If last month you believed Harvey Weinstein was a sexual predator, you were a conspiracy nut. If you believe it now, its ok, because "everybody knew"

2980  2017-10-22 by Vasallo7G


its only a Fundamental Cognative Problem


Last week you were considered normal to believe we don't know everything about the JFK assassination. This week you have a COGNITIVE MENTAL DISORDER

Science is being absolutely destroyed by the left. First they tell me there are more than 2 genders, now they tell me I'm ill for being open minded and thinking too much. I would rather be a conspiracy theorist if it meant im not a fucking retard who believes men with dicks can somehow be women..

r/science are the real nuts here. They claim to be all about truth, yet they refuse to look at anything that goes against their own views. They mindlessly repeat everything they're told, so long as it fits the liberal brainwash agenda. You can't debate them, because as soon as they realize they're wrong, they band you and come up with an excuse, or start digging through post histories to ad hominem

Here's the thing. It actually gets way worse than Weinstein. The sad part is, they will point to news reports in the mainstream media that did technically cover this. What they won't understand is the media was actually just covering its ass, not the story. One little article here and there will be seen by almost nobody, and the media is fully aware of that. The other option is maybe there are a couple good journalists out there and that's why it was reported those few times, but I'm a little too jaded to believe that. Make up your own mind. The fact of the matter is there are all kinds of testimonies, court cases, convictions, and news articles on pedos in Hollywood and other industries.

You can find a bunch of links here.

Spread it where you can. There seems to be a lot of people who aren't aware of all of this proof that is available. It's already well documented in the courts and the media, including 60 minutes, LA Times, New York Times, The Independent, Daily Beast, CBS, etc. The only problem is that journalists seem to have really shitty memories, so they never add up all of the proof. They report on a single case once in a blue moon and pretend the problem isn't really that large, but it is.

i knew this was a smokescreen.

Science can be it's own cult. Especially depending on who is funding it.

Truth here

Do you think this extends to the vaccine biz? 30 bil in revenue a year. Not a rhetorical question.

Do you have a source for that number because it sounds made up as fuck.

Not really when u consider the whole world plus kick backs

With the exception of boutique vaccines for HPV, Chicken Pox, and Shingles, regular vaccines cost pennies per dose. They make pharmaceutical companies OK revenue but nothing tremendous.

How do you even figure that? Most countries have some sort of single payer health care which covers vaccines. How does the pharma corp make any money globaly which most of the suppliers have relitivly cheap healthcare.

Same thing I said to the other guy. Unless you have a source it sounds like youre making this up.

I dont know who u mean has cheap healthcare, if u have insurance the insurance company gets charged fully. If u think free vax actually work...well u must be getting ur monthly vaxes lmao

The source is do ur own research or fuck urself

Sure. The best thing to do is actually dig into SEC reports of companies like Merck, one of the largest. But in the interest of time, here's a link to a WHO presentation. An investment research report. Another one. Here's an older list of drug-by-drug revenue.

FYI your second link didnt work. Looks like the web servers firewall is blocking access.

This is some interesting stuff, but is it reasonable to assume that because the entire industry is worth 30 billion that there is some shadiness involved in vaccines? With the rise of anti-biotic resistant bacteria, and potential epidimics like N1-N1 Ebola i think it's reasonable that the market value of vaccines as a whole would go up. Also as 3rd world countries develop the market in which vaccines are available will broaden also giving a higher market share. I personally don't think vaccines show any signs of fuckery like say health related things like GMO and fat research do/did.

I could be wrong though. Whats your opinion?

I don't know. I'm grappling with the issue because I'll be a dad any day. So I've been reading books on both sides and trying to be as objective as I can be. Drug companies have a long history of shady stuff and I'm inclined not to trust them, especially when some of these vaccines are blockbusters, like Gardasil. What's bothered me so far is that, at least in other areas of reddit, you can't question the pro vaccine crowd without being labeled anti science. Vaccines DO harm people, but the question is how many and how much. The pro side says the numbers are so small that they're insignificant in light of the benefits. Maybe true. But I'm still bothered by being labeled a denier for questioning a 30 billion market run by people with a questionable track record and huge profit motive.

I can understand being skeptical about people being in the pro vaccine camp and I am sympathetic to your worries about being a new father, but I think you should also be more skeptical of people who are anti vaccination. See, you can question vaccines as long as your willing to learn and willing to accept what actual experts tell you. If you're not willing to learn or accept actual science then don't be upset when people label you a denier. I'm not trying to be rude or attack you, but this is just how the cycle goes, and for good reason.

There are a lot of people who want to lie to you on both sides. But one side doesn't have any evidence behind their claims. One side has decades of evidence to back their claims up and the other has feelings and false claims.

But I'm just a guy who works in IT. I don't have a degree to back any of this stuff up, I just repeat what I see online and what little research Ive done. (Here)[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0ZZTjChW4o] is a Scientific Journalist on YouTube who has a great series on the media's failure to report accurately any information and how the media has spread the idea that vaccines can cause autism. He will do a much better job at explaining what I'm trying to say since I have about as much articulation as a boy talking to his crush for the first time.

The preponderance of evidence is certainly with the pro vaccination side. I don't particularly care what people label me on reddit. The idea that may gain a little more traction in a sub like this, though, is that one side in this argument has a massive financial incentive, while the other really doesn't. That doesn't invalidate peer reviewed large group studies, but it does warrant some consideration. Studies cost money and most of them are done by the side with money. What about the tobacco, opiate, and oil industry funding research showing their products are safe? Like what this Scientific American article talks about.

There's only 7 billion people in the world...

Translation: my ludicrous ideas are completely contrary to the known science that is behind every single technological product that surrounds us. Cultists!

Here are a bunch of science whistle blowers and other information.

I take it you've never seen this information.

TIL my cellphone works by magic.

That's bullshit logic. You didn't even read the links. A corporation has no incentive to fund fake studies that "prove" their product works unless they can actually get away with it. A phone that doesn't work will not sell, but a pharmaceutical drug with heavy side effects can be made to seem legit. Due to the placebo effect, a drug can be made to seem like it works way better than it actually does.

Your comment was just your ignorance blocking you from accepting reality. Take a few minutes and actually read the information.

Fake science from pharmaceutical houses doesn't prove science is wrong. It just shows that bullshit can prevail for a while.

Liberal science or conservative science they are fine people on both sides. /s

I cant stand people who say never when in reality it is plausible.

I enjoyed flat earth stuff when it surfaced, like it is fun to imagine gravity as being no different than acceleration, but because of logic and reason, I of course land on spherical earth as my final belief on the matter what until [as Asimov and Sagan put it] substantial evidence supports the substantial claim. The fact I considered flat earth proves I am open to ideas, even if I dont shift my position after learning about the new idea, I let people speak and make their case.

And this is exactly it: considering alternative viewpoints doesn't make one gullible or dangerous (as one would have us believe for those looking into the Holocaust figures). It's just being open-minded and a critical thinker.

I'm certainly not against any "alternative ideas" but how do decipher the blurry line between "considering alternative viewpoints" and just being willfully dumb? And I don't mean that as an insult to any particular belief or person, just asking the question.

Like wouldn't we think it's okay to consider other realms of thought while also carefully weighing in on what we already know?

As opposed to just saying everything we know right now is bullshit so the earth is obviously flat. As an example of course.

weighing in on what we already know?

What if you're considering something that would make something you thought you "knew", wrong?

If you want to truly consider alternative ideas, I think it's valid to temporarily set aside everything you thought you knew and take the dive, see if it makes sense. It's not like by doing so you permanently abandon your prior understanding and can never switch back to it.

When someone is presenting you with a new theory or evidence that they say goes against what you 'know' then it's worth considering, or playing the game for a moment, that what you think you know, you don't actually KNOW. Too many people think they know things when in reality, the only things you KNOW for certain are those things you have directly experienced.

Scientists too often call 'knowledge' what is actually consensus, built upon reading one another's research papers and trusting that what is described in them is an accurate reflection of the research that took place. Really, we know very little and that should mean we are open to all new evidence and all new theories, even ones claiming the earht is flat or that it is run by lizard people. Then you consider the evidence available and make a judgement solely on the basis of the evidence, without allowing your preconceived notions of what is and isn't possible to influence you. Always challenge your own basic assumptions. Far too many people have basic assumptions that they take to be a given, why they are not based upon their own direct experience. Basic assumption - the sun rises in the East, that one can stand because you witness it with your own eyes every day. The government would never do anything on purpose to harm its people - that's a basic assumption you have no direct experience of - yes you might not have experienced harm from the govenrment, you might have never seen harm done by the govt reported on the news etc, but you cannot rule it out, or deny the experience of others.

