I'm an adult in a community college, and you would be shocked how behind the college-age kids are. I'm re-learning everything from 7th grade.

615  2017-10-22 by nerfwurst

None of the college age kids can speak correctly, write a coherent sentence, and NEVER do ANY homework. I'm forced to do group work with them and it's unbelievable. As a result, all the classes are taught at a middle school level. My teacher accused me of copying out of the book because my grammar was correct. One of our Earth Science "experiments" was holding dry soil in a cup, then adding water, and writing down which was heavier. Seriously. I knew going in the teachers are liberal - but every teacher automatically assumes the kids are on board with their far left beliefs. And they are! I don't know what politics has to do with Science, but my Earth Science teacher said on the first day "I'm a lefty (to applause) and you're going to see the issues that matter to ME". What an EGO! Who the hell cares! That's how important agenda - in any setting - is to them! I would never have the gall to batter my political beliefs into anyone - let alone a whole class. Geez. This has to be the result of the Dewey "create a better citizen" or dead-head automoton who obeys, doesn't question and worships authority. It's a shame. What will these kids do for work?


How do they speak?

When asked how a sea fossil ended up on a mountain "um, yeah, so dis wave came, uh like put it up there and shit"

hol up

-adult in "college" as well

In my Descriptive Astronomy class, the instructor is using a Celestial Sphere Globe for day's lesson, and class being a pseudo-open forum, a young lady raises her hand:

"That's not how big the sun is, right?"

Our instructor responds with a look that could only say, "(You fuckin' with me? You're not fucking with me.)"

Followed by a sober, "No. This is a diagram. This sun is meant to depict its celestial movement. Were it to scale, the sun could not fit in this room, let alone this plastic ball."

Looking around, no one shared my disbelief. I surmised collective courtesy and followed suit. Not the case. I shit you not, and i wish i was making this up, in the same class another student asked, "What do you mean when you say "Northern Hemisphere? Is there a Southern Hemisphere?"


Honestly I would have thought you were just being racist if I haven't experienced it myself. Like I couldn't literally understand wtf people were saying between cackling laughter and some shitmouth dialogue. It's unbelievable

After growing up in Hampton roads and seeing the world I've learned it's not racism is just not liking the culture and accent's of the locals.

Honestly regardless of color I just don't like Southerners

It's not about accents though. I've grown up around blacks & hispanics south of Chicago, this is speech pathology & social retardation

Sounds about as intelligent and eloquent as:

"One of our Earth Science "experiments" was holding dry soil in a cup, then adding water, and writing down which was heavier. Seriously. I knew going in the teachers are liberal - but every teacher automatically assumes the kids are on board with their far left beliefs. And they are! I don't know what politics has to do with Science"

If anything the first sentence is quick, to the point, and is coherent enough to make sense out of. Unlike that latter example of incoherent word vomit and buzzwords. Like comparing the fundamental basic scientific practice of weighing and measuring to politics in the same breath.

pump your brakes, man. you're critiquing manifest frustration. not the point.

I'm critiquing an obvious anti-liberal partisan circlejerk that has no conspiracy content whatsoever.

Any intelligent person would laugh at loud or roll their eyes and walk away if you somehow managed to compare the scientific practice of weighing, measuring, and recording data as a "liberal agenda."

That this thread is upvoted on the front page is just saddening.

im not op so i can't say for certainty, but i think he was referring to the left-handed instructor setting a socio-political backdrop to an otherwise unrelated subject/class.

but whatever. you're right. this post has better homes than here.

You really don't seem to understand what he was saying. He is claiming that they took two identical cups of dirt and poured water into one, and then qualitatively determined which was heavier. It is insulting to the hard sciences that you would conflate this with genuine scientific process. If his account is accurate, then he would be absolutely correct to denigrate his teacher for running an experiment that couldn't hope to challenge the intuition of a toddler.

I'm sorry, did you understand my point or was it not eloquent enough for you?

I felt like maybe you needed to look in a mirror and realize what sort of nonsense you posted before denigrating entire groups of people based on your personal dislike of their political beliefs.

Nonsense like this:

"One of our Earth Science "experiments" was holding dry soil in a cup, then adding water, and writing down which was heavier. Seriously. I knew going in the teachers are liberal - but every teacher automatically assumes the kids are on board with their far left beliefs. And they are! I don't know what politics has to do with Science"

Are you being deliberately obtuse? Those were two distinct ideas. Context makes it clear that you can read a paragraph break after the "Seriously" fragment. The next sentence was a lead-in to the allegation that a science instructor was politicizing a science class. In fact, you cut off his quote mid-sentence! That's extremely dishonest, and the full quote is perfectly clear!

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you have a severe reading comprehension problem rather. The alternative would be shameful.

Would it be better to dismiss the statement "I don't know what politics has to do with science" in an age when one political party is avidly anti-science and anti-education?

There are anti-science and anti-education elements infecting both the conservative and liberal establishment, but I'm not sure your question is even well-posed. What comparison are you trying to make? Would it be better...than what...to dismiss the statement? If you find yourself suddenly able to use precise language and make a coherent point, I will happily continue the conversation.

My first two years in college were HS review. It was really frustrating to have to pay for stuff I already knew, but forced to take it to get to the upper level classes. It's a racket, just meant to get another 2 years of pay out of students. Most degrees are two years of classes, the rest is filler.

Yeah, you're right. And they force you to buy the "latest" edition of all the books. My economics teacher has the FIRST edition of the book, but we were forced to buy the THIRD. It's the exact same material, except when comparing data with dates, ours say 2016, where his say 2013. $135.00

Yep and most classes had us buy books we never even opened.

same here

My teacher was a beauty. He actually showed us the list of books that were needed and said "Don't buy any books unless you really feel like you need too, all the info needed to pass will be posted online".

Why the fuck to college students still need to buy 1000 dollar books when all the slides are posted online now is beyond me. Actually one my classes was online but in class (fucking joke) and it cost 130$ to download some software to teach us how to use word, excel, powerpoint... Useless class for a FHP student.

Because education is a economic machine and a big money-maker. Nearly unlimited fundage in the form of student loans usury and a captive market with no actual "checks" on anything of value being produced creates a perfect storm.

I've never thought about, but yea there are no actual checks.

I wait until the 3rd week of classes to decide if I actually need textbooks. If reading from the textbook is assigned, I order the book. If it's only casually referenced every now and then, I completely disregard it. It's a solid system.

Man last year I was able to find the one book at the lib. I brought it back every 3 weeks and signed it back out. Didn't use it once though as the slides are posted online.

I only need books for a few classes this semester. And it's only because there is assigned work from the books.

That's why I waited the first week or so, mostly intro and syllabus stuff and could share a book for a class or two.

About 40% never used the book and another 20% only used it once or twice

I stopped buying books after my freshman year.. why you ask? The subject matter was basic as fuck, we never used books , and TBH why do you need books when you have the internet ?

Graduated with honors.

The internet was not what it is today, when I was in college. But I did start to wait until like week 2 or 3 to buy the books.

Do they actually "force" you to buy them? In grad school I got away with buying old versions or using the library copy. We rarely needed them anyway and it saved me hundreds over 3 years.

I had to pay $80 effing dollars to subscribe to the online program that would let me submit my homework. An additional $80! just to submit my homework

They were aaking 120 bucks in order to do my assignments. I ended up asking the teacher to release all the assignments and did them within the two week free trail. Fuck that

Good call I should have pressured them. It's a hidden fee. All my online science classes have run this way


College Professorship is basically automated at this point. College needs Core Curriculum

As in common core?


Are you a fan of it pre-college? I don't mind it that much if the school system was better. Your grade should not be based of your age. Some kids could be learning grade 9 stuff by grade 6, and others who can't comprehend material shouldn't pass until it's learnt. I'm a sub and the amount of grade 4-6 who are FAR behind but still move on to the next grade is unbelievable.

I was just talking to a friend& had said how college prep should count as college credit. Why the age limitation on when you get the credit for passing the same material they want to sell you a couple years later. There's no reason education can't be further individualized with digital bookkeeping and other computer enhanced educational tools

Yes! We've been saying this for years, and I believe it would be efficient.

Think about how this would change the workforce- you could retire by 40 without having to do shady shit to retire early. Live another forty years cultivating civics & reinvesting into society while enjoying the prime of your life. Instead it's industrialized education and healthcare & then your crippled body eventually gives out. As the altLeft attempts their media campaign to give voting rights to transhuman fox-kin 14 year olds, you won't hear anything about remodeling education in anyway that would free them of edu debt or giving them credit for the classes they take. Every time I talk to a teacher or administrator about my going to school for education they either tell me to not bother or advise me on how to best scam my way to the $$ ( I'm looking at you admins- Masters degree in being fucking assholes. ).

hahaha great reply. Also 8-12h days are a joke when some jobs pay people to be not so productive, and there's a bunch of people without jobs!

2 qualified mechanics in a town but only one job available. One works 8hs a day and the other gets a welfare check. Split it into 4h days they both have more time at home with their family, more time to take care of property and family, and time to actually grow your own food so you don't have to eat all the fake healthy shit they sell ya.

Well said. Changes to the workforce start with the choices we make at home like how we're eating and what we feed our families.

This is the place they get you now. Math started it, but it’s moving to all the other classes.


What are you asking?

Nothing, I'm just outraged you have to pay to do your homework, let alone pay 80$

I see. The actual scam is that it cost $100 for the book or $80 for the code to submit the homework without the book. "Do you like homework?! For just $20 dollars you can own the actual book you would need to complete it" Such a scam

Pay US, don't pay THEM

No, we HAVE to have the edition they "recommend". Its required, not recommended actually. I had to drop Art History because the book was something like $215.

Now many of the books in STEM classes all come with software that you need to activate and do your homework online with. Another racket.

You're in Community College. I'm not saying CC is lacking in substance, but MOST college aged kids that are going to CC, got there because their college entrance scores sucked. Nobody else would take them. So, yes, while you shit on them with your observations, realize, they might not be the best students, but their willing to stay in school for the hope that they might be able to make it to the next school. 90% will probably not make it.

I would agree with you, but none of them try at all. So why do they even bother going to college in the first place? They don't appear to be engaged, and seem to hate the whole process of classwork, homework, etc. But, you're right, I am not right to judge, and it certainly wasn't to put them down - its just i guess I expected college age kids to know college level stuff.

Again, these are the ones that couldn't get in anywhere. They get grants and loans, so why not go?

My guess is their parents told them to go to college or move out. Combine that with being able to be on parents' insurance until 26 and now you've got a whole host of kids going to school not because they want to, but because they have little choice. What would you do? Stay at home and go to school and have health insurance? Or be out in the world, on your own at 17, 18, 19 with no insurance, no job, no "education"?

The real conspiracy is that high schools don't teach life skills or how to manage money, bills, etc. I graduated HS 12 years ago and even back then it was basically, 'you have to go to college, OR YOU'LL DIE'. There were no alternatives given to students, and it's not like critical thinking is taught in school anymore, so most people just went with what they were told. It's saddening...

You're right! How about high school talking about credit scores and how it will impact your future. Wish someone told me. I maxed out my first credit card at 18 like a fucking idiot.

Where were your parents to teach you some life lessons...

Reminder: some people come from less than ideal homes, have no parents to teach them "life skills," or are like me. My parents don't possess any life skills, and therefore have nothing to teach me. I've spent my entire adult life attempting to teach them, and have now given up.

fuck I was a drug addict and I didn't even get a credit card because of this lol. I have ONE credit card and a paypal credit account and that's it. when I make a charge, I pay it off before a payment is due.

Just do what you are doing, you need more cards. More accounts. Not a problem if you stay disciplined.

Cant believe I'm typing this. Credit is the devil.

