Why is it that I have not seen a Flat earth post here in a while, I'll answer any flat earth question you have while Im online.

0  2017-10-21 by of_mendez

all in the tittle


The money dried up, people moved on the LV and Weinstein concern trolling

I see, if it was the sharia blue and the shills with the flat earth things, I think they got me, I believe it now for realz

Is sharia blue the Muslim Orthodox converts within the blue Man group.

That too

If I fly West from the equator, and continue to fly west why will I end back up at where I started?

you can accomplish that on the flat earth plane

Great answer! It's all so clear now

you can fly in a circle, and with a compass that always points north, you could even think you were maintaining a straight line if you kept the plane oriented relative to the direction the compass is pointing. This is sort of like when flat earther's wonder why a plane flying level wont fly off into space on a sphere.

Wait that actually made sense. A perfect east to west doesn't exist if one direction is always pointing north

This is sort of like when flat earther's wonder why a plane flying level wont fly off into space on a sphere

Pilots don't set a straight line forward when they're cruising, they set their altitude to, say, 30.000 feet.

When the autopilot detects that the plane is climbing it automatically adjusts to a continual super slow downwards decent that keeps it level relative to the ground.

Pilots have adjustments for climb and decent where they manually dials in "decent at a constant rate of X feet per minute". This is standard.

Think of it in terms of driving a car driving around a circular lap:

If the car goes straight it'll run off course, so you continually adjust for the roundness of the track.

One could say that with a circular track you can calculate the degrees of turn and assume the car would get all the way around, but there will always be factors you can't calculate for, track condition at various places, head wind an sidewinds and so on.

So when you approach a left or right turn when driving, why don't you just drive straight forward? You compensate by turning the car, relative to the road.

That's basically what planes do when "turning around the planet" instead of just flying into space - beyond the to me obvious problem of air density and wing lift vs. gravity at that altitude.

This is why I want to charter a flight around the world from north to south... for science.

Mee too

I guess I could have fun while I was at it, but the science, the science...

I would be satisfied with a remote controlled vr equipped drone

That would be fun, I'd want to be sure I did all the setup and configuration personally, if for no other reason than to keep from getting the VR hurls... my gut is touchy when it comes to VR.

sorry to hear that, there is medication for that now, hope we get to enjoy drone racing and exploration soon

Like Dramamine? Never thought to use that stuff... I love my VR Headset, it's just that I can't do marathon sessions with it like I used to.

not sure what is the name, but it appears to be effective against sea sickness

Because the earth is round...

I am not sure anymore

Seriously? Any numb nut can go buy a model rocket with a camera and see that the Earth is round. Put down the meth pipe bro

That is the thing, when they do it looks flat, unless they have a fish eyed lens

You have to ignore the examples contrary to what youre saying though.

There are a ton of examples of high altitude curvature. Even Concorde and SR71 pilots will confirm curvature at high altitude.

The carnival of retards departed after massive downvoting

How is babby formed?

What's the point of hiding flat earth?

If earth is flat, whats the big deal in pretending its round?

Making it so you cant trust your senses and only believe what the authority tells you its real, that way they can tell you anything and you'll obey

Yes yes, distrust the authorities - trust (((Dubay)))

How does a flat earth help with this though? Couldn't you make the exact same assertion with pretty much anything?

yes it could be anything, like telling you magic is real

separate us from our creator

Still there? Typing a few now

What do you think of the moon? Man made? Purpose?

How did you guys overcome controlled opposition and where do you guys actively debate that's not controlled opposition?

Does flat earth exist in other countries?

Land beyond the wall? Do multiple suns exist?