In simple terms be open minded but don't be too open minded and go to the realm of willful ignorance.

To me, considering flat earth is stupid. It falls under, "be open, but not to the point where your brains fall out."

Do you mean that accepting flat earth is stupid? Considering, alone is not stupid, but can in fact hold the potential for enlightening information.

Small, but important point. I finally caved in and decided to watch some flat earth videos on youtube just this week. While I watched them, I honestly stayed open minded, and considered what things I think I know would have to be false, and the widespread implications of that.

Still dont think the world is flat, but I DID consider it.

I intentionally brought up flat earth because it is so silly it makes a great "acid test" for an open mind. Vsauce did a great job explaining flat earth points first without being arrogant and condescending, then providing the science why their point is not feasible.

like it is fun to imagine gravity as being no different than acceleration

What evidence are you relying on that proves gravity is a real force? Density and buoyancy explain why things rise and fall without the term gravity existing.

but because of logic and reason, I of course land on spherical earth as my final belief on the matter

What is the logic and reason that lead you to believe that the spinning ball theory really is correct? Did you find actual evidence or is it just a belief like you stated?

substantial evidence supports the substantial claim.

Right, it's easy to say that but you didn't actually mention any "substantial evidence" that supports the spinning ball theory.

The fact I considered flat earth proves I am open to ideas, even if I don't shift my position after learning about the new idea

I appreciate you being open to new ideas but I don't think that you thoroughly researched this subject with an open mind. I've been deeply researching this for about 3 years and I have not come across this "substantial evidence" that supports a 1,000 mph spinning ball earth with water stuck to it. I'm very curious what evidence you saw that made a spherical earth your "final belief on the matter"?

So you believe the earth is flat?

Starting three years ago tried to find evidence that we are actually living on a spinning ball earth with water stuck to it instead of just accepting on faith that it's true. As it turns out it is much harder to find any evidence of curvature than should be expected on a 25,0000 mile in circumference earth.

So when there is no real evidence of a spinning ball earth and the only real source is a corrupt organization like NASA, it starts to become pretty insane to continue to believe in it. Have you ever questioned the subject for yourself or is this new to you? If you have looked into the subject what made you continue to believe in a ball earth even though there is no real evidence of curvature?

What is the "motive" for several space traveling Governments on earth to cover up flat earth?

If there's no gravity, how do you explain the fact that denser things move towards the earth's core, and buoyant things away from it, rather than any other direction?

If there's no gravity, how do you explain the fact that denser things move towards the earth's core

Denser objects fall to the ground. It would be an assumption to say "earths core" because that is just a theory as we have only dug approx 8 miles deep into the earth.

buoyant things away from it, rather than any other direction?

What is your evidence that gravity is what causes things to be "pulled" to the "core" as opposed to falling to the ground because it is more dense than the air. Same with buoyant things?

You have to have faith that gravity is real because there are no repeatable experiments that can accurately show that it exists. To me that is when it becomes Scientism and not real science.

Call it "the ground" instead of the core; whatever. Why does something that is dense fall to the ground, if not pulled by gravity?

Why does something that is dense fall to the ground, if not pulled by gravity?

Because it is more dense than the surrounding area so it grounds itself. It can not stay suspended in the air because of its density. What evidence do you have that "gravity" is a real force that is pulling the object to the core?

Yeah but why does dense = downwards? Density is a sufficient explanation as to why different objects 'sort' themselves in air or water, but it doesn't explain the direction.

Because there is an up and a down. Dense objects fall down until they are stopped by the more dense ground. If you fill a balloon with the right mixture of helium and air it will just hover there. Why doesn't gravity effect it? Again you have provided no evidence that gravity causes objects to be pulled to the ground. The term gravity had to be invented to explain the heliocentric theory. Without that term the whole theory falls apart. You must have a great leap of faith to believe that gravity is real because nobody can recreate it or show with an experiment that it exist in reality and not just theory.

there is an up and a down

Ya but why? The whole point is that there is a 'down' because there is gravity. If there is no gravity, what makes down, down?

As for your balloon example, gravity is working on the balloon. There's a mixture of helium and air inside the balloon. Helium is lighter than air, so there's just enough helium to compensate for the mass of the balloon itself, so the combination of the balloon and the air/helium mixture is the same density as the air.

Sure, gravity is a theory, but it provides a necessary explanation as to why things move the way they do. If gravity is not a real force, what is your alternative theory?

The whole point is that there is a 'down' because there is gravity.

I'm saying there is no evidence that is true. The ground is down because it is the lowest level.

If there is no gravity, what makes down, down?

You only need to question where down is if you believe that you live on a ball. If we are not on a ball and there is no such thing as gravity then it is obvious where down is.

As for your balloon example, gravity is working on the balloon.

But why couldn't it just be like you said? The air/helium mixture is the same density as the air and that is why the balloon floats. There is no evidence that gravity has any effect on the balloon.

There's a mixture of helium and air inside the balloon. Helium is lighter than air, so there's just enough helium to compensate for the mass of the balloon itself, so the combination of the balloon and the air/helium mixture is the same density as the air.

I agree with all of that.

Sure, gravity is a theory, but it provides a necessary explanation as to why things move the way they do.

Math is a language that can be reverse engineered to fit a preconceived notion. It can be worked out mathematically by making assumptions but the problem is there is no experiment that can show it is real force. Henry Cavendish claimed to have done an experiment over 200 years that proved it but nobody can reproduce it. Here is a video of a professional engineer discussing this subject if you are interested. He explains how it would have been possible to reverse engineer the big G or gravitational constant mathematically. Brian Mullin is the guys name from the video and he has an entire series called "ball's out physics" where he questions all of this from a "science educated" point of view. His youtube has been taken down but many people have mirrored his videos.

Just because you can work it out mathematically doesn't mean it is reality. Notice there is no repeatable experiment that can prove gravity, only formulas on paper.

I'm not asking WHERE is down, but WHY there is a down, without gravity? And don't say 'because density'; we've covered that.

Why would there not be a down?

Smh. Dude, if you're actually trying to persuade people that your perspective is valid, you need a better explanation than "there just is". If gravity is not real, then give me an alternative explanation. If not, I'm sorry I've wasted this much time.

Dude you have been brainwashed to believe that without gravity there would be no up and no down. Like I've already said that would only be the case if we were really on a ball. Again why could there not be a down or ground without gravity existing?

if you're actually trying to persuade people that your perspective is valid, you need a better explanation than "there just is"

That is exactly what you are saying with gravity. I'm asking for actual evidence that gravity exists outside of mathematical formulas (which can be reverse engineered to fit any preconceived idea, like we've already discussed). I take it that you did not watch any of the video of the engineer talking about this very subject?

If not, I'm sorry I've wasted this much time.

That's a good attitude to have, just put your head in the sand. The subject is not going away so if you are really interested in truth then one day you will actually take the time to do your own research instead of just parroting the same old lines that we were all told growing up and having blind faith in organizations like NASA.

I'm not going to spend time digging up sources for you, because I'm not trying to convince you of anything. I'm a generally skeptical person, and have blind faith in nothing; gravity is just the best explanation I've heard thus far. I was interested in hearing yours, but you haven't been able to provide one.

It took me 15 seconds of googling to find that the flat earth theory's alternative explanation to gravity is 'universal acceleration'. Is this not something you subscribe to? At least it's an attempt to explain the direction in which objects of different density sort themselves, and not just "there just is a down".

It took me 15 seconds of googling to find that the flat earth theory's alternative explanation to gravity is 'universal acceleration'.

Omg, this really is the first that you have researched the subject. No real flat earther believes in "universal acceleration". That was put out by the flat earth society (a known shill organization) to make the movement look like a joke. Anyone that actually does real research comes to the conclusion that the earth is not moving.

I'm a generally skeptical person, and have blind faith in nothing; gravity is just the best explanation I've heard thus far.

Again you do have blind faith that gravity is a real force. Gravity might be the best explanation if we really lived on a spinning ball earth. If you come to the realization that we do not live on a spinning ball then the need for the magical force of gravity no longer exists.

and not just "there just is a down".

But there is a down unless you think that you live on a ball and then people on the other side of the world have a different down than you do. You must have a huge leap of faith to believe people on the other side of the world are "standing upside down" from you.

Hahaha no, YOU are making the movement look like a joke. So it's great leap of faith to think that gravity is a sufficient explanation for observable phenomena, but skipping over the whole thing with "why wouldn't there be a down" isn't?

When I jump, why do I not fly up into the sky? Answer that without using the word 'density'.

Hahaha no, YOU are making the movement look like a joke.

