Who do you think killed Tupac?

12  2017-10-22 by amateurrocketbuilder

Just random gangbangers or something more? I ask because declassified FBI files show he was at the very least being threatened by groups of people https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/fbi-files-on-tupac-shakur-murder-show-he-received-death-threats-from-jewish-gang-1.355962

And the more one looks into his life it seems like he may have been a targeted individual ...

Or I have a fundamental Cognitive Problem and random gangbangers managed to find Tupac, shoot him on the las Vegas strip after a Mike Tyson fight, and just ride off into the moonlight, no problems whatsoever.



There's the actual FBI files if anyone is interested... I haven't read em in ages so I'll give em a reread and let ya know if I see anything exciting.

Thank you.

Right off the bat I see Eazy-E and the Jewish Defense League wrapped up in it... if I was gonna jump to a conclusion I'd implicate Jerry Heller. But only cause he's the only guy with an FBI file I've read that connects those 2 dots.

Did Jimmy Iovine and Jerry Heller have any kind of relationship?

Not that I've seen... but I only know about NWA from their lyrics and FBI files... Most interesting thing I've come across so far was that 2pac has a "Rape by Force" on his rap sheet...

That's one of the reasons I believe he was a targeted individual.

First he was shot at quad studio, then he had the bogus rape case that he went to prison for...

He was being fucked with nonstop, to the point he even openly said he wanted someone to kill him.

Jimmy Iovine shows up like 80 pages into the FBI file, but it is just a scan of a magazine article... if his name is actually anywhere in the FBI documentation it has been redacted.

Again, thank you.

My gut tells me that jimmy is a very wicked person, I think one of the reasons Dre left so willingly and didn't care about his royalties or anything and went to interscope is because how confidently jimmy assured him that death row was going to go under.

I read them all and recommend reading them. They actually tell you who killed Tupac and Biggie. However, the scope of the investigation was about systematic police corruption (they only found individual officers), so despite knowing the killers, they didn't care.

Suge set that up

No way..

Look at Suges life since Tupac died. Not to mention why would he be in the sane car with the man while he is setting him up to be shot.

Do you know all the details surrounding that night? Pac usually carried a gun...this particular trip he was told to leave them behind. Pac wore a vest. This trip he was told nah don't. His security and Suge made those plans. They were in a convoy with other cars just like that one. They were stopped at a light when shot...all the shots were aimed into the middle or lower part of the passenger side door. Suge was grazed but had it not been a planned attack he would have been killed too. Suge has said that he thinks Pac is still alive. He has also named various other people through the yrs that was supposed to have done. Pac was leaving Death Row and was going to the East Coast to start his own label Death Row East. Pac was also trying to do away with all the East Coast/West Coast war. That was all bad business for Suge. Suge was certain he would be the one to own the rights to Pacs music. He was wrong. His mom made sure of that. Pac was worth more to Suge dead than he was alive. I don't think he had any idea of just how big of a following Pac had. What better way to make sure you are implicated than to be in the same car. Suge was protected. My memory on all the details are a little rough but I own just about every book and and DVD about this. Pac was not a thug by any means and he said so himself. He also knew that he was going to die young. In his last interview he alludes to that.

I just don't buy the suge knight theory, i think he was a scapegoat. By all accounts from people that were closest to them they had a older/little brother relationship.

Plus I believe Suge was targeted too.. This was a black man who had a HUGE record label in the 90s and I think he started getting a little too big for his britches.

Scapegoat? Do you know Suge's history?? Lol. The last few months of their partnership was not rosy. Suge was certain he had the rights to Pacs music. Pac was leaving the label. So what if Suge owned a label. If someone had wanted his fat ugly ass dead then he would be dead. Suge was only as successful as the artist on his label...Pac was the best seller and he was leaving. If you read a lot of the interviews that Pac did...and as he said read between the lines...you would see it pretty clear. Suge isn't a good person and never has been. His life went to shit because he killed his number one meal ticket based on the belief he could release all of the music Pac had already recorded. Joke was on him.

Just remembered something too. Suge never paid Tupac what they had agreed on. In fact, when Pac died it looked as though he was in debt to Death Row. He never got royalties or any of the up front money that Suge had agreed on in the contract. Pac was not about to let him get away with it.

I used to believe this theory two decades ago, but seriously man, it's absolute nonsense. Everything has been debunked. I blame Nick Broomfield for making this crap theory mainstream.

The theory looks legit when it omits certain information.

Pac usually carried a gun...this particular trip he was told to leave them behind.