Personally I think the moon is artificial but beyond human making skills, at least at the current level, maybe some ancient ultra advanced previous civilization of humans. The controlled opposition is easy to separate from the real argument, their lies dont make sense, the real theory makes all the sense, after hearing the good one once, you dont fall for the shills. Flat earth is popular in Latin america too. There are many other holes beyond the wall, we cant resist the trip into the other holes, that is the main reason we dont go. possible multiple suns on the other holes,yes

Elaborate resisting the trip to other holes. Where can I research these holes?

this video mentions the land beyond the wall FLAT EARTH - 1000 YEARS OLD MAP Shows MORE Land Beyond ... Video for land beyond the wall flat earth▶ 22:18 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxumjAIgLiM

Why would the moon be round and earth flat? Same with the sun?

The moon and the sun are not the way they have been presented to us, that is part of the theory

Is this a drinking game? Reply with rocket : drink 1 ; reply with North Pole: chug, reply with Australia and Argentina: finish beer ..,

Gr8 B8 M8

There would have to be some giant invisible teleport portal if the earth was flat.

No need for the portal for people to walk in circles on a forest, they think they are going straight too but end up in the same place

What is your theory on Nasa? That would be an awful lot of people needed to keep a secret.

Nasa is a branch of the CIA, intended to gather intelligence by launching high altitude balloons in "low earth orbit" using rockets and other things, anything else they claim is false, they have made movies since they can, pretending to go higher and to be in space, faking far objects and discoveries, taking the cash in, cause in the past we could not even try to disprove their claims, all can be kept secret Manhattan project style, compartmentalized and only share knowledge on a need to know basis under threat of murder.

so all the mars missions and saturn and everything is fake?

Yes 100%

You only discuss NASA and the CIA within the USA only, but you fail to mention Russia, China, India who have satellites that orbit the earth, and space programs as well. Theories that have no merit like this is why the United States is so far behind in education.

NASA is apart of the executive branch as an agency like many other departments that work under the US government. In no way is it a branch of the CIA it's independent from that.

The best you could have said was NASA is a branch of DoD. saying the CIA just shows you don't know much at all.

Stop doing drugs.

They are all in cahoots, or they know better than to go public with findings that go against the accepted narrative

Predict a future eclipse using the flat earth model.

That is not a problem, keep in mind that the sun and the moon are of similar size and distance, that is why they overlap during the eclipse, is not like they always told you, that the sun is exactly 400 times as far and also 400 times larger than the moon at the same time, that would mean that only in current times there are eclipses since the moon is changing distance from the earth since the beginning of time

And so using your model, when are the next lunar and solar eclipses?

Currently, the ball earth model can predict eclipses with 100% accuracy.

Further, there exists a written history of eclipses going back thousands of years, so the idea that eclipses only occur in modern times is false.

everybody knows and every model can predict that the next eclipse is July 2, 2019, Yes, that is my point, the current round model claims that the sun is 400 times larger and 400 times further, if this was true there would not be eclipses in the past, also we have had the flat earth for thousands of years people has always predicted eclipses since Egypt, the round earth model only came about 500 years ago

everybody knows and every model can predict that the next eclipse is July 2, 2019,

Show me exactly how the flat earth model predicts such an eclipse. i.e., show me the math behind it.

the current round model claims that the sun is 400 times larger and 400 times further, if this was true there would not be eclipses in the past

That's a radical misunderstanding of the ball Earth model.

At this particular moment in Earth's history – although the sun's diameter is about 400 times larger than that of the moon – the sun is also about 400 times farther away. So the sun and moon appear nearly the same size as seen from Earth. https://www.google.com/search?q=reason+moon+400+times+larger+further&spell=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiwgYjHvoPXAhUKLyYKHd3eBMEQBQgiKAA&biw=1920&bih=949

Do you have the math showing how a flat earth model predicts eclipses or don't you?

If I bring the math, would you be able to read it?, anyway a phenomenon like an eclipse can be explained many different ways, it all depends on your "FRAME OF REFERENCE" this is the reason the debate even exists, we dont know what is the center, the sun? the earth? the milky way?, if you use the flat earth model, you can explain all visible phenomena https://www.reddit.com/r/Flatearther/comments/77ctsg/10_science_questions_globers_resort_to_bullshit/?st=j92ofko0&sh=ad4ce051

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If I bring the math, would you be able to read it?,

Yes, this is why I keep asking for it.

if you use the flat earth model, you can explain all visible phenomena

Except for eclipses, which no one has offered a credible explanation for how this would work in a flat earth model.

