President Donald Trump has bragged about having fun with Epstein and young women, how connected do you think Trump is to Pizzagate?

0  2017-10-18 by Pineapple__Jews

He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.


He didn't become president without some form of powerful backing. And he wouldn't get powerful backing if he wasn't controllable. From what we know about the world, unfotunately at that level often it's 'pizzagate'.

Trump is the only off limits Epstein pal around these parts. We aren't allowed to talk about it here because it triggers his fanboys.

Ok. Let's talk about Trumps relationship with Epstein.

You start.

You following me around now little buddy? That's cute.

Lol, you wish.

You're stalking me at this point. Awww

You should report me.

They were friends for some 15 years; do you think Epstein hid his relationships with underaged women from Trump that whole time and only invited him to hang out when he was with 18 year olds?

I think Trump was taking notes on Epstein and keeping him at arms length, honestly.

What leads you to think that outside of (I assume) your personal support of Trump?

It's all in my history.

The clincher for me is that even the GOP didn't want him and couldn't get plausible dirt on him.

One single picture of Trump and Epstein at a Gala.

Court testimony that when Trump went to Epsteins home, Trump refused to dine with Epstein, instead hung out and ate with the staff.

Trump to a jet with J Epstein and his brother. And refused to deplane at the island.

What does the number of pictures of the two matter? Trump said they were friends for 15 years!

Fucking lol.

"My guy only hangs with pedophiles so he could one day run for president and take down pedophiles. Has the taken any down yet? No, not yet."

6D Hungry Hungry Hippos

The quote was a threat.

That's an interesting interpretation.

I try not to think about it: it breaks my concentration.

Trump just like the Clinton's are powerful rich people. If the Clinton's are pedos because the knew Epstein, Trump is ofc also a pedo for knowing him.

you will get no traction here with this line of questioning, most in this sub are rabid trumpsters and they are blinded by the cult but good on your for giving it a go.

this crisis actor is also known as vice president joe biden.


see WellAware1 on google.

Crisis actors aren't a thing.

there are public ads for them.

No there aren't.

a lot of the false flag events are preceded by want ads for actors now.


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