Is it just me or has everything the previous administration was accused of is now being put on Trump?

55  2017-10-19 by showmeurboobsplznthx

Benghazi now Niger.

Uranium one now Trump Russia Collusion.

Drone program now they ask if drones are going to far.

Leaks of private servers now Trump uses private servers.

Using blackberries to ok military strikes now Trump on Twitter starting a war.

Clinton wanting a war on Iran, now Trump pushing war with Iran.

Mass shootings and government response.

Healthcare and government failure.

Anyone think of other big scandals we can use to predict the future??


Good post. Upvote

It’s as if there are common mistakes/crimes every administration makes that the opposition can use to blow out of proportion.

One key difference, 8 years compared to 1 year. The next 2 years will be extra bumpy.

Yeah, don’t take my statement as a defense to Obama or Trump. Politicians at this level make shady allies, benefit from questionable donations, manipulate the media and hide their skeletons. It’s why parties don’t matter, nationalism/globaism doesn’t matter, deep state doesn’t matter. Politicians always follow the same pattern.

Totally agree. It just seems Trump skimped on the closet space when buying the house and is pretending the skeletons are just decoration and no one can notice.

People thought Trump would get in office and do things completely differently. Turns out a lot of the shit we don't like is fairly inevitable, regardless of who's in office.

Its like theirs a limited range of left and right that every one is forced into.

Being put on? Are you saying Trump isn't responsible for any of those things but the democrats are? Who's responsible for botching Niger? People got mat at Obama for golfing after a hurricane and you expect nobody to get mad at Trump for doing the same thing? Same goes for the private servers and email addresses. There were people on the left that didn't like Obama's drone usage. Are yoinsaying you like Trumps use of them? I don't really get this post.

You have high estrogen levels

Its just a clear sign the duopoly has the same agenda and takes turn while using the same scriptagainst each other and take turns. Its pretty obvious they are a monopoly cloaking as a duopoly

The Republican media went insane attacking Obama so all the same tactics are being thrown back at them, with the added benefit of Trump also being a habitual liar who doesn't understand what's happening.

And the same with bush and Clinton. It's crazy. State actors in political theater while the rich take advantage of the poor

Like Obama being accused of stuff Bush did.

It is Politics 101 it seems.

Isn't that how it works with these people? Whatever you perceive as a vulnerability or weakness to yourself, throw that shit on the other guy! It's like the pastor who vocally decries homosexulity every chance they get, until it comes out they were arrested for blowing a guy at a rest stop. "Me thinks thou dost protest too much" or whatever the line is.