/u/Putin_loves_cats banned from /r/conspiracy

54  2017-10-24 by wile_e_chicken

Just wanted to let everyone know that /u/Putin_loves_cats was banned from /r/conspiracy about a week ago. His presence will be greatly missed here.



What was he banned for?

Being a meanie I guess....

I know someone that pointed out u/assuredlyathrowaway was a moderator of over 95 subs and they got banned...


Looks that way. IDA nabbed him for Rule 10 it seems.

It seems as though he got a little too comfortable attacking others. Merely outside looking in though, we may never know the real reason.

Tbf, it gets a little chilly in here sometimes and PLC has always been a prime target to bait into Rule 10 violations.



I'm not sure I follow, but okay.

Chilly means shilly, silly

Shills will bait real posters into getting banned

Mods have done that too. I wouldn't be surprised if multiple users have multiple accounts, simply for the purpose of R10-baiting posters they disagree with. I've been targeted a few times and I've seen others get targeted also.

Lol too scared to say shilly?

Yeah, terrified.

I wasn't a fan of him either. Not sad to see to see him go

I was with him when he basically said definitelynotCIA could die as far as he was concerned when CIA said he was going in for a brain tumor operation and might not live through it. Real compassionate guy, putinlovescats. Bye bye....

I've never seen him say stuff like that, so I understand your view, I just think of it like, if 10% of any of the stuff we talk about is true, how are we supposed to act plc was just one of us, pissed off trying to figure it all out, turns one bitter, chilly, etc

I had to read your response a few times to get your Gist. Upvote.


I'm pretty certain there was another account that was made to look just like his name (different underscore placement, etc) and said those things to make him look bad. Pretty sure he was ousted

But didn’t DefNot like just recently join and then troll rule 10’s all the time? Not complaining sucks about the story but then again who knows

I don’t know either.

I never realized that he was well known until I came across his rather ridiculous understandings of Eastern Europe.

Who is ida


Some fucking new mod wtf.

I don't think he's new, is he?

They're all new. Fly and Sarah were the only longtime mods.

Anything less than a year is "new" for me

I think he's been a mod for longer than a year.

u/IntellisaurDinoAlien, we need you to settle something. How long have you been a mod here?

Much longer than a year. I don't have any experience with them, but one time IDA randomly added me as an approved poster to some no name sub that was sorta suspicious in nature. Almost seemed like a trap. Come here and post so we can make your redditing life hell if you take the free cheese.

same thing over here

Interesting. I was curious as to why I was selected. Any insight birdman?

prob to set you up as a target of mockery

That's how I perceived it too. Meh, I just ignored it. Gets bad enough I'll delete and start over for the umpteenth time now.

Hes not new. Derp

If he's added within the last 6 months that's new.

So what makes you think its been less than 6 months?

~B8 set~

And IDA has been here for at least a year. So they're not new.

Yea this is bull shit.

Wow!! I really liked his input in this sub!

Yeah. I didn’t always agree with what he said, but that’s one of the reasons I liked him. I remember back when I first started noticing his posts, I thought he was brash and offensive, I didn’t like him. I thought he was just trying to derail conversations. but the more I noticed him, the more I began to realize at least he had an opinion and he wasn’t afraid to stand up for it. He thought for himself, and that’s honestly what this place is supposed to be all about. I don’t know the conditions under which he was banned, but I do think it is a shame.

I suppose if he did one day return using a new username there would be no mistaking his posts and comments. If he’s somehow out there reading this, I’d just like to say thank you for doing your part in making this community interesting and free for thought. I hope you don’t stop speaking your mind.


I got into a few multiple day long arguments with him, but he was a member of this community, and stood up for what he believed in.

Can anyone answer me why we need moderation in general on Reddit? Is it for advertising dollars and appealing to prospective users? I understand racism and hate speech upsets people, but shining a light on it generally makes it go away. Simply shutting it down and hiding it accomplishes nothing.

