Lets not forget that its 9 days until the Classified JFK assassination files become declassified. I'm sure a "distraction" will happen a day or two before.

1199  2017-10-17 by Yabberdabberdooo


There is probably no need. Everything important will be 'lost' or redacted.

This. I expect absolutely nothing. The worst that can happen is I get what I expect; the best case scenario and I'm pleasantly surprised.

People are weirdly expecting to find proof of a second shooter or a government conspiracy to kill the president.... I don't know why people think ANY of this evidence would be kept, especially from a time where the internet was there to back everything up into the cloud and save for eternity.

Seriously! People really think the government will just come out and say, "Yes we took out JFK because he wanted to dismantle the CIA and Johnson's Vietnam policy was far more profitable. We take out leaders all the time if they don't fall in line."

I really just don't think that will happen, no matter how much I wish it would

But this information is not the states but the people's. For it to be redacted or just missing should be followed with general outrage and a general strike. It should never have been kept secret in the first place.

I understand keeping it a secret if there was an investigation to uncover who did it if the person was still at large, but under no other circumstances do I understand the reason to withhold

Compromising an active investigation is one thing... this was and is a cover up.

I would be happy if we are given reasonable evidence FOR the official story and records detailing the investigation that lead to that conclusion.

They'll feed us breadcrumbs to satiate us and make us feel important. Nothing of actual value will be revealed.

It happened 50 years ago. If they said, 'yeah, look, we did it, but the guys responsible are dead now', what would the masses do about it?

Nothing. Nothing.

There's two most probably outcomes I think we can agree on. They release damning info or they release non-damning info. What's the benefit of each scenario? They release damning info? There's a huge hit to the current institution's credibility. They release non-damning info? Status quo as normal... You seriously believe they are releasing damning evidence?

I don't even know who 'they' are at this point.

All I can say with confidence is that the lemming masses will continue to be lemmings, no matter how obvious the lies.

Yea..its foolish to think otherwise.

No gamechanging material will EVER come tru official channels..

I can't find a sauce at the moment because I am on the road, but I am almost certain that I saw an article back earlier this year that said that a certain number of files from the JFK investigation were 'accidentally lost and/or destroyed'.

Whatever comes out in here in the next week and a half won't be the full story. Not by a longshot.

Right. And I read somewhere else that the first week George HW Bush was in office, he demanded the files be delivered to him. Anything that might've been in there is long gone.

the first week George HW Bush was in office, he demanded the files be delivered to him

I have seen a few things around here indicating the elder Bush was a part of the JFK assassination. Makes sense why we would want that file immediately upon becoming president. Yeah, any juicy info is long gone indeed.

Read the book Family of Secrets if you want to see compelling evidence about the Bushes.

Even more likely is the event that the date of declassification is extended. Besides, it takes a few months to get a response when asking for copies of the declassified info. For example, info on the Roswell incident was recently declassified a little over a month ago. No news yet.

Neat! I didn't hear about that. One more thing I'll keep an eye out for!

Lee Harvey Oswald file already reported missing

Which might not be weird because like, this could be in some former employees chest of memorabilia kept from investigations they worked. Unfortunate and expected. Maybe or maybe not a conspiracy.

I read that it was "accidentally" destroyed. So...

They already have been lost.

Yup. Not getting excited at all. Anyone expecting actual information....do you not know what reality we are living in??

This guy is right. I remember when the film came out and wondering why they’d lock the files for so long. Can only be so the inside people involved are retired / deceased and thus can’t be charged.

Nah there will be 1-3 rare drops. Something in there to satisfy people's need for dirt. It'll be minor in the broad scheme of things but big enough to make a few news stories over the next week or two.

Agreed. I expect nothing. Also, they could even admit to killing him and no one would give a shit as the media tells people what to give a shit about.

I read something along the lines it wasn't gonne be released untill 2025 though ?

That's weird...

Wait, they kept his brain? They do this with all presidents? Just seems.. weird.

The conspirators were afraid that Zombie JFK would come back for revenge

I've never seen an answer in r/conspiracy I wanted to be true, more than this one. Zombie JFK would be a fitting payback for those who wronged him!

