's an associate of the bureau.

Stupidest shit I have heard on reddit in a while.

Clutching at straws.

I don't think this was a shooting orchestrated in order to pass gun control, or any other, legislation. More likely, this was some shady FBI sting in the vein of fast and furious that went horribly wrong, and blew up in their faces.

The only reason they would conduct a false flag like this is to slowly pass state legislation to ban rifles, attachmemts and ammo amounts whilst then down yhr road introducing a blanket ban.

Erm, that's not even close to the only reason - that "high incodent" thing outlines several other reasons.

Theyre setting up the framework. If we have no weapons, how do we revolt?

If this was the case, why the fuck isn't the NRA pouring money into more credible news sources to get to the truth in order to block any legislature that might pass from this false flag?

The NRA appears to be non-existant. If things are looking shady on the investigation, that should be the cue to the NRA to start the push against the narrative. Instead their stance is: "NRA Executive Vice President and CEO Wayne LaPierre let Dianne Feinstein, Chuck Schumer and their anti-gun minions know that the NRA will not tolerate their use of a tragedy in their war against the Second Amendment."

What? No. They did this, among other reasons, to build support for xray machines in every building everywhere because some of the the people involved own OSI systems who manufactures them.

Guns will NEVER be banned, that would literally spark a revolution and they know it. They do like to toss the idea around...but only because every time they do people freak out and gun sales go up...and guess what...they own the companies who manufacture guns too.

people who thinks events like this are done with intentions to ban assault rifles have a very narrow view of the world around them

*P, * think, *.

9/11 was a false flag, the motive and narrative was released quickly.

This isn't a false flag because they hadn't even designed a reason for it, it's more likely a cover up because he was an FBI/CIA employee of some kind, or they bungled the response etc..

I feel like pro-gun groups are just as likely. The threat of banning guns or accessories is soooo beneficial to sales

So, they did this to ban semi-automatic rifles like the ar-15 which is a subset of a rifle.

No, they are doing it as an excuse to further increase surveillance. Even on this sub you see people clamoring for video in places where there are no cameras, ironically giving the green-light for additional monitoring by the state.

And for the owners of mgm to push further surveillance and facial recognition software in their building to fix the "ineffectiveness of the security cameras"

Like the guy who got shot in the neck and still managed to save 50 people. Or how one of the other guys that saved people just happened to check the first truck he came aross and it happened to be both unlocked and have the keys in it. Who does that in a large city?

You people live such sad lives, I know people like you, and I feel sorry for you.

Not gonna lie, I live in Minneapolis and do this. Live in a massive apartment and don't have a garage. Just don't really care enough about my car to keep it locked.

You leave the keys in it?

Yup. Driver's door handle is disconnected so it doesn't work unless you know what to do, so it is rather hard to steal. Keys in every day I've owned it (out of sight). Also keep a set on my person and a set in my wallet, just in case.

Are you some kind of trust fund kid? Who doesn't care about their car?

Insurance will give him more money than its worth if it gets stolen. There's literally no downfall.

Someone who paid $300 for their car...

Makes sense

Yeah. It's just to get me by. I've been saving up to replace it for months and am waiting for it to either burn down or die before I replace it

If my car gets stolen I'll just file a claim? I leave my car unlocked with keys all the time in Iowa

I lived on a college campus and did this.

Did it in college too. Gave all my roommates a door key and kept a log book in the console for mileage, etc

I did keep a cup of change a bum must have stole.


Any chance you are wearing a suit and sunglasses while typing this?

I can if you want :)

Cargo shorts and a Sturgis 75th anniversary tee today.

Fbi goes to Sturgis huh? Jk upvote for having sense of humor!

In all seriousness I do know that there is always a rather large fbi presence at Sturgis the couple of weeks around bike week because of the crazy amount of human trafficking that happens :(

I've met and talked to a bunch of people who worked with the FBI or were fbi when I lived there.

Or about the lady who told the girl that they were all going to die 45 minutes before the shooting occurred.


Not op but I saw it on some local Las Vegas news channel website (don’t have a link right now)

This is the biggest part of the story that has been buried down the memory hole.

these videos were deleted do you know where they'd exist?

I think the truck you're referring to was occupied an the owners let the people on their truck.

No the truck was parked and the keys were above the visor. (Just like in a fucking movie). The owner later got his truck back and wasn't mad that it was stolen to save so many people. I'm not saying it's all bullshit, but it sure sounds like bullshit.

That is odd. Have any proof, links, etc?

My mistake "the keys were sitting right in it". I guess it didn't say exactly where inside they were located.

I read a few hours ago, that he is getting a free truck. Some dealership(if I recall correctly) is rewarding him for his deeds.

Must be a different guy. The guy's name who I am talking is Taylor Winston.

Sometimes miracles do happen in that form, but yeah too many and it seems suspicious obviously.

young drunk people going to a festival, i could see that happening. some dumb drunk 20-something thinking its a good idea.

I personally know a friend of that guy, if u r talking about the ex military San Diego man? Can confirm that he is who he says he is

The truck was the first one he checked too and the keys were on the seat too?! How damn convenient! I mean, good he helped but how nice....

Okay so I looked up this guy and his name is Jonathon Smith and he is a.... copy machine repairman - what kind of generic bullshit ass name is this? Literally like what? Copy machine repairmen? when is the last time you heard of someone who made a career out of copy machine repairment

The whole story just seems off... Glad people are looking into like they are.

came here to say this, has anyone compiled more than this? Someone that is dedicated enough should create a detailed, factual document.

It's hard to compile a list of facts when the facts are ever changing... It's like a high school project not an Federal Investigation.

I'm at a loss at this point because the timeline keeps changing but I keep thinking about how in the hell can someone shoot up a security guard with 200 rounds and no one hear that? Even more so how does he unload all those rounds into the crowds and again no one in the hotel rooms near him hear it?

How in the hell is that possible? Someone should have heard something. I want to hear what those people have to say.

It's got to the point they aren't even taking question's anymore. That's absurd, how can the people in charge not be questioned about something that's so important and pertinent to family members who have lost loved ones.

The mind boggles/

Ok so please eliminate the last part of point 1. There are many government workers that make nominal salaries and have strong real estate portfolios. You need to do some research into real estate if you believe it takes a large sum of money to get started. This guy was in the game for all the crashes and booms which gave him a tremendous opportunity to grow his portfolio. You are drawing false conclusions that undermine the remainder of your points which are all very strong.

You are correct. However, we're not talking some average landlord here. We're talking about a guy who supposedly is on par with real estate moguls. Remember, the media reported as him saying losing a million is not a big deal.

dozens of loaded clips



We call 'em clips where I'm from, boy.

then y'all are wrong



Yup. The only reasonable explanation is that the magazines WERE NOT loaded. Why would that be? Hmmmm, perhaps he was selling them?

I was referring to you calling magazines clips.

Lol. Got ya.


It seems odd to have all that ammo at a gun sale, though.

If they were buying these guns illegally they would probably want to go ahead and get the ammo they needed at the same time. It makes perfect sense.

It is also a lot more dangerous, and a lot more work. Ammo is very heavy.

I'm sure that means there are dozens of 8 round enbloc clips /s

I call them bullet beds.

I'll add the following:

  • no real firearms experience outside of being a "hunter": 64 years old, no military experience
  • Filipino gf in the Philippines when the shooting went down, who was also wired $100,000 a week prior

You pretty much nabbed all key points relating to the blaming of this patsy Paddock. I'm more interested in the idea of it being an occult ritual sacrifice. The narrative of this lone gunman is to distract from that harsh reality. That's the freaking motive right there. All while the media plays the "what was the motive?" card.

I'm more interested in the idea of it being an occult ritual sacrifice.

Note the semiotic content: the hero, Jesus C, has now disappeared.

Why does the only uniform message in the whole absurd narrative concern the unreliability or questionability of the hero Jesus C?

Absolutely. Imagine if he disappears for 3 days and is "found" on the third day?! I mean, that would almost be scripted (which I think this all is).

I really hope that more people begin to make these connections. This isn't insanity or conspiracy theory. This is freaking reality.

Many people could make these connections if they wanted to. HOWEVER...most people don't want to believe that they're being lied to. They'll eat up excuses and ignore blatant red flags because they don't want to believe there's more to the story.

Plus, that takes actual effort and most people don't care enough to do the research.

Other side of the same coin is there are a lot of people looking at all times to make connections that aren't there. They want to say they found red flags so badly, they make huge leaps. They want to feel like the smartest/smuggest person in the room/thread.

Very true. And those people make the rest of us simply seeking the truth look like conspiracy nuts

  • Also - the event place at the feet of a replica of the sphinx in front of a replica of the Great Pyramid.

Yeah I really like this theory, despite not fully believing in it I think it's very creative and with some of the other satanic shit we've seen I'd call it possible

If this event happening directly in front of the Luxor at Harvest festival didnt set off alarm bells nothing will. Doesn't matter if its a coincidence or not the resultant imagery is what happened.

I'd also like to add the complete media and law enforcement blackout of the shooting that took place at the Belaggio, and possibly other hotels.

Is there video of it?

This the woman who filmed that video, explaining what happened.

Gotta be honest this radio transmission "proof" just sounds like a glitch in the radio transmission from the officer. This is also supported by the fact there is no sense of urgency in his voice as he's using the radio while supposed audible full auto fire is going on in his vicinity. Unless of course you are suggesting his calm demeanor means he is in on the coverup of a broadcast that tens of thousands of people heard live using Broadcastify.

Yeah, he had ballistics tables hand written out. I have been an avid shooter for 15 years and have never once written out a ballistic table.

That's a relatively advanced subject, that a novice shooter wouldn't have a clue how to do (or even know what it was).

Plus, I'm not sure how relevant that data would be for shooting at 300 yards with an eotech, rather than precision shooting with a scope.

You don't need ballistics tables for 300 yard red dot shots.

You especially don't need them for using a bump fire stock to wildly shoot down into a crowd.

Definitely some weird ass conflicting details.

What I saw wasn't ballistics tables. It looked more like college physics homework. The mass used was all wrong for bullets, etc.

I like how with all the minimal minimal information they give out. INSTANTLY they said "wired 100k to wife/gf in Philippines" As if to rule out that IT WAS HER screaming "you're all gonna die" before the shooting started.

Probably because he used a service that is easily tracked so that info was found out quickly. It's the age of information whoever gets the news the fastest makes the most money.

Makes it even more weird then that there's no more evidence it was him doing it.

If he had firearm experience more people would be dead.

That's the problem, he had to have had experience to do this. The official narrative is that his "suicide note" contained trajectories and elevations to hit the crowd: this is very advanced.

The official narrative is also that he has no training.

Clear contradiction.

You don't need experience to obtain trajectories, only the basic knowledge that shoot a projectile for a long distance will experience a drop in trajectory.

Most people who own guns know this; hell kids play FPS games know this too.

Furthermore you'll find tons of threads on forums regarding bullet drop and zeroing for various distances.

Has there been any research on shooting ranges in the Vegas area? I'd imagine they keep good records of who comes in and out for liability issues. Otherwise, how'd he practice???

Many shooting ranges you just show up and set up and shoot, there may not even be people working there. Some places like sportsman's clubs are just nice land with a range for people to come up whenever they want. I should think with so much desert out there, there are plenty of such places.

Dad on the FBI most wanted list is pretty freaky too

I always find it funny how the 'Lone gunman' usually gets killed by the police or end up killing themselves. Its a little bit too convenient for me. There's nobody that can talk if there aren't any survivors, right?

Exactly. At this point, it's a formula/recipe for propaganda success. It's sad.

ad 1.: "made a living off of video poker. A successful casino gambler can only be found riding unicorns."
- Apples and oranges. You can get rich by being really good at poker. It's nor roulette or slot machines...

Ad 3.: I thought he worked for CSC?

Ad 7.: Can not or will not? Or are not allowed to?

Ad 9.: Guy was 64... BTW, wasn't there a rumor, that he had an forum account at some gambling site...?

  1. Police claims they are certain shooter originally wanted to escape. Will not say how they know.

  2. Police claims there are bullet trajectory calculations on paper. Which distance? Does it mach the distance to the concert? Who could do that kind of calculations by hand? Or is that common knowledge for IRS agents?

  3. Why did two very prominent names bet on falling stocks for MGM before the event?

Video poker is not poker. It's a house game like roulette or blackjack.

Yeah... A professional video poker player?

We'd have to assume that he makes a living sitting on his ass, pushing a button and always gets lucky?

Those games are rigged...

That was he most confusing part to me, when they started calling him a professional video poker player. Like wtf?

My guess is that if they had just said professional poker player, then there'd probably be a lot more of paper trail (or lack thereof) tied to Paddock that they didn't want to have to account for.

But saying someone is a professional video poker player is like saying he's a professional slot machine player... unlike real poker, there's zero skill involved, only luck.

You don't know what you're talking about at all. There may not be "skill" persay like live poker but there absolutely is strategy that can allow you to play efficiently if you can learn it. Video poker is better odds than pretty much anything in a casino.

Yea, just like blackjack or roulette. Assuming you play the perfect strategy, all you're left with is luck.

What? Bro you have obviously never played video poker, there is 0 strategy other than attempting to win big with royal flushes or specialty hands like 4 wild deuces and an ace, or playing to win small or break even with flushes, straights, etc. It's nothing but dumb luck. Probably not even really luck as it's probably like most machines where it decides when it's going to pay rather than rng.

How about instead of showing your ignorance you go and look up what I'm talking about and find that you're wrong

Damn I stand corrected sorry about that. Though to be fair you still couldn't get rich on it as the % favor is only ever tenths of a point. And realistically anyone playing who gets dealt AK spades and 2 5's is never going to hold the 5's to keep the advantageous over trying to hit a jackpot.

I think I saw that the payout is like 99.something percent so its almost impossible to become rich off of it. Easy to launder money that way though....

You can make a living doing that, 80k-135k a year playing video poker.

Wouldn't everyone do that then? More money than I earn now or ever will. Why wud a millionaire want to spend all day earning pocket change anyway?

Wouldn't everyone do that then?

Wouldn't everyone flip properties? Wouldn't everyone be an investor (gambling)?

Some people do it, others don't. It takes money to make money.

Why wud a millionaire want to spend all day earning pocket change anyway?

What else are they going to do? Why do you spend time on reddit? You don't have do. He liked gambling, that was his thing. Different strokes for different folks.

They are just trying to convey information about his lifestyle not say that he was won a fortune. he was losing money playing but spending money he already made from decades of government work and some real estate venture. He played high stakes and was gaming the casino comps to make his loses worth it. He knows he’s going to lose 10 grand but also knows he’s going to get 5k in comps so he only lost 5k to look like a big baller for a week and basically sees it as a discounted vacation.

Or at least that’s the story so far but not sure it will hold up. Seems like he had more money than he should.

Shows how much you know. Video poker is probably the best game to play for profit in a casino if you learn the strategy.

I learned how to do ballistic calculations in high school engineering and physics classes. And we always did them by hand.

Good education.

We did not learn what the muzzle velocity of an SMG would be like, or how much of a drop a bullet has over n yards, or what the difference between actual distance and effective distance while shooting from elevated position is...

But I took biology instead of physics. ;-)

Muzzle velocity can be looked up or tested easily. In fact, we did a lab (with just data, not actually firing a gun) where a bullet was shot into a wooden block an extrapolated. From there, a single equation can be used to figure out everything else.

Lol, please show me someone else besides Paddock who got rich off video poker.

I don’t understand how he was worth 2M but would gamble up to 1M a night? That wouldn’t last long.

Not to split hairs here but I think the number was $100,000 a night. Also I think that was framed as "up to $100,000". I didn't get the impression this was his standard nightly routine.

Ad 3.: I thought he worked for CSC?

just more misinformation spread by this subreddit. That was a completely different person who worked for CSC and that person stopped working for them last year anyway

Lol, video poker is a fixed odds game. I play it nearly every single day, know all the ins and outs and you can't make money on it. It's pretty much the best game to play to not lose though. I play it for fun as you can still hit pretty big wins from a £1 bet.

You can get rich by being really good at poker

You can make a living off poker because you are playing against the other players. In video poker, you are playing against the house, so will lose long-term unless incredibly lucky (it's effectively no different than trying to make a living as a professional slot machine player).

I'll add to the list of you correct your inaccuracies

-Campos worked for Mandalay Bay, CSC is a company he walkers at in the past that he filed his license through.

-The FBI didn't "lose" Campos, he skipped out on an interview. There's nothing to suggest he's hiding from the FBI or out on the lamb. The media can't find him, doesn't mean he disappeared.

-That corvette wasn't new, body style was pre 2014 at least just looking at the back of it. We also don't even know that's his car.

-Nevada registration stickers have a large number month, the year from the distance Loomer was at wouldn't have been visible. His registration was from June.

Fixed the Campos working for a non-existent security company. His house was guarded by that company. Sorry for the confusion.

No movement on the rest of it though huh?

The FBI losing Campos is sarcastic in nature in that they couldn't possibly lose a key witness. They are keeping him in at a black site or, he doesn't exist at all. The point is that it is absurd that he would agree to 5 interviews and cancel all of them at the last minute and no one knows where he is.

As far as the Corvette goes, the video of the livefeed from the reporter who visited his home sites those points and unless you have proof that the reporter is wrong, I'm gonna go with it. Also, just as much as I'm speculating that it is his car, you are just as much speculating that it could be someone else's. So stalemate.

The lines on corvettes changed drastically in 2014. That's not a 2014-2017 model corvette.

I live in Nevada and have a registration sticker on my plates. The large visible number is the month, the year is tiny numbers on the side that you couldn't read with a telescope at the distance Loomer was from it.

As far as who owns it I said it could be anyones. you said it was his, who's speculating?

It's not uncommon for really nice sports cars only a few years old to be sold cheap around military bases. Lots of new recruits go out and buy them and get behind on payments and sell them. Or some unlucky gambler could have sold it.

I'd imagine he possibly got a call from some guys like you, ranting he's a spook and apart of the illuminati and he decided to skip out on interviews that would only cause more of that behavior. If so can't say I blame him.

why are you on this forum? just to harass people?

I like conspiracies

The guard outside Campos' house is the one working for the nonexistent security company.

Yep. Fixed it.

except it absolutely exists and where you're getting that it doesn't is beyond me

The company existed, as their business license expired Jan. 2017.

Your correction is wrong, too. The security company definitely exists.

Bogus address, expired business license. For all intent and purpose, it doesn't exist.

No, you're not getting it. The license is not expired and the address is real:

It's a real company. Someone probably lied to you.

Yeah, I figured out she's the liar spreading this disinformation. Just another peddler trying to profit off this tragedy. She's sick.

You should probably edit your post to reflect the fact this information is wrong.

I haven't seen her lie about anything thus far in this investigation. I never knew if her prior to this, but she's been great at trying to get to the bottom of the fuckery in this case.

Oh, some lady on a video told you it doesn't exist, well, it's not like people lie!

The security guard said the web address was "", which doesn't load. The image on Yelp shows "", which has a "this website not set up yet" welcome page.

It turns out the real address is, which does exist and have some content, but also has some incomplete stuff, for example the only entry in the blog is titled "hello world":

Based on the first two URLs that I tried, I fully believed it was a bogus company also.

The security guard said the web address was ""


It turns out the real address is

Sounds like a simple misunderstanding, no?

which does exist and have some content, but also has some incomplete stuff, for example the only entry in the blog is titled "hello world":

This isn't the least bit strange.

Based on the first two URLs that I tried, I fully believed it was a bogus company also.

This just shows how inadequate armchair investigators are at... well, investigating. It took me like 5 minutes of research to confirm that this claim is false. Yet people like OP are still repeating it as if it were true.

It's no wonder authorities don't want to let out any evidence (e.g. security footage) during the investigation. Real damage can be done by some confused individual who believes misinformation like this.

Don't know. Maybe because it's a corporate license.

They also have a Las Vegas business licesnse:

Regardless, the company is real and none of what you bring up is the least bit suspicious. Why do people like OP continue to spread this misinformation?

As of last night that exact web page said their business license expired Jan. 2017. It was just updated today.

As of last night that exact web page said their business license expired Jan. 2017. It was just updated today.

The company existed, as their business license expired Jan. 2017.

I thought CSC was not involved with mandalay bay but rather worked on concert type events and in this case would have no relation to mandalay bay several hundred yards from the event he was supposed to be working at.

He isn't currently employed by CSC, he's an employee of Mandalay Bay

I don't think that is true. He wasn't even using mandalay security radio and wasn't coordinating with the police.

Where'd you hear that?


You don't get to be a union member without being a full time employee.

Can you show me where it states you need to be a full-time employee?

I also wouldn't trust this group anyway, they already don't understand what actually happened. Even in the award they gave to Jesus here they misrepresented what happened. Did he just ignore that wrong info in something he was involved in?

That's typical of any union.

You don't just walk in and get union perks. Temp employees don't get union perks. You have to be full time and past the probationary status to start getting union representation.

That is not typical in my experience. I know people who work part time in a union and they don't even pay full dues. They definitely get perks too. Anecdotes aside I don't even see what benefit it would be to the union to insist only full time employees are allowed...they would benefit from more members receiving less assistance from them.

