There have been 7 terrorist bombings in Sweden in the last two weeks. How many have you heard about?

390  2017-10-26 by [deleted]



bombings are the new norm in sweden

Part and parcel...

>Stop taking things out of context

> Keep taking a particular quote out of context

That large cities should be prepared for terrorist attacks because they are now the norm? That was the context, no? That's what people take issue with.

Terrorist or gang warfare? Both caused by a suicidal open borders policy, but there is a difference...

From what I've heard from locals they were ISIS, but it's hard to get the facts (for obvious reasons!)

I think it's a total of 9

Terrorist or gang warfare?

a mix of them

Motorcycle gangs. Just want to point that out before the "immigrunts! mumslems!" bullshit starts.

It's not really bullshit at all. Foreign immigration leads to higher crime

99% of those are gang related. Scaring witnesses, cops etc. As you mightve noticed - no one died. Just structural damage.

Any source on that?

All of these are news sources. So how's the media ignoring this and also reporting it? Are you just upset that they're not sensationalizing the topic? The best way to fight terrorism is to not give them the platform they are looking for. The whole point of a sensational event is to generate press coverage to draw attention to the cause. By covering without comment they are defusing the impact. Another approach would be to give them extraordinary coverage so that they won't feel the need to resort to desperate measures and escalate the attacks. All terrorist attacks are a cry for help and an act of desperation.

US media is ignoring it.

The US Media also consistently ignores Terrorist attacks that occur in Turkey, Lebanon, Indonesia etc. Do you expect the swedish media to cover every gang shooting that happens in the US? The media in the US doesn't even cover every gang shooting that happens in the US.

I'm really surprised that foreign media does cover the local US events. I really don't understand why. I was just in Sweden until the 10th. So I missed this stuff. But in the hotel I was amazed at how much US TV there was. There was also a Swedish show just like the Batchelor. I couldn't understand any of it but by looking at it it's pretty much the same thing as we get. Including Swedish guys dressing like rappers to look cool.

We had a Finnish Au Pair with us the last year and she related a similar situation the follow US nes very closely in Finland I was really surprised

Europeans will hate me saying this, but they're kind of strangely obsessed with the US. They know our politics intimately and follow our cultural events more closely than those of their neighboring countries.

It is not strange if you consider that they all depend on our military to defend their interest. The military funded off the taxes of the middle class that cannot afford healthcare, houses or education.

The US military don't defend my interests nor those of the vast majority of Europeans. They defend the interests of an elite that is primarily American, but whose interests coincide to a large extent with elites across the globe, including Europe.

That's part of the reason. Keep the world open for trade. Malthusian economics. The second reason is for the US to subdue potential future enemies.

Almost all of the successful TV formats like Batchelor, American idol and so on are being sold to almost every country on earth. They even have the same music, intro etc.

We cover incidents in Paris + London. Why wouldn't we cover incidents in those places too?

There is coverage, it's just not usually front page news because the POTUS keeps doing something to distract us so the MSM can continue to feed us bullshit stories like "President is mean to Widow" instead of "Why is the military industrial complex spreading into Niger?"

yeah that Niger stuff is wack.

Its been ramping up in Africa for some time now.

For sure, Somalia in the 90s, Lybia, it's been for a while. But no one seems to talk about it hmmm.

Shhhhh! You're questioning the narrative. Go back to sleep, thought isn't wanted here.

What kind of incidents are you talking about in France, England and Germany? Due to the sensationalizing by OP, I think you might have gotten the impression that these are some high profile terrorist attacks. One of the links OP posted refers to what is believed to be a fire cracker thrown into a building, another refers to a called in a fake bomb threat.

These things aren't really major enough to make international news. It is the same with UK and even many US based stories. search Google for Chippenham explosion or Brighton bomb threat and see if you can find a lot of US media reporting on those.

The world media goes crazy every time someone hits someone with a car in case it's terrorism, but all of those things happen in a week and it's almost silent... come on.

Because like everyone said, it's gang related. Not terrorism. The murders are happening against other members of other gangs. It's a gang war. The car killed and hurt several innocent civilians, now that's something to write about. Not gangmember #1 shooting gangmember #2. And still, all this is written about in Swedish newssources. It's not like we don't hear about all these shootings.

Interesting. Presumably the gangs are all white Swedes, going back generations?