It has it's place, better insurance rates, buy a house, etc. Although there are much better paths than the American Dream(myth)

Credit is not the devil and is extremely useful especially to people who know how to make money but don't have the capital without borrowing. Getting stuck in the material world and spending $300 on shoes and $200 on drinks for a night out and then not being able to pay it off is what's the devil. Don't make bad choices and credit is a mighty tool to be used.

I moved out when I was 16. I barely graduated high school (thanks air force recruiter) but I work with people 60k in loan debt. I am the #1 person who gets the most commissions each pay period. Yet the educated look down on me for it.

If you don't have any haters you're not doing it right

"It's not like critical thinking is taught in school anymore..."

When did school ever teach this? Might be because I'm from LA but the vast majority of middle aged folks are retards with no critical thinking skills. Rose tinted glasses, perhaps?

And if you think you possess the ability to critically think it probably was my given to you by a school.

I distinctly remember my Middle School teachers doing a much better job at it than my High School ones, with very few exceptions.

So your claim that critical thinking was once taught in schools but is no longer comes from your anecdotal experience of a few year difference at (presumably) different schools and teachers? That's a very short sighted way to make such a bold statement. I'm glad you had good teachers in middle school but apply your critical thinking skills before making such sweeping claims.

I think the real conspiracy is based on weeding out classes, and inequal access to good education and help where people need it to succeed.

I think they want to keep the institution of classism rolling by selecting out rebellious thinkers who would challenge both sides of the system through means of over-credentialism.

making sure that specific types of people cannot pass through unrelated courses that are still considered pre-requirements officially.

there is no way to fix it without massive expenditure, and the lowering of wages across higher end fields (because of the influx of highly skilled workers that would come of it)

I'm saying, pay the math professors significantly more than non-math professors. offer special extra tutoring and longer class times/more days of class per week in those classes for a higher cost, and re-examine each major and determine whether or not some prereqs are actually required or not.

I completely agree. I honestly didnt try very hard in high school at all so even when I did get to college it kinda was a wake up call, but I just see so many people go to school for the experience and to party and get fucked up and the almost always drop out or move home to go back to CC cause they didnt have the grades. I just wanted to be able to take my time with school, not rush, and actually care about it lol

They are punk kids and they do not know what they want to do with their lives at all. They have been in schools all of their lives and they do not know how to do much else and they could get into a better school so CC it is, and it is better than working.

I noticed the same thing. Some of these community colleges have graduation rates of 20-30%. Everyone is so conditioned to believe that college is the next step after high school. Another possible explanation is this is the first time many of these kids have this kind of freedom; no one is forcing you to go to class and do homework anymore.

Go to school, join the military, or move out.

One can play games in the basement for only so long.

Just a quick question. What did you do at the age your classmates are right now?

I wouldn't say its because their test scores were low is the only reason they didn't go to a university. I have a CC in my hometown and chose to go to it because it was 3000 for two years of school that basically got to go for free because of scholarships. Also, my parents died so why would I throw myself right into debt if I could go to CC and get a 2 year degree for free? I know what you mean, that CC is still for kids who didnt get into bigger schools, but its not only that. Why not get a free college degree?

Not saying you're wrong. CC is a great deal.

Thats how I feel. The town I live in is small, but a lot of kids I went to high school with ~30% of them end up dropping out of school their junior year and move home for who knows what. I didnt want to be one of those people lol

Same. I would have sacrificed the "college freshman experience" for a cost break on tuition, then transferred to a school and knocked out my major specific courses in three or two years.

But what you said about CC is true. It's the lowest rung of the college experience. It's where you go when you don't get into that dream school and back your bags for dorm life. So the quality of work follows.

If I could redo my college experience, it would be to do CC for the first two years and get easy A's, then pick up the scholarship at my local university to finish the last two years of undergrad at local university debt free. Pick an easy-ass major and continue with the As.

Spend monies to do well on the MCAT, LSAT, or GMAT. Go to kick ass grad school only for a profession with a guaranteed decent income at the end of it.

Thankfully I turned out alright in spite of my more expensive, egotistical path... but we do such a disservice to top performing high school students thinking they have to go anywhere but in-state in order to avoid feeling like a loser.

sorry about your loss

MOST college aged kids that are going to CC, got there because their college entrance scores sucked.

bullshit. most go to local colleges to avoid the student loan trap.

I think we're both right. CCs probably reflect the communities education level. Bad public schools probably produce shitty students the CCs have to deal with and vv.

What a load of nonsense. Some of the brightest people go to CC to get a head start in college. People who go to CC are much more likely to get accept into a University than someone straight out of High School.

I'm doing exactly this. I had a 3.8 in hs but I don't want to be in debt my whole life like I see the previous generation

Could you time travel back to when I was your age and smack some sense in me? Try and get me to do this, too? Present day me thanks you.

Unfortunately, you are the exception and not the norm.

Good for you. I wish I was smart enough to do that. When I went to college, CC had a stigma of being for the lesser students, now I realize it is a way to bypass the system and get the "HS review" classes out of the way for a lower price. I got the 2nd highest SAT scores in my class, I should not have been forced to pay for all the 101 classes.


If I had to do it again, I would do 2 years of CC and then transfer to a 4 year school. I was a double STEM major with a GPA>3.5.

I did this, and I definitely recommend it


but MOST college aged kids that are going to CC, got there because their college entrance scores sucked.

I knew a bunch of people who went to CC for the first two years because they could do that for a fraction of the price of a state college and then transfer over and finish their degrees at a four year college.

That's what I want to do but my school offers a program where you can get college credit they offer it to juniors and higher so you can get up to 1 year and a half of college out of the way and you can save a ton of time and money

Actually the dude in High School since he taking a Earth Science class.

I took earth science in like 9th grade and aced it.

At my highschool earth science was where they put the freshmen who weren't bright enough to take biology.

Lmao this just isn't true. All of my higher level community college classes, (calc 1-3, physics with calculus, chemistry, differential equations, programming concepts etc) all had excellent professors, most of whom taught at the local university as well.

In lower level classes, sure the caliber of student may not be equivalent to that at uni. The kids in higher level classes are equivalent, though.

Sure, but most classes at community college are aimed at bringing slackers up to speed.

Once you get up to level 100 courses (basic freshman stuff) the classes are just as rigorous as the local university's and probably taught by the same guy too.

Universities wouldn't accept the transfer credits if the CC classes were all remedial.

Exactly. The peers in my college classes were mostly very bright and hardworking. In fact, I had to adjust quickly to the pace and amount of material needed to study in relation to what I was used to in HS. Not saying everyone who goes to CC is an idiot but I'm sure the average IQ is much less than that of a classroom of engineering or whatever major at a traditional public university

I had a better experience in community college by far. People are there because they want to be there, especially during general studies. University you risk the “college experience” crowd who ends up flunking out, and there seems to be way less grade curving and inflation in a cc class.

Not these days. The smart ones go to CC first to avoid spending 50k on HS review.

That really wasn't my experience. My freshman year, I was already taking computer science courses and Calculus. Not sure what I did differently. The only high school review class that I had was a required "show us you know how to write a paper" class.

College is college.


Now many of the books in STEM classes all come with software that you need to activate and do your homework online with. Another racket.

Clep out of as many classes as you can! It will save you time, money and the headache of doing what you already know.

Can you test out? Some places allow that. I do feel your pain, I took a certification class at a community college a few years ago, and found it to be very simple. Classmates said I must be cheating bc it wasn't possible for me to pick it up so easily.

lol I never even open most of my books. in programming I bought a $200 book ive never even read. there are no assignments out of it, and MSDN has all the info id ever need online...

Books are a huge scam. Some of those revisions can be something as simple as a grammar correction. Sometimes the add or remove a paragraph. Thankfully I had honest teachers where I went to school.

And they force you to buy the "latest" edition of all the books.

Ok then go purchase a large book sized tablet device and go to the library checkout the book you need and take photos of every page. Saved thousands that way.

If you are a engineering major or have an interest maybe you could build a small book scanner to align the pages better.

This depends on the school. Some kids are prepared (like you). Others will be seeing this stuff for the first time.

I should have been able to test out for full credit then. I should not have been forced to pay for classes I didn't need due to others being unprepared. Perhaps if you need a repeat of HS, you shouldn't be in college.

Or, you know, we could just have an education system that doesn't force you to pay for education you don't need.

Yeah, you should be able to test out for full credit. The other thing is why have kids who do not want to/are not good at science be forced to take a token science class. They will not learn anything anyway.

I think our country's high schools vary a ton. I honestly think I was more challenged in my HS AP classes than in any class at my university. And I went to architecture school at a good STEM school.

Unfortunately, it's not so much a racket as that half of the country needs those courses. They should let you test out, but the problem is mostly that college is now expected of students vs. an actual achievement as it was in the past. Note, I'm in the camp that thinks college is great, but only if you're really aspiring to something that needs it. An associates, trade, etc. are equally good options. It all depends on what you need (and many who end up there dont need college).

I teach college algebra at a major state university. 99% of students who wish to earn a B.S. degree have to take College Algebra and trigonometry. The school doesn't give two shits if you took them at a community college, have high math subject SAT scores, or have AP calculus credit. Students can get credit for one or the other but not both.

This puts engineering students in an awkward position because they can't immediately start taking their calculus and physics sequences. The school's solution? Let them take college algebra and trig and the same time. The workload is huge - too large for a class that meets once a week for an hour. As a result, there are people who are more than capable of the math but have to change major because they don't perform.

I have no idea what the logic is supposed to be behind this. Money, I guess. As soon as I finish my graduate work, I'm out of academia for good. Can't wait.

My first two years in college were HS review.

I went to high school in Kentucky. My Freshman and Sophomore years we covered mythology. I took two years of foreign language my Sophomore and Junior years. I then went to a small, liberal arts college. My first two years were scheduled for everyone. You took two years of foreign language, two years of mythology, and then basically covered all the Literature concepts you covered in high school. This school had a big sticker price too.

I seriously think the best strategy is to sign up for an online degree and then go to a school where you could go and "audit" the same classes for free.

I know places like Columbia will let you just walk in and listen to most classes.

So you get a great professor without having to take their exams or put up with their grading bias.

Columbia University in NY? I want to go sit in on some interesting stuff.

Dont' forget all those gender studies classes and other "why you should be ashamed of your ancestors" classes! This is part of the divide and conquer strategy by the NWO to trick people into devaluing their identities, and they are laughing all the way to the bank.

They were not as prevalent when I was in college. But plenty of blue hair whales around.

"why you should be ashamed of your ancestors" classes

As if the brainwashing we are given in elementary and high school is not enough. When you add up the amount of self-hatred classes a typical white kid goes through, it should be no surprise how many of them are depressed and hopeless.

I had a professor that had us buy a book that he wrote. Basically it was everything we talked about in class but written down. 150 bucks from almost every freshman student at the school.

My high school English teacher was tough. No one graduated without going through her.

Every single day, from the first to the last, we read 30 books and turned in 10 pages of handwritten analysis. Handwriting, grammar, and comprehension were all equal parts of the game.

My community college English was a joke. I breezed thru other classes just on the ability to read and write alone.

Junior level classes at Uni were a breeze. Very few of my class even went to college, but all have done remarkably well in life.

She worked with kids that were promoted to Senior that had an 8th grade reading level. She didn't fail anyone early on, but her method got everyone into shape. Within 8 weeks or less.

She just passed. She wasn't my favorite teacher ( I had her class late in the day, so my 10 pages were always on my time) but my friends that had her 1st and second worked on those 10 pages every second of every day they could.

I was pissed when starting Math101. It's basically learning 2+2. CPT101 was just downright insulting. I took every computer class I could in highschool (even database programming), but it was required for my Associates degree in web design.

Haha, we learned the parts of the cell in Bio 101 in college. I was laughing, we learned that shit in 8th grade!

