Is Donald Trump orchestrating controversies?

0  2017-10-24 by [deleted]



No one could possibly be this stupid on accident.

i think you vastly underestimate the level of stupidity that exists in the world

Woah, ho! Deep comment bro. No one has ever said that exact permutation of words.

Seriously though, the track record on Trump is on a whole new level. Name one other public figure who can continuously knock them out of the park like Trump, week after week

Go read his AMA in the_d. He says having his enemies think he is stupid is one of his best qualities and he wants to keep it that way. I'm paraphrasing of course.

Yes. It's all marketing.

Yeah, the media and DNC can't let 10 minutes pass without attacking the guy and it's somehow his fault. I hope to god you're just trolling, buI have a sneaking suspicion you're not. I'm thinking about dressing as you for Halloween. This is some of the scariest shit I've ever seen.

Look at his account age and comment score.

what about it?

something about an account that is 4 months old and has 31k karma doesn't add up, unless all you do is post all day like its a job.

Dawg don't hate on me cuz I'm more popular than you.

How do you even go for a year and only had 1000 people agree with things you said? That's kinda sad.

lol cause i have a life and job and dont post like im getting paid to do so

I think a lot of it has to do in the subs you commonly post in

You need to work on your GOP-bro slang.

23 comments per day @ around one per hour. fuck your life must suck!

Doing analytics on a users comment history, when it has nothing to do with your original point.

This invalidates his whole argument. Good job.

Maybe if he didn't lie or do something batshit insane every 10 minutes he wouldn't have that problem...

I think Donald Trump understands the entertainment industry extremely well.

It's the time machine.

Yes, he manufactures controversy to pander to his base and distract from any developments on Trump/Russia that make the news

The whole war against the NFL is probably his most egregious example, the whole protesting issue had quieted down tremendously until he stoked the flames

No it hadn't. Watch a lot of NFL over there in the UK, do ya?

huh? I'm American

The issue became front and center again after Trump called Kaepernick a SOB.

He sent Pence to a NFL game so he could walk out over the anthem thing. Trump had proactively gone after the NFL when there was no catalyst within the NFL that caused him to do so

You've just shifted the issue. Let's review what you said:

the whole protesting issue had quieted down tremendously until he stoked the flames

That is categorically false. It had not died down. It had not subsided. It was getting worse. Yes, it may have escalated after he commented. That is not what we're discussing here. You said it had died down. You are wrong. Your comment says exactly nothing about whether it had died down previously.

This is over the last five years, you can see spikes throughout last football season, but they come back to a low level in the offseason. Then, we see a giant spike when Trump brings it up at the campaign rally and continues to bring it up on Twitter.

I get that google trends isn't a perfect tool but the pattern seems pretty clear to me at least

It seems clear to you that people searched for "National Anthem" after Trump mentioned it? No kidding. Again, you've said nothing about it from before.

The "controversy" has only existed for a year and a half, so I don't know why you're using 5 years. But didn't you notice that the previous 3.5 years, before the knee thing even started, are largely indistinguishable from most of this & last year's football season? I mean, you can see bumps for on season & off season, but there ain't much data here. I would guess that most of the smaller numbers are not statistically significant.

But that doesn't even really matter, because it's a measure of what people are typing into google. Fans weren't searching the internet for it because they were sick to death of hearing about it. Every sports radio show, every sports TV show, and every NFL broadcast talked about it almost constantly. It was not possible to watch anything NFL-related without it coming up.

Some guys were still doing it such as Brandon Marshall but it had definitely died down till Trump brought it up.

I think he did it because it was an easy target. Look at these millionaires kneeling for our flag it dishonors the US/Military. yaddah yaddah yaddah. Easy points.

Then he got back into it when the season started again because more people joined and Trump doesn't pull punches.

Yes. You are correct.

If you mean sending a Tweet in the morning while he takes his presidential shit, then yes.

I hope to good he tweets on the shitter.

I see Trump as the kind of guy that would make some intern stand in the bathroom while he takes a shit who reads him the news and Tweets his Brain Farts.


Absolutely. The guy has been swimming in shitty PR all his life, he lives for this shit. This is where the media has miscalculated at every turn in regards to trying to stop him. Bad press is his domain, he knows it, we know it, everybody knows it...and yet they cannot resist the bait. It is kinda funny and tragic at the same time.

Yes but is it ultimately effective for him?

This was called the “Lewandowski Grenade” during his tenure with the campaign. And, yes it works

He is the president of the united states. I would say that at the very least it is not...not working for him. His situation is surely less then ideal for any of us, and I am sure on some level all the toxicity bothers him. But like any good sociopath, it probably does not bother him in the way it would bother us.

I think he's following his election strategy. Had hr not been mired in controversy then no one would have paid any attention to him

I mean he did win, and 1 year before he won I was following this guy doing vids on him showing how he manipulates the media to his advantage. The kid knew he was going to win from this. For this reason I'd say it was definitely affective.

Honestly I believe he is being used as a distraction from an upcoming war. The deployments all over from getting Cuba ready to Europe. Anyone see any kind of anti war protest

i think he is a master of PR, not in a traditional sense at all thought. more like WWE villain wrestler manager.

he knows you wont love him, but you love to hate him.

frankly i think he has been using this to push public opinion which ever way he wants to. everyone is falling over themselves to do the opposite of what he says, all he has to do is play the bad guy and claim to take the opposite position.

too many people are diving at the chance to score PR points just from disagreeing with him, and i think we would be foolish to rule out the fact that he knows this game better than most.

Dawg don't hate on me cuz I'm more popular than you.

How do you even go for a year and only had 1000 people agree with things you said? That's kinda sad.