MegaAnon supposedly(?) returns again, today: "This dump will be broad. It will probably be the biggest file dump Wikileaks has ever published in size and when it's out there, it's going to leave NO DOUBT..."

151  2017-10-16 by ToddWhiskey

source (4chan posts filtered by ID, via 4plebs archive)

"... the day they realized the day was fast approaching that Mueller's "investigation" would have to publicly disclose, that RUSSIA NEVER HACKED/LEAKED THE DNC EMAILS TO WIKILEAKS, IT WAS AN INTERNAL, DONESTIC US BREACH. That's EXACTLY when Awan started dumping what he had and making moves to get himself, his wife/family and their money, back to Pakistan. As for the Dems, they all knew they were finished, when AWAN WAS STOPPED AND DETAINED AT THE AIRPORT. It's over friends."

edit: a previous reddit thread, sources included:


I want to believe

4chan's score is 0/alot on predictions so far.

Don't fuck with them

They can drone you

This is a much better example than when they 'found Shia's flag'. Concentrated autism taking out terrorists.

Rule #1: Don't be a terrorist

If Rule #1 isn't followed, Rule #2: Don't do terrorist shit outside and post it online.

At least the majority of these terrorists aren't smart.

/pol is always right

/pol did it again!

Honestly, I will give them 400-500 pieces of shit to every nugget they get.

It appears the mega anon posts are total bullshit.

Hardest part for me to believe is that Comey made a deal with Trump to step down and Mueller was planned. Mueller hasn't done anything to get at the truth, according to WikiLeaks.

21st is the deadline.

Basically they’ve setup Mueller so that he can save face.... or not.

So it’s on, it’s just a matter of time.

Shit or get off the pot, Assange.

Assange has not made any of these claims.

You are right, but I think he has all the dirt. I wish he would drop it all so we can put the NWO globalists to rest. I understand he needs leverage, though.

Isn't Assange doing something big today?

This guy is saying the 21st. Dunno.

What if I say 22nd, would you believe me?

I've just learned to be patient. If he's dropping something that is going to cause strife for everyday folks, I hope he takes the time he needs to soften the blow a bit.

Assange hasn't claimed to be doing anything today, or by the 21st. This is all LARP garbage.

Except Assange did tweet a hash no?

I think it's more like Dump or get off the pot


bullshit! Wikileaks and assange are both limited handouts.. this all seems to be distraction from the cover up in LV

LOL... you still believe that horseshit? Yeah, Wikileaks is a limited hangout orchestrated to expose such a deep level of corruption that the US predominantly decided to go with an offensive businessman reality TV show host as President vs. HRC - clearly this is all part of their plan?

its all a show

That's a pretty simplistic view of things. There is a very real war going on right now, even if it is just between factions of the ruling class. Just look at something as simple as the number of pedophile arrests, and you can see there are people at the top trying to take down the worst elements, if only out of a sense of survival.

even if it is just between factions of the ruling class

Hopefully it doesn't stop there...

Genuine politicians when?

Genuine politicians when?

We're very close to tipping the public consciousness over the 10% line on the Las Vegas false flag. Keep pushing on that and we'll see even more concessions from the ruling class.

I hope they are ready.

glad I'm not the only one connecting some dots around here...

Yeah, Wikileaks is a limited hangout orchestrated to expose such a deep level of corruption that the US predominantly decided to go with an offensive businessman reality TV show host as President vs. HRC

Not the U.S. -- Russia. Assange is a Russian asset. Putin despised Hillary; he'd much prefer Trump, with whom he's had past dealings, in charge instead. His hackers passed along information to Assange to distribute.

I mean, this is Conspiracy. How's that for a conspiracy theory?

Based on what source? How exactly is this the conspiracy theory? It is literally the exact story that was debunked in the mainstream narrative. The origin of the "Muh Russia!" story began with Russia perpetrating the hacks... since then, we've seen the Seth Rich story bubble to the surface as the potential source of the files domestically...

With Assange offering proof of a non-Russian hack/domestic leak, contingent on a pardon.

The only* shred of evidence we've seen to support the "Russian Source" concept was the hilariously pathetic Crowdstrike report which was 10% amateur'ishly compiled nonsense about a Ukrainian software exploit (out-of-date with Ukrainian fingerprints all over it) and 90% generic security best practices.

This was totally and utterly ripped apart by every IT/Software Professional that looked at it objectively... why do you think that narrative has gone missing in the MSM for months???

It was only one step away from the terrible "pee pee dossier" in terms of its trustworthiness.

Your version of the conspiracy can be found in just about every Russian article that CNN/MSNBC ran from December 16' - February 17'. Which was about 75% of the news cycle back then. There's a reason it never "stuck", it was all a lie.

