Reddit Admins ban "Nazi" subreddits but allow /r/Anarchism to organize riots and "insurrections" calling for the illegal removal of the president through violence

501  2017-10-26 by Degoun

This post is on the front page of /r/Anarchism. In it, a group that describes themselves as insurrectionists is calling for the illegal removal of the president and threatening "action" until "their demands are met."

Antifa is classified as Anarchist Extremist Domestic Terror group by Homeland Security and Insurrectionist is defined as a violent uprising against an authority or government.

How then are the admins able to justify letting /r/Anarchism remain unbanned, yet banning all the Nazi subreddits, when these Anarchist Extremist Domestic Terrorists have been causing violence and riots for over a year at the same events organized by the same people, are targeting members of a particular race, and have been prosecuted for violence countless times at these "events" they organize, by the same people, which are always promoted on /r/Anarchism and always end up having violence, vandalism, and rioting?

Edit: Added a link that I forgot to include

Edit 2: Some more goodies on their front page for the Admins to ignore:

Edit 3: Important comment by another user in this thread exposing more


This doesn't surprise me.

Because ostracizing people based on their beliefs is progress.

It's really problematic that they would do that just because of who they are. Reddit really should be more inclusive. Diversity is progress. Excluding them makes us to different from them.

Whose next? Us real liberals who believe in free speech?

They didn't ban antifa or BLM either. WTF those groups are just like nazis.

All extremes are the same in practice.

But they don't kill people for it, nor do they advocate for it. If those subreddits make posts to kill fashists/alt-right, and the mods don't remove them, then they should be banned

So you think they are against killing people but their hand was forced on over 20 occasions? Or perhaps their public and private discourse is not so open about illegal activity because its... Illegal?

On the first one (had to find a better source for it), you are right, he indeed killed a officer, and was indeed a member of BLM. (Didn't know that)

And it's sad he did it, because: "Some of y'all don't understand the more violence that occurs is less justice for Mike Brown the focus should be on him," he posted on a "Justice for Mike Brown" Facebook page on Aug. 14, 2014, one week after Brown's death.

But they don't kill people for it, nor do they advocate for it.

They advocate for it all the time. Why do you feel the need to lie? What do you gain from it? We can all see their comments. Plus yes BLM killed a whole bunch of cops.

Then please show the comments or posts on their subreddits. If they do it all the time then it wouldn't be a problem, would it?

Define “a whole bunch of cops”. Liar.

So you think every black person is in BLM?

Where did he say that?

He said BLM killed a lot of cops. I've never heard of anyone from BLM killing cops. Unless he's thinking of the guy in Dallas, who hated BLM because they weren't violent enough for him.

ahh yes I recall the 50-80million people who died when BLM tried to take over the world

How about the 150 million that died when communists (who Antifa often identify as and carry their flags) tried to take over the world?

You need to link me posts where you complained about the anarchist subreddit in the past because if you just started now? That just means you're a whiny nazi

You're in a mood today huh?

losing faith in humanity a little bit... people literally complaining about nazis being treated poorly

It's really depressing.

We probably need to ban r/Catholicism with a qualifier like that.

What part of Das Kapital advocates the systematic murder of millions of people?

How about the cops they killed in Dallas?

they planned that on reddit!?!?

Antifa has planned their terrorism on reddit.

was terrorism the reason reddit chose to ban certain nazi subs?

Reddit claimed the bans were for inciting violence.

The bans were in direct response to this

The dude was super active in the Donald, they basically created him with their propaganda.. they may not be able to ban the Donald yet, but they can sure as hell ban everything Nazi related, I sure as hell don't blame them.

How about the cops they killed in Dallas?

Maybe you should pay more attention. That guy rejected BLM for not embracing violence.

Antifa stand specifically against fascism (doing great work in Syria and Iraq do). BLM stand against police brutality.

Nazis want to murder all the Jews and gays and create a white ethnostate.

Yeah, I see your point. Totally the same thing eh...

these people aren't true anarchists. tying these groups to anarchism is a psyop.

I joined r/anarchism naively believing it might reflect a libertarian leaning form anarchism, however it seem they believe in order to get a state of "anarchy" we have to go through communisim first.... doesn't make any sense to me.

it's fucking soros-funded statism. the dupes have no clue.

So you wanna prove that or what? Literally all they talk about over there is how much they hate the neoliberal word order and statism.

You realize that Anarcho-Mutualism, Anarcho-Communism, Anarcho-syndicalism have existed for wayyyyyyyyyyyyy longer than "right-wing capitalist libertarians"

Modern anarchism sprang from the secular or religious thought of the Enlightenment. The central tendency of anarchism as a mass social movement has been represented by anarcho-communism and anarcho-syndicalism, with individualist anarchism being primarily a literary phenomenon (which did nevertheless affect the bigger currents, including the participation of individualists in large anarchist organizations).

Unless the Paris Commune, Revolutionary Catalonia, Free-Ukraine are all funded by a time-traveling soros.

Thanks for reminding me, I need to cash this Soros check before it expires! Seriously where is all this Soros money? He's been paying off people for a long time why hasn't anyone came out with evidence?

Thought I got a Soros check in the mail, turned out it was a Sears CC bill.

You americans are so detached from reality you even think anarchism = libertarians.

These people are true anarchists you are just clueless.

There's this political philosophy written about by this French philosopher by the name of Jean-Pierre Faye called the Horseshoe theory. It suggests that far left and far right philosophies actually have more in common than centrist philosophies.

The Night-watchman state comes to mind in particular. It's a decidedly Libertarian concept that is just a few small changes away from being precisely anarchy, such that a moderate anarchist could be identical to an extremist Libertarian.

So it's not unfounded.

There's this political philosophy written about by this French philosopher by the name of Jean-Pierre Faye called the Horseshoe theory. It suggests that far left and far right philosophies actually have more in common with each other than with centrist philosophies.

Yea this theory is bullshit.

The Night-watchman state comes to mind in particular. It's a decidedly Libertarian concept that is just a few small changes away from being precisely anarchy, such that a moderate anarchist could be identical to an extremist Libertarian.

Most anarchists and all the anarchists in r/anarchy are what one would call anarcho-communists, anarcho-syndicalists or similar variations which are the opposite of what US liberatarians advocate. That is way if you visit r/anarchy you will see more hate for libertarians like Ron/Rand Paul than bug government fellas like Sanders.

Yea this theory is bullshit.

Have you read his work? If not, read it first maybe. That'd be the intellectually responsible thing to do.

Most anarchists and all the anarchists in r/anarchism are what one would call anarcho-communists, anarcho-syndicalists or similar variations which are the opposite of what US liberatarians advocate.

Yes, but the Night-watchman state is an extremist Libertarian philosophy, actually to be accurate, minarchist. It proposes having the government as small as it can possibly be without being completely ineffective so as to provide protections for the individual. You could argue that Minarchism is kind of like Anarcho-Capitalism, but that kind of just adds weight to the horseshoe political theory. Just because they're similar doesn't mean the people that subscribe to the beliefs won't hate each other. Cognitive dissonance is a thing.

That is way if you visit r/anarchism you will see more hate for libertarians like Ron/Rand Paul than bug government fellas like Sanders.

See cognitive dissonance. I mean, if you were to just look at policy alone, anarcho-communism is far closer to Libertarianism than Socialist Democracy. Nothing about communism intrinsically warrants the state taking all private property to transition into a communist society, unless you're a Marxist, which is why I'd rather suggest that the reason for why anarchists there hate Libertarians is because they aren't anarchists, or anarcho-communists, or anarcho-syndicalists. They're Marxists.

night watchman state is anarcho capitalist bullshit which most actual anarchists hate

It's minarchist.

See cognitive dissonance. I mean, if you were to just look at policy alone, anarcho-communism is far closer to Libertarianism than Socialist Democracy. Nothing about communism intrinsically warrants the state taking all private property to transition into a communist society, unless you're a Marxist, which is why I'd rather suggest that the reason for why anarchists there hate Libertarians is because they aren't anarchists, or anarcho-communists, or anarcho-syndicalists. They're Marxists.

Horseshoe theory is just status quo bullshit. You just have no ideia what anarchism is. But I'll weigh in. Minarchism, anarcho capitalism, liberalism and other variants are just capitalism on steroids, the basis of anarchism is anti-capitalism and the end of the state is just a symptom of that, as anarchists consider the state to be a tool of bourgeois oppression.

The intellectually reponsible thing to do would be to read actual anarchist authors like Proudhon or Kropotkin or even just reading about the story of anarchism within the labour struggles.

Also many anarchists subscribe to marx's reading of history and most of his analysis of society without actually being marxists.

Source: anarchist who subscribe's to most of marx's analysis.

how embarrassing that people like you exist

read karl marx

read him. dribble. never had a job. pathetic disgusting man who had a filthy room.

Errh I bet you haven't. But if the name puts you off you can start your path into class consciousness by reading Albert Einstein "Why socialism"

who gives a fuck what einstein thinks about economics? would you want him operating on you? i dont think so.

He gives his point there from a political and societal POV not an economic one.

But if you want actual economists you can read Richard Wolff or my personal favourite mr Francisco Louçã.

i used to be a commie and listen to richard wolff.

free market capitalism is superior in every aspect. you believe in state force in all aspects of life.

Donald fucking trump is your president and has promptly filled his cabinet with corporate moguls. You are currently in an undisclosed number of wars around the world while 80 people have has much wealth as 3 billion. That is free market capitalism for you.

I for one am just happy to live in a time where I can see it all start to break down.

because you're a deconstructionist post modernist neo marxist who only believes in the material superficial world.

deconstructionist post modernist neo marxist

This word salad doesn't mean anything. If you mean I am a radical leftist then yes I am. And it's not an insult btw.

No it's just that you americans have been supporting policies that harm the world for so long that everytime I hear Trump is doing something that will harm the average american it puts a smile on my face. Maybe it will spark some class consciouness, who knos?

it's an insult to anyone with half a brain. radical leftists are degenerate scum who commit genocide and install massive governments to try and structure society as they see proper. it's the most dangerous anti human rights ideology there is. its collectivist garbage. it has no place in modern society.

degenerate is literally a nazi buzword fyi.

You seem to far into the conditioning to see the light for now, so just think about it next time you or someone you know gets fucked by student loans, or bankrupted by medical care or your cousin in the army gets killed or maimed in the other side of the world.

student loans that no one forced you to enter into and that are backed by government. medical care that is inflated by state action and licensing and rules for insurance companies. and army that is another symptom of big government.

student loans that no one forced you to enter

There is a deliberate agenda to make higher education a mandatory minimum requirement to earn a livable wage in society, so while you're right no one forces you to take out student loans, our society definitely makes it hard to make an honest living without an education, which is expensive as fuck. There are scholarships, sure, but what about the rest of the middle class that doesn't get scholarships?

I think we would both be in agreement that this is the fault of the government.

people working in trades are making more money after high school and accumulating little to no debt.

fuck higher education, if you can't afford it. these people are coming out of college dumber than ever with no skills.

people working in trades are making fine money after high school and accumulating little to no debt.

I agree.

fuck higher education, if you can't afford it. these people are coming out of college dumber than ever with no skills.

I'm not arguing with you.

gotcha. im worried about this student loan bubble. what can we do?

Aside from crashing the global economy, not bailing it out, and dealing with the consequences of artificially growing a fake economy? Nothing.

I'd be more worried about the housing bubble that is just as bad as it was before the great recession. Lending practices haven't changed, we're in the exact same shit hole.

let's throw random buzzwords into one sentence, that'll show them

Not about buzz words. It's about being fundamentally opposed to everything he stands for.

unless you know you count the job he had writing for a newspaper that was wildly successful? that's like saying Alex Jones never had a job

Oh great. So let's overturn our entire way of living and abolish cash and private property cause some fat slob wrote at a newspaper. How progressive.

wow reading really is a lost skill. I'm sorry if that's all you took out of it, and not just something you heard someone like molyneaux or Sargon say so you're repeating it like a parrot. I think you might be pleasantly surprised if you suspended opinion before considering other ideas.

i used to flirt with communism. i used to believe money and private property was immoral. then i changed my mind. what say you.

except the only reason you gave was some random insults about marx, never mind the countless other philosophers and writers or revolutionaries themselves, nor the actual substance of the ideas ... so we've come full circle

lol for sure, we can debate his ideas - but i think its valid to look at who is saying the ideas and how they lived their life as well

Horseshoe theory is just status quo bullshit. You just have no ideia what anarchism is. But I'll weigh in. Minarchism, anarcho capitalism, liberalism and other variants are just capitalism on steroids, the basis of anarchism is anti-capitalism and the end of the state is just a symptom of that, as anarchists consider the state to be a tool of bourgeois oppression.

