MegaAnon right now: "We're not winning anymore, folks, WE WON!"

103  2017-10-19 by ToddWhiskey

Morning, y'all! Just remember what I said a couple of days ago in my previous posts... Hannity, old new (to us) Uranium breaking news stories, FBI/DOJ obstruction/admin. covering and colluding, the congressional and FBI witnesses the Holder/Lynch DOJ's threatened NOW coming out, etc. ALL PART OF THE PLAN. It's all designed to swell pressure cooker the Trump admin. has surrounded the swamp with. The dirty establishment and their deep bosses are desperately clinging to the ONLY THING THEY HAVE LEFT. The swamp-employed MSM, tirelessly continues to "do what they're told and paid to do", like every abused Patsy, to obstruct and cover for (((them))).

If you had to make a list right now of every outlet that IS "fake news", just lost anyone NOT reporting this... YET. Don't worry though because like I also said in my previous posts, one way or the other, it's coming and (((they))) ALL KNOW IT!!!

It's almost as if no one remembers when Dana Rohrabacher met with Assange in August. I've NEVER claimed to be "breaking news" on here, but for fucks sake /pol/, you seem to inconveniently forget, way too many REALLY important things, I feel the need to remind you of. Then, I'm left feeling like I need to pull a Wherl of Fortune and just finish the puzzle for you, too.

Think about it, y'all... remember when I said regarding Comey and Mueller for instance, that the admin. needs to make certain things look, "really good for the cameras"?! If you forget again, just read the archived caps (thanks to the anons who do all of that, BTW. It's very helpful!).

Stick with me here, y'all. Imagine you sent an officially sponsored U.S. representative (Rep. Dana R.) to "meet with Assange" on be half of the admin./WH and you (the admin.) knew that you'd eventually be called on it to publicly confirm the trip, because it HAS to be "publicly documented" on the "official calendar"...

... then wouldn't it be SO MUCH EASIER to have Sessions start publicly barking about and releasing rogue statements like, "We are seeking the extradition of Assange and a formal investigation of Wikileaks", instead of trying to rationalize via the corrupt MSM why you're REALLY there, NEGOTIATING WITH HIM? The MSM and every guilty establishment swamp-dweller they cover for, spent the better part of the last 2.5 years convincing every oblivious viewer/reader they had, that Assange and Wikileaks were "Russian-funded enemies of the state". That makes it pretty fucking hard to convince those masses of "sleeping" people, that a WH/Admin. sending an official representative to meet with Assange, was a great idea, right?! It would've been pretty hard for all those people to believe that an admin. currently and actively being investigated for supposed "Russian election hackings/admin.collusion", had really good intentions, for meeting with Assange, no?! Exactly, so what did they do?! They ramp up Sessions public calls for "extradition and investigation", so it looks "good for the cameras", while creating a solid cover for the oblivious, MSM bullshit swallowing, people. To be clear... EVERYONE IN THE "SWAMP" KNOWS WHAT ASSANGE HAS, WHAT'S IN IT AND WHERE HE GOT IT. Everything I've said DAYS AGO about what you're seeing NOW regarding the Huma/Weiner files (even the shit coming out of Judicial Watch about Huma/Weiner files - better late than never, I guess) IS A STRATEGIC PART OF THE PRESSURE BUILD UP. PAY ATTENTION TO MUELLER AND COMEY... when it's all over and you realize I was right, you'll read tweets from Trump saying things like, "we kept our promise and we didn't even have to work that hard, everybody. The swamp drained itself and we helped them. Many good people who got pulled in a long, very long time ago, by some really bad, nasty, very nasty people, were begging us to save them and let them redeem themselves. We're not winning anymore, folks, WE WON!"

EDIT: CLICK the link for more

EDIT 2: previous thread archived, continued here


Tagged you as shill a long time ago, looks like you switched at some point, maybe it was a minor issues lol

Anyways, totes agree with you, that's how Trump operated the whole year. Lay down a noose trap for swamp monsters to hang themselves with, then wait. Over and over it's been that lol

Trump started this investigation in 2011? I'm sorry, I'm trying to follow what role he plays in this.

