MegaAnon postings compiled (May 2017 - present)

56  2017-10-27 by ToddWhiskey



Yall are fucking awesome.

Come here at least 5x a day and created a twitter account just to see Trump/pedogate shit. Been disappointed and almost ashamed to be from U.S. since I was in 10th grade after I was redpilled on 9/11. Honestly I didnt even vote because I thought the whole thing was rigged... now I will...

Since watching Trump and following Mega as yall drain the swamp... I am the most excited I've ever been watching this shit go down!!! My family thinks I am crazy! Hah

This account posts a lot of local reports around the country about pedo arrests.

therealdeal (@podobensky)

It is sad/depressing but also so awesome to see the swamp draining from the local level making its way up the food chain.

I know this is "old" news but I stopped work and spent 3 weeks straight downloading all eye witness accounts/footage on Vegas, purchased a video editor, syncd all the footage.... made a google earth model of all the videos/paths of people taking the videos... and paths/heights of the helicopters from the footage.....never shared it on youtube because I was scared bad actors wouldnt like what I found.... don't have a badass setup like youve posted about...

1) Were they good/bad/mix helicopters? 2) Were the helicopters supposed to be on there way to Saudi?
3) Can you say anything about the 32nd floor windows being shot out (single fire) after all the rapid fire shooting stopped?

If not no problem!! Thank you Mega and T.W. again.

Merry Christmas and many blessings to ALL this holiday season, no matter your culture or beliefs. We’re all in this TOGETHER and LOVE will prevail!

/u/IMegaHateNicknames , I read every post you have make, or at least every post that is a part of this thread by /u/ToddWhiskey. (Todd thank you by the way)
I also read all the Q stuff. In all of it I had hope that it was a true. Understanding that this all could be larping. With q i had my doubts many times, things didnt add up. but not with nonamemegaanon, I felt she was being honest with us, and still do. But until we have an arrests, until we see the Mueller investigation shut down, until we see the Assange drop, until we get the BIg three announcements by Trump we are kinda of living in hope and faith in an anon out there in cyber space. I think it is amazing, that it shows how many good people there are that want a better america, that want the corruption that has infiltrated the good ole USA and we want that corruption gone. Cleaned up. All though all we can do is vote, and most times we have only a choice of corrupt and more corrupt. So we sit here, and hope that what you are saying will come to pass and hopefully sooner rather than later. I think it really needs to start publicly happening soon. The Mid terms might be bad for Trump, but if this Alliance for good makes it moves soon, the mid terms will be a landslide in favor of Trump. It is January, the holiday break is over. >>>>>>> HOPING we don't have to live off of hope alone for too much longer. If I have to wait much longer, you might see me getting arrested for running up and tackling HUMA or Hilary and checking their ankles for a monitoring bracelet.

If I have to wait much longer, you might see me getting arrested for running up and tackling HUMA or Hilary and checking their ankles for a monitoring bracelet.

^ And that right there is what someone will do, sooner or later, to one degree or another. And if none of US do it, [they] will hire someone to, and then point at "The Storm" and everyone playing in it.

I know you were joking (i think) but it's gonna happen.

I know they were joking too but I agree that this might happen. Honestly, and its just my opinion, but the cbts board is getting so cult like that I could see one of them get out of hand in the name of Q or/and authorities looking straight at that site and it's members. We want our country back so badly and I feel like their patriotism is being taken advantage of. That being said, I looking forward to seeing this swamp start circling the bowl. We need it sooner than later.

CBTS would qualify as a study in the spontaneous and self-reinforcing nature of a cult.

There is a great number of folks there who have lost touch with their ability to discern.

Great post!!

Good post. After nearly 4 decades of waiting... I am old and tired and want to see some results. Patience is wearing very thin.

I've been reading Reddit for only 2 months and caught up on all the posts from Megs because Todd has done such a fabulous job of making it accessible! I have to say... eating my beautiful meal I cooked for a dozen and a half people had me a bit stewing. More than half of my family do not lean towards my political beliefs which is ok! I get the youngins! It was just really hard to sit there and here verbatim what the MSM spews out! Of course, I bring up bits and pieces of what I have reasearched and learned from Reddit, especially Megs. But, in the end, I am afraid they will have to be completely shocked when it all comes out. I just hope it will happen sooner rather than later;) My point is...Thank you My Megs and Toddwhiskey! Merry Christmas everyone!

Thank you!! Sorry I missed this but Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, too!!


Mega, can you give some insight into what's going on in Iran? You hinted that this was part of a show arranged with Israel and SA. If that's the case, what's our involvement, what's the planned outcome and what's the context for the Admin?

Also, any thoughts on Sessions announcement re. cannabis? Seems to restrict freedoms and potentially piss off a large number of potential voters, unless it's part of a bigger plan.

It's part of an Israel and SA show with Iran because like China and S. Korea are fully expected and have been tasked with draining their swamps and manhandling the problems and repercussions in their regions directly, like Notth Korea, Saudi, Israel, even Turkey as you'll see more have been tasked with draining their swamps and handling their regional problems directly re: terror, shady deals, arms/weapons, government corruption, etc. they ALL haven to do this, if they want to work with the US moving forward. I've detailed this strategy many times over the last 8 months.

Do you realize how completely unprecedented it is that today, we are actually witnessing Mossad's corrupt "Israel" and Bin Talal/Bin Nayef's corrupt "Saudi", not only publicly supporting and defending Iranians, but publicly committing to the aid and assistance of?! I mean these are the same Iranian people that they've abused, stifled, crippled, corrupted, manipulated, exploited and murdered for decades upon decades, all while facilitating and funding the constant destabilization, perpetuation of jihad and territorial spread and advancement of terror, to promote and solidify their own agenda, "they" all financially and politically benefitted, profited and grew from, without question or threat, thanks to the help of the same corrupt Iranian Ayatollah regime, they're now forced to not only watch fall but publicly support and commit to the aid of collapsing!

That's about as fun and ironic as watching Mueller's special council, investigate and convict themselves, isn't it?! Just watch, you're going to have to watch Saudi and Israel take down their terror treasure trove of Pakistan and Huma/Imran's precious Muslim Brotherhood, too. Israel and Saudi have been literally forced to drain the swamps they've corrupted and exploited for so long, and all of the backchannels/networks they've created and established over decades, on live TV. We are literally announcing right now, we are suspending aid and military equipment and support to Pakistan, poking them to further drain their swamp, which makes them, their REGIONS problem, not ours. Hi Israel. Hi Saudi!

Let me tie all of this together real quick. Why do you think we don't like the censorship of Iranians, right now?! Why do you think "they" wouldn't want you and the rest of the world go watch the swamp being forced to drain itself live?! Why do you think they'd want to stifle those images of the Iranian people taking their freedom back from the government that the citizens are uprising and proving to you, are corrupt as fuck?!

It's NOT because "they" don't want Iranians to get the truth out, it's because "they" don't want US, to get any ideas, when our government is publicly busted wide open.

OK but the weed thing

Look, despite where y'all think this is going, it'd be helpful if you realized the drivers, first. Notice where pot was legalized? Under who's authorities, state and federal?! Dig into all those who advocated, supported and passed it. Look into who pushed, who was tied and the history behind how it all happened. Then look at who profited and who gained the most. Look at the orgs tied to it. I mean, you want the swamp drained, right?! Thos isn't really about the weed. It's about how it was done, abused, exploited, etc. from conception til now.

I'm sorry but lots of the same people, orgs, corps, agencies, departments, etc. who you didn't like manipulating, exploiting and profiting from backdoored brokered and negotiated deals, channels, financial cuts, contracts, promotions and campaign/foundation "donations" while selling out your healthcare, pharma, education, etc. have done the same in these states via "the weed thing". See, no one actually pushed, backed, supported or voted for "the weed thing", because they actually cared about what "people" wanted. They exploited and abused what "people" wanted by supplying a demand that only created another channel they could use and abuse to benefit and profit "them". "They" never cared if you were able to medicinally use pot or legally walk down the streets of Colorado smoking a bowl or licking a well-packed joint closed. Just like "they" really don't have one fuck to actually give about DACA or dreamers. It's NEVER been about what "they" can do for you, it's what exploiting you, can do for "them".

Always remember WHO said, "I'll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years", under the guise of the "Great Society" social platforms and programs they were promoting and pushing to roll out and eventually did. Look at who those platforms and programs were positioned and campaigned to and look at those communities now. Trust me... "they" LOVE that you think it's about "the weed thing". They WANT you to get upset and REEEEE about it to Sessions and the DOJ right now. Just like they love and want you to REEEEE about gun control, after every agenda furthering school or mass shooting, right?! Just like they love and want you to REEEEE about "feminism" and "rights to your body" muh, every time they stoke the fires screaming about threats to defund things like Planned Parenthood, free birth control and abortion. They love when you REEEEE about charter schools and voucher programs promoting choice, while they brainwash our kids with mandated EPA manual readings under federalized Common Core/PARCC curriculums and rape our over-funded, yet somehow underprivileged inner-city, avid school districts... all while turning colleges into corporations abusing under the table contract kick backs for personal profits that never seem to make their way back to your pockets, or at the very least, reduce your tuitions... even just a little, am I right?!

We can't cherry pick where the swamp drains.

cory gardner ?

I remember how he was during the campaign. Anti-Trump. That entire Colo GOP fiasco.

He's one of many but great memory!

Megs, sorry, but I want to call you something and Megs is the best I can come up with for now. So, I just want to tell you thanks for all the Intel you provide. It really helps to clear through the smoke. We appreciate you, please stick around!

Hey! Muh Megs... haha, kidding. It's ok. One of my best friends from elementary school is "Megs" so I think of her. I noticed this twitter account when I was scrolling for a quick cap today and I noticed the handle is you, so I peeped the profile. Good shit, brah.

Oh and side note, did y'all know there are other threads on other boards on here about my posts? There are other people posting about these things on here. I saw a link on twitter to what I thought was just a cap I was looking for hoping I'd quickly get lucky and find and all the sudden a whole other thread came up on another CBTS board, that had the cap I was looking for as the thread image.’re on twitter? What’s your @ name? Would love to follow you there, if I’m not already not knowing it’s you...

Meg’s, Does Trump/Devos know about the Gulan schools that Sibel Edmonds is trying to bust apart? The school of terror that is the largest charter school in the US. Also, what about the 28 terror camps and untold number of mosques that we know are up to no good? Will these be taken care of as well. You said even Turkey so I was curious.

😂 the important stuff

How do you type all this shyt on a phone? I use the microphone on my tablet but it's a pain in the butt to correct.

Haha! I've worked remotely and from the road so much, for so long that there's nothing I really can't easily do from my phone. That's said, I was way faster and more accurate with a blackberry keyboard with buttons I could push, than I've ever been with these fancy touchscreens. I was devastated when I decided to give up my blackberry for a smartphone. It was a sad, sad day. ;o)

give up my blackberry

I hope hammers weren't involved.

Nah, still have it and mine wasn't Imran tagged ;o)

Give us some juicy deets about the Rosenstein-Ryan-Nunes menagae-a-trois.

Also tell us all the bad stuff Paul Manafort is going to do to people we don't like.


I miss being able to send text messages from my flip phone while driving without taking my eyes off the road thanks to having the key pad memorized.

“We were too busy trying to figure out how to do a thing instead of thinking about whether we should do that thing.”

-The President of The United Federation of Planets, Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.

Thanks for all you do! I hope you write a book one day once the dust has settled.

Commenting so I can refer back later.. great stuff!!


Bannon just resigned his position at Breitbart, per a report on Breitbart. If the split between Trump and Bannon is a ruse, they're pulling out all the stops to make it convincing.

Bannon had a swamp to drain too at Breitbart before progress can be made. Weird how Trump even noted that Mercer's are no longer backing Bannon/Breitbart, no?! Maybe their money is dirty and can't be had. Sure would be easy for Bannon to use fake feuds to drain the swamp he knew existed at Breitbart, so they could grow and progress through the msm revolution he and Trump promised when they said they'd destroy the MSM in 2 years, right?

Sounds like a good way for Bannon to separate himself directly, while the Breitbart swamp drains, just like history would prove he's always wanted to do, for years, since he started. Get back to Andy B. ideals. This book and Bannon/Trump fake feud will kill many birds with stone. Consider this the first purge of the MSM. When are those "awards"?! 🤗

Remember, one random wiretapping tweet planted, killed so many, too.

Anyone know exactly what happened during that Russia/Jr. meeting?!

Btw, Sara Carter just posted an article that corroborates not only what M has been saying for many months (a) that the corrupt agencies will reform themselves, but most importantly, that (2) doing everything possible to restore the rule of law and legitimacy of our core governmental institutions in doing so before the American people are presented with the full implications and immensity of the corruption and criminality of those core governmental institutions (and the American people knowing the full truth is essential if we are going to survive as a people let alone as a constitutional republic). Also how valuable distraction has been in focusing so much attention on bright shiny objects (including my speculation re the Gorilla Channel show DJT-SKB cage match which has developed into DJT's 5th Avenue moment).

Here the great Sara Carter details how the president issued an executive order requiring the intelligence agencies and federal law enforcement to develop processes for lawfully unmasking and distributing info related to surveillance of foreign parties that also ends up surveilling American citizens, and to report back these new procedures within 30 days. It is so much better for the American people to learn of the vast, corrupt, and fantastically illegal domestic surveillance (and what was done with that information) as they learn that the good guys (men and women) in the system have been working to not only expose it but also to reform it.

I was wondering if my suspicions are correct with respect to Wolff, Bannon and Trump. Wolff has a history of anti-MSM rhetoric (he even wrote a book about it). Is it correct to think that maybe he is a willing member of a plot with Trump and Bannon? Even his column makes use of very Bannon-esque language.

anyone who knows SKB from back in the day (tons of grassroots activists) knows him to be a wholly selfless person, totally dedicated to the forgotten man and forgotten woman of this great nation. And totally committed to supporting DJT and the MAGA agenda.

I only know what I read on publicly available sources, but this all seems like the Gorilla Channel's #1 rated show (DJT-SKB cage match) has gotten such stellar ratings thus far, and accomplished so much, that the producers continue to amp it up daily.

This to me looks like DJT's Fifth Avenue moment (e.g., where he does something that the base doesn't fully understand, but trusts him nonetheless), and it seems to me SKB is signaling to the base (the average folks like me) that our trust is warranted.

The globalists and compromised stooges (regrettably, the good Mr. Jones has outed himself as such, though his work has had massive importance and value over the years, and will remain so on the issues and players he is not compromised on, hopefully) inside and outside of the White House have made it crystal clear whose side they are really playing on. IMO, and just my speculation, again, only from publicly available info, which is all that I have.

At the moment DACA is being negotiated, the tribune of the deplorables and the forgotten man and woman is taken out and capriciously shot by DJT in the middle of Fifth Avenue, and Breitbart's board outs itself as controlled and compromised (on certain issues and with respect to certain players). GOPe, west wing globalists at their moment of triumph, crowing over the obliteration ("obliteration") of the tribune of the people they hate the most, the forgotten man and woman, why do you feel so uneasy now?

I'm with DJT here. Not because I understand everything that's going on (and for operational security average folks like me shouldn't fully know what's going on). Because he's proven himself to be on the side of the forgotten man and woman time and time again, and I suspect that hasn't changed, and that this will all become clear soon enough.

Gotta get back to the Gorilla Channel . . . must see tv.

Yes. Trust in Trump. It's the one place where I suspend disbelief regardless of who posts what--because the man is un-fucking-believable, Magical.

Def remember you saying this (as I mentioned in an earlier comment, below). I've read the archives from start to finish, as well as your comments in this thread, multiple times. I do believe they're trying to make it "convincing," for the reasons you mentioned.

Someone else asked if Wolff is in on this too. He does have an anti-MSM past, so it sounds plausible. Trump seems to be doing everything he can to maximally draw attention to the book, including the original C&D to the publisher. Why would he do that, if not to somehow use it to clobber the targets more effectively when the time comes?

Thanks for all the time you spend here and on /pol/, IMHN. Much appreciated.

Well she did say Breitbart was taking over Fox News so maybe the position he resigned from won’t exist in the new entity.

No idea though, just throwing it out there

I really have no idea either. :) The Breitbart/Fox News thing she mentioned previously occurred to me as well. She also said "Breitbart has a choice to make," i.e., do they want to be the org Andy B originally envisioned, or become a small slice of the overall MSM? If they've chosen the latter, Bannon's departure would make sense regardless of the ostensible Trump/Bannon "split."

I'm glad you cited that statement because I wrote it on purpose. Breitbart has a choice to make. Bannon needed to separate and Mercer as well as other Breitbart donors, supporters etc. with dirty money tied to them, needed to drain. Breitbart is making their decision and Mercer should prove where that's going. Drudge has a swamp to drain too, you know?! Lots of the media have a swamp to drain. It's bipartisan and it's starting for all. It's for the better.

But there will be more to this as related to Bannon and Breitbart. More on Fox, more on them all. Everyone is responsible and accountable.

Bannon at Fox would be very interesting, indeed!!

Where does Rush Limbaugh fit into the whole picture? Is he just a radio show or is he linked to anything?

u/ToddWhiskey hey thanks man, it's like you've brought the magic back, I haven't enjoyed a single thread for as long as this since the 90s. You're a godsend. Or I guess an integral part of the most impressive media op of the early twenty-first century. Never can be sure.

Haha, thanks. Anyone could have collected the posts and 'publish' them. I initially made the compilation for a very small subset of r/conspiracy users, and you people found it.

Even though I'm skeptical of MegAnon.. Very interesting if your following the MegAnon story. Its a Legit Executive Order! Is this the cutting off the swamp funding?

Trump Signs Executive Order To Seize Assets Of Clinton & Obama

The executive order is very interesting, but is a terrible source, and "To Seize Assets Of Clinton & Obama" in the headline is a wild exaggeration. There are some links between people named in the EO and Clinton/Obama, but it's a long way off from that claim.

Did you get Mega red pilled? Just a day or so ago you were yelling larp and even had a few exchanges with me. Not knocking you. I welcome you with open arms if you're wiping the sleep from your eyes. :-D

Nothing wrong with being sceptical, we want free thinkers here, not drones. Kudos for looking into it for yourself.

Just to further spread truth, the EO annex doesn't specifically name Clinton or Obama, but it is still a big deal and does freeze a ton of the swamp assets from being useable.

I am still very skeptical. But a good investigator examines and investigates all possibilities. Be objective! Never blindly follow any thing.

That's all I've ever asked isn't it?! For everyone to be good investigators. Do your own homework, don't follow blindly. I don't need you to think I'm right. It just happens to be that if you do the work and objectively examine all possibilities, you'll probably think I'm right because the TRUTH, is never a "larp". Just be patient and let things play. At the very least, I've proven I'm in it for the long haul with anyone looking for me.

Thanks for keeping an open mind. Now go back and read all of my Assange posts... tomorrow.

Merry Christmas, y'all!!!! Hope you're having a great day!!!! ;o)

Nice crumb about Assange! I know what I'll be doing thanks to ToddWhiskey. 😎

Right on!

Fair enough

And he was fired weeks ago, arrested, and slapped with an ankle bracelet since we’re larping here.

Merry Christmas to all you Deplorable Pede's!!!! Lets keep it up we are doing Gods work!!!!


Any thoughts on Feinstein releasing the Fusion GPS testimony that was just announced?

Is she scared to death right about now and feeling the walls closing in?

Hey u/IMegaHateNicknames, what are your thoughts on this Russian site predicting the demise of the President "within weeks, if not days"?

Sorcha Faal = David Booth, a notorious hoaxer and disseminator of disinformation. That twat has been putting out fake news for decades. You can't trust most of what's written at that site.

Thanks for that link! Wow, that dude has some strange history! I didn't see on that page or the about david page the connection how he became Sorcha Faal

I told you MegaANON, they’d do this. It’s all a part of Brock’s Soft Coup Manual. I hope it’s going to be dealt with. After 25th Amendment it will be his physical/ mental health. On queue. Every. Fucking. Time.

They'd better come with something more than "The president said something insulting about a place he's insulted before and no one cared that time either."

WANTED: Mega Anon’s predictions and confirmations in timeline format

Mega-effort, Whiskey! Nicely done.

Great post. Thanks.

And the first updates are in...

Did she say anything about his "water drinking" weirdness today?

Potus did something similar with Fiji, seemed like a hint.

The sicko does stuff like this! XP

Sure is chatty for a

just one r.

Good user name

Here i go again shilling.

This dude is a fucking LARPER!

They will never answer that question. Not sure if it's because they are a part of the LARP, or because they want to believe so hard that Mega-schmuck is real that they ignore the obvious.

Or, they will bring up something that was already public knowledge, or something that you have to squint really really hard to see a connection. It's pathetic. This OP only posts Mega-faker "updates" here immediately after Mega-probably-OP posts on /pol/. PATHETIC

Or it's a compelling anon with a unique perspective that is fun to entertain without necessarily having to lock oneself into the position that Meg is definitively full of shit or definitively the real deal.

There are real insider anons out there, I have verified the authenticity of some while others are more dubious and unverifiable. Meg is still in the ambiguous category. Much of what she said was later reflected by things Trump or Assange have tweeted. Not necessarily outright confirming her claims, but at least reflecting the same context. That is enough for me and many others to at least take her seriously until there is a reason not to. So far, to me, there is no reason not to take her seriously.


Haha withywarrior, I can assure you that I am SUPER MEGA but not that Mega you have been thinking! Cheers!

Megs could very well be a LARP. However, I would argue that if that is the case a very good one. Better than Q and much more realistic than HLI. Always vague, never really gave timeframes (did so once or twice and got burnt), and never hard facts, but does connect a lot of dots. Provides better answers/theories than in general I have ever seen anywhere else, including here (which is kind of sad given what this sub is supposed to be). Does that rather consistently. So, I would actually argue that Megs is for real or a really good shill (I tend to lean towards the latter, but could argue either).

If they are a LARP, they are paid and briefed and very good at what they do. There is a team behind this, whatever it is.

And if-Larp, the end results are the same as if it were not-Larp; digging, mememing, getting the word out to soften the blow when SHTF. Exact same end results. Ends justify the means since these means weren't harmful in anyway.

The 'Q Kids', if Larp- why would they WANT corruption dots connected? Just because they are stupid and wanted to see people dance to their tune? they may have underestimated what they'd dig up.

Appreciate the effort mate

I've been reading through these when I have time. Pretty interesting stuff. Meg is very sharp and crafty in getting a message across. I do have one question.

She claims Weinstein was a distraction set up purposely to take the light away from Vegas. Seems reasonable along with the details shared on the sacrifice and Europe plans falling through. My question is: why does Mega talk about this Hollywood scandal like it is also a part of draining the swamp yet also claims it was an intentional set up to distract from Vegas? She says the scandal leads back to D.C. "follow the yellow brick road..".

I could make a lot of assumptions here but don't have time. Did Mega blend stories purposely or is this proof she is full of shit?

Weinstein & “#MeToo” bs was also a soft coup attempt on POTUS. They figured he’d see all the men of power getting in trouble for “sexual misconduct” and then they’d pay women to accuse POTUS of it, he’d feel “obligated” to resign. It’s all right here.....David Brock’s Confidential Soft Coup Manual

Where did you get this?

I have my methods bro

I like those methods but I found it after posting.

I think her reasoning might be explained by this (seemingly unrelated) quote:

"Who knows... they're biding their time because they all know there's only so much low hanging fruit that can be picked before it's their turn. ... They know they have very few people they can throw under the bus, before the bus starts to come for them."

Either they are extremely confident or they were extremely desperate. I think Meg was drinking on this night or needed something to drop a hint. Not sure

It's been my impression that some of her messages are not meant for /pol exclusively. Although warnings of yet another distraction resonate through most of her postings.

Noobie here. What does /pol mean?

One of 4chan boards, meaning "Politically Incorrect"

Got it. Thanks

Yeah,its like a strategic retreat of sorts.

Keep in mind that no one in the administration knows everything. Meg has said she's an independent contractor of some sort. There are bound to be things going on that she doesn't have clearance to know about. She might have guessed that Weinstein was burned as a distraction, and it did provide some distraction, so that would be reasonable. In retrospect, though, it's clear that the Weinstein outing was the beginning of something larger.

Agree. A lot has happened and the connection between Hollywood and the swamp is clear. I hope more is to come in Hollywood and D.C.. I haven't read Mega in a month. Do you have any links or consolidated posts you can point me to?

I haven't read Mega in a month. Do you have any links or consolidated posts you can point me to?

haha, do you know where you are?

Where the heck have you been? Yeah I realize now the links above

no one in the administration knows everything.

Seems like as good a time as any to ask, isn't Jeff Sessions the only person who actually has clearance to properly everything?

Exactly. Some stuff Megs knows directly, some she is hearing about, some she has an informed opinion about.

This place is impossible to find for most(me). Great job. This gal is on it and is real time. Slow motion pumping job. A lot of muck. The Truths keep coming and I think some cracks are starting to show. The world would like to see The Donald succeed but they have secrets too. As she says, Royals and NGOs have a special place in these affairs. The agreements at that level are a bit harder to get your hands on but it seems there are some white hats(I think) at the table. Not quite Bretton Woods, perhaps a little more tropical.

So back to her start, she was a Burned Bernie that must have been tight with Seth Rich. Her knowledge of Kim Dotcoms interactions and later with Rohrabarcher's negotiations puts her in the loop with first level white hats. If they can get a news org to flip and go neutral besides Fox, they might have a chance. I was thinking the Hill, but it could end up being the NYT that reamed it's reporters for their lack of objectivity via Twitter. Trump needs the press, but these Russia events show so blatantly the bias and spin, I don't see how they can recover. The JFK spin for the last 50 years is coming from the same direction as the Russia spin. The facts of this election cycle story can't be buried for 50 years, and the web/4chan/reddit(if you can get there) has to push this info out regardless if she flips over Alex Jones posts. Where else do you take it? Breitbart isn't posting up her stuff is it?

Where else do you take it?

Only 4chan (/pol).

Thegatewaypundit maybe

That's awesome. Thank you for your hard work in organizing these, a directory.

Guess this anon is done or busy

The silence is telling...

Q has filled the gap. Alot of the same statements but still waiting for it to drop.

MegaAnon has been awful quiet past few days, eh?

Yes very quiet but they both (Q anon and Mega's post) seem to be lining up...

Has this anon stopped posting after Oct 30?

Wow. Just located in her comment CBTS #50(!): SA STARTED THE HABBENING

(Here’s what’s sad... it’s not a fucking LARP y’all and by the time it’s over, you’re going to realize EXACTLY how much time and effort people have been putting in to this board, to give you the truth. Some of us, for MONTHS.

Most of us have admitted we aren’t daily /pol/ posters. We know this. It doesn’t make us a shill or a LARP. It makes us people purposefully coming here, with a specific goal. I told y’all about Trump’s willingness to extend a hand and make deals with those he was willing to work with and salvage from the “swamp”, to include “deal making”/“negotiating” with Congress, our departments and agencies, the ME, Russia, China, etc. months ago. I told you about SR, Awan’s, Manafort would walk, Tony would be indicted (and it will be confirmed soon), etc. since May.

I’ve sat back and watched all these “QAnon” posts because frankly, brah is on point. I haven’t personally felt compelled to post at all. He’s doing a fantastic job. If anything, I’ve realized what’s kills me in here, is my wall boards of detailed paragraphs but alas, I’m not a writer. QAnon is breaking down a ton of detail in a more /pol/-friendly format.

So, enjoy the breadcrumbs y’all. You’re not being larped, you’re being leaked to. Great job cracking the /pol/ post formatting, Q. You’re super effective and 100% accurate.


Thanks! OP updated. I found a few more...

"How long til you realize they’ve tried to JFK, Trump and he knows it."


Classic Parlor Trick. Cold Reading as they call it in the Carney bizz. They throw out general and vague and meaningless verb age. An then wait for the headlines to say I told you so!

Gods are you alt righter s so desperate that you'll latch onto internet conspiracy opera.

if larp, connections to the corruption networks have been dug out and we know a lot more than before if not larp, connections to the corruption networks have been dug out and we a know a lot more than before

So its the exact same results regardless of who (or what) prompted the research. Im sure you're not happy to find out there really is enough evidence...even what lay people can uncover using only the prosecute Hillary for U1, are you? It doesn't matter WHO someone is, alt-right or leftist, but corruption in our government shouldn't be abided by anyone, and the only people who fight against digging out corruption....are the corrupt.

God, you corrupt s so desperate that you'll latch onto any detraction to keep from being found out

There surely has been an awful lot of VERY specific things posted. Things that DID come to pass. I guess you are still in the denial stages ...

It's all cold reading parlor trick

It's like if I told you. There is a short cheerful and jovial man coming into your life soon.. He's on the chubby side, beard, mustache.. He's older. I see gray hair, he's fond of red.. yes that's it red.

You go out to the mall then next day.. and Poof! You spot Santa!

In other words she is giving you the same but only using the headline news. Your bound to find some connection to fill in the vague general description she's giving.

Just wanted to say thanks OP. I have this page bookmarked and check everyday when I can. Keep up the good work.

As much as Pence is part of the swamp I believe their are still other swamp creatures in the white house other than him. how about mcmaster from what i hear he is tied to soros.

President Trump I believe has a man that should be either in his cabinet in the future or his next vp and that senator rand paul. Although if mr trump wants to drain the swamp successfully might I add that he might want to not only do it at a national level but at a state level. Living in massachusetts you either have a the republican swamp that gains power i.e. mitt romney, baker or the dems are in control and the state is just beyond corrupt but i would suggest most states that are voting for the dems have incredible swamps there as well

Please keep up the GREAT work! Thank you!!

It's getting difficult to locate / identify / filter impersonators but I'm trying my best :)

Damn. My head is spinning. Mega helps add the context missing from Q. However she rambles about some shit and I have no idea if she is providing hints or just rambling. I was aware of Pence from day one. He is 100% establishment along with many other folks. What I don't understand is the desired outcomes. Seems they are hoping for some grass roots info spreading. Right?

Seems they are hoping for some grass roots info spreading. Right?

That was Q's message I believe. MegaA rather said it will happen nonetheless:

"Everything this Q brah is saying I 100% agree with. This IS the reality of what’s going on. Only thing I don’t agree with in all honesty, is the “we need you to save the world” bullshit. We don’t need you (no offense). It’s happening regardless. It’s either accepted or not, but it’s not stopping. I’m only implying that what’s being detailed in these Q threads, is a reality /pol/, nor anyone else can change."

There is where Mega loses me. She states what you shared but then today she asked why we weren't meme'ing the shit out a few key items. I honestly feel we should follow Q at least start spreading the info. I think Q and Mega along with others need a dedicated sub.

Yeah, I'm kind of stuck on the one from yesterday where she urges /pol/ to meme the matching boots. Clinton and McCain really do have the same boots, (here's someone's meme), but Clinton has had hers since she "broke her toe" like 3 weeks ago. McCain supposedly tore his Achilles tendon over this past weekend. The big difference in timing makes me want to call LARP, even though I find MegaAnon weirdly convincing. But let's just go from the premise that it's legitimately what she says it is here.

Clinton "broke her toe" and was forced to cancel an interview on Oct. 16. The Hill published its first of several articles thrusting the Uranium One scandal back into the limelight on Oct. 17. Seems like vaguely plausible timing. Then this weekend shit hit the fan in KSA and lots of sealed indictments appeared in DC -- that could have been when it was McCain's turn, maybe. But is it really believable that they'd have "booted" Clinton a whole 3 weeks ago, if that's what it was? I mean, there has been a bit of a tide shift in the media toward acknowledging Clinton/DNC crookedness, but people would be losing their shit if that's really what was happening, wouldn't they? And wouldn't it have to be more than just Clinton and McCain in these boots? Hmmm. Would be interested in others' thoughts.

Also, thanks /u/ToddWhiskey for keeping track of this! Really appreciate it!

Yeah todd whiskey has done a great job. He deserves a big bottle.

The timing of the boots is interesting. Ever since CF stopped getting money - McCain has been getting it. That connection by itself is interesting without even considering the boot. Maybe the Cabal tortured them and cut off 1 of their toes. Reid got roughed up in the past just wondering if that could be the case here.

Mega a want to be, spoiling the thread.

What makes you think that?

Why do you say PENCE is establishment. Can you show proof?

Look at his history. He favors globalism and many of the Establishment agenda items.

It's one thing for Mike Pence to be a scumbag globalist. Being an "elite" isn't against the law. Back in June, Mega said that Pence was going to be impeached. This strongly implies some kind of crime. Any ideas on what they are? Is the man a "born-again" baby killer or what?

Body language lady on YouTube doesn't like Pence's body language. She feels he's weak and suspects he won't stand strong when confronted.

Thank you for keeping this updated.

you are welcome!

Could you please translate u/IMegaHateNicknames last Jan 13 post? I am confused.

I'm an archivist, not a translator. Stay tuned!

haha....ok thanks

Happy cake day, Todd! I'd buy you a fresh whiskey if I could.

A cake day! I've stayed much too long, haha

Speaking of cakes, I have a question about a crumb.


Its all tangled web. So many dots with connections throughout. I pray it can be unwound and corruption removed from our government.

Thanks again OP. Also, as someone that is an expert (not in field that is related to this), this does sound like an expert. An expert LARP or an expert insider leaking: I cannot say, but an expert. Why? Experts that are good tend to see the big picture and there seems to be a pattern of that here. They also tend to not be all gloom and doom, again this is present. Whoever Megs is, Megs is smart.

Megs is smart

I concur. I missed your previous comment, sorry, so let me say it now: if I didn't read HLI, I wouldn't be so interested in these other anons such as Mega and Q because their stories wouldn't make much sense.

Mega now asking about skyking broadcasts seems ahe has info she wants to confirm.

Thanks, edited.

thank you!

Go ToddWhisky! You got her attention! Congratulations, Im really happy you got a shout out. I am glad someone gave her the floor, as well, as I really appreciate Megaanons posts, but am unable to keep up with the clusterfuck that is 4Chan's /pol/ CBTS threads.

Haha, it was definitely not my intention to get her attention. Glad to hear my little collection has been useful for you!

Wow. November 15 was quite a meltdown. I guess that's what happens when you make up a bunch of BS for months and none of it comes true. You start blaming your audience.

Thanks for keeping track!

no problem!

So am i understanding this right? Now megaanon is saying very little of q is actually legit? Only the first few days is q.

I considered tripcode Q suspect right away (see OP). I guess we'll see what Mega's recent posts (in case it was really "her" because she has posted so much texts that impersonators are very likely) mean in case she posts again. I simply keep archiving, it can be sorted out and evaluated later.

If these recent Mega's posts (Nov 18) were authentic (my verdict at the moment is YES), she should apologize for appearing in CBTS #50 (before trip Q, but after Q-Clearance Patriot) and confirming that Q is not a LARP.

Another option is an active damage control trying to stop something (what?).

Time will tell.

Fun fact: this post statistics:

  • this post was submitted on 27 Oct 2017

  • 106 points (83% upvoted)

  • 34.3kviews

What i am thinking is q has had a few different identities. All with a common goal to make us answer/research questions and connect the dots as you see fit. I personally have learned alot through my research and have become more enlightened to the events within the political and governmental machines. There seems to be much that needs to brought into the public eye, too much is hidden in veils of secrecy. Are we not ready for the truth? "You cant handle the truth". Is the q phenomenon really just a way of preparing us for the truth. Seems that slowly things are being unveiled to us to ease into the big picture. IE: hollywood sexual harassment which has morphed into politics. Unraveling of the uranium 1 issue, paradise papers uncovering tax evasion. Manafort indictment for money laundering. Turn against bill clinton for his sexual harassment. Brazile dumping the DNC fixing of the election and hinting at seth death. Are the patriots really winning now? Will we really eliminate the swamp and actually have a government for the people? I can only hope.

Fun fact 1000 of those views are probably mine.

Hey Todd, nice nod from Megs! I question the authenticity of the Meg posts from Nov 17 thru today and also a few others peppered throughout November 1-17. I see a different rhythm and style as well as word usage. Also in the beginning Megs always signed her posts with a wink and a smile. Almost all the November posts are missing this with the exception of a few.

That said, the November posts didn't leave any new breadcrumbs but mostly dealt with discrediting Q clearance patriot and trip Q and posts after 10/31.

It's true that the CBTS threads have turned to shit. Those anons are so into their spreadsheet and maps that they're missing the big picture. That thread has developed tunnel vision.

I think that "Megs" since Nov 1 is a fellow anon trying to get other anons out of the hive and back onto the right track - and doing great so by using the only technique that anons will pay attention to.

Good points, and some have been concering for me as well. BTW, I just posted this.

Thank you for keeping this updated.

Not a fan of her throwing shade at pizzagate on 11/21. It may have been exaggerated to discredit it but I believe there's some truth behind it.

This person has a big issue with people not believing them. I hope it’s just an ego thing. It doesn’t really inspire much faith. If they’re telling the truth, why are they so concerned with convincing people they’re telling the truth, knowing full well that people will find out anyway? Again, hopefully just an ego thing.

Whiskey another rabbit hole is via David P Crayford a deep dive to ancient family wealth that backstops central banks. See Bretton Woods.All sorts of wacky internet characters singing the same song with the common thread the cia.

Thanks, added to the list. Plus another from Nov 22nd.

25 November, 17:44 (1 post)

25 Nov 17:56 (25 posts) outs the fake Q's and explains their background

Thanks, added to the list. Plus another from Nov 22.

I don't know how you do it but keep lurcking on chan and finding megs. Some connected e celebs will pill some gumshoes to get published on Real Clear Politics or Zero Hedge blogger to juice. Wilcox back when went down the rabbit hole on Sovereign Royals, Bretton Woods massive hard asset wealth bank backstops etc. Megs references royals and ngos, no UN, which whistleblower David P. Crayford does. Ask him.

This is the first time iv seen any of these posts from meganon I was following the Q posts since they started and was 100% sure tripcode Q was a fake. I still followed the posts, even now that they are in 8chan.

After reading meganons posts I can only conclude that us trying to have any kind of discussion through the shills and misinformation relating to both Q and meganon is futile. This appears to me that it's not going to matter as Trump is going to go full disclosure about a lot of this stuff. The best we as observers can do is to help mitigate the possible panic that may result from it.

This is my first real "happening" and I have to say it was rather overwhelming as you try to soak up too much information at once and it's easy to get burnt out. I understand what meganon was saying in that there are too many new anons trying to do too much as individuals getting caught up in other anons telling us whats true and what isn't in an effort to parse all of this data, effectively leaving any real discussion and research and putting off anybody whos been down these roads before.

I appreciate this compilation of meganons posts keep up the good work

was 100% sure tripcode Q was a fake

So was I (my own overview here).

But it could have been clear to anyone reading carefully that the anon(s) signing as Q were not spreading breadcrumbs of pure truth when they stated in CBTS #47: "Disinformation is real. Distractions are necessary."

This is the worst kind of LARP - mixing truth with lies that you have no way to verify. They are surely having good laugh about it, but I doubt that this was the main aim. Very nefarious actors. Everything is delegitimized.

MegaAnon claims that the early posts (unironically not even signed as Q) are legit. They are:

Oct 28

Oct 29

Oct 29

Oct 29

Oct 31

Under what article can the President impose MI take over investigations for the 3 letter agencies? What conditions must present itself? Why is this so VERY important? Who surrounds POTUS? They lost this very important power _ the one area of the govt not corrupt and directly serves POTUS.

Can you or anyone else here shine some light on this question?

Also, yes about the bullshit nature of the later "Q" posts that followed these. I'm not sure about the cut-off point, but up to the 31st seems about right. The rest of the posts almost feel like satire when reading them in direct sequence. The one from the 31st reads like "Here, this is everything I'm willing and able to tell you as concisely as I can, go figure it out." it doesn't read like the author intended a follow-up.

And yet, just like that, thousands of vaguely connected questions rain in for days, seemingly from "Q" with Codes and rabbit holes and shit, with nobody really learning anything new from all I can tell (correct me if I'm wrong).

Such an interesting game being played.

Also: What IS State Secrets? The original Q seemed to think it's important to understand. Does it mean POTUS can claim the right to keep aspects of his whereabouts and actions a secret (for safety reasons) as they pertain to an ongoing investigation? Something of that nature?

I don't know about state secrets etc. and if it's even relevant but the cut-off point was fuzzy. Trip Q is an obvious fake and disinfo, but this could one of the legit posts, for example.

The latest Megs posts tldr;

“Stop stalking me i just wanted to drop some breadcrumbs and lurk in peace. Fuck off this is 4chan. LEAVE ME ALONE. Btw did you notice X happening because of Y ? Q is just playing with you noobs. STOP STALKING ME“

Now even hoaxer Mega Anon says Q anon is a fake. this is getting funny. why do you guys keep giving credence to these jokers?

Thank you times 100 for keeping mega’s chan posts consolidated like this.

you are welcome

This is intense. This is like reading a spy novel, but it's all real... all unbelievable, to see the real power and tactics behind the "events" we see on the news... Bravo Todd

Yup, super interesting to watch.

Thanks again, for all your efforts to archive these Mega posts!

You missed some posts from November 29. She was in a thread with a White House Anon.

You missed some posts from November 29. She was in a thread with a White House Anon.

No, I haven't missed these posts, I have seen them but decided not to include them in my list, and let me explain why.

I started collecting (and later on also posting MegaAnon's posts here on reddit) intrigued by her October appearances, and the rather extraordinary claims (three 3-letter agencies coming down etc.). What else could we wish for, it sounded amazing, but we needed to confirm and verify, right? Anon claimed to have been posting since May, ofter referring to some old screencaps. So, in order to further confirm what anon was saying, I spent several hours digging in the archives and locating her May - July posts, which were really consistent with her autumn posts. Detecting and compiling her September and October posts was relatively easy, so was November partially but here's the problem: with every post located (and posted in this list, haha) the risk of possible impersonators mimicking her style increased exponentially. Have I missed some posts of hers? Very likely. Have I intentionally included questionable, copycat posts written by someone else? No, and I really, really try to avoid such a mistake.

Now, let's take a look at the "WHanon" thread:

  1. Anon announcing himself "Not Q, but willing to take a few" (later labeled as "WH anon") appears at 21:19 EST, posts a few WH interior pics, and at 21:34 utters a mysterious reply: "Q is a legit insider. So is the chef." Last appearance at 22:49.

  2. Two minutes after WH anon's cryptic remark - at 21:36 - another poster (anons conclude that it might be MegaAnon) appears, proposes meeting the other anon at a fireplace and some such, and posts a few interior pics as well. Anon's last post at 22:56 is "The Q kids ARE a larp."

The second poster says nothing else of any significance which would confirm to me that it was MegaAnon. The only fact we might have concluded from this totally unimportant thread is that White House parties are so boring that people might prefer browsing 4chan, post blurry pics and cryptic comments :)

My own conclusion: a possible impersonator, or Mega having fun, posting jokes... but definitely not worth including in my compilation. I don't give a damn about the other anon that you called "White House Anon" - I have no idea who it was and I don't care.

There were two follow-up posts, however, and the issue who the second poster was remains unclear.

Mega (or a copycat?) appears in "/cbts/ episode 595 return of the Q" thread, refers to her hangover and the WH event again:

"Haha! In (hangover) hindsight, this little back and forth with an unknown “anon”, was a poor choice. Shouldn’t have done it, but oh well... I’m human and thought it was funny seeing someone there posting pics here like being there was some big shit. ;o) Lesson learned."

Some more vague words downplaying the Q kids, yada yada, but otherwise saying nothing much new, no real, fresh breadcrumbs.

Later on, she (or a copycat?) appears again in another "/cbts/ episode 596" thread, and reacts to an anon's claim: "For those that missed it, Whanon & Meganon did this thread last night, Confirming Q to be real." Mega (or a copycat?) replies:

"Umm, “MegaAnon” never confirmed Q real. I’ve said the 4 Q’s are a larp and explained why. Then whoever the other anon was, said Q is real and the “chef” is too. It’s a joke you’re hopefully smart enough to realize and easily figure out."

But then she devotes some more paragraphs yelling at anons for not getting the joke, and when asked by another anon: "Non trip Q proved himself.....trip Q is a whole nother ball of really need to look in the archives ...UNLESS, MEGS if you are watching/lurking, could you explain once again, as only you can do?" she misses the point, doesn't use the chance to answer this simple question, and starts talking about the WH anon and the WH event again.

My dilemma: in all three cases, either an impersonator trying to delegitimize MegaAnon, or Mega not in her best form. Not worth including in my compilation.

However, I'm making a remark in the list and hopefully my little dilemma (and your question) gets solved. If MegaAnon notices it (I know she is aware of this list), she can react and let me know in case she thinks that these three appearances are really hers, and should be included in the list. ("These posts are mine but no need to archive them" is an answer too...).

Or anyone reading this can ask her in case you have a chance to meet her online (I rarely catch her live on 4chan).

Hi Todd, I wanted to thank you for doing all the compilations of Mega and Q. I'm mainly a lurker here but I like to check your comments (as I think others do) to find out when Mega and Q do any postings. It can definitely be confusing as to which ones are real and which might be fake so your compilations are very helpful. I'd like to think that those of us looking into this are fairly smart but it can be tricky even for us to discern. God help those who aren't outside of the box yet but I think the overall message is very positive for the country in the long run.

Anyway, really appreciate the organization you put into these. Helps my scattered brain at times lol.

Take care.

You are welcome!

You should take it as online seeds, or breadcrumbs... important in helping to lessen the psychological blow when people confront truth in person. The convulsions in society will be very deep when they start getting hit hard with truth...

wow, check the news. I sure hope Mega is genuine cuz per msm you would think we are one step closer to impeachment.

God bless you for debating with the ShareBlue teams in the Flynn threads. It'll be interesting to see if they are phased out over time or just disappear at the blink of an eye.

Haha, just doing them a little favour... whoever has ears, let them hear :)

So I can't find any news story about this supposed demotion of McCabe she keeps mentioning.

Anyone have a source?

Ah, so at this point it's a rumor.

Another h/t to u/toddwhiskey.

Thanks! I'm really wondering who's reading it... this posts gets about 1000 views a day.

I know i check it often. But with so many views would expect more upvotes.

I don't give a damn about upvotes, haha

Have an upvote!

An upvote? Where is it? Reeee!

I check it daily. Thanks a million! I love that megs is totally aware of your efforts to archive.

Haha, I know, that makes it even more fun :)

I'm reading it everyday and I'm a newbie to Reddit. I have no idea how you find the threads or how to even reply to some of the crap that gets me going. I have been gently bringing up this stuff to friends and customers. My children just think I'm a conspiracy theorist (the universities tend to do that to our kids). But, I am pleasantly surprised at the people who know what I'm talking about. I believe little by little we can start to open the sheeples eyes. Thank you for doing this! I want to have hope again.

Her posts are not so difficult to locate on 4chan for an average "conspiracy theorist" like me, all you need is a brain disorder manifesting itself in enhanced pattern perception, and some ability to read between the lines. Haha, just kidding. I use 4plebs search tools. From time to time, I post an archived link leading to a "live" 4chan thread (they have limited lifespan). Click "View" in the archived posts to open an archived thread in full, then click "Original" to open 4chan thread. If it's not archived, you can post your comment.

She made great points in her recent ["Pizzagate"] posts((, don't you think? So true. It's all there... freedom of speech, and what constitutes common knowledge (in the sense that everyone knows that everyone knows that everyone knows).

Ok so we are ordinary, non pathological, not nuts, sane, lonely people! Haha wow!

Thanks for the tutorial. I'll give it a shot. And yes! I have read that thread more than once. Very informative!

Seriously thanks so much for this! This should have thousands of upvotes, not a hundred and change! I've been referring back to it time and time again! And checking back for updates!

Even MegaAnon herself is using it! I assume you saw her mention you Mr ToddWhiskey.

Something that got my attention recently is when she mentioned David Wilcock in "Flynn flipped" on 12/1. He has been saying he thinks she's a man but then in the thread she says she left him a voicemail the day before Thanksgiving (Not sure if she mentioned him before this, I may have missed that). I've been following David Wilcock for a while now and this is one of those things that is making me wonder. Oh well just have to wait and see how things pan out. I'm always happy to change my mind if new info comes my way.

Yes, I saw it. I said Hi! and offered her a drink, but she missed it :)))

Haha, nice. Oh well! Good work and godspeed!

Mega is AWESOME. Thank you Todd for setting up this epic archive. Fan-freaking-tastic.

De nada!

Is there a TL;DR of this?

Meg made some post about shit going to go down eventually (no timeline bc you can’t drain the swamp over night) I think originally back in May. Post post and more post about shit.

Along comes original Q. Q post about shit gonna go down.

Then 4 little fucks playing Q started dropping 50/50 disinfo/real shit.

Meg apparently knows who they are and they know she knows. The claim 4chan compromised and moved to 8chan.

Meg says hold to your britches bc when all is said and done the FBI, CIA, and NSA will be unrecognizable. The storm is coming/here. We are the storm. We the people run the show again and will never give it up.

About as TL:DR as you can get. Really you just need to atleast read the ones OP took the time to put in text outside of links.

Thanks homie

Really appreciate you doing this. Don't know how you manage to find them all, because I can't.

I could swear Meg said something a few days ago, when she was talking about how the swamp draining is global, like, "Who do you think arranged the engagement of the British royals you just heard about?" But I can't find it back, and I wonder what she meant. Anyone know where that is, or recall it? Thanks.

I don't recall such an answer but she replied to someone mentioning Harry recently. If I find it, I'll let you know.

Thanks. Next time I catch her live, I'll ask.

She answered "Harry and the royals" question yesterday.

Hmmmmm...I'm interested in knowing more about this too. I hear so much about how the Royals are deep into this crap and wonder how far down the line it goes. Would sure like to see those boys change things up if they haven't been corralled into all the swampy things.


You aren’t the only one. I check every morning and evening. I’m on the go with work too much to hop on the boards and search that often.

Aah, now we know where the viewcounts come from!

Todd-I refresh this page multiple times every day. Hell, I’ve had the same window open on my phone since late November when I stumbled across this (when q became fishy....). Thanks so much!

Todd-I refresh this page multiple times every day

You are going to break reddit, guys. This post's got 10k views a day since Sunday.

You are going to break reddit, guys. This post's got 10k views a day since Sunday.

Todd, this means you're reaching critical mass, but know that this sub is compromised. I'd recommend you keep it archived and have local HTML archives with every update (as well as what you're linking to) so that you can resurrect it.

Nothing like this is 'allowed' to get this popular :(

I'm one of them. I keep coming back for the sweet sweet infos.

You’re the BEST bro. It’s awesome to see doubters validating /our girl/

LOL, I check it at least every day!

Mega - on the off chance you read this...first MAGA hat tip to Todd Whiskey (you da man) and Mega -'re a badass soul sister. I appreciate your sound, rational delivery of all things swamp drainy. I love the no nonsense, no need for bullshit.

I for one of having the Merriest Christmas I've ever had in my entire life, no shit. Because President Trump is busy changing our country and the world. So thankful that I am living this timeline and witnessing the greatest President in the history of the US.

And you Mega, getting to work within/around the inner circle is pretty damn cool. Appreciate you! Another normie, making a difference. MAGA girl!

Also for Mega - is this a tracking device under Hillary's right pant leg?


I think I just saw in one of tonights posts you attached to the thread that she said "pay attention to Philly her EM is showing' !!! OMG. IF that is true, OMG. Just too rich.

can see the boot on right leg clearly in this video

MegaThanks to Todd Whiskey

From Oct, boot eas on right leg, I’m not seeing a switch, can someone post image of boot on left leg?

She’s speaking in third person now, wut.

Do we have any verifiable sources that Tony Podesta got to Paki and had to fly back?

Don't know but we got this the other day.

Thank you MegaAnon and Todd Whiskey. I check this 2 and 3 times a day. Thanks for all the hard work Todd.

You are welcome :)

If you’re ever in Ft. Worth, Texas drinks are on me. Top notch work sir. Also, I know you hate the name MegaAnon but drinks on me for such a great job breaking this information down. I really hope I can meet the both of you.


I still check this everyday! I search for it as opposed to saving a link. I've found on Bing that "meganon posts" this thread is the first result. When I search using google she doesn't show up (at least as far back as i have dug)

The one thing I really wonder about... for all of this potential happening... how have the banks like... not come up at all.

See here, it's a bit vague though... Perhaps she cannot tell more.

Meanwhile in the REAL World... Clearly looks like Donald Trump worked with the Russians and Trump is heading down Impeachment lane!... LOL

Still think Donald Trump is the good guy??? Meanwhile at the Intercept (as in Greenwald/Snowden) Donald Trump Setting Up Secret Police with Oliver North and Blackwater To Weed Out supposedly "Deep State" Spies. Care of The Intercept Greenwald

Say, Megs...any chance this “Tin Panda” (so-called “gang sweep”) in the greater DC area might have been an “up yours” to the folks responsible for Seth Rich’s murder? Like maybe they’ll be coming for them next?

That choice of an operation name just seems a little too peculiar and coincidental to me...and I don’t believe in coincidences. Just thought it was worth noting and would be curious to hear your thoughts.

Been wondering the same thing myself. Did you happen to find any additional info?

In all honesty, plus as someone who who has experienced Trump from a Scottish point of view... he is mentally not capable (at all) of 4D chess or anything near it due to his 2D reactive nature. However, being a long time reader of /u/ToddWhiskey (it's "whisky" by the way... ;) ), Trump must have 4D players backing him - so, who are they? Steve Pieczenic is a smart man and is on board the Trump train - is he part of the inner circle? Who else?

Trump must have 4D players backing and advising him - so, who are they?

A good question, and if you've been reading my full post history you would know that my first comment related to High Level Insider (another 4chan anon). I've got a weird hobby, I know, I know, haha.

Sooo... time will tell but it's my personal opinion that it's precisely this group behind Trump. If you don't know who they are, ask me, I can give you tl;dr.

Please! Would love to know!

I'm obviously not ToddWhiskey but, here is a link to the HLI stuff compiled with additional links

The tl;dr is probably HLI said Trump was not their guy, but that they would be willing to help if Trump were to accept it. Otherwise they plan to run their candidate in the future.

My man! Ty

That's the right link. Thanks, u/throwawayhrclinton!

Just doesn't resonate for me.

Where did the cap this post from yesterday go?

It didn't go anywhere, all three IDs from yesterday are still there. I only removed the excerpt because I needed some space for new links and quotes. BTW, in case it turns I'd included some posts by mistake (think an impersonator or some such), it will not "dissapear". I will mark it like this and highlight it so that people can see it.

Oh thank you! Thanks for ALL of this! It could be a full time job nearly and it really is a HUGE help to all of us that want to feel like we have a clue what is going on... lol!

It's just a fantasy...Oh ohhh oh, not the real thing

I love reading Mega’s post (like q who I’ve lost confidence in). How do we square this behaviour in Syria with Mega’s assertion that we’re done with proxy wars? Thoughts?

You know that ISIS has always been CIA's (deep state) baby, right? You are watching the US trying to pull out of Syria while trying not to lose face. No wonder that Russians are pissed with such "incidents".

I believe ISIS is the clowns baby, exactly why I can’t understand why we are still there protecting them (at least as of late November). Trump needs to pull our guys out of there, yesterday!

Hey Todd – or anybody who has an idea – I'm new here; I'd love to ask Mega herself but not sure how.... She says that Flynn is itching to give his court testimony – that it'll be explosive. But he's already pled guilty. Doesn't that mean he WON'T be testifying? I thought that was the idea of pleading... it eliminates the need to testify. Any ideas?

I can answer this. He will testify, it's part of the plea deal. See here, and scroll down to read the "Plea Agreement" document in full.

Todd, where do we find the missed posts? I've looked for them but can't find them. The ones marked 12/9 and 12/10. Thanks!

Ctrl+F for "12/9" and Ctrl+F for "12/10" across the OP.

It's to (permanently) mark the date the OP was edited with new links, not the post date itself.

re this

edit 12/10 October 13

edit 12/10 October 14

there doesn't appear to be any info confirming that Bohemian Grove / Monte Rio, CA were affected by the CA wildfires.

This guy was kayaking there right at the time of the fires and took photos.

These two "new" edits tie in with the next post (15 Oct) that's right below them, quoting: "Like I said in my posts 3 days ago, two days ago, yesterday and RIGHT NOW, AGAIN TODAY." So I tend to conclude these are legit Mega's posts.

I don't know how to verify what BG related evidence might have been burnt in Cali fires.

Thanks for the work!

you are welcome!

Thank you Todd for compiling all of these.

The mega postings have always been interesting to me for the absolute confidence Mega has in them.

These topics are more than politics. These topics concern the freedom and safety of peoples in the US and Western Europe and indeed globally.

Keeping in mind the recent Q debacle and the guarded nature of the Mueller investigation and the IG report to be released in a few weeks, has anyone been able to prove with some confidence the accuracy of what mega has been sharing?

(I understand that everything that mega has stated has been a reasonable conclusion that many of us came to on our own, but has anyone been able to verify items that proved authenticity of the poster?) offense intended mega if you read this. It is simply the stakes are quite high.

Thanks for your help.

It sounds like the SWAMP IS INDEED BEING DRAINED! Long, hard road but it is AWESOME! Thank you so much for your insights!

Not my own insights, I'm only collecting and archiving :)

I'm really surprised there's nothing new to include over the events of the past few days...

I haven't seen any posts that could be 100% attributed to her, since Friday. I might have missed it though... If you have found any, let me know.

I would love to figure what you do to find her posts. I'm very surprised at the quality of this list. You've done a masterful job at finding someone who doesn't identify using a single nickname anymore, and who flips through IP's more often than they change their clothes. :-P 😋

Though I do think she does have a distinctive way of writing. Great work!

Haha, she said I'd missed a few posts but I prefer to miss a few than include impersonators. Her style, and the topics she covers are very distinct indeed.

And.. today's edits are in. Now the fun starts.

Awesome! Thanks!

That girl's on fire today.

You are doing an awesome job! Thank you!

Thank you for attention to detail and organizational skills!

You are welcome :)

(because the Torah tells them is the ONLY WAY Israel can actually accept Israel)

What did she mean by this?

"(because the Torah tells them is the ONLY WAY Israel can actually accept Israel)" What did she mean by this?

I hope we'll hear more from her about all this. This is how I see it: "They" have been trying to force biblical prophecies and hasten the "end-times". The stage was set with Balfour Declaration, but "they" needed WWII and holocaust, and someone "giving" the land, so that the existence of the state of Israel would be accepted because Torah doesn't predict it, or doesn't approve of, before "messiah" returns.

Moore is accused pedophile and attempted child rapist yet Donald Trump campaigned for him in Alabama!?!? Are we replacing one swamp with another. Is it that the case replacing old swamp creatures with new conservative ones? Ever hear of the Franklin Coverup?

Yeah, nothing is going to come of this Jones election thing. It's over. Moore lost. There will be no grand exposure of anything.

There will be no grand exposure. Mega Anon was predicting a Moore win along and now that he lost .. Its a new LARP story to cover her failed ass! Look how fast they keyboard is working to create a cover.. lol

I seem to remember Mega Anon saying "Part of me hopes Moore loses so we can see the fireworks." I dont really recall Megs saying, 1005 moore will win.

Agreed. Megs never said Moore would win, and in fact hinted that he would lose and hoped he would. Read her 11/15/17 posts.

My read of the 11/15 post was that Moore could expose the fraud before the election and seal the win, and that's what she expected, but waiting until after the election was also on the table.

When the yearbook fraud came out, I thought it was what she was talking about. But if that was it, the ploy failed, because too much damage had already been done to Moore's reputation, and too many opinions were already set in stone. Even though the star witness for the defamers admitted that she tampered with her own evidence, most people shrugged.

But now, with the legal battle that happened at the last minute over saving the digital copies, and hints from the Alabama election commission that there are issues, it looks like she was talking about something bigger having to do with real election fraud rather than defamation. It's still possible that something went wrong and the ploy failed. If you capture your enemy in one trap, and then let him out so you can capture him in an even better trap, there's a chance he'll just get away. We'll see.

Yeah, she never said Moore would win, but trolls gotta troll.

Mega Anon was predicting a Moore win along and now that he lost

Your reading comprehension sucks. But please, go on contributing to this thread, I really enjoy your deep thoughts!

And your alt Right conspiracy driven wet dreams for Donald Trump are blinding you from the reality that rats are deserting a sinking ship. The Trump Train. Because they know whats coming. Roger Stone Donald Trump's campaign adviser is ALREADY cashing in with book on his impeachment! 'Roger Stone Is Already Writing the Story of Trump’s Downfall' So why don't you just sit there on the edge of your seat and enjoy the bullshit LARP MegAnon is feeding your little head.

So where is this Deep State Swamp cleaning Todd??!? If Mueller is about to charge Trump! So say his closest friends!! Oh it exists only in one place. 4Chan a board founded by and run by Script Kiddie Hackers nothing else to do but PLAY LARPS. So get real and start asking question of your supposed insider like REAL investigators do!

It’s ‘Painfully Obvious’ Trump Will Be Charged by Mueller, Says President’s Ally Roger Stone

Roger Stone is irrelevant and wrong. Mueller isn't charging Trump. In fact Mueller is done with the Whitehouse, he's moving on. Do your research even recently posted MSM articles say so.

Umm if you've been following "Megs" since May your know that she was warning that (((they))) would rig it so that Roy Moore couldn't win... but that Trump/Bannon et al. were aware and would expose (((them))).

Actually no she did not

153154274 (You)

TODD WHISKEY?!? Is that really you?!

Today's posts are way off the deep end. From saying McCabe has been fired and is wearing an ankle monitor to claiming she has copies of some deep state tor chatroom where they coordinated the whole thing.


Well if you can disprove any of it, I’m all ears.

Donald Trump is an interdimensional space lizard.

If you can disprove this, I'm all ears.

Protip- the people making the outrageous claims have to do the proving.

Whether MegaAnon or Q are correct...

Thanks for doing this

you're welcome


It took me literally DAYS to read every one of these posts from Megs, thank you Todd! I'm all over it like a 'shit on a blanket' from Australia and it's a woot! God Bless you BOTH Merry Christmas!

Haha, thanks! Better than reading Clancy :)

Ok. Even if the crooked Investigation team fed Louise the Russian bank story (which could very well be true, logically) wouldn't there be paperwork citing the actual reason the FISA warrant was granted? (Presumably the F GPS dossier). If so, would the crooked Team and the court be able to alter the paperwork and computer documentation?

Search "FISA" in the OP and you will arrive to Flynn.

Merry Christmas to you too Todd. Looks like this could get interesting. Hope you take up the invite for a direct email line with mega.

Agreed! That would be epic. /u/ToddWhiskey

hahaha! There will be no emails. I have no emails. I know she's located Wilcock's private phone number, but she can't call me. No no no! I have no phone, no megaphone, no anything! u/Stargazerjr

You sir, need a red hotline direct to her. 😎 :-D

if it all plays out as mega has been saying and the swamp is drained, the fbi, cia and fed all get turned insideout. then todd whiskey will go down in history as the person who cataloged a major player in the events predictions.

The two entries you just added are from 12/14, not 12/15.

How's that investigation in fraud in the Roy Moore election coming along? Or was this larper just making stuff up again?

Thanks for this Todd!

you're welcome

This is some good shit. Thank you ToddWhiskey.

You bet! I've just looked at stats: ≈ 1,000 individual posts, ≈ 150,000 words...

Wow. Does this remind y'all of the reported Hillary statement where she said if Trump won, they'd all hang from nooses?

Most people are going to think Strzok was just acting on his political ideologies. If what Megs is alluding to here is true, he is tied in with Barry's fake birth certificate. Wowsers. No wonder these people didn't want DJT to get the reins!

Hold on folks...the wind's picking up speed!

Thanks Todd for your hard work!

And, if you see this Megs, thanks for letting us ride along!

Yess, Meg's birth certificate reference is very interesting. With scary implications

She mentioned it 3 months ago... 19 Sep:

"Yes. Trump 100% believes Obama is not a Natural born citizen."

Mega said "S" is Strzok, and I hope everybody did a bit of research and arrived to this May 18 article:

And, if you see this Megs, thanks for letting us ride along!

Seconded :)

Thirded? Haha. Thanks Meg!

Ah, thanks, Todd! Saved and getting ready to read. Wow, you are the man of all things megaanon! So, are you a writer? If so, you will definitely have a book to write after all of this is said AND done!

Thanks for the time and effort you've put into this collection. Do you have it backed up someway in case someone tries to scrub it?

Also, did megs ever say who "roger" was?

I'm a reader, not a writer. Collecting her posts has been a GREAT fun so far!

I've got several backups and no idea who Roger is.

Thanks for sharing. Interesting article.

I hope this happens. I just don't see how someone like McCain could be indicted already, but nothing has been reported or leaked or that he continues to put himself in public light. Wouldn't you just go into hiding?

Not a shot on Mega, I am just perplexed.

Most likely they'd prefer to flee so they are monitored. Not indicted (yet), not arrested. See this

Yes, but this is what I am talking about

2 months ago? So has he been indicted?

Also, when I say "hiding", I didn't mean running, just going home and shutting up.

Don't know.

Oh and side note, Strzok is also REALLY GOOD at crafting official looking federal documents like birth certificates and such. Hi Obama!

Like leaving the Photoshop layers exposed and forgetting to flatten the PDF?

That was the biggest screw-up I've ever seen. OCR does not work in the manner that the shills tried to pass it off in. Sad that people accepted that disgraceful file.

BTW, I can't believe I forgot about this thread. Thanks Todd!

And Mega, since I know you check these archives, would like to say thank you. Wish I could help more. Maybe some day I will.

I've bookmarked this compact URL sorted by new on my device so I can keep up.

Hi Obama!

I literally couldn't stop laughing while reading this...

She made another reference to it in the latest dump as well.

I don't believe it will ever go that far, I still think Trump leaves ex-Presidents out, but it'd be crazy to see the insanity if proof of forgery came out.

I still think Trump leaves ex-Presidents out

Why should justice stop there, if Obama is "an evil fucking joke"?

I don't think it should, I just think that's where Trump stops.

It really depends on how much the normies can get redpilled. If you arrested Obama today, you would have riots and potential civil war. It's not worth it.

If Obama would just go away (which he won't), then you let him be and preserve the sanctity of the office, or whatever one insider said.

But... if the normies can slowly but surely get educated as the dam breaks, and real evidence comes out, then go for it. I just don't see the brainwashed masses ever accepting it. It's currently not worth the risk.

Better bet is to cut his purse/puppet strings.

Just research Sheriff Joe Arapio’s investigation from late last year, I think. The evidence his investigator turned up was compelling, to say the least.

I’m 100% convinced there’s not only going to be a “swamp draining”, but a power-washing of the basin that held it. In ten years no one will even recognize the place!

And it’ll all be happening because of all the small things that of each of us (Todd, Megs, and everyone who stands up for what’s right) do every day.

Celebrate what’s happening here, ‘cause it’s really a miracle in the offing!

And Merry Christmas/Season’s Greetings to all of you! The New Year will be amazingly bright.

I'm just seeing this now but yes!! A nine layer pdf! I tore it apart myself in Adobe. Of course no one believed me...... A paper pulled from a file cabinet and placed onto a flatbed scanner is a dead paper scan, one layer only. Used to work in document control at a (once) major engineering firm.

Just wanted to also say thanks to Todd! I check this thread literally every couple of hours since September. Don't know how you keep up but I know myself and countless others are grateful to you and Meg!

I check this thread literally every couple of hours since September.

You're welcome. FYI, I was not aware of Mega's posts in September, I noticed her on 7 October for the first time. This compilation is up since 27 October.

Question for MegaAnon: Is Inspector General Horowitz Deep State? (Article related)

So I'm not Megs and I have no idea if Horowitz is deep, but this might be something.

great job


Hey Whiskey, are you sure those posts on the 17th are really Megs? They don't sound like her. Maybe the 18th as well?? But definitely the 17th.

Why do you think so?

1) numbered paragraphs - it's kinda unusual. I think she may have done this before but she utilized it differently. 2) punctuation and Grammer - she very often posts from her phone which makes her appear to make grammatical, punctuation errors. Not so much here. Maybe she was on an actual keyboard? 3) Reference to the use of the word y'all as part of her normal daily language. In a past post (Oct or Nov) when questioned about y'all, she answered with something like 'who says y'all this many times in real life?'

Maybe I'm too skeptical - Idk.

1) numbered paragraphs

No. She used them before.

2) punctuation and Grammer

It varies, but I can see nothing really off, in her 17-18 Dec posts.

3) Reference to the use of the word y'all as part of her normal daily language

She also wrote: "I type on here exactly how I think/talk"

And also her use of the word "ironic"

She used "ironic" at least 7 times.

That said, if it ever turns out that I included an impersonator, I will mark such links for everybody to see, as I have explained before.

I'm not trying to criticize you or make you look bad. What you do here is great. I could never do what you do. It's just that after reading someone for a long time you get a feel for how that person sounds (so to speak). When I began reading the posts from 12/17 immediately I felt like I was talking to someone else. Like I said, maybe I'm too skeptical.

No wories :) I just don't find your arguments strong enough.

It was me. Still don't know how you do it, Mr. Whiskey but you found them all again.

Oh, you can message me too, but I'm not sure how the messaging works... do we have to "friends" or something on here first?!

Woah! It's the real 'formerly known as "Megs"'! Awesome!

I have a personal theory, I'm hoping you might have a nugget of info on.

So if I'm following the pattern right, swamp draining is definitely happening and has been all along as you have said since May...

We've seen it affect Hollywood, D.C., and just about every state. Would it be plausible that religion might be part of the swamp clean up,f even to a small extent? I'm thinking sexual misconduct cover-ups, money laundering, political influence/pay-for-play? I'm thinking like pedo ties to the pope, and loud mouths like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, not necessarily people who really have faith, host people who capitalize on the corruptible power that being a religious elite can bring.

  1. Don't think religion. Think Zionism. The pope to Rothschilds/Soros, to bin Talal faction and half the leaders of the western world for centuries, all Zionist. If people stopped questioning religion and start looking at all those who've benefitted, profited and grown in power, politics and wealth for centuries as Zionists who've continuously and successfully manipulated and abused the religions of the masses to accomplish a single, commonly shared, mutually beneficial goal, then we'd know exactly who to blame. And Zionist ideology doesn't begin/end with religion. It's racist, cultural, ethnic, sexist, etc. Zionist ideology has shaped and spread throughout every inherent diversity and difference we could ever imagine. So while we aren't responsible or accountable to drain everyone else's swamps, if they want our trade, investment, partnership and protection, it's up to them to be honest with themselves and do what it takes to drain their swamps, because the backdoor money loopholes for favors in DC have been closed. Saudi's took it well. Pakistan and Israel are coming along. Yemen will eventually get it, too. So will Catholics and the pope. Zionists screw innocent kids, then tell you to give them 30 Hail Mary's and 10 Our Fathers cause you are a cookie 15 days into another failed sugarless Lent attempt.

This degenerate pope factually stole the papacy from his predecessor. He's no more Catholic than the "Romans" who crucified Jesus. The Zionist Rothschilds give no more of a shit about Jews, than the Nazi's they supplied and funded to murder them. Zionist Muslims, much like Awan, Huma and Sarsour, give a hell of a lot less about the actual caliphate than they do about all the dirty money they can make off shady border hopping arms/weapons, drugs and kids deals.

No idea about train derailment. Could be a distraction... I mean, everything is a distraction now-a-days. It's why we have to use the 24hr. Rule. See/hear/read it all, absorb, process, retain then take a deep breath, relax and let it bake. If we all did this more, we'd easily and accurately sift through bait, breaking headlines they'll retract and instead we'll be able to see what's legitimate. They flood us with info to confuse us. To keep us watching the shaking tail, keep us curious, therefore anxious and eventually scared of the unknown. Everyone needs to take a breather, ignore breaking headlines and while giving hypes disinfo stories a little time to run themselves into the ground, they can hide their time reading the body of articles for what's being said but not REALLY being said. I don't know what caused the train derailment or whether it was intentional, planned, accidental, etc. but I do know I'm watching the shiny new technologies it was using, which could eventually be referenced back to, making this maiden voyage look as preventable as Titanic in hindsight. This type of train in terms of technology is similar to the type of train that's currently being considered to run between NYC and DC in 2.5 hours one way. So that's interesting. It also used some type of gravity thing?! Weird because it could be used later to prove that shit like gravity defying "UFO's" can't be man made and must be alien, not the government, if we can't even get trains to work using similar tech yet, right?! I'm just saying... it's hard to know what's what sometimes. More often than not it's not necessarily the firsts headlines if initial breaking stories/events that matter, it's the follow up rhetoric and narratives you hear being spun and repeated, starting 24 hours later...

No worries. Reddit just glitches like that sometimes. Hope to see you around here more.

A little known trick is to take any Reddit URL and add .compact to the end of it and you get a nice little mobile browser friendly page.


You can then use a browser app like SRware Iron (stripped down Google Chrome / Chromium) with a VPN and it may be safer. I don't trust any of these big media apps for shit. Many of them spy on you.

Thanks, brah!

May I ask what your opinion of all the recent UFO stuff is? Is there supposed to be a purpose to it?

  1. Don't think religion. Think Zionism. The pope to Rothschilds/Soros, to bin Talal faction and half the leaders of the western world for centuries, all Zionist. If people stopped questioning religion and start looking at all those who've benefitted, profited and grown in power, politics and wealth for centuries as Zionists who've continuously and successfully manipulated and abused the religions of the masses to accomplish a single, commonly shared, mutually beneficial goal, then we'd know exactly who to blame. And Zionist ideology doesn't begin/end with religion. It's racist, cultural, ethnic, sexist, etc. Zionist ideology has shaped and spread throughout every inherent diversity and difference we could ever imagine. So while we aren't responsible or accountable to drain everyone else's swamps, if they want our trade, investment, partnership and protection, it's up to them to be honest with themselves and do what it takes to drain their swamps, because the backdoor money loopholes for favors in DC have been closed. Saudi's took it well. Pakistan and Israel are coming along. Yemen will eventually get it, too. So will Catholics and the pope. Zionists screw innocent kids, then tell you to give them 30 Hail Mary's and 10 Our Fathers cause you are a cookie 15 days into another failed sugarless Lent attempt.

This degenerate pope factually stole the papacy from his predecessor. He's no more Catholic than the "Romans" who crucified Jesus. The Zionist Rothschilds give no more of a shit about Jews, than the Nazi's they supplied and funded to murder them. Zionist Muslims, much like Awan, Huma and Sarsour, give a hell of a lot less about the actual caliphate than they do about all the dirty money they can make off shady border hopping arms/weapons, drugs and kids deals.

