What’s causing this ‘Mandela Effect’
0 2017-10-26 by kingXcazam
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but i’m new here and i’m just now hearing about all this stuff. The Mandela Effect, sure is creepy. But my question is, WHO is doing this, HOW are they doing this, and WHY are they doing this? What’s causing all of this?
1 435435435 2017-10-26
Last part I the bible happening ?
1 kingXcazam 2017-10-26
1 mombomb22 2017-10-26
What is the Mandela effect?
1 MidevilDanivia 2017-10-26
You mean the Manleda effect?
1 mombomb22 2017-10-26
1 skyderper13 2017-10-26
assuming there is a purposeful goal behind ME
1 invictus_excelsis 2017-10-26
No one is causing it. It's a part of moving from one age into another. We are in the awakening times of the age of Aquarius. Frequency and vibrations are changing in the cosmos and naturally changing within us. Those who are rising with them are noticing differences. Some are more than others.
1 downisupp 2017-10-26
Ohh my age;D
what kind of differences?
1 kingXcazam 2017-10-26
But how is this changing like Berenstein to Berenstain
1 invictus_excelsis 2017-10-26
Think of it like this. You remember it to be Berenstein and you are completely convinced that is correct and true. You find out that it's not Berenstein but is actually Berenstain. If you say that is not correct and hold true to your honest beliefs then you are rising in awareness of the universe and building internal strength. That is a part of the awakening process. Most will be like. I guess I was just mis-remembering and go with the consensus and never look further.
These subtle changes are the universe testing your being.
1 kingXcazam 2017-10-26
Well what should we do? Go with the flow, or question it?
1 sonicb00m42 2017-10-26
It's definitely in our best interest to always question.
1 HairlessApe 2017-10-26
Would more properly be called "Alzheimer Effect".
1 Beneficial1 2017-10-26
You, it's your timeline. Your body, your perception.
You are also plugged into the collective like the matrix. And the collective is a bit messy right now, but we are becoming more aware of it. Simultaneously we are becoming aware of a wider sense of time. And that we are not bound by it, it's flexible. Simultaneously we are becoming aware of probabilities , which are choices and the subsequent path those choices can make, and whether they are always subject to change. Simultaneous to that we are becoming aware of synchronicity, and that is where you see that what you are doing will attract a myriad of symbolic experiences centered around it.
1 sonicb00m42 2017-10-26
It's like the matrix, dark city, they live!, and the adjustment bureau all put together :l
1 bradok 2017-10-26
To throw in a different perspective...I've heard some theories that have to do with multiverse theory. If two Universes collide with each other (imagine bubbles floating through the air), it could effect timelines in some ways...purely speculative of course, but it's the most scientific understanding of it I've seen, considering M-Theory and String Theory both allow for the possibilities of a Multiverse.
1 marginwalker3 2017-10-26
in my timeline it was the bearenstoned bears.
1 DonnaGail 2017-10-26
I bet those were some interesting stories!
1 DonnaGail 2017-10-26
There is a Mandela Effect subreddit on reddit.
I don't know who/what is causing the Mandela Effect. But a few things have definitely freaked me out too!
1 RMFN 2017-10-26
Mainframe malfunction.
1 rantingsofastarseed 2017-10-26
time travel and collapsing timelines
1 AlexJonesRant 2017-10-26
The Hundredth Monkey effect. One a certain number of people believe something (even if it's wrong) it becomes "common knowledge."
1 IAMN30 2017-10-26
I know for a fact it was the Berenstein bears.
1 NDMagoo 2017-10-26
The extreme narcissism of people today is the ultimate answer.
1 MellowEpistle 2017-10-26
Who stands to benefit from such a concept anyway?
1 Aridius 2017-10-26
People being susceptible to suggestion/having terrible memories.