I feel as if the elite are orchestrating a "limited hangout" regarding the pedophilia situation. They're diverting the focus to Hollywood, as if it's the only institution where child abuse is present. Meanwhile, government, Royalty, the Catholic Church, and other elite circles get away with it

44  2017-10-26 by jeff34sonairplanr

I think TPTB are overseeing this "toppling" of the entertainment industry and its ties to sexual abuse. The peasants need to see one of the pillars fall down, so they still Have faith in the system.

The elites will topple one institution after another, to save their own skins and divert attention away from where the problem really lies, so long as the public demands answers as we are now.

They cannot let the general population realize, that many of their most respected public servants and trusted officials are actually potential child rapists and serial killers. They do not want the general public getting a peek at their secret and deviant "culture".

I feel as if they have had this planned for years in advance.

So, knowing that this is likely their plan, a "limited hangout" scenario, how are we able to subvert this? How can we better expose them?


There's only a limited number of limited hangouts before they start losing meat. Hollywood is the center for cultural programming so there will be collateral effects

They have to start somewhere.

They will eat each other, you'll see....

I feel like they have a damage plan for this scenario...

The elites are trying to shift the spotlight of abuse to adults and not the real underlying issue of the rampant pedophile abuse among the elites. That is the real blackmail material holding this house of cards together. It's systematic in all high ranking facets of society. Everything from the media to politics. They will lose in the end. They cannot control the great awakening.

Elite pedo-currency. That is what they want to protect.

It's truly the only thing they have. A very few are initiated in the dark arts. Most are just whores and perverts. They know nothing. They are controlled by their physical and materialistic inhibitions. The true elites use this as leverage as they hide behind the scenes controlling. People need to know and understand this. Truly.

I’ll say this on that subject. I’m seeing a whole lot more chatter on the Hollywood shit than I am of the corruption in DC.

So yeah, I’m going to have to agree on that one.

(((TPTB))) have an allowance for this crime in their holy doctrine. This spotlight they’re allowing is to normalize it.


Does it really look like they're "in control" though? Do we really think this Vegas scenario went the way they planned? That it's unfolded as they plotted? Sure doesn't feel like it.

Other thing is, by this point isn't it obvious to just about all of us that there is SOME kind of counterforce pushing against these satanic pedophile assholes? Material, spiritual, both, I've got my beliefs, you've got yours, but the whole playing field/chessboard ain't what it was.

I absolutely believe this was a clusterfuck at the top. I think it was an evil hail Mary op by the really bad guys and two not quite as bad teams that tried to thwart it.

More info, please....who are the not-as-bad teams? Which side did Paddock and "Campos" fall on? I am totally mystified by all this.

I think many people remember the Catholic Church scandals. The problem is people do not connect the dots because the media they consume doesn't do it for them.

Why are the throwing Weinstein under the bus? The whole thing feels like a very poorly thought out distraction. Major diseased behavior in govt and industry coming out in ones and twos. If this is a strategy I think it will reverse. The water will break. I'm hoping for a CIRCULAR FIRING SQUAD.

One institution at a time. Think of how far we've come compared to 2007. It will all come out. All of it. Things are moving fast.