No idea about train derailment. Could be a distraction... I mean, everything is a distraction now-a-days. It's why we have to use the 24hr. Rule. See/hear/read it all, absorb, process, retain then take a deep breath, relax and let it bake. If we all did this more, we'd easily and accurately sift through bait, breaking headlines they'll retract and instead we'll be able to see what's legitimate. They flood us with info to confuse us. To keep us watching the shaking tail, keep us curious, therefore anxious and eventually scared of the unknown. Everyone needs to take a breather, ignore breaking headlines and while giving hypes disinfo stories a little time to run themselves into the ground, they can hide their time reading the body of articles for what's being said but not REALLY being said. I don't know what caused the train derailment or whether it was intentional, planned, accidental, etc. but I do know I'm watching the shiny new technologies it was using, which could eventually be referenced back to, making this maiden voyage look as preventable as Titanic in hindsight. This type of train in terms of technology is similar to the type of train that's currently being considered to run between NYC and DC in 2.5 hours one way. So that's interesting. It also used some type of gravity thing?! Weird because it could be used later to prove that shit like gravity defying "UFO's" can't be man made and must be alien, not the government, if we can't even get trains to work using similar tech yet, right?! I'm just saying... it's hard to know what's what sometimes. More often than not it's not necessarily the firsts headlines if initial breaking stories/events that matter, it's the follow up rhetoric and narratives you hear being spun and repeated, starting 24 hours later...

  1. Don't think religion. Think Zionism. The pope to Rothschilds/Soros, to bin Talal faction and half the leaders of the western world for centuries, all Zionist. If people stopped questioning religion and start looking at all those who've benefitted, profited and grown in power, politics and wealth for centuries as Zionists who've continuously and successfully manipulated and abused the religions of the masses to accomplish a single, commonly shared, mutually beneficial goal, then we'd know exactly who to blame. And Zionist ideology doesn't begin/end with religion. It's racist, cultural, ethnic, sexist, etc. Zionist ideology has shaped and spread throughout every inherent diversity and difference we could ever imagine. So while we aren't responsible or accountable to drain everyone else's swamps, if they want our trade, investment, partnership and protection, it's up to them to be honest with themselves and do what it takes to drain their swamps, because the backdoor money loopholes for favors in DC have been closed. Saudi's took it well. Pakistan and Israel are coming along. Yemen will eventually get it, too. So will Catholics and the pope. Zionists screw innocent kids, then tell you to give them 30 Hail Mary's and 10 Our Fathers cause you are a cookie 15 days into another failed sugarless Lent attempt.

This degenerate pope factually stole the papacy from his predecessor. He's no more Catholic than the "Romans" who crucified Jesus. The Zionist Rothschilds give no more of a shit about Jews, than the Nazi's they supplied and funded to murder them. Zionist Muslims, much like Awan, Huma and Sarsour, give a hell of a lot less about the actual caliphate than they do about all the dirty money they can make off shady border hopping arms/weapons, drugs and kids deals.

No idea about train derailment. Could be a distraction... I mean, everything is a distraction now-a-days. It's why we have to use the 24hr. Rule. See/hear/read it all, absorb, process, retain then take a deep breath, relax and let it bake. If we all did this more, we'd easily and accurately sift through bait, breaking headlines they'll retract and instead we'll be able to see what's legitimate. They flood us with info to confuse us. To keep us watching the shaking tail, keep us curious, therefore anxious and eventually scared of the unknown. Everyone needs to take a breather, ignore breaking headlines and while giving hypes disinfo stories a little time to run themselves into the ground, they can hide their time reading the body of articles for what's being said but not REALLY being said. I don't know what caused the train derailment or whether it was intentional, planned, accidental, etc. but I do know I'm watching the shiny new technologies it was using, which could eventually be referenced back to, making this maiden voyage look as preventable as Titanic in hindsight. This type of train in terms of technology is similar to the type of train that's currently being considered to run between NYC and DC in 2.5 hours one way. So that's interesting. It also used some type of gravity thing?! Weird because it could be used later to prove that shit like gravity defying "UFO's" can't be man made and must be alien, not the government, if we can't even get trains to work using similar tech yet, right?! I'm just saying... it's hard to know what's what sometimes. More often than not it's not necessarily the firsts headlines if initial breaking stories/events that matter, it's the follow up rhetoric and narratives you hear being spun and repeated, starting 24 hours later...

  1. Don't think religion. Think Zionism. The pope to Rothschilds/Soros, to bin Talal faction and half the leaders of the western world for centuries, all Zionist. If people stopped questioning religion and start looking at all those who've benefitted, profited and grown in power, politics and wealth for centuries as Zionists who've continuously and successfully manipulated and abused the religions of the masses to accomplish a single, commonly shared, mutually beneficial goal, then we'd know exactly who to blame. And Zionist ideology doesn't begin/end with religion. It's racist, cultural, ethnic, sexist, etc. Zionist ideology has shaped and spread throughout every inherent diversity and difference we could ever imagine. So while we aren't responsible or accountable to drain everyone else's swamps, if they want our trade, investment, partnership and protection, it's up to them to be honest with themselves and do what it takes to drain their swamps, because the backdoor money loopholes for favors in DC have been closed. Saudi's took it well. Pakistan and Israel are coming along. Yemen will eventually get it, too. So will Catholics and the pope. Zionists screw innocent kids, then tell you to give them 30 Hail Mary's and 10 Our Fathers cause you are a cookie 15 days into another failed sugarless Lent attempt.

This degenerate pope factually stole the papacy from his predecessor. He's no more Catholic than the "Romans" who crucified Jesus. The Zionist Rothschilds give no more of a shit about Jews, than the Nazi's they supplied and funded to murder them. Zionist Muslims, much like Awan, Huma and Sarsour, give a hell of a lot less about the actual caliphate than they do about all the dirty money they can make off shady border hopping arms/weapons, drugs and kids deals.

No idea about train derailment. Could be a distraction... I mean, everything is a distraction now-a-days. It's why we have to use the 24hr. Rule. See/hear/read it all, absorb, process, retain then take a deep breath, relax and let it bake. If we all did this more, we'd easily and accurately sift through bait, breaking headlines they'll retract and instead we'll be able to see what's legitimate. They flood us with info to confuse us. To keep us watching the shaking tail, keep us curious, therefore anxious and eventually scared of the unknown. Everyone needs to take a breather, ignore breaking headlines and while giving hypes disinfo stories a little time to run themselves into the ground, they can hide their time reading the body of articles for what's being said but not REALLY being said. I don't know what caused the train derailment or whether it was intentional, planned, accidental, etc. but I do know I'm watching the shiny new technologies it was using, which could eventually be referenced back to, making this maiden voyage look as preventable as Titanic in hindsight. This type of train in terms of technology is similar to the type of train that's currently being considered to run between NYC and DC in 2.5 hours one way. So that's interesting. It also used some type of gravity thing?! Weird because it could be used later to prove that shit like gravity defying "UFO's" can't be man made and must be alien, not the government, if we can't even get trains to work using similar tech yet, right?! I'm just saying... it's hard to know what's what sometimes. More often than not it's not necessarily the firsts headlines if initial breaking stories/events that matter, it's the follow up rhetoric and narratives you hear being spun and repeated, starting 24 hours later...

  1. Don't think religion. Think Zionism. The pope to Rothschilds/Soros, to bin Talal faction and half the leaders of the western world for centuries, all Zionist. If people stopped questioning religion and start looking at all those who've benefitted, profited and grown in power, politics and wealth for centuries as Zionists who've continuously and successfully manipulated and abused the religions of the masses to accomplish a single, commonly shared, mutually beneficial goal, then we'd know exactly who to blame. And Zionist ideology doesn't begin/end with religion. It's racist, cultural, ethnic, sexist, etc. Zionist ideology has shaped and spread throughout every inherent diversity and difference we could ever imagine. So while we aren't responsible or accountable to drain everyone else's swamps, if they want our trade, investment, partnership and protection, it's up to them to be honest with themselves and do what it takes to drain their swamps, because the backdoor money loopholes for favors in DC have been closed. Saudi's took it well. Pakistan and Israel are coming along. Yemen will eventually get it, too. So will Catholics and the pope. Zionists screw innocent kids, then tell you to give them 30 Hail Mary's and 10 Our Fathers cause you are a cookie 15 days into another failed sugarless Lent attempt.

This degenerate pope factually stole the papacy from his predecessor. He's no more Catholic than the "Romans" who crucified Jesus. The Zionist Rothschilds give no more of a shit about Jews, than the Nazi's they supplied and funded to murder them. Zionist Muslims, much like Awan, Huma and Sarsour, give a hell of a lot less about the actual caliphate than they do about all the dirty money they can make off shady border hopping arms/weapons, drugs and kids deals.

No idea about train derailment. Could be a distraction... I mean, everything is a distraction now-a-days. It's why we have to use the 24hr. Rule. See/hear/read it all, absorb, process, retain then take a deep breath, relax and let it bake. If we all did this more, we'd easily and accurately sift through bait, breaking headlines they'll retract and instead we'll be able to see what's legitimate. They flood us with info to confuse us. To keep us watching the shaking tail, keep us curious, therefore anxious and eventually scared of the unknown. Everyone needs to take a breather, ignore breaking headlines and while giving hypes disinfo stories a little time to run themselves into the ground, they can hide their time reading the body of articles for what's being said but not REALLY being said. I don't know what caused the train derailment or whether it was intentional, planned, accidental, etc. but I do know I'm watching the shiny new technologies it was using, which could eventually be referenced back to, making this maiden voyage look as preventable as Titanic in hindsight. This type of train in terms of technology is similar to the type of train that's currently being considered to run between NYC and DC in 2.5 hours one way. So that's interesting. It also used some type of gravity thing?! Weird because it could be used later to prove that shit like gravity defying "UFO's" can't be man made and must be alien, not the government, if we can't even get trains to work using similar tech yet, right?! I'm just saying... it's hard to know what's what sometimes. More often than not it's not necessarily the firsts headlines if initial breaking stories/events that matter, it's the follow up rhetoric and narratives you hear being spun and repeated, starting 24 hours later...

  1. Don't think religion. Think Zionism. The pope to Rothschilds/Soros, to bin Talal faction and half the leaders of the western world for centuries, all Zionist. If people stopped questioning religion and start looking at all those who've benefitted, profited and grown in power, politics and wealth for centuries as Zionists who've continuously and successfully manipulated and abused the religions of the masses to accomplish a single, commonly shared, mutually beneficial goal, then we'd know exactly who to blame. And Zionist ideology doesn't begin/end with religion. It's racist, cultural, ethnic, sexist, etc. Zionist ideology has shaped and spread throughout every inherent diversity and difference we could ever imagine. So while we aren't responsible or accountable to drain everyone else's swamps, if they want our trade, investment, partnership and protection, it's up to them to be honest with themselves and do what it takes to drain their swamps, because the backdoor money loopholes for favors in DC have been closed. Saudi's took it well. Pakistan and Israel are coming along. Yemen will eventually get it, too. So will Catholics and the pope. Zionists screw innocent kids, then tell you to give them 30 Hail Mary's and 10 Our Fathers cause you are a cookie 15 days into another failed sugarless Lent attempt.

This degenerate pope factually stole the papacy from his predecessor. He's no more Catholic than the "Romans" who crucified Jesus. The Zionist Rothschilds give no more of a shit about Jews, than the Nazi's they supplied and funded to murder them. Zionist Muslims, much like Awan, Huma and Sarsour, give a hell of a lot less about the actual caliphate than they do about all the dirty money they can make off shady border hopping arms/weapons, drugs and kids deals.

No idea about train derailment. Could be a distraction... I mean, everything is a distraction now-a-days. It's why we have to use the 24hr. Rule. See/hear/read it all, absorb, process, retain then take a deep breath, relax and let it bake. If we all did this more, we'd easily and accurately sift through bait, breaking headlines they'll retract and instead we'll be able to see what's legitimate. They flood us with info to confuse us. To keep us watching the shaking tail, keep us curious, therefore anxious and eventually scared of the unknown. Everyone needs to take a breather, ignore breaking headlines and while giving hypes disinfo stories a little time to run themselves into the ground, they can hide their time reading the body of articles for what's being said but not REALLY being said. I don't know what caused the train derailment or whether it was intentional, planned, accidental, etc. but I do know I'm watching the shiny new technologies it was using, which could eventually be referenced back to, making this maiden voyage look as preventable as Titanic in hindsight. This type of train in terms of technology is similar to the type of train that's currently being considered to run between NYC and DC in 2.5 hours one way. So that's interesting. It also used some type of gravity thing?! Weird because it could be used later to prove that shit like gravity defying "UFO's" can't be man made and must be alien, not the government, if we can't even get trains to work using similar tech yet, right?! I'm just saying... it's hard to know what's what sometimes. More often than not it's not necessarily the firsts headlines if initial breaking stories/events that matter, it's the follow up rhetoric and narratives you hear being spun and repeated, starting 24 hours later...

  1. Don't think religion. Think Zionism. The pope to Rothschilds/Soros, to bin Talal faction and half the leaders of the western world for centuries, all Zionist. If people stopped questioning religion and start looking at all those who've benefitted, profited and grown in power, politics and wealth for centuries as Zionists who've continuously and successfully manipulated and abused the religions of the masses to accomplish a single, commonly shared, mutually beneficial goal, then we'd know exactly who to blame. And Zionist ideology doesn't begin/end with religion. It's racist, cultural, ethnic, sexist, etc. Zionist ideology has shaped and spread throughout every inherent diversity and difference we could ever imagine. So while we aren't responsible or accountable to drain everyone else's swamps, if they want our trade, investment, partnership and protection, it's up to them to be honest with themselves and do what it takes to drain their swamps, because the backdoor money loopholes for favors in DC have been closed. Saudi's took it well. Pakistan and Israel are coming along. Yemen will eventually get it, too. So will Catholics and the pope. Zionists screw innocent kids, then tell you to give them 30 Hail Mary's and 10 Our Fathers cause you are a cookie 15 days into another failed sugarless Lent attempt.

This degenerate pope factually stole the papacy from his predecessor. He's no more Catholic than the "Romans" who crucified Jesus. The Zionist Rothschilds give no more of a shit about Jews, than the Nazi's they supplied and funded to murder them. Zionist Muslims, much like Awan, Huma and Sarsour, give a hell of a lot less about the actual caliphate than they do about all the dirty money they can make off shady border hopping arms/weapons, drugs and kids deals.

No idea about train derailment. Could be a distraction... I mean, everything is a distraction now-a-days. It's why we have to use the 24hr. Rule. See/hear/read it all, absorb, process, retain then take a deep breath, relax and let it bake. If we all did this more, we'd easily and accurately sift through bait, breaking headlines they'll retract and instead we'll be able to see what's legitimate. They flood us with info to confuse us. To keep us watching the shaking tail, keep us curious, therefore anxious and eventually scared of the unknown. Everyone needs to take a breather, ignore breaking headlines and while giving hypes disinfo stories a little time to run themselves into the ground, they can hide their time reading the body of articles for what's being said but not REALLY being said. I don't know what caused the train derailment or whether it was intentional, planned, accidental, etc. but I do know I'm watching the shiny new technologies it was using, which could eventually be referenced back to, making this maiden voyage look as preventable as Titanic in hindsight. This type of train in terms of technology is similar to the type of train that's currently being considered to run between NYC and DC in 2.5 hours one way. So that's interesting. It also used some type of gravity thing?! Weird because it could be used later to prove that shit like gravity defying "UFO's" can't be man made and must be alien, not the government, if we can't even get trains to work using similar tech yet, right?! I'm just saying... it's hard to know what's what sometimes. More often than not it's not necessarily the firsts headlines if initial breaking stories/events that matter, it's the follow up rhetoric and narratives you hear being spun and repeated, starting 24 hours later...

  1. Don't think religion. Think Zionism. The pope to Rothschilds/Soros, to bin Talal faction and half the leaders of the western world for centuries, all Zionist. If people stopped questioning religion and start looking at all those who've benefitted, profited and grown in power, politics and wealth for centuries as Zionists who've continuously and successfully manipulated and abused the religions of the masses to accomplish a single, commonly shared, mutually beneficial goal, then we'd know exactly who to blame. And Zionist ideology doesn't begin/end with religion. It's racist, cultural, ethnic, sexist, etc. Zionist ideology has shaped and spread throughout every inherent diversity and difference we could ever imagine. So while we aren't responsible or accountable to drain everyone else's swamps, if they want our trade, investment, partnership and protection, it's up to them to be honest with themselves and do what it takes to drain their swamps, because the backdoor money loopholes for favors in DC have been closed. Saudi's took it well. Pakistan and Israel are coming along. Yemen will eventually get it, too. So will Catholics and the pope. Zionists screw innocent kids, then tell you to give them 30 Hail Mary's and 10 Our Fathers cause you are a cookie 15 days into another failed sugarless Lent attempt.

This degenerate pope factually stole the papacy from his predecessor. He's no more Catholic than the "Romans" who crucified Jesus. The Zionist Rothschilds give no more of a shit about Jews, than the Nazi's they supplied and funded to murder them. Zionist Muslims, much like Awan, Huma and Sarsour, give a hell of a lot less about the actual caliphate than they do about all the dirty money they can make off shady border hopping arms/weapons, drugs and kids deals.

No idea about train derailment. Could be a distraction... I mean, everything is a distraction now-a-days. It's why we have to use the 24hr. Rule. See/hear/read it all, absorb, process, retain then take a deep breath, relax and let it bake. If we all did this more, we'd easily and accurately sift through bait, breaking headlines they'll retract and instead we'll be able to see what's legitimate. They flood us with info to confuse us. To keep us watching the shaking tail, keep us curious, therefore anxious and eventually scared of the unknown. Everyone needs to take a breather, ignore breaking headlines and while giving hypes disinfo stories a little time to run themselves into the ground, they can hide their time reading the body of articles for what's being said but not REALLY being said. I don't know what caused the train derailment or whether it was intentional, planned, accidental, etc. but I do know I'm watching the shiny new technologies it was using, which could eventually be referenced back to, making this maiden voyage look as preventable as Titanic in hindsight. This type of train in terms of technology is similar to the type of train that's currently being considered to run between NYC and DC in 2.5 hours one way. So that's interesting. It also used some type of gravity thing?! Weird because it could be used later to prove that shit like gravity defying "UFO's" can't be man made and must be alien, not the government, if we can't even get trains to work using similar tech yet, right?! I'm just saying... it's hard to know what's what sometimes. More often than not it's not necessarily the firsts headlines if initial breaking stories/events that matter, it's the follow up rhetoric and narratives you hear being spun and repeated, starting 24 hours later...

  1. Don't think religion. Think Zionism. The pope to Rothschilds/Soros, to bin Talal faction and half the leaders of the western world for centuries, all Zionist. If people stopped questioning religion and start looking at all those who've benefitted, profited and grown in power, politics and wealth for centuries as Zionists who've continuously and successfully manipulated and abused the religions of the masses to accomplish a single, commonly shared, mutually beneficial goal, then we'd know exactly who to blame. And Zionist ideology doesn't begin/end with religion. It's racist, cultural, ethnic, sexist, etc. Zionist ideology has shaped and spread throughout every inherent diversity and difference we could ever imagine. So while we aren't responsible or accountable to drain everyone else's swamps, if they want our trade, investment, partnership and protection, it's up to them to be honest with themselves and do what it takes to drain their swamps, because the backdoor money loopholes for favors in DC have been closed. Saudi's took it well. Pakistan and Israel are coming along. Yemen will eventually get it, too. So will Catholics and the pope. Zionists screw innocent kids, then tell you to give them 30 Hail Mary's and 10 Our Fathers cause you are a cookie 15 days into another failed sugarless Lent attempt.

This degenerate pope factually stole the papacy from his predecessor. He's no more Catholic than the "Romans" who crucified Jesus. The Zionist Rothschilds give no more of a shit about Jews, than the Nazi's they supplied and funded to murder them. Zionist Muslims, much like Awan, Huma and Sarsour, give a hell of a lot less about the actual caliphate than they do about all the dirty money they can make off shady border hopping arms/weapons, drugs and kids deals.

No idea about train derailment. Could be a distraction... I mean, everything is a distraction now-a-days. It's why we have to use the 24hr. Rule. See/hear/read it all, absorb, process, retain then take a deep breath, relax and let it bake. If we all did this more, we'd easily and accurately sift through bait, breaking headlines they'll retract and instead we'll be able to see what's legitimate. They flood us with info to confuse us. To keep us watching the shaking tail, keep us curious, therefore anxious and eventually scared of the unknown. Everyone needs to take a breather, ignore breaking headlines and while giving hypes disinfo stories a little time to run themselves into the ground, they can hide their time reading the body of articles for what's being said but not REALLY being said. I don't know what caused the train derailment or whether it was intentional, planned, accidental, etc. but I do know I'm watching the shiny new technologies it was using, which could eventually be referenced back to, making this maiden voyage look as preventable as Titanic in hindsight. This type of train in terms of technology is similar to the type of train that's currently being considered to run between NYC and DC in 2.5 hours one way. So that's interesting. It also used some type of gravity thing?! Weird because it could be used later to prove that shit like gravity defying "UFO's" can't be man made and must be alien, not the government, if we can't even get trains to work using similar tech yet, right?! I'm just saying... it's hard to know what's what sometimes. More often than not it's not necessarily the firsts headlines if initial breaking stories/events that matter, it's the follow up rhetoric and narratives you hear being spun and repeated, starting 24 hours later...

  1. Don't think religion. Think Zionism. The pope to Rothschilds/Soros, to bin Talal faction and half the leaders of the western world for centuries, all Zionist. If people stopped questioning religion and start looking at all those who've benefitted, profited and grown in power, politics and wealth for centuries as Zionists who've continuously and successfully manipulated and abused the religions of the masses to accomplish a single, commonly shared, mutually beneficial goal, then we'd know exactly who to blame. And Zionist ideology doesn't begin/end with religion. It's racist, cultural, ethnic, sexist, etc. Zionist ideology has shaped and spread throughout every inherent diversity and difference we could ever imagine. So while we aren't responsible or accountable to drain everyone else's swamps, if they want our trade, investment, partnership and protection, it's up to them to be honest with themselves and do what it takes to drain their swamps, because the backdoor money loopholes for favors in DC have been closed. Saudi's took it well. Pakistan and Israel are coming along. Yemen will eventually get it, too. So will Catholics and the pope. Zionists screw innocent kids, then tell you to give them 30 Hail Mary's and 10 Our Fathers cause you are a cookie 15 days into another failed sugarless Lent attempt.

This degenerate pope factually stole the papacy from his predecessor. He's no more Catholic than the "Romans" who crucified Jesus. The Zionist Rothschilds give no more of a shit about Jews, than the Nazi's they supplied and funded to murder them. Zionist Muslims, much like Awan, Huma and Sarsour, give a hell of a lot less about the actual caliphate than they do about all the dirty money they can make off shady border hopping arms/weapons, drugs and kids deals.

No idea about train derailment. Could be a distraction... I mean, everything is a distraction now-a-days. It's why we have to use the 24hr. Rule. See/hear/read it all, absorb, process, retain then take a deep breath, relax and let it bake. If we all did this more, we'd easily and accurately sift through bait, breaking headlines they'll retract and instead we'll be able to see what's legitimate. They flood us with info to confuse us. To keep us watching the shaking tail, keep us curious, therefore anxious and eventually scared of the unknown. Everyone needs to take a breather, ignore breaking headlines and while giving hypes disinfo stories a little time to run themselves into the ground, they can hide their time reading the body of articles for what's being said but not REALLY being said. I don't know what caused the train derailment or whether it was intentional, planned, accidental, etc. but I do know I'm watching the shiny new technologies it was using, which could eventually be referenced back to, making this maiden voyage look as preventable as Titanic in hindsight. This type of train in terms of technology is similar to the type of train that's currently being considered to run between NYC and DC in 2.5 hours one way. So that's interesting. It also used some type of gravity thing?! Weird because it could be used later to prove that shit like gravity defying "UFO's" can't be man made and must be alien, not the government, if we can't even get trains to work using similar tech yet, right?! I'm just saying... it's hard to know what's what sometimes. More often than not it's not necessarily the firsts headlines if initial breaking stories/events that matter, it's the follow up rhetoric and narratives you hear being spun and repeated, starting 24 hours later...

  1. Don't think religion. Think Zionism. The pope to Rothschilds/Soros, to bin Talal faction and half the leaders of the western world for centuries, all Zionist. If people stopped questioning religion and start looking at all those who've benefitted, profited and grown in power, politics and wealth for centuries as Zionists who've continuously and successfully manipulated and abused the religions of the masses to accomplish a single, commonly shared, mutually beneficial goal, then we'd know exactly who to blame. And Zionist ideology doesn't begin/end with religion. It's racist, cultural, ethnic, sexist, etc. Zionist ideology has shaped and spread throughout every inherent diversity and difference we could ever imagine. So while we aren't responsible or accountable to drain everyone else's swamps, if they want our trade, investment, partnership and protection, it's up to them to be honest with themselves and do what it takes to drain their swamps, because the backdoor money loopholes for favors in DC have been closed. Saudi's took it well. Pakistan and Israel are coming along. Yemen will eventually get it, too. So will Catholics and the pope. Zionists screw innocent kids, then tell you to give them 30 Hail Mary's and 10 Our Fathers cause you are a cookie 15 days into another failed sugarless Lent attempt.

This degenerate pope factually stole the papacy from his predecessor. He's no more Catholic than the "Romans" who crucified Jesus. The Zionist Rothschilds give no more of a shit about Jews, than the Nazi's they supplied and funded to murder them. Zionist Muslims, much like Awan, Huma and Sarsour, give a hell of a lot less about the actual caliphate than they do about all the dirty money they can make off shady border hopping arms/weapons, drugs and kids deals.

No idea about train derailment. Could be a distraction... I mean, everything is a distraction now-a-days. It's why we have to use the 24hr. Rule. See/hear/read it all, absorb, process, retain then take a deep breath, relax and let it bake. If we all did this more, we'd easily and accurately sift through bait, breaking headlines they'll retract and instead we'll be able to see what's legitimate. They flood us with info to confuse us. To keep us watching the shaking tail, keep us curious, therefore anxious and eventually scared of the unknown. Everyone needs to take a breather, ignore breaking headlines and while giving hypes disinfo stories a little time to run themselves into the ground, they can hide their time reading the body of articles for what's being said but not REALLY being said. I don't know what caused the train derailment or whether it was intentional, planned, accidental, etc. but I do know I'm watching the shiny new technologies it was using, which could eventually be referenced back to, making this maiden voyage look as preventable as Titanic in hindsight. This type of train in terms of technology is similar to the type of train that's currently being considered to run between NYC and DC in 2.5 hours one way. So that's interesting. It also used some type of gravity thing?! Weird because it could be used later to prove that shit like gravity defying "UFO's" can't be man made and must be alien, not the government, if we can't even get trains to work using similar tech yet, right?! I'm just saying... it's hard to know what's what sometimes. More often than not it's not necessarily the firsts headlines if initial breaking stories/events that matter, it's the follow up rhetoric and narratives you hear being spun and repeated, starting 24 hours later...

  1. Don't think religion. Think Zionism. The pope to Rothschilds/Soros, to bin Talal faction and half the leaders of the western world for centuries, all Zionist. If people stopped questioning religion and start looking at all those who've benefitted, profited and grown in power, politics and wealth for centuries as Zionists who've continuously and successfully manipulated and abused the religions of the masses to accomplish a single, commonly shared, mutually beneficial goal, then we'd know exactly who to blame. And Zionist ideology doesn't begin/end with religion. It's racist, cultural, ethnic, sexist, etc. Zionist ideology has shaped and spread throughout every inherent diversity and difference we could ever imagine. So while we aren't responsible or accountable to drain everyone else's swamps, if they want our trade, investment, partnership and protection, it's up to them to be honest with themselves and do what it takes to drain their swamps, because the backdoor money loopholes for favors in DC have been closed. Saudi's took it well. Pakistan and Israel are coming along. Yemen will eventually get it, too. So will Catholics and the pope. Zionists screw innocent kids, then tell you to give them 30 Hail Mary's and 10 Our Fathers cause you are a cookie 15 days into another failed sugarless Lent attempt.

This degenerate pope factually stole the papacy from his predecessor. He's no more Catholic than the "Romans" who crucified Jesus. The Zionist Rothschilds give no more of a shit about Jews, than the Nazi's they supplied and funded to murder them. Zionist Muslims, much like Awan, Huma and Sarsour, give a hell of a lot less about the actual caliphate than they do about all the dirty money they can make off shady border hopping arms/weapons, drugs and kids deals.

No idea about train derailment. Could be a distraction... I mean, everything is a distraction now-a-days. It's why we have to use the 24hr. Rule. See/hear/read it all, absorb, process, retain then take a deep breath, relax and let it bake. If we all did this more, we'd easily and accurately sift through bait, breaking headlines they'll retract and instead we'll be able to see what's legitimate. They flood us with info to confuse us. To keep us watching the shaking tail, keep us curious, therefore anxious and eventually scared of the unknown. Everyone needs to take a breather, ignore breaking headlines and while giving hypes disinfo stories a little time to run themselves into the ground, they can hide their time reading the body of articles for what's being said but not REALLY being said. I don't know what caused the train derailment or whether it was intentional, planned, accidental, etc. but I do know I'm watching the shiny new technologies it was using, which could eventually be referenced back to, making this maiden voyage look as preventable as Titanic in hindsight. This type of train in terms of technology is similar to the type of train that's currently being considered to run between NYC and DC in 2.5 hours one way. So that's interesting. It also used some type of gravity thing?! Weird because it could be used later to prove that shit like gravity defying "UFO's" can't be man made and must be alien, not the government, if we can't even get trains to work using similar tech yet, right?! I'm just saying... it's hard to know what's what sometimes. More often than not it's not necessarily the firsts headlines if initial breaking stories/events that matter, it's the follow up rhetoric and narratives you hear being spun and repeated, starting 24 hours later...

  1. Don't think religion. Think Zionism. The pope to Rothschilds/Soros, to bin Talal faction and half the leaders of the western world for centuries, all Zionist. If people stopped questioning religion and start looking at all those who've benefitted, profited and grown in power, politics and wealth for centuries as Zionists who've continuously and successfully manipulated and abused the religions of the masses to accomplish a single, commonly shared, mutually beneficial goal, then we'd know exactly who to blame. And Zionist ideology doesn't begin/end with religion. It's racist, cultural, ethnic, sexist, etc. Zionist ideology has shaped and spread throughout every inherent diversity and difference we could ever imagine. So while we aren't responsible or accountable to drain everyone else's swamps, if they want our trade, investment, partnership and protection, it's up to them to be honest with themselves and do what it takes to drain their swamps, because the backdoor money loopholes for favors in DC have been closed. Saudi's took it well. Pakistan and Israel are coming along. Yemen will eventually get it, too. So will Catholics and the pope. Zionists screw innocent kids, then tell you to give them 30 Hail Mary's and 10 Our Fathers cause you are a cookie 15 days into another failed sugarless Lent attempt.

This degenerate pope factually stole the papacy from his predecessor. He's no more Catholic than the "Romans" who crucified Jesus. The Zionist Rothschilds give no more of a shit about Jews, than the Nazi's they supplied and funded to murder them. Zionist Muslims, much like Awan, Huma and Sarsour, give a hell of a lot less about the actual caliphate than they do about all the dirty money they can make off shady border hopping arms/weapons, drugs and kids deals.

No idea about train derailment. Could be a distraction... I mean, everything is a distraction now-a-days. It's why we have to use the 24hr. Rule. See/hear/read it all, absorb, process, retain then take a deep breath, relax and let it bake. If we all did this more, we'd easily and accurately sift through bait, breaking headlines they'll retract and instead we'll be able to see what's legitimate. They flood us with info to confuse us. To keep us watching the shaking tail, keep us curious, therefore anxious and eventually scared of the unknown. Everyone needs to take a breather, ignore breaking headlines and while giving hypes disinfo stories a little time to run themselves into the ground, they can hide their time reading the body of articles for what's being said but not REALLY being said. I don't know what caused the train derailment or whether it was intentional, planned, accidental, etc. but I do know I'm watching the shiny new technologies it was using, which could eventually be referenced back to, making this maiden voyage look as preventable as Titanic in hindsight. This type of train in terms of technology is similar to the type of train that's currently being considered to run between NYC and DC in 2.5 hours one way. So that's interesting. It also used some type of gravity thing?! Weird because it could be used later to prove that shit like gravity defying "UFO's" can't be man made and must be alien, not the government, if we can't even get trains to work using similar tech yet, right?! I'm just saying... it's hard to know what's what sometimes. More often than not it's not necessarily the firsts headlines if initial breaking stories/events that matter, it's the follow up rhetoric and narratives you hear being spun and repeated, starting 24 hours later...

  1. Don't think religion. Think Zionism. The pope to Rothschilds/Soros, to bin Talal faction and half the leaders of the western world for centuries, all Zionist. If people stopped questioning religion and start looking at all those who've benefitted, profited and grown in power, politics and wealth for centuries as Zionists who've continuously and successfully manipulated and abused the religions of the masses to accomplish a single, commonly shared, mutually beneficial goal, then we'd know exactly who to blame. And Zionist ideology doesn't begin/end with religion. It's racist, cultural, ethnic, sexist, etc. Zionist ideology has shaped and spread throughout every inherent diversity and difference we could ever imagine. So while we aren't responsible or accountable to drain everyone else's swamps, if they want our trade, investment, partnership and protection, it's up to them to be honest with themselves and do what it takes to drain their swamps, because the backdoor money loopholes for favors in DC have been closed. Saudi's took it well. Pakistan and Israel are coming along. Yemen will eventually get it, too. So will Catholics and the pope. Zionists screw innocent kids, then tell you to give them 30 Hail Mary's and 10 Our Fathers cause you are a cookie 15 days into another failed sugarless Lent attempt.

This degenerate pope factually stole the papacy from his predecessor. He's no more Catholic than the "Romans" who crucified Jesus. The Zionist Rothschilds give no more of a shit about Jews, than the Nazi's they supplied and funded to murder them. Zionist Muslims, much like Awan, Huma and Sarsour, give a hell of a lot less about the actual caliphate than they do about all the dirty money they can make off shady border hopping arms/weapons, drugs and kids deals.

No idea about train derailment. Could be a distraction... I mean, everything is a distraction now-a-days. It's why we have to use the 24hr. Rule. See/hear/read it all, absorb, process, retain then take a deep breath, relax and let it bake. If we all did this more, we'd easily and accurately sift through bait, breaking headlines they'll retract and instead we'll be able to see what's legitimate. They flood us with info to confuse us. To keep us watching the shaking tail, keep us curious, therefore anxious and eventually scared of the unknown. Everyone needs to take a breather, ignore breaking headlines and while giving hypes disinfo stories a little time to run themselves into the ground, they can hide their time reading the body of articles for what's being said but not REALLY being said. I don't know what caused the train derailment or whether it was intentional, planned, accidental, etc. but I do know I'm watching the shiny new technologies it was using, which could eventually be referenced back to, making this maiden voyage look as preventable as Titanic in hindsight. This type of train in terms of technology is similar to the type of train that's currently being considered to run between NYC and DC in 2.5 hours one way. So that's interesting. It also used some type of gravity thing?! Weird because it could be used later to prove that shit like gravity defying "UFO's" can't be man made and must be alien, not the government, if we can't even get trains to work using similar tech yet, right?! I'm just saying... it's hard to know what's what sometimes. More often than not it's not necessarily the firsts headlines if initial breaking stories/events that matter, it's the follow up rhetoric and narratives you hear being spun and repeated, starting 24 hours later...

  1. Don't think religion. Think Zionism. The pope to Rothschilds/Soros, to bin Talal faction and half the leaders of the western world for centuries, all Zionist. If people stopped questioning religion and start looking at all those who've benefitted, profited and grown in power, politics and wealth for centuries as Zionists who've continuously and successfully manipulated and abused the religions of the masses to accomplish a single, commonly shared, mutually beneficial goal, then we'd know exactly who to blame. And Zionist ideology doesn't begin/end with religion. It's racist, cultural, ethnic, sexist, etc. Zionist ideology has shaped and spread throughout every inherent diversity and difference we could ever imagine. So while we aren't responsible or accountable to drain everyone else's swamps, if they want our trade, investment, partnership and protection, it's up to them to be honest with themselves and do what it takes to drain their swamps, because the backdoor money loopholes for favors in DC have been closed. Saudi's took it well. Pakistan and Israel are coming along. Yemen will eventually get it, too. So will Catholics and the pope. Zionists screw innocent kids, then tell you to give them 30 Hail Mary's and 10 Our Fathers cause you are a cookie 15 days into another failed sugarless Lent attempt.

This degenerate pope factually stole the papacy from his predecessor. He's no more Catholic than the "Romans" who crucified Jesus. The Zionist Rothschilds give no more of a shit about Jews, than the Nazi's they supplied and funded to murder them. Zionist Muslims, much like Awan, Huma and Sarsour, give a hell of a lot less about the actual caliphate than they do about all the dirty money they can make off shady border hopping arms/weapons, drugs and kids deals.

No idea about train derailment. Could be a distraction... I mean, everything is a distraction now-a-days. It's why we have to use the 24hr. Rule. See/hear/read it all, absorb, process, retain then take a deep breath, relax and let it bake. If we all did this more, we'd easily and accurately sift through bait, breaking headlines they'll retract and instead we'll be able to see what's legitimate. They flood us with info to confuse us. To keep us watching the shaking tail, keep us curious, therefore anxious and eventually scared of the unknown. Everyone needs to take a breather, ignore breaking headlines and while giving hypes disinfo stories a little time to run themselves into the ground, they can hide their time reading the body of articles for what's being said but not REALLY being said. I don't know what caused the train derailment or whether it was intentional, planned, accidental, etc. but I do know I'm watching the shiny new technologies it was using, which could eventually be referenced back to, making this maiden voyage look as preventable as Titanic in hindsight. This type of train in terms of technology is similar to the type of train that's currently being considered to run between NYC and DC in 2.5 hours one way. So that's interesting. It also used some type of gravity thing?! Weird because it could be used later to prove that shit like gravity defying "UFO's" can't be man made and must be alien, not the government, if we can't even get trains to work using similar tech yet, right?! I'm just saying... it's hard to know what's what sometimes. More often than not it's not necessarily the firsts headlines if initial breaking stories/events that matter, it's the follow up rhetoric and narratives you hear being spun and repeated, starting 24 hours later...

  1. Don't think religion. Think Zionism. The pope to Rothschilds/Soros, to bin Talal faction and half the leaders of the western world for centuries, all Zionist. If people stopped questioning religion and start looking at all those who've benefitted, profited and grown in power, politics and wealth for centuries as Zionists who've continuously and successfully manipulated and abused the religions of the masses to accomplish a single, commonly shared, mutually beneficial goal, then we'd know exactly who to blame. And Zionist ideology doesn't begin/end with religion. It's racist, cultural, ethnic, sexist, etc. Zionist ideology has shaped and spread throughout every inherent diversity and difference we could ever imagine. So while we aren't responsible or accountable to drain everyone else's swamps, if they want our trade, investment, partnership and protection, it's up to them to be honest with themselves and do what it takes to drain their swamps, because the backdoor money loopholes for favors in DC have been closed. Saudi's took it well. Pakistan and Israel are coming along. Yemen will eventually get it, too. So will Catholics and the pope. Zionists screw innocent kids, then tell you to give them 30 Hail Mary's and 10 Our Fathers cause you are a cookie 15 days into another failed sugarless Lent attempt.

This degenerate pope factually stole the papacy from his predecessor. He's no more Catholic than the "Romans" who crucified Jesus. The Zionist Rothschilds give no more of a shit about Jews, than the Nazi's they supplied and funded to murder them. Zionist Muslims, much like Awan, Huma and Sarsour, give a hell of a lot less about the actual caliphate than they do about all the dirty money they can make off shady border hopping arms/weapons, drugs and kids deals.

No idea about train derailment. Could be a distraction... I mean, everything is a distraction now-a-days. It's why we have to use the 24hr. Rule. See/hear/read it all, absorb, process, retain then take a deep breath, relax and let it bake. If we all did this more, we'd easily and accurately sift through bait, breaking headlines they'll retract and instead we'll be able to see what's legitimate. They flood us with info to confuse us. To keep us watching the shaking tail, keep us curious, therefore anxious and eventually scared of the unknown. Everyone needs to take a breather, ignore breaking headlines and while giving hypes disinfo stories a little time to run themselves into the ground, they can hide their time reading the body of articles for what's being said but not REALLY being said. I don't know what caused the train derailment or whether it was intentional, planned, accidental, etc. but I do know I'm watching the shiny new technologies it was using, which could eventually be referenced back to, making this maiden voyage look as preventable as Titanic in hindsight. This type of train in terms of technology is similar to the type of train that's currently being considered to run between NYC and DC in 2.5 hours one way. So that's interesting. It also used some type of gravity thing?! Weird because it could be used later to prove that shit like gravity defying "UFO's" can't be man made and must be alien, not the government, if we can't even get trains to work using similar tech yet, right?! I'm just saying... it's hard to know what's what sometimes. More often than not it's not necessarily the firsts headlines if initial breaking stories/events that matter, it's the follow up rhetoric and narratives you hear being spun and repeated, starting 24 hours later...

  1. Don't think religion. Think Zionism. The pope to Rothschilds/Soros, to bin Talal faction and half the leaders of the western world for centuries, all Zionist. If people stopped questioning religion and start looking at all those who've benefitted, profited and grown in power, politics and wealth for centuries as Zionists who've continuously and successfully manipulated and abused the religions of the masses to accomplish a single, commonly shared, mutually beneficial goal, then we'd know exactly who to blame. And Zionist ideology doesn't begin/end with religion. It's racist, cultural, ethnic, sexist, etc. Zionist ideology has shaped and spread throughout every inherent diversity and difference we could ever imagine. So while we aren't responsible or accountable to drain everyone else's swamps, if they want our trade, investment, partnership and protection, it's up to them to be honest with themselves and do what it takes to drain their swamps, because the backdoor money loopholes for favors in DC have been closed. Saudi's took it well. Pakistan and Israel are coming along. Yemen will eventually get it, too. So will Catholics and the pope. Zionists screw innocent kids, then tell you to give them 30 Hail Mary's and 10 Our Fathers cause you are a cookie 15 days into another failed sugarless Lent attempt.

This degenerate pope factually stole the papacy from his predecessor. He's no more Catholic than the "Romans" who crucified Jesus. The Zionist Rothschilds give no more of a shit about Jews, than the Nazi's they supplied and funded to murder them. Zionist Muslims, much like Awan, Huma and Sarsour, give a hell of a lot less about the actual caliphate than they do about all the dirty money they can make off shady border hopping arms/weapons, drugs and kids deals.

No idea about train derailment. Could be a distraction... I mean, everything is a distraction now-a-days. It's why we have to use the 24hr. Rule. See/hear/read it all, absorb, process, retain then take a deep breath, relax and let it bake. If we all did this more, we'd easily and accurately sift through bait, breaking headlines they'll retract and instead we'll be able to see what's legitimate. They flood us with info to confuse us. To keep us watching the shaking tail, keep us curious, therefore anxious and eventually scared of the unknown. Everyone needs to take a breather, ignore breaking headlines and while giving hypes disinfo stories a little time to run themselves into the ground, they can hide their time reading the body of articles for what's being said but not REALLY being said. I don't know what caused the train derailment or whether it was intentional, planned, accidental, etc. but I do know I'm watching the shiny new technologies it was using, which could eventually be referenced back to, making this maiden voyage look as preventable as Titanic in hindsight. This type of train in terms of technology is similar to the type of train that's currently being considered to run between NYC and DC in 2.5 hours one way. So that's interesting. It also used some type of gravity thing?! Weird because it could be used later to prove that shit like gravity defying "UFO's" can't be man made and must be alien, not the government, if we can't even get trains to work using similar tech yet, right?! I'm just saying... it's hard to know what's what sometimes. More often than not it's not necessarily the firsts headlines if initial breaking stories/events that matter, it's the follow up rhetoric and narratives you hear being spun and repeated, starting 24 hours later...

  1. Don't think religion. Think Zionism. The pope to Rothschilds/Soros, to bin Talal faction and half the leaders of the western world for centuries, all Zionist. If people stopped questioning religion and start looking at all those who've benefitted, profited and grown in power, politics and wealth for centuries as Zionists who've continuously and successfully manipulated and abused the religions of the masses to accomplish a single, commonly shared, mutually beneficial goal, then we'd know exactly who to blame. And Zionist ideology doesn't begin/end with religion. It's racist, cultural, ethnic, sexist, etc. Zionist ideology has shaped and spread throughout every inherent diversity and difference we could ever imagine. So while we aren't responsible or accountable to drain everyone else's swamps, if they want our trade, investment, partnership and protection, it's up to them to be honest with themselves and do what it takes to drain their swamps, because the backdoor money loopholes for favors in DC have been closed. Saudi's took it well. Pakistan and Israel are coming along. Yemen will eventually get it, too. So will Catholics and the pope. Zionists screw innocent kids, then tell you to give them 30 Hail Mary's and 10 Our Fathers cause you are a cookie 15 days into another failed sugarless Lent attempt.

This degenerate pope factually stole the papacy from his predecessor. He's no more Catholic than the "Romans" who crucified Jesus. The Zionist Rothschilds give no more of a shit about Jews, than the Nazi's they supplied and funded to murder them. Zionist Muslims, much like Awan, Huma and Sarsour, give a hell of a lot less about the actual caliphate than they do about all the dirty money they can make off shady border hopping arms/weapons, drugs and kids deals.

No idea about train derailment. Could be a distraction... I mean, everything is a distraction now-a-days. It's why we have to use the 24hr. Rule. See/hear/read it all, absorb, process, retain then take a deep breath, relax and let it bake. If we all did this more, we'd easily and accurately sift through bait, breaking headlines they'll retract and instead we'll be able to see what's legitimate. They flood us with info to confuse us. To keep us watching the shaking tail, keep us curious, therefore anxious and eventually scared of the unknown. Everyone needs to take a breather, ignore breaking headlines and while giving hypes disinfo stories a little time to run themselves into the ground, they can hide their time reading the body of articles for what's being said but not REALLY being said. I don't know what caused the train derailment or whether it was intentional, planned, accidental, etc. but I do know I'm watching the shiny new technologies it was using, which could eventually be referenced back to, making this maiden voyage look as preventable as Titanic in hindsight. This type of train in terms of technology is similar to the type of train that's currently being considered to run between NYC and DC in 2.5 hours one way. So that's interesting. It also used some type of gravity thing?! Weird because it could be used later to prove that shit like gravity defying "UFO's" can't be man made and must be alien, not the government, if we can't even get trains to work using similar tech yet, right?! I'm just saying... it's hard to know what's what sometimes. More often than not it's not necessarily the firsts headlines if initial breaking stories/events that matter, it's the follow up rhetoric and narratives you hear being spun and repeated, starting 24 hours later...

  1. Don't think religion. Think Zionism. The pope to Rothschilds/Soros, to bin Talal faction and half the leaders of the western world for centuries, all Zionist. If people stopped questioning religion and start looking at all those who've benefitted, profited and grown in power, politics and wealth for centuries as Zionists who've continuously and successfully manipulated and abused the religions of the masses to accomplish a single, commonly shared, mutually beneficial goal, then we'd know exactly who to blame. And Zionist ideology doesn't begin/end with religion. It's racist, cultural, ethnic, sexist, etc. Zionist ideology has shaped and spread throughout every inherent diversity and difference we could ever imagine. So while we aren't responsible or accountable to drain everyone else's swamps, if they want our trade, investment, partnership and protection, it's up to them to be honest with themselves and do what it takes to drain their swamps, because the backdoor money loopholes for favors in DC have been closed. Saudi's took it well. Pakistan and Israel are coming along. Yemen will eventually get it, too. So will Catholics and the pope. Zionists screw innocent kids, then tell you to give them 30 Hail Mary's and 10 Our Fathers cause you are a cookie 15 days into another failed sugarless Lent attempt.

This degenerate pope factually stole the papacy from his predecessor. He's no more Catholic than the "Romans" who crucified Jesus. The Zionist Rothschilds give no more of a shit about Jews, than the Nazi's they supplied and funded to murder them. Zionist Muslims, much like Awan, Huma and Sarsour, give a hell of a lot less about the actual caliphate than they do about all the dirty money they can make off shady border hopping arms/weapons, drugs and kids deals.

No idea about train derailment. Could be a distraction... I mean, everything is a distraction now-a-days. It's why we have to use the 24hr. Rule. See/hear/read it all, absorb, process, retain then take a deep breath, relax and let it bake. If we all did this more, we'd easily and accurately sift through bait, breaking headlines they'll retract and instead we'll be able to see what's legitimate. They flood us with info to confuse us. To keep us watching the shaking tail, keep us curious, therefore anxious and eventually scared of the unknown. Everyone needs to take a breather, ignore breaking headlines and while giving hypes disinfo stories a little time to run themselves into the ground, they can hide their time reading the body of articles for what's being said but not REALLY being said. I don't know what caused the train derailment or whether it was intentional, planned, accidental, etc. but I do know I'm watching the shiny new technologies it was using, which could eventually be referenced back to, making this maiden voyage look as preventable as Titanic in hindsight. This type of train in terms of technology is similar to the type of train that's currently being considered to run between NYC and DC in 2.5 hours one way. So that's interesting. It also used some type of gravity thing?! Weird because it could be used later to prove that shit like gravity defying "UFO's" can't be man made and must be alien, not the government, if we can't even get trains to work using similar tech yet, right?! I'm just saying... it's hard to know what's what sometimes. More often than not it's not necessarily the firsts headlines if initial breaking stories/events that matter, it's the follow up rhetoric and narratives you hear being spun and repeated, starting 24 hours later...

  1. Don't think religion. Think Zionism. The pope to Rothschilds/Soros, to bin Talal faction and half the leaders of the western world for centuries, all Zionist. If people stopped questioning religion and start looking at all those who've benefitted, profited and grown in power, politics and wealth for centuries as Zionists who've continuously and successfully manipulated and abused the religions of the masses to accomplish a single, commonly shared, mutually beneficial goal, then we'd know exactly who to blame. And Zionist ideology doesn't begin/end with religion. It's racist, cultural, ethnic, sexist, etc. Zionist ideology has shaped and spread throughout every inherent diversity and difference we could ever imagine. So while we aren't responsible or accountable to drain everyone else's swamps, if they want our trade, investment, partnership and protection, it's up to them to be honest with themselves and do what it takes to drain their swamps, because the backdoor money loopholes for favors in DC have been closed. Saudi's took it well. Pakistan and Israel are coming along. Yemen will eventually get it, too. So will Catholics and the pope. Zionists screw innocent kids, then tell you to give them 30 Hail Mary's and 10 Our Fathers cause you are a cookie 15 days into another failed sugarless Lent attempt.

This degenerate pope factually stole the papacy from his predecessor. He's no more Catholic than the "Romans" who crucified Jesus. The Zionist Rothschilds give no more of a shit about Jews, than the Nazi's they supplied and funded to murder them. Zionist Muslims, much like Awan, Huma and Sarsour, give a hell of a lot less about the actual caliphate than they do about all the dirty money they can make off shady border hopping arms/weapons, drugs and kids deals.

No idea about train derailment. Could be a distraction... I mean, everything is a distraction now-a-days. It's why we have to use the 24hr. Rule. See/hear/read it all, absorb, process, retain then take a deep breath, relax and let it bake. If we all did this more, we'd easily and accurately sift through bait, breaking headlines they'll retract and instead we'll be able to see what's legitimate. They flood us with info to confuse us. To keep us watching the shaking tail, keep us curious, therefore anxious and eventually scared of the unknown. Everyone needs to take a breather, ignore breaking headlines and while giving hypes disinfo stories a little time to run themselves into the ground, they can hide their time reading the body of articles for what's being said but not REALLY being said. I don't know what caused the train derailment or whether it was intentional, planned, accidental, etc. but I do know I'm watching the shiny new technologies it was using, which could eventually be referenced back to, making this maiden voyage look as preventable as Titanic in hindsight. This type of train in terms of technology is similar to the type of train that's currently being considered to run between NYC and DC in 2.5 hours one way. So that's interesting. It also used some type of gravity thing?! Weird because it could be used later to prove that shit like gravity defying "UFO's" can't be man made and must be alien, not the government, if we can't even get trains to work using similar tech yet, right?! I'm just saying... it's hard to know what's what sometimes. More often than not it's not necessarily the firsts headlines if initial breaking stories/events that matter, it's the follow up rhetoric and narratives you hear being spun and repeated, starting 24 hours later...

  1. Don't think religion. Think Zionism. The pope to Rothschilds/Soros, to bin Talal faction and half the leaders of the western world for centuries, all Zionist. If people stopped questioning religion and start looking at all those who've benefitted, profited and grown in power, politics and wealth for centuries as Zionists who've continuously and successfully manipulated and abused the religions of the masses to accomplish a single, commonly shared, mutually beneficial goal, then we'd know exactly who to blame. And Zionist ideology doesn't begin/end with religion. It's racist, cultural, ethnic, sexist, etc. Zionist ideology has shaped and spread throughout every inherent diversity and difference we could ever imagine. So while we aren't responsible or accountable to drain everyone else's swamps, if they want our trade, investment, partnership and protection, it's up to them to be honest with themselves and do what it takes to drain their swamps, because the backdoor money loopholes for favors in DC have been closed. Saudi's took it well. Pakistan and Israel are coming along. Yemen will eventually get it, too. So will Catholics and the pope. Zionists screw innocent kids, then tell you to give them 30 Hail Mary's and 10 Our Fathers cause you are a cookie 15 days into another failed sugarless Lent attempt.

This degenerate pope factually stole the papacy from his predecessor. He's no more Catholic than the "Romans" who crucified Jesus. The Zionist Rothschilds give no more of a shit about Jews, than the Nazi's they supplied and funded to murder them. Zionist Muslims, much like Awan, Huma and Sarsour, give a hell of a lot less about the actual caliphate than they do about all the dirty money they can make off shady border hopping arms/weapons, drugs and kids deals.

No idea about train derailment. Could be a distraction... I mean, everything is a distraction now-a-days. It's why we have to use the 24hr. Rule. See/hear/read it all, absorb, process, retain then take a deep breath, relax and let it bake. If we all did this more, we'd easily and accurately sift through bait, breaking headlines they'll retract and instead we'll be able to see what's legitimate. They flood us with info to confuse us. To keep us watching the shaking tail, keep us curious, therefore anxious and eventually scared of the unknown. Everyone needs to take a breather, ignore breaking headlines and while giving hypes disinfo stories a little time to run themselves into the ground, they can hide their time reading the body of articles for what's being said but not REALLY being said. I don't know what caused the train derailment or whether it was intentional, planned, accidental, etc. but I do know I'm watching the shiny new technologies it was using, which could eventually be referenced back to, making this maiden voyage look as preventable as Titanic in hindsight. This type of train in terms of technology is similar to the type of train that's currently being considered to run between NYC and DC in 2.5 hours one way. So that's interesting. It also used some type of gravity thing?! Weird because it could be used later to prove that shit like gravity defying "UFO's" can't be man made and must be alien, not the government, if we can't even get trains to work using similar tech yet, right?! I'm just saying... it's hard to know what's what sometimes. More often than not it's not necessarily the firsts headlines if initial breaking stories/events that matter, it's the follow up rhetoric and narratives you hear being spun and repeated, starting 24 hours later...

  1. Don't think religion. Think Zionism. The pope to Rothschilds/Soros, to bin Talal faction and half the leaders of the western world for centuries, all Zionist. If people stopped questioning religion and start looking at all those who've benefitted, profited and grown in power, politics and wealth for centuries as Zionists who've continuously and successfully manipulated and abused the religions of the masses to accomplish a single, commonly shared, mutually beneficial goal, then we'd know exactly who to blame. And Zionist ideology doesn't begin/end with religion. It's racist, cultural, ethnic, sexist, etc. Zionist ideology has shaped and spread throughout every inherent diversity and difference we could ever imagine. So while we aren't responsible or accountable to drain everyone else's swamps, if they want our trade, investment, partnership and protection, it's up to them to be honest with themselves and do what it takes to drain their swamps, because the backdoor money loopholes for favors in DC have been closed. Saudi's took it well. Pakistan and Israel are coming along. Yemen will eventually get it, too. So will Catholics and the pope. Zionists screw innocent kids, then tell you to give them 30 Hail Mary's and 10 Our Fathers cause you are a cookie 15 days into another failed sugarless Lent attempt.

This degenerate pope factually stole the papacy from his predecessor. He's no more Catholic than the "Romans" who crucified Jesus. The Zionist Rothschilds give no more of a shit about Jews, than the Nazi's they supplied and funded to murder them. Zionist Muslims, much like Awan, Huma and Sarsour, give a hell of a lot less about the actual caliphate than they do about all the dirty money they can make off shady border hopping arms/weapons, drugs and kids deals.

No idea about train derailment. Could be a distraction... I mean, everything is a distraction now-a-days. It's why we have to use the 24hr. Rule. See/hear/read it all, absorb, process, retain then take a deep breath, relax and let it bake. If we all did this more, we'd easily and accurately sift through bait, breaking headlines they'll retract and instead we'll be able to see what's legitimate. They flood us with info to confuse us. To keep us watching the shaking tail, keep us curious, therefore anxious and eventually scared of the unknown. Everyone needs to take a breather, ignore breaking headlines and while giving hypes disinfo stories a little time to run themselves into the ground, they can hide their time reading the body of articles for what's being said but not REALLY being said. I don't know what caused the train derailment or whether it was intentional, planned, accidental, etc. but I do know I'm watching the shiny new technologies it was using, which could eventually be referenced back to, making this maiden voyage look as preventable as Titanic in hindsight. This type of train in terms of technology is similar to the type of train that's currently being considered to run between NYC and DC in 2.5 hours one way. So that's interesting. It also used some type of gravity thing?! Weird because it could be used later to prove that shit like gravity defying "UFO's" can't be man made and must be alien, not the government, if we can't even get trains to work using similar tech yet, right?! I'm just saying... it's hard to know what's what sometimes. More often than not it's not necessarily the firsts headlines if initial breaking stories/events that matter, it's the follow up rhetoric and narratives you hear being spun and repeated, starting 24 hours later...

It’s good that your posts are visible now. Also, very glad you’re here.

Re: messages... The orange envelope in the top right near your name lights up when you have a DM and when someone’s replied to a public post. Since you’re usually on mobile, be sure to check if the message you’re reading has up/downvote marks on the left side. If there are none, it’s a DM, so respond however. If those up/down things are there, it’s a public response.

Also, if your phone is on the larger side, it’s easier to navigate the site if you switch to desktop view because everything is clearly visible.

Ha! ToddWhiskey gave me a quick rundown. Still not sure what the hell I'm doing on here. I just felt like it's really fucked yo that Jack at Twitter is messing with people's tweets about me... especially since I only realized about 7 weeks ago that postings of mine were making it outside of boards.

Moves like that support hive mind so thought I'd give those very nice people who'd be looking for me, another place to find me, since twitter sucks now.

There are much bigger things going on with this shit that I can't really get into right now, but one day, I will.

Can y'all see these comments?!

I love your stuff. I'm not autistic, so terrible at the research but you have opened my eyes more than anyone. Thanks ToddWhiskey for this info, I'm not good enough to follow her on my own. I'm old, a true boomer. ;-)

Yes, we can see you.

Is it just me or do you get an internal server error when clicking on her profile? Everyone else's works

I can see the profile, no error. It's a few hours old account.

Fuck yeah! So glad your here sweetie! And thank you! Even if you are larping, it's nice to believe that there are good folk out there looking out for us. Hope is a beautiful, powerful thing. I believe. Merry Christmas!

Just watch if you PM/DM to not state anything more than what you disclose publicly. I don't trust people running this site. Already proven they can edit comments, who knows if they can watch inboxes on here.

I just got back on Twitter after a 2yr absence to find most have lost their fucking minds; the majority of them aren’t going to believe they’ve been worked into irrationality until whatever msm station they align with tells them that’s exactly what’s taken place.

Jack’s immediate removal of all things you shouldn’t surprise (you were probably in the top 3 on his hit list) given how he handled pgate. His reasons for keeping all things Q are the same as allowing the actual pedos to continue on, business as usual, when that hit the fan last year. He either doesn’t see the writing on the wall or he’s doubling-down and going all in, believing his handlers telling him things will be fine if he keeps doing his part.

I do wish more who read your stuff kept a big picture perspective. From that vantage point, everything lines up and it’s all falling into place nicely. Sure, it’s not going down how we’d been led to believe with mass arrests and whatnot, but it doesn’t matter because it’s happening. And it’s happening the way it needs to.

Merry Christmas. I hope you get a couple of days to chill and enjoy life in the midst of all of this. And thanks for popping in over here.

Woah, this is "MegaAnon" for real? Thanks for joining us on reddit, I've been thoroughly enjoying following your comments!

Any chance of a hint on when there might be movement in the Seth Rich investigation? It's been driving me nuts how they've managed to bury it and smear anyone who even mentions it as crazy. All kinds of interesting stuff is happening, but it kind of feels like this particular story has been lost in the shuffle despite all the obvious leads...

There has been movement internally between DOJ/FBI as of a month and a half ago, that's not being publicly discussed. That said, it is being reviewed, though a formal investigation hasn't been launched yet as info/evidence was being gathered during this time from DC metro. Last I heard early last week, almost all evidence and info has been obtained. I believe there are one or two more warrants (one for a device -cannot confirm which or what type of device it is because I haven't seen the warrant or heard details on the device) still outstanding, but to be honest, those were filed later and are still within turnover timeframes, so no one is obstructing or anything yet.

What you'll need to remember about "evidence" on this and frankly, all crimes like this, is that ALL "evidence" collected, submitted, tagged, logged and formally processed/recorded as "submitted", is RELATIVE.

I've seen a lot of people on the internets who are "investigating" Seth Rich, "demanding" that things Metro PD body cam and/or street cam footage that they must legally have obtained and stored, for a certain length of time, blah, blah, blah. What these people fail to recognize and then accept, is that...

  1. While PD body cams may be legally required to be worn by officers via their individual states and local/state police departments, depending on where they are located and the state laws that apply, its important to note that typically the departments themselves can legally decide whether body cams are worn in certain instances, in addition to deciding whether they're on or off, if worn. In more jurisdictions than not, the officer also has the personal choice under certain circumstances. In these scenarios, if the officer decides to turn the camera off before engaging on a call, for example, if the officer views it as a personal safety or security risk, they may make the personal choice to turn off their camera. The same goes for departments. IF an officer personally chooses, or a department makes the decision to engage with body cams off depending on circumstances/situations, while they have the legal right to do so, they'd also then be held responsible to have to legally justify their reasoning with evidence, as to WHY they made that call, should the missing body cam footage of situations and/or circumstances, ever come under question, legally.

  2. Now that y'all understand #1. please realize that regardless of of Whether or not directives or orders came from a responding department's leadership, or were personal calls made at the time by the individual responding officers themselves, at the end of the day... IF people are actively involved in the cover-up of a crime, then you should assume you're NEVER going to get the "evidence" you'd be looking for, because those involved have already made sure it doesn't exist. They make sure it NEVER existed in the first place, so it can NEVER be found and they make sure to legally cover their tracks on it all, too.

This is why you'll never actually obtain body cam footage, street cam footage, weapons in many cases, etc. when you're dealing with internal cover-ups. This is exactly why in many questionable cases just like Seth Rich, street/security cams in or around important and specific areas of crime scenes, always seem to be conveniently deemed "offline", "dysfunctional" and/or in operational, at the exact time you'd need them to be. You then hear them give you bullshit like, "the inability to obtain footage via street/security cams in relation to the scene, has exposed a significant and unforeseen vulnerability breach in our internal security/safety networking protocols and platforms utilized internally, which will be immediately investigated and addressed, as it's failure is unacceptable, as related to public safety".

In short, your first inkling that something isn't right is blatant lack of any cam footage, especially when public utility maintained/operated street/security cams aren't working, or when body cam footage isn't publicly released within any legally mandated timeframes, that apply.

When the corrupt are involved, they're not hiding, scrubbing, omitting or deleting this kind of shit. Sad reality is that this kind of shit usually NEVER EXISTED in the first place. When the corrupt are involved, it's purposefully designed upfront to ensure as best as they can, that no "smoking gun evidence" has even the slightest chance of being obtained. So it never exists in the first place.

Hope this makes sense. Oh and please y'all, please don't assume or think the Rich's or Aaron don't care, are being misled, etc. I promise you they know EXACTLY what happened and they're scared. Aaron knows what his role was and he watched them murder his brother and cover it all up while sending in handlers like Bauman, unannounced and unsolicited. The Rich family doesn't want to lose another son and they absolutely, 100% have been led to believe they will, by some very shitty people who put the lid on them with threats.

Your first sign that something wasn't right with the Rich family should've been those awkward public statements they made from behind the podium, with their DNC sponsored and in tow and "officially" representing, "legal/investigative council" awkwardly shadowing them from behind as they spoke, just like Chief Lombardo's creepy, awkward FBI, podium-hovering "handlers, did. The Rich family specifically (and rather strategically, I was actually proud of them) made the very clear point of asking everyone concerned, to FOCUS ON FINDING THE MURDERERS. Why?! Because first they know, like we know, that since this was publicly confirmed by MetronPD as a "murder", committed by 2 "murdering" suspects, then they'd have to investigate the "murderers". Now, if you know, like they know, that Seth was NOT "murdered" by 2 random thugs looking to jump him, who then shot him, only to leave with NOTHING, then by your FOCUSING and driving the attentions and concerns of YOUR MASSES towards the constant questioning of the Metro PD and pressure on consistent movement and public updates/confirmations on the "investigation" they were doing, then ultimately, the TRUTH would come out because eventually, they run out of ways to hide, evade and ignore it, when having to answer to such a massive public demand. They were hoping you'd keep pressure up while they remained patient so the case couldn't be ignored, swept under the rug, or even closed at some point as a cold/unsolved investigation, after statute of limitations legally expired allowing the Metro PD to bury it in a file closet, until something if anything was ever presented again, justifying the legal reopening of the case.

All y'all would ever have to do to keep Metro on their toes to drive traction, attention and pressure on their Seth Rich investigation, is pick up the phone and call the Metro PD once every single day, requesting additional details and confirmations on the status. Same would apply for Comet and their recently confirmed, then quickly denied "investigation" into underlying backdoor web portals, requiring log-in for access, to a ton of "cheese pizza" entitled, secretly foldered and filed libraries, hosted across an extensive server/IT infrastructure, both domestically and internationally. You could technically make two calls, every single day, back-to-back and then, you could call the public tip lines of every major network/local DC Metro affiliate station, demanding they investigate and report updates to the public, on the progress of both. We are legally entitled, as citizens, to the public access and flow of information of these types of things. It's a legal, constitutionally protected RIGHT and you're not only allowed, but encouraged to seek these things from your tax paying, public servants. As you've probably realized by now, tweets, periscopes, YouTube videos and catchy, yet on/off trending hashtags haven't been super effective in your efforts to obtain the truth. In fact, doing so makes y'all "conspiracy nuts", who are only "upsetting the family and hindering the investigation", just like they've successfully convinced the "normies" about your efforts, no? The SOONER we ALL realize, absorb and accept THE FACT that posting, retweeting, sharing, liking, hashtagging, etc. on social media/message board platforms will NEVER REPLACE the epic progress and outcomes that the REAL ACTION of a FOCUSED AND DEDICATED MASS can successfully achieve, the MUCH quicker shit would actually get done.

I mean, not for nothing and maybe I missed it, but SINCE WHEN, did WE become so overly content and complacent that we decided or agreed that shitting up the internets as citizens, was/is in some way the equivalance or acceptable replacement of real CITIZEN ACTION? These people work for us. We employ and pay them. We have the power and right to fire them at will, especially when based on lack of/poor performace, just as any employer does. We have the legal right to secure, access and obtain information the public doesn't just deserve, but is legally owed. WE. LITERALLY. PAY. FOR. IT. WE are "THEIR" bosses. "THEY" are OUR BITCHES. WE are who "THEY" are hired, tasked and paid, TO SERVE. We are the "purse" and the ownership and POWER of said purse, is OURS to protect, defend and uphold. Sorry for this obnoxiously long rant because I'm in no way implying any of this directly at you, dancing-turtle, but I just can't take it, sometimes. I mean sadly, I guess I'm just glad the colonists weren't banking their public calls and the demand/need for unified action during our nations fight for independence, on social media hashtags, retweets and periscope/YouTube videos for fucks sake. There are very peaceful, reasonable, yet impactful ways OUR MASSES can retain some of our authority back, as citizens. Until then... guess we just keep passing binary 1's and 0's over packets passing on the internets, y'all.

Awesome, thanks for the detailed reply! Internal movement for a month and a half is very encouraging.

That's a really interesting and important point I hadn't considered about applying pressure directly to the MPD instead of pouring our efforts into online stuff. I wonder if this might help a bit -- I did some research back in July (shared in long, very detailed reddit post with a ton of links) on media coverage of police handling of the investigation and how it changed over time, and it seemed to strongly suggest that Chief Cathy Lanier actually wanted to solve case and never once brushed it off as a "botched robbery", but was likely intimidated, bought off, and forced to resign the month after the murder, and that it's just been under the leadership of her successor Chief Peter Newsham that they've been obediently shutting down speculation and withholding all information. That had me thinking that the MPD was probably pretty much a lost cause unless something changes, but it could be worth drawing more attention to the fact that their approach to the case seemed to change dramatically with police chief turnover. I almost never see this issue discussed, though.

I think one important question we need to collectively press them on is why has their conclusion that it was a "botched robbery" has gone from "it's still a possibility that's what happened, right now we have more questions than answers" to the "official explanation" cited in every media report without caveat, even though they've given absolutely no additional evidence to justify that increased confidence.

Also, I think it's absurd that they've gotten away without telling the public a single word about what Seth Rich himself said before his death, when according to Aaron Rich in the Washington Post, the EMTs told him Seth was "very aware, very talkative".

Another point to hammer on I think is how they've just ignored the Seymour Hersh recording instead of e.g. showing the paperwork to disprove the complex chain of custody Hersh described for the laptop, or discrediting the whole account by announcing the actual murder weapon, if Hersh was wrong about Rich being shot with a .22.

I'm sure you know all of this is more -- just wanted to mention these as specific things the police could be asked about, instead of just "WHAT HAPPENED TO SETH RICH??"

Thanks again!

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Jesus. What a fucking larp.

If you believe any of this, please put me on your ignore list.

At worst, MegaAnon is a very insightful, well-informed, and entertaining LARPer who has accurately guessed several notable developments in advance. At best, she's a very insightful, well-informed, and entertaining insider. Worth reading either way, IMHO. No one's forcing you to, though.

She hasn't, she isn't, and she's a larp. At best.

In reality this larping larper is harmful, spreading false rumors that totally lie about what's happening.

So you're claiming some kind of insider status then, knowing what's really happening to confirm that she doesn't? Larper. :P

Yeah, that's about the brainpower I expect from her fans.

I'm not the one who implied I actually know what's happening behind the scenes. I for one definitely don't know, but I try to keep all possibilities in mind and take in information from as many different sources as I can and compare it with what's verifiable as new information comes to light. Preemptively ruling out possibilities based on your own preconceived biases rather than evidence doesn't make you smart, it makes you narrow-minded. If you've got actual evidence, out with it. Otherwise, fuck off.

LOL. Sure. You're following her based on evidence.

Like McCabe being fired (he wasn't), McCain wearing an ankle monitor (he's not) and Hillary being under house arrest too (She was just in Canada)?

That evidence?

Those aren't very good examples. We have no idea what's going on at the FBI except what they decide to tell us. John McCain was still wearing a boot last I checked (the most recent photos I can find are fro Dec. 6), on the opposite foot from the one supposedly injured, and despite him also using a wheelchair (so the whole "overcompensation" argument seems odd). And the phrase MegaAnon used a couple days ago was "working house arrest" -- "working" could include Clinton's prearranged book tour. She has a permanent Secret Service detail as a former FLOTUS; it's not like she could realistically just slip away in Vancouver. None of those possibilities seem convincingly ruled out.

I told you why I'm following MegaAnon. I find her posts insightful, entertaining, and well-informed, and have not yet ruled out the possibility that she is an insider. It's not like the MSM is giving us the whole truth. A lot of recent developments, like the Strzok/Page/McCabe stuff, would have seemed totally out of left field if I'd only been following the MSM, but are quite consistent with what MegaAnon has been saying for months. Or take, for example, her telling us ages ago that Manafort would walk after being indicted -- he was just released from house arrest. To listen to the MSM, you'd think he was the lynchpin of a treasonous conspiracy that would take down a sitting president, not someone who'd already be roaming the streets again already.

It seems pretty obvious you're pushing an agenda here. Go away.

LOL. "If I twist all the actual facts then I have evidence of what I want to believe!!!!"

I said those possibilities can't be ruled out. You're the one jumping to conclusions based on limited information.

Instead of criticizing everyone that's willing to at least hear out MegaAnon, why don't you start offering real irrefutable proof to backup your claim of larp. None of your counter argument so far can be proven. Put up or shut up.

If you've actually been following along, she has straight up said a ton of stuff that legit came true later.

Please, by all means find the exit. We don't care what you say/think/do

What a deep thinker you are. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Yeah, you keep being her little toady. Bootlicker to a larper. Great achievement pal.

Let's say she is a LARP, or isn't on the inside. Is that post any less right?

Seriously, is hashtagging and posting "HIS NAME WAS SETH RICH" really doing any good?

The feet on the street are completely unaffected by that shit, and those are the people who need to be bothered. This is a very true and very serious wake-up call, real insider or not.

Only as good and as fleeting as Michelle's "bring our girls back", "Kony's 2012" movement and these "me too" hashtags, right. They came and went on purpose. We've been sadly convinced these things are not only enough, but are impactful... because Zuck and Jack said so, right? We know better.

I'm not half as mad that the deep state and swamp have screwed us over for 60+ years, as I am that we all fell asleep at the wheel for so long. We are all to blame and we should all be embarrassed. The whole world should be embarrassed. But thankfully, we won't face as many repercussions as we very well could have and technically should have deserved, for our own ignorance.

