I think the shills are here to ostracize the regulars.

100  2017-10-19 by AFuckYou

I can't help but notice that I'll get two or three month old account clearly trolling on like half my conspiracy comments.

I have also noticed that they just keep going and going and going.

I don't think the shills are here to prove a point. They are forum sliding and ostracizing. Kicking us out without censorship or banning.



Yes. I've experienced the same thing.

Post link to.

I blocked him after that.

What do you mean blocked him? There's a way to do that?

go to your mail

click "block user" under the reply

If you block you should have a tag line that says, "I blocked and reported ______ ."

I wonder how long the list could grow.

I'm on mobile. The option is not available.

I don't know about a tag line.

I only reddit on PC.

For some reason it's not available on mobile.

I've noticed a lot of posts getting filled with the dumbest comments

Just curious with all of the bad-word trolling the mods do.

Do they ever try and ban the more obvious shills??

The mods are there to passively enable the shills. They are not on our side.

This is about where I've been left, I agree with many of the mods on a regular basis but they absolutely refuse to address these issues and as you said are often operating in a way that explicitly protects them. I've been saying it over and over again for the past few months, the people who constantly shit all over users of this sub and try to compare it to TD with no basis are gangvoting down non-partisan and objective discussing while gangvoting up hyper-partisanship in a clear attempt to make this sub seem like it is only for extremists.

They did this to /r/bernieforpresident and /r/wikileaks before. It's a very deliberate and slow process spanning the many months. First they infiltrate the community with what looks like regular users. Then they install these users into the mod team. Then the new mods kick out the old mods. Mission complete.

Cue the influx of government and contractor shills. The new mods don't act like shills and probably don't even know who they are but they ignore the problem saying there is nothing they can do, when all it takes is a little attention and guts.

What's really conspicuous is when a bunch of asinine negative replies like "lol no" are at like +70, and any sincere response in line with the view of the highly upvoted OP is at like +/-2. And then gets a response like "you're Putin's bitch" at +65. They're not even trying to be subtle.

The votes on those kinds of comments are strikingly atypical. It only became this obvious, I think, about a week ago, when all vote counts displayed at zero for a few hours or so. Seems like that must have been when a new algorithm was put in place that deflates unwanted commentary and inflates shilling efforts.

No proof of this, but that's the impression I got over the last several days.

Remember this date, and what mess came out recently, they are dumping on us with a total onslaught, it’s gonna get worse before it gets better, they’ll be here until the next distraction hits the news cycle then they’ll pull back again. Also something really big could be dropping in the next few days and they’re trying to cut reaction off at the pass.

The mods seem really lax or compromised. This comment will probably get me banned.

I just read the mod logs and it looks like they did a lot of productive housecleaning today actually.

Leave the mods alone. I defend them till death. They don't interfere. Do not bring the mods up. They kick ass.

r/conspiracy mods are the best mods on Reddit. Good job. Let the community keep people in heck.

Thanks mods.


They are creating their own demise, let them implode.

Universal consciousness is the only thing they will answer to soon, from that they have the choice to grow and evolve, or implode and die.

☝️Great example, bruh.

Nice man. I'm wondering if they are bots.

I agree 100%.

You need to pay attention and save the subreddit.

use the arrows afuckyou

Another one. Guys. One month old. I think they are bots. This guy did not notice that he shouldn't comment. EVERYONE watch this.

You're a fruitcake

Well bush of bananas chimes in

Mmmmmm cake

Hashtag bring back /u/flytape

We're getting hit for real. We have a real test coming up. The the next test will be one too. I don't know how this sub isn't compromised.

It's like net neutrality. Money after money after money. Till we loose.

You know what's going on. We need to move our sub some where else where we all can chill and talk. Just a conspiracy sub.

I'm down for that, but too many fucking subs. Let's bring a cheese burger into the mix.

You fucker. I got hit hard. Kudos. Thanks.

Serious question: What does bringing a cheeseburger into the mix mean?

It means bringing back some char, some flavor, some Americana, some forth of July back to the internet.

Got it. Thanks for the genuine response. A lot of snarky asshole responses I've been seeing lately.

Serious answer: he was making a joke that relied on sub having a double meaning of both a subreddit and a sandwich. So he's saying instead of yet another sandwich, let's try a cheeseburger.

Got it. Thanks! And hypnotists are cool.

Or have the mods, you know, like moderate

Pretty much.

Hashtag bring back flytape

This place really started going to hell in a hand basket once he got booted.

In what way?

Edit: I know it's not a popular opinion, but chronologically, that's exactly how it went down.

I remain unconvinced. Change my view?

He was a terrible biased mod.

I see you brother.

Popular or not, it's true.

I'll second your hashtag bring back u/flytape while noting the irony of needing to qualify having an unpopular opinion in this sub of all places.

Bring back /u/creq too.

Haven't seem that guy around in the modlogs since the flytape fiasco. Almost like creq was asked to no longer maintain moderator duties.