Putin played Hillary and Obama like chumps for 8 years. Ask a Ukrainian. Wave hi to our uranium stockpile while you're over there. Or ask Bashar when he comes back from doing spinouts over Obama's Red Line in Syria.

I've never bought the, "Putin wanted Trump" rap. Either winner offered Putin opportunities. Putin, if anything, wanted chaos. Division. Wanted Americans to believe less and less in their institutions. On that score he's winning in a major way.

Yes to the former (as per HLI, right?), but as to the latter you do realize that this is the same MegaAnon who pointed to the distractions regarding LV, and hinted to what LV was?

That said, how would you go about it? How would you slowly red-pill the masses while preventing societal collapse?

The jury is still out on MegaAnon for me - until anything anon "predicted" materializes.

I'd hate to be part of that jury. You'd be on jury duty till death.

I also want a space elevator. Deal with it.

The jury is still out on MegaAnon for me

im not talking about MegaAnon, i was talking about Wikileaks. they will not deliver .

and think about this. LV shooting happen, the following days we see pedowood coming out of the shadows (why now?) , moldylocks turns out to be a cam whore ( maybe not the best slide, but /pol loved it) and now Wikileaks is back and "will finally" drop the big bomb.

They have been pretty darn close on everything they’ve said.... like better then even the most seasoned conspiracy people out there if it was a larp.

Yeah I've been looking up her May etc. posts...remarkable.

Another economic collapse in the coming months would also play into that whole theory.


Looking up her May?

She's been posting since May (as MegaAnon)


She is definitely putting herself and credibility out there right now....

If nothing happens before or around the 21st, she will fall into just another larp.

True, having said stuff like this:

"And I carried Assange's visa and passport through the airport in my purse. He's got 27 pages worth of relevancy too."

limited handouts

god damn liberals and their hand outs

Uh huh.


Hm, and this comes a day after Hillary Clinton said that Wikileaks is a 'tool of Russian intelligence' and Assange does 'bidding of dictator'.

It is pretty obvious that Assange is pushing his own agenda here.

assange didnt say anything.

He posted a key yesterday and there are rumors (coming not just from 4chan) about the next dump.

Assange does not need to say anything, his behaviour is speaking for himself.

It's not a 'key,' it's a pre-commitment. If you knew what that meant you'd realize how ridiculous your 'behaviour' statement is.

Actually, that tells me Hillary knows what's coming, and is feebly trying to get out in front of it.

Now it's not going to happen until the 21st. So tired of this shit.

What do you mean?

What difference, at this point, does it make?

haveyouseenmymarble and benadrylop you two just made me laugh for the first time today (test day in med school didnt do as well as I hoped/wanted to) thanks here's an updootarino

We will release the 11:59pm EST just to make you wait ALL day

Hillary just cancelled all her UK media appearance today under the guise of having a "sore foot."

From putting it in her mouth so frequently lately?

[Words to live by](( re: 4Chan

He gets me EVERYTIME... how did the sheeple allow this to continue for 8 years w/o just literally turning our backs on the entire fucking system.... (now mind you the one after this twat, and the latest one arn't all that much better but at least they can edit/read a PREPARED SPEECH.... *shakes head and walks off muttering about how "its always been destined that American and the US would be allies".....

Well ok believe it when I see it

Wait, "if assange makes it to the 21st?

Oct 21? What happened to today?


Yeah, this is a blow to credibility in my mind.

lol. Alright buddyz

What's up with today?

Anon said Oct 21st:

"This is Assange's final release (to the EXACT DAY, A YEAR LATER) of his promised, pre-election "October surprise". He was set to release it on 10/21/16.."

He was saving it for just in case somehow snaked into the white house.

He couldn't really release it before because it was too close to the election and it would have given hitlery a" Waaaa Russian influence" excuse... and what if she had gotten elected because people felt sorry for her... too close to election to really dig in and prove it... and his life would be over the second she entered the Oval Office. Better to release the emails and put Comey in a bad position and hope the American people were smart enough to figure it out... hitlery should have STFU AND BTFO But she didn't... and now the arrogant psychopath is going down.

He couldn't really release it before because it was too close to the election and it would have given hitlery a" Waaaa Russian influence" excuse... and what if she had gotten elected because people felt sorry for her... too close to election to really dig in and prove it... and his life would be over the second she entered the Oval Office. Better to release the emails and put Comey in a bad position and hope the American people were smart enough to figure it out... hitlery should have STFU AND BTFO But she didn't... and now the arrogant psychopath is going down.

You are right, my bad. Somehow I misinterpreted it all to today for some reason.

No worries, anon is fruitful and posted a lot indeed...

