Conspiracy Theory: Soros is moving money the same day the Obama/Hillary/Mueller Russia deal hit the news

317  2017-10-17 by facereplacer3

Soros is the top of the pyramid for a giant RICO conspiracy.

This deal means the FBI (at least a few people) helped The Clinton Foundation accept bribes for a Uranium One deal.

This means Mueller, who was head of FBI at the time allowed it to happen.

This means FBI was aware of pay to play and collusion with Russian companies by The Clinton Foundation while Hillary was secretary of state.

Comey's draft memo cleared Hillary before she was even interviewed.

Mueller's tight with The Clinton Foundation (last paragraph).

Combine that with the pisspoor job the FBI is doing in Las Vegas right now, and I'm thinking either charges need to be filed or we're going to see a new distraction.

Just a thought...


We know he moved money, we don't know when exactly.

Today is just when we found out.

When? Is the question.

“It’s an ongoing process of migration from a hedge fund toward a pool of capital deployed to support a foundation over the long term,” committee member Bill Ford told the newspaper.

-The Washington Times

So, slowly over time so he didn't draw any unwanted stares.

Money in a non-profit doesn't grow interest.

Maybe he's placing it there because he knows his time is almost up. Someone else will come along and take it. One of his sons, probably.

If they were inheriting, it wouldn't move.

The only reason you'd divest that much is if you have zero fsith, or know the system will break.

Doesn't he purposely destabilise countries economies? I mean, why not move all that dough if you know it's gonna change anyway.

Not sure what you mean by that.

Non-Profits are ABSOLUTELY able to collect interest and dividends on their investments.

This 8is s no coincidence and no conspiracy. They are preparing the counter attack.


You forgot Lynch and Comey.

Add in all the paid protests, not based in "truth", much less facts.

Anytime Soros does something, we should always pay attention. In this case, I consider one of two options:

1.) He's dying, and he knows it.

2.) SHTF imminent.

Let's assume it's #1.

What’s SHTF?

Shit hits the fan

A plan worth at least $18B being moved quickly.

Fukin this... that’s 80% of his holding... your damn right something drastic is about to happen.

He’s dying, war is starting, or economic collapse is here, like tomorrow or the next day... watch the markets

I don't see why he would do this to prepare for war or economic collapse. It's more likely that he's dying or Alex Jones and Trump are coming for him.

It might be to fund the Nov 4th Antifa "Revolution/civil war" plans.

Maybe. It only seems like these Antifa kids are capable of gathering in mass and annoying people. Sure, they do cowardly attacks on people but if they escalated it to a revolution/civil war then they would all be squashed and locked up very quickly. The current administration would basically have free reign to terminate all of the cockroaches that are plaguing it. Personally, I fear the overwhelming response to Antifa and the level to which their opposition would mobilize should these leftist groups keep antagonizing them.

Nice sheep

Good one.


He's gonna give it to Palestinian causes as a big fuck you to Isreal/ Murdoch/ Trump before he dies.

Yet he is the Zionist king somehow.

He's a commie nazi as well don't forget.

He's an opportunist

He's a vulture, no need to sugar coat it.

So you are telling me he is jewish..

He's literally Jewish.

Let's see how that works out for the old cunt. He's going to die an empty shell that can't take a single dollar to Hell.

I guess that we cannot expect the criminals to arrest themselves. Looks like it is time for the people to form a grand jury and arrest them themselves.

That's always my issue. Despite what the shills in this sub suggest, the left and right wing are attached to the same shitty, corrupt vulture. There's been plenty of evidence to put a lot of these people away and they still are safely working in government.

Wow, thought this would be higher up. People definitely need to look into this.

I agree with OP. There's a lot of rumors right now that mega truth bombs will keep dropping for the next few weeks. It's no coincidence that Soros would go all-in at this point. Probably not because of the Hill article. But he's definitely bracing for something.

hose kind of rumors have existed since forever, what is the new evidence for s to htf?

It's a combination of factors that has transpired over the past 3 weeks.

  1. Anon identified as John predicts that a something terrible will take place in Vegas. Although he was a bit off on the exact date, 3 weeks later, Vegas massacre happens.

  2. Anon who is kinda famous for dropping megatruthbombs in the past, known as MegaAnon, hints that the mechanism for the takedown of DNC and Hillary is set. Predicts that shit will hit the fan in the next few weeks.

  3. A week later, Hannity tweets "Tick Tock. One week to major happening" We get The Hill expose yesterday.

  4. Exactly one year to the date of DAK, Assange posts many cryptic messages, including a RSA hash. Same as he did last year. No one knows what the hash is for. It's definitely not the key to unlocking the insurance files which everyone has. It's something else. After staying silent for many months, he suddenly explodes in his comments, attacking Hillary. (DAK stands for Date Assange Killed. Many believe Assange was really killed October 2016 when internet was cut off, embassy was stormed, and the original hash was released.) Many believe that Wikileaks is releasing information in private to key media persons.

  5. There is rumor that all of Hillary's emails were in Weiner/Abedin laptop. The NYPD cloned it before handing it to the FBI and sent it to Wikileaks. There is a rumor that they gave an ultimatum to Wikileaks. Either release the whole emails or NYPD will do it for them.

  6. New evidence keeps popping up, like Comey writing his speech exonerating Hillary months before the investigation ended.

  7. We are all mindless conspiracy theorists who want desperately to believe that something will happen and the truth will come out. Mostly, because we're bored.

So, given all of the above, it is a bit odd that Soros decides to dump $18 billion (I think?) into his propaganda machine. Why now? You gotta admit, it is weird.

a good summary for those catching up with the latest news. bump.

Great summary. You'd have been better to make the post :)

Thank you. Your post was just fine tho. A lot of questions need to be answered.

You guys ever seen the TV show Jericho? That's my guess for a future timeline