November 4th, 2017

29  2017-10-25 by clark116

Hey everyone, thought it might be a good idea to start a collection-based thread for discussing November 4th. A few rumors have been swirling around about Antifa/civil-war/shitstorm activities all happening that weekend (not THIS [upcoming] weekend, but NEXT).

Personally, I'll be avoiding major cities (and military bases). Juuuuust in case.

Here's just a couple reasons I'm spooked:

Not convinced something strange could happen in a few weeks?

Recent News Articles

For the pattern-lovers out there:

I have omitted several mysterious deaths/plane crashes/transfers-of-power here, for the sake of brevity. Human hearts are just so darn fickle! Feel free to share other historic events occurring on November 4. Oh yeah, and presidents of the US are elected on Nov. 4th.

Sweet lawd have mercy, I must sound crazy. Look at all those coincidences! Maybe it's all nothing.

Let's just relax and jam out to the upcoming Billboard Top Ten, shall we?

The list officially comes out in a few weeks. Guess the date. Bingo.

10. Look what you made me do

9. Unforgettable

8. Too good at goodbyes

7. Sorry not sorry

6. Mi Gente "My People" (right translation? Pretty sure.)

5. Thunder

4. Feel it still

3. 1-800-273-8255 (Suicide Prevention Hotline phone number)

2. "Bodak Yellow" AKA "Money Moves"

1. Rockstar (shoutout to Post Malone for not being a part of this shit :)

You know what -- on second thought, I've heard enough pop music for today.

Please share your own thoughts, observations, concerns, and information about this strange date. Hopefully we can all go about our normal daily lives, uninterrupted by the rich man's tricks.

~ Love & Good Vibes


the city-folk will behave or they will starve

Also, this article just came out today. It describes (for those un-aware of it) the Cheyenne Mountain facility, and how it watches out for missiles, is EMP-proof, and how prepared the US gov is -- and HAS been. #foreshadowing

Oh my god, another comforting article I just came across.

Pyongyang may consider conducting "the most powerful detonation" of a hydrogen bomb over the Pacific Ocean amid rising tensions with the United States.

CIA chief Mike Pompeo said last week that North Korea could be only months away from gaining the ability to hit the United States with nuclear weapons.

Experts say an atmospheric test would be a way of demonstrating that capability. All of North Korea’s previous nuclear tests have been conducted underground.

An atmospheric test over the Pacific would absolutely obliterate electronics on the western coast.

Just think about poor Hawaii... =(

Just in case any competant folks are actually paying attention... I stumbled into this comment from a few years ago, about the 1839 Newport Rising:

I love bringing up the Chartists with my conservative friends. They were the dangerous and scary radicals of their day. An invidious threat to the establishment and everything that makes Britain great.

Guess what their outrageous demands were?

A vote for every man twenty-one years of age, of sound mind, and not undergoing punishment for a crime. The Secret Ballot – To protect the elector in the exercise of his vote. No Property Qualification for Members of Parliament – thus enabling the constituencies to return the man of their choice, be he rich or poor. Equal Constituencies, securing the same amount of representation for the same number of electors, instead of allowing small constituencies to swamp the votes of large ones. Annual Parliament Elections.

Pretty much everything they wanted is now unquestioned, well, apart from yearly elections but they are held regularly which is the main thing. Not even the most right wing Conservative would question any of that nowadays. So I like to ask conservatives which radical liberal policies that they hate now will became similarly accepted by conservatives in two hundred years time ...

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Nija edited to fix it.

Remember remember the 5th of November ;)

Bonus Illuminati Hit:

The Pope sent a special envoy, Gaspare Visconti, to investigate and, simultaneously, to administer the Order until the dispute could be settled. La Cassiere and Romegas were both summoned to Rome to explain their conduct and plead their case. La Cassiere arrived in Rome on 26 October 1581 and, on orders of Pope Gregory XIII, was treated with much deference and ceremony. By contrast, Romegas was treated with extreme coldness and much disdain. He died, alone and with broken spirit, within a week, on 4 November 1581.

Who's this Romegas?

In 1577 he was elected Lieutenant (to the) forgive the Office joke Grand Master. With his record of valor and success, he seemed destined to be elected Grand Master in due course, but he was eventually tripped up by the intrigues and machinations of several senior members of the Order who sought to use his prestige and influence for their own ends.

So he was pretty unhappy with the Grand Master at the time, and tried to lead a mutiny. He put the other guy in jail, and everyone was supposed to be happy. He thought.

