Can we just take a moment to appreciate r/conspiracy

470  2017-10-20 by Hazzman

No matter if it's a rant, news article, nut case theory or whatever r/conspiracy has the fortitude to let it stand and face the consequences of its own virtue or idiocy.

Sure, there are some absolutely abysmal things that get discussed in this subreddit, from the crackpot to the down right racist... and thankfully there are enough people here to call these things out when they crop up. But the moderators let them stand. They let the discussion run its course. They let the free market of ideas operate unhindered.

With reddit moving farther and farther away from the vision Schwartz originally had... r/conspiracy ironically, seems like one of the only sane places left on this website.


If you don't appreciate r/conspiracy then get the fuck out.

You can also call /r/conspiracy's official hotline.

The number is around here somewhere....

This place is a wasteland and I'm not leaving.

Now what?

I agree 100%. This subreddit is truly the place where anything and everything can be discussed.

That's debatable.

Then let's debate it, since this subreddit is open and free to do so. Why do you think that?

Experience. Check the sidebar.

"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum"

  • Noam Chomsky

What's the name for that? It has a name. The range of discussion that society will allow. I can't remember what it's called.

silent majority? learned helplessness? manufactured consent? silence is consent? I dunno either

No. No. No. No.

There's a name for it. Something effect or something law. Fuck, I saw it the other day and I can't remember.

never heard of it, found it searching Google for "permissible ideas" heh


The "chilling effect" or something like that.

When people think they are being monitored/scrutinized they voluntarily reduce their willingness to express controversial ideas.

Overton window?

The whole point of this post is that one can post anything. No opinion is pushed out by the moderators.

I know what the point of the post is and I'm saying that it's debatable. Anyone who has had the slightest bit of experience here will tell you that what you are saying is not necessary true.

It is true that you can for the most part post anything but, if it doesn't fit it will never see the light of day and no quality discussions will ever come of it. This is still Reddit. There is a hivemind here in this sub. Manufactured consensus.

As for the mods, once again it's debatable. The opinion is not always pushed in a way most people think or would suspect. It's subtle. The fact that I have to walk on eggs shell merely mentioning this goes to show what I'm talking about.

Better than most places but, still has many issues by design.

Yea you are right to some degree. It is sad what this website had become.

Yea you are right to some degree. It is sad what this website had become.

Ok, found the answer to some questions I just asked. You're saying because conversation is manipulated by shill tactics, forum sliding, brigading and such right? Is that what Chomskey refers to with his quote? Because that doesn't seem like limiting conversation the way I thought he originally meant it. That seems more like message manupulation that can be largly overcome if a user is motivated to really find the most important parts of the conversation. Maybe I'm picking it apart, but full out censorship, which is what I though Chomskey was talking about, seems more devious and would take a more dominant power to pull the strings than what I think we have here with gaming the system to try and increase or reduce visabilty of certain topics.

I mean the 2016 election let the mods show where they sit on this sub, anyone who's been here for more than a year or so could see that unless they were also blinded by the partisan bullshit.

I am of the opinion that invictus_excelsis is named steve and lives at xxxxx

That would be doxxing, prohibited site-wide, for reasons that should be obvious.

Exactly, not all opinions are allowed. If i believe i should be allowed to doxx, then I can't.

Doxxing is not an 'opinion', it is the act of revealing personal, real-life information about other (Reddit) users.

You can have the opinion that you should be allowed to doxx, and you can make arguments supporting your opinion all day long.

But if you engage in the act of doxxing, you will be banned by mods and or admins.

My opinion is that your name is Steve and you live at 5 main street.

Is doxxing still forbidden if the information is incorrect, or if it is done as part of a fictitious example?

There are a lot of 'Main Streets' and a lot of 'Steve's' out there, pretty good chance that there's a match somewhere.

I wonder what the 'opinion' of Reddit Admins would be on the above?

Don't worry Steve, I didn't say which town you live in :D

The moderators take doxxing very seriously because the admins are strict and aggressive in their policy (and protecting their shareholders).

What is weird is that you can't link to sites that could contain doxxing, which is why you no longer see Voat links here. A very strange policy as, in theory, a link to any external site could contain personal information, either now or in the future.

They have frequent opinions. I have yet to even see an anti Trump mod.

The whole point of this post is that one can post anything. No opinion is pushed out by the moderators.

But I can't call you a shill. I can point out that all your comments attempt to suck the dick of the moderators over and over, like you're paid to do it.


But I can freely say that you're an alien made out of Marshmallow, that is a satanic pedophile, here because you heard the deep state is hiring, and Soros and the Russians are your biggest references.

But heaven forbid I imply anyone is paying you.

(I am not calling him a shill, I like it here and just wanted to point out you can't say anything, but you can say the most ridiculous things on the planet, and all will accept you and move you, but please don't ban me, I like it here)

Dude.. this subreddit is a fucking hoax..

Well put. Reddit is (of course) gatekeeped, but the crucial thing with gatekeeeping is that the majority needs to feel like its not. Otherwise the great freedom of speech US and western world would be like Russia or China.

And to simulate a free speech situation, vast amounts of disinformation is created so that the "conspiracy nuts" have something to talk about and places where they talk like r/conspiracy are taken under control. So if I for example say something about Pizzagate, Snowden, James Corbett the JFK "murder" or that the earth is flat then I get updvotes and we can have a "free" discusiion.

But if I point out that 9/11 was a movie septembercluesDOTinfo, that rockets have no way of working in the vacuum of space

or perhaps that Kennedy was not murdered and that all the conspiracies around the alleged murder has the intent to enforce he was

Example - See below where I'm literally being told I've said the opposite of what I've said, followed by dregs and gangvotes.

