Since I keep seeing Hillary as a topic dominating this sub, I'd like to make a pretty solid case for why she doesn't matter, besides obviously that she lost.

0  2017-10-17 by Silentbtdeadly

I know a lot of people probably just enjoy thinking about how evil Hillary is, and this isn't really directed at you. Conspiracies can be fun to think about, perhaps she is the deep state operative everyone makes her out to be, but there's a reality I think everyone is ignoring.. she doesn't actually matter.

You've got an unemployed woman who's currently to the best of my knowledge, doing a book tour for her kind of pathetic book, and giving her opinions occasionally, as if anyone cares.

That's the thing, once she lost, she ceased to be relevant. She has no job, no real power beyond that of any other elite that has just as much money or influence.

This is directed at people in the "lock her up" crowd. The people that push an agenda against her, to defend or counter points made about Trump.

But let's get real here. If she goes to jail tomorrow, what changes in your life? The drama of it might be entertaining, but if she is somehow involved in all the evil shit I keep seeing people say she is.. will it suddenly just.. stop?

Now let's look at the validity of comparing what she does wrong, or using what she does wrong to Trump.

Say tomorrow she's either murdered, dies, or simply disappears, what's the result? Less books get signed. Maybe she sells more books? I seriously doubt all the things that you blame on her stop if this were to happen. The biggest consequence is popcorn sales go up, for the people who give a shit about whatever the media says.

Edit: a valid point was made, if she does go to jail, the reason why might make a difference in legislation. It's a valid point. My point is more on the fact that she's in the past, and can't currently say/do anything that actually matters in the present tense.

But I seriously doubt most people will give a damn, because nothing she says or does actually effects us.

Now let's compare. Tomorrow, the president of the United States, Donald Trump is either murdered, dies, or disappears tomorrow.

In this case, which one matters dramatically. If he were murdered, there would be absolutely chaos, people in r/the_Donald have made it perfectly clear there would be civil war. If he died or disappeared, could result in the same, maybe less, maybe more.

How does this effect everyone? Well, it would have a giant impact on every single person in our country. Maybe you'd get to keep your healthcare, maybe the result would be worse? Maybe we wouldn't go to war with North Korea, maybe it would be far worse?

The point is, while it's entertaining in the least to consider Hillary and all the evil things she does (for some), the reality is that whether she goes to prison, dies, is murdered or anything else.. it won't really have an effect on anyone's life.

This is just a reality check for those who appear to have an agenda, something for the rest of us to consider when we see yet another 65 posts about Hillary Clinton.

They're talking about someone who only matters in the fact that anyone is still talking about her. She doesn't actually matter. In jail, dead.. it will have zero impact on history, or anyone's lives (the pizza will likely go on).

Every single thing our president does, by comparison, matters. Every word, every action, will have real world consequences that will end up in the history books. Will matter to every American, in absolutely huge ways.

So, to those with what I think is an agenda, I'd say your energy is better spent being happy she lost, do celebrate the actions of Trump.. but also realize that the only reason she has any relevance, is because you try to create it.

Tomorrow, whether she's alive, in jail, or dead.. it won't change a damn thing.


I haven't seen a Hillary post untill you showed up.

I've scrolled through dozens as I've scrolled through the front page over the day.. plenty of "it's happening" that involved her going to jail.

Either way, the point of the post is pretty solid, she doesn't matter except to the people that manufacture reasons she matters.. and she still doesn't matter regardless of what they say.

I don't look at the front page , I really go to top on this sub , I stay in new, and I have not seen anything about her and in reality it's in her best interest to stay that way with the WeinsteinGate she should just retire.

Trust me, I'd be okay with the "she disappears tomorrow" scenario. I'm no fan, and would rather not hear anything about her ever again. Especially from her.

My point is she doesn't matter unless people keep talking about her. She really doesn't matter even if they do, but I'd rather see her sink into the mediocrity that she deserves.

Then shhh Why bring up another post about here why not bring up a good old Area 51 post, or big foot post.

Dude you have to YouTube missing 411 it's fucking creepy asfku. Makes you not want to go camping ever again.

I moved to a camping state, I'm not sure I want to find more reasons not to go camping! Lol.

That said, I'll check it out as I'm safely in my back yard!

For sure man , there are some creepy shit going on in our national parks

How are you filtering them out? Because my feed is flooded with them.

I use my phone , and I have no filters.

We know she sucks the devils balls

And if she does, which I won't argue.. my point remains, whether in jail, dead, or otherwise.. how would it effect anyone? Is she single handedly the entire reason for satanic pizza related activities?

She was the Secretary of State. If she and her cohorts are held accountable, will it cause any important reforms?

Will it? She's been blamed for plenty, but if she died tomorrow, what actually happens? If she's put in jail, sure, maybe they'll change things.. but she's not currently under investigation for anything I know of?

My point, that she doesn't matter remains.. because.. well, she's busy signing books somewhere, unemployed, and looking pretty pathetic doing it.