I can understand why, as a marxist, you feel threatened by something like the horseshoe theory. I won't try and prove to you why it is valid. You have your beliefs, I have mine. You're right, though, Anarchism inherently is opposed to capitalism, as it is opposed to all hierarchical systems, including the state. I never suggested otherwise, we're in firm agreement there, but that's not my explanation for why the anarchy sub here is so hostile towards Libertarianism and Minarchism, but so receptive of democratic socialism and Marxism. Anarchism, true to the bone anarchism, is just as vehemently opposed to marixsm as it is capitalism. The reason the anarchy sub is so biased in this regard is because the people there are Marxist, not anarchist. It's the same with many of the progressive subs here, and before being Marxist, they're social justice warriors.

Also many anarchists subscribe to marx's reading of history and most of his analysis of society without actually being marxists. Source: anarchist who subscribe's to most of marx's analysis.

Kinda supports my points, really. If you want to be a anarcho-marxist, that's cool. You're allowed to have your own opinions-we all are. This socio-economic argument has been done to death on the internet, and you and I certainly aren't going to solve it here (if what happened below is any evidence as such).

I like your comment about Einstein being pro-socialism. I wouldn't consider myself anti-socialism by any measure. I like bits and pieces of different philosophies, and I don't think we necessarily need to become true 100% communist, socialist, capitalist, or any other socio-economic "ist" to make our world a substantially better place to live in. However, I'd like to acknowledge that even Einstein noted the nuanced difficulties of socialism. While being pro-socialist, he didn't present his argument for socialism as so cut and dry. From Why Socialism:

Nevertheless, it is necessary to remember that a planned economy is not yet socialism. A planned economy as such may be accompanied by the complete enslavement of the individual. The achievement of socialism requires the solution of some extremely difficult socio-political problems: how is it possible, in view of the far-reaching centralization of political and economic power, to prevent bureaucracy from becoming all-powerful and overweening? How can the rights of the individual be protected and therewith a democratic counterweight to the power of bureaucracy be assured?

It suggests that far left and far right philosophies actually have more in common with each other than with centrist philosophies.

In my experience this seems accurate

So are you proposing we adopt anarchism overnight? I'm sure that would work out well. The libertarian mindset is a precursor to true anarchy.

Libertarianism is the law of the stronger(actually the richest), capitalism on steroids.

Be libertarian all you want but don't think the fine folks over at r/anarchism have anything to do with that ideology.

So the solution is to concentrate power in the state as opposed to private interests? With the intention of one day dissolving the state? Because states historically always lose power to their constituents over time.... seems like a good idea.

Anarchists don't want "private interests" ruling public life. Fuck corporations. If you haven't realised by now anarchists want actual communism.

Well classical anarchist authors advocate a violent overthrow of the state through violent revolution.

That's some impressive mental gymnastics right there.... we want anarchy (with out rulers) and we plan to get there by vesting powers in the state.... last time I checked a private corporation couldn't put me in a cage for smoking pot.

Corporations are literally destroying the world for profit, so no, I don't corporations to do whats good for society. Corporations what jail you but they will lobby the fuck out of politicians for anti marijuana policies or for private prisons or anywhere they see profit.

Corporations and government are the 2 sides of the same coin, I think most people in r/conspiracy must be aware that the boogeyman you call government is paid and bought off by private donors.

When I see a CEO arrest a senator for not getting his way then I'll change my mind.... government has ultimate authority, you can't start a corporation without the government's concent... our spineless politicians and years of social conditioning have led to the idea that corporations are running the game... when in reality they are just very good at playing it.

Vice President Mike Pence, who has strong ties to Koch Industries and raked in eye-popping sums from the finance sector, construction industry, pharmaceutical industry and chemical industry; Rex Tillerson, Trump’s secretary of state pick, spent his entire career at Exxon Mobil, which is not just among the world’s largest oil companies, but the corporation most responsible for spreading climate denial and intimidating climate activists. Steven Mnuchin, treasury secretary nominee and longtime Goldman Sachs executive, through a hedge fund took over the failed IndyMac, turned it into One West and went on a foreclosure rampage. General James Mattis, the pick for secretary of defense, has spun through the revolving door, leaving the military to serve on the board of General Dynamics, a multinational military contractor, and the scandal-ridden Theranos, a start-up company which misled investors and consumers about its blood-testing technology. Betsy DeVos, named to be education secretary, is a billionaire scion and whose husband is heir to the Amway fortune, is a purveyor of extremist education privatization proposals and has herself invested in for-profit education companies. Elaine Chao, up to run the U.S. Department of Transportation, who served on the board of directors of Wells Fargo during the cross-selling scandal, as well as a half dozen other corporate boards. Former Goldman Sachs executive Gary Cohn, slated to head the National Economic Council, who led Goldman Sachs as it profited off the housing market collapse in part by misleading its own clients; Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, Trump’s pick to the run the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, believes that climate science is “far from settled,” has repeatedly sued the agency he will be tasked with leading, and as Oklahoma attorney general sent letters to federal agencies that were literally drafted by Devon Energy, one of the state’s largest oil and gas corporations. Steve Bannon, a special adviser to Trump who once ran and may maintain undisclosed business or other ties with, a far-right, racist website, and is a former Goldman Sachs executive; Linda McMahon, picked to run the Small Business Administration, who as World Wrestling Entertainment CEO helped ensure the wrestling industry remained largely unregulated, putting the health and safety of wrestlers at risk; Andy Puzder, who is to head the U.S. Department of Labor, the long-time mogul in charge of the Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr. fast-food chains, companies known for being anti-worker and anti-union, and who opposes many or all of the most important, recent, pro-worker initiatives of the Obama Labor Department, including a rule to ensure that worker are properly compensated for overtime. Wilbur Ross, a billionaire whose firm has profited from buying distressed firms and cutting workers’ benefits, named to take the post of secretary of the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Corporations ARE the government. This sums up why I'm an anarchist

Maybe if we had politicians with spines and an educated public we could demand anti trust suites.... like I'm teddy did... we have a public that welcomes corporate control however... if we had a public that demand the government represent the people maybe we could get something done... but untill people realise a new I phone won't lead to happiness were going to be consumer slaves.

To be clear: government and corporations are two heads on the same beast... one can't exist without the other... corporations it seems recently are better at responding to the public because it effects thier bottom line.... government has no interest at all in appeasing the public. It's goal since the beginning of time is to control and extort.

A CEO will not arrest a senator.

He will stop funding him and get his pals to stop funding him.

Then he'll put another candidate in position and run his campaign for him.

...And then the senator will no longer be senator.

So maybe the answer is a constitutional amendment demanding the separation of private and state interest.

That sounds very reasonable.

Who said anything about concentrating power to the state?

R/anarchism seems ro promote communisim. Hence the concentrated power in the state.

Do you... do you know what communism is?

Since you clearly don't lets go to wikipedia.

communism is the philosophical, social, political and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of the communist society ... and the absence of social classes, money and the state.

So communisim doesn't dictate that the state should control the means of production?

Control of resources = power.

LOOOOOL you simple boy, communism advocates that the toilers control the means of production. How they get there is what has caused major difficulties throughout the entire existence of the left.

That isn't what communism is. Please put down your american textbooks.

Does communisim not dictate that the state should own/control the means if production? Are you trying to say control over a certain geographical areas resources won't translate into consolidation of power?

Please show me one instance in recorded history were a government didn't become corrupt and act against its own people.

No, it dictates control of the means of production by the workers. WOW you got some learning to do, my friend!

Stop telling me to read shit and explain in your own terms how a communist state doesn't have power concentrated In the political elite?

Read shit or be mediocre.

I wont discuss communism if you are unable to think of it beyond it being a state.

I'm good relying on my own thoughts to arrive at conclusions.

Facts and figures are always appreciated tho.


Does communisim not dictate that the state should own/control the means if production?

The end goal of communism is literally a stateless society..

And you get there how?

/r/conspiracy fell and it fell fucking hard.

How so? I've been lurking for a while but only recently started participating.

Your understanding of communism is lacking.

Does communisim not dictate that the means of production be controlled by the state?

No it doesnt. Have you never fucking read any of their tracts?

Did karl Marx not say in the manifesto that the means of production should be controlled by the state? If not I'm 100% willing to change my mind and do further search into the communism ideology... links to unbiased sources of info are appreciated.

1st, Marx is not Jesus, and many communists do not agree with him on everything. Second he became a leading philosopher in a tendecy thay was already coalescing. Trade unions already existed, the Paris commune had already occured.

Communism posits that the workers should control the means of production. Some believe a state is necessary, some disagree on how much state, some disagree on if a state is even needed.

The communist manifesto literally does not say state control of the means of production is necessary for communism. I just searched the manifesto i downloaded for free off some commie website. Did a pdf search and "state control" does not show up once. "Means of production" shows up in 10 instances, only two of which use the phrase in a post revolutionary context and used in association with "the commune".

Sseriously bud, if you want to be ignorant well you wont be alone, but you have definitely been misled at somepoint about the basics of communism.

A major issue has always been the state communism vs free communism. Again, do some studying or keep being an altright lunatic.

I certainly don't want to be ignorant.

How ever since so called "true" communisim has never been attempted all we have to go on are real world examples of self identifying communist states (china) and all of those have sucked major balls. Not that the West is much better off... bigger houses and shit. We are still controlled and extorted. I would at least like the opportunity for my self to gain enough wealth to "buy" my freedom.... something not possible in any form of communisim.

Americans think communism = state control because of decades of propaganda

Armchair warriors for comfort and safety.

Marshmallows riding ponies over rainbows.

He said he "naively believed it might reflect a libertarian leaning form of anarchism". How do you get from that "anarchism = libertarians"? He padded and softened the shit out of that. Plus, he's not talking about the libertarian party. He's likely talking about things like the non aggression principle that is core to libertarian philosophy and not at odds with anarchism by definition.

I can understand the confusion, they might seem close if you are not into politics but these 2 ideologies want completely different things.

Libertarians want a government as small as possible, as they believe big government interferes with private enterprise.

Anarchists want to overthrow the state as they believe it is a tool of the dominant class to opress the others.

Try /r/goldandblack - they set that up after the anarcho-capitalism page was more or less taken over by racists and anti-semites.

And reddit IS NOT neutral.

Thanks homy.

/r/Anarcho_Capitalism is where the real anarchists are.

No, that's where the fascists are. Gold and Black is where the real anarchists are.

""""Fascist"""", literally anyone can comment there.

I'm literally a Nazi because I'm literally a fascist.

All the cool kids are doing it these days.

believing it might reflect a libertarian leaning form anarchism

This is honestly hilarious and really shows how out of touch Americans are. Libertarianism belongs nowhere near anarchism, it's antithetical to it.

Well, except for how the world Libertarian had been used for a few centuries by radical progressives during the hey day absolute monarchies in Europe.

Libertarian Socialist as a term is older than the American Libertarian theoretics.

Lmfao Anarchism has always been Socialist/Communist.

lease explain how communisim ( the means of production shall be controlled by the state)

How does that ever turn into an ungoverned state?

Such an ignorant comment. Communism literally calls for a stateless society.

So does capitalism.

A free market does not exist if states manipulate it.

And capitalism calls for free markets that don't exist... neither one accomplishes what they claim to accomplish. But historically people in power claiming to be communist have but fucked thier constituents harder than people claiming to be capitalist.

Mostly because capitalists fuck other countries' constituents.

You're literally think more towards, though not exactly, of socialism

Lol well it does make a degree of sense since communism would cause a total war when people realize it leads to starvation thus causing anarchy, a wonderful state of civilization where your entire country become ruled by actual criminal gangs rather than some corrupt politicians like happened in italy after feudalism fell.

Good times that would be.


You joined r/anarchism for your personal views and biases to be confirmed and validated but instead found them to be challenged? Sounds terrible. Lernin suxdik

You should read up on anarchism. For two centuries it has been an anti-capitalist political tendency from the very beginning. Right-wing free market evangelists appropriated the terms "libertarian" and "anarchist" from libertarian socialists only in recent decades.

it's been a SJW sub for a while now, at least two years. the fempire got a hold of it.


calling for the illegal removal of the president through violence

The alt-right have killed people. Have these 'insurrections' happened, has there been violence, or is it just circlejerking about how they would totally overthrow the government if they were just a bit more motivated?

Black Lives Matter has killed 11 cops and wounded 9. So you're saying their insurrection is very serious and they should be labeled a domestic terrorists right?

Black Lives Matter did? Like, they gave the order for terrorists to go out and kill people?

Actually, wait. Who's the public face of BLM? Who is an actual representative of it? Who gave the kill order out?

Alt Right did? Like, they gave the order to kill someone after his car was hit by bats?

Yes? Alt-right websites were posting about running protests over with cars long before anyone was killed.

