This subreddit is becoming too political

0  2017-10-19 by [deleted]



Nice try, George

who tf is george?


It was a joke...


Soros mi not familiar

Ok rita

I can see why political issues annoy you.

If you are not familiar, then you are new here. Don't tell people here how the sub should be. Clinton stuff has always existed here. Don't forget. The "vast right-wing conspiracy" started back with ol bill himself

Nah, you don’t get to tell us no now there is actually collusion

Yeah, you guys took this place over. A conspiracy sub that doesn't question the president of the most corrupt nation in the world.

What has President Trump done that has been wrong or bad so far?

Be president. Literally all modern presidents are evil corrupt murderers by nature of the office.

That's pretty weak.

Why? I'm not the guy you asked, and I'm not gonna spew democrat talking points about Trump even though there are plenty, I'll let someone else do that. All presidents get people killed and engage in corruption, normal, good people do not take that job.

good people do not take that job.

Jimmy Carter seemed like a pretty good dude.

Come on man, Trump is, at the very very best, a spoiled materialist with very little respect to people that don't kiss his ass. Like I said, that's the absolute best case for him even if you believe and buy everything he wants you too.

You're right though, not much of a choice once you get in office when it comes to killing people, and not just ISIS but including innocent civilians that are just seen as collateral damage. The best of presidents will minimize collateral damage but are still implicated by the strikes they order. A good person doesn't get themselves in that position, they don't want it.

Come on man, Trump is, at the very very best, a spoiled materialist with very little respect for people that don't kiss his ass. Like I said, that's the absolute best case for him even if you believe and buy everything he wants you too.

Trump just gives it back. If you swing at Trump, he swings back.

A good person doesn't get themselves in that position, they don't want it.

I think a lot of people would love to run the country. There's really only a few things you can come down as to why President Trump wanted to be president:

  • He's done everything else and wanted one last challenge.

  • He really didn't like the current direction the US was headed in and wanted to do something about it.

You really don't include the possibility that he's power-hungry? The "Is that all there is?" Quote tells me that Trump is a bored rich guy that just wants to amass power and prove people wrong. Obama pissed him off so he showed him what for. Now he gets to order drone strikes and legally murder. Not a good person, not worse than any other president either, but not a good person.

You really don't include the possibility that he's power-hungry?

"He's done everything else and wanted to do the one thing very few have been able to do."

Now he gets to order drone strikes and legally murder. Not a good person, not worse than any other president either, but not a good person.

You are going to crack some skulls if you are a leader and have to deal with people like ISIs.

I gotta ask, what are you doing on conspiracy if you take all this on it's face? No matter who the leader of the most corrupt imperialist nation in the world is, I'm gonna question them and their motives, and gonna lean towards thinking their evil just by way of their ambition for power.

All this "gotta crack some skulls of the EVILDOERS" is the same way people defended Bush and Obama from the ethos and pathos of conspiracy communities like this one. I just can't get(I can but for the sake of rhetoric) why this man has suddenly made so many conspiracy-question-everything types suddenly trust the government and believe in the clear-eyed earnesty of our leaders.

I gotta ask, what are you doing on conspiracy if you take all this on it's face?

I would hope no one buys every conspiracy.

All this "gotta crack some skulls of the EVILDOERS" is the same way people defended Bush and Obama from the ethos and pathos of conspiracy communities like this one.

ISIS isn't going away on its own, but they are just a branch of the root of the various problems in the Middle East.

I just can't get(I can but for the sake of rhetoric) why this man has suddenly made so many conspiracy-question-everything types trust the government and believe in the clear-eyed earnesty of our leaders.

Most people are corrupted by money. Trump is super rich. Instead of chilling on a yacht with a stripper in each arm, he's in the White House dealing with Paul Ryan's rat ass.

Nothing has changed.

I do think he's trying, but he's got his own party working against him along with the Dems and he can't even take a dump without being criticized.

Well do that yourself, or post non political posts.

LOL. When Russia turns back on the Democrats, suddenly you're "tired of this whole Russia narrative."

What odd timing.

“We don’t wanna play no more.”

Stomps off with Russia ball

Probably because anything posted in a "political" sub that doesn't fit the narrative gets you banned, muted or down-voted into oblivion.

Oddly enough, this Hillary Russian connection seems legit. Too funny.

Probably because anything posted in a "political" sub that doesn't fit the narrative gets you banned, muted or down-voted into oblivion.


Anyone who dares to not have Trump Delusion Syndrome gets banned from every sub and they either end up on here or at r/the_donald or just go to another website.

This sub is a joke farm filled with farting ten year olds. Kinda hellish really.

This is bait

Shill off

This sub is for exposing TPTB, and that involves cleaning deepstate operatives out of our gov., alphabet agencies, corporations, entertainment, media, & global entities.

It's silly because the first conspiracy people should learn about is that the political spectrum is there to divide people. If you're arguing about which party or politician did or said this or that, you're being played. There is no such thing as legitimate politics, and arguing with each other over who should be in charge is what the people who bankroll the political system want. Everyone screaming at each other about shills and which party is corrupt has much to learn about the world we live in.

Oh look another user claiming this sub is pro Trump. What a surprise. Was waiting for the daily r/conspiracy Pro-Trump claim today, almost thought it wasn't gonna come. Thanks OP.