A brief review I can understand, but an entire class? Huge waste of time and money.

And paying tuition to hear some jackass grad student read from the book.

I had actual questions. He could not answer.

$600 a credit hour for SHIT. (University of Pittsburgh)

They say today's Bachelor's Degrees are the new High School Diploma. Boy, they aren't kidding! HA!

For sure. The idea that you need all this review just means they are trying to get more customers. They accept students who are not fit for college in order to make more money. All it does is cheapen the value of a degree.

My first two years in college were HS review. It was really frustrating to have to pay for stuff I already knew, but forced to take it to get to the upper level classes.

Well maybe you didn't perform well enough on the placement tests to skip those courses?

There were not placement tests, we were required to take a certain amount of elective credits along with our major. Most electives require 101 classes as prerequisites. If you would have read the comments already offered you would have seen that I suggested placement/test out tests in another comment just below my original comment. Instead, you assumed a bunch of stuff to try and insult me.

What will these kids do for work?

Doesnt matter to the board of education, as long as they have that incredibly high student debt attached to their SSN for it. Quality of education must stay down or they will figure out how slave based our financial system really is. You dont get grades for your mental ability and skill, you get grades for following instructions and attandance.

You're absolutely right. I went back to increase my earning potential, but what a waste of time and money! It's all about "feelings" and imagination - our midterm was to imagine what the Earth will look like in 200 million years and draw a picture of where the continents will be, name our new continents, and describe a fossil you will find. Ridiculous.

The paper still adda a small degree of value for thinking persons such as yourself. Might get you past an HR gatekeeper once in awhile.

Welcome to the world of College Kindergarteners. If you are smart and worth anything, I think they either force you to relocate or pay you to keep quiet and live a secluded life. Can you imagine if the smarter half actually had a say in the way things are? Too utopian for this monetary system to exist. The 'money gods' will not let it happen because they wouldnt be considered TPTB anymore....

What amazes me is how fast everything deteriorated. We used to be held to standards - if we didn't know the material we'd fail. Now they coddle and applaud them just for showing up! Our Econ teacher said he has to take out the equations from tests because every one (except me - I got a B) failed. Now all tests are multiple choice. On math.

To argue the other side, I hear that some of the major universities will let you sit in their classes for free (free education) but it wont mean jack squat without the little piece of paper from their diploma department.

That's the rub. I like the Opensource online classes you can do for free from Yale, MIT, Duke, etc. They give you all the reading, tests, everything. Sometimes I supplement them for what I'm supposed to be learning in my school. See that's where the elites go for REAL education, real diploma, real money jobs. Slobs like me end up with the cattle, unfortunately, and I'm saying cattle not that I'm for it - but that's what it feels like.

No, cattle is right. They even eat us too, so you are spot on.

The first skit reminded me of our conversation this morning...

Bwahahahahaha, my history class was "what would archeologists find in America in 500 years?" And I came with the planet will be too toxic for life and all the students piled on, save one who said Americans are resourceful and pollution/climate science is exaggerated....

My whole Earth Science class no matter what the topic REVOLVES around panic stricken doomsday climate change HUMANS created and we must pay the price. My teacher is on the "sustainable energy education board", yeah, that's a thing.

Is taking a community college's earth science course really going to up your earning potential that much? Lolz.

No, but its a requirement for the degree. I hate it too.

This is honestly a reason I'm glad I didn't go to a university. It seems like that's all they are these days is factories pumping out SJW idiots who lack any sort of critical thinking skills or ability to rationally argue any value they hold.

One of my good buddies almost fell into the trap but luckily realized the path he wad headed down and is now one of us.

You're smart. I kind of hate to give up, because I seriously love learning, but what's the point when its a complete shitshow of propaganda. All these kids care about is Drake, and their phones, bullshit. They're so mesmerized by hollywoodness - most think they are rap stars, working on their "demo". Seriously!

Sounds like you just don't like their culture and feel the need to lash out?

We live in a capitalistic Society buddy it's always been like this.

I'm sorry, you're right. I guess kids who can't read and write is a good thing. Truly a culture to be celebrated!

This post makes me glad I didn't go to a shitty community college. While there were some dumb people in college, they were the exception, and some of them got smarter. And my degree led me to a great career, so complaints here.

Personally, I think everyone should have the ability to go to college, since so many high schools are so terrible. For example, I had a public speaking course taught by a great professor. It helped polish my skills, whereas some students started with zero public speaking ability. My university even had a program for the learning-disabled.

You don't have to believe what they tell you. I've had very liberal teachers and I just did their hw and did well on tests and I never had to see them again and I didn't change my beliefs.

Or if you take technical courses instead of English or remedial classes the teacher would have to go through hoops to bring up politics

Pretty shitty to talk about people for bettering their lives or giving themselves an education.

Seems like that is more of an American, Humanties university meme, not that common in technical universities in Europe.

Not generally in STEM, otherwise you're spot on.

Can't that just be your experience?

Just because you go to a shitty community college doesn't mean all of them are like that..no offense

Sure, you could be right. The fact I've seen it in every single class for two years made me say something. I sincerely hope its just my shitty community college! And I sincerely hope kids 18 - 20 aren't as - I don't want to say stupid - cause I don't think its their fault - let's say behind as much as I've witnessed.

Nah they’re that dumb and have been for decades

Naw, I'm at a community college too, and a different one from 2010. I was shocked to see how NOT challenging my courses are. And the dialogue from the students is at best a freshman high school level. It wasn't like this a decade ago. And the school is competitive for their money, trying to have sports teams and satellite programs from private colleges.

I applied at an architecture university back in the day. They literally told me I wasn't ready because I went to a public school. My public school education was a joke as far as college prep courses too. If you wanted to be an architect the closest they had was one year of drafting 101. And in that class we made cheap homes out of Styrofoam for a whole semester. The other semester we did drafts of nuts and bolts. I could of been learning that in 5th grade.

Public school... history is a joke. When later in life you realize those events sometimes didn't happen like we were taught, or it was flat out propaganda. I Learned enough math to calculate the trajectory of a football. And enough science to believe in an atom, even though the atom is somewhat theoretical, still. Just a few of the pointless endeavours of my public education. In hindsight I'm glad I only spent a few years in college. I make more money being a professional landscaper than many of the available menial jobs a public education can offer. But it's not until you are a senior in public school when all of sudden it's time to pick a carreer or plan on being in debt the rest of your life paying off college loans.

How is an atom theoretical still?

That's weird they would do that. I went to public schools, one of my best friends works for NASA. One is an architect and one petroleum engineer. We all went to public school.

Not sure what happened at yalls school but mine was hard as shit.

Implying there aren't 3d pictures of atoms lmao. Oh it's beneficial1, that explains it.

I'm teetering on the personal and social importance of pursuing a library science master's, or idk, something in science or engineering. I'm pretty lucky that I think I can finish my bachelor's without taking out anymore loans, but.fucking.grad.school...

Same as well. Was child's play and the kids could barely speak English.

I agree. May just be your experience. In high school I scored high enough on certain exams that when I went to college I was exempt from taking some classes. For example, I didn’t need to take the first two years of a foreign language, because of my high school scores. I was able to pick classes that were new to me.

I think it all depends on the college and I don’t necessarily think public/private schools make a difference. For my undergraduate degree I went to a public university and for my graduate degree I went to a private university. I preferred the public school.

Everyone has different experiences.

Why did you prefer public over private?

15 years ago, community college, English 101.... We had to underline nouns and circle verbs for homework.

It is a 101 class. They assume you know nothing and build up to what you need for higher level.

Nope not at all. First class was Eng Comp back in 08. Spent 2 months watching the professor diagram sentences and teaching basic grammar to football players who could barely tie their shoes. Got an A on my first paper, became his assistant and practically got comped for Eng 1 and 2

What will these kids do for work?

I've been spending weird cash, odds and ends this week, and the results have been frightening. The registers tell how much change to give, but the employee needs to first count how much I've given them. Five 2 dollar bills on a $8.50 meal order can shit the line down for several awkward minutes.

I know! I asked one girl what she was going to do for work she said "I'm gonna be rich yo, I'm gonna make bank, I'll be livin large you feel me"?

So you just don't like ghetto ass people?

No, that's not it at all. I didn't mean to come off that way, its just a funny way to answer a question. And about the girl who wants to make money - the point was she wants to be rich, but didn't say how.

All these kids are very nice, and I get along with them well. My concern is for their standing as far as education goes. They should be further along than they are. So I care about the "ghetto ass people", as you put it. And how do you know they are ghetto people anyhow - ALL of them talk like that!!

And she has no example to follow to that goal. Not your fault but generational poverty is the root here.

That coupled with a welfare system that only seeks to keep them in bondage as docile proletariat consumers...

Five 2 dollar bills on a $8.50 meal order can shut the line down for several awkward minutes.

One doesn't know whether to laugh or cry...

Why are you taking Earth Science at a community college? That's a high school course.

Earth science? What do they teach..Copernicus?

''Gaia is a goddess and you should stop sexually harassing her.''

Yikes. Religion and morality is earth science now?

Can I ask your gender and ethnic group please? I'm not sure if I should agree with you or punch you. I've either got a ''you go sister'' for you or a ''mansplaining verbal assault'' to accuse you of.

God forbid anyone try to teach morality. We wouldn't want to teach people that not hurting our fellow living species and universe is bad. Oh God no.... That would get in our way of indoctrinating people with our monetary and social hierarchical structures of authority... Can't have that... Nope

Many force gen ed topics as part of the core curriculum.

Because he's not as "intelligent" as he thinks and how advisor put him at the level he needs to be at

He is an adult taking classes at a community college. The advisor assuming he is an idiot is actually pretty reasonable.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Just because an adult is taking classes at a community college doesn't mean he/she is an idiot. Did you know at a community college you can take care of the first two years of classes from a 4 year college at a fraction of the cost? I can't think of anything idiotic about saving money and getting an education...

I am not saying that OP is an idiot. I am saying that a lot of adults who go to community college are, and are not ready for difficult classes, so the advisor putting him in an easy class is quite reasonable.

That's a dick thing to say when most degrees require taking a number of utterly bullshit classes.

Source: B-school grad who paid $2,500 for the privilege of taking a chick literature course in order to graduate. Shit you not.

You're not wrong but this whole post is a "dick thing to say"

That's a dick thing to say when most degrees require taking a number of utterly bullshit classes.

Bullshit degrees = bullshit courses. Don't take a bullshit degree and you don't have to take bullshit courses. At my college and others STEM majors can only take Biology or Chemistry.

You never had to take a gen ed? You're probably not American then, because 2 out of 4 of the years require taking a number of stupid ass courses that have zero relevance to one's degree.

Yeah but those gen ed's were useful to me. For example I used to be into fitness so I took a nutrition course as an elective.

Not sure how your college is but at mine you can select any course from the given gen ed categories. There were bullshit courses in those categories however you can there were also challenging courses in those same categories.

Its just that science majors are not allowed to take any science gen ed course except Chem and Bio. There are however bullshit courses in that category.

Because, no matter what degree you are pursuing you "have" to take a science course. This leads most people to take an easy, non-science major course like earth science. Not sure why you are beating the guy up for it. His observations on the basic education level of his classmates is still valid.

I check in with my high school English teacher and my dad who happens to teach at a community college every semester to ask them about the level of students. For the most part the high school kids are illiterate and my dad gives the answers prior to every test, and the passing rate is still under 40%....

That's got to be frustrating for your Dad, or anyone trying to actually teach an engaged class. I took literature, and every class we had to get in groups to answer questions about the reading we were supposed to do in preparation. I always did my reading and not even once, was I in a group where even ONE person did the reading. I took it personally when I had to put down the answers and they got credit. The teacher said, "I know, I know". She didn't care either! They don't give a shit, yet the sign up and pay to go to college! Why?