Nonetheless, to be more specific it's 'Neo-nazis' who have been killing people, they're just under the banner of 'alt-right'.

You should start looking for a new job, your checks are about to stop :(

Good thing there's social security!

Sorry, I'm a software developer across multiple cutting-edge hardware solutions. The only thing coming up that will affect my job is gutting net neutrality :/

Removed. Rule 10.

Wow, you’re really fucking stupid.

Like, they gave the order to kill someone after his car was hit by bats?

I can't hear you when there's white power penis hitting the back your mouth. Nothing wrong with the sound, I just can't hear what you're trying to say.

Removed. Rule 4. Final warning.

George Soros?

If Reddit is going to ban subs for violence they should start with the_donald. Lane Davis a Top TD poster murder his own father in in cold blood for calling him a Nazi.

Yeah okay.

Well at least half of those are total bullshit, but I would expect nothing less from The Gateway Pundit. Micah Johnson wasn't BLM. He "liked" a Black Panthers page on Facebook, and a couple of other extreme groups from memory. Nice attempt at smearing your perceived ideological enemies though.

Ever spent the weekend in Chicago?

Yea, took the trains /walked around the city, found a random korean BBQ that I found on yelp in the middle of nowhere, and afterward caught the last train into Palatine (around midnight) where I was staying.

What about it?

I've lived here my whole life. What do you have to say about it?

The alt-right hasn't killed anyone. Some dude that nobody knows got spooked by people beating his car with shit and drove into a crowd. And none of it would have happened if the antifa terrorists had just stayed away from a legal, permitted gathering. That crash is on their hands, and their hands only.

Besides, what are they doing interrupting other people's events and attacking people? That's terrorism. They're trying to suppress free speech and scare people away from expressing their political views.

You picked the wrong side, broski. Time to rethink your life.

There's more than 'some dude'. We also have the milo intern / T_D poster who killed his dad for calling him a nazi not to long ago.

... and the skinheads at two different rallies who have fired their guns off near protesters.

Both of those were self-defense. Why does the left think they can assault people and then claim victimhood when people defend themselves? And why do people continue to support their violent, illegal, and terroristic practices?

If someone punches you and you kill them, it’s not self defense.

If someone hits your car with a bat, and you drive into a crowd of people, killing one and injuring 19, that’s not self defense.

Self defense is only valid under reasonable force, and even then needs to need proof that the person feared for their life. There’s exactly one video, where people assumed it sort of looked like one single person, reached over from the side of the street and might have hit his car? (unless you’ve got ... actual video, more than the block away behind the car video that’s going around as ‘evidence’).

Having something hit your car is not ‘fearing for your life’

Gunning your car into a crowd of people is not ‘reasonable force’

If someone hits your car with a bat, and you drive into a crowd of people, killing one and injuring 19, that’s not self defense.

It is in NC.

that bill never passed. You should probably update your sources.

If someone hits your car with a bat, and you feel threatened, then accidentally drive into a crowd while fleeing for your life, it's the fault of the person who committed a felony making you fear for your life.

If someone punches you, and you think they're going to continue punching you, and you kill them, it is self defense.

Having something hit your car is not ‘fearing for your life’

Having violent rioters surround your car and blocking traffic, while searching for people dressed like you to kill - well, that is 'fearing for your life'. Sorry, but that's exactly the circumstance the guy was in. He was surrounded by violent, criminal rioters. And there are multiple instances of them violently attacking people from earlier that day. And at that moment, they were illegally blocking a road, and some were hitting his car with clubs of some kind.

The violence in Charlottesville was 100% the fault of the left. They didn't have to come looking for people to beat. They could have let the whole thing go down without any trouble. But they didn't. They're afraid of free speech. They hate it. They hate that anyone could disagree with them - let alone out-argue them and win over the hearts and minds of the country. So, out of hate and fear, they seek to silence those who dare disagree with them publicly. They choose to attack alt-right meetups and commit many felonies in the process.

It's their fault. They created violent, dangerous circumstances. The blood is on their hands.

No, it’s not

The use of self-defense must also match the level of the threat in question. In other words, a person can only employ as much force as required to remove the threat. If the threat involves deadly force, the person defending themselves can use deadly force to counteract the threat. If, however, the threat involves only minor force and the person claiming self-defense uses force that could cause grievous bodily harm or death, the claim of self-defense will fail.

You are in a vehicle. A metal cage. One person maybe hitting your car (because again, the video doesn’t show anything, just a movement that could be guessed at hitting the car), accelerating into a crowd of people is not ‘proportional response’

Seriously... have you... even looked up the law before arguing about it?

Dude is straight up defending Nazis, not even trying to hide it.. you're not going to convince him.

All we can do is bait people like that and publicly shame the shit out of them. They are the problem in our country, if they're even Americans.. I want to believe they're just Russians trying to divide us, but who knows anymore.


We have video. It was no accident. Stop defending terrorists.

We also have the milo intern / T_D poster who killed his dad

Ah yes, killing fathers. Truly part of the right wings ideology.

Oh, strange how you forgot to mention that the desperate connection to Milo (oh dear, that Nazi...that gay, Jewish, black sex loving Nazi) had been shut down by the fact they dropped him a while back.

Oh, strange you forgot to mention that the argument he apparently killed his father over also included his father defending pedophilia, claiming underage children can consent to sex.

Seems your liberal martyr may have molested his own son and his son snapped and killed him during an argument where he defended that and called his son a Nazi.

Goalposts? Who needs em!

You picked the wrong side, broski.

Ahh, yes, because the side rife with racial and religious bigotry is the side I want to be on.

Hey, truth matters. You can try to hide from it, but self-delusion always comes back to bite you. May as well get it over with, like a quick pull of a bandaid.

Clearly some people knew him, here he is standing with his alt-right butt buddies, complete with their "uniform" and shield.

Also, the whole "he got spooked" argument doesn't work when there's video of him accelerating into the crowd below when he was atop the hill.

You picked the wrong side, broski. Time to rethink your life.

Ah, projection at its finest. Your "side" is mostly comprised of goofy social rejects who are outright mocked and ridiculed by the majority of the world. Not exactly the argument you wanna make buddy

Yeah, the normal looking dudes getting attacked by a freakshow army of dimwits, twinks, bulldykes, and psychotic fat women - They're the bad guys huh? Have you seen antifa and the leftist criwds they hide among? Its like a textbook illustration of every poor life choice rolled up into a single mob of violent, delusional rejects. Literally human garbage.

I'll stand with the successful professionals who are self-sufficient, competent, and well educated enough to see what's really happening - and who's behind it. You're fighting for the bad guys, and you haven't even stopped to ask "how does this affect the future?" Otherwise, you'd have joined us by now.

At some point it'll hit you like a ton of bricks. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

I'll stand with the successful professionals who are self-sufficient, competent, and well educated enough to see what's really happening - and who's behind it.

So in other words you are now admitting that you are siding with the neo-nazis and white nationalists, including James Fields.

Thank you for confirming that when you said this:

You picked the wrong side, broski. Time to rethink your life.

It was really just you projecting.

I can't help but feel sorry for you at this point.

Well done

Oh so you don't have a point. You're just trying to make your bigotry and moronic attitude palatable by whining about free speech.

It's funny how fast you clowns show your true colours.

Oh, and none of those guys even knew him. I actually know more than one person in that photo. He says he just showed up in uniform and someone handed him a shield. He's not on the roles of Identity Europa, and has never been associated with them in any official capacity.

And that's what makes his case so strange. He showed up, dressed like them, and offered to defend them against Antifa terrorists. Why wouldn't they hand him a shield? They were getting attacked from all directions, and this guy is offering to stand between them and the violent thugs.

Fuck off, Nazi.

You picked the wrong side, broski. Time to rethink your life.

Fuck Nazi trash.

Can't make an argument, huh?

My argument is literally fuck Nazis.

The alt-right have killed people.

Nobodys been killed by the alt-right. Heather Heyer died of a heart attack due to being obese.

BLM has killed people.

Antifa attempted a number of murders and has over 200 members facing felony charges. A number have already been convicted.

Holy shit, this is really the argument you’re going to go with? That a 20 year old died of a heart attack, instead of being ran over by a car, which also hurt a dozen other people?

What about Seattle4Truth’s dad?

Yes, the argument that I'm going with is that the cause of death stated by the family is the cause of death.

She was not hit by the car of the guy who was fleeing antifa attackers, some other fat lady was.

Turns out there were several fat ladies illegally blocking the road.

What about Seattle4Truth’s dad?

Someone killed their dad. You think that's political violence?

You do know heart attacks can be caused by blunt trauma to the chest, right? The example even lists a usual cause as ‘motor vehicle collisions’.

And according to the 911 call, he stabbed his dad because he said he was acting like a nazi.

So yes.

Are you just going to ignore the fact that she was never hit by a car and Fields was fleeing for his life because he was being attacked by antifa?

If she were hit those who attacked his car would be responsible. At best you are arguing that antifa is responsible for her death.

  1. If there was a robbery going on, I pulled out a gun and accidentally shot a hostage while trying to ‘save the day’ I would still be responsible for that person’s death.

  2. The video evidence shows him leave a crowd, slowly turn his car to face a larger crowd and floor it. He wasn’t defending himself. You’re telling yourself lies to act like that’s not what happened. 19 others were injured by the car. He didn’t just accidentally bump them. He slowly, deliberately, turned on the the most busy street in the area and sped up as fast as he could into a crowd of people.It’s on video

  1. The person committing a felony that caused the situation would. In the hypothetical it would be the robber. In this case it's the rioters who attacked Field's car and the rioters who were blocking the street (including Heather).

  2. It's on video that his car is being attacked by people with clubs when he speeds up and hits the crowd. Fields didn't want to become the next Reginald Denny. This is why it's legal in my state to run down rioters who are blocking the street. I don't know about that state, but in mine it's completely legal.

The police charged him with second degree murder, and aggravated malicious wounding.

Sure doesn’t sound like they think it’s “self defense”

They arrested him for murder without knowing any of the facts of the case.

He'll probably be released when he gets a preliminary hearing along with the other people in jail on charges that are demonstrably false because you don't need any evidence whatsoever to arrest someone, but you do need to present compelling evidence at the preliminary hearing.

He already had his preliminary hearing.

They added 5 more charges.

The article doesn't say anything about a preliminary hearing.

In the initial appearance the charges are read, you enter a plea and bail can be adjusted that's it.

Prelim hearing is different, you have to provide evidence.

None of the charlottesville prisoners have had a prelim hearing yet.

He'll probably be released when he gets a preliminary h

Dude, he's not getting released ahaha

Probably not.

I was assuming the courts would obey the law. You're right that rarely happens.

I was assuming the courts would obey the law.

Could you elaborate on this one w/r/t to Fields?

It's on video that his car is being attacked by people with clubs when he speeds up and hits the crowd.

He is already driving into the crowd when people reacted by attacking his car.

Both happen.

There is no evidence anyone attacked his car prior to when he accelerated into the crowd.

Before you link me to the video, please watch it again

Just did. I clearly see him driving slowly when his car is struck and swarmed by the terrorist mob.

Give me a fucking break dude. He's accelerating and people are already dodging out of the way.

The alt-right have killed people.


Before you mention heather. She died of a heart attack.

And really the 'alt-right' is a government controlled opposition dummy for the media to prod, richard spencer works for the CIA.

Before you mention heather. She died of a heart attack.

This has already been discussed in this thread.

Heart attacks can be caused by blunt force trauma

Blunt force trauma.... such as being hit by a car Listed as 'motor vehicle collisions'

Death cert would say 'Cardiac Arrest triggered by blunt force trauma to the thoracic region'

Yes, that's a heart attack.

A heart attack caused... by being hit by a car.

Death cert would say

Can and did are two different things. Simple fact is she was a morbidly obese smoker who probably massively over exerted herself and then died of a heart attack caused by the shocking series of events.

The woman everyone claims to have died by being 'crushed' by a car was a total lie, nobody seems to know what happened to her, heather was far to the right of the car.

Oh hey look, BLM.

Dallas BLM, 5 cops, dead. BLM sudan (97% islamic) 'immigrant' shot up a church. 9 wounded, 1 dead. BLM black supremacist islamic murders 4 whites. BLM "Kill all white people" murders 5.

Ah but lets obsess over those scary whites, you've really got your priorities in order.

Can and did are two different things.

Oh, you've seen the death cert? I though the whole argument was 'she died because she was fat because they won't show us the cert and her mom said she had a heart attack, so watch this random youtube video of her mom saying heart attack'.

And those are great links that only have slight ties to people who say they support BLM, but ... that's it.

Ah but lets obsess over those scary whites

I haven't seen a BLM supporter charter his own private aircraft to drop homemade bombs on a white neighborhood yet, like what folks did in Tulsa in the 20's, but keep telling me how a few isolated shootings are really some giant violent movement.