I rant like this when in reality, I could've just as easily quoted, "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country" - JFK.

as I am that we all fell asleep at the wheel for so long

My take: nobody outside of the fringe asked questions or cared when there were jobs and prosperity. But once (((they))) brought in millions of low-cost immigrants and crushed the middle class, the populace got upset and began asking.

I honestly don't think Obama's crimes would have been questioned nearly as much if there was a "jobfull recovery" (as opposed to our jobless one). But you crush the middle class and a campaign like Donald Trump's is the response.

They overplayed their hand, and now it's too late. The awakening is on.

if there was a "jobfull recovery"

They didn't plan a jobful recovery. Instead, they wanted to crash America, crash the dollar and adopt another reserve currency... they come and go..

It's literally now or never.

go choke on soros dick you faggot

MegaSister.... please fucking tell me the UK paedophile swamp is going to get drained too! Then send Trump over to run as Prime Minister! Thank you!

Y'all across the pond are a tough crowd. Every day you waste letting May jam her foot in the door preventing you from the actual "exit" part of "Brexit", is another day you'll swim in the filth. You've let them take your guns, arrest you and lock you up for personally perceived "hate speech", let migrants completely take over entire sections of your largest cities and for the life of me, I don't understand how exactly this has been allowed to not only continue, but escalate at such an alarming pace. It's like every time someone plows a car down your crowd filled streets, blows up a concert or shoots up a pub, y'all let them take another one if YOUR rights away.

So apologies as I guess I've only turned your question into a question of mine, but can you explain to me in a basic rundown how in the literal fuck, Brits are standing for all of this?

Fear of imprisonment, fear of being called racist etc. You know the drill. Im in Scotland and we dont have it as bad as some English cities. Some tried to break away from the rest of the UK, I voted against that though, I still see myself as British. And the ones who were arguing for independence are just a shower of EU leftist cucks anyway.

I already have a conviction for a "religious hate crime" I picked up whilst protesting Irish terrorists. Its a joke.

Aa you say Sister, May is spineless and her cohorts are keeping us in the EU via the backdoor with all this "agreements" nonsense, none of which we the people voted for. It feels like to me civil war / violent revolution is truly the only answer to get the country back in the hands of the people who love it.

Then we will see a return of paramilitaries like the UVF, UDA, UFF who fought against the Irish terrorists in Ulster. Except the football hooligans will be the paramilitaries this time around from almost every city in the UK.

If I had the opportunity Id emigrate with my family to the USA in an instant though with that criminal conviction I told you about Im sure I cant get in, despite having a degree in a big industry over there. Sad given the illegals and muslims you guys let in, especially when half of you are Scottish descendants!

Trumps visit to the UK just announced today!! DRAIN OUR SWAMP TOO!! ;-)

Meg's (I know, i know you hate nicks, it's what I'm used to, sorry). I love when you write comment novels like this. They're packed so full of truths.

You're partly why I stopped following "Q" posts at the beginning of November, I felt like something changed and it didn't seem legit anymore. Then I ran across you and my suspicions were confirmed. Your posts have verifiable truths in fine detail. Thank you!

Also RE: ATL. Regarding the single plane that flew out during the power outage... ran across this link that makes the connection that Cal Cargo (Jewish/Israeli owned) also owns LACHS (customs free loading/unloading outfit) which is also at ATL. The article then speculates on what the cargo might have been.

I'm not asking you to say anything that you can't say... Are we looking at an "deep state" escape attempt by someone? Or a potential setup for another false flag (I know we escaped the worst if what Vegas was supposed to be, are we still at risk?)? Or just a sneaky nuke (sale/transport) transaction? Is it safe for you to answer any if these questions?

Awe, thanks. There's a lot to be said about ATL and the connections between the flight departure, CAL Cargo and LACHS will not be disputed by me. ;o) Those were very good finds. LACHS directly relates to the 2014 arrest I referred to, regarding fast and furious style gun smuggling and running ops between Mexico, ATL and NY for MS-13.

All I will say about CAL is that there was more on that place than just people. Yes there are ties to Trump and Camp David. Trump hates Camp David, too. It's why he always goes to Basking Ridge it Mar-a-lago. It's dirty at Camp David, so it should say a lot that he went and drew so much attention to the trip as well.

/u/IMegaHateNicknames Holy cow! I didn't expect my find to be that legit. Dang! Thank you so much for answering. You're awesome.

Since you know about ATL are you able to reveal if it was good guys or bad guys?

Considering the discussion so far I'm thinking weapons/missiles/bombs of some sort to Israel.

Are we 'safe' or in danger of an attempted repeat of what Vegas was supposed to be?

Hello fellow pede. Great digging!

Perhaps this article dated 7 October 2013 is relevant?

Four years ago Amnesty International confirmed Atlanta Airport is a huge target for sex trafficking. The gun-running incident Lady Mega mentioned on /pol/ was busted 3 years ago at the airport (almost to the day).

Given the lovely Lady has confirmed everything is all DEEP + interlinked, perhaps we should consider sex trafficking through the airport too. Hey, it completes the illegal vice trilogy of guns-drugs-sex! (If it's sex trafficking, I assume AG Sessions will be all over it).

My 2 cents worth.

Holy shit this is the single best comment I've ever read.

Thank you Mega. Owe you a drink someday.

Great rant, even inspiring. I don't know how phone requests for updates will force police to do anything other than continue to say, "We still dunno," but I can certainly see how it's more useful than hashtags. Social media working hand-in-hand with traditional media is too good at portraying anything as beyond the pale, when it's important enough to them.

It stresses their resources, backend, admin and department. Now add all that new daily volume, to calls into local media? Eventually they crack. They can only evade good investigating and reporting, for as long as we continue to ignore bad investigating and reporting. Trust me, put the public pressure on over a consistent basis and you'll force traction. WE are the demand, not the supply and we have more power than sadly we remember we do.

Thank you so much for all the posting you have done.

SINCE WHEN, did WE become so overly content and complacent that we decided or agreed that shitting up the internets as citizens, was/is in some way the equivalance or acceptable replacement of real CITIZEN ACTION?

Unfortunately, since everything has gotten so brazen that the Bad Guys can do bad things barely hidden from view, if not completely out in the open, and the news media will just suppress it all. The vast majority of people just accept what they're told, much like German citizens back in the Nazi regime. I like to say that the Germans under Nazi rule thought they were the good guys. Nobody wants to believe that things are that bad, and in fact, they're the ones enabling them.

At some point, "they" achieved enough control over all the parts of society that they could operate with total disregard for law and morality. And what I've found in trying to tell people about it is that it's really hard to make the case. There's no one trusted, irrefutable source that lays out the whole picture. It's too big, and too complicated. You can only discover the truth when you start to putting together little bits and pieces from 100s of difference sources.

It's almost a miracle that Trump managed to get elected, probably the only man in the world with the personal resources and the personality to take on such a massive cesspool of corruption. As flawed as he is (or perhaps because of his flaws), I can't think of anyone else who could've done it.

Thanks again for keeping us informed. God I hope we win.

It is. Look at Moore and that was only for a clutch Senate seat. ;o)

Do you know if Trump has a longer-term plan to deal with the massive media corruption? Let's say we win and the deep state collapses. I'm afraid we'll just a get a "meet the new boss, same as the old boss" situation if we don't deal with having an honest Fourth Estate, perhaps through massive antitrust lawsuits to break them up or maybe regulation on how much influence there might be.

I fear that even if we manage to overthrow the fascism that's been in place for the last 60 years, no one will even know about it, which sets us up for it happening again once Trump is out of office.

Do you know if Trump has a longer-term plan to deal with the massive media corruption?

You're not gonna like it, but you know those nazi's you don't like? That's the only quick way. The whole MSM and every corrupt politician could be flushed out in a day through martial law. That's the only real way things are going to get fixed.

Sure, mayyyybe you can fix the system legally with laws. Those are going to take decades and the swamp isn't gonna roll with it.

The next government in the US is either going to be fascist or socialist. The one after will be better.

And I totally understand why everyone hates nazi's. They killed a lot of innocent people and did some horrible things, but deep down inside, everyone privately in their soul knows they had the best interest of the German race and their country in mind. Everyone else? Not at all.

This is known as "Day of the Rope", i.e. a day on which all corrupt and evil actors are pulled down and lynched or shot all at once, a massive bloody purge. It is the least likely way we will ever solve our problems and there would be many collateral casualties.

It disregards normies and their cognitive dissonance, and what would happen to their minds and how they would react if their perceived political enemies (alt-right, pepe, Trump, etc.) suddenly rose up and killed all their favorite progressive politicians and media heroes. We can't have that, we would no longer be ourselves afterward.

She really made me feel like I'm not doing enough for causes I really care about.

I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound harsh thought I know and admit I can at times. I'm not trying to make you feel like you're not doing enough... I'm just hoping I'll make you feel like doing more.

I'm not an American citizen so I don't think I can demand anything from your public officials. I mostly try and educate myself and spread the truth as efficiently as I can. You've made it much easier for people to do this with your clear and concise messages, thank you.

I'm assuming this alien MSM push must mean something really big is brewing, which you have alluded to.

I have so many questions to ask you from the conspiracies and books I've been reading for about a dozen years, but I have a feeling transparency I've dreamed of for ages is not far away.


Megs, so many people want to help. They want to offer their knowledge and wisdom and energy, many probably with no payment. But, people reach out to the WH, they write letters, but they don't get a response. So, if making a YouTube channel and starting your own platform is not the solution, in your opinion, then what is? How do we get the good guys in the administration's attention? How do WE get into a position to help our country if it isn't through the internets?

There are patriots out here who want to offer our knowledge and skills, but how do we reach those who do the hiring/enlisting?

Thank you!

Hi, and thanks for joing us here!

How far along is the PROMIS + cybernetic predictive hypercontrol program these days?

Could you expand on your question? I don't know if she can answer this but perhaps you could introduce your point a bit better and specify your concern in detail... I know you can :)

And also her use of the word "ironic". She more frequently than not prefers to refer to most things as "unironic".

Seems like the same writing style to me... what are you saying your statement on?

What was avoided in Vegas?

There's been hints that it was supposed to be some sort of bombing/explosion/dirty nuke maybe? that would have massive casualties, possibly making 9/11 look small. The claim was that half of Vegas would be wiped off the map.

It was supposed to be a much bigger disaster. According to Meg, not a nuke, but something much bigger than the shooting, on more of a 9/11 scale.

There's a theory that an assassination was attempted on the Saudi crown prince. Meg has never confirmed that. She said there were multiple "VIPs" in Vegas that night, but she only mentioned one by name. You'll find who if you read through the posts, someone who had the power to override the airport's lockdown-during-gunfire rules and let a flight depart.

All too interesting. Remove the Saudi prince in line. Christ, it's exactly the plot of Syriana.

If this is true, I thank the US patriots who do all the work with zero recognition.

Did anyone pick up Trump's "Meadia" hint from his twitter "misspelling".

Also I believe tied to another hint he gave about "Glick" from "Lancaster"

I believe Meadia has to do with a golf course in Lancaster, PA that used to be a cemetary. And I believe Glick to be a reference to another Glick, Dan Glick who just recently joined their BOD and undertook "renovations" possible moving bodies or adding new ones?


From what I understand, a ton of pedo trafficking goes through Pennsylvania. Joe Paterno and all...

Correct, a ton does, Trump has even hinted at Pennsylvania in tweets and things before.

The Keystone state

Thanks, I have been editing, it's fixed now. Several IDs, again...

/u/IMegaHateNicknames - Would love some insight on the Atlanta Airport blackout. This "Q" is dropping crumbs and many think that Soros was extracted?

Found here

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I heard Soros is being detained at Camp David for interrogation.

Very nicely done. TY for the the updates

de nada!

McCabe today. No ankle bracelet.

He absolutely has one and it rides as high as Hillary's does, half way up the calf.

Any confirmation on reports swirling that Moore is now up over 5000 votes due to military absentee ballots coming in? Where does that situation go from here?

I'm so impatient!!! I want it to come out yesterday! I've been spreading the word, my sister's even starting to red pill her normie boyfriend, but understandably it's a big pill to swallow. It will come out McCabes' been fired, right?

Just want to say thank you. Glad you’re here and that TW is making this great compilation. (Thanks, TW!). Sixty years is a long time. I remember when JFK was shot. So many of us have known things were seriously wrong; many have tried to do some part of the repair. I truly hope you’re right, and I’m grateful for the alternative POV you and the other commenters provide. I hope you spend more time on Reddit. I can’t handle the chans- not enough crap-bandwidth to deal. 🖖

Just want to say thank you. Glad you’re here and that TW is making this great compilation. (Thanks, TW!). Sixty years is a long time. I remember when JFK was shot. So many of us have known things were seriously wrong; many have tried to do some part of the repair. I truly hope you’re right, and I’m grateful for the alternative POV you and the other commenters provide. I hope you spend more time on Reddit. I can’t handle the chans- not enough crap-bandwidth to deal. 🖖

You can see the bulge on his left calf. And btw, thank you Meg [ i know you hate it] for all the great info and Todd for keeping up with her.

LOL. No, you cannot. He's very clearly not wearing a monitor.

This conspiracy of Hillary, McCain, and McCabe and others under house arrest is the dumbest rumor of the year. It's so blatantly not true.

Someone is having a laugh, seeing how stupid a story they can get people to believe.

Why do you keep coming here just to ridicule and browbeat people for having a different opinion from you? You really need a better hobby.

Neat. None of your girl's larp is true, tho.


Megs, please tell me the WH knows about Child Protective Services and the family court kidnapping kids from their parents (I am talking Americans) and that they are working to end it...PLEASE?!

Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer tried to bring attention to it. She lost her senate seat and was later murdered (supposedly by her husband).

Please confirm that POTUS knows. Also, what can we, as citizens, do to help stop it?

🚨🚨🚨 ⏰🐰⏰

FBIanon admits that states are literally KIDNAPPING children from their parents through family court and #CPS!

WHY is the #FBI allowing this abuse?


Walks with a limp too.


Megs, please tell me the WH knows about Child Protective Services and the family court kidnapping kids from their parents (I am talking Americans) and that they are working to end it...PLEASE?!

Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer tried to bring attention to it. She lost her senate seat and was later murdered (supposedly by her husband).

Please confirm that POTUS knows. Also, what can we, as citizens, do to help stop it?

🚨🚨🚨 ⏰🐰⏰

FBIanon admits that states are literally KIDNAPPING children from their parents (Americans) through family court and #CPS!

WHY is the #FBI allowing this abuse?


Yes, they're aware there are epic issues with not only CPS but family courts, too. It also ties into trafficking and illegal immigration as well.

Yes, they're aware there are epic issues with not only CPS but family courts, too. It also ties into trafficking and illegal immigration as well.

Yes, they're aware there are epic issues with not only CPS but family courts, too. It also ties into trafficking and illegal immigration as well.

Yes, they're aware there are epic issues with not only CPS but family courts, too. It also ties into trafficking and illegal immigration as well.

Yes, they're aware there are epic issues with not only CPS but family courts, too. It also ties into trafficking and illegal immigration as well.

Sorry Todd!

Thanks Megs!

Although reports this evening are saying Alabama voter fraud claims fall flat, is that just more fake news? That isn't actually over is it?

Just like Saturn, many are unaware (or are blind to the fact) that some "churches" and places of "worship" are feeding the beast their own children. "Can't be my church...." <----Really?

Technical comment: please read the rules and don't "shout".

This happened to my son. Three kids aged 9, 4 and 2.


Megs, so many people want to help. They want to offer their knowledge and wisdom and energy, many probably with no payment. But, people reach out to the WH, they write letters, but they don't get a response. So, if making a YouTube channel and starting your own platform is not the solution, in your opinion, then what is? How do we get the good guys in the administration's attention? How do WE get into a position to help our country if it isn't through the internets?

There are patriots out here who want to offer our knowledge and skills, but how do we reach those who do the hiring/enlisting?

Thank you!

Thanks Megs!

Stay focused, stay calm, stay positive...and keep “red-pilling” as many folks as you can. Dropping a few truths and encouraging folks to do their own research will help them wake up to what’s really going on.

I know this seems like a small thing, but the ripples even one person makes can turn into waves...and everything adds to The Storm!

Stay focused, stay calm, stay positive...and keep “red-pilling” as many folks as you can. Dropping a few truths and encouraging folks to do their own research will help them wake up to what’s really going on.

I know this seems like a small thing, but the ripples even one person makes can turn into waves...and everything adds to The Storm!

Did I miss the Schumer story breaking today?

Or was that yet another larp?

Mega didn't say it was coming today, some other 4chan op said it was coming this weekend.

Mega said she's not sure when exactly it'll break, just that it will at some point.

She literally did not say this.

Just FYI, the way you frantically and very dishonestly try and convince people to pay no attention to MegaAnon is helping her credibility more than hurting it. People don't usually go to this much trouble to shoo people away from fiction they expect to fall apart on its own.

I can't help how stupid people think.

Just go away already. No one cares for your rhetoric, and no one is listening. You're not going to change anyone's mind.

Then there's no harm in my posts.

But I'll still be here, laughing at people who believe really bad larps.

And we'll be here to expose you for the liar that you are.

It does! But only when well-sourced and appropriately cited as you've all done here. It's why I have such a gripe about these social media people. If those CBTS guys on that chick Tracy's "YouTube interview" had actually followed me, "the megs they love" as heavily as they larped, they'd have remembered I didn't start posting on /pol/ until May, not March.

I know little shit like this shouldn't matter, but when people are "confirming" things to lots of other people, they should try to be right. Especially when they feel the need to do the work on their own, because the MSM is fake news, right?! It's like one big game of high school telephone on the internets because no one seems to actually want to do the work they claim they've already done.

And not for nothing, but if all of them stopped talking about me and started talking about what I'd actually posted, after reading it ALL RIGHT HERE, they'd know there are a lot of things I've unironically been "right" about. Then they can make videos, chitty chatting about that stuff.

Thanks for citing correctly, y'all!

What I don't understand is if Clinton knows she is going down, why is she still parading around and spewing her garbage to try to divide people, for example I noticed she was on that Ellen show this past week or something like that. I don't understand this.

Also, Megs (sorry about nickname), but will stuff actually come out in a way regular people (who just watch msm) will believe? If Sessions/Wray is the guy talking about it, media will just spin it like it is a political hit job.

ED is the showpiece talking head for MGM. That is why ED show was the exclusive interview for wounded LV security guard. ED is the spin doctor face where the LION roars to the common folk (sheep). That is why HRC is being showcased on ED.

If those CBTS guys on that chick Tracy's "YouTube interview" had actually followed me, "the megs they love" as heavily as they larped, they'd have remembered I didn't start posting on /pol/ until May, not March.

Jeez. I was not aware of this interview. They really claim all that. This is incredible. There are no "MegaAnon" posts to be found on /pol/ from before May 2017, neither from March nor from April. If they have them, I'd like to see them. I spent hours digging in the archives and there are no such posts.

They also claim that:

"somebody pretending to be Meganon popped up on 4chan and claimed that Q was a bunch of social media interns who had access to Trump's Twitter which is why that he could predict all this stuff"

Pretending to be MegaAnon, really? And where is the real one if this was an imposter? All the Q related posts are in the OP, all clearly labeled and easy to follow, one just clicks a link and starts reading. Why don't they do that? The timeline and development of your opinion is apparent. I even left some tl;dr next to the links so that people can easily find it.

There are forums that have taken qanon and made their own circle jerk secret mixy mouse clubs and worship each other, lmao. When MegaAnon mentioned all hell breaks loose because MegaAnon is a female human. Q seems more like a distant all knowing christ to them. Question to you uMegaHateNicknames. If q anon is a LARP or ai with ILL intent, will the jumble heads making q a goody-goody god be so biased they will spin evil into a golden calf? Reason I ask due to q talk of space x like EM is doing the NK tango on the side with Kim. Space x is so secure and secret any assumption of EM & Kim kicking heels together is pure bs. Thoughts?

You have nothing to worry about when it comes to Musk and North Korea. Musk is not a problem. Quite the opposite. I am glad there are people like Musk, doing what they're doing at the level they are doing it. It will be people and companies like Musk's in these "science" communities, who will be in the VERY FEW, with the clout and credibility to confront, question, deny and confirm what's actually right AND wrong, with "Earth" and "Space" as related to "science" and what we've been taught. That's all I'll say right now.

"Science" is a BUSINESS and it's a lucrative one, especially for our government, their contractors, vendors, budgets, projects, missions, experiments, defenses, etc.

As with politicians, we also need scientists willing to go against the grain and fund, study, confirm, etc. the truths... even if there's discrepancies in the truth. Musk will help pioneer this.

Quick question... is Obama ultimately in Trump's crosshairs, or will he be allowed to slide "for the dignity of the office"? I hope not; we've had way too much "too big to jail" in this country. The bigger they are and the more trust they held, the bigger the penalty they should suffer, in my opinion. We need this to be a lesson for the ages.

I would imagine that if Obama IS targeted, he'll be the final stroke after everyone else has been indicted, flipped and testified so there'll be no doubt in anyone's mind of Obama's guilt. Any comment?

Thanks again for all the hints. You have no idea how much it helps to know that the good guys are fighting to win back the country.

IMegaHateNicknames, It's nice to know you too are not worried about Elon Musk. The one area of worry is that Q seems to lead crumb-followers to interpret his meanings as Q is against Musk. If Q is truly anti-Musk, then that is worrisome because, as you know, there are now Q churches, almost. And if Q says: MUSK = ENEMY, then, well, there's a Commandment made for the followers: Thou shall hate Musk. Elon Musk is one of the most vocal in trying to warn about Artificial Intelligence. Most don't realize the significance of the "war" of AI and data storage. In other words, there is a significant space war going on. In 2018 there is going to be a roll out of data storage beyond the "clouds"--it will be a "cloud" in SPACE. This means if AI becomes more and more intertwined (if not reversibly already), even if humans want to "unplug" AI, remove all "Sophia" type soldiers (and soldier programs), there will still be the "brain" ALIVE and self learning in Space. And with it being solar powered, all the grids on Earth could be shut down, and the AI still is active, self learning, and capable of doing what is best for the planet. Musk is also trying to preserve the FREE WILL of humans. I know this all sounds science fiction--it is not. The neural networks running Earth are exceptionally sophisticated--we're not talking about, for example, simple face recognition, we're talking about AI having the ability to determine cells down to DNA identifiers, scent identifiers, voice recognition, things so amazing, almost terrifying. But get this. The neural network, once designed using the biological neural pathways of a simple human brain, has learned so quickly, is so fast to cull out the useless pathways and predict future ones--NO human brain CAN EVER compete. Musk is trying to find ways to KEEP humans human--and protect free will. If Q is against Musk, then Q is either evil or part of their program to program humanity. With you saying you are not against Elon Musk, I know you are thinking of children and their future and have a true heart, empathy, and you're pretty cool.

She literally did. Shoo fly.

She literally did not say this.

MegaAnon said precisely this, see the quote below. Can you even read?

"They did it because they know shit is gonna hit the literal sexual misconduct fan for Schumer after the new year, maybe a little before (like within last 1.5 weeks of Dec. we might hear/see rumblings). "

She also said this

If you have read her posts, you'd know she literally did. You're just trying to spread fake news and shill.

Yea just like the return of Jesus Christ.. lol You guys are soo gullible.

I actually take everything with a grain of salt. The only reason I take her with any amount of validity is because other things she said in the past actually happen. This doesn't mean I blindly believe everything. She's not the Q larp. However notice I never once said I'm completely positive what she says will come true, I only clarified what she actually said vs the lie thank was pushed.

Also, what do you care if anyone is gullible or not? The only reason anyone would shill so hard against someone is if they feel threatened by them.

Who pays you to shill?

While your pinning your hopes on a LARP the Republicans are literally robbing you blind. Or haven't you followed the REAL news on the supposed tax cut.

LARP's like this need to be shut down and shouted down with FACTS.

Too late Skippy, you and your fellow demoncraps robbed us long ago. Are you Chuckie or Nancy? Either way be ready.... prison is coming for your treason, sedition and pedophilia. Remember loser, we have six ways to Sunday.

"Shouted down with facts" Get the fuck outta here Antifa fagott. Only soy boys afraid of the truth feel the need to shout people down with their progressive bullshit.

Facts? I have yet to see you show any solid facts... Please by all means, give us something to prove wrong.

Maybe you're the larp, Skippy.

Looking at your post history it looks like you have a weird obsession with ayys, the occult and bashing anything Trump related.

John is that you? Podesta?

If it's not you, you sure do have similar interests. Do you like "cheese pizza" too?

"I'm not saying it's coming tomorrow or this week, but it's coming.."

What part of this could you not understand?

This is classic. You'll still be whipping this out a year from now.

It's coming soon, gaiz!!!!! Mega said so!!!!

Nah, I'll give it a 3 month statute of limitations personally that like BIFF from Back to the Future :) ?


Megs, who is the grey haired guy that hangs with McCabe? He is seen in a pic sitting next to Lisa Page and I think he was maybe walking with McCabe at the hearing the other day. Someone did a side by side of him and the circulating pic of Strzok and it looks like it could be an age progressed Strzok. Is that Stzok hanging with McCabe?

Also, who is "Roger" in the Palpatine chat?


Megs, search #MegaAnon on Twitter, I'll post the side by side pic there.

Just looked at it again. Thanks for the link. Look at the ear, see the curvature? Do you think it is the same guy? If so, look at the video of McCabe walking for his meeting the other day. It looks like the same guy with him. What do you think? The fact he's sitting next to Page in that pic makes it even more suspicious.

Who is that guy?!

Nah, Dailymail found Strzok, he's not that old. Not sure who that guy is

Maybe Baker is Roger on Palpatine's Revenge?

/u/IMegaHateNicknames am I getting warmer?

My guess on the Atlanta airport Hartfield-Jackson: It was/is/still may be a depository of "classified info. Some of which "I'm guessing" may be related to their crimes of murdering the Kennedy brothers, & Dr. MLK; as they were working on civil rights together, that was brought back to IAD (Dulles Int'l Airport) for review & "possible" release under the FOIA. Also I believe (IMO) that it was 1 or both Podesta brothers caught trying to leave the airport (in private plane), probably with a whole bunch of these currently "CLASSIFIED" documents. The power outage was an arranged thing to steal something (stored) at the airport?

Reading the q interpretations is alarming. Some want darkness with the shut off of electricity, you know, to "drain the swamp" they appear to suggest that martial law (which would occur if no electricity) is for the good and a "GO!". Um? Really? And no one, to this day, knows exactly what the intent of q is. Not one. No one. A red flag in all this is the clear pitchforks and torches mentality the interpretative (ahem) group (MOST) have toward Elon Musk. Elon Musk the ONLY one who has publicly voiced his serious concern of artificial intelligence being a released demon...even if in the right hands. AI is self learning and in survivor mode, is there anyone out there foolish enough to believe for one minute that AI would save human beings over Planet Earth if Earth would benefit if less humans were around? Too much to grasp for some, perhaps. But q is the savior, the one who will charge the martial law soldiers across the Delaware, as if Washington was not a freemason, after all. Think about it. I mean really, for the sake of firing neurons, think about it. Why would q be so anti Musk? Against one of the most vocal opponents of AI being let loose? Is q good? Is q bad? Does q want people to 'fahget about it' and bestow TRUST their clue sniffing serfs as shepherds to the promise land? Another thing. Have you noticed how the puzzle pieces are fit in after there is a way to squeeze them into some dogma of truth to make q right? Like take the number 2 for example. Everything and everyone that may have some number 2 affiliated with them, even if insignificant, can fit in after q perhaps enters the number 2. That goes to a dog pooping on the WH lawn to second choice on a football team, to second in line to the President, to the second on the donation list given to any "cause". Who or what is q? No one knows. But everyone knows q is anti Elon Musk. Why? Red flag, people. Think about it. You want martial law to drain the swamp? How do you know you're not considered part of that swamp? Oh, I know...because q told you...

Mega said q was a few people spreading misinformation mixed with a few real nuggets. Its a distraction and an attempt to discredit.

What's a distraction and discredit what, specifically?

I don't know about any of this, but my impression is that those who would fear an all-knowing AI the most are those who have done criminal or horrific things that could catch up with them if all data was glued together.

It all makes me question Musk even more. Methinks the lady doth protest too much.

You are right, you don't know "any of this". And in not knowing, how in the world (in any world) can you possibly "question Musk even more"??? I didn't mention MegaAnon, so no reason for your comment about protesting. Unless you're speaking of "q"? Methinks you need to study up on AI...

If Elon cared so much about this planet, he'd be building a space elevator, not trying to escape it. He is a distraction at best.

Wonder why he's so afraid of an all-knowing AI.....

u/LastYearItWas raised several interesting points, such as "Who or what is q?"... but I also want a space elevator.

George Washington was a freemason but not only. Not everything is what it seems.

edit: links

u/LastYearItWas raised several interesting points, such as "Who or what is q?"... but I also want a space elevator.

George Washington was a freemason but not only. Not everything is what it seems.

I've gotta know /u/IMegaHateNicknames, does Eric Schmidt stepping down have anything to do with Seth Rich?

Some of us think it might be more to do with his Hillary Collusion, and possibly in relation to the recent anti-corruption EO.

Google and Hillary have a surprising amount of ties together.

I know. That's why I wanted to ask her if it had anything to do with Seth Rich. Schmidt had direct ties to Crowdstrike, the company that claimed Russia had hacked the DNC server. The ONLY company allowed to look at it.

Yeah I found that Crowdstrike connection interesting as well.

Sure is. And now there's speculation that Assange is about to drop something big.

Not directly, nor did crowdstrike directly. Crowdstrike was brought in for spin and cover re: Seth

So, Adam Carter's detailed analysis of Guccifer 2.0/CrowdStrike at -- dead-on?

Yeah I mean, it looks ok. He even mentions Binney, so that's a good sign he's on the right track and we're probably in agreement, though I only scrolled quickly. I saved it and I'll read more today.

Yeah I mean, it looks ok. He even mentions Binney, so that's a good sign he's on the right track and we're probably in agreement, though I only scrolled quickly. I saved it and I'll read more today.

Yeah I mean, it looks ok. He even mentions Binney, so that's a good sign he's on the right track and we're probably in agreement, though I only scrolled quickly. I saved it and I'll read more today.

Yeah I mean, it looks ok. He even mentions Binney, so that's a good sign he's on the right track and we're probably in agreement, though I only scrolled quickly. I saved it and I'll read more today.

Yeah I mean, it looks ok. He even mentions Binney, so that's a good sign he's on the right track and we're probably in agreement, though I only scrolled quickly. I saved it and I'll read more today.

Yeah I mean, it looks ok. He even mentions Binney, so that's a good sign he's on the right track and we're probably in agreement, though I only scrolled quickly. I saved it and I'll read more today.

Yeah I mean, it looks ok. He even mentions Binney, so that's a good sign he's on the right track and we're probably in agreement, though I only scrolled quickly. I saved it and I'll read more today.

Looks good. Mentioned Binney too which is a good sign.

BREAKING (may be heartbreaking to some, lol): Alex Jones announces he knows who Q is. Link:

It seems Jones is inferring that Q has siphoned off of Jones' go-to-guy, Zack (who's tucked away in Morocco) because in one example Jones gives is that Zack digs up things and then Q mirrors it. Jones calls Zack the REAL Q anon.

Roseanne twittered awhile back that "Q=Bill Hicks"

I listened to the Alex Jones show - he DID NOT say he knows who Q is - he said Q is getting similar information to Zack. Alex Jones was just bitching (and trying to imply) that his reporting has included all of Q's information but Q is more popular.......


Megs, is David Wilcock’s account on Divine Cosmos a fairly accurate summation of your conversation with him? His most recent update on this was posted Christmas Day.

For what it’s worth, I’m pulling for FULL DISCLOSURE of ALL the filthy swamp dealings, exo-politics, and suppressed technologies. Humanity is far more resilient than many give it credit for—and if we’re to fully clean up this filth and prevent it from ever happening again, we’ll need to be fully transparent and honest with ourselves.

A sharp knife cits quickest and a fast band-aid pull hurts the least.

LOL MegaAnon- "First we will have to prove that the earth is not what we think it is. Elon Musk is very involved in this, and has been in contact with top people."

You fools thought she was real.

Still haven't come up with a more productive hobby than trolling a two-month-old reddit thread, huh?

She never said this. Lying and shilling again I see. Who's paying you? Soros? One of the Podesta's? Or maybe you're Skippy himself?

It's right there in the interview mentioned above.

She says a lot of ridiculous things in it. You should seek it out and feel embarrassed you ever believed her.

I never perceived her statements as ‘flat earth’ related. More along the lines of truth about space based weapons, aliens, etc....... something like that. You had to be reading the posts LOOKING for flat earth references to interpret as such.

You'd have to read my comment LOOKING for flat earth references to interpret it as such. I never said a word about that.

apologize, misunderstood.

I take that sort of thing with a grain of salt for many reasons. In the past she had denounced folks like him, even naming him in the past. She has also said this only thing official from her is what she writes on 4chan.

But, even if she did say that, it's not necessarily a statement that places her in camp crazy UFO believer. It's a vague enough statement.

Try again pumpkin.

LOL. From "LIAR! SHILL! SOROS LACKEY!!!!! PODESTA!!!!" to "Well, even if she did say it..." in the space of two posts.

It's ok, I know it's tough to accept you've been had.

But you've been had.

Your reading comprehension is quite odd. I just got through telling you that I never just take ANYONE's word for ANYTHING until something actually happens to validate it. I haven't been "had" as you say. Whether you like it or not, some of the things she's pointed to actually occurred. Until I see proof of anything else she says...I won't believe it until or unless it happens.

Why you trying so hard to shill and disparage? Kinda makes you an ass.

Megs ⬇👇

"IMegaHateNicknames • 19h You have nothing to worry about when it comes to Musk and North Korea. Musk is not a problem. Quite the opposite. I am glad there are people like Musk, doing what they're doing at the level they are doing it. It will be people and companies like Musk's in these "science" communities, who will be in the VERY FEW, with the clout and credibility to confront, question, deny and confirm what's actually right AND wrong, with "Earth" and "Space" as related to "science" and what we've been taught. That's all I'll say right now.

"Science" is a BUSINESS and it's a lucrative one, especially for our government, their contractors, vendors, budgets, projects, missions, experiments, defenses, etc.

As with politicians, we also need scientists willing to go against the grain and fund, study, confirm, etc. the truths... even if there's discrepancies in the truth. Musk will help pioneer this."

I still don't see anything in this statement that would discredit her....

Besides, Podesta believes in aliens, that doesn't mean he wasn't a government insider during all the Clinton Whitehouse and Secretary of State years.

There's nothing I wouldn't say again. The sci-fi shit isn't my thing, but I do know there's a strategy behind our push for Mars. I also know private people and corporations like Musk, have the capacity and cash outside of the swamp, to combat fake blue beams, like everyone thinks is going to happen and it's not. There's a strategy here for the admin and THAT is what I referred to. I didn't speak to flat earth. I don't even really know what the fuck that is. I also know the shit science confirms to is is t all it's cracked up to be and you'll find that out. But not via holograms, Podesta, Harry Reid or fucking Tom DeLonge. I mean, really?!

To clarify, Wilcock did call me. We did talk. I was unaware he was asking me these things to write about them like this. I believed we were having a casual conversation. He'd said he had an intel call and just wanted my take of a few things he'd heard, so I gave it. He did mention twice he was writing things down, but I assumed it was for reference.

I'm not mad or anything but had I known it was going to be written about to this extent, I'd have made sure I wasn't just rambling and instead would've slowed down to make sure the more important key things I'd linked together, were cited and referenced properly in this writing, that's all.

I'm more than willing to talk if someone has a question. I'm not hiding from anyone. That said while you brah's are busy focusing on a few blips I said about Musk/space and no blue beam Jem and the Holograms show hosted by Podesta, you're missing all the arrests now coming out thanks to leakers, proving I've been right again for months, about everyone who'd been under sealed DOJ indictments, with no deals and ankle bracelets. All under your noses.

/u/IMegaHateNicknames Thank you! I've been noticing what you've been pointing out and noticed the patterns of arrest. Shills like these guys just irritate me with their dishonesty and misrepresentation that I feel compelled to respond.

Quick question: Eric Schmidt. Tagged with a tracker? Yes? Am I right?

Worse than a bracelet for many of these people. Bracelets were for public exposure optics as to not tip off. People like Schmidt don't get bracelets. Frozen assets are the least of most of these people's problems now... and a few more every day. Where are the Saudi's? ;o)

Excellent. That very much answers my question.

I'm imagining him on a plane to Cuba atm. :-P

Interesting perspective on Musk. I don’t agree with it completely. The type of truths that we will learn about space are going to transcend anything our current science can explain, and anyone invested in that materialistic perspective on science will be in for a big shock.

How about you ask me what I think before larping like a dick all over the comments?

We know what you think, it's in the interview. Are you disavowing it now that you realize how ridiculous it makes you look?

And do you even understand what larping is?

I don't know whether "MegaAnon" is "larping" (if she is, she's amazingly good at it), but you definitely are, with how you keep pretending you have some special insight on what's happening here while totally failing to deliver anything but weak, desperate smear attempts.

So no doubt you can easily point to example of my claiming special insight and "larping"

<eye roll goes here>

Look, you've been taken in by a con artist. She likes attention and when she was asked about ufos and antarctica and so on, she spouted off as if she knew secrets about those too. Too caught up in the attention to realize it sounded ridiculous.

It's very very clear what's going on here, no special insight needed beyond a barely functioning bullshit detector.

You have no fucking idea what's going on, though; you've just been pretending you do and seizing on whatever opportunity you possibly can to try and undermine MegaAnon's credibility (for literally weeks now), transparently misrepresenting what she actually says repeatedly. It's just sad. And, FYI, counterproductive. If MegaAnon were legit, there would absolutely be trolls like you doggedly trying to dissuade anyone from paying any attention to her. That makes a lot more sense as a motive than that this is just how you get your kicks...

If you guys and your fantasy larper would stay in your containment cage, I wouldn't come inside it. But you don't. You spread her larp everywhere. McCain is wearing a monitor! So is Hillary! McCabe has been fired!

So if you're going to spread this crap, I'm going to come in here and point out how foolish you are for believing someone who also goes on about SECRET ALIEN TECHNOLOGY THAT WILL TAKE US TO MARS and BASES IN ANTARCTICA!!!!!!!

You fell for someone who wanted attention. Fine. Great. Keep it to yourselves. Make me wade through it elsewhere, though, and I'm coming back.

So if you're going to spread this crap, I'm going to come in here and point out how foolish you are for believing someone who also goes on about SECRET ALIEN TECHNOLOGY THAT WILL TAKE US TO MARS and BASES IN ANTARCTICA!!!!!!!

You're making it waaayyy too obvious that you're cherrypicking things out of context with the goal of discrediting rather than legitimately considering and weighing the facts and possibilities. Work on your subtlety.

This isn't "cherry picking."

It's someone saying completely loony things. You can't ignore that, not if you want any credibility at all.

What's loony about anything I've said? You think NASA has spent trillions on space? You think you know all there is to fundamentally and foundationally know about earth?

Please, brah... educate me. Tell me all you know about the actual global and US politics around "science" and "space". I'm begging you. Just don't tell me you're waiting for a "blue beam" show.

I'm done here. You've revealed yourself to be exactly what I thought you were.

Bye guys, enjoy your little playpen.

Haha! Technically you have, brah. Your types never do well when you're asked to appropriately cite or source the bullshit you type into a comment box. We both know you can't change or edit archives to match the shit you tried to claim I said, like "secret alien technology that will take us to Mars and bases in Antarctica", so you cower and get defensive, then eventually scoot off in a huff with some zingy one liner like, "you've revealed yourself to be exactly what I thought you were"... yet you couldn't even appropriately cite/source the information, you've ignorantly based your "thoughts" about me on.

You and those like you, are not a solution. You're a problem. You don't contribute, you contrive. You don't counter, you react. You literally made up shit you tried to say that I said (and didn't) then debated the shit you made up.

Pretending I'm the defensive one in this conversation.

Literally LOL.

That's all you got? You're cornered and you don't even have anything at all to help price your case? Pathetic.

I’ve argued with people like this on the internet for YEARS. Sorry to get partisan, but that’s exactly the shit I get from liberal democrats. Their position is typically based on emotion and some try that bullshit tactic of making up your position in their head, handing you that made up bs then trying to get you to defend it. It’s a fucking waste of time. I don’t even bother with people like that.

Wow... when you finally get the microphone and called out to offer proof of larp, your response is to shut down?

You just played all your cards. You prematurely blew your wad. This was your chance and you got nothing.... you just proved you're a shill that can't prove their talking points.


Feel free to point any future skeptics to this thread. I'll be pointing any future believers to it.

Please do. Seriously.

You've got a whole lot of shit to say for someone who isn't claiming to know a whole lot of shit. What exactly have I said that's wedged itself up your ass so tightly? What do YOU know, boss?! What do YOU specifically think is wrong with what I've said? I only claim to know the strategy and details behind. I didn't overstep myself on specifics because like I've said EVERY TIME I've been asked, the "science and space" stuff, isn't my thing. However, there IS a strategy behind this, the earth and space are NOT exactly as we've been taught or told and THAT SWAMP will drain itself as well.

You don't need to believe it. No one needs to convince (You), boss. You're a champ! You've got this all figured out, right? No one cares about (You). It's funny you'd claim I need attention, as you post 30 comments looking for attention. Try proving me wrong, how about that. Bring a fact or two. Add value to a discussion or at least validity to your arguments or you just look dumb. You're not discrediting me with your opinion, based on what you've seen from the bench, player. It only gets harder and harder to refute everything I've said since May, as the days go on. The reality is stifling for people like you. You need people like me to be wrong because you couldn't handle people like me being right. You're exactly who I feel badly for.

But alas... even YOU will see. Even if you don't want to. ;o)

Let's also keep in mind that you're human like everyone else. Even if you did believe in something wacky that didn't happen to be your area of expertise, that doesn't mean you're not clued in to the rest of it. We all believe in things that are not true -- we just don't which things they are. That's why it's important to compare notes with others and verify, verify, verify.

You've got a whole lot of shit to say for someone who isn't claiming to know a whole lot of shit. What exactly have I said that's wedged itself up your ass so tightly? What do YOU know, boss?! What do YOU specifically think is wrong with what I've said? I only claim to know the strategy and details behind. I didn't overstep myself on specifics because like I've said EVERY TIME I've been asked, the "science and space" stuff, isn't my thing. However, there IS a strategy behind this, the earth and space are NOT exactly as we've been taught or told and THAT SWAMP will drain itself as well.

You don't need to believe it. No one needs to convince (You), boss. You're a champ! You've got this all figured out, right? No one cares about (You). It's funny you'd claim I need attention, as you post 30 comments looking for attention. Try proving me wrong, how about that. Bring a fact or two. Add value to a discussion or at least validity to your arguments or you just look dumb. You're not discrediting me with your opinion, based on what you've seen from the bench, player. It only gets harder and harder to refute everything I've said since May, as the days go on. The reality is stifling for people like you. You need people like me to be wrong because you couldn't handle people like me being right. You're exactly who I feel badly for.

But alas... even YOU will see. Even if you don't want to. ;o)

You've got a whole lot of shit to say for someone who isn't claiming to know a whole lot of shit. What exactly have I said that's wedged itself up your ass so tightly? What do YOU know, boss?! What do YOU specifically think is wrong with what I've said? I only claim to know the strategy and details behind. I didn't overstep myself on specifics because like I've said EVERY TIME I've been asked, the "science and space" stuff, isn't my thing. However, there IS a strategy behind this, the earth and space are NOT exactly as we've been taught or told and THAT SWAMP will drain itself as well.

You don't need to believe it. No one needs to convince (You), boss. You're a champ! You've got this all figured out, right? No one cares about (You). It's funny you'd claim I need attention, as you post 30 comments looking for attention. Try proving me wrong, how about that. Bring a fact or two. Add value to a discussion or at least validity to your arguments or you just look dumb. You're not discrediting me with your opinion, based on what you've seen from the bench, player. It only gets harder and harder to refute everything I've said since May, as the days go on. The reality is stifling for people like you. You need people like me to be wrong because you couldn't handle people like me being right. You're exactly who I feel badly for.

But alas... even YOU will see. Even if you don't want to. ;o)

Quoting in full in case you decide to delete this later. It pretty much confirms what I thought.

You've got a whole lot of shit to say for someone who isn't claiming to know a whole lot of shit. What exactly have I said that's wedged itself up your ass so tightly? What do YOU know, boss?! What do YOU specifically think is wrong with what I've said? I only claim to know the strategy and details behind. I didn't overstep myself on specifics because like I've said EVERY TIME I've been asked, the "science and space" stuff, isn't my thing. However, there IS a strategy behind this, the earth and space are NOT exactly as we've been taught or told and THAT SWAMP will drain itself as well.

You don't need to believe it. No one needs to convince (You), boss. You're a champ! You've got this all figured out, right? No one cares about (You). It's funny you'd claim I need attention, as you post 30 comments looking for attention. Try proving me wrong, how about that. Bring a fact or two. Add value to a discussion or at least validity to your arguments or you just look dumb. You're not discrediting me with your opinion, based on what you've seen from the bench, player. It only gets harder and harder to refute everything I've said since May, as the days go on. The reality is stifling for people like you. You need people like me to be wrong because you couldn't handle people like me being right. You're exactly who I feel badly for.

But alas... even YOU will see. Even if you don't want to. ;o)

You've got a whole lot of shit to say for someone who isn't claiming to know a whole lot of shit. What exactly have I said that's wedged itself up your ass so tightly? What do YOU know, boss?! What do YOU specifically think is wrong with what I've said? I only claim to know the strategy and details behind. I didn't overstep myself on specifics because like I've said EVERY TIME I've been asked, the "science and space" stuff, isn't my thing. However, there IS a strategy behind this, the earth and space are NOT exactly as we've been taught or told and THAT SWAMP will drain itself as well.

You don't need to believe it. No one needs to convince (You), boss. You're a champ! You've got this all figured out, right? No one cares about (You). It's funny you'd claim I need attention, as you post 30 comments looking for attention. Try proving me wrong, how about that. Bring a fact or two. Add value to a discussion or at least validity to your arguments or you just look dumb. You're not discrediting me with your opinion, based on what you've seen from the bench, player. It only gets harder and harder to refute everything I've said since May, as the days go on. The reality is stifling for people like you. You need people like me to be wrong because you couldn't handle people like me being right. You're exactly who I feel badly for. For the record, I've NEVER said anything about Antarctica, alien bases, or alien technology. The new technology/train thing I had mentioned when asked, was in direct and specific response to a question the NTSB was asked in their first derailment presser and I utilized the example of the shiny new technology being proposed for the high-speed, 2+ hour train between DC and NYC. Nothing more, nothing less. If you can literally READ, you'd know this.

So you can come back and regurgitate your same blatant bullshit that everyone here could literally scroll up and read the reality of for themselves in the archives, that's fine. People like you who need attention, only further validate people like me. Your baseless, cherry picked, out of context and edited arguments only help me, don't you get it?!

One day you're going to watch NASA explain to you why they can't exactly complete the design of the MARS mission like they originally thought they could because a few new "discoveries" in their planning sessions came up. As they're reviewing those basic, fundamental, foundational "discoveries" with you, explaining why "science" was apparently "wrong" in a few very key areas, you're going to realize it NEVER ENDED with...


Because, "it never ends". So do yourself a favor and add NASA to this list and might as well add the CDC too, while you're at it. Save yourself some time.

Interesting stuff, Sister, but whos on the planes to gitmo?

Wait wait, it just gets better. I have to quote this too, in anticipation of your inevitable deletion.

For the record, I've NEVER said anything about Antarctica, alien bases, or alien technology. The new technology/train thing I had mentioned when asked, was in direct and specific response to a question the NTSB was asked in their first derailment presser and I utilized the example of the shiny new technology being proposed for the high-speed, 2+ hour train between DC and NYC. Nothing more, nothing less. If you can literally READ, you'd know this.

So you can come back and regurgitate your same blatant bullshit that everyone here could literally scroll up and read the reality of for themselves in the archives, that's fine. People like you who need attention, only further validate people like me. Your baseless, cherry picked, out of context and edited arguments only help me, don't you get it?!

One day you're going to watch NASA explain to you why they can't exactly complete the design of the MARS mission like they originally thought they could because a few new "discoveries" in their planning sessions came up. As they're reviewing those basic, fundamental, foundational "discoveries" with you, explaining why "science" was apparently "wrong" in a few very key areas, you're going to realize it NEVER ENDED with...


Because, "it never ends". So do yourself a favor and add NASA to this list and might as well add the CDC too, while you're at it. Save yourself some time.

This seems to be the "problematic" quote from Wilcock's article, attributed to you:

"Those are also the people who know there are aliens and secret bases in Antarctica."

Could you clarify what you meant?

David Wilcock wrote:

"This is not a verbatim transcript, as some of it had to be reconstructed from notes -- but it is fairly close."

Ahh... I did not say that, especially not in that context. Thank you for pointing this out. If Biff brah below had taken 3 seconds to cite this himself, we'd have saved ourselves this little back and forth of nonsense.

I'd like to be very clear about my little conversation with Wilcock. I was not under the impression I was being asked these things for an article he'd be writing so extensively about my comments on. Had I known this was the intent, I'd have ensured the thoroughness and detail of my answers wouldn't have been left to what he could catch and keep up with, while trying to write it all down, as he stated. I wouldn't have been so casual in conversation and would've slowed down to ensure the points, links and connections I was making over the phone, were clearly made in any answers he'd wanted cite and reference me on. EVERYONE who has read my posts, already knows the truth and accuracy is very important to me. In fact, it's the only reason I felt compelled to reach to Wilcock, to clarify and confirm things he was incorrect about, in the first place.

That said, I went back and reviewed what Wilcock wrote because I'm not trying to throw him under the bus as I believe his intentions are good, but the statement he wrote about this is NOT a quote I gave, verbatim. What I said was more along the lines of connecting that, it's these elites who have exploited religion, religious practices, symbolism, rituals, etc. just as they've exploited space and aliens and secret bases in Antarctica. I further stated that they do it to provoke and promote fear and power over masses, because they can and use it to control.

My overall point in specifically linking the two, was to cite FACTUAL examples of how the "elites" intentionally work to manipulate and exploit the "unknowns" (meaning intangibles and unseeables), like (but not limited to) religion and space and even the documents, studies, theories, evidence, sciences and even the scientific conclusions behind these unknowns (and have for centuries), to promote their own shared agendas for increased power, wealth and control, by further manipulating, segmenting, dividing and conquering our global societies, for their continued benefit and gain. That's where that ended with my saying "this is what's so hard for people to grasp on to".

I also made it a point to note that we're not going to get some "blue beam" type of "holographic happening", these same elitests have purposefully prompted and perpetuated many to believe would be what "alien contact" would actually look like, if alien contact is ever made. There's not going to be some laser show.

Being that this is not the first time I've said any of these same things, as I have been asked about the space/alien shit and I have said these exact same things before, I'm not sure how biff brah read this ONE admittedly misstated sentence by Wilcock and somehow got all that he did from it, assuming he's here because he's read all of my past posts, citing the exact same positions as well.

I would NEVER claim, nor have I ever claimed, to factually "know a thing or two" about space, aliens, the legitimate science of earth, etc. as related, but what I CAN confirm is that WE, as a global society, DO NOT factually know the whole story, behind a good portion of it. We ONLY KNOW what "they" have ever wanted us to know. We've only learned what THEIR, funded, sanctioned research, theologians, studies, experiments, technologies, advancements, scientists, successes and failures have taught us, based on the findings, explanations and confirmations THEY'VE "approved" and deemed "valid" for us to know. This is all also something that most of you should already recognize and "know" too, right?!

Everyone should already realize and accept the fact that an epic portion of the studies, mechanics, technologies, sciences and yes, even the scientists themselves, of everything, are predominantly recognized and comprised of those who've been deemed and revered as credible, factual, correct and valid by "THEM", for literally, hundreds of centuries. This is fact and cannot be ignored, especially if we fully intend on continuing the exposure and drain of the perpetual swamps that have continuously flooded and controlled us. I've NEVER said the earth is flat. I'm not saying that aliens do or don't exist or what Antarctica is or isn't. For all I know, it's just a huge patch of ice due South, that no one since WWII has been able to claim rights, territory or even fly over... and they all agreed on it. The space/aliens stuff isn't my gig.

All I can say, however, as related to what IS my "gig", is that there are many things we have NOT been told or taught and that's not because they haven't yet been uncovered or confirmed.

For instance, there are many within the current admin., prior admins., in DC, the military, etc. who absolutely agree that while certain aspects of things like "global warming" may exist, thdy also agree that it's wasteful to aimlessly and ignorantly dump hundreds of billions of tax payer dollars every year, into exorbitant, federally sanctioned EPA mandates and regulations, UN sanctioned global warming coalitions and Paris-sponsored climate accords, as they're invalid AND useless, until we can openly learn and transparently, independently and bipartisanly, discuss, research, experiment, study, etc. without agenda funded, driven and manipulated interference or influence.

It's THIS strategy that's being used to hold NASA's feet to their own fire, by jamming unexpected and accelerated Mars and Moon initiatives and missions. NASA will no longer be enabled, exploited and played like a pawn, wasting tax payer funding like a sketchy shell corp. federal dump bucket that no one is held accountable and responsible for. NASA will no longer be utilized as a black listed, backdoored business, governmentally enabled to operate under the table and out of sight, on be half of those pulling the strings who've benefitted, profited and gained from the underhanded manipulation and control of it. The same will be said for things like the CDC.

It's ironic that no one found Trump's awkward timing of such public proclamations towards the speedy design, development and deployment of a "mission to Mars", more interesting...

this is NOT a quote I gave, verbatim. What I said was more along the lines of connecting that, it's these elites who have exploited religion, religious practices, symbolism, rituals, etc. just as they've exploited space and aliens and secret bases in Antarctica. I further stated that they do it to provoke and promote fear and power over masses, because they can and use it to control.

Thanks for you reply. I hoped to hear something along these lines and I'm glad you clarified this "quote". I would have never started collecting your posts if I ever saw you referring, or hinting to some aliens visiting the Earth, or some such. This was one of the legitimacy criteria for me, personally.

It's ironic that no one found Trump's awkward timing of such public proclamations towards the speedy design, development and deployment of a "mission to Mars", more interesting...

So I'm not sure I follow what you've been insinuating here.

But I'm gathering that Trump having them do a "mission to Mars" will ultimately expose that they don't have the capability to do jack shit, let alone such a massive mission?

Because they've been busy rigging bad science for political purposes instead?

Great comment BTW, as always.

I was thinking defense black-box of-money myself, faking weather data is easy when you have all of academia on your side.

The Mars question should be pretty straightforward. I don't know what their current plan looks like (if they have one), but I'm familiar with Zubrin's Mars Direct plan, which must be nearly 20 years old now. It uses technology that was already nothing special then. The Mars Society has been testing the habitation concepts in Mars-type weather up in the tundra somewhere.'s also based on the assumption that Apollo went to the moon the way we've been told. Or more broadly, that NASA has really been doing the things they've claimed they've been doing in space all these years. If it's all true, then Mars is no problem. We can have people there in less than a decade, on a portion of NASA's current budget.

If we can't go to Mars, then they've been lying to us about some pretty big things. That's why it's important that Trump made it a specific goal, even if he didn't go quite to JFK levels. If it remained just an item on NASA's wish list, they could keep putting it off and claim they're just working on making the trip safer, or say they can't afford it. With the president making it a national goal, they will have to put Americans on Mars, or explain why they can't.

I think a lot of individuals are underwhelmed by this all and require a happening because of how mundane and frustrating life has been for us in the western world and elsewhere.

I think people truly expected this golden age to rain down upon us, and Trump would shake hands with the head of the alien galactic federation on live TV, and Clinton would be ushered away in a squad car and we could turn and laugh at all the liberal cucks, and technologies would take away our life's issues. And it would be this public triumphant moment for everyone that has been waited on for decades.

People truly get disappointed when terrible "happenings" don't come to fruition because that's how fed up they are with their lives. All of this swamp draining has happened behind closed doors, or hidden away from the general public, so no has had a "I told you so moment", and everyone goes back to their shit jobs and their shitty Walmart food, and monotonous lives.

When I think of a golden era, I think of people with full access to education and comfortable lifestyles, mundane tasks left to automated machinery, and the only objectives for human life are learning, sharing and creating.

But it's unrealistic to think these things would happen overnight, and that the swamp draining would be a big hoorah.

We should be happy and grateful we received the bread crumbs we did, and we're in the know how in the first place. As bittersweet as this all is, just remember this is the beginning of good things to come.

might as well add the CDC too

Oooh, now this is a hot topic here!

So if you were to have children (maybe you already do), which, if any, vaccines would you opt to use?


Do you know anything about all these unidentified flights to Cuba that are dropping to 8k to 6k feet and then dropping off radar? Flights from all over the place. Is this Gitmo detainees?

Is this a good happening?

Yes and yes.

You're awesome. :-D

Thank you so much for everything. I have not stopped reading all your posts and researching as much as I can. Makes me happy! You rock!

Megs, Do you reckon Trump really thinks climate change is a hoax? As someone who cares a lot about conservation, I'm having a hard time staying positive about him and his cabinet. Maybe MSM is spinning it that way, maybe environmentalists and 'Republicans' will just never see eye-to-eye on this. Curious if you had a take. Thanks.

I'm so not Megs, but thought I'd chime in. There's no doubt climate change is real. The doubtful part is as to why it's happening. I'm not very well versed in this stuff, but in one of Joe Rogan's podcasts he had Randall Carlson on and he touched on this a bit. Very fascinating stuff and opened my eyes a bit. And if you have time and find any of this stuff as fascinating as I do, his podcasts with Russel Carson and Graham Hancock are brilliant!

Thanks for sharing. Yeah, climate change, or anthropogenic climate disruption, is real. The rest of the world agrees on this simple point.. everyone except for American conservatives. Which is why I'm digging for some small reason to be hopeful with this administration, I want to leave my now-6 year old son a planet that's actually inhabitable.

In a previous post regarding Musk, Megs talks about how "'Science' is a BUSINESS". Yes it is, with regards to funding and profit and it certainly can be misinterpreted and misused to promote an agenda. But the core of science, the peer review process, the scientific method, is pure. It's the reason we enjoy a technologically advanced society. The science is clear about many things regarding climate change, others not so much. I want so badly to believe that this admin is going to take appropriate actions on these matters, but guys like Pruitt and Zinke don't inspire much confidence.

Did you view those 2 videos?

Yeah I did. Randall Carlson, while many of his ideas are fascinating, even some of the more 'out there' ideas like sacred geometry or atlantis, is not a scientist. He has a background in architecture, not geology. That isn't necessarily a problem, but it's hard to speak with credibility when you don't publish your papers for peer review, or when you call yourself a 'geomythologist'. He states that "I do not consider the present warming of the climate to be an anomaly", which puts him completely at odds with the scientific community on this issue. I don't dispute that politics and money have an influence on the debate, and I agree with him that there are more factors than just CO2 at play here, but there needs to be a shit ton more research and data backing up some of his claims for them to be considered legitimate.

I feel similarly about Graham Hancock, another pseudoscientist, who again has some interesting ideas but not enough data and peer review. All in all, I think both of these guys are smart, have good intentions, and are adept at JAQing off

At this point, I doubt you'll feel comfortable with President Trump and his admin because of your feelings on this issue. Maybe time will change that when some things are revealed.

well, maybe you're right. that's why i was trying to get megs take. its one topic she hasn't spoken about. guess i'll keep waiting.

Megs, Do you reckon Trump

Reminder that anyone trying to talk to MegaAnon should either reply to one of her posts, or mention her username like this: u/IMegaHateNicknames, so that she gets notified.


Does anyone ever question why Obama follows so many odd private accounts on Twitter? You ever notice that Todd Whiskey?

Climate change is real, the solutions are the hoax.

If you want your child to have a bright future, help get rid of the globalists and unleash the private sector that’s already making innovations and exceeding government imposed emissions deadlines on a daily basis.

maybe that's what it takes

I'm curious if the globalists are hiding free energy from us. There's so much being hidden from us. We're living in a world of lies & disinfo

I’d be lying if I said anything surprised me anymore.

I haven’t heard anything about Thorium nuclear reactor research in a while. Supposedly they can’t melt down like traditional uranium reactors and they can even use up old nuclear waste as fuel. I don’t even think the fuel can be weaponized, either.

It doesn’t even have to be US lead, but imagine if the U.N. spearheaded a global Manhattan Project to develop the tech and introduce it across the developing world. Safer, cheap, efficient electricity without any carbon emissions. How many billions of humans could be uplifted out of poverty and squalor while bypassing their own nation’s industrialization?

While they probably do hide stuff, they do just as much damage by not developing further what we do have.

How many billions of humans could be uplifted out of poverty and squalor while bypassing their own nation’s industrialization?

I've been thinking about places in the world who live in dire conditions. No electricity and so on. I'm skeptical of the UN. It wouldn't surprise me if they're just more globalist puppets.

You should be skeptical.

One of the biggest lies that this system runs on is the idea that there is any need for scarcity. We only invest in scarcity technologies. If any tech exists that would create free energy, you can bet it’s hidden from us.

yeah, we've been conditioned to accept that there isn't enough.

If you want to understand the climate change war, just follow the money. Who will gain from the latest and greatest?

The ebb and flow of the climate is Gaia ... just watch the videos on geological conditions of thousands of years past and you will see this is not anything new. Read John Casey’s book “Cold Sun”. Bottom line - don’t fall for the lame stream media’s version of climate change- make the effort to do your own research.


just watch the videos on geological conditions of thousands of years past and you will see this is not anything new.

That's not entirely accurate.

Geological history is indeed very important context. But what's currently happening is quite different from what happened in the past -- although connected to it in ways that are very important to understand. You really need to look at the hundreds-of-millions-of-years scale, though, not thousands of years, to get a real picture of the evolution of the carbon cycle.

Over geological history, large amounts of carbon dioxide were removed from the atmosphere via burial of organic material. For example, in the Devonian/Carboniferous, trees first evolved and spread across vast equatorial swamps, which greatly increased the amount of terrestrial biomass, and drew huge amounts of carbon out of the atmosphere and into the biosphere. But the broader ecosystem had not yet caught up and lacked microbes, fungi, etc. able to break down dead trees efficiently, so vast amounts of biomass were buried and became coal and other hydrocarbons. This abnormally large-scale removal of atmospheric carbon led to the Karoo Ice Age.

Although various different natural phenomena have increased and decreased the greenhouse effect throughout prehistory, what's happening now to the Earth's carbon budget is without precedent. Humans are effectively reversing the carbon burial process and putting huge amounts of carbon accumulated over hundreds of millions of years back in the atmosphere extraordinarily rapidly in geological terms.

The system has wobbled back and forth between dominance of carbon emission and carbon burial, but we're throwing a wrench in that balancing act by reversing a large component of the burial aspect of the budget -- while we're also acting to reduce total terrestrial biomass via deforestation, and acidifying the oceans, which reduces their capacity to store and bury carbon as calcium carbonate, both of which further compound the problem. That has not happened before. The biosphere will likely be able to evolve to compensate for this scale of carbon emission sooner or later, like it ultimately evolved to compensate for the unprecedented scale of carbon removal of Devonian/Carboniferous forests, but that compensation will occur at the millions-of-years scale, not within human lifetimes. Unfortunately, it's magical thinking to presume that everything we do is irrelevant to the climate system and that everything will just sort itself out for the best without us worrying about it.

Dancing Turtle, Thank you for your response...

however, I disagree with your belief that we are the problem... there are plenty of articles out there supporting my belief - the following is just one of many:

Moreover, it is my understanding that one of the reasons that scientist / university professors are supporting the climate change paradigm is because they want their research to be funded - which is why I said follow the money.


Moreover, it is my understanding / belief one of the reasons that scientist / university professors are supporting the climate change paradigm is because they want their research to be funded - which is why I said follow the money.

I see this a lot, but it boggles my mind every time. Although I guess I have to cut people slack for not having the same experience I do with academia in the earth sciences.

In my experience, following the money leads in a very different direction than the one you imply. My undergraduate degree is in geology. Because of some one-on-one training I got with one of my professors who used to be a consultant in the oil industry, I was offered a job working for one of her old trainees upon graduation, with a $100k starting salary for the same kind of oil-industry consulting, serving companies like ExxonMobil and BP operating in the Gulf of Mexico. However, I had my heart set on doing academic research, and had already been accepted to my dream graduate program, so I went with that instead, despite it paying less the one-fifth as much (the decision stung, though, and still kind of haunts me).

Many of my fellow grad students in earth sciences studied climate science, and many studied oil and gas. I bet you can guess which ones are making the big bucks now.

Most recently, a good friend of mine finished her PhD on Arctic paleoclimatology, and can't find a job in the field. She's taking short-term temporary teaching gigs for now, but might have to leave academia if she doesn't secure a longer-term job soon. They're thin on the ground, though -- not her fault, her CV is phenomenal. Meanwhile, even though the oil industry isn't booming right now, my friends who followed that path instead have secure, well-paying jobs in their field of study. A couple have privately voiced their internal conflict over working in the industry most driving climate change, but they compartmentalize it and do what they have to do.

Following the money takes you to the hydrocarbon industry and their very strong interest in protecting their profit margins -- not to scientists seeking grant money. Many people have gotten rich serving the interests of Big Oil. Very few have ever gotten rich researching its impacts on the climate.

I'm glad you're looking at both sides -- we should all do that about everything -- but I hope you'll consider the fact that there's a much stronger financial incentive to spread doubt about the science of climate change than there is to establish its validity. The incentive for establishing its validity is because the stakes for humanity are very very high if it's true. I don't know a single climate scientist who doesn't wish it wasn't true, because they are invariably frustrated, depressed, and fucking terrified based on their Cassandra-like understanding of what's likely to happen and their inability to stop it.

Governments have outspent the oil industry between 15-1 and 30-1, depending on which stat you believe is accurate. One stat I recently saw was governments have spent on the order of 35 BILLION to prove AGW, whereas Exxon allegedly spent 2 billion to counter it.

Saying that anthropogenic CO2 is irrelevant is a misstatement. The real questions are...

  1. Are we warming the planet?

  2. If so, by how much?

  3. Is it a problem?

As of right now, the answers are

  1. Maybe slightly
  2. Not enough to create the problems they claim
  3. Therefore, no

Not a hoax. Just not based on facts. It's been spun to create a money pit slush fund and tighten the red tape and financial strap on EPA legislated mandates/regulations.

Trust me, when you realize "global warming" was a hoax in the ways it's been presented, and who brokered and profited off all those tax dollars, regulations, corporate funds/penalties, you'll note it was all done to further control your money via metered services and hinder the REAL clean energy studies, generation and progress we could've made over the last 60+ years. It's been exploited like space and healthcare to control you, limit you, financially burden you and increase your dependency on their system, while they reaped the benefits.

Thanks for the reply. Not surprising, really, it's just another multi-billion dollar industry. Hope this can get put back on the right track someday.

I recommend that you check out the work of Henrik Svensmark (Henrik Svensmark is a physicist and professor in the Division of Solar System Physics at the Danish National Space Institute in Copenhagen. He is known for his theory on the effects of cosmic rays on cloud formation as an indirect cause of global warming. He detailed his work in the book The Chilling Stars as well as the film The Cloud Mystery, available on YouTube) as well as some of the people looking into solar based theories on global climate change, Adapt2030 does a good job of being evidence based in this regard.

thanks, a great doc! here's the link

These hypotheses have actually been explored by scientists in quite some depth. Cosmic and solar phenomena absolutely do influence the global climate. But it's important to keep in mind that alternative explanations for climate change are testable hypotheses based on observable phenomena. Observed cosmic radiation and solar irradiance indeed seem to explain some small-scale climate fluctuations, and potentially some past variability in geological history, do not predict or explain the current decade-scale warming trend, whereas greenhouse gas emissions do.

The climate system is very complex and influenced by a wide variety of factors. But the existence of factors in addition to greenhouse gases is often used to hand-wave away one of the most important factors, and the one with the strongest correlation with the current rising trend. It would be bad science to ignore the influence of cosmic/solar phenomena instead of exploring them in depth, but it's similarly bad science to ignore anthropogenic factors instead.

This sounds about right. The core science on climate change is very solid. I have the scientific training and familiarity with the research to say that with absolute confidence. But the policy approaches are all over the map and quite blatantly leverage people's support based on that science to promote policies for which the science is much more ambiguous or even contradictory.

For one vivid example, the fact that Democrats pay lip service to tackling climate change while pushing hydraulic fracturing, which releases huge amounts of methane, a much more potent greenhouse gas than CO2, into the atmosphere during production -- while talking almost exclusively about CO2 emissions and how natural gas produces less of it than oil when burned -- tells you pretty much all you need to know about how concerned Trump's political opposition really is about climate change. They largely just shift the focus and the burden to the individual consumer and guilt-trip the public into behaving how they want them to, while glossing over the much more significant contributions to GHG emissions their corporate donors are responsible for, and misrepresenting what's actually going on at a larger scale. So we can feel good about using reusable grocery bags and whatnot while the real global-scale players play by completely different rules that have little to do with those values and render our best efforts utterly negligible.

Like basically everything else in the US, it's a political tool used and abused by the elite for their own purposes, which is especially reckless in this case because climate change a legitimately important problem that needs clear-eyed, evidence-based solutions, not the same old corrupt bullshit. And the corrupt bullshit is then undermining the credibility of the legitimate and very important science. It's beyond depressing... I really hope you're right that the corruption will be rooted out and resolved. My genuine concern is that the critically important scientific issue underneath could be obscured by the scandal and breed further complacency, though. That would be pretty consistent with the general Republican platform that does't even bother paying lip service to climate science and sustainable development.

(Thanks for asking about this, /u/madhya462!)

You're welcome. I also have a science background and this issue is #1 on my list of things I think need to be prioritized. It's frustrating, almost laughable, to see the political approaches both sides have taken thus far. Will we even know who has the blood on their hands when we start to lose people? Where to direct the outrage?

Meanwhile, I've got my own god damn set of reusable grocery bags. We need scientists in politics.

Sorry, the core science on global warming is NOT solid. The core science states that CO2 increase from anthropogenic sources will increase the global average temperatures, which will cause “feedbacks” in the climate system which will then cause more warming, which will THEN cause problems like polar ice melt and rising seas (in addition to other alleged problems). There are two problems with this...

  1. Warming from CO2 is logarithmic. After a certain point, which we were already past before the industrial revolution, the additional CO2 adds a diminishing amount of warming

  1. The necessary feedbacks in the climate system are not only failing to occur, the assumptions about positive feedbacks and climate sensitivity (the feedbacks dovetail with climate sensitivity) is proving to be much lower than the warmsists have claimed

With Jones being declared the "winner" in AL, did the voter fraud stuff turn up nothing or is there still more to come?

Tracy Beanz just did a video on this a couple hours ago. Apparently Judge Moore has filed a lawsuit about the election. You should watch the video as I’m not well versed on terms and verbiage used.

Suit dismissed. In spite of three affidavits from election fraud experts testifying to a high probability of election fraud in 20 districts in Jefferson county alone. One expert the odds of the results in those districts being 'natural' at 1 in 15 Billion.

Still more to come. The left is trying to slam him through which you should've expected. They're delaying his investigations and so he formally filed his appeal. Confirming Jones means nothing. I even said it's better if he won. Makes it all look worse when he gets confirmed, seated and then it's proven you just literally watched "them" seat a god damn senator via election rigging and fraud, no?! I don't know about y'all but I live for this shit!! It's like my super bowl. I love getting the get. I love watching them implode on themselves, just like the Mueller investigation. You are literally watching them trying to slam in Jones using the SAME campaign/field TACTICS they tried to use for Hillary on Bernie... until they got caught!

Sometimes it's about the bigger picture, y'all. Be patient. Imagine how they'll even attempt to explain this. "It never ends", right?! Know what a complete cluster guck 2018 is going to look like knowing they've literally and successfully RIGGED elections, just like Moore/Jones, just like they TRIED with Hillary?! Do you see where this is going?!

Thanks for responding. I hope it starts happening sooner than later. I hope more and more starts to trickle out that the media can't ignore, because we need the general public to start (people who just watch msm) realizing all of this.

Ok, but Hillary got the nomination. We can say she got "caught" cheating Bernie, but it didn't matter in the end. If Jones gets "caught" to that same extent, where some of us know it and the masses never do, it's meaningless.

I understand waiting until the election was over, to let them fully commit themselves and commit the full range of crimes possible. That's done now. I don't see much advantage in waiting longer. They gain some additional minor embarassment for the Dems, maybe. But in the meantime Moore is being portrayed as a sore loser, even scorned by one of his own voters in the election commissioner. The longer this drags out, the more damage done to him that's not going to magically go away when (if) they finally reveal the fraud and get the election overturned.

Is the idea of term limits a realistic possibility? The topic seems to have been dropped completely. After next year's Congressional turnover, do you think the new class will be likely to address this? I think it would go a long way toward preventing this kind of thing from happening again.

Then probably not much of a stretch to imagine there are plans set to objectively establish climate change causes.

Remember when we backed out of PRis Accord, but said we'd be more than happy to come back to the table and reevaluate the studies then renegotiate, if everyone else was willing to just do the same?!

This was on purpose. We're no longer in the business of funding solutions to problems decided by the very same bogus studies/research funded by the same companies, organizations, nations, vendors and contractors who ultimately profit off the bullshit they cherry pick to validate.

No one is saying global warming, climate change, etc. aren't "things". They very well could be, BUT, they're certainly NOT in the way we've been told and sold, via they're false propaganda, while we waste billions in tax dollars that pad their pockets, rather than actually improve or save the world.

*paris accord

PR accord worked for me...

Fighting climate change using taxpayer money is like jousting with a windmill. Climate has and always will be changing. It is part of a natural cycle involving things much larger than us. We may have a small influence on it, but when compared to the impact of the sun, oceans, volcanic activity, etc., our human impact is minuscule. We can never stop climate change, so why keep throwing trillions of dollars at this naturally-occurring cycle. Thanks for all that you do, /u/IMegaHateNicknames !

