[Draft] Why Wouldn't Anyone Listen? A Comprehensive List of Hollywood Insider Statements About Sexual Abuse, Dismissed by the Public and Media

61  2017-10-15 by jbrs_

Please help me compile this list by adding more in the comments:

[May 2016] Elijah Wood claims Hollywood is gripped by a Jimmy Savile style sex abuse scandal

Elijah Wood claims Hollywood is in the grip of a child sexual abuse scandal similar to that of Jimmy Savile in the UK.

The 35-year-old said paedophiles were shielded by powerful figures in the film industry and claimed that the abuse was organised.

He said his mother protected him from abuse when he arrived in Hollywood at the age of eight and he didn’t attend the type of parties where such incidents occurred.

“You all grew up with Savile – Jesus, it must have been devastating,” he told The Sunday Times. “Clearly something major was going on in Hollywood. It was all organised”.

Courtney Love Warned Actresses About Harvey Weinstein Back In 2005, Was Banned By CAA For It

link to video

Natasha Leggero asked Courtney Love if she had any advice for young actresses trying to make it big in Hollywood. According to TMZ, Courtney hesitated for a moment before speaking out for fear of a lawsuit. Then she proceeded anyway.

“I’ll get libeled if I say it,” Courtney Love began. “If Harvey Weinstein invites you to a private party in the Four Seasons, don’t go.”

[Video from 2013] Actor Corey Feldman Tried to Warn About Hollywood's Pedophile Problem and Was Mocked

In a video unearthed by the Daily Wire, back in 2013 Feldman appeared on an episode of "The View," where he once again claimed to have been the victim of sexual abuse for years. For saying this, then-host Barbara Walters accused Feldman of "damaging an entire industry" with his claims. Walters appeared to dismiss Feldman outright.

[...] This is absolutely not how a survivor of sexual abuse should be treated. While claims of pedophile rings preying on famous child actors may seem like something from a conspiracy theory website, in light of recent revelations about Harvey Weinstein, they're more than just a little plausible now. And given that seemingly everyone in Hollywood knew for years about Weinstein's predatory nature, it's mind-boggling how Walters, a seasoned industry professional, can respond so callously to Feldman's very serious accusation.

[Nicole Kidman: ‘Stanley Kubrick Said Pedophiles Run The World’ ]()

^ if anyone can find a direct source for this, especially video, I would appreciate it.

Angelina Jolie secretly filmed talking about ritual abuse

^ pending confirmation. it's an obviously edited video, and people are telling me to watch the unedited version, but having trouble finding it. anyone have a link?


The Nicole Kidman stuff is from http://yournewswire.com/nicole-kidman-kubrick-pedophiles/ which is disinfo. Look into Kidman's father if you're interested.

yeah didn't seem like a very credible site. would like to link to a direct interview instead, but having trouble finding one. do you know of one? and please link to any articles about her father if you have any available.

Also, Angelina Jolie talking about satanic shit she's done.


Also; Iggy Azalea talking about the satanic shit she's done.


That's not Iggy Azalea, says Azealia Banks. Also, Iggy Azalea is white.

I literally get those two mixed up anytime they are brought up. Thank you very much for catching that, I have edited my post.

no surprise, both shit



"Rumor" has it that she's a disgusting, despicable, gross, evil human being that enjoys inflicting as much pain as possible onto others.

I’ve always had such a bad feeling about her. Can’t say I’m surprised to hear any of this.

But why? What’s the story on this? Was she forced into it or a perpetrator of her own free will?

No. Her family has been doing this for a long time. She joined because she knew of the rewards.

Why has corey feldman not named names?

I really hope he does.

Because they know he knows and that he's been talking to a certain extent.

Chances are he's at a higher level of being threatened for his life than most of the other performers who have simply said no and been blackballed.

I suppose if they were going to kill him before he named names other people would then name names.

Not if they aren't threatened as well.

If the entire industry is built on pedophilia and woman-beating, you have to have an "All Stop" if you trying to keep it going.

There are worse things than death, and I cannot imagine...

Why hasn't Brian Singer been arrested and convicted? He was a part of the Marc Collins-Rector group of sicko's.

don't know much about his case, but found a source that I'm going to go through later. leaving here for others if they are interested:


Is statutory rape of 17 year old twinks a high priority for the police anywhere in the country? I can't imagine police caring enough about that.

Good to see another list going as well. I included your list and the links in my thread I have been working on as well. Here is a link