I’m more interested in the 3 disclosures if needed... he made some interesting points, how this goes down matters to the 3 disclosure and 1 or 2 may not be needed.

I want the FED one the most..

I want the FED one the most..

Anon repeatedly confirmed...

"Yup. This is also what I was referring to as part of 3, 3 letter disclosures. By the time this is out, it's going to be REALLY HARD for the FBI and CIA to explain how the fuck Hillary even made it to election night as a candidate, instead of just watching it from a 14" analog TV, in a max security, isolation cell bunk in federal prison. *Two down, the Fed to go... *"

Ya I just read all of that, but excitIng times.

I think today is the 7th day from Hannity's tweet.

Anon said this...:

"Hannity is riding the hash coattails. You all assumed 7 as 7 days and would then assume 7 means Monday because he wasn't on the air yesterday. 7 referred to last nights hash drop. Hannity now gets to address/hype this on his show until the 21st, or until Assange decides he's not getting enough reach or traction from Mueller and team, then decides to say fuck it, and release. For his sake, I hope he does what he said and gives til the 21st."

10-4 thanks

7-4 ftfy


35 to life?

Just 36.

25, or 6 to 4.



54-40 or Fight!

143 or 💔

Happy bday to my dog!

To me too! If real, this will be a great and memorable birthday.

He came, he saw, he dumped.

.........I'll believe it when I see it.

There is already a Megaanon" thread, why didn't you post this worthless garbage there?

It's today already and nothing is happening

Nothing juicy is coming guys.

Still waiting for someone to deliver, anything at all!

Shit they say every leak kek

So wait they are releasing it on Oct. 21st now.... which is a Saturday?

Either they have an inept publicist who doesn't understand that weekends are the worst time to release news stories, or this is completely fake.

What? You're telling me that someone just happened to make things up on a message board that allows you to post anonymously and has a user base that believes made up things?

Assange dumps saturday, gives autists/news 24 hours to go through the files and see, markets brace for impact by Monday.

So what's the excuse for when nothing happens today? What's "MegaAnon"going to say?

"Gois they hab them flyers, theys just waitin on the bests times to release and it's just not yet... but keeps ons baleebing me!"

What is meganon?

He/she shows up on 4chan and often shares info that ends up being true

that ends up being true

Citation needed

He warned about Vegas I’m at work will post link later

That's pretty cool

Well, at least after today we'll know for sure it's a larp.

Not a larp just because it doesn’t come out today...have you read all the megaanon threads? Explanations on why dates and times can change constantly?

larpity larp larp larpalarp

Can we agree as a people that if this doesn't pan out, we'll never, ever use 4chan as a source for anything, ever again?

Yeah it's so annoying and cruel. This is serious stuff about the future of the human race, we all care about it, and they do this shit constantly. Constantly it's about to drop, it's all about to be revealed, thigns are about to hit the fan and then get better... it's mega stressful and isn't good for our health. What this person says sounds kind of plausible and it's interesting, but let's face it, the fact we all so dearly want it to be true means we take it too seriously. And we get our little hearts broken time and again. It's just mean and wrong. So yeah I agree if this doesn't happen soon we should never post 4chan 'predictions' ever again.

I figure that itself is a psy-op. prevents people from growing the balls and doing anything themselves. keeps things always around the corner.

It’s not a psy-op. It’s someone being dumb on the internet. Why are you so opposed to simple explanations like this? Why can’t 4chan just be full of idiotic liars, and why can’t /r/conspiracy just have a bunch of gullible people in it?

If people are still using it at this point I don't believe there's much hope of that,

It's a good source for interesting rumors but you'd be fool to take anything posted there as fact.



"Lynch and Clinton set Comey up to HAVE to publicly suggest indictment or not. (((They))) called Patsy Comey's number and he knew it was "his turn". Clinton/Lynch purposefully leaked the tarmac meeting, complete with photos making it look extra good, to a local network affiliate station and reporter. This allowed Lynch to formally recuse herself over "conflict of interest", so she wouldn't be forced to indict the first woman president they wanted/needed her to continue to serve, as Attorney General by ensuring she'd continue her role of covering their asses.

Didn't you find it weird how Comey basically spelled out EVERY SINGLE CHARGE, he would've nabbed ANYONE ELSE ON, BUT HILLARY?! Not for nothing, but when Comey gave that public statement and didn't recommend indictment on behalf of conveniently recused Lynch, to the DOJ, he looked just as green-faced and nervous, as fucking Lombardo, the puppeteered LV Sheriff."


Damn, great info.

So unless Mueller grows some cajones then Assange will throw the match on to the gasoline.

