Bill Gates Is Investing More than a Billion Dollars in Public Schools

2  2017-10-20 by Tunderbar1


The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation have been quite open about their views on education reform (and the need thereof) in the USA. You can even read about it in their wikipedia page.

They already put in estimated 3.4B$ towards that and similar goals, so while this donation/investment is significant, it's not really coming out of the blue.

LOL. No.

There's an angle. He profits or advances his interests somehow.

Anyone who thinks that he has any semblance of charity in his make up is a moron.

Well enlighten us on his motives then? Otherwise you just made a post to listen to yourself talk.

Look up what tax advantages a private foundation gives you. Then find out what his foundation put his money into.

It isn't about charity.

It's not to make more money either. They just make you think like that.

LOL. He declared about 10 years ago that he was going to give the bulk of his money away and set up the foundation. Today he's much higher on the rich person list than before. How's that possible.

He is doing it to get richer. It is a tax dodge, plain and simple. A legal tax dodge but still a tax dodge.

Thanks for the free insult. I'll make sure to pass that on to all the people in Africa who got access to fresh drinking water, medicine and education due to his efforts (along with other such as Buffet and Bush). His net worth has been on the decline for a while now (due to his charities), and if you read the wiki you'll notice some of their stances are non-conventional when it comes to education in the USA (so you can count that as "advancing his interests").

Do you have any reason to suspect his actions? Or are just an Apple person?

Bill Gates was known his entire life for NOT giving to charities. Then suddenly he all about "giving away" all his money. Yeah... right.....

Dude. Putting money in a private foundation is NOT about giving your money to charities. It's about manipulating 5% of his annual profits to look like it's going to useful charities in order to not pay taxes on the remaining 95% profit.

He's paying 5% to not pay taxes on the remaining 95% of his profits only. And that 5% goes into some creative ways to make more profits.

He's not in the 1%. He's in the .001%.

Why are people buying this bullshit about him being a philanthropist?

You're wrong about Gates being known for not giving. Maybe you're mistaking him with Jeff Bezos of Amazon? Gates is well known for his philanthropy.

Hey dude, I was around when MS-DOS was first released. I was here watching Microsoft crush the competition using ruthless tactics. Bill Gates never ever gave anything to anyone. Ever. Including, and especially, after he created his foundation.

Why are you defending this guy?

It's not that I'm defending Gates, it's just that you're 100% wrong about this. You're saying things that are factually incorrect. I have direct ties to nonprofits in the Seattle area, and I personally know for a fact specific times when money has moved from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to specific nonprofit organizations. I'm sorry but you're just completely dead wrong about this.

I'm sure that some money goes somewhere useful. They have to meet a minimum. But the bulk goes to furthering his wallet.

So, never ever ever, except for the minimum he has to give? And that just happens to go to the handful of random regional nonprofits I'm connected to?

I'm sure there are a million valid reasons to hate Bill Gates, but 'lack of philanthropy' is not one of them. He gives away a mountain of money each year. He's known for this. Criticizing Bill Gates for not giving away enough money is like criticizing Michael Jordon for sucking so much at basketball. It doesn't even make sense.

A mountain of money would make some real change, his influence with common core has made children dumber, less informed, and is using software to replace teachers. So while you sing his praises, I see nothing but pay to play schemes.

Saying you don't like what his money did is a lot different from saying he never gave any money. I'm not necessarily even singing his praises, just stating fact: he donates a ton of money.

oh wow. Your true intentions are clear. Understand that paying your salary does not help poor people. Ask some poor people if you don't believe me. As to bill gates transferring his wealth to a foundation as a tax shelter, he has always been a scumbag just ask Steve jobs.

Nope, I've personally received no money from the Gates Foundation, nor has my salary be subsidized by its donations. Don't bother trying to read into it. I'm just someone who knows things.

Gates is well known for his philanthropy.

so was David Rockefeller, who also put billions into "education"

in order to not pay taxes on the remaining 95% profit.

How does that work? Genuinely curious.

Don't forget the tainted vaccines that he gives away for free!

Slightly unrelated, but does anyone know what the rainbow circle pin is on his jacket?

He's donated to some public school systems for years. If you want to find out what he's up to, look into what school systems he's already donated to and the changes those school boards have made.

Most public schools are always hurting for funds. The school boards bend over backwards to get their hands on his cash. They implement the changes on his behalf.

What is a Bill Gates apologist doing in this sub?

Not me. I'm saying if you want to find out his angle, look into what he's already done with schools he's donated to. He puts stipulations on the money if they accept it. Dig into what they are and you may find out what his angle is. It's what I would do if I wanted to look into it.

Related to the George Soros $18 billion?

When I see rich influential people "invest" in education, I fear for the educational system, the future of our children and our freedoms.

When I see Soros invest in political movements, I fear for our govt, our democratic institutions, and our freedoms.

They want the tax cuts. They want it to seem that rich people will do good so taxing them is unnecessary.

Anybody that has their own seed vault seems shady as fuck to me.