Times have gotten so strange that merely asking a question about anything deemed “controversial” automatically brands you as a “conspiracy theorist” in the mind of the public conscience.

2992  2017-10-19 by DPerman1983

It seems many people are in the early stages of waking up to reality, but simultaneously the people that are still asleep are becoming permanently comatose to truth. The auras of some people are so grim and lifeless and they’re totally mesmerized by propaganda, glam, and the toxins within pop culture and mass media. It’s becoming harder and harder to have meaningful conversations with friends, family and acquaintances. People that aren’t in tune (or those arrogantly pretending they are) to reality fly off the handle if their narrow, pre-packaged beliefs become challenged. News is mostly propaganda and truth is currently taboo. Most folks in here seem to be awake enough to question everything. Keep learning and broadening your educations and understanding of things. Read books. Have conversations with loved ones. Challenge people to think for themselves. If you’re a parent, stay involved with your kids and keep familial traditions and values going. It’s become so difficult to watch people fall deeper into this mass hypnosis of false reality while our liberties insidiously disappear.


In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

“The reptilian calculations in those cold and shifting eyes. The gray and rotting teeth. Claggy with human flesh. Who has made of the world a lie every word.”

What's the from?

The Road

Truth is treason in an empire of lies.

The issue is that when lazy people learn something they always must make a choice :

1) Many people are lying, or

2) One person is lying.

Considering their innate lack of confidence from a life of stupidity and fearfulness, killing the one person is their only option - the Socrates Effect.

Deduction is not a tool they possess, only shouting & tears.

Being brainwashed is a real bitch especially when your own government is doing it to you. Most people just simply do not want to admit theyve been brainwashed.

"It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled". Mark Twain

fool them into thinking theyve been fooled

fool me twice, won't get fooled again.

Fool me once......uh......a fooled man can't be fooled again.

The hardest part for someone who has been fooled is telling themselves that they were wrong. Look for the truth, but also consider ideas without truly accepting it.

I prefer providing complex uncomfortable reassurances.

"Trump is proof Democracy is a failed system, that is why I'm glad he can be overruled by the Bilderberg Cartel. If he messes with them, then bombs will really start to go off, and he will either have to get back in line or he will be digging himself an early grave; just like JFK. Sometimes, the people with all the money really do know what is best, that's why I prefer to stay quiet, away from all that ideological fussing."

If you practice the 'sandwich approach' - Open with a complex statement, followed by positivism directed toward homicide and fascism, and close with an appeal to cowardice and stupidity - you can create hypnotic trance in which their mind becomes incredibly docile. Instinctively they do not want to argue against your suggestion, because you've awoken the arousal of fear; with their natural tendency being to take flight. Within this context, flight means allowing their mind to go blank, and into their 'safe space'.

After this you can pretty much lead into anything, and they will simply just agree to anything, without question.

"The only thing worse than Trump are the Muslim terrorists. Would you prefer them simply wiped off the face of the Earth, or, at the least, put somewhere else, out of sight and without the ability to hurt your children? Like in a camp, or what have you, just for Muslims, with plenty of food."

Between the choices of genocide and a concentration camp "with plenty of food", they will pick the less controversial option. In the smallest corner of their mind, in which they have a semblance of pride, they will cling on to the idea that Muslims can't farm, like the stupid fucking creatures they are.

2,000 years of people farming & living in peace and harmony - Nope. Now they require your Red Cross donations to get them round up.

Truth will land you in jail or an institution these days. Sad.

Or banned online.

I remember there was an article about race on Kotaku (now there are several a day... on a site about video games) and all I said "According to the DOJ these are the crimes based on race." and then linked directly to the Department of Justice's website.

When talking about these kinds of sensitive subjects, I always speak simply and never get heated if anything to point out that I was calm and non-confrontational.

Later that day, among being called racist, nazi, fag, and other expletives, I found that I had been banned.

For posting a link directly to the Department of Justice itself.

I asked why and of course "hate speech." So then I asked why I was banned from posting a link and minimal text while others still had their accounts after calling me queer and fag. Never got that response.

These are strange times we’re living in.

The thing that makes these times strange for me is that I trust a YouTuber from Britain and another YouTuber from Romania more than the US media.

Which YouTubers?

Sargon of Akkad is from Britain and Veeh is from Romania.

Thanks. They both seem good. I'm trying to find some new political and conspiracy channels.

I think they are. They criticize the far left and SJWs for the most part. One thing I like about Vee is the fact that he lives in Romania which used to be a Communist country so, when he criticizes Communists and Socialists he's coming from a more experienced place. I also like Computing Forever. That guy is from Ireland but he deals with things from Britain, Australia sometimes and the US as well. For something a bit more controversial but with similar subject matter I'd also suggest Black Pigeon Speaks. He has dealt with a bit more of the conspiracy side of politics including Soros funding, things happening with the migrant crisis in Europe and a number of things.

You brought logic and facts to an emotional opinion fight.

A lot of people have been programmed to the point where lashing out and the ban hammer are the only way they can cope. Once this kind of cancer has infected the minds of people all you can do is throw them away as their minds are incapable of accepting new programming.

So this. Anytime someone starts being curious about why I think what I think I get branded this and I'm like- dude, these are all facts!




The words of the great warrior poet, Andre 3000.

I am right now wearing my shirt that has this quote on it. It's one of my favorite shirts to wear these days. :)

Sweet shirt! I kinda want one.

Ron Paul was legendary.

The best Orwell quote on the books. Always relevant.

Except that he never said it.

Only the media does this. Spend sometime without television or papers see what happens. Much better world without media

Spend sometime without television or papers see what happens.

After a few weeks without TV, even the most braindead of normies will notice how strange the TV seems when they are first re-exposed to it.

This is fact

Unfortunately, the truth isn't determined by what the majority of people or some consensus of experts happen to say it is.

To know the truth is to confront it directly, personally and first hand and it will not only look right and sound right but far more importantly "feel right" at the very same time.

There is a great deal of difference between simply being told something is true instead of discovering and determining if it is or not for yourself. In the end it doesn't matter what others believe...

the only thing that matters is what you believe.

Dangerous thinking. Without outside opinion I can justify anything unchecked. In a self assertion kind of way your right. But that logic is the basis of all bigotry, racism etc.

Quite the contrary, bigotry, racism, and all forms of reprehensible discrimination are all rooted in "group think" and identifying with a group that all share the singular idea that they are somehow better or more entitled than others that they also lump into groups they consider to be inferior.

Their dominant characteristic is their utter lack of appreciation for any form of individuality, or individual talents and abilities that aren't confined and can't be conveniently lumped into any obvious or identifiable groups and people with them that reject their own group as well as being put into any of the ones they're determined to put them in.

I agree with everything except your group think statement, you are on step 2 of the process. First step into aforementioned is one's personal resolve that what they believe is "truth". Then they sift threw existence to find facts that support their claim. Using " the only thing that matters I'd what you believe" is the exact trap... That's what "they" use to promote terrorism and social unrest. Be resolved, think for yourself. Be open not closed

I'm afraid you're the one that's missing and misinterpreting what I said.

Choosing what to believe based on what others tell you or what you tell yourself simply so you can count yourself among others who happen to believe that and belong to their particular group has nothing to do with discovering and determining what the real truth about anything is strictly for yourself and for no other reason than to simply know what it is.

Imagining something to be true without bothering to do the necessary research to try and validate it or operating from the unsubstantiated "belief" that it somehow is or must be true is self deluding. What I was advocating was to believe no more than you can confirm by your most direct experience.

Now I can tell you what I happen to believe is true but I don't actually care if you believe it or not.

That's not my problem, but yours. If the possibility that what I've told you it seems important enough if it was in fact true then the onus is on you to find that out and make sure of it for yourself, not simply accept it on faith

I dont believe I am misinterpreting what you are saying. I think we are on the same page. My whole point is this: "When you add feeling into the thought process you have propagandized the point"

I dont think I'm misunderstanding. I believe we are on the same page. My point is simple: I disagree with and wanted to call attention to the propaganda at play. Thats it, no counterpoint, just an observation. As you say "it's up to the individual to find truth".

Amen to that. That 'truth' feeling is what keeps us going on our path. Once you've got a relatively independent mind, you get bored by things that don't seem 'relevant' or give you that resonance, that 'truth' feeling. Repelled by things that don't seem right, we get drawn to that which does seem right. There's something within us that knows which way to go to get closer to truth, closer to reality.

I really like how you put this. So true.

***SPOILER**Jon Snow told Cersei the truth when everyone expected him to lie.

We can’t always be plugged in. Sometimes we just don’t need to know. We are hurting ourselves with all the things we try to focus on at once. Just look at my front page lol

In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

awareness is anarchy

Orwell was timeless. Applicable even today.

You did it to yourself and your comment is a prime example of why. You act superior and "Revolutionary".

Then the hundreds/thousands of conspiracy videos of people like that one guy who accused buzz in person of not landing on the moon, then getting punched.

And your comment is even completely wrong "Telling the truth is a revolutionary act." It implies that your conspiracy theories are true, look around this subreddit for example, no one agrees on pretty much anything because you guys don't fucking know the answer / truth but pretend you do.

Truth is why I keep getting reprimanded at work lol

In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

You know this is a misattributed quote, right? Orwell never said it.

Sounds like great advice to me.

I'm still trying to figure out why members of our society are attempting punish people in history - using today's laws and rules.

That's like people coming after me for smoking in the cafeteria of a company I used to work for. That was over 25 years ago, when it was allowable to smoke there and besides that, I quit smoking 20 years ago.

That's what happens when people don't get taught in school. Then they teach themselves through the lens of their modern perspective. But, I also think we have a lazy population that tend to want others to actually think for them.

I think a lot of them do it because they have self-esteem issues. They look at the people who have had an actual impact on the world and try to find a reason to hate them. Something that lets them say they're better than those other people.

Here's an example. Thomas Jefferson. Let's be real, 99.99% of the people on the planet aren't going to be as influential in human history as he was. Now a normal person would go "That's fine. I don't need to be to live a happy and fulfilling life." There's some people though that will go "No! Jefferson owned slaves! So he wasn't important. I'm a way better person that he was!" People like that are self obsessed narcissists.

It is the rewriting of history. He who controls the past, controls the present. We often hear that the victors write history, but it doesn't stop at the end of a conflict. the "victors" today can go back and rewrite history that they were never directly involved with, because of the position they are in.

What are you referring to?

I usually judge people according to my personal moral standards. If some important historical figure was an asshole in my opinion, then he or she doesn't get a free pass from me because "rules and laws were different". Guess what, I think ethics should be universal and transcend laws and societies. Something isn't right or wrong because it does or doesn't get punished.

Sorry, that sounds all fair and balanced, but ethics and morals will never be standard or universal. It's just not possible. People who go to the same church can't even agree.

And with regards to the concept of passing today's judgement on a historical figure, that can work both ways. For instance, one of the Ten Commandments says it is a sin to work on Sundays. In fact, Moses executed a member of his flock for gathering firewood on a Sunday.

Today, almost everybody works on Sunday. Does this mean a religious man has a right to shoot his neighbor for mowing the grass on the Sabbath because he believes it is a punishable sin?

Sorry, that sounds all fair and balanced, but ethics and morals will never be standard or universal. It's just not possible. People who go to the same church can't even agree.

With "universal" I mean I apply my ethics to everyone regardless of culture and time. And I obviously think that my morals should be universal, because I per definition think that my morals are "good". That obviously won't happen, so no shit. "Universal" is a reference here to Kant's imperative if you want.

So does this mean a religious man today has a right to shoot his neighbor for mowing the grass on the Sabbath because he believes it was a punishable sin?

No … that's also not what I was saying. He doesn't have that right because (1) in a legal sense he literally doesn't and (2) if I would apply my ethics, no one has the right to kill anyone.

But I was simply saying that people who lived in different times shouldn't be shielded from today's criticism. If I would only apply my ethics temporarily and locally, they wouldn't be my ethics.

Fair enough. Nice job in clarifying your points

I don't think that is in the mind of the public conscience any more. I think the public is really open to conspiracy theories these days. I think it is just the media bubble that refuses to talk about them, which makes them less and less relevant because they are posting stories about things we aren't wondering about rather than stories we would actually open up and read.

I like your perspective on this. Another side of it is that astroturf is commonplace now too. We don't just have the traditional corporate media feeding us the artificial bullshit, now we get it from anonymous users online too. This can even further warp a person's perspective. For example, consider all of the people who casually look at r/politics and don't realize it's heavily manipulated propaganda, that many of the "people" are paid shills on sockpuppets, that the mods will ban people who break no rules just to censor their political dissidence.

Yes, I find it especially painful that my boyfriend gets so upset and angry if I even question something, before even looking at why I'm questioning it, or the evidence, or anything. He'll be incredibly rude and insulting to me and raise his voice, it's like he's a different person. It's weird, it's like cognitive dissonance, brainwashing programming, I don't know. It's scary.

Time for a new bf.

I agree.

"Relationship isn't working out perfectly? Break up with them!"

-Reddit usually

You're not a team.

Raising the voice for this? Sounds a lot like controlling behavior to me. Which I wouldn't enjoy in a partner. He might be wanting to control the situation because he's afraid of speculating, for his own protection... or maybe because he doesn't want you to become a "crazy person."

it's the agent Smith effect kicking in

Ego response. You're questioning his belief system and the first response to protect that belief system is anger.

And people tend to hold to their beliefs dearly and will almost fight to their death sometimes for them because they think this is what makes them.

As if English verbage gets you to the meat of any matter, and/or expresses anything resembling truth. ''All your words are a cheap approximation and nothing more'' comes across as an insult attack to those who cling to verbal ''meanings'' of themselves.
I recently told someone that song lyrics are a hypnosis con game that do not impart ''meaning'' to anyone. It's just a trance. What is a trance? Paying attention to anything but the 5 senses, in the now of direct awareness. Being who you are is different than thinking about and attempting to define who you are. People are scared to take a step off of their personal definition illusion, to bravely cast aside their imposed limits.

''All your words are a cheap approximation and nothing more.”

I love this.

Use it sparingly. Truths like that can make people turn violent on the messenger [you].

I can totally see that. It is VICIOUS! Stangy! Said in a perfectly polite and measured tone/cadence, jaws would drop and eyes would widen.

I recently told someone that song lyrics are a hypnosis con game that do not impart ''meaning'' to anyone.

I mean, that's a pretty big claim. I am quite certain that most people experience music differently.

I'm not sure what you mean, either - a song's lyrics will mean whatever the writer intended them to mean, if anything. Audiences can interpret it for themselves, and maybe some confirmation biases come into play, but to say that a song lyric has no meaning seems a little absurd, don't you think. :)

Does life have a a meaning, or are you going for temporary illusions of meaning[s] spouted by some random person?
Words are cheap attempts at approximating something. The lofty peak of ''meaning'' remains far out of grasp.

I wish this was more widely known! Ego is a huge source of many of societies problems. The ego encompasses separation and thrives on the idea of being separate from your brother and sister. There are many books that address the fundamental flaws of living from the ego and how we should move to interact from our Holy Spirit/soul instead of identifying with the mind, or the body or the ego.

For books on this that cover it well, I absolutely recommend you guys to check out course in miracles and also the power of now by eckhart tolle.

You can even get it for free on audible with a trial, and then cancel your trial and say it's too expensive and instead of 15$ a month they will knock it down to 7$. Huge recommendation.

The second coming of Christ is the removal of ego and the true perception of soul instead of diluted through the lens of ego and separation and darkness.

"The second coming of christ".. O you mean LSD...