MegaAnon obviously doesn't know what it is. Why are we trusting some random faggot on a chan again without asking for any proof?

He said Vegas would happen and it did js


No he didn't, Christ.

May not have been the exact words but if someone says to stay away from Wichita and a month later the countries most deadly shooting happens in Wichita it would seem to be more than just a random guess

He didn't say "stay away from Las Vegas" before the shooting happened.

What if someone posted dozens of warnings, each for a different city, and were pretty vague about the date of the attack but definitely seemed to be talking about 9-11

I get it he’s a random dude on the internet, I wasn’t saying he’s a million percent legit or that he’s even right all the time geez

Sorry, I really didn't mean to come on strong

No worries

Ill have a nothing burger with a side of bullshit. Hold the pedos.

The fun thing about these larpers, is that they're never held accountable by anyone in here. When the date comes and the promised thing fails to happen, you all act like the prediction never happened. And when the next prediction comes, you gobble it up and move on, never questioning how legit these "anons" are.

Who is this MegaAnon person, what's her job, anyone have any ideas as to what type of role she could have? She says in this one that she works for herself 'on behalf of others' but i've no idea what that means. If she was legit then what kind of self-employed type job would get you that kind of access and info? She also said before I think that she was going to Vegas after the shooting, so it'd have to be some job that would involve going to big investigations/incidents like that. I can't thinkof any job she could have, and that makes me doubt it's true. But I obviously could just not be aware of all the different types of jobs.

MegaAnon doesn't know it yet, but they are actually jesus. right now he's full of shit, but when shit finally does hit the fan, he will instantaneously gain superpowers similar to Goku after having literal demons from hell and interdimensional forces beat the hell out of him.

mark my words 11/27/2018

She could be Rogue Carrie from Homeland!

My boner for justice has since turned into a painful priapism, turned black, and fell off.

Thats how coal is made

I don't know if Assange is alive tho. Didn't he ded?

You'd think they would have released it on


( •_•)>⌐■-■


"Sunday Morning"

He said it's over friends!

Where have I heard this before

Where have I heard this before

Yes, there will be the same Podesta-style creepy-coded references, maybe a few unironic Weiner owned images of pre-teens he sent dicks and tits back and forth with, sprinkled throughout communications which will be included in this dump because Wikileaks doesn't remove or edit the >total bulk of any files,

Just this once, I think it would be better if they did edit some of the files. . .


Didnt this person also say the video of paddock claiming Isis was supposed to come out like 4 or 5 days ago?

The obsession with 'megaanon' on here is void of proof and embarrassing

Monday was the big day and Monday is almost over.

Remindme! 5 days

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Saw a comment way above me detailing how 4chan is becoming a place where ‘the autists’ uncover deep dark secrets and air them out via anonymity. We are INCREASINGLY DISTANCING “THEY” FROM “US”, CAN’T YOU ALL SEE THAT? The individual must to be willing to be on the frontlines of this war. “They” - “the researchers” - are completely anonymous and are of whom we cannot verify their true motives 100% authenticity. They could ABSOLUTELY be there to just to throw us off the trail, or to more specifically act as if ‘we can handle it from here guys, no need to investigate”. It sounds like a well thought out conspiracy in it of itself. Mind games at their finest.

You guys all know that is PA right? Here is he another bit of info

I'd bet all of my money that this is completely wrong.

Well today is the day, let's see some fireworks.

From putting it in her mouth so frequently lately?

its all a show

Yeah, Wikileaks is a limited hangout orchestrated to expose such a deep level of corruption that the US predominantly decided to go with an offensive businessman reality TV show host as President vs. HRC

Not the U.S. -- Russia. Assange is a Russian asset. Putin despised Hillary; he'd much prefer Trump, with whom he's had past dealings, in charge instead. His hackers passed along information to Assange to distribute.

I mean, this is Conspiracy. How's that for a conspiracy theory?


He couldn't really release it before because it was too close to the election and it would have given hitlery a" Waaaa Russian influence" excuse... and what if she had gotten elected because people felt sorry for her... too close to election to really dig in and prove it... and his life would be over the second she entered the Oval Office. Better to release the emails and put Comey in a bad position and hope the American people were smart enough to figure it out... hitlery should have STFU AND BTFO But she didn't... and now the arrogant psychopath is going down.

He couldn't really release it before because it was too close to the election and it would have given hitlery a" Waaaa Russian influence" excuse... and what if she had gotten elected because people felt sorry for her... too close to election to really dig in and prove it... and his life would be over the second she entered the Oval Office. Better to release the emails and put Comey in a bad position and hope the American people were smart enough to figure it out... hitlery should have STFU AND BTFO But she didn't... and now the arrogant psychopath is going down.