The stories people will tell themselves (and others), to deny the cold hard reality of being duped.

He was born in the swamp. Raised in the swamp. Works for the swamp. And he's playing the role he's supposed to play. Anybody expecting Trump to save us is going to be waiting in disappointment for a very. long. time.

I’ll just flip that comment back at you.

The one thing i always mention when people say this is: during Obamas 8 years there was a average of 3-400 people arrested on human trafficking and paedophilia charges, this year alone that number is in the several thousands. I’d say he have saved a LOT of people. Dont believe me, look it up to form a conclussion yourself, if not, I can provide you with some nice sources.

The swamp is being drained as we speak, and Im really sorry for all the missguided souls that dont see that

How humble of Trump, to have all of this wildly spectacular success, and not even want to take credit for it. He's always so humble and under the radar with everything he accomplishes. It's almost like he pretends not to even have anything to do with the criminal cases the doj and fbi pursue.

Nobody does humble better than Trump. Nobody.

No, the deal with trump is that he knows exactly how and when people will react to certain stuff. Its so delightful watching him play the other side time and time again. Im sick of being bipartisan. Im going to go full trump on this sub now, because he is involved in the biggest of them all right now, and that is taking down the pedophile elite that run the show.

You mean, like how people react to his own creepy pedo-like comments?

Since nobody does pedo better than Trump, maybe he'll be kind enough to lock himself up too, when it's all done. Well... After he's done threatening NK with nuclear Holocaust, of course.

If someone else asks, ill give a long, sourced comment disputing what this idiot is saying, and prove trump is not a paedophile. I just wont bother if its you, cause you just smell like shill, even if you aint.

Sure you will.

Most shills I play with, are the r/politics, tmor variety. A real bunch of asshats. But when I see a bunch of trumpets astrojerking around a half assed 4chan larp, I feel compelled to speak up a little.

You'll just call him an ephebophile and act like it's a win for you.

Go for it.

The Numbers cited there are prostitution as well. And whaddayaknow, even those declined more and more under Obama, but from the looks of it, the problem is only getting bigger.

The article mentioned that an average of 270 kids where rescued a year, and that number is as well way way higher so far this year alone also. And Im talking about human trafficking and pedophilia charges. Look up the arrest on, then come back to me. It took you two minutes to prove you didnt actually read what either i wrote, or what was in the article.

You attack my reading comprehension yet you gloss over that it says the prostitutes were minors. This doesn't even cover all of Obamas two terms, just a few years, so your numbers are still nonsense. Like the other guy said too, trump would be tweeting like crazy if he was actually doing the things you think he is.

One could just assume the influx of busts is just lip service to the pizza gate community. If you see busts happening, you naturally think progress is being made, but I'm not convinced yet. These are all just sacrifices to their network to get the heat off the story in my opinion, it has nothing to do with Trump or Obama. In order for any black market to thrive, there must be curuption at the top levels, so until I see some big names start falling I won't be satisfied with the results.

I'd rather have a corrupt swamp that at least gets rid of the satanic kiddie fucked and keeps Islam out of the country.

Unfortunately, you only get to keep one of the three. And it's not the one you'd like it to be.

That's what you want to believe, but I've got more faith than ever.

You'd make any brainwashed fundamentalist proud. Good luck with the faith thing. It kept Obama zealots going for awhile, too.

Hope and change! But for reals, this time!

I mean, things are going really well. Why wouldn't I? I get that upsets you, based on your sarcastic and triggered response, but that is to be expected.

Well, you'll just need to have faith that I'm perfectly relaxed here, exploring various corners of the internets. I know you can do it. It's not the most ridiculous thing you've put your faith in today. I have faith in you.

I have faith that you think you're really clever.

That's not how faith works. You just gotta beleeeive me. It doesn't matter what I say or do. Just believe. I know you can do it. Faith. In. You.

You come across really kind of uppity and like a not-very-nice person.