Sounds like a SYFY movie in the making.

I would watch it, sounds like a much more interesting scenario than Lincoln as a vampire/zombie.

Imagine, he gets shot in the back of the car.. everyone freaks out, 2 minutes later he bites someone.. slowly creating a hungry army that's only goal is to find the deep state that had him murdered and exact revenge..

The sequel could involve the new government that's overseen by zombies that act as a new kind of check and balance.

Come to us, oh zombie overlords!

There was a disaster movie a few years back that had a stirring image of the USS JFK riding a tsunami over the White House.


When/if they get released, get used to reading that one word. And get used to long black bars across the page.

Yup. Thousands of pages that look like this.


For those who are seriously interested in JFK and so-called 'conspiracy', this video is a must-watch.

"doc lives on john f kennedy DRIVE as in drive, the motorcade during his assassination" i just about lost it holy shit.

this is amusing

could all just be a coincidence of course herp derp

i'm not sure if the person that made it was serious or not, but i'm too scared to ask.

These sort of videos are made to make conspiracy theorists look like nutjobs. And it works really well.

Did you know the guy who made that video went top 10 in the NBA draft a few years ago?

That's my point. It's hard to take anyone here seriously because you don't know if they genuinely believe these outlandish and insane ideas, or if it's more of an ironic mocking of the ideas. The crazier the conspiracy put forward, the more likely other people are to just dismiss anything and everything that person (or even the whole sub) says.

I do believe there are definitely some conspiracies that are very possibly true, but I also believe that there are groups or organisations that are shilling subs or message boards and sharing the more crazy ideas to discredit the community and throw a real discussion of a more likely conspiracy into chaos. The whole sub is just a shitshow because I can't tell who's real or not, and which conspiracy is likely to be true or even possible.

Everything important that still exists had requests for exemption or delay go out this spring according to the Boston Globe and Politico. Trump has yet to comment about the exemptions requested by FBI and CIA while there are resolutions in both the Senate and House to finally release the documents.

The July floater with the Noshenko items did not go entirely as planned as the archives was hammered with internet traffic.

One important thing to educate people on here is that the OFFICIAL word from the government is that the Warren Commission was bullshit.

That's step 1, because all over reddit and elsewhere you still have blowhards citing that.

The next step is to let them know that the last big congressional investigation's, Assassination Records Review Board, director had this to say about the investigation:

"There is substantial evidence that points toward Oswald and incriminates Oswald," he says, "and the only person we can name where there is evidence is Oswald. But there's also rather important exculpatory evidence for Oswald, suggesting he didn't do it, and that he was framed."

Along with this to say about the Warren Commission's Panel:

they wanted to write the document in a way that would reassure the American public that it was a single gunman acting alone, somebody who's a little bit unstable, and that that's the explanation for what happened

And then, link the relevant NPR Article:


I don't see how you could be excited by this. Anything meaningful will have been long gone. It will probably be lots of time-wasting material for the hard-core researcher, if there are any left alive now.

I'm almost skeptical that they will use this as a distraction to help ram through some authoritarian bill or something when no one is looking.

Because.. people stop looking why? I'm sure some people here will be busy digging through whatever is there, but I'm also sure plenty of people will just wait to see what they find.. and the majority of people won't even realize that it's been released.

Besides, go look what bills are going through on the government website, it's not like this shit goes on in some secret place and doesn't get documented.

Like we'd ever get the full narrative anyways.

"Please turnover all relevant documentation to the JFK Assassination."

"Here's every single document." <snickers>

Here’s your white papers with black bars, boss.

They have all of the files in boxes sitting on the ledge of an incinerator for safe keeping.

The company that makes black highlighters probably will be giving out some extravagant bonuses this year.

As with any profile event look at the news before and after. Track the stories that get a mention/paragraph now and see what morphs into a full fledged multi paragraph stories, exposes and/or hearings.

I remember in spring/summer 02 I started seeing seeing single paragraph page 13 stories in the news about Pentagon feasibility studies/scenarios on invading Iraq. It's the news that raises in profile and coverage that has an end game.