That's one way to dissolve ego, or atleast help you see past it. DMT, shrooms, and auyushua are other avenues. Maybe that's why they have been "illegal" for so long ;)

You know it!! The war is on consciousness, they TPTB want all links glands black and people fearful and feeling guilty.. Christianity found a wonderful way to guilt trip people into being submissive bitches with closed minds.. They all need some mushroom tea and a bit of acid.

Or maybe he's just in on it.

But what angle? It's spot on flat earth style prop. Or is that just me?

But what angle? It's spot on flat earth style prop. Or is that just me?

But what angle? It's spot on flat earth style prop. Or is that just me?

But what angle? It's spot on flat earth style prop. Or is that just me?

This is a natural and normal human response. What a person needs to do is be able to recognize when this is happening and reevaluate why they believe what they believe especially if it's something they haven't thought about in a while. So often we will accept a world view with evidence given at a time and then 10 years later still hold that same belief even if new evidence has shown that belief to no longer be correct or relevant. Training yourself to basically "check yourself" when you feel your beliefs being attacked is a good way to stay true to your own beliefs.

Where people fail is that they stubbornly hold on to their beliefs even in the face of overwhelming evidence. With that said there are also a group of people who hold no beliefs and believe everything that is told to them and change their mind too often. Both are a problem.

I get that from my wife. I tell her to at least research before trying to shut me down. When whatever I'm saying gets even slight traction in her mind the next thing she says is that I'm depressing and that she simply doesn't want to hear about it. It's not like I'm preaching or anything. My step daughter is resaerching the Las Vegas shooting and at 18 she already sees the moronic story of the MSM. When I told her to research it she did.

I’m in a similar situation. I once made the mistake of mentioning that sandy Hook has some odd things around it and she completely freaked out on me. Like a rage I’ve never seen before. It was surreal and the real shitty thing about it is that I cannot have a rational discussion about any of this with her because of her inability to open her mind. Someone yesterday made a post about why this happens and it’s true: some people don’t want their perfect little bubble to be broken with reality. I’m just sad that I woke up while my family will not. :(

The person that just made that troll like comment is exactly what I was talking about. As if my comments aren't somehow approriate for Reddit or valid enough. I say stop taking the steroids and chill.

I wouldn't worry about that troll. You alright in my book...

A couple years ago, before I was a tinfoil hat wearer myself, I remember getting really angry and raising my voice at this guy at a party who was saying he thought Sandy Hook was a false flag. I didn't even question at the time why it made me so angry. I feel bad about that now...

Well...I think I can understand why. I mean, the story is about a kid shooting post-toddlers at point blank with an AR. The way the MSM and water cooler stories passed, it allowed for a graphic representation of this twenty year old dressed in all black storms into a school and starts blasting kids in the face.

Heck, even typing that raised my blood pressure. It's a visceral image of pure innocence being violated by pure evil wielding an Evil Black Rifle.

I'm so glad my GF and I are on the same level when it comes to this kind of stuff. It's a quality that's hard to find in anyone, let alone a partner. We kind of grew in to it rapidly 6 or so years ago, but even before that we both grew up questioning government, being anti-war, etc. I honestly couldn't imagine being with someone who I couldn't see eye to eye with concerning what basically amounts to reality and what is going on. Good luck to you whatever you decide to do.

I’ve always been a “conspiracy nut” to the level of I never think we get the real story about anything. Whether it’s flat out lie or fudged for whatever reason, there’s usually things the public doesn’t know and sometimes it’s fine and doesn’t make a difference, other times it’s a willful deception. My spouse doesn’t put much thought into it, but doesn’t mock me or get angry, it’s just my thing.

Vegas though pushed him on my side. He’s pretty pissed about what’s going on and it’s opened up the world that I’ve been seeing this whole time.

I've heard a lot of people have been made to "wake up" because of Vegas, or at the least pushed over the edge. If this is so then I couldn't be happier. It just shows that in this day and age people are not only skeptical, but their are places where information can be gathered that is not the "mainstream" media in print, radio and television. I'm not sure what this means in the overall scheme of things but I'm trying to be optimistic even as someone who follows the Christian worldview, where it has to get worse before it gets better ultimately.

Yeah we aren’t Christian, we just think everyone is full of shit to cover up their corruption. Used to be Mormon, a lot of them had perfect smiles and outside presentation but my former bishop just got sentenced for molesting multiple boys in his congregation. Maybe same concept, present a narrative to cover up the bad.

I wasn't implying that anything I said was exclusive to Christianity or the writings in the Bible. I'll take an ally that knows the truth regardless of "religious" beliefs. Perhaps my post came off the wrong way in that regard.

I must have misunderstood, I thought you meant end of days stuff

Not necessarily a misunderstanding. I was simply saying that as a Christian and as far as end times eschatology is concerned, things have to get worse ultimately before they finally get better as written in the word of God.

Problem is, a msm crafted wake-up call is still a controlled message. Perhaps it will loose itself from constraints though.

It's better than nothing. It's a process, ya know? C'mon.

I'm in the same boat. I was typing feverishly on my phone the other night and my boyfriend said "what are you typing?" and i said "i gotta post something on r/conspiracy" and he said "What's the latest conspiracies" and we spent like an hour talking about the latest conspiracies. He's not AS into as me but he enjoys questioning and being skeptical like me.

I realize now that most people aren't like this and i'm glad i have him.

You should get a new one. That sounds like he's controlling

Lose the beard and more men come.

My wife started yelling at me when I was discussing the possibility of chem trails. I asked her why she was so upset, and she said, "Im not upset! Joe Rogan debunked it all!" And I replied, "Why are you raising your voice then? And why is there such a mental road block against the possibility?" She just sat in silence after that.

I don't think people want to accept that the people in power over them have selfish or even evil intentions. They don't want to believe they were ever tricked by a "hero", and that reality is more complex than 24 hour news cycles. It's scary shit.

Agreed. Anyone who hasn't gone down the route of figuring everything out for themselves, has a lot riding on the fact that the institutions taught them well and are totally trustworthy. Or at least it seems like a lot to them - it's just a fixed world view that would be better off being shattered and replaced with a fluid/learning-based one.

i've started to go the route of "official government acknowledgement of weather modification" and avoid the word chemtrail. then i mention some msm sources that discuss geo-engineering - they dont get all heated; usually just dull stare

Ha I'm all too familiar with the dull stare. Get that from my wife alot

Exit, stage left. Or right. Doesn't matter. Just GET OUT.

That is not a vibe you should keep dating.

Don't listen to these other guys. Your bf just hasn't woken up yet. It can happen, people can change. I used to get in similar arguments with my gf, she was very closed off to it all and would get angry when I brought it up. She's become a lot more open to discussing these things in the past few months. She doesn't agree with me on everything, and that's a good thing imo. Keys that helps me: try and help t him not feel threatened, make sure he knows you're not trying to attack him. It helps to show that other people think the same way. I once had a conversation with a friend about chemtrails with my GF in the room and it was the first time she didn't argue with me because she saw that I wasn't the only person who thought this way. It's also important to show that your concern over the stuff comes out of love. The first time I brought the Holocaust up, she got angry and started calling me a denier. I explained that I don't deny that many many people died and it's truly awful what happened but that the story being told to us is a blatant lie and those responsible need to be brought to Justice. The people who died deserve Justice for what happened to them. I think she started to understand once she saw my genuine concern and love for those who died. Good luck. More are waking up everyday, I'm sure your bf will soon

What can make a situation really tough is when your SO semi-believes in the conspiracies but doesn't want to dig deeper because "it wouldn't change anything" and "your focus should be on other things because you're wasting your time". That's tough to deal with... Because it's like the person realizes evil things are happening but has subdued themselves to ignore them. Maybe it's the lack of ability to fully grasp the urgency in those matters? Maybe they think it's all a bunch of recycled corruption but I believe we are in a very crucial time as humanity.

Yes. Good post. Those are the worst kind of people.

This 100%

Sadly, I find that I drift more and more toward complacency as I age. The challenges of surviving my day to day life leave me near the breaking point. When you throw in the additional challenge of dealing with damn near the entire world being corrupt and deceptive on a massive scale? ....it's just too much.

Very good point. Some of us go through day to day struggles and mental health can take a toll on us simply from just that. Then add in the stress from all these disclosures and if you go down the rabbit hole enough and you realize you have a society who is on the brink of insanity suddenly. A big effort is made to prevent huge disclosures to come out all at once because society would probably collapse as we know it. People would go mental, literally...

Okay I know I'm going completely off topic right now but I would like to hear your thoughts on this topic. I mean how can we realistically get out of this mess we are in as humanity? If everyone were to learn of the illusion all at once, could that benefit us if we end up rebuilding on our own without the sociopaths, if we don't end up killing each other first?

The idea of a cabal that would dictate the "unveiling" also rubs me the wrong way. I mean they may or may not have humanity's best interests in mind and I'm leaning more on the side that they don't.

Are there any other alternatives you can think of? How the F do we get out of this mess?

The world is waking up. It's taking a long time but it's definitely a thing that's happening.

New technologies usually take a couple decades before their effects become widespread. The internet is a great example. This subreddit or anything like it didn't even exist 15-20 years ago. The internet is causing sleepy people people to fall further sleep (Facebook, Buzzfeed) but it's also causing people to wake up (information sharing, ability to do your own research).

The solution - which I think the internet will overall contribute greatly to - is for people to claim independence of their minds - to wake up, basically. To see through the illusion of ego (an illusion perpetuated by TPTB) and find out who we really are, to see things how they really are. The popularity of meditation, psychedelics, freedom of information online - all of these things are helping. It's happening - slowly, but it's happening.

I made a new post if you'd like to join in :)


I agree that the internet is one if not the greatest invasion that evolved humanity or brought it closer consciously.

Do you believe that ancient civilizations were able to operate their minds on a different conscious level naturally? Were they perhaps attuned differently? If they were what changed? It really strikes my curiosity to think how something like the internet would play a role in what many believe to have been more consciously and technologically advanced ancient civilizations.

I’m a new red pill, what do you speak about the holocaust? Interested.

''Hitler's Children'', the 5 hour BBC documentary series is a must see.
You will learn a whole lot about ''how the Nazis gained power'', a subject rarely discussed in any arena. It is quite the eye opener, and shows the intricate steps of the manipulation of the public, over a long period of time.
There are no theories, but rather a sober examination of the events and players.
You will learn about who the Hitler Youth leaders were, and what they did to brain wash the kids. Stuff like that that.
Most WWII Nazi history revolves around ''They were so evil, look at the bad shit they did'', rather than ''this is how it was done, and by whom it was done, in full detail''.


Welcome, Friend!

You should start with this documentary JFK to 911: Everything is a Rich Man's Trick. It's very illuminating on a number of subjects. It starts with World War 1 and goes all the way up to 911. It discusses WW2 at length and how Hitler was backed by some of the biggest american corporations at the time. How the "death camps" were actually work camps, for profit. How all of Germany's military vehicles had Ford engines donated by Henry Ford and how the railroad leading to Auschwitz was made with American money. Wars are for profit and have been for a very long time - "all the world's a stage".

Here is another documentary I'll recommend, but seeing as how you're new here, this may be too much too soon. Third Reich Documentary. It's a Russian documentary and the focus of it is around the Germans research into UFO's during WW2. Like a lot of things in this sub, I believe this has its share of half-truths. I think it goes too far in it's conclusions, but the evidence presented is sound and you get insight into what may have actually been going on in the concentration camps.

Hit me up if you would like more info, and there are also a lot of people in this sub smarter than me. Use the search function, a lot of evidence has been laid out in this sub in the past. And one word of advice, don't let this stuff overwhelm you, it's heavy stuff so don't forget to take a break from time to time and go outside and enjoy life.

Don't listen to these other guys. Your bf just hasn't woken up yet. It can happen, people can change.

My husband had serious concerns about me when I started questioning the official version of 9/11 sixteen years ago and losing my faith in our government. I didn't preach but I also didn't back down from my beliefs. About 8-10 months ago he "woke up" and started watching every conspiracy-type video he could find. I'd say he went off the deep end but really he was just making up for lost time. Couldn't stop laughing the other day when he blurted out, "Building 7, that's all you have to know!"

So, yes, some people will eventually get there. If they are respectful of your beliefs and accept that different beliefs don't mean you're a psycho, they might eventually come around. I never thought my husband would get to this point but he is woke af now.

You should dump your boyfriend and radically alter your lifestyle because a bunch of losers on reddit read a paragraph about him and are now qualified to make decisions about your love life on your behalf.

She specifically mentioned it was scary. I dont know how you were raised, bit that is not acceptable where Im from.

I'm not saying she should stay with him, I'm saying that she shouldn't make any major decisions based on unsolicited advice from strangers.

It is cognitive dissonance

That's my ex. Wanna be my new gf.

Only if you fart on my toast every morning.

I don't roll like that. But I can make toast that looks like fart.

looks like fart.

I'm not sure why but the lack of plurality really sold this comment for me. You pass.

It's not "him" responding to that, but his conditioning. It's like an autopilot response. Within the brain, when a core belief (a belief that has gone unchallenged, or has been established via challenging to be fundamental to the reality we perceive) goes challenged, a part in the brain becomes active which is the same part that activates when a person is physically attacked. It's a primal, physical defense mechanism, and it's obviously linked with core beliefs as those are things we need to make sense of the world. They're established as necessities to get a human through life. Strong and effective social conditioning can induce the effect of having things like political biases and opinions become rooted as some fundamental necessity to the human experience in life.
When you present a concept to someone that goes against their conditioning they'll instinctively react angrily. You can't get them to understand where you're coming from unless you can find a way to explain it to them in terms they understand and are familiar with. This is gonna be a process, and it's not gonna happen over night. The person likely has multiple core beliefs, that together provide the support that holds up whatever their bias is and anchors it as a fundamental core belief. You can't challenge the bias without also challenging the system of support beliefs. So you gotta break it down bit by bit. You can't blame the person for their reaction when you bring that stuff up; blame the conditioning. The brain is just a quantum computer that translates external input for the code that is your consciousness to understand. Sometimes computers short circuit. But with a little maintenance this can be fixed/overcome. Just gotta put in the work.

He sounds like a psycho. Even the most blue pilled brainwashed people I know don’t get scary angry with me if I bring up conspiracy. At worst they’re snarky or condescending. At best they hear me out and allow me to explain myself.

Are you being calm and explaining your thoughts as just a possibility? Or do you come off as someone who is preachy?

If you’re doing the former and he gets “scary”, you need to break up with that loser.

That's too bad. My boyfriend just raises his eyebrows and asks questions. Your boyfriend's response comes from a deep emotional place, I think. He's comfortable not knowing and doesn't want to feel unsafe.

My brother is the same way. In discussions with him, if I show the slightest bit of skepticism towards his favorite theories he blows up, calls everyone else ignorant and then just says "Google it, Google it, Google it".

Take chem trails for instance. If I ask how they can load all of the "chem" onto all of the planes without having any proof of such loading facilities at any airport he flips his shit. Scary.

Especially with Obama. Nowadays if you criticize anything he did you are branded a Trump supporter or a conspiracy theorist. It's like groupthink

I am very aware that this is self-contradictory but people who apply labels are fucking retarded.

wouldn't that make you retarded thought?

'I am very aware this is self contradictory'

Jesus people, do you not understand jokes anymore?

