Who else thinks the reason the JFK files where delayed is because one of the shooters is still alive and was born June 12. 1924..... as soon as he dies all is released.

226  2017-10-27 by brittleknight

George Bush Sr.. never in the Cia as he testified to Congress at his Appointment hearing for the role of Director of the CIA under Nixon.. Years later let it slip he had been an agent in the Cia before hand.. Name of boat involved in cuba bay of pigs was named Barbara and the operations where ran off a oil platform he owned in the gulf. Photo and signature match up to him in dallas the day of on the steps of the book depository. Did I leave anything out?


I feel that may be correct. The old shithead needs to waste no time trotting off to the hereafter.

unfortunately the molested babys blood seems to keep him kicking.

like the fucking queen of England the fucker refuses to die.

It's all that reptilian DNA.

And Soros, and Kissinger.

you know, even if the babys blood thing is fake -- symbolically its technically real.

poverty kills, and extreme greed causes extreme poverty and allows these fuckers to live so long at our expense while we die young and sickly

“Even if he didn’t kill babies he still killed babies” -T_D 2.0

And Soros... And Kissinger.

Has anyone seen that old bat in a while? I'd heard rumour she might be dead finally and they're covering it up.

The queen has an easy 15 yrs left, god bless her

Why does it matter if Sr is still alive? I don't get it, why does everyone need to be dead to release it?

There was a law that was put into place so Nsa Cia, Fbi, and etc etc could feel safe that their “Patriotic” Actions wouldnt be used against them.... so its not so much a national security issue to protect bush but instead its to make all our “patriots” feel ok with what they may be doing at this very moment... cause if you thought the next political wind shift could out your mission and possibly lead to your death or imprisonment your less inclined to do whats asked.

I see, makes a lot of sense, thanks.

There was a law that was put into place so Nsa Cia, Fbi, and etc etc could feel safe that their “Patriotic” Actions wouldnt be used against them.

Interesting, thanks. Any link to the law?

Thanks. This makes "sense"... any link to the law you mentioned?

There was a law that was put into place so Nsa Cia, Fbi, and etc etc could feel safe that their “Patriotic” Actions wouldnt be used against them.

Interesting, thanks. Any link to the law?

I believe its a part of the Identities act in 1982 which was a further expansion of an original executive order from 1971, and the preliminary act in 1975 due to Richard Welch being assasinated . Its the same act that was called in to question when Cheney outed Valerie Plame as a cia agent. As far as I know.. if the living person has any documents tied to Classified Covert Ops it falls under the protections act.

Thanks. Don't you think the nation is ready for this redd pill though?

No. It'll bring the whole house down which is why they're delaying the real incriminating evidence.

Walking on a tightrope...

No i dont

well that law needs to be repealed without their consent.

the proper way to gain consent is to send armed thugs to their door and remove the obstacles to disclosure. blame it on gang violence and a horrible mistake or something. say he was investigating the wrong people who had an intelligence network comparable to ours like a cartel or something.

then when the documents implicating them are out, it can be implied that it was an assassination with good cause.

Right and when we're doing some awful shit around the world for greed we can't be having any of that!

I don’t know if there’s a law like that but it’s clearly the policy and is a good point.

Do you know, was George Bush Sr. known as a good marksman?

Republican party would look bad...

Could they look any worse? Both siee of the "aisle" are being dismantled atm.

Good. Get rid of both of them. Maybe then we could get some real representation.

if these files don't mention the jesuits or soverign military of malta, or their owners, they are dis-info

what have we gotten from snowden or assange? fuck all thats what, they don't leak/release this shit for us, they RELEASE this shit to keep the pacified masses happy, the pacified world will think JESUIT EDUCATED trump is a bastion of truth

this is bigger than that scum piece of shit bush family

Oh man, you're lost in a carnival of mirrors.

An intelligent mind hollowed out by its incessant gnawing on sawdust and vapors; fueled by dissatisfaction and impotence.

Wretched & Unravelled. A reminder of the dead end waiting at the horizon of this pathetic road.

ya fuck you too

An eloquent summation of my point, indeed.

you did a great job refuting the statement i made about the jesuit smom controlled cia being the real people who whacked jfk, like i said i am ready

I don't need to argue with delusional assholes on the internet.

I'd rather just point out that you're an example of the twisted mental state caused by a steady stream of infogarbage & a twist of rage.

Frankly, I don't give a fuck who killed JFK, who did Vegas, who did Sandy Hook, who invented the fucking Christ myth 1500 years ago --- none of it.

I'm just here to be reminded that no matter how angry and sick and delusional I feel, there's a subreddit full of folks worse off than I am.

I don't give a fuck who killed JFK, or who did Vegas, or who invented the Christ myth 1500 years ago.

I also don't argue with the mentally ill, for fear of losing track of who's who.