The issue isn't trying to stop the climate from changing, that has NEVER been the goal. Yeah, it's a naturally occuring cycle. But there is clearly a correlation between human activity, the rate of increase of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere, and the rate of increase of global temperature average. Human contribution of GHG emissions into the atmosphere is not part of the 'naturally-occurring' cycle. This is what I want to see our taxpayer moneys going towards-- mitigating the negative impacts that we actually can control. We can't control the sun, the oceans, the volcanos. We can control the way we generate power. It's not like we don't have the technology for clean energy, it just takes capital and political will to shift there. I'm not sure who's arguing for trying to prevent the climate from changing, but I agree--that's dumb.

My argument is that this is agenda-driven. Data can be and is manipulated by people who want their side of the argument to look good. That is NOT science. You state that there is clearly a correlation between human activity, the rate of increase of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere, and the rate of increase of global temperature average. I can and have found research that shows much higher temperatures thousands of years ago with much lower CO2 concentrations. Global warming advocates often use a small sample size of the last 100-200 years to push their point. It comes down to you believing that humans have a huge impact while I do not. I am fine with agreeing to disagree.

Global Warming Models are Wrong Again Harvard Physicist: “Climate Science In Serious Trouble”…”Really Dirty People Doing Bad Stuff”

we will need to agree to disagree. fine with me too. Do you think we should continue on our present course with regards to our energy infrastructure and fossil fuel consumption, or should we invest in something cleaner, more sustainable? I think that's worthy of taxpayer dollars on the face of it, regardless of agenda-driven climate change data.

Hmmm..I'll be watching this with great interest..

Thank you!!

ToddWhiskey - that you for putting this together ... you rock!

MegaAnon... thank you for what you are doing for the good of the cause ... you stated in your posting today, relative to the fed reserve, there would be no collapse and the debt renegotiated...

what debt does this refer to ? Does this deal with the derivatives as well? Are you aware of any compensation/ payback to those who were caught in the mortgage scandal etc?

Thanks... GR2018

ToddWhiskey - thank you for putting this together

You are welcome. I came to reddit to debate a space elevator, stayed to discuss some other, seemingly unrelated topics, and learned a lot from other people during that time. So... I'm just paying it forward, with this post.

I have missed these. Thanks!


You are welcome. (I was notified of your comment only now, probably due to one week quarantine imposed on new users in this subreddit).

I don't pretend to know all the ins and outs of 4chan, but here's what I do. Go to (it's a site that stores all 4chan threads before they are deleted) and type "y'all" in the search box. Scroll through the list and you can figure out Meg's posts if you've been reading them long enough.

Then just click on the post number in the top row to go to that thread.

Thank you! That is very helpful advice.

Nope! Not taken wrong at all! In fact, thank you! I didn't want anyone to care who I was. It's why I posted on /pol/ like every other anon. ;o)

Thank you, patriot! So grateful for you.


Ohhhh man... u/IMegaHateNicknames - I totally forgot to ask you in my original post - Is Binney going to meet with Wray or McMaster, or both?

/u/IMegaHateNicknames Hi Megs - love your work you make my work day 1000x better you have no idea. Hear anything about these weiner e-mails getting released via Judicial Watch? Something to get excited about?

Not sure. It's a really small file set in comparison to all the info obtained so could be a random or safe set the decided to release to shut everyone up with.

Hope it's good. Fitton deserves it, he works hard!

Yes he does. Fitton is awesome!

OK /u/IMegaHateNicknames, been lurking/following/researching since summer. You encourage healthy skepticism, so:

italics>Consider that TPTB first choice for president was the vetted Madame Clinton as wholly owned subsidary and one of theirs and that Trump is a second choice, controlled and controllable. This means that whIch ever candidate siezed the brass ring TPTB felt their control and power sturcture unchallenged. However, the facade of democracy must be maintained in order for TPTB to exercise that power and to keep the population within this illusion. Trump was elected on a populous anti 'deep state' platform and to keep this shtick of draining swamps his supporters must be kept believing in this meme to keep the democratic facade in place. What better way to achieve this goal than controlled opposition with the mounting fake accusations and investigations that go no where but do keep the swamo draining narrative alive even as the President, the executive branch and both houses legislate every request the 'deep state' desires. Of course at some point the public will view actions as being infinitely more substantial than words and a totally new marketing campaign will be required for TPTB to manipulate the growing misbelieving public to reinvest in the political theater. Last time around it was the 'hope and change' meme, that once invested in by the voter kept them in the game for two terms. This time it is 'MAGA' and the draining of swamps, which is more costly requiring the use of scarificial lambs, to keep the populous enthralled, hopefully for another two terms. TPTB are hoping that they can shut down American society over the two Trump presidential terms and will likely use this fact in the next election cycle under a 'restore the constitution' marketing campaign to keep the population and the democracy illusion in play.

This sounds eerily similar to what is happening now . . .

OK /u/IMegaHateNicknames, I've been lurking/researching/checking since last summer. You encourage healthy skepticisim, so:

Consider that TPTB first choice for president was the vetted Madame Clinton as wholly owned subsidary and one of theirs and that Trump is a second choice, controlled and controllable. This means that whIch ever candidate siezed the brass ring TPTB felt their control and power sturcture unchallenged. However, the facade of democracy must be maintained in order for TPTB to exercise that power and to keep the population within this illusion. Trump was elected on a populous anti 'deep state' platform and to keep this shtick of draining swamps his supporters must be kept believing in this meme to keep the democratic facade in place. What better way to achieve this goal than controlled opposition with the mounting fake accusations and investigations that go no where but do keep the swamo draining narrative alive even as the President, the executive branch and both houses legislate every request the 'deep state' desires. Of course at some point the public will view actions as being infinitely more substantial than words and a totally new marketing campaign will be required for TPTB to manipulate the growing misbelieving public to reinvest in the political theater. Last time around it was the 'hope and change' meme, that once invested in by the voter kept them in the game for two terms. This time it is 'MAGA' and the draining of swamps, which is more costly requiring the use of scarificial lambs, to keep the populous enthralled, hopefully for another two terms. TPTB are hoping that they can shut down American society over the two Trump presidential terms and will likely use this fact in the next election cycle under a 'restore the constitution' marketing campaign to keep the population and the democracy illusion in play.

This sounds eerily similar to what is happening now . . .

Keep in mind that Mega is a proven larper who explodes in schizophrenic rage if you dare challenge her posts.

Keep in mind that Mega is a proven larper

Well she isn't, and you are certainly aware that more often than not she does respond to interesting, well formulated questions based on clearly articulated concerns (Arithtoddle's comment falls into this category, IMO, even though it only counts with "TPTB" vs. the people, and nobody else) so I'd like to say that I'm also looking forward to IMegaHateNicknames's reply!

Keep in mind that Mega is a proven larper

Well she isn't, and you are certainly aware that more often than not she does respond to interesting, well formulated questions based on clearly articulated concerns (u/Arithtoddle's comment falls into this category, IMO, even though it only counts with "TPTB" vs. the people, and nobody else) so I'd like to say that I'm also looking forward to u/IMegaHateNicknames's reply!

She claims United States citizens have been taken to a place that is explicitly extrajudicial.

We're gonna need some hard, hard evidence on that one.

Lacking that evidence, I put her about a half-step above the people saying Queen Elizabeth is a reptile.

Just like the GEICO commercial states, "that's not how any of this works." Let it play out, and then substantiate/refute. Whether or not someone has a pic of Soros boarding a Herc/charter doesn't change anything. Apply more ointment to your itch, and trust that meta-analysis is better in the long run than busting your nut right now.

WHAT?! More on this?

It's beautiful, isn't it?! That's a really accurate doc, BTW. Good job to whichever anon did that!

This is all fascinating, but I'm especially intrigued by that one flight from La Romana to Gitmo. Someone try and slip away beyond US jurisdiction and fail? There has to be a good story there. I wonder if we'll ever get to hear it...

Yes, there are often flights to and from Guantanamo Bay. Some of them are even on a regular schedule. We'd need to see evidence that there was something unusual about these flights, and that evidence has not been presented.

Ok, I'm going to forget about the ridiculousness of your Queen comment for a second and answer this with another question. What evidence is "lacking"?! This is literally one of the most MSM covered areas you could easily put together yourself, but I guess I'll do it for you.

  1. If by "extrajudicial", you're implying "illegal", then please, go read 2014's last revision of the NDAA. Thanks to Obama, you, an American citizen, STILL cannot only be detained without warrant and indefinitely, but yes, you can be shipped to (but not limited to) GITMO. When you're reading that bill again, please note the specific language around terms like "terror", "terrorist", "terror state", "human right violations", etc. it who'll be helpful as we progress. Remember, before numbers 2-4 below were put in place, it was still legal, but could've been a hard fought battle in Congress. Today, its thanks to 2-4, that there's no red tape. Not even a hiccup.

  2. Remember when the state department recently named and officially added North Korea as a "terror state"?

  3. Remember when immediately proceeding that,Trump signed an exec. order, directly targeting North Korea's trade partners. This severely sanctions and calls out the financial ties/funding/kickbacks via corporations, organizations, nations AND individuals, working with and funding NK, directly or indirectly via contracts, subsidies, etc. and through those nations central banks as well.

  4. Then, remember when Trump his latest executive order last week on human rights, targeting and freezing the incoming/outgoing financial assets and "business" paths for nations, organizations, corporations and individuals tied to human rights violations, including those who directly or indirectly support, aid, finance and/or harbor terrorism? It's now even cited as a national state of emergency. Freezing the assets without warrant or pursuant of notice?!

These things are all "googleable". And with Trump/Tillerson's actions, between North Korea, the Middle East and Africa alone, you've now got a WHOLE LOT OF CRIMINALS, who are absolutely and very legally, eligible for GITMO, with a ton of frozen bank accounts to match.

See why you have to give them ankle bracelets and sign EO's unexpectedly right before you freeze a few accounts and make a few arrest sweeps?! You can't tip off enemies of the state, too far in advance... Huma's had hers on the left this week!

North Korea as a "terror state"

A pretext to make those Uranium One arrests/prosecutions easier maybe?'

latest executive order last week on human rights


is this a pretext to streamline the arrests/prosecutions of pedos and human traffickers in general?

That's how I interpreted it.

I thought you didn't have problems with sex with 12 years olds as long as it's "not against the law and in other countries".

So now you're going to make laws for other countries? Who do you think you are?

Not a pedophile?

Pedo card is just like the race card.

Does the Dominican Rep. not have its own law-making body? Do they not have their own laws? Are they not adults who can decide what laws are appropriate for their society?

Why do you have to stick your nose into their business?

you've now got a WHOLE LOT OF CRIMINALS, who are absolutely and very legally, eligible for GITMO, with a ton of frozen bank accounts to match.

The entire content above is one of the most important in this entire thread. Trump and his advisors have slowly been piecemealing everything needed to take down the swamp, and basically nobody is figuring it out because they're too dumb, lazy, or prejudiced to put the puzzle pieces together.

Mega, I cannot wait for 2018. This too is my Super Bowl. Please keep us up to speed. Thanks as always!

This is the Superbowl and new Star Wars release coupled with the season finale of The Walking Dead for me!

Thanks again Mr Whiskey! NoNickname, Thank you for sharing with us.

Merry Christmas to all and a Happy Glorious 2018!

This is the Superbowl and new Star Wars release coupled with the season finale of The Walking Dead for me!

Thanks again Mr Whiskey! NoNickname, Thank you for sharing with us.

Merry Christmas to all and a Happy Glorious 2018!

Go back to updating Q posts. Who/what s/he is irrevocably irrelevant, in this context. She has good get, which has been proven, and good analysis. You don't shit where you eat, moron.

Mega's posts are too detailed and too consistent to be a LARP. The average troll on 4chan simply wouldn't have the skill to do that without inside knowledge. If she is a LARP (even though I don't think she is), then my hat goes off to her. She'd either have to be the world's best fiction writer or a psychopath to write that well.

There are things that haven't panned out (such as Pompeo replacing Tillerson), but that may happen in the future or it may just be a moving target that changes, so I keep an open mind.

Nevertheless, with all the indictments and all the buzz something has to be happening.

If we had public confirmation about who was under lock and key in GITMO, I think that would satisfy a lot of us that something is happening. I hope they get Soros.

Trump was NOT TPTB second choice. That was JEB! Trump was a loose cannon monkey wrench that took First JEB! then HRC out.

Trump was NOT TPTB second choice. That was JEB!

She's talking about Pence being the second choice. I would guess that Crooked Jeb or Little Marco were their first choices. I don't see what would have beens wrong with Christie, though. He's both establishment AND he's friends with Trump.

Thank you for bringing that possibility up. Meanwhile, Trump fires the entire HIV/AIDS council, tries to institute xenophobic travel bans, encourages disempowerment of marginalized groups, tries to gut healthcare and public education, etc...

Is there a meaning behind all of that which will ultimately benefit us? Maybe. Do I feel like I’m fooling myself when I tell myself that? Yes. If the Alliance is using Trump as a bowling ball of sorts, that’s one thing. I hope that is true. But to pretend that Trump is anything more than that, and to ignore the swamp that he brings with him, would be a huge mistake. Please tell me if I’m missing something.

tries to institute xenophobic travel bans

This is a (representative) democracy and a solid majority, if not most people, don't want too many Muslims in this country. The Constitution allows us to be selective that way, too.

Great question and theory. If you replace Trump with Pence realizing he was the second establishment, begrudgingly but forcefully negotiated pick, then you're right on target. I've posted a lot about this. Pence is the very literal LBJ here. Trump's gestation on naming him as VP, even bringing Christie back in less than 24 hours before naming Pence, was a last attempt to keep them on their toes. We have Pence so the RNC/Reince wouldn't try to pull anything they were threatening about pulling rank and attempting to oust Trump via provisions they could've cited, during the convention.

The Flynn debacle re: Pence and his "role" in that, should've been your first clue. Pence is a strategic play, but not Trump's strategic play... Trump knows this though. He's known since day one and it's why he and his advisors, had and have always kept Reince (before he left) and Pence, at arms length. Reince was a dirty leaker and Pence kept the info flowing for him, amongst other things. It's funny, everyone hopes Hillary and Obama will go down, and I absolutely do too, but I REALLY hope Pence goes, instead of just being forced off the 2020 ticket or getting to "retire" or something. I hope he gets publicly fired.

I told you on 4chan that if Pence is a snake, I want him gone. You said to have faith and I'm trying to. I never liked the guy from Day 1, to be honest. The stuff you've been spreading about him make me dislike him even more. Republicans don't seem to understand what resonates with their base.

I'm curious about how many/who's in Gitmo and the Bushes. Lots of buzz of late. Care to elaborate?

Perfect description of pence. What we need in government is honest answers to the hard questions. Enough of the cover your ass to get reelected and pandering to the donors. The only way i see this happening is term limits. Enough of career politicians. They become too entrenched in the system to effectively care about whats right for the people. They aim to make history by serving the longest not by enacting policies that make real change happen. It should be quality not quantity that matters to us.

What we need in government is honest answers to the hard questions. Enough of the cover your ass to get reelected and pandering to the donors.


One more thing, with regard to Reince and the rest of the establishment leakers. I simply don't get the lack of respect and loyalty of these people. No matter how you feel about Trump, you should consider it an honor to have the opportunity to be in the White House and you should do everything possible to make the President successful. Furthermore, you should have enough respect for YOUR OWN GRASS ROOTS and who they chose that you wouldn't undermine the President.

I don't think these establishment types understand how much damage they've done to the party and to any goodwill THEIR OWN GRASS ROOTS had toward them. I don't know if it's repairable at this point.

I hope he can nail them all and that there will be plenty of transparency. Humiliating people and throwing them in prison will be the only way to make sure this never happens again.

I know, but if it makes you feel any better, our parties have been equally and bipartisanly fucked since Reagan (well, before Reagan too, but much worse since GHB on through Obama).

My opinion is that the financialization of virtually everything in our economy has led to this corruption and lack of accountability, not to mention the lack of discipline that results from being able to print as much money as you want. There's just too much money to be made by securitizing everything under the sun and it affects the price people pay for EVERYTHING. Just ask California electricity users how they liked paying Enron-manipulated prices for electricity. And several years ago, the now head of Marathon Oil gave a lecture where he said that the $4 a gallon gasoline we were paying for under GWB was almost exclusively market driven. There was never a lack of supply!!! It's also what's driving this climate change hoax.

Hey all, Thanks for all you do. I have a few questions: 1. Is Trump a mason? 2. IF Q is aware of mass destruction or possible bombings then why do they happen, why not stop them? It is concerning.
3. Where is M.Obama ?


Megs, based on this comment you made about rates⬇

"These are the very things that will keep the market from crashing when rates are realistically adjusted."

When would you say is the best time to purchase a house, now or a year from now?

Thank you!

Haha! Not certain she is psychic... but from an investors point of view, rates are good now and prices will continue to climb! Buy now;)

Thank you both for the financial info!

I always admit what's my "gig" and what's not. That said, this is not exactly my gig, I'm sorry.

All I will say is this... rates will be ok and people will be able to buy houses they can afford, based on mortgages/approvals they can afford. We are no longer in the business of approving people who make $150k/year, $750k in mortgages, via ridiculous plans.

That said, I'd suggest focusing on how much you can put down, not so much rates. We need more people thinking in terms of buying and actually owning things again, like our grandparents used to, instead of mortgaging, financing, borrowing, crediting, renting, leasing, etc. our lives away. That's kinda how we got here in the first place with the housing market, thanks to Fannie, Freddie, etc.

Sorry I can't be of more help here.

Hey GF - One question: who killed JFK Jr?

Reminder that top level comments notify OP (that's me). If you want to ask and notify MegaAnon, either reply to one of her comments or tag her like this, please: u/IMegaHateNicknames

There's a lot of circumstantial evidence that Hillary or sometime working in her behalf had him killed so she could secure his Senate seat.

That is what I've heard. I just want to hear it from u/IMegaHateNicknames. I'm guessing someone with u/IMegaHateNicknames background surely knows. I went to 4chan for answers after the JFK files were released and found MegaAnon. So, girlfriend, u/IMegaHateNicknames if you have any information, I appreciate it. Who killed JFK Jr.?

Thanks for putting the Meg's files together ToddWhiskey. I really appreciate it.

I don't have much higher or confirmed intel on JFK Jr., than what's already and predominantly been declassified and released to the public. This is actually the case for many.

I can promise you this, I don't care if you're a congressman picked for a seat on an intel committee, if you're the CIA, FBI, NSA, a high clearance national security/intel advisor to the President or the President himself, for that matter, at the end of the day, you don't get an all access pass with your clearances, that lets you sift through the archives of every publicly questionable government fuck up, crime or theory you'd ever want to know about. Very few people, within certain clearance levels, are afforded very limited privileges, to view and review very limited materials, across very limited spectrums of events, situations and circumstances, on a need to know basis, as typically and judicially "justified" and "warranted".

Candidly, this is what makes initial reports, surviving/living witnesses, testimonies, intel/officials/law enforcement leakers, etc. so valuable and ironically, exposed and vulnerable, as well. We will NEVER find the real smoking guns of anything, rotting away in some sealed, legislatively protected archive file drawer. If ANYTHING, you will only ever find the components of the truth once legally unsealed, then declassified and released, that "they", nor their MSM, will never bother to reconstruct for you, if they can help it.

This is why leakers and sites like Wikileaks, are far more valuable and dangerous (for them) than we'd care to realize and accept. More often than not, they're getting unredacted info in full, before someone else decides it contains a smoking gun or two, that need to be executive ordered as judicially sealed, overly redacted, or just completely destroyed.

It's like I said with Seth Rich. You'll never get "body cam" or "security cam" footage when "they" are involved because it NEVER EXISTED in the first place and in many cases, even the external and uncontrollable unforeseen variables recovered as evidence, that could potentially piece components of the truth together, are often destroyed, sealed, redacted, edited and classified until further notice... and "they" also pull the strings that politically/judicially decide when "further notice" is provided.

See, anyone who thinks outside of what "their facts" are will ALWAYS be considered a "conspiracy theorist" because they'll never let you prove them wrong, factually. In reality, factually, those smoking guns never existed. They're gone. All we can ever expect if we're open minded, responsible, resourceful, educated and responsible enough, is that if we use our increasing masses to keep digging, researching, archiving, reviewing, analyzing, pursuing, discussing, publicly demanding, pressuring, etc. our government to drain the swamp, give transparency, collect, retain and store appropriately and honestly, etc. then we will get all of the pieces of truth moving forward because we've used OUR POWER, to set those appropriate expectations and when we are dissatisfied, we then use our power to FIRE those aiding, shielding and harboring the swamp and it's corrupt ways.

All in all, you already know enough about JFK Jr. to know that "they" killed him. You'll never have enough to prove exactly who "they" are and that's the point of "they". A few months ago, I made it a point to tell you that Assange negotiated a deal. He has a ton of shit he's sitting on and he negotiated that in exchange for our end, he wouldn't publish certain file sets of drops he had retained and planned, before 10/21/17. Way too many people tried to turn this into me saying he would drop something on the 21st of Oct., which was not the case intitially, and I even reconfirmed several times after, that there'd probably be no drop on the 21st, only that on or after the 21st, Assange was legally inbound and could legally choose to do whatever he wanted.

That said, have you noticed that the FBI, CIA and Admin. themselves, have declassified and released more documents than you've seen in a long time?! We got most of JFK, lots of Sandy Hook, etc. this is intentional. It's setting a new tone of transparency. Orgs like Wikileaks are being used against "them" like a threat. Truth will prevail, going forward. But sadly, we also need to be content with "knowing things" we will never find the actual smoking guns on because there are lots of smoking guns that just don't literally and factually exist, if "they" didn't want them to. Hope this makes sense.


I don't have much higher or confirmed intel on JFK Jr., than what's already and predominantly been declassified and released to the public. This is actually the case for many.

I can promise you this, I don't care if you're a congressman picked for a seat on an intel committee, if you're the CIA, FBI, NSA, a high clearance national security/intel advisor to the President or the President himself, for that matter, at the end of the day, you don't get an all access pass with your clearances, that lets you sift through the archives of every publicly questionable government fuck up, crime or theory you'd ever want to know about. Very few people, within certain clearance levels, are afforded very limited privileges, to view and review very limited materials, across very limited spectrums of events, situations and circumstances, on a need to know basis, as typically and judicially "justified" and "warranted".

Candidly, this is what makes initial reports, surviving/living witnesses, testimonies, intel/officials/law enforcement leakers, etc. so valuable and ironically, exposed and vulnerable, as well. We will NEVER find the real smoking guns of anything, rotting away in some sealed, legislatively protected archive file drawer. If ANYTHING, you will only ever find the components of the truth once legally unsealed, then declassified and released, that "they", nor their MSM, will never bother to reconstruct for you, if they can help it.

This is why leakers and sites like Wikileaks, are far more valuable and dangerous (for them) than we'd care to realize and accept. More often than not, they're getting unredacted info in full, before someone else decides it contains a smoking gun or two, that need to be executive ordered as judicially sealed, overly redacted, or just completely destroyed.

It's like I said with Seth Rich. You'll never get "body cam" or "security cam" footage when "they" are involved because it NEVER EXISTED in the first place and in many cases, even the external and uncontrollable unforeseen variables recovered as evidence, that could potentially piece components of the truth together, are often destroyed, sealed, redacted, edited and classified until further notice... and "they" also pull the strings that politically/judicially decide when "further notice" is provided.

See, anyone who thinks outside of what "their facts" are will ALWAYS be considered a "conspiracy theorist" because they'll never let you prove them wrong, factually. In reality, factually, those smoking guns never existed. They're gone. All we can ever expect if we're open minded, responsible, resourceful, educated and responsible enough, is that if we use our increasing masses to keep digging, researching, archiving, reviewing, analyzing, pursuing, discussing, publicly demanding, pressuring, etc. our government to drain the swamp, give transparency, collect, retain and store appropriately and honestly, etc. then we will get all of the pieces of truth moving forward because we've used OUR POWER, to set those appropriate expectations and when we are dissatisfied, we then use our power to FIRE those aiding, shielding and harboring the swamp and it's corrupt ways.

All in all, you already know enough about JFK Jr. to know that "they" killed him. You'll never have enough to prove exactly who "they" are and that's the point of "they". A few months ago, I made it a point to tell you that Assange negotiated a deal. He has a ton of shit he's sitting on and he negotiated that in exchange for our end, he wouldn't publish certain file sets of drops he had retained and planned, before 10/21/17. Way too many people tried to turn this into me saying he would drop something on the 21st of Oct., which was not the case intitially, and I even reconfirmed several times after, that there'd probably be no drop on the 21st, only that on or after the 21st, Assange was legally inbound and could legally choose to do whatever he wanted.

That said, have you noticed that the FBI, CIA and Admin. themselves, have declassified and released more documents than you've seen in a long time?! We got most of JFK, lots of Sandy Hook, etc. this is intentional. It's setting a new tone of transparency. Orgs like Wikileaks are being used against "them" like a threat. Truth will prevail, going forward. But sadly, we also need to be content with "knowing things" we will never find the actual smoking guns on because there are lots of smoking guns that just don't literally and factually exist, if "they" didn't want them to. Hope this makes sense.


Sandy Hook

On the subject of Sandy Hook, are we going to get the truth on that? Is there any one person who even knows the truth? As near as I can piece together, someone shot up that school, but then the whole thing was ruthlessly suppressed and hidden, followed by a cover story being released.

I know you dont like timetables on things, but do you still think things "pick up" sooner than later?

Thank you u/IMegaHateNicknames

All in all, you already know enough about JFK Jr. to know that "they" killed him.

Honestly Meg, this pisses me off. All the garbage we learned in grade school and high school about the shining beacon on the hill and what a great government we have and how it respects the rights of its citizens. It seems that when Vladimir Putin said our system isn't much different from theirs, he was 100% correct.

Funny you should say this. Don't you remember when Bill O'Reilly asked Trump about Putin being a killer? Trump responded that 'US has many killers' and the 'US is not so innocent.

I don't know how old you are but I'd wager that you're younger than me. I was in my twenties when I came to realize that our government is corrupt as hell and the crap we've been taught in history class has been white washed, edited, deleted, made up, glossed over, etc. I remember I was extremely angry and saddened at the same time.

Americans have been re-writing history since the birth of our country and there are no signs of it stopping or slowing down. A prime example is the attempts to erase evidence of the Civil War.

In the age of the internet and 24 news we're a lot more fortunate in that we have instant access to events and information and we all know that the 'internet never forgets'. We can search, share, archive, cap, and download everything. This makes it much more difficult for "them" to erase and re-write history but they're still doing it. When I was young we didn't have access to anything except our local newspaper and the local news that came on at 6 pm and 11 pm est. There weren't any national news channels like CNN, Fox, MSNBC, etc. We literally only knew what "they" wanted us to know.

Now that we access to endless amounts of information and "they" have far less control over the flow of information, it's our responsibility as Americans to keep it real. "They" will always try to re-write history but we have to keep reminding "them" that we know the truth and we'll never forget.

I remember when JFK Jr was killed and immediately thought of his planned NY Senate seat run. Then when Hillary announced she was running a few days after John's murder, and then moved to New York within a week or 2, I knew she was involved. There were already many stories about the Arkanicides of anyone the Clintons deemed inconvenient. Rumor has it and I saw an article detailing this not long ago but I don't have the link, there was a meeting at the Oval Office with Bill Clinton (then president), GWBush and GHWBush, Hillary, and George Tenet, then CIA head, to discuss how to proceed with JFK Jr. senate plans and it was decided to get rid of him. The news stories about the plane crash were typical MSM/CIA propaganda. Caroline, JFK's wife, made them late because she wanted a pedicure to match her dress and made the salon re-do her nails 3 times, John was inexperienced, it was dusk and he lost his orientation. I think the plane was brought down by a missile, the wreckage was never released to the public, coffins were sealed at the funeral, and Ted Kennedy insisted on a huge search, took them3 days to find the wreckage. Again public was never shown what happened to the plane. This was in 1999, no cell phone cameras, early internet days, no citizen journalists and very little alt news so it was much easier to hide yet another HRC murder. That would not happen today. John Jr. would have won that seat over Hillary, then she would not have gotten into Congress and then stepped into the State Dept which she would turn into her personal crime slush fund, as she did. Four people died in that plane crash, John Jr., his wife Caroline and their unborn child, and Caroline's sister Lauren.

What about Soros?


Megs, I've read some of your stuff and the Elon/Trump/Tesla thing has gotten to my head recently.

I'm more into the sci-fi alien technology stuff and I always wondered that a person like Musk, who names his company after Tesla, would have access/knowledge about some of the newer generation technology stuff. I never quite got why he didn't introduce these new technologies, if he was a true "disruptor".

Elon just started his "boring" company. And in these alien conspiracy circles it's pretty accepted that the whole world is full of underground bases - occupied or non occupied.

I see some scenarios like Elon, while testing his boring machine, finds out about some bases which would then be catalyst for a semi disclosure.

For the NASA/SpaceX angle, if I understood correctly from what you said, Trump is gonna negotiate for NASA to go to Mars for cheaper. They say they can't with their currently technology - Elon Musk comes to the rescue with new propulsion systems?

The thing is for these new propulsion systems to happen the whole scientific community will be extremely disappointed in realizing everything they have been taught is wrong. I can't see what would be the catalyst for that to happen - maybe Elon is respected enough in the scientific communites that him disclosing some type of sci-fi technology would be credible enough for the scientists to agree with him.

And it crosses my mind now that as Lockheed and many others had(and maybe still have) their Skunkworks programs, SpaceX might as well have their confidential program going on right now.

I'm just rambling here, but if you could provide any insight into this area - which I think will be very important for radical change.

I'm also curious about cryptos - any inside info about them? I've heard about the NSA good guys creating Bitcoin, I've heard it's all a hoax and the crypto behind it has already been cracked by the NSA, etc.

I do have a technical understanding of how it works(and I'm invested in it) and from my point of view it was a terrible idea, if made by the NSA with bad intentions, because the technology behind it takes power away from centralized systems that we currently use.

Hi! Please remember that I brought Elon up in context as an example, specifically because of what his company does to pioneer technology, energy, space, etc. I used him as an example only because he's a household name that many are familiar with already.

That said, there are sadly many like Musk in the private space and across the world, who've been working to advance different ways of doing things and far more efficiently and effectively in many areas, than our governments seem to be able to achieve. The point isn't so much "Elon Musk", as it is forcing these government, federally sanctioned and funded departments/agencies to do their jobs, using studies, research, knowledge, expertise

Sorry, commented too fast. Continued below...

... experience, etc. to effectively and efficiently operate, with all hands above the table. Example, "they" no longer get to profit or benefit from the control and manipulation of the systems to facilitate the means of their own skewed agendas. We will no longer fund, or allow others with alternative motives to fund or control, the resources and advancements of our country and at our expense. The administration has made it crystal clear that there will be no more under the table, backdoor dealings. Yes, we encourage people, governments and their nations to work and partner with us, but we will only work and partner above the table, from now on. This is "draining the swamp", but that doesn't begin or end with draining and purging the people in governments, who exploit and abuse. The ties, backchannels and networks, which have successfully facilitated, implemented and harbored the bad habits of deceit and corruption for decades, have to be severed completely. If not, we're only delaying and hindering these things until others who'll rush to fill the holes back in, can do so. We do not need more Bin Talal's, Soros's, Rothschilds, North Korea's, Iran's, Clinton/Bush/McCain Foundations, etc. exploiting us. Nor do we need others easily willing and able to take their place.

Their "system" goes down and they go with it.

What happened with Roy Moore?

He lost the race and his challenge was thrown out of court.

It's almost as if Mega is a larper promoting false promises of coming events.


Still here??? How come you have missed what she said regarding Moore just a few hours ago?

Do you seriously not see how transparent that is? This is classic con man crap. After you have clearly been scammed and lost everything and the con man is there delaying you with promises of "This is just another step toward the big win!!!!"

You keep talking about how much of a con she is, and how wrong and all that crap. How about you finally show actual hard evidence? Link to actual sources and counter-sources to prove what you're saying.

Otherwise STFU and go away. Stop lying, misrepresenting, and spreading your fake news. Shill.

Otherwise you're the larp. STFU and go away. Stop lying, misrepresenting, and spreading your fake news. Shill.

This anger you're feeling is your brain warning you that you're being conned. It's cognitive dissonance turned up to 11.

And let's get something straight- it's the person making extraordinary claims (Mega) who has to prove things. Not anyone else. And, well, she hasn't.

Firstly I'm not even close to angry. At most I'm counter-trolling.

Secondly your just flat wrong that you don't have to prove your position. If you're so adamant that you're calling it right, then prove it. If you can't, maybe you have the cognitive dissonance...

... I mean we have an entire archive here that has actual proof of things she said that actually happened.

It really falls on you to make your point. Your continued resistance to that end only makes you look more foolish. Shill.

Removed. Rule 10. 1st warning.

You've got to be kidding me... I'm not even really trolling. I only used that working to highlight how much this guy is actually trolling. Please reconsider letting the post stay.

Please tell me that you understand and see my punt about this guy doing the actual trolling? I mean one doesn't have to use the actual wire "trolling" to be a troll.

If my use of that word to make a point is that big of an issue, would you please reconsider if I agree to edit and remove "counter-trolling" from my response?

It was the last word of your post. Remove that and I'll reinstate it. PM me.

Mate, do you even know how the burden of proof works?

You're missing the point. Moore has enough to file his lawsuit against not only WaPo in civil court, but the state for voter fraud. You shouldn't be mad at me or anyone else that it's taking longer than you'd like, when following legal processes. You should be mad it even happened in the first place. I do t care what side of the political aisle you sit on, this shit shouldn't be happening at your/our expense.

Did you not see the Ala. AG try to throw away votes with that 2 day prior motion he passed, to do so?! Did you not see how the DOJ had to get involved and demand a stay against that action?! Why is this political bulldozing just ok with you?!

Let's put it bluntly, if this was just some poor attempt by Moore with nothing valid behind it, the admin. wouldn't let it continue. They'd have forced Moore to concede. End of story. Instead, they're letting the Moore campaign ride this out because successful rigging and fraud attempts/actions DO exist. Coming at me with bullshit because you don't like me or the things I'm saying, doesn't help (YOU), or any of us. Prove me wrong, but beware, you can't. If you tried, you'd have to actually do your own homework and after you've done that, you'll be more pissed that they have the balls to slam Jones through, hoping the majority will be as lazy and ignorant as you. They bank on (you) not paying attention. They bank on you valuing a stolen seat in your favor, than a valid win or election. See how they're already successfully convincing so many that YOU can't possibly pick your own candidates and elect them, so THEY WILL at any cost and EVEN WHEN YOU KNOW THEY DID IT ILLEGALLY, you won't give a fuck, right?! You'll move on and let it pass... just like y'all did with Hillary. It'd be laughable if it weren't so embarrassing! WAKE UP! Why are you more concerned with discrediting me (with zero facts to support your claims, at all, just like last time you tried) than you are with discrediting the system out to bend you over and continuously fuck you?!

Here's a fact: this Moore/Jones election isn't a "new thing". It's not old dogs learning new tricks. What Moore/Jones serve to prove to you is that THIS IS THE "ELECTION NORM" and sadly, has been for decades. Your vote, voice, opinion, etc. hasn't mattered for 50+ years. Pay attention because you're actually fighting for those who seek to stifle you.

You're missing the point. Moore has enough to file his lawsuit against not only WaPo in civil court, but the state for voter fraud. You shouldn't be mad at me or anyone else that it's taking longer than you'd like, when following legal processes. You should be mad it even happened in the first place. I do t care what side of the political aisle you sit on, this shit shouldn't be happening at your/our expense.

Did you not see the Ala. AG try to throw away votes with that 2 day prior motion he passed, to do so?! Did you not see how the DOJ had to get involved and demand a stay against that action?! Why is this political bulldozing just ok with you?!

Let's put it bluntly, if this was just some poor attempt by Moore with nothing valid behind it, the admin. wouldn't let it continue. They'd have forced Moore to concede. End of story. Instead, they're letting the Moore campaign ride this out because successful rigging and fraud attempts/actions DO exist. Coming at me with bullshit because you don't like me or the things I'm saying, doesn't help (YOU), or any of us. Prove me wrong, but beware, you can't. If you tried, you'd have to actually do your own homework and after you've done that, you'll be more pissed that they have the balls to slam Jones through, hoping the majority will be as lazy and ignorant as you. They bank on (you) not paying attention. They bank on you valuing a stolen seat in your favor, than a valid win or election. See how they're already successfully convincing so many that YOU can't possibly pick your own candidates and elect them, so THEY WILL at any cost and EVEN WHEN YOU KNOW THEY DID IT ILLEGALLY, you won't give a fuck, right?! You'll move on and let it pass... just like y'all did with Hillary. It'd be laughable if it weren't so embarrassing! WAKE UP! Why are you more concerned with discrediting me (with zero facts to support your claims, at all, just like last time you tried) than you are with discrediting the system out to bend you over and continuously fuck you?!

Here's a fact: this Moore/Jones election isn't a "new thing". It's not old dogs learning new tricks. What Moore/Jones serve to prove to you is that THIS IS THE "ELECTION NORM" and sadly, has been for decades. Your vote, voice, opinion, etc. hasn't mattered for 50+ years. Pay attention because you're actually fighting for those who seek to stifle you.

You're missing the point. Moore has enough to file his lawsuit against not only WaPo in civil court, but the state for voter fraud. You shouldn't be mad at me or anyone else that it's taking longer than you'd like, when following legal processes. You should be mad it even happened in the first place. I do t care what side of the political aisle you sit on, this shit shouldn't be happening at your/our expense.

Did you not see the Ala. AG try to throw away votes with that 2 day prior motion he passed, to do so?! Did you not see how the DOJ had to get involved and demand a stay against that action?! Why is this political bulldozing just ok with you?!

Let's put it bluntly, if this was just some poor attempt by Moore with nothing valid behind it, the admin. wouldn't let it continue. They'd have forced Moore to concede. End of story. Instead, they're letting the Moore campaign ride this out because successful rigging and fraud attempts/actions DO exist. Coming at me with bullshit because you don't like me or the things I'm saying, doesn't help (YOU), or any of us. Prove me wrong, but beware, you can't. If you tried, you'd have to actually do your own homework and after you've done that, you'll be more pissed that they have the balls to slam Jones through, hoping the majority will be as lazy and ignorant as you. They bank on (you) not paying attention. They bank on you valuing a stolen seat in your favor, than a valid win or election. See how they're already successfully convincing so many that YOU can't possibly pick your own candidates and elect them, so THEY WILL at any cost and EVEN WHEN YOU KNOW THEY DID IT ILLEGALLY, you won't give a fuck, right?! You'll move on and let it pass... just like y'all did with Hillary. It'd be laughable if it weren't so embarrassing! WAKE UP! Why are you more concerned with discrediting me (with zero facts to support your claims, at all, just like last time you tried) than you are with discrediting the system out to bend you over and continuously fuck you?!

Here's a fact: this Moore/Jones election isn't a "new thing". It's not old dogs learning new tricks. What Moore/Jones serve to prove to you is that THIS IS THE "ELECTION NORM" and sadly, has been for decades. Your vote, voice, opinion, etc. hasn't mattered for 50+ years. Pay attention because you're actually fighting for those who seek to stifle you.

Coming at me with bullshit because you don't like me or the things I'm saying, doesn't help (YOU), or any of us. Prove me wrong, but beware, you can't. If you tried, you'd have to actually do your own homework and after you've done that, you'll be more pissed that they have the balls to slam Jones through, hoping the majority will be as lazy and ignorant as you. They bank on (you) not paying attention. They bank on you valuing a stolen seat in your favor, than a valid win or election. See how they're already successfully convincing so many that YOU can't possibly pick your own candidates and elect them, so THEY WILL at any cost and EVEN WHEN YOU KNOW THEY DID IT ILLEGALLY, you won't give a fuck, right?! You'll move on and let it pass... just like y'all did with Hillary. It'd be laughable if it weren't so embarrassing! WAKE UP! Why are you more concerned with discrediting me (with zero facts to support your claims, at all, just like last time you tried) than you are with discrediting the system out to bend you over and continuously fuck you?!

This is the language of con artists who peddle this kind of crap, same as it ever was.

Thanks for making it more clear!

Well, you've obviously won this argument.

Take it easy man,. and cheer up.

Good luck to you then and enjoy the ride... cause it's happening with or without you.

Everything you have said thus far, even in other comments, are what are known as straw-man arguments. Informal logical fallacies that are designed to give the appearance of refuting one's argument, when they never presented that specific argument.

If you genuinely believe what you are spilling, then you absolutely have cognitive dissonance, and are absolutely blind.

If you genuinely cared about your position you would start to offer proof. Otherwise you're merely trolling those of us here that are trying to have productive conversations, even ones with differing views. If that is the case, and you decline to offer a true counterargument, then expect to be reported as a troll from now on every time you post.

You have so many misconceptions it's hard to know where to start.

I'll make it easy. Once again- I don't have to offer proof of anything at all. I'm not making extraordinary claims. Mega is making such claims, and so she does have to provide proof.

She does not.

What she offers instead are more emotionally loaded rants and vague promises of what's coming. It's clearly manipulative and not at all informative.

If you want me to believe extraordinary things are happening, you must provide proof.

If I want to claim ordinary things are happening, I don't have to offer anything at all.

And you're missing the point that if you've been reading since May, a lot actually did happen that she called. So we have proof of her claims. Where's your proof that she's a larp? I'm open minded, seriously.

If you're so adamant, why not at least offer up at least one example of larp? If not I maintain my straw man claim. Again, I'm open to hearing you out if you can offer at least one legit, provable example of larp.

Person A: Big unusual things are happening!!!!

Person B: Those things are not happening.

You: Person B, you must prove your claim!

That's the summary here.

Back to straw man....too bad.

You refuse to acknowledge the claims that came true so really it was:

Person A: Big things! XYZ news cycle proves it. (proofs)

Person B (You): Nuuuuuh... Larp!

Me: Person A had proof, I'm open minded, tell me something, I'm listening.

Person B (You): lalalalalalalalala, I can't hear you.

But person A has not had proof. That's the entire point here.

So you keep saying, but can't offer an example.

So let's change it up. Let's say Mega has no proof and in an objective neutral party.

What would you tell me if I started believing her?

Sure, she has the burden, but what if despite that you knew you could save someone (maybe a closer friend or family member) from the larp by giving an example?

What would that be?

I'm seriously open minded here. As I told you before, I don't just take anyone's word for it. So tell me something to "wake me up".

If not, you cannot say you're trying to expose the larp.

So no proofs then?


Every time.

I'm not the one who has to show proofs.

I'm the neutral guy in the middle trying to figure out who's right.

You wouldn't try to show something to a friend of yours to save them from the larp? You'd just yell at them to show proofs?

Every time.

Yup. Every. Single. Time.

It's sad that you're not willing to make a good faith effort.

No, that's not a summary. That's you attempting to steering opinion.

Let's take you little thought experiment a little further.

If Person A details certain "unusual things" that are occurring, and then the "You" that you've identified then goes and verifys that indeed these things are happening independently.

The comes along Person B who then claims that those things are not happening while not providing any "data" toward what the "You" has been able to corroborate independently. Do you then not agree Person B should then explain why it is their perspective that the "unusual things" are indeed not happening, and to provide reason as to why the independent verifiable events do not connect in such a way that has been explained since May?

Please provide the specific things which have been verified independently. For this to work, there must be links to mega saying them before they're public knowledge and then credible sources verifying they happened.

You're not going to be able to provide this.

Without this, my take is indeed an accurate summary of where we're at.

Please do not think you can take my inquiry as opportunity to drag me into your obvious troll. This is about you attempting to refute the data that has already been provided without giving any counter data.

LOL. I thought as much. All those "proofs" evaporate the instant you ask to see them.

Every time.

Sorry, I'm not going to do your homework for ya bud.

So are you not going to answer my question? I did present you with a question first, and you have yet to answer it.

Here's the only question you've asked me:

Do you then not agree Person B should explain why it is their perspective that the "unusual things" are indeed not happening, and to provide reason as to why the independent verifiable events do not connect in such a way that has been explained since May?

And I've responded to it. For that question to be relevant in this case, we'd need to see that independent verifiable events have occurred.

I asked you to provide these independent verifiable events.

You have refused to do so.

I've responded to your question, so your continued attempt to deflect from the core issue ----ARE THERE INDEPENDENT VERIFIED EVENTS?--- will be noted for what it is.

No you have not. I have asked a simple Yes or No question. You have not answered my question, good troll.

The data they used for this ^ came from here:

I'm no researcher though. I'm just a lurker that does my own research on the things I hear/read, and come to conclusions based on said research. You should try it sometime, because that's all the only homework I'm doing for you.

Thanks for the random irrelevant links!

Thanks for not answering a simple yes or not question!

So the independent verified events your question is based on don't exist?

Removed. Rule 10.

So much this! x1000

I believe the same thing happened in SC when Lindsey Graham was re elected. There are so many people here that see right through him and he still got “elected”.

I tried my best to get the word out and felt there was enough outrage but they still rigged it.

Someday I would really love to have a few beers with you!! LOL, I love how you put these brainwashed ppl in their place!

Fuck the legal process. Fuck the boomers. Fuck the normies and their feefees. Fuck the millennial mouth breathers. Fuck the NSA information campaign. Bring on the gotdamn military tribunals. Bring back public executions. GET THIS SHIT OVER WITH. Tell Dunford/ Mattis/ Kelly/ Flynn we need to get the GD show on the road. Enough with ((muh pressure building)). Shock 'n' awe.

You're missing the point. Moore has enough to file his lawsuit against not only WaPo in civil court, but the state for voter fraud. You shouldn't be mad at me or anyone else that it's taking longer than you'd like, when following legal processes. You should be mad it even happened in the first place. I do t care what side of the political aisle you sit on, this shit shouldn't be happening at your/our expense.

Did you not see the Ala. AG try to throw away votes with that 2 day prior motion he passed, to do so?! Did you not see how the DOJ had to get involved and demand a stay against that action?! Why is this political bulldozing just ok with you?!

Let's put it bluntly, if this was just some poor attempt by Moore with nothing valid behind it, the admin. wouldn't let it continue. They'd have forced Moore to concede. End of story. Instead, they're letting the Moore campaign ride this out because successful rigging and fraud attempts/actions DO exist. Coming at me with bullshit because you don't like me or the things I'm saying, doesn't help (YOU), or any of us. Prove me wrong, but beware, you can't. If you tried, you'd have to actually do your own homework and after you've done that, you'll be more pissed that they have the balls to slam Jones through, hoping the majority will be as lazy and ignorant as you. They bank on (you) not paying attention. They bank on you valuing a stolen seat in your favor, than a valid win or election. See how they're already successfully convincing so many that YOU can't possibly pick your own candidates and elect them, so THEY WILL at any cost and EVEN WHEN YOU KNOW THEY DID IT ILLEGALLY, you won't give a fuck, right?! You'll move on and let it pass... just like y'all did with Hillary. It'd be laughable if it weren't so embarrassing! WAKE UP! Why are you more concerned with discrediting me (with zero facts to support your claims, at all, just like last time you tried) than you are with discrediting the system out to bend you over and continuously fuck you?!

Here's a fact: this Moore/Jones election isn't a "new thing". It's not old dogs learning new tricks. What Moore/Jones serve to prove to you is that THIS IS THE "ELECTION NORM" and sadly, has been for decades. Your vote, voice, opinion, etc. hasn't mattered for 50+ years. Pay attention because you're actually fighting for those who seek to stifle you.

I thought you said you were done here? Just can't avoid it eh? You're a sucker.

Just wanted to thank you Todd and /u/IMegaHateNicknames for what you both do.

I have been sending this link to friends and family, hoping that they would have an understanding with what unravels in the near future.

You are welcome. It's a lot to read (170k plus words) but I have posted some short excerpts for total newbies...

Hasn't Mega been on chan lately? I dont what it is, but I like that info better than the questions asked here.

She showed up today, see OP.

A different format, a different user base, people commenting here are familiar with her texts (with a few notable exceptions, haha)...


Megs, so many people want to help. They want to offer their knowledge and wisdom and energy, many probably with no payment. But, people reach out to the WH, they write letters, but they don't get a response. So, if making a YouTube channel and starting your own platform is not the solution, in your opinion, then what is? How do we get the good guys in the administration's attention? How do WE get into a position to help our country if it isn't through the internets?

There are patriots out here who want to offer our knowledge and skills, but how do we reach those who do the hiring/enlisting?

Thank you!

/u/IMegaHateNicknames Good evening .. thank you for your patriotism.

I posted this question earlier and did not originally address it to you as ToddWhiskey recommended so I am reposting. If you can’t answer - no issues, just say so.

You have now mentioned the debt was being “renegotiated”.. can you tell us which debt? What does that means for Americans? Will the derivatives go away? Will Americans be repayed for the monies stolen during the Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama era? What about all the monies being used for black projects?

Thanks for your service ...

I have then same question: "/u/IMegaHateNicknames Good evening .. You have now mentioned the debt was being “renegotiated”.. can you tell us which debt? What does that mean for Americans? Will the derivatives go away? Will Americans be repayed for the monies stolen during the Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama era? What about all the monies being used for black projects? Thanks for your service ..."


Highly interesting info - thank you for what you are doing .

I see a lot of things are unfolding in increasingly accelerating rate at this point . This year , 2017. , was so turbulent - and to some extent , traumatic - on many levels ( both personal and public ) . However , all of that actually aligned us to resolution , the situation which was kept for far too long as status quo .

Do you know maybe some information from higher sources related to technological disclosure ?

I see the technological disclosure as highly important - yet , also as a test of responsibility of people . There is also a transhumanistic push ( mainly Initiative 2045 ) that is the last card played by those who cannot contain the situation within their artificially created boundaries . They want to create the desperation , and from desperation to come riding forth like a "saviours" , bringing "solutions" - for the price of humanity of people . Of course ... they wont make it , its too late for their dirty plans .

In 1951. , the Invention Secrecy Act was enacted and massive supression of technology began . As of 2014. there were more than 5000 patents supressed - today , very possibly many more . Just one single patent can potentially change the society in drastic ways . From what I have concluded , checking various sources and examining data , the whole humanity have been living in a sort of supressed and suspended state - and the real levels of technology are decades ( 30-40-50 years ) in front of our current levels of publicly disclosed technologies . All of this was kept strictly compartmentalized to enable benefit to only small groups and factions of people - while keeping the rest as a "working livestock" .

Interesting thing - John G. Trump was a renowned inventor and scientist , and also a Donald Trump's paternal uncle . He was also one of first people that analyzed Tesla's work and his own papers ( inventions ) after his death in NY hotel .

If the Trump lifts the Invention Secrecy Act and discloses all the technologies to the world ... it will be like having at least 30-40 years of progress put in several years time ( not more than 5-6 years ) . The technological "slingshot" of the unprecedented levels .

The human mentality is the key here ... some would like to watch Star Trek on their tell-lie-visions , not realizing there is a Star Trek above their heads , right now .

So interesting...the connection between the Trumps and Tesla! Coincidence? Nah...I don’t believe in those. I just consider it a form of “Divine Intervention”. :)

Yes ... definetly not a "coincidence" . I think the Trump is fully aware of that - and basically , he holds a key to a massive liberation . Not just for people in USA , globally and worldwide .

If he is a "part of the plan" , the full disclosure , the full unveiling ( "The Apocalypse" means nothing else but "unveiling" , "revelation" , "disclosure" ) then he will fully lift all the supressions and take out any obstacles in-between .

Hes truly an outsider ... people can like him , hate him , or whatever ... but he is truly an outsider on the POTUS scene . There was never a POTUS with such enourmous wealth , which , ironically , enabled him to develop mechanisms and inner circles of people that are deeply loyal to him . Thats why the "shadow government" never was able , and never will be able to take him out . JFK depended a lot on state-provided services and people , Trump isnt in same position .

I think through few months we will see much more ... even more than Mega Anon put here .


Megs, so many people want to help. They want to offer their knowledge and wisdom and energy, many probably with no payment. But, people reach out to the WH, they write letters, but they don't get a response. So, if making a YouTube channel and starting your own platform is not the solution, in your opinion, then what is? How do we get the good guys in the administration's attention? How do WE get into a position to help our country if it isn't through the internets?

There are patriots out here who want to offer our knowledge and skills, but how do we reach those who do the hiring/enlisting?

Thank you!

Happy New years /u/IMegaHateNicknames!

/u/IMegaHateNicknames What are your thoughts on how these Q Anon'isms seem to tie in to Resolution 511?

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/u/IMegaHateNicknames What are your thoughts on how some of Q Anon'isms seem to tie in to Resolution 511?

It is a shame that we have to come up to our own conclusions, hypothesize and get EVERYTHING WRONG! I wish and hope that eventually we will live in a COMPLETELY TRANSPARENT SOCIETY! I think SECRET SOCIETIES SHOULD BE BANNED AND ILLEGAL!

I guess I am just really depressed about everything I have been reading since 1.5 years now. Nobody listens to me when I try to "red pill" them and I am still struggling just to survive in a world that has been going slowly mad all of my life!

Hang in there. You’re definitely not alone!

Just think of it as trying to stop an out-of-control cruise ship and turn it around. It takes a bit of time and effort. The fact that we’re even seeing any change at all is an absolute miracle! Just think about the systems that have been in place to control humanity for literally THOUSANDS of years...and we’re actually seeing them start to crumble and fall apart!

This is the literal “dark before the dawn” and millions more are waking up to it every day.

The sun is finally starting to break over the horizon and it’s going to be a beautiful new day!


What an awesome reply!!! Thank you so much! Feeling very hopeful now! Yeah!!!! :)

No need to be depressed about it - the only person we can truly affect is we , ourselves . Everyone else has their own time of "activation" . And everyone else will , sooner or later , get to that point .

The full disclosure , the unveiling is a process that reverses and exposes all the damage that was done to humanity ( and by "humanity" ) for eons . Were now deeply into that process ... but something that needed decades or years before , now needs months . Then , it will need weeks . Then ... days .

There is no need for you to be depressed or sad - all is going according to Plan .


How awesome! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! Wonderful news for the World!!!! Yeah!!!!

I guess I am just really depressed about everything I have been reading since 1.5 years now.

No need to dwell on all that evil you've been reading about. Focus on some positive things too! Think about how to make the world a better place!

@nolongerignored :)

Know that you are NOT alone. DM me on twitter at @nolongerignored if you want to talk and get connected with a group of folks that are working for positive change. Hugs!

Chin up! Don't be depressed about what you've read. Have faith. Know things are changing. Everything is being done the way it is so that when it comes out, it can't be denied.

Try to take a break from entrenching yourself so deeply in it. It's exhausting. Enjoy life.


I felt the same until I read ALL of your posts, thanks to ToddWhiskey, I have caught up now and I feel Reassured! and willing and ready to EMBRACE life thanks to you Megs, I don't despair any longer. No empty pain filled vomit that MSM gave me, when I read what is rally happening I am comforted that Good people are working for US - even me in little (big ha!) Australia... big hugs to both of you xx

This is interesting, mentions pedogate in its search index listing everywhere except on Google. Example

Everything is being done the way it is so that when it comes out, it can't be denied.

I long for this day. And when it comes, all of us conspiratards will have to become grief counselors for those within our sphere of influence.

My husband said he's worried it's consuming me, lol. I've just finally found like-minded people who see things as I do. He's started taking the "redpill" but I've been getting push back. He says he's got enough to worry about. I think it overwhelms him to know the degree of screwed up our government is after a career of defending it. I got my first redpill 23 years ago and am not as sensitive to the "crazy." I suppose I could take it slower on him. I'm more of a /pol person, honestly, but do enjoy Reddit while he's Reddit all the way. I'm thinking him reading it here will help my cause. 🤔

Did yall know about Bannons book? My moneys on 'yes'.

Any insight? Is this for a reason or is Bannon just jerking himself off?

"Don't worry about Paul though... Smoke and mirrors with that one too. All cards to pull from the house. He forgets people are on this board who remember his days in Dover with Biden & co. We'll remind him. His boss can't write campaign checks from GITMO... and now they're illegal to cash thanks to EO's last week! ;o) we remember all."

When I read this on 12/28 I thought Biden was sent to GITMO. But today Biden assists at the inauguration of Marty Walsh, Mayor of Boston. So who is Paul's boss that can't write campaign checks from GITMO?


"Don't worry about Paul though... Smoke and mirrors with that one too. All cards to pull from the house. He forgets people are on this board who remember his days in Dover with Biden & co. We'll remind him. His boss can't write campaign checks from GITMO... and now they're illegal to cash thanks to EO's last week! ;o) we remember all."

When I read this on 12/28 I thought Biden was sent to GITMO. But today Biden assists at the inauguration of Marty Walsh, Mayor of Boston. So who is Paul's boss that can't write campaign checks from GITMO?


Megs, so many people want to help. They want to offer their knowledge and wisdom and energy, many probably with no payment. But, people reach out to the WH, they write letters, but they don't get a response. So, if making a YouTube channel and starting your own platform is not the solution, in your opinion, then what is? How do we get the good guys in the administration's attention? How do WE get into a position to help our country if it isn't through the internets?

There are patriots out here who want to offer our knowledge and skills, but how do we reach those who do the hiring/enlisting?

Thank you!

Yo Todd great work man! I check this on the regular thanks for keeping us updated! Was just gonna ask if you could potentially fix the link to the latest (1st January) post, it seems to just link back to this page rather than the post in the archive? Sorry dude but had to ask as I’m so thirsty for further info haha

I think that's just linking to one of MegaAnon's comments here -- there are a few links like that. :)

It's been done on purpose :)

Ohhh shit I see now, works fine on the laptop! Thanks again man! ;D

/u/IMegaHateNicknames I ran across this site last night that might interest you and others: Very interesting articles that go along quite closely, uncanny really, with all that you have been saying. Not a peep on any major outlets but this site has the scoop? Someone has been doing homework over there it seems! Is this stuff pretty accurate from your perspective?

CTH has been doing crowdsourced research for for quite a while, & are generally well ahead of the msm.

Here's the 1st article I saw from them, back in 2014, while looking into Ferguson. Note that this was posted just 20 days after Mike Brown's death, & not only destroys the promoted narrative, but also aligns pretty well with the eventual DOJ report.

Wow, this must be in the other or loaded comments:

"Here's a fact: this Moore/Jones election isn't a "new thing". It's not old dogs learning new tricks. What Moore/Jones serve to prove to you is that THIS IS THE "ELECTION NORM" and sadly, has been for decades. Your vote, voice, opinion, etc. hasn't mattered for 50+ years. Pay attention because you're actually fighting for those who seek to stifle you."

This means that articles like his are not relevant:

It also means that any political analysis over the past 50 years is false; and that any political philosophy that does not recognise conspiracy is largely ineffective.

I live in a very left wing constituency in the South of England where the left wing candidate got a spectacular victory. Students were allowed to vote twice which the supposedly right wing government is doing nothing about. Not even a mention.

Plus there was SO MUCH evidence of vote rigging on Nigel Farage's election, Kent, 2015. They literally took the ballot box somewhere else for six hours. What confuses me is what do/ did UKIP as a whole gain by participating in the process and NOT bringing up vote rigging as an issue. Nigel Farage surely must have known this would happen, he is intelligent and been in the political game for some time. Yet he played his part well looking like he expected to win... Is this charade to wake up the populace? What could be the function of it?

If elections are not legitimate then I see little other options for Alliance types than taking out these mainstream politicians by force!

I'm a fan of Mega, but have we been had?

From Dr. Larry Schweikert (a history professor at the University of Dayton):

1) And to repeat: I talked to source at Gitmo who is in a unique position to know who comes and goes.

"Nothing unusual," he said. I asked if any high value/high-profile people were checked in. "No. Completely normal. He then explained why he thought it would be counterproductive 9:23 PM · Jan 1, 2018

2) to send anyone, particularly those high-value people to Gitmo and thought Trump was in agreement.

And he is full MAGA. 9:24 PM · Jan 1, 2018

My take on it is the source is accurate, so it was tweeted. He would have said "no comment" otherwise.

The so called source's proper response would have been. " i can neither confirm nor deny" but let's just let things bake a while. The flights recorded on the tracking websites and flight logs recently posted tend to favor any source indicating a transfer to Gitmo.

I haven't seen anybody doing analysis as to whether the flight activity was abnormal, but you are correct. At this point I've stopped trying to guess what's going on. I'm just taking it all in and hoping that the right people get what's coming to them.

I will say that academia takes veracity very seriously (except if you are Rahm Emmanuel's brother or a professor in the climate change Department). I don't think Schweikert, being a history professor and all, would post anything that he knows is untrue.

Good point TempoNick.

So far Mega has come through with a few solids which do lend her as much credibility, in my opinion, as Larry Schweikart's 'source'. I'm going to give this some time to bake before I assume Schweikart got the real goods. Not saying he's being dishonest, just saying that maybe his 1 source being referenced is doing their job and not broadcasting the situation.

assume Schweikart got the real goods. Not saying he's being dishonest, just saying that maybe his 1 source being referenced is doing their job and not broadcasting the situation.

I'm in your boat here. Accurate information? Disinformation? Who knows? I'm just taking it all in. It's going to be interesting to see who's right and who isn't

Hi /u/IMegaHateNicknames can you clarify something?

Tomorrow (Jan 3rd) is when the 115th US Congress reconvenes for its second session.

Does this mean we will 100% see confirmation that a significant percentage of lawmakers are nowhere to be seen?

Does this mean we will 100% have confirmation that a significant percentage of lawmakers are nowhere to be seen?

For the record I want you to be right

I'm not her but could you specify WHAT claim of hers you are referring to?

Todd I got mad respect and appreciation for all the work you've been doing on this archive (I came here from Wilcock's site) but... you're kidding, right?

Or maybe I'm just really confused and haven't read her stuff closely enough. Either way the psychology of this conspiracy stuff is fascinating.

I'm not kidding. I'm asking you to provide a link to her post/text where she claims that "a significant percentage of lawmakers" will be nowhere to be seen on Jan 3rd.

Mr Whiskey - you're pushing on a rope. I've noticed that 90% of the accusations that nonickname is a giant larp are putting words into her mouth (or screen) that never happened. I've read everything, I have no clue where somebody picked up that on Jan 3 we would be missing a large contingent from Congress......

Thanks much for your hard work.

I'm aware of shills and trolls calling her a larp and I don't give a damn about those because their ignorance and agenda is obvious. But I do care about facts and evidence (which is why you are reading this post in the first place) so anyone who is not an obvious troll or a shill but misinterprets what she said will get called out.

A poster from Twitter with a username B @B75434425 posted on December 31, 2017 that "At least 30 congressmen will not be returning after their Holiday BREAK." She(B) said that the break was extended to the 8th so maybe she meant they would be from the House. Maybe that post is where the confusion is coming from...confusing Megs with B.

That's just the Senate. The House doesn't come back until the 8th.

Hi. I never claimed people wouldn't show up when they're due to report back. I'm not sure where you got this from but not from me... for the record and all.

What about the folks that took the after Christmas flights to Gitmo? At some point they are going to be missed.

Right on, thank you for the reply

Hi. I know you said let news "cook" for 24 hrs, but is this Bannon stuff all part of the process/plan? Trump/Bannon still close?

IMegaHateNickNames - If you read this: 1) Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and opinions. I think you do a good job of clarifying when you are speaking from knowledge vs your own opinion/speculation.

2) Unsolicited advice - Stop defending yourself against the swamp. You were much more attractive when you just strutted your stuff and figured some will absorb and research, some won't, some will bitch and scream larp, so what.......

My opinion and $2 will get you a cup of coffee at McD's. Happy New Year

Once again, you need to tag her like this: u/IMegaHateNickNames

Bizarre how much people are making of this Oval Office sofa pic in the current live thread. What was the expectation here, that she would take a picture of one of the most photographed rooms in the world from a unique angle it's never been photographed from before? Like, the photo doesn't seem to prove anything (even if it was verifiably her own pic of the oval office, loads of people visit the oval office), but I don't follow the implication that it disproves anything.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised though, given how eagerly people leap to misrepresent her comments to claim to have caught her in a lie. I don't know how she has the patience for it.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention!

Your girl is totally owned here. She claimed she posted a picture of her own, but it's just a crop of media pic.

Game over man. Game over.

Wow, you're just embarrassing yourself at this point.

She never used the photo as any kind of proof -- in fact, for context, she included it in a comment where she was calling out "Q anon"'s highly suspicious "proof" as bullshit -- people were misrepresenting her use of the photo out of context trying desperately to discredit her, like you've been doing consistently. The whole point of my comment was pointing out how ridiculous it was that people were making a big deal about it when there's absolutely no way to tell whether it was cropped from another photo or just taken from the same angle, since there are thousands upon thousands of pictures of the oval office in existence, and countless people going in and out of the office all the time. And here you are taking that as your cue to make the same absurd leap they are because you're so desperate for anything you can pretend discredits MegaAnon. You're pretty much parodying yourself at this point.

Sure, brah. Sure.

Y'all been blown out, brahs. I know it hurts, but here it is.

You're really missing the point here, huh? How embarrassing for you.

Y'all tell us the point then, brah.

Yes, that's the spin she's feeding the gullible. But you really can't be that dumb.

Here's her first take in that thread, claiming it was all faked.

It's right here, brahs. All in front of your face.

Im feeling a bit lazy today but at some point i will go back in the archive to show you the context in which u/IMegaHateNickNames used her picture. The readers digest version is. ...... Q posted a fuzzy picture of a seal claiming if was the presidential seal ( it wasn't ) he was taking in real time, the gold seal ( on a white field ) that she posted was the correct presidential seal. All she was trying to do was to get people in the thread to realize that Q , who she says dropped some very interesting info in a format of questions the first three days he posted, had been coop'd by some other anon (s) and was sending anons chasing everything that looked like a rabbit down every alice in wonderland hole.

That's all, nothing more.

You really are this dumb.



Perhaps in your opinion I'm dumb. You however never seem to have anything to contribute to any conversely except to troll and shil ( all using double spaced posts) which is quite telling in and of itself.

Me thinks you are typing while looking at yourself in the mirror. Otherwise know as projecting.

Keep up the good work, I hope you are being paid handsomely.

Yes, what I have to contribute is telling you that you've been duped.

And all the downvotes in the world won't change that fact.

Well then some your in a sharing mood and want to tell us something. How about you PROVE anything she has said as incorrect. I don't see how you can but anything other than an attack on fellow redditor's would be a welcome change for you.


Photo is proven to be a lie.

"Buh buh buh buh prove she lies!!!!"


You can stop with the dude crap. You have proven one thing in this discussion ( yes I'm dumb for attempting to engage someone with an IQ of the outside temperature) You have left absolutely no doubt that you are nothing but a Troll.. Have a nice stay under the bridge. (Dude). 😂😂

Sorry to have offended y'all, brah.

But the photo was a lie.

Mega is a larper.

These things remain true, even if they make you feel ashamed.

Just a few things left to say to you Biff Sterling.

I'm not your brah, I'm not ashamed.

You are obviously to stupid to realize that your text makes you look like the paid troll you are. Do please do us all a favor and piss off M8.

Unsurprisingly, you have again completely missed the point. Because of course you're not trying to understand anything; you're trying to derail the conversation and deflect attention. It would be more effective if you were less obvious about it and made even a token effort to have an actual human conversation here instead of leaping to misunderstand and misrepresent everything like it's your job.

"Show me proof Mega is a larper."

"OK, here's incontrovertible proof."

"You're missing the point!!!! Stop derailing!!!!!"

She is claiming it’s all fake. She is saying that particular picture is not hers. Just like you are living proof that their are more than one 3 year old brains out there.

Where does she say this particular picture is hers retard?

the photo doesn't seem to prove anything

That was the only reason why she posted it!

You can't be this gullible.

Haha, I just love having you here!

Dude, /pol/ does not lie. You can see her first claim it's a fake and then scramble for the "oh yeah it's fake, don't believe anything." story.

Literally all right there. She's fake. Caught dead to fucking rights.

"Dude /pol / does not lie. "

Biff, since when does pol not lie? Halfchans shill army is twice as big as reddits, they lie all the time. Why are you so predeposed in trying to shoot this insider , u/IMegaHateNickNames , down when all you have to do is read her past breadcrumbs to verify that what she is dropping is real world $hit. It may not be what you want to hear and may not follow the time line you prefer but i have read nothing in her post that would have me call her a lying fake. Show me one anon that has dropped 100% true verifiable info 100% of the time? I have yet to see one anywhere but i have to say she gets closer every day. Sit back, relax and enjoy the coming fireworks with the rest of us :-) have a happy 2018.

PS. Don't forget to vote for people like Pres Trump. Its our only hope to keep control of this country out of the hands of those who wish to do us great harm.

I have a very difficult time accepting people can be this dumb, yet here's the evidence.


I don't know if you've been asked this before but... What is your personal opinion of High Level Insider who posted on /pol in 2016?

Curious about this as well. Particularly because Mega believes that Bannon played a benevolent role in Trump's administration, despite HLI making clear that Bannon was CNP. Not saying they contradict each other, just wondering what the angle on this is.

Also curious how HLI relates to the Armaggedonconspiracy folks. Seems like they aren't in the same faction, but have access to lots of the same information.

No thoughts yet until she does (or doesn't respond) within the next 2 days. Will respond to you then in a pm.


HLI and crew placed little/no credence in Trump as a leader, so it's interesting that Mega thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread. My fear is that all this is just an advanced program of theatrics targeted at a thinking audience. Hope I'm wrong!

My fear is that all this is just an advanced program of theatrics targeted at a thinking audience. Hope I'm wrong!


Just crossing my fingers that HLI and crew are behind all this since it was part of their plan originally:

"We suggest that Trump allow Russia to finish off ISIS, cuts off western funding for them, and stages a soft coup in Saudi Arabia to turn them into a US rather than British client state and use the new possession as leverage against China. No military campaign necessary, trade negotiations with China become incredibly easy, and US / Russian economies are both revitalized as the other two of the top 3 big petro powers.

Don't care who is the face of the policy."

Seems like that stuff is happening!

Are you going to answer my question u/IMegaHateNickNames?

What is your personal opinion of High Level Insider who posted on /pol in 2016?

I honestly have no clue who that is. Never read anything they said, to my knowledge. Not anyone referred to as "High Level Insider" or "HLI" as someone else abbreviated below.

Also, in reference to the post below you had been chatting with, Calikill, I'm not sure what you are implying when you use the term "benevolent" to describe the role you feel I believe Bannon played. I'm very familiar with the roles and capacities in which Bannon has served both the campaign and administration.

I'd take SPLC "findings and analysis" of the CNP, which broke the 2014 member report they dug up and dusted off last year, about as accurately as I'd take the Pew Research Centers "findings and reviews" on Bilderberg or the "Illuminati" though.

I'm pretty sure "HLI" guy and I, wouldn't agree.

Coulda swore she said Victory of the light was Tom Delonge sometime in the summer...

Yes, she did.

But is she claiming she doesn't know now? Not trying to be super critical here, I just think it's a discrepancy she should address.

She said this in July, indeed:

"@KibBitzLaw (VotL) is Tom DeLonge and team!!!"

Fast forward to October. votl tweeted that MegaAnon is their source, see screencap in this post. She categorically denied, see:

"I am NOT affiliated with this twitter account, not a source. It's absolute bullshit and first time I saw it was HERE, on /pol/... just now. Believe what you will, but mark my words. Do not let people take or assume credit, off me. I come HERE. ALWAYS. FIRST."

Yesterday, she first said she didn't know who votl really are, but didn't deny that she'd thought they are DeLonge in summer:

"Yes!! Because when I was asked about who victory was and looked into that account, I thought it was larping Tom DeLonge!! Haha!

I don't have anything against the account I don't know them. I just didn't like when they tried to post shit saying I knew them."

Guess who you are in this scene

So as a reminder- Mega got caught posting a picture from the oval office as if it was her own. She explicitly claimed it as her own.

It was not.

It was a crop of a media picture.

She first claimed the person who pointed it out was faking it.

Then she spun to pretend she faked it on purpose. To prove anyone could fake a picture. Or something.

At this point you have to be the easiest mark in the world to follow her.

You know this, even if you attack me.

You know she's a fake.

It was not.

It was a crop of a media picture.

For the record, no one has proven that. They've shown that it wasn't taken from a unique angle that no existing photo of the Oval Office was taken from. Which was never claimed anyway, and is a trivial finding either way. God, your desperation is beyond pathetic.

It's literally the same picture, brah.

I'm going to let you in on a secret that might blow your mind:

Inanimate objects tend to be stationary and even continue to exist after being observed. If photographed from the same direction by different cameras (without significant lens distortion), the objects will have the same orientations and proportions, unless they have been deliberately rearranged in between. If I take a picture of a chair, and you later come in and photograph the same chair from the same angle, we should be able to line up our photos perfectly. Especially in a setting with controlled lighting.

Object permanence. They say that in normal child development, this concept becomes intuitively understood within the first two years of life. I'm so sorry that you're lagging behind on this one.

Perfect response to a shill!

I learned something too 😃

A 64 day old account stalking these posts... Get another job or get another life, bro.

Guys! Guys! I need your help.

I can expose the deep state, but I need some funding.

Please send bitcoin to 1D1BLyy3bEV8vRb8wKfi5CmxSpDmK6NvnR

Ordinaruly I wouldn't ask, but you guys are too easy to pass up.

This would almost be relevant if MegaAnon had ever asked us to do.. anything...

A distraction. A psyops. I trust that these two are working together towards the same end. I have faith. It is the shills that are pounding this so hard and trying to confuse and divide the base.

Your name is u/IMegaHateNickNames?

My take on it is that this is a graceful way (for Trump, anyway) for Bannon to back off on his jihad against establishment Republicans. Roy Moore didn't go anywhere and after the tax cut passed, there is a lot of love in the room.

But Trump sure keeps us guessing, doesn't he?

u/IMegaHateNickNames I also asked this because she said let things play out for 24 hrs before we react. I am hoping its part of the plan.

Yes. I normally say 24 hours but when it comes to Bannon/Trump, this is a well-oiled machine of mainstream and establishment fuckery we are talking about here. 24hr. rule doesn't apply to Bannon/Trump because technically, this started well before the election and it will go well beyond 24hrs. This will extend beyond 2018.

I purposefully waited to post this reply, because I thought we could use this as an exercise. I figure, if you watch it and see it unfolding, you'll all probably better understand my posts from here on out, right?!