That means a lot coming from someone that admittedly has only done "15 seconds of research using google" on the subject.

So it's great leap of faith to think that gravity is a sufficient explanation for observable phenomena

Yes it is a great leap of faith when there is no evidence or experiments to back the theory up. Henry Cavendish claimed to have proved gravity with an experiment in his barn over 200 years ago yet nobody can repeat the experiment today. You don't find that a little strange to say the least?

but skipping over the whole thing with "why wouldn't there be a down" isn't?

If we do not live on a ball then why would there not be a down? Can you answer the question if it is so obvious?

When I jump, why do I not fly up into the sky?

Because you are heavier than the surrounding air and you don't have wings like a bird.

Pictures of Earth from space, pictures of spherical planets in our solar system, looking at the Moon with my eyes and the shading that screams spherical, seeing low level clouds dive down into the horizon, spheres have the least surface area for a given volume (most efficient shape), when matter coalesces it doesnt form discs but spheres, and for the most part listening to various physicists explanations.

Pictures of Earth from space

There are no pictures from space. NASA provides images and they even admit that they are photosphopped because "they have to be". That is coming from Robert Simmon the 'Blue Marble' creature. Images from a known corrupt organization is far from scientific proof.

pictures of spherical planets in our solar system

First of all we can only see in 2D, so can not tell if the lights in the sky are spherical or not. Even if they were spheres what does that prove? That is like saying that all of the billiard balls are round so the table has to be as well.

seeing low level clouds dive down into the horizon

Huh? Not sure what you are talking about or how that proves curvature.

spheres have the least surface area for a given volume (most efficient shape)

So why isn't everything a sphere in nature if it is most efficient?

when matter coalesces it doesnt form discs but spheres (oil in water shaken up, welding spatter)

Not sure what those examples have to do with the earth? That would just be a random guess that earth is a sphere without any actual evidence.

Where do discs naturally occur in nature?

You brought up disks not me. Like I said erlier we can only see in 2D so the Sun and moon could be disks just like they could be spheres, we can't tell.

So it sounds like the main evidence that you rely on for your spinning ball earth theory are images from NASA, you think the lights in the sky are spheres, and because physicists say so?

Take a step back and see how weak that body of evidence is. As long as you can admit that you have a belief that the earth is round and spinning that is fine. Just don't say there is any variable, repeatable, and measurable evidence that backs that belief up.

Your replies are pretty weak in my opinion. Spheres are all over and occur naturally, a tear drop is a sphere with physics creating the tail. Bubbles are spheres. Fire in zero-gravity is a sphere.

I have a feeling your a suffering from a cognitive bias towards the Earth being flat. I feel like you have invested so much over the past three years you cant question your current beliefs. But as I said, these are feelings on my part.

Scientists do suffer from this, they invest their life into a theory and it is difficult to say they have been wrong the whole time. Dont misinterpret the last sentence, we do need people like this because history has proven some of these "nut jobs" were actually right the whole time.

Just have a conversation, do you still ask yourself if you could be wrong and do you try to disprove your findings to gain more confidence?

I can't disagree with that!

a tear drop is a sphere with physics creating the tail

So are you saying that earth has a tail now?

Bubbles are spheres.

Yes they are. But they are created and they pop and disappear.

I have a feeling you're a suffering from a cognitive bias towards the Earth being flat.

Well I have the same feeling about you and the Earth being a sphere.

I feel like you have invested so much over the past three years you cant question your current beliefs.

But the difference is that I believed in a sphere earth for my entire life until 3 years ago when I decided to look for actual evidence instead of just blindly believing what I was told as a child. You still have the same belief that we all did except you have not yet taken the time to ask for evidence or entertain the idea that you could be wrong.

Just having a conversation, do you still ask yourself if you could be wrong and do you try to disprove your findings to gain more confidence?

Sure. I'm open to a spinning ball earth if someone can provide actual evidence. I'm not just going to say that it is fact because NASA gives some CGI images though. If we were really on a 25,000 mile circumference spinning ball someone would be able to show proof of curvature. After 3 years of searching I have found no proof of curvature or any spinning of the earth. Saying that objects in the sky are round so we must be living a spinning ball is not science, I'm sorry.

A private citizen hobbyist with a telescope can see this too. Explain how this is flat?

Also, why is every flat planet in the solar system facing exactly "normal" to us at all times? Now add in the hundreds of space probes with cameras, does the planet turn towards the probe real quick before snapping a photo? Wouldnt people on earth see that maneuver?

You are either strongly suggesting:

1) Government cover up conspiracy, (but now Elon is in on it)

2) God exists and we are the center of the Universe

A private citizen hobbyist with a telescope can see this too. Explain how this is flat?

First I never said it was flat or wasn't flat. Second what is the source of that clip?

Now add in the hundreds of space probes with cameras, does the planet turn towards the probe real quick before snapping a photo?

So out of the hundreds of "space probes" they can not give us one single video of earth spinning for 24 hours? No video of real time weather going on? No real pictures of satellites in space? None of that seems odd to you?

Wouldnt people on earth see that maneuver?

Do you not find it odd that no astronaut (or probe) has ever done a 360 degree shot in space? Come on, it is ridicules.

1) Government cover up conspiracy, (but now Elon is in on it)

Elon Musk and Space X are an illusion to make people think that they are separate from NASA and the government. They are just the "private" arm of the same organization.

2) God exists and we are the center of the Universe

That is what the evidence shows as far as I can tell. The alternative is that we are an insignificant accident that came from nothing by nothing. That is way more unbelievable than the fact the we were actually created for a purpose.

CDC destroyed 'science' credibility for me. nasa, etc. feckin liars.

Can you elaborate on this? How did they destroy their credibility in your eyes?

They lied and fabricated scientific research to make the almighty dollar at the price of our human population.

Really? Holy shit, can you link or tell me which research? I want to check it out myself

Watch Vaxxed. Or Google CDC and or NASA. They're mutually exclusive. Just both alphabet agencies.

Science has been hijacked by personal interests. What ever happen to help benefit mankind?

Big pharma, the Bilderbergs, (((international bankers))), Hollywood, climate """scientists""" and other groups got together to create an information cartel, where the only acceptable journal articles were ones that personally benefited them. They pushed their narrative far and wide - see: weed being demonized but far worse opioids like fentanyl getting a free pass, anyone investigating flouridation's real effects being instantly blackballed, and the constant degenerate propaganda vomited up on the silver screen.

lol the post history ad hominem happened to me twice in the past 48 hours. You can look at my history. I suppose I should take it as a compliment. I'll wear it as a badge of honor "Baby girl, did I mention I'm a white supremacist? /u/fuckedyourmomsdickhole4156 stamped and approved. Fwm."

You just described some of the denizens of this sub. Only replace "liberal brainwash agenda" with "conservative brainwash agenda". Because you Americans cannot reside on the fence, and you have to come down hard on one side or the other.

Meh, thats how the media tries to frame everyone, and a lot of people buy into. A lot of people dont though too. Im generally more fiscally conservative and socially liberal.

conservative brainwash agenda

The DoE has been pushing liberalism and intentionally holding back conservatives to attempt to secure their jobs for decades, who do you think realy has control of our children's minds?

The parents. And also Peppa Pig.

That's a lot of generalizations in one post. Tell me more about the liberal brainwash media in r/science. I've never met anyone rational who has used that term.

Wow scientists who dox skeptics. Lazy fuckers.

I love how people think post histories are some how like off limits? Or shouldn't be used against them....

In the real world evidence is often used to prove a point. That often includes recordings, physical objects, and written testimonies as an example a past comments. It's perfectly normal and is done every day.

Yet some how when people do it in here, in a civil argument/discussion the shit hits the fan. Usually we hear it's 'creepy' or 'its a personal attack'...

Well fuck, should of thought of ALL the possible consequences when solidifying your idea(s)/belie/outlook, and making them real via penning them down.

Because unless it's a debate over morality, past statements can in no way serve to benefit the discussion. Even when discussing morality, bringing up post history is a tu quoque fallacy and character assasination 99% of the time. Usually, it goes like "oh look one time you got X wrong it was actually Y, argument DISPROVEN!!!11!!1 #HILLARY2020!!" This isn't a criminal trial, we don't have character witnesses to attest to how PC someone is.

Yeah they can, let's say we are debating climate change if you have a history of denying climate change, I can refer to those as proof no matter what I say you will deny it, perhaps you mention in comments you're a jahovahs witness why would I debate or continue to talk about medical treatment when you have a history of being against it and won't change your mind

Most of them are paid dude... the comments in those kind of threads are by paid shills

Wait I'm sorry, did something happen that I missed? I thought the info was being declassified this Thursday.