Nope. Why?

Interesting. Presumably the gangs are all white Swedes, going back generations?

Why are you so eager to make this about race?

I'm eager to make it about immigration, because it's the cause of both the acts of terror and the gang related violence...

Because he's a racist.

That is irrelevant from the premise you've initally proposed.

Gang violence is a problem, yes. Make a post about immigration then, rather than linking all these incidents with terrorism.

Ok, now imagine all the stuff that they don't cover at all. We don't know what we don't know.

Nice indirect shot at the coverage of Charlottesville. I see what you did there...

I mean... I am the one who linked them. And I can't exactly link to things that haven't been reported anywhere can I?

The point is that if this was anywhere else in the West, it would be huge news. Not just in local Swedish papers. I bet you've heard about more car attacks in France than Swedish bombings

It wouldn't be huge news at all. Gang shit like this happens in all major European and American cities. Your point is... pointless.

You are comparing apples to oranges.

I bet you've heard about more car attacks in France than Swedish bombings

I have heard about exactly 1 car attack in France, it killed 84 people. This is comparable to the car attack in Sweden that killed 5 people and it was heavily reported.

Compare this to the "bombings" you linked (one story appears to be about firecracker thrown into a building). They have no causalities, they seem to be mostly gang related in that they don't target people at random. There are lots of similar attacks that go unreported in international media.

Lets take one example you have, the bomb hoax in Lulea, you claim it received to little attention. Rather than compare this to a French attack, I'll compare it to a UK one since I don't know French. The Grand Hotel in Brighton was evacuated over bomb threat last month. Did you hear about it international media? Most likely not, it wasn't notable enough to be reported.

Similarly, none of the stories you gave are especially notable from an international perspective.

And these are only the incidents we know about. So now we shift the narrative to "gang related". Interesting, I wonder just exactly what culture, conditions, family life, religion, and other variables caused these gangs?

Are 6th gen Swedes, financially successful, and great stability, all of a sudden being put under a stress condition that is causing then to form gangs and go posta?

Or perhaps it's an externality foisted upon them?

We'll just never know. Nothing to see here. If we question any further we might be called something that is literally worse than death, and we can't be thought of as that. Virtue signaling is the height of salvation now. Don't ever forget that.

Only the first and maybe the last seems to be possibly related to terrorism. The other ones are clearly gang related.

You don't think gangs terrorize?

Roger that.

Of course it is bad either way, but the title says terrorist bombings which clearly tries to draw the connecting to terror groups such as ISIS. Made further evident by the fact that OP in this thread linking them to ISIS.

they are all the same. It will get scary when the crips and bloods in the US realize this

By lib logic, MS-13 are comprised of dreamers and shouldn't be deported, so you being downvoted doesn't come as a surprise.

"We LOVE human trafficking now!"

Can you take your party politics and fuck off please.


A fellow Republican.

Fuck the Republicans.

It's like words have definitions and shit.

Bro, you thinks the Swedes were notorious for gang bombings before this mass migration? I guarantee you that these "gangs" are immigrants

Sweden has a big problem with biker gangs and the like, but I'm interested in hearing more of your guarantee that these are immigrants. What are you basing this on?

That biker gangs aren't the notorious group for bombing civvies.

Apparently the Swedish media is blacking this out

You fucking linked .se sites and half them are in Swedish. And like 3 of these articles nothing happened.

On a similar topic - apparently Sweden has 4-5x as many murders as Germany and as many grenade attacks as Mexico

Totally similar. How many beheadings does Sweden have compared to mexico since we are pulling random scare facts out our asses.

was only in passing though so I don't have any details Ah, right, clueless boob posts about something he has no clue about. Proceeds to be outraged.

...wait a second this is /r/conspiracy and not worldnews. Mate I think your lost.

Haha yes I'm sure if all of that happened in London in the space of a week there wouldn't be a blip on the world media, just some stories in small local papers.

Address the initial point when you sensationalized a topic and no shit, proved your self wrong all in the same post.

After this we can theorize about hypotheticals all day. Ehat you are doing with the above comment is deflection.

Im calling you out.