Who says reddit has to give every voice a platform? Sure it would be nice if they did but I wasn’t aware private companies had to allow all content on spaces they own.

What relevance does that have? They said they were taking down subreddits involving violence, and yet there's r/Anarchism.

What relevance does the fact that a company can control the content on their own platform have in a discussion about a company controlling the content on their platform? I mean what?

Like I said, it's inconsistent, but that's their prerogative. If they really cared about the integrity of the site they'd enforce the rules on botting and outside brigading more carefully. But they don't because they both increase views which increase ad revenue.

If it's inconsistent, then why are you complaining about people calling out the inconsistency? I mean what?

Because I understand how websites and their content management from ownership works and don't get bent out of shape over inane things like it?

If you don't like how reddit is being run, make your own alternative or buy it.

If you don't like the fact that Reddit allows people to comment about inconsistencies, make your own alternative or buy it.

Quit copying other people arguments and come up with your own for a change.

Now you just sound dumb. Go take your ball home.

Why? Because I don’t have my parties in a twist about a business running how it wants. NoU.

Dude, it's because anarchism is rooted firmly in the philosophically rich grounds of socio political academia and pushes the boundaries of our societal aspirations whereas the Nazi subs are base af, knuckle dragging, make you stupider for ever having read them, sad ass subs that have no place in reddit nerddom. That's why. It's not inconsistent. It's an aesthetic choice made by people with serious cultural power to influence generations to come.

So people should be discriminated against for their beliefs?

You believe Nazi's are being discriminated against?

You think they aren't?

Oh, forgot which sub I was in for a minute.

Yeah, me and this user talked about censorship and he didn't see it with the same eyes then. But it could be because he agreed with discrimination against a user who spoke out against Alex Jones. See here:

I saw someone the other day heavily upvoted for saying the narrative about ww2 is propaganda because hitler was defending himself against the Jews, so this is hardly surprising.

Frankly between the racists, alt-right, literally insane people (and possibly shills posting insane shit) this sub is one of the worst on reddit for logical discussion, which is a shame because that's quite important when discussing controversial conspiracies.

I was actually downvoted the other day for saying many people here aren't capable of critical thinking or logic, one of the upvoted replies said 'do you know what sub you're on?? This is about conspiracies not logic'. We know the subs a lost cause when the user's turn logic into a bad thing.

It's a matter of fighting discrimination. In case you're unaware - the nazis killed a lot of jewish people (as well as gays, communists, "subversives", and disabled people) in this thing called the holocaust.

Hating and discriminating against jewish people is a really major part of their "beliefs" (although given these historical actions, it's fair to say these views go beyond mere belief alone)... those beliefs are magnified by that historical context - and have no place in polite society.

It is unreasonable to defend such beliefs, just as it is unreasonable for a person to argue against their own rights and interests (ie arguing for or on behalf of fascists). I hope you understand now.

Not all fascists are nazizs though... Italy and Spain had nothing to do with the holocaust.

Nope. But on someone else’s platform they are allowed to control the content. Pretty simple concept.

How is that not fascism?

Because it’s a privately owned website not the government?

are nazis fascist?

Lol. This is a voluntary forum that operates as a private business. Reddit is in no way required to allow Nazi cunts to parrot their disgusting views. There is nothing fascist about it. You're hopeless if you think that's fascism.

And to answer the question you asked earlier, plenty of people hold views that absolutely warrant discrimination. Nazis, Incels, religious extremists, etc. As long as the government isn't doing it, it's not in violation of the First Amendment. In fact, it's an exercise of the right to free speech for Reddit to say, "We don't like the retarded bullshit you're saying and you won't be allowed to use our platform to do so anymore."

This is all pretty simple shit. Try and grasp it.

Ah. So you don't believe in equality?

Are you serious with this? If you don't understand what "private company that isn't an arm of the government" means, start your own Nazi website, idiot.

So you're against free speech?

You really are a fantastically stupid person or a troll with a huge amount of time on your hands.

Did I say I was against free speech? Free speech is great, but the constitution doesn't apply to how privately held businesses are run. The first amendment refers to the government not being able to stifle private citizens. Reddit is not the government. They have the freedom to do whatever they want with their own privately held website. If the people that run Reddit don't want Nazis congregating here, that's their right. Maybe one day the United States will have a citizens forum online where you can say whatever you want. Until then, get over it.

That's discrimination. I'm sorry but you're views are extremely problematic.

No it isn't. You're insane.

You're a storefront Nazi.


You go on stornfront and come here to spread that hate speech.

Uh... No. If I frequented Stormfront why would I be in favor or reddit deleting Nazi subreddits? Nothing you say makes sense. You are a really shitty troll, dude.

The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.

That's bigotry I don't care what you say.

I am bigoted against Nazis, yes. They love bigotry, so I think it's only fair to throw it back at them. Taste of their own medicine and all that.

That's not very progressive. All people are equal. Even Nazi's. The bigotry and hypocrisy is honestly sad.

Cry more tears for the Nazis, pussy.

I'm not crying. I'm just defending their right to hold their beliefs. It's not illegal to be bigoted no matter how bad you want it to be. They have freedom of speed just like the commie extreme on the other end.

You probably aren't even an American anyway.

You think the actual intended meaning of the US constitution, as has been upheld many, many times by the court system, is "problematic", but Nazis aren't?

It's not a free speech issue. Reddit is not having Nazis arrested for their speech.

When it's hate speech, absolutely.

Not people, Nazi's.

Dehumanization is fascism.

Dehumanization is admittedly one facet of fascism.

Fascism, on the other hand, happens to be ALL the facets of fascism.

Dehumanization is what Nazis do on a daily bases dude.

So it's okay to do what they do because they do it?

No, that is not what I'm saying at all dude. Quit trying to defend Nazis it makes you look ridiculous.

Hello fellow human being! Hey, remember when we talked about censorship? You seemed to think it was okay.

It's his company he can do what he wants.

Is Reddit not someone's company? Wait...did they go public?

Reddit is different because its public. Alex Jones company is private.

That's weird. Someone must have made a mistake because I looked and it says they're owned by Advance Publications. Did someone make a mistake?

They must have.

Well... Guess we solved that mystery then! Glad you are here. I honor the presence of the Divine in you and let's enjoy the ride. Much love

Love you too.

That someone is you.

Jesus Christ, you're a moron.

Watch your mouth.

Public company doesn't mean "the government" lol

You can't be a real person. Or if you are, you can't be over 12. And if you are a real person over 12 . . . I don't even know what to say.

Should pedophiles be discriminated against in housing? I.e. should they be allowed to live near schools. Should they be allowed to express their love?

Now that's the discussion progressives everywhere need to have.

Nice smear. Milo defends pedophilia and yet progressives everywhere are somehow responsable for pedo philosophy. Sick people all over the place use politics to satiate their base urges. So what are you trying to do? Say Amish progressives are for raping children? A laughable assertion.

No response to my question?

Yeah, lets be tolerant of a group who want to genocide 1/2 of the planet for not being White.

Yeah, lets tolerate a group of people who want genocide others for not being White.

Because they are shutting down subs that don't break the rules, but letting subs stay up that are doing actual illegal things.

You realize they can ban subs for literally no reason. Right? That’s one of the perks of owning and operating the site...

Sure. They can ban whatever they want. But when they ban stuff over arbitrary definitions, while using that arbitrary definition to not ban others, they are explicitly condoning the stuff they don't ban.

Sure. Banning Nazi shit is good because it's a horrible ideology that's lead to shits of death. But communism/socialism is also a horrible ideology that's lead to even more deaths. So, when they ban Nazi shit over the fact that it's an ideology that spreads hate and killed a or of people, but let's open communists/socialist Not only exist, but flourish, they are showing that these arbitrary rules against "hate and violence" are only directed at "hate and violence" they disagree with. Meaning they actually aren't banning hate and violence, but are just banning shit they disagree with.

Reddit is like the town message board. If you live in that town you can post a bill for whatever you want. If that town then says "well moderate it to stop hate" but then only moderates the hate they don't agree with, but still leaves the hate that they are for, doesn't mean they are against hate, but hate they disagree with.

All in all, by doing this Reddit has only shown that they aren't agasint hate and violence, but only against hate and violence that goes against what they want. All while signalling they are totally for hate and violence if it's directed at what oe who they think violence and hate are acceptable, rather than just being generally against hate and violence.

This is a huge problem we face generally in society. Because of course there are horrible ideologies. But when you say you're against horrible shit, but then do something that only stops part of the horrible shit, while tactfully not going after the other, shows you are complacent.

In the past month I was given a shirt by a gay man that had Che Guevara on it, but the text around it said "socialism is for fags", I've wore it around a few times as an experiment. Not one person took offense of the communist revolutionary or the word socialism, but only took offense at the word "fag". Che was a brutal genocidal maniac that literally purged gays and minorities from Cuba, but no one took offense to that, and merely the word fag. This is pretty much the same thing that's happening here, people (the Reddit staff) are only taking offense to mean words people write by banning places and people that speak those mean words (which is a good thing), but are complicently giving the thumbs up to literally the same shit because it fits their agenda/narrative. That's horrible because it shows they actually aren't against bad shit in general, but are for bad shit if it aligns with their views. It's only being hypocritical.

No the problem is they can make false claims about a sub and call it "Nazi" to legitimize shutting it down. Demonize something enough and nobody cares if you disappear it.

Reddit hasn't learned from its past mistakes of banning subs (e.g fatpeoplehate & coontown). Those people will just create another one and/or disperse to other subs.

Letting them have their own little isolated sandbox that's completely cutt off from Reddit-main and only findable via search is the only solution. Basically, leave it how it was and never give them any attention.

It's what they want. Once those users disperse into other subs they will pipe back up.

Then they can start to censor the subs that the percieved reprobates start to post in.

Once hatred is inudated, then they'll have complete control and no one will argue against them.

Nibiru, red planet, etc,

The other subs were banned for hate speech, not for organizing protests. The only part of your post that is at all relevant to thos right-wing nazi subs being banned is when you say "are targeting members of a particular race", and that part is pretty clearly a lie, unless you consider "white supremacists" a race

SaLtY nAzI bOyE

Won't someone stop those crazy anarchists from harming Nazis???

The issue is that in these groups every single person is free to their own interpretation who a nazi is. Leading to another of innocent people being hurt because their head is shaved, they wear the wrong cloths or boots or even... Their skin just being white

If you choose to have a Nazi style and fashion sense, you deserve to be punched in the face. Nazi posers are the worst.

If you choose to have a Nazi style and fashion sense, you deserve to be punched in the face. Nazi posers are the worst.

Yeah, punching Someone because you think they dress or act like 'Nazis' is totally socially acceptable.

Just like bashing people who 'looked like gays' was 'cool' back in the '60's and '70's, right?


But it's admirable to he a Nazi sympathizer. Un-fucking real.

But being a Nazi sympathizer is cool. Un-fucking real.

You would physically hurt someone on the grounds that they resemble something you hate. Key word resemble, without it being confirmed. Seek counseling. That's not healthy

Give it up! There were Nazis with burning torches, carrying weapons in the streets of Charlottesville. An innocent woman was murdered by one of them. You and the rest of the Nazi sympathizers can keep trying to frame opposition to this as the work of violent antii-fascists, but you're deluding nobody but yourselves.

Please do keep labeling moderates and anti-violence advocates Nazi sympathizers.

Thank you,

The people you claim to hate

But being a Nazi sympathizer is cool. Un-fucking real.

Define 'Nazi' for me, will you?

Tell me, in your own words, what are the defining characteristics of those you call 'Nazis'? And not in 20th century Germany, but here in the US today?

What are the the ideologies and practices that 'we should all agree to hate'?

You're kidding me, right? How about the Nazi flags and tattoos. The Nazi salutes. The racist chants. Adopting the fashion sense and hair styles of Neo-Nazis. The swastikas on their clothing and in their social media. Admiration for Hitler. Holocaust deniers. Do I really need to go on. If you haven't figured it out yet, you're part of the problem.

You're kidding me, right? How about the Nazi flags


and tattoos


The racist chants

Racist chants?

Do I really need to go on. If you haven't figured it out yet, you're part of the problem.

You could have just said "Zionists are Nazis", and saved time.

Thanks for illustrating my point.

Your point was that Zionists are the best example of modern "Nazis"?


Just want to point out that there is not necessarily any meaningful connection between being supporter of fascism and questioning the official narrative of the Holocaust

While I might be convinced that the moon landing was recorded on a sound stage, the footage from the camps, not so much. With the amount of empirical evidence that exists, it seems odd to deny the Holocaust. Unless it's tied to one's political identity.

