MegaAnon more follow-up posts from yesterday? "AGAIN, the only real significance of the 21st is the deadline to Trump and his admin. including Sessions and Mueller indirectly, to move on it, or he will release."

64  2017-10-18 by ToddWhiskey


How come nobody ever mentions the sun tattoo is a black hole sun and looks like a giant bullet hole

The black sun is significant. I saw a video about it, but I don't recall which one it was. It was Occult related.


Yes. LOL.

What? I didn't realize there is some more possibe fuckery related to the 21st Oct 2017, such as muh nibiru and some such. I only recalled last year there was the DDos cyber attack...

Thanks for doing this Todd. It's great to get to read this stuff already compiled, in context, and so often with quoted highlights. Just wanted to say I appreciate it.

It's an interesting source for sure. Time will tell what purpose(s) it serves...

Awesome buddy, thank you!

Just a messenger, okay? The more eyes read it the better. Something is up, but what?

Man I wish something would fucking happen.

Something will happen, but what? You know I often keep thinking what High Level Insider said several months ago:

Depends in large part on how events develop over the next few months. If the Trump administration wants to do good we will guide them along the way piecemeal. Otherwise, we will deal a deathblow to the alternative media and the administration by putting forth a clear alternative.

and he also said (regarding 2020/24):

There are elements in existence that are prepared and able to fight, but it won't go down the way you perceive. Instead, the breaking of the current regime will look fairly ordinary to the masses. You'll get a protected candidate that can speak the truth, which will be impossible to stop because most people are sick and tired of the lies.

Can someone give a TLDR please

tldr? Anon has been posting since May... latest info concerns wikileaks

""This dump will be broad. It will probably be the biggest file dump Wikileaks has ever published in size and when it's out there, it's going to leave NO DOUBT on things like, WHO colluded with Russia, WHY it was done, WHAT crimes Hillary (as Secretary of State AND as a presidential candidate) and the elite DNC/GOP/Obama admin, like Lynch, Comey, etc. actually committed. Again, when it's done you will have ZERO DOUBT AS TO WHO IS ACTUALLY GUILTY OF CRIMES AND ELECTONS RIGGING. "