Pac had not carried a gun in public since November 1994. He was since then a convicted Felon who wasn't allowed to carry a firearm. This is simply untrue.

Pac wore a vest.

Pac rarely, rarely wore a bullet proof vest. He sometimes did, mostly did not. Even when he was shot 5 times in 1994, he wasn't wearing a vest.

This trip he was told nah don't.

This is not true. He took off his vest in front of his fiance, Kidda Jones, because he was too warm. Nobody told him to take it off.

His security and Suge made those plans

No they didn't and you don't have any evidence to say they did. None. There is no evidence that Suge and "his security" told Tupac to take off his vest because it simply didn't happen. Also its a fucking retarded part of the conspiracy. "Hey man, take off your vest. Pinky promise everything is safe". Are you saying Tupac is a retard? Think logically about this one.

Another theory that goes on is that his security was ordered not to carry guns by Wrightway Security. This is because Wrightway Security are registered in California, not Nevada. None of them had a licence to carry firearms in Nevada. Sounds a lot more suspicious when you omit that information.

Suge has said that he thinks Pac is still alive.

Suge is a MOB Piru blood, as he stated many times in the past "I don't get paid to solve homicides". He will never, ever, tell anyone who killed Tupac because that would make him a snitch. You ask Suge stupid questions (who killed Tupac) you will get a stupid answer (Tupacs still alive).

Pac was leaving Death Row and was going to the East Coast to start his own label Makaveli records.

This is another Myth. Oh Tupac was creating Makaveli Records all right. As a sub company of Deathrow.. The same way Deathrow is a sub-company of Interscope. Or to show you who followed Tupacs footsteps. Eminem has "Shady Records", which is a subcompany of Dr Dres "Aftermath Records", which is a subcompany of Interscope Records. So for example on the back of The Eminem Show, you see Interscopes label, followed by Aftermaths logo, followed by Shady Records label.

Tupac was in business with Suge. Not leaving him. Makaveli Records was a subcompany of Deathrow, something Tupac had full creative control over. How do we know this? Because it was already setup before he died. The Makaveli Album had the Makaveli Records logo on the original CD Print. There you see Deathrows logo followed by Makaveli Records logo.

The origin of this rumor is allegedly Tupac told the Outlawz not to sign with Deathrow, because he was starting Makaveli Records. Internet users not in the know hopped on this and thought "Omg, Tupac was leaving Deathrow. Conspiracy!". That's not true at all, he was telling them to sign directly to his deathrow subcompany, as then he would have creative control over the artists.

For example Young Nobel of the Outlawz clearly states when that was brought up: "Outlawz was going to be on Makaveli Records slash Deathrow". So there you have it, from Tupacs artists and friends himself, he also tells people that bring this up to "shut the fuck up man, you reading interviews from different motherfuckers and getting the wrong information. We was on Makaveli SLASH Deathrow." in the same interview.

None of them were leaving deathrow at that time. In fact, Tupacs bonds with them were tightening as now he was Suges business partner. This completely destroys that false narrative of Suges motive. Tupac dying was bad for Business. You had the worlds most famous rapper building a company inside your company, artists flocking to him. Pac was not leaving the label.

My memory on all the details are a little rough but I own just about every book and and DVD about this.

Well then you should know better. Another documentary that debunks all the other Suge theories that you have not mentioned, but are related to the "Biggie and Tupac" documentary, are debunked in Murder Rap. Such as connections to Amir Mohammed.

Read the book by one of his security detail. You don't need a permit to carry in Vegas. I will go back and read the info I have in books and such.

You don't need a permit to carry in Vegas.

Yes you do. You are just wrong here.

Nevada is a "shall issue" state for concealed carry. The county sheriff shall issue a concealed firearms permit to applicants who qualify under state and federal law, who submit an application in accordance with the provisions of section NRS 202.3657

Wrightway Security had no such licence. This was even confirmed by LAPD Detective Greg Kading who investigated these rumors. Nobody in the security detail had permission from the state to carry a firearm.

Read the book by one of his security detail.

Michael Moore (not the fat guy ;)) and Frank Alexander have been discredited so many times. Even the Shakur Estate wanted nothing to do with them because they made a career selling Conspiracy DVDs on Tupacs name. They've also changed their tune so many times. First they said Suge did it. Then they said Suges Wife did it, then it was Reggie Wright. So you believe the guys who have changed their story three times? Ok, I guess you are their prime market. People that just want to believe despite the evidence.

But Pac was leaving death row.