This reads like something out of /r/happened. The class applauding makes me think you made this up.

That happened mixed with a little I am very smart with a pinch of madlads on top.

Some /r/the_Donald paranoia about "liberal indoctrination" as well.

This post reeks of bullshit, just another right wing hardo talking about how he's better than everyone. Or he must have picked a really shitty major if these are the classes he's taking.

It's obvious you're not an adult going to a community college, so why do you think your opinion carries any weight?

No but I'm a recent college graduate, and can tell this guy is full of shit. He's making such broad generalizations about people that he obviously already doesn't like. If you're an adult taking an earth science class at a CC you shouldn't be acting like you're some genius. And this is fucking reddit, nobodies opinion carries weight bub.

We all know that graduate level university classes are more challenging than freshman level Gen Ed classes at a community College.

That doesn't invalidate the fact that community College Gen Ed classes are bullshit. Maybe it's a scam for money, maybe it's a conspiracy to dumb down the masses, maybe it's an unfortunate side effect of this toxic society and failing economy. In any way, it's bullshit that this 2 year requirement exists and serves to subjugate to the masses -- there is a very real gulf between education for the elites vs the education for the other 99%.

First off op never specified if he was a freshman. And idk if it's a scam, not a perfect system by any means but a lot of people that go to cc want to end up at a real university and usually the grades aren't there so they need to prove themselves in these "bullshit" classes. And even my freshman year I took plenty of business/accounting classes. And obviously the wealthy have better education, that's what comes with capitalism and a society strictly based off wealth. And I know plenty of people who started off at cc who went on to really fucking good schools, so it seems like the public education in op's district is trash. Plus usually incoming students have to take a placement test, so it seems like op got put where he belongs.

And I know plenty of people who started off at cc who went on to really fucking good schools, so it seems like the public education in op's district is trash.

The idea that I'm expressing is that the educational system in our entire society exists as a mechanism to oppress, not uplift the people. It's not just op's district.

Its very interesting how the states with the worst education rankings consistently vote red, but the highest rankings vote blue. And again people love saying how much they love capitalism, but when we live in a country where the most important thing is making money, it leads to the top finding every way they can to keep everyone else poor while they keep taking it up.

, but when we live in a country where the most important thing is making money, it leads to the top finding every way they can to keep everyone else poor while they keep taking it up.

And it starts with education. At a young age, the Elite are taught creativity, critical thinking, the actual history of the world and the connections that events have, and most importantly are given the tools and education that will enhance their ability to subjugate.

The masses are given an education that ensured they will be obedient laborers. There is a constant and unending assault on public education that has served to erode its quality for decades.

Well you can thank Reagan and H.W for common core.

You are one out of the many thousands who came out of community college to become very able and intelligent academics and professionals.

I'm gonna take their achievements, not your word as a benchmark to how it's going.

Not to mention that more often than not, universités have only become more competitive and more rigorous as far as their acceptance rates go. High school seniors are on the ball with their secondary education in mind.

I'm gonna take their achievements, not your word as a benchmark to how it's going.

These achievements, of course, are examples of their enslavement. Yes, your degree made you capable of operating in the human factory of your Fortune 500 corporation, who reward you with a six figure salary of monopoly money you can exchange for pretty trinkets at progressively declining rates. If you can't see the trap that you are caught in, then the indoctrination is exceptional.

Woah dude, calm down. What would make you think that I or the majority of the students you speak to plan to plod their way into a day in day out fortune 500 existence? Fact of the matter is, the degrees that get you there are a handful and then from there those that make it are a smaller handful.

Believe it or not, people do have very diverse life goals. I personally would not want to work in those types of industries and none of my studies or specializations will lead me there.

That is the choice I made, along with many others. There are people out there who really do achieve some amazing things. Not in the realm of business or marketing mind you.

I went to school to study a passion, and academia is what I have excelled at through and through. Analysis, reading, philosophy, writing. I could have done a business degree easily too. I was very studious out of high school, I had decent math scores, and I could have hunkered down and did it. But fuck that, it's not what I want out of life.

So point is, don't assume that everyone goes to school for that purpose. Why are you going?

Woah dude, calm down.

I'm quite calm. I don't think my post was aggressive. I saw a point you made and shared my interpretation of that event.

So point is, don't assume that everyone goes to school for that purpose.

Okay. But I can still recognize how the system is designed. And it is the system that I am posting about.

I didn't mean that comment in an aggressive tone either. I get what you are trying to say, respectfully though, I disagree. That aside, do what you want, study what makes you happy and honestly fuck everyone else. If you feel like there is a system, then I guess all you can do is work around it

That aside, do what you want, study what makes you happy and honestly fuck everyone else. If you feel like there is a system, then I guess all you can do is work around it


:) yee stay strong! And good luck with your school/future plans

damn i wish it was 6 figures

No, really! Not the whole class like a standing ovation, but one person started and more joined in!

I've graduated from a community college and I wouldn't put this past reality. I live in NYC and towards the end of 2016 most professors would pause tbe class to mention Trump off hand and have an impromptu bashing session about 2-3 mins. It wasn't like full on "let's stop and indoctrinate people" but it was out of place and inappropriate.

I took an American Political Philosophy course last semester to see what it was like and I swear to god there was a unit on "white talk". We also watched a presentation comparing Trump to Hitler.

This liberal ideology plague is very real.

At least it's generally not a hateful ideology.

On the surface it seems that way. Under the surface they all think anyone who goes against their beliefs is an evil person. That's how they justify the violence and calling him Hitler. Dan Bongino says it perfectly: "Liberals think conservatives are bad people attached to ideas, while we think liberals are just bad ideas attached to people.".

Oh don't even pretend that there aren't a ton of people that think liberals are inferior.

I don't pretend, because I believe liberals are inferior. That's why they need big daddy government to run their lives. I don't think they're evil. I think they're misguided and naive.

Well then your quote is fucking bullshit, innit?

People who have bad ideas are inferior to those who don't.

People who lack self-awareness have no ideas

Not hateful as much as it is condescending

What a brazenly deceitful comment.

It's not deceitful. I'm just saying it could be a much nastier thing to beat someone over the head with

I live in NYC

This should have been your first clue. See what happens if you go attend a civics class in Kansas.

That part is BS, but the woeful un-preparedness of community college is pretty apt.

Best thing to do if you're not doing trade stuff (which a lot of community colleges have) is to do 2 years and transfer the fuck out.

My college experience was the exact same. Is everyone who doesn't say what you want lying?

University. It's the best business to own. No tax no payment staff is paid nothing and you charge to fuck out of students. Bonus Alumni gifts!

This sounds like a mix between /r/thathappened and /r/iamverysmart.

And /r/the_donald for all the circlejerking about lefties.

Lefties do suck as bad as righties do.

All the butt burt lefties downvoting you

But at least I'm not reading their fake bullshit here.

I'm not saying "righties" are good, but nothing is worth than a "lefty" and to try to equate the two as equally bad is an egregious assault on reason.

Looks exactly like me!

Attend a major state university, this is not far from the truth.. You can believe or being naive, your choice.. But it really is that bad.

This is absolutely not the case at major public universities. Even in my state alone we have UNC/NcState which has its idiots but this is NOT the norm there

Raleigh area? If so, you'll know Wake Tech doesn't have a reputation anything like what OP is talking about.

The fuck it's not. This is everyday at any university. I attend one in Iowa.. It is like this.. Sorry that triggers your ass, but it is the truth, whether your dumbass likes it or not.

I am not the one that's triggered but okay mate, try not doing any homework as a nuclear engineer major at state or chem major at chapel hill and see how far that takes you

I don't think so, the education system in the US is an indoctrination program designed to dumb kids down and impose leftist, communist authoritarian ideology at an early age

I'm a senior at DePaul. He's not lying. It's really, really bad. Professors virtue signal at every turn. Sometimes you get lucky with a professor who sticks to the material, but it's rare.

If you’re there to learn the material how do you know it’s rare that they stick to it or not? If you know they aren’t sticking to the material you have no reason to be there?

I'm an adult in community college- I have to observe classrooms for my education degree- last Monday I sat in on a special education class of seventh graders; who are literally learning the same material as I am in humanities including MLA citation etc. college is a reverse funnel system.

YES! You're right - how frustrating! All my science teacher cares about is MLA citations. She literally expects every single sentence to have a citation. She says "you read it somewhere or learned it from someone so you must give credit". Like I don't have a brain of my own from which to pull my material.

I'm glad I got this off my chest. It's been bothering me. This is my first post to reddit and I appreciate everyone's comments. Makes me feel at least I'm not alone. Thanks to everyone - somehow!

I'm an older college student going to a D1 school in Boulder. My books were less than $150 for this semester and I'm in a data science program. All of the groups I've been a part of have been great, all the kids are pretty smart and well spoken. Sounds like you are just at a shitty school. Get back to us when you are actually taking some legit STEM-related courses, then come back and tell us how well you did.

On top of that their own writing skills are very poor & they're full of excuses. It's sincerely scary out there & your comments about being leftist are completely in mark. I had to rewrite an entire semester because some antifa loving betamale "Professor" was giving me Ds. Looked him up on ratemyprofessor & every conservative with a 3.5 gpa struggled with Ds in his class.

What’s the point of writing if everything I write has to come from someone else. There’s no excitement if we ban them from coming up with their own ideas.

Because you can't just make a claim with nothing to back it up. Citations help to build a trail of evidence for the ideas that you assert in whatever you are writing about.

Sure, you can come up with your own ideas. However, providing citations to the statements you make supporting your idea shows that you used knowledge of the topic and solid logic to come to your conclusions.

Otherwise you might as well have pulled it out of your ass.

What’s wrong with independent thinking?

Nothing is wrong with independent thinking. Science encourages it.

If you propose unicorns are living on the moon, when all known research and literature known to man clearly shows that unicorns do not exist and the moon cannot sustain life as we known it, then you'd better provide some very solid evidence to back up your claims. Even then, you'd better start a deep literature review because there is surely research somewhere that supports at least some part of the proposal made to help validate the claim. If one proposes an idea without any foundation to support it (especially when it attempts to go against all known independently verified knowledge), AKA citations, then it lacks any evidence of verifiable logic, it is fundamentally weak, and can be quite easily disregarded.

This is the difference between thinking independently and pointless speculation/daydreaming.

/r/conspiracy is a place for pointless daydreaming and speculation

Your example was terrible and brought nothing to the conversation. OPs point was that college research writing wants an idiotic amount of citation. Am currently in humanities classes & have to write papers w 5 citation. 3 citation is more than enough for a five page paper but my liberal mess of a "Professor" wanted five. The entire paper was stringing together bullshit & not forgetting to indent. You're defending scientific, drastically process. This conversation is about shite higher education.

So citing psychologists that claim biology is pseudo science and that there are innumerable genders is valid? Simply because I'm able to cite it?

Because they're reflecting on their house of cards kwim?

So what? Go find someone to tell you what to think, stop trying to tell me what to think.

Are you replying to the wrong g post?

I can relate. I got accused of plagiarism in college for not citing enough material. My professor warned me that he was going to "let me off the hook just this once" and not fail me. I was really confused because it wasn't like my writing got caught in any plagiarism filter. I ultimately contended it by pointing to his own rule that if 5 sources state the same thing, it falls under common knowledge and thus doesn't require a citation.

That is the same thing my social teacher said in high school. As far as university almost all instructors only require citations with quotes, or with data that you otherwise wouldn't know, such as statistics or similar info.

That is the same thing my social teacher said in high school. As far as university almost all instructors only require citations with quotes, or with data that you otherwise wouldn't know, such as statistics or similar info.

I can't decide if this post is better suited for r/iamverysmart or r/thathappened.