Not bad ones ;)

People who apply labels absolutely. Like, don't get me wrong here, but labels for sure have their uses. They serve their purpose of describing any given "thing" within a given space and time. However, space and time change, so given enough time said "thing" will change and the label you've assigned to it will either have to be abandoned or changed to fit the change of the thing.
Eg: "this box is red" (for describing a box). But let's say you leave it in the sun for a while and it's colour fades, or something else falls on it and breaks it open. It could then no longer be described as neither red, nor a box.
How about "I am a happy person". Well, maybe at the time. But what about when you later hear some bad news? Not happy then. Or how about when you die? Not a person then.
Labels serve their purposes, but to live by any labels absolutely is to limit your potential.

"The map is not the territory," but it can be damn hard to get around the territory without one.

Don't forget, a racist!

A Parmesan racist

I mean if we say anything remotely compassionate about anything, we get labeled as a liberal snowflake. So that retarded, unneeded labeling goes both ways.

Lol, you think people shouldn't starve in the street after going bankrupt for live saving treatment. Bleeding heart snowflake.


Group think has grown exponentially look all the groups of unique hipsters or frat kids/sorority women. They are all the same

You point fingers at "hipsters" and "frat boys", but you also point your finger at yourself. Yours is a mindset shared by literally millions of people who think the exact same way you do. "Group think"

Good point ! It seems real people don't worry about that much and focu on what's important

Eh, I don't think groupthink has grown. It's always been ubiquitous. We're social and conformist animals by nature. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but sometimes it can be.

What's amazing to me over the last 5 years or so, I've noticed people on reddit, self-grouping.

Look at what people say when something controversial comes up. Many top comments will have the phrase "As an XYZ, I say that this issue is solved by [blank]."

In other words, people can't just say what they feel, they have to be part of the group, and represent the group, and then they're validated enough to have that opinion.

Example 1 The title itself.

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4 As a redditor, I find that reddit search sucks.

People are self-grouping. Which really bothers me. Just fucking say what you think.

It's like we're being divided by our evolution of language, without even knowing it.

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As a redditor subscribed to this, and many other subreddits, fuck you, I do what I want.

Apply the same standards to everybody. Obama did awful things (you could easily write a book about Syria by itself) but if your outrage mysteriously disappears when your guy does it, you're a partisan.

That's the thing though. Applying the same standards to everybody now gets one labeled a conspiracy theorist, because the mainstream media doesn't apply the same standards to everybody and if your thoughts and feelings don't reflect the mainstream media, you're considered a kook.

I forgot the time Trump ordered an airstrike on a hospital. Damn, I must be a partisan.

Of course I can't prove it, but I believe during his presidency, many were hesitant to criticize Obama for fear of being labeled "racist", so he got a free pass in many respects. Now that he's out of office, it appears we're seeing Trump undo his entire legacy of executive orders.

Many people claim that Obama had to be twice as good of a president to be admired because he was black. I think he actually gets a big shield against criticism simply for being black.

lots of people I think support him so much because they think by supporting him they are "freed" of their white guilt

And yet, there weren't a whole lot of other presidents that people were absolutely sure was a secret Kenyan Muslim.

Your second sentence gives credibility to your first...

I voted for Obama the first time around and I've awakened over the next decade since and now when I criticize Obama I'm labeled a Trump supporter even though I didn't vote for Trump. It really is hilarious, especially when I get attacked by kids who weren't even old enough to vote for Obama when he ran.

Is your username based on the movie?

Yes. One of my favs.

Love it too. Was surprised to see a reference around here (in the form of a username in this case)

now when I criticize Obama I'm labeled a Trump supporter even though I didn't vote for Trump

Who the hell does that? Even Jon Stewart had plenty of shit to say about Obama

Still blows my mind when I hear that "scandal free presidency" line. That's because what becomes a "scandal" is entirely up to the mainstream media. The average person won't know about anything the MSM doesn't show them.

yeah like the Obama uranium deal that the main stream media is quashing

I've read the articles and been in several discusio about uranium one. Can you give me your side as to why you think it's a scandal.

Please no rhetoric or talking points, I've heard them all by now.

Yeah it would be more accurate to say "slightly fewer scandals than usual"

You are never labeled an anti-NWO globalist because they don't even know what it means.

Obama as a topic is such a mixed bag eh. No doubt he made mistakes. I hope given maybe another term or two we'll be able to properly have the discussion cause you're right, there's no way to just step out of the arena and discuss. Everyone just pushes you into the fight when they hear "Obama ______".

Same knife cuts both ways.

If you criticize Trump, yer sum kinda librul! Fuck ye and cry me librul tears!

Oh man tell me about it, any time I say anything about Trump people start responding with rants about liberals and leftists, just cementing the fact that they think they should automatically support Trump because they call themselves a conservative.

Great advice OP. I think another one we all seem to forget is to take breaks from technology and focus on interpersonal communication!

Who gives a shit what they think about you. You have an idea. Post it. It's called conspiracy for a reason and it is up to them to prove. Be brave, even if you are 1% correct.

I like how I got called a conspiracy theorist for posting something about cell phone and it's relation to brain cancer, don't suggest anything about the phones people get very defensive.

Who cares how you get labelled. I'll be interested in whatever is posted. So will others. Does not mean you are right. Does not mean I am right. But at least we can discuss it without the childish name calling, right?

I agree I got pissed off when some guy suggested that the problem was non existent and I made it up. That's when you wanna pull your hair

There are degenerates who just keep getting more and more degenerate due to their fear of the truth, irresponsibility, lack of common sense, lack of self-control, and utter lack of any desire to improve upon what they know. And then, there are people who get less and less degenerate due to their common sense, desire to improve themselves, healthy skepticism, who spend far too long on the internet quickly becoming 20-30 years more knowledgeable than they should be.

What do you mean by 'degenerate'? I've been seeing that word used a lot lately and often in wildly different contexts.

That's what they want

True. I get hate for just making a comment. Heaven forbid that a simple observation isn't sourced. And how could I say such a thing when I just ask a simple question. If I didn't know better I would think people are being drugged with steroids. People seem to have roid rage.

Sounds ridiculous but I've had the thought in the past that an easy way for the government to control the population would be through the drinking water and via popular sodas like Coke. Coke Zero just reformulated after Trump took office. Given all that we know nothing would shock me any more.

No questions allowed the Clintons are honest and the pizzagate has been “debunked”

By the way if you see the word “debunked” you know it’s real

I guarantee it !

Here's a link to Snopes proving that Obama was amazing and scandal-free (according to the media) and Trump was a huge liar and psychopath (according to the media), what else could you need?

Wikipedia confirming pizzagate is false would be groundbreaking

. Challenge people to think for themselves.

That really isn't welcomed by a very vocal subset of this subs community. They know what they know is Truth and do not take kindly to people asking hard questions, asking for sources, or pointing out flaws in their arguments.

Some, in this subset, are remarkably closed minded when it comes to these things.

There will be closed minded people defending their identity driven perspective in all communities. But OPs message is one that maybe some closed minded folks will see and begin rethinking their argument approach.

We should let the facts speak for themselves without getting hung up on emotion and identity driven distractions.

We should let the facts speak for themselves without getting hung up on emotion and identity driven distractions.

Which is what I try to do. :)

I think anyone who spends as much time as you do bitching about Trump and worrying about what the rest of the sub is thinking, instead of objectively analyzing the bigger picture as a whole, wouldn't be avoiding emotional distraction. But glad to know you're trying!

That really isn't welcomed by a very vocal subset of this subs community.

No doubt.

The main problem can be seen a little too much here. Some thinking they are special. Sorry but just cause you post here doesn't mean anything.

We all get lazy at times. If you like Trump, I'm going to question your brain cells. That's horrible of me, I shouldn't be set in that way. But it happens.

Same thing happens to all of us really.

So don't get into the set that you think you always "knew" and no one else did. No, people know, they don't care. Or people didn't care because fuck it not my problem until it becomes my problem.

Don't know where I was going with that but now I have to poop. The poop is real though fyi. No conspiracy there.

But did u actually poop🤔 hmmmmm

It's just another way for the shadow-forces to move swiftly to shut down any and all talk that might deviate from their agenda. They love the word, "Conspiracist" and how in the minds of most people, the word, "nutjob" is automatically coupled with it.

There are other phrases and terms they have long worked to denigrate, to make a mockery of in the minds of the sheeples, like "God", "Christian", etc. And notice how they are attacking "White men" in almost every lefty-publication. They've been working to shape society and policy in the US and West for a very long time.

I've felt that, even if you think it's wacky, conspiracy theories are fun to discuss. I mean, it's a given that there is shit happening beneath the surface... to deny that is ridiculous.

But, as an individual, I don't come to r/conspiracy because I fear that the deep state is going to mind control me. Nor do I think that commenting here is going to change anything consequential. But I do think it's fun & interesting.

Anyway, yeah I find it disturbing how people are starting to label anyone who questions the mainstream as an idiot, a Nazi, uneducated. Since when does it make you uneducated to employ critical thinking?

If there's any conspiracy going on, it's the one by the media to brainwash people into automatically dismissing anyone who questions the mainstream narrative.

I feel the same as you. Was interested in this stuff as a kid because it was spooky and interesting, aliens, ancient civs, weird government experiments. It has lead to what I would consider a paradigm shift, where it's now easier to see that most conspiracies are rooted in corruption on a huge scale.

And most people just pick and choose how much they want to believe. The journalist recently killed in Malta seems generally accepted as a hit job. But journalist Michael Hastings death remains in the realm of conspiracy theory. Most people would agree that the opioid epidemic is partially caused by improper distribution by the drug industry and government dissemination. But the vaccine industry couldn't possibly be doing shady things because vaccines are "good" drugs and Oxycontin is a "bad" drug. Even pedophilia in British and other Euro governments is considered an open secret, if not in some cases proven. But "pizzagate" is way out to lunch despite its connections to actual pedophiles (plus the term pizzagate is pretty embarrassing, so there's that.) The media does seem to have a big part in telling people when corruption is "real" or not and most people seem fine not questioning that.

And most people just pick and choose how much they want to believe.

This is 100% true. A guy called Dale Carnegie wrote a book 'How to Win Friends and Influence People'. It has sold millions. Know what he says about people? See here. He knew his stuff.

So true man. Anywhere I go on Reddit, if I mention some sort of theory, no matter how I mention it I get bashed on like crazy. Currently I’m in a thread that mentioned flat earth, I said I didn’t believe in it but it is an interesting theory to learn about, and BOOM, now I’m “uneducated” and a “retard/idiot”. Since when is being a free thinker something we frown upon?

Yeah, you can just comment "wouldn't it be crazy if..." or "Devils advocate here..." and people will still bite your head off.

I just try to ignore people these days. You try to make an analogy and idiots will try to dissect your analogy and drag you into the dirt so both of you sound equally stupid, rather than address what you're actually talking about.

Point being, most people are not worth engaging.

I’d be more than happy to have a small debate over the topic ya know? But when you start off by insulting my intelligence, then what’s the point? People are so ignorant about things nowadays, they’re perfectly okay being spoon fed everything they believe. It makes me sick...

I think it's a culture we've degenerated into. We need to prove how witty we are and how snappy our comebacks can be. How much sarcastic statements or condescending remarks can you make?

It's these things that people think are so cool and so acceptable, but it's just destructive, to both oneself and everyone around them. It's gotta stop.

You couldn’t be more accurate. It’s all about leaving comments that you think will get the most upvotes so you can further validate yourself. That’s why I got off of Facebook, no one-upping each other trying to prove your life is better than mine... That shit is a joke.

Having once worked with a genuine flat-earther, I've learned so much about the flat earth theory. Their beliefs, why they think what they do, their answers to questions they get asked, and so on and so forth.

Having said all that, I think they're full of shit. I've talked to people and explained the flat-earther line of of thinking and people have then accused me of being a flat-earther just because I understood where they were coming from. Understanding the road they've traveled to reach the flat-earth conclusion doesn't mean I agree with it in the slightest though.

Yes! I’ve read up on it plenty, I understand it and I have my doubts, but the thing is that none of really know for a fact... NASA tells us everything but if you look into NASA, it’s not all that it seems. So then you have to ask yourself, what else is being hid from the public? Why are things like 9/11 and the Las Vegas shooting happening? The official stories are bogus, so if they lie about shit that big, why wouldn’t they lie for smaller things? It’s a never ending rabbit hole.

Genuinely curious, could you provide some resources or information about the credibility of NASA and what's fishy about it? Always interested in alternative information.

For sure. Here’s a couple videos, not sure how convincing they will be, it’s not much but it’s a good start.

First one about how they use a green screen Another one that points out they use cables to suspend themselves inside the ISS One more. Like I said this is just to open things up, I’m not trying to convince anybody, it’s up to you to delve deeper into it and put the pieces together.

I agree. It seems like showing any type of curiosity into critical think as a negative. Critical thinking and intellectual curiosity does not equal conspiracy theorist.

Unrelated, but here ‘s a video about chemtrails that in my opinion is a very good watch. It’s fucked up what’s happening with society and that there’s shit like this going on. I enjoy spreading stuff like this, my only regret is not waking up to this sooner.

Go see the lunar lander in Long Island NY. One glance at that papier-mâché art project and things start to unravel quickly.

For me, it started with the globe pictures having severe fluctuations in the size of continents. Then you start to see the wires and bubbles on their "space walks."

Then you realize that NASA was founded partially by nazi scientists. Then is starts to make more sense.

Apollo astronauts that are supposed to be dead are currently working "normal" jobs. Some didn't even bother to change their names.

That’s what I’m saying man, all you need is a spark and you’ll start seeing things come together, you just have to do the proper research. But what do I know, I’m just a tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist...

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is a conspiracy theorist. Sadly that word does not mean what it is supposed to.

The thing that really bugs the crap out of me about flat-earth, though, is that we don't know the Earth is round because NASA told us it is, we know because of mathematics and physics and the fact that many people have traveled around the globe and know that when you head in one direction and keep going, you eventually end up where you started.

Now, on the other hand, we never know what the Earth actually looked like until space agencies started throwing up spacecraft, so to me that could potentially be fairly convincing (that there are hidden islands or that the continents don't really look like how they're shown in satellite photos), but the fact that the Earth is actually round and it's approximate circumference was mathematically determined all the way back in 273 BC.

What it would require for Flat-Earth to be true is throwing out most of what we know about history and human experience, so the point where even a lot of credible conspiracy theories must be thrown out because we have to doubt everything. I honestly think the entire Flat-Earth movement began as a psyop, personally.

and the fact that many people have traveled around the globe and know that when you head in one direction and keep going, you eventually end up where you started.

Lol. You just reminded me of something I read once when I was on a binge of morbid fascination with the flat earth theory.

I hate that I have to start off with saying I don't believe in the theory. I just ended up really fascinated with the how and why people believe this, so I ended up on some flat earth forums.

Anyway! One theory I saw was that there are some "portals" at the edges of the flat earth, which is what allows people to go "around" the earth.

I don't remember any specification about what these portals are made of, but yeah.. thats the explanation I read.

Man, that’s great fodder for a weird tales type story.

Well, their strong reactions are set up by dishonest instigators that insert flat earth ideas as if they believe they are true. It causes conspiracy theorists and others to have a predictable reaction of annoyance and contempt. I feel it too.

When you're deeply concerned about a serious topic relevant to your life and/or others you care about and some apparently deliberate clown wants to interject obvious, proven nonsense into the atmosphere of the forum and deride the conversation, it will make you upset.

The flat earth theory is an example of it. It's trolling. The few who believe it should be informed of basic investigatory principles.

There's just too much evidence out there to take them as serious critical thinkers. There's abundant video evidence, testimony from astronauts, satellites, math, physics, models of the solar system and the cosmos that correctly predict positions of the firmament, etc. If they don't want to see this abundant evidence it is evidence of absence of will to properly investigate phenomenon generally. It's so blatant, that many of us have a hard time believing the sincerity of those who believe in flat earth theory.

