Please remember, that with all of these various events coinciding (shooting, Weinstiein, ect), certainly there must be SOMETHING is being covered up or minimized? This whole thing seems like a "test" almost.

25  2017-10-14 by jeff34sonairplanr

All of these important events coinciding? Within the same time frame?

Seems a little too convenient for them. What is really going on? Is this a beta test of some sort? Are they gauging our reactions to different things? (elite pedophilia, war, false flags, ect).

I do not know. My message is just to remain skeptical. DON'T Latch onto a narrative. Be open to several possibilities.

What are the social engineers REALLY trying to do with this ?


Obviously it's our Shithead in Cheif's blunders and the Russia Investigation.

Agreed, fuck trump but Russia is fake

It's an intelligence test. We're failing

Or they are, it’s almost like they need us to fill in the gaps for them

Nobody was shot. This hoax event was written for us to have to fill in the gaps. This is all a hoax. Nobody was shot.

I agree. Almost like a new era. A horrible one.

Who has any ideas?

You are still enslaved by the owners of the federal reserve, the USA is a communist nation ran by an unseen oligarchy. You are likely looking at a second jewish bolshevik revolution, your total genocide.

They want to strip your rights entirely, totally obliterate the constitution. This basically means no second amendment, guns are all but gone. Liberty act means privacy is obliterated. No more criticizing the unseen oligarchy, that means you cannot speak negatively of the jew.

The only thing that counts today is the monetary system and who controls it, with control of the monetary system, all elected officials are puppets, actors, they own the media.

Y’all missed the part about the [] (Liberty Act), didn’t you?

the only people I know freaking out about the weinsten happenings are normies. it comes as no surprise to many of us

The liberty act is being swept under the rug. I am confident the Weinstein scandal happened when it did exactly for this reason.

Anyone who believes the story broke when it broke by coincidence is either uninformed or an idiot.

seems to be the case