I'm sorry, I'm new, this is my first post. I didn't know how to find those. Sorry, won't happen again!

Don't let people here detract you. Lots of rude Nellys in this bunch.

Oh I'm in agreement that our education system is focused on profits over kids, but this post is ridiculous. "I'm a lefty and you're going to see the issues that matter to me!" (Class applauds). Seriously?

It's also a community college. While some are better than others, the requirements to get in aren't very high. OP is generalizing this post like he's at Harvard and everyone's a leftist idiot but him.

And you're a leftist, no?

applause intensifies

Oh that's right. You are he who must not be named.



I feel bad now for saying anything. I'll never post anything to reddit again. That was my first and last.

That's what these people are here to do. Make you feel like an idiot for asking questions. They are something I cannot say because it is against the rules. And that's just how it is here. Lots of non genuine users like you and I directing discourse.

Discourse: communication of thought by words; talk; conversation:

By nature discourse would mean that people disagree. Humans aren't a hivemind. "Just asking questions" can be easily abused, and there are such things as stupid questions.

You know you're agreeing with me right?

You know I'm not, right?

I feel bad now for saying anything. I'll never post anything to reddit again. That was my first and last.

No, you posted the right thing. Conspiracy of education. Check this post, by u/ThePhoenixRises224.

Ignore that user. You are in the right sub!

Itt: education incels

Haha made the exact comment 6 min before you :D OP should consider his life choices if people across the globe think of the same two subreddits while readinghis story.

Haha made the exact comment 6 min before you :D OP should reconsider his life choices if people across the globe think of the same two subreddits while reading his story.

actually it speaks louder to how indoctrinated people on reddit are that they all think alike.

that's actually pretty disturbing.

It's not that college students are idiots, it's that community colleges a) make you do a lot of review from high school And b) attract the people who don't really wanna go to university but also don't want to get a job, so.. community college it is. In other words, they don't really care. I got an AA from my towns c.c. And the difference between getting that and finishing up my BA at the University of WA was amazing. A completely different world.

So you're in a situation where everyone is accepted and come from drastically different school districts and home lives?

You paid attention in HS and or went to decent school district that was actually able to teach you the material?

You feel too smart to prove you can stick with something and just do the work regardless of your high and mighty "intelligence"?

Dude it's Community College obviously you're not smart enough to understand what you were getting yourself into when you went to it.

Prove to an institution that you're capable of sticking with it and you're worth their time and then go to a better Institution.

What? So you think kids that have trouble reading and writing from any school district is good.

No I think it's terrible but I'm also a realist and I understand why things are the way they are, they don't have to be that way but they are.

Why would you even want to degree from there? Its obviously not a good school

Public education does not provide knowledge. It provides training. Obedience training. All grades do is reward the student who can best do as they are told.

That's because everyone goes to college, including trouble students who were passed-along from the seventh grade forward through public school. Many can't even read very well, and their command of the English language is even worse. When you can't expect much out of these students but you pass them along anyway, well then the other students take note.

That's my point exactly! These kids were let down by the educational system that got them to where they are. That's the shame. It's not their fault and it seems like I'm starting to get bashed for seemingly bashing them. I feel bad for them and not in a way like I'm better and looking down on them. Its their teachers who should be ashamed.

Why would you feel bad for them? They are in an environment where they do no belong. They drag down the quality of service--and up the expense--for everyone. Just as they did in grade school. You have every right to despise these people. They insist on being shoehorned into environments where they do not belong, and then they ruin those environments for the people who do. Fuck them.

Thank you, drag down the quality of service is right.

No sweat, man. My personal advice to you is to merely ignore it the best you can, and don't let the bullshit get you demoralized. Remember, if these idiots can get a stamped piece of paper, then there's nothing on Earth that should stop you.

It's their parents that should be ashamed, they let them down. The ultimate responsibility for their kids education lies with them.

If a primary school teacher tries to flunk a kid and hold them back, the principle will often intervene and pass the kid on. The schools do not want to deal with problem students and parents any longer than they have to. I disagree with, but understand, this policy.

Everyone goes to ccommunity college. Do you guys not realize you have to pass the act/sat with a certain score? That score directly affects the quality of institution you can attend. I almost laugh at this guy for thinking a fucking community college should be taken so seriously, the whole point of them is to get your gen eds outta the way ( you know the stuff that is supposed to widen your range of knowledge). Sure some are giving bachelor's away but you are just as dumb as anyone else who goes there and expects the quality of education of a proper school.

It is one of the reasons I never finished college. It is an obvious scam.

That employers are in on so you don't really have a choice.

Why are you even taking earth sciences in community college, anyways? Didn't you take the class when you were twelve?

YES! I did. And if it wasn't required for the stupid degree, I wouldn't be taking it.

What kind of degree?

He probably needs some sort of science credit for his gen eds. The easiest credit is usually considered earth sciences. Imo this is on op because he could of picked Chemistry, physics, or anatomy if he wanted but he probably let his advisor do so ands bitching to us on /r/conspiracy because it's an easy class.

Probably, but isn't it bullshit that classes like earth sciences exists as a path to get a degree? It's not just that one class, bullshit classes make up the bulk of college degree plans.

Some high schools really really suck at STEM education. So some students need 101 level courses that can get them up to speed.

Yep, they do, because the entire system is designed from the foundation to produce obedient laborers.

you’re at community college, what did you expect?

Ha ha! I guess you're right!!

every community college i’ve been in is so depressing and unmotivating. the teachers suck and can basically do what they want and the kids are just there to pass and be done so they don’t care.

i also wasn’t saying that to insult you for going to community college, but community college itself and how backwards everything is.

You can thank reagan,the ()moral majority, the christian coalition for starting the destruction of the US education system after they started encouraging their brainwashed followers to run for local school boards back in the eighties.

The sorry fucks, in one generation, have turned the US into an idiot nation.

she just wanted to be a veterinarian, what she got was social justice dance class and called a racist .....https://milo.yiannopoulos.net/2017/07/evergreen-state-college-racist/

One of our Earth Science "experiments" was holding dry soil in a cup, then adding water, and writing down which was heavier.


This is, sadly, why a college degree doesn't count for much any more. It's not "higher education", it's "high school education."

A college degree counts for quite a bit, it's what you get the degree in that matters.

Exactly all this bs that a bachelors is a waste lmao.

Tell that to me and my friends who have good jobs because of our degrees. Sure it's stupid expensive but I also make more money. The system could be better sure, but it's not a sham.

You just gotta put in the effort.

Real education starts after you've forgotten everything they taught you in school.

How has that worked out for you?

Liberating and enlightening. My education/indoctrination taught me to be a good unquestioning worker bee taught absolute lies and little useful knowledge. That's not for me.

When I got out of the Marines after 6 years, I went to college. I was so terrified that I was going to fail - I mean I was a dumb crayon eating grunt. When I got started I could not believe how basic this shit was and it really restored my confidence. Some classes were rough, like writing ones - up until that point my best writing had been on the inside walls of port o shitters in Afghanistan. I thought I was going to be so far behind everyone and was amazed at what these kids didn't know as well as what counted teaching.

There is a big difference between 18 and 24 year olds.

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yes it's ridiculous.. Kids these days know nothing at all and don't care to know anything. It's accepted and preferred to be stupid, just like everyone else, just to be part of the community.

I went to CC earlier this year to take a handful of courses in preparation for a master's program, and I found the complete opposite of what you found. I was pleasantly surprised with how respectful and knowledgeable all the kids seemed to be. Maybe I had a particularly good experience, or you had a particularly bad experience, but I think your (and my) anecdotal evidence isn't enough to draw the conclusions you're drawing. Also,

"I'm a lefty (to applause)

that did not happen.

I am an adult, going into my second degree at a CC, and I feel the same. The kids were all doing their homework, took class serious. There were some slackers, but that's expected.

Welcome to shit post central

It's a 3 week old account, with 4 comments from 2 weeks ago, then this post and all comments in this post. It's straight up someone coming from the_Donald with made up anti intellectual bullshit.

The real college experience, you take a college placement test, to determine what classes you need to take. I didn't do college until about 10 years after high school, and I placed at honors level for everything but math.

The concept is that you continue on where you left off, unless you place at a higher level. Community colleges tend to have more older folks that haven't been in school for years, so if you placed at lower than college level, they're going to be comprehensively going over the basics.

Until you reach year 3+, they're not going to assume everyone knows about x.. something like doing MLA or APA citations. Higher level courses aren't going to focus on it, but they're still going to go over it.

I had a pretty amazing experience with my community college, and honestly the University was sub par in a lot of ways in comparison.

The OP reads like how someone "imagines" college to be, and absolutely reeks of the exact kind of posts I've seen in r/the_Donald countless times.

The very fact they tried to inject political views into it, falsely, screams this person is full of shit. I'll bet they don't even live in the US.

If this person is going to college, they seem to have gotten low scores on the placement tests, or man not understand the idea of prerequisites.

At the very least.. like I said, I think it's completely made up. The obvious attack on intellectualism and liberals has been done multiple times in the Donald.

The very fact that it was upvoted so quickly supports that too, they brigade things all the time. The fact that they only had 4 comments 2 weeks ago before making this post supports that as well.

It's ridiculous that OP talks shit about CC classes and then doesn't post the pre 101 retard classes he was placed into.

All depends on the CC I suppose. I got my associates degree at Wake Tech in the Raleigh, NC area. They are a very respected CC in the state. They have over 70k students and multiple campuses. A couple of my teachers talked any sort of politics. My political science teacher (thankfully), my history teacher, and my American Literature teacher.

Thankfully my political science teacher completely shielded his political beliefs from us. I still don't know his beliefs but I can only guess because I played against his church in a softball league. My history teacher was an admitted "lefty" and was a black female. Thankfully she was completely fair when it came to grading. You could make a "right wing" argument and if it was supported, rational, and well written she would give it a good grade. My English lit teacher was a bit wacky and talked politics a bit. He also played the Didgeridoo for a few minutes during class so I think he was just a bit off (I think you either have to be a bit off or dry as dust to be an American Lit teacher but that is just me).

The students were all over the spectrum. There was everything from purple hair lesbian feminists to 30 year old Alpha male vets. Most of the students were pretty average. Most were decent students. They weren't brainiacs but that is obviously rare. Most were just young people working their way through college. Obviously there were stupid students like the ones who'd walk in 30 minutes into a 50 minute class all the time and the idiot who got a tattoo of a heart on his ass because he was drunk one night but there are idiots everywhere.

My CC experience was great and I still encourage people to go there instead of a 4 year college if they don't know what they want to do.

I was pleasantly surprised with how respectful and knowledgeable all the kids seemed to be.

I agree. In fact, I find that most of the kids are far beyond the material being taught in the courses. The courses are of course full to the brim with bad technique and junk material. Are there any actual experts out there that think memorizing trivia and short answer tests are an effective standard for designing an education system?

Your story reads like a tumblr story. Hits buzzwords and subtly tries to make it seem like liberals ruined college/school, makes it seem like government is dumbing down kids in school. This shit plays right into the hands of the trump fans that over run this sub and doubles down because it is a conspiracy sub.

It’s a 4chan LARP without the 4chan

The funny part is I bet this person sat in class, day dreamed it happened and than wrote about it. Might as well be a tumblr SJW

Or the action

I agree most arts & sciences classes were taught at probably a 10th-11th grade level. But I was an Engineering school student and a lot of my classes were tough. To be completely honest I'm sure how I made it out alive. Calc based physics was no run in the park either, this was physics 1 & 2. My professors never talked about their political opinions, mind you I graduated in 05'. Maybe a lot has changed in 12 years...

Technically, everyone in college is an adult.

The test is very simple.

Ask them if they supported the CCC "Crooked Clinton Clan".