In the case of security unions it seems especially unlikely to me that they would require full-time to join. Security is an industry where you have uncertain hours for a lot of jobs. Would unions just not be interested in unionizing these people doing shows or details and such? That doesn't seem very likely to me given that unions want everyone to join pretty much...they want every industry unionized because that gives them more power and money.

Regardless you're not going to be a union member if you're not an employee

The argument is that he isn't an employee of mandalay bay, not that he isn't an employee at all. He's supposed to be an employee of the security company working the concert.

That argument is invalid seeing as how he's a unionized member of the Mandalay Bay

CSC isn't unionized so he's not going to be represented by the union if his employer is CSC.

I don't think think there is any reliable source for him being a worker for mandalay bay. Even this link you gave me it just says he's a union member. The way it's worded it sounds like they aren't even saying he is a mandalay bay security guard.

He joins all of our member Heroes working as Security Officers at Mandalay Bay.

Could be a very awkward and inaccurate figure of speech but it also sounds like intentional vague wording to keep from lying and saying he is an employee while also making it sound like he is.

Dude, he can't be a member of the union without being employed by Mandalay Bay

I don't know what you want.

Why not? This is an international union, it's not even remotely limited to mandalay bay.

Well, that's just unreasonable

When Mandalay Bay, the police, and the union say he was employed at Mandalay Bay you're still going to doubt his employment?

I'm starting to think anything short of Campos releasing his 2016/17 tax returns won't be enough evidence for some people. Even then there'd be the "But the IRS was in on it too" crowd.

Not wasting my time with this anymore, enjoy your fantasy land.

They don't have their story straight at all and we have evidence showing he doesn't work there so yeah I'm going to hold off on taking their word for it. Lot's of weird shit surrounding this and far too much of it is centered on campos. There still isn't a clear story of what happened or how he was involved.

What evidence? A fucking messed up employee database that used the wrong name to search him with?

In what world is that evidence?

Well it's a catch either way. If you think that isn't him (Larry Jesus Campos) then there is no Jesus Campos registered in nevada and he can't be an employee of mandalay bay. If you do believe that's him then it says he's currently active as an employee. Bonus: Larry Jesus Campos was allegedly not even on these security registration list of nevada and was added on the 10th AFTER people were talking about it. So you are free to believe what you like but no matter which way you take it things are fishy.

The day after the shooting people were posting about the license requirement stuff and linking the "Larry Campos" stuff. So you're mistaken about him not being listed until the 10th.

It lists him as being employed at the time his license was issued by CSC. That in no way means he couldn't have changed employment since receiving his license. The licensing fee is a one time fee good for 5 years. He could obtain the license and change employment without getting a new license.

You're jumping gaps based off false information.

That's not how conspiracies work. The "Not an employee of Mandalay Bay" narrative is easily explained.

That's definitely not true. They were talking about jesus campos. "Larry" didn't pop up until the name showed on the list.

You can look it up if you want he is listed as active with CSC. I think the confusion here is that there are two different things here. One is the license for nevada as security personnel and the other is being listed as an employee of CSC. CSC listed him as an active employee and he was also on the list for nevada security personnel after being added retroactively.

There could be any number of explanations for this. I don't know the answer. I'm just saying that the story isn't coherent enough to believe he works for mandalay bay and there are several reasons to question it.

CSC does event security all around Vegas. I would bet there's not a day of the week a CSC secured event isn't taking place.

You don't think low payed security guards would moonlight at event security gigs?

It's a thing to have more than one employer.

Sure, that's totally possible. But then he still apparently wasn't registered as a full-time security guard until the 10th and even then it was as Larry Jesus Campos if that's even supposed to be the same person.

Would be nice if this dude actually went to his interviews so we could get a solid story pinned to him...and then likely see it fall apart like everything else they tell us.

I almost feel like someone is testing the boundaries of how quickly they can get the general public to forget about event that has pretty clear inconsistencies.

Yup. Testing to see how well they can prevent information from being spread via YouTube and Facebook, testing how well they can manipulate us.

A plane crashed in a field yet wreckage is found in a many miles wide area and there is no plane wreck just a smoky crater and no news agency takes up the story. Its pretty damn obvious that plane was blown out of the sky. It should be one of the easier things to prove. It was either shot down or a explosive detonated that was onboard the plane. Lots of local witnesses were interviewed at the time and they all said this same thing wreckage spread out all over.

Gotta do a gullibility check every 20 years or so. New technology to account for.

Michael Hastings. Need I say more?

Are you referring to the investigative reporter that was researching Boystown and Lawrence King?

Just like how Russia buzzes Scandinavian airspace now and then.

  1. Not a trace of blood or bullet damage on people or the concert grounds and equipment. No bullet recovered from hospitals. Everyone who claimed to have been injured says the bullet cannot be removed and must stay in their body.

  2. Thousands of rounds fired but evidence of a few empty casings in Paddock's room. Casings found on top of blood pool from his suicide proving that shots were fired within the room after he died.

  3. 200 rounds fired through the door at Campos who learned to dodge bullets from Neo. The door and hallway also learned to dodge bullets.

  4. Explosive used to breach the door but no splinters, door fragments, or sawdust.

  5. Every victim interviewed is either laughing or fake crying without tears.

the only thing close to blood i found from google is this video, but even then you dont see the blood coming out and cameraman cuts off video right after... very interesting point u made

There are other videos of people saying "they're firing blanks" because nothing was hitting the ground, it's all just sound

that is WAY wrong, here is a link that shows the carnage. WARNING this is EXTREMELY GRAPHIC (NSFW)(NSFL)

Graphic my ass. I've seen more believable gore on Halloween. Quote from the video itself: "I see no entry wound, I see no exit wound."

you must be on crack

good argument

and your argument is that all of these people at a concert are in cahoots and the whole scene was staged, that's fucking crazy dude

Not everyone, only the ones planted there for the drama. Some people there even said "that's not real gunfire" and another said "they're shooting blanks". There were plenty of people not even moving when the sound of gunfire started. And the one guy giving the finger because he didn't believe it was real.

put the tinfoil away

leave this sub


Do you honestly believe that in that situation everyone is going to react EXACTLY the same by running and screaming? I feel so sorry for the people who were injured and killed in this attack and just wish people would stop doing them a diservice. I'm not saying there is nothing fishy going on, but people were shot. You can't dispute that.

I can easily dispute it. All I see are crisis actors and a LACK of evidence of any real injury or mortality or even real bullets.

They are doing the country a disservice by faking a tragedy to promote a legislative agenda.

I can easily dispute it. All I see are crisis actors and a LACK of evidence of any real injury or mortality or even real bullets.

They are doing the country a disservice by faking a tragedy to promote a legislative agenda.

You can't dispute it with any evidence, should I say. The rest of us have seen bodies and blood scattered around the scene of the killings.

What makes you a credible sorce on who and who isn't a crisis actor? Oh right, you recognise them all from Sandy Hook.

Because basic common sense tells me these people laughing, dancing, and smiling are not injured or grieving:

And basic common sense tells me a hospital emergency ward where everyone comes in has no blood on them cannot be real:

And I can see a police officer smearing fake blood onto people who had no blood on them here starting at 11:24

Basic common sense tells you impiracally that everyone acts exactly the same regardless of what grasp they have on a situation?

Do you honestly believe that everyone who was there is wrong/covering up that people were actually shot?

Why do you expect the hospital ward to look like a slaughterhouse? Do you think all 500 injured were taken through that relatively quiet hospital foyer? Do you know the extent of the injuries people have in that video? Do you think people would be unattended to and left to bleed all over the place before they arrived at hospital.

Your theory that claims no one was shot requires thousands of people to be in on the situation, some massive leaps that your grainy, uncredited, unverified video footage doesn't help make credible.

You can't have definitive answers from behind the pc screen and haze of masturbation and chicken tendies you live in, so stop pretending some obscure YouTube footage is the golden ticket to this being solved.

Not one single drop of blood on anyone they brought in for gunshot wounds. You really have no limit of disbelief? You would make a good customer for all the businesses in your neighborhood.

Don't need thousands. Only the people focused on in the professionally shot photos need to be in on it. There were clearly two sets of people at the concert. Real people who didn't react to the fake gunshots because they could see that no one and nothing was being hit, and the crisis actors trying to incite panic.

Investigators look at the available evidence. The only evidence available to the public are the videos. You expect people to break into the FBI office to see the evidence? Or do you believe what they tell you? See with your own eyes and stop watching the MSM.

I've noticed every debunker has to throw in at least one personal insult as their closing statement. Shows me you don't want to argue in good faith.

You say not thousands but it is thousands. Police crew, ambulance crews, all the concert goers, the guys on stage, the security crews, the hospital staff, any pedestrian and motorist in the area. Do you not think thousands of concert goers would be coming forward saying fuck all happened?

And 'You would make a good customer for the businesses in your area' wasn't intended as an insult? So my insults paint me as a stupid sheep who can't see the truth, and yours as some Virtuous truth bringer trying to help us all see the light.

You can't honestly say 100 crisis actors and a bit of fake blood has tricked the entire world, bar you and your herd of super intellectual, hawk eyed, amazing reasoning and critical thinking skill owning truthers, in to believing the worst mass shooting in the USA?

Look, I'm not 100% satisfied with the 'facts' we have been given, and I can appreciate questions about the series of events that unfolded, who was behind it etc... But it is really is clutching at straws saying an attack didn't happen. I just can't work out what agenda you are trying to push.

As for the only evidence being available to us is the video evidence, a lot of is will have been confiscated, deleted, removed, grainy, bias, unverified, pushing a narrative... So we can't build a clear picture of the situation based on what we have, drawing any conclusions is pure conjecture and theory.

Why do you insist on seeing up close, graphic, privacy invading pictures of bullet wounds? I can't honestly see why that is the ONLY evidence that will change your mind. Go to Vegas, visit a victim and just please stop pushing the toxic idea no one was shot.

I feel stupid for arguing with someone who is clearly just an internet troll.

So you don't believe any large conspiracy has occurred in the past. Got it.

"Go to Vegas and talk to a victim". Ok buddy, pay my expenses and lost salary and I'll do it.

There you go again. You seem incapable of writing a comment that doesn't end with an insult. You're transparent.

It wasn't an insult dude, and I'm unsure as to why your insults don't seem to count?

I'm also not saying no large conspiracy has happened in the past. Didn't say that, so as per usual you are taking a statement, making unexplainable leaps and coming to false conclusions and presenting them as fact.

You've come to the conclusion there is a massive government false flag conspiracy at play before looking at the evidence, confirmation bias has taken place and here we are. We have someone who believes thousands of people are in on some elaborate staged attack and not one single person since has leaked that it was a sham. If you genuinely think you can plant 100 people with fake blood in a crowd and not one person at the event sees something fishy then I don't know if we can have a sensible debate.

You seem incapable of refuting any points I make and just keep saying 'you're insulting me'. Boo hoo. People have died and you are saying they hired a few dudes and chucked some paint around.

So of the almost 600 victims, we haven't had a number on how many were shot. I'd pressume a large number of those injured and killed were done so via other means rather than gun shots, i.e; Trampling, falling, being crushed. That might explain why we haven't seen the horror movie scenes you were so gleefully hoping for.

so you're to have me believe these fake dead people went into a crowd of 22,000 then when the shots started ringing out they lathered themselves up with fake blood and played dead?

are you fucking kidding me?

Wow, you give underestimate the FBI and CIA this much? Are YOU fucking kidding me?

grow up

The final statement of a lost argument is always an insult.

Casings found on top of blood pool from his suicide proving that shots were fired within the room after he died.

Do you expect pooling blood to climb up and cover a casing? I don't understand what you think happens.

Do you expect pooling blood to climb up and cover a casing?

If the casings were there before he killed himself, there would be blood on top of the casings. Agree? Since the top of the casings are clean, they must have fell there after he killed himself. Agree? Therefore, he could not have been the one who shot those casings. Agree?

No, I do not agree. I do not agree all three times :)

Why are the tops of these rocks dry?

You can do a simple test at home to see how water pools around objects. That is pooling blood and not spatter.

You can do a test at home. Take a water balloon and hold it above some rocks. Take a pin and burst that water balloon. See if those rocks are dry.

That is not spatter, it is pooling blood. He falls and the blood slowly exits the wound and pools around the casing. Do you think that looks like spatter rather than pooling?

Are you suggesting he shot himself in the head while standing and that blood blew out of his head and landed there in that pool shape?

So you're saying he shot himself through the head and fell there near the casings and his head did not eject any splatter at all until he landed in his final position. Then only after his body fell and bounced did the blood start to exit his head.

You fail physics.

Again, it is spatter, not splatter. And no, I am suggesting the photo is not showing any spatter, that the pooling blood you are seeing is blood that is slowly exiting the wound. Do you understand the difference in what blood spatter is vs. pooling blood?

Just the rebound of his body off the floor would produce some spatter that should land on top of the casings. He did not shoot those casings.

Why would his body rebounding off the floor result in spatter? Maybe Google bloodstain analysis to get your head around the science of high and low velocity spatter stains vs pooling. I'm honestly not sure if you are being willfully ignorant to argue a point you know you were mistaken about or if you are actually ignorant on the topic.

If the blood is flowing out while he is falling there is going to be some spatter on the bounce.

Also look at his face. How can blood flow up over his cheeks from his mouth?

1.) Whatever spatter is present is not seen in the picture, just the pooling.

2.) Aspiration, gurgling, spitting.

Blood splatters at close range. Where is the splatter?

Sorry, you added this edit after I responded so I didn't see it.

First, it is spatter, not splatter. As for where it is, I have no idea, as I am not sure where he was standing or how his body fell in relation. But from what I understand of what you are saying is that we are seeing the spatter, that the spatter in this case is one giant pool that blew from his head, fell to the ground in a neat pool that his head fell on top of. And of course, then someone fired some rounds that landed on top of it.

Because if it was blood that slowly leaked from his head and pooled around the casing, it wouldn't have blood on top of it.

U’ve obviously not seen the liveleak shit

I've seen it 3 times. I recommend anyone who hasn't seen it to watch it closely. It's so obviously fake. Fake blood, fake behavior.

You suure got downvoted. Sucks, doesn't it. Guess that also means you're wrong, because downvotes are fact, right?

Yep, that's the lesson I've been taught in school: The most popular opinion is always right.

Yeah, I remember memorizing things that I didn't know in order to pass.

When shooter is Muslim: Shooter is Muslim. Expected. Move on.


Calm down dude. For every shooting in the past, all those information in my list was released without delay. And it had nothing to do with race. Look at Dylann Roof's case. Within 48 hours, everything about him was known. With Paddock, we got nothing.

Oh bc this shooting is making a lot of sense. 64 year old millionaire kills 58 injures 100s. No motive known.


When the shooter has a motive: The shooter has a motive. Expected Move on.

Weak agenda pushing, and easily disprovable. The majority of posters here don't believe 9/11 was orchestrated by Muslims alone. Most don't believe in the official story on Isis or the San Bernadino shooting either. In fact, this is one of the few places I can come and openly discuss alternate theories that don't adhere to the simple trope you accusing us of

People didn't move on that quickly from the Pulse nightclub shooting though. We still haven't received any answers about the shooter Omar Mateen's father- Seddique Mir Mateen. Seddique had a tv show about Pashtun problems in the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. He praised the Taliban and the Pakistan spy service, and called for the removal of Afghanistan leadership at one point. After the shooting, he was seen seated rows behind the podium at a Hillary Clinton rally. Are those seats easy to get, especially after your son just committed a mass murder in the state? And nobody wanted to follow up on his father's connections with the Taliban or Pakistan intelligence?

You can add that Paddock worked for Lockheed Martin.

What's suspicious about working for Lockheed Martin? A few of my engineering program worked for Lockheed. One worked for Sikorsky. Two worked for Grumman, back in 60's.

A place of employment is a place of employment. More than 99% of people do remarkably mundane work at these companies. Strictly speaking, their responsibilities and duties are no different than if they worked at Ford or GM, for example.

Yeah, why would a defense company lie to the public? /s

That's not an actual answer tho... You're just being snarky without giving any reason why simply working at a military contractor, regardless of position, is nefarious.

Well, Aaron Rouse the FBI agent in charge of the investigation has participated in a conference which took place at a Lockheed Martin training facility in Tampa. What's suspicious about that? Not much, until you put it in context with everything else about this case that doesn't make sense.

Lockheed Martin has about 100,000 employees.

No, he currently worked for Paradise Ranch 21, LLC. Paradise Ranch is a nickname for Area 51.

“I just doorstopped #JesusCampos after it was reported he canceled his interview with @seanhannity. I can confirm his family has a gag order.”

Why does he have a gag order but the police can be ok 60 minutes?


Newbie commenting here, that suicide photo being leaked might of been someone who knows it would be a cover up and his/her attempts to get the truth uncovered

Highly unlikely the pictures were leaked with good intentions. The likely scenario is the pictures were leaked to push the lone gunman scenario. Only in return to be hit with a huge backlash of questions when the pictures had discrepancies. I find it hard to believe we didn't have a single picture of Omar Mateen and Adam Lanza or his victims but we managed to get pictures from the crime scene not even 24 hours later.

I have no doubt in my mind that the "suicide" picture was intentionally "leaked".

I have no doubt in my mind that the "suicide" picture was intentionally "leaked".

Well yea. You know how I know this statement is true? Because it was leaked and I've seen it. I'm pretty sure it wasn't an accidental "oops I meant to hit the Encrypt-and-save button not the Post-to-all-the-internets-now button".

Of course it was leaked. I know LEO in Las Vegas.

Adam Lanza

Another patsy

The one picture has the nose/nostrils photoshopped

  1. Had body armor in room and didnt put it on even after his engagement with the hallway.

  2. Part of the plan was to not use or wear any 'tactical' anything which is unexpected based on the whole 'he had estimated 100k in firearms.

  3. Pics of only a few of the rifles in the room, where are the rest?

  4. From photos released the spent brass (ammo cases) should be alot like near 1k rounds. In pic 90 are seen so one about one mag.

  5. He was wearing actual slipper type shoes. So he was gonn make his escape running with slippers carrying his personal platoon armory.

source on body armor? this is the first time i've heard about it

Recent cnn post, I archived it somewhere, gimmie a bit and I'll update with it

I'm surprised this isn't a bigger deal. Why bring body armor unless you planned to go out shooting? Or shoot your way out. If he had cameras watching the hallway and he could see it was only an unarmed security guard (and now a maintenance guy has been added to the narrative), why wouldn't he put the body armor on before the cavalry arrives?

I don't think he was alone in that room and was probably popped by someone he knew and trusted who then carried out the shooting and escaped down the service elevator.

yep this is the first I've heard about it as well, and it's so nonchalantly thrown into the bottom of that article

Lombardo said at one of the older press conferences that Paddock had "personal protection gear" (or something like that) with him. I figured he meant a bullet-proof vest.

If he had a silencer, he would have killed a lot more people. We need to ban silencers! /s

Las Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock stockpiled his car with explosives and had personal protection gear as part of an escape plan.

Was only referred to as vest/armor tactical gear was found in room no pics or details yet.

Funny, you think 20 rifles for one person is a red flag.

You think it's normal for people to have 20+ rifles in their hotel room?

He probably meant to type "you'd think"


The original person said having 20 firearms is a red flag, not having them in a hotel. If you know any pro gun people, 20+ is pretty common. My liberal buddy who's pro gun is about to get his ninth weapon. It isn't a red flag.

Reasons to have them in a hotel room.. you're traveling with guns and you want to make sure they're more secure than being left in a vehicle. Perhaps you're going to a gun show, going on a hunting trip, etc.

Having them, isn't inherently a red flag of anything, regardless of where you are.. until/unless you commit a crime.

I'm not pro gun (not anti either) and I have 7 firearms. Wait, no 8. I forgot the shotgun...

no 8. I forgot the shotgun

I do that too and it's good example of why people should never make statements to the police or the press. Being when I rattle off the guns I own, due to family members passing away and hand them down etc it's 6. Yet I forget that technically a commemorative edition firearm is still a gun even if you never load/fire it. So that moves the number up to 8 and oh yeah my dad owned (so I now own) a .22 rifle so now it's 9. I also only bought one gun myself so if the question was "How many guns did you buy" it's just one.

Then here it comes, why did I forget about owning gun!?! Who does that?! Why are you hiding how many guns!? Why do you own unregistered firearms? Being it was bought at a gun show 30 year ago. Ok where was that gun show? My local highschool's gym out here in California. It all sounds like total BS. I love conspiracy theories but man if you start to look at even your own life/stories one can really see how stuff can get twisted around. I mean they really did have gun shows in school gyms in California, it was just 30+ years ago.

Yup. I agree with you. I brought a handgun to high school for a skit. Showed it to the principal. He cleared it...good to go. A fucking .45. Anyhow yes, no statements to law enforcement. I really do sometimes forget. Thanks for your insightful comment.

Think you are missing a whole lot more there buddy. Remember that tragic boating accident?

Having 20 firearms is a flag.

It's not a "this person belongs in jail" type of thing. but it's a "maybe it'd be a good idea to know if someone has bought 20 guns" kind of flag.

