Post with 56.7k upvotes (#1 on /r/all) just removed by mods

90  2017-10-27 by jbrs_

Please keep posting about this, anywhere you can. Get creative. It seems they search for certain links to keep the info suppressed, so create new representations of this information if you can-- I first noticed this pattern with the Courtney Love - Harvey Weinstein video. It was a gif that was user generated that made it to the front page and got like 100k+ upvotes, when videos with the same exact content were getting buried.

in case the above is modified:

Be sure to account for the fact that IEI, the company that owns the warehouses, has not been proven to be connected to DuPont; and that there has been some media coverage of this event. This is what I have been saying in response to people who point that out:

"Absolutely zero news coverage" is definitely an overstatement, I apologize for that; but I've seen it mentioned in one mainstream outlet... given that it's like beijing in WV, it's not that much of an overstatement. the media hasn't given this appropriate coverage. many people living very close by hadn't even heard about it until now, as you'll see if you scroll through the thread.


Heh the last place for real news is Reddit. post Cats and Police Puppies or GTFO!

Their reason for removing was that it was a repost, but if you look at the other discussions tab, you'll see that nothing on that tab got more than 30 upvotes.

Before that, they had it flagged for deletion, and then gave it a "misleading title" flair.

Strangely, I then had several posters telling me I'd be taken to court for libel, but after I made it clear that I wasn't leaning towards taking it down, it was removed shortly thereafter.

I've heard others have faced similar strange roadblocks when trying to post about this. And someone commented this on my post.

Yeah that libel stuff was creepy as fuck

Where was the libel stuff?


thats the dude that rapes three year old girls.