Wait, what's a Grand Master?

In medieval military orders, the Grand Master was the formal and executive head of a military and feudal hierarchy, which can be considered a "state within the state".

If an order is granted statehood and thus widely considered sovereign, the Grand Master is also its Head of State.

If within the Holy Roman Empire, a Reichsfürst and Head of Government, and thus a true territorial Prince of the church, as was the case with the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.

These guys were in the Sovereign Military Order of Malta which is currently the world's oldest surviving chivalric order.

Why's it special? The Pope sent someone to undo the mutiny and sully the instigators name investigate.

And... what happened because of it?

La Cassiere was honorably acquitted of all charges against him and restored to the position of Grand Master.

TL;DR: TPTB successfully instigated a mutiny in October, and then forcibly un-did the power shift by November 4th. In 16th century Rome.

Happy researching!

What is the map specific to?

Also, Daylight savings switchover, which gains back a stolen hour, but still fucks sleep schedules & physical safety.

Nice one! The map is from the Antifa website linked right above it. Where the protests are scheduled. Each city has its own FB page promoting the event and providing more details. Not a lot of interest in ATL, it seems. Posts get minimal likes. Hope it’s all flash and no sizzle. Would be funny if only the trolls and shills show up, but drama is being spun with scare tactics to incite riots and a civil war. FUCK THAT. Pay attention to LOCAL news, and befriend your town police/firefighters/officials. You & your neighbors should already be friends. Time we all buddy up and save each other from any chaos coming our way.

I'm on good terms with my trumper neighbor and also my down the street Dem party operative. They don't like eachother, tho ;)

The hell are those events supposed to mean?? 92 year old Andy Rooney, 2 writers, a ballerina, a Japanese singer and an emperor's wife over 1000 years ago all died on the same day???

Spooky shit.

It all seems random when spread out over centuries, but their love of numerology and our love of recording accurate facts throughout history has started to shed light on some awfully sketchy shit...

This is the most retarded thing I've ever read. There are 365 dates for things to occur. The same 365 dates for all of human history. Of course there are gonna be some things happen on the same day.

Fair enough. I was just interested in Nov 4th because it's coming up. I think the elites will try to use that weekend for an assassination attempt/civil war/provoking WWIII.

Let's do it with another date? How about March 7th?

The point is not "these things are all connected" -- but rather to show how spread out our history is. If you believe in reincarnation, or like the akashic records, or similar spiritual concepts of one-ness and synchronicity, than you will hopefully acknowledge that certain dates have had very large conscious effects on the entire human psyche. Ripples through spacetime, if you will.

IDK. Maybe it's just the brain's pattern-recognition going crazy. I'm not obsessing over these things, mind you. It only took about an hour to find some weirdness of the ages. Maybe there's a few families that know what's what. Your guess is as good as mine.

Interesting post, but with respect to antifa actually being able to pull off starting a civil war.....that seems highly doubtful. There aren't that many of them for starters so I'm not sure why this is getting press. I would think other than small pockets of riots is about all they could muster, just my two cents worth.

Probably not, but there have been a number of craigslist ads reported looking for roleplayers for an army reserve exercise on the 4th of November.

This is what I'm talking about! There's so many tiny local goings-ons that make it hard for the collective US to notice properly. Good share! =)

I've also seen 'ads' (some apparently faked) for these types of things in many nearby 'progressive' towns. They are very out-of-character for the areas I'm familiar with, at least.

We need to preserve the peace and change things the CORRECT way, through PROPER channels. Not blasting our friends and family members because "they voted wrong."

Hailing from western Mass, I am wondering what the significance of Pittsfield, MA is on this map? It seems very out of place in regards to the large cities listed.

Hey there! The map is from the link right above it. The protests are staged and organized by your local village idiots. Here's the event page for Pittsfield. Starts at 1. About 75 people 'interested' so far, and the leader confirmed they DO HAVE a permit from the city. For juicier details, I'd suggest finding out more about that permit. Make some phone calls!

Just for Clarification, the white zones on the map. Are they white as in "White Hot" for riots? Or White because they are safe?

They're white to bring attention to the states with 'official' idiot-gathering events that weekend. Please avoid them if possible.

I wish I had a map of the FEMA/DOD/Base drills going on too. That would be neat.

So anyone going to give this man applause?

Sooo.... What happened?

Nija edited to fix it.