Can a mod just tell me what their marching orders are, vis-à-vis rules for commenting? It comes from the admins, correct?

They say it's to prevent doxxing.

Any idea why he was banned? I quite enjoyed reading his posts.

I quite enjoyed reading his posts.

Probably why he was banned, definitely one of the best regulars of this sub.

Its in the mod log, looks like rule 10 violation.

He told the AMA guest to go screw themselves for not responding to his question.

If you read his comment that wasn't the reason he said it. He also had a fair point on how all of these people in the alt media talk all about Rockefeller and Rothschild but, never go deeper down the rabbit hole. If you research the Rothschilds you'll see that they married into the house of Aldobrandini. No one talks about that family and others though. Black nobility and the Jesuits.

Fair point or not, I believe the incivility of the comment was the issue.

Maybe but, it's not like he wasn't known to be a straight shooter or something. He always spoke his mind no matter what. That's what was great about him among other things of course.

He's not dead dude. PM him if you want to blow sunshine directly into his asshole.

My you seem angry and very rude.

I always speak my mind no matter what. That's what makes me great.

You do you.

You too man. Nothing personal. I hope you have a good night.

Against the Oligarchy by Webster Tarpley is a good read.

if you don't vacation in Venice...

Thanks. I'll look into it.


Hes been banned several times. They will let him back AGAIN. So who cares?

How many times have you been banned here?

Zip. Zero. Never.

What about your other accounts?

Lie. He's been banned a few times.


Then how do you know he's been banned and unbanned several times? You've only been here a month.

Was that not the response you wanted? B8?

Yeah, I'm not sure why this post was even necessary. He'll be unbanned like every other protected user has over the last year or so, despite constantly breaking the rules.

What?!?!! Why??!!!

Good riddance

He was such an OG with so much knowledge :(.

Whenever I talked to him on subjects I know something about, primarily law, he was 100% full of shit. Very confident and arrogant, but completely uninformed and with zero concern for whether the crap he was spewing was true.

the irony here is that you've claimed to be a lawyer and lawyers are paid to lie and obfuscate law and truth.

If you say so!

is that not what a lawyers job is? hillary clinton got a sex offender off knowing full well what he was and what he did. this goes on every hour of every day in the united states. bar lawyers are cancer.

Now you've done it. Get ready for the case law citations showing you that Hillary was justified by precedence.

Lawyers are supposed to advocate for their clients within the bounds of the truth and the law. Of course there are lying lawyers, we're people too. I've never found lawyers to be any more or less honest than anyone else. (Except when they know they're under scrutiny, like in a trial, where lying is a lot less common.)

I am a lawyer, but I haven't practiced in years. Went into business instead.

doctors are suppose to advocate for the health and safety of their patients as well but they still rubber stamp prescriptions that pharmaceutical companies bribed them to prescribe which in turns harms their patients later in life. bar lawyers are nothing but liars, frauds and thieves. anything you say should be held highly suspicious to anyone on here in regards to law.

Ah yes, the person who studied law should not be trusted. Rather a person who has a cursory knowledge of it by reading a few cases. Just like I don't trust my mechanic, but rather a kid who has watched a youtube video once.

Perfect comparison. Well said.

Nothing wrong with skepticism. If I ever tell you anything about law, feel free to ask for citations.

We have a lawyer, just chilling in this sub, who seems to be on our side, and everyone just shhhhhhiitts all over him, sorry brother, we are in this together, I agree with them too, but I appreciate you,,, putin loves cats, sometimes just said what we all felt on various topics,,,, keep fighting buddy

I feel like you proved his point by saying that there are shitty people in any profession...

I can't disagree with that!

What's the difference between a lawyer and an attorney?

I'm not really sure. I've heard people say that anyone with a law degree is a lawyer, but only people who are licensed to practice law are attorneys. I don't know if that's true or not. In practice, every lawyer I know uses the terms interchangeably.