Pretty sure any gun nut would disagree with you, and I've met plenty. Gun owners would go insane if they were "added to a list" for amassing an arsenal.. maybe they should, I don't know, but I'm pretty sure most pro gun people would eat you up.

Who the hell brings 20+ firearms hunting?!? When I go to the range there is no way in hell I am bringing 20+ firearms. Unless you’re having an all day show off, shoot out with buddies.

The absolute only theory of anything going on with this completely fucked shit show, is this was a Fast and Furious 2 they completely fucked up and he was a patsy. And now it’s a scrambling to cover shit up.

The people who plan and control shit would not have made this many mistakes.

There is absolutely no connection between how many firearms someone owns and how likely they will become a mass murderer.

I don't think you understood what I said, and what you said makes no sense.

Why isn't he in the "firearms industry"? Or better question, what do you think that even is? The guy owned a dozen guns for years, and only started stockpiling much more in the last year. I would say he's a gun enthusiast at the very least.

I own no guns, but if I had the money, I'd probably buy some after this event.. I'm no gun nut, is there a certain amount of guns that suddenly indicates I'm a crazy person?

You've created the most illogical argument I've seen yet. Did I say what happened in that room is normal? No. I said there's reasons to travel with guns.

You know, if there was some logical red flag, we'd have heard of it by now. It's the only thing they haven't found.

hell, son, i open carry more than that when i go to Starbucks.

One person bringing 20 rifles to a hotel room is not normal.

Unless it was a gun sale set up.

How is the hotel (or anyone) supposed to know if they're broken down and in a suitcase?

Someone bringing friends or clients shooting could easily bring 20 guns to a hotel room. 50lbs of tannerite is only ten people that get to blow something up too.

Not ownership but brought to be used in a crime by 1 person is easily unprecedented.

I have 30+. But not in a Hotel room

That's what I said. He needed 5 weapons, two for each shooting spot and a pistol. Haouling up 20+ is very risky.

He didn't cover his tracks in any way. We know where he got the guns and ammo, where he did his dry runs, how he planned it.

The only way he covered his tracks is by not leaving a note and killing himself. Honestly there probably isn't a motive anywhere, the guy just lost it.

The cover tracks completely was referring to motive. Obviously the whole do the shooting in a room booked in your real name shows no signs he planned to survive.

We don't know where all the guns came from so that's nonsense. We've had 2 gun shops confirm he bought guns there. Where did the rest come from?

I'm pretty sure they know more than 2. They've been able to determine he bought them from various dealers over the last year.

One tv report said every gun was purchased from a different store like 30 in a years time. Which is very very unusual. Normally people find good shops and reuse them you would have to seriously go out of you way to go to 30 different shops.

Still doesn't add up to explain how he got his weapons into the hotel. Video footage of him anywhere inside the hotel. Explanation for why Jesus campos can't get his story straight. He might have "lost" it but he didn't do it alone. He had some form of help. If he solely did this alone this case would have been over already. Imagine how easy it would be to solve the lone gunman narrative with video proof of paddock bringing up all the weapons to his room? It would be case closed in a heart beat for most conspiracies.

There's no need to release a video to silence a small amount of theorists.

But this whole "how did he get weapons into a hotel" narrative is forwarded by people who have never been to a busy hotel. At a trade show I can bring in 10 cases of posters, equipment, electronics etc.

No one asks. The bus boys don't think twice and they don't ask whats in it. Bring 10 cases up over 4 days and no one would see a thing. Honestly everyone here seems to think hotels are doing bag checks and noting every customer.

I fully understand that. I've been to Vegas multiple times and have brought lots of luggage up without question. I think theorists are inclined to question the narrative. If we didn't question half the lies uncovered by FOIA requests we would still assume the lies peddled to the masses. There is many unanswered speculations about the event and they will always remain unanswered. After all they will suppress anything to make the majority feel at ease. I still think by now someone would have gotten ahold of some form of video with Stephen paddock in the hotel. The only motive is he "snapped". I want to see their reasoning for why a 64 year old millionaire who lives off gambling decides to snap and shoot a crowd of concert goers. I'd understand if he snapped and shot himself in the hotel room.

More gunshots in other casinos that night?

Yeah forgot thats a big one, the Video from inside Bellagio hotel guest reported lobby windows were shot out close gunfire and this was far and not hittable from the Mandaly Bay.

Helicopters did the entire shooting. Accounts for the awkward angles and sources of sound and some people reported shooter was on top of Mandalay at some point. First 3 shots came from when the helicopter was flying between Mandalay and belagio.

I love that she's so snarky to that security staff member: "Oh so you're saying nothing was going on? When I was sitting down and heard the bup bup bup bup bup from the lounge and there are people sitting everywhere. Oh so what the media and police are saying is wrong? That's all I needed to hear." *Walks away

Paraphrasing of course

If the average person is exposed to that type of thing firsthand it probably shakes their world view

He was fully prepared to duke it out with police but he didn't... just laid down and shot himself in the chest? That's an odd thing to do.

He also had every intention of just leaving the guns and just walking out the front door as a victim.

Pics of only a few of the rifles in the room, where are the rest?

In the adjoining room? We haven't seen any photos from there. A lot of people don't realize that Paddock had rented two rooms.

Here's a diagram of the 2 rooms.

The suite was known as a "Vista Suite" and was where Paddock's body was found. The room next door was just a standard room. It had a connecting interior door to the Vista Suite. This standard room was the one that had the room service cart out in front of it.

Here's what doesn't make sense to me. See this diagram.

It shows that the police breached the double doors to the suite at 11:20 p.m. It was another 7 minutes until they breached the interior connecting door into the connecting room. (To me "breach" means open the door or kick it in.) If Paddock were the only one and was running back and forth between the two windows in the two rooms using the interior connecting door, wouldn't that connecting door ALREADY BE OPEN when the police arrived?

We've only seen photos from the suite. There haven't been any photos released that were taken in the adjoining room. Were there more guns and brass there?

And then there's this:

Raw Footage Shooting Las Vegas People at Bus Stop Below Shooter

It's 9 minutes long, but you really only have to watch the first four minutes. From 2:15 through 2:24 you hear two separate (shorter) volley of shots. From 2:42 to 2:47 you hear another volley of gunshots and that seems to be the last one. Then at 3:25, you hear a single shot. At 3:35 you hear another single gunshot. There are absolutely no shots after that.

What are those last two shots?

In the initial timeline (before they revised it) they said Paddock shot Campos through the door, and then turned the gun on himself.

If that is what we are hearing, it seems like the shot that hit Campos would have been more muffled (Paddock was shooting through the door into the hallway) The second shot could have been Paddock shooting himself. It probably would have been louder because Paddock was found dead next to the broken window in the suite. But both shots sounded equally loud to me.

Or it could have been the first shot killed Paddock near the open window, and the second shot could have been Campos shooting himself in the leg ten seconds later - also near the open window.

Both shots (10 seconds apart) were definitely not Paddock killing himself. It would have taken only one shot.

I know this scenario doesn't fit the revised timeline, but I don't trust their ever-changing timeline to begin with.

Anyway, just my thoughts.

What are those last two shots?

Do we know those last two shots came from the Mandalay Bay?

No, but if not - where did they come from?

No idea, I was just curious.

Either way, they are very interesting.

I know a lot of civilians (from what I've read) pulled out their own guns; what if one of them started shooting? Idk just a thought

This gets crazier and crazier and I'm more confused than ever.

The American media is reporting that Paddock rented those two rooms 32-135 and 32-134. Yet other media overseas (Australia and UK) are reporting that 32-134 was rented by Brian Hodge of Australia.

'Hardcore': Las Vegas shooter 'in hotel room next door', says Australian man Brian Hodge

An Australian man believes the gunman responsible for a mass shooting in Las Vegas was staying in the room next door to him at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino.


He said police told him the gunman was in the room 32135, just one room away from his hotel room.

"I'm room 32134 so I'm just so glad I didn't make it back to my room," he said.

I found another photo of the room service cart in front of the door and it goes up a little higher where you can see the room number here

So has the LVMP said Paddock rented two rooms? The American Media has. (This on top of the LVMP saying Paddock checked in on September 28, and then a week later changed it to September 25.)

This is about the sloppiest investigation I've ever seen.

I had missed this earlier post about this. Second room breach during lv shooting?

The pic in this article states room 32124 and was supposedly taken right after the shooting.

This is the caption for that pic (I did a cut & aste)

A photo released by Las Vegas police shows the interior of room 32-134 at the Mandalay Bay hotel. Photograph: Las Vegas Metropolitan Police De/AP

32-134 not 32-124.

It looks awfully clean to have been a crime scene. Not at all like the suite next door.

What are those last two shots?

If I had to guess, I'd say the first shot was to the chest, then when he realized that wasn't working fast enough, he shot himself in the head. That somewhat explains the blood stains on his shirt, and if he sat down after the first shot, could explain the strange position of his body.

Good question about the adjoining door. Why would it be locked or closed even if he lone gunman traveling between rooms? Why would a lone gunman even need the second room? The suite had windows on the same plane as adjoining room probably 20-30 ft away. I have read that it was for a better angle to hit fuel tanks. But really would those 20-30 ft make a difference when the windows in the suite faced the same direction.

Helicopters were shooting the entire time.

Helicopters were shooting the entire time.

I may be proven wrong later, but for now, I'm ruling that out based on this video

Helicopter Sniper Theory - Las Vegas Shooting Investigation - 5:57

  1. I don't find this point that alarming. It's apparent it didn't go as he had planned, he probably didn't anticipate being located so quickly.

He also may have not anticipated how poor visibility would have been (smoke) with sustained fire inside of a room.

20+ long arms is a pretty big red flag. Too many for 1 person only argument to 'explain' that he was insane and did insane things but that excuse cant be used since we are to believe he covered all tracks of motive perfectly. The sheer number of rifles is one of the bigger clues.

20 isn't even a lot for some people I know.

My grandfather had 20 long guns(rifles/shotguns) and like 50 handguns, my god did he love revolvers but never understood by he kept getting multiple of the same model.

Here's a crazy thought: maybe Campos backed out after seeing how many people (this place especially) are blaming him, or saying he was the one shooting people. Would you want to go on a show, especially a place like Hannity, only to have to defend yourself against outrageous accusations?

Your point number 12 is spot on. I have a bump fire stock, and have used it on my 16" AR-15 chambered in 5.56/223. My fuck is that thing hard to aim, not to mention it takes a lot of practice to even get shooting smoothly. Notice how in every youtube video of a bump fire stock you see the person fire a few quick bursts, 2 rounds, 5 rounds, etc. You need to train with a bump fire stock to be able to instantly dump an entire mag....and what do you know, it seems like that doesn't add up to Paddock. If he was well trained, why did he wear slippers, why did he take so long between shot groups....and more.

I think people also don't realize is when a bump stock is firing, the entire rifle is shifting back and forth about an inch which would also cause further inaccuracy, going along with what you said.

Yeah the back and forth motion is around 1.5" I think if cant be stopped or the bump stock doesnt work. Tv networks really quit talking about them recently. The fake news media said countless times "as we all know full auto is banned, illegal". Thats fake news lies. At a federal level it is not banned just has more steps to acquire. This guy could have bought 3 full auto machine guns and used those in the crime all purchased legally if he was patient enough. For most people the cost is what keeps people from purchasing. Now it looks like the push is this wording that bans any part or thing that could be added to a semi auto that would increase rof. Problem with this is there is no baseline really. Unless a baseline rof is defined this is silly any gun manufacturer could just pit a awesome fast resetting short travel and light pull type of trigger in it in the first place and that way it wasnt upgraded just is as fast as it was originally designed from factory.

Don't forget the receipt from paddock's meal where it said they sat 2 guests.

number 8. how the fuck does that video prove anything about multiple shooters?

Just a note not saying it was the case here, people that really premeditated suicidie sometimes do shoot themselves in the heart, they do it so they go through the normal dying process and brain releases dmt or something like that. My coworker shot himself in the heart for same reason. Headshot you dont go through normal dying process supposedly

who commits suicide by shooting in their chest

This guy did:

It doesn't sounds like you understand real estate very well. You don't have to be rich to acquire investment properties. Interest rates have been low for a while and closing costs are not unreasonable. It's a smart investment that most middle class people can afford if they have good credit. Also, professional gamblers are a thing. Poker is a skill, and you can get good at it just like anything else.

The real estate part, sure, absolutely.

But, professional video poker? That's not real poker against humans... That's the game where you push a button and hope for the best...

Oddly... If anyone ever WAS a 'professional video poker player' that's exactly the kind of person I'd expect to pull off a mass shooting.

Not trying to be argumentative, but I think it's important to point out that video poker definitely requires skill. understanding the mathematical implications and odds of your hand are very important. your decision making when it comes to drawing and discarding cards is very important and can help your odds. also, frequent players (like paddock) are eligible for tons of casino perks and free credits. using these to your full advantage only helps your odds. think about it, if nobody made money playing video poker, it wouldn't be so popular.

No no.. don't worry. I guess I'm just skeptical that one could rely on a machine, which must be programmed to make money, to deal squarely.

But, like I said, the kind of person who would rather square off against a machine than face down real live, sneaky human players...

Strikes me as just the kind of person who would spray a country music festival from a distance where he wouldn't have to see any of their faces..

(Am I buying the narrative!?)

Video Poker machines are definitely favorable to the casinos depending on the paytable. Even the very best paytables only pay back around 101% with spot on perfect play over a long period of time. It is well known however that these machines are rarely found on the strip. If this guy was really a pro he likely would take his play to downtown or locals casinos which offer better odds. Still I find it hard to believe that you could carve out a reported 5 million dollar profit over the course of a year by visiting Vegas a couple times a month even at 101%.

What would be more conceivable - a great way to launder money is through video poker. At perfect play on the average payable you'd like get back around 95% of the cash you put in. The cash you get back from the cage being nice and clean.

Laundering money is plausible.

So, he's a gun runner who THEY decided to use as a Patsy.

I'm gonna go with that for the time being.

I agree. I'm open to new theories, but I haven't heard any that really compel me yet. We'll just have to wait for more information to come out I guess.

"Video" poker though. The machines are programmed in a way that 100% guarantees the house will win in the long run

103% payout with perfect play. Add in hotel comps and one can stay even and don’t get bored first.

Poker, yes. Video poker, no.

Real estate investment and ownership is also very easy to trace by using public tax records, which most places make available online. I would be interested to see if anybody has produced data on Paddock's supposed investments. I sure haven't seen any so far.

Poker, yes. Video poker, no. They both require skill. Read about it. There are entire websites, books, forums, etc. dedicated to this.

Real estate investment and ownership is also very easy to trace by using public tax records Unfortunately, that's not correct. Some states take years to accurately record deed records. Also, it's not unheard of to have unreported rentals on a Schedule E.

Not trying to be rude, but this is why a lot of conspiracy theorists aren't really taken seriously. A lot of "evidence" or things that "don't add up" simply just aren't understood well enough to base conclusions on.

  1. Not uncommon for a person his age. My parents are the same way, never have and never will is social media.

Otherwise, all legit concerns.

I agree. I’m 30 and Reddit is my first ever social media account. And believe it or not, I am completely normal.

How do you find out about Facebook events

What's a Facebook event?

People not on social media don't want to find out about facebook events, that's the whole point. If people can't just pick up a phone and arrange someone then fuck me. I'm not on social media because the only things you see are from people obsessed by it who let it run their lives.

Do you let your phone run your life? That's another form of social media...

Are you normal or the next Target for a false flag? /s

That’s for you to decide. Also note that I pay my bills by mail and use my turn signal.

Are you trying to be different?

I've been considering downgrading to a flip phone but the only thing holding me back is GPS navigating.

I couldn’t do that. Although I’m not on social media, I do take advantage of the countless benefits from having a smart phone. Ya know, like porn?

GPS navigating and porn. Two things I can't live without.

Instructions unclear: masturbating to driving directions.

Showed up to job interview not wearing pants

Damn you must be a teenage Hollywood actor.

You've found me out! The real reason I want a flip phone is because I can't browse porn without seeing one of my own leaked sextapes

“Active shooter”

"Normal" is relative

33 and only use Reddit and LinkedIn.

meh, #3 is complete bullshit too. The security guard in front of his house, was wearing a shirt to a company very much in existence

1 requires plenty of speculation. I've seen sources say he owned like seventy something properties. So I'm not sure where the no holdings or transactions come from

6 is another stretch. It's like you guys have never met a guy who delivers pizza that drives the newest model of a hot sports car. The job you currently have doesn't mean you can't own things that typically belong to a higher class of people. Some people have preferences and prefer to own a nice car over other things.

Also he was a director of internal audit for boeing which OP left out, That job probably paid $250k plus.

6 is talking about the security guard having a Corvette. And the person you're replying to made a solid point, I made great cash back in the day delivering pizzas part time, if it was my biggest goal I could easily have gotten a Corvette with a loan, or saved for a few years and bought one cash.

I'm willing to bet the security guard gig was a seasonal or temp event, and that this guy likely has several other jobs he does.

No I am talking about number 1. He didn't just work at the post office and IRS.

Oh.. really, that doesn't even matter. I have a friend that works at a college for $12 an hour, single mom, does side gigs, bought her house, eventually saved enough to buy another, which ended up paying for her to get another.. now she has a steady source of income that requires little to no work, which can be reinvested in more property, which exponentially makes her more money.

10 years from now, she could be pretty well off, even retired. 20+ years from now she could be a millionaire, if she keeps making investments.

People don't realize it doesn't take much seed money, just a lot of effort and smart investments, which in turn generate more money.

Formatting tip:

Put the backslash/escape character "\" before the number sign "#" to avoid bolding the line. Should look like this when you're editing:

> \#6 is talking....

Reddit bolds lines starting with a "#" sign.

Good bot.

lol, not a bot, but thanks... I guess?

Oh! Lol! Good fellow human for alerting me to human type formatting issues then. I was unaware, and will update my.. I will make sure to remember this in the future.

I make great money on welfare, if it was my biggest goal i could easily have gotten a Corvette with a loan, or saved food stamps for a few years and bought one in cash. -u/Silentbtdeadly

I made at least 700-900 per week working just under 40 hours, only Friday-Sunday. If I worked 5 nights a week, easily cleared 1k a week, after expenses. This was over 10 years ago.

Pretty sure making at least 50k a year, I could easily afford a fucking Corvette after either saving, or getting a loan.

And also, let's point out it's about 10 years old, pretty fucking sure that's in his price range. But you don't logic so well.

Oh wait, let's check so dealer price is a bit over 20k, private sale is a bit under. Hardly out of anyone's price range.

If i work 100 hours a week at my minimum wage job i can afford a 10 year old corvette in 2 years if i don't pay rent or taxes yay! -u/Silentbtdeadly

You're pretty special aren't you.

You're a bad person.

Why did you stop delivering pizzas? Sounds like easy money to me.

I thought it was Lockheed Martin, not Boeing?

Various reports say he worked for 3 years as an internal auditor for Lockheed Martin.

Nothing says Boeing. And nothing I can find says he was a director. I wouldn't expect an auditor with so little experience to be in a director position unless we are missing a good chunk of his resume.

good points

6 is another stretch. It's like you guys have never met a guy who delivers pizza that drives the newest model of a hot sports car. The job you currently have doesn't mean you can't own things that typically belong to a higher class of people. Some people have preferences and prefer to own a nice car over other things.

I used to work in an Indian Casino and there was a security guard who was working on getting into the high rollers club for the perks.

I was wondering how he was financing 50,000 every 6 months, since that is how much you have to give to the casino to keep the black card, but never found out.

#6 is another stretch. It's like you guys have never met a guy who delivers pizza that drives the newest model of a hot sports car. The job you currently have doesn't mean you can't own things that typically belong to a higher class of people. Some people have preferences and prefer to own a nice car over other things.

It's also not brand new. Per OP himself, it was registered in 2006. The body styling looks like it might be a 2007. A 10 year old car is hardly new. If he had to spend a huge portion of his money on it, it would be no surprise if he held on to it for a decade.

Isn't Campos only 25? I don't think he bought himself a new Corvette at 15. I'm confused.

I was actually just going off OP's word as far as the registration. They have some of their other facts wrong, so I wouldn't be surprised if he got this one wrong, too. The car might've been first registered in 2006. When did Jesus Campos buy it? A used Corvette isn't particularly expensive. If he did buy it new, the house doesn't look big or particularly nice, is it possible he spends or spent most of his paycheck on it? Was it even registered to him new?

Basically, I was just going off what the person I responded was saying: it's not out of the ordinary that someone who doesn't make a ton of money could have an expensive sports car (particularly if it's from 2006, as OP claims).

It's just that a lot of people are claiming "holes" in the "official narrative", but a lot of these things aren't really that weird or even consequential. But when they're all added up and compiled into lists like OP's, people are led to believe there's a mountain of evidence, when there might not be.

I think there's a lot of weird when it comes to Campos, but not the car he drives, if the Corvette even is his car. There are several reasonable explanations for driving a car like that on a security guard's pay. He's not married and doesn't have kids, probably doesn't have a lot of expenses.

re: #1 , I dont care enough to dig it up but in one of the earliest reports I read, they characterized him as being in the real estate business with his mother, like a family business/ family money

I can always tell when people still have a cable tv subscription.