I don't recall ever seeing anyone outright deny that there were camps, just that the idea that they were 'death camps,' was propaganda from the winners and the death toll was drastically overestimated.

Have you ever looked at the evidence?

If you're bald you deserve to be punched

Classic antifa logic.

That's the logic of a Nazi sympathizer.

Thinking that it's wrong punching bald men makes you a nazi?

Hahaha this is getting screen capped and spread. Cringe anarchy

You can spin my offhand comment all you want, and try to make IT the focus, instead of focusing on the scourge of Nazi sympathizers who've crawled out from under their rocks. We all pick our role models.

Your comment doesn't need spinning. It speaks for itself. And it's disgraceful

No one said punching people because they're bald is justified. That's spin.

Not as disgraceful as sympathizing with Nazis.

Baldness is genetic. You're discriminating and encouraging violence against those with what you perceive to be bad genes. You are a Nazi.

You advocating for violence against somebody because they dress in way that you personally don't agree with. Wow.

So, knowing nothing else about a person except how they dress is enough to attack them?

If riffing on the popular "Punch a Nazi" meme confuses you this much, I do indeed apologize.

Sure, you were riffing.

Take the clown nose off to say something serious and then jam it back into place when someone calls you on your bullshit.

No need to aplogize, just go back to punching people because of how they look.

Dude! You're lecturing me about saying something serious? LOL!!! Non-apology accepted, just go back to defending the Nazis.

Punch people who dress a way you don't like.

Don't lecture me, Nazi defender!

Nazis are bad. No one is arguing that they aren't. But your reasoning of punching people because they dress a certain way is literally the same as that of the people you claim are so terrible.

So... what's your point? It's ok to use violence against people you don't agree with, for any reason?

Removed. Rule 4

I clicked that link for antifa and did some reading up according to the NJ DHS, the long and the short of it is antifa goes out of their way to disrupt white supremacy or Nazi rally’s.

So this is looked at as a bad thing?

Can someone explain to me how being pro Nazi or white supremacy is a good thing, and do us all a favour and don’t post the usual “but but free speech” bullshit.

It seems obvious to me anti-fascism is a good thing. I don't know why anyone would take the side of fascists.

It seems obvious to me anti-communism is a good thing. I don't know why anyone would take the side of communists.

What do communists have to do with anything? Am I a communist because I hate Nazis?

You're a communist for identifying with the Militant arm of the German Communist party of the 1920s.

Lol! Good one.

It’s such a bullshit argument, let’s see I can be on the side of the guys who punch nazis or white supremacy in 2017, or I can identify as someone who sides with a group from the 1920’s??? ... that’s my two choices, lol.

That’s quite the reach, but I guess if someone is here defending the rights of nazis walking around chanting “blood and soil” they know no bounds.

And stupid me thought all nazis were crushed after WW2.

And stupid me thought all nazis were crushed after WW2.

It's not your fault. They changed their name and spent 70 years polishing their turd image.

Antifa are actual communists. They think Milo Yianoppolis, a gay jew, is a nazi.

Doesn't help him when he uses Nazi references like "longknives" for his passwords.

Milo Yianoppolis isn't a friend to LGBT people when he sways Lesbians don't really exist. He uses being gay as a cover against the homophobia he spouts against women.

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Milo's a real piece of shit. The only way a gay man could be a hero to the right wing is his misogyny. And he seems to, if not advocate, excuse pedophilia.

I remember when he got fired he said he was going to come back bigger and better. Funny how he's become irrelevant.

Milo is someone worthy of much more attention than he receives from this community. It would not surprise me in the slightest to find out that he's a straight actor with a gay-for-pay deal to engage in exactly the "identity politics" the alt-right complains about so much. The fact that "he seems to, if not advocate, excuse pedophilia." is mightily convenient to a demographic that already conflates homosexuals with paedophiles and is currently engaged in hunting down the Leftist paedo elites that want to destroy America.

He's also incredibly self-loathing, so your point is moot.

the murdering was a thing.they made the nazis look like punk as bitches.

Whats actually bad about communism? Real communism isn't a bad thing...

Real communism even on paper is horrible. I would like to keep Private Property please.

nah on paper its good because with automation essentially everyone would get everything they wanted and not have to do shit. the robots will design the robots that will build the robots that will repair the robots that will slap us on the back when we choke on our fat fucking piece of steak because we're too lazy to even cut the fucking thing.

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There is no meaningful distinction between personal property and private property. All personal property can be converted. While I don't co-own any Marxist private property though many family members do. I'm not in the 1% some family are some aren't.

It seems obvious to me that one should not be choosing sides between two factions of extremist morons.

The antifascists think ben shapiro an orthodox conservative jew who doesnt even like trump is a nazi.

They all think that?

Most of them. I mean antifa is an organized thing they hand out lists of “nazis” who everyone is supposed to attack by any means neccessary and ben shapiro is on there. Pretty much all the successful right wingers they consider nazis.

You don't know what fascism is.

Actually I do.

No you don't

Oh nice comeback!

Face it, you have no idea what anyone knows.

Well, I know that most antifas can't even spell fascist let alone accurately define it.

How wonderful for you.

It's been well documented that antifa thinks anyone who voted for Trump or thinks college admissions should be based on merit and not skin color is a nazi and white supremacist.

If being a "white supremacist" is such a bad thing then it shouldn't be hard to shut them down in debate and you shouldn't have to resort to violence.

Please provide this documentation that you claim exists in excess.

Lots of fascists and Nazis happen to be Trump supporters. I don't see how some videos with no context constitutes proof. Wanna try again?

Lots of fascists and Nazis happen to be Trump supporters.

You think there are 60 million + nazis in the US?

You know that committing violence against someone simply because you disagree with their politics is the textbook definition of terrorism right?

Wanna try again?

Kiara Robles was being interviewed by a reporter was pepper sprayed by antifa because they thought her "make bitcoin great again" hat was a pro-Trump hat.

Use of a chemical agent like this is a felony in California.

No not every Trump supporter is a nazi but it seems just about every nazi/fascist voted Trump.

Not every Hillary supporters is a commie terrorist, but every commie terrorist voted for Hillary.

Your point?

Their point is that you still haven't provided the documentation you claimed exists and prefer to dance around it with red herrings instead.

That is also true.

You really think the commies voted for Hillary? That Antifa people voted Hillary?

That's just silly.

So my elderly mother who voted hillary is safe from helicopter rides?

Why would communists vote for a hawkish liberal lol

Not every HillaryBernie supporter is a commie terrorist, but just about every commie terrorist voted for Bernie can't/didn't vote.

There we go ;)

Lmfao the commies were burnie-or-busters....

Don't forget basically anyone registered to a political party in prison voted democrat.

Commies hate Hillary, you loon.

Not the commies at the colleges near me.

Guess your indoctrination campaign isn't complete yet comrade.

Lol, they're not commies if they like Hillary Clinton my dude. That's simple fact, the actual commies hate liberals.

...yes, which is why it's ridiculous for you to suggest that communists like Clinton. Are you ok?

So mynmom is safe? Because a large part of my willingness to die to stop you fascists is that ive had a large number of you say democracts need to be purged. So like are you saying that is not the case?

Duhh you fucking fascist scum. I am against illegitimate authority. Fuck state communism. Fuck fascist tyranny. We have a constitution in the US and that is still the law.

I will resist your ilk till my last breath. The thing is though.... Communism is not a threat in America. Roght wing authoritarianism is. And it has been since Bush II.

I'm not a fascist.

Communism is not a threat in America.

The communist terrorists rioting in the streets aren't a threat? The communists teaching communism in universities aren't a threat? Communists controlling our media aren't a threat? Bush 2 is a fascist?

Come on man, you can't be that naive.

Im at work so its gonna be a while before i can respond.

Your rightwing comrades murder people almost everyday. Naive? You are either retarded or specifically lying. Commuists controlling the media. Lool. You are loon.

I call you a fascist because thats what you are. I post over on r/conservative and r/republican and never called them fascists. You are a lobotomized fool and you have drunk the coolaid.

I debate with the alt-right so I'm a fascist. Are you literally retarded?

How many anarchist streetfighters have killed a human being in the last 20 years in America? Zerooooo! You are altright you shitmonger.

Your critizism of CATO institutes work on rightwing violence shows you to be lock step with ethnonationalist propaganda funded by the oligarchy so yeah i will call you a fucking fascist scoundrel. Almost everyday i see articles about right wing rascists murderibg folks. Again show me streetfighting black bloc murder in america. Tool.

How many altright streetfighters have killed a human being in the last 20 years in America? Zerooooo!

Yes, questioning why CATO considered a skinhead in prison attacking his cellmate as terrorism, but not things like the Pulse shooting or 9/11 makes me a nazi? You are so smart, I've been caught. Next time I question a dishonest group I'll try to not let lick hitler's balls. Thanks for the heads up.

Removed. Rule 4. 1st warning.


I clicked that link for antifa and did some reading up according to the NJ DHS, the long and the short of it is antifa goes out of their way to disrupt white supremacy or Nazi rally’s.

So this is looked at as a bad thing?

That probably depends on how 'Nazis' or 'supremacists' are defined.

Can someone explain to me how being pro Nazi or white supremacy is a good thing, and do us all a favour and don’t post the usual “but but free speech” bullshit.

Sorry, I really never understood how people could justify blatantly racist supremacism, separatism or exceptionalism.

You'd do better to ask some of the people who really believe in and support such concepts, like the people at this disgusting parade celebrating supremacism.

Won't anyone think of the poor white people from being picked on?

Any White person who does not wish to become a minority in the country built by his ancestors, specifically for White people, is a Nazi.

Any White person who does not wish to become a minority in the country built by his ancestors

  1. "White people" are not a uniform group of American people who are united in any sort of meaningful way except that they have American passports

  2. What's wrong with being a minority?

  3. And you're creating a strawman argument and then attacking it. Any white person who doesn't want to become a minority, and goes around shouting that we need to push people out using tactics, language and symbols borrowed from Nazis--those are guys are Nazis.

  1. White people are people of European decent.

  2. Really?

  3. No literally any white that wants to preserve the European heritage of this country is labeled a Nazi by the left.

  1. What are "white people"? And european descent eh? So from England to Spain to Istanbul? You know there have been black italians and black spaniards the predate the vikings?

  2. That is just straight up lies. There are several swedish, norwegian, german, english etc. etc. heritage sites , camps and campgrounds in my local area and none of them are racists or are called Nazis by the left (it's a super liberal area). The difference are people who go in marches in the streets and yell "Blood and soil" and kicking Jews out of the country and use dehumanizing language to describe lawful LEGAL immigrants--those are the people the left calls Nazis.

  1. White people are those whose ancestors lived on what we now call Europe for tens of thousands of years and experienced the selective pressures that came from living in that environment.

  2. The onus is on you to defend why it would be either good or neutral to become a minority. Historically, and presently, minority populations and especially minority White populations have not fared very well.

  3. So someone who wants to preserve the European heritage of America would not be a Nazi according to you? And you think this is the majority view of those on the left?

White people are those whose ancestors lived on what we now call Europe for tens of thousands of years and experienced the selective pressures that came from living in that environment.

So White Americans who have black Europeans ancestors, or any White American who has ancestors who are mixed with lineage not going back 10,000 years...probably aren't welcome or able to be united with other white americans who have OLDER common ancestors?

The onus is on you to defend why it would be either good or neutral to become a minority.

  1. No it's not. I made no such claim. I agree that minority populations historically have not fared well. Hopefully this country will treat minorities better by the time white people enter that category.

  2. If by saying "preserve European heritage" in America and you mean a place like this: Sveadal absolutely not, no I do not think they are Nazi. And there are LOTS of things that. But I don't think of "preserving European heritage" by targeting other groups of people and referencing language and ideas that were responsible for a lot of suffering.

Are my views the majority of the left, well I don't talk for the left but the people I do know who are liberal and leaning would draw a huge line in the sand between Sveadal and Richard Spencer.

Do you think Richard Spencer is a Nazi? And if so what makes him one?

Well just reading his wiki. Richard Spencer doesn't talk about JUST "preserving European heritage" ..he goes quite a bit further than preservation doesn't he? The man wants an ethno-European homeland with a "peaceful cleansing" of those who aren't white. That's not preservation of ancestry: that's openly advocating for the removal of millions of Americans--many who have been here far longer than whites or europeans. Everyone knows that would never happen peacefully.

Richard Spenser sitting as president of a white nationalist think tank--literally an underlying value of Nazis. Do I think he's a Nazi, no--I think he's a smart person who's trying to figure out how to accomplish a lot of what Nazi's wanted, but without using violence. Do I think he's inspired and has borrowed a lot of Nazi ideas, values and strategies. Yes. And I think he needs to try a lot harder. I had soooo many of Christian Republican friends draw the line when they watched he and his buddies salute with their hands in a manner just like Nazis while yelling "Hail Trump" and "Blood and Soil" in Charlottesville.

