MegaAnon today: "It SURE IS shaping up to be another GREAT day, isn't it?!"

89  2017-10-26 by ToddWhiskey

The (archived) /pol thread:

MegaAnon's posts filtered by ID, via 4plebs archive (18 posts):

"Morning y'all!!! It SURE IS shaping up to be another GREAT day, isn't it?!

Rarely do I feel the need to point out my own credibility so I'll just remind you that this was filed independently yesterday, on behalf of Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. as the DEFENDANT. Note, it wasn't filed by the DOJ or on behalf of an individual.

Now as yourselves this... why would this FACT, be important? Why would Donald J. Trump for President, INC. want to legally file this? What protections are afforded from the day organizations like "" are named/implicated, in a formally filed US District Supreme Court?

Hypothetically and all... if you were in the position of releasing valuable, leaked information you've obtained to the public, you'd probably want to first ensure the ball you PRE-NEGOTIATED federal protections on, was legally rolling, right? If you had secretly negotiated your terms with Rep. Dana Rohrabacher back in August and had agreed you'd keep a lid on your shit until the negotiated deadline of 10/21/17, then you'd also need to wait for the parties/campaign INC's you negotiated with, to legally file action in favor of your protection, no?!

Except here's the thing, as soon as you file ANYTHING with a federal US District Court, it BECOMES and is ADDED to accessible, PUBLIC RECORDS, isn't it?!

So, if you're trying to keep shit under wraps until you're ready to pull a trigger, you'd probably wait to file what will become a matter of public record, until you absolutely have to do it, right?!

Y'all let paid /pol/trolls turn me into some "10/21 Assange release happening", that I NEVER CLAIMED would actually happen, on the 21st. Instead of reading my well-documented, archived posts thoroughly and IN FULL for yourselves, y'all chose to become the LARP's you claim you know better than to fall for... "

"It's only as much of a "coincidence", as (((they))) banked on YOU, finding it to be, right?

The same people who 4+ weeks later still can't give you a shooter motive, all the sudden realize crazy brother in assisted living Bruce, has pizza on his computer?

Same people who can't tell you where the hell Campos was in the actual country, or not, between the shooting and Ellen show, are telling you now a laptop they've had for 4+ weeks is missing a hard drive? Must've been really hard for them to have to admit such blatant oversight on the same day they took down Bruce, right? Especially after having to also explain missing, border hopping Campo, too.

And to top it all off, as if they weren't desperate enough to get you off their asses, they tied in an "oldie but goodie" by throwing y'all another good Sandy Hook, conspiracy confirming, "Adam Lanza had pizza on his computer" claim, of course now coming to light, after the SAME FBI, trying so hard to snuff y'all off Vegas, unironically released "declassified Sandy Hook docs", just in the unannounced yet completely right time... for (((them))). It's all bloodied chum for the sharks who don't know there's a hook attached... "


5chan? That racist stoormfront hate speech board? Why would you link there?

you forgot this: /s

Are you dumb or just completely out of the loop ?

I thought he is a hacker to buy revenge porn from in exchange for bumps of cocaine.

No that's the other Chan

He's being /s

Right... Me too. Just adding to the humor.

People here love /pol/ dude. Even though, yes, it is packed to the rafters with Nazis both actual and ironic. For some inexplicable reason, the burden of evidence and benchmarks for common sense are much lower for /pol/ than almost any other source, even though it has produced baseless hype and obvious LARPing time and time again. Go figure.

I love pol too.

Oh, so you did forget the /s. I'm a goober.

Not this dude again.

Didnt we all agree he was a Larping muppet?



You apparently don't understand the word "all".

I'm skeptically neutral.




Get the fuck out of here with that shit.




I'm gonna need proof this person isn't just a 300lb neckbeard.

She's been right, or at least close to right, on a lot of occasions. Do you really care if she's an insider or not? If she's just good at reading the climate, and making predictions, but isn't an insider doesn't that still make her voice worth listening to?

Of course you probably don't wanna think about that, you just wanna scream LARPER REEEE! and hope everybody ignores her.

On what occasions was this larper right about anything that wasn't already public?

Never is the correct answer here.

LV was about child trafficking.

Please expound?


There is lots of evidence that leads to this, way beyond the 2nd brother's CP and distribution charges.

There is the gf/wife:

There are the strange records on his airplanes.

His own involvement in ownership of kids camps..

Then there is the official story pushing that he was running guns. You don't run an OP that goes this badly to move 23 guns amassed over a year at retail to sell on the black market and become a multi millionaire. That's like having a donut shop and making and selling a donut a day.

He- and mind me, I'm not positive Paddock is the actual shooter, was moving children. Someone unmasked the operation.

So why would the FBI be covering that up, why would he or whoever have turned on the crowd? You haven't really explained anything, I'd be grateful if you could expand a bit on what you think happened wrt the child trafficking angle? Thank you!

I wish I knew why. I'm not even convinced who the shooter/s were. But I know child trafficking has a big part in this. It wasn't about selling 23 guns for no profit.

I like your theory, and I do think there's some CP connection to Vegas but at the same time I can't help to overlook all the occult and elite symbolism. TPTB were involved but to what extend do you think?

The FBI has routinely covered up child trafficking as in with cases like the Finders Case (recently confirmed by FOIA requests)because they are more useful as "brownstone operations" whereby you can blackmail politicians once you've caught them.

This sounds like George Webbs line of thinking. I wonder if he has had anything to say about Vegas.

Who confirmed the Finders case with a FOIA request?

Not OP but I'll give a few thoughts - there are plenty of items listed when searching for FBI involvement in "stings" where they use either CI pedos, actual CP websites they run, or will set some "radicalized" individual up with a "fake" bomb or whatever. I'm being vague because I seriously can't fit how many scandalous actions the FBI has taken into one comment. Just do a tiny amount of digging, you'll see.

Let's say I was running an asset using one of those few things listed there. I could get REALLY layered. I could blackmail them into blackmailing other people, basically. You see where this all goes? There are a billion reasons an agency would cover it up. At what point do the scandals overlap and how much deniability do you have if one agency gets caught? How much credibility? These agencies also feud because they are full of people, and are petty just like other facets of life. Maybe one agency is blackmailing another to keep quiet?

Life is nuanced, it's good to ask for proof. I basically don't put any dirty trick or layer of deception past these agencies. The thing about "operations"is that they take resources and time. If you have plenty of both, you have plenty of options.

Also note that there are factions within these agencies that actually do care about other people and morality.

Because it's very important that Pete's a gate remains a conspiracy theory?

Could be they just used him as a patsy and tied up some loose ends. Maybe he was talking? Maybe he was talking and they used it as a message to everyone else involved in the ring. Look what we can still do if you dare talk.

Reeks of desperation.

Now as yourselves this... why would this FACT, be important? Why would Donald J. Trump for President, INC. want to legally file this? What protections are afforded from the day organizations like "" are named/implicated, in a formally filed US District Supreme Court?

Isn't an easy explanation "because they were being sued and used it as a defense in court" ? the larp makes it sound like trump did this preemptively, which isn't what happened

The only reasonable explanation for all the bizarreness is alphabet group involvement. Plain and simple. Whatever or whomever was involved and what they were doing has everything to do with them. A lone, crazed gunmen wouldn't need all the stories, hidden people, and misinformation. It's either about the FBI and CIA or they at least had prior knowledge and dropped the ball.

larping larper larps more, film at 11.

Lol all I've learned from this 'mega anon' stuff is that I could make up literally any story about what's going on and a bunch of you would believe it with zero evidence as long as one or two individual points matched up.

You suck at learning?

Morning y'all!!!

Stopped reading there