Cernovich has now joined the chorus of people saying tomorrow is going to be a crazy day! "Tomorrow is going to be big"

31  2017-10-16 by clit123

This should be a fun day!

"Tomorrow is going to be big"


Well, fuck, maybe I won't get caught up on homework then...

Live life

Do your homework man. Fuck these guys. They ain't releasing shit

Fuck these guys and fuck homework!

Hell yeah, let's party!

All prophesies but this one are false.

When will people realize that nothing ever happens

The podesta emails happened

Well if Monkey Philosophy says it’s big I guess it is big!

It's all a big production for these people.

I just got blocked from my twitter account. Yes I think tomorrow is going to be big.

European southern observatory is supposed to make an announcement about a never before seen unprecedented fining. I think it very well could be a crazy day

Assange is coming for Hillary. Check out his last few Twitter posts.

The amount of shilling on current front page posts reinforces this. They’re in place ready to try and suppress. Keep your eyes on ‘new’.

Hell yeah, let's party!