You got downvotes on the rocket thing because your premise is a misunderstanding of physics. Ejecting mass produces thrust.

Oh how I wish people concerned with this could start using their brains. If rockets worked in the vacuum of space they would be the only vehicle in the universe that could move by pushing against itself. And NO this is not about disputing Newton but Newton is not applicable since a rocket cannot act against itself and by that produce a reaction. If the rocket was like a gun it would be another thing since the chemical reaction where rocket fuel is converted to gas would have something to act against - the bullet, and hence we would have a reaction.

The rocket doesn't push against itself; It's pushed by the fuel it releases. It's the same principle as a bottle rocket. When a chamber is pressurized and given a point of release, the fuel in the chamber will produce force against the chamber as it's expelled

Oh Lord... WHEN will people like you realize that these explanations does not work? The impossibility of rockets working in an unlimited vaccum was proven in the 19th century.

The experiment you linked is not proving anything because the gas in the can acts against the fluid and end cap of the can, sending it in one direction and the can reacts by going in the other. This is not how a rocket works and the rocket fuel cannot act against itself. Wake the f. up. Of course the earth is NOT flat, but this is bullshit and that is what they're trying to hide with their stupid FE psyop

To clarify, are you saying that the can only moves because the gas bounces off of the liquid and cap and then returns to push the can?


Because rocket fuel transforming into gas is NOT "propelling mass" no matter how fast that chemical reaction is. And the gas molecules cannot bounce off each other because they can effortlessly spread in the vaccum. The molecules following the first ones will never catch up and interact because they have the same speed

Think about it. And this is provable by experiment, just not these deceptive ones put on YouTube for obvious reasons. If you had a bottle with a firecracker in it suspended in that chamber, the bottle would move in pressure because the gas resulting from the cracker rushes out and meet resistance from the air, but NOT if there is a vacuum in there.

the gas molecules cannot bounce off each other because they can effortlessly spread in the vaccum.

But the gas molecules begin in a semi-enclosed environment (diagram below). Wouldn't they bounce off each other (and the chamber) before exiting into the vacuum?

this is provable by experiment [...] if you had a bottle with a firecracker in it suspended in that chamber, the bottle would move in pressure because the gas resulting from the cracker rushes out and meet resistance from the air, but NOT if there is a vacuum in the chamber.

Here is a video similar to what you're describing where a vehicle in a vacuum is pushed by a bottle rocket. Supposedly because the reaction acts against the car to push it forward. If your assertion is provable by experiment (either a video or a paper with methodology), could you link me an example? I can't find any experimental evidence to support your claim.

Try to visualize what happens.. You have rocket fuel transforming into gas. That only means the molecules in the fuel starts moving more. So if you where in a "rocket car" - a big bottle on wheels and where sitting in it with a box full of magic tennis balls that starts bouncing around like crazy when you open the box, would this make the "rocket car" move forward? No because the balls finding their way out of the bottle would just disappear without interacting with the other balls. If the outside of the bottle was full of magic balls the scenario would be different because then some ball would bounce back into the bottle and there would be a pressure difference on the front wall pushing the car forward. Same with rockets. They work with sufficient air molecules outside the rocket, but not without them.

Interesting video, but it seems that the vacuum cleaner would create drag by pulling air across the car no matter how it's propelled. I'd be interested to see your experiment.

I like your bottle example, but I'm having trouble following the logic. Let's simplify it by saying the bottle is a stationary cylinder in space and there's only 1 ball. Can you tell me which of these steps I'm making a mistake in?

  1. The bottle is stationary. The ball is at the center moving rapidly toward a wall.

  2. When the ball bounces off a wall, the bottle will move in the direction of that wall.

  3. When the ball bounces off a wall, the ball will move in the opposite direction of that wall.

  4. When the ball bounces off a wall, the ball will move in the opposite direction of the bottle.

  5. On average, the bottle will remain in the same position because the ball hits all sides equally and the bottle spends the same amount of time moving in each direction.

  6. We remove a wall from the bottle. The ball and bottle continue moving normally.

  7. The ball eventually bounces toward the exit. The bottle is currently moving in the opposite direction of the ball.

  8. The ball exits the bottle. The bottle continues to move in the opposite direction of the ball.

Imagine standing on a frictionless wagon throwing tennis balls on the front wall of the wagon and letting them bounce out the open back end. That would not make the wagon move forward because when you bend your arm and throw the ball, the wagon will move backwards the same amount it moves forward from the bounce. There must be something outside the system to interact with. Like air molecules. And again a gun is not the same because there the propellant acts on something that leaves the system - the bullet.

That's an interesting example. To clarify:

  1. Throw ball. Wagon moves backwards.

  2. Ball bounces. Wagon stops moving.

  3. Ball leaves wagon. Wagon remains stationary.

What if instead of letting the ball leave, I catch it? Wouldn't it then have to move the wagon back because an object in motion is hitting the wagon at rest?

I've been thinking about what you said and it really doesn't make sense. If I expend 10J of potential energy to give 5J of kinetic energy into the ball and 5J of kinetic energy into the wagon, I have to end up with 10J of energy. If the ball bounces perfectly and retains 5J of energy, then the cart must have the other 5J. And if we're only working with one axis, that 5J has to be movement away from the ball.

I don't see any logical way this can be wrong without allowing energy to spontaneously disappear.

