America has to change its habits.

36  2017-10-21 by Beneficial1

  • Watching news and being mind controlled.

  • Letting the kids be entertained by pedophiles and depraved people in general(once you know it's satanic).

  • Eating poisoned government food and drugs, meat and dairy and sugar included.

  • Destroying the earth for short term resources.

  • Allowing an education system to teach theoretical assumptions so that people hold those theories as absolute truths. some live their whole lives believing in a lie. Indoctrination needs to be addressed to.

  • The need for a divisive political system and sensationalist political events

  • Allowing false flag after false flag, and freedom after freedom being compromised. Then going on with life like nothing happened, or worse ,believing Any part of the story.

These are few of the habits that are inevitably leading to a failed society where freedoms are destroyed, and the mental and physical environment will perish.



And thaaaaaats why I am an alcoholic.

I was at one time, for reasons not related to conspiracy. But I went through it already or I might be tempted to numb out the world with it now. But we really do need to talk about what we are doing in this country.

Me 2.thanks

Dr Timothy Leary: Tune in, turn on and drop out

The masses must be molded. Be an artist. Mold the rough clay.

Or, mould yourself and watch everything around you change. This works, too.

True. You must first be molded before one can mold yourself.

I think that's important. For example we could stop participating in whatever this system is. We have to change our habit of going along with this and find different ways.

Yes, and to stop assuming that the headlines are the only source of reality. As if we have to live our lives based on what the media puts before us and assume the only choices we have are in deciding the reactions to said information.

Reality is infinite. We can draw from the ether and create our own.

When we think about it, our range of what we can do seems like we have freedoms. But it's only one small bubble of perception. It's one system. There is a better way , a better system than this. There has to be because this one is going to fail.

-dont touch me-

13 days until thats true! (12 really because I go to the Thurs night showing)

because, of course, we need one more saying what we have to do... :/

You don't have to do anything.

Certainly, not becauae of the reddit post...

Then from what? Do you want to wait for it all to come crashing down first? Then it will be on others to help you and your family after you were told about the circumstances from a reddit post. I'm not telling you what to do, I am mentioning which direction we are headed if we keep Doing the same destructive things.

I do not believe that you or any people that are so sectarian would help me or anyone

'Theoretical assumptions' such as? Since evolution is certainly not an assumption. Though if yoy mean stop religious crap being pushed in anyway then yes

You came from a monkey, after you came from a big bang. And there is a God who made all that happen. :)

Lol, good joke.

Thanks, That's kind of what people believe though. Most people don't Know where they come from.

Why don't they know? Because they are taught beliefs. And Beliefs distort reality, they add constructs to our perception, and cloud the awareness. No joke.

But god is a belief without evidence. Evolution/ big bang are scientific theories (which people don't really understand the meaning of a theory)

So is heliocentrism, gravity, black holes, ... all these things we take for granted about the creation of this world are beliefs.

You could say our perception of reality is different than what reality is, and that's why we don't know.

But that doesn't mean a genocidal fairy did everything. That's my point a scientific theory is pretty damn high praise. Especially in the case of say evolution which has not been disproved in what, like 150 years now?

Parts of it are true. We do evolve. But the origin within evolution is false. We don't come from a fish or a monkey. We are human beings and we evolve to adapt to our environment. Other animals do the same. BUT there is no great leap from one species to another. that is a heavily distorted construct of evolution and negates self knowledge. For how could you remember your origins if you yourself have the memory of being a fish as being the basis of your existence?

Remember my origins? That doesn't make any sense

Exactly, but don't you think that if you did know your origins it would change your life? Right now we think we exploded into the circumstances for life, out of which we evolved to our present state. So they are telling you your origins are Primative and limited. So how would you remember if they weren't?

The origin could be something else entirely. But choosing to construct a perception of origin through this one tiny model I just showed, completely would blind a person to anything outside that bubble. If you don't think this has an affect of the consciousness of a person, it does. Believing in a false origin creates a reality built upon false principles. Like what we see now, what I mentioned in the op.

The knowledge of reality, and it's origins would not produce the effects of a failing society I described, at all.

