Bush speech is an attempt to pair conspiracy theorists with alt-right, white nationalist, and racist.

12  2017-10-19 by keepusernamesecret


I mean, there's definitely overlap between those groups.

WestCoastHippy begs to differ.

As there is overlap with the same groups on the left. The alt left if you will.

I rather not bring labels to the table, but i would much rather stand with the right side, then the left. What I would like more then anything is removing those labels all along, they only cause division. As Im doing right now, but the american left have showed a side of itself this last year thats just straight appaling. The latet bills in Cali is a big testimony to that.

Lol "left's actions" so you side with the right. You're literally the poster child of this thread.

Literally okay for me


It's just your oblivious to how stupid you look.

I guess homosexuals and minorities scare you?

This is why I have resentment towards the left. No, absolutely not. I couldnt care less where you are from or who you are fucking. I fucked a black girl once, but saying it like that probably makes me a racist. I once met a really religious man when out drinking, and said to him the whole night i was gay just to piss him off.

What a piece of shit you have to be to assume I hate minorities based on what I said.

It was a joke but what I really wanted was this response.

You're delusional if you think their are any differences between the left/right besides your shit tier proxy issues.

Side with the alt right/ white nationalist then implying you don't dislike minorities or gays is laughable when you support the side that does.

Pure order follower logic.

I never said i support the alt right or white nationalists? I hate them just as much as SJW. I said they are no worse than the left. Just stop it.

You literally just said you would side with the right???

Sjw is the left??? Do you not understand the social justice extends to the right??? Do you understand that SJW and Alt right are literally the same thing on opposites of the spectrum.

God tier mental gymnastics fam.

Yeah, the right. Not alt right/white nationalists. My God how dense are you. And Yeah i do realise that, thats Why i hate them both equally. What is up with you , are you mentalky challenged or something? Go away now

Lmfao creating distance between the right and Alt right as if there's a difference.

You're not getting the bigger picture...

Lmfao this is hilarious man you might wanna re-read this thread and find out where you went wrong.

Im not even sure if you are serious or not. Goodbye.

Lmfao you judge the left on a spectrum but compartmentalize the right to protect your ego and image.


He is strengthening the association to discredit conspiracy theorists

You forgot the most important one.


People won't civil war over a little racism, or an alternate political view. But if they're fighting Natzi Russhin Terrerists!, they'll eat it up like Halloween candy.

Alt right and white nationalists are pretty much terrorists

Jesus Christ... Lol

Exhibit A, for hyper partisan psychosis.

Gobble gobble! Propergander is delishus!

Haha you're hysterical. Neoliberals are whiny rich douchebags.

Is that better?

What you just did is worse than calling people sheep. Smh.

And you just used vague, nebulous labels to classify half the population as terrorists.

Not crazy at all!

So you're saying that half the population is a nazi like richard spencer, who coined the term alt right and that people who don't want whites mingling with other races aren't terrorizing America with their nefarious agendas? I guess you're right. I should shut off CNN and stop getting my news from there.

I'm not the one saying anything.

You said that alt-right and white Nationals are terrorists. Now, anybody who wants to (continue to) alter-define these vague, generic categories, can do so, lumping anyone they don't like in as "evul terrerists!"

The artificial hysteria is real artificial.

Look out! Ders a natzi right der! Under dat bush! Go kill it!

All i said was that alt righters and white nationalists were terrorists. You claimed that they are half the population. Seem like you're a sympathizer.

Terrerist sympathizer. I worked hard for that title. Please use it, when addressing me.

  1. a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims."four commercial aircraft were hijacked by terrorists"synonyms:extremist, fanatic; More


Nu uh! U're da reel terrerist! Derp!

Sure I'm just amused by generally speaking the lengths the "white" masses will go to sympathize with the alt right or white nationalism.

You mean terrerists, right?

So now... Am I a terrerist sympathizer?!

OMG, lock me up! Or just shoot me! Whichever works better for the police state! I don't want to be an inconvenient terrerist sympathizer!

Thanks for the labels!

This is awkward. I don't think you understand your own humor.

I'm just embracing the vague, meaningless, but clearly terrerist labels you guys are applying. It's only awkward if you don't like the logical extension of his claim.

I hope you dont get trapped in that revolving door fam.

Thanks! As long as the door isn't equipped with a camera that spots terrerist sympathizers, I should be alright!

Or if it does, I guess I'll get a free trip to Guantanamo bay. Yay!

Sure thang fam


The alt right is stupid to realize they're "social justice warriors" therefore their legit exactly what they hate.

White nationalists are so fucking stupid I really don't understand how you can be a "functioning member of society" while employing that level of mental gymnastics.

Serious question -

Is a white person with 'nationalists views' the same as a 'white nationalist' or is that something more spacific? In other words, is 'white nationalism' a group someone would directly affiliate themselves with? I honestly don't know and have been hearing the term a lot lately. TIA

Nationalism =/= white nationalism

White nationalism is a group of delusional white people

Nationalism is just a more rational "racism" It's like racism cousin.

Phew. For a second there, I thought there was a chance that white nationalists could somehow be lumped in with White Nationalists. If I ever run into another antifa mob, I'll be sure to clarify that I'm only a nationalist who happens to be white, so they don't attack me.

TIL nationalism is racism, and delusion, something something Nazi. We've got it pinned down now. It's almost too specific. Maybe we should broaden it a little?

I see what you're trying to do and it's silly.

I said nationalism is like racism meaning instead of hating each other because of race it would be nationalistic. Meaning Black/white is not a issue but US/UK is... It's not that hard.

White nationalism is guise for intolerance and racism. Honestly though a white nationalist in America has to employ a god tier amount of mental gymnastics to rationalize their stance.

And nationalism is different than patriotism, correct?

Patriotism is delusional nationalism.

united we stand

Nu uh! U're da reel terrerist! Derp!