You've nailed it. So many people slide entire threads with "lolz safe space, lolz they banned me because I don't like Trump" (literally something /u/citizen90222 still says in TMOR, gotta laugh outta that when I lurked a thread the other day) but don't realize they are getting banned for trolling, stalking and simply being outright dicks. They can disagree with Trump all day, but chastising and shitting in the family living will earn a one-way trip out the door.

So basically talk nice about Trump or be banned for being a dick. What a load of bullshit you guys are on.

Nice to see you pull the opposite of what I said out of your ass.

Personally I think you're trolling with your statement. Youre glad people are gone for talking bad about Trump.

Because it's exactly what you said. Apparently right wingers get to determine when you're being an asshole talking about Trump .

They can disagree with Trump and Trump supporters alike all day, but chastising and shitting in the family living will earn a one-way trip out the door.


doing more than talking bad about Trump and being a dick

Interesting you'd quote the part that proves I'm right

basically talk nice about Trump or be banned for being a dick.

This implies that not talking nice about Trump means you will be banned under the guise of being a dick, whereas I've clearly stated and restated that you can say anything you want bad about Trump or to disagree with Trump supporters and you will not be banned.

When you decide to take a separate action and be a dick and endlessly chastise people for believing in something you don't you begin to move in a different direction than that of civil discourse.

I like how you conveniently leave out how many T_D shitposting trolls "shit in the living room" constantly in this sub.

And that includes the former mods here who ran dozens of alt accounts dedicated to doing just that so that they could then ban the left-leaning posters who argued with them.

lol here come the dregs

Was DronePuppet not a former mod here? Feel free to prove what I said was wrong. In fact, I'd enjoy seeing you try.

You're quoting a guy who has nothing against the FED and believes speculating about 9/11 is a waste of time. Bin Laden did it!

noam is a gatekeeper shill. looks zionist to me as well. he


Nice english! :D

why you so rasist?

Nice. Gave you a downvote cause I'm virtue signaling right now. Hope I ain't on hidden camera.

We always are.

So it's not debatable or not true or what he saying doesn't apply or he's using Jedi mind tricks on us with this particular quote to jedi-mind fuck us into selling our children for heroin or what are you trying to say? Regardless of the man's motivations, is this particular quote incorrect as it pertains to the topic at hand? If you object to him using Chomskey as a reference would you prefer he reference someone else? Can u recommend someone who has iterated the theory as succinctly as Chomskey has or explain it yourself without plagerizing and sounding like you got it from Chomskey?

Edit to add: If you were just warning us about (((Chomskey))) being in league with Satan, thanks for the heads up broseph. Now where can I find those droids?

i agree with you, (((chomskey))) is a gate keeper. he keeps the so called educated in their little boxes.

...but I hope u aren't really flapping your wings, oh no, the last bit was so cutting and funny...strange feeling man...laughing with a wee bit of disappointed mixed in to add some complexity. Deep dude.

So it's not debatable or not true or what he's saying doesn't apply or he's using Jedi mind tricks on us with this particular quote to hypnotize everyone who dare stare at his works into selling our children for heroin or what are you trying to say? Im honestly not a fan of Chomskey. However, regardless of the man's motivations, is this particular quote incorrect as it pertains to the topic at hand? If you object to him using Chomskey as a reference would you prefer he reference someone else? Can u recommend someone who has iterated the theory as succinctly as Chomskey has or explain it yourself without plagerizing and sounding like you got it from Chomskey, either directly or indirectly?

Edit to add: If you were just warning us about (((Chomskey))) being in league with Satan, thanks for the heads up broseph.

Oh yeah, almost forgot...I got two /s's ready, one for each of us depending on your answer.

Now where can I find those damn droids?

Just read my sentence and absorb it, you won't get a stroke and have to type that much if you just read it as it is.

a relatively small number off accounts can and do downvote any subject into obscurity. the hot page is mostly fluff and disinfo.

check the controversial tab for important topics downvoted to zero.

If u r saying that this sub is censoring people so that certain subjects cannot even be discussed, could you be more specific? Can you name a conspiracy topic that is not allowed to be discussed? I don't think this sub is limiting the spectrum of acceptable discussion topics in any meaningful was as far as dis-allowing conversation via rules and removal of comments or content, it seems to me literally no topic is taboo. If you are saying that they can be discussed, but might not be being heard due to advanced shadow ban tactics, like putting the most disruptive people in a shadow prison with a bunch of bots that never sees the light of day, I think it's totally possible. I'd love to see some evidence.

Were you here when the Trump/Russia collusion story started, and the mods did everything they could to suppress it? Threads were tagged with "Hoax", deleted if they got too many upvotes, comments put into contest mode, etc. All completely unprecedented for any story on this subreddit. Compare that especially to the Obama/Russia story from this week that was instantly featured in the sidebar and allowed to fill up the front page with 10+ submissions to the same link.

There's an official /r/conspiracy narrative that the mods and several power users try very hard to keep here.

Well it's kind of hard to discuss anything bad about Trump when it usually get downvoted to 0 instantly.

Fuck Trump. I'm no fan of his but I stay in my lane here and I'm not bothered most of the time. Always feel like you can state how you feel. I've found when you don't come off as overtly partisan one way or another that you do better here. I've talked shit about Trump and Clinton on here and have gotten upvotes—people like to see someone who is to awake to how both sides of the political spectrum are fucked.

Instead of saying something like "Fuck Trump" and then defending Hillary Clinton—just as an example, not saying you'd do that—you should remain open minded and fluid and you'll do well here.

I've had my fair share of downvotes but it comes with the territory. I've stopped giving a fuck what other people think and if I get downvoted then o well. I was downvoted a ton today on /r/politics but I'm not bothered—I still spoke my truth.

