Do you think the "Russia investigation" will bring down the Donald Trump presidency?

0  2017-10-16 by Pineapple__Jews

Why or why not?



In more concerned with the Russians ability to influence Americans than Amy involvement trump may have had.

I don't know if there is a way to make Americans less gullible and stupid.

People in general are stupid.

The internet was supposed to have made the truth more readily available, unfortunately it is only made the truth harder. to find for many people.

Yes, because Colbert/CNN/MSNBC told me it would.

Where did they get it from?

Not organically. If/when they decide to take him down, they'll be able to fabricate whatever evidence they want, or pull some from his seedy business dealings in the past.

I think tptb are more interested in the strife and division, than they are in resolving this pathetically artificial conflict.

It's far too early to say. With the publicly available information, it seems like the president is in the clear, but it sure looks like Flynn and Manafort sold our country out. Will be interesting to see what Mueller digs up.

It's hard to imagine that those guys were able to do that without Kushner, Junior, or even Trump himself not knowing about it. Trump literally tweeted about Hillary deleting her emails hours after the Veselnitskaya.

yeah thats a really good one.

Those two were about as close as possible to Trump. Trump also refuses to criticize Flynn (even after firing him) which strikes me as odd.

For those who may have forgotten, this Russian narrative began in September 2015 when the DNC/Anderson Cooper tried to link Bernie to Russia when he was becoming a threat to Hillary. Then they tried to link Wikileaks to Russia. Then Jill Stein. Then Donald. Then Julian Assange. Then the entire election results. Then they stopped referring to the email fiasco as "leaks" and began calling them "Russian hacks" This is not a pattern of reality - it's a pattern of desperation. I've been a Democrat all my life, but this Russia crap is nonsense.

The Congressional investigations are being controlled by Republicans so I don't really understand the argument that it's "the dems." I know that's Trump's favorite talking point, but it doesn't seem to square with the facts.

If you still think the R or D next to the representative's name makes a difference, you still have plenty of information to discover. The 2 party system makes it easy to divide and control political influence. Those truly in power care not what puppet sits in the oval office or in Congress, since their money all comes from the same place and they all vote the same for what really matters.

The only difference between the parties rests in identity politics. Those issues are completely manufactured and radicalized to either extreme.

Maybe on some things, but there's a reason nothing has gotten done during the Trump presidency - the two sides are almost completely united in their opposition to the other side. And if Hillary did a fraction of the shit Trump did, she would be on the verge of impeachment.

It's not about Dem vs Rep. It's about deep state actors vs the American ideal.

Deep state isn't a thing.

The "deep state" is a rebranding of the military industrial complex. It essentially means the same thing.

Persons at agencies and companies that don't depend (entirely) on party affiliations while in long term positions of power, and sometimes part of the revolving door of gov't/private-sector involvement.

According to their theory, the Democrats are really the ones in charge, completely forgetting the fact that Republicans are in charge of the executive and legislative branches and started the Russia investigation. The TDers also say that Democrats are the reason he can't pass legislation, which is ridiculous.

It is strange. The Republicans could give the Democrats the middle finger at any time and their voters would back it. But to their credit they do recognize the danger of a foreign nation trying to influence our election and haven't killed it.

That sounds like something the Russians would say...

I completely agree but I find it funny how all their desperate attempts may have actually uncovered some shit. The meeting with Veselnitskaya was not nothing. Manafort working for Russian oligarchs is not nothing. It's going to be hard to watch the MSM sip their victory kool aid if the investigations lead to something but if they find something worth prosecuting I want Trump and is group to get prosecuted. The idea that someone can work with the Russian gov to get elected in the US is scary.

The Russia conspiracy theory was crafted to excuse Obama's crimes. Obama was spying on his political opponents and that's where the Russia narrative stems from. Once Trump won it morphed into this excuse for impeachment.

The Russia conspiracy theory was crafted to excuse Obama's crimes. Obama was spying on his political opponents and that's where the Russia narrative stems from. Once Trump won it morphed into this excuse for impeachment.