Frankly I've seen OP's exact message posted like a dozen times on this subreddit. It's disingenuous and basically propaganda.

Everyone knew that Weinstein was a sexual predator. People made jokes about it in award shows, TV shows, and more. The reason people didn't pay too much attention to it was because:

  • the only people who could do something about it were Hollywood themselves where Weinstein clearly had a lot of power

  • the moment his power waned, he is being thoroughly ostracized and shunted out.

To compare, Trump was also known for his sexual deviances for ages. What, with the weird tabloid stories of him calling reporters up to brag about sexual conquests and not to mention those downright creepy Stern interviews and talking about Ivanka and Tiffany.

But when he tried to get into power, instead of disavowing and ostracizing him like how Hollywood has, to Weinstein, a certain segment of the country voted him into the most powerful position on earth.

A negative story about Harvey Weinstein... how can I segway this so I can bash Trump?

I know it feels like that but much like why the Weinstein story has been publicized trying to highlight the seeming hypocrisy of Hollywood, I'm trying to play the same game highlighting the seeming hypocrisy of people such as OP and yourself (and that post you submitted about deporting immigrants is terribly racist) who are most likely Trump supporters looking to sensationalize the Weinstein story in poor faith.

Are you suggesting that Weinstein is not deserved of the coverage? And further that people somehow "sensationalized" the story of a major Hollywood player being a rapist, simply to... make Trump look good? Or? I don't get it. And it's your job to bash Trump to offset that or something?

I never said that. I said that the primary reason to publicize the Weinstein story should be to expose the systematic and problematic behavior of men in powerful positions and the resulting effect it has on the health and safety of women. I worry however that a lot of the coverage I see has been twisted to serve an agenda that doesn't benefit women or the sexually harassed in any which way. This post is one of them. The way Fox News and others covered it -- as a smear on Democrats or democratic donors -- is another example.

Doesn't that make you guilty of doing the same, except against the president?

Not quite, because I'm only doing it to point out the hypocrisy. I don't go out of my way calling Trump a sexual predator when it isn't germane to the discussion.

Oh I see. You're only being hypocritical to expose the hypocrisy. Noble.

Like I said, we've got different ways of seeing the world. You're about caricatures and stereotypes.

You know me so well.

And your upvotes are totally genuine.

If nothing else, your inability to appreciate this poster's point and put together a cogent argument suggests your downvotes are quite authentic.


Ah. Shit.

I know. What a complete stretch. Other than, you know, the fact that they're two powerful people in positions of power who've made no secret of molesting women.

I've heard the whole "grab her by the pussy", but has he actually molested women?

One is a creepy, sweaty ogre that had to use his power to victimize women, and the other a mogul that had to fight the pussy being thrown at him.

But yeah, OK


you little lads are clearly so concerned about women being assaulted/harrassed...

No one's defending Weinstein though, they're just pointing out how hipocritical the faux outrage is over sexual assault from Trump supporters.

That makes sense unless the two eventually join hands, and make clear that bending over and sucking dick is the only way you get ahead these days. Can't rule out (yet) that being the ultimate message here.

oh please

like the trump-trolls arent using weinstein to attack democrats

smh...you kids on both sides are fucking tiresome

google 'horsehoe theory'

The two are very similar, but let me posit a frightening theory:

What if this Weinstein stuff is NOT meant to destroy him, but to glorify him and make it clear that this is the way and the ONLY way to get ahead in America, especially given who we have as President and the faltering economy in many respects?

Everyone meant by the masses, not those inside Hollywood.

The same with mass surveillance, before the leaks it was "tin foil hat" subject (and in specialized circles; DEFCON). But after Snowden leaks ... ah we knew it all along!

Yeah... Trump... The same guy who created his own beauty pageant and modeling company so his wife and daughter wouldn't be subject to sexual harassment via "managers and reps" who would sell them to folks like Weinstein for their 10%. Seems to me like Trump knew what was up with these entertainment types and set it up so his family could be protected by him in those fields.

This is news to me. Source?

Which part? That trump managed miss USA and had a modeling agency? Everything else is my interpretation of those facts

The same guy who created his own beauty pageant and modeling company

keyword: created

so his wife and daughter wouldn't be subject to sexual harassment

Source that he created it for the purposes you state. I thought he just took over ownership.

Seems to me like Trump knew what was up with these entertainment types and set it up so his family could be protected by him in those fields.

Source that Trump believed one iota that this sort of sexual harassment wasn't okay. (Have you seen his interviews and tapes?)

Arguably he is President because Hillary was the other candidate.

Don't forget the people who voted for him. There's nothing in the constitution that says that if Hillary is the Democratic nominee, the other person becomes President.

Absolutely, I mean; I have always voted in Presidential races, fundamentally so I can justifiably complain. I voted for Obama round one but became so fed up with politics I sat on my hands for round 2. Personally I look forward to voting for Trump again.

That's a democracy isn't it? People are free to vote against their interests.

"Voting against their interests" seems to be the phrase being programmed out there lately. Thanks

You know when you hear the same phrase back to back it helps you remember that statement better. Reinforcement i think. Thanks for your help in spreading the statement.

I'm not breaking the conditioning at all!

I mean it's true. Take a step back and look at what policies the GOP or Trump have enacted. Unless you were part of the 1% or higher, you're not getting lickety-split out of this.

The stock market is up, great! How much do you have in it? The wealthy have much more of their wealth in stocks, they've seen bigger gains than anyone else from the stock market.

The healthcare system is getting fucked to high heaven under Trump. What good does that do you? Are you getting better healthcare now?

Trump's decimating education and environment funding. Not to mention loosening labor laws if he can get away with it. Or at least that's the GOP mantra. Are you a big business owner with thousands of employees you can slash and fire away at short notice? If not what do you gain? You're only losing job security.

How is voting for Trump not voting against your interests? I'll take that all back if your net worth is over $2M or your net annual income is over $400k.

I ain't falling for that partisan bullshit, Paul Krugman. They both sucked. One would have us going directly for war with Russia, the other has us in drone campaigns that is continuing from the last savior. Regulatory mandates on medicine drove up prices ridiculously and mandating purchasing medical plans just drove it further for those who were already paying. The market is in an asset bubble with no more tricks from the FED so the pain can only get kicked down the road for that much less.

They both sucked.

Then why'd you vote for one of them?

Voting your conscience isn't binary especially when both the left and right are walking in step towards tyranny.

I try to understand those who aren't part of the 1% voting for the GOP. I've failed but doesn't stop me from trying. Please share why you vote for Trump when you think they're both terrible.

Conducting market research while forum sliding. You on the job?

You voted for Trump because of conducting market research? I didn't get that.

See, you're still not answering the question. Are you ashamed of your Trump vote or something?

Someone clearly has no idea how much the average persons retirement and all sorts of interest rates and financial products are linked directly to the health of Wall street...the crash is coming either way. Pay your accounts off now while you can.

What and whom are you replying to? You can’t fall for partisan bullshit when the person you responded to was discussing one fucking candidate. You may have some subconscious partisan hackery going on upstairs if you imagined Hillary’s name where it never once appeared. Bizarre.

I agree and didn’t vote for either of those transparent sociopaths either, and thought the rest of your post was solid. But hot damn, we’ve all gotten so used to the incessant bickering on this sub people are fucking hallucinating this shit.

I remember in my civics class, the electoral college was described as a check on the reactionary impulses of the American people. And it seems right - had Hillary gotten the vote, we would be at war, and the ((globalist)) agenda would be in full force. The founding fathers had extremely good foresight when creating it.

Three parentheses right? Not two.

Oh yeah, thanks for pointing that out.

You're welcome.

At least the war under Hillary would have been a conventional one. Trump has been trying his hardest to start a nuclear war with North Korea.

At least the war under Hillary would have been a conventional one. Trump has been trying his hardest to start a nuclear war with North Korea.

Pretty much this

The DNC sabotaging Bernie was one of the most selfish and stupid political maneuvers of all time.. Literally of all time

And a similar argument could be made that he is President BECAUSE of "grab her in the pussy".

Do you not remember how r/Conspiracy was literally full of people calling out Weinstein before the story broke and brigaded by shills accusing them of being nuts?

No because it wasn't happening.

The ostrich approach!

To compare, Trump was also known for his sexual deviances for ages.


But when he tried to get into power, instead of disavowing and ostracizing him like how Hollywood has, to Weinstein, a certain segment of the country voted him into the most powerful position on earth.

Coincidentally the same segment became obsessed with "exposing" the world's biggest sex trafficking and pedophila operation being run by the Clintons out of the invisible basement of a DC pizza shop.