What "Black Europeans" are you referring to exactly?

I agree that minority populations historically have not fared well. Hopefully this country will treat minorities better by the time white people enter that category.

So why is it an issue that Whites would want to prevent themselves and their children from becoming minorities?

The man wants an ethno-European homeland

What is the problem with that? He's said, repeatedely, that he does want America to be that ethnostate. He's always described it as a post American utopian vision.

The man wants an ethno-European homeland with a "peaceful cleansing" of those who aren't white.

He's never stated that. He described the Paris peace treaty of 1919 as such. He's never called for it.

That's not preservation of ancestry: that's openly advocating for the removal of millions of Americans--many who have been here far longer than whites or europeans. Everyone knows that would never happen peacefully.

Well seeing as that isn't what he is after, the point is moot.

What "Black Europeans" are you referring to exactly?

There could be a lot of racial mixing during the Roman empire. Soldiers hailing from provinces in Syria could (and some officers did, from various parts of the Middle East and Africa) be awarded land in England which was occupied by Rome. In the history of Rome there were several black Roman Emperors and African/Middle Eastern Romans were all over Western Europe. I mean you've heard the term "Black Irish" right? Well recent genetic testing in 2015 has shown that earliest Irish descendants were Sardinians (southern italians from before 5BC when southern italians looked even darker than they do now. Incidentally this is kind of why why Irish, Italians, Greeks and Spaniards were discriminated against by "White People" in the late 1800s and early 1900s. You're claiming there's some sort of unifying genetic bond--but there is no evidence of that. Just surface skin color which gets diluted in what..4 generations? Furthermore there's even less evidence of white european ancestors sharing some sort of politically unifying bond--quite the opposite. Let alone a desire. Lol look at Europe right now. White Americans want an ethno-European homeland, but the real Ethno-European homeland, still after 2,000 of some of the bloodiest wars and violence, still aren't sure if they want to work together--let alone remain white. lol

Is there evidence that white people will be better off by themselves? Cuz all history shows is ethnic homogenous states are still susceptible to devolving into alternate caste/class systems and hierarchies--and nationalism (if we're looking at history) has yet to show itself powerless to stop from sliding into rampant tyranny.

The man wants an ethno-European homeland. What is the problem with that?

Well, I'm white and I consider America my home. So I don't dream about the destruction of my home and subsequent removal of many of my friends. What's wrong with a guy dreaming about removing my friends (and some family members) from my home? Well, how much time do you have? I can get pretty wordy.

...and I don't think I'm alone. It's safe to say I think most Americans don't dream of a world where their non-white friends and family don't/can't live here anymore.

He's never stated that. He described the Paris peace treaty of 1919 as such. He's never called for it.

Ok, yes you're right. He didn't use those words literally after each other--he didn't say "I want peaceful ethnic cleansing." What he said was that he wanted and advocated for population removals that could be done peacefully in way similar to the Paris Treaty in 1919. At the American Renaissance in 2013 he said,

Today, in the public imagination, ‘ethnic cleansing’ has been associated with civil war and mass murder. But this need not be the case. 1919 is a real example of successful ethnic redistribution—done by fiat, we should remember, but done peacefully.”


His goal is simply to raise White consciousness. He's never called for the removal of people, other than maybe illegals.

He describes legal immigration as a war against white people today. Spencer loves to fear monger and get white people scared about their future. That's his "raising white consciousness" . Spencer is afraid that white people will be treated in the future, a little less worse than the way white people have treated minorities not that long ago. Yeah it's not a convincing argument (white people have bigger problems and there's not evidence of rising anti-white violence...except in response to hundreds of years of white racism), but who cares if he doesn't explicitly call for the removal of people today. People aren't idiots. They can read between the lines and they know that Spencer's endgame is a utopian vision that is unavoidably racist--there would be no peaceful way to enact his vision because it would split families apart. lol like how would that even happen? They'd be checking melanin or administrating genetic tests?

There is no way to stop white people from becoming a minority in this country without using violence against both white and nonwhite people. So...yeah. They aren't necessarily a Nazi, but they're wanting to act in a uniquely politically racialized authoritarian way...not unlike the Nazis or I guess the Japanese towards the Koreans and Chinese throughout early 1900s or I guess Muslims and Hindus along the Pakistani/Indian border. etc. etc.

Race, broadly, refers to continental population group whose members had more intra rather than inter breeding and who are genetically distinct from those in other groups. We can identify one's self identified race with nearly 100% accuracy from DNA alone via genetic cluster analysis. Your "Black Europeans" will not cluster with Europeans. They'd cluster with Africans.

Is there evidence that white people will be better off by themselves?

Yes. Racially homogeneous societies have been shown, time and time again, to be more cohesive. See Putnam's work on the topic.

Well, I'm white and I consider America my home.

Because America was founded explicitly as a White ethnostate and remained one for the majority of its history.

It's safe to say I think most Americans don't dream of a world where their non-white friends and family don't/can't live here anymore.

That's not what the altright is about. There is a (small) contingent that wants a 100% White state in the near future. Most, myself included, just want to preserve the majority status of Whites in traditionally White countries.

Ok, yes you're right. He didn't use those words literally after each other--he didn't say "I want peaceful ethnic cleansing." What he said was that he wanted and advocated for population removals that could be done peacefully in way similar to the Paris Treaty in 1919.

He described a historical fact. And another fact, ethnic cleansing is happening right this moment. Migration of people with a high birthrate to a country of people with a low birthrate is effectively peaceful ethnic cleansing.

He describes legal immigration as a war against white people today.

Because it has been weaponized against Whites in a sense.

Spencer loves to fear monger and get white people scared about their future.

What their future will be if things are not change can be seen in this historical record and presently. Look at Rhodesia, Haiti, and currently S. Africa. Those are worst case scenarios, sure. But the point remains. It's a very real issue and he is labelled a Nazi for talking about it.

and there's not evidence of rising anti-white violence...except in response to hundreds of years of white racism

Do I even need to comment. You just admitted that there is rising anti White violence and this is obvious. Racial tensions are incredibly high right now.

People aren't idiots

Apparently, they are.

There is no way to stop white people from becoming a minority in this country without using violence against both white and nonwhite people.

See, this is the problem. This isn't true. We have solutions, but we are called Nazis for talking about them. Incentivized sterilization, net neutral immigration, and ending dysgenic welfare programs would be a very, very good start.

See, this is the problem. This isn't true. We have solutions, but we are called Nazis for talking about them. Incentivized sterilization, net neutral immigration, and ending dysgenic welfare programs would be a very, very good start.

Mk, good luck. Me, my community and a number of churches that are in my community are organizing ourselves to educate and work against everything that people like Richard Spencer says. Thankfully we outnumber the cowards.

work against everything that people like Richard Spencer says.

White identity?

Thankfully we outnumber the cowards.

Ignoring the obvious ad hom, I think you'd be surprised at how many people actually agree with the altright. 10% openly identify as such and over 50% think that Whites are actively discriminated against or some metric like that, and 30% think it's important to preserve the White heritage of the country.

And thing is, our ranks can only grow. More and more White people are coming to our side every day. The only way for you to win this is by importing more and more non Whites.

Removed. Rule 10

You're right, reddit conspired to get you backwards morons off their servers. If you're going to spit nothing but hate, don't be surprised when people hate back. Fuck off, Nazi.

LOL Love you buddy

Because discrimination of a group of people based on their beliefs is progressive. Neck yourself.

Discrimination against hate is kinda progressive.

Hate is still hate.

I think a private company can say we won’t be a platform for your (Nazi’s, not you) hate, because i think your hate is dumb and potentially dangerous because it attracts and incites other dumb people. That’s not hate, that’s more like common sense for a private business. For the record I don’t hate Nazi’s, I pity them. They’re sad people that often once they are removed from their toxic environment realize how toxic it was.

Calling everything you don't like or understand "hate" is very progressive.

What about Nazi’s don’t I understand?

Nazis don't deserve your sympathy.

Talking about literal neo Nazis here

Removed. Encouraging violence. Final warning.

Removed. Rule 10. Only warning.

Why did you put Nazi in scare quotes?

Because that's exactly what it is, it's a "Nazi scare". Its propaganda pushed on ignorant people to make them believe they should be worried about this ever-growing threat that doesn't really exist. If you're under 35 the probably haven't seen the government do this before but they have done this many many times throughout history to promote some bullshit agenda that just ends with everybody's rights being taken away.

It's not a scare and it's not propaganda. These people feel emboldened now. People are feeling being a Nazi is acceptable.

But what rights do you think Trump wants to take away? We already know he wants to do away with freedom of the press. I know he's not going to touch the 2nd amendment.

Im sure it has nothing to do with stuff like this

It is inaccurate, though. Racism is a component of nazism, but by itself isn't sufficient to indicate nazism. The U.S. that fought in WWII was strongly racist, but wasn't populated by Nazis. If our problem is with racists, let's be clear about that instead of using the magic Nazi word and the unlimited license it provides.

Racism is a component of nazism, but by itself isn't sufficient to indicate nazism.

Here are two of the subs banned:

r/NationalSocialism r/Nazi

You were saying?

I think he was referring to how many racists in the US or Canada get immediately labelled nazis. For example anyone who supports trump is a nazi, anyone who doesnt like illegal immigration is a nazi, etc.

But some racist subs that got banned even tho they werent nazi were r/coontown and r/european, both which were banned quite some time ago.

For example anyone who supports trump is a nazi, anyone who doesnt like illegal immigration is a nazi, etc.

Nobody was really saying anything about Nazis until actual fucking Nazi sympathizers showed up in Charlottesville, terrorized a town and then killed a person. Don't make excuses for them, people won't say shit to you.

I was giving examples not excuses. Why do you feel the need to be hostile to everyone?

Why do you feel the need to make excuses for Nazis?

Nazis are heroes, they are so cool, step in the train, you half assed fool

how many racists people in the US or Canada get immediately labeled nazis


Oh ye thats right

They wore out racist, and thus have pivoted to Nazi. They are burning through terms at a rapid pace at this point. I can't wait to see what they're calling us in a few years.

People are feeling being a Nazi is acceptable.

The left has spent the last year declaring everyone who disagrees with them a Nazi.

Not giving a shit about being called a Nazi isn't magically making them Nazis.

Mocking you idiots with milk, cartoon frogs and OK signs doesn't make them Nazis.

I've lost count of how many Jews have suddenly become Nazis, despite voting for Obama twice and then not voting for a white woman. Even though they haven't moved an inch politically.

The literal only thing that's emboldening anyone is that Soros funded useful idiots are violently attacking people for supporting free speech or saying "it's okay to be white".

It's not a scare and it's not propaganda. These people feel emboldened now. People are feeling being a Nazi is acceptable.

Are you shitting me?

Declaring yourself to be a Nazi is about the fastest way to get your ass fired, attacked in the street and denounced by everyone you've ever encountered. I don't think there's a less socially acceptable label out there besides pedophile.

Meanwhile, there are literal Stalin apologists in academia with cushy jobs and tenure that have no problems whatsoever. It seems more like people feel being a Communist is acceptable (and if you that's any better than Nazism I'd advise you talk to some Ukrainians or Poles seeing as how they actually experienced both)

Meanwhile, there are literal Stalin apologists in academia with cushy jobs and tenure that have no problems whatsoever.

For example...?

Lots of unacceptable things are being thought of as acceptable by lots of people, e.g people who thinks its good to kill cops, people who justify terrorist attacks, people dressed in black attacking innocent people and starting fires, people believe in the south rising again and expelling all the "non-Americans", people who genuinely want to burn mosques/refugee centres etc. Yes it is a propaganda wave, although it is indeed a danger to the wellbeing of civillians, it is blown out of proportion on the news, internet, etc. It serves no more but to make people distrust each other or foster hate against another.

The subs weren't banned because people are scared of nazis. So "nazi scare" claims are nothing more than alt-righters attempting to play the victim card.

play the victim card

The admins quietly created a new rule, subjectively applied it to subs who were not warned about this rule change and who weren't breaking the rule and they just happened to be right wing subs.

While left wing subs were blatantly breaking existing and new rules but were left alone.

Quit whining. We're not that gullible.

Because they're trying to soften the nazi and neo-nazi subs to make them more relatable.

They know most people won't really give a fuck about tatted up degenerate neo-nazi skinheads having their sub banned.

So they soften up their language and use dog whistles instead.

Because they're trying to soften the nazi and neo-nazi subs to make them more relatable.

Ah yes, everyone you disagree with is a Nazi.

The same thread has highly upvoted comments calling for /r/UncensoredNews to be banned for being "Nazi".