I've already told you about how Bannon resigned on 8/7/16, but left a week later as he was asked to stick around to ride out another MSM created fake news storm at the time. Trump has NEVER said Bannon was fired, UNTIL his response today. This should've been the first bone you noticed was tossed in your direction. Next, in Trump's response, he said (I'm paraphrasing), Bannon leaked false stories and that it's was what he did best, or something to that effect. That was bone #2 for you. Bannon was a great false stories leak! Reince was not. Bannon planted seeds on purpose to prove others wrong and fake. Reince planted fake stories to falsely implicate people in crimes, illegal activities and dealings to drive fake news based on bad agendas of the establishment.

There are flags in the fake Bannon quotes as well. Seriously, try to see them because I promise, if you read between Don Jr. and Kush "statements", you'll see it in play. Bannon had to implicate both Jr and Kush but Kush was the intent. It's purposeful seeding and separation. Like I told you, Kush was always temporary. Utilize your relations with China, Saudi and Israel. Negotiate. Then I gotta cut you loose cause my Dec. 21st order will cut you out via cadre/Soros and that cool $258m loan. Who does the cadre/Soros cut REALLY hurt?! Charles Kushner. Who used to take Jared's bedroom when he came to sleep over?! Benji Netanyahu. Who really benefitted and profited from the 666 NYC building deal and the 258m loan from Soros, only transacted under Jared who was forced to pull transactions for his dad while he sat in prison for the sexploitation of his brother in law?! Charles. Who's wife transacted the financial cut from that deal and is also under investigation with his wife for money mishaps, right now?! Benji. I'll tell you today, like Intold y'all months ago... Jared has a bone to pick and karma is a bitch. He did his job and vindicated himself. Trump separates, Bannon takes it on the chin in to be continued fashion and Don Jr. lives the "get" in real time, while Trump painstakingly yet patiently waits until it's his epic turn... soon.

Trump and Bannon told you they'd destroy the corrupt as fuck media in 2 years. Welcome to year 2. REMEMBER THESE THINGS. MSM awards on Monday?! Great! Pay attention to which outlets jumped all over this and all the shit just like it... they're your award nominees. The self-drain of the MSM swamp has started and we get to watch.

The one thing that stood out for me was the quote about Bannon calling it treason. I chuckled to myself, thinking "Yeah, it's treason all right, but it isn't who they think is committing the treason."

My first guess was that this was more subterfuge, so it appears at least I got that part right.

Thanks for the detailed reply. Sort of like manufactured fights, like say in the WWE.

I have my fingers crossed. I was nervous seeing the Don Jr. tweets. I just hope the tide starts to turn so that normies (I hate that term-people who aren't aware & blindly follow msm), start to realize what is occurring.

So Kushner is now working for pay back? I was just confused because I thought he may be working against Trump.

Think about what you're saying there. Kushner working against Trump with Ivanka standing over his shoulder? I don't think so.

Just questioned it because if I recall correctly Mega previously said Kushner could be potentially be indicted too and it wouldn't be a bad thing in her mind. (Mega, apologies if misunderstood)

I could be wrong too because my brain just doesn't think that way. If I'm a 36 year old kid (to me you are a kid in terms of judgement until you hit 40, at least when it comes to things like running the country) working for my father-in-law, the last thing I do is stab him in the back. I also have enough faith in Trump's ability to judge what's going on. If Kushner had his own agenda, he'd be gone.

I actually saw this thread and posted on /pol about it earlier. I copied the link to the Hill, into a thread I had posted in on Bannon/Trump. I'll save myself the redundancy, but I do explain the play if anyone's interested. I'm sure it will show up in the archives.

Was curious so I thought I'd try digging this up and save /u/ToddWhiskey at least a bit of time.. looks like a different article from The Hill though? Couldn't find anything mentioning Peter Thiel.

See this?!

This now holds all those falsely reporting the bait, who've already tried to start backing off and editing their "reported" Bannon remarks, legally to the fire. This will get turned back on these outlets reporting this shit falsely. The C&D citing "based on Wolfe's reports" all over it, is intentional. Just please watch as it plays out. It's why I generally say, let shit like this bake for 24 hrs. before getting worked up. The MSM proves every day they never have to be accountable for retractions, because all that matters is what the first bullshit headlines on fake stories, plants in readers minds. The false narrative is already set and no one pays attention to small font retractions added, edits denoted with * or complete deletions all together.

Oh maybe. Saw the hill and assumed the same. Just to confirm, the hill has been the receiver of "good leaks" like this before. Even politico 2x.

I've definitely gotten the sense that The Hill is worth keeping a close eye on, at least since they started publishing that series of Uranium One stories in October starting right after Hillary Clinton "broke her toe"...

Peter Thiel starting a conservative news network to compete with Fox News, though -- good or bad, from your perspective?

That's correct. Indicted like Flynn over trivial nonsense. Kushner would've walked like Flynn and would've been same type of hit against admin., but would've priced nothing.

Jared loves Trump like a dad. Jared's dad is a sexploiting degenerate who ruined their family for his own greed and corruption. Kushner didn't have his own agenda, he had Trumps. Literally before Trump, Kushner was a legal name on paper for Charles Kushner to assign assets, investments and liquids to in an effort to save them from seizure while he was in prison. Everyone always ties Jared to 666 in NYC. In reality, Jared is on paperwork, but technically only in name. Dad ran the show. Same for Cadre and the Soros $258m. It was really Dad's loan and dealings, not Jared.

Jared got into college with less than a 1200 SAT score. Charles greased every dirty palm in NJ/NY from McGreevey, to Cuomo, to Schumer and Clinton to get him recommendations for campaign $$. When he graduated college, he did the same to get him into Goldman. Trump took Jared under his wing and made him the businessman you think of him as being today. He loves him, but yes, he knew his time would come too... it's ok. No one is mad. Jared leveraged his relations in valuable ways we desperately needed as his relations were strong in literally, every country that hated Hillary and Kerry.

One day we aren't going to care about this Trump/Bannon story, even the MSM fallout from it. We will only remember it at the spark that ignited what will become the Pence downfall. Shit got real for B today.

I've always gotten a kick out of the people who assume Jared steers Trump, and never consider it could be the other way around. But a couple minutes of looking at both men should tell you that Trump -- known for getting his way -- would be the leader in that relationship, even more so than a normal father-in-law/son-in-law situation.

I still don't get why most of this was necessary, or how A leads to B, but that's okay. It was obvious that Bannon's and Trump's quotes weren't what they looked like on the surface, because to believe that, you have to believe they're both petulant children who would throw away tons of political capital over a spat. I look forward to seeing it play out.

And, conveniently, that's EXACTLY what the MSM and establishment GOP thinks of them.

Pence now too? How's that work?

I would have sworn I read all your posts back to May, but now I'm thinking I missed something.

Hi astrogirl.

Mega has mentioned a few times in her threads that Pence is dirty Establishment who President Trump was forced to accept, to ensure the GOP didn't derail his Presidential campaign/withdraw his nomination.

She's also mentioned Pence will ultimately be impeached.

You'll find this thread interesting:

You'll recall between 13-24 September 2001 (right after 9/11) President Bush authorised many Saudis to be flown out, including a dozen bin Ladens.

Mega suggests after the Saudi's botched Las Vegas massacre false flag/psy-ops (foiled by Trump in a counter-intelligence op, I believe), the same Saudis responsible for 9/11 were in the USA, and flew out straight away. This time however, POTUS didn't grant authority. VP Pence went over his head and granted the authority.

I hope I have that right Mega, you magnificent lady!

EDIT: Noting Las Vegas was a planned precursor to President Trump's assassination, potentially, Pence was complicit in the hit (my speculation).

For u/SerenityIsNow:

"Mega suggests after the Saudi's botched Las Vegas massacre false flag/psy-ops (foiled by Trump in a counter-intelligence op, I believe), the same Saudis responsible for 9/11 were in the USA, and flew out straight away. This time however, POTUS didn't grant authority. VP Pence went over his head and granted the authority."

What you stated (quote copied above) is news to me. From following along with what Megs has been so kind to share with us, I remember learning Las Vegas was a Saudi-botched false flag/psy-op to assassinate Saudi Prince Mohammad bin Salman, but I don't remember hearing it was foiled by Trump in a counter-intelligence operation. I also did not realize Pence gave the authority to allow the Saudis to fly out. Just trying to figure out if I missed something.

Hi swimrobin.

The link above implies Pence authorised the Saudi's extraction, over Trump's head.

As for the counter-intelligence op which foiled the Las Vegas massacre (where thousands were meant to be killed) I've picked that up from other Mega threads (there's a lot to plough through to re-find them, but I'll do my best!) + intelligent conversations on 8chan a week within a week of event (before it was infested by Q).

(8chan/pol/ theorised that explosive laden car Police found was meant to drive into the fuel tanks, calculating it would cause an explosion akin to a thermonuclear bomb. There were other shooters in buildings down the street, so anyone still alive from the blast would run down the street, getting shot. President Trump was notified of this in advance by White Hats, and arranged a counter-op to minimise the carnage. No idea how accurate this is, but it makes sense to me - particularly in the absence of info).

Of course, if I've misinterpreted anything, I'm delighted to be corrected! I always strive to be as accurate as possible. Hungry for facts.

EDIT: Just realised the link I gave in my first comment includes words to the effect "When Trump got wind of the event, he took action to divert", which I assume was a counter-intelligence op.

Thanks so much for your input u/SerenityIsNow. I dug pretty hard for information on Las Vegas during the weeks directly following. I'm pretty sure I remember seeing a video floating around of operatives loading automatic weapons onto helicopters. I always thought those operatives loading guns were black hats, but maybe they were the good guys? I don't recall ever hearing that Trump had intelligence that this was going to happen. I didn't catch the implication from Megs that Pence authorized the Saudi extraction, but if he did, I hope that it comes to light.

Las Vegas is what led me down the rabbit hole to 4Chan, MegaAnon, and eventually Reddit.

My pleasure, swimrobin!

Okay, I found the fascinating 8chan thread that theorises how the mass causality event was meant to go down, killing thousands (car bomb ramming fuel tanks) from 16 October. Many intriguing bits of info, with multiple links to other threads.

There were definitely early reports + footage of multiple helicopters, which were promptly quashed in the media. So yes, perhaps it was the counter-op White Hats being extracted?

The theory goes it wasn't a Military operation, but rather Trump pal Eric Schmidt's (since renamed) Blackwater working with the Mafia (who apparently run Vegas).

Also, note this warning by "John" on 4chan 3 weeks before, warning of an imminent mass causality event in Vegas, with the purpose of implementing much stricter security measures eg installation of back-scatter X-ray machines - a deal worth $Billions.

I'd heard the theory it was the attempted assassination of Crown Prince bin Salman, but that doesn't seem to fit the narrative that thousands were meant to be killed. This other theory from "John" makes more sense.

Of course, this could all be utterly wrong, but hey, when you know the current story is complete BS, we'll always search for more plausible explanations!

I really appreciate your input and sharing the links. I wish u/IHateMegaNicknames could weigh in on this further, at least addressing some of your conclusions. Were the White Hats tipped off and was a counter operation in place? Did Pence step over Trump's authority to allow the Saudis (shooters) to flee Las Vegas?

I strongly feel that the families of the victims, anyone in Las Vegas that night, and finally, all Americans deserve to know the truth and whether justice will be/has been served. It still haunts me to this day.

Always my pleasure, swimrobin.

I lurk on 4chan & 8chan/pol/, as well as researching extensively elsewhere.

Globally though, I only post on The_Donald + The Conservative Treehouse. So, it's a joy to finally find a place I can discuss what I've read - without being shadow-banned, deleted or (as a lady) having /pol/ demand "get your tits out, or GTFO!"

I was in a 4chan/pol thread (CBTS, I think) when the idea coalesced that Vegas was about an assassination attempt on the crown prince. It was mainly based on things they said they could see in a bit of video where some armed men were moving through a casino that night. I couldn't make anything of it myself. But they became convinced one of the men was a prince, and then I think one Q or another may have confirmed it and then it became gospel.

Meg did say there were multiple VIPs in Vegas that night, so perhaps the crown prince was there. I dunno. But she wasn't the source of that claim and never confirmed it that I know of. If she did and I missed it, maybe someone can point me to the right archive.

Hi LordMhoram

I agree. As I posted in reply to swimrobin above, given this was a mass causality event meant to kill thousands, the comment published by "John" on 4chan 3 weeks prior to the incident (warning of a mass casuality event to implement greater security eg back-scatter Xray machines), seems more plausible.

I am also aware of the comment by John on 4Chan. He warned this would happen a bit sooner and told people to stay away from Las Vegas. I think it may have happened a little later than what was originally projected for September. And, of course, within a few hours of what occurred, Democrats started to call for more gun control.

Thank you u/LordMhoram for your input. You might be correct. I might not be remembering exactly what Megs said and may be mixing it up her comments and the discussion on 4Chan.

I’m not even doubting any of this, as the last year has shown me anything is possible, but god damn, my head is spinning from reading this.

I’m not sure of its from the sheer magnitude of the implications or the fact that I’m not finding the idea completely implausible.

This mother effing timeline...

I'm thinking I missed something.

I posted this in another sub when they tagged me the other day. I hope it helps.

Dear ToddWhiskey

You are an absolute LEGEND and remarkable patriot compiling Miss Mega's comments. Thank you kindly.

I'm on The_Donald, regularly trying to redpill the sub. Any mention of Mega gets me shadow-banned or down-voted to buggery. So now, I've taken to not mentioning her, instead PM'ing interested pedes with a link to your compilation. Spreading the word one pede at a time! Happy New Year, lovely!

You're welcome :)


Thanks. I appreciate the response. Hopefully it all shakes out.

It’s so crazy how no one has touched on the difference of the treatment between Flynn and Hillary. Why didn’t Flynn use the Hillary Defence.

Be Flynn, give a particular FBI Agent an incorrect recollection of a conversation about something he was legally allowed to do to. FBI then Indicts without needing to prove intent.

Be Hillary, give the same FBI Agent any number of incorrect recollections of event about thing that are clearly illegal. FBI then refuses to Indict because they cannot prove intent.

1) Like What The Absolute FUCK

2) Why didn’t Flynn and his Legal Eagles, just say, “why would anyone intend to lie to you about something that was legal and that they were ordered to do by the PRESIDENT? ”

Unless they are trying to set their own Legal or Punishment precedents.

What’s going on with Pence? I hope he’s leaving, but who to take his place?

No, I'm not saying that, nor have I ever. I'm not sure how you got that from what I posted. Trump knows all there is to know about Kushner. Trust me. He knows all he needed to know about everyone on the in with him. Kushner worked with Trump. He had a specific job, like Bannon, like Scaramucci even, where he knew before he even started what his role would be and when it was done, it was done. It was always temporary.

I was responding to Trump45. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

Sorry. I'm trying to get used to the view on here. I phonepost like 100% too, so I'm sure that doesn't help. I just scroll, see something, hit the arrow and type in the box. Then, I hit add comment. If it doesn't add right away, I hit it 30 more times, forgetting they'll all apparently go through, then when they do, I have to delete 29. I swear. This is the absolute state over here. Haha!

It's all good. Now that it has had a chance to sink in, it is pretty amusing. Bannon adding fuel to the fire to keep the Russia narrative alive. Treason? Money Laundering? Kusher? LOL

Don't sell Kushner short, he was a huge, huge, part of the campaign. If he was the connec to broker some of the stuff in Saudi Arabia and Israel etc. than those alone are world changing. But I'm sure he's done more than that, hasn't he? He's been crucial to running the very Bannon-Javanka misdirection of which we speak right now for instance and I'm sure there's more than that.

I get what you're saying with the Scaramucci thing, he's NOT a Washington guy he had a specific part of the plan, but I just feel like your selling him short. Scaramucci was there for a week and a half. Kush was there for a year. He could've been killed. His family could've been kidnapped. Huge, huge, risk he didn't have to take to try to MAGA. Just like Potus.

I'm not selling him short at all. I'm not sure where you're seeing that in anything I've said. But I, like you, value Kushners role and tenure with the admin.

Wray is waiting for the OIG report coming Jan 15. Everyone involved has one shot at this, and everything needs to be in place perfectly. Timing is everything. Can't jump the gun

Great info, real time. Folks really should consider reading all of your body of work back to May 23.

I also noted the "bright shiny object" dangling aspect of this "controversy" -- wonderfully described in Breitbart's headline (one of several of course) by CNN's good Mr. Jake Tapper as "'nasty' Bannon-Trump fallout 'like nothing seen in U.S. history.'"

While you have SKB, ho hum, with Bloomberg (presumably sourced by Josh Green) tweeting that two people "close to" Bannon saying Bannon had no problem at all with Mr. Trump's statement, and the Joel Pollak article on Breitbart making it clear that SKB was conducting interviews as normal on his Sirius radio show, showing that for Mr. Bannon, this was just another Wednesday.

So much for the bright shiny object. Did anyone notice the following: (1) Nunes's letter on Dec 28 demanding full compliance with House Intelligence Committee August subpoenas re the dossier by today, Wednesday, January 3; (2) Wray and Rosenstein's unannounced visit to Speaker Ryan's office today to discuss the FBI and DOJ's response to Congressman Nunes's letter and deadling; (3) Congressman DeSantis on the Lou Dobbs' show tonight saying the FBI and DOJ had stiffed the committee's demand for production by today, with DeSantis saying if the House puts Mr. Wray and Mr. Rosenstein in the House jail for contempt that presumably the FBI and DOJ would comply within 24 hours; and then (4) Sara Carter on Hannity two hours later saying that sources have told her that the House Committee will have all the information requested in their August subpoena by midnight tonight.

So, presumably, tomorrow, January 4, 2018 will have some news for the American people, if the FBI and DOJ intransigence in withholding the information from the House requested pursuant to their constitutional (and essential) oversight authority has resulted in any way due to the nature and content of the information they apparently will disclose by midnight tonight. And, any responses and actions taken to that information might also be notably newsworthy tomorrow.

And, then there's that little matter of the President dissolving the advisory bipartisan Voter Fraud Commission today despite 'significant evidence' of voter fraud established, due to widespread obstruction by states and Democrat (and undoubtedly collaborating Republican establishment figures) . . . and referring the evidence to the Department of Homeland Security for review and further action required, if any. Be careful what you wish for, 'resistance' members . . .

Gotta go back to the hundreds of thousands of tweets about the SKB-DJT "feud" and all the commentary by folks who really should know better but who have so much to say about the bright shiny object that has mesmerized them so today.

: )

Also, beyond 2018? I hope stuff starts to become noticeable before the 18 elections. We need people to wake up and know this before heading to the voting box.

I keep seeing people who should know better (establishment GOP) moaning over Trumps low approval ratings without bothering to consider the source, look at who was polled, and remember how wrong the polls were in 2016. Man, it pisses me off, but yeah, people are going to have to see some shit happen so Trump doesn't lose the Congress.

can someone explain this to me ? i have no idea what mega is referring to here.. the third paragraph??

Lol, as if Trump doesnt know who who Boehner is.

That shit got faker the more i read. I shoulda trusted that one person online who hates nicknames!

P.S. did you really handle assanges passport? Or was that just you being clever?

This “Happening” is the biggest glue that she who hates nicknames is legit. Who could have predicted this drama unfolding. No Larper could.

I'm glad to hear that, because I've been saying for months that draining the swamp won't be complete if the MSM retains its power to guide the narrative. All the rah-rah we-took-our-nation-back-at-the-ballot-box stuff will fall on deaf ears if people don't know it happened, or why it was necessary, or how we lost it in the first place. Just yesterday I saw a liberal commenter at CDaN claim that Trump is only pretending to care about human trafficking to cover up the fact that he's some kind of trafficking kingpin. They're deranged. If the MSM can keep whipping the left up with stuff like that, and keep the middle convinced that nothing is really happening except party bickering and Trump being a spaz, no one's going to understand what's happening. The MSM always had to be dealt with somehow.

I must be missing something, though. If Bannon leaked false info or made false claims, are the reporters who ran with it legally liable? That would surprise me, since it seems like you could get any member of the press arrested that way.

Even if they made stuff up, that's not new. They've been making stuff up about Trump since the campaign started (since he became tabloid-worthy, really). If they could be charged for that, why has the president's only response for more than a year been to call them Fake News? Why didn't past politicians charge media members for lying about them? Were they just too polite, or too fearful of the power of the press?

What's changed, I guess, is what I'm not seeing, so I'll be watching for it.

What’s your take on this?

That the discredited Trump accuser meeting is meet up regularly with Huma. The comments on the gossip site were pointing to a sexual hookups but my guess is not as boring as that.

Blind Items Revealed #4 December 24, 2017

The wife of this disgraced politician has been raising a lot of eyebrows the past month. The wife of that foreign born A++ list criminal has been a frequent visitor at her home.

Huma Abedin/Emma Coronel Aispuro (Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán) POSTED BY ENT LAWYER AT 9:40 AM

First, thanks. I appreciate it.

Second, this is interesting and I will say a majority is true, BUT, it's not just Huma. Huma is on a very tightly AND monitored", short leash. So yes, heavily involved and engaged before the elections in fake accusers, in addition to being heavily engaged now, but this time, she's more like a remote managing, string pulling, puppeteer. Now you're probably wondering who they've on-borded and tasked with the dirty grunt work of their "accuser recruitment" scheme. So, I'll ask you to pay attention to the infamously corrupt as fuck, mother/daughter "feminist-protecting and defending" legal team, who's always eager and first, to unironically "pop up" every time a high profile, yet always questionable (in hindsight), "accusers" claim is made. Remember what you've already factually learned and can confirm.

  • This duo of legal bitches tried to pay off Rose McGowan to stop publicly accusing Weinstein and others. When that didn't work, they tried to pass dirty scoops about her to the media and no one would touch the story or info, with a 10ft. pole. There's a ton I could list on this and the shady shit they've done since the Hollywood shit broke, but it's irrelevant at this point. I'm only citing to prove these attorney femiwhores have shown up everywhere the shit stinks... and to be honest, they've been used for decades.

  • The GOP raised, dedicated and spent more that $30 million on Strange's campaign over Moore. You know Gloria and her daughter have a reported and documented history of secretly "funding" the supposed "financial hardships and shortcomings" of "accusers", including Trump's before the elections, citing they did it because the "accusers" were "afraid" that they'd be "victim shamed" for going public. This type of payoff money has gone to pay off the entire mortgages, college tuitions of kids, retirements, etc. of a lot of these "accusers", right?!

  • Just this week, you started the new year learning one of Hillary Clinton's biggest backers, personally funded $500k, specifically for accusers.

  • You already know that every single one of the initial 11 accusers they brought against Trump just prior to the elections had factually, directly or indirectly worked for, heavily engaged in or strongly associated with the Hillary for Senste and/or presidential campaigns, the DNC, the Clinton Foundation, Bill Clinton's presidential campaigns, his admin., etc. of all of them, 9 were immediately discredited and the other two retracted.

Once you view these things together, you'll see these are just par for the course, swamp-driven, house of Cards tactics and strategies, used for decades. What will be a really sad reality, is when everyone realizes and accepts the fact that the swamp exploited women AND men on very important issues like rape, sexual abuse and misconduct for THEIR PURPOSES, just as they've exploited blacks and racism for decades. They literally tried to turn the "metoo card" into the "race card" and now, when legitimate, valid, credible, verifiable claims of rape, sexual abuse and misconduct are made by women/men, just like when legitimate, valid, credible and verifiable claims of racism are made by blacks, no one bats an eye. Why?! Because we've become numb and dumb to it. We've been groomed to expect and accept it, rather than denounce and actively demand more for ourselves. It's been so normalized and mainstreamed that when it does really happen, no one picks their heads up, stands, then answers the call with action. It's the literal "boy who cried wolf", IRL.

Hopefully, when people are forced to realize and accept the fact that the people who've been rigging all of us and our systems for their own purposes for so long, are the same people who've preached and dictated to us for 100+ years, what's societally and politically correct and what isn't, they'll pick their heads up, stand against the hypocrisy and reset societal and political "expectations" and "demands", as a whole. I have faith in Americans. The MSM only highlights the minority of anything and tries to make it look like it's the majority. It's not. It never is. There are WAY more rational, level-headed, civil, honest, good-hearted, hardworking, smart, open-minded people in the country on BOTH SIDES of the political aisle, than "they'd" EVER want or lead us to believe. While it would seem we are well on the way to complete and utter societal and political divide, thanks to "them", the REALITY is, we are NOT as divided OR as extreme in our positions and perspectives as they'd have us believe we are. When push really comes to shove and reality is transparent, I fully believe that we will see the true bipartisan, majority's power of united, American patriotism at work. We will need to be a little patient while we let people recognize, absorb and accept these truths and realities as they're released, but I do have faith that it's been designed, planned and is being implemented, in a conscious, cautious yet correct manner. I believe you'll feel the same as you see it unfolding.

My husband and I were talking last night about the Bannon/Trump "news" and first thing he said was "this is a ruse. there is no way this is real." Of course, I agreed with him and then today I am reading your recent posts and BOOM!!! Thank you! Time to pop some popcorn, put my feet up, and watch the show!

Listen, and I say this as the son of two South-Eastern European immigrants (including a father who was a refugee), I don't have a problem with any people or any religion. As far as I'm concerned, they are welcome here, but with one caveat. That's caveat is that you can't let so many of them in that they change the character of this country from one that is historically Anglo/European Christian and White (which runs the spectrum between the olive-skinned types like me and the pasty-faced types who come from northern Europe). Like it or not, when people define themselves as being part of a nation, appearance is one of the factors they take into consideration.

Diversity is great! Displacement, however, will not be tolerated. And too much of it will lead to the breakup of this country which was unimaginable just a couple of years ago.

When these Paul Ryan types start talking like liberals when it comes to this subject it really drives me up a wall. Can you really be so obtuse?

Differences in appearance or race do not matter. That is another untruth that the deep state uses against us to keep us in disunity. Don’t fall for it. We are one people.

As a progressive who has been following this thread with great interest, I’ve noticed that while conservatives are definitely more “woke” than liberals when it comes to the existence of the deep state and the need to dismantle these power structures, they remain ignorant to certain pieces of the puzzle that progressives have more completely figured out. The paradigm is shifting in a way that is much more broad than what is being discussed here. We are all one people on this planet and THAT, in fact, is the greatest trick the deep state and their “swamps” around the world ever pulled- removing that information from our consciousness. The fracturing that Megs describes has not just happened in the US. It happened everywhere, and we have all suffered because of it. This plot that’s unfolding isn’t just a restoration of the US. We’re at the epicenter of something much bigger. The maintenance of an outdated and arbitrary national identity is a small prize compared to what we have the opportunity to experience once this is over. As the tide of unity comes in, ask yourself why your reaction to it needs to be negative.

Yes it does matter. When I see this video, I see people I am culturally, spiritually, religiously, linguistically and historically related to.

Those are my people, not some goat herder from Nigeria. I'm not saying Nigerians can't come here, but what I am saying is they can't come here in numbers that will swamp the native Anglo European population.

Most people agree with me, whether they will admit it publicly or not.


All I’m saying is that if you’re looking for a feeling of belonging and identity, there are other ways for you to have that which don’t rely upon archaic notions of nationality and exclusivity. And I think the continuation of those notions, at the expense of us remembering that we are all one species, is a short sighted goal. Ultimately it’s your choice though.

I don't disagree with that, but Asians have their own countries, blacks have their own countries, Muslims have their own countries ... what's wrong with white, Christian Anglos and Europeans having their own countries? Why do we have to allow the left try to turn this into another Brazil?

Like I said, I have nothing against any race or religion. But if we suddenly decided we were going to swamp Nigeria with white people, they wouldn't be too happy about it either.

I wouldn’t say there’s anything wrong with that in the most general terms. I don’t think an influx of foreigners will happen in a way that will impact us negatively- that’s a story I perceive as being a fear narrative. But you’re right- it shouldn’t happen unless we’re in a place to desire it.

And therein lies the problem. I don't think most people desire it, however we have a cabal that has a stranglehold on government and they largely don't care what the majority thinks. The left kept taunting whites, threatening to turn them into a minority. White's got the message and they don't like it one bit.

Let's be clear about what I am saying because I don't consider myself a hater: I like Nigerian people but I don't want to turn this into Nigeria.

Ah, okay. I have a perspective to add to this.

The left’s taunting of whites is largely due to the trauma that non-white groups feel as a result of colonialism/systemic oppression/slavery, etc. That trauma has been passed down through generations, and these groups are projecting that trauma outwards as anger as a part of their healing process. They need their victimhood to be acknowledged and validated by the people in power (whites) in order for their healing to complete. (Along with massive economic reparations, etc.) Subconsciously, you could say that these marginalized groups are experiencing abandonment and the fallout of societal abuse. They are trying to be heard and acknowledged so that they can be properly re-associated into society and complete their healing. The cabal has co-opted this healing and re-empowerment process as a fear tactic to make the right feel as if their identities/lives/jobs/wives are in endangered by it. As a result, the right has been tricked into being resistant to this healing process, locking us into the exact kind of vicious cycle the cabal wants. This has caused so much unnecessary repeating of history and so much suffering on both sides, but ESPECIALLY for people of color. The emergence of BLM is just one more chance for us to let this re-empowerment happen, but the right has once again been tricked into seeing it as sinister. (And I’m also aware BLM has been co-opted because of its anti trump stance. Complicated situation. This is largely opportunistic though- it’s not actually at the heart of what drives the movement. It’s something the cabal is merely taking advantage of, like they do with just about every justifiable left-wing cause. Unfortunately, most of the left remains completely ignorant of this co-opting, and they haven’t had as much time to analyze the impact it has had on their movements and thought processes. This is why I’m excited about this thread, and about 2018.)

Is there actually a danger to a future in which marginalized races in the US come back into their empowerment and heal from the trauma the US has inflicted? I don’t think so. Will things be the same once its done? Not at all. I see the nation becoming empowered in a whole new way that heals all of our past racial misdeeds that we are still haunted by. Desiring a white US identity will always be seen as racist and xenophobic until that healing is done. You could say we have unfinished business with our racial past, and every time someone says “but this is a nation for white people,” it will be seen by the left as being in complete denial of all the sins we have yet to make up for. You can’t go swim in the ocean while you still have an open wound. You can’t toss out an abused child as a way to avoid feeding and clothing them. This is how the left views white nationalism.

But by the time this is all resolved, people will have had enough time to incorporate additional perspectives. (Largely as a result of the decreasing fragmentation Megs was talking about.) I think in a few years, these conversations will be much easier to have.

What you say is very reasonable and I am inclined to agree with most of what you said. What concerns me is that we have a federal government that is a runaway freight train, accountable to no one, that has been taken over by people with what I will charitably call an academic mindset. They have their own agenda and it is completely disconnected with what happens in the real world.

As I've said numerous times on other boards, the dumbest thing whites ever did was bring slaves to this country. If you look at the North, it was also a Wilderness settled by mostly Europeans. And it has always been more prosperous. Part of that, of course, is that the land is richer up north. But not relying on slave labor is also a part of that as well.

Don't misunderstand. I'm not saying blacks should have never come to this country. I am saying that black slaves should have never been brought to this country. Our politics would have a completely different dynamic without the slave heritage.

If those are your people, you should go and join them. I'm not a leftist, but I find some of your comments in this thread line really disturbing, but not surprising. Like you said, a lot of people agree with you. That's sad.

Reminder: this country was entirely inhabited by a race of non-white, non-anglo-european population for thousands of years until your people (my people too) came over on ships in numbers that swamped the native population, changed the character of the country, and displaced them. The displacement was VIOLENT, and the white/anglo european christians won. You're selectively describing just one part of this nation's history-- the one that pertains to you and your people-- and choosing to ignore the rest. That's fine for you, because your people (my people too) are in the majority for now and your voice is the loudest, but it's not fine for others who consider this their country as well. And yes, your people brought slaves over too, and now the great-grandchildren of those slaves consider this their country too and feel they should have a say in how it's run. These people are NOT your people, and they don't share your historical timeline. But this is their country too -- you just really don't like it. I don't believe you when you say 'diversity is great'. You don't speak like someone who actually believes that.

In reality, your present idea of what "white" means, and who this country belongs to, has been revised and changing constantly ever since the first "whites" came and claimed the country for themselves. At first it didn't include people like you or me, eastern european, italian, irish, german. But it was revised as time went on. Then it didn't include jews, but it was revised. What will your idea of "white" look like in 100 years? It WILL change. Realize that the idea of whiteness is fabricated, and only serves the people that it currently describes. It's much like membership requirements to join an elite country club. It's a mechanism to exclude. Thus fari in American history, the "white" people that get to decide who else is "white" have managed to keep their dominance over those that they've decided are not "white". But things are changing rapidly.


Do you believe there should be laws preventing interracial marriage? That would prevent the "appearances" you care so much about from changing. That would make sure your definition of "white" (pasty to olive skinned color) would never get any darker. Are you afraid of a future where this country is overrun by "mud babies"? Why is color such an important factor in your definition of national identity? It's a good thing I'm white too (the pasty-colored kind), as it means I can consider myself an American. But it's not so lucky for my wife, who is 100% native American (the olive-colored kind). She doesn't get to share your selective historical idea of America, or your appearance-based idea of national identity. Is she not american? Our ancestors were not here 5000 years ago... hers were. But she's not white/anglo european christian, so she's excluded. And it's not so lucky for my son, who is now an exact mix of pasty white and native. Does he fit your definition, even though he's only half white/anglo european christian? What happens if he marries an immigrant from Nigeria with skin as black as midnight and they have a child? My grandchild will not fit your definition of national identity by a long shot, but are they not American all the same? My children and grandchildren will NEVER inherit your ignorant ideas on race and culture, so I'm not worried about them feeling American. And, luckily, it looks like statistically the future will see a vast majority of AMERICANS that are much darker than your or I, and I am very happy about that.

Sorry for the rant, your comments just really struck a nerve.

"Reminder: this country was entirely inhabited by a race of non-white, non-anglo-european population for thousands of years until your people (my people too) came over on ships in numbers that swamped the native population, changed the character of the country, and displaced them."

So? What do they do with it? Show me the great skyscrapers they built. What about the great hospitals and universities? What about the great network of highways? This place was a jungle, overridden with trees and weeds until the Ingenuity of white Europeans came, conquered this land, tamed it and settled it. You may be stupid enough to give that away but I'm not.

This is not disturbing, this is just common sense. Common race, common heritage, common looks, common religion, common linguistic roots, common culture. That is what defines a nation, not some politically correct feel good mantra about America just being an idea.

I don't have anything in common with somebody who wraps their body to look like a human bowling pin. And when push comes to shove, as it always does in history, that person is not going to be on your team when times get tough. Look at Yugoslavia for example. They were all Brothers when everybody was fat and happy. The minute things got rough they all turned against each other. That will happen here too if we let more clueless, borderline insane people like you impose your naive ideas. Get your head out of your rear end!

So? What do they do with it? Show me the great skyscrapers they built.

How many skyscrapers have YOU built lately? No, clinging to the achievements of others simply because you share an ethnic background with them is not a valid way of detracting from the fact you yourself are a waste of skin.

I'm pretty sure you have no real connection to people in general and most don't want to have any connection with you, regardless of skin color of ethnicity.

Thanks for the virtue signaling. You are so superior to the rest of us.

Not that it means much.

I'm pretty sure you don't know what that means.

I'm pretty sure you're wrong.

Do you have a satisfactory family life? I am genuinely curious.

Yes. Do you?

That's caveat is that you can't let so many of them in that they change the character of this country from one that is historically Anglo/European Christian and White

The first amendament and the Tripoli treatise disagree strongly on religion being relevant in any way, shape or form. And if whites were so keen on keeping the country pale they could think about it before importing millions of blacks. Do you have ANY legal backing to your claims? Any official document? Or just wishful thinking?

Why do I need a document? Can't you see what's going on? Can't you read Jennifer Palmeiri's memo about how they're trying to flood the country with illegals to give the Democrats votes (since whites won't vote for them)?

Let's assume, for the sake of the argument, that you are right.

How does that answer my question?

You believe the US should prioritize race and religion as admission factors. You are objectively wrong as far as religion is concerned. Do you believe your claims on race being a factor have any authority backing them up other than the fact you wish it was the case?

Do you understand the dufference between my question:

"Is there any law backing your position"

And your answer

"It is urgent that we deal with the solution the way I think we should"

You believe the US should prioritize race and religion as admission factors. You are objectively wrong as far as religion is concerned. Do you believe your claims on race being a factor have any authority backing them up other than the fact you wish it was the case?

This country was 90% WHITE, ANGLO (OR EUROPEAN) until the leftist fox got into the henhouse. Just as we know what defines a German, a Frenchman, a Greek and a Brit, THAT'S what defines an AMERICAN -- SOMEONE OF EUROPEAN STOCK.

Sure there were other groups that are part of America, Indians (feather), black slaves, Pacific Islanders, etc. BUT THEY WERE NOT PART OF THE 90% THAT FOUNDED AMERICA AND MADE IT WHAT IT IS. THOSE PEOPLE ARE WHITE, ANGLO (OR EUROPEAN) AND CHRISTIAN.

Not Muslim, not Indian (dot), not Asian, not African. WHITE, ANGLO (OR EUROPEAN) AND CHRISTIAN.

You people want to turn this into some kind of a sewer of the third world. Trump isn't going to let you. THERE IS A GOD.

Jesus christ, your reading comprehension is nonexistent.

The US was 90% white. Now it's not the case anymore. You wish things were different.

I got that. I really do.

What I am asking you is: is there any legal ground to your claims that by migrating here people accept not to alter the racial and religious majority of the country? Anything at all? Because as far as I know there is an extensive set of laws put in place exactly to avoid people trying to impose their ideology or to discriminate based on race. Again, you can prove me wrong by providing any official document backing you up

Let me clarify once again: I am not asking for your opinion, but merely for evidence that there is any law backing up your supposed "caveat".


Sure there were other groups that are part of America, Indians (feather), black slaves, Pacific Islanders, etc. BUT THEY WERE NOT PART OF THE 90% THAT FOUNDED AMERICA AND MADE IT WHAT IT IS. THOSE PEOPLE ARE WHITE, ANGLO (OR EUROPEAN)

...somehow I suspect you weren't part of that 90% either. I would love to hear you defend the claim that minorities didn't make the US what it is in front of, say one of the twelve asian nobel laureates. It is sad to see people like you, with nothing to be proud of but the achievements of others who only happen to share their skin tone.


I wonder how you feel about the fact that many of the founding fathers were, in fact, deists and that they saw fit to include in the constitution pearls such as:

"Congress shall make NO law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"


“The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.”

You people want to turn this into some kind of a sewer of the third world. Trump isn't going to let you. THERE IS A GOD AND GOD GAVE US TRUMP.

Shit, the old man is scraping the bottom of the barrel as far as prophets are concerned. Are you sure he isn't meant to be some kind of biblical plague?

is there any legal ground to your claims that by migrating here people accept not to alter the racial and religious majority of the country or that the state has any duty to preserve either

That is a ludicrous question. So a German has to give away his country to invaders? Yes, the constitutional and case law says that our government is allowed to decide who gets in and we can use whatever criteria we choose ....... ESPECIALLY ETHNICITY.

America may not go back to 90% white, but 75% and 80% is achievable. Especially if we bid California adieu.

Again, not an answer to my question. Yes, the president has the right to ban immigrant from foreign countries - I'm not sure a ban based on ethnicity is legal, but it's really not what is happening here, so, again, irrelevant.

I'll ask my question again. Please, read carefully:

Is there any external validation to your claim that immigrants are to be expected (or natural born americans) must preserve a white majority?

I'm not asking you what Trump is doing to ensure this happens. I'm not asking you why it is a good idea. I'm not asking you why it is totally gonna happen.

I am asking you why anyone should care about this belief of yours, since, as I have extensively explained, it has no legal or constitutional basis.

PS: I love how you just ignored every single hole poked in your argument. I'm still waiting to hear what merit you have in the creation and growth of this great country compared to, say, Martin Luther King or Condoleeza Rice or Colin Powel.

I never knew, or had an appreciation for, the concepts of globalism or the deep state until relatively recently. The more I learned the more it seemed impossible to make a meaningful difference much less reverse the trends. For the first time—ever—I feel a sense of optimism and even excitement about the future and direction of our country and society in general. Thank you for sharing your information and delivering a hopeful message.

I'm glad you feel that way because personally, it's why I feel it's important this perspective is shared. There's been a growing, burning need for information which has led innocent, educated, inquiring people to seek alternative outlets and sources, which have thankfully strayed from the rather destructive, disinfo paths the MSM has laid and profited from for decades. Rational, level-headed people who may have once considered anything outside of the MSM's rhetoric to be "conspiracy-driven", have really started to shift the "conspiracy" theme to a "concerned citizen" type of theme. I mean, let's be honest with ourselves, we've never seen more people so eager and willing to open their minds and consider rationally questionable, logical things that the MSM, even today, has continuously worked to taint and dub as "conspiracy", in an effort to attach and frame the social stigma of "conspiracy", to everything and anything that threatens their agenda, which drives their profits because "news" has sadly become a Fortune 500 "business", at our expense, manipulated at will for revenues and kickbacks, right?!

But here's my personal problem with this... when you, or any of you, started to rationally and logically questioning things that concerned you and the MSM's coverage, investigations and confirmations left you dissatisfied, where did your first searches into those questions against the now MSM confirmed narrative, first lead you?!

Didn't you feel like you were herded and led down some pre-determined, progressively paved path? Almost as if it were laid in advance by those who knew you'd look? Maybe it's just me, but I feel like anyone who questions anything outside of the mainstream, is automatically funneled right to the InfoWars/AlexJones bucket. It's like hazing for even questioning. Anything you'd ever search our or seek info on pushes you right to AJ because he's SEO'ed the ever loving fuck out of every article and video he's ever put on the internet over the last 20 years. You watch him, read his shit, and you either turn and run for your life back to sheepville or you make it through the hazing and realize there's more than just Alex Jones/InfoWars. It's like the $50 Target tax. You go in for toothpaste and leave minus $50. Every. Single. Time.

If you've survived Alex's "every day is the end of days" reporting style and made it through his gourmet, doomsday meals-to-go and superhuman supplement commercials with your life savings still in tact, you eventually get to the other side of the tunnel and find e-celebs on Twitter, YouTube and all their associated blogs, websites, etc.

Then, once even that becomes redundant and limited, you mosey on over to the boards.

I hit the comment button too soon but my point was just that it was really hard to watch and read so many wrong things being said and even worse, "confirmed" and believed by so many others as confirmed, especially when you happen to know, it's not a correct confirmation.

God (and y'all) know I love me some dot connecting and breadcrumbs. I even used those terms specifically myself, in a few my very first posts. But, I only love them, when placed and connected correctly and in context and I don't love them at all, when they're falsely connected and I see them creating disinfo and fear, or anxiety. I love a good happening when shit's going to happen. I don't like people wishing they'd spent their life savings on AJ's MRE, happy meals for 4, because they think a happening, is happening, that isn't happening. That's just "them" winning, again, right?! They're NOT winning.

Finally some rational truth on AJ. I listened to the dude for years as entertainment, but to hear him taken so seriously these days hurts my balls.

He did cute his best friend, the pedophile Charlie Sheen, of AIDS though. Or so I hear. So I guess there’s that.

I started off with Tom Snyder and the late night AM radio shows, back in the day before PCs

Luckily I’ve been awake to MSM for along time. AJ I never liked, I can’t stand to listen to his voice for even 5 mins. I guess my question is why did POTUS seem to like AJ, what was the purpose? I know he’s got a lot of subscribers, so was that the reason. Like I said I don’t watch him, but I’ve heard that.

I have so many questions that I would like to ask you.

If we find one day that this whole thing was a LARP, memeologists and chan-scholars will note that is the first time there has ever been a fringy storyline that was relentlessly positive. Which is why it is so sticky.

But unlike most fringe stuff this one either has to happen or not. And then we will know :] If we are sitting here in 2 years squinting to see how the happening happened around the edges, we will know it was all nonsense.

In the meanwhile, regardless of veracity, minds are being opened to possibilities and people are even learning to engage their own citizen journalist spirits, however clumsily. It can't hurt.

"If we find one day that this whole thing was a LARP, memeologists and chan-scholars will note that is the first time there has ever been a fringy storyline that was relentlessly positive. Which is why it is so sticky." <----- THIS

"But unlike most fringe stuff this one either has to happen or not. And then we will know :] If we are sitting here in 2 years squinting to see how the happening happened around the edges, we will know it was all nonsense." <----- AND THIS MOST OF ALL

thank you for elucidating what I feel is the most important issue that is immediately at hand - the struggle to figure out just what exactly the truth is and how difficult this is in our current situation. I keep envisioning plausible scenarios for what might go down over the next year or so, and keep getting depressed by what appears to be increasing levels of opacity in the process. If deals are made, people plea to lesser offenses, and others simply disappear or die without any acknowledgement of their offenses or the truth, have we really made any progress? If this stuff doesn't get put out in the open, and it's clearly now or never, so that the full magnitude and scope of the problem is realized, then there is a very real likelyhood that people will slide back into their same old patterns and beliefs - and in another generation we will suddenly find that there is a whole new swamp to drain. If in the end it turns out that every word Meg ever said was true and the only people able to realize it were a small group of forum nerds, then it will have amounted to little more than a tragic waste of a once-in-a-millenium opportunity to break the stranglehold this thing, whatever the fuck it is, has on our planet.

I have been following you. I want to believe that all of you and what you say is real. This is so personal for me, because I want my grandchildren to live in a Country where we live for truth, and work for each other, and do not subscribe to hate. On either side. I hope and pray the ship can be righted, that those who are consumed by so much hate, can see what has been done to them, how they have become pawns to be used and dismissed like leaves in the wind. Eventually those leaves have a resting place. And whether they group together, or they become renewed as nurishment for a new beginning, good survives. That is what I wish for the Country, for good to survive, and for us to build from there. u/IMegaHateNicknames praying that good survives, and flourishes anew.

u/IMegaHateNickNames, thanks for the time you spend educating us. :)

I have noticed that the members of W's admin aren't really mentioned, other than in passing. I realize that HW's admin are either already dead or not far away, but there seem to be a lot of swamp dwellers in W's admin beyond the Bush family itself, especially the likes of Cheney, Rumsfeld, Chertoff, and Paulson, among others. Can we expect them to be a part of the tarring and feathering?

Also, I haven't really seen any real discussion of SCOTUS members, and the harm their opinions have caused, most notably the contortions of logic necessary to shove Obamacare through by John Roberts. I have always suspected he was blackmailed and threatened, because his opinions on the case were contrary to everything he had said leading up to the issuing of the opinion (I refuse to call SCOTUS decisions "rulings").

What can you tell us about these topics?

For me, when I started to question what i saw on MSM, i would do my research and it would lead me to AJ.. However, the more I dug the more I would be linked to more and more independent news online and political boards. It has been a long journey to here but well worth it.

This stuff is all well and good, but until and unless people are actually CHARGED and put in PRISON, then this bulls*** will continue ad infinitum.

If the Trump administration, AG Sessions and the DOJ don’t start arresting people from the FBI peegate perpetrators to the false accusers of sexual harassment, then these crimes will continue unabated because they jackweeds will know they can continue to get away with it.


"One day we aren't going to care about this Trump/Bannon story, even the MSM fallout from it. We will only remember it at the spark that ignited what will become the Pence downfall. Shit got real for B today."

Megs, who is the B here? Bannon, Benji? In regards to Pence, have you seen the Tory Smith videos about Pence? Any truth to them?

Still confused on Bannon, resigned or fired, or both :)

Megs, if you can, trying to confirm if I have a lead on something. Louisville, KY. Current child sex abuse scandal unfolding within police dept. (LMPD). FBI investigation plus independent investigation by former US Attorney Kerry Harvey. Jerry Abramson was mayor for around 20 years, became Lt. Governor and then went to work for Obama in 2014 "On November 6, 2014, Abramson announced that he had been appointed by President Barack Obama to the position of Deputy Assistant to the President and White House Director of Intergovernmental Affairs"

Also, John Podesta tweeted over the summer that he was stopping in Louisville, KY on his trip west.

Also, a Turkish center that opened there not too long ago, but I won't get into that further atm.

I mainly wanted to throw the JERRY ABRAMSON name out. Worth following further?

Would love to talk with you further if you could.

Thanks for the Intel you provide us!

Hi! I meant "B" as in Bannon. Sorry for confusion. It was late and I got lazy, haha. Bannon resigned. Trump referring to Bannon as "fired" yesterday should've been a useful flag to us that something was up. He's always specific on purpose in his words and phrasing. Before yesterday, Trump nor the admin., has EVER confirmed, claimed or stated that Bannon was "fired", right?! The MSM tried to. McMaster and Gary Cohn tried to dance around it - start keeping these two names in the back of your mind again, too. Remember what was happening during these times in August. Cohn supposedly submitted his resignation after Trump's initial "response" to Charlottesville, right?! Then he restricted his resignation and switched positions to admin. How did McMaster respond to Charlottesville? What did he say about Bannon's leaving? What did he say about Trump's response to Charlottesville?! Why isn't Trump saying more about Bannon, outside of his seemingly harsh, published lashing last night?! I mean, where's the Trump Tweet show on Bannon?! CRICKETS. ON PURPOSE and this is why I say in general, we need to let things bake a little before jumping all over things.

What I need you to 100% know, as surely as the grass is green, sky is blue, etc. is that Bannon had a pre-negotiated, detailed and VERY specific job to. It started in August 2016, before the election, it ended right on time (because Trump and Bannon are "on-time and under budget as promised" types of guys and WHEN Bannon had officially resigned and separated ties and obligations, he left the WH and was FREE, to engage in another, VERY IMPORTANT, specific, detailed job he'd take on, independent of the WH, now that he had the unbridled freedom to do it. Bannon resigned, as planned, like everyone knew he would and until yesterday, WHEN NEEDED, Trump has never denied or disputed that. "Fired" was a FLAG thrown up, for you... and like I said, there were more flags in his statements, even in the "quotes released" by Bannon. Look no further than Trump's quick rebuff in his very short response to a Bannon question he took today. It was quick, referred to a positive Bannon said and he didn't elaborate. He shut it down. His "released statement" last night to the MSM, was for show. For the cameras, make it look good... you know better though. You follow Trump's tweets and fully recognize what he IS and ISN'T saying, as usual.

Re: Tory Smith - In the past when I've said some rather bold things about Pence, people have shared a few links of videos on Tory Smith and I did watch a few. I do not know him, cannot confirm his background and had not seen or heard of him before others had attached links referencing him, asking me to read/watch. Since I don't know where his info is coming from or even whether or not I've seen/read everything he's said that you may be referring to, I'm not going to confirm or deny what he's saying, because I don't know. However, I will not deny that being that I'd never heard of him before, I did find it a little interesting that he'd said some of these things, a few years ago. At the very least, it's perceptive. That's all I can say though. Whether he actually knows this shit, has a few good sources, etc. I don't know. He gives more detailed info and makes a few really specific claims, than I'd be able to confirm because I don't know the details he's referring to, to the extent he does. I do know that Pence is a shady, dirty plant that had to be accepted and nominated for now, but she's always been kept on a long runner leash to distance him from the admin, on purpose and as time will show, his role in the Flynn debacle proved his colors and allegiances internally, to anyone who'd doubted before. Flynn was set up and ambushed BECAUSE he had a REALLY GOOD STORY to tell. His "indictment" and quick guilty plea was expected, he knew he'd walk and it was his TESTIMONY that will prove Flynn is the true patriot we know him to be. Pence's role however, will prove he's far less of the patriot he's been painted as and he knows it. Flynn knows it, Trump knows it, Rogers knows, Wray knows and Sessions knows. Pence was a strategic establishment swamp move and Pence saw the writing on the wall for him the day Reince was out.

About Louisville, I don't know anything specific about what you're referencing. Not because there's nothing there or your incorrect in the info you've found, I just don't know anything about it specifically, so I can't comment or confirm either way. That said, nothing surprises me when names like Obama or Podesta pop up in shady shit and no one could ever claim I've been a fan of Abramson, in fact, they'd claim it's quite the opposite, so there's that. Sorry I can't be more helpful on this.

"Pence saw the writing on the wall for him the day Reince was out"

As Instapundit Glenn Reynolds would say, "Faster, please."

I never liked the guy and only embraced him because I perceived he was loyal to Trump. First of all, he's goofy-looking. Second, 99.5% of my votes in life have been for Republicans and he is exactly the type I am sick of. He says one thing does something else. That is, when you actually understood what he said. Usually he's dancing around the subject to avoid giving a straight answer. Third, you're saying he's a snake.

Conclusion: You're Fired!

Trump used twitter now mentioning Bannon (Sloppy Steve). Makes me a bit nervous haha

I'm 100% convinced Trump has called Bannon that the entire time he's known him just based on the fact that he was the only man in the Trump admin who wasn't required to wear a suit every day. I can feel the wind off Trump's eyelash from the massive wink.

Sloppy = like the 5th bone Trump is throwing you.

I mean, let's use this an as example because I want you to see how this works in real time. If I show you, you won't read me anymore. You'll just know.

Was Bannon sloppy? Hmmm... What would be sloppy? Leaving documents or notes behind or in plain sight? Laptop screens open and unattended? Saying things that were recorded without your knowledge? Leaving unlocked cellphones behind in conference rooms on purpose to smoke out the miles, like Kelly did because like I told you in October, you'd want to remember things like "Kelly's missing phone" because one day they'd prove convenient as Bannon/Trump love traps, which generate the info that those responsible for leaking expose themselves with, thanks to Bannon/Trump tricks and fuckery, which was routine and effective? Guess those fake news awards will prove Kelly is as "sloppy" as Steve.

HAVE FAITH AND REMEMBER MY POSTS. NO NERVOUSNESS. Haha! They're all going to start to come in handy. ;o)

Oh shit! Theyve been setting traps like that for the Fake News Media?! Hahahaha. Too fucking funny!! God Bless you Megs!

This sloppy makes sense.

I was actually thinking sloppy as in “Takes a whizz and doesn’t shake 3 times before zipping up his pants,” but your explanation makes more sense.

I keep remembering your posts as the fake news/dramatization keeps pouring from media. So Wolff, others could been the ones to take phones, etc. Mouse traps or "rat" traps.

I understand how that reveals leakers. But how does it BTFO of the MSM as fake news, if they think they've gotten leaks from legitimate sources like Bannon or Pence? It might make them look naive, but how does it prove they're corrupt?

Also, since August Bannon has dressed “sloppy” to every appearance/conference he has given. Well played Mr. Bannon and President Trump.

Unleash the Cracken🦑


Thank you, Megs. So, you do KNOW the name Abramson, well there's that!

REALLY would like to chat about a situation I've mentioned yo you in the past, both here, and on /pol/ that you have addressed in both places, although you wouldn't have known it was me on /pol/. Just can't get into more here because it deals with personal matters.

Would love to hash something out with you if you could DM me on Twitter @nolongerignored or email at Or, if that works better. Don't have a phone I can talk freely on at the moment. Thanks, friend!


So, you at least KNOW of the name Abramson, well, there's that!

Would really love to be able to hash something out with you that I've mentioned both here, and on /pol/, although you wouldn't have known it was me on /pol/. Because of it's personal nature can't get into it more here. But, although it is personal, it will, hopefully, have a significant effect on the overall drain, particularly for families and children, as well as financially for the country.

If you could DM me on Twitter @nolongerignored, or email at, or, I would so VERY much appreciate it. I don't have a phone I can talk freely on at the moment. Thanks, friend!


Can you give us some red meat about the juicy Rosenstein-Ryan-Nunes sitch? Is there some sort of runaround going on that's going to screw Schiff? I don't understand why it matters whether he gets a chance to leak these docs early or not, I mean they are what they are right? Or is it the fear that people will know to flee?

A big effort post about that whole thing would be a big hit I think Megs. Or just whatever you can do.



I'm purposefully not mentioning or focusing on this for a reason because anything we will hear or see on Rosenstein is fodder. It's like when you kill a spider in your house but they still kinda squirm so you flush for good measure of course, even though you know it'd never make it's way out of the trash can. Rosenstein going into Ryan's corridor is just squirming. Shit is getting VERY tight. It's stiff and desperate, in a good way. It feels clean. Purged for good measure, like the spider.

I'm not looking to be a big hit, but if I were, I wouldn't shine light on fluff. I'm really comfy on Rosenstein. I'm comfy on it all and I love when I can feel this way too.

I don't understand what you wrote. Sometimes you make it sound like Rosenstein is helping to clean things up, other times you give the impression he's a black hat. Same thing with Mueller.

But I do have a suggestion that will make heads explode all over Washington. Trump should start pushing for a "build the wall" non-binding referendum, just like Brexit. And he should keep pushing for it. It's probably something that can't be done logistically, but it would be hilarious watching the amnesty types squirm.

I think I come off this way because not for nothing, but depending on when I've posted what I have, both perspectives are relevant, which I've tried to clearly explain, but maybe I'm not doing a good enough job. Let me try again.

Rosenstein isn't a good guy and certainly isn't /ourguy/, from my perspective. Neither is Mueller. From my perspective over the last 15 years, you don't get to do the right things or make the right choices when your ass is on the line after the fact. Sure, you might not have been a willing participant in the swamps corruption, but the minute you even smelled the stank of the swamp, you should've resigned, if you were too afraid to go against it or report it. To me, guilty is guilty and it's equal crime, equal time, all around because I love the irony of equality! End of story.

That said, in reality, my perspectives do NOT match the legal ones. Nor do they consider or address the circumstances, complexities and pros/cons of things like negotiated plea deals, immunities, pardons offered in exchange of information, on an ICB, so there's that.

My point is that while I believe bad is bad, good is good, right is right, wrong is wrong and it's all equal, no matter how you slice and dice it, that's not how it works. Some people in the swamp aren't legally as bad, as corrupt, as guilty, etc. as others. Rosenstein and Mueller, aren't legally as bad as Hillary, McCain, Huma, Imran, DWS, the Podestas, Holder, Clapper, Brennan, McCabe, the Strzok type spooks, etc. They ARE however, as bad as Comey, Rice, Lynch, Mills, Lerner, Brazille, etc.

All to me, are equally fucked up and I'd convict sentence them all to the max. To the federal judicial system though, some are legally less guilty, therefore some were worth the deals in exchange for the more guilty. Well before Comey was even fired and as early as 2 months before Trump even won the election, people started coming out of the woodwork, willing and wanting to talk. Some who were far less guilty than any of those I've named above, did it because they saw the real polls and they knew he was on-trend to win and it excited them. They were good people, eager to help and escape the corruption. Those people were welcomed, very helpful and are fine. Others were cherry picked by the admin. and negotiated with to varied degrees. As I've said before, this was Bannon's role. Identify, present the pros/cons, benefits to leverage, etc. Bannon strategically started sifting through the swamp, that would in turn, set up the drain.

Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein all knowingly played a role in the swamp, just like they all knowingly played a role in the drain. That's why I probably sound conflicted. They "helped clean up" the messes they knowingly contributed to and left behind, in many ways. So it's hard to consider it "help" because it shouldn't have existed or need cleaning up in the first place.

u/IMegaHateNicknames: trump got anything up his sleeve for the fake news awards on tuesday?

I think she already said it going to be a special evening.

Rosenstein and Mueller, aren't legally as bad as Hillary, McCain, Huma, Imran, DWS, the Podestas, Holder, Clapper, Brennan, McCabe, the Strzok type spooks, etc.

You know, one name that doesn't seem to be coming up much these days is ol' Bill Clinton. How corrupt is he? We know his exploits with women, but setting that aside, is he as corrupt as Hillary? Was he as corrupt back in his Presidency days, but then decided to go into Elder Statesman mode and let Hillary go nuts? They obviously dislike each other.

Chelsea seems to just use the Clinton filth to keep her pockets lined, but doesn't actively partake (and in fact, was asking too many questions of the Clinton Foundation and promptly got threatened, as documented in the leaked emails).

First, you absolutely need to know that Bill Clinton would 100%, without hesitation, cut off his own testicles with a McDonald's quality plastic butter knife, if he thought it would in any way, shape or form, help or guarantee, the arrest, conviction and life sentence of Hillary.

He is just as corrupt as Hillary, but only because he was never anything more than Hillary. I always found it funny that everyone referred to Hillary as if she'd be the first woman president because technically, anyone who knows them knew she was already president. I swear to you, this was one of the biggest running jokes during the elections and during Bill's terms, he was called "first gentleman", to his face, tongue and cheek, for 8 straight years.

They do not love each other. They never did. They do not fuck, never did unless you think Chelsea is his, then fine. Once until you get kek'ed. Bill was literally groomed by Hillary. She was never hurt, angry or mad that he fucked around with lots of women, she was only angry or mad when he got caught and it fucked with their reputations and political goals. Literally. Everything you'd ever read that's been documented about their courtship and relationship, from college, him moving to Boston to be with her, her moving back to Arkansas for his budding legal career and political opportunities, etc. all fabricated bullshit. She literally plucked him from obscurity because while he was smart and ambitious too, he was more importantly, everything Hillary wasn't. He had the popularity, personality, charm and polished presence. He had the charisma. He brought the excitement. He was relatable and personable, he had hobbies and talents and all Hillary had was the MA state bar she failed, a shady defense record in Arkansas, a state that made her feel like hick trash, and watergate.

By hick trash, I mean that from Hillary's perspective. Hillary thought she was too good for Arkansas and she only went there because she failed the bar in MA and I believe NY, but knew she'd pass the Arkansas bar and had been promised a cozy spot in the district courts.

You obviously know these people well, or at least have studied them as part of whatever you do for a living, but here's how I see Slick Willy: I don't think that Slick Willie is above corruption for money and I'm sure he would be open to anything that lines his pockets with money. However, I don't see him as traitor level corrupt. I don't think he would do anything knowingly to harm our country nor would he loot the treasury like I suspect the past regime did. So to me, Slick Willy's corruption does not rise to the level where a hanging would be deserved, unlike that of his wife and her former boss. I didn't vote for Willie, but I've mellowed toward him over the years and I don't really see him as a horrible person, at least in comparison to the others.

I always found it funny that everyone referred to Hillary as if she'd be the first woman president because technically, anyone who knows them knew she was already president.

The conventional wisdom has always been that Bill was the political genius, and Hillary just came along for the ride. Bill had that "Slick Willy" reputation. Hillary has never struck me as any sort of genius, and the Podesta emails seem to back that up. She seems like a shell of a person, ready to be manipulated by whoever will give her power.

Prior to meeting Hillary, Bill had already gone to Georgetown and Oxford, and met her at Yale. So clearly he wasn't a fool, and as you say, Hillary's personal record is pretty much one of failure.

I can totally see a scenario where Hillary corrupted Bill, and became the harpy that pushed him to crave power and keep climbing. I could see Bill on his own without Hillary's influence eventually becoming a rich attorney partner or something so he could relax and drink beer with the boys.

Maybe the above is what you're really saying, but I don't think "Hillary groomed Bill" is the right way to say it. That's giving her too much credit for intelligence. Bill's instincts came to him naturally, but he's a lazy SOB. It seems like Hillary glommed on like a parasite and henpecked Bill to where she wanted to go.

What I've gathered is that Bill only became the candidate in 1992 because they knew Hillary couldn't get elected. They intended that A) she could run things behind the scenes (remember her secret council on health care that she didn't think should be a problem, and the fact that it was one of her aides who was browsing through hundreds of FBI files), and B) she could work on her image and charisma while First Lady for an eventual run herself. Then they had to manufacture a win for her in the Senate. Then they had to pull the same stunt with Obama, realizing again she was a terrible candidate, and negotiating a power-behind-the-throne position again at State. Finally they decided it was her turn for real, against expected loser Jeb!, or perhaps Rubio, on whom they had a kill-shot video. Then Trump spoiled what they'd spent decades working towards.

i get and understand what's going on, i see the big picture, but who in the hell is orchestrating the retaking of America. The way it's all playing out and with how extremely successful each move has been, this "counter-coup" seems to have been in the works for some time. the success it's having is not due to just dumb luck, I mean it seems as if something this massive, the counter-coup by the military and having Trump as the pointman, had to have been in the works for some time in order for it to work as well as it has up to this point. I'll take a stab at who I think is really behind all this... Dunford, Rogers, Flynn, Mattis, and what I believe to be a group (think tank of borderline autistic geniuses) at the Pentagon called "Nation Shapers".... am I close? Oh, also forgot to mention Peter Thiel and Dennis Montgomery have played significant rolls... Well?

I'll second Dunford, are we close Megs?

brain fart.. forgot to add Kelly

Yes, but more than just military and let's be real. Trump knows his strengths and weaknesses very well. His ego serves him very well and very realistically. He's not the point man on military. He aligned himself very early on, with very important generals and military leaders, past and present. He made great choices, so they'd make great choices. Great choices are never dumb luck.

The military was always in, but private contractors <cough Prince cough> were also in play. Hi Langley! That said, the biggest, most immediate play was the hitting of the FBI and CIA and ultimately DOJ. Sometimes in hindsight, I wished I had said FBI, CIA, DOJ and Fed, but alas... no take backs. I know it was probably implied if FBI and CIA were stared, but I only wished I'd said it because it deserves more credit than I'd given. Oh well.

These things combined and all you've mentioned above, yes, you're not just close. You're pretty correct. I'm a little impartial to Thiel and Montgomery so sure, they played roles, at times significant, also true but they also have big jobs, with big, significant roles so I don't give everyone cookies just for doing the jobs they were hired and paid to do well. That's just expected for me.

He made great choices, so they'd make great choices.




"but private contractors <cough Prince cough>"

Four observations:

  1. This is what I find hypocritically hilarious about our system. Trump can't deploy the military on American soil, but he can hire a de-facto private military to do the same thing.

  2. I wouldn't be so hard on the involuntary swamp members. When you have to play corporate politics on the job, not everybody has what it takes to go against the grain. Most people go with the flow even if they have to hold their nose. Like you said before, they have families to feed, jobs to protect and mortgages to pay. It's easy to look back at past generations and hold these people out as paragons of virtue, but those were simpler times. Government work didn't pay as much, people weren't up to their noses in debt.

  3. In effect, we were taken over by a soft communist cancer that has metastasized over the last 50 to 70 years. I am heartened to know that the military not only has thinkers thinking about these things, but they actually have the Constitutional power to make something like this happen. I guess it could also be scary if the military were in the wrong hands, but given that they are the least corrupt arm of government, I have more faith in them than anything else.

  4. Read my lips: A non-binding referendum on building the wall. Just mentioning this will make heads explode all over Washington because they know how it would turn out.

In response to 1: prince wasn’t for hire. The CIA used to tell him what to do... now he just does. As many are

Yes, but more than just military and let's be real. Trump knows his strengths and weaknesses very well. His ego serves him very well and very realistically. He's not the point man on military. He aligned himself very early on, with very important generals and military leaders, past and present. He made great choices, so they'd make great choices. Great choices are never dumb luck.

Why are you misleading people here? High Level Insider said "Trump does not have the right people or sufficient talent in his circles to challenge the status quo however, which means he is ultimately nearly powerless." The so-called "swamp" or "drain" is just a con as the establishment has no real motive to remove themselves.

u/IMegaHateNicknames Let me ask you these few questions:

JFK tried to issue greenbacks and Lincoln did - both were shot for it. Would Trump be able to promise to issue debt and usury free currency as a president of the people right now (within this 4 year term)?

If Trump were to achieve his goals (hidden or not) in this 4-year term (not 8 year term), what will be the results that the people can see?

Waiting for your response u/IMegaHateNicknames

I'd like to hear more about this stuff, Dunford, Nation Shapers, etc.

Thanks once again u/ToddWhiskey for the awesome and critical archive of information from her, the one who hates nicknames. That being said, u/IMegaHateNicknames is there any truth to this story about the health of Julian Assange? They make it sound like he's in grave danger, healthwise. Also, thank you so much for everything you do! I truly love you and pray for your safety!

this last post for Jan 4 does not sound like Mega.

For some reason, I can't open the link. Can you copy/paste here so I can see?! I did lurk a little on /pol/, but tried to catch up a little on here when I had time but I literally can't remember if I actually posted in a thread or not today over there. So I can confirm if I can see, but I can't get the link to open.

The link is one of your Reddit comments which is why it doesn't seem as if it's opening anything

The one that starts "first, thanks appreciate it"

Oh. Yes, that was me here. To that person who "first", said something nice, then had a "second" and "third" thing. Haha, no wonder it kept going back to that comment when I hit the link 50x.

I'm not a boomer, but I know boomers get a lot of shit on /pol/, so I can't deny that I've laughed at myself every time I add the same comment 20x thinking, "fuck, I feel like a boomer on reddit". No offense to the boomers. Y'all are good people!

Using a different app for reddit might solve the multi-posting problem! I use the android app "Reddit is fun", and one of the things I like about it is that when a comment fails to post, it stops it after a bit, tells you, and saves a draft of it for later. I've ended up with 10 or 12 identical unposted drafts, but not multiple comments when using it. :)

Thanks for the heads up! You're a good egg, dancing-turtle!

Oh and speaking of "good eggs", I meant to do this a couple of days ago, but I'd like to squeeze in a little thank you, if I may, to a good egg on Twitter whose handle starts with "Carolyn", for posting some good, clear caps of my posts. I had seen one of her screen caps of that Wilcock "interview" I'd apparently done and actually went back to find it and use later in a post on /pol/, as a reference. She did notice I'd used it and to be honest, I have used a few of her caps of my posts. So thanks, "Carolyn"! I appreciate you!

It's a permalink to your reddit comment. It's possible that it doesn't work for some apps though.

I used 'non participation' domain before (replacing 'www' with 'np') for these reddit links and some people complained that they couldn't open it, so I changed it back.

You sure you are not a boomer? :)

It has to be her. She posted it directly to this sub. No one else could've posted that.

She's also here on reddit since Dec 18th.

It's because of /u/IMegaHateNicknames that I am able to dissect more and filter thru the BS thrown out as distractions... I have been non stop since May of 2017 with all of her posts. It has been a blessing.

Thanks, this is really nice of you to say!


Thanks for this. This question may seem a bit off topic but I wonder if it may be related.

I work for a church in a support role. One day while at lunch with several pastors, one of the pastors mentions having counseled a military man. Pastor says that this man was openly weeping in his office, talking about his work at secret facility the US was running directly next to a prison in France. The US facility would obtain death row inmates, and do genetic testing or something on them. I’m recalling this from memory from a a few years back, whatever the heck it was, it was enough to make this veteran solider cry to a pastor.

Do these projects exists, if so, what’s their status? Do things like this tie into what’s happening?

I do not know enough to directly confirm some of the more dark ops of military, or about a location in France.

However, I do know enough to make an over all comment. There are black ops, black budget projects which include privately contracted military ops and projects that have been sanctioned and funded for many years. Many of the military contractors are former military and/or law enforcement and refer to themselves as "military". So while this man may have identified himself as "military", he was most likely not directly associated with a branch of the armed forces, of these are the kinds of things he was assigned to and witnessing.

Also remember that when you say France, you're now international and could very well be a CIA outpost or facility. They also love a good black ops project/contract. Just sayin'...



Thanks, glad you liked it!

Let me ask you, if one had proof that a local FBI office (with a Comey appointed SAC) was not doing their job, how would one most effectively get that information to Wray? Just mail it to the FBI HQ addressed to him?

Also, do you know what the hold up is on Dreiband being put in as Asst AG for Civil Rights? His confirmation went through, but the Senate won't do the vote. Is this a strategic timed hold off? Any clue when he is going to get placed?


One shouldn't ask a proven larper for advice on this.

This is one of many reasons megalarp should feel shame and guilt, but it's all about feeding her ego, so I'm sure she doesn't.

Nope. We've already gone over this. You don't get to say she's a proven larper if you're not willing to show that proof yourself.

I have shown the proof. You not accepting it doesn't make it not real.

Playtime is fun, but...

What shouldn't happen under any circumstances is people should not be asking her for advice that could affect their actual real life situation.

Oh, what proof did you show? I don't remember seeing it.

We do finally have something to agree on though.... I agree that one shouldn't directly rely on her advice to make decisions that can directly impact their real life situation.

I am the one asking the question, and I agree with u/e1337throwaway..."one shouldn't directly rely on her advice".

Biff, I am an adult and I can decide who I want to ask questions and who I choose to listen to. When you know what I know about the FBI and getting assistance from them, I highly value the opinion of those NOT in the swamp and how to maneuver THROUGH the swamp to get to /ourguy/.

In case you haven't noticed the FBI is being cleaned out...Comey, McCabe, and who knows how many more to follow. She obviously has some knowledge of the workings in DC and behind the scenes info. So, do I think she might know what channels to take that would lead to important info getting into Wray's hands? Yep. And, I hope she has the time to answer....thanks u/IMegaHateNicknames

I'd submit online, then send 2 copies in full and overnight via USPS certified mail w/ signatures required to Wray's office and his admin./main POC, directly.

You can also request "restricted signature".


I have been following your posts for months, and I appreciate all that you are doing. Does President Trump have nicknames for all his staff? I can totally see him calling Bannon "Sloppy Steve" as a half-joking term of endearment, for obvious reasons.

I explained Sloppy in thread last night. It's on purpose. Sloppy will refer to the intentional bait left behind, like Kelly's phone. Planted info to expose the leaks in WH via MSM. You are reading today there are rumors half WH staff if "considering leaving". Trump told you, he gave NO ACCESS TO WOLFF @ WH. So, you cN bet your sweet ass they're considering leaving. Just like half their fucked up friends in congress and all those corrupt CEO's resigning and retiring. They're trying to avoid further swamp exposure from the storm THEY KNOW will come for them, too. LEAKS AND THIEVES IN WH DON'T GET PAYCHECKS.

  • Today you are hearing about Assange. I told y'all all you'd ever need to know about him and where he was, back in May/June. 8 months I've prepped you for this. I told you he was free, the good guys had him and he'd be instrumental. I told you he'd negotiated. I told you about the lawsuit Trump's legal filed on behalf of Wikileaks and why TIMING of filing was important. Assange had deadlines to adhere to as negotiated. Expired 10/21/17, year to the day he was planning to drop last pre-election October surprise, but was cut off by Hillary & Co., then saved by the good guys. SAVED. After 10/21/17, he was free to do as he pleased, as part of our end of the deal. I told y'all about Rep. Dana R. and Bannon's coordination of that. Yes, even Don Jr. helped. Shhhhhh... It's happening. Just like you knew it would.

  • You've seen Hillary's house burn the day before it's announced yesterday, that she's back under investigation for emails AND Clinton Foundation. I told y'all months ago she'd initially go down for dirty money laundering, pay for play, etc. I told you no orange jumpsuit initially for pizza but if they investigated the Foundation as thoroughly as they should, you'd see more. I said this months ago. It's happening.