Ok, but people in the industry knowing it and making a few jokes about him isn't the same as people in the general public.

You’re wrong on so many levels. Joking about it and knowing it’s true that someone is a predator, not just a sleaze ball are two different things about two different conditions.

Was he a criminal? Maybe. So yeah the police could have done something in multiple states and countries!

As far as I can tell his power didn’t drop at all, the media - meaning a couple editors at old school publications - got together and took him down.

Trump is no Weinstein as much and as desperately as you want to believe that. Pathetic really what you’ve said.

I think the most frightening thing about all this comes down to two questions:





It's only fundamental to idiots

Like the Cassandra complex you and the rest of the credulous frequenters of this sub have?

Are you outright insulting me?

Or is there another, darker, more nefarious purpose to my comment?

Only to insult me specifically with Cassandriatic sypmtoms. You never even met me, and you dont even frequent this sub...

Who called anyone a "conspiracy nut" for thinking Harvey Weinstein was a sexual predator a month ago?

just try it with the "moon landings" today, its the same thing

I don't follow.

So to understand stand your point correctly, you think that last month people considered the moon landing and weinstein being a sexual predator equally ridiculous conspiracy theories?

not everyone, but a lot people wont dare to contradict TV news.

also a lot of people believe everything they see on facebook and 4chan...and are probably in need of medication...

as is made clear in this sub every day

... is it? I challenge you to find a single post on this forum about Weinstein being a sexual predator, prior to this month. Now you're all over this story that the MSM broke.

Conspiracy theorists didn't call this one. Though nydailynews and gawker did.

so? my point is that for most people if the MSM does not report it is a "conspiracy" and to them that equals a lie.

they wait until is on the news, and the reaction is that they always knew it.

In other words, until there is some sort of evidence being reported by at least semi-reputable sources, people don't immediately believe it?

Strange, who'd have thought it.

But being completely dismissive isn't the right approach either, now is it? The way non-mainstream lines of thought are shot down is ridiculous to say the least. What I also am pissed about is people suddenly jump on the bandwagon the instant MSM covers it, but before they won't give it the time of day. That's like going from 0 to 100 in a single day and that is the thing that pisses me off, not a healthy dose of skepticism.

But being completely dismissive isn't the right approach either, now is it?

It's not far off. A lot of people talk a lot of nonsense. That doesn't mean that everything everybody says is nonsense, but it does mean you need some kind of yardstick for judging the reliability of the information you're given. This tends to come in the form of evidence, in most cases.

What I also am pissed about is people suddenly jumping on the bandwagon the instant MSM covers it, but before, they won't give it the time of day.

Without some at-least semi-reputable news source presenting the information, the vast majority of people wouldn't even hear about it. What would you suggest as the alternative?

*Edit: Why not be as skeptical of the MSM itself? There is a lot of proof out there that the MSM spins false stories, so why suddenly believe a known liar and manipulator of truth?

It's not mutually exclusive. You can remain skeptical of the MSM whilst not believing every green text post you see on 4chan.

We are kind-of talking about the same thing. I am not defending the out-there conspiracies that don't have a shred of proof, though it might be hard to figure out which is which.

I kind-of agree with you, but we disagree on the amount that people are willing to listen with an open mind. I say that people should use logic to arrive at conclusions, so even if a credible news source does not report it, we can use our own logic to arrive at conclusions.

An example: A conspiracy theory about the Illuminati and how they control everything in the world. (Not sure if you already believe in this or not). At first glance, sounds really out there, but let's use our logic.

  1. Do a few people control incredible amounts of power and money? Yes.

  2. Have Governments lied and manipulated before? Almost every chance they get.

  3. Does power generally corrupt? Absolutely.

  4. Can we trust corporations and authority figures to act in the best interests of the general person? Most probably not.

Therefore it is logical to believe in the Illuminati, a select group of individuals that control a lot of power and wealth.

I use logic to try and reason which conspiracies might be true. It pisses me off that most people will not make even this tiny amount of effort.

Are you nuts? Pizzagaters have been citing the DC/Hollywood connection for a year and a half. You weren't paying attention.

Has Weinstein been accused of assaulting children? No? There's no pizzagate connection.

Was he named as a sexual predator by anyone on this forum? No.

I believe the response from this forum to women claiming they were assaulted by rich celebrities was "you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything."

It's so annoying when contrarians try to lump 500k subscribers into a supposed concensus.

Anyway, Weinstien has been discussed quite a bit because of his connection to Clinton and the Podesta emails.

Search the Podesta emails for these possible clues:

Shirt - victim

Necktie - bondage

Pants - boys

Shoes - girls

Vaguely waving your hands in the direction of an entire industry is not the same as knowing Weinstein was a perv. Besides, why would Weinstein have come up in pizzagate if he isn't a pedo?

Just wait for them to claim that pizzagate was always about any for of sexual assault.

MFW when pizzagaters actually get led bit by bit into being full-blown SJWs.

Poetic justice

It would be par for the course. The gaslighting of "pizzagate was never just about comet pizza and the DNC" is ridiculous to watch.

It's about so much more.

Dutroux was also convicted of having killed a suspected former accomplice, Bernard Weinstein

... am I missing something?

... am I missing something?

/s maybe?

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Absolutely no one.

You should go look up the thread of the redditor who said he knew for a fact this was happening only a few months ago. The responses to his post are aggressively dismissive and insulting.

Could you point me to it?

I'm trying to find it, I read it right after the Weinstein scandal broke. I thought it was in bestof but I'm not seeing it. I'll keep searching.

I thought you said it was from a few months ago. Anyone could grandstand and claim retroactively they had inside info. People publicly joked about it for years.

My comment was specifically addressing the response. The not only dismissive attitudes but outright insulting nature of the response.

reddit searches suck

use another, external search engine. most have a function to search a single site like site:reddit.com

the integrated search is a joke.

The poster u/harveyweinsteinthrow

It's actually from 2 years ago. Some of the responses are unbelievable.

Iiiiiiiiinteresting, thank you.

Yeah it's interesting that it proves this whole thread b.s.

On the contrary- they were the right comments to make. As they said there was no evidence. Imagine the 100s of other threads that are just pure LARP

It just goes to show you that conspiracy theorists don't need evidence to be right!

Technically true. You don't need evidence to be right. You do need evidence to be convincing however.

If you're right based on no evidence and a blind guess, sure, whatever, have a cookie. But it's not a solid foundation to build upon. The next blind guess you make could easily be wrong. And will likely be wrong. Because your process is wrong, it's broken.

It's the definition of a blind pig finding an acorn.

You just have to use your sixth sense.

Imagine the 100s of other threads that are just pure LARP

There's no evidence presented in your comment that there are hundreds of other threads that are made up. Does that mean that all responses to you should be people being a dick to you as well?

Very few people actually disagreed with those statements though, and that entire thread is filled with comments pointing out how its known he is that kind of person but still gets away with it. OP is implying people who believed he was a rapist were in the minority, which is not true.

The thread in question. Seems most people were in agreement with the poster.

Can you link directly where someone called him a conspiracy nut? I've searched but can't see any saying that.

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The top comment in that thread is accusing Harvey Weinstein of sexual abuse and it has a positive score of over 1700.

Exactly. The only thing it proves is that this sub is retarded. Which sucks because I find conspiracies kind of entertaining.

Try going into a Louis CK thread on r/movies and discuss all the sexual harassment allegations against him.

Downvoted? Every post you make.

"Well those allegations don't seem correct, I feel like I know Louis and he wouldn't do that" +195 karma

allegations don't mean much, proof is what matters

Proof doesn't mean much, it's the people around them protecting them that matters.

and those people are?

Oh, agents, producers, media companies like Netflix.

that's not vague at all

You asked, it's the machinery of the entertainment system itself.

You're right, it's not vague. It's clear.

And that, more than anything, is what the defenders and lawsuit-hawks should be concentrating on more than anything.

That the system protects the system and only the house wins.

Which is how Harvey got away with it all those years. Enough allegations to make it a badly kept secret and still nobody gave a damn.

A payoff is much more than an allegation.

I wonder if the Weinstein company policy regarding his sexual allegations and them getting a payoff from them would be proof enough now...it wasn''t written last week.

What do you want video? Multiple comics have come forward. At some point multiple victim statements become proof, like Cosby and Weinstein,


Sexual allegations should trump subreddit rules, I don't care.

Sounds like the same argument I've heard here from Trump supporters, unfortunately.

All sexual predators who use their power to take advatange of others deserve to have a light shown on them.

Funny how Clinton's husband has been accused of rape on multiple occasions but all the American left can talk about is how Trumps accusations are problematic.