That's community college for you. It's all the kids that didn't do well enough to go off to college. Now, I don't mean gradewise. I mean they couldn't get their shit together enough to apply for and follow through with college recs.

I went to a state school and kids there were fine. They excelled. Then I went to a private graduate school, same deal. Kids at all levels excelled.

But I had to do one undergraduate credit that I was required for my grad degree that I never took undergrad. So I took it cheap at community college, and it's exactly what you said.

Lazy kids who can't even handle the basics of a class. One kid missed so many classes that the professor told him he couldn't take the final. He showed up the last day to take the final and the prof got us started and then talked to him in the hallway about responsibility and maturity and suffering the consequences of your actions. He was loud enough that a silent room of test takers could hear every word.

Community college is the cheapest lowest rung of undergraduate education, that's what you're going to deal with. Check up the chain a little higher and you'll find the rest of the kids who are motivated and not lazy.

When I was in school for my bachelor's, in senior level classes, there were students I'd call illiterate. They couldn't write, use punctuation, spelling, or even follow the instructions for assignments. Thankfully, many teachers allowed me to have students fired from my groups and some even allowed the group to self evaluate.

I teach high school. I’m lucky to teach the kids who are pretty nerdy and academically right on track. But I’ve seen the rest of the population. I’ve taught classes of kids that aren’t academically right on track. And you’re right, it’s terrifying. A large part of this is the emphasis on test scores. If it isn’t on the test, core teachers just don’t have time to teach it anymore if they want to keep their jobs. Furthermore, helicopter parenting and fear of lawsuits have ensured that the fastest way to get what you want out of any situation is to have your parents come to school and scream at the principal.

Looks like you've rustled quite a few jimmies, my friend. Well Done!

Keep your eyes on the prize, and don't let the bastards grind you down.

So what does it say about you that you have been put in class with these same kids? I went to community college and had to take a test to see where I stood academically and didn't have to do any classes that taught elementary or highschool subjects. Your scores must have indicated you need to be in class with students that are relearning everything from the 7th grade.

boi get out of here with this garbage. You're taking remedial classes and bragging about how easy it is. Come back when you're taking calc III, ochem, and physics all in the same semester. Earth Science. lmao.

You're missing the point in order to get in a cheap pot shot.

I believe he's saying the "point" is bullshit. If you take an earth science class in community college, you're going to wind up with professors that take a keen interest in global warming and students that don't know shit about science.

I interpret op's complaint as it's bullshit that these classes even exist, and it serves as another function of subjugating the masses and preparing them for a lifetime of wage slavery.

Nobody is running classes trying to do that, they're trying to just insert a little bit of knowledge into kids' brains in the hopes that it will help them do something with their lives. In community college, you see some adults trying to get a fresh start, some kids trying to save money and figure out what to do, and some kids that are close to just falling out of the system and being cashiers for the rest of their lives. You have to build classes that work for all three groups.

I interpret this nature of our educational system that you're describing not as a humanitarian crusade to uplift the most disenfranchised members of society, but instead as a symptom of a system that was designed decades ago specifically to obfuscate critical thought and hinder creativity and instead create obedient laborers.

How is it bullshit these classes exist? Have you attended a University? Do yo have an idea how it all works? I think if you did, you wouldn't be on here saying the things you do.

And if by some chance you did manage to attend Univ and you still have these thoughts. Then I do feel sorry for you.

It's interesting that you feel so strongly about what I've said, that you've gone on a rant to insult me, but not actually challenge any of the ideas I've expressed.

Draw your own conclusions, dear reader.

Well I too think It's interesting that you read what I wrote as an insult. I even made sure to dial it back so I didn't seem as if I was insulting.

All I can think of is that I said I felt sorry for you if you did attend a Univ and you still have those thoughts. Either way, I do apologize if it was condescending. Not my intention.

Based on my experience, I can only think of a few classes of the almost 200 credit hours I have taken so far that were complete bantam fodder bullshit ya know.

I'm not saying bullshit filler classes don't exist and that there isn't a lot of bullshit that goes on a Univ.

For example my Univ has a deal with Pearson to use all their books and shit. I hate that and that is bullshit capitalism at its finest. Sometime there materials suck ass.

But to imply that most university classes are there to enslave the masses or whatever it was you said? I mean that just screams "I have an opinion on Universities, but I've never actually attended one" which I could totally be wrong about.

This is me drawing my own conclusions.

I mean that just screams "I have an opinion on Universities, but I've never actually attended one" which I could totally be wrong about.

Since it appears that it will improve my credibility, the fact is that I am currently attending a university and am also disappointed with my experiences. Which is why Op's thread speaks to me, and I have an opinion specifically because of my relation with the topic. It is obvious that our two interpretations of reality are different, but I think it's a shame that apparently my interpretation is so alien to you that you can't even entertain the idea that a credible person could hold these opinions. That indicates a closed mind, and a lack of creative thinking, which ironically is one of the critiques that I have of the American education system as a whole that I have brought up in this thread.

Of course, let me assure you that I am not the first person to come up with this idea. There are many far more intelligent, experienced people who have been expressing this idea for decades. The evidence is there. I've just recently watched the 5 hour long interview with John Taylor Gatto, who as a man with credibility, might be interesting to you -- assuming you're comfortable with your world view being challenged.

Dude your whole point was that these classes are bullshit and you question why do they even exist but to subjugate the masses to a lifetime of slave wages. It's not some mythical viewpoint that you have to be open minded to understand...

Just because I'm calling you out on your broad generalization on college courses does not mean I am close minded or lack creative thought.

Personally, I already know the value of being a well rounded college educated working individual. I have a bachelors degree, my wife has a bachelors degree. I'm working on a 2nd bachelors degree because shockingly, I wanted to do it for fun. We both already make good money directly because of those degrees we've earned. Sure maybe we could've been successful without college, but it would've taken years of additional hard work and a lot of luck for either of us to get the jobs we have now at prbly a lower pay rate.

Now I completely understand if college just isn't for you that's 100% okay and you can be super successful without it... But to imply that it's all bullshit and is a waste is so ridiculous. Plenty of people have the exact opposite experience as you.

Had to read a lot to find your point, finally found it buried at the bottom:

But to imply that it's all bullshit and is a waste is so ridiculous.

I never said this or implied this. You're misrepresenting my point to draw a straw man. If you can make an argument against something I actually said, then we could have a real discussion. Instead, you're attacking my credibility and misinterpreting my words.

Well you actually did say it's bullshit and you did say that all college does is prepare you for a lifetime of slave wages. That's like the first thing you said.

Then you called me out for not challenging any of the ideas you just expressed.

So I'm not sure where in the timeline you got confused on what you actually said. But just go back and read it again because it's there.

Then you called me out for not challenging any of the ideas you just expressed.

Ha. Your idea of challenging my ideas is saying they're "so ridiculous." That is not an argument. 🙄

Aight well I'll keep going.

I think your "idea" that going to a university is "bullshit" and a way to "subjugate the masses to a life of slave wages" is inaccurate because just like myself and many others, I couldn't be doing what I do today without my degree.

My wife couldn't either. My best friend wouldn't work at NASA without it. Etc.

You don't necessarily need to have a degree to be successful but to say that it's "bullshit" and a way to "subjugate the masses to slave wages" is certainly misguided.

Anyone with or without a college degree is a slave to their wages. It's just about finding a job that you like to do. And for some people, having a degree is a requirement to get that job.

Like I said before you can be successful either way, I don't think it's dumb not to go to college. But it has many benefits and is certainly not bullshit entirely. Just some parts.

You don't necessarily need to have a degree to be successful but to say that it's "bullshit" and a way to "subjugate the masses to slave wages" is certainly misguided. Anyone with or without a college degree is a slave to their wages.

Come on, man...

Its wage slavery, btw, not slave wages. In case that is what's confusing you about the point I'm making. But you seem to acknowledge my point, that the system is designed to turn you into an obedient laborer, even though you keep bringing up your example of excelling at your wage slave status like it's supposed to disprove what I'm saying.

Lol yeah sorry, I figured I kept getting that mixed up about wage slavery. Either way I know what ya mean.

Back to what you're saying, I'd like to hear a little bit more from your side if you're willing to share.

Because to me you're just sorta saying regardless of whether you enjoy your job or not that we're all more or less participating in wage slavery and fundamentally there is no way around it.

Btw also sorry if things seemed confrontational before. I love having these discussions about random shit on Reddit lol so no hard feelings or anything. I think of it more like an exercise of the brain.

Because to me you're just sorta saying regardless of whether you enjoy your job or not that we're all more or less participating in wage slavery and fundamentally there is no way around it.

At the least, with the way Western society is designed, the definition of 'success' is exceptional adherence to the wage slave model: sink decades of energy into the indoctrination education system, accrue a mountain of debt through student/home/auto loans, slave away in your cubicle out of fear of "getting dirty," obey authority unquestionably, swallow your pills that make this sick life tolerable, and exchange your human energy for useless trinkets. (This is the lifestyle that Alex Jones calls 'spiritual vampirism.' While an accurate account, the absurdity of the label he attaches to it makes it easy for those 'vampires' to mock and discredit the idea, which makes sense because Alex Jones probably works for them)

Fundamentally there's no way around it in a Western society. This culture doesn't exist in the rest of the world. The media will tell you that the folks who leave deep down in (for example) South America, who live in the middle of a jungle in a community of under a hundred people, who don't have WiFi or electricity and shit in buckets, are living in "abject poverty." In reality, they are far happier & healthier than their wealthy neighbors to the north. They live fulfilled lives, while we in America are stuck in a trap, or a rat race," constantly *on the grind for more monopoly money and meaningless materialistic status symbols.

Btw also sorry if things seemed confrontational before. I love having these discussions about random shit on Reddit lol so no hard feelings or anything. I think of it more like an exercise of the brain.

I agree 100% and I am also on Reddit for exactly the same selfish reasons. I am here to grow my own knowledge and understanding, and engaging in debate is one way to test yourself. Sometimes I hit, sometimes I miss, but what's important is that we take these lessons and apply them to the real world. I also apologize for being a bit rude, as hard as I try to remain a source of positivity, I am still a weak man who often gets attacked for his beliefs and sometimes gets defensive. I've been arguing with several people today, and some of this stress bled from one conversation to the next.

Funny how this goes from some dude posting about his Earth Science class to a debate of western society vs Idk Tribalism? So many things to cover.

So from my point of view, going as far to question western society as a whole vs "tribalism"(for lack of a better term) seems like what's the point. Idk why it just seems pointless to me, maybe just because it isn't something I could fathom ever possibly changing.

I traveled a shit ton during college all over the US and some overseas. I don't think I necessarily lack a "cultured" pov.

I also worked in a cubicle for like a year after college. That sucked ASS. But most of my coworkers loved it. And they're really good people.

These people while different from me, fully appreciate this lifestyle choice. Who am I to say it's shit?

Anyways I quit that job and set out to find a cool job. Took me a few months, but I landed in a spot where I'm not in a cubicle. I'm not just "obedient" to my boss, I talk shit when warranted. And I do things that I genuinely would enjoy doing even if I wasn't getting paid.

When I was in college I think I prbly thought more in-line with your thought process. But now that I've been out for a handful of years, I don't really think it sucks. It's certainly better than only being in school and broke as shit all the time.

I'm just hopping around with whatever comes to my mind so feel free to keep it going if you want. I'll listen and try to share insight where I can. Either way, I appreciate you.

I have a lot more problems with this society than just the education system and wage slavery thing. Those are just two critical ingredients to our culture. My path in youth also took me in a different direction; I might be a bit overzealous in my desire to correct for the negative karma I've accrued.