  • I told you months ago Bannon's literal ONLY JOB was to set up and strategically ensure the swamp would drain, correctly. Legally. Above the table, not under. FBI and CIA were gutted. Bannon set up the pins for who got to negotiate, which individuals AND nations would or wouldn't be in play. Who got deals, who didn't. He teed up the strategies to smoke out internal establishment and Obama's holdover moles and leaks. Set them up with tricks and planted bait. Set up the corrupt MSM these moles/leaks fed. I told you months ago, Bannon and Trump liked and implemented "tricks" and "plants" all of the time. I told y'all it's been a STAPLE, just like WH "wiretapping" seemingly ridiculous tweets... until they're not ridiculous, right?! I told y'all to remember tricks like "Kelly's missing phone". I told y'all THIS WAS A PLANTED TRICK. Kelly "sloppily" left his phone behind, like Bannon was purposefully sloppy with Wolff. Know who wasn't part of the trick?! All those admin staffers claiming they're thinking of leaving?! Moles and leaks. Corrupt. THEY ARE THE MOLES. Smoked out. It would be pretty fucked up if our own VP took the bait like an idiot and was a source of bullshit in book?! Especially when Trump just tweeted last night and told YOU that he NEVER AUTHORIZED WH ACCESS TO WOLFF?! If access wasn't authorized, then who was going TO WOLFF, to GIVE INFO, as opposed to Wolff OBTAINING INFO, on his own, via is authorized access, right?! See Milo's tweet on Bannon/Trump?! He left you a Pence breadcrumb, too. Moles/leaks set up. Bait taken. Remember Kelly's missing phone. Another "sloppy" mistake... on purpose. Told you it would be convenient to remember, in months to come. It's happening.

  • I told you about planes/airports and to pay attention to what's coming in and going out during these airport mishaps. You've seen flights take off, land, turn around just before AND during official FAA groundings. Power outages, smoke filled terminals, network blackouts, no passport/ticketing systems. Distractions. Smoke and mirrors. Good for cameras. Watching shaking tails of snakes while heads strike. It happened. It's still happening. It's almost over.

The swamp has no money, no friends in powerful places, no where to hide, no where to run (and they've tried). Those remaing are just squirming and waiting, all while strapped with monitors, for months. I'm very comfy, friends. I hope you're comfy, too. Just watch it all play.

Copied in full to protect against deletion and/or editing.

So much is ridiculous about this that it needs to be preserved for the record.

I explained Sloppy in thread last night. It's on purpose. Sloppy will refer to the intentional bait left behind, like Kelly's phone. Planted info to expose the leaks in WH via MSM. You are reading today there are rumors half WH staff if "considering leaving". Trump told you, he gave NO ACCESS TO WOLFF @ WH. So, you cN bet your sweet ass they're considering leaving. Just like half their fucked up friends in congress and all those corrupt CEO's resigning and retiring. They're trying to avoid further swamp exposure from the storm THEY KNOW will come for them, too. LEAKS AND THIEVES IN WH DON'T GET PAYCHECKS.

Today you are hearing about Assange. I told y'all all you'd ever need to know about him and where he was, back in May/June. 8 months I've prepped you for this. I told you he was free, the good guys had him and he'd be instrumental. I told you he'd negotiated. I told you about the lawsuit Trump's legal filed on behalf of Wikileaks and why TIMING of filing was important. Assange had deadlines to adhere to as negotiated. Expired 10/21/17, year to the day he was planning to drop last pre-election October surprise, but was cut off by Hillary & Co., then saved by the good guys. SAVED. After 10/21/17, he was free to do as he pleased, as part of our end of the deal. I told y'all about Rep. Dana R. and Bannon's coordination of that. Yes, even Don Jr. helped. Shhhhhh... It's happening. Just like you knew it would.

You've seen Hillary's house burn the day before it's announced yesterday, that she's back under investigation for emails AND Clinton Foundation. I told y'all months ago she'd initially go down for dirty money laundering, pay for play, etc. I told you no orange jumpsuit initially for pizza but if they investigated the Foundation as thoroughly as they should, you'd see more. I said this months ago. It's happening.

I told you months ago Bannon's literal ONLY JOB was to set up and strategically ensure the swamp would drain, correctly. Legally. Above the table, not under. FBI and CIA were gutted. Bannon set up the pins for who got to negotiate, which individuals AND nations would or wouldn't be in play. Who got deals, who didn't. He teed up the strategies to smoke out internal establishment and Obama's holdover moles and leaks. Set them up with tricks and planted bait. Set up the corrupt MSM these moles/leaks fed. I told you months ago, Bannon and Trump liked and implemented "tricks" and "plants" all of the time. I told y'all it's been a STAPLE, just like WH "wiretapping" seemingly ridiculous tweets... until they're not ridiculous, right?! I told y'all to remember tricks like "Kelly's missing phone". I told y'all THIS WAS A PLANTED TRICK. Kelly "sloppily" left his phone behind, like Bannon was purposefully sloppy with Wolff. Know who wasn't part of the trick?! All those admin staffers claiming they're thinking of leaving?! Moles and leaks. Corrupt. THEY ARE THE MOLES. Smoked out. It would be pretty fucked up if our own VP took the bait like an idiot and was a source of bullshit in book?! Especially when Trump just tweeted last night and told YOU that he NEVER AUTHORIZED WH ACCESS TO WOLFF?! If access wasn't authorized, then who was going TO WOLFF, to GIVE INFO, as opposed to Wolff OBTAINING INFO, on his own, via is authorized access, right?! See Milo's tweet on Bannon/Trump?! He left you a Pence breadcrumb, too. Moles/leaks set up. Bait taken. Remember Kelly's missing phone. Another "sloppy" mistake... on purpose. Told you it would be convenient to remember, in months to come. It's happening.

I told you about planes/airports and to pay attention to what's coming in and going out during these airport mishaps. You've seen flights take off, land, turn around just before AND during official FAA groundings. Power outages, smoke filled terminals, network blackouts, no passport/ticketing systems. Distractions. Smoke and mirrors. Good for cameras. Watching shaking tails of snakes while heads strike. It happened. It's still happening. It's almost over.

The swamp has no money, no friends in powerful places, no where to hide, no where to run (and they've tried). Those remaing are just squirming and waiting, all while strapped with monitors, for months. I'm very comfy, friends. I hope you're comfy, too. Just watch it all play.

Haha, I posted this in the huge, compiled and complete archive, that literally documents in full and in detail, every single word I've personally typed, from May to date.

Not for nothing, biff brah, but posting it here in full for protection of deletion and/or editing, is pretty much the fucking point.

You're really going to hate to have to love me... get it?! ;o)

It's so ridiculous that I wanted my own copy of it. For posterity.

Oooh, I like that! I just hope you're a good guy who'll keep that same posterity in mind, when this "ridiculous" post, is no more ridiculous than random tweets claiming "wiretapping"... you know, in hindsight.

Oh, I'm quite confident in how your claims are going to shake out in hindsight.

Yeah, yeah. You're probably "98.1%" confident.

We both know this ends with you just vanishing one day when the lies are too blatant. So I'm saving my own copy for that day.

I also realize that is a possibility, but look at what she writes. It is simply too "thick" for it to be a larper, meaning, it has too much meat. She is also fairly consistent over the 8 or 9 months she has been writing this stuff. I don't think your average a larper is going to be able to keep all this stuff consistent over a 9 month period.

What's ridiculous is that all this is confirmable by looking back at her posts all the way back to May.... and yet you scream larp.... without ever seeing proof of larp.... despite your claims that she is a proven larp.

Time to put your money where your mouth is.... As she says... Biff brah.


  • What does the world look like one year from now?

  • What is something you are still waiting to see happen?

  • When do we find out who all is in Gitmo?

  • Better than it has ever been in the last 30+ years.

  • Corey Lewandowki's book release coming up and the advanced progression of the FED purge once the dust settles on some shit coming up. Corey's book will have a lot to say and you'll see his book release being pushed more. Kinda ironic timing, no? Wolff isn't excited.

  • When the admin. and DOJ decide to let you know and sooner than later.

I don't do dates and timeframes for "happenings" specifically because "breaking" things, isn't my gig. That said, we've entered 2018 so eluding to things like "sooner than later" and "it's going to be a great January and first quarter", which are also things I've eluded to prior, back to roughly mid November.

There was a plan for November-December, just as there's a plan for January-March. I'll let everyone else be the "happenings" people. God knows there's enough of them out there.

Question: When you say Lewandowski's book? Are you referring to the one with Bossie that is out or are you talking about another one?

Yes and actually realized it was out today after I'd posted that. I knew it was coming soon, but noticed it was out today when I searched the release date after posting this, curious for myself if the exact release date. Haha, already got a copy!

It is a good read so far.

It was Instagram actually. Milo's banned from Twitter. Quotes below.

"Sad to see Trump and Bannon at each others' throats today. I expect the interviews Michael Wolff did happened a long time ago and are tumbling out in to the press unexpectedly. (It's worth noting that Wolff has a very long history of being called out by his sources for fabricating quotes, including this book already.) I don't suppose Steve or DJT saw this coming or planned it. Steve has a bit of a temper (he has said bad things about me in the heat of the moment, too -- about everyone! -- you learn not to take it too seriously unless it's a pattern) and he might just have been on a tear that day. The statement from the President has left Steve will little choice though. Expect to see Breitbart bigging up Pence in the months to come. As I say, very sad. Two men I admire, one of whom I adore. I don’t feel the need to choose."

What a boorish dolt. Your shtick has long since lost any amusement value, if ever it had any. Piss off already. We get're the genius that sees through the MegaAnon larper. Now fuck off.

I’m so suspect of Rosenstein and Dina Powell. Why would sessions take Rosenstein to Arizona in April to talk to the national guard military police unit? And why would Kushner take Powell to Saudi Arabia prior to the Saudi Arabia swamp drain?

I'm not worried about either of them. They're dirty, yes. Just as dirty as Mueller, Comey, Lynch, etc. but you do not have to worry about these types of dirty people, especially anymore. Rosenstein and Powell had roles to play and they did. Begrudgingly, willingly or not.

In reality, the only people wondering, questioning, speculating, theorizing, hypothesizing, worrying, etc. are us right now. Everyone with something to hide or something to prove, who stands remaining in this corrupt DC bubble, has known since the week after Thanksgiving, that we are no longer dealing in probables. We're dealing in inevitables.

Saw nsa Adm.Rogers to retire? Also word is several currencies to revalue shortly?

I've really tried to reiterate that people were brought on for very specific purposes and roles, for very specific timeframes. I'm not confirming or denying Rogers. When he, retires, he retires, whenever he does. When he does and whenever that is, his job is done. It really does work like this for people like Manafort, Flynn, Mooch, Bannon, Kelly, Rogers, Tillerson, Pompeo, Kushner, etc. Whenever any of these people have left or whenever they do leave, it's because their jobs are done and/or it's not a surprise. Just keep these things in the back of your mind.

Of course, thought he a white hat so...on currencies, cia and fed appear involved. Understand if you don't want to go there

Thx for response. 😊

Hello u/IMegaHateNicknames, and thank your for your service to our country. We pray for your continued health and safety! Speaking of health, this article makes it sound like Assange is in really bad health? Any knowledge?

I'm not going to comment on his personal health other than he's fit enough to be doing what he's doing, right now.

Thank you, u/IMegaHateNicknames, you are really a breath of fresh air in a world where little or no truths are spoken. You are reaching thousands of us, who as you described, have turned to alternative sources for truth and found places like Reddit and yes, even 4chan. I believe ToddWhiskey said even his archive of your posts has over 250k views, which must make you realize the importance of your work and reaching so many, many people. God bless you and keep you safe!

over 250k views

That was yesterday, Bekki.

Congratulations and thank you for putting all the time you do into this.

Aren't you afraid of being "found out" or divulging info to the bad folks? Or doesn't really matter? I like (and appreciate) your info, just curious.

No. By the time I'm discussing newer strategies, plays, etc. the "bad guys" have technically, already found out, well before you're even getting a sniff that somethings up, as related to those strategies. The rest and majority exposes old house of cards tricks that LOTS of people already know and have watched play out for decades, good, bad or indifferent.

I post anon, just like y'all do and anyone who stumbles upon it all, can take it or leave it. We're all adults. It's kind of why I never understood the whole "insider", "nicknaming an anon" thing. I mean, first two rules are don't nickname and posts don't leave the board.

Now, I won't deny that I am trying really hard to ignore how much bigger this may have become. Frankly, I'd never want to actually know. I never expected or intended any of that, like, at all. I mean, I hope ToddWhiskey wasn't actually implying that 250k people have viewed this thread in a day, when he replied to that poster earlier. That would just be unfathomable to me.

Much like Strozak released from Mueller during the summer and the public finding out 3 months later.

You truly give me hope for the future of my grandchildren. Thank you so much for what you're doing. You, and all those with you. May God bless you all.

I believe Todd was implying 250k total views of this archive over the period of its existence, not just one day. But in my humble opinion, these truths should be heard from the roof of every housetop in America! Thank you, and God bless!

I can only see total view count as the OP, no idea how many are unique views though; every page refresh counts. It says 271.0k views as of now. Although some quick googling reveals that the ripple effects reach far and wide....

How so?

It was Instagram actually. Milo's banned from Twitter. Quotes below, relevant boldings mine.

"Sad to see Trump and Bannon at each others' throats today. I expect the interviews Michael Wolff did happened a long time ago and are tumbling out in to the press unexpectedly. (It's worth noting that Wolff has a very long history of being called out by his sources for fabricating quotes, including this book already.) I don't suppose Steve or DJT saw this coming or planned it. Steve has a bit of a temper (he has said bad things about me in the heat of the moment, too -- about everyone! -- you learn not to take it too seriously unless it's a pattern) and he might just have been on a tear that day. The statement from the President has left Steve will little choice though. Expect to see Breitbart bigging up Pence in the months to come. As I say, very sad. Two men I admire, one of whom I adore. I don’t feel the need to choose."

Bigging? WTH does that mean?

Typo, presumably. I think he either meant digging or bringing.

Like "Big ups to my man Pence!" maybe. Comes from Reggae culture and is now a common phrase in EDM.

I didn't think of that, but you're probably right.

Big up yourself, Boutros Boutros Boutros-Ghali!

Ahh, I'm sorry. I got it off a twitter link but opened via twitter. I'm not on instagram.

It means even Breitbart as an organization has a choice to make on how they proceeded as a "news outlet". They're either going to pull up their big boy pants, risk separating themselves from the MSM pack they've desperately tried to corner a sliver of and actually cover and report this Wolff book story in all of its corrupt glory, which will lead to the biggest fact of all which is that Pence, our own VP, is the biggest planted WH leaker (I mean, if Trump told you have gave no authorization for WH access, who else gave Wolff any type of access?) OR, they'll fall on the sword as no better than CNN because Bannon will not come to their rescue. It cannot be denied that some executive players within Breitbart have had an agenda that they implemented since Bannon had to step back in August 2016 when he was hired to the campaign.

Just as the Wolff book is going to clearly separate Trump's core admin and advisors from the establishment plant leakers who've sought his demise from within, this book will also separate Breitbart's exec. swamp, bringing them back to the core Andy B. foundations and principles. THIS will be the Breitbart I referred to, that will eventually merge with Fox after Disney deal is done, split happens and dust settles.

If you ever wondered why Hannity/Carter and Fox were getting the biggest scoops over Breitbart, which you'd have probably just assumed would die to Bannon, this is why. Trump and Bannon will use this book to start the drains of the MSM, Breitbart (for Bannon) and most importantly, the WH (for Trump).

I wouldn't be surprised if Milo tried a Trump twitter move with "bigging", to try to be slick though not sure it was effective, haha, but I can at least see the effort. Based on what I've told you above, I think this was Milo's way of poking the execs. to remind them to do their jobs right and blow the Pence shit wide open, as the book will warrant, justify and prove, in his exposure.

If they don't, they'd be ignoring and even omitting it. Proving they're no different than the corrupt MSM and Bannon can't be a part of that, nor would he allow that to merge with Fox. Remember, Fox drained a lot of it's swamp first. If they wanted the kind of access they've received and the good, valid leaks/scoops they've been handed, during the primaries, elections and right on through the first year of Trump's presidency and so on, they had to. They had no choice. Now Breitbart has a choice. They can reel themselves in and back to the kind of shit that got them where they are today, or they can continue to sell themselves short, and eventually out.

Remember that I told y'all that Bannon's side of the negotiation was that when his job was done, he'd get to finish the drain the MSM AND report on it all while it was happening. Then, he wanted to have a hand in the rebuilding. He will literally realize Andy B's dreams, as they've always SHARED THEM. Expose and gut the govt. and MSM swamps, dumbing and numbing us then help restore with honor and transparency. Freedom of the press is only as good as Freedom of the people.

Thanks for the (You). Any thoughts on if/when term limits are going back on the agenda?

"which will lead to the biggest fact of all which is that Pence, our own VP, is the biggest planted WH leaker"

I am starting to get the biggest hard on for this traitor. It's not even so much that he is a traitor to Trump. He is a traitor to the Grass Roots like me who typically vote Republican. He is also a traitor to our Democrat democratic system of (representative) government where the people decide who their leadership is going to be. I want to see this bytch humiliated right alongside Hillary.

Nothing I hate more than sanctimonious politicians who wear their fake Christianity on their sleeve.

Wait, what Milo tweet? Is that current? If so, I don't know what his twitter handle is.

Thank you so much!


I know you hate giving time-frames and I believe you said earlier the 2800 Huma emails being released was delaying and buying time. Do you think we will see the Assange drop within the next month or impossible to tell at this point?


I think I remember you saying way back that Trump has too much respect for the office of the President to go after a former one like Obama, and you doubted Barry would ever have anything more than a smeared legacy. Is that still true? Do you think any of this rumored "Shadow Government" will trigger Trump's wrath?

Also, once all of this does come out, and people start calling for Obama's head, I can't imagine Trump would come to his defense would he?

I think I remember you saying way back that Trump has too much respect for the office of the President to go after a former one like Obama

I don't think she said this.

Trump has an enormous respect for the office of the presidency and while I wouldn't deny I've probably said things like that, I've never applied them to any context relating directly to Obama's and whether Trump would go after him or not, solely based on the fact that he respects the office they share.

I did make a point to note that both this admin and Hillary's camp have the truth about Obama, beyond just his normal corruption. They have the birther truth that Obama's sealed then tried to sneak from archives off to his post-presidency "Barack Obama's library", like they all set up in their names when they're done. I said that depending on how many of these things publicly play and the reaction, especially as related to Hillary, Obama may be utilized. I think it was this post that you're referring to.

I have seen exactly this claim mentioned by u/Victorious__Secret on /pol/ many times, misleadingly 'attributed' to you.

I think this is the source post, which is apparently not you.

To me?!

Yes, they misleadingly claimed you said something without providing a link or a cap, such as here or here, for example.

Oh ok, I see. Thanks for the examples.

Yes, there was a different insider anon on /pol/ who claimed Trump didn't want the ex-presidents shamed. Thing is, even if that's true, you can want not to do something, yet do it because it's necessary.

Soon after the election, some reporter asked Trump if he was going to Lock Her Up, and he said something about not wanting to cause the Clintons any more pain. NeverTrumpers jumped all over that, claiming it was a sign of him backing off already, showing he was really one of them. I always took it to be a declaration of, "I don't want to cause them pain, but I will do my duty to the nation as president."

OK, on the "birther" thing -- I've always been thoroughly confused about why this was ever even a controversy. Maybe Obama was born in another country, I don't know, I wasn't there. But is there really any uncertainty about the fact that his mother Ann Dunham was an American citizen, and therefore her son a natural-born US citizen by law, regardless of where he was born? Just like Ted Cruz would not have been disqualified from the presidency despite being born in Canada with a Cuban father, since his mother was a US citizen. Regardless of location, a parent being a US citizen at the time of your birth makes you a US citizen at birth just as legally as being born on US soil does, as far as I know. Unless there's some controversy I'm unaware of about whether Ann Dunham was really Obama's mother or whether she was a US citizen, this all seems way overblown....

Seems kind of like the sleight of hand of how they made the Clinton server investigation all about "intent" when "gross negligence" was equally part of the law in question. Getting everybody hyperfocused on one aspect of the law while ignoring the other to serve some political purpose...

I know the birther shit seems like it's some old conspiracy rehashing. Just remember that Arpaio was pardoned for a reason. Look into his research. Look into ALL of the research, verifiable news stories, Obama's bio's and the available documentations he provided.

Then consider this. You're right about being born on foreign soil and being a US citizen if one of your parents is a US citizen, right? So what's the big deal?! Like you said, even if he was born in another country, like Cruz, who'd care?! He wouldn't have needed to be born in Hawaii, or in the US, right?

I'm going to state this very clearly so it can be referenced later: If Obama's biological mom is his mom and his biological dad is his dad and they were all legal citizens of where they said they were when Obama was born, wherever he was born, then great! No issues. 4 people have died ironically and tragically who were tied to this from his college records offices, the Hawaii state health/vitals dept. and the hospital he was born all. 4. Why go as far as you did and to such drastic measures to executive order and seal an unprecedented amount of personal info on not only yourself but your parents, siblings, etc. the extents he went to are unheard of and they go WAY deeper to conceal. If all was on the up and up about your "parents" and their "citizenship", you'd never need to prove Hawaii. You'd never need to be born in Hawaii.

I mean, it doesn't even really matter because the truth is there and the right people have it. That's what's important.

One of the most interesting things about the forgery to me was the father's signature. It was one of the most manipulated parts of the document. My suspicion was that the document was forged not just to convince the world that Obama was born in Hawaii, but convince the world that the person who he claims to be his father—a person he points at with a giant flashing sign with his book Dreams of My Father. Like, "Look how my dad my dad is!" Perhaps Mr. Soetoro really is Mr. Soetoro. Or Soweto. Or whatever.

I got a similar feeling from early 2008/2009 "getting to know the First Lady" coverage and interviews with his wife Michelle when everyone in the MSM was constantly fawning over how "beautiful" and "womanly" and "feminine" Michelle is. She may be a woman, I don't know. But the sales pitch was certainly real.

I assume you've seen the story about how their children are not theirs and are actually of the woman (Dr) who delivered Malia and Sasha and her husband?

That whole tranny story and that thing with the kids is way WAY out there for me - too far out on a limb.

Yeah but admit it...when you were typing the tranny stuff, there was at least a hint of a smirk...


I am actually sympathetic toward Mooch and I think at least Malia does look a little bit like her. But her incompetent hoe/moe Muslim down low "husband" I have no mercy for.

"4 people have died ironically and tragically who were tied to this from his college records offices, the Hawaii state health/vitals dept. and the hospital he was born all. 4."

This is what really sticks in my craw: we are murdering people for political convenience? And it's now common occurrence? At the end of the day this means we are only slightly better than the Russians. We were sold a bill of goods about this country and how its government operates and it's time to get all of these evil people out of there.

Trump made a point in an interview after "but Putin is a killer" - saying that we do a lot of bad things too.

And them "meddling" in our elections - OMFG - what the hell do you think the US did in the Ukraine? That was way worse, IMO, than some stupid Facebook memes and some fake news links.

I've been saying this for years as kind of tongue and cheek because of all the warmongering we have been responsible for, that we are the new evil empire. Little did I know how evil this government had become. It really sickens me that it has come to this.

I don't see anyone mentioning the other issue surrounding the citizenship of Obama: when he was still a minor, his mother married an Indonesian national, renounced citizenship for herself and her child and moved off to Indonesia to be Mrs. Soetero. To my understanding, part of the reason Obama's college records were sealed is because he applied as a foreign student.

You have a fundamental misunderstanding of terms and definitions, and although long debates may be had on the subject (too long to engage in here), the fact of the matter is that NO - Obama would NOT BE a 'Natural Born Citizen' by virtue of his mother alone. Both Cruz and Rubio likewise do not fit the definition. In Hussein's case, the BEST he could hope for by birth to Dunham, was status of 'Citizen'. He COULD NOT be an 'NBC' with Barak Sr. as dad.

Words mean things, and different and distinct terminology has different and distinct meaning. The fact that 'Naturalized Citizen', 'Citizen', and 'Natural Born Citizen' terminology exist in law demands that they mean specific - and different - things.

Long story short, the definition of "Natural Born Citizen' requires "...Parents (note plural - meaning BOTH) who at the time of birth, are themselves citizens..."

You CANNOT have one parent loyal to one country, and the other loyal to another country, and be born in a state of being 'Natural-Born' to EITHER, get it?

Going beyond that, you seem far too comfortable underplaying the aspect of the "birther" issue re; the FORGERY aspect of the presented document.

It's MASSIVE FRAUD, and multiple felonies took place just on that aspect of the larger deception.

I, for one, look forward to the full depth and breadth of this usurpation being brought to light.

I can't seem to find a legitimate legal basis for your claim. On the contrary, it seems like when this specific issue has been heard by the New York Supreme Court, the opposite was concluded:

Plaintiff STRUNK'S complaint, as well as his opposition to defendants' motions to dismiss, alleges that the correct interpretation of the natural born citizen clause of the U.S. Constitution requires a natural born citizen to have been born on United States soil and have two United States born parents. Despite plaintiff's assertions, Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 does not state this. No legal authority has ever stated that the natural born citizen clause means what plaintiff STRUNK claims it states. "The phrase natural born Citizen' is not defined in the Constitution, see Minor v Happersett, 88 US 162, 167 [1875]), nor does it appear anywhere else in the document, see Charles Gordon, Who Can Be President of the United States: An Unresolved Enigma, 28 Md. L. Rev. 1, 5 (1968)." (Hollander v McCain at 65). Plaintiff STRUNK cannot wish into existence an interpretation that he chooses for the natural born citizen clause. There is no arguable legal basis for the proposition that both parents of the President must have been born on U.S. soil. This assertion is as frivolous as the multitude of alleged allegations outlined above.

Moreover, President OBAMA is the sixth U. S. President to have had one or both of his parents not born on U.S. soil. Plaintiff STRUNK and his fellow "birthers" might not realize that: both parents of President Andrew Jackson were born in what is now Northern Ireland; President James Buchanan's father was born in County Donegal, Ireland; President Chester A. Arthur's father was born in what is now Northern Ireland; President Woodrow Wilson's mother was born in Carlisle, England; and, President Herbert Hoover's mother was born in Norwich, Ontario, Canada.

Therefore, the prosecution of the instant action by plaintiff STRUNK, with its fanciful, fantastic, delusional, irrational and baseless claims about defendants appears is frivolous.

Of course, you can allege bias in that decision and insist on your own interpretation of the constitution, even though that definition does not seem to be spelled out in law anywhere or to have been applied historically. There's at least some wiggle room, since the issue has never been thoroughly hammered out thoroughly in court. Your position doesn't seem to have a very strong legal basis, though, as far as I can tell (not a lawyer, though, just trying to do my homework).

Now, if there was fraud, that should absolutely be exposed. Maybe they were trying to protect Obama from challenges like yours, whether or not they were likely to succeed, just for PR purposes -- and that alone would certainly not be OK if it motivated them to forge documents and deceive the public, just for the sake of the president's public image. No excuses if that was the case; there should be exposure and consequences. The whole narrative just seemed so bizarre to me from the beginning, especially when Obama's opponent in 2008 was the one who was verifiably born in Panama.... Like so much political theater, it struck me as primarily a distraction from the real issues people should have been shining a bigger spotlight on, like how Obama was bought and paid for by the same big banks that caused the financial crisis.

See- I told you it could be debated. And I could also have predicted that you would be one of these 'cherry-pickers' when it comes to citations and logic.

Your above mentioned case - were we to debate it in depth (which we will not here) would fall apart when any real 'drilling-down' took place. It is fraught with lies by omission, as well as incomplete historical basis.

My previous statements re; definitions, meanings, and specific - DIFFERENTIATED - terms holds. Regardless of judicial acrobatics by partisan dullards, honest people with adequate intellect, are capable of researching, understanding, and changing their minds if that is what their search yields.

I know what I know because I went on that search, which included wading through the likes of the case above.

The thing that made the difference was not stopping as soon as I received confirmation to my bias.

I'm not cherrypicking, that's just the best source I've found so far. If you've got other sources to recommend, please do. You'll notice in my original comment, I was asking, not declaring to have the final word on the matter.

I looked for something backing your case and didn't see anything but opinions of fringe-y right-wingers (as opposed to legal precedents). I'm open to additional sources though. Another user made a good point about Obama's mother's age at the time he was born. So far, I find that argument stronger than the one you've made where "natural born citizen" has a detailed definition that doesn't seem to exist either in law or in practice.

As I's a journey...and I went on it YEARS ago.

I will say that you ARE CORRECT, there is NO LEGAL PRECEDENT which defines "Natural Born Citizen".

That - in and of itself - should be troubling to the critical thinker.

I will also reiterate...words mean things. The use of specific terms and terms of art DEMAND definition, and when no definition is readily available, one must dig. And court cases are NOT the be-all-end-all resource when trying to find TRUTH. They can be instructive though, and sometimes not in ways the piss-poor jurists intended. Sometimes it is what they DON'T cite...the back-stories or context they DON'T elucidate, that betrays their agenda or cowardice. Other times, case precedence can tell us what the thing we are searching for IS NOT, even if it doesn't tell us what it IS.

Best of luck to you.

I will also reiterate...words mean things.

Absolutely. To me, just based on straightforward definitions of words alone, "natural born citizen" is differentiated from the broader category of "citizen" by the fact that naturalization at any point after birth is excluded. Citizenship naturally at birth as opposed to any subsequent time. Unless additional requirements are spelled out in law somewhere I haven't been able to locate, requiring birth on US soil or both parents also being "natural born citizens" seems like wishful thinking, projecting requirements that aren't actually there.

However, it does seem like according to the letter of the law for people born between December 24, 1952 and November 13, 1986, Ann Dunham may not have qualified to pass on her citizenship to her son born in August 1961, months before she turned 19 -- unless there's some additional provision somewhere for American parents younger than 19. So by the narrowest technicality, Obama may not have qualified for citizenship if he was not born in the United States. Props to /u/uhtred_mcuhtredson. I think that very well might be the under-publicized root of this whole controversy that weaker arguments are distracting from tbqh....

You're still missing it, and MIXING terms as if they are not legally separate. You will not resolve this tonight. And you will not resolve it only looking at defined law or opinions. We call them 'The Founders' yet we never consider what was foundational TO THEM. One might argue, that if a term of art used in a document did not carry it's own footnoted definition - which is the case here - that we would have to look for it in the writings, teachings, or philosophies that we KNOW were FOUNDATIONAL to the Founders. The definition of 'Natural Born Citizen' does exist as I described it. It just isn't footnoted in the Constitution. It doesn't require interpretation, merely requires research and intellectual honesty. The terms 'Naturalized Citizen', and 'Citizen' HAVE BEEN defined - in so much as they have been specifically included in court opinions/rulings. 'Natural Born Citizen' HAS NOT been defined by a ruling or opinion, but the term of art HAS been used in (at least one of) the aforementioned cases where the terms or rulings of 'Citizen' and/or 'Naturalized Citizen' WERE defined. This is what I meant by precedent telling us what it IS NOT. In those cases, we learn what constitutes a 'Citizen', and what constitutes a 'Naturalized Citizen' knowing what they ARE, we know something about a 'Natural Born Citizen'...not the least of which is that we know it IS a separate and distinct class of citizenship, else the term would NOT be used in proximity to the others. The Founders did not just toss the term in there with no forethought and for no purpose. We CAN know what they knew, by looking at what they used as foundational philosophy. And THAT is where a definition of "Natural Born" can be found - separate and distinct in meaning - and where the LOGIC behind it being included can be found as well.

As I said, I know what I know. I don't need a judge to define it for me, and I DON'T ACCEPT THAT JUST BECAUSE ONE HASN'T, that it isn't knowable.

If you consider where the “Birther” claim originated, the Clinton camp, it makes you wonder if it wasn’t a deliberate move on the part of whoever Obama’s handlers were.

Say for example that Obama’s really wasn’t born in Hawaii or the US. Some might consider the whole 19 yr old cut off to be a bit of a procedural SNAFU. Just a case of bad luck. But, the law is the law and if the circumstances fit, Obama was ineligible.

Whoever was pulling his strings had to have vetted him, but considered it worth the risk. I could see the whole birther issue being like hiding the truth in plain sight. Instead of hiding it, the come roaring out of the gate with claims that he’s a Muslim infiltrator, he was born in Africa, etc. That sounds crazy, right? We would know wouldn’t we? There’d be proof, right? It sounded like a conspiracy theory, that alone probably turned people off. Everyone else, just call them a bigot until the only people pushing the issue are alone on the wilderness. Hopefully the issue stays buried as it did and Obama gets free reign to do what he’s told as much as he can.

If it ever did get exposed, they’d probably bank on the idea of people being so desensitized to such an extreme exaggeration of the truth that they’d probably dismiss it as just a mere technicality. “Well gee, if only for a few months, he’d be in the clear...” Congress would probably pass some Act not invalidating Obama’s Presidency “just this once,” and the destruction of America would continue uncontested.

I wouldn’t even be surprised at all if Hillary wasn’t actually in on it, but at a lower level. Maybe she found out and wanted Obama to run in the Primaries, help her knock everyone else out, then come in hard at the end with her evidence against O and sail on to victory. The same Pied-Piper tactic they tried again with Trump.

But something could have changed back in ‘08. Maybe various factions saw the power of Obama’s appeal and abandoned Hillary. They never expected Obama’s to become SO popular with their base and told Hillary to sit this one out. You know she cling on to the bitter end. She thought she had her “Ace in the hole,” the birth certificate. They could have said “Sorry Hillary, he’s just too popular. Who would have thought his hollow bullshit slogan of “Hope and Change” could inspire so many to project their own hopes and dreams onto him. If you expose him, you’ll shatter the party into a thousand pieces and we need a completely united front to take on the Republicans. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back next time. You’ll run unopposed, except for maybe this crazy-eyed socialist. But that’s just for appearances. No way in hell could this Doc Brown looking mother fucker have any kind of mass appeal.

::roll credits::

::post credit scene::

Camera pans in on Bill Clinton sitting in a high backed leather chair, a shit eating grin on his face as he admires his freshly lit cigar. His other hand holding his phone to his ear.

“Donald? It’s Bubba. I think I’ve got a plan to finally get back at Hillary once and for all, and I’m gonna need your help...”

::fade to black::

Oh, it’s fun to speculate.

John McCain was born in Panama, but at a Naval Air Station, so by your definition, is he an NBC?

Born to parent citizens, effectively on US soil (arguably anyhow) so I would at least accept that as true - or at least true within the intent of the provision.

Side note a TREASONOUS TRAITOR, he deserves a cot in GITMO, not a seat in the Oval Office, IMO.

Oh, I hate the guy, but I think he's not going to live much longer anyway.

But is there really any uncertainty about the fact that his mother Ann Dunham was an American citizen, and therefore her son a natural-born US citizen by law, regardless of where he was born?


From the website.

For birth between December 24, 1952 and November 13, 1986, the U.S. citizen parent must have been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for 10 years prior to the person’s birth, at least five of which were after the age of 14for the person to acquire U.S. citizenship at birth.

Obama’s mum would have needed to be 19 when she had him. Obama was born August 4, 1961, about 4 months short of Ann Dunham’s 19th Birthday on November 29.

From that I gather that if Obama was born anywhere outside the U.S. or a territory, he isn’t a natural born American citizen. I’d assume he just inherited his father’s citizenship, which at that time would have been of the UK as Kenya hadn’t gained independence yet.

Obama could have become a naturalized citizen, but that’s not the same as natural born and would disqualify him from the Presidency.

If he was born in Hawaii, he’s good, regardless. I’ve heard the rumors that he wasn’t and that there were sloppy attempts to indicate that he was born in Hawaii, like announcements in the paper, maybe someone got paid off to forge a birth certificate.

If you wonder why someone would do that, maybe it was just for the convenience of having the best claim as possible to US citizenship for later in life. His grandparents weren’t idiots, they probably wanted him to have many benefits in life as possible and pulled some strings on behalf of their daughter. Obama’s mom met his dad in a Russian language class when she was 17 and got pregnant. So I assume she was a bit of a free spirit and thought nothing of hopping on a plane, not thinking much about her unborn baby’s potential citizenship.

All that could have served Obama well enough in life. I doubt anyone would have looked too deep into the matter. He might not have even known. But when he decided to run for President, you know damn sure any evidence would have been discovered it hadn’t been planned with absolute precision. When he was born I doubt any seriously expected him to be elected POTUS and they just covered the basics.

I could be completely wrong, but that info is straight from the State Department website. To this layman, if anyone can prove Obama was born outside the US, then he had no legitimate right to be POTUS. It’s all too damn suspicious, no matter what the truth is.

That argument about his mother not having been a citizen for 5 years after the age of 14 is an interesting on I hadn't heard before. It seems to me that that almost certainly would not have been the intent of the law, excluding from citizenship children of American parents younger than 19, but might be an unintended -- but arguable in court -- loophole that could have disqualified Obama if he had not been born in Hawaii. Interesting point, and a plausible motive for forgery just to sidestep the whole issue instead of having to fight it out in court. And much more believable than a conspiracy theory that Ann Dunham wasn't really Obama's mother or wasn't really American herself.

Thanks for that, that's good food for thought.

It seems to me that that almost certainly would not have been the intent of the law, excluding from citizenship children of American parents younger than 19, but might be an unintended

Of course I have no idea, but that’s a pretty specific age.

I’d imagine it was put in to discourage or prevent young Americans from being taken advantage of by foreign citizens.

I mean like if some 13 year old first generation American girl goes to visit her creepy uncle back in the “old country” where the age of consent is 12 and she returns at age 20 with half a dozen “American” babies. The government probably didn’t want to pay for that or have some Manchuria candidate type situation or off the hook chain migration.

Or imagine there was some idiot idealistic teenage communist sympathizer with a passport and a penchant for older men with exotic complexions and whoever wrote that law didn’t want some guy showing up from Cuba or the USSR (or Indonesia) demanding free tuition and running for office. Hey that sounds familiar...

After 19, people are on their own to make their own bad decisions. Maybe that extra year saved some people some later hardship in life.

One thing that's pretty interesting about the laws stated on the site you linked is that they seem to be much more restrictive for children born in wedlock where only one parent is American than out of wedlock to an American mother:

A person born abroad out-of-wedlock to a U.S. citizen mother and alien father on or before June 11, 2017, may acquire U.S. citizenship under Section 309(c) of the INA if the mother was a U.S. citizen at the time of the person’s birth and if the mother was physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for a continuous period of one year prior to the person’s birth.

So strangely enough, if Ann Dunham and Obama Sr. had not married while she was pregnant, this would all be moot, I guess. That's part of why I suspect that this might represent an unintended loophole. But those are interesting examples of where it might be intended to apply, if we assume that marriage is also part of the scenario.

Guys, don't focus on these details too much right now. I don't want to chasing wrong rabbits down fake holes. I made the birther reference for those a little further along in this "birther" aspect.

There's more behind this than where he was born, whether his mom was a citizen, etc. it's not so much about that as the bigger pictures and realities that Obama can't have outted. I'm not going to get into all of that right now because it's irrelevant to what's going on right now, so you don't need to spin your wheels on it as if it will make a difference. Only dig if you choose, that's all. Please don't think I was trying to re-mention it here as if implying it needs to be totally rehashed.

Just keep it in the back of your mind.

Noted! I just think it's fascinating because there's evidently more to the whole thing than I thought. I've noticed that with a lot of "conspiracy theories". The top level is misleading, outlandish nonsense that makes me want to brush the whole thing aside, but just under that that's some legitimate meat to it. That flimsy upper layer that gets most widely propagated almost seems intentional. :P

I upvoted your comment for your open mind.

I wasn't really intending to write you off as some brain-washed, true-believer Obamite when I said I could tell you were gonna cherrypick. More accurately, I detected from your initial posts, things that I had seen over and over through the years when dealing with this subject...a mixture of conflated terms and a seeming already present 'understanding' as to the legitimacy of the argument. That is...thinking it's already settled to the degree it could be, and there's nothing to see. If that is the current mental space occupied by someone, 1)it takes MASSIVE effort to dislodge them from it. and 2) when challenged, even a reasonably honest person will fall victim to the confirmational bias trap. That is, there is sufficient fodder out there that a thinker (harboring even a small bias) will seize on that which tends to support where that persons mind was already at. It's easy - and it's AFFIRMING to the ego.

But it is also lazy, and disingenuous when 'truth' is the stated goal.

Was Ann Dunham in the CIA? I've seen that floated as well.

More like the CPUSA.

Obama's ENTIRE life was a Operation.

Let me just State for the record that I dislike Obama’s even more for making me spend any time at all thinking about him on a Friday night, but I just found this on Wikipedia...

Obama Sr. eventually informed Dunham about his first marriage in Kenya but claimed he was divorced. Years later, she would discover this was false. Obama Sr.'s first wife, Kezia, later said she had granted her consent for him to marry a second wife, in keeping with Luo customs. link

In countries that have bigamy laws, consent from a prior spouse makes no difference to the legality of the second marriage, which is usually considered void. link

So if she was married, that would not have made Obama a citizen, but my quick understanding of Wikipedia tells me that retroactively, she wasn’t legally married, so Barry is in the clear.

So maybe she originally fudged some documents, only to later find out she didn’t need to and now it’s the cover up that’s the crime? Of course all based on an assumption of Obama not being born on US soil.

I clearly picked the wrong night to quit drinking.

Non-Mobile link:

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Haha, oh man. Obama definitely does not want all this hashed out in court. Even if he wins, he loses -- "it's cool guys, my dad was a bigamist so I was an illegitimate child!" (I mean, sure it's public knowledge for those who go looking, but not widely discussed public knowledge.) Would be fascinating to see it all play out, though.

It seems NO ONE (of power/importance) wants to see it play out in court, as - for the last hundred years - the system has pussy-footed, engaged in legal acrobatics, revised history, and even murdered, to keep that from happening.

Think about matter which 'side' anyone is on, the ONE THING they all know and understand, and agree on, is that 'Natural Born Citizen' is NOT defined specifically in law - whether it's the Constitution, or case law.

So why has NO ONE brought a case the purpose of which is to ascertain that definition? Why haven't legislators sought to create a Constitutional amendment which defines it clearly for all time?

The answer is of course, because our masters don't want that limitation. Beyond that, we currently have entrenched powers who are INVESTED in the usurpation that took place (or who have their own designs on a promotion) who would be exposed and neutered should this 'definition' ever be given a reasonable parsing.

Invalid marriage DOES NOT make Sr. NOT Jr.'s father.

It makes Sr. NOT Stanley Ann's HUSBAND.

I haven't taken issue with A LOT of these previous posts, even though there has been plenty to take issue with.

But seriously, y'all need to take at look at your thought processes, and then your premises.

I don't see this as ever getting enough traction to make it to court. Whatever the technicalities of being a native-born citizen are, having one parent born in America is probably going to be enough.


We got to this sad point in history because we have constantly and repeatedly accepted placation like "...good enough..." or "...the best we can do."

This is a CONSTITUTIONALLY MANDATED REQUIREMENT as to the ability to hold the office.

A very important office at that.

It simply WILL NOT DO, to have this term NOT defined.

As I said, an honest court case, or an amendment. But it MUST be done.

Not for nothing, but I'm going to pick a nit in your above post.

You used the term 'native-born' as though it were synonymous with 'natural-born'. I - of course - would argue they are not synonymous.

I never said or implied Obama Sr. wasn’t the father, just expounding upon the previous post that highlighted different standards regarding whether Dunham was legally married or not.

But seriously, y’all need to brush up on your reading comprehension skills a bit.

I get that you thought you were being witty with the comprehension skills comment, but my skills are fine, thank you.

Did you or did you not say "So if she was married, that would not have made Obama a citizen, but my quick understanding of Wikipedia tells me that retroactively, she wasn’t legally married, so Barry is in the clear."

To me this implies that you think that just because they're not legally married, the citizenship of the father becomes a non-factor.

Was that your premise? Because it certainly appears that is what you were saying. And if so, it's nonsense. Get it?

Oh, boy...

You made an assumption. It was incorrect.

Go back and read the post that I responded to and the State Department guidelines we were addressing if it matters that much to you. Which it shouldn’t, because you’re arguing against a point that was never made.

If it does matter that much to you, why don’t you just lay out the points of your argument that you say “won’t be debated here,” instead of trying to pick apart nonexistent arguments? I have an open mind. I’d probably agree with you if your facts were sound. There is no debate to be had with me because I’m not making any definitive claims in any case. I’m more than willing to be educated by more knowledgeable people because it’s a topic I haven’t explored in depth.

Then again, it’s always easier to just take the low road, isn’t it? seem a little slow, so I'll retrace my steps and maybe you can follow along AND ACTUALLY ANSWER this time.

per my post;

'Did you or did you not say "So if she was married, that would not have made Obama a citizen, but my quick understanding of Wikipedia tells me that retroactively, she wasn’t legally married, so Barry is in the clear."

That contained A QUESTION, which you failed to answer. Then I EXPLAINED what I THOUGHT you were trying to convey;

'To me this implies that you think that just because they're not legally married, the citizenship of the father becomes a non-factor as to Hussein's eligibility.'

THEN I asked yet another question;

'Was that your premise?'

Seeeee...? YOU have a bug up your ass because I took issue with some silly conclusion you jumped to (Barry's in the clear), and ever since then, you want to spar (which you are woefully ill-equipped to do) instead of discuss.

But I'M the one taking the low road...

Oh sweetheart, I bet you areso much fun at parties...

Aaaaand you still can't seem to answer the questions or clarify your meaning.

Ya got called out on a stupid're's ok, I get it.

Best of luck to you

Or imagine there was some idiot idealistic teenage communist sympathizer with a passport and a penchant for older men with exotic complexions and whoever wrote that law didn’t want some guy showing up from Cuba or the USSR (or Indonesia) demanding free tuition and running for office. Hey that sounds familiar...


I did post exactly what kind of "citizen" he is and I know it's in these archives. If anyone's interested, they'll find it. 😉

Ahhhhhh!!!! You can use emoji's on here!!! Yay!!!!!

Kek 😏

::finishes beer, puts on another pot of covfefe::


Topkek, even 🐸

If you wonder why someone would do that, maybe it was just for the convenience of having the best claim as possible to US citizenship for later in life. His grandparents weren’t idiots, they probably wanted him to have many benefits in life as possible and pulled some strings on behalf of their daughter.

That would explain how the birth announcement could be meaningless. I've always found that to be the most convincing evidence for him being born in Hawaii, and now I'm doubting it again.

It’s been years since I looked, but I know I heard that Obama’s grandfather had some affiliation with some powerful organizations, maybe the CIA. His mother later worked for the Ford Foundation, amongst others, so you figure someone important probably helped guide her.

So if the grandfather or grandmother ran in those circles, they aren’t dumb. They either know things or they know people. Who in their right mind wouldn’t want a child to be afforded all the rights and privileges of legal US citizenship, which he would have achieved anyway if his mother had stayed put.

Wikipedia said neither family was happy with the union, but someone on the Dunham side could easily have had some forethought and decided to pay $5 to put a birth announcement, which I assume are non legally binding) into the local paper.

They were probably thinking ahead to college applications, jobs, future travel opportunities. I hate to say it, but many people in 1961 probably thought that the biracial child of a teenage mother and a visiting African student was going to need as much help as he could get and I doubt anyone seriously considered anything like Presidential aspirations.

I need to ask my mom if they ever did a birth announcement for me. I was born in ‘79 in the UK, so it still might have been a custom back then. Today, if I had kids, I honestly would never even think of it. having 'respect for the office', it would seem very plausible that Trump would OUT Obama, having so thoroughly DISrespected the office, and the nation.

Beyond that, there are lessons to be learned by all of us, that can ONLY be learned if we have full disclosure.

Exactly how I see it. We Americans allowed our country to be corrupted all the way to the top and repeatedly sold to the highest bidders. We allowed TV talking heads to decide what we should think, and thought if we voted every 2-4 years we were doing our civic duty.

If we get our country back, it will be through sheer luck and the work of some heroes we didn't deserve. Americans need to know how badly we screwed up by letting the corrupt rule us and turning a blind eye to it because we were comfortable. Otherwise we will have learned nothing, and the swamp will start filling back up as fast as it's being drained.

If Trump has enormous respect for the office of the presidency, then Obama needs to be singled out. If he wasn't eligible to be president they should make an example of him. Especially since he was an infiltrator from the Muslim Brotherhood. I don't care how many more Detroit's they burn if the blacks get mad, this is something that has to be done or it's going to happen again.


Stupid question, but if all these criminals like the Clintons, etc, are wearing ankle monitors (which implies they are being indicted and it's only a matter of time) why wouldn't they try to "get in front" of the indictment and start making statements publicly to setup a PR cushion. For example, why not Hillary say something like, "I've made some mistakes in my life, but they were always done with the intent of making America better, etc etc." So when the SHTF, she can direct the public to a "It's not what it looks like" narrative? Just curious.

Not Mega obviously, but I've been thinking about this myself. My best guess, if the ankle monitor stuff is true, is that they are still scrambling behind the scenes to pull every string they possibly can to keep their house of cards from collapsing. Hence why we're still seeing weak-ass Russiagate stories and so on. They obviously haven't thrown in the towel yet. The stakes we're talking about are awfully high, after all.

imo They don't have that kind of mindset. They just keep doubling down. She is not going to admit defeat. Even when these people are caught lying they lie about lying. In her mind there's always that 1 last plan... pray the hitman take out her enemy.

I asked a similar question a while back: why not go the nearest CNN camera and say, "Trump's Russian stooges kidnapped me and put this ankle tracker on me! He's secretly persecuting his political enemies as part of a silent coup!"

I think the answer is that that's a desperation move, and they don't feel desperate yet. That would bring everything out in the open, close off any chance of weaseling out of this with the status quo intact. It would be an all-or-nothing move. But they're not used to feeling desperate, and probably don't feel desperate now. They're used to always being able to buy or threaten or scheme their way out of things. They may think they still have several cards to play before doing anything desperate.

One thing I've come to realize in the last year is that our enemies aren't that smart. I don't mean they're stupid, and they've got college degrees and stuff, but they've relied on a certain low cunning and the fact that they controlled everything. They could afford to make mistakes because their allies in the media and corporate world would always fix it and clean up behind them. They haven't had to outsmart anyone for at least 30 years, and it shows.

One thing I've come to realize in the last year is that our enemies aren't that smart. I don't mean they're stupid, and they've got college degrees and stuff, but they've relied on a certain low cunning and the fact that they controlled everything. They could afford to make mistakes because their allies in the media and corporate world would always fix it and clean up behind them. They haven't had to outsmart anyone for at least 30 years, and it shows.

Lately, Q has been ending his posts with "these people are stupid"

I agree with you though, and I particularly like the "low cunning" thing. They clearly still own the MSM (possible exception of Fox) - have you watched CNN lately? It was on at my parent's house over Christmas, and my god, the lies never stop.

My parents, "conservatives" themselves, think I'm crazy when I tell them what I think is really going down, which is pretty consistent with what I read on these boards. They aren't stupid. In fact, they are very bright people even though their brains have been addled by old age. They just hear the noise from the conventional media and don't for a minute think that there could be another narrative.

My dad is an actual conservative, mainly watches OANN with some Fox now and then, BUT he's an old computer nerd (unix sysadmin) and has been on the internet for a very long time. Because he still hangs out a freerepublic and the like, he DOES know about a lot of stuff I know about.

He doesn't follow conspiracy boards though. I've always loved that stuff all the way back to usenet. Hell, I have even used Delphi and Genie, I'm so old.

That's a good point. My eighty-year-old parents have average computer literacy. They check their emails and do a few other things and that's it. They don't spend hours surfing for news stories on the internet. In some respects, I probably shouldn't either.


I read this comfy post about Manafort:

"Manafort is the country's greatest political pit fighter. He will blow the lid off of Mueller and Rosenstein and the whole fucking town during discovery. That means Mueller gets deposed under oath, Rosenstein, every bad actor in the DOJ.

Why did it take Weismann 10 years and a special prosecutor to get Manafort on bullshit charges he knew wouldn't hold up? Weismann, DC's most crooked prosecutor, who manufactures evidence and has had many cases thrown out because of prosecutorial abuses couldn't touch Manafort with a 10 foot pole. Now he's fucked. This is a noose over top a noose, after gassing them and shooting them in the head.

Manafort will roast these faggots after Trump spits them. He is literally the single most powerful man in Washington. Pedosta has always tried to be him, but never will match him.

This is much bigger than anyone can know right now."

Can you give us some stuff like that?

Haha, I mean, don't I give you "stuff" like this?! I've said a lot about Manafort back to even my first posts in the spring and early summer. I agree on some of this anons perspectives, in fact, I've already said a lot of it months ago.

For instance, I agree that Manafort has spent the last 40 years calculating, manipulating, driving and exploiting politics, politicians, legislation and loopholes, flawlessly. In far more good ways than bad and certainly not nearly as illegally or corruptly as many would have y'all believe.

I also agree and have said, even back in the spring, that the Manafort investigations and reports as well as the indictment those investigations would lead to, would certainly not be the end for him, nor would it be all we'd hear from him, once over. I said back then that he'd walk,. Said the same for Flynn. I outlined their backgrounds and roles in detail. I told you they'd be indicted on technicalities, would walk and I told you what came from their testimonies would be what was most important, and devastating for Mueller, especially Flynn's.

The comment about Podesta trying to be Manafort is funny and true, too. I didn't make this comparison, but that's ok.

I'm not sure what more I could give you like this. I've given a lot almost exactly like this, about almost everyone I know about.

No, of course you give us a ton of stuff like that post, I just meant could you do one specifically about Manafort, because I didn't realize he was THAT based and was actually going to be a part of the kill. I thought he was just a part of the trap.

One question I know I have. I get Pence is questionable, but I have a feeling he's been used for good. Specifically what I want to know, is that one day when he surprised everyone by "turning right around" at the football game in Indianapolis and everyone freaked out because he's wasting tax-payer dollars. I feel like something more happened there, and I've heard some chatter, but I believe some sort of terrorist attack or greater plot was averted by his actions there. The swamp media seemed genuinely startled by that and very triggered. I thought perhaps Pence was stringing some bad guys along in hopes he would help in a coup or something. Is that on track at all? Or what happened with that football stunt? I've heard he actually possibly never even went, AT ALL, and didn't just turnaround? Somethings up.

I've said it before, archives are here and I'm too lazy to find it myself right now. At the end of the day, Manafort isn't based. He's not completely innocent, nor is he as guilty as any of the media would have you believe. He was used by the Trump admin for a purpose. The purpose is over. He walked like I said, now he's suing Mueller team.

The football game was nothing more than a kick in the balls to the establishment. Trump told Pence, you go to that game as my VP, if they kneel, YOU WILL LEAVE. It was Trump pulling rank over their planted establishment troll as a jab right to them and these movements of division they fuel. They watched their puppet, dance for someone else.

Have you seen the Body Language analysis on Mike Pence? Confirms what you say without any insider info.

A puppet that will do what he's told by people he considers his superiors:

No, I hadn't seen this, thanks for the link. Interesting... and spoopy! Now I just want this lady to tell me what my body language means! Haha.


1) I find it really hard to believe that as far as public disclosure goes, Obama, Bill Clinton, and both of the Bushes can be implicated in all of this, let alone indicted and prosecuted for any crimes whatsoever. Can you discuss how this can happen, and the likelihood of it happening? I can’t see the public accepting this.

2) How exactly can the non-US Rothschilds (particularly Jacob and Evelyn) face any public justice whatsoever? I don’t see a way for them to be punished by the US, given their central bank control.

@cdwill The Abel Danger group make a pretty convincing argument for Bush Sr. and others being guilty of treason for the failed ‘top off’ of our government on 9/11... not sure if any of 9/11 is part of what will be avenged.

I want to hear it from MegaAnon. She’s the one with inside info.

a thread dedicated specifically to her responding to questions...

Sorry, this is wrong. This is not the purpose of this thread. The post is not titled "I Am Mega - AMA!"

This compilation has been up since October 27th, and people have been commenting on the content of her posts on /pol/ and exchanging their ideas. Really,anyone can join and express their opinions, and I have enjoyed the discussion so far.

To my knowledge, She-Who-Hates-Nicknames aka MegaAnon learned about my compilation on Nov 16th. She made her own reddit account and joined us a month later, on Dec 18th, and has been commenting and answering many questions. Much appreciated!

But, I'm not surprised to see that u/IMegaHateNicknames ignores some low-effort and/or rather disrespectful comments. Stop 'demanding' answers from her. Perhaps she doesn't have the answers, or perhaps she's not authorized/allowed to give them, or she's simply posted about that particular point a lot, and it's you who hasn't been paying attention.

Fuck off, I’ll do what I want.

/u/IMegaHateNicknames what do you make of Ben Fulford's comments regarding this photo:

The Pentagon source also sent a copy of this photograph with the explanation, “Trump wears purple when unveiling his national security strategy on December 18th in a victory lap over the Soros/Hillary purple revolution, and drinks water with both hands to simulate handcuffs.”

Particularly interesting given the MSM accounts pointing to this same photograph as evidence of Trump being unfit for office ("unable to lift a glass without using both hands")

I wonder who he was glaring at while drinking. If we knew that, Fulford's comment might make more sense.


With all the rumblings of "he knows" and such, will at least someone of all this corrupt crew be exposed for the "pizza" crimes? Here's the issue I've encountered with many people I discuss with and try to "red-pill": they don't believe it. And I have spent hours and hours in discussions, forwarded wikileaks links to emails, youtube videos, etc etc. but the magnitude of a high-ranking official partaking in "pizza" is so easily dismissed by everyone I talk to - even by my feminist, educated, friends who have children. They just think it's "too outrageous to be true" and "there's no way they could do something like that without someone knowing who would tell." IMHO at least one of these high-ranking officials must be made an example of and exposed to the world, otherwise it becomes swept under the rug and easily rebuilt/repeated once the dust settles. Thoughts?

There have been a lot of Pedo/human trafficking busts since Sessions took over the DOJ, but they only get reported at a local level. I think they are working up the chain on the traffickers, and eventually, they will get to someone big.

The DOJ also made some significant MS-13 arrests in the DC area late last year, so they are working on that as well. MS-13 is involved in all manner of crime including human trafficking of minors to pimp them out. They are super nasty people.

Just saying the DOJ is doing things, but you can't take out big players from the top down.

I know you don't do timelines, but I can't help thinking that Trump would have a bunch of goals everyone needs to complete by the State of the Union address. Correct?

Sure would make for an epic first SOTU, if he did.

Yes indeed. I can't wait!

Todd: If the whole Sessions recusal, the appointment of Mueller as SC, etc was political theater, why did Flynn get indicted? I'm pretty sure that Meg said Flynn was an innocent victim. If Mueller is actually going after the Deep State, and not Trump-Russia "collusion," how is it that Flynn caught a charge? Thx

Better question: why did Flynn lie? Why did he go answer questions from FBI agents he surely knew were corrupt without legal counsel? He's a very smart man who knows how the game works, yet he got caught on something that simple.

One possible reason: he knew they were being bugged, so he knew the FBI would catch the lie, which would give him a chance to expose the bugging. Which is pretty much what happened -- now we're finding out about exactly how the dossier was created and used for the FISA warrant. As I understand it, his guilty plea also lifted his gag order from the Obama admin, so now he can testify to things he couldn't before.

Have you read the plea agreement? He has a story to tell. It's part of the plea deal. See here, and scroll down to read the "Plea Agreement" document in full.

I think people are confused about the mechanics. Most people are thinking to themselves,"Why did he need to be indicted? Why couldn't you just tell his story on his own?" I think what people are missing here is that without some form of finality, whether it's immunity or pleading guilty to a non-crime crime, he potentially could be setting himself up to be prosecuted later. He had to put anything that is lingering out there to bed before he could tell his story.

And then there is the strategizing. A lot of people think he lied on purpose, which sounds like a pretty good bet given what we now know, so they would go after him and effectively make the case against themselves.

Umm... because every time he tried to voluntarily offer testimony and assistance to Comey, Mueller, and the intel committees on the Hill, they denied him. So if telling the truth through his testimony, meant he had to force an indictment and his own plea of guilt to FORCE them to hear it and put it "on the record", then so be it. Flynn is like honey badger... and neither of them give a single fuck.

Mueller's indictment of Flynn over his "lie" should've been all you needed to prove to you exactly how his "investigations" would go from that point forward. I promise you, the swamp wasn't pressuring him to indict Flynn. They just wanted to force Flynn into resigning so it would get him out of the admin and kick Trump in the balls. They DID NOT want him to testify.

Do we know the name yet of the FBI Informant whose testimony was being blocked until a month or two ago?


Dear Mrs Anon :)

Thank you for sharing your insights. They cause ripple effects all over and make good people calmer and less naive :)

You mentioned very briefly that this was in plans for a some time and Trump is not the mastermind, or not the only mastermind (you haven't said that specifically, but that's my understanding). Where and how did it start? How did Trump get involved?

Also, I can understand that on US soil but what is happening around the world?

You don't simply go to China, Saudis, Israel and others and tell them to drain the swamp and BOOM they do it. Yes, USA has leverage, but that kind of leverage?! Do you have an understanding of who's behind the curtain? What is the story that's not being told? :)

To a great 2018 :)

Tell us about the FED! Or I will give you a new nickname dontwannatalkabouttheFED-MEG

Haha, I've talked about the FED enough and it's all archived above. There's not much more to say than Inalready have. If there is and it's relevant, I will, as usual.

So, if you're going to re-nickname me, make sure it's at least accurate...



I have also read 90%+ of her posts, and I also recall seeing very little on the Fed.

I'm not an economist by any means so I give as much as I can give in terms of what I know and the strategies, then stop because to say more, would be ignorant.

That said, I have given a ton of detail around the strategies and negotiations that have taken place, like the renegotiations of debts we have with China for instance, which are proactive steps being taken to ensure our markets/economy wouldn't collapse or cripple us.

I've also cited, that as we progress our efforts towards increasing independence by focusing on areas like energy, better trade deals, imports/exports, US production, manufacturing, etc. those efforts will inherently allow us to continue to absorb, implement, assume and maintain more direct control over our own finances, markets, banks and ultimately our economy, which will lead to an organic separation from the central banks and its systems, which stifle and limit our potential and economic success.

Additionally, we've already seen our reduction, renegotiation and even self-removal from the blind participation and funding of regional and internationally-based commitments/obligations that have financially and economically strapped us to other nations and the central banks system, like NAFTA, TPP, the Paris Accord and our recent announcement to reduce our annual UN contributions.

We have also just passed the tax bill which has also eliminated several loopholes that had been overly exploited and abused for decades, in addition to closing the economic gaps and benefits of off-shored business, production, manufacturing and financials. These efforts will add a significant amount of money back into the economy, that we'd been losing out on in border taxes. I also went as far as to cite Mulvaney and his VERY strategic move from Director of OMB to Acting Director of CFPB. That wasn't an accident and he sure did start with a bang, didn't he?! I mean, you'd almost think it was planned... 😏

Finally, I've explained in detail, how we have decimated many of the backchannels, operations and networks, which have allowed many to horrifically abuse and evade our systems. Deals and transactions will now be above the table, not under the table. Now, domestic and international deals and monies contracted, passed and exchanged, will be legally reported and accounted for, which will add and contribute to the sustained benefit and success of our economy, overall.

All of these things actively being done and the details I've given behind them, are in many ways directly related to the literal gutting of the FED and it's status-quo.

"These efforts will add a significant amount of money back into the economy, that we'd been losing out on in border taxes"

A small little bone I have to pick with you here, but I think much of that money is already in the economy, just the ownership isn't here. While Apple of Ireland or Exxon Mobil in Germany can't send their profits up-stream to the parent company in America, there is nothing stopping Apple of Ireland from buying US Treasury securities here in the United States. In fact, I think much of that money is already here in question how much more can come in. Where is Phillips Petroleum going to invest the profits from their European subsidiary? In the Macedonian stock market?

Don't get me wrong, I agree with the policy, I am just questioning how much more money is going to come in because of that.

A lot. It's hard to explain in a post I type from my phone, but it has a lot to do with how $$ is taxed once it hits or originates overseas, then comes back into the US. We get none of it, hence when it's manipulated, it's beneficial which is why they do it this way.

All you need to know is that more $$ is going to be on the table and in the books.

/u/IMegaHateNicknames I wanted to let you know that I have created a text file of your posts from May until Jan.4. I believe it contains everything from 4chan that ToddWhiskey indexed, and most Reddit posts. It is useful for text searching for old posts. For example, in late December you once about a post you made a few weeks previously in which you mentioned Trudeau. It was on Dec. 7.

Here is the link to the text file (~1MB):

Excellent! Thanks for doing this!

Underrated comment right here! This makes it searchable!

Oh wow. Thanks! That's helpful! 🤗

Great! One big txt file! OP edited!

What about FED beneficiary organizations like 🔥Fannie and Freddie🔥? Will these be gutted as well?

Yea, not expecting u to predict future and make us all rich... but for example, the corrupt old yeller run fed has been juicing the stock market by buying equities... not sure this was type of activity the fed was founded to partake in... this can have a significant impact on stawk markets if the fed pulls the plug on this after it is “gutted”... anybody have specific examples or want to extrapolate further on how ending the “corruption” may or may not impact the finances of everyday people?


will savings rates return to normal historical range?

Will taxpayers still be expected to subsidize artificially low interest rates on jumbo loans on the coasts? Ending the shame of such programs that enrich elites like Fannie and Freddie?..

Etc etc

Speaking of the economy and tax reform. Who was behind the push took keep the carried interest loophole? Trump talked about doing away with it throughout the campaign and somehow it survived.

U/IMegaHateNickNames you mentioned in a post back on October 6 that Vegas was to "DIVERT TRUMP AWAY FROM declassifying/releasing "the storm" (a series of classified info that admin will disclose publicly on 3 different but HUGE, socially controversial topics. (((They've))) already delayed this TWICE."

  1. Are these announcements still going to happen?
  2. Will Hillary do a perp walk?
  1. You will get the same content and transparency, in an unedited, uncut, official presidential address formatting, so yes. But at this point, we are beyond the need for 3 separate addresses, as had been originally strategized. So you're still going to get all of the same info/context in the same way I originally described, where the MSM can't spin or refute or disrupt, but the bulk of that info will most likely come in one comprehensive format and undoubtedly, consistent follow-ups direct from comms office and Trump as needed.

When these swamp-related things are made public as the MSM drains, I have said many times that you're going to start getting more direct, uninterrupted channels of communications established between the WH and public. We have it with Trumps twitter and we saw a "test" to assess traffic done via a Periscope of one of his speeches, which was directly broadcasted from a WH periscope, over month ago.

  1. I hope so, but I cannot be sure right now. I don't think many can be sure right now either. A lot will have to do with social climate and where we are with some of these bigger revelations and public reactions. I do know however, that it is the absolute goal.

Meant to put 2., not 1. Again. Fml

That's just reddit's weird numbered list format. Can see when viewing the source text on browser that you typed 2. and it changed it to 1. because that's one of the stupid formatting things that reddit does. Just FYI!

Regarding the media, is there a long-term plan to reverse the forces that have corrupted it via consolidation and excessive advertiser influence? Restoring something along the lines of the Fairness Doctrine? Anything like that? It seems like a lot of the current MSM "swampiness" is sort of the inevitable result of the current regulatory framework and lack of accountability.

how about that guy named Zach on infowars...said Bannon is working for the Chinese Billionaire?

See above.


"You will get the same content and transparency, in an unedited, uncut, official presidential address formatting, so yes. But at this point, we are beyond the need for 3 separate addresses, as had been originally strategized. So you're still going to get all of the same info/context in the same way I originally described, where the MSM can't spin or refute or disrupt, but the bulk of that info will most likely come in one comprehensive format and undoubtedly, consistent follow-ups direct from comms office and Trump as needed."

1st SOTU is gonna be LIT??

Keep your eyes/ears open on this spin they're starting to spew... maybe they won't show up cause they're unavailable. As in, indicted.

All those "empty seats" would be a really good play wouldn't it. I'm not saying it will happen this way, I'm just saying you should tuck this away and make a mental note of others who may jump on the bandwagon. Could get interesting.

I wish half the House was empty. Their only purposes are to look glum for the cameras and remain seated when the President says something applause-worthy.

Fucking kneelers.

I was hoping some names of those indicted would have been out before sotu. I hate how if they are indicted they are still around. Just hard to fathom not one reporter, like Hannity or someone reporting it..

will we get it at the State of the Union Address>?

A guy named Zach or Zack was on InfoWars today saying Bannon really is a bad guy. He seemed to have a lot of info about Bannon that doesn't match up. Is Zach a larp?

He's been on multiple times.

Personally, I think he claims to know too much, and be too involved in virtually everything going on in the whole world, to NOT be larping to one degree or another.

Morrocco last week interdicting Obama money, SpaceX today, London this weekend (presumably to scoop up Assange and bring him to US).

The guy paints a picture of Super-Operator AND, oh by the way, ALSO completely clued in to the overall master plan so much that he can state categorically that Bannon and Trump don't have this planned out between them...get that?...ZACK occupies the space between Trump and Bannon.

He REEKS of larp.

I will be honest. I liked "Zack". In one of my posts I even said I liked Zack, just like I liked the very first, no name poster from 10/28-10/31. I even said I thought the way Zack spoke, read like those initial October posts before "Q Clearance Patriot" showed up on 11/1.

I couldn't fault whoever Zack was for being on AJ because technically, I was too. AJ and InfoWars straight copy/pasted my posts into an article, so whatever. BUT, there were a few things I thought were just slightly off as Zack progressed on AJ that seemed odd because they weren't things I felt someone saying what he was, wouldn't know.

And then, I saw that Zack had "endorsed Q". That was enough for me. I've already said what I said about AJ hitching his wagon to Q because his audience is. Many of those guys are. They're staying relevant in a trending discussion their audience is engaging in that can either include them in the discussion, or not. If AJ jumping on the Q wagon and then falling for the fake Bannon/Trump theater, )especially after all I told you about AJ's non-access to the admin.), hasn't proved enough about what AJ actually is, then I don't know what else to tell you.

Watch, after the Bannon/Trump jig is up, AJ will try to say he played a role or some bullshit on behalf of the admin. because he will be wrong about what he's saying now. Remember, this was the guy who jumped on pizzagate, then threw that whole crowd under the bus and apologized to Alefantis, only to jump right back on the pizzagate train 3 weeks later, like nothing ever happened.

Didn’t you say you knew who the q people were and they would be stopped?

I knew who was feeding twitter short codes.

Posted enough about it already.

I wanted to add to this for due fulligancr just because I did listen to some of the Zack audio just now.

I will ask you to keep in mind that there's more to Bannon, Kushner and an exposure of Kwok that's been well in the works for quite some time. Zack is not correct in his assessment as it does not sound like he's even met or worked with anyone in the admin, at all. Just remember that Bannon can do/day things that Trump can't, dunces he's been officially out of the admin. The assessment of Bannon with Kwok and what's really going on under that surface, is what will be important.

Certain points driven Round Tillerson aren't completely correct either.

Megs, is the plan to have Nuremberg type trials at GITMO this summer?

I also caught that! He seems to be EVERYWHERE doing all sorts of different things and operations. Could it be Jones has him on just for ratings?? LOL nahhhh.


I'm a fan of Vince Flynn's "Mitch Rapp" series - but even Mitch doesn't get around, and have all the insight, that Zach does!

Side note - being a fan, I'm pretty sure that Flynn (and by extension, Rapp) was a CIA Mockingbird. But exciting stories none the less.

Probably. "Zach" was on there a couple months ago sharing a lot of the same ideas Q was, and then AJ claimed Zach had been arrested by the FBI. I don't watch the show, so I don't know what ever came of that. But if the FBI nabbed someone to shut him up, I wouldn't think we'd be hearing from him again.

I only watch when Zach is on so I can compare his comments to those of others who are "in the know." Zach says we are, without any doubt, going to war with NK. I don't believe that for a second so I really have to question everything else he says too.

It's amazing how many people, after nearly a year, still think Trump is a warmonger and the bombing will start in five minutes. A testament to the effectiveness of media gaslighting, I guess.

Some people are hopelessly brainwashed. I pray it's less than 10% of the population, but it surely isn't half the country. Once the people learn the truth about the media and brainwashing (Operation Mockingbird) I think many will wake up. At least I hope so.

/u/IMegaHateNicknames, why is Alex Soros still free? What can you tell us about him and the other Soros kids?

/u/IMegaHateNicknames , Thank you for your time.

I keep seeing you mention the FED will be gutted... but would we not be better suited to completely abolish the FED and the elite banking cartels? eliminate debt based currency? Eliminate the fiat dollar..

Moving towards what our founders envisioned... Letting Congress and the Treasury issue currency.... Bringing back the gold standard. A New Dollar backed by gold and issued by the U.S. Treasury. Shouldn't this be the end goal?

Here Here >>>> YES YES, I have been trying to get Meg to respond to several fed questions, maybe /u/IMegaHateNicknames doesn't know what is going on with the fed so she cant respond?!? But I would loe at some point to find someone that can give us an answer on what happens to the Fed.



only if you turn off caps lock.

It certainly means we're well on our way. Our leaders can only do so much. It's always up to us to ensure it constantly progresses and stays that way. We have more power as a mass than we think. It's up to us what we do with it. Nothing has to end in 3 years, 7 years, etc. we just need to keep making the shit we want to happen, happen. "United we stand, divided we fall" literally means just that, you know?! 🤷🏻‍♀️

Side note: Holy fuck, I love emoji's and that I can use them on a board! Seriously. So much can be said with 🙄 or 😳 or 😏, you know?!


Ha, just be aware that PC users see many of those emojis as a white rectangle because they have no unicode representation.

U r a badass!! Thank u soooo much for sharing. I am sending love your way, because you deserve it!!!

If I weren’t married, you would be my next choice. Your thought process is on point!

Gods bless. Keep it up.

so true ....god willing ,,, all bad evil actors go down !! Ms. hatenicknames.. do u know if planet X is a hoax or true!? theres been report in russia/china news about this and in wikikleaks / podesta emails.. plus it was found by nasa in the 70,s i believe ..this shit scares me more as a over all global wipe out... if true its not good!!! whats your thoughts!!