Maybe you should get your own house in order first?

You're right, I definitely would not vote for creepy Bill Clinton to be President, either.

It's cute though that you think Bill Clinton being a scumbag absolves Trump from being one.

It's cute though that you think Bill Clinton being a scumbag absolves Trump for being one.

It's cute that you're still in the stage where telling people what they think rather than asking them is what you hold instead of a point of view. Maybe in 10 years you might be able to grow enough as a human to actually have a conversation with someone instead?

Good luck with that.

Yeah maybe one day we can all be boot lickers and propaganda spreaders for TPTB, just like you!

Clinton's husband's name is...wait for it...Clinton.

Well he did literally admit on stage that he can’t help to get perverted thoughts and then jokes about it as if it’s a guy thing which it sort of isn’t but kinda is. Me personally my thoughts often include sex or romance but I’m sure they are nothing like what he’s talking about

There was some female comic who said a prominent male comic took their dick out and jerked it in front of her. People assumed it was Louis CK and ran with it. She pretty quickly said that it wasn't Louis, but no one listened to that. Eventually after repeating that it wasn't Louis for years, people finally believed her and asked her why she didn't deny it back then.

That's the trouble with most taboo information. If it were unequivocally proven next week (it won't be) that Oswald didn't hit Kennedy and that there were multiple shooters involved, including one in the storm drain, the response wouldn't be "OMG, conspiracy theorists were right all along, how could we be so deceived" but rather "OMG, who cares, everybody knew that. I saw it on TV once. Get a life."

The problem with many conspiracies isn't so much that nobody knows about them. The problem is that while almost everyone does know about them, we're all told that it's only a tiny minority of lunatics and schizos that seriously entertain them.

If everyone suddenly realized that everyone else (except for the very few hopelessly deluded) at least has an inkling that things aren't great the way they are and that several groups of highly organized, highly powerful individuals actively subvert the public's will at every turn to keep things this way, then the metaphorical lights would suddenly turn on and leave no place for the snakes to hide anymore. Once we stop thinking that we're the only ones seeing this shit (even if we may be the only ones who actively look for it), we can attempt to find common denominators of insight with our fellow person and gradually peel away the layers of deception from there.

It's really hard being a victim, but that's our lot in life.

I was forever wondering why my grandmother always said "the world is run by paedophiles". Wish she was alive to see this blow up in the news.

Thinking about it, I would add: Too much power, turn people in peadophiles.

I don't think so, just paedophiles receive the power. To be a successful one you need it

I think a lot of previously decent people get roped in, as well.

That industry exudes power and money. Either you go along with the charade or you get blacklisted and trashed in the media, or worse.

I think people in power turn into pedophiles, to be honest. When you're that wealthy and you can exercise a certain amount of power, certainly some would strip the boundaries in their lives. Getting up there I'm sure these people are way past red-pilled.

No, I agree, throughout history sexual perversion comes out of excessive hedonism and power- see; Rome

I think what is often happening is drugs and alcohol are used to trick someone into engaging in abhorrent behavior like pedophilia. This is then used to blackmail and control them, perpetuating a cycle of abhorrent behavior linked with elites. Because they need to be controlled by deep state intelligence actors.

I'm honestly very curious about what the actual mechanism is. I've read studies about how exposure to certain pornography and sex acts leads to constantly chasing greater perversions, because normal sex acts get boring. I wonder if this is just the same effect on overdrive. I mean, if just watching enough pornography can push people into so many varied fetishes, I would assume that having the money and power to pretty much literally date your every desire would eventually lead to needing to constantly "up the ante" in terms of what gets you off.

I doubt that alone could explain it all, but I do wonder if it is a part of it.

More likely: people who enjoy dominating other people tend to go into careers where they can amass a lot of power to hold over others. These same people and victimize children, because they like the power trip and they can.

Always be suspicious of anyone who seeks authority over you.

I'm glad I work for my dad.

How many times has he railed your bunghole?


These people associate sex with power and control, a child means total control.

The global elite and the secret society they funded (illuminati) are luciferians. Luciferians worship lucifer with child sacrifice and pedophilia. Their agenda is to push people to go against what the Bible says and to lead people to mortal sin. They only real defense-since this is a spiritual war fir our souls- is to accept jesus as your Lord and Savior and repent for sins. I was agnostic most of my life and realized this was the case after many years of research and observation.

If you had power you would fuck children? What's wrong with you?

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Add to that the spiraling hedonistic search for pleasure and well- its a grim reality.

Not at all. Power can make you more likely to abuse people, whether it be emotionally or physically, yes. But sexually abuse children? I think you already have to have the proclivity to do so there.

Psychopaths are far more successful in a capitalist society. Empathy is a negative trait.

Sociopaths and psychopaths are far more successful in a capitalist society.

They are far more successful in a society without private property actually.

They are successful in any society where there is a large power imbalance

What did your grandmother do? Was she in showbiz?

not at all, i think she done a degree in agriculture. but heck, she was a mega conspiracist of some sort. i don't know how she predicted these things, but she did.

Yeah especially with the current president!

Now, youre not just a conpiracy nut, you have 'cognitive problems'

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How is Harvey Weinstein being a pervert and sexual predator a conspiracy? A conspiracy between who, and for what reason?

That doesn't make any sense dude.

between people who were afraid to lose their jobs for accusing a big hollywood producer

Carry https://youtu.be/qA-gbpt7Ts8 this video around. Show it to anyone you wish to explain something to.

Yes, this coupled with power/money is more than enough to keep people quiet.

If someone considered a "conspiracy theorist" had told us a month ago that HW is a habitual predator, most people would've thought it was bullshit. When they hear the phrase "conspiracy theory," they associate it with crazy people talking about hollow Earth and the reptilian overlords that secretly run the world. Most people don't stop and make a distinction between the crazy people and those who just ask hard questions and try to expose some ugly truths about society.

Sadly, for most people facts aren't facts until they hear about it from authority figures and the media. They live in a filtered world, and most of them like it that way. They tend not to like anyone who comes along and disrupts their sleep.

Well said. Very well said.

After Saville case, I wouldn't doubt and be happily surprised it was just sexual harrassmebt (after all casting couch has never gone out fashion)

Hollow earth is unbelievable, yet massive unexplored caves exist and somehow it's as crazy as reptilian shapeshifters. Nice jab, but weak.

the crazy people

i wonder how many of those crazy people are paid bad actors. Sure, maybe there are some people under these, who fell for the bad actors, but i doubt the majority of those crazy people are actually that crazy. they just like the monzeys they get for acting that way.

and i am amazed by how much disinfo and crazy bullshit you can find, if you are interested in certain areas of physics. just dropping schuhmann resonance and scalar waves... topics tesla was interested in.

People are using the Weinstein shit as a way to prove they are right about the other conspiracies they talk about. "If this was true, so must everything else!" Meanwhile there's been talk about the "casting couch" of Hollywood for years and years now. Shiiiiet we even have a porn genre based on it.

I dont know what conspiracies you are referring to but: there were explosives on the WTC on 9/11, JFK final shot came from the driver and there is no way we went to the moon on 1969.

oh okay. i believe you now.

skipped that risperdal injection this month huh?

It's much much bigger than Weinstein. This is the tip of the iceberg. The bigger picture involves the elitists..the ones that have control and power over Hollywood/News Media/Education System/Banks/Oil Industry/Transportation...They get away with anything and everything right under our very noses. Wake up.

Very much woke. Very much realize there's nothing we can do to stop it.

Doesnt realize hes ingested a bad case of learned helplessness*

we create the world. the rich are dependent on the poor and not the other way round. If the poor stop to give the rich their food for fake-monzeys, they are going to starve. Ok, they gonna kill the poor before, because they have weapons. But they need to find new poor people doing agriculture, because they can't do it themselves.

you are not helpless. you just have to see and accept the power you've got.

Did you think "the casting couch" was specifically referring to Harvey Weinstein's couch?

Sounds like you are being sarcastic. Not sure what in my comment would lead you to believe that I thought the casting couch was "literally" Harvey Weinsteins "actual" couch.

People are using the Weinstein shit as a way to prove they are right about the other conspiracies they talk about.

No they're not. They're using it as a way to show that the attitude of "you have a view about something that's not in line with the status quo and therefore we believe you have a mental disorder and should be disregarded".

I have yet to see anyone who has seriously said anything like "if this is true then the moon landing must have been faked".

Stop making disingenuous comments.

You should go look up the thread of the redditor who said he knew for a fact this was happening only a few months ago. The responses to his post are aggressively dismissive and insulting.

just try it with the "moon landings" today, its the same thing

That's literally from this thread. The moon landings post is from the OP.