Also, there's growing evidence that this decadent lifestyle that this country has experienced during it's unipolar moment is coming to an end -- soon. From my perspective, it seems to be the safer choice to rage against the machine. But, I do know how seductive this mistress can be when it appears that you are one of the winners in this rat race.

Just saw this thread up on the Undone sub. Relevant to the discussion.

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This is why rich kids go to private schools.

community college isnt considered the 13th grade for nothing. someone i went to high school with also went to community college and then was able to an ivy league school, but many people at community college are their because they dont know what else to do.

I started community college when I was 24 and my brother and I always referred to it as 13th grade. It was so easy. Still racked up 10k in student loans for shit I learned in high school.

Wow 10k for community college? At the community college in my area you can do a full load of classes w books for around 1k a semester.

Which if you put any minimal effort into financial aid, pell grants will cover that cost. Anyone can get pell grants assuming you're not already making good money.

Thats just community college bro. Not everybody there is like that, but thats one of the few options for people like youre describing, so of course theres a lot there.

Which CC do you go to, OP? There is a lot of variation in quality and focus among schools.

There is also a lot of variation in the preparation of the kids. Some of them may not have ever held any dirt in their hands before.

The politics thing is unacceptable to me.

My experience with community college was much better than that. All my classes built off of what I learned in high school. It was new material that required an understanding of the past material to really learn. Maybe my high school education was just extremely inadequate though. That's a distinct possibility!

I've had this thought, that if I were to go back to college (which I am planning) all the libtard teachers will hate me

I'm nearing completing my second bachelors and not once in my near 200 credit hours of higher education have I ever encountered a "Libtard professor".

I kinda get your point, but at the same time it's like the whole point of going to a University is to think critically and entertain multiple viewpoints. I've never taken a college class that shutdown anyone's opposing views.

If you're afraid of engaging in critical thought or someone having opposing views to yours, then I would say a University is probably not for you.

Since we're on the conspiracy sub Reddit. I think the liberal professors slandering about college is a conspiracy to kill higher education. I never had a professor that pushed their views, even in government classes.

Guy takes Earth Science class(high school level course) at a community college, realizes everyone in that class is an idiot. And his first instinct is to come onto the Conspiracy subreddit to bitch about Higher Education as a whole?

It's like you can't even make this shit up. And I'm not trying to rip into OP but like holy shit.

Like if your first thing you can think of to do is go to the conspiracy subreddit and bitch about Higher Ed because your community college teaches a class that primarily would feature students that hadn't done well in school prior to that point.


lol sorry to rant, I just don't even know how else to say it.

Why would they teach the kids the real shit? If they are funded by the gov't, it would make them look bad. You can't be having none of a that.

I was privately educated up until about the 6th grade. When I transferred over to the public system, I was lumped into classes with people that couldn't read, we were studying subjects that I heard learned years ago.

This really opened my eyes to the state of public education. If I ever reproduce, I will do everything in my power to make sure they get a private education.

There is girl in masters cohort who literally can’t spell. Another one who doesn’t know the difference between too and to. Not big deals, but how do you not know how to spell?

So, if you think you're smarter than everyone else in your community college, go to a college with higher standards for admittance.

Or take harder classes than earth science, and give the brain a challenge. If that class was offered at a university every sports athlete would be in it lol

My husband is a physics professor at the community college level. He doesn't offer his classes in the summer, because he knows no one wants to try to do such a hard subject in such a short time (calculus based, not algebra based). His administration is pressuring him to turn his semester long course into an 8 week course, because they want all of their classes in that form by next year.

Weird, lots of copy paste replies here...

NONE, NEVER, ALL..... You make too many blanket statements for me to take you serious


I mean you're at a community college that typically only has kids/adults that weren't smart enough to go to a real university.

Let me know once you make it to an actual university and tell me how easy it is then. I'm working on my second bachelors right now and shit is hard as fuck.

But I took biology at a community college because it was easy as fuck. I never would've passed if I took it at my university. And yeah almost every kid there was "dumb". I can assure you it's not like that at my Univ though.

I worked at a community college for a few years and it was amazing to see how dumb people out of highschool were. We also had safe places on campus, unless you were a republican. You could not be mean or rude to anyone on campus without consequences unless they were republican. Then it was open season.

It's community college in a class of 30 people 5 are maybe there to save money by taking their gen eds and transferring to a university. The other 25 are there because it's the only place that would accept them. I took my gen eds at community college, and one time after an exam my professor had to explain to the class that essay questions are to be responded to in paragraph format.

Once you get up to advance classes like physics and calculus, the make-up of the class changes. Intro courses at community colleges have to assume you know nothing because they have no idea what prior knowledge a person is bringing in, they truly are intro.

OMG yes to professors patting themselves on the back for being left. I was going to school full time last year during election season, omg, it was just trump jokes and Hillary ass licking.

You're at a community college. CC is great and I wish I would've done my first two years there to save money. But, the coursework is most definitely easier than universities.

I took all my science classes at my university. I had to take my second semester of chemistry at community college though (because I needed to get ahead on my credits) and holy SHIT it was so easy compared to the chem course at my university.

Holy shit. I thought I was alone. 26 year old male here and I am in basically algebra 101 in my community college and these kids who are fresh out of high school cannot grasp the basic concepts of the subject. Our professor even said its mostly review with some new concepts introduced. The class is elementary algebra and kids straight from high school struggle to do it. TL;dr HIGH SCHOOL KIDS STRUGGLE TO DO ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA.

It’s CC what do you expect? Go to a real college with real classes and people, not just a bunch of idiot no life’s

Ummm what god awful state do you live in? I've been to 2 universities and 2 community colleges. My second community college was challenging as fuck.

Last week my liberal teacher assigned our class to do was projects on social justice issues and literally, every student played on the projector, and very loudly, songs like fuck the police and other things like that. I recorded it as well but see no point of posting it since we all know that the left is like that.

Post it anyway

I don't know what politics has to do with Science....

There has long been an "anti-science" vein in American politics (closely related to anti-intellectual, anti-"elite") and it appears to be particularly strong right now. The current administration has made a point of de-emphasizing science and favoring industry in regulatory agencies to a much larger degree than previous administrations, for example. Many associate this trend with conservatives and the Republican Party; in this environment calling yourself "left" in a science class context could be construed as calling yourself "pro-science." It's a shame it's come to this but though annoying I wouldn't single out the professor for "politicizing science" in this scenario; the context is larger than a single classroom.

Stop focusing on others performance and focus on your own. You're practically making fun of out of shape people in a gym. Your anecdote doesn't reflect reality. Just learn the discipline and do it. If they can't pull it together, they'll get weeded out.

You complain about being taught at a middle school level. Maybe on your entrance exam you scored poorly and are in the correct class because I assure you, the "college level" courses are college level...

Learn the discipline, do the work. If you can't, you won't make it in university anyway. Students who successfully complete CC are more likely to complete a four year degree anyway.


As far as your college professors opinions go, get use to it. Every person I've ever encountered has an opinion and loves to share it. Just form your own.

OP acts like he should be in O-chem right now.... LOL

That's exactly my experience with community college. I'm the son of a (legal) immigrant so I couldn't afford college & I didn't have the grades for it as my red-pilling began while I was in high school. That led me to start rejecting parts of the world I thought were full of shit.

Of course, that wasn't the best decision I ever made. I was happy to not condemn myself to four years+ of the hell you just described. Instead, I got a somewhat decent paying job doing something I love. I did that job for 7 years+. Now it's starting to pay off as my experience is more important on my resume than what college I did or didn't go to.

That's not to say you should drop out. The point is to educate yourself enough to take control of your future. If you drop out, you better have a realistic plan to follow through to your success. If you stay, work the shit out of the system & play their bullshit games so that you win in the end. Just don't invest yourself emotionally. A man without a plan is not a man.

Keyword: Community College.

I would recommend a different school. I was able to take placement tests and had the option to go in to Calculus, Chemistry, and Advanced Political Science as a freshman. Some students are just dumb as fuck or forced by their parents to be somewhere they really don't want to be. A school that recognizes that students are not all at the same learning level and helps challenge you at the level you're at would be better suited. With that being said, the students were better in grad school because they wanted to be there but I personally found it to be a lot easier than undergrad... which sucks for someone like me, that actually wants to learn.

Can confirm - taught at a University. How people manage to get through all of high school with grades good enough to get into University not knowing so much is beyond me.

My high school had regular and honors classes for freshmen and sophomores. The honors classes weren't much different, but you basically filtered out kids that didn't want to do anything hard. Juniors and Seniors could take AP classes, honors classes, or regular classes. There was no major difference between honors classes and regular classes again, except for the people who took them.

Kids who were sent to AP courses had done well on their state testings or ACTs. However, we had a few juniors in my class who scored a 1/5 on their AP tests. For most tests, 3s get college credit, and you literally spend the entire year preparing for this test. Someone, these people managed the lowest score possible.

In the US, to graduate school you simply show up, do what the teacher says, and then go home. You don't actually have to learn anything or apply yourself.

As for authoritarianism, there is plenty. I had a teacher who required her classes to stand not only for the pledge but also for the principal's voice when the announcements came on.

You should do an experiment and go as far wacko left, marxist, communist as you could stomach and then accuse them of not trying to do enough!

Seems like kids wanna be Youtubers as their life goals. I read that schools offer YouTube classes now. Not just film/production ...Actual YouTube classes.

The government owns/runs the education system so naturally it is going to be slanted towards the left.

try to take a specialized major dude. something in tech, math or science.

you will end up being left in the dust and struggling daily lol.

I will say if your in humanities just stop going, your wasting your time and money -- and you'll be FAR better off if you just go get certified privately for the workforce -- less loans, less payments, and quicker route to more money.

granted college grads WITH certification make more, but they also have those loans, and less time in the field working...

right now I'm in IT security and programming, and even without math its a clusterfuck of memorizing legalese and writing business policy....

the tests are the sort of thing you either know it or you don't...

but I agree with you that 90% of the majors are pathetic and useless. I floundered around a lot.

Lots of debt, little knowledge. Be like good Will Hunting, go to the public library.

Get off your high horse. Do not lump all college aged kids into whatever unworthy brain file you're dumping them into. You ever stop and think those same college kids aren't just as annoyed as you doing those mindless activities? Some go to community to save money and some go bc they don't have any other options....considering you're an adult in community you're a precious mix of the two. Quit bitching and stick with it or spend 10x the price and try your luck at being accepted at a university you deem worthy enough.

The dumbing down of the populace will continue until such time as the vast majority are too unintelligent to question their bettors.

you felt real smart puttin' that 'o' in there didn't ya

Says a dude who can't spell the word "betters".

We have a mass of them where I work now. I can't even begin to describe the disaster that is the quality or work they put forth, the lack of effort, the low level of common-sense knowledge and the high-school mentality. It has adversely affected our bottom-line in all metrics and we're scrambling to regroup.

You're in Earth Science dude. I'd say go take the calc-based Physics courses and get back to us, but if you're in Earth Science to begin with, your placement test scores probably mean you'd be taking 2 years of pre-reqs just to get to that level.

Yep, some community colleges are like that. You might want to try a different school/different program unless you just want the piece of paper that says you went there.

High school is a terrible experience for many people, people tend to forget what they don't like.

I just wish that Humans hit puberty after high school.

I actually have noticed the same thing at my local community college, the big kick for me was always that I thought it was simply made easier so that the athletes would be able to pass their classes and transfer on to the next college, whether it be getting them to the "next level" or not.. Just figured if classes were easier, less homework, and not real challenging course material would make it easier for said athletes to focus on their athletics in order to go on somewhere else, just my thoughts.

It's because you're in a community college. Go somewhere even mildly reputable and you'll find a lot more competent people.

I belive your story because I had multiple teachers push their personal beliefs onto us. But you have to understand that people's cognitive abilities are on a spectrum, and community colleges are not for top performers.