There are even programs like Stellarium, Celestia and Space Engine and video games like Elite Dangerous which demonstrate humanity's vast, but limited understanding of space. I played Elite Dangerous for years and have 2,500,000,000+ credits and an Imperial Cutter. All of those programs are on my PC right now. To me, denying the spheroid tendency of matter at larger scales is like denying gravity. It makes my head hurt.

I think mainstream is a term that has been usurped. At this point, it's taken to mean critics of Trump.

It makes having nuanced conversation difficult. For example, I don't support Trump nor am I naive enough to not understand that there are forces at play beyond the common man.

Where then do I fall on the spectrum? I'm sure I'd be lumped in with "mainstream", even though I'm very conscientious in what I consume of it. And why's that: If you're not with Trump, you're against him. The mainstream is against him, so you must be mainstream. Quite the logical flaw.

Definitely troublesome. I feel that confirmation bias in the consumption of media has become socially acceptable and I see people hand wave away any news that contradicts their worldview as "fake news". It's impossible to have intellectually honest discussion when the basis of your argument can be ignored without any evidence or facts to back it up.

It's also deeply troubling when asking questions in order to provoke critical thought, aka the Socratic method, will get you labeled a shill. This is an issue that seems to have woven itself into the very fabric of political discourse in this country. The only way to combat this, in my opinion, he's to have intellectually honest discussion and consistent beliefs. By consistent I mean that you need to be willing to hold those that you support to the same standard as those that you disagree with.

Apologies for ranting a bit, but this is a subject that I feel very passionate about. It's nice to see that there are many others who are cognizant of these issues. Have a great day buddy.

It was definitely refreshing to read your response and the rant is absolutely understandable. When I found myself getting palpations was when I knew I had to detach. Not fully, but just enough to keep track of what's going on.

The same standard test should always apply and is absolutely necessary. Unfortunately though, given the stark evidence in front of us, basic intellectualism is the new gold.

We are going to pay the price for this for a long time but there's hope yet. It's just gonna take a lot of concerted effort.

Have a great day as well!

conspiracy theories are fun to discuss

It's all fun til a guy with a gun starts making demands to counter staff.

But, as an individual, I don't come to r/conspiracy because I fear that the deep state is going to mind control me. Nor do I think that commenting here is going to change anything consequential. But I do think it's fun & interesting.

I come to /r/conspiracy, knowing full well that 99.9% of the conspiracies I read about are going to be 100% bullshit, because 0.1% of them are going to be the complete truth, and I'm going to read about it here first.

Conspiracy Theorists are all tagged under the same brush. They think if you believe in the JFK, 9-11, etc. conspiracies you also believe in Flat Earth and a bunch of other unsound conspiracy plots. You also have the recent shooting in Vegas where some think that no one got killed. You can't blame them for being put off.

If the MSM didn't say so, it must be false

This seems like bullshit. No organic conspiracy buff would care if you or people think that name is tainted.

There were two people either side of me reading newspapers this morning.

Both were filled with "soft" porn. It was constant news stories about women in neglige and how such and such's bum looks good and how yours can too. I know I sound like a prude, but it was insane. In 1984 Winston Smith talks about how the proles were easily distracted by gambling, sport, and porn. And it's so true.

The papers were 'The Sun' and 'The Metro'. Two of the best selling newspapers in England.

In the end, 1984 and Brave New World were both right

Nothing new - hell, some of our species' earliest art prominently features bodacious, baby-bearing babes.

There were two people either side of me reading newspapers this morning. Both were filled with "soft" porn.

Oh I bet this story is going to end with you saying this was in England, isn't it?

Two of the best selling newspapers in England.

Yeah their newspaper situation is kind of predictable in that way. Also see the same newspaper on one day complaining about "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS GONE MAD!" and then the very next day "JEREMY CLARKSON SAID AN OLD NURSERY RHYME AND ALMOST SAID THE N WORD!"

Religion is more of a distraction than porn is from what is important and relevant in life for maximum freedom, harmony and joy.

We don't need to fear sex. Most of us regularly endulge in our natural inclination to engage in this activities and still work, play and contemplate existence. The same cannot be said of those who are too religious. They are the ones most afraid of the apparently invisible dangers of sexual pleasure seeking behavior. Ironically, satisfying that human need brings a greater feeling of freedom, harmony and joy. Is that not what a god worth having would want for its creation?

It's sort of like with Sandy Hook... I have seen people who believe the official story threaten bodily harm or wish death upon those who have questions or don't trust the offical narrative. An open dialog is impossible at that point.

That one provokes strong reactions because a great many people believe that children were murdered, and the thought that the families of those children would attacked after the fact is too much to bear.

You forgot that doing that might also make you a racist, sexist, Islamophobic, xenophobic and a nazi.

Great times we're living in, boys.

This is your own confirmation bias. This is has been happening always, you're just different yourself and finally seeing it for yourself.

I woke up 10 years ago and was saying the same things you are right now. However it wasn't new for me back then either, I was just seeing it for myself as new now.

If you understand the bible, it's really a story about what you're seeing right now. When Jesus says "for those that have eyes to see and ears to hear", he's referring to what you're outlining here right now.


Questioning anything controversial might get you jokingly called a "conspiricy theorist". But you won't be fully branded one until after you repeatedly question controversial things.

It's sort of a "the dosage makes the poison" scenario.

Giant rotting pink elephant corpse in the room and I am the only one that can see and smell it. Like the bathroom scene in the new Stephen King IT movie.

In the land of the blind the one eyed man is a NAZI!!

I know. It’s crazy.

Cognitive dissonance.

Want to make them lose all ability to think. I've been dropping this little bit and then stare at them.

First I compare our conquests to Nazi Germany. Then I bring up the bit about how almost none of the Germans knew about the "supposed" Holocaust. Then I point out we still punished them for not known. In our case we have Guintonimo YET we know what went on there. But the mass is complacent.

Next I mention how America is not a republic but a oligarchy. Also very similar to ww2 Germany.

Then I mention how the mass media is brainwashing them just like Nazi Germany. Instead of Jews we are told to hate Arabs.

United States has become passified and pussified to it's very rotten core. Our days are numbered.

An oligarchy is just the power source, as opposed to democracy or autocracy. There can be democratic republics and oligarchic republics, republics are just the state ideology, as opposed to a monarchy.

Wasn't that the reason they coined the term "conspiracy theorist "?

I had always heard that it was coined by the CIA to discredit those that ask inconvenient questions to those with power.

You're saying there's a conspiracy about the term "conspiracy theorist" that's aimed at making said person seem overtly paranoid of conspiracies?

“Conspiracy theory” is a term that at once strikes fear and anxiety in the hearts of most every public figure, particularly journalists and academics. Since the 1960s the label has become a disciplinary device that has been overwhelmingly effective in defining certain events off limits to inquiry or debate. Especially in the United States raising legitimate questions about dubious official narratives destined to inform public opinion (and thereby public policy) is a major thought crime that must be cauterized from the public psyche at all costs.

Conspiracy theory’s acutely negative connotations may be traced to liberal historian Richard Hofstadter’s well-known fusillades against the “New Right.” Yet it was the Central Intelligence Agency that likely played the greatest role in effectively “weaponizing” the term. In the groundswell of public skepticism toward the Warren Commission’s findings on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the CIA sent a detailed directive to all of its bureaus. Titled “Countering Criticism of the Warren Commission Report,” the dispatch played a definitive role in making the “conspiracy theory” term a weapon to be wielded against almost any individual or group calling the government’s increasingly clandestine programs and activities into question.


I think worse than that is the political polarization. Trump/anti-Trump, media enhanced left vs right, Democrat vs Republican.

We've gone far beyond "manufacturing consent" and headlong into "manufactured dissent".

Blacks vs whites, women vs men, antifa vs nazis, etc.

And just, what, 5 years after occupy wall street came very close to waking class consciousness?

I believe the polarization is intentional and will only ramp up

We got too close...they throw the book at us to prevent it from getting that close again.

I'm convinced mass "consciousness" is just those with free time. We'll never "wake up" if everyone is busy working all of the time and fighting circumstances.

Have you considered the possibility that most people were never meant to 'wake up'? That the notion we are 'all equal' is part of the base-level programming we are given from a young age?

Gustave le Bon, father of crowd psychology, knew some things about humans.

I believe the polarization is intentional and will only ramp up

My point exactly and I agree.

It's too bad that unity usually follows some sort of disaster, the negativity tends to be a slow creep while things are relatively fine.

This is all about creating division. If we're all focused on fighting each other, no one will stop the elite from doing whatever they please behind our backs. Hell, the net neutrality vote is going to come right around thanksgiving. That should seem suspicious enough.

They've seemingly dropped any pretense of running the government to benefit the people of the US. Even for people only peripherally paying attention could have gathered that from the Princeton study done by Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page that was plastered over the Internet a while back. News story about it here in case it got by anyone.

They have to be hit with a spotlight and shamed into doing what ostensibly they're in Washington to do. I believe they justify it as the entities who pour money into their political coffers are their true constituents.

I dont think anyone is actually real on social media msm posts. You can tell the real ones because they make dick jokes

This is not a very popular opinion, but there have been articles exposing companies buying likes and comments it's just sick. They hire people to comment 24/7 defending their shitty reputation uughhh, also bots, there are a ton of them, specially on Youtube.

Paid Hive Mind aka BrainwashMarketing

Yeah, it's really frustrating when I've been liberal all my life and then I see the liberals around me gradually becoming more extreme. It feels like it doesn't matter if we agree on 102 things because if I diverge on thing 103, I'm a piece of shit.

These polarizations are also the result of data mined targeted public relations strategies which reinforce emotional biases.

These articles should scare the shit out of people;

How Peter Thiel's Palantir helped the NSA spy on the whole world - Article in The Intercept. Peter Thiel is one of the original investors in Facebook.

[The great British Brexit robbery: how our [British] democracy was hijacked](The great British Brexit robbery: how our [British] democracy was hijacked)

"Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the last times some will turn away from the true faith; they will follow deceptive spirits and teachings that come from demons."

"Satan, who is the god of this world, has blinded the minds of those who don't believe. They are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News. They don't understand this message about the glory of Christ, who is the exact likeness of God."

"Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things."

Try having a government job and knowing some of the stuff they tell is BS; like how Snowden is guilty of treason (he has never gone to court to be tried). And the fact they won't talk about the Clinton server nightmare and a few other things.

I don't believe that most people are "asleep", and I don't believe that making some conclusions from watching some YouTube videos makes you any more aware, awake or woke.

There are several things that I believe to be true that just don't matter. OK, Oswald acted alone is likely a lie. I can't prove anything to the contrary, but the standard story doesn't make sense. The government lied to us. Yes. Next revelation please. I am not a child, and I don't expect that the government has 100% transparency with its citizens. Northwoods? Cool, some crazy asshole in the military proposed this crazy idea. The system worked when the President told them to jog on. But when you walk around talking about Chem trails, flat earth, and making all sorts of relationships where there are none, you take away from the real dangers.

OH shit guys... The real conspiracy is the act of spreading conspiracy theories that are so outlandish that we aren't woke to the fact that the US Supreme Court said that corporations are people and money is speech making the corporate voice the only voice that our lawmakers need to listen to making we the people second class citizens.... Oh fuck guys!

How are you lumping in chem trails with flat earth? They aren't really in the same realm. What's so disbelievable about chemtrails?

Chemtrails are real I'm looking at some as we are speaking... And have been seeing them over the skies every day for the past week, month and year.

Contrails are not Chemtrails. Condensation is not chemical. Just moisture

And how do you know what the fuck I'm seeing?

Because chemtrails are bullshit...

Are you... blind?

Why? Are you suggesting you can identify chemtrails based on their appareance? Lmao

So yes?

Please tell me how you know they're chemtrails.

Because, as you know, the name implies there are certain chemicals in it.

show me a photo as what you beleieve contrails are please

No no no, that's not how it works. I asked you how you know what trails are chemtrails and what aren't.

Now how do you know they're not contrails from a different altitude, or after a different amount of time. Seriously, how do you know just from that picture that that's not a contrail? Does a contrail have to be a certain size?

Even if we'd know it's not a contrail. How do you come to the serious conclusion that the trail consists of different chemicals than that of contrails or clouds.

just to see an eye doctor mate

What do you mean?

get your vision checked out

I don't see anything either, looks like a contrails to me.

Am I supposed to see nefarious chemicals?

if you don't see chemtrails in your skies maybe you need to also go get your vision checked

You keep saying that but I don't think that means anything.

"Go get your eyes checked." Is that your proof?

yes all you have to do is look up and open your eyes
unless you have a disability you can do it yoirself

I have perfect eye sight and am familiar with what contrails look like.

Do you have anything other than insults to offer as evidence?

yes go on Google you fucking lazy twat there's only about a trillion photos of chemtrails or again as I said look up your sky once and try to look outside the bubble you're in. It's right there in the sky. As I said only a literally blind person would miss it

Those are all pictures of contrails. From planes.

Again, do you have any proof or do you just insult people until they believe you?

No it's not lol are you trolling or just that stupid?

Just trying to keep an open mind but you make it very hard. Based on how your explain chemtrails to someone, I'm inclined to believe they're not real.

I would just show it to them.... like in the sky................. There's nothing to explain.

You can tell the way they gradually dissipate but without gradually deccending and expanding first.

I read about them years ago and conspiracists back then were saying how no one looks up in the skies anymore to ask question to why there trails don't look like regular contrails. The general public didn't bat an eye. However there were not as persistent as we see today. I would say it intensified the tenfold and people are still acting like nothing is going on. It baffles my mind because this is one of the simplest conspiracies to examine. As I said literally all you have to do is look up the sky it's right there in front of your eyes. If no alarm bells are going off in your mind that something is wrong with what you're seeing I believe you may be on there some spell because I have no other words to describe it. But if you research the topic further you will indeed and in fact find out there are residue of toxic chemicals behind these trails.

Ok, thank you!

So I'm a chemist and took an interest in this when it blew up in the 90s. Thing is, you can't determine chemical composition just by looking at something, doesn't matter how good your eyesight is.

But there are easily provable explanations of how normal contrails will change shapes and appearance.

Guess what I'm saying is Occam's razor usually holds true, and I was thinking maybe you had a little more evidence to offer.

It has decedent low enough in some cases to be able to be picked up and examined in the lab.

Worst case scenario you should at least be questioning what's out there even if you don't beleieve it's nesearily harmful chemicals or any chemicals for that matter. Aren't you curious why there are weird designs in the sky that are grid-like? Is this some form of secret aerial art? Obviously not so we should be demanding answers should we not? Only an ignorant person would allow this to continue without questioning it and coming to terms with what it really is.

I've never seen the grid patterns you mentioned, though I've seen pictures, and read about them. I live in Kansas though, there aren't as many planes here and they're usually all headed either east or west. I imagine in more populated areas you'd have chemtrails headed in different directions which would lead to the patterns you're talking about.

Do you have a source on the contrails that were collected and tested? That would be fascinating.

I watched several documentaries about it where chemists and real professionals spoke on the matter. This topic isn't something that's only isolated to the conspiracy community. This is huge on the we are all being led somewhere and no one knows where and why. Since I don't remember the name of the documentaries I've watched what I would recommend is search on YouTube on the topic with key words pertaining to lab + test + results. Sometimes I just sit out in the back and watch them descent. It's almost as if they are falling on me slowly. Sometimes it taints the sky a bit ethics away from his true blue color. When I see when I see a deep blue colored sky I feel happy that day.