Trump is a puppet put in place by "deep state"(call it what you like).. Democracy is gone with JFK. People should know this around here you think right? But noo.. Therefore my conclusion is that this sub in it's own way is just as bad as the rest..

Did you know your a hologram? Don't agreee? Fuck it give me a downvote.. your still one xD

What? I feel like it’s the opposite. Anything good gets downvoted.

Nothing good about anyone gets upvotes here unless it's Ron Paul or Julian Assange. The point is anything negative about Trump is rarely discussed here. We discuss negative things about pretty much every politician.

The point is anything negative about Trump is rarely discussed here. Do you even read what is in this subreddit?

Yeah every day. Show me some negative posts about Trump.

Anything that people wants to agree with gets upvoted.. the true deep level shit that people don't want to face or get involved with gets demolished around here..

That's not neccissarily true, have you ever heard of the boy who cried wolf? There were enough fake Trump conspiracies that eventually people just got sick of hearing it and don't trust it. You saturated the internet with your propaganda and now your bitching because it's not all bullshit.

This is a joke right? There are tons of started conspiracies on both sides. You guys floated that Hillarynhad Parkinson's and that Michelle Obama is a tranny. If anything, the most ridiculous conspiracy theories come from the right. What ridiculous conspiracy theories about Trump were there? The pee tape?

anything and everything can be discussed

Except discussing anything listed in Rule 10 (e.g., whether or not a Redditor is a shill). Do that and you get banned for 5+ months 😂

Want to talk about Trump having russia connections and Putin is blackmailing him with a video of him and a golden shower?

Not allowed, tagged "hoax" and thread deleted.

You made a thread here about that and the mods deleted it? I don't believe it but I wont stop anyone else from talking about it or believing in it.

The thing about the Trump-Russia thing that smells funny is that the mainstream is the one that's pushed it, from the beginning. Did the mainstream media push pizzagate? Seth Rich? No, but they push this Trump-Russia thing non-stop and conflate it with the Russian government supposedly interfering in the US elections via Facebook ads and Twitter bots. There's been no legit evidence as of yet. It stinks of a political witch hunt.

I am referring to this thread

It was tagged as "Unverified Allegations" and then "hoax/raid"(based on a damn 4chan post hours after it was released no less) and them deleted by the mods.

It's almost like they aren't a mod now and this is a false equivalency to the current state of the sub.

Unfortunately you have no idea what you are talking about.

Every suggestion I offered to fix the deteriorating culture of the sub was designed to effect TD spam equally in comparison to how it would effect MSM spam.

And I'm gone because I resigned, stop pretending otherwise.

Hey, I actually tagged you because I hoped we might get to hear your side of things. I don't like people smearing your efforts around here and generally agree with your outlook on the problem that needs to be addressed, just didn't quite agree with the "how" during the big blow up and I ended up conflating the admins re-instating the other mods and you leaving as having been voted out. Appreciate your response.

Historically we had always allowed it because it wasn't destructive to the purpose of the sub as the volume of such submissions were minimal outside of some tragedy unfolding in real time. This recent election however laid waste to 99% of every half decent/half awful news sub and the refugees flooding to this free place eventually outnumbered the actual Conspiracy theorists in the community. Now we can't even discuss Conspiracy theories as they drown in a sea of trump-this/trump-that. It doesn't matter to me if the "news" is positive or negative about Trump. I enjoyed having a sub to discuss things outside of the MSM narrative, it's a shame that it's almost completely dead.

Couldn't hit the nail on the head better if I tried, though I don't think it's dead yet.

Not being dead "yet" is the only reason I attempted to fix it with drastic methods and admittedly failed to do so thanks to admin intervention.

The eternal stalemate which had been reached by the mods in trying to decide a course of action prompted my attempt to remove all the mods and only reinvite those who were "Conspiracy-first" mods. Which is imho the problem. We have mods who while they mean well in their "free flow of information at all costs" mindset, fail to realize that the actual cost being paid for their idealisms is the nature of the sub itself. It time this will prove to be the salt that poisons the land. These people here who's intent is to destroy the utility of this subreddit as a place to discuss the unthinkable are equally protected by the "free flow at any cost" school of thought.

It's analogous to the paradox of the antifa crowd saying that all immigrants should be welcome no questions asked, and when asked how they feel about fascist immigrants from the Ukraine being welcomed they suddenly find themselves trapped between idealisms and reality.

There are no easy answers, no perfect solutions but to do nothing is to relinquish your power to the mob, and the mob is a reactionary entity not a thoughtful one. That's why subreddits like pizzagate etc have been quickly banned from Reddit. The mob doesn't care about tomorrow, it's a selfish unthinking reactionary force devoid of reason and incapable holding itself accountable.

Jesus, it's like they have notifications for whenever you comment to then be able to sweep in and defame/gangvote the same disingenuous talking points over and over again.

You're absolutely right.

If your goal was to stop T_D spam why did you help DronePuppet when he was running all his rightwing sock puppet accounts before you two got the boot?

Again, I resigned. Drone and Sarah were voted off.

Also I never "helped" drone with any sock puppets. From what drone has explained to me, his sock puppets were his attempt to counter the sock puppets representative of the "other side" spamming the sub.

You misrepresented everything I said because you are singularly focused on sock puppets from TD and have no concern for sock puppets from resist.

My intention was to stop obvious sock puppetry from anyone. It is exactly what I did here for years without objection from the other mods. The objections to me ridding this place of destructive and hyperargumentative personalities only began after Trump won the election (it's probably more accurate to speak of it as Hillary losing) and the gridlock of the modteam that developed from this political rift is why the sub is now lorded over by hyperargumentative nobodies.