This hasnt been my experince at all at community college.

I went back to University as an adult but had a much different experience than you. I was pleasantly surprised at the level of intellectual competition and amazed at how many kids were pushing themselves so hard. It was a great experience.

Those kids that didn't care, didn't want to work, didn't understand.....they would not show up to any study groups, resist every suggestion, start missing class and then just disappear. In later years they weren't even present.

My suggestion to you is to transfer to a University ASAP and get away from the CC. Remember a CC degree is NOT a requirement for admission to a University.

This isn't just community college. . .

My precal class someone asked if there could be a negative zero.

My English class was full of people who spoke ebonics and write ebonics... this wasn't a communtiy college or low ranked college.

My teacher had to do grammar lessons every class because it was so bad. Two people didn't know how to use commas , literally didn't know .

Actually in computer science, there can be a negative zero.

This sounds more like a college-specific problem. At mine, the first couple lessons of our first semester of some classes were spent reviewing old concepts (as expected to refresh you), but then the rest was new material that built on an expected foundation.

What's the conspiracy? This is just a description of things you don't like with no connections to why they exist besides "liberals".

In 2007, I was in my 3rd year at University of California I took one class at a community college in the summer so I can finish my bachelor's degree in 4 years. It was a forced elective "History of Chicano in California." The tests were open book and open note. The day before the exam the professor told us the questions and what page numbers in the book we could find the corresponding answers. This class was easier than anything I took in middle school and high school. People still failed it tough.

This is some serious bs.

True story. The class was mostly about how the transient Hispanics who loiter outside of Home Depot are honest hardworking people who aren't criminals and how we should lend them a hand and not be afraid of them. There was also some stuff on Cesar Chavez and California legislation. I don't remember much because the class didn't force memorization or critical thinking.

This is just fucking sad. The relationship between the anglos and the hispanics is really interesting history if done correctly. Reading about current events can also be very good training in thinking critically.

I get the feeling that these classes are not real disciplines and just are color-coded free credits....


Is was in college back in the early 2000s. My high school was harder.

College is pay 2 play look at how smart our college educated president is lol. Sollege also goes against the rule that the more accesible something comes ala educatiom the cheaper it becomes now that all information is free and all over the net the cost of education has skyrocketed wtf?

There is more i could aay but i let people believe what they want i just drop off information lol.

Pick up any of John Taylor Gatto's books or listen to him talk for free on YouTube to know why and how these people are so ignorant. It's by design. The system is producing people people like this on purpose.

When you've had enough of wasting your time and money in these classes, you can go and get credit through clep and Dantes in most colleges. You can test out of several degrees through examination colleges like excelsior. Good luck.

Have you re-learned that overgeneralization is a common thinking error used by people that don't know what they are talking about?

I have watched YouTubes of foreign students who attended US schools during their stay in America. Every one, from various nations, state the US education system is a joke compared to their own country.

Perhaps that's a symptom of community college, and the reason why community colleges are the butt of so many jokes. If you accept everyone you can't really expect a high standard. I work in an industry related to higher education at one of the larger more respected universities in the United States and kids have to have their shit together. The only real displays of incompetence come from the state when it comes to creating and implementing programs for financial aid. THAT is a real shit show. It's amazing anyone gets aid at all. Treat your financial aid people nicely. Most of them are people dedicated to helping others. The pay is low and they the education requirements are very high. They do the best they can.

Im a mix of left right all of it. Its scary the students are so far behind. What part of the country are you from.

You really seem to be on your high horse for an adult in community college..

You go to community college bro. What more did you expect.


I was an older student at a pretty highly ranked university and it was the same deal. Those kids could really kill test though... with the help of a lot of Adderall of course.

Jesus dude, where do you go to college? For me colage was constant paper writing and studying, and in didn't graduate long ago.

Well since we are in conspiracy, I posted an article written by a supposed classmate of the LV shooter. It was penned, I believe, to illustrate a proper motive seated in childhood experiences.

It was enlightening and yet confirmative of the system as how engineered what we thought was a free America, but one that forced students at the time, mostly depending on which side of the tracks your HS was, on what classes were offered. Classes were geared towards satisfying basic entry level requirements (different shop classes) that would enable a new graduate to get a job with a skill at whatever factory WAS CLOSE BY.

Those same classes weren't offered by the neighboring "rich school". Those kids were expected to go to college X.

Paddock, the shooter, kind of defied all that and gained entry into college Y. He has to claw his way into middle management.

The whole jist of the article was a penned-up frustration of a brilliant mind that beat the odds, and found a way to break thru the economic glass ceiling. But with a grudge because it was hollow.

Did your Earth science teacher smirk jewishly while an eagle named Freedom flew around the room?


Why the fuck are you complaining about easy grade?

You're set, you just scammed the scam.

I just posted this on /r/copypasta. It's beautiful I tell ya, beautiful!

All schools are like this. All teachers are liberals. All experiences throughout the country are exactly the same as yours!

What are you going back to school for?

Community College might as well be daycare now

You should have withdrew from the college and demanded your money back.

This went off the rails pretty quickly...about tuition and books. about college kids being "behind" - it's not just cherry-picked pedestrians on talk shows who don't know much about anything...

I went back to college and was astounded at the levels of cluelessness.

Truthfully, public high schools are mostly shit. The people who do get into college are often driven there by their parents and most are still ill equipped for anything but a degree mill - which is what most schools are.


Government schools are designed to keep the masses ignorant

Seriously seal the doors and burn the school down.

I hated college for two reasons. One, subjective grading of term papers (graded by the TA who didn’t know you and probably didn’t care) and two, forced classes that have nothing to do with your major. I wish I had gone to a trade school.

You have no idea what earth science and politics have to do with one another? yeah, okay...

YES! You're right - how frustrating! All my science teacher cares about is MLA citations. She literally expects every single sentence to have a citation. She says "you read it somewhere or learned it from someone so you must give credit". Like I don't have a brain of my own from which to pull my material.

That's got to be frustrating for your Dad, or anyone trying to actually teach an engaged class. I took literature, and every class we had to get in groups to answer questions about the reading we were supposed to do in preparation. I always did my reading and not even once, was I in a group where even ONE person did the reading. I took it personally when I had to put down the answers and they got credit. The teacher said, "I know, I know". She didn't care either! They don't give a shit, yet the sign up and pay to go to college! Why?

I felt like maybe you needed to look in a mirror and realize what sort of nonsense you posted before denigrating entire groups of people based on your personal dislike of their political beliefs.

Nonsense like this:

"One of our Earth Science "experiments" was holding dry soil in a cup, then adding water, and writing down which was heavier. Seriously. I knew going in the teachers are liberal - but every teacher automatically assumes the kids are on board with their far left beliefs. And they are! I don't know what politics has to do with Science"

You know I'm not, right?

No but I'm a recent college graduate, and can tell this guy is full of shit. He's making such broad generalizations about people that he obviously already doesn't like. If you're an adult taking an earth science class at a CC you shouldn't be acting like you're some genius. And this is fucking reddit, nobodies opinion carries weight bub.

Nobody is running classes trying to do that, they're trying to just insert a little bit of knowledge into kids' brains in the hopes that it will help them do something with their lives. In community college, you see some adults trying to get a fresh start, some kids trying to save money and figure out what to do, and some kids that are close to just falling out of the system and being cashiers for the rest of their lives. You have to build classes that work for all three groups.

I am an adult, going into my second degree at a CC, and I feel the same. The kids were all doing their homework, took class serious. There were some slackers, but that's expected.

How is it bullshit these classes exist? Have you attended a University? Do yo have an idea how it all works? I think if you did, you wouldn't be on here saying the things you do.

And if by some chance you did manage to attend Univ and you still have these thoughts. Then I do feel sorry for you.

Welcome to shit post central

I took earth science in like 9th grade and aced it.

It's a 3 week old account, with 4 comments from 2 weeks ago, then this post and all comments in this post. It's straight up someone coming from the_Donald with made up anti intellectual bullshit.

The real college experience, you take a college placement test, to determine what classes you need to take. I didn't do college until about 10 years after high school, and I placed at honors level for everything but math.

The concept is that you continue on where you left off, unless you place at a higher level. Community colleges tend to have more older folks that haven't been in school for years, so if you placed at lower than college level, they're going to be comprehensively going over the basics.

Until you reach year 3+, they're not going to assume everyone knows about x.. something like doing MLA or APA citations. Higher level courses aren't going to focus on it, but they're still going to go over it.

I had a pretty amazing experience with my community college, and honestly the University was sub par in a lot of ways in comparison.

The OP reads like how someone "imagines" college to be, and absolutely reeks of the exact kind of posts I've seen in r/the_Donald countless times.

The very fact they tried to inject political views into it, falsely, screams this person is full of shit. I'll bet they don't even live in the US.

I was just talking to a friend& had said how college prep should count as college credit. Why the age limitation on when you get the credit for passing the same material they want to sell you a couple years later. There's no reason education can't be further individualized with digital bookkeeping and other computer enhanced educational tools

All depends on the CC I suppose. I got my associates degree at Wake Tech in the Raleigh, NC area. They are a very respected CC in the state. They have over 70k students and multiple campuses. A couple of my teachers talked any sort of politics. My political science teacher (thankfully), my history teacher, and my American Literature teacher.

Thankfully my political science teacher completely shielded his political beliefs from us. I still don't know his beliefs but I can only guess because I played against his church in a softball league. My history teacher was an admitted "lefty" and was a black female. Thankfully she was completely fair when it came to grading. You could make a "right wing" argument and if it was supported, rational, and well written she would give it a good grade. My English lit teacher was a bit wacky and talked politics a bit. He also played the Didgeridoo for a few minutes during class so I think he was just a bit off (I think you either have to be a bit off or dry as dust to be an American Lit teacher but that is just me).

The students were all over the spectrum. There was everything from purple hair lesbian feminists to 30 year old Alpha male vets. Most of the students were pretty average. Most were decent students. They weren't brainiacs but that is obviously rare. Most were just young people working their way through college. Obviously there were stupid students like the ones who'd walk in 30 minutes into a 50 minute class all the time and the idiot who got a tattoo of a heart on his ass because he was drunk one night but there are idiots everywhere.

My CC experience was great and I still encourage people to go there instead of a 4 year college if they don't know what they want to do.

I was pleasantly surprised with how respectful and knowledgeable all the kids seemed to be.

I agree. In fact, I find that most of the kids are far beyond the material being taught in the courses. The courses are of course full to the brim with bad technique and junk material. Are there any actual experts out there that think memorizing trivia and short answer tests are an effective standard for designing an education system?

/r/conspiracy is a place for pointless daydreaming and speculation

You are one out of the many thousands who came out of community college to become very able and intelligent academics and professionals.

I'm gonna take their achievements, not your word as a benchmark to how it's going.

Not to mention that more often than not, universités have only become more competitive and more rigorous as far as their acceptance rates go. High school seniors are on the ball with their secondary education in mind.

Or, you know, we could just have an education system that doesn't force you to pay for education you don't need.

Your example was terrible and brought nothing to the conversation. OPs point was that college research writing wants an idiotic amount of citation. Am currently in humanities classes & have to write papers w 5 citation. 3 citation is more than enough for a five page paper but my liberal mess of a "Professor" wanted five. The entire paper was stringing together bullshit & not forgetting to indent. You're defending scientific, drastically process. This conversation is about shite higher education.

At my highschool earth science was where they put the freshmen who weren't bright enough to take biology.

Yeah, you should be able to test out for full credit. The other thing is why have kids who do not want to/are not good at science be forced to take a token science class. They will not learn anything anyway.

Man last year I was able to find the one book at the lib. I brought it back every 3 weeks and signed it back out. Didn't use it once though as the slides are posted online.