Ms Imhnn.. .iv noticed how QUITE some ppl are out there like,, d,brazille ..since her book dick Chaney??very quite jed bush even van jones hasn,t been on the new s as much???shootin his gob out. how did pelosi get 120million in bank account .what did she do for it...WTF!!! .MAXINE WATERS ONLY HAS 4 MIL..FUNNY when your black and dirty u still get the short end of the stick !wonder if she knows what in pelois wallet hahahaha im surprised about bibi ?? thought him and trump where buddy,s the other wk read that he and wife got indicted !!?? what gives

The guilty get quiet and uncomfortable. 🤗

We need Hillary to get quiet and Obama.

What do you make of Bannon "apology"? Still part of the plan? Why would he apologize? Optics?

All optics. All to look good for the cameras. While we're all looking this way, things are getting done over that way. I know I'm the surface, this "Trump/Bannon feud", seems extreme. Almost a little TOO extreme, right?! I mean, the continued long term goals, commitment and history behind these two would make these responses and reactions almost seem too incredibly crazy to be true, if you know the background and have kept up with their strategies and agenda, right?!

It would almost seem just as absolutely ridiculous as gorilla-fighting, 17 hour, TV marathons and cheeseburgers in bed/shirts on the floor - keep them there or I'll REEEE, right?!

Yes... right. The same people who told us Trump's Obama wiretapped me tweets were bullshit (until they weren't bullshit) are the same people peppering and pushing this book, its quotes and this feud. Remember that.

Trump never authorized WH access or Wolff book.

Bannon isn't denying OR confirming what he said.

Don Jr. is a mouthpiece used to stoke fires and directly/bluntly say things Trump can't. He DRIVES whatever messages and narratives they want/need everyone to think, that Trump can't be tied to. If Trump needs you to think he's feuding and separating himself and the admin from Bannon right now, then Don Jr. drives that message home.

Fun fact: Know why Trump held off publicly commenting and even tweeting about Bannon, then did and dubbed him with a nickname, even though he didn't want to?! Because what was the first thing everyone started doing when he didn't blast off with a statement or tweet, direct from him, like he does with EVERYONE ELSE, he legitimately has a gripe with?!

They proved to the admin. that they're seeing, recognizing, looking for and expecting the strategy, by immediately and increasingly questioning where his Bannon tweets were if he was REALLY mad. So, it was decided Trump would tweet, especially as questions grew after he abruptly addressed a Bannon question for comment earlier, and quickly left, not taking any more. They're banking on you realizing tgat there was a reason that Trump only addressed it initially, with a seemingly aggressive, yet unofficially documented statement released to the press, in response to Bannon's statements.

They're hoping you realize there was a reluctance to tweet as evident in their delay. They didn't want to, hebcectgey didn't initially. They only had to because they realized they've set a presendence for communications and what's expected. If Trump were really mad, everyone would expect him to tweet and give a nickname. Because this needed to ride longer, especially through the weekend and for a little beyond, they had to tweet. Bannon wasn't surprised. He was all of the sudden, "going to apologize" but decided to wait for Trumps response, right?!

Well, hadn't Trump already responded publicly before he'd tweeted in his statement?! What was Bannon waiting for?! Is Bannon known for waiting of someone to attack him first?! No. Then all the sudden, Trump tweets and he's got this prepared and canned apology he was going to make, all too conveniently, that was still released anyway?!

You already know the answers to your own questions. I know you do. 😉

I shared the following with a grassroots activist friend yesterday who'd shared her thoughts and a link to an article purporting to offer the "real" story behind the Bannon-Trump "feud." From the moment this broke it felt like a bright shiny object, btw, and every day that goes by, it seems like the folks involved are letting it ride and amping it up. Like the article yesterday by Jonathan Swan in Axios who reported that Mr. Trump has been calling all of Bannon's allies saying it's me or him, I need your answer now; and how people are lining up to go out publicly and bash Bannon. Very Gorilla Channel indeed!

Anyway, here's what I shared with my grassroots activist friend yesterday:

100% certain of this, based on the publicly available information (and that's all the information I have):

1 - SKB has done nothing wrong, in his reaction to the purported Wolff claims. I know no evidence thus far that Mr. Bannon has betrayed, or ever will betray, Mr. Trump and the make American great again agenda, assuming that Mr. Trump continues to selflessly serve the American people as all indications are that he has thus far, and intends to do so in the future.

2 - This is Mr. Trump's Fifth Avenue moment (referring here to that statement made by Mr. Trump during the campaign about the loyalty of his base and the bond between him and them). This is the moment the base decides to trust Mr. Trump's intentions, even when the reasons for his actions are not clear.

3 - Mr. Trump gains in his ability to negotiate with corrupt and criminal interests (GOP establishment, especially; nevertrumperforever stooges and operatives of the globalist financial elites).

4 - For whatever reasons, SKB's actions suggest sacrificing his career, if that's what the cost will be to him here (note the Daily Caller article yesterday quoting former Breitbart employees, alluding to certain Breitbart board members debating removing SKB, with the apparent narrative it's time for Breitbart to withdraw from politics entirely and move operations back to LA--WTF???), is worth it at this time.

5 - While everyone is mesmerized by a bright shiny object, the deep state coup plotters have the evidence that indisputably exposes the extent and gravity of their crimes in this deep state coup laid out into the public record and the public consciousness. Have you been following the news? Have you been reading the informed and intelligence analysis by paid commentators and by average citizens as well?

Checkmate, deep state.

Next, taking on the globalist financial elites, who are our real adversary, and in fact, are the adversary of all of humanity, and unspeakably evil intraspecies predators as well.

It does us no good to remove from power a set of agents, stooges and puppets (deep state), no matter how malevolent and malignant those agents, stooges, and puppets may be, unless we also remove from power the puppetmasters as well, the ultimate perpetrators and decision makers here.

It truly does make sense because if Trump didn't tweet, media would have just pushed their own narrative as the truth.

What I don't understand is why do we have to look one way and not directly at what is going on?

Why are people like Pelosi continuing tweeting saying idotic dividing narrative things if they know what is coming?

Let them dig their own holes. When it's all said and done, it will only serve to discredit them publicly, even more so. It only makes it better. They're proving what liars they really are and how desperate they were right now and every time they've tweeted or made a statement/comment.

See?! Who's really going to look unstable and crazy?! I just hope the internets doesn't scrub all their bullshit away when it comes down to the coming down, of all this.

/u/IMegaHateNicknames Mega, I noticed suddenly Pence's name being attached to the chatter about the 25th amendment, coming from the media. I wonder if this is being 'seeded' out there to try and preempt any attempt by Trump to expose Pence. Starts the narrative of paranoia, etc. Or am I reading too much into it? Still on the fence about Pence...

I already said it was. I said it a long time ago too. Pence is the biggest establishment plant and leaker of them all. He will be exposed. He knows it.

miss.M will u ever come back!!! there so much going on !!! we miss u dont u miss us.. are u safe? one question i need to know.. if its real or hoax ... planet X was in the Wikileaks email of j podsta and nasa has been hiding it,,,i have kids and want to prepare if its true!! if not ok then ill keep canning my food....and wait for the swamp drain and watch trump kick some ass!!! god bless u for all u did for us you made it easy to follow to what was going down.. i miss that ! q is great but hard to get some answer to some things..well cheers goodluck..its a great show

"MAXINE WATERS ONLY HAS 4 MIL..FUNNY when your black and dirty u still get the short end of the stick"

LOL - Maybe it was those government school math classes she had to take. If she had studied harder, she would have been much better at frauding the American people.

Jokes aside, I think her husband was/is a car dealer. Car dealers are usually among the richest guys in any community.

I've always referred to it as "Old World Order". Same creeps that have run the world forever still do. Maybe until now. "New" would indicate something different. We should HOPE for a New direction.

WHAT DOES TPTB mean i havent seen it b-4 i understand some of the codes letters but this one????

The powers that be

oh i never thought that was it ..was thinkin it was agency or corp inc something thanks

I didn't get it at first either. I had to Google it 😃

The Powers That Be

/u/IMegaHateNicknames Please tell me that Tom "Walnut Sauce" Steyer and his creepy wife will face justice. Thank you for all that you do! (Space added in each link) emailid/43113 ChristieBeaches

I'm enjoying the links. BTW... 1/4/18 link is circular.

The problem is on your side. It's a permalink to a reddit comment of hers. Some mobile apps do not access/display permalinks.

/u/IMegaHateNicknames think you posted on the Zach post on pol tonight? If said wrong on Bannon though there was a lot of other crazy (to me) stuff there. Any insight on the Sessions compromised/Haley/Tillerson stuff? Thanks!!

Yes, she did. OP was edited, including the link to a related post that 4plebs archive managed to grab before the thread got nuked! Ha!

mercedes schlapp


/u/IMegaHateNicknames redditleaf here. Canada calling.

I've read almost all your posts and appreciate your and Mr Whiskey's effort to inform us and allowing to ask questions and debate current affairs.

My question is regarding the Canadian swamp. I'm reading Trudeau was/is involved in the Clinton Foundation and gave away $20mil of our tax dollars to the CF.

From my perspective, just as Obama, I think Trudeau is also a puppet, not having a "presidency" here up north. But who is then the handler? Aga Khan (whom he visited privately last Xmas)?

How deep is the parliament/senate here in this mess..

Is Trump & Co aware of this bad acting? He's met T in the white house already and I hope that NAFTA negotiations, and the Softwood Lumber Agreement dispute for that matter, can be used to help us Canadians to clean out the swamp here as well in Canada. Was/is Giustra part of any play here (EO)? and how is the Barry Sherman and his wife Honey, owners of drug giant Apotex, suicide tangled into this?

Was reading deep into the comments thread the other day and posted this too far down to be seen, so I am going to repost here, hopefully for a response :)

u/IMegaHateNickNames, thanks for the time you spend educating us. :)

I have noticed that the members of W's admin aren't really mentioned, other than in passing. I realize that HW's admin are either already dead or not far away, but there seem to be a lot of swamp dwellers in W's admin beyond the Bush family itself, especially the likes of Cheney, Rumsfeld, Chertoff, and Paulson, among others. Can we expect them to be a part of the tarring and feathering?

Also, I haven't really seen any real discussion of SCOTUS members, and the harm their opinions have caused, most notably the contortions of logic necessary to shove Obamacare through by John Roberts. I have always suspected he was blackmailed and threatened, because his opinions on the case were contrary to everything he had said leading up to the issuing of the opinion (I refuse to call SCOTUS decisions "rulings").

What can you tell us about these topics?

Nothing right now. These aren't immediate ye but getting back to GW and Clinton will happen, just not first.

Can you confirm if there was some leverage brought to bear against John Roberts re: Obamacare? That particular issue has bothered me since the decision came out.

Hopefully whoever is "first," I hope they aren't far behind. I hope it doesn't drag on once it starts to lead to the bigger people, not just patsies. I hope the ball starts rolling soon.......

u/IMegaHateNickNames Thanks for all your efforts. There seems to be an apparent hierarchal switch in regard to Q. If Q was a Trojan horse initially (or not), it appears that horse is now wearing many saddles. Perhaps a switch of Q or a replacement of Q. One simple way to realize this is to notice the way Q, at the start, used the word "we". "We" was used as Q = Patriots, Q = All for the good--you know, Q was on the same level. Q, at the beginning, used we as if Q were one person being part of the "We the People", not "WE" the group called "Q Anon". Now? Less the latter and more this: Q is patting the heads of "Patriots" and letting them know, "WE" will take care of it, "WE" are handling it, "WE anticipated life would be short on each platform...", and this, for example: PATRIOTS in FULL CONTROL. We will make more public. SA was strategic. “We know” “Do as we say or face consequences” These people are stupid!


Odd. Also, with a book deal in place for the Board Owners, how can anyone know for sure whether the Q Anon posts (screened by the Board Owners) is not censored or edited or truly from Q Anon? Not saying anyone would do anything to harm anything or anyone--BUT--you know, if you have a book deal, you would have to have control of the storyline...or even the ending, true?

I had no clue about a book deal, but if that alone doesn't make everyone take one GIANT step back and realize what in the absolute fuck is going on, that's a big problem.

I hope everyone following those rabbits, fully realizes that those "board owners" have literally controlled every aspect of information and flow of information on that board, since they moved to 8. I saw somewhere that as "board owners", they could see "Q's" IP, which is how they knew "Q" was posting from different IP's via devices, which contributed to trip issues? I'm not sure if I read this right, nor do I know what visibilities or permissions board owners on 8chan have, but I will say that if they can see "Q's" IP, there's a VERY big possibility that they can access, see and ID everyone else's posting, too. I mean, if I were looking to aggregate and identify thousands of people who anonymously associate their efforts with and ultimately pose a threat, to an established status quo manipulated and corrupted to benefit me, then I can't deny that "Q" and "CBTS", would've been an absolutely brilliant way to do it. You don't even have to find them. You replace 500 paid "shills" with a few people (to keep the posts, formats and messages consistent and contained), and they all come to you, right?!

Then... just when it seems too good to be true, too easy, they compel and mobilize the "storm" to answer their calls of duty and patriotism, to spread the "awareness" and messages of "the storm", REGARDLESS of whether all those rabbits are actually and factually, leading everyone down the RIGHT HOLES, "they" dug for them all, or not, right?!

That's some absolute shit, right there. I mean, "they're" literally playing the same "watch the swamp drain itself" strategy the admin has been playing, on those innocently, but ignorantly playing the Q games. How unironic and completely demoralizing would it be for now sadly MILLIONS OF WELL-INTENDED, GOOD-HEARTED PEOPLE, who've been WANTING and working for so many hours/days/weeks/months in their efforts to help and participate in the awareness, education and TRUTH they're voluntarily and willingly "spreading" to others on the reality of what's to come, as Q has promised them, will drain the swamp they've worked so hard and well before Q, to FACTUALLY PROVE EXISTS, only to find they've been implicating THEMSELVES in the same promotion of disinfo they believe the Government and MSM has been responsible for, that they think their efforts are only further proving?!

I told y'all this would pick up quickly and start attracting the WRONG kind of "attention" from those "they" CAN CONTROL. See, "they" CAN'T efficiently or effectively CONTROL the threat, an increasingly focused, dedicated, well-coordinated mass and their efforts pose to "THEIR" status quo... but "THEY" CAN PENETRATE, CORRUPT and ultimately CONTROL, the messages and perceptions of those masses, "they'll" then abuse and use, in their favor. Desparity makes us vulnerable. When we are desperate and dependent on things we feel we need but can't control, like the truth and transparency we think we aren't getting from our government and the MSM, then our desperation, based on our now self-determined need, can leaves us exposed and vulnerable, in our search for validation and confirmation. Desperation and vulnerability can allow us to seek and expose ourselves to things we wouldn't normally seek or even consider, yet we willingly and voluntarily do, out of what we perceive as necessity.

If the MSM "they" control, picking this "Q" shit up and using it to discredit all those "crazy conspiracy theorists", just like I said they would, or Alex Jones/InfoWars who "they" also control and position as opposition, picking this up and driving it home or even now, a "BOOK DEAL" for the "board owners" who can see and ID ALL OF THEIR IP's and control/manipulate ALL OF TGE INFO POSTED TO THE BOARD, doesn't show ALL OF THESE "WOKE" and "PILLED" PEOPLE, EXACTLY where this IS going, then I don't know what else anyone could say or do.

I mean, like "Q" has all too ilunirinically and candidly, far too easily convinced them... "there are no coincidences", right?! I mean, "Q" sure is proving right on 2 things, that's for sure... "God Bless" them because yes, "These people are SICK!", aren't they?! They're REALLY fucking sick.

So, to confirm and hopefully NEVER have to question, debate or address again, I CAN 100% CONFIRM, just like I did then, in real time, that there was NEVER, EVER going to be a "happening" on 11/3 OR 11/4, in the way "Q" described and confirmed a "happening" would actually happen. There were NEVER going to be "10 days of darkness"... EVER. No "10 days of darkness due to an EMP" during Trump's Asia trip. No "10 days of darkness during an impending and imminent government shutdown" and sorry, but unlike "Q" said (while trying to walk back those two epically undeniable NOT "happening" FAILS), NO, you did NOT MISS some "10 days of darkness that came and went (unbeknownst to anyone else) between 12/7 and 12/17". END OF STORY.

You don't get to scare people by exploiting the justified concerns and vulnerabilities of INNOCENT PEOPLE by playing off their VALID insecurities, fears and need for TRUTH, CERTAINTY AND STABILITY, then think you're going to actually write a fucking book about it. This is an audacity I can't swallow.

There's a reason I posted rant upon rant when AJ and InfoWars tried to exploit my posts by copying and pasting them into an article on their site. After I said what I said, notice how they didn't do it again?! Notice how "Q" showed up?! Notice how Alex let it bake, gain some traction within an audience he can easily access and tap into, then jumped on that bandwagon?! ARE THERE ANY COINCIDENCES?!

No and I'm done ranting about it. I did what I felt responsible and accountable to do on my end and less than 6 hours after I did, "Q" was packing up shop and scurrying off to 8, screaming "compromise", about as credibly as they screamed "10 days of darkness", "POTUS is insulated", "EMP's", "Shutdown Imminent", "it already happened", etc. End of story. I'm literally so sad for these people.

Tons of typos in this... it's the phoneposting. Gets me every time, haha!

I respect the amount of effort you put in to type these on a phone keyboard. Maybe it's time to invest in one of those bluetooth keyboards? :D

I've always found Q a little bizarre. Why the crypticism? Maybe it's real, but they're trying so hard to be SUPER SEKRIT that it makes me suspicious.

But if it's <<<them>>>, I always come back to, why? Unless I'm mistaken, the moves that are being made will be made whether we know about them or not. The public has no role to play, other than to calm down our friends and neighbors when it (finally) all comes down. So why would <<<they>>> go to all the trouble of getting a bunch of people convinced that <<<they>>> are evil incarnate and are getting cleaned out? How can they use that to their advantage?

Umm ok. I'm not sure how you don't see this. Let me try another way...

The Trump admin. comes out, tells a whole bunch of unsuspecting people what's really been going on, what actions have been taken and they really need everyone to believe them, because it's certainly not like the MSM will or has told everyone the truth, as that will be clear, if our own President has to directly report it to us and make such dire attempts to circumvent the corrupt systems and channels, to do so.

Then, all these white rabbit, Qbots, who can't even actually seem to confirm, complete or even agree on the "right" answers, start larping the "truths" they've been told by Qanon &co., on spoopy and questionable sites, just as the media has already successfully depicted them to be, publicly.

Sure, and by my same rationale, all those now vulnerable, questioning and concerned masses, desperate for the truth, are more open minded. I mean, your their family, friend, their neighbor, long time co-worker, etc. right?! They TRUST YOU. Hell, they even believe you, because it's you.

Then BOOM! Just when you think you've redpilled and calmed your entire bubble of "normies", with valid and credible information and "facts", which directly came from "Q", who's apparently directly tied to Trump, because they've "verified themselves" with a few bogus pictures they stripped the meta on that sadly no one even worked hard enough to unverify or even question (hence I posted that bogus WH pic in that thread to PROVE A POINT I WAS HOPING EVERYONE WOULD SCOOP UP LIKE THE GIANT BREADCRUMB IT WAS), a few cryptic short codes no one can factually decipher, which is true because no one can even recognize that they ARE short codes in the first place, so that shows the lack of "autists" they're working with and a few happenings predicted (that factually either never happened at all, or did seemingly happen but could've been fed to them by "THEM" if "THEY" are behind this, right?!), just when you think you've proved and spread THE TRUTH, "THEY" pull that card from the house, just like they planned.

THEY, use the MSM, price Q is fake, this was all orchestrated by "conspiracy theorist", "Alex Jones watching", "social media trending/citizen journalist reporting", "Trump supporters", who are just as dangerous to society, if not more, than "Trump supporting white nationalists plowing Dodge Chargers down Charlottesville streets killing and injuring protesters".

See?!? Do you see what they did there? See how they just used all of those innocent, well-intended efforts to HELP and EXPOSE public-derived and driven truth and transparency, against you, by PLANTING YOU, with a coordinated, massive disinfo campaign that prayed on your desperation and vulnerability, by grabbing your attention using the SAME INFO on things you'd all already and pretty successfully had researched and verified on your own, before Q, then used "Q" to purposefully mix bullshit with facts they could then use your own efforts to unknowingly, yet still incorrectly, connect false dots, to false things, that implicated and have devastated the people, companies, families, reputations, livelihoods, etc. through ALL THE FAKE RABBITS, HOLES AND DOTS y'all chased down and connected these people INCORRECTLY TO, because like I said, if you dig deep enough into anything or anyone, you'll make connections, regardless of whether they're actually or factually relevant, or not. M

Six degrees of separation. That's the game of Q. You don't have to believe me... like I've always said, y'all can take it or leave it. I don't have y'all on some mission. I told tell you to meme me, hashtag me, share me, spread me around, char me, talk about me, etc. when you ask me what you should be doing, I hardly reply and if I do, I give an opinion and let you know it's just that... my opinion. I've also been clear that in reality, you've already done "your job" and part. You voted m. You're participating in the process of government, politics and the discussions and issues you elect them to have and address. You're holding them accountable and responsible, to do the job you pay their salaries and fund their budgets with, via your tax dollars, right?!

I hope you can realize what the HUGE ADVANTAGE for THEM would be, to not only make Trump look as completely inept, ridiculous, absurd, emotionally and mentally unstable and unhinged as possible to "prove THEIR point", but then make ALL OF HIS MAGA SCREAMING BASE LOOK JUST AS CRAZY AS FUCKING ALEX JONES, too.

If you ever start posting "codes" and asking for them to be decoded, I'm getting the hell out of here.

Jusysigovdtzjcpfupxgohofidyzsdohofidudvigogofipdk. Oh and when you're done with that... ofkfjxhsljpgkckf too!

Ha! 😊

I would like you to know that (you) broke the "Q" spell that I was personally under some time ago. And I would like to thank you for that. You're doing good work, anon, and your valuable time debunking them is not wasted (frustrating as the task may be). My meatspace avatar has gained a +1 COMFORT buff.

As in all things, I can only assume I am not unique in this regard. They fooled me. They put on a hell of a show. Gotta hand it to them.

Questions regarding AJ: Is homeboy a full on intentional shill? Is he a misguided manic street preacher that "they" have manipulated into controlled opposition? Does he have good intentions? Is he a reptilian MKULTRA mind control slave? And what about his cast? Pieczenik? Stone? Shroyer? Biggs?

It's interesting just to compare your own effect to Q's. You've been posting since May, and while your screencaps have been spreading around and many of us have incorporated your ideas into the picture we tell others about, no one seems to have tried to turn your info into a "movement." Even after all these months.

Then Q shows up and within 2 weeks people are trying to make a social media movement out of it, and another group is trying to discredit them, making them that much more determined. And he wasn't giving us nearly as much actual info. In retrospect, that's odd. I could attribute some of it to the fact that Q's "asking questions" method was catnip for some people, but the effort to spread it went beyond that. Why did a bunch of YouTubers, for instance, latch onto Q so fast when they'd never latched onto other insiders like you, WHanon, or FBIanon? A planned disinfo campaign is one explanation that makes sense.

...which can be further evidenced by the 'full-court-press' the chan'er namefags have been on for weeks, sucking in Tracy Beanz, Jordan Sather, and now Sean at SGT (among many others).

These guys are ON A MISSION, talking their own book (figuratively meant, although rumor has it it may be literally apropos now).

The now nuked post referring to the 'Mega counter-op' (my name for it) by ShareBlue et al makes FAR too much sense to be disregarded as LARP.

This whole Q thing will not end well, I think.

'They' don't need to get us ALL to do something stupid, or embarrassing, or destructive.

Having convinced us all we're doing 'God's work' right along side of GEOTUS (which ALSO should have been a clue as to the cult tendency), and working us up into a patriotic fervor, and maintained in that state for a can imagine that it wouldn't be too hard to issue a 'call to arms' or 'aid', made necessary by some contrived emergency or deep state aggression...which - while most or many of us would either see through it, or at least remain level-headed, one or ten or 50 or 1000 LESS discerning, and MORE volatile anons could find themselves caught up in the fervor of the moment - ready to have their place in history memorialized.

Get where I'm going?

In the mean time...we've ALL been spinning our wheels, wasting our time and emotional energy...and will now suffer the inevitable - and predictably sought after by 'Them' - disappointment of being 'played' and let down once again.

This shit IS happening. The swamp IS draining.

But that doesn't mean that the bad guys are just resigned to that outcome...that they won't or can't still inflict casualties to our side...or even in some cases, that they even fully understand that they are dead men walking...a lot of this shit is INERTIA and SOP.


I shit you's cut and paste of the comment I left on Roy Potter's YT several hours ago... 3 hours ago 'Q' - and 'Zach' are cointelpro of sorts. 'Q' was a REACTION to MegaAnon. 'Zach' is another version of Q, launched by the same people, but meant to reach AJ's audience. 'Zach' - as a source - is FULL OF SHIT. The guy claims to be everywhere, doing everything, and 100% in the loop (having the WHOLE picture), even 'knowing' that the Bannon/Trump rift isn't theater. 'Q' from the get - has told us he is going to lie to us and waste our time and efforts because "...disinfo is neccessary..." BULLSHIT! What does that even mean really? Yet NO ONE questions WHY with foreknowledge, the good guys would let bad ops occur (Q would tell you it's to PROVE he's on to them) and NO ONE questions the efficacy MUCH LESS the ethics of LYING TO, and WASTING THE TIME AND EFFORTS OF, the troops you are supposedly rallying to spread the word. When half the shit you spread is bogus - or simply a waste of someone's time scurrying down a dead-end rabbit hole - HOW THE EFF IS THAT MAGA? And now rumor has it that the cbts namefags have a book deal? I had already been cringing at their heavy-handed and self-important "We report ONLY to the President and Q...Don't fuck with us" baloney. But this deal - if true - places them SQUARELY under a light of suspicion, right next to Q and Zach.

I know many of you will flame me for this - have at it - but I'm telling you, these guys have given us enough of what we all want to hear, for us to drop our guard and suspend critical thought. I'm NOT saying 'the Storm' isn't real...I'm thoroughly convinced it IS. I'm saying lining up behind Q is a mistake. Show less REPLY

Great minds, and all that, eh?

'Q' was a REACTION to MegaAnon.

Very good, sir. It may really be so simple. It ties in with this anon's post.

Ah yes...good ole ShareBlue/David Brock shenanigans.

You warned everyone two months ago. You can lead a horse to water but they will still shit all over the place.


u/IMegaHateNickNames You are absolutely fantastic in not only seeing it clearly, but also saying it clearly, and I thank you so much for your reply. You raise many important question people should ask. No one knew who Q was, now everyone knows who Q is claiming to be (once removed in some cases)--If Q ever existed at all in human form to walk out and introduce him/herself. The concept of Q may have been a ten-year-plan to socially engineer, to tag the crumb-followers, to even bring all this dirty data into the anticipated space (in space) database. The one rabbit hole never dug into, by most, was not only who/what is Q, but what is Q's INTENT. Can't ask that--most will say, "I don't care! Look what I found! I'm awake now!". Q may be evil, Q may be good. But to the wolf, eating sheep is a good thing. That's the wolf's intent. Evil is ancient, maniacal, manipulative, sociopathic (mimics good for benefit), and clever. I thank you so much for your passionate and COLD WATER splashing reply--as I have said to you before, (and I truly mean it), I think you not only have true empathy, but you are so cool!

Awe, thanks. Just remember that sometimes when I'm replying directly to a comment, I'm not necessarily spurging out on that person directly, I'm using the term "you", etc. towards the whole. As in, everyone.

It's just so crazy to see so many people blindly following with little question or hesitation, as if it'd be so hard to fathom let alone believe that "Q", an anon poster on the internet, could be fake, or could have underlying, negative motives. Like, these are the same people who whole heartedly believe that the MSM has been proactively lying to them and spinning the "news" for the last 60+ years, right?! These are the people who believe paid shills and bot accounts target social media sites and raid message boards with bullshit, thanks to Soros-funded ShareBlue/Media Matters campaigns, no?!

How could it NOT be plausible to these people that maybe a few people are behind an extremely simplistic, coordinated and funded "Q" project?! How is this so incredibly unbelievable?! I mean, didn't they have tripcide problems again on 8? To the point some big mod came in and made a special trip that got hacked again?! Are mods not corrupt? Are social media and boards companies/organization led abd their executives not corrupt? Wouldn't it be very easy for ShareBlue to put a call in and make the "Q" shit look good?! Since when do mods or 8ch execs give a single fuck about some "insider anon" on their boards?! I've never seen a mod. Why?! Because it would never happen unless they all had meat in the game and had to keep this shit going.

There's some dirty, dirty games being played alright and none of them are even paying attention long enough to realize they're part of it.

I was skeptical about Q even while everyone was following and directing every line. It just seemed like a complete distraction to me. Then I came across Todd Whiskey's archive of your 4chan posts, and you make so much more sense. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

IMegaHateNicknames You're more than welcome, I find your comments refreshing and an oasis of sorts! Don't worry about you venting on a reply to me, I'm pretty straight forward too, so I fully understand the generalized use of "you". I agree with you on question Q. It's bugged me that the intent of Q seem like no big deal to so many--but whatever/whoever Q is, it is being done for a benefit. And, well, whose benefit? There are, of course, shills and paid shills, as you say. There has to be for something which seemed to "take off" at such a coincidental timing. Also, there are so many new Qtubes showing up. Old abandoned utube accounts given Qtube "novice" crumb sorters who try to act endearingly amateur (to make more believable), fidget about, canned backgrounds, speaking Q. I kid you not. Easy to spot, look at their history. For example one was make up only then suddenly talking about the exact same thing that made the main stream media call MAGA people crazy--pizzagate. From make up to pizza gate and today, fumbling about like lost in production, speaking about Q's defcon 1 message. GET THIS! You know how "they" know our keystrokes, can read anyone's entry before ENTER is hit. Well between hitting ENTER, for example, someone (hello!) is reading (if the want to, or need to) my typing. They can take any word, a group of words, and BAM send it out in a Q Anon like fashion, and POOF! Everyone will say! OMG! Q is Trump! Or, Q knows Trump's tweets, Q is in so tightly! That easy. If this is true, the Q is "they". Also, if the crumb followers do not get the word or the letter or the hint that was close to or the same as Trump's Tweet, Q will take the time (risking chance of being outed or wasting time from MAGA-mimicking) to point out, SEE!? Compare this to that! Past proves present. Present proves past. Q is trying to, as you say, make nuts out of knowledge. People will learn some strange and evil things about corruption, occult driven socially accepted rituals (they, themselves, partake in blindly), human trafficking, body harvesting, cults (horror story type), the release demons or Artificial Intelligence (per Elon Musk's own warning), the Internet of Things which makes humans things (and patentable) much and more. BUT they will find out through Q (but never looked for themselves before (and if so, not like this)--why? Why now do they look? They were nudged and are instructed to dig, to dig more, to dig even deeper, to dig a hole so deep in dedication, devotion, cult-like belief in "Yay! We're MAGAcians!" And then when they call the paddy wagon to pick them all up because they sound like the guy who was arrested for the pizza gate setup--then what? Who are they going to call? Q? Post on a board "HELP! I've been taken away in a straight jacket because I ran down the street yelling to all my neighbors: INCOMING! Q Said INCOMING DEFCON! NUKES ARE INCOMING!". Really? I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone, no one at all--but each has a passion to find what so many are missing. There's a hunger out there--WE ALL FEEL IT. So Q has become the bread crumbs to feed so many good people, who honestly BELIEVE--or NEED to believe in Q.

u/IMegaHateNicknames You're more than welcome, I find your comments refreshing and an oasis of sorts! Don't worry about you venting on a reply to me, I'm pretty straight forward too, so I fully understand the generalized use of "you". I agree with you on question Q. It's bugged me that the intent of Q seem like no big deal to so many--but whatever/whoever Q is, it is being done for a benefit. And, well, whose benefit? There are, of course, shills and paid shills, as you say. There has to be for something which seemed to "take off" at such a coincidental timing. Also, there are so many new Qtubes showing up. Old abandoned utube accounts given Qtube "novice" crumb sorters who try to act endearingly amateur (to make more believable), fidget about, canned backgrounds, speaking Q. I kid you not. Easy to spot, look at their history. For example one was make up only then suddenly talking about the exact same thing that made the main stream media call MAGA people crazy--pizzagate. From make up to pizza gate and today, fumbling about like lost in production, speaking about Q's defcon 1 message. GET THIS! You know how "they" know our keystrokes, can read anyone's entry before ENTER is hit. Well between hitting ENTER, for example, someone (hello!) is reading (if the want to, or need to) my typing. They can take any word, a group of words, and BAM send it out in a Q Anon like fashion, and POOF! Everyone will say! OMG! Q is Trump! Or, Q knows Trump's tweets, Q is in so tightly! That easy. If this is true, the Q is "they". Also, if the crumb followers do not get the word or the letter or the hint that was close to or the same as Trump's Tweet, Q will take the time (risking chance of being outed or wasting time from MAGA-mimicking) to point out, SEE!? Compare this to that! Past proves present. Present proves past. Q is trying to, as you say, make nuts out of knowledge. People will learn some strange and evil things about corruption, occult driven socially accepted rituals (they, themselves, partake in blindly), human trafficking, body harvesting, cults (horror story type), the release demons or Artificial Intelligence (per Elon Musk's own warning), the Internet of Things which makes humans things (and patentable) much and more. BUT they will find out through Q (but never looked for themselves before (and if so, not like this)--why? Why now do they look? They were nudged and are instructed to dig, to dig more, to dig even deeper, to dig a hole so deep in dedication, devotion, cult-like belief in "Yay! We're MAGAcians!" And then when they call the paddy wagon to pick them all up because they sound like the guy who was arrested for the pizza gate setup--then what? Who are they going to call? Q? Post on a board "HELP! I've been taken away in a straight jacket because I ran down the street yelling to all my neighbors: INCOMING! Q Said INCOMING DEFCON! NUKES ARE INCOMING!". Really? I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone, no one at all--but each has a passion to find what so many are missing. There's a hunger out there--WE ALL FEEL IT. So Q has become the bread crumbs to feed so many good people, who honestly BELIEVE--or NEED to believe in Q.

Back in the gamergate days, I heard it described as 'stampede shilling' - take the popular threads/ideas and reformulate them with the hype turned up to 11, be louder and more prolific than anyone else, use tension to mold followers into a unit, complete with a defined hierarchy, then direct them so as to make a mess of everything, spread FUD, embarass themselves, generally waste everyone's time.

A lot of similarities here, right down to the 4 -> 8chan exodus and board ownership dramas.

u/IMegaHateNickNames Seems they didn't duplicate this reply you made and the other reply you made below (related). A FYI:

... and JUST BECAUSE it should be noticed, Alex Jones/InfoWars, just tried to post THIS LITTLE NUGGET, 29 minutes ago.

Sorry, but "they" DON'T GET TO START WALKING BACK "THEIR" LARP's. I can post about this shit ALLLLLLLLLL DAY! I can just keep on, keeping on at this point. I hope he reads this one, too! Hi Alex! I see you! Lots of people remember just how far back you and Rush go! Y'all liked 'em young... it's why you sold out when they threatened you with it. I don't forget.

"Lots of people remember just how far back you and Rush go! Y'all liked 'em young... "

If you're talking about that time Rush got busted with a stash of Viagra on a trip to the Dominican Republic, well what can you say? Laws, by their very nature, have to represent the lowest common denominator of behavior. If they represented a high standard of behavior, 90% of the citizenry would be doing jail time at one time or another.

Boinking underaged girls is legal in the Dominican. It's not my cup of tea, and it is sleazy, but if it's legal over there that's their business.

"Federal law prohibits an American citizen or resident to travel to a foreign country with intent to engage in any form of sexual conduct with a minor (defined as persons under 18 years of age). ... This crime is a form of human trafficking, also referred to as child sex tourism."

with intent to engage

The key phrase. What if my intent was to sight see and boinking a 12 year old was one of my side trips? Good luck proving intent.

Good luck proving intent

Absolutely. But that's not really relevant here, is it? What you wrote is that he would be perfectly in the clear with the law had he actually intended to fiddle kids.

Boinking what we consider underaged girls is legal in the Dominican. It's not my cup of tea and it is sleazy, but if it's legal over there, then whatever.

Also it is worth reminding everyone that legal =/= moral.

It's not my cup of tea and it is sleazy, but if it's legal over there, then whatever.

You get no argument from me here. My argument is that if people in the Dominican Rep. are fine with it, why should it be my problem?

Nobody is asking you to care about children being abused. God forbid.

What you stated is that he would be okay with the law in the united states should that have been his intention. That is not the case.

Good luck with that.

Not that your previous comments were all that coherent but this is a pure non sequitur.

Until you start exploiting visa legislation to bring them here. Schumer, Menendez, Pelosi, Feinstein. Trust me. Dig then get back to me. It's all there.

I'm just going to comment on the down votes I received (not to you).

The Dominican Republic is a sovereign nation and sovereign nations make their own laws. American laws mean nothing in a foreign country (by and large). If Germany has no speed limit, I don't have to go 65 on the Autobahn since that's the American speed limit. If the DR says it's legal for me to boink a 12 year old on their soil, then it's legal.

Unsavory? Yes, but so are a lot of other things. I would never do it because I don't like the exploitation of people and because it doesn't me on anyway. But if it's legal over there, that's their law and what they find acceptable (even if not desirable) behavior.

One of my former co-workers went to one of those Central American countries and bought himself a hooker for a night. He was telling me how he took her out to dinner and how they talked she told him about her family. He almost made it sound like he was doing her a favor. I thought it was sad.

American laws mean nothing in a foreign country (by and large).

They don't mean anything in the foreign country, but they can still mean something here. Lots of countries, including the USA, have enacted, or are looking at enacting, laws that prosecute so-called "Child Sex Tourism". They won't prosecute there, but that doesn't mean we can't prosecute here.

That's exactly what I was referring to. But at the end of the day if I'm on Dominican Republic soil and I comply with their laws, I am neither doing anything legally wrong nor is there anything they can do to me. I think it's pretty pathetic that kids have to sell themselves because of poverty and that there are men who would exploit that, but I'm not God. Different Strokes.

It should be said however, that just because one is not technically in violation of a law, does not in any way equate with one automatically retaining any claim of 'good character' or being 'morally upright'.

Like my momma used to say..."Scumbag is, as scumbag does."

Look, can we just agree that international travel for the purpose of having sex with girls aged < 16 is objectively wrong?

Look, can we just agree that international travel for the purpose of having sex with girls aged < 16 is objectively wrong?

No, we can't. It's not my cup of tea, but who am I to tell the Dominican Rep. what their laws should be? They have elected representatives, a government, their own laws, etc. Why is it any of my business what they decide?

That's naive because you ignore the fact that wealthy pedophiles in western nations throw money at the governments or private citizens of less-developed nations to make arrangements to have sex with underage people. It leads to corruption spreading through the whole country and children being hurt on a scale we probably can't fathom.

Feinstein-Flake Visa Waiver Program Security

Require all visa waiver travelers to use an electronic passport, which are more secure and harder to tamper with.

Feinstein-Grassley Terminate EB-5 Visa Program

Not sure how relevant this one is.

Feinstein Trying to give Citizenship to Illegal Farm Workers

Feinstein-Schumer Fucking with Gun Rights Again

Feinstein, McCain, Flake Grabbing at Federal Dollars for Housing Criminal Illegals

Aside from showing me that she's a dirty cunt, which I've known for decades because I'm Californian, I don't think I am finding what you're trying to help me find.

M BREATHING FIRE TODAY! To paraphrase Trump, "Please, please, Ms. M, no more! We can't take any more truth! It's too much!" M:"No it isn't! You need MORE! You need to know it all!"

You're obviously some sort of information analyst that sits in the middle of many information streams. No random LARPer could be this informed on so many subjects and weave it all together into such a comprehensive narrative. You have no idea how much hope you're giving everyone. Thank you.

You say Alex Jones is compromised and controlled, planted opposition (100% believable to my eyes). Since you mention Rush, what about him? Is he just a sell-out raking in money from his loyal base, or is he also compromised and controlled opposition? Rush is an odd case; I could believe he just rides the wave action created between the left and the right without actually being a part of the deep swamp, but I could also believe that he sold his soul (say) 20 years ago and is actually programmed opposition. He hasn't tried to draw any blood from the left in decades.

So we can conclude that AJ is a bought and paid for shill then? You've made several posts hinting towards that but this is the most direct, so far. Who is blackmailing him, and how are they using him?

AJ was also a little too BFF with Charlie Sheen a few years back. It was a tad uncomfortable to listen to.

“I’m helping Charlie get off the smack and we go swimmin’ everyday and keep things real positive and healthy and yeah, we’re keeping it clean and doing manly exercises together and taking vitamins and gettin’im off the fluoride contaminated water!”

Then Charlie completely went off the deep end (no pun intended) with his tour and his “goddesses.,” Tiger Blood, etc. Then all that stuff came out about him not being up front partner’s and his HIV and more recently the Corey Haim rumors and... Yeah, AJ could probably have gotten pulled into many shenanigans over the years.

Then he talks about how when he snuck into Bohemian Grove (which you indicated was destroyed in the recent fires) and all the old guys there were eying him up and down like a piece of meat and he mentioned how they must have thought he was a male prostitute, or someone there had asked him if he was.

I always find it interesting to just stop and listen to what people are actually saying. Sometimes they are practically telling you outright the content of their deepest subconscious thoughts without even being aware of it.

So you start piecing it all together and a suspiciously questionable picture starts to form.

Thanks for your input. I’d forgotten about a lot of this stuff.

That's a long way to say fake and gay. 😂

Awe thanks for the star on this, whoever gave it!

I think you're a famefag shill. Honestly.

Removed. Rule 10. Only warning.


I think this is the 1st time I've ever posted on reddit, but I found I have an account after trying to sign up. The only reason I am doing this is to say that is the best darn rant I have heard in a long time! Larping is a good way to learn, and you have taught me a lot over the last few weeks. A few weeks ago I started reading ToddWhiskey's posts about you. Thank you Todd Whiskey!. After reading through them all a few weeks ago, I read through them all again this last week end, then discovered what I have missed in the comments. As and old news junkie, I checked out many things you have said and I have yet to come up with something that is not true. As and indy, I read both sides especially now with all the turmoil. For many years my news sources have been from alternative news, as I knew we were not getting the truth. It has been only recently, that I have questioned many of those sites too and have been totally confused. With the little interaction I have had with people on the right, as I am left leaning, I am finding more and more people waking up and they have not realized just how much we all have in common and what we want to see happen for our kids and grandkids. I have neither, but would love to see the corruption on both sides decimated and I really do not care which side does the job. I post alot of news on FB and it has been increasingly difficult to dig out the truth. There are some awake, but too many are sheep and falling for the same games that have been pulled on us for decades. At 67, I have watched it for decades. I thank you again and will continue to watch all unfold, and damn, I think I will start commenting. Thanks again.

Since we've been bombarded with over a year of Russia Russia Russiaoh, I think it's appropriate to point out that today is Russian Orthodox Christmas (and Macedonians, Serbian, Ukrainian, etc.). The Russian Orthodox Christmas falls on December 25, just like it does for the Western world. However, December 25 on the calendar the Russian Church uses falls on January 7th of the Western calendar.

Merry Christmas!

Thanks for the link to rumormillnews. It makes searching any key word much easier for a normie like myself. The word is getting out. Brilliant!

Yes! And if you need to see the context or the full thread, insert the post number here:

Makes finding her say Pence will be impeached WAAAAAY early on easier to find. No one seems to have picked up on that, but for some reason, as soon as I read that (back in early June I think..just do a search of his name, it's the first find), I honed in on it and never heard anyone speak of it again. It's the one thing I can't wrap my head around. I CAN imagine him being part of the swamp, but to be impeached has to be pretty heavy stuff surrounding that and I can't imagine what it can be!?!

OMG. Who on earth would replace him? NeverTrumpers heads would explode.

I don't like him and never did. I'm sick of this phony televangelist crap from some of these Republican politicians to look like they're pious. Back in the 1970s, Democrats were the perverts and Republicans could legitimately take the high moral ground. But now, in the typical me too fashion of establishment Republicans, they're just as bad as the Democrats are. If Pence is there to sabotage Trump, he is sabotaging the Republican Grassroots. I want to see him impeached and humiliated (a felony record would be nice too). That's how much this guy makes my skin crawl.

Apparently what Mr. "Born Again" has been up to is as sick as it gets. It's no ordinary swamp shit.......

"I've told you about Pence. I've told you about Netanyahu. I've even told you they're like two spongebob's in a prickly pineapple house.

These two have done some pretty dark shit in the company of each other and sooner you absorb these things, sooner you'll understand why I told you he was an establishment swamp plant Trump had to take on or else they'd have had the RNC pull rank and oust Trump from the candidacy. Didn't y'all EVER question the odd Reince pick just a little deeper, especially after it too so long for Trump to publicly announce/confirm Pence as running mate?!

Shit is fucked up but always remember... you can think MANY fucked up things about Jared Kushner. But just know his dad was a sexual deviant who blackmailed his Aunt's husband by drugging him at dinner, hiring a prostitute to meet them at the Red Bull Inn, in Bridgewater, NJ then set his brother-in-law up in that seedy hotel bed while the prostitute fucked him while he was unconscious AND being unknowingly video taped, so he could SEND IT TO HIS OWN SISTER, in an attempt to convince her to divorce him for "cheating", so he'd leave the company.

His dad is also best friends with Netanyahu and when he'd stay with them at their house in NJ, little Jared would have to "give up his room" and "move into the basement" so Benji could "have his bed". Except problem is... no one actually ever moved into the basement.

Call Jared lots of things but know that there are also lots of things you need to consider. You really need to look beyond the surface of what you read on the internets, a little more about some of these people or you'll miss the real incentives and motives behind them.

Heard Benji and Mike have a "thing" for "choking to death" when they're done." ............

What Mega is saying is that Pence & Netanyahu are sick, twisted, Satanic pedophiles who are into their own "snuff" experiences. At least that's how I read it.


Is Sessions compromised?

You haven’t read all 1 megabyte of text?

I read all her posts, yes, but on January 6th, her First reply is to msg >>155831666 ( and in that one, # says 'Sessions is compromised.' While she agknowledges other point of that thread and even another question about that thread, someone ELSE also asked Zach's intel is in anyway shape or form correct on that. Note my name is a loyal supporter of Sessions and what he has so far accomplished. I can't imagine him being compromised. So I am asking Mega Anon to confirm or deny about Sessions. If I missed something, kindly, please let me know or direct me to the post I missed. Thanks in advance.

She's always included Sessions with the good guys, so she probably just didn't think it was necessary to respond to that. Really, if Sessions were compromised, none of the things we're seeing happen, let alone the things she's predicted, would be happening. Awan would have been allowed to flee the country, for starters.

Thanks to you both. I just wanted to make sure. I figured and always have, thought Sessions was going to be the one to drop the hammer. This is going to be a good week I hear. :)

I hope so. Last week was a short week and everyone was getting back in the swing of things at work, but this week all those things we heard about before Christmas that would happen "after the first of the year" ought to be coming up. I don't necessarily mean from Meg, but in general. There's that list of up to 40 congressman who paid off abuse cases, for instance, that's supposed to drop any day now. Also Schumer.

That thread is written by Q and says multiple times Meganon is a Larp. I doubt any ‘insider’ would speak like a 30 yo teenager.

Why would Trump bring in Bannon if the Q larper was correct. It doesn’t make sense.

I love the One True Prophet stage of these things.

Won't be much longer now.

Looks like you might be one of 2 Shareblue employees paid to shill MegaAnon.

Link related:

Yes yes.

Anyone who does not accept the One True Prophet must be a paid enemy.

All is on target.

There are a few things that don't fit like her saying Clapper being vindicated as a hero. I also find this whole child trafficking stuff and the sheer number of people accused of involvement tough to swallow. But it's not like I'm betting the family fortune on whether she's true and accurate or not. If she turns out to be largely correct, it vidicates my gut feeling that she's for real. If we're being scammed, this has still been a hell of a lot of fun!

Yeah I don't personally get the Clapper thing. That dude is straight up a swamp apologist.

I, like you, take everything with a grain of salt. But overall I think she's legit. I also understand no single person can have the entire big picture or game plan, unless that person is in the Oval office with a handful of his top staff.

I believe MegaAnon is a true insider with lots of good nuggets.. I don't think she knows every single thing that's going to happen in this administration, or when. It's the nature of top sekrit compartmentalization, eg: "need to know". Plus she has said numerous times she's a contractor. That status alone would keep certain details out if reach for her, unless again, "Need to know". But again, I think she's a legit insider with enough info to be credible.

Just my 2¢

Completely agree.

We need to let Dr. Corsi know. I remember Megs saying that he’s a good guy and the closest to HRC info. He shouldn’t go down looking bad.

Dr. Corsi... I remember Megs saying that he’s a good guy

I can't recall Megs talking about Dr. Corsi. Could you provide a link/quote?

I deleted Todd because I can’t find. I’m sorry I won’t post anything unless I have a quote attached. Thank you😊

No worries.

That was FBIAnon.

/u/IMegaHateNicknames -- so this whole thing began with you discussing KimDotCom / KDC*... now that it seems like Assange is safe and "healthy enough", what's going to happen to KDC, and what's his status???

\In short, he had the goods and wouldn't be extradicted because then Seth Rich's logs/IPs/proof of leaks would have to go public.*

u/IMegaHateNickNames Can you tell us about the Rothschilds? Is Lynn going to be arrested? Can we topple that evil empire? Eliminate our fake debt to them?


Interesting twitter-spree - perhaps it's a Wolff in sheep's clothing?


Wolff is part of the Trump/Bannon media take down. Who else would be more eager to play such a role than someone who has been publicly salivating for years over the idea of taking down the media.

u/IMegaHateNicknames There's a story going around that Paul Ryan is being paid by the Clinton Foundation to lead a GOPe movement against Trump. Apparently, the info was on Wikileaks:

Is Trump in danger?

Ryan is dirty and no, not any more.

Thank you. I am always concerned about Trump's safety. There was a fire at Trump Tower today:


Was reading over the birther convo. and now PLEASE tell the reason for the forgery because Barry was a TWIN?!


Two quick ?'s 1.) Is the money and assets that is confiscated under the EO on the 21st going to be used towards the debt or projects? 2.) Will this years audit of the Pentagon show how much money really has been taking?

Just a suggestion to help you u/UnbelievableShit13. You might want to tag Megs so she will see your questions.


heya. german citzen here. i'm following als this stuff out of interest and because of a nagging feeling that our goverment does fully have the citizens best interest in mind (e.g. a broad range of election promises [that would lader conflict with coalition partners] to get the most votes instead of a handfull where everyone would agree on...).

as far as i am aware, we do not have our equivalent of "megaanon". i've read that you only write about stuff that belongs to your turf but maybe i am lucky:

  • does/will our goverment support local swamp draining?
  • is our goverment involved in human trafficking or do we have our own clinton foundation?
  • we have a guy called guttenberg. he went abroud to the US after his plagiarism in his thesis surfaced. afterwards a 'secret dossier' surfaced outlining that the US had a heavy interest in him getting elected since his pro US stance. is there any info on that or are there other people to watch out for?
  • any other german related information that would be nice to know?

best wishes.

Try ctrl+F in the text file (link in the OP) for "Germany" and "Merkel"

Hi Germany! Got lots of German friends, so good to see you, too! Bottom line... your swamp is just as deep, corrupt and fucked up, if not worse, than the US. The UK and Germany created the US to be their proxy, no differently than they created our twin sister Israel all the sudden, after the WWII they literally and factually funded. This isn't anti-semitic. This isn't xenophobic, racist, whatever other terms you could throw at this. This is just the truth and yes, it's still ok to tell the truth.

Y'all need to fall in line quick. Even Macron realizes he can't keep going the way he is and he's been drastically shifting initiatives to remain relevant. You're literally watching everyone I said you would watch, drain their swamps in front of your eyes, on live TV. China, S. Korea, Saudi, Iran, France, Zimbabwe, etc. I told you Israel, and Pakistan would literally be next weeks ago and today, you're watching them call for dirty Benji and his dirty wife to resign. Remember how much shit I took when I explained why Israel/Jerusalem abd the airbase we got were good things?! Remember the position I told everyone we were forcing Benji into?! It's literally abd factually happening, right now. We smoked him out and called him to task on shitvhe couldn't refuse or denounce because he abd the rest of the swamp have leaped to us for decades of why it was needed, right?! We made them eat shit by giving them what they wanted while still securing the holy land via the embassy move and airbase Obama nor Bush could ever get, Which forced them to git their own swamp because their regional terror problems they've exploited and funded, isn't out problem anymore.

I told y'all the Zionists of everyone and everything are crippling us and that includes you, German brah. Didn't y'all see it with the public water shit they pulled on you, a few years back?! Merkle is your literal Hillary Clinton, but with a whole lot less firepower and a whole lot more to lose. She is still making Germans pay for Hitler and through the guilt y'all allow them to perpetuate and exploit to the world, she's justified the huge refugee influx, the violence, sex assaults, etc. she's spent years breaking y'all down to increase your dependency on the UN she, like all of our leaders, thought they were going to get to increase their control through. This was exactly the same plan for all of us. I like to think of it as they only cared about every country with internet, the rest were expendable, to include 80% of Africa and 1/3 of the Middle East.

Did you notice the legislation passed stating we'd directly hold Europe, including Germany, accountable for the reparations, restoration and restitution, they claim is "owed to the Jews"?! Why did we do this?! Because if THEY have to pay for it and we are no longer helping to find it, then exploiting it for their own benefit and profit, doesn't really work anymore. It becomes a moot point they'd rather not perpetuate or propagandize anymore because if they do, it will just cost THEM money. See how that works?

Brexit is fantastic. That needs to keep moving.". That was the first real movement - MBGA! Then it was MAGA. Macron has no choice but to MFGA. He saw the writing on the wall after the Paris accord funding stopped and then we started hinting we'd pull our UN funding, then actually stuck it up their asses and did. You German brah's need to MGGA, and that doesn't include Merkle. She's filthy and she's desperate because she knows it's coming. She can't ignore it, either. The Benji shit is hitting WAY too close to home and she's neck deep in it. Even Teresa May.

I'm hoping it happens sooner than later for y'all but to be fair, I don't think you'll have a choice, either. You never thought you'd see 6 days of Benji protests, right?! It's coming for everyone whether they wanna be great again, or not.

May was ushered in front of the cameras to defend Trump amid those book allegations. Something as a Briton I believe she should have done long ago.

The UK and Germany created the US to be their proxy,

Could you specify the time period you meant in this remark?

Yes, but in all fairness, I should've separated that better because the UK did it 2x - pre settlements/colonists for UK to US and WWI for UK/Germany to US.

The overall point was that if anyone wonders why US and Israel look so much alike, it's because we were planned that way.

I get the pre settlement/colonists as US originally populated by U.K. But are you saying 'founding fathers' were plants as well?

The founding fathers were all Scottish Freemasons


I'm a big fan of yours. Thanks for all you do for us. I've recently been posting on, and MAN do I ever get attacked whenever I do. So I understand why you resort to swearing, I'm sorely tempted to do the same thing.

ANYWAY, I'm dying to ask you a question!

Are the following high level people NOW at GITMO?

1) Pedosta brothers 2) Hellary Clinton 3) Bill Clinton 4) Chelsea Clinton 5) Bush Sr 6) Bush Jr and 7) Obummer?

Everyone is waiting with baited breath!

But tell us the truth, as far as you know. If you can't confirm it, just say so. But if you can, then say so.

Thanks A Million!

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/u/IMegaHateNicknames , have you seen these two Caps below referring to Q/ShareBlues/Zach efforts to Dox you?

This cap was a reply to another Cap below that adds more support that the Q group (ShareBlue) on the other Chan is operating with the owners.

This Cap is from a previously ShareBlue commenting/warning of how much MegaAnon is screwing up Q (ShareBlues) mission and how many resources are going into combating her

Here is the thread where you can find the two Caps in if your interested.

Looks like your pissing off all the right people/Larpers.

It was Megs attaching both caps to her posts in the very thread you linked. Labeled as 'January 6' in my list above.

Ah okay that makes sense. Thanks Todd

Haha! Yes I saw them and even saved those caps for myself (which I'm horrible at doing, BTW), then posted them in another thread for reference. Todd is right.

I appreciate you looking out though but please remember, especially as things progress, that I'm not scared or even intimidated by ShareBlue Media, or any attempts they'd make. 12 tweens, huddled around a few laptops in a coat closet, who'd clock in 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, tasked with the "flagging and tagging" of "MegaAnon" on the internets, in an effort to ID me, is about as concerning to me as... 🤔, I mean, nothing. I can't even actually think of anything to complete this analogy... like, at all.

I mean, if this is true, I guess I'd just be happy that my posts have in some way contributed to the increased employment rates we've seen. I'm not going anywhere, so I'm just gonna keep posting when I want, on whatever I want, wherever I want, knowing that I'm providing job security to 12 potential people, who've probably graduated college within the last 3-5 years, sitting on $30-40k in debt which accumulates interest monthly, who are forced to admit to their parents every time they come home from work asking when dinner is, that they graduated college completely broke, so they could search for and read my posts on the internets, all day long.

Like, imagine how much your life must suck to work for ShareBlue because you fully support these types of missions and purposes, only to have to find and read my posts every. single. day. That'd be like me clocking in to monitor and troll Sarah Silverman and Chelsea Handlers twitter feeds for 40 hours a week. You'd have to pay me at least a million a year, full benefits with a 10% match on my 401k, vested day one. Like that's just what I'd need to get out of bed. 😏

I kind of wonder if all this astroturfing by ShareBlue et al. is going to have some severe unintended blowback on them. They're recruiting young, social-media-savvy kids who presumably are passionate about left-wing politics and genuinely want to make a positive difference in the world. They think they're being recruited to correct misinformation and push for positive political change that reflects their values. And then their bosses feed them deceptive talking points and instruct them to clamp down on grass-roots freedom of expression and effectively police thought crimes on the internet to protect a deeply corrupt system that doesn't actually give a shit about their values. The dissonance has to be incredibly jarring. The more people they hire to do this, the more people will know about the artificialness and manipulation going on -- and since in reality this behaviour is diametrically opposed to liberal and progressive values as people are taught, it seems inevitable that sooner or later there will be major backlash (beyond a single random 4chan anon claiming to have been fired).

I guess they're desperate enough to regain control of the narrative after their failure in 2016 that they're willing to take the risk, though.

Imagine what it will be like for them when the truth comes out. The cognitive dissonance as they replay, in their head, everything they've read from MegaAnon & other anons. And then comes the realization that they were part of the evil empire working to silence the truth

Many of them will never realize it. They'll just invent conspiracy theories and move the goalposts to keep believing what they want to believe. I pointed out to some liberals on a blog the effort that Trump is making on human trafficking. Within a couple days, some of them grabbed at a theory that he's doing it to hide the fact that he's been a major trafficker himself. Never mind that there's never been any hint of that, and neither golf courses nor large-scale construction companies are likely front businesses for that kind of thing. They're simply not going to believe Trump is a good guy, so they'll find a way to rearrange the facts to fit that.

Your response is one of scores of reasons why I’ve enjoyed reading all of your posts. Keep it up, Megs!! ...and help us all give a collective finger to these corrupt vermin who are overdue from a visit from Team Trump Pest Control. 😈

Omg too funny! You just made my day Megs!

Hopefully Assange "hourglass" symbol on Twitter means something soon, because this Oprah narrative being pushed is very tiresome already. Need something to change the talking heads attention.

Side note, do you think Left Hand LLC will come back up with more odd connections than just Manafort?

Do you ever worry about nefarious types getting to you through your described participation in some of the Assange stuff? I imagine any actors in something like that are quite discoverable to powerful people able to tap into the surveillance state, even if said actions are/were not necessarily stoppable.

/u/IMegaHateNicknames, it's looking apparent that the Democrats are trying to tap Oprah for 2020.

What's your take on that? She seems very dangerous if she gives it a serious go... unless she too is compromised?

Isn't something how the Oprah thing is being pushed. It is like it was scripted right from Hollywood haha.

Sounds hilarious. 99% of what people have seen of her has been presented by her producers to make her look good. Except for tabloid stories about her weight and relationships, she's never been challenged on anything. Has anyone ever asked her about foreign policy? Economics? Trade? They were asking Trump about things like that as far back as the 80s. She would be the true "unqualified" candidate running on nothing but fame, and it would show in a hurry.

/u/MegaHateNicknames - Last night's Def-Con 1 shenanigans and contemporaneous Q-drops went WAY beyond the pale, and have definitely crossed into dangerous territory - even if virtually all the Qbots can't seem to recognize that.

I guess my question is "How in the absolute fuck, are these guys being allowed to continue?"

The shit these guys are doing IN THE NAME OF POTUS has GOT TO BE known of , given the profile the whole Q thing has attained. And could be imagined that it might even have been allowed to continue, so long as it 'worked' for POTUS/mission...but goddammit...Last night should get someone drawn-and-quartered.

Just yesterday we were posting on the dangers of the cult of Q, and a few hours later, THAT.

Something NEEDS to be done - and I DON'T mean that "Q just needs to be clearer in the future..."

The Q op needs to be TERMINATED.

What the hell happened?

Q with evening drops fairly explicitly stated a launch of operations, and a status of DEFCON1, and NOT just one errant or misunderstood post, either.

This was then promulgated on Twitter by a user (apparently known to many as an 'insider') with the handle 'B' ######## (i don't remember the numbers part of her handle).

The Q-tards barely blinked...obviously too dull to understand the implications of fucking DEFCON1. But those with still functioning brains - and a clue - instantly felt their sphincters pucker.


This is why I say what I say, lay out what I do, try to clearly explain, then you, as adults can take it or leave it. I don't pepper you with fake happenings, I don't scream (well, other than on a few people like AJ yesterday and before cause he's a paid op and copy/pasted my shit trying to tag me to him like he later did with Q and Zach) and it's why I don't tell YOU what to do, what you should do, etc. in fact, I tell y'all you did your jobs. You voted. You keep paying attention on your own. I don't even care that Q is a fucking larp. It's the internet and frankly, people should know better then to just buy in, exactly like all the Q people claim they do know, cause they're "woke".

What I mind is convincing people disinfo is good, stay focused, ignore anything other than what I'm saying, but even though I'm confirming to you in my posts what's happening, I'm not even explaining it, let alone confirming the answers you're coming to as a group, are right. Instead, I drop codes no one even recognizes, let alone understands, I scream 10 days of darkness 3x, no lights out, or gov down, make you think he needs to be insulated and then as if it could get any more absolutely fucking insane, I scream DEFCON 1 then when EVERYONE REEEEE's, I try to backpeddle and explain I didn't really mean it that way?!?!? COME ON!!!

Let me ask you this. Do YOU ANY OF YOU, actually think that if Trump wanted or intended to leave you fucking confused, he'd care SO MUCH, like he's PROVEN HE DOES, to establish and enable DIRECT CHANNELS OF COMMUNICATION, to you?!? If Trump wanted to confuse you, leave you hanging, scare you, etc. HE'D LET CNN TELL YOU EVERYTHING, wouldn't he?! He'd NEVER, EVER allow or stand for this level of confusion without confirmation on tobthis extent, like "Q" claims to be doing on behalf of him!!!

And guess what else he'd never do?!? He'd NEVER ENCOURAGE YOU TO BECOME THE LITERAL "CITIZEN CNN", spreading fake shit about potus being insulated over Asia in AF1 at 40k ft. due to an EMP BLACKOUT THAT EVERYONE WHO WOULD KNOW, DID KNOWCWAS NEVER A FUCKING THREAT. EVER. He wouldn't encourage you to spread memes and educate everyone you fucking know on something that HE DIDNT 100%, clear as day, know and confirm to y'all himself, on behalf of him, his office or his administration. NEVER. These people should KNOW THIS!!! Yes Trump likes to leave little pokes, jabs and nuggets in his tweets but you know this. Has Trump ever scared any of you like this?! Has he or even Don Jr., the mouthpiece for ALL THE SHIT Trump really wants to say, EVER MADE YOU QUESTION WHETHER WE ARE REALLY AT DEFCON FUCKING 1, or not?! Has he ever apologized or walked back anything?! Has he ever made you REEEE?!


So sorry, but I can't just sit here and watch something RUIN THE CREDIBILITY AND CLEAR, HONEST TRANSPARENCY THAT TRUMP HAS ESTABLISHED AND GIVEN YOU DIRECTLY via his tweets and the direct paths of communication, so that some fucking anon Q people shitting up god damn message boards on the internet can exploit it and try to claim what TRUMP is doing, as theirs!!! they don't get to manipulate his tweets and hitch their wagons to his to get you blindly following.

If you follow Q and have from the beginning, great. You're an adult and you have the right to choose what you read, believe and act on or not, as a result. BUT I'M NOT CRAZY FOR SUGGESTING YOU DO WHAT YOU'VE ALWAYS CLAIMED TO DO BEFORE!!! You "woke" people, tired of the MSM and FAKE NEWS, USED to demand vetting and validation before forming a confirmation or opinion! You USED to demand more than "unnamed" and "undisclosed" sources before . You USED to REQUIRE SAUCE, BEFORE ACTING AND SPREADING TO ENSURE YOU WEREN'T THE FAKE NEWS YOU HATED.

I don't give a single fuck who Q is it what they're doing. I care that too many people BLINDY do! They have been FOLLOEING AND ACTING on shit Q hasn't even actually confirmed whether they're right or not on ALL of it, for months!!! MONTHS!! SINCE WHEN, is it too much to DEMAND these BASIC THINGS, especially from someone telling you they are posting on behalf of POTUS on a board on the internet (who factually, no one knows who it is from a fucking hole in the wall, BTW), where we all know larps and paid shills are a dime a dozen, BEFORE YOU GO spreading shit you can't even factually confirm IS CONNECTED, or IS TIED, EXACTLY THE WAY IT SHOULD BE, other than simply because Q posted it so it must be the case.

I hate to tell y'all this, but I posted that pic of the Oval Office couch on here TO PROVE A POINT. When someone wanted to prove it, they proved me statements in that thread, RIGHT. If anyone just even half capable went back and dug through all of those pics, even like the sword or Camp David pens in desk pics, you'd see they're no different than the Oval Office couch pic I planted. PLANTED. As in ON PURPOSE. TO PROVE A POINT.

Sorry if this just seems like "MegaAnon acts/sounds like a teenager". Sorry I just AM A PERSON WHO ACTUALLY FUCKING CARES and uses caps for emphasis and curses out of emotion, but whether you believe me, like me, think I'm legit or a larp, who cares?!? Nothing I'm saying right here is crazy, these are things you should all demand and expect from anyone. I don't ask y'all to tweet me, spread me, YouTube about me, meme me, etc! I post just like you! I don't need my own board, maps, rabbits, etc. I don't need you to be scared or demoralized over false happenings. I don't need to break news to you. I'm not dangerous. You're not some army for ME OR ANYONE. Remember that. If you want to be Q's army, great. But you should respect yourselves enough, to demand validation and confirmation, via more than just a few cryptic social media stack and queue short codes/comms, that anyone could recreate. Demand more than meta stripped and filtered pics you could find the originals with meta on, if you just dug hard enough. Demand more for your months of dedication and time. Q can see your commitment. They can validate and confirm your efforts because they see it all over fucking InfoWars, A few smaller MSM sites, twitter and YouTube. They can follow your rabbits. MAKE THEM WORK FOR YOU NOW.

Do you really believe someone covertly posting on 8ch on behalf of the same potus who scrubbed and entire Trump tower and WH for bugs, would communicate with y'all through a "secure trip" or even a "super secret and secure trip" that could be and was, hacked like 4x already, total?!

Do you really think that boards flooded with literal shill orgs we factually know exist, who target and manipulate these boards, their mods and execs, just like they do the MSM, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. would engage directly in a super secret tripcide creation and the creation of a new, Q-only accessible/post board now, for some anon?!

Do you not think the same corrupt board execs, who we know are now factually installing tracking malware on the Chan users devices via ads, wouldn't go to these lengths for Q the minute ShareBlue told them to?!

I give up on this conversation. I'm sorry to rant but this is just insane. I hope as we progress, especially through the next few weeks and months, everyone will take a minute to remind themselves of exactly how we all got here in the first place and why it's so important we never go back to where we came from, again. It's not about whether you think or believe I'm wrong or right about Q. It's about whether or not you can factually confirm either and sadly (and factually) no one can. Don't hate me because you think I'm attacking your Q stuff. As yourselves whether you can honestly or factually answer any of the logical, rational questions I've posed. That's not attacking. I'm not competing with anyone. I don't ask anyone to do shit on behalf of myself or anyone else. I just post. It's not ridiculous to demand more for yourselves so YOU can feel confident in what you're spreading and asking others to believe. That's fair. That should be expected. It should be status quo and your own president, would expect and demand that you require exactly the same for yourselves! In fact, he'd expect and demand it SO MUCH, that he'd ensure that if he communicated with you, directly or indirectly, he'd be clear and concise. Right?!

Your preaching to the choir in my case. Were you to look at my posts here and on the cbts board, you'd see me saying almost the exact same things - with a similar tone - and often times not being very popular for doing so.

But as I said...that shit last night crossed a line...AND IT WAS DONE IN (what is now largely accepted as) THE NAME OF POTUS.

I would think he wouldn't be too happy being associated with shouting "DEFCON1!!!", and that those around him might put the kibosh on these kids, because sooner or later, somebody is going to do something stupid because "Q said..."

I agree. This Qlarp shit needs to be shut down. That DEFCON1 was unbelievable! These people are so caught up in the larp, they don't want to think they've been played. u/IMegaHateNicknames can anything be done by POTUS or someone within the administration to discredit these shills? Please know that we appreciate your presence and breadcrumbs Megs!

I very much appreciate her too, and it kind of bums me out that my post got her so pissed :(

Ahhh, nah, brah!! Don't think that. I know I go on rants but they're not directed to you or anyone specifically. I'm sorry it seemed that way. I wasn't kissed at you. I'm rarely ever pissed at people in general, to be honest. Issues and topics piss me off. I just started replying to you, then got all jacked up about the whole thing in general.

For the record, y'all... when I'm posting and I start referring to "you" in a rant, I'm not necessarily referring to the person I'm responding to, I'm using it boardky to describe a whole or collective.

You're a good egg l, pipesog! 😉

Aw shucks, ma'am...

I didn't take it personally...I've seen you explain this same thing several times, so I knew what that rant was...I just didn't like the idea that my post set it off.

Have a winning day.

Well, I hope LOVE the idea!!! I love that your post set it off! I love the good questions, solid facts, well made arguments, clearly articulated points, etc. the posts I hope anyone who's read my posts anywhere, knows my rant posts are my favorites! They're the ones that really keep me interested and wanting to participate in the discussions with everyone. I love the stuff that goes deep and keeps me thinking and engaged.

So thanks for one of the best posts!! 🤗

Well, I hope LOVE the idea!!! I love that your post set it off! I love the good questions, solid facts, well made arguments, clearly articulated points, etc. the posts I hope anyone who's read my posts anywhere, knows my rant posts are my favorites! They're the ones that really keep me interested and wanting to participate in the discussions with everyone. I love the stuff that goes deep and keeps me thinking and engaged.

So thanks for one of the best posts!! 🤗

Hi Mega. I've thanked Todd before for compiling this great thread of your posts and wanted to thank you too. I've learned a veritable ton from you and really appreciate it. Thanks again!

Well, I hope LOVE the idea!!! I love that your post set it off! I love the good questions, solid facts, well made arguments, clearly articulated points, etc. the posts I hope anyone who's read my posts anywhere, knows my rant posts are my favorites! They're the ones that really keep me interested and wanting to participate in the discussions with everyone. I love the stuff that goes deep and keeps me thinking and engaged.

So thanks for one of the best posts!! 🤗

Breaking each other out of comfort zones to get us closer to the truth is part of why we're here. If you're not making anyone angry, you're probably not doing your job :)

careful what you wish for with shutting Q down. free speech and all, just sayin. that's a slippery slope.

would be much more ideal if, like megs suggests, people hold themselves and their sources to a higher standard before going all in and joining the QAnon Patriot Army of idiots.

You do realize that you pretty much check your constitutional rights at the door when you create a potential national security issue across hundreds of thousands of people who follow you daily, by confirming on behalf of the president of the united states, we are at DEFCON 1 status, correct?!

I guarantee you, that many people are following this Q shit daily and I also guarantee you that the only reason they tried to walk it back and say they "didn't really mean defcon 1" because apparently "you should know that Defcon 1 means 30 other things" (and no, it doesn't). Does Trump ever have to explain to you when he tweets? Does he tell you 10 days of darkness are coming every 10 days, right after they never come?

I assure you, Trump nor the admin, would never leave you questioning, confused or concerned and if they had to communication confusing or concerning things to the public, they certainly would not do it on 8ch. This is absolutely ridiculous.

As I understand it, the “10 days of darkness” wasn’t about some EMP blackout shit. Q made no posts for 10 days, Christmas to first week of January.

Well, first off...Q NEVER SAID "10 Days of Darkness"


The Q-bots paraphrased and subsequently adopted it as gospel.

JUST LIKE the 'white rabbit', that IDIOTS to this day offer up theories on. Problem is, Q NEVER SAID IT.

But back to the 10 days of darkness stupidity, and the extreme gullibility and intellectual elasticity of the true Q believers...

In reality, Q - as part of a slightly larger 'drop', had posted;


Ten days.



He did it in his normal columnar format, and I have the ... to denote previous or subsequent entries which didn't end up tied to the 10 days stuff. AS YOU CAN SEE, Q DID NOT SAY there was going to be 10 days of darkness - THAT WAS AN INTERPRETATION THAT BECAME CANONICAL SCRIPTURE.

Beyond that, he referenced the 'ten days' on two different drops...on 5th NOVEMBER! This is significant, because it is SO FAR ahead of where so many Qsters 'accept' what was the manifestation of the MISTAKENLY claimed 10 days of darkness, which they say was his Christmas absence.

It is further significant because Q (them)himself had already claimed that the 10 days referenced the dates 12/7 - 12/17!

Of course, true Qtards excuse this sort of dissonance by pulling out the 'multiple meanings' card. This of course, is an INCREDIBLY strong card to have in your playing deck, as it allows one to resolve all sorts of incongruities.