I wish people would just stop for a second and at least attempt to put themselves in other peoples shoes, and to be respectful of other people and not get themselves all caught up in thinking they're superior, because the people who do that cause all the problems in the world and are the least likely to work out that they're part of the problem.

MegaAnon is a fraud.

It was already obvious, but became crystal clear once he started talking about Wikileaks and Assange at the start of the week, and the numbers tweeted by JA. He doesn't know wtf he's talking about, and you're gas gullible as they come if you believe anything this guy says.

If Assange was legit and not a LH then he would have outed ISIS / Israel / US Cabal non stop for past 8 years.

He didn't. He just put Trump in - who is an asset of said Cabal and the best man to divide the crowd.


Limited Hangout

If Assange was legit and not a LH then he would have outed ISIS / Israel / US Cabal non stop for past 8 years.

This. That's precisely what makes this whole "MegaAnon" narrative intriguing enough, and therefore interesting to watch (for me at least), and High Level Insider has some explaining to do, haha...

Is Mega anon a she or is that FBI anon.

Mega Anon claims to be female.

She posts pics of her legs and feet in most threads. 100% lady legs and feet.

Yeah, but how hard would it be to have your wife pose for that?


I disagree. They gave us a heads up about Las Vegas BEFORE the shooting happened.

And everything else they say makes more sense than the "official" narrative for sure.

Firstly, no, MegaAnon didnt give a warning about Vegas.

Secondly, why did you link that pic?

WTF, that's not the image I linked to. Never even see it before.. Weird.

Anyway, this is the image I meant to post.

That's not MegaAnon

We don't know that, and it really doesn't matter anyway.

People who have inside knowledge are dropping nuggets of truth on 4Chins for us to follow.

We have no way of knowing, in the same way that I have no way of knowing if you are actually Barack Obama.

I don't know if you're trolling or not.

We have to have faith in our instincts.

Expert reply.

So your insightful contribution is that we have no way of knowing anything for sure? Doesn't sound too bright of a conclusion to me.

Not only that, but you say Mega is a fraud without saying WHY. Then you say that he has no credibility again WITHOUT SAYING WHY.

I would conclude that because you're a person who makes position statements without giving the reasons behind them that YOU are a fraud and YOU have no credibility.

It's fine to be a skeptic, but your skepticism should be grounded on REASON, not on fruitless emotion.

He talks about JA tweeting the pre-release hash as a threat, 7 days before the fictional Oct 21 deadline.

What he fails to realise is that the numbers tweeted by JA are not a checksum hash.

So your response is to ask me questions in an emotional, petulant manner - "Why would you trust this guy??" - as if that is anything close to a reason that supports your position.

Of course the onus is on you to give a reasonable explanation because you are the one trying to discredit Mega. But because you don't, you have demonstrated that you have zero credibility. The only thing people shouldn't trust is YOU because people like you who only make position statements are people who infect healthy minds with unreasonable doubt and emotional skepticism.

Your credibility is gone. It's time to move on.

Damn you're stupid. You win. I can't out-stupid you.

Sorry buddy, I agree with the other guy. You have no credibility in this argument.

Mega Anon IS NOT John. This is getting ridiculous now.

MegaAnon was also right about the russia-dems collusion stuff coming out...

...just sayin', take what she says with a grain of salt but she has been right

No. What MegaAnon said, and what came out in the press are 2 completely different things.

MegaAnon has correctly predicted.... Nothing at all.

What exactly did mega anon predict? And how was that different from these latest stories. I recall Mega anon said it was not going to be pizza related.

I mean, there was the whole General Kelly's cell phone thing two days before the story broke...

And there was the whole thing about Obama DOJ and the FBI covering-up the Clinton nuclear deal...

I mean, I guess we'll have to see if stuff from Weiner's laptop comes out in the near future. And if Trump gives a Presidential address. And what's contained in whatever Assange decides to leak, assuming he leaks it.

I'm not saying not to take this whole thing with a grain of salt -- because you should -- but I am saying not to completely discount it either. She's been right about a few things.