Check this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgPzqjm5Wog I promise to look up the math for you, bring it back here later today

also we have had the flat earth for thousands of years people has always predicted eclipses since Egypt, the round earth model only came about 500 years ago

Complete and utter bullshit. We have known the earth is not flat for at least 2000 years. Numerous people calculated the circumference of the earth as well. The idea it was only 500 years ago was made up in the 1800s I believe when they wanted to laugh at the 'superstitious' middle ages etc

Flat earth is still a massive psy-op brought to you by our own psychological warfare department

luckily thanks to their campaign I was able to see all the nasa lying NASA - A COMPILATION OF LIES AND DECEIT. - YouTube Video for nasadeceit▶ 55:58 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzyPN8-AbJQ

It's still not flat man

I am honestly Not sure anymore

If ever in the st. Louis area let me know, I would have ya talk with my uncle he works for the NGA here. You would love to hear what he has to say

Do you think Earth will ever grow a nice pair of tits?

In the Northern Hemisphere, the Northern celestial axis centers primarily around the star Polaris. The stars can be observed moving around this point.

In the Southern Hemisphere, the Southern Celestial Pole is not Polaris. What explanation can you provide for the existence of the South Celestial Pole?

Kyrie Irving is that you?

Because no one believes in flat earth . Gave it some time and looked into it, only to come to the belief that it's a conspiracy theory meant to make people in the conspiracy community look ignorant .

Why does the southern tip of South America get 17hrs of sun in December? https://www.timeanddate.com/sun/argentina/ushuaia

the sun spins around the earth hole in circles that get larger and smaller, when the sun its at its smallest circle some areas get 24 hours sun

I understand. But this area would be on the outermost edge of a flat earth model.

Do flat earthers believe all celestial bodies are flat as well?

No, but space is not like they teach it

So earth just happens to be the only flat object in our solar system? All the other planets, moons and suns are round but earth is magically flat?

earth is not as simple as a flat thing floating, think about an infinite ice plane, we are just a hole made by the sun in that ice, beyond the ice wall outside of the sun's influence, its an infinite Ice field, on top of us there are things, but who knows if what is there is really round, we have a hard perspective to look from

I literally don't understand anything you just said

Here this will Illustrate what I mean https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rk3YndyvdKc

I had a weird probably really dumb thought one day while watching a space station video. If liquid just floats around. What stops it from coming back up after "drinking" it or the acids in your stomach. I'm probably just having a blond moment.

The epiglottis would prevent that, but who knows

Yea I thought that but idk lol seems like it'd be floating up as far as it could and that doesn't seem ideal.

What do you think about the latest LIGO discovery

LIGO discovery I think most of it is fake, that machine must be doing something else, military related, the space is not what they tell us it is

Any proof for that claim?

Just watch the live steam videos from the space station. It's obviously not flat.

Those are faked on the giant pool they have, that is why you see bubbles in space, also CGI and low earth orbit with fish eye lens

How does the sun appear to set?

If you look at the angles with basically any flat earth model, it should never get within 10 degrees of the horizon.

As it moves further away perspective makes it look like is setting

But we know that can't possibly be the case. If we apply the law of perspective we find that we can use the arctan function to find the angle to the sun. Most flat earth models put the sun at about 3000 miles up. If we plug that into the numerator of our arctan, we would need a horizontal distance in the denominator bigger than the earth to get it even close to the horizon.

How does the flat earth model account for this disagreement with the laws of perspective?

Anything claimed to be evidence in this video has a great deal of haze and cloud cover, which obscures the sun in the distance. Any time the sun isn't obscured this, you don't see the expected change in the size of the sun. Why is it so selective?