So for the security outside of campos house.. Is this the company?

If it is who the hell would use this to hire security? Seriously. Also lets look up some information from the site: ABOUT THE PRESIDENT: --Larry Wilson

• Former deputy sheriff. • Veteran with anti-terrorist training. • 35 years security experience including: • Providing personal protection for political figures, celebrities and corporate executives. • Coordinating security management, undercover i- investigations and loss prevention for corporations and the entertainment industry. • General management of location/production security. • Member of CALI (California Association of Licensed Investigators)

Lets check out CALI (California Association of Licensed Investigators) No records found No users found

Maybe im doing something wrong?

Wow that "on-scene security" web site looks terrible, it looks like something Stephen Glass concocted when he was writing plagiarism for The New Republic. Did some FBI intern mock that up at 3am?


// Officers are uniformed and licensed, including background checks with the - department of justice and the FBI//

They bold "FBI"

Not to mention there is no way to contact them to hire them for security. I call BS.

Well there's a phone # (661) 263-2343

It looks like maybe a real security company, run by a former military guy, maybe former FBI, hired by the FBI. No way "Jesus Campos" hires a California security co. by himself, and pays for it, when he supposedly lives in NV.

This is Larry Wilson, the President of On-Scene Security:

His skills on LinkedIn pretty much all relate to film production. Odd

Can you please elaborate on this?

ok thanks, that makes more sense that it's in Vegas

Call the number call the number! I would but I'm not in the US

The 4chan guy who knew about the Campos interview said they hired a team of well vetted people to guard Campos family from now on so he would go public.

How did you find that? It’s not a link on the site.

theres a big button that says "Contact". Try clicking on that.

Maybe it doesn’t work on mobile. When I go to the homepage I see a blank page. The /index7 page you linked works.

This is the stuff I can't stand. You're just jumping to conclusions. Lots of websites don't work correctly on mobile, especially small businesses, yet you decided in about two seconds if you couldn't find something on a mobile version of a website that now this is a dot in the grand conspiracy.

as someone who works in digital marketing, you'd be surprised the shitty websites many professional companies have before they decide to pay us for help

doesn't mean it's real, I'm just saying that also doesn't necessarily mean it's fraudulent. They were founded in 2004. Probably had a website made around that time and haven't touched it since

Yup, I just had to stumble though this major computer chipset maufacturer's website to find a driver:

Granted there's specific reasons for the website - so embedded systems can still access it. But still it isn't uncommon to run into these awful websites especially among small companies.

That's on scene security

Their website looks nothing like the one above and is owned by a different dude.

Maybe im doing something wrong?

Yes, you're looking at the wrong company:

Unfortunately, I'm sure people have already taken your mistake at face value and added it to their list of holes in the "official narrative". It's interesting watching how misinformation shapes a conspiracy theory in real-time.

Is this the company? Thanks. I made it clear in my post that i wasnt sure: Is this the company?

Uh, what's the point of this response? You asked if it was the right company, which is wasn't. You also asked if you were missing something, which you were. I simply responded to you.

Regardless, are you going to edit your post so as to avoid confusing more people? It's clear from the other responses that people are taking your faulty research at face value.

yeah i was just stating that if they say its my fault. I tried to find out if it was or not

Gotcha. I didn't mean to jump down your throat in case I came off a bit pushy...

nah its totally understandable. i don't take anything personal lol

If Elite Protection is what you are looking for we have that as well. Our Certified Elite Protection Agents have served numerous U.S. Presidents, First Ladies, International Dignitaries and some of the most respected and high profile individuals, so they know the fundamentals of what is required to provide exceptional protection services.

I archived the page here. It seems like most of the other pages at that site are not archived yet. I predict this site won't be around for long.

Pilot...owner of two small planes. Varied business interests. But no confirmed evidence of what those businesses were.

Stephen Paddock is the new 'most interesting man in the world'.

One theory that fits almost everything so far was that he was running guns and the hotel room setup was for a sale. It explains why he has so many guns in the hotel room despite not needing very many, it explains why he was shot in the chest when the deal went south instead of a normal suicide wound in the head or mouth, it explains why he didn't seem to have an escape plan, it explains the presence of the cameras on the hallway and inside, it explains his strange lifestyle. It's possible the buyers were planning on attacking the crowd or it's possible one of the buyers went psycho.

Where is the camera footage?

Exactly... where is the camera footage? With all of the cameras in Vegas literally everywhere, the timeline should be the easiest thing to put together with zero room for error.

There are no cameras in the hallways at the Mandalay Bay and most other Las Vegas hotels.

That I don't beleive. There would be 1 or 2 cameras in certain places of the hallways like every other hotel in the world.

No its true.


True. The Mandalay Bay doesn't have hallway cameras Here's a quote from the article "It turns out, one place the casino’s cameras don’t have eyes is the network of hallways inside the Mandalay Bay hotel." Back when this other article was written was written in 2013, only 4 Las Vegas casinos had hallways cameras.

It's 2017 things change

Even if that was true (and I'll bet that it's not), trust me, EVERY ELEVATOR has a camera. They could at least post videos of him going to his room. You know why you haven't seen those? Because someone (or more than 1 person) was with him. No doubt about it. There's no other reason they wouldn't release the video.

Why would they have to release this to the media? There is no reason an ongoing investigation would release footage like this to the media.

It is true. The elevators do have cameras, hallways do not. They could show a video of him in the elevator, but he was probably in the elevator a bunch of times. So just seeing him in the elevator by himself or with someone else won't prove anything. Since there are no hallway cameras, you won't be able to determine anything unless he was with the same person every time he was in the elevator.

There are body heat sensors in the smart cooling system they run as well.. They know when you are in the room and when you aren't.

They would at least have them on the elevator, you can see when someone exits or enters a certain floor. I'd also be willing to bet there are cameras pointing at the elevators on each hall.

Damn. What if the first gun shot that brought the security guard to the room was Paddock getting killed by the potential buyer?? That may also explain the 6 min gap. The potential buyer and now double murderer was figuring out what to do.

And then decides that shooting into a massive crowd for 9 minutes, an act that will surely bring the most severe possible law enforcement response imaginable, is the way to go?

Naw, doesn't make any sense.

Deal gone bad would have your buyer/killer running asap.

I agree that the shooting is fishy. However, he purchased all the guns himself. I doubt a shady gun dealer would be selling guns they have legally purchased. Also what chest wound? I've seen the suicide photo and it doesn't look he was shot in the chest.

Regarding the chest wound I think the evidence there is the blood coming out of his throat could be evidence of a lung shot?

Yes as well as explain the different shades of the color of the blood.

It depends on where the guns are going and you could always say you sold them in private sales. I'm a gun guy and talk to a lot of people from all walks of life and have seen normal seeming people buy guns then sell them to people who shouldn't have them for nice profits. I knew one guy who would post ads on Armslist for the guns with pics etc and his contact info. He says he would say that he was contacted and sold the guns off. There's not law you have to do any background checks or even get a bill of sale for private sales. I thought it was a huge risk and advised him against it but he wont listen. He thinks that just saying he sold them off then after that he doesn't know who got them will be good enough. I told him even if it is but they suspect you of anything you bet they will be watching you and next shady deal or 2 will lead to his downfall.

This guy had money. I don't think he needed a little extra profit. Also these guns were purchased over a long time, which means he wouldn't be to his gun running thing very often.

They were purchsed within the last year FYI

Thank you, I was going to say months but I remember reading it was longer than that.

Also, how do we know he really bought them? We're relying on the official narrative for that aren't we?

The FFL (dealer) has to mantain certain records of firearm transactions but I'm not sure of exactly what info is included in the records or how long the FFL has to keep the 4473 form on record (form you fill out when you purchse a firearm). If anything I'm sure the FFL has serial numbers of inventory or I know for sure the manufacture has records of what serial numbers were sent where. There has to be a trail for the serial numbers at least, it may not have his info on it but it should be enough to link it all up.

Yes, but the first F in FFL stands for Federal. How hard would be for the feds to screw with this? I really have no idea, but they've done worse. In Boston they had an innocent man locked up for most of his adult life in order to protect their asset who was known organized criminal, ie Whitey Bulger. I wouldn't put anything past them.

I know man.... I'm just saying what I know is all. This whole situation is fucked man!

Do you happen to have the link to the photo? I'd like to see!

Hmm, the guy on that picture has detached earlobes. In the picture circulating on the news, he has attached earlobes.

Picture on news

Your pictures a bit grainy. But yeah definitely attached earlobes.

Yeah I don't think this looks like him either. The way Paddock's facial hair grows is extremely inconsistent with the deceased picture. Paddock's mustache doesn't meet his chin hair very well, Paddock doesn't have very much growth under his lips. Paddock also doesn't have very much hair on his cheeks.

In every picture released of Paddock, he his is always at least 2 - 3 inches. The deceased photo, his hair is next to bald.

If the gun running theory is correct, and he was an FBI informant, then it wouldn't matter if he bought guns in his name, he never get flaggrd, just like the Airbnb account.

Even if he wasn't FBI, the most they could do is suspect you of illegal gun sales, and at that point gather evidence.

"I bought a thousand guns last year, I lost them all. Yeah, I was skydiving and I dropped them in a volcano, what a tragedy, I loved every single one of those guns."

This is the only theory where all the puzzle pieces fit.

Who told us he bought all the guns?

What's to say it was supposed to be a shady deal? Nevada has some odd gun laws. It's possible he had a viewing for guns under the premise of a legitimate buy in the future.

As Jim Jefferies put it, an autist can't just walk up to a gun dealer and ask for a gun. But he can outwit a comfy richfuck, turn the gun on him, and go nuts from there.

Smh...this doesn't make any sense

By all means, don't offer any alternative theory or evidence that would dispute. I mean obviously it's not true since we have so much evidence that points to the official narrative right?

U seem to have your mind set. Some random gun deal goes bad and they shoot up a crowd... Ok yeah. Good thing Paddock had the perfect room with a view for that to happen from. No, reason..just one od the guys went crazy. No, it doesn't fit.

U seem to have your mind set. Some random gun deal goes bad and they shoot up a crowd... Ok yeah. Good thing Paddock had the perfect room with a view for that to happen from. No, reason..just one od the guys went crazy. No, it doesn't fit.

You open your response with mind-reading? That's idiotic. I don't believe anything until I have evidence for it. I'm postulating. Theorizing. We don't know what happened. That's why we ask questions. Why are you even commenting? You're bringing nothing to the table except insults. Why waste your valuable time on this. Does it make you feel smart?

You missed the part where I said seem to...never said you did. laid ur thoughts one has to read your mind. I'm here because I can be. When I see a ridiculous idea I say so.

When I see a ridiculous idea I say so.

Completely useless. No refutation? No alternate theory? Don't waste your time and everyone else's.

Wasting peoples time is what you are doing when you post bs that has absolutely no fact to it and doesn't fit. Done here.

Done here.


How much do two rooms like that even cost?

Bet they cost the price of one or two of those guns for the night.

It's a weird ass place to do a gun deal.

Why not a single floor motel that you can pull right up to your door in the middle of nowhere for $50 cash?

How much do two rooms like that even cost?

He was a frequent gambler and a big fish. The casino would likely comp the room. These are fancy guns with nice attachments, close to 100 grand worth. This may have been his first big gun sale, he might have overdone it.

Piggybacking your theory, what if the sick fucks just wanted to have fun shooting fish in a barrel. Paddock was either a Patsy so they could walk or he was dealing guns and they saw an opportunity.

... that actually makes sense compared to a lot of the theories in this thread. Especially about the excessive amount of guns.

This seems like the most reasonable answer. I think the security guard was part of it somehow to. I'm still not sure which side he was on Paddocks or the buyers though. It would explain all the weird shit going on with him.

Perhaps the security guy is a spook, and the company he supposedly works for is a shell company run by a three letter agency?

I dunno man but it's shady as fuck!

He could have been hired by the mob because there was a hit out on Paddock... Do it, make it look like a suicide then disafuckinpear

(and how they were propped up on display),

yea because normally youd just pile them up if you were bringing them into the room. You know, the good old gun pile.

No, you would have them laid out within reach or propped up right next to the windows.

I'm sorry I'm as skeptical as everyone else and something is fucky but this theory falls really flat. The guns were in his name. No gun runner is selling guns in his name. And besides that the value of the guns reported is less than the cost of the room. The idea that an illegal gun buy went south and they popped a dude in a massive hotel and was like fuck it let's shoot these people for no reason is ludicrous.

From what little info we know it does seem as if he was actually planning this as a terror attack. The scoping of the locations and whatnot. I think it's safe to rule out any other reasons for him being there. The gun deals and all that make no sense at all. Now where the whole thing falls on its face is motive. Why did 'he' want to do this? I don't believe that behind every shooting is a puppet master and mind control and all that. People are crazy. People snap. But this is very different.

I find it hard to believe that there were teams of shooters and they escaped and framed him and all these pretty wild explanations. But something was going on here. The security guard, the girlfriend, the money, the shady businesses and connections. All indicators point to this guy being a spook. But why did this particular incident happen? People always say it's about pushing gun control but we should know by now that that's crap. These things never change anything and half the country has forgotten and moved on. It wasn't about these execs or soros' hedge fund. The money people are saying they made off this is peanuts. Not worth anyone's time or the risk associated.

Figuring out who he was should be a huge key to understanding what happened. But I personally think people need to think more critically about what the motive would be for a government agency to make this happen. It's not money, it's not gun control. I just don't know what it is or what else it could be.

The guns were in his name. No gun runner is selling guns in his name.

I have what might be a stupid question for you. How do we know the guns are in his name, besides the fact that is what we have been told? Is there any way for the public to actually check a database and verify?

No I don't know if that's publicly available and of course any of the info we have to go on is suspect. But assuming it's true it's highly unlikely he was selling them illicitly

Also, the profit rate off of gun sales of like 20-30 guns at a time wouldn't fuel the kind of lifestyle he lived.

I don't buy the gun running thing. It would be chump change compared to the real estate holdings he's said to have.

I wouldn't fully rule it out, it's still a small possibility, but only if it's the big boys directing his sales and paying him salary.

The gun sales by themselves aren't shit compared to his alleged real income.

What if the guns in the hotel room were a 'sample'?

But the thrill of the job would fit perfectly with his high stakes gambling lifestyle.

It's highly unlikely he was selling them because they're in his name, and we're assuming they're in his name because it's highly unlikely he was selling them?

It's very easy to report the guns as stolen, and it's possible his house being broken into was planned in advance to cover him selling the "stolen" weapons. The person who broke into the house may not have even known whose house it was and was hired by someone in advance of the sale. The room may have been comped, as he was a regular and a big fish.

But really I'm just theorizing. Nobody knows what happened. There's no actual evidence of "scoping out" other locations, that is conjecture drawn from his travels.

Of course everything right now is conjecture. We're all just trying to connect the dots and the fucking dots keep moving. But assuming he looked at multiple hotels overlooking festivals you could assume he was scoping out places to do this. Or someone was. Or someone wanted us to think he was. But as far as reporting the guns stolen that would be a silly move if he was actually a gun runner. Illicit guns are stolen or purchased through straw buyers, possibly with stolen identities. If I wanted to sell 40 guns to the Mexican drug cartels I wouldn't go buy them all in my name. But the fact that his home was broken into is absolutely insane and a huge twist in the whole thing. One God damn twist after another. I just hope we get some element of truth out of this.

someone wanted us to think he was.

I think this is the right reason

But as far as reporting the guns stolen that would be a silly move if he was actually a gun runner

I think this may have been his first gun sale. Or he may have been pushed into doing it by a third party or even FBI in one of their contrived sting operations.

Definitely one thing that would lead to this lack of information and general weirdness is if Paddock was doing something the government found embarrassing, then lost it and did this.

What's really disheartening is that, if the government is trying to shut this down and wrap this up, the media that's supposed to hold the government accountable is dutifully nodding and saying, "OK."

Right now I just find that the most likely scenario in one form or another. I feel like he had to be government. The shell companies, the rental properties, the planes, the highly unlikely gambling income. Having worked for government agencies and defense contractors. The girlfriend and her alleged background. It all seems to point to cia or something similar.

Can't say I disagree.

Having a hard time not filling the blank in with this.. Like who has no records anywhere.. In the modern digital Era.. In Vegas one of the most surveilled places on the planet..

It is a way to increase the ever expanding security state. This attack will be used as an example to further push "security measures" on the general public and nobody will question it because they're terrified of the next attack.

Who is "terrified of the next attack?" Nobody I know. All the football and hockey games are still packed. The Vegas Strip is packed this weekend. So exactly who are these terrified people?

If this was a political move I think we'd call it a "hail Mary" or "master stroke" depending on how it plays out

So one thing I've considered is that it wasn't Paddock who put those guns in there. If he was running guns he wouldn't used ones in his name to sell to shady people or terrorist. He would have if he were going to use them in the act and planned on dying but it seems like he might not have planned on dying and someone planting all those guns there makes sense if they intended to frame him.

To play devil's advocate, if it was an illegal gun buy went south it wasn't on accident. They could have talked him into a gun buy with the wares on display with the full intention of using the guns to commit the act and then frame him.

Straw buying is actually a prettt big thing.

smart guy i agree but its possible its a long con psy op designed to slowly erode our willingness to defend civil liberties OR perhaps frequent terrorist attacks are needed to justify certain national security powers granted in 'wartime' emergencies? assuming there is secret justification for certain projects contingent on powers granted initially due to 9/11 now maybe up for renewal soon and needing justification for continuance

What motive would someone have to plan something like 9/11? I think the answer to that question would be the same answer here. Strike fear.

If you are doing an arms deal, I find it unlikely you are doing it in a casino (see comment 7 in OP). If he were to do one there, he certainly wouldn't provide loaded weapons. It's not like they could test fire them. He also wouldn't need all that ammo pre-loaded into the magazines.

How does the car exlosives make sense though in your scenario? I thought about this and it doesn't make sense.

The "explosives" were tanerite (sp?) and nitrogen fertilizer and they didn't explode. Maybe part of the sale.

This theory is plausible. Even the tannerite could have been for sale. The only issue is, if that were the case, why is the FBI trying so hard to hide what happened? If your theory is what happened, there doesn't seem to be a reason to hide the truth. Its a bad guy who got into an altercation with other bad guys, who then killed a bunch of people. As much as the theory fits, it doesn't explain the FBI's desperation in keeping the American people in the dark. It also doesn't explain the "shots" heard about an hour later in the many other hotel lobbies along the strip, which I think could have been firecrackers to draw police away from Mandalay Bay for a getaway.

Based on these other "shootings" alone, I'm convinced that whatever happened, it was planned and involved multiple people.

The FBI was involved as either the buyer or handling the seller. Just like so many of their "terrorist" arrests, this may have been a contrived sting operation or more Fast&Furious action. Either way it's possible they were caught with their pants down when shit went sideways.

Ok check this out:

Gambling alcoholic lies about running guns at the casino bar. FBI informant overhears and figures they can use him for F&F. FBI starts handling him, slowly convince him to get the guns and bring them to a hotel (over several months). The plan is to rob him and then the guns will be in the wind. The "buyers" come in, proceed to rob him, he pulls his pocket piece (revolver) and gets shot (unplanned). At some point they shoot out of the windows possibly in firefight with him or they decide to try and shoot the gas tanks. At some point Jesus comes up and gets shot. They scram and leave the guns.

Just a sequence of events that came to me. Obviously conjecture.

They also act like 50lbs is a lot of tannerite. Tannerite comes in 5lb plastic jugs with one packet of activator powder. Pour the ramen flavor packet into the jug and shake-weight it for like 3-5 minutes. Then it is ready to be shot.

So if you're going shooting with friends out in the Nevada desert: That's only ten exploding targets.

Are you seriously saying that this is not another false flag to against the american people.. so naive.

I'm not saying anything, I'm theorizing. Read my posts below this one.

He was probably staged in the room while he knew the 2 helicopters flying around the entire duration of the shooting were actually firing upon the crowd. He most likely wasn't alone in the room at some point and this definitely seems like a false flag with a greater agenda which doesn't end with paddock.

The helicopters are interesting. Were they clearly visible in any photos or videos? Maybe we could get tail numbers

Guess you haven't been to Vegas. Helicopters are ALWAYS flying around. There are numerous helicopter tours to "fly the strip" at vegas 24/7

I saw the photo of him dead, he was shit in the head and shell casings were ON TOP OF THE blood with no blood on them.

I've seen the photo as well. I didn't see any actual bullet holes just him laying on the floor with a lot of blood on his face and the floor. The shell casings are extremely suspicious.

I know. And I meant shot lol... Just saw that.

That was the blood that pooled on the floor out from his head onto the carpet. There shouldn't be any blood on top of the shell casings. There isn't. Lots of fishy stuff about this, but that isn't.

That makes sense but the placement of the guns and other ammo, used and unused just adds to the mystery. This is our new will never end.

I heard a theory that the Saudi's own the penthouse and floors above and they could have been involved in the distribution of the guns

He sold an appt building in tx for 8million some yrs back

The house getting robbed... That's fucked

I'm trying to get into this guy's head, but maybe with all this wealth, hookers, booze, $1,000 sushi plates, living a life of a millionaire but not a celebrity life.