So believing in a genocidal fairy is better? So what if we came from primordial goop? Surely all the discoveries of science are far more impressive than say a book full of stories?

There is literally no separation between science and religion and stories. The point is believing in theories is making people less aware of themselves. And where does science look to experiment but by dissecting and observing purely physical phenomenon, inadequately. Science has no understanding of consciousness , whereas religion thinks it's a sin to have one.

So is a genocidal fairy better then the big bang theory? No. Is the big bang theory better than the belief in God? No. None of it's better or worse, it's all the same quality of misinterpretation.

Science is based upon evidence. So if you seriously want to claim there is no seperation I don't think any further discussion will be fruitful in anyway, shape or form

Spoken like a true Zealot.

Well ge was spouting absolute nonsense. He was objectively wrong

Dude... Have you come down enough now to try and explain some of your babble?

Whats your explanation for reality then? Since everyone else's is incorrect.

P.S. You have got to read up and understand evolution a little bit more before you claim it an outright lie. I think your perception of it was heavily skewed by South Park. You sound like Garrison, lmao.

Evolution says we may have shared a common ancestor with the current day monkey, never does it say we evolved from them.

Example. You and your cousin both share your grandmother as an ancestor. Are you descended from your cousin? Of course not...

Is there a difference between ancestor a lineage?. Because the evolution model Is linear.

Idk the semantics between the two.

However if you're talking about the picture thats synonymous with evolution with the monkey and Neanderthal and so on, it's just a visual aid to help understand the concept of evolution. It's not meant to show concretely that we come from modern day monkeys.

The fact that he can't understand this simple distinction really brings the rest of his arguments into question, doesn't it

and, i believe, he really think that this was a good disguise

The resource destruction is all for show. In reality, the cabal has insane amounts of reserved resources but they don’t tell us about it so they can artificially raise prices.

Don't think it's a show, bro. There are massive sink holes all over Russia leaking methane gasses and the earth is collapsing. If this is happening now , then continuing to harvest the earthers digestive system obviously will destroy it, or force it to change.

I could cite many examples of earth changes already occurring. Some of which are frightening. I don't want to cause more fear. I think it needs to be made Aware of before we have a serious problem.

I agree that they keep on harvesting the world resources which is bad. I’m only saying that I believe they are also hoarding ridiculous amounts of resources in hidden places around the world. If the people knew how much as hoarded, the prices of everything would drop rapidly. They need to take a break on stripping the earths resources and introduce the existing resources to the world.

Oh I understand. I was under the assumption from msm sources the amount of reserves being so high is what is keeping prices low. So in that I'm inclined to agree. But you do see it's obvious if we extract the gasses and oil constantly these places are altered. And not only that , it takes a lot of time for the Earth to recuperate, and in order for it to do so other areas of the earth compensate. Just like any injured , living, organism.

I think the most detrimental is the air temperature and jet stream alteration. More water in places , no water in others. Obvious now the ice is melting at the caps. Just saying, this is obvious changes.

Even the BBC has to admit the 'Dystopian Wastelands' being created by massive scale earth mining.

That is what we are heading into. Those areas are causing the earth to change.

I think this is more than likely true.

This was a much better post than I anticipated by the title. I agree OP.

Interesting that you put most of the blame on regular people instead of the corporations and people in power who orchestrate all of this. "Allowing freedom after freedom being compromised" — Why is it the populace's responsibility to put an end to this and not those who are responsible for compromising our freedom?

I know we have been led down this path for trusting everything. The reality is it has been orchestrated, like you mention. It's social engineering. But society is to blame for apathy. As usual it's a duality. Corporate America , and it's citizens are equally to blame. And I include myself. But also lets not get hung up on that because we do t have a lot of time to find different ways to organize this country.

Let's be clear here: corporate America and the American people are not equally responsible. We wouldn't be in this mess if those in power didn't have a complete disregard for regular people and our planet. To say both sides deserve equal blame is to side with CEOs, Wall Street, and the political elite, who have been saying that regular people are responsible for society's ills for centuries in order to obfuscate blame.

Try not shoot people in the process.

"Yes, we did produce a near-perfect republic. But will they keep it? Or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom? Material abundance without character is the path of destruction"