This perspective matrix has zero experimental, observational, or mathematical evidence to support them. Again, the real Law of Perspective is arctan(height of the object/horizontal distance to object). This will tell you the angle to the object, but only works if we assume the earth is flat (The round earth equations are harder and have more going on). This is tested mathematically and experimentally. People use to to build buildings, or measure the height of a building from it's shadow. If you listen carefully, there is ZERO useful numbers that can be used to apply this to life. "Eventually" it will go below the horizon, but when does this happen, how does height affect this? Even their demonstration has a camera BELOW the table. This same effect is better explained by the above equation. Not only is it better explained, but I can actually make useful predictions.

I'm sorry, but this video is a poor explanation. It is patently false and dishonest.

curvature and perspective in the flat earth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9ksbh88OJs

Why did you reply to me with this video? This entire video is saying that the earth is round and the arguments of flat earth proponents are all flawed.

The earth extends for longer than they would have you believe, also the sun is smaller, closer and faster than they have us believe

But that can't be true either. I've driven across North America, and the distances matched what was expected. My odometer and gas usage were what is to be expected. We also have extensive aerial pictures of the earth, which also match what we see in the world around us (google maps, etc).

As for the height of the sun, look at the equinox. At the 45 degrees latitude (southern boarder of Montana, southern France-ish) the sun at local noon will be exactly 45 degrees in the sky. but this line is about 3000 miles from the equator. If you make a triangle out of this (as you could if the earth were flat), you'd get a 45-45-90 right triangle. That means the altitude to the sun and distance to the equator MUST be the same. This is the same trigonometry people use in construction constantly, applied every day in the real world.

google maps shows a curvature that doesnt correlate with the real world, also, about the distance of the sun, if the sun is so far how come there are cloud hot spots? https://www.google.com/search?q=hot+spot+over+clouds&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8

please obtain a ham radio license... once you understand radio waves you will realize that flat earth is impossible.

Would be nice, I will look into it

That too

No need for the portal for people to walk in circles on a forest, they think they are going straight too but end up in the same place

And so using your model, when are the next lunar and solar eclipses?

Currently, the ball earth model can predict eclipses with 100% accuracy.

Further, there exists a written history of eclipses going back thousands of years, so the idea that eclipses only occur in modern times is false.

Yes yes, distrust the authorities - trust (((Dubay)))

How does a flat earth help with this though? Couldn't you make the exact same assertion with pretty much anything?

Anything claimed to be evidence in this video has a great deal of haze and cloud cover, which obscures the sun in the distance. Any time the sun isn't obscured this, you don't see the expected change in the size of the sun. Why is it so selective?

This perspective matrix has zero experimental, observational, or mathematical evidence to support them. Again, the real Law of Perspective is arctan(height of the object/horizontal distance to object). This will tell you the angle to the object, but only works if we assume the earth is flat (The round earth equations are harder and have more going on). This is tested mathematically and experimentally. People use to to build buildings, or measure the height of a building from it's shadow. If you listen carefully, there is ZERO useful numbers that can be used to apply this to life. "Eventually" it will go below the horizon, but when does this happen, how does height affect this? Even their demonstration has a camera BELOW the table. This same effect is better explained by the above equation. Not only is it better explained, but I can actually make useful predictions.

I'm sorry, but this video is a poor explanation. It is patently false and dishonest.

But that can't be true either. I've driven across North America, and the distances matched what was expected. My odometer and gas usage were what is to be expected. We also have extensive aerial pictures of the earth, which also match what we see in the world around us (google maps, etc).

As for the height of the sun, look at the equinox. At the 45 degrees latitude (southern boarder of Montana, southern France-ish) the sun at local noon will be exactly 45 degrees in the sky. but this line is about 3000 miles from the equator. If you make a triangle out of this (as you could if the earth were flat), you'd get a 45-45-90 right triangle. That means the altitude to the sun and distance to the equator MUST be the same. This is the same trigonometry people use in construction constantly, applied every day in the real world.