The only time I ever remember it being an issue is a few years ago when a blogger referred to herself as an attorney; she'd graduated law school but never passed the bar exam, so critics were saying she was breaking an ethical rule by claiming to be an attorney. I don't know if that's right or not.

I believe you are right. Lawyer is just someone who is legally trained. Someone with a JD that does legal consulting but does not actually practice law. Attorney is an abbreviation for attorney-at-law and is someone who is legally qualified to defend or persecute in a court of law.

Eric Dubay basically, a rambler

Why? In general, I never noticed ANYthing with that acct's posts or replies. Did a specific thing happen?


But now who will remind us Vladimir isn't a dog person!??!?!?

Holy cheap I've been lied to!!

Well, that's about par for the course given the state of the mod team since the coup.

No it won't. It's about god damn time. He was the only people around here who seemed to get away with constantly insulting the people who would argue with him. I've seen plenty of other people get banned for "trolling" by just having a back and forth with him. Peace out dude.


nice alt you have /u/ModsSuckTrumpBalls. see ya.

Proof? Or are you accusing users? One is against the rules, you know.

Actually, having an alt isn't really against the rules so I don't think that's technically a Rule 2 (unlike another comment in this thread.)

He was claiming to be Polish right? He was either a glorious troll or a crazy brainwashed nationalist (like I've met in real life). At any rate he is not legit at all. I've lived in Ukraine and Moldova for about three years total and I've spent a few months in Poland. I was in Ukraine during the coup and for most of the hot moments. There are just certain basic understandings which Putin_loves_cats gets ridiculously wrong that I completely wrote him off as having no value.

He claimed to be a Pole living in a cabin in Alaska... He also claimed to have read Marx in the original Russian.

He also claimed to be from a line of vampires who has been alive for 200+ years. Or something like that. Totally a reputable dude.

fuck that noise, he's great.

Banned by IDA, no reason given.

See ya on the flip-side, PLC!


So many people will not get this image.

Tell you what - There's nothing like a good Mush team on a Full Moon run across the tundra!

hope he will be back soon!

Wow one of the best posters on this sub.

I agree! He is my favorite poster here!

Best? Constantly insulting people? Preferent dictatorship?🤔

That's too bad. He was one of the more vocal users that I typically agreed with on most issues. Plus, he was vehemently against flat earth nonsense. I shall make an effort to dismantle flat earth theory and supplement hollow earth evidence in his absence.

Got any esoteric Hollow Earth info? I think I've seen most the common stuff.

Leak Project recently did a video on the subject Not much new "esoteric" news, but the patents were news to me. I'm still waiting on an email reply, but creepylittlebook let some new theory slip regarding mythological demigods relation to Antarctic entrances. Pete mentioned his sources claimed Egyptian "Moai" style onyx or obsidian statues of various Egyptian deities were buried there and that they had been "awakened" or activated for quite sometime. His claim was that cern was being used to try and contain similar golems in the temple of Mercury in the French Alps. As mentioned, I'm still awaiting a follow up on the descriptive claims.

I hope you keep me posted!

No problem. If I don't get balls deep into Battlefield after work, I'll make a post for this older documentary I have regarding the subject. I believe it is simply titled Agartha, but it is one of those older National Geographic style documentaries from the mid 80s, three hours of esoteric and historical connections. It's one of the best videos on the subject if you can sit thru it. That, and I personally like the Lazeria Map Collection presentation for it's extremely relevant historical facts that have been covered up since the 1860s.

I noticed he wan't stomping around the new queue with me for a while... He'll be back.

Convenient. Mod take over happens. /u/putinlovescats is one of the biggest voices against what happens. Is banned permanently a couple months later.

What the actual fuck /u/AssuredlyAThrowaway /u/axolotl_peyotl

I wont miss him. He was white supremacist trash and the worst part was that he'd try to hide it when he sensed the immediate crowd wasn't sympathetic. Snake in the grass.

Why can't I see the ban in the mod logs?

It's there, I saw it a while back when I read a comment pointing out his ban.

