Hearing that the LVPD press conference today will only allow credentialed media personnel. No independent Journalists (like Laura Loomer)

44  2017-10-13 by litre_cola9

Can anyone confirm this? If true. Fuck this, and that, and this over here.


How else will they tightly control what’s reported?

I can't wait for the questions from the MSM today:

"So, how is Jesus doing? THe nation is behind him"

"Uhh, If the killer had more bump stocks, would this have been worse?"

I am already pissed off

Softball questions only. Must fit the narrative. Anything else need not be asked.

Who cares about Laura Loomer?

IF they allowed independent journalists then I could walk right in.

Ahh, yeah, who cares about the only reporter that is putting out anything of substance surrounding this. Ok.

What? No one even knows who that person is. Why isn't she on Fox or Breitbart then? What is this, her PR firm's post or what?

People who are paying attention to things other than fox and breitbart know exactly who Laura loomer is

I haven't been on any alt right websites lately my bad

Riggghhhtt riiigghhttt. Y'all are too obvious. That's meant to be just a helpful criticism.

LOL AND THE TWO YOU LISTED: breitbart and fox

We all know who she is. Local reporter and a pitbull are who is after the truth. Where have you been?

Not on alt right websites. My bad didn't know she was another only savior.

Are you really on here touting fox and breitbart as credible news sources and then claiming that you don't visit alt right websites Are you for real?

Bc she is a Jew.

She literally just reposts everything 4chan and this sub finds. She then ads a twist or embellishment and takes credit for it. Oportunist. Let her have her 15 minutes. We won't get new info. This is the end of the road

Someone needs to hire Laura Loomer quick and get her in there!

No. Please don't. There are literally thousands of better independent investigators on this.

Laura Loomer is a LIAR.

About the security company that's at Jesus Campos's house, she claims:

On top of an expired business license, "On Scene" has a virtual address!


But, neither is fucking true:



She's a liar. The only reason people care what about her lies is because she confirms their biases. Way to give her the attention/views she's craving for. Wonder how much money she's made or is trying to make on the gullible...

Such an intense response with a lot of effort put into proving this one fact wrong to discredit Laura Loomer. I can only fathom why you would come post this, but I imagine your employer i freaking out right about now. Enjoy your last little bit of time playing this game. It's almost over.

Yeah, liars can really boil my blood.

Way to not respond to the fact that she's a liar.

Yeah, you're right. Not a shill. Laughable.

A six-day old account promoting a liar is calling me a shill? It actually happens to me fairly often. A lot of people don't like hearing the truth when it conflicts with their world-view.

But you're right, I do get a good chuck out of this.

Such an intense response with a lot of effort put into proving this one fact wrong to discredit Laura Loomer. I can only fathom why you would come post this, but I imagine your employer i freaking out right about now. Enjoy your last little bit of time playing this game. It's almost over.

She takes everything 4chan and this sub finds and tries to take credit for it.

Yeah, she's a conspiracy-monger (among other things). That Seaman guy would do this shit, too. One has to be a real sick person to knowingly try to profit from a tragedy like this.

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I can't wait for the questions from the MSM today:

"So, how is Jesus doing? THe nation is behind him"

"Uhh, If the killer had more bump stocks, would this have been worse?"

I am already pissed off