I posted this a year ago and I thought it my be relevant. Research into decades of political pedophilia/corruption and how it could tie with ideological motives and actions of today.

27  2017-10-20 by [deleted]



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Jesus. You think I have 50 hours to through this shit!?

Only if you care to I guess

Better to not reply than to post a reply like this.

It's important shit.

If you have 50 hours to dedicate to the capitalist/consumerist empire then you should have a little bit of time to commit to an explanation on the powers that be and how they affect all of our lives including yours.

Wow, good work! Thank you :-)

You forgot ghislaine maxwell. daughter of robert maxwell, uk media mogul, and suspected mossad asset/victim, also being at the chelsea's wedding.

Yup, you're right. Probably will make revisions over time and update as time goes on. Hollywood getting some attention, political unrest, civil dichotomies that shouldn't exist because as humans we have the capability to be rational and truly be compassionate torwards those we disagree with, however, Ive noticed that people lately aren't able to maintain simple discussions without either jumping to conclusions, being quarrelsome or just straight ignorance. The social collective thought is to an extant subconcioussly directed by everything we digest, but what we are given is straight wrong or totally negligent. I've had it. People are better than this to even have the discussions we do, but here we are, discussing pure shit on a day to day basis. That's why a year ago I tried to dig into this a little. It might be all wrong and I might be nuts, but

all of it seems fishy.

Important to note, Ted Gunderson was head of LA'S division of the FBI specifically, not the whole Bureau.

Eyes Wide Shut.

Ignore what you've seen.

Live your life as if you never knew about it.

What kind of medical research is being done into the minds of pedophiles? I think this is something that seriously needs to be done if we are ever going to be able to treat it in a way that is not barbaric and counterproductive. I've only ever heard of research being done on offenders in prison, who may very well be completely different from a law abiding citizen with pedophilia.

Important to note, Ted Gunderson was head of LA'S division of the FBI specifically, not the whole Bureau

Politicians and leaders are corrupt by design. The agencies that pull the strings prop up the ones they can blackmail and so the cycle repeats.

Wow. Great post, excellent placement of sources and some of the most clear headed critical thinking I've seen on this sub. You really put in work and deserve waaay more upvotes than just a few. One thing i will say that i took notice too is that there seems to be a lot of finger pointing to the Left. Given the evidence both past and present there is little doubt that there is much to suspect from HRC and her co-patriots. However i cannot simply believe that if these sort of perversions are subject to only one side of our government spectrum. Secondly, because a Salon article points to accepting pedophiles as a mental disorder brought on by child neglect/abuse (there was even a Netflix doc taking on this subject) that it means there is a " real" widespread campaign to persuade a majority conservative country like the USA, to accept pedo's like we are being taught to accept members of the LGBT community. I just don't see it and quite frankly we both know that would never happen.

I need to see more from both sides of the coin and none of this HRC is the queen of all dark matters in DC and the Republicans are just woefully ignorant to these goings on or fighting against this "establishment" but make no mention of it to the press, ever. That's ridiculous. You can see how demonstrating just one side of this problem while neglecting to mention even remotely the other "side" seems suspect and may lead people to think you're biased. We live in a society where having sexual relations with individuals under the age of 18 is wrong and should stay that way. No matter of Salon articles, examples of of middle eastern dogmas is going to suddenly sway that opinion for over 300 million people anytime soon.

Also your A=B thing is lacking as well because rarely does anything in this life equate to A=B so im not sure why you postulate that there is some mass conspiracy to get people to think in non linear terms and therefore this equals "bad" and that this way of thinking confuses and makes people complicit. I would hate to think what type of world we would live in if everyone thought in A=B only thought forms.

That is all. I hope you dont think im attacking you but i hope you respond. Still a great post overall. 8/10.

Hey thanks for the kudos. I agree this is kind of one sided [not claiming one, nor will I ever] , I guess with the sentiments expressed during the election, it was easier to focus my research, but youre right in that this is a whole big problem. I apologize for all grammar mistakes since I'm short on time rn and on mobile. If anybody has any research related in any way, feel free to comment or pm and I can make any edits.

Only if you care to I guess

Better to not reply than to post a reply like this.

It's important shit.

If you have 50 hours to dedicate to the capitalist/consumerist empire then you should have a little bit of time to commit to an explanation on the powers that be and how they affect all of our lives including yours.