Other than engaging in pedo acts (which probably what he did) he wanted one last final "bang" just to feel something. to feel alive, to feel like he's actually real,

And shooting down a whole crowd of people was the act that needed to test his sociopathic behavior.

That act finally did it for him. He felt alive, he felt human, he felt remorse. At first the gunfire was easy, it was exhilarating, but after a little while, reality kicking in, he's on a downhill roller coaster to hell. He was planning to shoot it out with SWAT, but he started getting scared, he felt his mortality like he never did before. He is now a mass murder, a shooter, his name will forever be a blight on US History. Legislation will be passed under his name. His actions will resonate like 9/11.

He doesn't want to go anymore. The idea of a SWAT team coming in blasting him full of holes doesn't sound as cool as he once fantasized about it.

He hears something in the hallway. Is it them? is this how it ends? Screw this, and he takes the easy way out by shooting himself.


My exact thought process the day of the shooting.

This is all I could come up with from the details we knew in the first few days.

A man who had it all, who was over it (maybe a hopeless medical diagnosis?), wanted to feel one last act of hedonism, wanted to see what it was like, something he couldn't buy.

I think for the most part people just find this hard to imagine. He just wanted to feel something. This just doesn't satisfy people because they have to believe he had to have some big agenda. This is a guy who had no experience in these sorts of things. Not a criminal mastermind. I think that is why there were so many guns and random attachments. So much ammo, explosives, shooting airport fuel tanks etc... It's all so over the top because he didn't know HOW to plan it. He started shooting and ten minutes later the adrenaline wears off and he shoots himself.

I thought this too at first but I feel like we would know if he were diagnosed with an illness somehow. Wouldn't that come out? If only he and his doctor knew, would the doctor be able to tell anyone due to HIPPA laws or whatever? I think a shooting would be a good reason to violate someone's privacy.

I think the connection to Lockheed Martin is a huge detail that should not be overlooked. He was connected to the government, but how? why? Etc... We may never know what really happened. One thing is certain, Mandalay Bay has some super shady actions taking place if they won’t release that indoor camera footage.

"Omgzzzzz like it is an OPEN investigstion. Nothing shady is going on."

-every skeptic no matter what ridiculousness development happens

Why are you being downvoted, I hear this too Everytime I mention the discrepancies

There would be zero discrepancies in the official story at this point. There would basically be none after 24 hours. The guy is dead so it's not like there is an active hunt for him.

After the shooting there would have immediately been like a dozen agents looking at every security cam footage at MB. They would have also clarified when Jesus was shot by doing an interview at the hospital and by checking when he and this random maintenance man called in that shots were fired.

The above things I mentioned are just a small fraction of things that would have been done within a few hours. That is common sense. The fact that the hotel and the FBi are both stating different timelines shows that there is something to hide.

At the very least the hotel might just not want to be held responsible for and that could be why the security guard pulled out of the interview. That is the bare minimim conspiracy here.

THe LIcense plate on the Corvette... looks like it's a Nevada plate 340H

Throughout his employment career, he worked for the post office and the IRS.

There's a connection to defense contractors that I don't see a lot of people following up. From Wikipedia: Towards the end of the 1980s, Paddock worked for three years as an internal auditor for a company that later merged to form Lockheed Martin.[15] His work career after this period is not entirely clear.

Could be nothing.

But I wonder if "No trails of social media exists for Stephen Paddock" is somehow connected to his earlier work. I would think people in shady, or covert, occupations usually avoid calling attention to themselves, vis a vis social media.

Also, "A successful casino gambler can only be found riding unicorns." is false. Maybe for a video poker player, but there are many successful gamblers out there. But, usually they play with real cards, and real people. That's the advantage.

Exactly. I greed up in Las Vegas. I knew a guy who made a living off poker. It was strategy. He looked like a really low-IQ dork, and wore a Mighty Mouse t-shirt. Video poker is a whole different animal. The law of averages works strongly against you.

Sorry, don't mean to burst your bubble, looks like you put a lot of work into this.

So much is inaccurate, so little time to correct.

I'll give you 3/10 at best.

1 He didn't make a living playing poker. He was a comp player, which means he was basically playing for perks as a retiree

2 I don't think he brought any police anywhere. Too much timeline conflicting info to state that as fact right now

6 I don't know what year the 'vette is, but it had a license plate. It looked newer than 11 years old. The Corolla did not.

It could simply be that plates were swapped or switched to prevent people like Laura doing what she did.

It is odd a newbie non-armed officer could afford such a thing, and it might not even be his. She couldn't get the VIN, but I bet she will

7 The casino has footage. Of something. Maybe just nothing relevant.

You can buy a 2005-2013 corvette for $20k (body lines on the one in the driveway are C6. Look it up if you don't know what I mean. C7 corvettes look extremely different)

Finance that over 5 years and just about anyone could afford the payments.

Plus, how do you even know that's his corvette? Loomer said there were others that answered the door. Campos could live with his parents for all we know and that's their car.

He supposedly filed an IRS form indicating $5 million in gambling wins in 2016.

You start out with "sorry, don't mean to burst your bubble", then commence to doing just that. You give him a 3 out of 10, yet you submit 4 lackluster corrections? 10 - 4 = 7, last I checked.

  1. Paddock called himself the "world's greatest video poker player". I'm not sure how one could adopt such a moniker for himself if he was simply a "comp player". Not only that, but from what I understand, he stated that he made $5MM, mostly in gambling winnings, on his taxes.

His brother said this, “He could tell you off the top of his head what the odds were down to a tenth of a percent on whatever machine he was playing. He studied it like it was a Ph.D. thing. It was not silly gambling. It was work.”

Perhaps you are right in spite of your smarmy comments because I believe he made a living as a set up man/arms dealer for one of the US Govt's alphabet agencies.

2.The articles on "Jesus Campos", the bow-tie wearing, neck-beard sporting, "security guard" state that he indeed radioed for police.


7.psy_raven's comment - "Hotel casinos, the single most extensively surveilled buildings in the world, can not produce even ONE clip of Paddock going on about his business."

mm6748's comment - "The casino has footage. Of something. Maybe just nothing relevant."

You can see why you are an asshole, right?

BTW, do you remember the Hispanic couple who was warning people before the shooting? Is it possible that Jesus Campos did not work for the casino (or a temp security agency for the casinos), but because he had inside information, tried to stop what was about to happen on his own? Perhaps this is why no one has been able to follow up on finding the people who were warning everybody that they were about to die.

  1. I don't think he brought any police anywhere. Too much timeline conflicting info to state that as fact right now

6 I don't know what year the 'vette is, but it had a license plate. It looked newer than 11 years old. The Corolla did not.

It could simply be that plates were swapped or switched to prevent people like Laura doing what she did.

It is odd a newbie non-armed officer could afford such a thing, and it might not even be his. She couldn't get the VIN, but I bet she will

During the brother's interview he said they were always smarter and hung around people who would get caught first.

What if he was selling drugs back in the day, made a lot started real estate investments and then got into some other shady business like gun running?

What's lucrative about gun running in Nevada? You can already buy any gun you want there

Payoff the seller not to record transaction correctly, then sell it somewhere else?

Agreed. And you couldn't even argue that he was selling illicit full auto weapons as they were just fitted with what were, up until now, basically novelty items bump stocks that do shit for accuracy and are more for people to go out to the desert to spray random shit for funzies. Why would you need some shady arms dealer to sell you legal firearms fitted with legal stocks? Just go to a gun store in Nevada. Duh. If he can legally buy a metric fuckton of rifles in his own name, then so can these alleged gun buyers.

And if you want to argue that he was trying to sell them to people who otherwise wouldn't be able to purchase the guns so that they could be used for nefarious purposes why would our shooter sell them perfectly traceable firearms that he bought under his own name? We've heard no reports of serial numbers being filed off so....

The botched gunrunner deal theory I think is a dead end.

He could easily sell these weapons illegally and then report them as stolen. His house was robbed? That would be a perfect cover, maybe that was even scheduled to happen

Maybe maybe maybe...reaching

Who gives a shit if he ran drugs or guns. None of that explains why those people were killed.

It could though? Could a gun deal gone wrong not cause a big shootout and then rampage?

Perhaps. But this was planned. Gun dealers don't usually call attention to themselves.

Well it could explain why the motive is so difficult to come up with. But I have a hard time believing this was spur of the moment.

It was planned. He even asked for a room over looking the venue. Now they say he was targeting police...riiight

I can believe that after shooting and seeing cops arrive on scene he would target them first, but I don't think the article is saying that was the reason for the attack.

Except it seems he died before there was a huge police gathering. If they were his target...he could have stuck around to get them. They have no motive for him wanting to shoot the cops either.

I think they mean when he saw them on the ground he targeted them. It seems like a logical thing to do if you're trying to do damage.

The question about why he killed himself so early is still a mystery. Maybe he killed himself right after or during the breach? I didn't hear anything in recordings. I also don't know when the photos that were leaked were taken, how many minutes was the body there before someone snapped a photo? That could possibly help determine what really happened.

I doubt we ever know.

then got into some other shady business

What like selling umbrellas?

It is my understanding at this time that no umbrellas were found in the hotel.

It's unfortunate, because that would've been very shady.

I come here for fun sometimes, but im starting to think most of you need antipsychotics.

Seriously. I can come up with counterpoints to every single thing listed without even thinking that hard about it.

I admit this whole situation is very strange but I see very little evidence pointing to some large conspiracy yet.

"It seems they pay extremely well since real estate investing needs quite a bit of seed money."

My father began buying real estate when he was in the Air Force around age 20. By the time he retired after 20 years he had already made a considerable amount of wealth from his investments. I think you might be misunderstanding what it takes to succeed in real estate. Substantial seed money is not necessary when you start early and make wise decisions.

most of OPs statements are broad sweeping statements that require generalizations that just aren't true

Its all mental gymnastics because someone who looks like them did it and they can't grasp it

Mind reading fallacy.

In order:

  1. The gambling thing is just something the media latched on to. A few good real estate investments over the course of 40 years, on top of diligent saving and decent poker skills, can get someone to a few million dollars.
  2. Whoa.
  3. Whoa X2.
  4. That is really odd, but it could be that they weren't guarding it all that closely because there was nothing in it. And stupid guys saw an opportunity to steal some shit.
  5. Could be that Campos wants to build up a story then make money on a book, vs spill the beans now.
  6. What???
  7. They probably will, when the investigation is done.
  8. This. This is key. Also, why would he need so many guns up there? He'd only need 3-4 to do this (even one, though that's risky). Instead, he lugged thousands of pounds of guns up 32 stories? No way.
  9. He was a government agent. FBI probably.
  10. No, they're just talking out of their asses.

The story is that Paddock is an FBI agent. Something went wrong, and he was framed for the shooting.

Regarding #5 Campos could have signed a non disclosure agreement as part of his employment

DO not compare poker players' skill to video poker. With an OPTIMAL STRATEGY over the long run you can have returns over 99% on your investment. You are still losing money. It's a slot machine. He would've reached the long run if he played video poker every day.

99% return on dirty money is phenomenal for laundering though. There is no way he got rich off VIDEO poker. Not many people seem to understand how different actual poker is that is played with real people and cards.

Thousands of pounds? Exaggerating much?

Um, no...

Explain please. I'm a gun and ammo dummy.

He had a private plane that was (later?) registered to a DoD contractor. Last publicly recorded flight was years prior.

His wife was (is?) using two different SSN's and was married to two different men.

All of the communication on the police scanners claimed multiple shootings in different locations some reportedly false.

A video of woman was recorded warning people of the shooting long before it started, was buried/ignored.

Not only has there not been any video from the casino showing SP walking around, but there aren't any from smart phones either. Not a single person in a vacation hot spot over the course of however many days he was there had any picture of him or recollection of seeing him other than after he was dead.

The receipt was for a party of clearly more than one person, but he "acted alone."

Excellent points.

The video of the woman saying there was a Mexican lady warning everyone, I think was the wife/gf who was Filipino and mistaken as Mexican. but yup. BURIED by press. And the fact that one of the first facts was that he had "wired 100k to her" just to put her out of the country. -- for whatever reason

The video of the woman saying there was a Mexican lady warning everyone

I don't recall there being a video of this mystery woman. But there was the eyewitness interview of a girl who told the story about the mystery woman.

You are correct.

I never stated there was a video of the woman screaming "you're all going to die", Just that there was a video of the woman being interviewed. The eye witness described the woman as a "Mexican"

Apologies, my reading comprehension is clearly lacking today.

His gf was out of the country.

The wife having two SSNs and being married to multiple men story was retracted FYI

What was the reason given for retracting it?

They found it not to be true

He had a private plane that was (later?) registered to a DoD contractor

incorrect. the company had a name CLOSE to that of a DoD contractor, but was not the same. This sub proved that wrong like a week ago, yet it's still spreading

WHat about the video of him from 2011 falling over in a casino, that then switches to video of him in some kind of back room surrounded by security guards, police and men in suits? That was weird. If you're a normal older gentleman who has a slip and fall in a business, they normally get the manager, maybe a paramedic if needed. They don't hustle you off to a back room with a bunch of security.


Why don't you take a trip to Vegas and try to record or take pics on your or with a camera in the casino... Let me know how that works out for u.

The dealers usually ask you to keep your phone away when you're at tables and I usually just turn around and check messages/time or whatever then go back to playing. But you can use your phone when you're not actively playing at a table. And by the way, someone else posted an article saying a bunch of tourists received their phones/tablets back with all of the pictures and vids from that night removed. Go figure.

I said take pictures or video. Not discreetly check a message. Not the same. Who knows why there phones were wiped. Not me.

there was a video of a woman telling a reporter about a crazy woman who told her she was gonna die, but no video of that event happening as far as i know

You forgot that someone accessed his room with a keycard after he left in his car according to valet records.

The valet said he seemed normal and didn't have any "crazy bags."

There's no video of the guy moving any bags large enough to carry guns inside.

He had access to the maintenance elevator.

No one has ever said he didn't carry a bag big enough for a gun. A simple piece of luggage could carry a gun that has been broken down. Stop spreading bullshit. Using the service elevator isn't that unheard of.

Yea, you can put a single gun in a suitcase. Nobody is questioning that. Now do that with 23 long rifles. If he brought his luggage downstairs and went back up with it several times, then I'd say that is evidence he could have moved the guns up.

If there's no footage of him making multiple trips, well, that suggests that the guns got there some other way.

I just quoted what the valet said. I've spread no bullshit. You on the other hand......

Let me try to explain better. They found at least ten pieces of luggage in his room. It isn't hard to get that many bags in. People walk in with boxes and all kinds of thing. People come there for conventions and shows and they carry all kinds of things. It isn't hard to get the guns in. You can ask anyone who has been to one of these hotels. They make long duffle bags too. He was a regular with no record. They had no reason to question him. I'm not spreading bullshit. I'm telling you how it is (or was). Look around the comments will see that many people know this same thing. Very easy to do. The valet said he didn't have anything odd. That is if the story that was posted was true. I'm not saying it isn't because I don't know the source. I used to frequent Vegas for work and pleasure. I have had to carry stuff in for a presentation at the airport the next day. I was never questioned about anything. It was on a luggage cart and away you go.

I don't dispute that there was luggage in his room or that he could move the guns up there without anyone noticing. I just think that there is a lack of transparency and many things that don't add up. I believe that some footage of him moving said bags from point A to B would help paint a better picture.

I agree but the footage wouldn't answer anything for me. But I do understand why people want to see it but good luck with that lol

So if they released all the footage and the only thing he had was a small hello kitty backpack and after taking it to his room he never brought it back to the car, that wouldn't change anything for you?

'lol' is right

Well, you are making assumptions on no evidence. I'm going by personal experience. If he only had a hello kitty backpack I would assume he had some issues lol. I don't know how u think the guns would have gotten there if not by him. They were all in his name. Every single theory here is based to a degree off of the "narrative".

I don't know how u think the guns would have gotten there if not by him.

They could have gotten there by an accomplice. Something you would think any investigative team would be looking into.

The fact that they stamped the, "lone wolf" on this one less than 24 hours after the shooting is pretty interesting. You have ISIS taking credit for it which AFAIK they have never done in the past and had it come back as a false claim.

They were all in his name.

That's weird that he would register his rifles in his name in a state that doesn't require registration of rifles. Do you have a source for this? I own several guns, none of which are registered and all of which are legal. I don't live in Nevada, but a quick google search says they don't require registration... Weird.

Meaning he bought them legally from a store and submitted to a background check. Not hard to trace them all back to him.

Why would you think he had to reuse one bag? He was a millionaire... He could afford more luggage

Dude, use your peabrain. He could have had 453495768398 fucking bags. There should be a video of it. Jesus christ.

I'm sure there is video of it. Just not released to the public yet. But ...with the wonderful job they are doing they may as well let the public have a go it...maybe it would get solved that way.

Like the trump pee pee tape? No one has indicated any videos like this exist, at least the peepee video have a British agent stating they exist, there’s literally no one saying they’ve seen any videos of anyone transporting anything into that room.

They have said they reviewed footage and he was alone. No hallway cameras so I guess we will never know who went in and out of his room

The whole thing is freaking weird and the media is doing a terrible job. Nearly every article that comes to r/news you'll see many comments starting out "I'm not a conspiracy person but..." Lots of non r/conspiracy users defending r/conspiracy too. Not that it means anything but it's nice to see people questioning the media.

I'm major against conspiracy theorys, it's clear to me you guys legitamently look for the worst in situations to try to steer some narrative that someone is always out to get you in some shape or form and I don't believe that at all. You also make people look smarter than they actually are when you accuse someone of doing something next level, 99% of the time it's just an idiot that had no idea what their actions really meant.

Regards to this though --- You guys seem on the ball way more than the media which is why I subbed / check it daily now (for Vegas info).

Well, people who believe the official story usually haven't done the research. Take Sandy Hook for example. That is an event which I perceive as being GLARINGLY OBVIOUS that the official story is phony baloney and that the whole entire thing was staged. When other people try to tell me I'm wrong because they believe the people on the news over me, and have never bothered to do any real research into the event, when there is a mountain of evidence and great documentaries have been produced such as this one then I personally do believe they are asleep to the truth. And I feel that people who are unwilling to challenge their view of an event like Sandy Hook where there is proof for days of it being staged are mislead about so many other things, because we are constantly being deceived by the powers that be.

are you saying it's not normal for the gov to give $50M to rebuild an elementary school?! heresy!

if we got anyone out of the community it would be corrupt, the whole pop is a free and open system of dialogue wherein people are free to draw their own conclusions

Good point

I feel like I'm in a nightmare. Justice needs to be served. We need to know the FACTS.

At this point I really hope the facts are leaked rather than sanitized and released. I don't trust anything that a three letter agency might say about this publicly.

The media's job is to do a terrible job reporting certain stories / events

It's amazing how little the public knows about gambling. You can beat the casino. Didn't even bother with the rest of your post because your first point is so glaringly wrong.

I worked in Las Vegas casinos for 16 years, other than a few poker players there are no long term winners. Those chandeliers don't come from winners.

I've been gambling professionally for over 2 decades and you're one of thousands of casino employees who tells me it's impossible to beat the casino. It's cute how wrong you all are.

Wouldn't they have all banned u by now?

Nobody thinks you can beat video poker. Why would they ban "losing" players?

Yes, I too trust casinos to program video poker machines to give the player a fair shot. You cant be serious though, beating a live dealer and other players is one thing. Beating a computer programmed by the casinos? Not likely.

It takes a lot of work to get that fair shot. And it's not fair, at all. The player has all the advantage. But only if he put in the time and effort to earn it. That's what I love about gambling.

What about Aaron Rouse, the Special Agent in Charge of the Las Vegas Division, was the Section Chief for the Clandestine Operations Section in the Counterintelligence Division at FBI Headquarters.

If he's a sole shooter the LVPD by now could remove public doubt by stating any of these basics. These questions are all within the narrative they've weaved and do not rely on conjecture, leaks, etc. (God forbid the media ask these ?s): 1) They found no key entry to his room while he was spotted (all by himself) 200x during the week on video across town or when he left on trips to Mesquite. Was he in / out prior to shootings? How often? i.e "He was gambling that night, but he entered suite 3 hours leading before the shooting and was inside the whole time."
2) He was capturing video and had cameras and devices IN THE ROOM and none indicate another person in the room. True? 3) Cell phone records show no unusual correspondence to anyone but girlfriend and family at the most since he obviously had no friends. i.e He only made 5 calls all week and they were to... True? 4) We know he's a big gambler and "a millionaire," right? How much cash was found in his room? He planned to escape, right? So did he have $50k in cash? Or was he just going to swing by the ATM on the way out?
5) On that hallway, how many of the adjacent rooms were booked? If part of a sting, likely the floor was mainly cleared out. 6) Can you confirm that no one entered the room before the LVPD 'breach?' Yes/ no. Why not lob some tear gas in there after 10 minutes or 30 minutes even? A flash bang? Yes, he stopped shooting but no indication he was done until they got in there (risky assumption).
7) Stairway was blockaded outside his room allegedly. What other stairways are accessible on that floor? Sensors are on the stairwell doors we know, so did anyone use the opposite wing staircase (assuming it exists) during or after the shooting? Yes/no. 8) What was his source of income, if any? Was he living off 'the millions' he made in real estate or did he still have a revenue stream? Pretty simple -"He had $5 million in the bank, and was earning $xxxK per year in rental revenue from other properties."
10) All the other BS that doesn't make sense.