Absolutely agree with you. As a european I just love how sometimes out of nowhere certain topics pop up here and people try to create a certain narrative. In this case I guess: look how bad the situation is in sweden with all of the arabs there. Trump is right bla bla bla bla

Same thing happend to me when a user tried to tell me how bad the situation is in germany. To bad I live there... fucking bullshit

Same thing happened to me when a user tried to tell me how bad the situation is in Germany. To bad I live there...

That doesn't normally stop them!

I've had someone tell me a certain part of London is a 'white no go zone' whilst I've been sat half a mile away from that area. They were sat thousands of miles away and had never been to the UK, yet somehow they knew all about these 'no go zones'.

Yep same thing for me. He was talking about the new years incident in Cologne. I live in Cologne and I even know people who where there but still, he insisted that Breitbart news was right :D I asked him for other sources and he seriously posted me another article of Breitbart

I was speechless how ignorant some of the users are

Yeah, well I've had people tell me the everyone in Florida is fucking crazy... Fuck, they're right carry on.

It didn't say 4-5x as many murders. It said 4-5x more fatal shootings. Its also Breitfart that is completely unreliable. Newsflash: The United States has the highest fatal shooting rate in the developed world and it isn't even close.

Newsflash: The United States has the highest fatal shooting rate in the developed world and it isn't even close.

Remove a certain population from those stats and this is no longer true. The same holds true for the problem in Sweden. Why did Sweden have to import this problem? It makes no sense to me why you want to take responsibility for this terror.

Assuming you're talking about the black population?

In which case, you're talking nonsense.

Are black people not American?

Remove a certain population from those stats and this is no longer true.

Why are you making entirely false claims and pushing lies in order to make this sub seem like a race-baiting ignorance factory?

They want it to be a race war. The thread is also full people trying to steer the conversation about race, and imply that this is all the horror of multiculturalism.

Make no mistake, race baiters have been trying to use /r/conspiracy to """redpill""" the masses for some time now.

Remove a certain population from those stats and this is no longer true.

Yeah, if you remove the population group called "People who have died from fatal shootings"

"Apparently the Swedish media is blacking this out. "

.. Then posts media articles on every single incident ..

Let's not forget they magically became rape capital of the world above the previous which I believe was the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa.

Breitbart has been known to completely make things up to paint a narrative of Europe as a warzone, so I wouldn't rely on it as a source for this topic (or any topic, really).

Which you shouldn't, but this specific article links to an article from a swedish state operated media, and the Breitbart article is basically just a translation.

This one seems legit.

So have several other news corporations,what's your point?

The 7th one isn't even a bombing. It is a threat.

Israel is behind the notable censorship of terrorism reports from Europe. Israel's owners,manufactured the refugee crisis and doesn't want it publicized.

They are the one pushing so hard for these open boarders

Exactly. By destroying the middle class, they remove the resistance to their scams.

Apparently the Swedish media is blacking this out.

Provides media sources for every one of them.

I think OP means that it's not getting the coverage that it needs, not a total blackout.

Kinda like the treatment Bernie Sanders got in the 2016 primary.

Bernie Sanders received all the ridicule he deserved in 2016

Yeah the_donald hates him

Idk I've sern strange alliances formed between progressives and the right lately, for example the Awan case, wikileaks ect. They seem pretty united in a hatred for Hillary.

Very true. But op I replied to is very active in t_d. If you haven’t been banned there yet that means you haven’t said a single negative thing about trump and actually still defend and support him. So I don’t care what that guy has to say and he has no place in this sub lol

No actually everyone on the political spectrum has a place on this sub

Completely agreed.

It was a rise in anti-establishment sentiment. After 8 years of Bush and 8 years of Obama the government seemed largely the same. Bailing out the rich, the imperial wars still ongoing, lack of investment domestically, stagnant wages, etc. Trump and Bernie were protest votes in a lot of ways.

This is what corporate bootlickers actually believe. 😂

Or anyone that doesn't want their possessions stolen from them??


Damn... he's onto us, guys! Protect your toothbrushes!

Thing is, these are criminals doing stuff to other criminals. It sure as hell isnt terrorism. And it's been covered. Too bad that OP doesnt pay attention.

Except Sweden was one of the most peaceful low crime countries in the world 10 years ago. Chicago style gang violence is massive news.

Give it time. People will start to think of it as normal

There has always been violent, criminal groupings that have done alot of bad stuff. You don't even have to go that far back before it was romantizized by the public.