It's a classic conspiracist manoeuvre. Like they try and turn any pedo ring busted anywhere in the world into proof that Pizzagate wasn't just a fantasy. Or for that matter retconning pizzagate into pedogate when it became increasingly apparent they had been making fools of themselves.

Just like everyone knows the official story about 9/11 is bunk, John pedosta rapes kids, and the DNC and MSM colluded to give a cunt the presidency.

Right?! haha I think we've all had this type of situation.

I think it's a way to change the conversation. Instead of people having to admit they're wrong, which everyone hates to do, they can say "everybody knew already". Which if you think about it, is a non-admission of them being wrong. They just abandon the wrong position and adopt the new knowledge as obvious.

It's posts like the supposed "new" Las Vegas shooting (watching a hooters triage) that fuck it up. A bunch of times watching into some conspiracies i found some STUPID shit. Its easy to reference the fuck ups to discredit.

This has to be some high level narcissism that you see from your mother or some confident jackass

It's like when they get shit wrong and then once it's proven right they try and act like they knew.

If people dropped their ego and actually looked into shit this sub Reddit would prove to have more value and "conspiracy theorists" would be viewed more so as people who don't accept bullshit.

Just like you were a crazy conspiracy theorist if you thought the DNC and MSM were biased against Bernie Sanders. That's the one that popped the bubble for me. I had my observations marginalized and dismisses as a "conspiracy theory" repeatedly, and then was proven right -- I was even underestimating the extent of it. Now that line will never work on me again. This is going to keep happening to more and more people.

Its why i think theres some truth to pizzagate/pedogate.

Yes, consensual sex to further ones career is abuse and pedophilia is natural. Anyone else seeing how they are spinning this?

This is my big concern with the Weinstein scandal.

Glad I'm not the only one.

It worries me that it's a ploy to distract and confuse people from the real issue.

you guys are talking sideways to me :( mind ELI5?? i want to understand

Just a theory that this issue is being used to conflate questionable sex between adults with pedophilia.

Its always crazy till it becomes a mainstream belief than its "normal" lol.

Were there any /r/conspiracy threads about Weinstein before the latest story broke?

It's not like he abused these women on the UFO that hit the world trade center.

No, this is all hypothetical outrage and victimhood.


this a lot of crocodile tears from shitty lil t_d types

but when trump has allegations against him they do mental gymnastics to defend him

they could give a shit about women being assaulted.

just look at op's history, a bitter redpill incel...yeah im sure he's reeaal broken up by what happened to all these women


this a lot of crocodile tears from shitty lil t_d types

So what about:


I don't see anything that the linked account said that related to Trump or redpill or incels. You are just projecting your political views where they're not welcome.

Removed. Rule 5

I think this user is what is being referred to:


He got 132 upvotes for calling Weinstein a rapist in /r/movies. Doesn't sound to me like his opinion was unpopular

No idea. Wasn't suggesting validity of it either way, just linking the user because i saw it elsewhere. Is it possible that because he was linked elsewhere, people are now going back and upvoting the posts? or are they locked/archived?

The thread is archived

I’ve talked to a lot of people and it’s crazy just how many of them already know that this world is corrupt as fuck. The problem here is that we can’t seem to make big connections and communities.

I mean, sure, we have a subreddit full of us and i’m sure that there’s other online communities as well, but I’m referring to people we actually know. If we could all be open without being afraid of being looked down upon I feel like we could accomplish something soon.

You can find those people, just gotta look.

Please show one source that called anyone accusing Weinstein of being a sexual predator a conspiracy nut.

If anything, he's been accused of this for years and years.

op's a legit nut

classic example of dunning-kruger effect...like most "conspiracy theorists"

There are sources in this thread

Link them then.

I owe you nothing

Because there are no sources.

I told you people it’s in this thread don’t be lazy

Yes and I read the thread in this comment section. The majority of people either want proof or agree with the accusations saying that "Weinstein is sleazy" or that "something tells me it rhymes with Harvey Weinstein." Is asking for proof defending someone? Because personally I'd like proof for claims.

Yet you supported the claim that people who accused Weinstein of being a sexual predator were being called conspiracy nuts. OP also implies that it was commonplace to be called a conspiracy nut if you accused Weinstein of being a sexual predator since his claim is "If last month you believed Harvey Weinstein was a sexual predator, you were a conspiracy nut." Now do you have proof for your claim?

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Honestly, conspiracy theorists need to grow thicker skin and realize that they are standing for truth, not "crazy talk". And that starts with rejecting some "theories" that give them a bad name (Example: Flat Earth) for which there is ample evidence to dismiss.

The "Flat Earth" crazy shit is made so you dont dare to question real strange things like a 9/11 standown

Same with the NSA collecting everything about US citizens. It's like it doesn't matter or something.

I doubt most people even knew who Harvey Weinstein was a month ago, but most people would be willing to admit sexual abuse in Hollywood is common.

I've noticed the same pattern within individual conversations:

"Not true."

"That's ridiculous."


"Don't be silly."

"No way."


"That's crazy."





And nobody is talking about Las Vegas anymore :/

Yeah we are. I talked about it with my mom last night

And nobody but this dude and his Mom are talking about Las Vegas :/

A lot of people know deep down that there are some incredibly evil people who do some unbelievably evil shit in this world. They know it exists deep down somewhere in their subconscious, but they refuse to acknowledge it until something like this is made public and plastered all over by the media. Then it’s all “I knew it all along”.

Read a comment the other day in that one politics subs. The person said something like "Crazy how Hollywood could have so much sexual abuse going on. If only we had noticed the warning signs"

Pissed me off so much. That person and the millions like them are the reason things like abuse in Hollywood and pizzagate are allowed to go on. These people keep their heads in the sand, act like everything is roses, and berate anybody who brings up things like pizzagate

Idiots, how about we now take pizzagate seriously instead of ignoring it like yall have Hollywood for decades

There's no way a legit comment said that. It either never happened, you're wording poorly, or it was made by someone that could be instantly flagged as sarcasm or a troll.

Everyone knows Hollywood does this shit and they've known it for years and years. It's just that we are living in a climate that actually punishes it now.

How many average people actually understood those jokes though? Seth MacFarlane made a comment about Weinstein at an award show a few years ago and it flew over everyone's heads, unless you were in the industry of course.

I'm not talking about Weinstein, I'm talking about in general how it was understood that hollywood producers and directors frequently had expectations that aspiring actresses had to perform certain favors if they wanted to get cast in things. It might have been a surprise for a lot of people that this happened to men as well.

pizzagate is a whispering campaign against the left

im sure you think that the allegations against your god emperor are complete bullshit though huh?

that those girls "wanted" it because he was rich right?

I was upvote 912. I didn't want it to change, but whatevs

Uh no? You'd be an idiot not to think that there are sexual predators in positions of power?

I think you're missing the forest for the trees here. The conspiracy isn't that there are sexual predators like Harvey Weinstein with money and power. Everyone knows that. Just look at all the scandals with the BBC in England. The conspiracy is that they get away with it.

If you follow some of the conspiracy theories from years ago it seems to be that it takes a few years for the world to catch up with what is being proposed.

I read all about the Jimmy Saville rumours years ago, the whole NSA captures everything rumours, the criminal acts of so many politicians etc... those were all just 'crazy' until of course the stories were proven true.

Lumping everything they can onto crazy conspiracy theories I think works for TPTB, to stave off serious investigations for years and perhaps forever...

Streisand effect austists gooooooooo!!!!!

I've named names before, you guys legit do not care until its in the news. I get brigaded hardcore when ever I mention anything I know.

You guys only care about tabloid headlines.

You will NEVER be free.

Questioning the official story on an event is different, in my mind, than being a ‘conspiracy theorist’. Healthy skepticism is fine, obviously stupid shit like pizzagate is what brings the stigma.

If you label yourself as a conspiracy theorist, and believe in chem trails and fluoride as mind control, I’d say the stigma against you is warranted.

If you think that the official story in any scenario is not the whole truth, then you’re on point.

There’s a lot of crazy and ostensibly dumb shit that gets posted here, and the people that post it and believe it probably do have something wrong with them.

There’s a big difference between not believing anything because “the government/msm/whaever boogieman you want” is controlling the narrative, and reserving judgement because people in power have a stake in the game when it comes to reporting on world events.

This is how it's always been with us. That's why only the strong are capable of even asking the questions.

Stay strong homies

we need to bring all the deniers back on the spotlight. screenshots their comments and tag them into the comment.


Everyone believes the women claiming Weinstein did it.