Well Judicial Watch put out a video on YT today about Weiner's laptop and that they have confirmed more than 600 of Abedin's work emails on there so far that have no been revealed/seen before, so maybe they'll release those?

here's the thing, ultimately: I take what she says with a grain of salt, like I do with anyone who claims to be an "insider." I wait to see if what they say plays out or not.

Even if she's a larper, she's smart and she does good analysis. She presents stuff that makes you think and shows us angles that a lot of us might not be considering. That's gotta be worth something.

Or they're some 14 year old with an imagination that's purposely vague enough to hope something they say remotely sounds like something that happens.. next month.

Or just as likely, they release information in order to draw attention away from other things, keep conspiracy people confused, divided.. or the million other reasons someone in the government would use an anonymous platform to spew complete bullshit.

Sorry, I'm just jaded because the second one seems both more likely, and more successful.. think about how much time people here end up wasting posting and commenting on this stuff.

but became crystal clear once he started talking about Wikileaks and Assange at the start of the week, and the numbers tweeted by JA.

What exactly became crystal clear? Because you're making implications without connecting any of the dots that are allegedly obvious.

The numbers/letters tweeted by JA cannot be what MegaAnon claims they are. It is not a checksum hash.

What are the numbers?

How would you know?

See my replies to others who have asked the same question.

I've only read MegaAnon post shared on this sub. From what I've seen there is some truth to his predictions. I don't see him being an insider though just a guy following a lot of information making claims.

However you state he is a fraud and doesn't know what he is talking about. Care to dissect and break this down across the board? You sound like Anon 5.

Is this the same Anon that got doxxed over the weekend, or was that a different guy?

wait can you fill me in? who got doxxed? I hope it was anon 5 lol. That dude is so invested in his stupid 4chan persona it's hilarious. He chimes in on other larp threads and shits on them sometimes, it's like he's jealous.

Yep, that's the one. So not the same guy this post is about?

I wonder, does Trump and his cabinet currently have the power to push through changes when it comes to 3 letter agencies hijacking and censoring the news? If not, doesn't leaving UNESCO mean they'll eventually come down harder on the States when it comes to fake news and information censorship?

What did megaanon say about vegas? I know he said something. Was he the one that said it was an arms deal?

Anon said tons of things about LV, such as here

Not sure why he's saying you won't be able to find proof of the 58 dead and 500 injured, when you can clearly hear bullets hitting the ground on the tapes.

I don't think the shooting was faked or anything, but those sounds aren't proof of deaths or Injuries.

I'll take a pass on clicking that link, assuming it's NSFL. I've seen enough to be convinced.

Come on! Don't you need to physically see with your own eyes as the bullet passed right thorough their chest to believe it?

It's the video of the guy who's mom is a paramedic trying to help out, not really NSFL, but also not conclusive proof. But I've also seen enough to be convinced.

Can someone answer an honest question? What reason would the government, if they actually did do this.. why wouldn't they ACTUALLY just kill people. What do they have to gain by leaving hundreds of people alive as loose ends, people that (never do) can come out and show the world it's fake?

Because there's two arguments that exist on this sub that directly conflict.. they'll murder a girl who has a tumor on her pituitary for saying there's more than one shooter.. versus they'll spend tons on money, planning, hiring hundreds of loose ends to make it look like people died..

Why aren't those two types of conspiracy theorists at each other's throats? They'll murder this one person for saying something against the narrative, versus they're unwilling to actually kill a hoard of people for.. reasons.

Honestly curious at this point.

i know a guy on the internet is the absolute lowest level of proof, but personally i dont need proof of deaths because i know people who were actually shot. i know that doesn't cut it for you (and nowadays it shouldn't) but yeah...

He said that ISIS was releasing a video of Stephen Paddock claiming loyalty to ISIS and it never surfaced. Im still waiting on that one.

This formatting is out of place here and kinda sensationalist imo.

Very Donald.

Was the first thing I noticed as well. The original MA posts weren't formatted like a 12 year old trumpite wrote it. Which actually made it seem plausible. Now we get the (((them))) bullshit and weird all caps. Not even trying to be similar.

