Has there been any new information on the killers of Seth Rich? Is it just a cold case?

27  2017-10-22 by RecoveringGrace


Cold as ice. Though those who paid attention during the primaries and afterwards know there was fuckery afoot. Assange practically admitted Seth was the leaker. DC Police refuse to release body cam footage they claimed initially they didn't have...he was at a party that night but all attempts to find a list of its attendees have run into a wall. They have sealed it up quite well. But anyone who looks at the circumstantial evidence will know that this man was murdered because he knew too much and tried to speak out.

Remind me, who wanted to make an example out of leakers?

Though your question is rhetorical, for those who may not know it was Podesta. Here is the email chain in question: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/36082

There is no proof the Israeli military trained Mossad mole working in the dnc was murdered. There were a lot of rumors and action-packed narratives like fbi leaving guns in cars (lol).

I've never heard any of your narrative before. Any links on the Seth Rich Mossad narrative? I believe he wasn't a mole but a Wikileaks leaker who was murdered for his heroic actions.

According to the Profile Project, in high school, he always wore a light blue bandanna to honor Israel.

In high school he wore a light blue bandanna to honor Israel? That sounds kind of ridiculous don't you think? Esp considering he was known for his love of America

Did you read the PP report? They interviewed some of his high school friends and they cited that that is why he always wore a light blue bandanna.

Why did you downvote my reply, btw? Kinda shitty of you.

That's fascinating... I shouldn't speculate, so I won't. WikiLeaks is an Israeli psy-op!

I didn't downvote your reply. I've seen you on this sub plenty before and I've conversed with you in the past. This is my attempt at a civil conversation.

No I did not read that report. I'm not saying it's wrong, but the idea of high school friends claiming he used to wear a colored bandanna to honor a country seems ridiculous to me.

You're suggesting he was involved with Israel somehow?

Read the report and come back and chat.

Oh I have read that before. I just didn't recognize it by name or recall the part about the bandana.

In high school, he wore a blue bandana from Israel Holocaust Museum from 2006 summer trip. His father Joel trusted the trip’s sponsors (even though only 60 miles south of war) because there is always some conflict going on in Israel, so many people were used to fighting and threats

It also noted he spent "one week training under the Israeli military under war." Im trying to ascertain what you believe the significance of that to be

I'm not sure what to make of the bandanna. It just struck me as an odd thing to include in a profile and indicates to me that the profilers thought it was important enough to note.

This case will of course remain unsolved.

No, that propaganda campaign is over.

To which "propaganda campaign" are you referring?

The campaign to push Rich as a leaker.

Oh, that....

It was clear that the OP simply asked if there was any new leads. I did see some side conversation about leaks, assassinations, etc.

I do see some plausibility in the theory that Seth Rich was murdered for cause. I doubt that we'll ever see much in the way of resolution.


I can see the plausibility, but so far I haven't seen anything verifiable. The amount of misdirection and outright fabrication that surrounded the earlier Seth Rich pushes made me very skeptical of the whole thing.

I saw some odd internet revelations about the case, but many of them were speculative. Together with the lack of transparency from law enforcement and MSM's near absence of coverage or follow-up makes me suspicious.

One thing I am certain of, at these higher echelons of political and business dealings, it is serious hardball and sometimes people get ruined or hurt. This is the case throughout history.

This Seth Rich case has some of the earmarks of that.

There exist only three answers to the question, "Was Seth Rich murdered as a result of having leaked sensitive DNC information to others?"

1) Yes

2) No

3) It is unknown at this time.

I cannot get beyond #3.


Seth Rich will count among the assassinated and ignored like Michael Hastings and Gary Webb. There was never an honest investigation to begin with and don't expect any follow up by the media.

Though your question is rhetorical, for those who may not know it was Podesta. Here is the email chain in question: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/36082