They said the cameras weren't recording.

which cameras, though? They could be talking about the hallway camera. Wasn't clear that no other recordings of him in the room and should be verified. Or were the inside devices 'streaming' his in room activity somewhere? No suicide note, but was there a suicide recording? He had time for it theoretically.

Hallway camera? MB doesn't have hallway cameras

True - I was referring to the cameras the shooter set up that was in the peephole and on the room service cart in the hallway vs MB cameras. These weren't recording per LVPD but thinking if he went through all that effort he didn't simply record his actions in the room? Any recording of the mayhem below? Prop up an Ipad and record? Anything on his phone? Maybe not but a direct question on that would be interesting.

Seems Paddock wanted to leave a huge name for himself tho

They made it sound like none of them were recording.

That part also makes no sense... Why have cameras IN THE ROOM and not record? They were broadcasting a live stream somewhere probably as evidence the job was done... like 9/11 and the 3 jumping middle eastern with cameras on rooftops.

2) You can use cameras as monitors without a DVR.

Great questions. We need answers. Hello? MSM? LVMPD? Anyone?

What about the lady saying on camera right afterwards that a "Mexican lady" was screaming "YOURE ALL GONNA DIE" and was escorted out.

Shooters girlfriend was Filipino or something and pics of her I saw she could pass as Mexican

Cause they all look alike? Stfu

you STFU

One of these pics is the wife/gf One of these pics is a slain mexican reporter

So, neither of these is the woman who actually said that? Also, she was out of the country. As far as I know they have not cleared her of wrong doing tho.


A woman gave an interview RIGHT after the shooting. Said that there was a "Mexican woman" screaming that 'everyone is gonna die'. Screaming lady was removed by event personnel.

If it was dark and I was a drunk white girl from OH, I might mistake Filipino for Mexican.

That is all.

Seems to me if screaming lady knew what was coming she wouldn't have gone there in the first place. I'm sure she could have mistaken her in the dark for a different nationally. But I doubt Paddocks gf would have gone there to warn people if she knew...she was putting herself in harms way. If I remember right that lady was near the front row?

Of all the lack of details. Why are we told about 100k transfer? To put her NOT at the scene.

Possible but who even knows anymore.

Everything about this does not follow down the path of logic.

Correct and for some reason lots of shills seem to be active lately. In this thread we even see the msm narrative " we may never know", in other news football!

Yes. /u/psy_raven Where is the woman that was in the concert area claiming everyone was gonna die? She was supposedly removed and questioned...people reported her crazy antics!

People? I've only heard of one person saying it.

  1. Some accountants do make quite a bit of money, I know some that easily make well over 6 figures, and they arent even that talented.

  2. The timeline of things is still in question, no way to draw a conclusion when NVPD has changed it now.

  3. Internet sleuths at it again, he is guarded by someone? lol

  4. His house wasnt robbed, youre being dramatic, the police even said they werent sure if anything was gone, this couldve simply been some kids or something, this was also his house in RENO, not in Mesquite where other guns were found.

  5. I imagine the dude is hiding because all you internet people are harassing the fuck out of him, and people are trying to point the finger at him, I would go into hiding too.

  6. Owning and buying a Corvette, especially a used one over a decade old, is quite affordable, if he was driving a Ferrari then we could talk, but Corvettes can be had for cheap.

7.Oh they can produce plenty of clips, but why would they? because people on the internet demanded it? get the fuck out thats not how shit works, they have nothing to gain from releasing the footage, no conspiracy here.

  1. Not sure what youre trying to get at with this one, so he took a minute to reload? so what?

  2. Not the slightest bit weird, I know people in their 20s and 30s that have never had facebook/twitter etc

  3. Yeah theyre saying that because thats the truth as of right now, we may never know, the fuckin guy is dead.

I am going to laugh my ass off when this sub gets banned for doxxing and harassing this dude, its coming, and you guys will just be all REEEEEE they are censoring us, when the truth is is that its against Reddit rules.

About # 5 in your post.

Who the hell gets armed security to guard your house when you a victim of a mass shooting? Do any other victims have armed guards? I'd say a handler.

Maybe it's because of rampant conspiracy theories suggesting he's part of it, leading people to issue death threats. Like that guy who shot up the pizza place is DC, or people who still threaten parents of Sandy Hook victims

Maybe it's because of rampant conspiracy theories suggesting he's part of it, leading people to issue death threats. Like that guy who shot up the pizza place is DC, or people who still threaten parents of Sandy Hook victims

Fox and 'friends' are providing security for him due to the interview that didnt happen last night.

Security has been there for days

Clearly something went wrong with a plan orchestrated by TPTB, Paddock and Campos probably aren't even real people, who knows who that body of the old guy belonged to. Something went wrong making it harder for them to cover it up, like they had to ditch their pre planned story and improvise, hence why there are so many holes.

Yeah, what picture of "paddock" bleeding from the mouth on the hotel floor looks nothing like him IMO

Link to both please

I'm not the one you asked, but I found the photos. Obviously the last picture is graphic.

A picture of Paddock

One where he looks a little older

Dead man in Las Vegas

Let's add in the bizarre behavior of his brother in the televised interviews he's done.

As counterpoints

1) He worked as an director in internal audit for Boeing which is Six figures plus for many years, in a time where housing prices were lower. It is not unreasonable to assume he was able to mortgage several properties on that salary and cash out later in life. His brother basically said he got lucky with properties.

2) It was actually 40 seconds afterwards they just announced. The hotel's incident system has a time based on creation not the actual incident.

4) The FBI wasn't there at the time.

7) Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. What's the point of releasing the footage of him with bags. This footage is here but there is no use in releasing it.

8) Maybe because he regretted what he was doing. I'm picturing more of a guy gone nuts taking breaks rather than a cold hearted shooter.

9) Lots of older people don't give a shit about social media. My mom is in her 50s with no Facebook Twitter anything because she doesn't care. Doesn't mean she doesn't use the internet she just has other interest.

10) Well at this point are they wrong? He's dead, he told no one, he left no note. Unless you have a good psychic we may never know why this guy did it.

I think the conspiracy theories are a way to distract from the scarier idea that one day a guy woke up and decided he, for no reason, wanted to hurt as many people as possible. This guy just snapped and did something unspeakable. It's not unheard of unfortunately but it is scary to think that at any point some people can just lose it.

He didn't just "snap." All the other hotels and venues he scoped out prove that. This was very well thought out and planned. However, I agree with some of your points.

People don't just do this, there's ALWAYS a reason behind it.

You also like CNN?

Great list except number 9. I'm a 32 year old developer, so you'd think I would be all over the internet. Truth is, you won't find me anywhere. Its not because I'm computer illiterate. Its because I've always valued my privacy so I've never created a FB, IG, Twitter, etc. You MAY find an old MySpace page. There are lots of us who don't feel the need to post our entire lives online. Although it's not common, it is probably more common than you think and the potential reasons are numerous and impossible to predict

but youre on reddit. a social media

reddit is a place where anonymity is encouraged, no dice bruh

you still have a footprint for the NSA lol

you still have a footprint for the NSA lol

Yeah..... an anonymous site with no pictures, posts, or any way to identify who I am.

you keep thinking that buddy lol

Whatever. I don't really care if you believe it or not. All I'm saying is I don't and have never had social media or uploaded tons of pictures to the internet. Just saying the fact he didn't post every seconds of his life online is not that odd. Not here to convince you

good on ya mate. Theres a digital footprint in anything that you do, even if its not social media. Perhaps if you are under a web of proxies you can get away with saying you are invisible or dont exist online. utter ignorace coming from a "developer"


Did you even read my comments? Maybe you should try reading more and being a dick less. Never said there wasnt a footprint.

"Truth is, you won't find me anywhere" --- lol

NSA? sure. FBI? maybe. MSM or some asshole with a brand new account with nothing to do except try to get a rise out of someone on Reddit? Not a chance.

idgaf who you are bruh lol

Then fuck off

For me it’s not just the lack of presence, it’s the lack of any photos at all. Even if you’re not on social media, pictures of you will be.

I just can’t believe no one took a photo of this eccentric millionaire gambler even once.

That part is odd for sure. I'm not arguing that point. I'm just saying there's not a lot of accurate assumptions one could make about why someone doesn't have Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Has 23 guns and dozens of loaded magazines. But takes over a minute between volleys of fire.

I can answer this mystery

The guns used in the shooting was a M240 with 100 round belts

The time between firing was to cool down the barrel and change the belt.

The audio matches a M240.

Whoever did the shooting escaped with the M240.

Where are the links used to hold the bullets in the pictures?

There's plenty missing from those pictures.

So all the casings get left scattered everywhere, but not a single link shows up?

Did you read the post you are replying to? The photos are not comprehensive. I'm not making a judgement on the type of weapon used. I'm making a judgement on the lack of evidence.

Are there photos of spent shell casings?

In basically every photo

Thank you I haven't seen these angles

Cloth link vs metal link?

Do the newer LMG's even use those? I searched and couldn't find anything. But my search terms could be off.

Now that you say it, I dont think so but shell/link catcher wouldnt be a strech.

I see you did the same internet searches I did. They may make bigger bags than the one I saw. But he's not going to want to carry all that brass and those links around. Multiple smaller bags? Swapping them out when they get full? Why? To keep the room clean? He's afraid of slipping on the spent brass? TL;DR It seems to me there's no reason to use a brass catcher.

Where are the links used to hold the bullets in the pictures?

But in this scenario if this is merely an arms deal gone bad why bother sticking around to shoot up a concert and put all eyes on you? Kill Paddock and make your escape clean and clear. If it takes hundreds of rounds at a concert before people even realize it’s not fireworks do you think anyone will blink twice over a single solitary shot to Paddock? Ok so you say to frame him and tie off loose ends so the real perpetrator isn’t sought after. Wouldn’t one volley of gunfire achieve this goal? If you’re trying to frame a guy and make a clean getaway do you stick around for ten minutes continuing to shoot while your position gets triangulated and law enforcement converge on you?

And since when is the best place to conduct highly illegal business with a cargo load of hardware to haul at one of the most populated and video surveilled locations on earth and not out in the middle of nowhere or in some dark back alley.

Pretty small gun deal too lol with all the guns in his name too

There is no such thing as a gun being in your name.

He went to the gun store. Had a background check. Bought the gun. So, that is a paper trail that can lead right back to him. That is what I meant by in his name. He bought them in his name.

Someone at the hotel was clearly in on this.

Several someones. Almost like it was planned and the plan went sideways.

I just still can't quite put all the pieces together and it's driving me CRAZY! What do you think the scenario/plan really was?

I don't know if Paddock was actually a part of the supporting operation, maybe he was in some capacity, however it seems clear to me Paddock had no idea the shooting was going to take place that night. It was his bedtime being 64 years old and already in his slippers. Apparently had body armor, but didn't put it on for the event? Committed suicide by shooting himself in the chest? Everything we know about Paddock leads us to believe there's no way in hell he could pull this off alone. He was shot by someone else in my opinion. I also believe there were multiple shooters, maybe some who were only firing blanks (e.g. Bellagio) to enhance the effect. It also seems clear to me that law enforcement is attempting to cover this thing up. Establishing a timeline in the moments leading up to the attack, during and after should be fall off a log simple given all the cameras rolling in Vegas. Yet law enforcement keeps changing their timeline every time they hold a press conference. In my opinion, because the story is a complete fabrication. And to top it all off, the media won't hold law enforcement accountable for the truth (even conservative media). This whole thing is a shit show.

The rest seems like smoke and mirrors. /END RANT

But in this scenario if this is merely an arms deal gone bad why bother sticking around to shoot up a concert and put all eyes on you? Kill Paddock and make your escape clean and clear.

high on drugs and such?

maybe they had beef with him and wanted to smear his name. maybe they were psychos. maybe all of the above.

Also if it's an arms deal why did he have explosives in his car?

If he did. I've seen a lot of articles mentioning there were explosives in his car but no word on the source of that information or what type of explosives.

This would make sense, but then why fire in to a random crowd?

The audio matches a M240.

The only the audio matches about an M240 is a similar rate of fire, that does not somehow prove it is what is being fired.

You can't answer any mystery... All you can do is speculate. Who the fuck buys guns in their own name and then sells them to the streets? When those are used in a crime...guess who they trace back to. Get off the money laundering bs too. Im not going to explain again why that idea is not logical. Educate yourself.

Loose theory:

CIA “learns” of Paddocks arms dealing. Sets up a buy through in the MB they show up and put a round center of chest, deploy the M240 SAW with a casing catcher volley rounds into the concert and di di mau. Jesus hangs back with a self inflicted gunshot wound to tie the bow on the story.

They are using a brass catcher, why is all the casings still on the floor?

Why do movie production companies employ set builders and prop masters?(rhetorical) To make the scene believable.

I'm glad you are using movies as a basing for what happens in reality.

did you know they use a visual GUI in basic to backtrack the IP?

You’re obviously a blockhead that can’t see the bigger point I was making through an analogy. Regardless I prefaced my OP as hypothetical wild ass guess. GFY

A M240 is not a SAW.

A M249 is a saw, an LMG, in 5.56.

An M240 is a MMG in 7.62.

The cadence of fire is closer to the 240.

Yup. My bad.

You'd think he would have used a SAW tho, because it's smaller, lighter, easier to use, same ammo as his other rifles 5.56, and, the SAW can use M16 (STANAG) style mags in a pinch.

But it does sound like a MMG, the sound of it, and the rate of fire too.

Did they ever say a full list of the weapons used? Or the weapons he has in the hotel, and the amounts and types of ammo?

I haven’t seen anything. If the narrative is true I find it hard to believe this guy wasn’t a professional. By that I mean well trained. The general public has watched one too many goddamn movies and believes anybody can cowboy up on a full auto and eliminate the enemy. It’s just utter bullshit.

Ok. I'm feeling you're flow. So was it CIA or Mexican drug cartel?

Both have motive. CIA have been compromised since participation in Kennedy assassination. They could have been doing a routine sting and realized it was a good opportunity for some homegrown terror to keep populace scared and confused.

Mexican cartel could have realized this was just a great opportunity to kill a gringo and take a valuable gun (the m240) but to get back at rednecks that want to build a wall. Liberal media would be motivated to cover this up to prevent anti Hispanic sentiment.

Avg time more like 20 seconds per this

But here's the thing: "gun deals that go south" end with the seller dead; not a crowd intentionally shot up.

I agree that it appears Paddock was an illicit arms dealer. Selling guns to criminals; maybe cartels. But maybe he thought he was selling to a gang or something, but it turned out he was selling to radical Islamic terrorists. They give Paddock very specific instructions on what room to rent for them to meet. They kill Paddock and then do what terrorists do.

But confounding this idea is the information Paddock at least intended to scout Lollapalooza in Chicago and another concert in Vegas.

Where are you getting info that he used an M240 belt fed machine gun? You can buy a civilian saw but it isn't belt fed. You can buy a colt belt fed AR but I didn't see this rifle any loose rounds in any of the pictures. Only 100 rd sure fire mags.

You can now add the fact Laura Loomer is not allowed into the live press conferences anymore.

Honest question, how reliable has she been in the past? It sounds like she's asking all the right questions on this matter.

Here's a question, but out of the few pictures that were leaked from the hotel room, where is all the expended brass? with 500 people injured 58 dead, and a supposed 200 rounds fired at Campos i'd expect there to be at least a 1000 rounds of brass. The sole fact that no other video, photos or other evidence supporting the MSM narrative hasn't come out is super fishy.

Exactly. First, where are the 58 bodies? Everybody has a camera in their phone. Why no photos of bodies? It would take time, hauling off 58 bodies. It sounds sadistic, asking for this kind of evidence. But everybody has a phone. No EMR photos. Clear obfuscation: the "evidence" is kept secret "as the event unfolds." Does anybody know any of the dead?

Tannerite with AN/FO in vehicle that was intended to be positioned near airport fuel tanks -404'd- shooter tried to shoot tanks, fails to make boomboom that would rival 9/11, shit get's fucky real fast, multiple shooters cause chaos/confusion and then scram, comp'dos fakes good guy roll, alphabet agents protect his ass and then allow him to escape, Chertoff/Adelson $$$, LVPD pissed bcuz censored, MGM fucks with timeline, normies eating redpills, Weinstein sacrificed.

I like it

Seems well put together.

Funny you wrote that:

Units have deployed to multiple regions within the #DPRK.

Uh-oh, someone's been engaging in wrongthink! Just let the authorities figure it out like they did JFK and 9/11.

  1. Extremely not weird for someone his age.

What about now the cops who first entered the room were on 60 minutes but this guy can’t even do an interview?

I saw a report yesterday that said he used tracer rounds to shoot the fuel tanks at the airport in an attempt to blow them up.

Right after the shooting there was a report he tried to get tracers to help him hit the crowd more easily.

He tried to buy them, but the store he was at did not have them in stock.

I'm unfamiliar with "incendiary" rounds. The only bullets I know about that burn are tracers.

  1. Meticulously planned the shooting, but forgot to use the bombs in his car.

1 - is there proof of him not having any holdings? From what I read it sounded like he owned a lot of properties. Also, it doesn't really take much seed money to get going in real estate, comparitively. A down payment on a building can be saved up within a year on an average American salary, and from there, if done correctly, you can continue to trade up to bigger properties and buy more using only equity.

To clarify: i do believe there is plenty of fishy shit going on, and you covered a lot of it, I just think to make a stronger list of inconsistencies and oddities, you should consider that for your first point.

This just in:

Campos found dead of an overdose.

This just in:

Campos found dead in his hotel room from loss of blood. It appears his bullet wound didn't properly heal and he checked himself out of the hospital before he should have.

This just in:

Campos hung himself in his back yard.

I'm guessing we'll get one of these headlines soon.

Campos is on the run because they're going to kill him.

Most of your points are misleading at best, outright fabrications at worst.

Stephen Paddock was a professional gambler who made a living off of video poker. A successful casino gambler can only be found riding unicorns. Supposedly a rich real estate guy, but no one knows of any holdings or transactions in his name. Throughout his employment career, he worked for the post office and the IRS. It seems they pay extremely well since real estate investing needs quite a bit of seed money.

Do we know how Donald Trump makes his money? Rich real estate moguls are very secretive about the $$$ they bring in.

Jesus Campos was security guard who was shot when he knocked on the door of Paddocks room. But only, he wasn't shot then, but 6 minutes before the shooting began. And didn't bring the police/security to the room until 58 people were dead and nearly 500 people were critically injured.

This, I agree, is pretty suspicious. But I think there's an explanation somewhere before the "he's a patsy set up by the government" act. Maybe he wanted to play hero? Maybe he was helping Paddock out in some way but it was still Paddock's plan? Need a lot more info on this one.

Jesus Campos's is guarded by someone who works for a non-existent security company with no physical address and who's license to operate ran out last year.

This is a new one. Only Googling I had was that fake "journalist" with a history of fabricating stories made the claim. She said in a random video the private security guard from "On Scene" security was fake because a business license expired. If you go to the Nevada Secretary of State's website and search On Scene you'll see the company's records are perfectly valid and in order. The Las Vegas city government business license search also lists the company's status as Active. This appears to be a complete fabrication.

Stephen Paddock's house gets robbed while the FBI is combing over it for evidence.... No further words needed here.

The FBI already finished searching the house. It wans't right in the middle of a search. And given that Loomer lady's history of acquiring photos/videos through questionable means... isn't it more likely a nosy journalist broke in? In addition why 1) wait so long until after the FBI cleared out and 2) broadcast the break-in for everyone to hear about?

Jesus Campos disappears right before he is to give 5 interviews, including Hannity. No one, including the FBI, knows where he is. So the FBI has lost the KEY witness to their investigation. Meanwhile, scary guys guarding his house 24 hours a day.

Already addressed this one. Maybe the dude has a cold????

Jesus Campos drives a new Corvette with no license plate and whose registration points to 2006, on a security guard salary.

And you don't know anyone who lives outside their means? A guy who works part-time at the pizza shop near my house drives a 2018 Subaru WRX STi... that's like a $35k sports car on minimum wage.

Hotel casinos, the single most extensively surveilled buildings in the world, can not produce even ONE clip of Paddock going on about his business.

It's not the jobs of the police or casinos to release that shit to satisfy conspiracy theorists. That informaiton only ever comes out if 1) they are actively seeking to identify people (not in tihs case because they already know who Paddock is and is dead) 2) through Freedom of Information requests (only when the case is closed) and 3) as evidence in a trial (obviously doesn't apply because Paddock is dead). The police arne't going to release every single smartphone video teh second they get them.

Has 23 guns and dozens of loaded magazines. But takes over a minute between volleys of fire.

IDK what this is proof of?

The media is continually pushing the narrative "we may never know his motives" over and over again, as if they're trying to tell us something. hmmm...

Because it's an acitve investigation?