Again, I resigned. Drone and Sarah were voted off.

Whatever you have to tell yourself to feel better.

Also I never "helped" drone with any sock puppets. From what drone has explained to me, his sock puppets were his attempt to counter the sock puppets representative of the "other side" spamming the sub.

That's an idiotic explanation. Him using sock puppets does nothing to stop anyone else from doing it.

Not to mention that multiple other mods have already confirmed that his "explanation" for why he did it in the modmail was vague and didn't actually provide any answers.

If you have screenshots of what he said to you, go on and post them. Otherwise, your interpretation of his explanation is meaningless.

You misrepresented everything I said because you are singularly focused on sock puppets from TD and have no concern for sock puppets from resist.

No. This is just your lazy attempt to deflect from me criticizing DronePuppet for what he was doing.

Notice how your only answer was 'he was doing it because muh other side was doing it'

All I can do is state reality as I witnessed it. That you disagree with what I witnessed is your problem since you weren't there and are clueless.

Have a great day.

Right, and multiple other people did the same. Like I said, your interpretation of what DronePuppet was doing is pretty meaningless.

Wasnt flytape kicked off as a mod? I mean yeah, the guy acts like an overly partisan jackass, for sure.

Don't get me wrong, this place does have some bias and I've been here for a few years—via other screen names—and I remember this subreddit being overrun by posters from /r/the_donald , especially after their board was hidden for awhile.

In my mind this place to still more free than almost any other subreddit on here. Look, I get it, people can go on and on about pizzagate here based off random words in a few emails but suddenly the Trump dossier is a no go even there seems to be more there there than a few code words in Podesta's emails.

So why is it that the whole holographic univerese discussion is automatically downvoted to opblivion?.. Man.. this subreddit is just a compromised as the rest.. We are allowed to talk about certain aspects.. Hell people here are only grasping the surface..

What, like we are hooked into the matrix or something and our actual bodies are somewhere else encapsulated and we are just within a holographic projection?

No man.. search for it yourself. The matrix thing is true but we are not hooked up to anything else but our limited bodies.

Except anti Trump stuff.... and anti Russian stuff... and the whole Trump-Russia conspiracy...And any conspiracy putting Trump in a negative light....or Assange

But other than that, sure, you are free to discuss any anti-Clinton story you want

Schwartz must be rolling in his grave at the state of Reddit today. The only subs I spend any significant time on anymore are r/conspiracy and r/wayofthebern. To all you real ones out there- Keep on keeping on.

If you still like Bernie Sanders after he sucked Hillary's dick on stage I have a Nigerian prince to introduce you to.

He didn't suck her dick, he played the Realpolitik and came out stronger. Bernie didn't want to endorse, and was worried HRC would indeed lose, as is evidenced by several articles and the conference call he put out right after the Democratic Primary ended. Because of his endorsement he has come out stronger, because the DNC can't "Nader" him by blaming him for the loss since he didn't run 3rd party. He has since founded Our Revolution, which has taken 8 state parties from the DNC and put them in the hands of Progressive Citizen activists, as well as founding the Sanders Institute and continuing to campaign for his ideals. I do not believe Bernie was compromised.

I do not believe Bernie was compromised.

All Marxists are compromised.

I'm sorry but you're delusional if you think that. He took his pieces of silver and ran.

If you put your faith in a politician then you aren't a very good conspiracy theorist. Bernie isn't a good guy. He is another tool.

You and I must agree to disagree friend. Time will tell whops is right. I still believe in the man.

God forbid you feel a certain way. Stay up, brother. I believe in him too.

Look into the etymology of belief. Followers follow to their death.

I am well aware, but as I said, I have faith, as I said, time will tell who is right.

It used to be cute. But now just it'd just fucking sad to see. You're brainwashed. Bernie played you. You are the lowest rung on the wall of tools. The nails that hit the floor.

Aight bro. Call me a tool, as I said, time will tell who is right.

Are you a communist?

Nope. Definitely more of a Social Democrat. I believe markets have a place in society, but that certain sectors, such as Healthcare and Education, are better left towards Public endeavors and funding. Healthcare and Education fundamentally lose money ,and thus suffer in the market system.

And you still like Bernie?

Correct friend. I still have faith in the man, but as I said, time will tell who is right. For internal peace and stability I have faith, and hope that I am right, but events within the next 3 years will either shatter or confirm my worldview.



I am. A socialist to put it bluntly but I won't shy away from the communist label. And?

Ice pick a Trot.

Aye, be an asshat somewhere else. The guy doesn't need you shoving your opinion down his throat because opinions are like assholes.....

Yeah? Fuck you.

Why be that way? Come on, it's not difficult to be respectful of one another. If there's anything we all need to realise it's that to fight TPTB and make the world better, first we need to be nice people, be good to one another and not let differing opinions make us treat each other badly or call each other names etc.

You're weak.

They should ban you.

Yes, censor those you disagree with. How progressive.

It has nothing to do with censorship. You aren't studious in the least and if you were a progressive acting like this, you'd be banned.

A progressive? What does that amorphous word even mean? What are you progressing towards outside of death?

Bernie played you like a fiddle and gave all of the money you donated to the dnc to run ads for Hillary.

Have you ever tried not being so angry?

I'm not angry. I'm just telling you how it is. If you can't handle the truth then maybe you belong in your bernout hugbox.

Haha ok bud. I stand by my assessment that if you were a liberal, the mods would ban you. You're not good for this community

I am a liberal pleb. A Jeffersonian liberal. An American liberal. Not some foreign ideology.