I have a friend who claims he has even seen spider web-like patterns fall from the sky got landed all over his house and yard and community. Well planes I mean. Of course as much as I believe into this topic I didn't even had open mindedness to believe him but sure enough when I search that on the internet they were many cases of such. You can even find footage. Probably even a breakdown of what it consists of. Then there are some kind of black residue that's also been analyzed. Scary stuff I tell you. Well the scary part is that the public is being completely Silence from it and no one is daring to even ask questions. Or there are many asking questions but many refusing to acknowledge it.

Im sorrt for my attitude. I just feel so defeated :(

They are raping our skies and it's taking place in all major countries and cities and no one knows why.

Is it for military purposes? For anti-spying purposes? To harm us? To poison us? Like I sure as hell wouldn't want to subscribe to the belief that it's to harm us but as I said toxic chemicals have been uncovered so unless this is for some kind of greater good that we aren't being privy to I really don't understand it and it makes me nervous. What makes me more nervous is that not enough people are questioning it when it's so obvious right there in the sky. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills really. I mean you can see obvious patterns that are grid-like. Sometimes these trails form into some kind of weird looking unnatural clouds. I think any normal sane logical rational person should at least have these questions in mind when they see it this when the government isn't telling them what it is. This is goddamn serious.

Seems legit.

And you are the mastermind of /r/conspiracy who aims to wake up the sleeping masses?

sorry I have no interest talking to peasants cya ✌

You seemed to be interested enough to tell me to go to the doctor though

I can't continue the convo if we are living in alternate realities and we don't see the same things in the sky.

We can fix this. Just change the frequency at which your atoms are vibrating so you get to the other side. I'd recommend cortexiphan

Lol I was hinting that you're the one in your own world.

But all joking aside don't you think it's a little bit absurd that here we are arguing about the composition when we can't even establish the fact dad there's something wrong or at least very alarmin in our skies when we look up.

Do you agree or disagree?

If you disagree I can provide photos and examples and you will further tell me if none of it raises any alarms in your mind OK?

There's no alarming things coming from airplanes other than occasional fuel dumping that's harmful to the environment. Good night.

I would genuinely like to know what do you know find the alarm ink how about this picture.


If you do find it alarming please let me know.

That's cirrus...

it's what mate?

Cirrus. A cloud type.

that's clearly not
one of the other weirdos tried to tell me it's flight paths from commercial planes.

You guys will say you literally anything to keep in your ignorance and denial. I mean what else would cause you to behave in such a way?

It's not natural cirrus obviously. It's sometimes called cirrus aviaticus because it's produced by engine exhaust. But they're de facto just clouds! Some trails are wider than other depending on altitude and temperature. I'd suggest reading up on meteorology, it's super interesting. It doesn't require extra chemicals to produce these things - just water and a high altitude so that ice crystals can form.

The only difference between natural cirrus and contrails is the long shape due to the flight path.

Same things, just at two different environments! Let me ask you a question to help you discover the reason yourself. What is needed for ice crystals to form, other than low temperature?


Don't get too far ahead here and avoid my question. Let's first establish why we are seeing what we are seeing. Why are seeing so many cross crosses for example that aren't obviously part of commercial flight paths?

Why are they "obviously not part of commercial flight paths"? They very obviously are: https://www.flightradar24.com That's how dense air traffic is. There are systems in place to prevent collisions which happened in the past. That's what ATC is for.

You think I'm retarded like you and can't identify commercial air planes that pass above my region?

You are polite but extremely thick and in denial.

Why do you think they're not from airplanes?

Because I see commercials planes fly above my region. I know which direction the airport is and they all have a consistent flight path and consistent contrails.

These other planes fly above our neighbors and the trails form into clowd like formations.

I don't know how else to explain it to you. It's so simple. What don't you get?

I don't get how you come to the conclusion that things in the sky, just because you don't understand what they are, are chemtrails. Like how the hell is that a logical conclusion.

On the left picture you see an airplane and white trails and you accept they're contrails because there's an airplane in the picture. In the second picture there are no airplanes so you can't make the connection or what?

Like, what is your argument? You see no planes making these so it must be false? Then how are chemtrails supposed to be produced?

Stop twisting things. You're obviaouly not a chemist and just a troll. You are so easy to figure out.

I never said those chemtrails never came from a planes lol.... You keep going back and forth like a chicken without a head.

Stay focused

I said those Chemtrails don't come from the commercial airplanes that head towards the airport.

Do you understand??????

I don't "twist things". I clarified because you literally asked me what I don't get about your argument. So wtf did I do wrong now? Are you being hostile for no reason?

Well, so "other planes" cause them – which fly at different altitudes like you said. Now, do you know what conditions affect the formation of clouds? That's what I wanted to explain to you earlier before you showed me a picture again.

Humidity! Cirrus clouds consist of small ice crystals. Now, depending on the altitude, humidity changes. Since more humidity means there's more water in the air, the ice particles left behind by aircrafts are taking up water from the surrounding atmosphere … and grow as a result to what you described.

Not all contrails evolve to persistent contrails. Also, there's no need for a conspiracy here – scientists say there's a possibility that artificial cirrus clouds affect the climate.

To summarize, The clouds you showed me are all results of aircrafts – the difference in size and persistence comes from the weather at the moment and altitude of the trails. You got that?

Forget the chemist comment from me I confused you with someone else who was claiming to be a chemist but like you also failed to provide any answers to the questions I was raising.

So I just watched a video of planes forming this design in the sky.


These are obviously not flight paths. So can you provide me with an answer? If you don't have one that's fine as neither do I. But it also debunks all the stuff you tried to present me. So we are back to square one, which is me raising the question; What the heck is it that we are seeing? Fine you want to take the chemtrail label away from it that's fine. But can we discuss what we are seeing? You tend to veer off into specifics and stuff but you're kinda missing the big picture, which isn't really hard to miss. Again I will ask you, why do you think we see weird designs in our skies?

These are obviously not flight paths.

Again, you just claim it without any reasoning whatsoever.

But it also debunks all the stuff you tried to present me.

No it doesn't ... unless because it's a fucking pentagram it somehow means ice crystals don't accumulate with high humidity.

What the heck is it that we are seeing?

Again I will ask you, why do you think we see weird designs in our skies?

5 planes crossed paths. Thus creating a pentagram (it's not hard to create a pentagram with 5 lines). That is not so rare considering there are ~9000 planes per day in the sky at average. It MUST happen at one point or the other, it would be stranger if we wouldn't see shapes we know. It's a shape not uncommon in nature.

I once saw a dick cloud. Must be a conspiracy, right? Just go over to /r/mildlyinteresting and see how many coincidences of different kinds there are.

Also, coordinating 5 planes to fly to a specific location (possibly a location no one gives a shit about) to make an arbitrary symbol is terribly inefficient and nonsensical for any serious conspirator who at the same time has to keep it secret. Or maybe "they" just want to trigger conspiracy theorists who the make videos about it, who knows.

Is there something in your brain blocking you from being rational? Honest question...

It is said that some people would literally go mental if their veil was lifted. Perhaps this is why you keep denying things that are right in front of your nose? There's no other logical explanation unless you're getting paid to act smart while actually contributing absolutely nothing to the convo. Maybe your weak brain is doing everything in its power to hold on to its fed world view otherwise it would shatter... Maybe you are just protecting your fragile mind and I shouldn't judge.... It just seems so weak and submissive.

Aaaaaand now you went personal. Hey, I can do this too:


You claim you are one of the few enlightened beings to feel good about something in your life or, at least, feel superior because you can't comprehend basic metereology. Think about it. The fucking weather man laughs at people like you. You're showing me pictures of the sky as "evidence". Not once did you approach this issue from a scientific perspective. OBSERVE -> HYPOTHESIS -> DATA -> THEORY.

Who is the close minded one here? You watch YouTube videos and labelled pictures and form your understanding of the world based on views of amateurs and hobby conspiracy theorists. Because you don't understand something, instead of researching multiple peer reviewed theories to fill the gaps, you accept the easy to digest explanation of Ricky from Bumfuck, Alabama as there's "no other logical explanation"!

The LEAST you could do is make experiments at home, measure at which temperature water condenses, etc. to learn something about the world, NOT read shit from people on the internet who feel the personal need to go against a system they dislike.

I fucking wish I would get paid for this. I wish I would have made a difference so that you won't waste your time on easily explainable things. For example, if we accept that those things we see in the sky are contrails from planes, we can attempt to fix it if it's harmful. But if we believe "they" are responsible and hiding the truth from us, we are moving away from the solution.

But I guess "it must be a conspiracy by the evil system" fits better into a simple "good vs bad" black and white world view you people can comprehend. If you're relatively young I'd be less sad as the arguments you made with the pictures were childish at made me cringe a little.


This achieves absolutely nothing other than accumulating anger.

No friend I'm just pointing out what I see with my eyes and use common sense. Its as easy as putting 2 and 2 together.

Yet you fail to analyze what your own eyes see. You come up with all kinds of explanations for flight paths and vapors and this and that but none address what your eyes see.

It's quite a phenomenon if you ask me when you have a mass of people such as yourself being told something and you believe despite your eyes seeing something different. Talk about a disconnect. That's why at first I literally thought maybe you need glasses and you don't have any.

No friend I'm just pointing out what I see with my eyes and use common sense. Its as easy as putting 2 and 2 together.

The world isn't that easy. You have to accept that it's much more complex and you should deal with it instead of making it easy for yourself.

Yet you fail to analyze what you see with your own eyes. You come up with all kinds of explanations for flight paths and vapors and this and that but none address what your eyes see.

It explains it perfectly well. You can see timelapses of it. Go out and watch the sky all day and observe how clouds are created. That's in line with scientific theories I explained to you.

It's quite a phenomenon if you ask me when you have a mass of people such as yourself being told something and you believe despite your eyes seeing something different. Talk about a disconnect. That's why at first I literally thought maybe you need glasses and you don't have any.

NO. What I see with my eyes is not "different" than what I'm "being told". You just keep pushing this nonsense that it's different. Maybe for you because you can't grasp it, I don't know. You keep for the 100th time talking about "what you see". You realize you have to EXPLAIN what you see, right? You just assume everyone can look into your mind and you think it's enough to say "just look at it lol it's right there". No it's not. If people like you would rule the world we would think TVs and computers are magic because "just see with your eyes I don't understand it it must be magic". That's how you sound. "Just use your eyes" "You're blind why does no one understand what I see???"

"I see weird clouds how can you not also believe in god/satan when you see the same as me?"

Believe it or not, I see the same things as you, but I use my fucking brain.


update 2

So here is an example of what I'm mentioning to you. I'd like to hear your "theory" as to why these planes are in every major city doing these weird manoeuvres.

What weird manoeuvres do you mean? Because they're not landing at the airport? Are you saying planes that don't land on the airport are producing these and planes landing there don't?

Obviously these planes will have to eventually land somewhere, I'm assuming an airport. What I'm saying is, and again I'm not sure how I can be any more clear, is that these planes that leave these trails that I just showed you don't fly towards the airport as regular commercial planes do that don't leave these trails.

Are we on the same page now?

How high do the planes fly which do or don't head towards the airport ? What is the distance to the airport?

about this high
Tomorrow they can be on the opposite side of the house going towards a complelty different direction for example. I mean what's so wrong of me to be alarmed by this, or the least concerned. Why do you make such a big effort for people not to question it? I mean OBVIOUSLY something is weird about it won't ya say?

No it's not weird. It depends on weather and altitude.

Very high means usually very cold. But humidity changes depending on the weather and, also, altitude – different layers of air have different conditions. Planes that are landing usually don't produce contrails because they're too low then.

Also, you can't really know where the planes are going unless you track them on flight tracker sites. They may be flying a loop or a big curve to reach the runway from the correct direction. You can't conclude from few observations and without knowing if or where they land and without accounting for weather at the day that the formation of persistent contrails depend on a "chemtrail" switch the pilot needs to turn on. That's baseless and unscientific, and we have very well tested theories on clouds and weather to explain contrails.

Why do you make such a big effort for people not to question it?

I was always interested in meteorology although I study CS now.

Why do you keep mentioning weather??? I told you this happens year round on a constant basis.

You don't notice humidity changes in the atmosphere ... weather is more than what you see on the weather channel …

What are you even getting at? I asked why do you think we constantly see repeats of these planes and trails around most major cities in the world?

First you told me it's some kind of cloud formation called cirrus and we established that wasn't the case as airplanes were leaving these trails behind.

Then you told me it is flight paths and then I clarified that these aren't regular flight paths that's the commercial airplanes take to our airport.

You then suggested that it's normal for planes to circle around which again could happen but that answer is more fitting for isolated incidents and doesn't account for the daily occurrence as we see throughout the world. It also doesn't answer why these particular planes that have these particular routes leave these particular trails.

You then tried to go into a whole spiel about vapor and weather and for me learn meteorology and try experiments. I mean that's great and all but it still avoiding the bottom line question.

First you told me it's some kind of cloud formation called cirrus and we established that wasn't the case as airplanes were leaving these trails behind.

Wrong. Cirrus are just clouds consisting of ice crystals, and what airplanes leave behind is exactly that. It's just not natural. You didn't understand.

Then you told me it is flight paths and then I clarified that these aren't regular flight paths that's the commercial airplanes take to our airport.

Irregular flight paths are also flight paths.

You then suggested that it's normal for planes to circle around which again could happen but that answer is more fitting for isolated incidents and doesn't account for the daily occurrence as we see throughout the world. It also doesn't answer why these particular planes that have these particular routes leave these particular trails.

No, that happens frequently, say a flight from LAX to MUC must first turn around because it comes from the north but the runway is east-to-west. That happens twice a day for that particular flight. These particular trails are then left because they're at higher altitudes since they're not landing yet.

keep living in your bubble old there

I'm not your buddy, pal

I'm not claiming to know what's in those trails. Other people who actually researched it do. You should look into the topic more. There's been disclosures from people who installed the sprays themselves to people who collected the residue and tested it in a lab. How much you wish to open your mind is only up to you.

My main argument is that I see something in the sky that is out of the norm. Any sane person would question it. How is doing your little vapor experiments going to explain away anything in my concern. These aren't normal planes and we aren't being told what they are and what they are doing. If can't grasp that you're in for a rude awakening because that's just the easy stuff.

I think you wanted to say:

"I'm not your pal, friend"

What is stopping you from investigating this topic though? You've come up with clever ways to pretend to apply scientific methods to test theories but without truly approach the topic in an honest and open manner. Seems like you were doing a lot of cherry picking and getting too caught up in the details while avoiding the bigger picture.

So which one of your experiments exactly convinced you that there's nothing weird going on in our skies?

You find nothing weird about unusual planes with unusual routes and unususal trails? How is that so? That makes little sense.

I will ask simply. What are these planes leaving behind and why? Please don't tell me to measure the distance or anything silly like that.

This is a world wide phenomenon. How do you account for all the occurrences?

I'm still waiting for you to give me something solid.

Without even providing you with any of the information from the research I've done on this topic, I'm already much ahead in this argument and winning badly because you cannot even get past the point of coming up with a reasonable explanation why we are seeing this. I've provided you with photo examples but I also made it clear that this wasn't the only happening today and it was a daily occurrence in all major cities.

You keep acting as if this is some isolated incident. Sometimes I wish I was an elite myself because of how easy it would be to take advantage of suckers like you.

How so. If you don't collect data other than "Some planes make trails and others don't" and some pictures; like what type of flights, where are they headed (you can track it live on flightradar24.com), altitude of aircrafts, distance from the airport, atmospheric humidity, etc. then you obviously don't want to learn anything and stick to the conclusion you already made.