I'm here Huckleberry.

anyone negative=shills

Explain your theory?

not a theory, just sounds like you equate everyone who trolls to shills as well

No. It's interesting because no one has defined it yet. But a troll on r/conspiracy is different from a troll.

Same as LARPers.

We consider a person who is genuinely too stupid to see what they are doing as a troll. And we downvoted accordingly.

Why I mean by troll. On this sub. Is intentional. I mean we have an intentional hit.

No, I'm not. I mean it in the most sincerest sense.

You are interesting. Saved.

I think you're trying to prevent a discussion of the specific methods that shills use and I'm suspicious of your motives for being here.

yeah im hacking anyone who talks about how shills operate.

lol preventing

You're lying about what everyone else says in the hopes that we will defend positions we've not actually taken. You're not nearly as clever as you think.

you'll never stop me, i shall bring chaos and disorder.

we shall take control!

This is the classic strawman that the shills use so that we don't sit around and compare notes on all the shills we run into.

It's designed to make it look like people who notice all the shilling are just weak-minded, fragile people who can't handle anyone disagreeing with them.

Just like when the CIA invented the term "conspiracy theorist" for anyone who questioned the Kennedy assassination.

not really a strawman when this sub has a rule against calling people shills

No, r/conspiracy has been getting more popular. With that comes showing up in /all/rising and /all/top/hour more often, which is naturally going to bring in more people with differing views. All popular political subs have the same issue, but r/conspiracy doesn't instantly ban anyone with opposing views unless they're being extremely rude, so people are more free to come on here and say why they think a conspiracy is BS, or even troll as long as they tread lightly, without fear of getting banned.

Some of the posters here deserve to be ostracized. There is some ridiculous crap that gets posted here like a plane contrail. OMG guys I'm being attacked by a chemtrail will I die?!??

They outnumber us 3:1. Make sure to read the new threads before they are downvoted.

I only read the new ones

Try controversial as well. This is what they're trying to bury, so they can keep their bullshit on the front page.


Their most important mission is to stop any unity of purpose from developing. Shilling is designed to avoid any consensus from forming and action being taken as a result.

To provide an ounce of doubt. If we are united, we are unstoppable. If there's a few of us troubled with doubt, then we will never be united.

nobody likes an echo chamber but EVERY thread for the last 6 months has been filled with nothing but scathing cynicism and attempts to insult/discredit EVERYTHING. what's the point of even having a conspiracy sub if NOTHING is a conspiracy?

I've noticed not just in this subreddit but reddit as a whole that people just want to argue for the sake of arguing. You could post an innocent reasonable comment and someone will come out of the woodwork wanting to argue over nonsense and won't relent. I made a comment the other day where I stated that many Americans are aware of media manipulation but most Americans are sheep. Someone responsed and wanted to argue the difference between many and most and that I should pick one or the other. I was like, "Really right now?"

People are crazy.

You guys say this at least every month. I think it's passerbys who just want to feel better about something so they come on here to bash people or their theories.

Pray for the shills they need love and healing

Yet even mentioning that they're acting like a shill gets comments deleted by lesser respected mods under the laughable "rule 10."

no i think people are just tired of /r/conspiracy turning into /r/the_donald. i rarely come here anymore because it's not conspiracy, it's just people whining about liberals and george soros or whatever else. this place might as well be 4chan /pol/ without the racism and misogyny.

Yeah that's what the OP is talking about - the people who are coming here and making those types of posts to make people like you leave.

The topic of conversations should not serve your biases. If you want to shutoff an entire side of topics, then that is not keeping an open mind. You can't just decide that liberals or Democrats are off the table; this isn't /r/politics. I also can't understand how you can say this place is turning into the /r/the_donald just because there are more topics this week about Hillary and Soros. A big story dropped and this sub isn't ignoring it like others. Stop choosing a side and open your mind.

Have been here for probably 3-4 years (or something like that) on 2 different accounts and I feel the same exact way. For the most part i'm a casual lurker but chime in here and there and keep a good watch over the trends and what not. From experience this place is one of the only few places on reddit to get any real answers. IMO it's definitely getting filled with shills.

Yea I was just in one of the 1500+ karma threads and I noticed a lot of odd comments. Kinda looked like r/politics

You should try being a flerther sometime if you want to find out what shilling really looks like. Also most of them are bots (that's why they keep going).

Even found their old flat earth cheat-sheet.

The votes on those kinds of comments are strikingly atypical. It only became this obvious, I think, about a week ago, when all vote counts displayed at zero for a few hours or so. Seems like that must have been when a new algorithm was put in place that deflates unwanted commentary and inflates shilling efforts.

No proof of this, but that's the impression I got over the last several days.

Remember this date, and what mess came out recently, they are dumping on us with a total onslaught, it’s gonna get worse before it gets better, they’ll be here until the next distraction hits the news cycle then they’ll pull back again. Also something really big could be dropping in the next few days and they’re trying to cut reaction off at the pass.