Do you always resort to calling names?

So you long for the days of owning people?

Lol. Wow.

You are the one that should be banned! Antifag get out! This is an American board. This is a liberty board.

You called yourself a liberal pleb, man. It wasn't me.

You're the one equaling the founding of this country with Herr durr you want slaves. Yeah go fuck yourself commie pig.

How do they not ban you?

Removed, violation of rule 10.

Did you support Bernie or follow his campaign?

U did until it nice obvious what he was doing around April 2016. If you followed him after that you were tricked.

Oh and maybe when I was banned from his sub for suggesting that Hillary was the real enemy. Bernie was controlled opposion the entire time.

What does that have to do with Bernie? Does he run the subreddit? I doubt he even knows it exists.

huh? Didn't HRC just write an entire book that literally blames Bernie?

Yes, which only further reinforces my point that Bernie is fighting for the People and is against the status quo. HRC spends more time in her book "What Happened" complaining about Bernie and the Progressive insurgency than she does against Putin.

Its irrelevant. Bernie burned too many people by folding like a lawn chair...he will never make it that far into another primary ever again.

You and I must disagree here. I think if Bernie runs in 2020 he will defeat any Establishment candidate who runs or any faux outsider like cuckerberg.

I don't believe that at all but 2020 is still a long ways away and he is older. I thing age might do him in, not his message.

Bernie burned too many people by folding like a lawn chair...he will never make it that far into another primary ever again.

He's literally the most popular politician in the country. They could rig it again and I'm sure they're planning to, but you can't know what will happen when that does. I'm personally looking forward to see what he does when they try it. It's even possible that he might be able to overcome the margin of cheating and win the primaries, although I'm not holding my breath on that.

This is an odd conclusion based of the polls and data we're seeing. Bernie is more popular now than he has ever been.

I still do. Where is this prince? Lol

Why the Bernie hate? He didn't want Trump as president so he swallowed his pride and endorsed the next best option. And now she has blamed her loss on him not being supportive, which was a giant lie. She threw Bernie under the bus but now he's attempting to reform the Democrat party even though he's an independent. I respect the man.

Stop shilling for Bernie. He isn't a good person.

And you know this how? Psychic ability?

I think they're opening up an investigation into that Nigerian thing.

When I try to view Trump through the lens of creative destruction, his whole thing about the call to the widow has had the effect of getting many more Americans to ask "wtf were they doing in Niger?" than otherwise would have. The media can't push their "Trump is insensitive to gold star families" without focusing on the fact that we have combat units there in the first place.

I tried this angle on my wife (after explaining the Fredericka narrative running in the late night news blip) ans it melted her face a little and then when back to scrolling through some feed that facebook/instagram/snapchat/pinterest provided for her.

Results better than expected, actually.

A lot of us at r/wayofthebern are disillusioned with him after he shilled for Clinton. He's still got generally good policies, at least domestically, and he is legitimately better than almost every single other person in DC even with his bending over backwards to try to get the one who cheated him elected. But I hate that they rigged the primaries and then he turned around and tried to get those criminals into the White House.

But that's not why I go to r/wayofthebern. I go there because the mods are trustworthy and the people there are good. I've been banned from about 15 different politics-related subs on this site despite not breaking any rules to warrant it. This sub and r/wayofthebern are the only two I've participated so actively and not been banned to censor my dissidence.

It would have been political suicide to not back HRC. It may have been actual suicide. I was highly disappointed too when Bernie did so, but let's be real here, what other choice did he have?

Democracy is Stockholm syndrome.

Hear hear

My upvote does not increase the upvote total.

It never does. Down works tho

The opposite appears to hold true for certain accounts that do nothing but shit on topics and users in this sub but somehow get high upvotes. Downvotes do nothing after refreshing or signing out.

and the "commenters" seem to have the same upvote number, often at 10 or 40.

Im gonna go out on a limb here and assume you two are talking about me?

Idk you... so maybe he is. Does the shoe fit?

I think he is. He has crapped on me in the past. And shoe doesnt fit. I dont shit on people or ideas. But I do get upvotes sometimes so idk what hes getting at...

+10 if I could:) You hit the nail on the proverbial head!

Who sent you?


And we have an effect. So many times recently I've seen stories here that not much later end up on the front page.

I think we have lots of lurkers who wouldn't say it, but they do browse this place often. And why not, I remember when the front page use to be like r/conspiracy. Before subreddits.

Used to be a lurker for years till father cured his cancer with weed oil. I was into conspiracies, but seeing it first hand opened me up to most of them.

I was late to the game here but have checked in almost every day since I registered.

I agree. The moderators here are decent. I have had interesting interactions with them a few times. They are strict but fair, and they do tend to let arguments stand on their merit regardless of ideology.

As a side point, racism is against the rules. I think a lot of what you refer to as racism may just be a different, but equally as valid, view point.

Well, I got a warning earlier for saying someone went off the deep end. After the guy called me crazy. He didn't get a warning. They selectively enforce things depending on what people are saying or who is saying it

He didn't get a warning.

How do you know? I have gotten warnings by private message. Shit, I have gotten warnings by permanent ban lol.

Here is why I think they are good:

I fuck up and break the rules. Sometimes I get banned for it. When I message the moderators they respond. I can pitch my case and sometimes they listen, sometimes they point out that I am a dick. Sometimes both.

I guess my point is that the moderators are accessible people.

I'll let you know after I get banned. And I know the person who wasn't warned because the moderator didn't remove their comment and make a distinguished comment giving a warning.