I can't and don't want to help you if you shut up all attempts of using actual science to explain what your eyes see. Not once have you responded to anything about condensation. It's always about what you see and whatnot.

When you step outside and look at the sky and see this what first comes to mind?


Please stop with these pictures for fucks sake. You can't just say "look at this I don't understand so it must be chemtrails" and expect everyone to follow you. Are you retarded?

Ah so you have no argument. I am showing you what people are seeing with their own eyes and capturing it to with a camera. What little fucked ours like you try to do is deny people out of their own vision of what they see.

As soon as I asked you two questions you cannot answer them. You try to cherry-pick details that I really not relevant. You're either a useful idiot or a troll.

You can't tell the difference between cloud types and the conditions that cause them either I'll bet.

Yeah, planes. See how those clouds are all thin and whispy? A jet's exhaust is (basically) made of the same stuff. So they spread out to be thin and whispy because that's how meteorology works.

Any theory as to why we keep seeing these patterns though? They aren't surely doing it for fun i suppose.

Sure, flight paths criss cross all the time. Look at a map of US air traffic, especially of the East Coast you get a ton of criss crossing paths.

Are you here to troll or is your level of intelligence that low? I'm sorry but this is way below standards of any rational thinking. Are you sure you're in the right sub and you aren't lost mate?

I can show you hundreds of photos as such. Your argument falls apart like a Jenga as soon as I challenge your point because there is nothing else holding it really. Flight paths can of course Kris Kross but it's obviously wouldn't account for all of the occurrences we are seeing. This isn't some kind of isolated incident. Besides commercial planes in which passengers travel do not leave trails like that. You must be pretty retarded if you think they do. I mean it's so pathetic that you try to be a smart-ass with me but you're only making an ass out of yourself. For these patterns to happen consistently all over the world there would have to be a collaborated effort. Your lack of understanding of this leads me to believe that you are really retarded or a troll. You leave me with no alternative to think of you in better light.

I mean, do you have a counter argument or not?

Of course there are hundreds of pictures of it. 19000 domestic commercial flights a day in the US alone. Almost exclusively between a couple dozen population centers. Of course they are going to criss cross. Draw 19000 lines between 24 points and tell me how many intersections you get. Do it between very dense areas like the East Coast and it exaggerates the effect. Of course passenger planes leave the same trails, all jet engines do. And the worldwide collaborative effort? Its called commerce. Getting people and goods where they need to go when they need to get there in the most cost effective manner.

I don't need or want your respect, so think me a retarded troll if you want, just know you are as "asleep" to reality as they get.

You must be totally retarded if you're telling me those are normal planes that did this in that photo and the thousands of others. Hahaha Jesus....

Is that your counter argument? Do you have any evidence they don't?

You ever see cars on a cold morning? Ever notice how you can see their exhaust? Now take 1 engine from the 737-800, one of the most common large commercial aircraft in the US. Theu burn about 13 lbs of fuel per mile traveled. The air to fuel ratio is about 16:1 by mass. I don't feel like doing the actual math here, so some estimates will do. So burning 1 pound of fuel produces about 10 pounds of water in the form of steam. Basically a cloud. Now there are 2 of these engines on a 737-800. So that is 20 pounds of cloud per mile. This freezes quickly at those altitudes into ice crystals. Know what kind of cloud is sparse ice crystals? Cirrus clouds. Which naturally have a density of about a single 1mm ice crystal in 10000 gallons of air.

You really, really don't think passenger jets can make enough water to make clouds then you either don't know chemistry, or don't know meteorology, in either case, you have no knowledge to build a belief on. And certainly no basis ridicule those who do.

Oops, missed a factor. I only did 1 pound of fuel per mile, oops. So actually each engine would produce a whopping 130 pounds of cloud per mile. Or 260 for the whole plane. Per mile. Let's call it 100 because estimates. 100 pounds of cloud per mile and you think they wouldn't make a line like that. Either you never actually thought it through, or you are the retarded one.

This is a nice little graphic to illustrate why 19000 flights will make the patterns you see.


those planes don't leave those trails you herp derp

They really do, and it isn't hard to observe, and it really isn't hard to figure out how. Water is formed qhen you burn hydrocarbons, water freezes at high altitude, high altitude ice crystals reflect light. Cirrus clouds are basically the same, which is why you seem them together so often, they are formed under the same conditions.

I know it isn't hard to observe cuz I see it all the time you hurr durr. Commercial planes don't leave these long trails.

Does it sound like cognitive dissonance in here, or is that just you? I really wish you could be reasoned with, but like most conspiracy theorists you're more dedicated to the theory than to reality. Have a good one man, good luck.

Could you perhaps show me some photos of what you're trying to explain to me? I mean surely photos would exist of your claims.

I'm not sure what you want a picture of. Chemistry? That planes burn fuel? That the water from the exhaust is visible? Frankly I don't really care anymore.

lol ur a joker


The planes that form those longer chemgrail patterns aren't the one you are speaking of.

Because Chemtrails aren't real. Contrails are. And no one has hard evidence of Chemtrails existing. Nice science though.

show me a photo of what you think contrails are

Show me any evidence of the chemicals being sprayed.

This is the problem. You have the same irrational belief in conspiracies that devout people have in religion. You will deny everything that has sound science in favor of what you believe, but can't prove, because of your faith.


Don't get phsycological with me and debunk me if you can.

Source please. And, if Chemtrails are being used, what is the chemical compound. What is the purpose. Who is manipulating. To what end.

But there will be no debunking you. THIS is your religion. Your faith. As much as the public might be sleeping on nefarious shit going on, you will never believe in a coincidence. Even though complex life on this planet start by coincidence. You don't see anything but shadows.



There is a difference, chemtrails are separate to engine use. There was that pilot who turned his chemtrails on and off to create what looked like Morse code while flying in a straight line.

I think when people use the term "awake," they are generally referring to TPTB, their control, and how they manipulate the public and rewrite history, etc.

Yes but it relies on some theories and it's treated like a fact or a badge you wear.

chemtrails are completely irrelevant to the topic of weather-manipulation - which is what the conspiracy theory is ultimately about. doesn't matter if "chemtrails" are real or just contrails; geo-engineering is confirmed by the government.

The second you get labeled a conspiracy theorist they equate you to flat earth morons and therefore don't have to address any of your arguments. It's the easiest argument they could ever want

It seems people are getting more and more fragile every day. Saying or asking anything that may disrupt their illusion only causes them to bury their heads deeper in the sands of delusion.

Nobody wants information from outside their feedback loop. Dissenting thought is scary and people want to feel a part of a like-minded community. Applied on a global scale we get the world we live in now.

Too true. Republicans will hold their hands over their ears and start humming in order not to hear something that has truth to it and goes against the narrative they want to believe. Democrats are the exact same. We all live in echo chambers now and reddit has started to become a microcosm of that.

If you question the Russiaphobia and Russia hysteria then you are dumb and a Trump supporter, automatically.

If you question Trump acting like a jackass and politicizing John Kelly's sons death then you are just a dumb liberal.

Both sides are full of idiots who can't see the forest for the trees and the bigger picture.

No shit, right? This is some r/atheism level circlejerking.

A T_D poster complaining about the hive mind.

They have to be going for irony, no?

Removed. Rule 10.

We've been conditioned into taking the "official story" at face value;people like alex jones have made asking questions unpopular too

Huh, this is a the first time in a year that this sub has had a non shitpost. Thanks for the refreshing statement.

Can you show some examples of a shitpost.

There was a front-page post yesterday about October 30th to Nov.02

Probably close to 99% of posts here in the last year have been shitposts

ok and I'm a unicorn that can spit out rainbowlike colors.


Except the publuc is finally getting wise to MSM bullshit. For example, I know very few people who believe the Las Vegas shooting story.

Because you live in a bubble full of dumbasses.

I love irony.

Sure you do buddy.

I love these posts. They make me feel sane.

r/conspiracy: where pizzagate still has defenders but trying to say the American government treats minorities like shit is "virtue signaling."

If your only sources are sources that aren't actually sources, you've got a whole lot less conspiracy and a hell of a lot of theory.

someone has been spoon fed some cnn today

Fuck off lahey

^ attacking users of this sub with SJW nonsense is a clear sign this thread is being brigaded

get this r/blackpeopletwitter bullshit out of my subreddit

Your subreddit?

I didn't see your name on it

In 3 years you've made absolutely no posts here and 5 comments.

r/quityourbullshit is calling.

/u/Flail_of_the_Lord: where calling out racist idiots is more important than acknowledging that sexual abuse happens at all levels of society a la pizzagate.

Sorry, let me just find the proof that the government facilitates sexual abuse of children. Wait, that doesn't exist. That means it doesn't happen. Open and shut case, everyone who investigates it is a /pol/tard Nazi Trump supporter.

Do you not find this strange? Especially when the evidence does exist, at least with regards to Europe and the UK.

Salty boi

Why on Xenu's earth does have to be one or the other? Why aren't both equally important? Why is oppression only valid when it ISN'T being supported by cultural movements? Why can't we rip down the obviously real sexual abuse and rape culture of our world while we hold police and government institutions responsible for blatantly racist activity?

I agree, that's why I made my comment, because I hate how pizzagate became involved with the alt-right, and I do care about racial issues, so having it lumped in there gives me bad vibes. Didn't mean to imply that what you mentioned is unimportant, my bad, man.

Thank you. 👏

This is by design. Going against the force fed narrative is dangerous. The easiest way for 'them' to deal with free thinkers is to label them nut jobs.

If you’re a parent, stay involved with your kids and keep familial traditions and values going

And what if those are the problem?

Care to explain?

Extreme example: Just because your (grand)parents e.g. deem marrying a 13-year old ok it doesn't mean that it is a good thing. Wihtin western world/US context:

Parents grew up in a different world - the most prressing problem of our time (climate change and mass extinction) wasn't really a problem in their time & their values show it. Furthermore it restricts the "new generation" in finding their own way.

They can be somewhat problematic. I’m only saying this as an Arab American that has questioned many of my cultural norms. It’s also been interesting to read up on the roots of these norms too. I think the proper term is “Social constructionism.”

how is raising a child to love one another and your neighbors like yourself, question everything, and to have strong values a bad thing?

see above and... it depends on the values...

go on...

see above.

i think that the reason why people automatically dismiss unique points of views is because they don't want to be seen as idiots themselves... some people worry too much about how they are being perceived and that scares them from agreeing and making up their own minds.

it annoys me every time when i see someone who only believes the narratives that major news corporations push forward, we all know how easy it is to manipulate a situation in someone else's favor, it happens everyday!

it is scary to imagine how many innocent people have been lynched by mass media because they haven't got their facts right and will knowingly lie to bring high ratings to their channel, because like anything else at the end of the day it is a business who is after profit regardless if what their promoting is right or wrong.

It's like kids in school with popularity game. They see how many people are acting a way and they repeat to be cool and not to be seen as the loner weird kid. Adults are grown up kids.

pretty much.

Great point. This is certainly why I was hesitant to begin looking into this stuff. Thanks!

No one tells me what to do. :)

Been so as long as I remember. Professor in college astronomy class was teaching something about orbits and I asked some question about gravity, he branded me a flat earther. That was back in 1988.

Idk. I think there are those who've fallen and continue to. And I think there are those, like us, who discovered logic and truth and open mindedness. Zooming out and viewing humanity as a single organism, we can see the collective cognitive dissonance manifesting in individuals. Half are crazy and getting crazier(as their egos refuse to acknowledge their closed mindedness, which is inherent with an ego/identity), and those of us who are awakening.

Don't lose faith. Truth will prevail. Light sheds on darkness, at some point, always. It's an inherent part of the universe being itself.

I like your words, but your posts to T_D seem to indicate that you only switched flavors of kool aid.

Yup. Judging my entire existence and who I am based on the fun I like to have on a subreddit that likes the President. You have zero idea of who I am or what I’ve done and experienced in life.

Don't John Stewart this and write that off as "fun". T_D is a cesspool of misinformation and propaganda. Pizzagate anyone?

Like i said, i like your words, but you're running them on a double standard. Then you flopped like a soccer player when i pointed it out.

the fun I like to have on a subreddit that likes the President

This is the problem right there.
You are so deep in what you call "controversial" bubbles that you've lost the feeling for what is ridiculous, simply false, dangerous propaganda, hate or plain and simple stupid conspiracies. The fact that you are wondering why people call you a conspiracy theorist should actually make you think. You however decided to go on the worst imaginable place besides T_D to lament about your own problem.

But you man not be aware that this is actually a good sign. Something in you needs this support by those people here who have the same problem as you have. They need that support too because you all decided to go the lazy way. When the society does not accept your lazy acceptance of bullshit that clearly states for you who is on the good and bad side, you just blame them. Going the lazy way makes one pretty lonely. You become a very boring and bored person since you have all the answers already. Your world has come to an end. You know it all. Usually people who know it all are just not likable. People who know it all and believe plain bullshit are also funny. This must break your heart. Thats why you need that support. Your body asks for it. You are human. A social being. But think about it. All people here reached that end you have reached. There is no permanent help here since there is no exit in this behavior. The world is explained.

There is a world out there that has real help for you but it takes work. With every day you remain in that closed world believe it gets harder to break out and even if you manage, the work will just start. You'll have to read a lot of stuff to realize how far your ignorance reached. But it must be done so you don't fall for it again since you are like an addict on a cold turkey and believing conspiracies is always the easier and faster fix. Then there are the people who called you a conspiracy theorist. They will help you when they realize that you are truly interested in listening and learning and not preaching your closed world to them. People forgive and since it is a noble course you will find help for sure.

I wonder if you (or the person who'll delete it) even managed to read so far.

That was a bit much i think. Skepticism may not be "healthy", but the world is almost certainly not as it seems.

There are those that get their dopamine hit off of some of the sexier conspiracy theories out there; particularly the ones with really really bad badguys that by default caste the conspiracy theorist as a hero for speaking out. The irony is that these people with the best of intentions are being used by the "powers that be" (i.e. the ones behind the really boring and complicated conspiracies that are real) as a diversion. T_D is a perfect example, dancing as no puppet has danced in decades. It's simple; push sensational stories that have a little bit of truth in them to taint the actual truth.

What that truth is, i can really only guess, but i don't think I'm going to find it fully formed and packaged on reddit. I'd bet money, though, that it's all about the money.

I also creep on people's comment history when I see a post I like, just to decide whether I should agree with them or not.

I'm not a very emotional person. But at times I want to weep for all the poor dumb bastards.

Everybody that reads this should buy more canned goods and storeable food, water filters, if you have extra wealth put it in a vessel that will allow you to preserve your purchasing power.

Come Lord Jesus.

People that aren’t in tune (or those arrogantly pretending they are) to reality fly off the handle if their narrow, pre-packaged beliefs become challenged.

Do you realize that this statement contradicts itself? I'm openminded to a fault, and love discussing and exploring topics no matter how ludicrous they might seem. But one thing I've noticed discussing/debating with "traditional" conspiracy theorists is that they tend to be some of the most close-minded, fingers-in-their-ears people I've ever come across. This is obviously a generalization, but one that is true more often than not.

I'd suggest you open your own mind to your own prejudices before labelling others so.

Exactly, when replying to an absurd idea with proof of how it is bogus... You get called a shill and relentless arguing with no proof to back the idea they defend so valiantly.

r/showerthoughts : "DAE conspiracy theorists are dumb and I'm smart lol"

Times have gotten so strange that merely asking a question about anything deemed “controversial” automatically brands you as a “conspiracy theorist” in the mind of the public

No it does. Stop trying to shape it into that!