That has been debunked.

Your messiah will hang from a rope for his crimes against America. Obama fucked up big time. He just knew Hillary was going to win. Now his time has come. Can't wait to see him strung up.

Will the rope by tied to a tree branch?

That'd be the most cost effective way but he is an ex president so they'd probably build some kind of platform. Either way works as long as he pays.

I.E.: "If you criticize Obama's presidency you are an actual KKK Nazi!!"

Grow the fuck up.

Psyop is the one who said hang him from a tree for his imaginary crimes.

That's an acceptable opinion among some here apparently. Go to an anti-Trump and the worst you'll see is "send him to prison" comments - but casually talking about lynching a president here is instant upvotes.

Grow the fuck up.

-Guy completely making up what OP said.

Pathetic. I see you chose not to comment on the lynch the black man comment. Hmm.

You and I both know that's not what he meant by 'strung up'.

How's Tumblr these days?

I stopped going there because I think the deep state is watching. I also tossed out my microwave. Can't be too careful these days, you know?

Joke's on you buddy, I bought 650 microwaves and covered my house in the metal grates from their doors. Stay woke.

I'd believe it.

He could have guaranteed Hillary a win if he had revealed what he knew about the Russians, but he was trying to be impartial.

Obama. Being impartial. Hahahahhahaha. The guy that invited BLM to the white house 50 times? The guy that said 7 out of 9 women on college campuses are raped? The guy, holy fuck man, you trolled me. Good one.

The only thing that would bring down Trump is if he doesn't fall to his knees for the Zionists fast enough.

not a chance. the dnc colluded with russia...

This has been debunked.

They are positioning for the mid-terms elections and the next presidential election. Expect the propaganda blitz to intensify in order to gauge its effectiveness in the midterms. If it is effective, meaning, republicans loose seats, than it will be intensified until the presidential. This is the issue that is hoped will prevent the second term. The actual investigation will only end the presidency indirectly, by constantly being cited by opposition in order to sway voters. The actual investigation can't fail to turn something up, simply due to the vague accusations. Collusion is not rigorously defined, and as such the impropriety is not clear. So if a Russian business contract in some way violated procedures, lets say by not accurately reporting income, then the investigation would have been a success.

Absolutely not. This conspiracy theory was crafted to protect Obama. Obama was spying on political opponents and got caught. The Russia conspiracy theory was crafted to cover for Obama's crimes. Then when Trump won it just morphed into an excuse for impeachment.

Also noone believes it. Libtards believe it but they don't matter since they believe anything the establishment tells them. The rest of the nation isn't buying it. The MSM pushed way too many fake news stories about Russia. With the vast majority of Americans not believing it they can't use this for impeachment, no matter what bullshit they come up with.

How do you feel about all the Russian Facebook ads?

If the vast majority of people don't believe it, why do 40%+ already think he should be impeached? Why do you suppose Bannon gives Trump a 30% chance of finishing his first term?

Yeah and Hillary has a 98% chance to win the election.

Russian FB ads. You're getting all this garbage from MSM. What is wrong with you? The news has lied to you thousands of times yet you still trust them. That's fanatical cult level shit man.

No, I'm getting it from the people who have looked at it.

i think your tin foil hat is on a bit too tight bud.


I don’t even care anymore really. Do it or don’t. Fuckin football and basketball started so I’m distracted for the next bit.

Fuckin football and basketball started so I’m distracted for the next bit.

Just what the deep state wants.

well played deep state. well played. you did the opposite of your intended effect? i thought the deep state wanted me all gungho about getting trump out of office, now that i don't care...they did their job?

seems legit.

Yes. Remember bill clinton was impeached for getting a blowjob. trump may or may not have colluded with russian, but even if he didnt im sure there is something else there, money laundering or fraud at least.

I stopped going there because I think the deep state is watching. I also tossed out my microwave. Can't be too careful these days, you know?