And who are those criminals? What are they influenced by?

I know some of these are by motorcyclegangs, which are mostly very white, very swedish individuals.

Why mention US politics?! This comment is everything currently wrong with this sub....

😂😂😂 you're so melodramatic

op says ‘Swedish media’

Obvious shill ignores the fact that the sources op posted were not from Swedish media in an attempt to derail another post

7 terrorist bombings

No evidence of terrorist motive and links an article about a bomb threat.

I haven't heard a thing, unless you mean the racial/cultural genocide.


People wonder why the UK passed Brexit. The open boarder refugee issue is going to be the cancer that starts world war 3. You allow millions of unvetted migrants refugee status. Those refugees who have come from war torn countries have babies at twice the rate of the local majority. Five years those refugees become citizens. Those citizens apply for EU open border migrant status. They move to any country in the EU they want. Odds are they move to countries with less refugees. Those refugees in return birth more and more. Eventually those who still side with radical Islam decide to push the agenda on their new homes. Twenty to thirty years later you have World War 3. Germany is over thrown by radicals Islam and becomes the headquarters for the movement. The U.K., Russia and US team together to take back Europe. Millions of lives are lost. We can't decide which refugees are radicalized and which aren't. Innocent people are pulled from their houses and vetted. Concentration camps are set up to house all the migrants while they are throughly vetted for ties to Radical terror. EU reevaluates their open border policy.

None - all I hear is how Scandinavia is the happiest, most educated, flippin' fantastic place to live in the entire Universe!

Sweden is the first muslim owned EU country, France coming in at a close 2nd. RIP Sweden.

10 million people in Sweden, ~20% immigrants, maybe less than 10% of those are muslim.

Nice try though.

I've heard somewhere in a video, a guy describing the future of Sweden... Saying it'll be a 3rd world country in x amount of time, thanks to their open border policy they had. People who want open borders here in the US just baffle me. I guess it takes certain people to be a victim before they call for change.

Don't worry, the US are already on their way to 3rd world country according to statistics (life expectancy and things like that) and it's not the result of any open border policy.

We can't use that excuse, just plan old greed and corruption here.

LoL... I love how I get down voted over me repeating what somebody said in a video I watched. Reddit is such a liberal site, being a self proclaimed Republican on here, is mind numbing sometimes.

Sad thing is that when you point it out to people in the future they'll be like "Oh it was always like that. If anything immigration improved it" or "No one knew that would happen"

Blame poor immigrants and not the government that continues to tell us that trickle down economy helps us all.

Exactly. Siding with the powerful whilst pretending to be a victim.

Changing demographics...

First I'm hearing of it. Although Sweden seems to be content in their situation. I've seen on Twitter Swedish accounts (or what appear to be) that simply laugh off ANY list or evidence you provide with non-related comebacks or that we are simply falling for Western propaganda.

I dunno though, 7 bombings in 2 weeks (multiple on the 19th) seems like a real problem Sweden.

It is a problem, one the politicians and swedish media hardly recognize and do anything about (due to political views and limited resources). But its hardly terrorism, its gang vs gang or gang vs police, insurance fraud etc as it has always been, just more murders and explosives now. And as you can see no-one died in these events, only structural damage.

We don't hear about it because this is what happens to Swedish journalists covering immigration with opposing views.

There have been 50 bombs in the city Malmö alone this year. 2 people injured only, which is close to a miracle.

In Malmö swedish born are a minority. Worst place in Sweden, weher police help clans of criminals broker peace.

In Malmö swedish born are a minority

No they're not. 61% of all people in Malmo are Swedish born.

The rest is probably danish.

wikipedia ? really ?

How's your Swedish? You can have a better source if you like.

PDF Warning

Breitbart sources all their articles from either other Breitbart articles, or racist facebook posts, so I wouldnt consider them a reliable source at all.

Also, almost all your links are from swedish news pages, so they are in fact not blacking this out

All that diversity.

It's because as far as I've gathered (being a close neighbour of Sweden), many are gang related shootings, and criminals settling scores. Some have even used grenades against opposing gangs. I would guess they apply car bombs as well, but that'll be my speculation for now.

There's also the scenario of some disgruntled individual every now and then, with no specific affiliation with any ideology or having a political agenda that calls in a bomb threat out of personal beef.