One of the first subs to be banned was a right wing sub that wasn't Nazi.

Hell, you guys still call a gay, Jewish, black sex loving free speech advocate a "Nazi" and then declare anyone supporting him a "Nazi".

Ah yes, everyone you disagree with is a Nazi.

Nope. This is just a dumb strawman that you invented to justify your little rant there, which has nothing to do with my post.

Man for someone who loves to post on The_D and is concerned about the greatness of America you sure do get your panties in a bunch about Nazis getting called bad names.

Ah yes, everyone you disagree with is a Nazi.

Given how we're having a discussion about /r/Nazi and other related subs being bad, yeah. I call people who self-identify as Nazis, Nazis. How terribly unfair...

Get over it snowflake. Back to discussing real conspiracies.

You sure seem salty

It's fun to watch Nufascists(Reddit communists) and fascists duke it out. Reddit is more entertaining this way.

I was hoping for more of a Alexa vs Google home scenario where the trump-bots and Hil-bots start to malfunction.

But Hillary

But Trump

But Hillary

But Trump

But Hillary

But Trump

But Hillary

But Trump



Lol at trying to link communists and facists. Only on this sub.

How the hell does a sub about conspiracies have so many people completely and utterly indoctrinated by US history propaganda?

trying to link communists and facists

Wanting to kill jews? Check

Wanting to consolidate power in the hands of few? Check

Violent resistance to freespeech? Check

Co-opting religion and education? Check

Unable to acknowledge that communism and fascism are the same ideology flying barely different colors. Check

Won a free helicopter ride? Check

BAM mike drop!

Communism means the state owns the means of production in its entirety. It attempts to create a classless society run by workers.

Fascism is the concept of removing anything deemed weak or alien from the nation. There are only 2 classes, the pure and the second class. Often used to create or further domestic private industry interests.

Not the same thing. I can say a bird and a human breathe air but no one would say they are the same thing.

Fascism is the concept of removing anything deemed weak or alien from the nation.

This 'definition' of fascism is not remotely close to being close to accurate. Like it's what a parody of a communist would say.

I don't even have to use some alternate source for this...

Fascism /ˈfæʃɪzəm/ is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and control of industry and commerce that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

While we're at it...

Communism means the state owns the means of production in its entirety. It attempts to create a classless society run by workers.

That's the as to now completely baseless claim of communists. In reality it means the state owns the means of production in their entirety, which creates, for the vast majority, a two-class society. Those who compose the body known as 'the state,' and those who are starving to death.

Arguably communism is "better" by two classes. Those dying in prison and those who are not actually employed by the state, but benefit from relationships with those who are. Bravo.

What is this fucking memery straight out of /pol/?

Encyclopedia Brittannica on Communism:

Like most writers of the 19th century, Marx tended to use the terms communism and socialism interchangeably. In his Critique of the Gotha Programme (1875), however, Marx identified two phases of communism that would follow the predicted overthrow of capitalism: the first would be a transitional system in which the working class would control the government and economy yet still find it necessary to pay people according to how long, hard, or well they worked; the second would be fully realized communism—a society without class divisions or government, in which the production and distribution of goods would be based upon the principle “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.” Marx’s followers, especially the Russian revolutionary Vladimir Ilich Lenin, took up this distinction.

Classless society and a government controlled by workers with NO PRIVATE INDUSTRY. It seems you have no fucking clue that Prisoner is not an economic class.

Fascism however:

Although fascist parties and movements differed significantly from each other, they had many characteristics in common, including extreme militaristic nationalism, contempt for electoral democracy and political and cultural liberalism, a belief in natural social hierarchy and the rule of elites, and the desire to create a Volksgemeinschaft (German: “people’s community”), in which individual interests would be subordinated to the good of the nation.

Communism wants a classless society, Fascism wants a society of hierarchy of might and rule by the very rich who are native to the country which is what they mean by control of the economy. Foreigners are not welcome in the economy.

2 different fucking worlds. At no point is Mercantilist protectionism anywhere near nationalizing every industry in existence and running it by government.

Your entire post is proof that you are completely disconnected from reality and should seek immediate mental help.

I give no fucks what either of them claim to want. What is the result when the ideology is put into practice? Government control and a two class system.

Fascism in practice is Mercantilism to enforce native private control of industry. It is closer to Capitalism than Communism.

Mercantilism enforces private industry with laws to stop foreigners taking over.

Communism in practice is a central economy in Russia, or state capitalism in China. Both are government run markets with NO private industry or land. It is not Mercantilism because Mercantilism wants private industry not directly run by government and private property.

Every single god damn country is government controlled. There is not a single spec of dirt on this planet that isn't controlled by some form of government, even tribalism is considered government.

At no point is any of this the same and only the most deluded person can equate all governments and economic theories the same by over generalizing to the point no words mean anything anymore.

In practice Mercantilism and Communism are night and fucking day.

If you seriously cannot tell the difference between a dictatorship and a Democracy, Communism and CAPITALISM, then you need some serious mental help.

Within the contex I didn't feel the need to specify government control of industry.

I'm not equating ALL theories. I'm pointing out that while their rhetoric is different the outcome of communism and facism is largely the same for the common man.

But hey if your ideology wins out no hard feelings. Just think of this conversation when they blindfold you against a wall.

My ideology? No really, tell me what my ideology is. One of the few ideologies in existence that has a death toll of literally zero. Which is something neither fascism or communism can say.

Wanting to kill jews?

This isn't a core aspect of either communism or fascism. Seems irrelevant.

Wanting to consolidate power in the hands of few?

This isn't a core aspect of communism. Nominally, communism wants to spread power amongst more people than almost any other type of government (it doesn't turn out this way for a variety of reasons). Fascism is pretty definitively dictatorial.

It seems like you don't really know what these words mean. You recognize that authoritarianism is a much broader group that encompasses fascism, communism, various feudal systems, etc.? Maybe that's what you're trying to say, communism and fascism are both authoritarian?

Violent resistance to freespeech?

I mean, all authoritarian governments do this. Is monarchy the same as communism?

Co-opting religion and education?

Not sure what this means, but OK.

Won a free helicopter ride?

Oh lol, OK. So you're either trolling or an apologist for an actual fascist, or something? Whatever m'dude.

Wanting to kill jews? Check

Wtf are you talking about?

Wanting to consolidate power in the hands of few? Check

Lmao communism is a stateless society.

I'll stop there because this is like a cliché example of an indoctrinated american

Attributing definitions to things you don’t like to fit your narrative? Check

lol this guy

What about /beholdthemasterrace? Its ok they white

Stop hurting these Nazi's feelings! They are people too, they just happen to think they're superior!

Can you IMAGINE someone not allowing you to say racist things? That will seriously harm society! /s

Taking away a good honest Christians God given right to be a racist is just unAmerican!

Nazism inherently advocates for racism and violence, in Anarchism racism and violence are not inherent attributes.

these posts are great because they immediately reveal who's here because they're genuinely interested in /r/conspiracy and who's here to brigade, troll, show us how smart they are, etc.

So, if I'm not a Nazi sympathizer, I'm a troll?

It's already working.

So conspiracy theorists are all Nazis?

Traditionally, when we are sarcastic, we use /s on the internet, because you know, text.

But yes, all conspiracy theorists are Nazis, this guy gets it.


The assertion here seems to be, if I'm not a Nazi sympathizer, I'm a troll. If you think that's sarcasm, maybe you should Google " sarcasm". Is all discourse on r/conspiracy this vacuous?


You keep saying this as if it means anything.

Aaron Swartz wasn't a Nazi sympathizer, yet he understood free speech.

Is all discourse on r/conspiracy this vacuous?

Are you referring to your comments, or...?

Abhorring violence of all kinds doesn't make you a Nazi sympathizer.

Traditionally, the best sarcasm is VERY subtle and only the smartest people understand it, and make fun of the idiots who don't.

It's just internet etiquette.

For autists that don't understand subtle signaling.

By putting on the /s, it stops being sarcasm.

I mean, the majority of this sub is dedicated to half-assed reskins of Hitler's Jewish conspiracy so it's not surprising.

Apparently so.

What? Don’t tell me you actual believe the holocaust happened?! /s

If you think anyone but the most fringe historically misinformed trump supporters are nazis, your a troll. Well more like another misinformed person, like the few select idiots on the donald who think the holocaust didn’t happen because they don’t understand what actually happened in nazi germany.

I think there's a difference between wanting your country back, and wanting your white country back.

Here's why:

For a more comprehensive viewpoint:

tl;dw: National Socialism (why do you call them "Nazis"?) was a resistance movement against the international banking cartel. It was mercilessly crushed, using every means available. It must not be allowed to rise again, as this threatens the world oligarchical order.

Everything you just wrote is complete bullshit. The Reichsbank was founded in 1871 as the national bank of Germany and the Reichsmark was created as the national currency in 1924. Both existed through the fall of the the Third Reich and Hitler or his party had no influence on either of them.

Hitler after WW1 formed the Reichswehr who infiltrated the German Workers' Party (DAP). Hitler and a bunch of members of the Thule society, like Rudolf Hess, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank, Julius Lehmann, Gottfried Feder, Dietrich Eckart, and Karl Harrer, created the Nazi party out of the remains of the DEP. They built the party around the ideas of the Thule society who believed Germans were members of a superior Aryan race and held other cultish beliefs. The NAZIs fronted a position of socialism and workers rights to gain support of the former members of the DEP. Hitler's rise to power was not a grassroots "resistance movement" like you make it out to be, they first tried to take power with military force and stage a coup to overthrow the government and enact a right-wing autocratic regime in it's place during the Kapp Putsch.

Hitler used his Military prowess to elevate his political status within his own party and other right wing members of the government (kind of like how Trump used his wealth and celebrity status to get a political platform in the Republican party). Hitler got president Hindenburg to name him chancellor. In the 1933 federal election he ran on a platform of anti-comunism and anti-semitism. He used the jews as a scapegoat for the country's problems (like Trump with Muslims and Mexicans) and then he made farfetched claims that he could easily solve the complex issues facing the country even with little political knowledge (like Trump). He made grand speeches evoking blind nationalism and exceptionalism (like Trump). Then he used the false flag burning of the Reichstag building to exclude communists from the Reichstag and gave himself unchecked powers.

But I'm sure we have no reason to fear what Trump might do with the power he has.

You really have no idea what you're doing, do you? You just lost the game!

What a stunningly substantive reply.

Nazi puppets fail miserably when anyone challenges their sanctioned copypastas.

.: National Socialism (why do we call them "Nazis", anyhow?)

Because it triggers kiddos like you.

was a resistance movement against the international banking cartel.

No it wasn't.

It was about consolidating power among a small group of people and murdering anyone who stood in the way

It was mercilessly crushed, using every means available.

Hallelujah. A glorious thing that was too.

but allow /r/Anarchism to organize riots

You mean the same subreddit that, even a day before you posted this, stickied a rules notification from the mods that they

will take action against any content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual or a group of people

Fuck off

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That sub organized actual violence and none of the banned subs did organize violence.

I bet the FBI wants that sub up as a valuable honeypot.

Considering when commenters by the dozen were like "fuck yeah" on any cop killing, that place is definitely watched.

Are they going to start with:

/r/FULLCOMMUNISM - advocates gulags

/r/WALL2 - advocates putting right wingers on a firing squad.

Or /r/LateStageCapitalism celebrating political killings by the USSR, Mao and Castro. Where Holodmor denial is common.

/r/Anarchism that organized to launch fireworks at crowds on your platform.

or /r/Anarchism that organized to beat up RooshV during his visit to Montreal.

/r/communism maintains the Holodmor is Nazi propoganda.

/r/shoplifting - Glorifying crime

Links to examples in this reply:

/r/LateStageCapitalism mods about someone's Cuban parents being put into labor camps: "Your family deserved what they got"

/r/politics on the London attack: "I just hope the people who were on that bridge were redneck Republicans like you so the slaughter was justified." [+63]

The head mod of /r/MarchAgainstTrump

/r/LateStageCapitalism MOD announcement - "No one can reasonably argue that the Republican congressmen shot today didn't deserve it. They absolutely did. They created this situation of unparalleled division. They're trying to destroy society to line their own pockets."

"Let's put arsenic in drinks and slip it to Trump supporters"

/r/Socialism posts infographic on why it's important to murder three Republican senators.

[Regarding Republicans] "What else can be done?", "Going to the homes of Republican lawmakers in the middle of the night, dragging them into the street, and turning them into tree ornaments [Lynching]." [+37]

(to commenter who's mother is a christian trump-voter) "I don't mean this harshly so please don't take it that way. The sooner that people like your mother pass on and stop voting, the better off we'll all be." [+26]

DavidReiss666 Moderator of major default subreddits like r/LPT, r/BestOf, r/History, advocates the assassination the President. "The only way to fix this is going to be extra-Constitutional [Mussolini's assassination]. Trump deserves similar treatment."