Yeah, there were no "y'all" mentions in the previous - there are MANY in this release.

Perhaps it means nothing, but...

there were no "y'all" mentions in the previous

Not really. I seached some of "MegaAnon's" old postings and both tripple parenthesis and "y'all" were used in June.

I admit.. I hadn't looked back that far.

Still only one usage, so I wouldn't read too much into it, but I agree it does lend some credence that it may be the same person.

I picked "y'all" specifically because it is a southern dialect thing - which (if unintentionally/casually used) could give off more information on the poster (making them less 'anon').

It's possible that they realized that and stopped using "y'all" for a while to camouflage their language. Now that things are supposedly "in the bag / it's happening" for real (at least from megaAnon's perspective), and the volume of posts has gone WAY up, maybe they are being less careful with concealing their language. Again just a possibility.

i doubt donald would say 'ya'll' 5 times

Bannon would.

I dunno why, but I kept thinking MA was the White House press secretary lady, the one with the grumpy face, maybe because MA sounds grumpy all the time.

Def not a company man. Could be a white hat that’s gained or had access given.






I only wish I had more than one upvote to give!

You can always pull a Unidan if you really want to.


He was a really popular redditor that got banned a few years ago for admitting to upvoting his own posts with alt accounts.

Ah, thanks for the reply!

Live Action Role Play?


r/LARP is going to be hella confused.

Most of them probably know the 4chan definition.

Its not over until the fat lady sings.

Trump is just as much a part of it as anyone, have you all forgotten the Hegelian dialectic?

I just have to have a small moan, MegaAnon has been a shining light through all the chaos, complexity and confusion, and I finally feel the relief of those jigsaw pieces coming together, but she has no idea how difficult it is to piece together a grand narrative from nowhere. MegaAnon is quick to berate people for not working things out for themselves, but if you don't have the benefit of insider knowledge it's all as clear as mud. Having said that, God bless MegaAnon

Yes, at least some interesting and cogerent signal in the sea of noise...

There has been prescience in these them there words within the both/and quality larp of it all ya'll

Meganon is full of crap.. have yet to see them get anything right.. they said the big hannity reveal was going to be a pardon for assange.. so this dude has zero credability

Can you link that? I don't remember reading that one.

Just look it up it was either sunday or monday right after hannity said the next day would be boom.


)))MegaFatso((( is a larper. Nothing adds up and people still think he's legit.

Legit Questions for those that believe this Mega Anon.

  1. Are you Under or Over age 21?

  2. How long have you been involved in the conspiracy realm?

I’m 21

9/11 was the first conspiracy I looked into and that was around middle school. Concrete false-flag evidence imo. Everything he has said has eventually came out days later. I’m still skeptical but it’s literally happening before our own eyes.

OP, can you please move these posts to a /r/creativewriting ?

Nothing has changed, they're just using conservative MSM channels to piggy back on the story to tie it to Trump, which makes it white noise to the hive mind population in an attempt to bury the story it in plain sight. Similiar to how Alex Jones will report on real issues, then act crazy about something trivial, to ensure all that he says is equally unbelievable to the average listener. Trump is working in conjuction with the MSM to be the fall guy, and once the deed is done, they'll just swap him out with Pence or someone else less polarizing, and most of us will just celebrate the fact that he got impeached as some sort of victory, and be content with that.

This reads like official U.S. government propaganda from the current administration to get the people believing America is the good guys again.

Even for r/conspiracy this is a bit much

As much as I want left-wing oligarchs and cronies to go down (Clintons, Comey, Lynch, etc. all the "deep state"), let us NOT forget for one second that crooked ass Trump has his own set of handlers and his own "Deep State" warmonger neocons who only aim to scam the fuck out of us.

Let us not forget that Trump has surrounded himself by the same lobbyists and neocons that have ravaged this country and the world for over 40 years. Don't be duped into thinking they are somehow "the good guys".

So what would you do? If I could give you dictatorial powers, what would you do with them to make the world a better place?