ROME, answers all those questions you don't give a shit about, u don't argue with mentally ill though, so i won't expect a response

Jesus man. Calm down. No need to be so inflammatory in this sub. It does nothing to further sensible discussion.

sometimes there is, especially when nonsense is considered a reply

I don’t necessarily disagree with you, but you can be banned for being so abrasive. Just trying to give you a heads up man. I understand this is probably a topic you (like me) are very passionate about and as such emotions will run high.

That said; you’ve got to keep a cool head. Getting into an internet pissing contest in this sub is asking for a ban.

Saying “well fuck you too” is borderline Rule 10. If I were you, I’d amend that comment.

Again, I’m not attacking you, I’m just trying to help you out.

i like your posts and comments, the comment i replied the "fuck you too" too, says the exact same thing i did, i do understand what you're saying, the problem is government agents are all over the internet, their disrespect deserves disrespect, anyways like i said, i value your thoughts on this sub, so peace to you my friend

have you ever read the book Vatican assassins? i have a copy on .PDF if any one wants a copy


havn't read it, but i listened to lots of eric john phelps talks on youtube, he really does do a great job exposing the jesuits history and relevance today, but i don't hold much stock in the jesuits being the end all be all, i even wonder about the black nobility, like how hard can it be to make your name impossible to know if your at the very top?

these ancient roman/papal bloodlines are definately a BIG part of it though, they have more say in the world than any world leader we could ever elect

wtf do we do though, there's nothing, food air water, it's all poisoned, we work we get sick/retire we die, the top gets to live a healthy long and fruitful life, with all the knowledge we don't get

all we can do is recognize the problem and embrace our spiritual existense, theres gotta be more to this than the hell we are in

agreed mate, i rack my brains everyday to think of what we can do... best i can come up with is to just try to wake up as many as i can.....then go off radar and be a sleeper cell and be ready to pounce if the opportunity arises

blows my mind we have real ppl we are raised with join the military/police force who serve governmemt, there is really too many people against us, in the last 4000 years we havn't been able to fix the problem, people are so brainwashes, look at the news, we(conspiracy yheorists) are the enemy, my own fuckin family believes this, the gov can do no wrong in their eyes, but we are in the endtimes, so we need to be spiritually prepared i guess

work on all 3 bro mind body soul.

going vegan has helped me greatly. peace dude :D

(i would also still reccomend reading the book or at least try to get others to read it)

ya its a tough book to push, he literally is a 'crazy christian', which i believe is by design, he pushes normal people people away from legit history while blaming it all on jesuits, by normal i mean not conspiracy theorists

blaming the jesuits is like blaming the jews

where the fuck do you start and where do you end, atleast when you're looking at the black nobility you have names that have written history

Peace, love, and light to you as well.

Thank you for the compliment. I don’t post around here as much as I used to because of the aforementioned government agents, and other nefarious characters.

That said; I still lurk. A lot. I don’t miss much on this sub. I just don’t want to see another user who is after truth and peace get banned.

oh ya, i get ya lol, i found this sub maybe a month before i made tbis account, ten months ago, i came from disclose.tv on XBMC lolol, i've seen you since my beggining, and i can see you are a good person so i wish you the best

i stopped commenting for like 5 months, there literally should never be an ugly purple haired spook whore sitting in front of my driveway, not to mention the messages you get on here, i'd say tax money at work, but money is printed outa thin air, but here i am again

i believe we are in the end times, the alignment on sep 23 just happened, the next verse is about the dragon with 7 heads, rome is built ontop of 7 hills, in the book of revelations

revelations = to uncover

ancient greek word for revelations(to uncover) is apocalypse

peace and love to all those that are REAL

Ignore the crazies.. let them chain smoke and curse in the corner till their meds kick in.. My point is if you cant just bullet point an argument because your too “energized” or upset and have to try and convey your thought in a form closely resembling Verbal Diarrhea.. then your likely not onto anything, and though you may be a conspirator, your more likely chasing your own demons and shadows.

k i was gonna source, but you are the one claiming i'm not onto anything, who founded CIA that jfk said he'd splinter into a million pieces? what honours/titles does he hold? who is jfk's father? what did he do for the VATICAN in the 1920s? the jesuits, fuck who are they??? when did they start? who founded them? certaintly these people can't still be in power??? its not like the first colony in canada was literally founded by jesuits, answering to ROME, if you can't answer and dispute these questions in "bullet form" right now theeeeeen.........

