It doesn't take a genius to see we are pulling out of the Iran deal because of Israel. They keep saying Russia, but Israel is the real influencer. Trump is just an actor for the real rulers in America and the middle east.

41  2017-10-13 by showmeurboobsplznthx


Trump hasn't done it yet has he?

I have to wonder why Obama pushed the deal in the first place. Israel was against it then too.

That's why Hillary lost bc Israel was nd she was going to Iran on several occasions. Iran, Saudi, and Israel all stated Hillary's plane was shot down leaning Iran but American media denies it. Wouldn't be surprised if Israel shot it down. They also hacked john Kelly and threatened him. Israel is more dangerous than Russia. They both want to fuck America

I have to wonder why Obama pushed the deal in the first place. Israel was against it back then too.

I have to wonder why Obama pushed the deal in the first place. Israel was against it back then too.

I have to wonder why Obama pushed the deal in the first place. Israel was against it back then too.

Everyone agrees, at least he isn't Hillary.

Not really. Israel is an outpost.

It's USA, Isis, Israel, Saudi, the west vs

Russia, iran, Assad

Pretty sad really

It only takes one assumption to make an ass of you and me, though.

Reading to understand is a life-long endeavor. Every little bit helps.

I will bet you $100that the rewrite includes Israel in some way. Either more money or causing the formation of kurdistan and allowing Israel to annex land.

I stand behind my statement that all Trump is, is the face. Nothing more, nothing less. All about Israel with regards to Iran.

Trump is just another Isreali stooge. Sad I had hope for him once.

If he is one of the "real actors" they should call the understudy because he is awful.