Also, no his registration does not point to 06. Vegas goes by the months 06=June. Do some research op. So, his registration would be due again on June 2018. Stop spreading bullshit OP.

All of the gambling, plus the fact that he bought a $369,022 house with cash points to the fact that he was probably laundering money. This guy was likely doing something illegal to make his money.

Hotel casinos, the single most extensively surveilled buildings in the world, can not produce even ONE clip of Paddock going on about his business.

Why does everyone act like we as the general public are entitled to viewing their security footage?

We aren't, but usually at least a short clip or two are released fairly soon after the event.

What if the conspiracy is only on the part of the Mandalay Bay? I haven't been following this as much lately buy what if that security guard was part of the shooting and they wiped the security tapes or something?

I think that is what some people are thinking. Even if that happened, they should still have some video of him checking in or walking through the lobby, etc. I believe the sheriff said there's something like 200 times he was caught on camera, but they haven't released even one small clip of the footage.

  1. Successful casino gamblers exist, particularly in more skill-based games like poker. Also, having real estate ownings don't necessarily count as employment.

  2. The timeline still seems uncertain. That doesn't necessarily point to something nefarious. Without surveillance footage in the halls (which probably didn't exist), the timeline comes completely from witness statements.

  3. Don't know about that lol

  4. He's one of the most hated people in the country right now. Not that surprising someone could try to hurt his estate if they had the means to.

  5. Campos is a security guard who probably never expected to be in a position like this. Who knows what his personal issues might be and what he might be dealing with

  6. From my understanding his car does have plates, just maybe expired tags. But I actually know a lot of people who live on low income and have nice cars. Sometimes they're gifts, hand-downs, or broken down cars bought for cheap that they fixed up.

  7. Surveillance footage of him in the casino doesn't do anything. It's unnecessary.

  8. He could've been checking his cameras, thinking about his strategy, etc. Not sure what that means.

  9. He's old and mostly a loner. Most of my extended family over 50 doesn't have social media save for the occasional Linkedin. Danley did have pictures of him with her on her Facebook, though.

  10. Or because it really is just a mystery

Paddock, a 64 uear old alcoholic, fired two machine guns at the same time, like Rambo.

Case closed boys!

He could even fire one while reloading the other.

Bake em away toys!

You need to be citing sources for all your claims, example:

Stephen Paddock was a professional gambler who made a living off of video poker (needs source) . A successful casino gambler can only be found riding unicorns. Supposedly a rich real estate guy, but no one knows of any holdings or transactions in his name (needs source). Throughout his employment career, he worked for the post office and the IRS (needs source*). It seems they pay extremely well since real estate investing needs quite a bit of seed money. *

And as someone else pointed out, #9 isn't uncommon for a person his age.

9 make him a perfect patsy.

Here are sources for OP, just in case there are newbies lurking or naysayers smirking:

1-Gambling/real estate/financial history

2-Conflicting timelines

3-Campos's house guarded

4-Paddock's house robbed

7- no security footage

I wonder how many r\topmindsofreddit posts there are on the Las Vegas shooting; this whole situation is blatantly suspicious, I'd be interested in hearing someone explain away the mounting inconsistencies and highly suspect circumstances around this event.

Hey OP, edit these in pls


*Also, think about the geometrics of this:

1.) WINDOWS: The windows in his room were floor to ceiling. To fire down one would practically need to be standing at the edge of the window. Have you ever been to the edge of 32 stories? I have and it's fucking scary even with climbing equipment - let alone standing on the edge of 32 stories while shooting a rifle with a bump stock while the wind AND CURTAINS are blowing around you.

2.) RANGE OF MOTION: To use the bump stock fire you need range of motion to capture the kinetic energy of the recoil. Using a tripod or even a bipod would not allow that to happen. I suppose he could have taken a prone position and put the bipod on the edge but how the fuck do you burn through 1,000 rounds like that?

3.) BIPOD: Using a bipod would not have allowed him to get the same angle he needed to shoot down. Using a tripod? What, did he bolt it to the floor and run it like a door gunner from a helicopter gun ship? That's the closest comparable platform to consider.

4.) TIME: Even on full auto, one shooter couldn't do it. Once in the army my squad was tasked to burn off some surplus ammo (about 10K rounds) as it was the end of the Fiscal Year.

For about 12 hours we (8 guys) fired pretty much non stop on full auto with M-16s. We had to make sure not to burn out the barrels and let the rifles rest from time to time. No fucking way ONE SHOOTER is going to burn through 2,000 rounds in 10 minutes even on full auto. We would be lucky to get through 20 (30 round) mags an hour. It took us so long to burn off those 10,000 rounds we had to use parachute flares to light the range.

Fucking insanity to believe the MSM spin on this. There had to be more than one shooter to hit kill 50+ people from 500+ meters. And where did this asshole go for target practice? What ranges did he frequent? No one is going to pick up an AR platform and become 'super killer' without a little practice and know how. *

I think he used the long couch up against the window? Not sure about the 2nd room.

To fire down one would practically need to be standing at the edge of the window. Have you ever been to the edge of 32 stories?

Here's the view from his room, it doesn't look like you need to be standing right on the edge to get a good shot off to the event ground

He was using multiple preloaded guns and 100rd. Surefire mags (which he somehow got to work). At 400RPM that's 15 seconds per mag. 10 guns (just a guess) that's 150 seconds of shooting. Two mags per gun (2000 rounds), that's 5 minutes of actual shooting. That leaves 5 minutes to switch between rifles and reload each one once. Even your own math of 600 rounds per hour per shooter for 8 shooters would expend 10k rounds in a little over 2 hours, not 12 hours. At 10 mags an hour per shooter, that is still only 250 minutes of range time to expend 10k rounds.

There were multiple shooters.

One from the hotel, the other from an helicopter.

Check out YouTube, there are plenty of videos proving this.

I'm not going to get into the argument about multiple shooters. but your point #4 is not one to use as proof. It is not impossible for one individual with 10+ guns to shoot 2k round in 10 minutes. As for where did he practice? Las Vegas is surrounded by desert, most of that is public land and folks go out there to shoot all the time, no records, no traces.

Sheriff just said on CNN that everything he said was wrong but no conspiracy. Come on stop looking for nothing. He seemed to be telling the truth. He didn't make eye contact with anything the whole press conference.

Well that's a relief. Now I can go on with my life.

Isn't it funny after everyone on here has been calling them liars he comes out and admits it and says no conspiracy

That's not what he said.

This is great. I love how you weave sarcasm in there. Makes it a much more enjoyable read.

This is great. I love how you weave sarcasm in there. Makes it a much more enjoyable read.

This is great. I love how you weave sarcasm in there. Makes it a much more enjoyable read.

This is great. I love how you weave sarcasm in there. Makes it a much more enjoyable read.

For point #9 - I think he knew what he was doing, avoiding the internet on purpose. I think he was very calculated about this.

Why are you pointing this out? Harvey Weinstein and possibly other hollywood executives are creeps! You should have your attention on that, as this is BIG NEWS. Turns out hollywood directors and those in power use that power to get sex from impressionable young actresses. Thats a HUGE bombshell. Hollywood has never been known for this type of behavior! Stop talking about the shooting, its over and done, case closed! Change your facebook profile picture to show support and move on!

Footage was produced...for the cops and FBI not for the public. FBI was done with Paddocks house when it was entered. Vegas car stickers go by the months not the yrs. The 6 means he renews in June.

Which one has more red flags, this or Sandy Hook? How about Pulse?

WE all know the truth, but in the end we have no power.

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Jesus Campos drives a new Corvette

Wasn't it a 2006 Corvette, that isn't new.

with no license plate

Probably because people like you keep following him around.

Jesus Campos's is guarded by someone who works for a non-existent security company with no physical address and who's license to operate ran out last year.

Bull shit, the first thing I go to verify is wrong.

Look it up yourselves

As of last night that exact web page said their business license expired Jan. 2017. It was just updated today.


Actually, yep! I hadn't taken one, but among the bajillion tabs I have open in my browser still, that page was still open from when I pulled it up yesterday. Here's the screenshot

Nice work!

Wtf is going on people?

And no it's revealed the autopsy showed no brain abnormalities. As someone who studies psychology, I can assure you more often than not brain scans of monsters like Paddock show CLEAR differences from normal brains.

tattooed 13 below adams apple. Coroner for Las Vegas country...look for paddock, 58 dead concert goers. ibid hospitals for bullet wounded. one report, none found for the time period of shootings. 600 casualties, at 6 per ambulance, thats 100 ambulances. any photos,vids of ambulance loading????any trip records kept by ambulance companys in vegas?????

ibid hospitals for bullet wounded. one report, none found for the time period of shootings.


now that part of their website is "down"


This portion of the website is currently under construction. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our office. We apologize for the inconvenience.

now that part of their website is "down"


This portion of the website is currently under construction. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our office. We apologize for the inconvenience.

They are actively changing online information. Not just there, but everywhere.

now that part of their website is "down"


This portion of the website is currently under construction. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our office. We apologize for the inconvenience.

who made a living off of video poker

lolz. Source on that?
I mean blackjack or poker it's at least plausible.

Is Laura loomer really a trusted source?

  1. Totally possible for someone working relatively mundane jobs to build a large amount of assets (liquid or otherwise) over the course of years.

  2. Isn't the hotel in hot water for not calling the cops? There was also apparently a maintenance worker who called dispatch about shots or suspicious activity but that apparently didn't result in a call to the police either.

  3. Is Jesus Campos being guarded, or did he disappear?

  4. Yeah, it's totally not reasonable to suspect random idiots might break into a home that they know is vacant and also has an added allure / mystique being the home of a mass murderer.

  5. He's probably undocumented and fucking bolted because he doesn't want to get deported.

  6. Also makes sense for him to be driving an unregistered car if he's undocumented. Security guards can make some good money, and he may have side hustles. Not sure why a nice car is immediately suspicious.

  7. Cannot produce a clip, or are simply not making any clips public?

  8. There are an infinite number of reasons the shooter may have paused between clips.

  9. Not unusual, as others have pointed out.

  10. Or they're pointing out the fact that we have fucking no information on him right now so it may in fact be the case that we'll never find out.

Yes, I'm buying it. I don't think it's foolish to believe people are capable of heinous acts. I think it's foolish to pretend that people aren't.

The issue with applying occam's razor here is that you would have to make the assumptions that each inconsistency is a random coincidence explained by perfectly reasonable means. This is fine taken line by line but what are the odds that this many coincidences are each unrelated?

So lot's of people have zoom on phones. Why do we not have video of shooter up in the window?

Are you serious?

Could you actually cite credible sources or is that not possible with this flimsy ass shit?

Amen. I think there’s some shady shit going on too but let’s see some links to sources for the info.

Yeah we know about the Campos thing. But the interesting thing is this statement that no less than 200 rounds were fired into the hallway.

How did Campos sustain only a knee injury. That dude should’ve been cut in half by that kind of contracted fire.

I'm not believing it at all! Your list is actually really short when it comes to the shit that doesn't add up with this case. There is an astonishing amount of inconsistencies in the story and it seems to only be getting worse. Until a few days ago I didn't know his house was broken into the night before the FBI searched it. Now knowing there is a shady "security company" watching over the house of the "security guard" just makes it even worse.

The sad part is we will never know the truth. If the media has one thing right it's that we may never know his motive. It's not that the FBI doesn't know what it is it's that they do know but just refuse to tell the public. This whole fucking world is going to shit man. I was reading an article this morning about some poor 17yr old girl in London that was raped 3 FUCKING TIMES by MULTIPLE men in LESS THEN A FUCKING HOUR. Before all the immigrants in London the chances of getting raped were probably pretty low and now the chances are so fucking high it can happen 3 times in an hour less and a lot of the times it will be multiple attackers.

Re: Social media accounts of LV Shooter

Should we drop it in the same bag as Sandy Hook, the Boston Bombing, Aurora, Columbine, and couple of others that all share the same kind of bizarre and contradictory circumstances and a distinct lack of professionalism on the part of both the authorities investigating them and the MSM that reported them?

All fraudulent, false, faked and ficticious, in some or even many ways.

Do we really need anyone to tell us that the same criminal agencies hiding behind the unrestricted authority the US government has granted and given to them since 9/11 are the only ones who could be responsible?

I just don't get it. If all of these events are false flags and government set ups... Where are the REAL attacks and tragedies? I can't honestly believe normal people don't do fucked up shit.

And I can't believe that "normal people" ever do any so-called fucked-up shit like this, because they quite simply don't.

The real attacks and tragedies as you call them are all the everyday run of the mill kind of ones. Small time robberies, muggings, and crimes of passion. In short "the usual" not the unusual and these highly unusual cases where there are obvious political implications that are parlayed into new or changed laws that someone is already standing by to make a massive amount of money off.

Psychopaths and sociopaths are responsible for the kind of fucked-up shit you're talking about and they're definitely not "normal", even though they can do a good job of pretending to be.

Ordinary people can screw-up, make minor mistakes, maybe lose their temper under circumstances that anyone would, but to deliberately "kill" someone they don't know simply for kicks, or a bunch of people they don't know and who have never done anything to them, no, that's definitely not normal.

Okay sorry. I worded it wrong with 'normal'. I meant more so that people are capable of these things. Be it through mental illness or just a fuck you to the world. I just don't think people can accept that a dude just shot the shit out of a festival. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that is definitively what happened, but there are people who won't accept that no matter what evidence you give them.

I do believe a man can walk in to a school and shoot children for no real reason and I do believe Stephen Paddock acted alone.

Again, I didn't necessarily mean 'normal people' as in your average fella. Sorry for the confusion man.

I'm trying to gather as much information as I can on this case but nothing I have been shown has pointed to anything other than one man deciding to shoot a crowd of people for unknown reasons. I want to believe otherwise but unfortunately even through the 'evidence' I've combed on this sub, it hasn't convinced me otherwise. I know for the most part you'll think I'm stupid, gullible or whatever but I hope you'd give me the courtesy to believe I've looked at this as critically as I can and can't come to a different conclusion. I'm glad you have, though, and you can continue to question my narrative and make me do the same.

The object is to keep an open mind and be aware that psychopaths and sociopaths are far more common than people realize and that any hierarchical organisation, whether it's a corporation, institution, religion, charity, or government agency, they are all prime targets for such individuals to infiltrate and do precisely whatever they please or think they can get away with... and there's a lot they can get away with, including moving all the way to the top of such organisations because of just how utterly devious, deceptive and ruthless they actually are.

  1. Jesus Campos was security guard who was shot when he knocked on the door of Paddocks room.

I'm sorry but this was never part of any official narrative.

But only, he wasn't shot then, but 6 minutes before the shooting began.

This was amended today.

And didn't bring the police/security to the room until 58 people were dead and nearly 500 people were critically injured.

There's allegedly evidence proving that he contacted security before or during the crowd shooting.

I'm not denying the absurdity of it all, but when you include details that are either completely made up or have been refuted by all parties involved, it only highlights the public's role in exacerbating the absurdity.

Where are the hundreds of shell casings that should be laying on the floor in the photo of the room after the shooting?

Paddock also owned planes and had his license to fly and rented out airplane hangers across the country. And he had multiple houses across the country that he rarely stayed at.

Dude had to have been a spook or waa gunrunning.

Its an insult to the intelligence. People who don't question this won't question anything. Which is kind of what they want. So there is that. People are going to get dumb and dumber or they are going to get smart, but that also means radicalized, in many cases. So, part of this message is that anyone who is getting radicalized is dangerous. This is almost elementary school tactics on a mass of people. And Trump himself most certainly is. Either that or he is certifiably demented. Or both.

The last time in history that this reminds me of was the fall of Rome when you had certifiable lunatics mixed with the shrewdest of deceivers. Society was shafted, that's the only sure part of it.

I think we can line up the debauched lunatics on one side and the Machiavellian crooks on the other, but unfortunately, a lot of these people at the top fit both descriptions.

What is really different this time is that the corporate world of consumption and production has taken on a more central role where the political minions are so owned that they are almost irrelevant. Its military, banking, pharmaceutical, entertainment, and high tech corporations that are really calling the shots and running the world. Problem is, when the next downturn hits, they are going to be pushing for war to deflect the attention from themselves, who have been taking us to and really beyond the point of default. Even the Soviet Union wasn't this rigged.

Regarding point 9, googling my name returns nothing relevant, and on social media sites (where I made burner accounts), also nothing. I'm careful to make sure I'm unfindable, so it's not really suspicious.

The rest of your point is spot on, though. This is so fishy, just like 9/11.

I'm going to be excited to see the documentary on this thing next year.

It's absolutely insane.

Sounds like a MS13 hit for locking up their boss and telling them we are building a wall.

Is there any precedent for casinos on the strip to release surveillance footage to news outlets? I could imagine that they might reflexively keep that stuff under wraps for a number of reasons, I could also imagine they would freely share footage of significant news events in the past. Does anyone know of recent news reports that used casino security footage?

OJ Simpson was involved in an armed robbery at a Vegas Casino wasn't he? I think I recall seeing footage of that.


I know very little about the shooting and don't have any opinion on what did or didn't happen. I do happen to know about gambling though. You imply in your first point that there's no such thing as Professional gamblers, but they absolutely do exist, however they aren't playing video poker, and likely don't even play in Las Vegas. That is all

My late grandma has more of an internet presence than Paddock, and she was never once on it herself. It's impossible if you have any family or friends.

don't forget his girlfriend's immigration was sponsored by somebody who worked for the CIA in southeast asia

Real Estate? Wasn't Paddock a retired accountant? I don't think there's such a thing as a professional video player poker... he just gambled a lot in his retirement years.

Wither America.

Great post. Took all of the MSM talking points and pointed them out for the complete bullshit they are. You deserve a pat on the back.

Don't forget the exceedingly dodgy "press conferences" conducted by a Sheriff that behaves like a hostage with a Fed looming over him like a goombah. Combine that with the dearth of information from the same it makes for something definitely being fucky here.


SOMEBODY was in that room, on that night, with the concert going on below, for the specific reason of shooting up that crowd. I don't believe for a second that was a spur-of-the-moment thing. Remember the written down bullet trajectory formulations?

Indeed, this was quite a sophisticated op. Planned for a long while. Either scouted, or considered, at other concert locations. To me, this shuts down the, "he's just a lunatic who snapped" argument, too. He was one highly functional, thoughtful lunatic. Crazies go into the crowd and start spraying bullets indiscriminately.

What I still struggle with are:

Where's what should be a sizeable, known history of Paddock being a gun guy? Besides the purchases, where was he training? No one saw or knows about it?

Where are the friends who see Paddock every week, or a couple of times a week? Who can tell us about whether his mood or view of people was changing? We get instead brothers who haven't been with him in years?

Not buying how he had, and made, money. As others have mentioned here, video poker and slots is what you would do to laundry money; not make it.

His lack of a social imprint and odd finances seem to fit the characteristic of him being a spook for someone like the CIA, or part of organized crime. And when I think organized crime in the Southwestern U.S., I think Mexican drug cartels.

Trajectory formulas for bump firing an ar-15 at distance are bullshit. The spread pattern would be 100s of feet. Using a sight or a scope and bump firing is bullshit.

Dude also wouldn't have an long list of numbers to write out. He wouldn't do calculations by hand, he'd look at the chart of bullet drop for whatever gun he was firing, and click his scope/sight up for whatever distance. But that is irrelevant as you can't maintain a sight picture while bump firing. You're just trying to keep the gun from getting away from you.

Lol at #9. You’re surprised a 64 year old man has no social media presence? News flash old people don’t always have a Facebook and Twitter account.

Even if he wasn't posting radical political views on Facebook or Twitter, there should be text messages, emails, website he visits, phone call records, photos of him online that were taken by other people, etc. In 2017 even if you don't use a social media site, you still leave a trail. So far, we have NOTHING.

I just want to point out that number 9 (no social media accounts) is not that unusual for someone in their 60s. Neither one of my parents have one, nor do they have any desire to ever have one. My girlfriend's mom has a Facebook, but her dad does not.

There are obviously a lot of suspicious things about Paddock, but no social media really isn't one of them. He also didn't have any kids... which is not suspicious, but probably the main reason seniors have social media.

if you play very disciplined, there are people that take "advantage" of certain video poker machines that have a certain 3 of a kind payout. with that payout and playing a certain way you tilt your odds from something like 49% (51% for house) to something like 52%(48 percent for house) Those arent the exact numbers, i read about it awhile ago, but thats the gist of it.

Mad shootings are free speech

They are people standing up to tyrants

I would love to have seen this presented in court. lol

Successful casino gamblers exist. Not playing video poker though. Playing regular poker.

Something that kinda gave me chills is that his last name basically means some type of enclosure for cattle. Which is exactly what those victims were to the shooter/shooters. Not to mention it was "Harvest Fest", and that looming pyramid with the top lit up. Real creepy stuff going on here.

Im hoping we get answers that satisfy soon. But don't think we will...

Holy cow! LOL. I didn't even think about all those implications. Wow. And I though I was a pretty devoted conspiracy theorist. You win bro!

It isn't healthy to make reaches like that. Trying to paint yourself as conspiracy theorist #1 will surely just lead to more misinformation and leaps that hold no real weight. I appreciate people trying to discover answers, but I keep reading things as fact where there is sufficient evidence to debunk the statements. Couple this with people making wild allegations and we cloud the truth more and just reject all conflicting reports.