I can offer a pretty obvious explanation for you, since it seems like you may have not asked the mods for one.

You account is brand new.

That's not a valid reason at all. And I didn't ask them. I know the routine

That's not a valid reason at all.

Well, let's assume that the information we have about you (your account) is all the information about you that exists. You are new.

You are showing an interest in joining an established community that is open to newcomers.

Now, let's assume that this community has rules. Those rules may be worded in an open ended way to ensure that those who enforce those rules have the ability to enforce them based upon the information they have.

If said rule was: "Don't talk shit" and they had two people who could be interpreted as having broken that rule what would be the proper course of action?

I would argue that the person that they don't know, that they have no information on, and that is trying to join their already established community would perhaps be the most likely to have broken the rules, broken them without knowing, and be in need of a warning.

As to the other person I don't think that it is important that you know how, when or why or if they may have been punished.

Your behavior is your own.

Thanks, dad!

You'll never get the time it took you to type that back.

You'll never get the time it took you to type that back.

Even worse, I could be totally wrong. I took all that time to type it, didn't sway your opinion, and it's probable (even likely) that I was wrong the whole time.

It wasn't worth it at all was it?

I don't know, my man. It's not like we will shoot the moon.

I am down to play cards whenever just let me know =)

Worth it.

They kept going somewhere else, didn't they?

It's worth noting ;)

Removed. Rule 5. ;)

you have an 8 day old account and you're already insulting people.. might be why you're getting warnings.

Are you stoned? This place is a shit fight.

Either 95% of the people that come here are completely unaware that political affiliations exist to divide the population against one another, or they just choose to ignore it.

Everyone feels it's a great use of energy to fight about the smallest intricacies of an issue rather than focus on the greater issue in itself. Case in point this Vegas bullshit. You've got the legions of pro/anti Trump idiots who, despite hanging out on the conspiracy subreddit, seem to not realise that all politics, US politics in particular, is circus to keep you on the internet fighting over stupid bullshit.

This sub is the least constructive place to have these sorts of discussions because all you're going to do is spend days trying to change the opinion of some shit head from r/topminds who is just here because they think being the most ignorant person in the room is cool.

And all of that is assuming half the accounts that post here are real people and not just bots pushing adgendas that literally no one organically believes.

This place is like a giant sewer that you have to wade through to find the tiny kernels of truth that are getting rarer and rarer each day.

This place is like a giant sewer that you have to wade through to find the tiny kernels of truth that are getting rarer and rarer each day.

Dude, it is a giant sewer. I established that... but it's the least sewagy sewer.

That is a good point. As much shade as I just threw at this place, I still learnt a lot of things from stuff I initially found on here. I let the frustration get to me, sorry for the shitpost man.

A+ interaction, I almost get fuzzy inside when people battle ideas productively and come to a common ground.

And thus the circle continues.

Just because you believe something doesn't necessarily means it's true.

Either 95% of the people that come here are completely unaware that political affiliations exist to divide the population against one another, or they just choose to ignore it.

I think most of the "people" like you're describing are shills. And they DEFINITELY don't make up 95%, although I can see why their vote manipulating would give you that impression sometimes when they flood the front page with artificial bullshit. Even so, we frequently have popular topics here where we discuss how the powers that be use artificial partisan division to divide and conquer with wedge issues. THAT is what the real people in this sub tend to think more so than wanting to stick to partisan bullshit. Even the misguided Trump fans we have tend to have an awareness of the artificial political divide, they just see Trump as a wrecking ball who can do damage to the broken political establishment.

all you're going to do is spend days trying to change the opinion of some shit head

If you think reacting to trolls is what this sub is for, then I'd say you're using this sub the wrong way. Far better to ignore shills. Try actively participating in productive conversation instead of being a reactionary or trying to change the minds of someone who has no interest in discussing ideas openly.

If this place is "a giant sewer that you have to wade through to find the tiny kernels of truth", then how would you describe the rest of reddit? A big pile of pure shit in an open field that doesn't have ANY "tiny kernals of truth" anywhere due to them having been censored and banned?

Just look at the top 10 hot articles. Half are about the Clintons, including the top 3. One about Democratic donor George Soros, with an obviously incorrect title. Three are about Hollywood or entertainment, reminiscent of 1950's. The last one (#4) is about 4chan.

The list speaks for itself.

At least there are kernels of truth to be found! I agree with you about the annoying 'Team Politician A' "Team Politician B' stuff, which is ridiculous and ultimately pointless.

I was going to post about the bottling and shilling but you kinda got it for me.

The sub is taking a turn. The real conspiracy people are either going to have to come together or leave the sub.

The good content gets heavily diluted though. Before the flood of new subs, this place was completely different than it is now. I do not blame the mods for that. Reddit went from the sorta secret nerd hangout to part of pop culture, and it all changed for the worse. I'm purposely leaving out one point of contention just to trigger people, cause fuck you, we all know about it.

r/conspiracy is in my top 10 favorite anime.

Any platform which welcomes such a broad spectrum, and aims to learn and share openly, is worth appreciating.

Having a free flow of speculation and a conduit for the more taboo ideas is necessary for a free society. Yes even the dissenting voices here shouting that we are all nutters have their place, and teach a valuable lesson.

Stay skeptical r/conspiracy

Well said

There's definitely a lot of loonies and misinformation here, whether it be intentional or unintentional, but when you learn how to comb through the crap and ignore the people in comments who voted in the last election it's generally a fairly informative sub.

Too many shills on here. Leftist shills. Establishment shills

this x thousand times..