We can address the mechanisms that are destroying us: the Patriot Act, Citizens United, lobbyists, private prisons, the defunct "War on Drugs", we can lessen the burdens for middle to lower classes on healthcare, regulations, etc., fix defense spending to stop the theft of trillions of dollars from private contractors, gut the power of large corporate cartels and embolden workers, etc etc etc.

There is a lot to be done, but each crook gets in there to look out for their own (not usually the bottom 90% of constituents).

Good points but you need to replace the existing corrupt structure with something positive. You need an alternative way of generating wealth for all the people. How would you do it?

Interesting comments in this thread.

It was the same in the previous "MegaAnon" threads...

Meganon seems honest to me. People always call LARP like it’s in fashion.

I concur. Especially the keyboard warriors cry LARP so loud...

See what anon just said

He's right. My suggestion is usually to work the people we personally know in our areas of influence by gently reminding them that we are living in a brutal prison planet and that we need to all put in a little wee bit of work per day to change the world.

People don't realize this but even a 5 minute convo with 1 person per day about the prison planet situation has a good chance to go a LONG, LONG, LONG way because important news naturally spreads like wildfire among people. Imagine if we all just spent 2-3 minutes a day nudging a sleeper here and there in our circles (our kids, parents, friends, associates, ect..).

People still underestimate their own power. Each individual has a lot of power but they assume they have little power and get discouraged by this illusion. The fastest way to world peace is to focus on the self and get the self working towards a better future. That's all everyone has to worry about. The rest will take care of itself.

Yes! Thanks for the reminder :-)

Nothing MegaAnon has said over the course of months has come true, total LARP.

Whoa check out this circlejerk thread!

4chan is larp. Upvotes to left. Thanks!

Yay, another anon telling us to sit back and relax because the guardians of the earth are quietly solving all the worlds problems. Time to break open the chips and coke.

Yay, another anon telling us to sit back and relax

Not really. Anon just said:

"I get asked all of the time on here, shit like "what can we do to help", like I'm some internet-certified life coach (and I'm not, those degrees are bullshit BTW) but that said, posts like yours drive me nuts (no offense). Y'all post about and/or reference JFK all the time. Did he not say, "ask not what your country can do for you, but what YOU can do, for your country"? I mean, I'm not trying to seem condescending but there's an awful lot of people bitching on here all the time about how long shit takes, it will never happen, they'll cover it up, (((they're))) too strong, etc. but other than that, not much else coming from y'all.

Not for nothing but between two of the archive files on two capped images of posts I made, between /pol/, twitter and Facebook alone, there are like 150k views. Whether people think I'm a Larp or not, I don't give a fuck, but imagine if everyone who's "woke" enough to be here or click a link to read my posts they think I'm just regurgitating info on, actually picked up a fucking phone and used the same 3 minutes of reading time, to call the FBI, DOJ, WH, etc. and DEMAND ACTION, or better yet, peacefully protested outside those offices, demanding JUSTICE and PROGRESS, then maybe YOU wouldn't have to wait! Know what gets shit publicly recognized and moving in DC?!? 150k people standing in front of THE SWAMP. If YOU think it can happen ANY FASTER, than MAKE IT FUCKING HAPPEN. Stop bringing more problems than solutions. Hasn't this admin, or the last 9 months of it's term, proven to you ENOUGH, what they're up against?! They're practically BEGGING YOU TO SHOW UP AND ASK WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR YOUR COUNTRY, then do it. If everyone on /pol/ right now took the 3 minutes it took them to read this shit and CALLED the DOJ and FBI asking THEM the same questions of "why" and "when", you know you'll just keep asking me, then MAYBE you will be able to say you had a small part in making "IT REALLY HAPPEN", on YOUR schedules, not (((theirs)))."

Falling for LARPs in 2017

Just for the record...MegaAnon is actually a "she". So "check your pronouns". #MAGA

Has MegaAnon gave any specific claims before they dropped? Not interested in anything vague. Specific leaks or details before they were known.

Has MegaAnon gave any specific claims before they dropped?

