Soros 18 Billion has kicked in. Media disinfo has started everywhere not just in this Reddit sub. Can you feel the change because it is very obvious. Hold on you breeches everyone. Fight back harder.

219  2017-10-18 by petereddit6635

Normally I expected a few negative comments from what I have posted in this sub, which is supposed to be an open place to discuss "Conspiracy", weirdly, they just don't get it, but when I woke up today, I had 60 comments, and all of them negative and trying to steer people away from the topic. Not normal and it is very interesting.

Then I went to youtube and almost all the comments I posted, the replies were NOT ONLY negative too but there was a lot of them. More than usual.

I think they've used part of the 18 billion to hire and they've started already!!!!!!!


Consider breeches held! Giddy up!

Yippie kie yay mother fuckers!

I think he will do something big for the Palestinians with it because of the 100 year anniversary of the Balfour declaration. If it's for shills it will be anti Isreal shills so this sub won't notice.

the Palestinians

have nothing that Soros and his buddies want, except their land, and they need to be gone from it for profits to flow.

He is hated by Isreal/US zionists for the open societies pro democracy donations to Palestinian causes. Think you are confusing him with right wing globalists like Rupert Murdoch who has stakes in oil and gas in the Golan heights.

Virtual gangstalking??

These snappy titles might work in T_D where that sub jumps to conclusions, but that shit doesn't fly here. Are we automatically gonna assume because soros moves billions, that he spent it on something that's been happening daily for the last year? Give me a break OP. Theres much more at work than just one man. I know T_D loves to have boogeyman's, but here on r/conspiracy we're open minded enough to realize there are bigger players at work behind the scenes rather than just a single person or group responsible for the worlds corruption.


WTF does this have to do with T_D

You're a troll. Piss off.

Give me an example of how I'm a troll. Enlighten the rest of us to this assumption and ill gladly piss off. Seems you took major offence to this comment when really it should have opened your eyes a bit more. But clearly it hasn't, and you resorted to insults instead. Speaks volumes really. Considering you think r/conspiracy is, and I quote "Part of this sub is about fantasy. Nothing wrong with it.", you dont take this sub seriously enough to have an open minded discussion rather just have your opinion as more valid than anything else or anyone else's. Considering your comment history, I'd say your more questionable on being a troll here.

What does this have to do with T_D?

Troll confirmed.

Did you answer my question ... or won't? Ahhh ok.

Your post history makes it pretty obvious what t_d has to do with it

But what does that have to do with the topic? Are you attacking the idea or the character?

Bizarre, no?

You're really dumb aren't you ?

No, he was confirming he's a troll.

Can't even answer the question

Your title is very similar to a t_d post that's probably what he was talking about

George Soros is far from a "boogeyman" he's been the financier of dozens of destabilization actions and revolutions for many decades. Basically an extension of the State Department whenever they want someone overthrown.

If you read my comment as Soros not being a bad guy rather than an open minded response to OPs one view perspective, then you missed the point.

I was quoting you:

I know T_D loves to have boogeyman's (sic)

I'm not saying Soros is the boogeyman. I'm saying T_D paints him as the causer of everything basically which is a flawed view of looking at things.

Zionists at Cnn Brietbart and Fox love to portray him as the bad guy because he gives money to Palestinian causes. This sub laps it up like a generic fruit cordial from Guyana

I'm commando...BRING IT!

RICO their arses, seize the $18 as proceeds of crime.

That would require someone inside the government to initiate the case. I can't understand why Trump hasn't initiated a case like this against Soros.

I know this is really hard to understand, but is it possible that whatever you posted warranted negative reactions? I don't know what you submitted, and I don't really care - but you can't seriously believe that George Soros is out to get you because you got overwhelming negative feedback.

If you don't care why are you posting !?

Because I'm bored and like to browse this sub when I can't sleep.

For me, a magnesium oil foot rub helps a lot. I sleep like a pig afterwards.

Never seen them here before, have you? Hmm

No it was definitely soros havent you been listening to alex jones herp derp

Just a reminder of some of the many organization Soros gives or has given to. They in turn give or take money from various organizations. With certain causes or movements by the time a protestor gets off a bus or has a sign printed there's a good chance it has Soros money in it somewhere.

Eat a dick Soros and company.

4chan was flooded with tons of posts and random people last night.

This would not surprise me one bit ...

This is related to the Clinton/Uranium scandal. It's a biggie. It has been all but wiped from Reddit (only The Donald and r/conspiracy are pushing it).

/r/wayofthebern is keeping an eye on it.

/r/conspiracy is done for. Completely manipulated at this point. Far as I can tell the the last hold out on reddit is

You mean that huge echo chamber?

Call it what you want, but I think he’s right.

At least people seem to work together to get stuff done and are able to ignore shills.

This place is either filled with shills to push things away from important items or filled with laughable, edgy “I’m smarter than that meme crowd” tools, who are 100% buying the Shareblue bullshit.

Fight back harder

totally, relentless onslaught

Soros moved that money a while ago it was only reported on recently.

The only thing I see on this sub is a continuous assault on democrats while republicans, conservatives and trump get a free pass. That hasn't changed. Actually this OP seems like propaganda itself.

This thread was censored

Yippie kie yay mother fuckers!

/r/wayofthebern is keeping an eye on it.