The only way to look at these events are unbiased and impartially. At first I accepted the original narrative. After some research I'm not convinced of that version, but it doesn't do anyone justice saying his name refers to cattle enclosures and everyone was fenced in. They were at a festival, if you've ever been to an event like that you would be aware they are fenced off, it's the dudes name, there doesn't HAVE to be a nutjob behind it. Also, why would they give him a name like that if it was alphabets? Stephen McVegas Massacre Paddock. I don't get it, is it an inside joke so the guys who planned it can have a chuckle? You can make connections anywhere you look, please just use some critical thinking skills to decipher what makes more sense.

Excuse me, but what "reaches" did I make? What conclusions did I draw? Everything I posted is what the media has released. I am merely pointing out the inconsistencies and ridiculousness of the claims being made. If you don't think you're being lied to, then that's ok. I, for one, believe that I'm being lied to, straight to my face. And I don't like it.

It was more the bowing down to a 'more dedicated conspiracy theorist' that just makes me feel like this is all a 'who can jumble up debunked reports and news articles and come up with a vaguely true sounding series of events/motivations'. Reading through this entire thread there are multiple instances of people contradicting your list and providing backed up sources to prove you wrong. I'm happy to be asking questions and I agree there is something fishy about the whole event... It just seems like a lot of people get hold of a single statement and follow it up with 'So if X means Y, Y must mean Z' with very little to back it up, not necessarily you, just in general.

Sheriff Lombardo told by mystery voice "don't go there" during press conference when the shooter's car is brought up.

I agree with the sheirff we shouldn't have to spend so much time figuring out the timeline. First off Jesus should have a radio. He's a security guard. The maintenance guy has one if the security guard doesn't mgm should be made liable. Which brings me to my second point if Jesus has a radio the maintenance guy shouldn't be in that hallway. But okay let's say the maintenance guy doesn't hear the first shots fired at jesus and turns down the hallway that according to the him it was obvious to him that Jesus was hit and that he had to get to him. How they made it out of the hallway is fuzzy to me but ok. Third point it's mention on the police scanner that they wanna see cctv from the 29th and 32 floor. I'd love to see the suspect drilling the stairwell door shut and the 200 rounds. While we are at it I'd love to see the video of the shooter at the front desk of ny ny or the Audi with wires hanging out. I'd like to know why the cops believed they were being fed diversions. And last thing this is hard to overcome but the service elevator thing is hard to believe I mean maybe because he was a high roller but according to Mr. Wynn the suspect made fairly modest bets but ok whatever let's say he had access there is no way they don't have cameras in there. Which lets say they don't then mgm would be liable for damages.

I find it absurd that in this day and age they think people wont be able to see passed the smoke screen they are putting up. Wonder what would have happeend if Reddit was a thing during JFK

We'd have a load of neckbeard, conspiracy theorist, armchair detectives making wild leaps and connections.

Much like this case.

I don't understand why they can't even release footage of him walking into the hotel/room with luggage?

After most terrorist attacks we see footage released from CCTV or at least snippets of the perpetrators in action..

After 9/11, Sandy Hook, the Boston Bombing, the Pulse nightclub shooting, the Colorado theater shooting, etc., is this the event that is going to open America's eyes to the deception that has been perpetrated by the deep state?

I'm not a conspiracy guy. Sandy Hook was real. Jet Fuel will soften steel beams enough for them to bend and buckle. Muslims hate gays, gay muslims hate gays and themselves, gay muslims in the united states can get ahold of guns.

But this fucking smells all to shit.

The social media thing is not entirely right based on what Ive seen. Look up "will the real steve paddock please stand up" on youtube, if its still there it will show a background check that uncovered his linked in account, and has a picture of a different- similar looking guy. The adresses and details all match up but it's a different guy.

This would match up with the evidence of the bar photo with marylou being photoshopped. I can re-dig this stuff up if anyone's interested. Im not saying its correct its just something to consider.

Also the death photo kind of doesnt look like the same guy so it was really kinda curious to me.

I think you've hit on my core argument. There's just too damn many inconsistencies. Look, I get it. Fresh investigation, you're bound to have some conflicting info. But there's like 500 things about this case that makes zero sense.

Its gone too far in the direction of a cover up for there to be a real investigation obviously. Not sure what to believe exactly but 100% paddock wasn't the guy and there wasn't just one guy...

Ok so I am not a regular visitor to this sub, so bear with me, but my god, do you guys not believe in citing your claims around here? If you want to be taken seriously, do the rest of us a favor and provide evidence (you know, the same evidence that brought you to the conclusions you've come to here)... If your "evidence" is a gut feeling based upon previous events that you didn't bother to document or string together, then you are a big part of the problem, at least as far as winning people over to the way you see things. If you see trends and patterns, then document that shit! Then use that documentation to cite your claims. Provide evidence that otherwise skeptical people would not be capable of denying.

That said, just to start here, despite the agreeably shady nature and supposed (yet still uncited) points in your #3 question, I can imagine that there could be a huge number of reasons he might want/require security. From white supremacists to "agent actors of the elite" and so forth.

The second part of your 3rd question bears an extremely obvious answer: The dude clearly has a decent attorney (or team of attorneys). Nobody in their right minds should be talking to the press in such a circumstance.

Before I dive deeper, I'll leave this here for you to respond and go from there?

Besides LV having some of the tightest 24 hour surveillance inside and outside, here is a Captain Obvious query: 22,000 some odd people in an outdoor venue with X more watching above in hotel rooms (around the shooters room too) and in the vicinity seem to manage to capture hours of full audio/video on their smartphones of the concert time, the massacre and even the gruesome aftermath...but apparently not one person who shot a video used a time stamp which would overwhelmingly prove the timeline.

"No trails of social media exists for Stephen Paddock. Nothing at all. Paddock must have not known that the internet existed"

This isn't very weird, he was in his 60s. My brother is in is 40s and he has no social media at all.

No trails of social media exists for Stephen Paddock. Nothing at all. Paddock must have not known that the internet existed.

Why is this weird? He's in his 60s.

How about text messages? How about e-mails? How about phone call records? Do people in their 60s not have these either?

My theory:

He was a self radicalized ISIS sympathizer working with others to perform the nights chaos - a sleeper cell. Multiple shooters were positioned elsewhere and were complicit in the attack - please reference health rangers multiple shooter acoustic forensic study with his suggestions of other perches or locations. The plan stopped short for some reason, I'm sure there were other phases involved. The security guard Jesus Campos is an x factor as he is either complicit himself, or at the very least knows more than the "official" story is allowing him to divulge - could be multiple shooters, or he knows this was an ISIS inspired highly coordinated sleeper cell attack, I don't know.

What I believe the FBI are intentionally doing, and without any great finesse, is to limit the outrage that would come if the public understood that this was an ISIS sleeper cell attack. What I mean is, they are saving face that they didn't see this coming, they are trying to limit the likelihood of other sleeper cells activating or other self radicalized individuals people taking action by not broadcasting this was a coordinated terrorist attack - trying to stop copy cats essentially, and at the same time mitigating any anti-islamic or anti-muslim revenge crime happening from the general public.

The FBI are lying and I believe their logic is both intended to mitigate all possible knock on effects from informing the public that a sleeper cell attack occurred - and basically could happen again at any point anywhere - and also mitigating backlash hate crimes against muslim communities. I do believe this is a deceitful but sociologically effective tactic however deeply frustrating to observers.

I do believe the FBI is doing a terrible job all round and I pity the american public as your institutions tend to lie directly to you and treat you like idiot children.

When I first saw this story I thought it was something like the anders breivik event, an ideological attack against the right, a left wing nut job. But that seems unlikely - Paddock went to exceptionally great lengths to act covertly. I doubt any info will turn up on him - I would look at the strain the local authorities are under as they are being forced to lie, someone will crack.

the world is so dirty that civilian lives relies on our government and those who plays the god of the world..i wanna go to my work knowing im safe and not some lunatic shoots me in the head for no reason

  1. no photo evidence of victims or survivors. no photos of bodies, gore, EMR, etc. nothing. so obviously renders this entirely, completely, absolutely false.

what are your thoughts on this video?

I don't know how you guys feel about 4Chan when it comes to this kind of shit, but I thought I might leave this here. Do with it what you will.

A quick observation. I posted a couple of comments on this on some YouTube videos but I believe Reddit is the proper way to spread the word.

I was watching some timeline videos of the shooting that people edited together and one of the final moments after the shooting was done and Paddock was captured, you hear a single POP in a different tone than the gun shots. The woman in the video looks up to Mandalay Bay and says, "There's glass falling from Mandalay Bay..." then a second later, one more POP. Could this be the windows finally being blown open? If so, the shooting didn't take place from these windows and would explain the lack of videos showing any broken windows or muzzle flash from the 32nd floor windows. It would also suggest multiple shooters and confirm a cover up.

If anybody has a suggestion for me to share at a different sub Reddit, please do. Also, if anybody has a link to one of the videos I'm referring to, please share it. I'll come back and post it if I come across it again.

One question I've not yet seen asked; was the alarm intentionally triggered? Which door caused it - the second door at stairway entrance? It just seems odd, with all the meticulous planning, that Stephen Paddock would have unknowingly set off an alarm by leaving a door open/obstructed or whatever the case. Was he unaware that doing so would lead to security being alerted?

If I've missed this detail being expanded upon here or elsewhere please xlarify, as i'malso not clear on which door - or whos - triggered the alarm. Only that it was a door on the same floor as Paddock's suite.

It is confusing. In the interview, Campos said he went to check an alarm that was set off by the stair doors staying open. Door are suppose to stay closed and if they're kept open for a while, it sets off an alarm. He says he went up from 31st to 32nd floor by stairs and found the 32nd floor door wouldn't open (ie barricaded). So he went up one more floor and came out and came down through another set of stairs to 32nd to find the door jammed.

NOW, how can the "door open" alarm go off when the door was "bracketed shut" It's a mystery to me.

Well, my understanding is that there are two doors at that stairwell - so you open one and a few feet beyond open another to gain access to the hallway. I was assuming that one was bracketed and the other was left open / propped. Initially iirc they said that the alarm was not set off by Paddocks door, and that it was a coincidental occurance (as in, not related/ a guest was having "door issues"). Then it was "not a guest door" meaning either a stairwell/exit, or - one thought I had at the time - a "maintenance closet" (I worked in a hotel and we had these on every floor).

Regardless I don't think they have specified exactly which door and the specific state the door was in to trigger the alarm. Every little detail is important and I highly doubt this one has not been examined by investigators.. but, like much of the details that came out quickly after the incident, this one has been left to speculation and I'm not seeing anyone question this one in particular.

Yes. And the stuttering account by Campos on Ellen really didn't help clarify much. I'm still confused.

My guess based on the few details given, is that perhaps Paddock had to prop the door open at some point during the process of installing the bracket. So, perhaps it was open too long at that point, which triggered the alarm, and either Ramos deployed immediately and/or the alarm stays on even after the door is properly shut

Probably showing up at the Ellen Degeneres Show - who has contracts with Mandalay Bay for slot machines

“Campos drew more media scrutiny last week when, without explanation, he backed out of scheduled television interviews with Fox News and four other outlets, and also fell out of contact with the Security, Police and Fire Professionals of America union, which was helping him coordinate the appearances. He had posted signs outside his home reading “no trespassing” and “no media on property,” according to the Review-Journal.

Because he was not seen publicly, various news reports referred to him as “missing” and “vanished,” creating an air of mystery around a key witness to the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history.

In the interview broadcast Wednesday, Campos did not explain why he chose the DeGeneres show to tell his story as opposed to all the other shows vying for the first interview.”

Also don't forget that Paddock was an accountant for defense contractors - he definitely knows about some sketchy shit that these companies do

 How many terror-related incidents spanning the past 15~ years has ISIS claimed responsibility for, only to have such a claim discredited through factual findings in an investigation?

 How many terror-related incidents (or otherwise.. Sweden

. ) that occured during trump's presidency thus far have been hastily deemed as a "terrorist attack" before the facts emerge? If I recall correctly, this is the first in which he did not say the word terrorism/terrorist - even after ISIS claimed responsibilty..(?)

This comment may get lost in this sub reddit but never the less I will try to convey my message as clearly as I can.

With the release of documents surrounding the JFK assassination and Russia's opinion on it there was a mention, can't get exact quote, of CIA informants in the media. Now a lot of the pints you have here and possibly due to the media not asking the right questions. Is there a posibly of CIA informants still in the media today and making sure we, the public, don't get vital information that could uncover their operation.

I totally agree with the fact that this investigation seems to be in shambles and things seem to be left out and overlooked. I hope we can truly find out what happened.

this is hilarious .. it's hard to keep a straight face ..

the part i don't get is who on earth would want to stage a fake shooting & why? Hmmm ...

Here's a theory. Paddock has a video poker "hack." That is, someone (accomplice) programmed the the machines to allow coded bets to trigger royal flushes. For example, if you bet 3,1,4,1,5,1,5,5,5,5,5,5,3,2,3,5 then it gives you a royal flush. This is how people "hack" slot machines/video poker, etc.

So, he has an accomplice. The accomplice is the programmer who wrote the code for the machines. Such programmer are not allowed in casinos. Even then, your accomplice (Paddock) can't simply go in and bet the "magic code" every time -- they will arrest you quickly.

If you had such a code, you would need to play video poker like a lot --, lose a lot, win a lot. Ultimately, unlike all the suckers, the odds are in your favor. But if you tip them too much, the casino will wise up and investigate. Exactly how elaborate the hack was could have made it extremely difficult to detect. The proof that such a hack exists is that "lifetime winner" average.

Either his accomplice or the casino tried to black mail him. By the "casino," I just mean that some in casino management called him and said, "Hey, we have been looking at your betting and we know you have a cheat. You will start playing fair (i.e. losing) or we are going to arrest you.

Paddock comes up with a way to screw the casino. His intent would be to maximize loses at the casino, so setup the lawsuits, etc.

Ultimately, his world was coming to an end because it was going to be revealed that he really wasn't the smartest man alive -- he just had a cheat code. The massive amount of guns were not necessary other than to assign additional liability to the hotel. Likely Paddock felt he was dead anyway, as "nobody beats the house." He played out his "comped" weekend and settled the score. What he is hiding was the fact that he was a simple cheat.

You are correct. However, we're not talking some average landlord here. We're talking about a guy who supposedly is on par with real estate moguls. Remember, the media reported as him saying losing a million is not a big deal.

7 The casino has footage. Of something. Maybe just nothing relevant.

Graphic my ass. I've seen more believable gore on Halloween. Quote from the video itself: "I see no entry wound, I see no exit wound."

Wow, you give underestimate the FBI and CIA this much? Are YOU fucking kidding me?

His skills on LinkedIn pretty much all relate to film production. Odd

Yup. Testing to see how well they can prevent information from being spread via YouTube and Facebook, testing how well they can manipulate us.

Call the number call the number! I would but I'm not in the US

You can buy a 2005-2013 corvette for $20k (body lines on the one in the driveway are C6. Look it up if you don't know what I mean. C7 corvettes look extremely different)

Finance that over 5 years and just about anyone could afford the payments.

Plus, how do you even know that's his corvette? Loomer said there were others that answered the door. Campos could live with his parents for all we know and that's their car.

The cover tracks completely was referring to motive. Obviously the whole do the shooting in a room booked in your real name shows no signs he planned to survive.

We don't know where all the guns came from so that's nonsense. We've had 2 gun shops confirm he bought guns there. Where did the rest come from?

I'm pretty sure they know more than 2. They've been able to determine he bought them from various dealers over the last year.

One tv report said every gun was purchased from a different store like 30 in a years time. Which is very very unusual. Normally people find good shops and reuse them you would have to seriously go out of you way to go to 30 different shops.

Still doesn't add up to explain how he got his weapons into the hotel. Video footage of him anywhere inside the hotel. Explanation for why Jesus campos can't get his story straight. He might have "lost" it but he didn't do it alone. He had some form of help. If he solely did this alone this case would have been over already. Imagine how easy it would be to solve the lone gunman narrative with video proof of paddock bringing up all the weapons to his room? It would be case closed in a heart beat for most conspiracies.

Oh.. really, that doesn't even matter. I have a friend that works at a college for $12 an hour, single mom, does side gigs, bought her house, eventually saved enough to buy another, which ended up paying for her to get another.. now she has a steady source of income that requires little to no work, which can be reinvested in more property, which exponentially makes her more money.

10 years from now, she could be pretty well off, even retired. 20+ years from now she could be a millionaire, if she keeps making investments.

People don't realize it doesn't take much seed money, just a lot of effort and smart investments, which in turn generate more money.

"Truth is, you won't find me anywhere" --- lol

A plane crashed in a field yet wreckage is found in a many miles wide area and there is no plane wreck just a smoky crater and no news agency takes up the story. Its pretty damn obvious that plane was blown out of the sky. It should be one of the easier things to prove. It was either shot down or a explosive detonated that was onboard the plane. Lots of local witnesses were interviewed at the time and they all said this same thing wreckage spread out all over.

The 4chan guy who knew about the Campos interview said they hired a team of well vetted people to guard Campos family from now on so he would go public.

One theory that fits almost everything so far was that he was running guns and the hotel room setup was for a sale. It explains why he has so many guns in the hotel room despite not needing very many, it explains why he was shot in the chest when the deal went south instead of a normal suicide wound in the head or mouth, it explains why he didn't seem to have an escape plan, it explains the presence of the cameras on the hallway and inside, it explains his strange lifestyle. It's possible the buyers were planning on attacking the crowd or it's possible one of the buyers went psycho.

Michael Hastings. Need I say more?

You leave the keys in it?


He sold an appt building in tx for 8million some yrs back

Yea, just like blackjack or roulette. Assuming you play the perfect strategy, all you're left with is luck.

It was planned. He even asked for a room over looking the venue. Now they say he was targeting police...riiight

Any chance you are wearing a suit and sunglasses while typing this?

That is not typical in my experience. I know people who work part time in a union and they don't even pay full dues. They definitely get perks too. Anecdotes aside I don't even see what benefit it would be to the union to insist only full time employees are allowed...they would benefit from more members receiving less assistance from them.

In the case of security unions it seems especially unlikely to me that they would require full-time to join. Security is an industry where you have uncertain hours for a lot of jobs. Would unions just not be interested in unionizing these people doing shows or details and such? That doesn't seem very likely to me given that unions want everyone to join pretty much...they want every industry unionized because that gives them more power and money.

What? Bro you have obviously never played video poker, there is 0 strategy other than attempting to win big with royal flushes or specialty hands like 4 wild deuces and an ace, or playing to win small or break even with flushes, straights, etc. It's nothing but dumb luck. Probably not even really luck as it's probably like most machines where it decides when it's going to pay rather than rng.

Just like how Russia buzzes Scandinavian airspace now and then.

Did it in college too. Gave all my roommates a door key and kept a log book in the console for mileage, etc

The house getting robbed... That's fucked

Makes it even more weird then that there's no more evidence it was him doing it.

I'm trying to get into this guy's head, but maybe with all this wealth, hookers, booze, $1,000 sushi plates, living a life of a millionaire but not a celebrity life.

Other than engaging in pedo acts (which probably what he did) he wanted one last final "bang" just to feel something. to feel alive, to feel like he's actually real,

And shooting down a whole crowd of people was the act that needed to test his sociopathic behavior.

That act finally did it for him. He felt alive, he felt human, he felt remorse. At first the gunfire was easy, it was exhilarating, but after a little while, reality kicking in, he's on a downhill roller coaster to hell. He was planning to shoot it out with SWAT, but he started getting scared, he felt his mortality like he never did before. He is now a mass murder, a shooter, his name will forever be a blight on US History. Legislation will be passed under his name. His actions will resonate like 9/11.

He doesn't want to go anymore. The idea of a SWAT team coming in blasting him full of holes doesn't sound as cool as he once fantasized about it.

He hears something in the hallway. Is it them? is this how it ends? Screw this, and he takes the easy way out by shooting himself.

See my original reply “Dear Wolfgang” by Marty Leeds on YouTube. Check out a lot of his stuff, he’s a very smart and informative guy

Not one single drop of blood on anyone they brought in for gunshot wounds. You really have no limit of disbelief? You would make a good customer for all the businesses in your neighborhood.

Don't need thousands. Only the people focused on in the professionally shot photos need to be in on it. There were clearly two sets of people at the concert. Real people who didn't react to the fake gunshots because they could see that no one and nothing was being hit, and the crisis actors trying to incite panic.

Investigators look at the available evidence. The only evidence available to the public are the videos. You expect people to break into the FBI office to see the evidence? Or do you believe what they tell you? See with your own eyes and stop watching the MSM.

I've noticed every debunker has to throw in at least one personal insult as their closing statement. Shows me you don't want to argue in good faith.

I did keep a cup of change a bum must have stole.

I think the connection to Lockheed Martin is a huge detail that should not be overlooked. He was connected to the government, but how? why? Etc... We may never know what really happened. One thing is certain, Mandalay Bay has some super shady actions taking place if they won’t release that indoor camera footage.