It was 8 days ago.

Cheers. Explains that.

Now if we can just get rid /u/Ninjakick666 the sub will be so much better. Fingers crossed.

You come at the king, you best not miss.

Removed. Rule 10

Rofl why do mod's still have up-down vote buttons this seems like a poor idea (everytime they enforce something people don't like they will be downvoted into oblivion

His last words here were "fuck this sub". Lol

He might have earned the ban then

He just voiced the way many of us old timers have felt the last 1.5 yrs. The shift to political topics in over abundance and the crowd that comes with it have definitely killed the spirit of this sub.

Wouldn't explain the political name.

Who? PLC? For all you know his family lives across the sea in Russia.

As for my statement, yes. Many of us have been here long enough to remember the coexistence of political and non political conspiracy discussion. That all ended winter 2015/spring 2016.

he just voiced the way many of us old timers have felt.

So, you've felt very racist? Lol, dude was off his rocker.

That's a good last quote.

Fuck this sub.

Oh no. WTH.

/u/recoveringgrace You remember

A lot of people get temp banned.

He's been banned numerous times.

That's one user I've learned so much from. He will be missed. A true legend here.

Attaching that video is an incredible childish way to go about handling something like a banning. It should be seen as a serious thing to have to retort to. Especially over someone so vocal they are bound to have supporters. Can people please just take this sub more seriously? There's some very real, very deep issues that need to be explored and we can't afford to joke around with it.

I loved his insights regarding the Tri-Lateral Commission and Swiss-Venetians and the Black Nobility.

Dude, putin loves cats got me hooked on this sub, 10 year lurker :( he will be missed, I guess it's up to us? :( 😔

Can't we just tell the mods that he's like our God damn rocky statue around here,,,

Did you forget to switch accounts or something? Why did you reply to yourself with a comment supporting what you said?

I like to party? I can reply to my own comment? My bad, I go back to mother Russia and cry in my tequila 😔

What the fuck?! I love that guy. Fucking bullshit. Hey mods, such a bag of dicks

Removed. Rule 10.

Good! Now that you know what actually constitutes Rule 10 violation, use that knowledge from here on out and unban putin, sound good kiddo?

Good! Now that you know what actually constitutes Rule 10 violation,

I always did.

use that knowledge from here on out and unban putin, sound good kiddo?

Interesting choice of words.

Clearly not. And you know I’m not talking about the Russian presidictator, nice try though

Just mods doing the ole "doing their job" routine to clean up the pages of reddit from all dissenters.

Can't he just get a new username? Putin loves dogs? Putin hates cats?

Cats love Putin!

Putin loves his chest? I'm hoping for that one

Good riddance

That guy was a douche.

He/she's probably now MORE angry lol /s

Oh hi, major sub dweller.


FINALLY!!!!! he used to be ok, but then he got like a 3 day ban and just came back salty and childish. Good riddance. When his true colors showed thru, he was just a pathetic piece of frozen alaskan shit.

This saddens me and I will miss his contribution.


Fuck that guy.

The guy was an asshole most of the time. Insulting people alot. Trolling. Violating rules here and there. Was already banned several times... i Find it rather suspicious he wasnt perma banned yet.

Not sure why people liked him


Chilly means shilly, silly

doctors are suppose to advocate for the health and safety of their patients as well but they still rubber stamp prescriptions that pharmaceutical companies bribed them to prescribe which in turns harms their patients later in life. bar lawyers are nothing but liars, frauds and thieves. anything you say should be held highly suspicious to anyone on here in regards to law.

Lol too scared to say shilly?

Shills will bait real posters into getting banned

My you seem angry and very rude.

I believe you are right. Lawyer is just someone who is legally trained. Someone with a JD that does legal consulting but does not actually practice law. Attorney is an abbreviation for attorney-at-law and is someone who is legally qualified to defend or persecute in a court of law.

I wasn't a fan of him either. Not sad to see to see him go