She's been blamed sure. But never tried in a court of law.

You don't want us to talk about conspiracies that have to do with "unemployed" women? You're kidding, right?

Can you send her an email and ask her to quit running around whining about the conspiracy against her, first?

I made a point to say there's nothing wrong with actual conspiracies, they are definitely entertaining, whether you believe them or not. Her being unemployed has to do with her relevance, the fact that she's a woman had nothing to do with what I said.

I also want her to shut up, I'm with you there! Can't seem to find what political office she currently holds, so it's hard to find her email or phone number, but I'll gladly tell her to shut the fuck up if you provide it!

I don't get this sentiment at all. Your reasoning that we shouldn't talk about the conspiracy she was involved in because she no longer holds public office? So, if someone loses an election people should just look away and pretend there was no wrongdoing?

I'm sorry, I tried to make it perfectly clear, actual conspiracies are fine, but there's been plenty of people trying to push what's obviously an agenda, trying to use things about Hillary in order to defend Trump.

There was one post office replied to, that was so absolutely guilty, that I decided to point out that Hillary isn't an important figure at all compared to the impact Trump will have on our lives.

More simply, if Hillary broke laws, and goes to jail, good. But her relevance ceased to exist the day she lost.. outside of repercussions of her going to jail, on that you are right.

We are never going to agree, here, so we should just stop now.

I'm okay with that.

Quite simply, my point was those who post/comment based on political affiliation, versus those who post based on the things they think is an actual conspiracy.

I think actuall honest to God's truth conspiracies don't get enough attention, while the ones that are based on political affiliation get upvoted to hell.

I'd love to see more actual conspiracies get upvoted, rather than the low hanging fruit that thrives in r/t_d

She’s been in the media like this since the 1990s. I am 36 and remember the elections with them and they sold her like a Jackie O at first. And she campaigned with him and I think the affairs and her seeming like a cold uppity woman.

I don’t know what per say but she’s got this effect on people. I remember seeing it. She’s a trope too. When I was a teen, I remember thinking, “she must be miserable because she’s hot” (for a FLOTUS) and found his affair choices to be sad.’

Another off fact, JFK cheated on Jackie left and right and she was often the ideal to the same guys... and the whole lot are corrupt.

I'm also 36 funny enough.. and I didn't care about politics or really follow it until I was 18, in 2000. And even then, I didn't really care until 9/11. Although I've lurked here forever, 9/11 was when I started to care about politics, and when I became a light version of a conspiracy theory kind of guy.

So, besides Monica being a bad choice for someone to cheat with (that's about all my political thought at that point)... I didn't really think politics until bodies started dropping by the thousands..

I feel like I care more now, because I cared less then.

I guess my true argument is against party politics.. it's used in disingenuous ways. I see people actively trying to argue party politics using someone that actually doesn't matter.

I'm a conservative in just about every way(was far more liberal before I really got to know politics), and I'm constantly, at least online, seeing people use stupid shit as their partisan argument, for my side.

Maybe I'm more center because I'm sick of either side using stupid arguments, I don't know.

The Clinton's have played a major role in global corruption for decades. That cannot be overlooked. Not due to grudge but due to many conspiracies surrounding them.

Sure, but nothing has been proven, and even if true.. if she dies tomorrow, whatever she may have done doesn't change. Current day, she doesn't matter.

If she goes to jail for anything more recent, fine.. things related to that may cause change.. otherwise, the past is the past, and her dying or otherwise has 0 effect on anyone.

unemployed woman

Enough with the mumbo jumbo pal, justice doesn't care about your desperate sob story.

Which isn't true? Unemployed, or woman? There's no sob story, the point is that she only matters if you give her a reason to matter. Literally, if she died tomorrow, it would have zero impact on anyone's life, outside popcorn sales.

If “she doesn’t matter”, why are there still so many accounts shilling for her on a conspiracy forum? If you’re sceptical of this take a look at the voting on comments mildly against her (even in this thread).

If she does matter, why are there still so many accounts shilling for the Current Government on a conspiracy forum? If you're skeptical of this take a look at the voting on the hot page which is almost entirely about Hillary today.

Concern something... I forget the word

This isn't the Donald. There's no accepted narrative that needs to be argued.

Boom :)

Oh, I think I misunderstood your original comment.. still early where I am, lol. Need to go buy coffee or something.

And now NO ONE is donating to the Clinton Foundation as they have ZERO influence now. Too bad, Chelsea's personal ATM is now out of service ....

Shes evil incarnate is a valid reason. But to post this on Reddit is gonna cuase you to get downvoted by the snowflakes.

Then shhh Why bring up another post about here why not bring up a good old Area 51 post, or big foot post.

Dude you have to YouTube missing 411 it's fucking creepy asfku. Makes you not want to go camping ever again.

Oh, I think I misunderstood your original comment.. still early where I am, lol. Need to go buy coffee or something.