Yeah, you know all those leftist shills from the_donald all over this sub since the election

r/conspiracy ..... The last bastion of Free Speech.

bull.. there is no such thing as free speech. Your a shill, luuul, now watch me get banned. Free speech.. pfft.

It is

thanks r/conspiracy

I don't advocate censorship, but I don't need 75% of posts to tell me that Hillary Clinton is a shitty person. I'm not a Trump supporter, but I already hate Hillary for all the same reasons they do, I don't need constant reminders. She is irrelevant now, but the posts keep coming, which seems to simply be a tactic of T_D flooding this sub with politically loaded reposts from their echo chambers, not conspiracy theories. The mods need to just give them their space to vent in one stickied post at the top: why we hate HRC and all of our political opponents. The top comments are always a slight permutation of the same message, it becomes shitposting. I would much rather see this place as a discussion of things that affect everyone. For example: Ajit Pai just got 5 more years in his position as FCC chairman to gut net neutrality, lets talk about how that happened and who is conspiring behind the scenes to create an internet where the ISP monopolies are the only ones with a voice. That affects everyone... and I'm just using it as an example, there is more going on in the world than the red team vs. the blue team. Let's start talking about a variety of topics. Come on mods, step up your game, give the T_D shitposters a stickied post at the top to appease them and give everyone else a space to discuss more important topics. You don't have to look too far to see that a bunch of white nationalists and T_D posters are consistantly posting the top threads here.

r/Conspiracy is great if you either

  1. enjoy confirmation bias
  2. enjoy jumping to conclusions
  3. desperately want everything to be a conspiracy
  4. enjoy debunking garbage conspiracy theories based on shitty arguments

This sub is just another platform for people to further their agenda. Mis information, biased articles, titles that dont have anything to do with the actual post, fear mongering, early conclusions that have no logical base and basically everything else that all the mass media and politics is doing. You are in no way any better than the people you hate.

Although i get some of them are trolls and there are people here that actually just want the truth, no matter what the side but so much shitti thread are made and its taking people into a completely wrong direction


this sub has potential.. to get censored.

I like to lick my own asshole.

'Conspiracy' reporting is the closest thing you can get to investigative reporting these days.

I love this sub Reddit more than anything on TV combined. Years of lurking and pecking on this sub Reddit have been worth it. I no longer guess, I know.

A good sub to discuss politics is /r/libertarian. Moderators take a purely libertarian approach, so much so that the sub is basically dominated by voices which speak out against Libertarianism.

Please, this place is a right wing echo chamber where no theory is too ridiculous or source too wacky as long as it somehow paints the left in a negative light. This place is mostly spill over from The_Dotard.

Always good for a laugh.

I just love to fucking hate all you crazy asshole shill troll nazi commies. You're my people.

Despite all the "for profit users", this sub still has more integrity than r's "politics", "news", & "all".

Thanks, fellow conspiracy theorists for making this one of the better places to discuss every unseen force that tries to fuck the human race over for personal gain. It's basically 4chan without the racism and tentacle porn.

Word up.

The free market of ideas indeed. The only free market I believe in and a sure sign of a compromised mind if they cannot tolerate freedom of intellectual opinion.

I can offer a pretty obvious explanation for you, since it seems like you may have not asked the mods for one.

You account is brand new.

Thanks, dad!

You'll never get the time it took you to type that back.

Aight bro. Call me a tool, as I said, time will tell who is right.

You'll never get the time it took you to type that back.

Even worse, I could be totally wrong. I took all that time to type it, didn't sway your opinion, and it's probable (even likely) that I was wrong the whole time.

It wasn't worth it at all was it?

Aye, be an asshat somewhere else. The guy doesn't need you shoving your opinion down his throat because opinions are like assholes.....

Removed. Rule 5. ;)

They kept going somewhere else, didn't they?

you have an 8 day old account and you're already insulting people.. might be why you're getting warnings.

Why be that way? Come on, it's not difficult to be respectful of one another. If there's anything we all need to realise it's that to fight TPTB and make the world better, first we need to be nice people, be good to one another and not let differing opinions make us treat each other badly or call each other names etc.

I am a liberal pleb. A Jeffersonian liberal. An American liberal. Not some foreign ideology.

What does that have to do with Bernie? Does he run the subreddit? I doubt he even knows it exists.


Because rocket fuel transforming into gas is NOT "propelling mass" no matter how fast that chemical reaction is. And the gas molecules cannot bounce off each other because they can effortlessly spread in the vaccum. The molecules following the first ones will never catch up and interact because they have the same speed

Think about it. And this is provable by experiment, just not these deceptive ones put on YouTube for obvious reasons. If you had a bottle with a firecracker in it suspended in that chamber, the bottle would move in pressure because the gas resulting from the cracker rushes out and meet resistance from the air, but NOT if there is a vacuum in there.

Try to visualize what happens.. You have rocket fuel transforming into gas. That only means the molecules in the fuel starts moving more. So if you where in a "rocket car" - a big bottle on wheels and where sitting in it with a box full of magic tennis balls that starts bouncing around like crazy when you open the box, would this make the "rocket car" move forward? No because the balls finding their way out of the bottle would just disappear without interacting with the other balls. If the outside of the bottle was full of magic balls the scenario would be different because then some ball would bounce back into the bottle and there would be a pressure difference on the front wall pushing the car forward. Same with rockets. They work with sufficient air molecules outside the rocket, but not without them.

I tried this angle on my wife (after explaining the Fredericka narrative running in the late night news blip) ans it melted her face a little and then when back to scrolling through some feed that facebook/instagram/snapchat/pinterest provided for her.

Results better than expected, actually.