Yup, you’re a critical thinker above most others s/

Read books. Have conversations with loved ones. Challenge people to think for themselves. If you’re a parent, stay involved with your kids and keep familial traditions and values going.

These things are so important. I think other goals for all of us should include staying out of debt as much as possible, trading and bartering goods and skills within our local communities instead of relying on fiat currency and giant corporations for everything, and growing as much of our own food as we can.

Many people would rather not know. I often find people I talk to regularly just don't care about the subjects I discuss. As they say - ignorance is bliss.

By design.

Conspiracy Theory in America, p.21:

Most Americans will be shocked to learn that the conspiracy-theory label was popularized as a pejorative term by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in a propaganda program initiated in 1967.

could you tell me more? I'm very interested.

I edited the link so that it goes directly to the page I cited. (Accidentally had it pointed toward the search I used to find that passage.) There's a paragraph about it there. It was to mitigate doubters of the Warren Commission report.

See also: Operation Mockingbird, Church Committee report

Anyone know about a red screen biofeedback leak and where to find it? 300$ for information.

What is "the mind of the public conscience?" Never heard this term.

Most folks in here seem to be awake enough to question everything.


Oh there's lots of us alright. Just lots of normies, trolls and shills making noise and distractions.

That's a stupid cop out. This sub has become a slew of half baked trump-tard ideas with sources such as 4 inches up an ass, or breitbart.

The controversy isn't about it being a valid conspiracy theory or not but rather about why such obvious horse shit is allowed on this sub.

Love this post.

It's like nowadays you criticize Trump and everyone hops all over you like you're a virtue signaling liberal brainwashed snowflake who thinks all white people are racist.

I'm like no, I just think Trump is a dangerous idiot who only uses groups of people for personal gain.

someone watches too much CNN,MSM, CNBC, ABC, FOX lol

Lol that's funny because I don't even have cable tv and never watch tv news or visit those websites.

you're on reddit, just go to the front page and it's every where. I have been known to go hard in the paint.

I usually just try to follow important people on twitter across a wide range of sources. Twitter can be veryyyyy exhausting, but I feel like if you follow trusted reporters instead of just a major news entity then you get a better representation of what's going on without all the spin. Or you can at least tell who is a spinster.

I'll say again though twitter is also the bane of my existence and it sucks. But it's a good way to follow current events without watching shitty 24/7 news ya know.

Honestly the way twitter is I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them, they have been know to silence and censor a lot of people for simply having an unfavorable opinion but you have to get it from somewhere besides the damn fake news networks.

That's very true too, I guess my main thing is I just try not to pull all my faith into one person or thing.

It's the same way with Obama supporters. Blind faith following of the president regardless of actions.

I have a problem with how people treat Obama as if he was a god, and I definitely have a problem with how people treat Trump as if he can do no wrong.

These guys work for us, and I'm going to be critical of them no matter what. So for Trump to announce that he's done more than any other president ever. I mean that shit is just ridiculous. Just as it's ridiculous that people think Obama was some legendary president.

I agree 1000% with your first portion, but you don't think Trump has done ANYTHING notable? I mean The TPP was huge, He has gotten rid of billions of dollars worth of regulations that in turn is helping our economy grow (see stock market records) "he's done more than any other president" that's debatable but has def done more good for America's people than Obama and bush's or Clinton ever did. I just hate to see no one giving the guy credit. Everyone should be critical of the people we elect. So yes let's find common ground in that :)

I always get skeptical of people who are very animated about criticizing Trump because it's always as if they refuse or acknowledge any other forms of corruption that could exist outside of his admin is non-existent such as a deep state.

Then again we have people who use the deep state as a cop out not to criticize Trump.

Where and how do we draw the line?

Exactly! I think just in general I don't get why people dedicate so much energy to supporting a single particular politician. Whether you're democrat or republican. To so many people it's sport. It's not politics.

For me I can see positive and negative aspects to all sides. So why can't more people understand that?

Just because Trump has aspects "you" might like doesn't mean he can't be just as bad as the politician "you" dislike.

Obama supporters are the exact same way. It's just different sides of the same coin.

I put "you" on quotations because I didn't literally mean you.

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." Jiddu Krishnamurti

This resonates so much.

Idk I personally have noticed most of my loved ones(very much the opposite of “conspiracy theorists”) have started to question a lot of things this year, especially this month and openly say things going on are fishy and don’t seem like the truth. I honestly figured this mentality stretched beyond my circle. Sorry it isn’t the same for you yet. Hopefully more people start to use their eyes and ears for what they actually are seeing and hearing.

Haha it happens right here in this group, which is supposed to be about Conspiracy!

My friends always make fun of me saying the "Aliens are coming to get me," or some stupid shit if I bring anything up outside of MSM views. It's annoying and depressing that I have to hold my views on anything in fear of being made fun of.

That's because saying things like 9/11 was an inside job or saying that Hillary Clinton is running a child sex ring out of a pizza parlor is not "controversial". It's nut job fantasy stupidity and people that come up with this shit should absolutely be branded as a dumbass.

Why would the world trade center burn underwater several months after the planes flew into them? Wake up man. What made Tower 7 fall? Why would they find molten metal under water at ground zero in October 2001? I'm a metallurgist and steel doesn't stay hot that long. From 2800 degrees it will cool to room temperature in just a few hours. But hey ignorance is bliss am I right?

Wake up wake up wake up wake up

Wow it worked. I believe your stupid theories now because you said I should wake up

How does it feel to live a lie?

Well yes, a strict control over thoughts is exactly the foundation of tyranny.

Make it impossible to speak about an outrage, and people will forget the outrage has occurred.

I truly believe that everyone in the sub is on a "list" and will be watched in the future for knowing too much. Its the only possible way to win. The only way u can control the masses is too control the media. They already do this but in such a subtle way, most dont even see it or care. They are trying harder now. We are still able to have free thought and discussions at the moment but thats going to change. The fact that all of the biggest free speech/thought outlets in existance (FB,youtube,reddit) are now provably controlled and filtered should be the biggest red flag of them all. all in the name of "protecting feelings" , or people from truth. They want to control you, us, everyone.

Knowledge is power

You honestly think the government has nothing better to do than monitor a sub on reddit (one of many thousand on the internet)?

It's a form of thought control. They are merely branding dissenters.

It derails the conversation. It is like mentioning Zionism, then being labeled an anti-Semite.

People don't want to believe in the invisible war that is going on.

If someone calls me a conspiracy theorist, I just look at them and say:

"I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I'm a conspiracy analyst. I like to analyze the evidence presented by all sides and come to my own conclusion."

Man I feel you. I thought I was the only one feeling like this lately but obviously not. Everyone I try to talk to just does not wanna hear what I have to say. They either find it too controversial or they label me a conspiracy theorist or something. I really don't know who to talk to anymore cuz everyone just talks about trivial issues, even most people who call themselves "woke"

People label ideas or concepts that they cannot fathom "conspiracies" to excuse themselves from learning and to avoid shifting their paradigm.

I had a university professor for a few 400 and 500 level argumentation courses. He used to get called away all the time for “emergencies” where he played consultant. He was never allowed to say, but if I had to guess based on this guy’s curriculum (which he created), and the way he talked about it, it always seemed like he was helping with interrogations and/or writing damage control speeches for government agencies.

He used to always say “labeling something as a conspiracy theory immediately removes an argument from rational public debate” and was a frequently used tactic to bury shit.

I know I don’t have to tell people in this sub, but EVERYTHING involving multiple parties is a conspiracy theory until it’s not a theory anymore (because it was definitively proven or disproven).

But the label itself does a lot of damage.

It seems terms like "conspiracy theorists" and "fake news" have really ramped up in recent years. And it's clearly part of a larger campaign to discredit specific movements; we all know the latter of which includes CNN and Fox News, but was created to discredit alternative media sources.

I've also found it hard to pose questions or express simple ideas with others.

Crazy times we find ourselves living in, indeed.

"If you don't stop telling lies about me, I'm going to start telling the truth about you." - Gordon Gekko

I would imagine that is by design.

Keep things in perspective. A conspiracy is an agreement of more than one. A theory is a theory.

It's exactly the same as a scientific hypothesis.

A theory of a group of people which will be tested with fact and reason.

Proven = fact.

Disproven = myth.

Hypothesis: Someone else killed JFK.

Proofs: ♾

'Conspiracy theory' was created by cia to discredit those that question the establishment in the 60s.

Happens here too, but here you get called a shill or paid troll.

The auras of some people are so grim and lifeless and they’re totally mesmerized by propaganda, glam, and the toxins within pop culture and mass media.

You can thank porn and Facebook for this.

Yeah its fucking sad. Sheeple .

The key thing is what gives a person the ability/right to identify a conspiracy and label you. Most people are not Omnipresent and know the real story.

OTOH, Howard Stern and Jimmy Kimmel just said "penis" on the air a half dozen times, something Howard was fined millions of dollars for in the 90s.

Baby steps, using terms such as "awake" and "in tune" tend to scare people away, I get what you're saying and fully support critical thinking etc. but when discussing things with others whom you believe to be hypnotized or blind you must remember "they" either (a) don't care (b) are willfully dismissive to perpetuate their perceived happiness (c) think your crazy. Diving head first into a "controversial" subject regardless of one's level of understanding or interest is off putting to some who would otherwise be indifferent. The further from the "norm" you are, the more cautious you must be with your words and approach, instead of telling them they're wrong, ask them to tell you why they believe they're right.

epistemic closure. it's a real thing.

well people have theories and no actual proof so it gets old

One of the issues is that people call everything a conspiracy. Everyone is sick of everything being called a conspiracy. There is no respect for horrible events that happen. People just jump straight into conspiracy mode.

People are tired of "false flag" being thrown around and people citing Alex Jones.

There are actual conspiracies out there with merit, but so many people have lost all credibility by drinking the "everything that goes against my world view is a conspiracy" koolaid.

The idea is nobody cares that everything is a conspiracy. In the end this is good not bad that people want to think for themselves. If you can't handle it then get the fuck out. There is nothing worse than believing lies.

"There is nothing worse than believing lies"

That's the truth. I can handle people thinking for themselves. The most dangerous lies are coming from a vocal minority of conspiracy theorist that yell "crisis actor" whenever someone gets maimed or killed and gets a community riled up so much that they send death threats to parents of murdered children.

These are the people that make real conspiracy theorist lose credibility and makes people close their mind to anything but the official narrative.

I'm just saying this sub is about conspiracies but that doesn't mean everyone should suck koolaid outta every OPs dick because he made up a story in his head. If your theory can't stand up to criticism and you can't defend your points against counter arguments, you have a story, not a conspiracy.

I should reengage that thought and put it slightly into context: there is nothing worse than believing the lies of those in power over you.

Some random conspiracy nut means jack shit to anyone.

That's the worst use of koolaid in a sentence ever.

It is not nearly as bad as you think. Quite a few people are woken up these days. It is only in certain echo chambers that get you branded a conspiracy theorist for telling the truth. Also the term conspiracy theorist has been thrown around so much it has lost its meaning. It doesn't have nearly as much sting as it used to. A conspiracy theorist used to be some weirdo with a tin foil hat on. Conspiracy theory is much more mainstream as more people doubt the 9/11 official story than believe the government. The same is probably true of Las Vegas and other false flags.

You all literally think every mass shooting is a false flag.

But yeah, its your thing.

Finally another normal person who realizes this sub is retarded

Lmao, then gtfo

Obviously you wouldn’t say that if u truly wanted to “wake me up”, even if I am being rude.

yeah seeking any kind of advice on this topic-

Ive never so immersed in a conspiracy until the LV incident. I watched the initial news report when my fiance told me that some crazy stuff is happening in Vegas etc. Like any other person I wanted answers..who wouldnt? So here we are weeks later and I still have none of my basic answers - CCTV from inside the hotel, this crazy timeline changing, the "hero" making this extremely awkward Ellen appearance.

With that said, anytime I bring up any of the new findings/conspiracies to my fiance, she laughs at me. Im basically pleading with her to listen to me because this shit doesnt sit right man, it doesnt take a conspiracy theorist to tell you that! She just tells me that she just goes on about her life...basically forgets about it etc. I mean I understand her point, and my response to her was that we frequent Vegas and what if it happened to be our sorry asses in that crowd? She just shrugs and kinda feels where im coming from but yeah.


I had my "awakening" moment when I first heard about world trade building 7 going down on 9/11, I didn't even know that it collapsed until about 2010! And shit, I was 14 on 9/11, I lived through it and watched the news nonstop for about a month.

I have been where you are at right now, you can feel like you're insane for seeing shit right in front of everyone's eyes that no one will listen to or even entertain. It can be depressing and lonely, people will think you are fucking crazy and laugh you off.

Just know you are not insane and not alone, the CIA literally created the term conspiracy theorist to discredit those that went against the official narrative. This isn't a place of absolute fucking nutjobs talking about obama turning frogs gay, this is the place where people actually take a step back and try to analyze what is going on.

Try not to get too overly consumed, it can be a burden feeling like you're only one who gives a fuck and realizes shit is completely fucked. The tide is changing, you came on board at the right time.

As for your gf, if she is even listening to you that's a win. It can take time for people to get out of their comfort bubble and start looking at things, give her some time.

I appreciate the awesome response/advice!

I think the thing that gets to me the most is that my fiance tends to be on the same level of thought as me on alot of things, and its killing me that shes not on this, lol.

Because they'd rather live in their bubbles. It's more comfortable. And as times are becoming scarier they become more and more sheltered. Because the truth is very harsh nowadays and it's very hard to swallow.

It's like a man who goes to a prostitute who tells himself that she is enjoying it. Deep down he knows it's not the truth, but if you questioned him, it would shake him to the core, so he won't accept anything that you could tell him. Doesn't matter if it's the truth. His own sanity has priority over the truth.

I actually think more and more people are questioning official narratives.

I think what you see as people being branded conspiracy theorists is a desperate attempt by TPTB to maintain the wool over people's eyes.

The media have done such a great job painting people in corners that you get branded a MAGA douchebag for going against anything the media says. Shit is getting peculiar though, I can feel the sea change against the establishment and people opening their eyes to, "their", tactics. People are beggining to realize left and right are both fucking bullshit, they inadvertantly made a lot of people asleep at the wheel start questioning shit with the botched LV massacre.

I think Trump is a fool but if he actually can make a top down change in the alphabet angencies he will go down as one of the greatest ever. I wrote in Bernie and I would be lying if I told you I think he could successfully kick out the deep state scum.

It sucks and is honestly pretty terrifying to think of, but Trump is the only hope we have right now. I am (probably foolishly) holding on to the hope he really has been playing the long con and shit is about to hit the fan. I can't really explain it but I feel a shift. Something is brewing.

I would like to know a harsh truth, then a beautiful lie.

ahh the old the masses are sheep post

georgia guidestones are sounding real nice right about now.. just nuke them all pls

What is truth?

I mean to be honest if you ask people "hey do you think we landed on the moon" they may be concerned for your mental stability, but funny thing is jokes on them because they still believe in the moon


Don't you think someone should do a study and publish it?

Completely unbiased so as to gain public opinion and trust.

It's honestly gotten to a point where it's congruently appearing in society itself.

So everyone else is catching up. When I don't hear anyone question anything that sounds like it might be "controversial" I brand them all "mindless sheep".

I would be much more likely to believe someone that didn't phrase everything as a conspiracy. I'm just gonna go through your post and highlight phrases that "sleeping" people don't ever use when actually talking to another person.

