Hannity deleted his retweets of Assange from last night and today....somethings going on for sure

51  2017-10-17 by clit123

Hes in communication with Julian. Last night and today he was retweeting Julian. Now they are all gone. he was saying Julian was the only person with the truth or who knew the truth.

I think a deal is in the works for Julian to be pardoned or come to the US to testify that his source wasnt Russia.


It's an interesting point, although I don't know how that would be perceived by the public and could back fire.

they are friends. Hannity as far as I know the only American journalist to interview Julian in the embassy. And they trust one another. Julians posts are still up that were part of the retweet. Theres no reason for Hannity to delete the retweets. He literally said this morning on the retweets, Assange is the ONLY one with info and truth. That retweet is now gone. The only explanation is what i laid out. That theres some sort of gears moving behind the scenes. And that Sean wasnt shut up or told to shut up, but rather, delete the tweets because stuff is in the works and Sean pulled the trigger too soon.

I saw the tweets this morning, also forgot about the interviews. Something seem to be going done, I normally pretty hesitant, but hopefully it will be fun to watch.

not to mention the reports increasing the last couple months of Rohrabacher, Rand Paul and another congressman all lobbying to have Trump talk to Julian and pardon him. Sean himself asked Trump about pardoning Julian last Thursday. Trump sidestepped the question. I find it nearly impossible that trump isn't aware of the issues here.

Something appears to be going on.

I agree about being worried about public perception though. Unless you are like us on the chans or here, you have been told Russia hacked the election or hacked the emails for over a year now. If Julian were to leak info about Seth tomorrow and prove what we all know here, that Seth was the leaker and the Russia/Trump connection was bullshit. But Im worried he'd dump the Seth proof and CNN and the media would say, oh well, Julians a russian agent, and that this was all a lie on his part. And Russia/Trump wouldn't continue on. They'd just add the Seth proof to the list of their proof for Russian interference.

I see it more like, people claim since Assange is a lyer because he didn't turn himself in after proclaiming too if Manning was released. I litterally dealt with that argument earlier today.

He chose Fox and RT for interviews because murdoch and pilger are Australian. And Murdoch and Putin are allies. Hannity was sent by Murdoch to do his bidding.

Wild speculation is fun I guess.

It is, it is. In his defense there was something going on. Pretty sure it was the uranium deal release. But whatever.

He has more than that though...I think he will put out a 'good faith' dump, and based on that, 45 administration will look at pardon. But I think Russia won't be first dump. HRC, Seth Rich, Arwan maybe...

Definitely needs to be something substantial with all the hype

You think he'd do a Seth Rich dump? That goes against the policy he tweeted about as recently as this past week of never revealing sources. You really think he'd dump that email or file that proves Seth Rich was the leaker? I think he should, but WL is pristine, and unrivaled in their status of being spotless and above reproach.

no, i dont think it will be seth rich. was kinda just listing what WL possibly could have. I just thought of another possibility: Trump and Assange are in cahoots for a US secrets dump. 9/11, JFK, UFOs, Sandy Hook...IDK just kinda throwing it out there, since we all are speculating. It just better not be that BS he pulled during campaign, where you stay up all night for a WL self tug. lol But I agree, WL has been consistent in it's approach

do you think we will ever learn the truth about seth rich? Who will reveal it and when?

If this (supposed) dump reveals everything we hope, maybe it will kick off a real investigation.

seth rich was killed cause they hope wikileaks will reveal their source so trust will be lost.

Yes, I do. I think the Left and it's insatiable thirst for power, and uncontrollable need to attack will lead them to expose themselves, just as they have for the past 9-16 months.

im getting impatient though. I want WL and Julian to expose it all now. Ive been waiting, we've all been waiting so long for pizzagate, seth rich, awan and the russia hack hoax to come up and be exposed. We've been waiting for sessions to lock hillary up. Waiting for the truth of seth rich to come out. Waiting for it all to kick off. But it never seems to happen. Im so impatient and restless and ready. Lets get to it!

Sounds like those Xians impatient for rapture. Similar religious thinking.

What is he charged with for 45 to issue a pardon??

EXACTLY! I assume, the egg on the face of the US war machine from the Manning dump. He should be able to leave a building, no doubt

Yeah, he's larping his ass off is what's going on.

How exactly would Assange know that it wasn't Russia? Is it possible that Russia paid a third party to perform the hack, which makes it seem as if Russia didn't do it?

WL knows who gave them the leaked emails. Thats pretty obvious. Just as they know Manning and Snowden gave them files in the past. Sy Hersh and others have said WL paid Aaron Rich, Seth's brother for the leaks suggesting they both were paid.

