When was the last time Assange tweeted numbers and was so explicit about Hillary's

40  2017-10-15 by clit123

The numbers tweet and calling Hillary dark and creepy.

When was the last time he tweeted numbers out. last time I remember was the night they cut his internet which was almost a year ago today.

Somethings going to happen!!!


October Surprise II?

Assange gonna be like: "Ok here it is! I just saved a ton of money by switching to Geico!"

I knew he was a shill for Warren. /s

Until he releases something legitimate about Clinton I am going to remain skeptical. My belief has leaned towards him being controlled opposition since last year now. I don't believe Clinton was ever meant to win that election.

I can't prove shit but if I were a betting man I would say I agree with that statement.

My logic remains the same. If he was legit. And he was a threat, he would be dead. We all know how capable the US Gvt is at disappearing opponents. If they can do it to foreign governments, they can do it to a scrawny Aussie.

That and Assange's background in Australia.

His freedom of movement is completely restricted, that can’t flat out murder him at this point, not prudent at this juncture

maybe he’s waited to see if HRC’s friends and power base eroded to the point he can safely release them

They had ample opportunity before that point. Believe what you will but don't ignore the facts that he was in open territory for years.

What happened to the hubbub about no one actually seeing his face? Did we ever actually see him or are we just assuming he's still alive and this is actually him.

I imagine the question remains on all those points. If someone is convinced by a video or a face behind a window they might think differently.

He went out on the balcony sometime in Jan / Feb if I remember correctly. Last time I remember seeing him anyways. You can search for his speech on Youtube.

I dont think the balcony thing is beyond skepticism either. Could have been him playing the role, under duress, or someone else entirely. It could also juat be him hiding in the bolivian embassy but as you say, something doesnt sit right

Well I am guessing he has the rest of her emails and in there they probably blow pzzzagate wide open.

The keys to the big Clinton/DNC dump as far as I can recall.

They did the same thing for Bush.

I can see it now. Lizardgate.