I have heard about MegaAnon for the first time here, 2 weeks ago:

Anon was very loud about three 3-letter agencies coming down soon:

"I told you FBI, CIA and eventually, the Fed. It's all coming down."

Anon also talked about the next wikileaks file dumps and how it's related to the "investigations" of the "collusions" etc.

"This dump will be broad. It will probably be the biggest file dump Wikileaks has ever published in size and when it's out there, it's going to leave NO DOUBT on things like, WHO colluded with Russia, WHY it was done, WHAT crimes Hillary (as Secretary of State AND as a presidential candidate) and the elite DNC/GOP/Obama admin, like Lynch, Comey, etc. actually committed. Again, when it's done you will have ZERO DOUBT AS TO WHO IS ACTUALLY GUILTY OF CRIMES AND ELECTONS RIGGING. "

This thread was censored.

Sure you will.

Most shills I play with, are the r/politics, tmor variety. A real bunch of asshats. But when I see a bunch of trumpets astrojerking around a half assed 4chan larp, I feel compelled to speak up a little.

You'll just call him an ephebophile and act like it's a win for you.

Yeah, there were no "y'all" mentions in the previous - there are MANY in this release.

Perhaps it means nothing, but...

Go for it.

Yes! Thanks for the reminder :-)

Can you link that? I don't remember reading that one.

Come on! Don't you need to physically see with your own eyes as the bullet passed right thorough their chest to believe it?

It's the video of the guy who's mom is a paramedic trying to help out, not really NSFL, but also not conclusive proof. But I've also seen enough to be convinced.

Can someone answer an honest question? What reason would the government, if they actually did do this.. why wouldn't they ACTUALLY just kill people. What do they have to gain by leaving hundreds of people alive as loose ends, people that (never do) can come out and show the world it's fake?

Because there's two arguments that exist on this sub that directly conflict.. they'll murder a girl who has a tumor on her pituitary for saying there's more than one shooter.. versus they'll spend tons on money, planning, hiring hundreds of loose ends to make it look like people died..

Why aren't those two types of conspiracy theorists at each other's throats? They'll murder this one person for saying something against the narrative, versus they're unwilling to actually kill a hoard of people for.. reasons.

Honestly curious at this point.

Yay, another anon telling us to sit back and relax

Not really. Anon just said:

"I get asked all of the time on here, shit like "what can we do to help", like I'm some internet-certified life coach (and I'm not, those degrees are bullshit BTW) but that said, posts like yours drive me nuts (no offense). Y'all post about and/or reference JFK all the time. Did he not say, "ask not what your country can do for you, but what YOU can do, for your country"? I mean, I'm not trying to seem condescending but there's an awful lot of people bitching on here all the time about how long shit takes, it will never happen, they'll cover it up, (((they're))) too strong, etc. but other than that, not much else coming from y'all.

Not for nothing but between two of the archive files on two capped images of posts I made, between /pol/, twitter and Facebook alone, there are like 150k views. Whether people think I'm a Larp or not, I don't give a fuck, but imagine if everyone who's "woke" enough to be here or click a link to read my posts they think I'm just regurgitating info on, actually picked up a fucking phone and used the same 3 minutes of reading time, to call the FBI, DOJ, WH, etc. and DEMAND ACTION, or better yet, peacefully protested outside those offices, demanding JUSTICE and PROGRESS, then maybe YOU wouldn't have to wait! Know what gets shit publicly recognized and moving in DC?!? 150k people standing in front of THE SWAMP. If YOU think it can happen ANY FASTER, than MAKE IT FUCKING HAPPEN. Stop bringing more problems than solutions. Hasn't this admin, or the last 9 months of it's term, proven to you ENOUGH, what they're up against?! They're practically BEGGING YOU TO SHOW UP AND ASK WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR YOUR COUNTRY, then do it. If everyone on /pol/ right now took the 3 minutes it took them to read this shit and CALLED the DOJ and FBI asking THEM the same questions of "why" and "when", you know you'll just keep asking me, then MAYBE you will be able to say you had a small part in making "IT REALLY HAPPEN", on YOUR schedules, not (((theirs)))."