"Wake up", if you aren't actually waking somebody up from sleep this is a stupid term.

"Comatose to truth." Most people are concerned with and very "awake" to a few truths. Feeding themselves and their family, and putting a roof over those people. They are working too hard to have the free time to worry about what the lizard people are doing.

"Aura." Ok, now you want me to bust out some crystals?

"In tune to reality." Maybe YOUR reality is the one that is shifted. If you can't have conversations with people who is the only common factor? You.

"News is mostly propaganda." Of course it is. That has never been hidden and people choose to watch/read what best fits their narrative.

You sound like the prep cook I worked with when I was 15 who was obsessed with black helicopters and mushrooms. Get help.

I feel like I should just refer you to r/iamverysmart. I think you would find a place there.

Russel Brand let me down.

Well look how you get treated if your opinion or feelings on anything don't match up with optl

Don't mistake the true public conscience with what the establishment media is desperately trying to project.

Real life is catching up to them fast. And the closer it comes, the louder they get. Incredulity, outrage, ridicule, contempt. Their desperation will force them through all of these and more. But the truth is unchanging.

The last year has been one of rude awakening for the normies is my area, its been great. Sorry to hear your experience has been less than stellar. Have you tried resetting your red-pill dispenser?

In all seriousness, i tend to see the "comatose" around me as an exercise in detachment. The battle lines are all but drawn, keeping deadweight (be it moral, intellectual, or literal) around you and your family can become a liability in the days ahead.

Basically, keep calm and carry on. The unrelenting patience and outstanding work of communities like these have already started to take their toll on the global narrative. There's no going back now.

That was obviously the plan from the start.

Zombies are real.


The other day I said "I believe the official story; two airplanes crashed into two buildings in new york causing three of them to collapse in free fall"

and got called a conspiracy theorist.

Not in real life though, maybe online, but most people I know are pretty open to things. Except my grandma, she is not. Great lady, but loves her some MSNBC.

Why should I change my viewpoint when confronted with the facts when I can change the facts and keep my viewpoint?

My day? Un-freakin'-believable. First... first we nailed this bastard who had the gall to hide his stuff in his daughter's doll. Her doll, for God's sake! Oh, where's the line any more? Well, I got news for you: It's...it's...it's...it's...it's not even on the radar screen! The days of decency and virtue are gone, honey. Bam! Freakin' evaporated like a dingy, stinkin' mud puddle. One-one day you...you...you see your reflection in it, and the next day i...it's a...it's a...it's a damn oil spot on your cracked driveway, staring back at you, mocking you, blah, blah, BLAH, knowing the perverted truths that rot in the pit of your soul... that's how my freakin' day was.

Everytime this feeling pops up it ALWAYS leads me back to the line from the matrix because i feel like it explains it so perfectly.

'You have to understand. Most people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured and so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it.'

the fact that the MSM is going to the lengths they are to discredit nutters indicates that there's a deluge they can't stop.

Critical thinking is not crazy. Branding those with questions against evil has always been the tactic. Whites who had moral epiphanies about slavery and bagan thinking is this right? Were given negative names like crazy or nigger lovers etc to be outcasted from the majority who had yet to see it was wrong.

People who were 10 steps ahead of hitler were branded crazy for thinking so badly of such a good well intentioned man.

It seems to me that the first to come to their senses against the wall of evil are always vilified and attacked. If somebody is trying hard to vilify and discredit you for seeking truth your on the right path.

They dont assasinate or ho after people whose only knowledge of the world is kim ks ass and beyonces newest album. People submitting foia requests calling congressional leaders going through documents and investigating human trafficking like monica peterson did are the ones who die.

If she was stupid crazy or mentally ill they would have left her alone they attack those who seek truth and see through illusions and lies.

Regardless of political beliefs, we cannot lower ourselves to the same inhuman violence that communist or fascist regimes used to control opposing speech and ideals; all the detestable bloodshed, starvation and other inhuman atrocities such inhumane oppression is guilty of.

No, the way to counter ideas that are counterproductive to civilization is with civilized, intelligent retort.

Speaking out against it, as true leaders such as Ghandi, MLKing & Co. with the support of intelligent, civilized people.

That is the answer.

The use of violence to squash opposing ideas is detestable. It is the same insane oppression it claims to fight against. Such methods are completely incompatible with civilization.

Those that assert otherwise only prove themselves to be hypocrites.

This was downvoted to -58 or so the other day. Some other poster replied to it calling him part of the "alt-reich" or some stuff like that. I'm not going to tell you which sub it is or what post in order to prevent brigading (also why I'm not linking the post) or whatever. If you are really that curious feel free to pm me Thankfully the negative karma this received isn't as much as it was when I first found it and the "alt-reich" post was deleted and I guess the mod reprimanded the person who responded. The fact remains that there is nothing wrong with the comment. It was very reasonable and seemed to be well thought out yet it was downvoted to oblivion. One of the problems these days seems to be that people no longer want to listen to each other. They want people around them who have the same ideology. I've seen footage from the protests at Berkley (Sargon of Akkad went there and a couple Youtubers filmed it). A lot of what I saw in the footage was a bunch of people shouting others down chanting slogans into bullhorns. Its like public discourse these days has turned into a shouting match where both sides the far-left and the far-right stick their fingers in their ears and hold shouting matches. This is a terrible state of affairs that will only drive our country further apart.

It's the opposite as I see things play out.

Many people are becoming more convinced that the conspiracy theories out there have credence.

It's those sackriders and shills who only care about protecting "their side" or "their party" who are now screaming the loudest trying to portray anyone who believes or is starting to believe as "nutjobs" because they have to silence everyone so more and more don't jump ship and demand answers and demand action by law enforcement.

Mother MSM has done its job well.

The MSM is falling apart from where I'm looking.

Yes! The sooner the better.

This is a nice sentiment but I also understand why people give me weird looks when I start sentences with "that's what the government wants you to think!" Lol

It’s no accident that conspiracy theorists are looked on as crazy. The establishment has deliberately marginalized free thinkers and turned this term into the derogatory one it is now. This was done by design. The people at the top are rich, ruthless and smart. Except when it came to building 7. They fucked that up by allowing that to fall. So they are powerful but not infallible. I imagine the NSA has a file on everyone in this thread. If so, “Hi NSA! Fuck you!”

Show them this.

Mentioned the harp array at work one day. Boss was not impressed. Gave me shit after that all the time.

"The mind of the public conscience"

AKA whatever the media decides is the public conscience. The public has no choice.

Welcome to the logical end point of leftist design.

"Diverse." My ass.

Got an example of what conspiracy you get a weird reaction to..?

I mean, if it's something about jews masterminding most of the conflicts in the world, it's not that odd to be dismissed for "simply talking about it"...

The scary part is that we are more concerned with what people think about us then the truth and seeking the truth fearlessly

Only in Texas

You can't even state things that actually happened and are well documented history and fact without being labeled a nut by the ignorant.


People I work with, whom I consider friends and intelligent, all think I'm crazy for even questioning. I'm just saying how do you know it wasn't, but I'm the crazy one. Maybe you're crazy for blindly accepting whatever the media says.

yeah, they don't want people to ask questions.

I disagree. I frequently talk to friends about mild "woke" shit and they're pretty open minded about it. Exposed my best friend to operation northwoods, JFK stuff, all the crazy shit the CIA did, and more recently the U1 deal. Heck, i even informed the kid who sits next to me in comp. Science about wikileaks and the vault 7 CIA hacking/surveillance tools. Showed him the site and everythung. (Im a senior in high school)

Me: "How come we pay taxes for things we dont need or want who forces us too and if we choose not too why do they have force to punish us?"

People of the future P.C world : "omg how can he ask such a thing is he a conspiracy theorist, so we have to report him for questioning such things, doesnt he know the ruling party might be offended in his questioning?"

Me: "Are you not now conspiring agaisnt me bad judgements in the form of questions because i asked a question?" "Are you fuckin retarded or evil?".

Removed. Rule 6. If you're trying to quote text, use > instead of # at the beginning of the line.

You aren't kidding. I'm 23, and I've always looked up to my grandpa as being a common sense, intelligent, and well informed guy that was hard to "doop." Any evidence I show to him of anything pertaining to neolibs and how Hillary is a corrupt pedophile contributer, he refuses to believe unless it comes from CNN.

ikr. cant even have a convo about earths shape smh

America's favorite passtime is anti-intellectualism. If you display deviant heresey like cognitive logical thought, you should expect gradually increasing levels of resistance from the mindwashed. The will protect the system that keeps them comfortable at any cost. Even if that means ostracizing friends, family, lovers. You.

All for the greater glory of their slave masters.

I’ve always been a “conspiracy nut” to the level of I never think we get the real story about anything. Whether it’s flat out lie or fudged for whatever reason, there’s usually things the public doesn’t know and sometimes it’s fine and doesn’t make a difference, other times it’s a willful deception. My spouse doesn’t put much thought into it, but doesn’t mock me or get angry, it’s just my thing.

Vegas though pushed him on my side. He’s pretty pissed about what’s going on and it’s opened up the world that I’ve been seeing this whole time.

I’d be more than happy to have a small debate over the topic ya know? But when you start off by insulting my intelligence, then what’s the point? People are so ignorant about things nowadays, they’re perfectly okay being spoon fed everything they believe. It makes me sick...

Being brainwashed is a real bitch especially when your own government is doing it to you. Most people just simply do not want to admit theyve been brainwashed.

I'm in the same boat. I was typing feverishly on my phone the other night and my boyfriend said "what are you typing?" and i said "i gotta post something on r/conspiracy" and he said "What's the latest conspiracies" and we spent like an hour talking about the latest conspiracies. He's not AS into as me but he enjoys questioning and being skeptical like me.

I realize now that most people aren't like this and i'm glad i have him.

lots of people I think support him so much because they think by supporting him they are "freed" of their white guilt

I think anyone who spends as much time as you do bitching about Trump and worrying about what the rest of the sub is thinking, instead of objectively analyzing the bigger picture as a whole, wouldn't be avoiding emotional distraction. But glad to know you're trying!

For sure. Here’s a couple videos, not sure how convincing they will be, it’s not much but it’s a good start.

First one about how they use a green screen Another one that points out they use cables to suspend themselves inside the ISS One more. Like I said this is just to open things up, I’m not trying to convince anybody, it’s up to you to delve deeper into it and put the pieces together.

Unrelated, but here ‘s a video about chemtrails that in my opinion is a very good watch. It’s fucked up what’s happening with society and that there’s shit like this going on. I enjoy spreading stuff like this, my only regret is not waking up to this sooner.

Can you show some examples of a shitpost.

Go see the lunar lander in Long Island NY. One glance at that papier-mâché art project and things start to unravel quickly.

I had my "awakening" moment when I first heard about world trade building 7 going down on 9/11, I didn't even know that it collapsed until about 2010! And shit, I was 14 on 9/11, I lived through it and watched the news nonstop for about a month.

I have been where you are at right now, you can feel like you're insane for seeing shit right in front of everyone's eyes that no one will listen to or even entertain. It can be depressing and lonely, people will think you are fucking crazy and laugh you off.

Just know you are not insane and not alone, the CIA literally created the term conspiracy theorist to discredit those that went against the official narrative. This isn't a place of absolute fucking nutjobs talking about obama turning frogs gay, this is the place where people actually take a step back and try to analyze what is going on.

Try not to get too overly consumed, it can be a burden feeling like you're only one who gives a fuck and realizes shit is completely fucked. The tide is changing, you came on board at the right time.

As for your gf, if she is even listening to you that's a win. It can take time for people to get out of their comfort bubble and start looking at things, give her some time.

For me, it started with the globe pictures having severe fluctuations in the size of continents. Then you start to see the wires and bubbles on their "space walks."

Then you realize that NASA was founded partially by nazi scientists. Then is starts to make more sense.

Apollo astronauts that are supposed to be dead are currently working "normal" jobs. Some didn't even bother to change their names.

Dangerous thinking. Without outside opinion I can justify anything unchecked. In a self assertion kind of way your right. But that logic is the basis of all bigotry, racism etc.

Amen to that. That 'truth' feeling is what keeps us going on our path. Once you've got a relatively independent mind, you get bored by things that don't seem 'relevant' or give you that resonance, that 'truth' feeling. Repelled by things that don't seem right, we get drawn to that which does seem right. There's something within us that knows which way to go to get closer to truth, closer to reality.

Well...I think I can understand why. I mean, the story is about a kid shooting post-toddlers at point blank with an AR. The way the MSM and water cooler stories passed, it allowed for a graphic representation of this twenty year old dressed in all black storms into a school and starts blasting kids in the face.

Heck, even typing that raised my blood pressure. It's a visceral image of pure innocence being violated by pure evil wielding an Evil Black Rifle.

see above.

And yet, there weren't a whole lot of other presidents that people were absolutely sure was a secret Kenyan Muslim.

Your second sentence gives credibility to your first...

I have perfect eye sight and am familiar with what contrails look like.

Do you have anything other than insults to offer as evidence?

Seems legit.

And you are the mastermind of /r/conspiracy who aims to wake up the sleeping masses?

Use it sparingly. Truths like that can make people turn violent on the messenger [you].

Ah so you have no argument. I am showing you what people are seeing with their own eyes and capturing it to with a camera. What little fucked ours like you try to do is deny people out of their own vision of what they see.

As soon as I asked you two questions you cannot answer them. You try to cherry-pick details that I really not relevant. You're either a useful idiot or a troll.

No friend I'm just pointing out what I see with my eyes and use common sense. Its as easy as putting 2 and 2 together.

The world isn't that easy. You have to accept that it's much more complex and you should deal with it instead of making it easy for yourself.

Yet you fail to analyze what you see with your own eyes. You come up with all kinds of explanations for flight paths and vapors and this and that but none address what your eyes see.

It explains it perfectly well. You can see timelapses of it. Go out and watch the sky all day and observe how clouds are created. That's in line with scientific theories I explained to you.

It's quite a phenomenon if you ask me when you have a mass of people such as yourself being told something and you believe despite your eyes seeing something different. Talk about a disconnect. That's why at first I literally thought maybe you need glasses and you don't have any.

NO. What I see with my eyes is not "different" than what I'm "being told". You just keep pushing this nonsense that it's different. Maybe for you because you can't grasp it, I don't know. You keep for the 100th time talking about "what you see". You realize you have to EXPLAIN what you see, right? You just assume everyone can look into your mind and you think it's enough to say "just look at it lol it's right there". No it's not. If people like you would rule the world we would think TVs and computers are magic because "just see with your eyes I don't understand it it must be magic". That's how you sound. "Just use your eyes" "You're blind why does no one understand what I see???"

"I see weird clouds how can you not also believe in god/satan when you see the same as me?"

Believe it or not, I see the same things as you, but I use my fucking brain.

First you told me it's some kind of cloud formation called cirrus and we established that wasn't the case as airplanes were leaving these trails behind.

Wrong. Cirrus are just clouds consisting of ice crystals, and what airplanes leave behind is exactly that. It's just not natural. You didn't understand.

Then you told me it is flight paths and then I clarified that these aren't regular flight paths that's the commercial airplanes take to our airport.

Irregular flight paths are also flight paths.

You then suggested that it's normal for planes to circle around which again could happen but that answer is more fitting for isolated incidents and doesn't account for the daily occurrence as we see throughout the world. It also doesn't answer why these particular planes that have these particular routes leave these particular trails.

No, that happens frequently, say a flight from LAX to MUC must first turn around because it comes from the north but the runway is east-to-west. That happens twice a day for that particular flight. These particular trails are then left because they're at higher altitudes since they're not landing yet.