The problem with your 2nd question is the "hack" wasnt performed to make it seem like someone other than Russia committed it. It was the exact opposite. It was a leak, by a pissed off Bernie voter, an American, who then went to a wooded area near American University to hand the files or thumb drives to Charles Murray. Murray, and Seth and Aaron all gave the files to WL, or to KDC and then to WL.

Guccifer 2.0 was the proof of the lies in your 2nd question. The DNC made it seem like Russia hacked it.

None of that is proven. Stop making it seem as though it's fact. It's certainly possible and I am not saying it's false. But at least put some qualifiers in there. And btw, Snowden never have anything to wikileaks.

Don't forget about "Charles" Murray. Seems that someone took the narratives promoted and forgot the actual facts/the facts don't matter.

Snowden didn't use wikileaks he used the press becuase he disproved of the reckless dumping of intelligene in mass that wikileaks engaged in with Manning's data and wanted to make sure that no one was put u necessarily at risk.

Wrong... he used wikileaks.

Snowden released through the Guardian and Glen Greenwald via the press becuase of the reasons I stated above. There are countless videos of him online giving the very reasoning I stated about why he didn't do a data dump and instead decided to use journalists. You dont know what you are talking about.


Wikileaks always uses journalists to review their data. You have no conception of what the organization is. They have never dumped a raw leak.

The article you just posted is about someone who is associated with Wikileaks who assisted Snowden in the Moscow airport after he already had distributed the data to reporters in Hong Kong (which is all documented in the excellent Citizen 4 documentary so I don't know how you think you can refute that), Snowden did not give the data to wikileaks he used the Guardian. Wikileaks does dump raw data, as was the case with the Manning releases where they put out tens of thousands of files online at once with no filtering out sensative intelligence that would put people's lives at risk or compromise national security, which is what Snowden specifically was trying to avoid.

You don’t have a source for your claims because they are lies. Greenwald and the Guardian are part of the wiki leaks network.

No I don't have a source for my claims becuase they are well documented known facts (source citations 101) if you are not some fucking moron with an agenda to push on the internet like yourself. Greenwald and the Guardian are not part of wikileaks.

Yeah I showed that wiki leaks paid for the Snowden leaks and helped coordinate them. Wiki leaks provides a wide range of services for whistleblowers.

Also your only source was total bullshit and not what you claimed it to be.

Why does it matter even if Russia did do it? I don't think they did, I think it's way more likely an insider who was upset at what they saw going on did it. But even if 'Russia' did it, it's still THEIR emails, it's still THEIR crimes and THEIR election-rigging etc. If they weren't criminals, people seeing their emails wouldn't damage them. Them trying to make out like it was all Russia is just their way of trying to shift focus off their own wrongdoing and shady behaviour.

it;s like the meme where the relationship counselor says that "even tho your BFs ex gave you proof that your BF was cheating on you, breaking up with him would benefit his ex.." So you get mad at her instead of the proven cheating slimeball you let fuck you in your own bed at night...

Seth Rich is the dnc leaker. Idk about the Podesta emails

With the amount of shit posting going on from both sides I definitely feel like something is going to drop in the next 24 hours but I am not holding my breath that it is going to be anything of material substance. Just more BS to drive the left/right divide and do nothing to move forward real change. I almost get the feeling that HRC may be "in on it."

Or the people who make Hannity possible asked him to change his tone...

Maybe he's embarrassed because he oiled up everyone's penises and nobody is gonma blow their load.

I would love to see Awan stuff come to light.

You think he'd do a Seth Rich dump? That goes against the policy he tweeted about as recently as this past week of never revealing sources. You really think he'd dump that email or file that proves Seth Rich was the leaker? I think he should, but WL is pristine, and unrivaled in their status of being spotless and above reproach.

do you think we will ever learn the truth about seth rich? Who will reveal it and when?

None of that is proven. Stop making it seem as though it's fact. It's certainly possible and I am not saying it's false. But at least put some qualifiers in there. And btw, Snowden never have anything to wikileaks.

Snowden didn't use wikileaks he used the press becuase he disproved of the reckless dumping of intelligene in mass that wikileaks engaged in with Manning's data and wanted to make sure that no one was put u necessarily at risk.

You don’t have a source for your claims because they are lies. Greenwald and the Guardian are part of the wiki leaks network.

What is he charged with for 45 to issue a pardon??

im getting impatient though. I want WL and Julian to expose it all now. Ive been waiting, we've all been waiting so long for pizzagate, seth rich, awan and the russia hack hoax to come up and be exposed. We've been waiting for sessions to lock hillary up. Waiting for the truth of seth rich to come out. Waiting for it all to kick off. But it never seems to happen. Im so impatient and restless and ready. Lets get to it!