Jesus? Since im a Christian.. and Emperor Trump because im MaGA... Im not interested in who you worship or who you think is your king or prince.. im more interested in your rant.. it seems very passionate while discordant at best. Feel free to expound upon your hypothesis and try and give some structure to the details.. But as for my Handle.. Knight is a middle name. A code name of sorts.. Rook being my brothers. Queen being my sisters.. Brittle is due to Ehlers Danlos or also often known as a Brittle Syndrome, a terminal disability based on a collagen deficiency. Some of which have it so severe they are liken to Mr Glass from M Night Shymalan’s Unbreakable movie (sidebar:: he has a new movie coming out called Glass) Are the jesuits grand conspirators.. yes several conspiracies due indicate they are involved in hidden actions that influence the world. Including the rumored assassination of a Pope and replacement with a look a like.

i didn't say jesuits were the "grand conspiraters"

u saif ur interested in my rant, but u dont even ask me a question, try harder

Jesuit-educated Trump? He went to Fordham for 2 years before he left for an Ivy League school, and he shows absolutely no influence from the Jesuits whatsoever. Not sure what the point you're trying to make is.

he went to atleast 5 different universities, fact of the matter though, jesuits have universities all over the world, and no mtter where, you can find find links to rome in any important politician, 2 years is plenty enoigh time to orchestrate 4-8 years in the future

THE POINT i'm trying to make is that our whole reality is a sham, politics is the biggest hoax ever, it's mind control

govern - to rule/control

ment - latin for MIND

every problem we argue on this sub stems from ROME and their grip on the entire world, THE WORLD IS A STAGE, it's useless about arguing semantrics, IF JFK realeases/LEAKS, don't point a finger at the real head of the problem, then these are gna b absolutely useless, like every other leak

There are hundreds of thousands of people who have attended a Jesuit affiliated school. They all must be in on the plot right?

the jesuits use their schools to recruit their agents, its no coincodonce the cia and all other positions of power have jesuit/knightly connections, but you know that dont you

Most major universities have recruiters from the CIA and government. Not sure what's the difference. You're saying all positions of power have Jesuit connections? Nice hyperbole. But feel free to show some actual connections instead of just sweeping claims.

ROMAN connections

What connections specifically? Or are you just spewing nonsense?

how bout the connections you are arguing against for starters

my turn, PROVE to me politics isn't a complete hoax, or this conversation is done

Going to a type of school that hundreds of thousands or millions of people have also gone to is is a very tenuous connection. You got anything else?

Also I don't know what you mean by proving politics isn't a hoax. What does that even mean? Politics is fake?

the cia whacked jfk, the cia was founded and is ran people who are either jesuit trained, or they are ROMAN knights of the soverign MILITARY order of malta, or they are both

yes, presidents prime ministers whatever you want to call them hold no real power, the world is a stage, everything wrong in the world is engineered by the ancient bloodlines who claim rule over us

You realize Trump and Hillary were giving speeches to jesuits together during the campaign right?


NARA has a box of records listed under CIA Miscellaneous with George H W Bush written on the side listed in their JFK archives.


if it was revealed he was involved, he might be at risk of falling out of his wheelchair and breaking a hip. cant have that.

Just a hip? I forecast massive heart attack. The sexual assault allegations are likely to smear his character in the event someone finds something in the released documents.

It is an interesting theory because it aligns with what the KGB perceived as a coup by the "ultra-right" in the US.

Photo and signature match up to him in dallas the day of on the steps of the book depository

Which photo/signature are you talking about? This is the first I've heard of this...

Yah, seriously.. links please

Just for clarification on terms: when people hear "CIA Agent" they assume the person is what's actually known as a "CIA Officer". An "Agent" is someone outside of the CIA who provides info or other activities, as directed by an "Officer". People who work in high positions at multinational companies are recruited as Agents (particularly when working overseas) but would not be considered "in/a part of/employed by" the CIA.

I'm unaware of the facts of the matter with Bush Sr. But someone can claim "I have never worked at/for the CIA" and also claim "at one time I was a CIA agent" without contradicting themselves.

Well parsed. Excellent point.

The presidential library will have to be updated ! BTW, there is speculation he also undermined Nixon for not getting the Sec Treasury position.

Congrats you just made a new conspiracy!

You're a dad!

oh ya, i get ya lol, i found this sub maybe a month before i made tbis account, ten months ago, i came from disclose.tv on XBMC lolol, i've seen you since my beggining, and i can see you are a good person so i wish you the best

i stopped commenting for like 5 months, there literally should never be an ugly purple haired spook whore sitting in front of my driveway, not to mention the messages you get on here, i'd say tax money at work, but money is printed outa thin air, but here i am again

i believe we are in the end times, the alignment on sep 23 just happened, the next verse is about the dragon with 7 heads, rome is built ontop of 7 hills, in the book of revelations

revelations = to uncover

ancient greek word for revelations(to uncover) is apocalypse

peace and love to all those that are REAL

And Soros, and Kissinger.

Good. Get rid of both of them. Maybe then we could get some real representation.

Thanks. Don't you think the nation is ready for this redd pill though?

Well parsed. Excellent point.

you know, even if the babys blood thing is fake -- symbolically its technically real.

poverty kills, and extreme greed causes extreme poverty and allows these fuckers to live so long at our expense while we die young and sickly