"Democrats will sweep the next election. Their communities will die out as we liberal big city people use our superior education and intellect to make robots that take over their crappy jobs, and the working class white culture that voted for racism will be forever gone."

"Removing Trump from power is the only choice that leads to a future of your country, so you're gonna move your fat ass and take the fight to the streets, until that slob lies on the dirt, drowning in its own blood." [SH] r/ETS

All gun owners should have their guns taken away from them and then be executed

r/Anarchism recommends bringing explosives to throw at "Free Speech" rally.

Leftist in /r/Videos promoting violence against free speech

Redditor on r/socialism telling users to torture reddit employees and their families.

Commies on /r/Anarchism is advocating for violence.... again. Over 100 upvotes folks.

/r/Anarchism blatantly advocates for murder... again...

/r/FULLCOMMUNISM advocates of both DPRK and Stalin

Castro praising

Support beating up Pepe

Supports punching of Richard Spencer

Supports mass murder of "Nazis"

Punch a Nazi and smash a Cop's face!

"This is why the nonviolent argument for revolution doesn't work. Politics is violence. Whether that violence is a punch to a nazis face or a brick to a cops head, or a series of corporations forcing an entire sector of people to not have enough resources to live it is still violence."

"I'm going to say something unpopular here. When I heard that someone had shot Republicans, my first immediate hope was that someone finally did something about McConnel." Score hidden

/r/anarchism praising the stabbing of a Trump supporter just for being white

(On Elon Musk taking 2 rich people to the moon) "If we're lucky, there will be a launch failure."

"Wish it was legal to kill Fascists"

Calling the victims of Communism Slaver Owners

Advocacy of shooting a Republican Senator

"shooter is a patriot"

"[on the shooting] you reap what you sow"

List compiling people defending the shooter:

Advocacy of killing opponents of Net Neutrality

Wanting Rural and Trump voters to die.

We're getting to the point that it's past the need for protest, but time for violent and extreme actions. The government needs to be reminded that is has a reason to be afraid of us.

"All cops deserve death" + Genocide denial

r/anarchism links to a page of peoples doxx, reddit mods still won't delete the sub

Mods on /r/FULLCOMMUNISM celebrate the deaths of 5 cops, tell users to "BASH THE PIGS"

Literal 13k+ post calling for people's deaths.

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This list made me want to clean my guns...


This hate and violence by the political left isn't new. The other year when a woman of Indian heritage gave the Republican rebuttal to the sotu address, there were tons of comments in politics that went undeleted that called her a "cunt" or told her to go back home.

There are mods on politics that literally defend comments calling for killing workers in an industry that employee 15 million people in the us. Their reasoning is "well it's not advocating violence against an individual". Which that comment in my mind was worse, because This mod was only concerned that one or two people may have been targeted, but was actually saying it's fine if you advocate the deaths of millions of people.

People with this mentality are truly the greatest threat to humanity. The only difference between them and Nazis burning jews and communists starving entire ethnicities, is the fact that they aren't in complete power. And, it's a scary fact that more and more people are falling for their lies to the point where they might get into more power than they have.

This hate and violence by the political left isn't new.

It certainly isn't. The reddit administration, however, simply doesn't care. After all -- they both want right-wingers dead. The admins are just complicit through partisan application of the rules.

Reddit is learning so far to the left it's in danger of toppling over

Gotta start somewhere, right?

What are you proposing? Not banning Nazi subs or banning many more subs?

+27 karma for advocating banning subs because you don't like their politics.

On /r/Conspiracy.

Nothing to see here, folks.

Does discussing conspiracy theories mean you have to tolerate nazis?

Yeah fuck Reddit

The first links aren't about Antifa, they are about Refuse Fascism, which is a non-violent group. It's just going to be marching and slogans and shit like that. Nothing in there is about the "illegal removal of the President through violence."

That sub may have pro-violent content, but it's not in your links.

R/ anarchism certainly leans towards communist ideology. Hence concentrating power on the state.


concentrating power on the state

umm, pick one. not both.

“The illegal removal of the president through violence”

If you ever wanted to know what the state of this sub is, there you go. It’s been completely overrun by boot-licking statists.

Headline from May 8, 1945.

Allied forces shut down Freedom of Speech in Europe by Use of Violence

Isn't that correct, Mr. "Alt-Right"?

I feel bad for the Anarchists. The communists are trying to hijack their Anarchism rally on the 4th of November.
That has to suck.
Kind of like Hilldog hijacking the Bernsters campaign funds that were phone banked.

They don't actually have an anarchism rally on the 4th. The whole thing was started by RefuseFascism (allegedly the Revolutionary Communist Party USA).

They're not the same thing...

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Can't ban one extreme and not the other... unless you have a dog in the fight

I'm a member of both /r/conspiracy and /r/anarchism.

Only people who don't understand what anarchism actually means would make this correlation. Years ago I thought of anarchism as the stereotypical "streets are on fire" and lawlessness but it isn't like that, at all. People on /r/conspiracy talk about killing people too but somehow talk of killing pedophiles is okay but killing Nazis isn't.

Just stop. Anarchism is a political and socioeconomic viewpoint on how society should be.

"Hello fellow /r/Conspiracy members"

"DAE think /r/Conspiracy is just as bad for wanting to stop pedophiles?"

So what's the controversy?

Don't forget all their pedo subs

Lets just work to not let the nazi subreddit migrate here please.

Looks like it is too late, honestly. Every 3rd comment is

Jews, (((them)), or Zionists

This is ignorance in action.

Censorship of things one does not "like". Lies about those with whom one disagrees. Corruption of historical records of past mis-deeds. Violence against those who one cannot control with dialogue.

Reddit is complicit in post modern bullshit.

Refuse Fascism doesn't call for illegal removal of the president.

Fighting the last war. Or in this case, several wars ago...

Wow. Most of the comment section here really need to learn their political history and what specific terms do and don't mean.

Chomsky may help you.

It's nice to see all different kinds of people in this sub. One thread talks about all the evil things the government does and how they should be removed and in the next thread people are trying to get a sub banned because the people there have that exact opinion.

Has anyone actually read the comments in that thread? Because they say pretty much what everyone's saying here. This was a post about the organization of a protest by an outside group who the anarchist community don't particularly agree with, not themselves organizing a 'riot'.

Please, enough of the scare baiting.

I take it this thread got brigaded fucking hard. Shocker.

Im all for anarchy, but no where in my belief is to throw a president out of office using force. More like throw everyone out of office using force. Then target lobbyist, and bankers. We just want our country back... What's so terrible about that?

This post is ridiculous, do you idiots know what anarchism means? "to be without a leader" so in other words removal of the state or hierarchy. We don't want a leader period. You conspiracy theorists are always going on about the NWO which is propergated by the president? Yet you don't support the removal of the president? And to be quite honest anarchism is nothing like communism, it has similar tendencies but communism is nothing more than a dictatorship. Anarchists want a mutual society that works in communities for the greater good of the people and where class and inequality is abolished, where we all don't get trampled on by the ultra rich class thats running the planet. Wait is that the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers of the world?? Oh and one where the environment isn't getting destroyed, cause we aren't killing the planet we are killing ourselves. It's not that we want to kill the fucking president we just want a revolution to overthrow this fucking system that you all want abolished yourselves.

You sound like you're supporting Nazism and contradicting your beliefs in waking people up to the NWO.

.This post is on the front page of /r/Anarchism. In it, a group that describes themselves as insurrectionists is calling for the illegal removal of the president and threatening "action" until "their demands are met."

Only skimmed it.

What about that is illegal?

., yet banning all the Nazi subreddits,

Excuse I forgot to cry for the nazis

. when these Anarchist Extremist Domestic Terrorists have been causing violence and riots for over a year at the same events organized by the same people, are targeting members of a particular race, a

Cool mspaint and facebook screenshot

It's almost as if the key to prosperity is a balance of the left/right ideology. Yin and yang if you will. Duality is such a mother fucker.

Looks like OP needs the False Equivalence Fallacy explained to them.

Anarchists don't advocate genocide, they don't advocate white supremacy, racism, misogyny, social hierarchy, class, or allowing anyone to starve because "the market" has deemed their skills and talents to be of little utility. They are diametrically opposed to all those things. Please get your facts straight.

Anarchism is not equivalent to Nazism. Anarchism is a legitimate political tradition that is as old as capitalism (it emerged as an alternative proposal to industrial capitalism, after all). Nazism is not a legitimate political ideology for the above-mentioned reasons.

Because that's exactly what it is, it's a "Nazi scare". Its propaganda pushed on ignorant people to make them believe they should be worried about this ever-growing threat that doesn't really exist. If you're under 35 the probably haven't seen the government do this before but they have done this many many times throughout history to promote some bullshit agenda that just ends with everybody's rights being taken away.

There's more than 'some dude'. We also have the milo intern / T_D poster who killed his dad for calling him a nazi not to long ago.

... and the skinheads at two different rallies who have fired their guns off near protesters.

The issue is that in these groups every single person is free to their own interpretation who a nazi is. Leading to another of innocent people being hurt because their head is shaved, they wear the wrong cloths or boots or even... Their skin just being white

I clicked that link for antifa and did some reading up according to the NJ DHS, the long and the short of it is antifa goes out of their way to disrupt white supremacy or Nazi rally’s.

So this is looked at as a bad thing?

Can someone explain to me how being pro Nazi or white supremacy is a good thing, and do us all a favour and don’t post the usual “but but free speech” bullshit.

Because they're trying to soften the nazi and neo-nazi subs to make them more relatable.

They know most people won't really give a fuck about tatted up degenerate neo-nazi skinheads having their sub banned.

So they soften up their language and use dog whistles instead.

So conspiracy theorists are all Nazis?

Won't anyone think of the poor white people from being picked on?

You picked the wrong side, broski.

Ahh, yes, because the side rife with racial and religious bigotry is the side I want to be on.

When I see a CEO arrest a senator for not getting his way then I'll change my mind.... government has ultimate authority, you can't start a corporation without the government's concent... our spineless politicians and years of social conditioning have led to the idea that corporations are running the game... when in reality they are just very good at playing it.

Clearly some people knew him, here he is standing with his alt-right butt buddies, complete with their "uniform" and shield.

Also, the whole "he got spooked" argument doesn't work when there's video of him accelerating into the crowd below when he was atop the hill.

You picked the wrong side, broski. Time to rethink your life.

Ah, projection at its finest. Your "side" is mostly comprised of goofy social rejects who are outright mocked and ridiculed by the majority of the world. Not exactly the argument you wanna make buddy

It's fun to watch Nufascists(Reddit communists) and fascists duke it out. Reddit is more entertaining this way.

I was hoping for more of a Alexa vs Google home scenario where the trump-bots and Hil-bots start to malfunction.

You picked the wrong side, broski. Time to rethink your life.

Fuck Nazi trash.

You're kidding me, right? How about the Nazi flags


and tattoos


The racist chants

Racist chants?

Do I really need to go on. If you haven't figured it out yet, you're part of the problem.

You could have just said "Zionists are Nazis", and saved time.

Just want to point out that there is not necessarily any meaningful connection between being supporter of fascism and questioning the official narrative of the Holocaust

Stop telling me to read shit and explain in your own terms how a communist state doesn't have power concentrated In the political elite?

Lol at trying to link communists and facists. Only on this sub.

How the hell does a sub about conspiracies have so many people completely and utterly indoctrinated by US history propaganda?


lol this guy

Please do keep labeling moderates and anti-violence advocates Nazi sympathizers.

Thank you,

The people you claim to hate

Any White person who does not wish to become a minority in the country built by his ancestors, specifically for White people, is a Nazi.

people working in trades are making fine money after high school and accumulating little to no debt.

I agree.

fuck higher education, if you can't afford it. these people are coming out of college dumber than ever with no skills.

I'm not arguing with you.

What "Black Europeans" are you referring to exactly?

I agree that minority populations historically have not fared well. Hopefully this country will treat minorities better by the time white people enter that category.

So why is it an issue that Whites would want to prevent themselves and their children from becoming minorities?

The man wants an ethno-European homeland

What is the problem with that? He's said, repeatedely, that he does want America to be that ethnostate. He's always described it as a post American utopian vision.

The man wants an ethno-European homeland with a "peaceful cleansing" of those who aren't white.

He's never stated that. He described the Paris peace treaty of 1919 as such. He's never called for it.

That's not preservation of ancestry: that's openly advocating for the removal of millions of Americans--many who have been here far longer than whites or europeans. Everyone knows that would never happen peacefully.

Well seeing as that isn't what he is after, the point is moot.