This is what the latter incident/lick suggests. The aim was to clear the entire builiding, there was no bomb, and there weren't many people around. Could be someone with a quarrel.

The attack against the bar I would say fits more the M.O, so I wouldn't rule it out.

It doesn't get coverage internationally in the same sense that I don't hear about specific instances of gang voilence in America or elsewhere.

I'm not ruling anything out by default because I wouldn't be a good conspiracy theorist otherwise, but this post misleading.

I think it would be a brutal stretch to associate these events with anything less than the invasion of Europe by islamists.

Islam means to submit to God and live as mohammad says to and did. Mohammad says lies, steal, rape and kill non-islamists.

And would this rise of crime possibly have a correlation with something? Who are the perpetrators?

Migrants, but.

I'm asking for honesty. As in not to have something like this spun towards Islamic terrorism for the sake of intergrating that with a narrative and claiming there's a wave of terrorist incidents in Sweden at this scope and it's somehow not even mentioned.

That's dishonest.

If it's about migrants in a criminal network, then it should be about migrants in a criminal network.

Well, the lowest classes of the society are often overrepresentated in the criminal communitys, even in a country like Sweden where the lower classes gets alot of help. And right now the recent migrants/refugees are at the bottom of the foodchain.

A couple of years ago it was the refugees from the balkans that did all the major crimes, but that has decreased as they been integrated into society.

Although well off, both Denmark and Sweden have had gang problems since I can remember. 90's had a bunch of bazooka attacks, it was mostly Hells Angels and Banditos if I remember correctly. Then eastern European gangs and Turks got added to the mix.

It's all of course getting turned into ISIS terror attacks being run through the US right wing media grinder. Everything for the narrative.

I've read about the MC wars (mostly Denmark during the 90's) and it read like straight out of a movie script. Was hard to imagine that occuring anywhere in Scandinavia. The clubs in Norway almost look docile in comparison.

I haven't heard anything about it, thanks for bringing awareness to it.

3 or 4, looking around here in /new/ and twitter

Sweden is first country to fully embrace muslims and allow the takeover.

What in shitting crikey is this sentence supposed to fucking mean? This thread is such a steaming dungheap. Hilarious and tragic all at once.

feminism ..

Currently no (publicized) evidence that it is terrorism.

I love the way people start foaming at the mouth whenever Sweden is brought up.

Like: Holy crap, murders rose by 10%, so now instead of having 1/5 of the murders per captia compered to the US, they have a staggering of 1/4 of the murders per captia compared to the US. Phew, good thing we don't live there, we would be murdered in an instant.

I assume all crime should be tolerated by Swedish people, because your country is worse? Or are you saying that they are fear mongering? Because I can assure you that crime has gone up as a direct link to letting in unvetted 'guests'. Why should people have to put up with that? Even if only one of them was a thief, it would be one thief too many.

I assume all crime should be tolerated by Swedish people, because your country is worse? Or are you saying that they are fear mongering?

The latter. Sweden should definitely deal with all her own problems nationally and look at rise in crime from a national perspective.

What I mean is that there is a lot of fear mongering going on from an international perspective. It feels like Sweden is brought up unproportionally in these cases to be painted as some kind of hellhole; while in reality, things are looking much worse for us in the US.

Any source at all ?

I live in Sweden and have neither seen nor heard about any "terrorist bombings" - mostly because it has not happened.

A socialist state would regulate what media is to be provided.

Rule 11, rule 12. Consider this your warning.

Sweden is the first country to embrace muslims and allow a foreign takeover.

Yeah the_donald hates him

This is what corporate bootlickers actually believe. 😂

Except Sweden was one of the most peaceful low crime countries in the world 10 years ago. Chicago style gang violence is massive news.

And who are those criminals? What are they influenced by?

That large cities should be prepared for terrorist attacks because they are now the norm? That was the context, no? That's what people take issue with.

I'm eager to make it about immigration, because it's the cause of both the acts of terror and the gang related violence...

Because he's a racist.

Well, the lowest classes of the society are often overrepresentated in the criminal communitys, even in a country like Sweden where the lower classes gets alot of help. And right now the recent migrants/refugees are at the bottom of the foodchain.

A couple of years ago it was the refugees from the balkans that did all the major crimes, but that has decreased as they been integrated into society.