I've already disproved that to you. Makaveli Records was a sub company of Death Row and Interscope. I even gave you an interview with Tupacs friend, a member of the Outlawz, saying that was bullshit. Yet you still want to cling to it, because him leaving is the entire basis of your theory, even though it has been debunked for over two decades.

He had a restaurant he wanted to open.

Yes, the Powamekka Cafe. With Alanis Morissette and Suge. He was opening a restaurant with Suge. You are disproving your own theories here because you don't have the full information. That's more evidence that he's in business with Suge, not leaving him. The four Directors of the Powamekka Cafe were listed as Alanis Morissette, Tupac Shakur, Calvin Broadus and Marion Knight.

Don't take my words for it, take Tupacs instead.

  • " Now Chino XL is talkin bout', He got a rhyme, well you know how he always got these little metaphors, he's sayin 'You'll get fucked like 2pac did in jail', Now I'm tellin yall before-hand, off the air, I'm gonna beat this nigga's ass. And everybody's gonna be talkin about how wrong I am and how I haven't changed, but what am I supposed to do when a nigga disrespects my manhood like that? See what I mean? It's like I can't get out the game. Just like Scarface and them... I wanna be legit... I got restaurants coming out with Alianis Morrisette. Me, Suge, Snoop, and Alanis Morissette opening up a restaurant. I'm doing a soundtrack. My first soundtrack for this movie I'm doing Gridlock'd. I got Alanis on there, Michelle, whatever her name is... All this shit coming up, but whats gonna reign supreme in 96 and 97 is the ride that I'm doing and I feel like I'm doing it for hip-hop.. I'm just trying to get the impostors out." - Tupac, 1996

He specifically mentions Suge as one of the people he's opening a restaurant with.

You are clutching at straws, everything is debunked when you get more information.

Anyway, I'm assuming you never even watched the documentary above which debunks all the very things you are saying, because they are trivial and have been debunked years ago.

If you are out of the loop, we already have a confession tape from Keffe-D.

Yeah, but Suge Knight was a fuckup who thought he was untouchable. He got taken down by his own stupidity. He did help with the killing, part of it being monetary, part of it being Tupac unwilling to fuck him.

Sugar didn't set that up, but word is he may of very well held 2pac down as a human shield to save himself

Suge is the only one who had something to lose if he lived and everything to gain if he died.

Still not convinced he's actually dead

He was taken out for making Ghetto Gospel, a crossover hit with a peaceful message. We're all supposed to be thuggish and self-motivated, not of the communal mindset.

Diddy set it up

nobody - he faked his death.

Who cares...isn't there enough relevant shit happening right here, right now that we don't have to go back what... 2-3 decades to try to dissect a gangster rappers unfortunate demise?

Seeing this topic come up for the first time in awhile reminded me of other Artist's "dying or being murdered" as well. I remember back in the day seeing that video of Jim Morrison supposedly living on that ranch in the middle of nowhere. So maybe its possible Tupac isn't dead either and he lives out in the middle of nowhere.

The theory I believe is, the same guys pac and suge jumped in the MGM where hired by puffy to kill pac and Suge at a later date. Buts after getting jumped they decided to go ahead and do it that night. Puffy didn't pay them the bounty, because it didn't go down how it was supposed to. Which very well could of lead to biggie getting shot months later. Suge very-well could of had biggie gunned down as well. I wouldn't be surprised at either of the scenarios.

Read the FBI files on Biggie and Tupac. They explain everything on their killers. However, the investigation was about systematic corruption in police departments (they only found individual police, not the entire organization), so them finding the killers was outside of the scope and ignored, but written down.

You have to read 500 pages to get it all, but worth it if you care.

Notes: Suge Knight, Nation of Islam, members of LAPD, LVPD, and Bloods and Crips.

Orlando Anderson, a Crip he jumped in s casino an hour before he got shot. The Glock 40 orlando anderson used was found buried in the backyard of a woman he was linked to, and yes forensics matched it to the gun that killed Pac.

No conspiracy here, just another gang killing.

Now Biggie on the other hand, that's where it gets interesting. Biggie got killed by 2 corrupt Rampart cops, working for Wright Security who were on contract with Suge Knight, who put the hit out on them.

The Corrupt cops: Rafael Perez and David Mack

I could definitely see that being how things played out, but its crazy how they managed to find Pac again that night after the fight...

Orlando was a street dude and from what I've read and watched about him he would have had no problems with killing

Eminem said he's in Cuba. Allegedly.