What good would a "Distraction" do? It's not like the info will be available for only one day. People could access the info at any point after it's released. Even if people were distracted for that day, they could read the info the following day after that, and the day after that, and so on.

To be clear, I don't want to offend you OP but, that wouldn't make a whole lot of sense.

Might as well be a book of barcodes.

We need to know George Joannides' involvement with Fair play for Cuba. It connects Oswald to the CIA.

Didn't they lose those files?

Yeah a certain building imploded when a couple planes crashed into two others nearby.

they were referring to the CIA files on Oswald that went missing last month


Can't believe a lot of people forgot about this / missed it.

Not only a distraction but I’m sure several files will go missing or they will be redacted for our viewing pleasure

enjoy reading pages full of black lines.

Someone in some country most people can't pronounce, will do something not even remotely controversial and garner a little more media attention than what seems reasonable, and it will be considered a "distraction". They don't need to make a distraction. They can remove entire volumes of documentation and no one does anything.

Distractions avert people attentions to other matters, you won’t get a report on the jfk files in mainstream media so any discrepancies found will circulate small media’s and conspiracy sites and no one will actually care as something else is going on.

Yeah, if you think they are just gonna drop that the deep state assassinated a president in 9 days you're out of your mind.

I’m also sure that what they release will be 99% blacked out.

Can almost guarantee you they wont be released to the public like they should have been. If anything can/ has the possibility to damage the US gov then they will repeal it and itll stay classified for another few years

You must be new here if you think anything but bullshit is going to be declassified.

It'll probably lead to some half baked conclusion that points to a conspiracy but not a government conspiracy so the MSM can "close the book" on all JFK discussions. Reasonable normal people will just assume the case is closed, not like it matters to them anyways. In a few decades they'll do the same thing with 9/11.

I just saw a post on here from some kid with a history text validating the official 9/11 conspiracy as fact.

Oh come on, everything's going to be edited or changed. They aren't going to release the truth.

I am def in agreement that we can't really know if these docs are legit. Why trust a govt to release accurate docs on an assassination that we know they likely had part in and at least participated in disinformation and cover-up

Wasn't there an announcement that a bunch of these files burned recently?

These documents if released will have more blackouts than a nigerian slum.

There will be a "cyber drill" on the 26th at 5pm

It doesn't matter if there's a distraction or not.

All the good parts in the JFK files are probably redacted so we'll never know the truth anyways.

Anyways, I forgot what documentary I saw but there was a guy who claimed that Russia did an investigation and believed that Lyndon Johnson was involved in the JFK assassination.

Interesting timing, with the Las Vegas lone wolf story falling apart with the public. I mean, look at this top story today:


Trying to discredit. Tells us it's mainstream enough for them to have to make articles like this.

Even if it's only a couple of new clues, it may be enough to reignite the JFK investigation in many people who might not have looked deeply into it before.

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I'm sorry but if you think they're gunna give us anything in that dump your trippin . They'll give us everything we don't need and they'll say nothing's missing even though it will be obvious there is , if not then we know we've been given a placebo lol

I see no reason for an elaborate false flag or bullshit news story as opposed to just, you know, not telling us the truth? Did they make a deal with a genie or something that assures us the info will be 100% complete?

Redacted. It will be mostly black.

Calling it; The files will be destroyed by a fire that will be caused by an "accident"

That's my birthday

But it was the Armed CIA guard in the car behind JFK, right? Oswald opened fire and as the motorcade sped up to evacuate the president the guard accidentally fires from the unexpected jolt from the vehicle, killing JFK.

I’m not from the US, so I might be missing some context, but how does it come to be that we’d trust a declassification event, but distrust “TPTB” enough that we would expect a distraction to happen at the same time?

John kelly will be fired by T

Other way around, OP. Anything informative about JFK that would get people talking is a distraction from the real events. JFK conspiracy is meaningless at this point except as an academic study of deep state activity.

If it's all redacted why are they worried?


Can't believe a lot of people forgot about this / missed it.