But the women with claims against Trump are being pushed aside. Curious as to why.

Can you find me a post on this sub from September calling out Weinstein? I only remember the 800 calling out Podesta with zero real evidence.

If someone told me that a month ago, I would've said "probably!".

last month you were mentally ill, now you are cured!

Thats why pedophiles are pushing for it to be normalized. So it seems like a no big deal. Fucking sick.

Yeah, it's amazing how facts can change people's perception huh?

It never “broke” officially.

You can’t accuse people of shit cuz of muh pizza gate or muh Russia.

It’s best to let investigation go through

I don't remember anyone saying it was a conspiracy.

I really don't understand this post. On the one hand, if you were to tell me last month that a Hollywood producer was a sexual predator, I wouldn't be surprised at all. I doubt very much that most people would be surprised at that statement.

On the other hand, if you were to accuse someone of being a sexual predatory before there was evidence of being one, then yes, you probably would be accused of being off your rocker, because you didn't have evidence.

I still am unclear who Harvey Weinstein actually is. I couldn't name a single thing he's done. However, it is fairly common trope that Hollywood producers and such are sleazebags. That's not surprising.

I really don't understand all the hoopla over Weinstein. Yes, he should be persecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Yes, he should lose his job. Others who have done the same that he did should face the same. But, is it really surprising? Does it really have to be on the news everyday? Am I missing something here?

He's a huge Hollywood producer, certainly up there with the most powerful in the world. His films have won 81 Oscars, and he was thanked in Oscar speeches more times than god.

So yes it's big news he has finally been busted. Just because you've never heard of him doesn't make him an unknown figure

Ever hear about "the casting couch"?

Metaphorically, it describes how a young woman desiring to be an actress but possessing no contacts, no friends and very little money of her own, is pressured into sleeping with a well-connected rich director, studio executive or other "Hollywood bigwig" in exchange for a breakout role in a movie, television, radio, theater play or anything that would jumpstart her career to make her rich and famous.

Literally speaking, it's the couch in the bigwig's private trailer or room, because the young woman doesn't rate the formality and expense of a hotel room bed.

As I recall, Alfred Hitchcock made a young actress's life absolutely miserable when she wouldn't go along with his advances.

That was 75 years ago.

It's good that this problem is finally getting addressed in Hollywood, even for a little bit.

It's ridiculous that people are acting like this is some huge revelation.

"News alert! Sleazy producer discovered in Hollywood!"

So. By these standards, we can expect people to say they knew all along trump WA a rapist too and worked with Russia?

No proof yet, some believe, lots defend blindly, but it's coming out .....

Are there videos of reporters saying conspiracy nut?

To be honest, I didn't spend a lot of time think about Harvey Weinstein at all.... About anything.

Not true. It was already known up to 2 years ago.

But that's not necessarily true though. I don't think many would have argued that, esspecially in inner circles where it was pretty much known.

Sure, you can definitely be right without waiting for evidence sometimes. Just not most of the time.

If last month you saw a post about Harvey Weinstein on r/conspiracy, you were hallucinating.

On the other hand, if you recognized that Tom Cruise was playing Harvey Weinstein in Tropic Thunder you were one of then people who knew.

Who is saying this? Or are you just having a bit of straw man fun?

I am admittedly fairly ignorant about Weinstein, but from what I've read, he did some grimy shit, but pretty much the women he exploited made the choice to be exploited so I don't fault Weinstein from what I know. Nor do I have any compassion for the women he exploited with their own knowledge.

This isn't what we mean when we talk about pedophilia and sexual predators in hollywood. At least not what I mean.

Same with the religion of science.

If every mainstream scientist came out tomorrow and said the earth really is only 6000 years old, everyone would suddenly believe what they were just mocking.

Yeah that's exactly how science works.

What I wonder is who allowed all this to be opened up or why was he thrown under the bus?

Something there or was it just from that journalist?

OMG, /r/conspiracy is just like me. Reddit is not at all a controlled opposition. I'll now start believing all the things I read here.

I always thought that it was common knowledge that sex abuse was a long-time problem in Hollywood (and politics). I am a little surprised that people seem so surprised about it.

No. It doesn't matter WHEN you believe something. It's about what you base your belief on.

Worse: It's now OK because "everyone does it".

I wouldn't say someone would be a "conspiracy nut" for saying that Weinstein was a creepo. More like I'd say, "Maybe so; where's your proof?"

Right. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

I'd rather be a 'conspiracy nut' then a 'trendy' sheep any day. Fuck the haters.

If you believed Harvey Weinstein was a sexual predator a month ago based on, like, his Instagram profile, or some emails he sent about a napkin, then you believe things without adequate proof. This remains true even if a week later the fake news media uncovered that you were right.

That's like saying, oh, if I said last week that Trump would tweet "I had a very respectful conversation with the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, and spoke his name from beginning, without hesitation!", everyone would think I make a prediction based on nothing at all, but there you go, he just tweeted it. I mean, yes, but that doesn't mean people would be wrong thinking I can't predict Trump tweets.

fundamental cognitive skill problem,,

If you believed that your electronic data was not private, you were a crackpot until Snowden.

I can say though, in the last year or so, a lot more of my friends that I never thought believed in "conspiracy theories" have been much more open about them. Especially since the Vegas shooting. People I've never heard say a word about conspiracies, start talking about vegas and somehow end up on building 7. Its an interesting turn of events recently. I feel like a lot of people are either opening their eyes and ears, or conspiracies have been getting more exposure so people feel more comfortable speaking openly about it. Hopefully this sticks and open conversation motivates people to begin to pay closer attention.

Can you provide an example of where believing that Weinstein was a sexual predator led to being labelled a conspiracy nut? Thanks.

Can I answer for him?

No he can't

I think Weinstein is a Patsy to try and cover up the depths of depravity. Sort of like saying 'yeah, look Hollywood does have it's sleazeballs, look how bad it really is'. But hes accused of sexually harassing adult females in a sort of subjective way. By exposing Weinstein they're subliminally making you think this must be as bad as it gets thereby creating cover for the really fucked up individuals.

its no coincidence it was made public right after las vegas, it is noise to cover the vegas shooting

just try it with the "moon landings" today, its the same thing

not everyone, but a lot people wont dare to contradict TV news.

Absolutely no one.

You should go look up the thread of the redditor who said he knew for a fact this was happening only a few months ago. The responses to his post are aggressively dismissive and insulting.

Science is being absolutely destroyed by the left. First they tell me there are more than 2 genders, now they tell me I'm ill for being open minded and thinking too much. I would rather be a conspiracy theorist if it meant im not a fucking retard who believes men with dicks can somehow be women..

r/science are the real nuts here. They claim to be all about truth, yet they refuse to look at anything that goes against their own views. They mindlessly repeat everything they're told, so long as it fits the liberal brainwash agenda. You can't debate them, because as soon as they realize they're wrong, they band you and come up with an excuse, or start digging through post histories to ad hominem

Not quite, because I'm only doing it to point out the hypocrisy. I don't go out of my way calling Trump a sexual predator when it isn't germane to the discussion.

You know when you hear the same phrase back to back it helps you remember that statement better. Reinforcement i think. Thanks for your help in spreading the statement.

I mean it's true. Take a step back and look at what policies the GOP or Trump have enacted. Unless you were part of the 1% or higher, you're not getting lickety-split out of this.

The stock market is up, great! How much do you have in it? The wealthy have much more of their wealth in stocks, they've seen bigger gains than anyone else from the stock market.

The healthcare system is getting fucked to high heaven under Trump. What good does that do you? Are you getting better healthcare now?

Trump's decimating education and environment funding. Not to mention loosening labor laws if he can get away with it. Or at least that's the GOP mantra. Are you a big business owner with thousands of employees you can slash and fire away at short notice? If not what do you gain? You're only losing job security.

How is voting for Trump not voting against your interests? I'll take that all back if your net worth is over $2M or your net annual income is over $400k.


you little lads are clearly so concerned about women being assaulted/harrassed...

Funny how Clinton's husband has been accused of rape on multiple occasions but all the American left can talk about is how Trumps accusations are problematic.

Maybe you should get your own house in order first?

You're right, I definitely would not vote for creepy Bill Clinton to be President, either.

It's cute though that you think Bill Clinton being a scumbag absolves Trump from being one.

Clinton's husband's name is...wait for it...Clinton.

Wait I'm sorry, did something happen that I missed? I thought the info was being declassified this Thursday.

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Link them then.

Smh. Dude, if you're actually trying to persuade people that your perspective is valid, you need a better explanation than "there just is". If gravity is not real, then give me an alternative explanation. If not, I'm sorry I've wasted this much time.