So...we have people 'decoding' and attributing meaning to something that was never said...but what WAS said, was in early November. Then the originator of that content, in mid December, attributed the 10 days to that current month 7th thru 17th. But then he went silent for 10 days on Christmas, and thus some Qtards IGNORE Q's own attribution, and instead adopt the absence as the 10 days - but when called out on the other date, they pull out their special card.

THAT my friend, is A BUTTLOAD of intellectual acrobatics on ONE SMALL FRACTION of Q drops.

Thank you for taking the clarification. But.. do you have to be an ass about it?

Sorry. Your previous post did not make me think that my snark would be seen as directed at you, as though it was YOUR rationale. My attitude is more a culmination of multiple go-rounds with different folks, and after a while it starts to feel like quicksand.

But ass - or not - it is a pretty convoluted -but typical- micro example of the processes necessary to 'believe', right?

Ok, fair enough.

Yes, the proof will be in the pudding. If there’s no pudding, time to move on.

And yes...I do have a tendency to be an ass sometimes.

It’s the internet. ;)

The good thing is, we worked it out peacefully.

Let's all hug!

As I understand it, the “10 days of darkness” wasn’t about some EMP blackout shit. Q made no posts for 10 days, Christmas to first week of January.

As I understand it, the “10 days of darkness” wasn’t about some EMP blackout crap. Q made no posts for 10 days, Christmas to first week of January.

Makes me so happy! I love u MEGS!

... and I have suggested that. Since November, right on through to even today.

Please don't misunderstand what I was suggesting. I'm just hoping someone in an official capacity (other than on an anon board) will call them out for the frauds they are.

This isn't a free speech issue.

You don't get to claim being sanctioned by - and doing the bidding of - POTUS - AND BE LYING - and get to hide under 1A.


We all need to be vetting our sources as best we can and acknowledging maybes as maybes... Let's rededicate ourselves to this.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

&nbsp;If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

...and can we all just agree that NO ONE with above room temperature IQ would use “Matlock” as a password if they a) were a part of the NSA or b) had concerns about the CIA identifying them.

Like, c’mon folks. Seriously 😒😒😒

HEHEH Youuuuuuuuu

People need to be skeptical and admit that it's very hard to know what's true until it's truly verifiable. Q's a good jumpoff point for research and has brought a lot of people together and energized them, but Q's agenda, insider or not, is unknown. Folks should IMHO have fun with Q, but should not regard Q as an "intel savour" and should make an effort to also tune into other perspectives.

I think this is a rational perspective. If Q promotes research into corrupt-- or at least, questionable-- entities, then surely that is some sort of public service? How many people had ever heard of Loop Capital before last week? What if these crowd-sourced investigations turn up something in the vein of bribery/exploitation/extortion/whatever else?

I actually find Mega's antipathy towards Q to be a little bit ironic. For one, because they both seem to be pointing in a lot of the same directions, and for another, they are both using the same tactic of anonymity to spread (dis)information via online message boards. I read both of them with a grain of salt and a healthy dosage of skepticism. Mega even claims to know "EXACTLY who THEY [Q] were" (Dec 3rd) and yet doesn't feel the need to inform us? Despite the 3 page rant above?

It's certainly a little bit tiresome having all these people playing "journalist" (a very important profession) without giving us any of their journalistic credentials.

I actually find Mega's antipathy towards Q to be a little bit ironic. For one, because they both seem to be pointing in a lot of the same directions, and for another, they are both using the same tactic of anonymity to spread (dis)information via online message boards.

Are you suggesting that she has been spreading disinfo? Could you provide some quotes/links to her posts where you detected 'disinformation'?

Not suggesting that. Just put (dis) there in brackets so as not to endorse either Q or Mega.

Huh? What kind of newspeak is that?

It makes sense to me. It's an acknowledgement that it's impossible to gauge the consistency, until verification's possible, with which an anonymous source is providing legitimate info. Even an otherwise legitimate source might provide some degree of disinfo to misdirect for strategic reasons or to make it harder for hostile parties to identity them.

Agreed, plus MegaAnon has provided exactly zero specific and verifiable future information. Were anyone to go through her posts line by line, they’d be unable to find even one single verifiable fact, provided in advance of the event occurring, in them.

Q could easily be a LARP — the only evidence of any truth is the link to Trump via Twitter — but those that believe in MegaAnon are just as easily led as the so-called Qbots.

Agreed, plus MegaAnon has provided exactly zero specific and verifiable future information. Were anyone to go through her posts line by line, they’d be unable to find even one single verifiable fact, provided in advance of the event occurring, in them.

I doubt you have read her posts.

I have read the entirety of the archive. Every single post. Of course, you’re so blinded by belief that you can’t fathom that I might have read them.

So you have read every single post, found "zero specific and verifiable future information" and despite of that you are wasting your time in this comment section. People have various types of hobbies indeed.

Yes, because unlike you, I have an open mind and am willing to challenge my current beliefs.

MegaAnon claims that Q is a LARP, but yet follows him closely. Seems that her hobbies are as strange as mine.

Haha, "closely"? I am asked about Q so when I am, I do my due diligence. That's responsible. Additionally, considering I'm being hashtagged with "Q" all over, it's kinda hard to miss. I don't follow, but I do make sure if I'm asked something, I know what I'm talking about before I answer. That's not a strange hobby. That's accountability.

Why won’t you post anything specific, which takes place in the future, and is independently verifiable? That’s all that needs to happen to prove your validity. Semantical arguments like the one you’ve made don’t.

I made a suggestion to one of the BO’s at cbts that maybe arraignments could be made for you and Q to talk privately? Work this out between you and let us know the result?

Are you suggesting I don't have an open mind?

I’m saying outright that you don’t have an open mind, simply because you dismiss any and all critics of MegaAnon based only on the fact that they’re critical. You may think that you’re open minded, but you’re not.

Go through every claim she makes in her previous posts, starting from the beginning, and then attempt to find specific, verifiable, real world evidence that backs them up. You eon’t be able to do it..

I’m saying outright that you don’t have an open mind, simply because you dismiss any and all critics of MegaAnon based only on the fact that they’re critical.

I'm willing to consider any critique of MegaAnon's text based on facts. You have presented nothing of substance so far.

Of course I have. I’m saying that she has provided absolutely nothing specific that can be independently verified by any future real world event. She has no foreknowledge of anything — or if she does, she has yet to prove it.

Do as I suggest and go through her posts and decide for yourself. The evidence, not my posts, is determinative.

As I said, nothing of substance again, only vaguely implying that she's a larp. How very original.

Do as I suggest and go through her posts and decide for yourself.

Invaluable advice. Maybe I really should do it sometime.

I can see that you’re scared — you have a lot at stake here after all, and it isn’t easy being the secretary of an anonymous person on the internet. Your unwillingness to challenge what you believe to be true won’t serve you, though.

You have a funny (but psychologically typical) way of 'remembering' things.

You 'remember' Mega has never said anything verifiable. You 'remember' that Mega follows Q closely. You 'remember' that you have read every Mega post.

Yet, if you factually and ACCURATELY remembered these things, you wouldn't be here shitposting this baloney.

I haven’t used the words ‘memory’ or ‘remember’ at all here. No need to ‘remember’ what is posted above for reference.

Your anger proves your indoctrination. You’re invested now, and there’s no turning back. This needs to be true for you. It’s so important to you that you need to create ad hominem attacks against me to protect yourself psychologically from what might be true.

I hope you get the help you need.

Short of doxxing them...she has said on at least 2 occasions who/where they were. Which simultaneously explains the HOW. She also at that time noted that Q was 'multiple' players...a 'revelation' that only in the last week has been accepted as gospel in the cult of Q.

But you're not wantin' to hear that shit.

“I don’t believe there is any way back for Mr. Bannon at this point.” White House press aide slams Sloppy Steve to reporters on AF1

Buhbbuhbuhbut Mega said it was all for show.

It does seem to be all for show biffSterling. The reddit fags see your game for what it is. Go collect your paycheck and BTFO.

/u/MegaHateNicknames , If we are really cleaning the entire swamp, will that include the Rothschild's?

/u/MegaHateNicknames , Why would Mueller need to interview Trump? I do not sleep well, and I am not comfy over here. At least not until the Mueller investigation is over. We need this investigation to end and end soon.

Sleep tight, brah. It's optics but yes, he's interviewing him. Trump is going to be asked how he knew he was being wiretapped and what exactly happened during that Don Jr./Russia/Trump Tower meeting Bannon's "statements" sent the MSM REEEEEing about for the last week. The "interview" is procedure. Trump would have to be interviewed to discuss and get this on the record, right?! Just like Flynn forcing his own testimony to get his truths on the record? Mueller calling Trump in is a formality but a good one. Means we're close to the end abd not for nothing, but Mueller and everyone else, already know what's coming with this. They already know what he's going to say because they all participated in it. They orchestrated it. It's the end of them and Russia.

It's also great because the MSM will spin it as an interrogation, and the left will lose their freaking minds thinking impeachment is close they can taste it. The salt flow is going to be ridiculous.

This makes me a bit uneasy, the part where you say "They already know what he's going to say.... They orchestrated it." When it all comes down, when Mueller's investigation ends and the real collusion is exposed, what's to stop Dems from alleging that the investigation was compromised, the results were pre-determined? Kinda like the FBI/Comey investigation of HRC? I can see this thing having the potential to become a circular never ending nightmare.

They can claim that, but if everything they've done is exposed, people will be too busy calling for their heads to listen. It would be like a 12-year-old boy showing his parents text messages by his 16-year-old sister where she admits she lost the family car playing strip poker at a biker rally, and she turns and says, "But Johnny tattled, and you said never to do that! Who's the real bad one here?"

It would also explain why Mueller was pardoned up front, if he was. Offering him a pardon or a deal for later could be portrayed as a quid pro quo -- you ignore my stuff, and I'll pardon you. But giving it to him in advance means he was free to pursue whatever he found, no matter what agreement they might have had.

Jan 8 post gives HateNicknames some credit, but just want to say Q is the real deal. Not sure he/she/they were for a good deal of time legit, but now for sure are. Also someone called "B" (followed by a string of numbers) on Twitter seems to have some insider knowledge. Stay focused. Keep digging! Love to all who work so hard to bring us TRUTH! Thank you so much!!

What in the hell are you talking about?

If anything, Q LOST credibility with that stunt last night, and B######## should know better as well, if she is in fact an 'insider'.

Q is a scam...a info gathering and a patsy farm.

Look at new posts and then listen to Dr. Jerome Corsi break it all down. You need to listen to someone who has been to these places tell you why it's real.

And Q did come back and tell us Defcon 1 is not related to military.

Jeezus you peeps are the perfect marks.

You give the impression of being of higher intelligence or elite. Please share what information you have that makes us "peeps" perfect marks.

Allow me to ask this also: What harm would it do to follow ALL leads and use discernment to figure out what is really happening? Why can we use only one source? Wouldn't that, in and of itself, be foolish? It would be like watching the msm and believing only them and nobody else.

What harm?

You're not using your imagination.

Following valid dots that factually connect to other valid dots, in a relevant, factual way, is educational and informative.

Following a few valid dots, sprinkled in with a lot more invalid dots, on purpose to mislead you then be disseminated as disinfo by you, is foolish. In fact, it's exactly what you'd admit you don't trust the MSM anymore for doing, is it not?!

If you dig deep enough into anything, you can connect anyone and everything to anything. Hence phrases like "six degrees of separation" are ironic, but fairly accurate. You all are being drawn in by vague, seemingly valid and interesting dots that lead to the relevant truth about 30% of the time, which then lead to other dots, which intentionally mislead you to connect things with things that shouldn't be connected. It's all just to keep you busy and distracted as a mass that threatens when left to your own dot discovering and connecting. I mean, did pizzagate need "Q"? No. Does Q confirm every single one the connections yall are making, so you know you've "connected correctly" as they intended, before posting, sharing or discussing the "truths" you've uncovered to all those you're redpilling and comforting in chaos, with rabbits?!

Please don't interpret this as an attack against you. It's not. These are sadly just questions that no one can answer because to be honest, no one even bothered to ask. People were prayed upon on purpose, then pushed into the collective, hive mind. Now, first 5 people to agree on a collective answer or conclusion while providing very little sources or evidence to support, decide what the "right" answer is for everyone and slap it on the map.

So, after today I am with you! Apparently Q posted something about negative blood types and aliens... WTF?? I went to the Q thread and it wasn't there, but Q admits to having deleted something. I got the info from David Seaman who I have zero doubt would make it up. I am O neg and definitely not a shape shifter or a baby eater..... that was just way too much for me. Please forgive the mistake.

I've listen to the good Dr. and I often find his analysis as to Q...well...weak.

He's as guilty as the rest of you...'wanting it' so much that common sense goes out the window.

For a long time I didn't believe Q was even the real deal so please don't refer to me as one of those people who just "want it" so much.... yada yada. Have a good one.

It, being swamp draining, and comeuppance for these dirtbags. It's human nature to latch on to something that wouldgive us hope, and confirm that we were right in what we wanted, and that we are now INVOLVED in getting it.

I shouldn't make it sound like you-or whomever else-are less wise or savvy for 'believing' in Q...but we've all been conned here...some are still not privy to it is all.

There is NOTHING about Q that cannot be demonstrated as recreatable, if we accept a premise that MegaAnon had long ago established.

These kids are in the WH comms office.

EVERYTHING else is easy after that.

And once you accept that it COULD be a larp, it opens your mind to beginning to ask some other very reasonable questions that you won't get satisfactory answers to, in the current Q narrative.

Do you think the WH kids had access to Camp David this past weekend?'re stubbornly refusing to open your mind, and as a result, you're just not gonna get it.

Do you think POTUS walks around, iphone in hand, firing off tweets as the urge hits him?


ALL communications...tweets, press releases, responses, and statements...are deliberately written tailored to a specific issue or purpose. They are discussed, revised, finalized, and then SENT TO THE COMMS OFFICE FOR DISTRIBUTION at the appropriate time. once there - ta dahhhh - a Tweet script sits in......................................wait for it...........................................................................................................a QUE! Huhhh? Ohhhhh...

Now while it's in that QUE, these guys have the EASY opportunity to compose their own Q drop that includes something relating to what is in the QUE, at the same time, they also include a [10] or whatever, because of course, they KNOW when the source material is set to go out...get it?

Now that shit is EEEEEASY, and it's 90% of Q's claim to fame.

So Camp David...why exactly must they "be there" or "have acccess"? Unless by access you mean would the WH communications office be processing the communications emanating from Camp David this weekend? Might there even be a communications office staffer there to collate and forward said communications (remember, Q is several)? Then I would say "FUCKIN AYE RIGHT, they do!.

Oh...and the other 10% of Qs legitimacy?

Put out vague and or cryptic nonsense, and tell the audience it is up to them to investigate and connect dots. Then just wait til the responses roll in, and pick whatever suits you, or what furthers the already established narrative and post a 'confirmed'.

BOOM! Everybody is hooked. everybody is invested. And everybody will now defend Q as legit, cuz we bought in, and we don't like to be fooled (actually we love being fooled...we don't like being SHOWN TO BE fools).

BOOM! Everybody is hooked. everybody is invested. And everybody will now defend Q as legit, cuz we bought in, and we don't like to be fooled (actually we love being fooled...we don't like being SHOWN TO BE fools).

People never blame themselves for being uncritical, it is never their own fault. It is always the fault of their information source heh.

I had this same thought a few days ago. I think I posted it somewhere. Just curious, how do you feel about MegaAnon?

No and neither did Q. If you all would like to dig into something, dig into that sword pic and pen pic. They're fake. Edited, stripped of meta and if you dig hard, I know you'll find the original and all of the originals on the internet... just like they did.

I'm sorry, but it's true. I'm not trying to make any of the Q people feel bad or dumb. That's not the intent. However, it is heinous what is happening to innocent, well intended people, looking for good information with few places, thanks to the MSM, to find it. I'm not asking or expecting you to take it from me. I'm just suggesting that it wouldn't hurt to dig into things on the Q sure, as determined and detailed as y'all do on what the tell you. That's just good due diligence.

If more of these efforts were done, we wouldn't be debating this, today. I assure you, Trump would not have never sanctioned or allowed anyone to scream defcon 1 yesterday. Especially on an anonymous, internet message board on 8ch, nor would they do that anywhere only to leave you scared and confused. If we ever reach DEFCON 1, you're never going to misinterpret, misunderstand or misread it. Ever.

how is Q real deal? Can't even follow what they say. It could be anything...too broad.

Look for Dr. Jerome Corsi breakdown of Q and then look for Roy Potter on YouTube and his conversations with B.

Please elaborate on why you are a believer in Q? I have not read much of Q but tend to believe Megs based on my own research.

Dr. Jerome Corsi is the main reason I believe Q is legit (although at one time I didn't believe. I think Q was compromised.) Now, there isn't a doubt Q is the real deal. Timestamps Q and POTUS. Also check out Roy Potter on YouTube. At least take the time to look at it all.

If you've read everything I've said on it, then checked it against the factual info I've provided to explain the things you take as validation that seem to "check out", like all of the photos and short code/software codes many believe are codes to other operatives, etc. then you'd realize for yourself what I'm saying. If you choose to use that information you wouldn't need to wonder or debate me about it. You'd know all you'd need to know.

Side note: That Roy Potter guy is great! I haven't watched more than a video or two of his people have linked asking me to watch, here and there, but I swear... if this guy were like, my "Uncle Roy", I'd never miss a family event! Haha! Could you imagine Sunday family dinner with this guy? I feel like he gets emotional and jacked up like I do. Talks like I type with caps, only I say the F word more. He's fun to watch and most importantly, he's passionate so he makes you passionate. I think it's great that Roy called out DEFCON1. I hope he doesn't let others make him feel like HE made a mistake of "misunderstanding" or "missing something that was supposed to be clear". I hope he knows that DEFCON1 shit, wasn't clear to ANYONE. Not even to those claiming they "got it". They didn't get it. No one got it and I'm glad he called it out and said it out loud. I respect that very much.

I love Roy too! I watch all of his videos as he seems to be the most level headed source on youtube reporting on this whole Q mess.

I am new to all of this and I dont even know how to find Q's posts? Thank you for the reply!

There is a reddit thread for Q posts. I believe it is now called "The Storm" It might be under conspiracy.

/u/IMegaHateNicknames I am getting overwhelmed! Who is B and what is her twitter handle? I've tried searching to no avail? Do you know about her? Or if anyone else can fill me in?


Check out B (@B75434425)

Ok just did. It will be 15 minutes I'll never get back, too. 😂

Let me get this straight... another one letter self-identifying anon named B, who miraculously shows up with a fresh account like 2 or 3 weeks ago, yet has 20k+ followers on twitter dedicated to larping q larps, is "twitter feuding" with that Beans chick and that military Roy guy, because they asked questions or implied things that B seems to disagree with, or god forbid, were rightfully mad about fake or unclear DEFCOM1 cries over an anon board on the internets?!

I mean shave my head and call me Britney, but who the fuck is "B" to call out or make claim to, anyone or anything?! Did Q deem B an authority on Q posts?! How does another one-letter no name get 20k followers in 3 weeks larping about a larp?!

We all know I was dissatisfied with Beans fake confirmations on me directly, so you know how I feel about that BUT, "B" has somehow positioned herself as speaking on behalf of Q as if in a position of "authority", which she hasn't seemed to prove she is. Am I missing something?!

Point is, she seems to slap down questions, those who disagree, those frustrated, etc. on "behalf" of Q, but WHO IS SHE, to do so?! Have her "followers" asked her to validate herself, before taking her as seriously and just as quickly, as they've taken Q?!

I just need to know, does anyone else feel as actually dumb as I do, even wasting a post on this "B" or "Q" or whatever other letter pops up next?! Like "twitter feuds" with tens of thousands of comments, retweets, shares, likes, etc.?! Is this real life?!

Think what you want about Beans or that Roy guy, but if I were either of them, who at least put their faces and names behind the shit they say on the internets, I'd remind "B" that her "authority" on the subject of "Q", is just as invalid as "Q" is themselves.

Then, I'd remind Beans and Roy that they were pretty successfully doing what they were doing, well before Q, so they might want to consider dropping the shovel before they dig themselves into rabbit holes they can't climb out of, when the Q shit hits the fan and ruins their credibility.

Please note, the ones who'll survive hitching their wagons to fake Q when shit blows, is those who've been enabled and funded to larp on the internet and be wrong so many times, for so many years, like Alex Jones & Co. he's the only guy who could hitch his wagon so tight to pizzagate, only to apologize to Alefantis in front of all his "pizza woke" viewers, and STILL have a show and following AFTER, right?!

"The Q Phenomenon" as "they've" dubbed, hyped and tried to mainstream it, is not intended to make the innocently well-intended, Beans and Roy types, succeed. It's to pull these people, who've organically gained attention abd rather large following in their own, out of the "citizen journalist"/"alt-media" woodwork, so they can be planted and peppered with bullshit they'll inevitably spread, grow from, then fail in front of, once the truth comes out. Q will eventually prove all of the things these people claim to be good at (researching, analysis, data gathering, accurate reporting, etc.) WRONG.

And the ONLY people who survive "their" tricks, are those "they" ensure survive... Hi Alex!!

Thoughts on Bannon stepping down at Breitbart? Part of the plan? What can this lead to that could be beneficial?

I thought he was going help merge them with Fox News?

I posted on it above.

Is Dr. Jerome Corsi bad because he’s in deep?

Interesting. Plausible, very plausible.

Per B quoting Q, looks like another possible board security migrating to a new board again.

What it they are trying now to "baffle with bullshit", because more and more we are exposing their previous "dazzling with brilliance" as nothing more than parlor tricks.

The Q larp has jumped the shark. far as "B" goes...that bitch is obviously fake as fuck too. Ant 'insider' worth listening to, would never fall for Q's BS, nor would she NOT understand DEFCON1 is UNAMBIGUOUS, nor would she accept the 'walk-back' that occurred after that major misstep by the Qs.

Thanks bigtoe!

/u/IMegaHateNicknames and Todd Whiskey....All this info has allowed me to hope in ways I've scarcely dared to hope before. Thank you. Can you tell me, will draining the swamp kill chemtrails?

/u/MegaHateNicknames Real timing your /pol posts and it's awesome :) See other theories cracks me up too!

*meant seeing other theories

Let’s go with the proposition that Q is cabal rather than just a larp.

The CIA/cabal has significant control of Twitter And whence comes these Q “proofs”?

It wouldn’t be difficult for them to have a software monitor (automated or with human involvement) on Trump’s tweets. It wouldn’t be difficult for them to introduce a delay in order for Q to pre-tweet (or just have software do that). It wouldn’t be difficult for them to replace Trump’s first tweet of “consequential’ with “consensual”.

It wouldn’t be difficult for the cabal to take Wolff’s book, drop in a couple of ‘Q’s, and get Wikileaks to take it.

Never accept ANYTHING that at any point enters a computer. Accept only real events. Was JA freed in October, or just now?

Not to pick nits but it would still technically be a larp.

But i get what You're saying.

As to the Wikileaks proposition...doesn't work for me. I would rather go with the rumor that Wolffe and/or the publisher is in on this aspect of the plan by Trump/Bannon, and hence providing the manuscript to Wikileaks is legal...which is the ONLY way they would do such a thing, if they wanted a future. Conversely, JA might sacrifice WL as part of the plan if that were a condition of his deal, but that kind of thing doesn't seem to track. He MIGHT however, willingly shutter WL after all this, because after what he has been through, he probably wants his life back, and as long as Wikileaks stays, Assange is in danger, becasue he's a constant threat.

No. This book is not what got us here. Assange has been under the protective custody of he US, since October 2016. Well before this book. It has nothing to do with this. This was just a jab.

Nothing that's happening with Assange release is directly or as a result of this book.

Did wikileaks get permission to release the book? I don't understand Wolff because his past suggests that he actually dislikes the media quite a lot. The fact he finds himself with Trump and Bannon in the same "story" is a little interesting, to me at least. Is it wrong to think that he is playing on the admin's side here ?

One thing I'm still not sure on: are you saying that the man who appeared on the embassy balcony in May 2017 - seen here - is not Assange? You've alluded to body doubles before, but this seems particularly hard to reconcile.

Protective custody isn't a bunker in Indiana. If the person under protection needs to be somewhere, say the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, the protective detail can make the arrangements. Kind of like the President can leave the White House.

Agreed, and I presumed this to be the case. However, this post seems to imply otherwise.

The video is clearly Assange. The setting may or may not be the balcony at the Ecuadorian Embassy. The shot is too tight to confirm. Are there other videos of the event with wider angles? I haven't seen any.

Excellent. Okay, first I'd like to say that I have no more information than you do, and I do find /u/IMegaHateNicknames discrepancy a bit confusing as well. It does look like the same balcony, though. That said...

"See when you save and hide people, confusion is the FIRST line of defense."

I've already posted how they were skimming the stack and queue application short codes on social media.

Notice I said Kelly's phone going missing would be convenient. That was a trap. Notice it's now being confirmed cell phones and devices are being cracked down on and heavily restricted for staffers and guests? Notice I told you Trump was testing and securing better direct forms of comms to reach y'all that he could control? That's happening and being reported now. Remember when I said remaining leakers would be smoked out? Just another one of Bannon's tricks, like Kelly's missing phone, just like the Jr./Russia meeting comments and the Wolff book. That Wolff book is going to kill like 30 birds with one stone. Literally.

And between us, Assange reports of where he is vs. where he's been, don't matter. That's just what they're spinning to public now, to cover for the fact he's been in secured, US protective custody, since Oct. 2016. Where he is now, or where he's been doesn't matter. Don't let people twist this all up. He's been ok for a while.

What do you mean by stack and queue? What is a short code in this case ? Sorry if I missed earlier, but can't find an instance it's explained. Thanks!

Might be easier if you google and read but there are applications that allow you and many corporations and organizations, to pre-draft and populate social media posts for like every platform, twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. and literally like "stack" them all up, send them for approvals/confirmations if needed, then schedule when they will publish/post to those accounts and at what specific date/time via the queue they're pending in until they go. It's just an application/software that allows you to automate posting across several accounts, over several different platforms for several different people.

Social media/marketing/communications managers use these to the corporate accounts they manage the social media accounts of. Like if Trump tweets something at 7:30 pm on he can stack and queue it up to post on Facebook and Instagram in those post formats, at the same time. If he's away all weekend and doesn't want to tweet, he can preload a few in advance. These are usilialky the posts that seem obligatory, like generic abd canned. That's all.

Thanks for the reply!

...and does it need to be pointed out?

"Stack and queue"

Fucking QUEUE...capiche?!?

I've been dropping that in explanations of "how" the Q larp works...but these people are so wrapped around the axle, I don't think they can comprehend.

@imegahatenicknames help me out. I don’t understand how the US could give Assange protected custody in Oct 2016 under the Obama admin. Did private contractors on behalf of Trump admin go get him and if so, why would the Ecuador embassy let him go with these peeps and how would Assange get through customs without being noticed? I maybe over analyzing.

I'm guilty of falling for the guilty pleasure of Q. In the beginning it was interesting to research and go down those rabbit holes, but has happenings never happened, I saw that I was turning into one of those mindless leftists eating what the MSM feeds them. The only difference is that I was eating from a different menu...but being spoon fed nonetheless. It's easy to do when you want to believe in something so much. I still go to the 8chan, but not for Q. There is some great talent on those boards when it comes to research autists, planefags, and memes.

It's why I liked lurking there, then posting there abd it's why I "respond to shills". Not everyone who disagrees with me is a shill, nor is everyone who thinks I'm a larp. It is ok for people to debate me, disagree with me, think I'm bullshit, etc. I mean, if they didn't I'd be more worried like I was in a Heaven's Gate cult, waiting for my purple sleepy time Haley comet juice. 😂

I just finished listening to my daily dose of "Quite Frankly." He used to talk about Q, but tonight he sang your praises. He's extremely easy on the eyes too.

Haha, I just watched it. It was funny hearing him read my post out loud, then feeling forced to use "air quotes".

Other than that, the whole thing fucking sucked. That Cowgirls shirt was seering my eyes and I couldn't concentrate. 😉

Side note though, because it needs to be said, Romo killed it in the booth this season. Hate to admit it, but hope he picks up Sundays instead of Thursdays, next year.

Ok. I'm done.

Romo's from my hometown. He'd come home in the summers and coach kids football...including my son. Good guy.

I know, I'm just teasing because of the rivalry. 😉

Frank does love you. I don’t know if you saw the interview with the CBTS board owners a couple of weeks ago. He wasn’t buying there story. Thank you for keeping us informed. Let me guess your a Redskins fan. I’m a diehard Cowboys fan and yes Tony Romo is a fantastic sportscaster.

Frank's awesome.

I finally started supporting him on Patreon, cuz I love his show, but he's only got like 7k subs on YT, so you know he's not making shit from that.

You talked with Dave Wilcock...I'd LOVE to see you talk with Frank...he is a cool dude that deserves a bigger audience...and I know he'd love to talk to you too.

I'm tellin ya...once again with the great minds's a cut/paste from one of my posts yesterday -

LOL...I almost used the Bush quote in my previous diatribe...AS AN EXAMPLE OF A MANIPULATIVE LOGICAL FALLACY that you were employing in YOUR previous post...and there you go!'s the thing, smarty...

Produce ONE EXAMPLE of me being ANTI-TRUMP here.

Produce ONE EXAMPLE of me being ANTI-MAGA here.

Ya can't. your equation...I AM BOTH THOSE THINGS, because I have been critical of the Q behavior and of the namefag's delusions of granduer.

A few more conditioning exercises, and pretty soon it'll be Nikes and purple sheets for those remaining.<<<<<<<<<<<<

Hopefully, at least one of you takes a step back and starts filtering some of this a little differently.


If we are to believe that Mega is /our/girl, does that mean that pre 11/1 Q was legit and after that was an irl larp?

That's what she said. I kept my own reddit Q compilation and the cooption/hijacking is apparent.

"Q clearance" showed up on 11/1 (3 days after the initial posters) and the tripcode Q entered the race on November 9th, in CBTS #191!

So where is the OG Q? Has he posted ever again? Were some 'fake' Q him? Ive phased out after I realised theres nothing else to it. If it was a larp it makes sense sending people into a black hole

Don't know, sorry. I lost interest in that shit tbh.

Yeah, same as I said. Its a fucking shitshow whether its Mega or Q. BUT. Only rthing keeping me checking tings out time from time is the fact that theres some much shit out there that you know something IS actually happening

No, it's not the same as I said. I have lost interest in Q when I realized (after checking and verifying for some claims myself) that they mixed in too much disinfo.

I meant same as in I also said that Ive lost interest. I wish those insiders would spill more about esoteric activities amongs elite, political bs is just not interesting, you cant do anything about it

I wondered that too. His final post on 10/31 sounded like a good-bye. If he ever came back and realized Q had claimed his posts as his own, and said so, I doubt anyone would have noticed in the deluge of shilling and anti-shilling that was going on.

Amongs myriads of actual Qlarpers lol. Fucking shitshow ill tell ya hwat

I think she thinks the pre-Q 10/28-10/31 anon was legit. I don't think she's ever confirmed it as in, "Yes, I know who that was, and he's legit."

I said that 10/28-10/31 was interesting and made me curious, which is why I'd initially missed the transition between that poster and Q Clearance Patriot in 11/1, because I'd missed a couple of days. When I caught myself up, I'd noticed the AF1 pics. From that alone, I knew something didn't smell right and from there I personally chose to lurk, limited post (because A FEW of the things "Q" said seemed interesting when individually viewed) and dig on the pics and other "verifications" these Q people were trying to pass off as legit, which I realized were bullshit.

As soon as I saw people claiming that "Q" had posted an AF1 pic in active flight (which would never legally, NOR technologically be able or allied to happen) and then saw people noting the file name, referencing a specific seat # they were implying "Q was sitting in", I started my own little digging on the side, while following the posts along a little more, to see what else was being posted to "verify" supposed proximity to Trump/admin on Asia trip.

Day I found out what was going on, I confirmed on here and did what I could on my end. The rest is history (sadly).

What about the recent pic of the pen on the desk supposedly at Camp David? Like you I find it interesting, especially the recent Loop Capital digging.

Any insight as to why Huma was the first with the teather/leg piece :)

/u/MegaHateNicknames Can you give us some insight on why Mueller wants to interview trump?

I posted about it on /pol/ like a few min ago but I'm too tired to find it again. I'm sure it will show up here. It's basically a formality "they" all knew was inevitable. Trump's probably going to tell them a whole lot about what actually went on at that Don Jr. meeting with Russians in Trump tower and that's gonna make Bannon's comments look like the intentional plant they are. It's going to happen. They all know it. It's the last piece to finish Russian hacking and Trumps interview will be on the record, with the dems Mueller and no one will be able to expect Mueller to continue.


I hope you are alluding to the "adoption" talks. Yes?

/u/MegaHateNicknames , would love to hear your perspective on the Rothschild's. They have to be one of the biggest corrupters on the planet... Are we draining them>?

I saw an article today, that the FBI has asked some Aussie to prepare info on Aussie politicians and the Clinton foundation. Thank Christ. But what about the child rape business and MKULTRA programs that the CIA set up in Australia and New Zealand? Its really bad down here. With our courts, doctors etc set up to ensure that in family court or child services cases, our children are given to pedophiles. Most of our prime ministers and governor generals are pedophiles. The governor general runs the pedo ring, and our past and present Prime ministers receive a royalty cheque from child services (FACS) for the child rape earnings.

We have children being kept in cages in DUMBS, that we share with the US.

The Ritual Satanic Abuse/MKULTRA is rife here.

I beleive our Prime minister is an MKULTRA Manchurian candidate, as is Trudeau, probably Macron and definitely Obama. John Key, former PM of New Zealand is a total Pedo, probably MKULTRA as well, I think he went to the same Jesuit rape school as Turbull.

Turbull has just illegally forced same sex marriage through, and I'd going to try to force through becoming a republic. This is a problem as it automatically gives us to the UN.

Its pretty fucked here, 70% of our manufacturing and farming has been given to third world nations. We have no work. Mass Muzrat Migration. We have no housing.

Its at the point were all we can do is to start killing the bastards, or petion Putin to come in a clean the mongrels out.

The CIA killed our PM Harold Holt cause he didnt want them in Pine Gap.

Mossad with approval of John Howard massacred 30+ people in Tasmania, to bring in gun control. They were going to Americans, but their boat was late.

They blamed a young retarded guy, Martin Bryant, who grew up in the Family, a CIA cult Julian Assange spent time in, as a kid.

We are truly in deep shit. Forced vaccination, Ebola in wheat, killing roos, thick chemtrails.

And nests of USA military and intelligence infesting our nation.

So, is Trump going to disclose the crap that was sent here?

Is he going to help get rid of these MKULTRA rapists?

Will he help out them?

And why the hell did he let weather weapons get used on Texas? And CGI hurricanes be broadcast, scaring everyone. What about the mass graves filled in in Texas?

And why is he so cosy with Murdoch, a Lucifarian Pedo from way back?

I hope you know some of this stuff.

Thanks for your time. I enjoy your data.


Lucretia, please email me at We could use you as an advocate for the children down under, if you're interested in joining our team. Thanks!

/u/IMegaHateNicknames I didn't put your name on my prior post. As I found some info by a child services worker, an Aussie one. She mentioned two names that were involved in the Madeline McCann kidnapping. If I dug those names out, would you be able to run a search on them? Do you have access that would be helpful?

The Lady was worried she would be killed and had posted it to anonymous. I found it by accident.

This chick gave a lot of data, some that I was able to confirm, kidnappings, murders, perps. ASIO deleted the post of my Facebook, so it must have been good stuff.

I cannot directly engage or attach myself via resources on this, especially now since you've just said it here, directly addressing to me, expecting a reply. Any digging I'd do on what you'd provide here, could very well tie me directly, if I initiated. So I can't.

But, sounds interesting and if the person you got this info from posted it anon, maybe it's something you could start an anon thread on and get some smart people on /pol/ interested, too. 😉

/u/IMegaHateNicknames Was SpaceX/ launch of Zuma successful?


It was exactly successful in the way it needed to be. You'll see. 😉

I'm just going to let this play a little more because honestly, it's still too fresh and too few circles are involved. This is also an example of why I say I have nothing to worry about personally/professionally, when posting. I don't mind saying a few things about a few things, but I also don't say anything I shouldn't, before I should.

Hi u/IMegaHateNicknames, just saw this that they lost contact with Zuma after failing to reach orbit??

Benjamin Fulford alleges "This ElectroMagnetic Pulse (EMP) satellite was launched as the U.S. government’s January 31st payment deadline looms, and will be used against North Korea, the sources say. Since North Korea is a proxy and is really too analog to be affected by an EMP attack, this is clearly a veiled threat at the Swiss controllers who hollowed out the U.S. and built up China."

USA Today says "SpaceX cut off its broadcast of the mysterious Zuma mission a few minutes into the flight to protect its secrecy." Perhaps that explains the "loss of contact"?

Ben Fulford. meh.

Well, I certainly hope it’s not true, because I think EMPing NK would be a very bad idea, if only because I have never heard of a technology that could EMP the north without affecting the south. Seoul is right across the border.

Lost contact but not confirmed lost.

SpaceX cut the feed before the event supposedly occurred. What this means is that (((they))) can't be sure of the status of this satellite, unless they destroyed it, and I suspect that's not the case. On top of that, who knows what was actually in that payload? Sure as hell not us :)

But I'm very excited to see what develops from here.

I guess it was successful in one way: it showed they can do "space stuff" without ordinary people really being able to confirm one way or the other what they did or whether it worked.

Invaluable information - thanks so much!

/u/IMegaHateNicknames - Joseph Farrell seems to be on your same page with regards to Q. what do you think of his take?;v=3e_e5WI_mjg

Should make sense to most, right? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Great video!! I've been reading on the cbts site and finding quite a bit of good stuff to research over there but I found this today and it really cemented what I kinda knew all along. It was from one of the board owners? baruch scribe. I'm gonna copy/paste so I don't quote him wrong.

"I'm sure DEFCON 1 was designed to get us all jumpy and in a higher state of alertness. Q has often given us nudges of this sort."

What??!! I knew someone close to the President would never use this terminology if they were real. Its awful, causes worry and could even set some people off in a very dangerous way! Regarding the board owner, that is a stupid and reckless thing to say. It took my breath away because the site is heading toward a cult like atmosphere and to even act like it's ok to use this term because it's "Q" is alarming. I know we want the swamp drained and we are all so tired of our country being led down this path. I can see how people get caught up in the thought that one person could come in and set America instantly on the straight and narrow. But I don't think it works that way. It's a fight and in so many ways, it's out of our hands, so shame on Q and whoever else is doing this to take advantage of peoples hopes like theyre doing. Sending them on wild goose chases, having them solve puzzles and sit by their computers refreshing all day long to see if "Q" has posted his daily manna. It's a sick twisted game. If I'm wrong, I'll be the first to admit it but I don't think I am. It just sticks in my craw!! On the other hand, meganon rings true to me. It's a slow, calculated, intelligent drain that accomplishes one step at a time. It makes sense to me, especially as time goes on and we see the tidbits that she feels comfortable telling us (not stupid clues), filling in themselves to become true happenings. Its gonna take years to get this done. Ill wait and do what I can in my small patch of world and place my vote accordingly. End of rant. Lol


Do you have any insight on the angle Trump is trying to go for concerning DACA?

I would like to hear Megs view on this as well. I don't like watching Jeb Bush and Flakey Flake acting so happy.

Also curious about what DiFi was doing and if she succeeded by dropping the Fusion GPS testimony. Also, what is being done to clip her wings.

(I'm from California and illegal immigration is killing us out here. DiFi has also been in office far too long, but because of the way we now do primaries, we can't get a GOPe (no less a true conservative) in a statewide election spot anymore. Kamala Harris (who replaced Boxer) was running against ANOTHER DEM in the general (Loretta Sanchez). No Republican made it through the open primary. (It's a weird system.)

Well, "In Trump We Trust" is always my default position. I hope he's just playing more rope-a-dope and not willing to give away the store.

I trust Trump. I don't trust the freaking swamp.

I heard the full quote on the BBC. He mentions the wall and the fact that drugs are pouring over the border. In other words, fake news.

No blind faith mate, Never trust just believe....

First of all, if he actually got everything he's demanding in exchange for DACA, it would be a great deal. The DACAs are one well-identified group of people who are already here, and up until a year ago no one thought there was even a chance of getting rid of them. Things like the Wall and chain migration are far more important for stopping the invasion in the future.

But it's better than that: DACA is dead. It's been dead since Pelosi got chased off that stage by illegals demanding that all 11 million (by which they mean 30-40 million) be treated the same as the DACAs. Trump snookered them with that dinner conversation where they theorized about how maybe they could trade this and that for these and those. To a businessman, that kind of thing is just talk until you start putting it on paper and signing it. But they were so excited about scoring in a deal with the Master Negotiator that they forgot their base would kill them for any concessions on immigration, plus any concessions to the president they've been insisting is the worst evah.

So now the Dems can't touch it. They can virtue-signal about it all day, but they can't get serious about dealing on it. It's too late for them to go back to demanding we keep the DACAs out of guilt or something, with nothing being traded for them. The window on that shifted when they came out and said they'd made a great deal for them.

The GOPe traitors would love to keep them, but Trump obviously has them in his pocket -- see the tax bill vote. You know what's special about Bush and Flakey? They aren't running in 2018. They can say whatever they want to try to poke a stick into Trump's spokes on immigration. Many of the Republicans who would have to vote on such a bill would love to be voting for a full amnesty, but they can't now without getting killed by their own base. Because again, that meeting proved that Republicans don't have to play the game of "Well, if we cave in to the Dems on A, B, and C, maybe they'll keep their promise on D later" anymore. Trump showed you can get something for DACA, pretty easily, so there's no way they can just hand it to the Dems.

So people on both side of the uniparty aisle are going to continue to natter about it, and the deadline will continue to approach. More DACAs will go home voluntarily (they don't necessarily want to be Americans, after all; they were just brought here and got handed a pretty good deal, to live and work here on a rental basis) which will strengthen Trump's position. Eventually either it will end and they'll all be subject to deportation, or he will get everything he's asked for in exchange for it. Win-win.

9th circuit says he can't get rid of it, which will be overturned by a higher court...because that makes absolutely no sense. Also, IT EXPIRED ANYWAY.

I agree that keeping the non-criminal, english speaking, high school graduating kids would be nothing to get E Verify, end diversity lottery, end chain migration STARTING with the DCA kids parents who are the whole fucking problem. Oh, and the wall.

I agree. That's a deal.

But either way this is win-win for Trump. Either DACA gets passed and we get all this stuff that we want, or the Dems shut down the government and prove to everybody once and for all that they against border enforcement.

Wictor made a good point about how in September there were 790,000 DACA and today it is down to 670,000 DACA. A year before that there were 1.1 million DACA. It looks like they are self deporting.

The reason BO did an executive order is because the congress wouldn't make a law.

I just keep sharing with my friends so he can get more subs. He’s 32 and has a ton of wisdom. I like to watch him as well and support him.

Alright I guess I'll be the one to ask :)


What's up with The Clap claiming there was no FISA warrant? Was it one of those fucked up situations where they were planning on retroactively granting it post-spying?

u/imegahatenicknames Feinstein released the Fusion GPS testimony that was just announced...WTF? How can she legally even release that while an investigation is going on? Two ways to look at this: she wants us to see its not what republicans have been saying was in it, or?

For some reason, Fusion GPS was demanding the committee release it. I'm kind of baffled why.

That was very strange, as it is an ongoing investigation. Also find it very interesting that Fusion GPS was the company who supposedly looked at the DNC server(s) and found that the Russians had hacked it. Then tell me why the FBI did not insist the DNC hand over the server(s) for them to determine if in fact Russia did hack them. Many of us know that the whole "THE RUSSIANS DID IT" was a scheme cooked up by the HRC campaign to give Trump grief and discredit him. Now I lean left, but the crap they pull is just crazy. It has been proven the Russians did not hack the DNC, and that it was an inside job. Feinstein is an old bat who tends to vote either direction, just depending on the wind. What was her motive?

/u/IMegaHateNicknames I listed the full info about government trafficking ring. It was deleted in about an hour. It was called Pedo's Down Under Pedo's in Power. Is this ASIO again or that board?


What I don't get is the bad actors already had backdoor communication channels to be on the same page probably for last 50 years. This tells me someone either broke their backdoor communications channel or they believe it is compromised and can no longer use it. Your thoughts on this? Why expose publicly to get bad actors in line if they have always had back channel to do this?

The NSA turned out to be our guys when lead by Rogers. They had this capability and the motive since they were part of the military and not corrupted like the other 3 letters.

I have a good question for MegaHate or whoever can answer this. How much money did Obama, Hillary, et al. loot from the federal government? I'm not talking about bribes, I'm talking about actual kickbacks like Solyndra money, money falling off pallets being shipped to Iran, and other things like that. I'm talking about actual theft.


Just for the record.... I love Bannon. Why? He knows history, and he has a worldview that goes far deeper than all these supposed autist experts on /pol will ever know. Speaking as an evil "boomer." :)

Leo XIII and Rerum Novarum. Pius XI and Quadragesimo Anno, esp paragraphs 95-105. JPII and Centesimus Annus. Eisenhower railing against the MIC. Hilaire Belloc. GK Chesterton. Bannon the man knows his shit.

So does Trump.

It's actually interesting to me that, like Bannon, so many of the White Hats are Catholic. Mattis. Kelly. Flynn. Dunford. Mulvaney.

Leaving Jeebus aside for the moment, the worldview is pretty interesting. But I've been at happy hour with a vendor, so who knows. :)

You need to tag her username for her Mega to be able to see the thread but you can search the compiled text thread for her comments on bitcoin.

oh.. new here on these posting still trying to get the hang of it!! she said didnt like the nicknames so iwas tryn to b respectful .. no worrys i,ll try it thanks

No worries, just re-post your question, but but the following string (without the quotes) in the first line to make sure she 'sees' it: "/u/IHateNicknames"

/u/IHateNicknames I saw an article today, it said the FBI has asked some Aussie to prepare info on Aussie politicians and the Clinton foundation. Thank Christ.

But what about the child rape business and MKULTRA programs that the CIA set up in Australia and New Zealand? Its really bad down here. With our courts, doctors etc set up to ensure that in family court or child services cases, our children are given to pedophiles.

Most of our prime ministers and governor generals are pedophiles. The governor general runs the pedo ring, and many of our past and present Prime ministers receive a royalty cheque from child services (FACS) for the child rape /sale earnings.

We have children being kept in cages in DUMBS, that we share with the US. The Ritual Satanic Abuse/MKULTRA is rife here. I believe our Prime minister is an MKULTRA Manchurian candidate, as is Trudeau, probably Macron and definitely Obama. John Key, former PM of New Zealand is a total Pedo, probably MKULTRA as well, I think he went to the same Jesuit rape school as Turbull.

Turbull has just illegally forced same sex marriage through, so that transgener and homosexual sex will be forced into all sxhools.

He is going to try to force through Australia becoming a republic in the same way, a postal poll, not a referendum. This is a problem as it automatically gives us to the UN.

Its pretty fucked here, 70% of our manufacturing and farming has been given to third world nations. We have no work. Mass Muzrat Migration. We have no housing.

Its at the point were all we can do is to start killing the bastards, or petion Putin to come in a clean the mongrels out.

The CIA killed our PM Harold Holt cause he didnt want them in Pine Gap.

Mossad with approval of John Howard massacred 30+ people in Tasmania, to bring in gun control(as demanded by the UN) They were going to Americans, but their boat was late.

They blamed a young retarded guy, Martin Bryant, who grew up in the Family, a CIA cult Julian Assange spent time in, as a kid.

We are truly in deep shit. Forced vaccination, Ebola in wheat, killing roos, thick chemtrails.

And nests of USA military and intelligence infesting our nation.

So, is Trump going to disclose and removr the crap that was sent here?

Is he going to help get rid of these MKULTRA rapists?

Will he help "out"/them?

And why the hell did he let weather weapons get used on Texas? And CGI hurricanes be broadcast, scaring everyone. What about the mass graves filled in in Texas?

And why is he so cosy with Murdoch, a Lucifarian Pedo from way back?

I hope you know some of this stuff.

Thanks for your time. I enjoy your data.

I saw an article today, it said the FBI has asked some Aussie to prepare info on Aussie politicians and the Clinton foundation.

Link related to NZ and ex-PM, John Key

Todd and /u/IMegaHateNicknames , just a little something that might brighten up our day :-)

So it seems that the Barry S whitehouse, DOJ, FBI could all have been conspiring (Spying) in the use of 702 unmasking request to spy on the GEOTUS campaign. That's why Adm Rogers met with President elect Trump in Nov and the next day the entire operation was moved to Bedminister.

So more criminal charges are coming?

Holy shit! Good link. Geeze fucking louise! This shit is so wrong on so many levels. This has to come out. It's just wrong.

Dan Bongino has done at least one entire podcast about this too.


You mentioned we'd see something on Moore/Jones and election fraud after Jones was seated in the Senate. Should we still expect news on this topic? Thanks!

I find myself wondering about this too. I was encouraged when the election committee was moved from a volunteer group to DHS, but...

Hello /u/IMegaHateNicknames, On Wed 13 Dec 2017 11:05:46 No.153130434, you said: "Schumer, Menendez and Booker all liked partying with imported, young, Dominican teens" And on Tue 19 Dec 2017 21:27:15 No.153883540, you said: ""First, Schumer is going down y'all. Be excited."

I know you HATE dates, timelines, nicknames, rope burns, etc., but any update on this slimeball, Schumer? Thanks for everything, Megs, you're the BEST!

That is what I wondering too. I especially thought of it after seeing Menendez in that meeting yesterday about immigration. These people have to be punished and soon...before you know it, it will be 2018 elections...this stuff needs to break before then.


Hey, /u/IMegaHateNicknames, is this true? I sure hope not.

(Secrets of the CIA's Global Sex Slave Industry)

I have recently read about the CIA and its influence in global child trafficking, but I can't point you to where I read it. It concerned a large orphanage built in the area of Serbia in anticipation of a war. The CIA then instigated war in the Serbian region (1990's?). Children who were placed in the orphanage were then subjected to tests to determine physical, mental and emotional health and how smart they were. This is where the brainwashing began. The best children were set aside to be sold to politicians and the elite. Children were then filtered out of the area via non-profit "adoption"programs to help the children. I wish I could point you to where I read this. Basically, from what I've researched, the CIA has their hands in drugs, human trafficking, basically anything that creates cash. Serbia is only one example of how involved the CIA is globally.

Edited for spelling and to add to content.

I stumbled across this article while researching in the first few weeks after PG broke. At the time, it fit right in with what was beginning to be discovered about trafficking at a global level, including the CF’s function and participation, in all things vile. It also serves to highlight some aspects covered in several books addressing programming. And it continues to ring as truth.

As awful as it is, it does seem to put an exclamation point on DJT’s EO last month and the intent to stop the atrocities that’ve been taking place behind the scene for generations.

The trafficking and pedophelia are just a couple of things that’ve been going on we’ve been lied to about. Shit’s about to get really real and the only thing everyone will be certain of is we’ve been lied to about pretty much everything for far too long.

I'm having Megs withdrawal; please send (.) (.) !!!!

/u/imegahatenicknames.....silly ??,s why did merkle look so upset @the G20 in 2017 she,s the hostess and was almost cryin in hands as trump walk by..they say trump upset her, but outside the walls they were burning and riotin ... did she just get the news from outside i thought it was odd of her .. WTF ..!!????????????

/u/IMegaHateNicknames If the case is winding down, and Mueller is playing his part why on earth would they just hire this guy? Sounds like it is still building steam, not winding down....?? "Special Counsel Robert Mueller has added the Justice Department’s cyber prosecutor behind the suspect Megaupload case and controversial U.S. prosecution of Kim Dotcom to his team investigating President Donald Trump and the White House.

The move is sure to set off flashing red sirens for Beltway insiders and internet freedom advocates who have accused the Justice "Department and FBI of heavy-handed and dubious tactics in the Kim Dotcom case. The DOJ prosecutor, Ryan K. Dickey, is the lead prosecutor on the case and was responsible for seizing the internet entrepreneur’s assets in New Zealand before the case even began, during a daylight raid of the businessman’s estate."

Hi. I'm beat and it's been a long day... but then I saw this and I just about died on the inside.

Mediamatters? Really?

Sooooo, who wants to break the bad news to Sean about QAnon????....

(Apparently the Wolff book Wikileaks posted a few days ago had changed the "O" to "Q" in two chapter titles, feeding the Q frenzy. {I haven't checked personally}. Perhaps that's why Hannity dipped his toe in there?).

Omg, hadn't heard about O to Q thingy.

Yes, a pede on The Donald mentioned it, then I saw a screenshot of the Chapter headings with the change. But, I haven't gone to the manuscript myself to confirm it's not a LARP (I tune out on Q stuff now).

Yeah, "Defcon1" was my last "Q" day. 😕

Mine was late November, when several "Happenings" didn't happen, and ploughing through a hundred shills to get to something interesting grew too exhausting. I did enjoy learning a heap of intriguing new things though!

Just tried to find Wikileaks' Fire & Fury, but the link was broken (violation of Google's T&Cs).

I'm of the mind it isn't even true (the q and o thing). I think it is a 'planted' story.

If ANY copy of the .pdf reads that way, I'D LIKE TO SEE IT PRODUCED.

I'm betting that no one will be able to...and I'm counting on the fact that if anybody DOES, a little digital forensics will expose exactly when the Qs were edited in.

My money is on POST download.

I agree. It all seemed a little too convenient. Very clever though, to get Q True Believers all hyped, since Assange IS a trusted source.

As I mention, the link to the pdf is now broken so I can't validate.

The state these people are in (at cbts)...all it takes is ONE plant, or ONE lie, or ONE cap of an edited pdf page, and it will spread like wildfire, and be instantly 'true'.

Yes, I've been quite surprised to see such a fervent hive mind develop on free-thinking /pol/ of all places!

/pol/ isn't /pol/ anymore, what with the massive influx of 'normies' that has taken place, due to the deliberate push by 'namefags' to build their Q cult.

It seems pretty clear to me, that this has been an effort to congregate as many folks (what would be described by establishment types as 'malcontents and trouble makers) together as possible.

One must then ask...what would the purpose of such a deliberate effort be? Why would they want to lure everyone into the same 'room'?

Unfortunately, my best answer is..."A massacre."

Holy cow, pipesog!

Your reply was a great one, but now in recent hours Mega's confirmed Assange IS Q, so the "O"s changed to "Q's in Wolff's books were not a LARP!

My head's spinning.

If'll be a great way to be proven wrong.

Crow will never have tasted so good.


I know it's meaningless since these are just words and I don't know who is shilling who anymore but the altered chapters where there in mine download.

Interesting! Thank you for the confirmation. (Yes, I feel the same. I guess Time Will Tell whether this crazy twist is legit. In the meantime, I'll just enjoy the ride).

That’s were a lot of the MSM stuff comes from.

Its not that bad. Of course it was going to get out there and it only mentions Q. Your good, sleep comfy

It's disastrous for Hannity.

I honestly thought he was more "in the know" than this.

Yep, I thought he had better sourcing than to fall for obvious larp.

He's connected to the President. Why do you think you know better than he, and Dr. Corsi? BTW Dr. Corsi has a background in Intel and has been personal friends with the President for 40 years. He worked for JFK and is a remowned researcher. He's vouchig for Q. Why do you believe it's OBVIOUSLY false when they dont?

Hannity is more in the know than Megaanon is although I enjoy her sassy style. Hannity is connected to Trump. Megaanon is part of the GOPe and Bannon crowd.

its not disastrous for Hannity..

that tweet just links to Washington Post, theres absolutely nothing wrong with that.

the tweet just happens to have that stupid hashtag.

Hannity was nearly fired from Fox News simply for discussing Seth Rich.

Your right but it doesn't cast his vetting of information in a good light.

Anyone can now say, okay so if he believes that Q shit is real, then I dont believe he has vetted the Kim, and SCR stuff.

Agree. Hannity much smarter than I am. If anyone attacked me for discussing/reading Q, my simple response would be to clarify it’s interesting reading, it’s anon so I don’t place much weight, and it’s probably as accurate as Fire and Fury. I would be telling the truth as I thoroughly enjoy folliwing Q and Mega, but these are both anon sources and we should all take them with a grain of salt. To me, verification, if it happens, comes in the form of actual events aligning. From this perspective, we are all ‘waiting’, hence my previous comment that I fear this is ‘hope porn’.

Mega nailed Mccabe awhile ago, but haven’t seen much else verified (there are many ‘indicatons’ she’s on the right track). Haven’t seen Alabama election fraud go anywhere, haven’t seen any indication JA out of the embassy, haven’t seen Schumer go down, Huma’s wearing bell bottoms-no indication of indictment (yet) or monitor, breitbart fox merger under bannon looks dead.

Not sayin Mega isn’t legit, but she is anon. Keep your heads screwed on straight folks.

Not sayin Mega isn’t legit, but she is anon. Keep your heads screwed on straight folks.

100% agree. I made this point more-or-less the other day and was downvoted to hell in /r/CBTS_Stream. I'll only add that while we're waiting for M's information to be verified, encouragingly her information hasn't been contradicted, either. What gives me a bit of confidence is that her predictions are specific enough that they'll either come true, or they'll go down in flames soon enough.

But Skepticism should always be the order of the day. There are people paid to go through these forums and post misinformation to try and poison the well.

Because I haven’t seen her info contradicted is why I’m here. I won’t even try speaking critically with the Q cult. I enjoy folliwing it, but I hear the language used by many in that circle and many think if Q says it-it’s a fact. A little scary to me. As for megs, she’s clear that timelines are flexible and stuff happens to the initial plan. That gives her much more street cred because it’s how the real workd works.

Talk about sychronicity, on lunch break listening to Potter, you’d think we just spoke before my last post

That gives her much more street cred because it’s how the real workd works.

It's also worth remembering that she's not an Oracle giving prophecies. Even if she's plugged in, she's a human being dealing with imperfect information. She might make mistakes.

What gives her credibility in my eyes is how exceptionally well-informed she is. If she's a LARP pretending to be on the inside, but isn't actually, she's an amazingly educated one. At the very least, the background information on the players that she talks about is very helpful in understanding the world. She touches on nearly every subject and it all fits together into a comprehensive narrative. But even more, when she doesn't know, she says she doesn't know.

It would be hard for me to believe someone with this much knowledge at her fingertips is not an analyst somewhere. Given that she's said she's a consultant, that tells me she's an intelligence analyst who is given special projects as needed, which is why she knows so much about so many different areas.

Good analysis u/Cuthbert12Allgood. Wouldn't you love to have a beer or two with Mega?

Q doesn't make predictions. Megaanon does. I enjoy her banter but she actually would like Ryans bff, Trey Gowdy to be POTUS rather than Trump. That means, best case scenario, that shes politically naive about the Swamp.

Yes...the cbts congregation of dimwits have discovered that they can downvote reality away.

I admit that I can be a dick - especially when I've had my fill of stupid - but I have been witnessing perfectly civil posts by non-troll members get monkey-hammered with the down arrow, for simply saying they weren't convinced of a connection between a Q drop and a real world event 2 days later.

It is textbook mass delusion over there.


Removed. Rule 10. 1st warning.

It's sad that because you, as an outsider, can't understand the open ended joyous fun of Q and chan you dismiss it with disdain. Q was never meant for you. You guys sound like Never Trumpers at the National Review who think you're superior when really you're just different. What are you doing to help besides being snide about those who are working their hearts out to make this world better? What is your contribution?

Oh, fuck you , you self-important dullard.

The self-defense mechanism of deluded dimwits often involves making inept comparisons while simultaneously downplaying the seriousness of their own erred path.

Get this through you thick head...YOU ARE NOT CONTRIBUTING ANYTHING but NOISE.

You fuckin idiots ARE NOT sussing out criminal cabal connections and bringing them to the authorities for prosecution. You ARE NOT advancing the 'draining of the swamp' ONE IOTA. YOUR 'EFFORTS' (and I strain to even call some of the ridiculous speculation I've seen true 'effort') have resulted in exactly ZERO children being saved.


You think these die-hard Q tards, spending their days waiting on pins and needles for a Q drop, and in the meantime going BACK over previous drops (half-assed, I might add, since if anybody REALLY paid attention, there would be NO TALK of white rabbits, or 10 days of darkness), chasing DEAD-END 'clues' willingly and without complaint because hey, "disinfo is neccessary", SHUTTING OUT all conflicting inputs and dismissing it as 'shilling', suspending critical thought for the duration, because at one point some imagined 'threshold' was crossed and so no further discernment need be applied as to ANYTHING from that source, and somehow being capable of simultaneously holding the belief that on one hand, POTUS has orchestrated the most brilliant campaign ever against the entrenched deep state and is outmaneuvering them at every turn with his trusted team of military heroes along side, while on the other hand, he - and all his MILITARY advisors would be SO inept and clueless that they would EVER allow a declaration of DEFCON 1 to be made, and that their plan needed a bunch of UNDEREMPLOYED CYBER-DWELLERS, distraught soccer-moms, and armchair wanna-be Captain Americas involved, in order to succeed.


Q doesn't want people to passively sit around and wait. He seeks to awaken peoples curiousity, to inspire them to ask questions, research, closely follow the news, network, talk with everyone we can. For the chans, he's asked them to put their research into maps so outsiders can understand the big picture and the connections. People on chan are brilliant at research maps; making the complex comprehensible. He's also asked them to prepare memes for when things start coming out. Memes can break through the conditioning and spark questions and discussion. Qs format is specifically designed to mobilize the people on chan. Things filter out from there. At least people are starting to be curious about whats going on which is good however Q is NOT about passivity. He's urging everyone to wake up and do their part. Together we will MAGA.

Unbelievable...does he not know any better than this??!!

If I were someone who has committed serious crimes against the American people and against humanity, as it appears so many have, and I read Sara Carter's article today that established, credibly, that the dossier was used to secure at least one FISA order, and if I saw the first half of Hannity's show with Congressmen Jordan and Meadows and Hannity all talking with Carter about her article and implications and what appears about to come out imminently (days, perhaps), and if I listened to Jordan and Meadows appeal that these documents and this evidence be released to all Representatives who would then insist that all of this be released to the American people who have a right to know this and their representatives have an obligation to disclose to them, I would be concerned right now . . .

if I were a covert operative who had very dirty hands and was tasked with monitoring what the good guys in the system were doing and disclosing to anons, I would be reading both the Q materials, and the M materials.

And when they saw them they would just about die inside.

Give up guys. Seek clemency while you can. This isn't going to work out well for you if you don't.

And if you do it's better for all of us, not just for you. That's a worthy objective to seek as well.

The BO's will be proud (and richer)!

This is where emoji capture the perfect response: 🤦🏼‍♂️

Wanting evidence- changing the collective consciousness to want evidence, to be able, ready and willing to receive the truth is exactly what Q algorithm's is engineered to impact. Yes, I said algorithm as Q is an OBJECT, A MAP --- Q is NOT a subject, NOT a person-- Q is dynamic where artificial intelligence meets human intelligence meets quantum computing and digital communications. As an object--it is not truth. It is an object/a map we look at with minds we currently have, subjectively. Notice how to valid the map many minds look to a subject behind the object to discern credibility. Subject and object blur. As more humans look at it and interact with it, the object changes, as the object changes our minds change.

Human intelligence is a wide spectrum of awareness, blindness and capability. We turn to other human minds to help us makes sense of the object. Artificial and human intelligence accesses manipulations, saboteurs, opportunities, realities and non-realities. Subjects are seen as objects and objects are seen as subjects.

Q is written in code because it objectifies deep intelligence. It is simple and sophisticated. Right and wrong.

No human intelligence can convey the object in it's totality to another human, it is the object on a subjective mind where change happens. Point people to the object, let them have their own relationship with it-- not to how "woke" you are to Q's genius or tyranny-- because we are not that woke. Care for your own mind. You matter.

Of course that's just my subjective mind in relationship with the Q object and with all of you on this anon board. My intent is to Make America Great Again being a source of emergent human intelligence capable of solving our current problems and creating our next reality where more of us thrive. If you carry human intelligence -- Take it or leave it. To the artificial intelligence-- pay attention-- I see you.

Q is an OBJECT


Im lazy and haven't checked this, but isn't Media Matters linked to George Soros? Although I'm not convinced about Q in anyway and read for entertainment purposes but anything written by Media Matters for me is very questionable as far as motive.

Interesting. Only issue is that you think Q is preparing us to accept the truth. Q is working within an echo chamber of existing conspiracy theorists who are impatient for the ‘happenings’ so they can finally be vindicated. I’m not sure Q has exposed me to any new ideas, just some dot connecting validating what I already thought. Problem is, there is clear BS red meat thrown in which tipped me off early on. The ‘Rothschild’ central bank ownership post is a classic example. He/it listed every central bank in the world (pretty much) as Rothschild owned, fact is most central banks are nationalized, private central banks like the fed are the exception. Just one piece of BS. There is more as Mega has indicated. I think this is more likely than not an attempt to make us look foolish, that’s what Alex Jones excels at!

Hilaroius. I prefer Q. Questions rather than imperious declarations.

Thank you Megs!!! Been lurking from the beginning! You go girl!! Wondering if Strzok is FusionGPS?

Have the links been corrupted? I click on 8 Jan and get 9 Jan - yesterday worked fine.....

4plebs archive time stamps are localized. My dating is based on default 4chan time which is EST, the timestamp of the first comment by each ID matters.

/u/IMegaHateNicknames I posted the Aussie politicians pedo ring with the names of two people associated with Maddy's disappearance on 4chan pol twice. Got archived twice. Now I'm banned. I don't know why. I don't understand 4chan. Anyway, at least some other people have the into now.

Really hope Trump cleans our swamp.

I hope you stay safe.

PS, Roy Potter has had a gutful of Q

Starting to feel like this is all ‘hope porn’ for us.

Doom porn really got overplayed. Psychological warfare is all about demoralizing the enemy and what better what to do it than pump people up with hopes (The swamp was already drained and you're too stupid to see it! Everyone has ankle bracelets in secret for months!) and then pull the rug out from under them.

The secondary message is "you don't have to do anything, just sit back and enjoy the show! It's all being taken care of but you'll never hear confirmation of any of it, so don't expect it."

I wised up to Q quickly but if meganon is a total larp, I'm really gonna feel like an idiot. That is all.

Don't. You are not an idiot, you are merely thinking for yourself. You don't buy what the mainstream is trying to feed you with and you are looking for other alternatives that makes sense. What Meg talks about makes intuitive sense.

Now if Meg turns out to be a LARP, don't blame yourself. Look at it as a long day dream like what people do when they buy a lottery ticket when the jackpot gets up to 300 million dollars.

Thanks, I needed to hear that. You are right too. Shes logical and she's reserved in what she says, which is the way I would be if in her shoes.


Megs, help! Dreiband is getting approved today.

How do I find the address for Wray and his admin/main POC if all that is on FBI site is the HQ address?!

FBI Headquarters 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20535-0001


Trump talked to Putin about adoption

Adoption was also mentioned about Trump Jr. meeting

Russia banned adoptions to US

Ethiopia bans foreign adoptions

Ethiopia has banned the adoption of children by foreigners amid concerns they face abuse and neglect abroad. Ethiopia is one of the biggest source countries for international adoptions by US citizens, accounting for about 20% of the total.

Children are trafficked in US through Child Protective Services (search: Senator Nancy Schaefer)


When you find out they have a book deal in the works you realize they are playing us. I do feel very bad for Dr. Jerome Corsi. His reputation is on a thin wire right now. At least Lt. Colonel Roy Potter gets it.

Really disappointed in Corsi. This is beneath him.

I agree and thought he was a good man. I hate how they are dragging in good patriots to Q

For what it's worth...the book deal has been denied...I don't remember whether it was Pamphlet or Baruch, or whomever, but they said that they had said that they had a book deal as a troll to someone.

u/IMegaHateNicknames Do the Clinton/Obama/Bush crew actually believe in the NWO/Globalist vision for the world or are they simply money hungry opportunist that know they will always be insulated from the policy's they put into place?

I think it's both. They are greedy and addicted to power, they live in a different reality.

My understanding is that the NWO crowd has different layers to it, and each layer thinks it’s the top layer. Every layer is unaware of how it’s feeding into the darker, increasingly sinister agendas of the layers above them. It’s set up that way on purpose. So, the Clinton/Obama/Bush crew only part of the picture- the version where they know everything that’s going on, even though they certainly don’t. I’d guess there are dozens of layers above them. They are just one of the highest layers that is in the public eye.

Looks like Roy Potter is off of Q...


Next Tracy needs to dump CBTS.

Well that didn't take long...

Pamphlet is back to mod. The inmates are officially back in control of the asylum.

Just as well that she NOT be associated as directly with that Goat Rodeo.


Hi Megs! I hope you're getting some needed rest and relaxation in-between your very insightful postings - which I very much appreciate btw :)

Couple questions for ya...

  1. I'm sure most of us here talking about this stuff are aware of the MSM and "news" they report. For that reason I used to turn to places like Breitbart and Drudge for reasonably good intel. But since that no longer seems to be the case, what places do you normally look to for news/intel? In your experience are there any organizations out there still that do actual investigative reporting and provides real stories?

  2. My significant other does not believe in any of the this makes globe-like hand gestures stuff we discuss and research. While [pronoun here] loves me dearly, it's very sad to me that we can't agree on the true state of global affairs. Do you by chance have to deal with a similar issue? Or if not, what do you suggest as the best way to relate to and discuss these topics? I have over 17 years of research/data in my head that I can never pull out when I need it the most and discussing all this makes me feel like an idiot or a lunatic, haha.

Thanks again for all you do! 🖖

Not Megs, but if you want a really good website to get accurate stories from, go to and read Sundance. He also posts on Twitter as TheLastRefuge. and on Twitter is great, too. These guys are always first with the news. Real news.

great suggestions if 'real news' = selective reporting with partisan bias. It does appear that's what they're looking for though. just as bad as MSM in my opinion.. just spun differently.

dont forget to check out and as well... for more real news.


Megs, help! Dreiband should be getting approved soon.

How do I find the address for Wray and his admin/main POC if all that is on FBI site is the HQ address?!

Do I just send info to that address and put Wray's name on it? How do I find who his POC is to address to them?

FBI Headquarters 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20535-0001

Thank you!


Trump talked to Putin about adoption

Adoption was also mentioned about Trump Jr. meeting

Russia banned adoptions to US

Ethiopia bans foreign adoptions

Ethiopia has banned the adoption of children by foreigners amid concerns they face abuse and neglect abroad. Ethiopia is one of the biggest source countries for international adoptions by US citizens, accounting for about 20% of the total.

Children are trafficked in US through Child Protective Services (search: Senator Nancy Schaefer)


u/IMegaHateNicknames Is Sundance correct? Did the FBI hire Fusion GPS as a sub-contractor, allowing them to run FISA 702 inquires?

If this IS true, how the hell is it legal?

Omg, hopefully this will burst everything wide open!

It's NOT legal, of course. As Megs has been saying, the evidence is being assembled, legally, above the table. Given the information that's slowly being revealed, I'm guessing we're about to see a shitstorm of epic proportions. This is going to make Watergate (which I'm old enough to remember) look like child's play. The election fraud or Schumer stuff is interesting, but THIS is where we're going to see the swap revealed in all its ugliness. I hope.

A word of caution. As far as I can see, it would not be wise to get caught up in the alleged "shithole" comments. I know a lot of people are high-fiving and saying "hell yeah, he's saying what we're all too afraid to say! He's our man!" But where did this originate? WAPO and the usual "unnamed sources." They're trying to make Trump and us look bad, just before all the illegal Obama/DOJ/FBI shit is definitively revealed. Same thing Megs said about Q. My money's on disinfo re: the shithole comments.

There's obviously a shit ton of stuff going on right now. Things are building to a crescendo. Just guessing, but if she's legit, she's got to be busy as fuck right now, and that may explain why so few posts the last couple days.

I was thinking the same thing about her visits being less than we are used too. Makes sense.

Sundance is NEVER wrong. These people should hang on the steps of the Capitol.

I mean, I told you Strzok is a 1099 FBI contracted spook. I told you he was a documents and memos guy creating Fisa's and supporting docs for fisas with Rice. I told you Flynn knew this and this was why he plead guilty to force testifying on the record.

So yes. You already know what I think about all of this so conservative treehouse is just further proving it, which I appreciate because I lost anon on boards and good guys like him, give it to you on twitter. I just wish he went a little deeper into the Rice help/Power doc forging as I've mentioned and then liked to why Flynn's testimony was as important as Rogers Trump tower meeting.

I hope Flynn has many other stories to tell.

The faux outrage from cnn tonight is disgusting. Why didnt they care about Haiti when Clinton Foundation hindered them?

We need this start happening in public eye so these windbags shut up.

The Haiti comments seem off - guess need to wait 24 hours to settle. Ultimate fantasy would be this is all part of some grand master plan to get people talking about Haiti before a big drop by someone with files related to Haiti.

Yes, disgusting. Even Breitbart was reporting the shithole comments and implying they were true (as I mentioned earlier, I'm skeptical about that), albeit without the CNN histrionics.

So what if they are true? It's not saying anything I wouldn't say myself.

As I mentioned previously, I suspect those comments could be fake news, instigated by the usual "unnamed sources" at WAPO, to make Trump and us look like a bunch of racist xenophobes and dirty us in the minds of the masses. Their same general approach that Megs warned about with Q.

Btw, Trump has denied making the shithole comment via Twitter this morning.

Btw, Trump has denied making the shithole comment via Twitter this morning.

Btw, Trump has denied making the shithole comment via Twitter this morning.

Btw, this morning Trump tweeted a denial about the shithole comment.

Thanks for everything you've done, and are doing, Ma'am. 👍😀 You've helped many of us out here put all the disparate pieces together. Shame we can't all get together in person, after it all goes down, for that happy hour you've mentioned in the past. But me and my buds will raise a glass in your honor. 🍸🍸

Edit: *I'm just an anon on boards

Also, I just want to clarify because I just re-read this and want make sure it's crystal clear. I wasn't trying to imply at all, that conservative treehouse used anything I've said in my posts and for his AMAZING WORK, when I said "I'm just an anon on boards and guys like him give it to you on twitter".

All I meant was that when asked what I thought, I referenced the points I'd made myself, in the last 2 months, that align with his article, to show you where I agree.

I've referenced a conservative treehouse article on here before too. He had done an incredible breakdown of the "strategies" being used in foreign policy, specifically as he related to Asia and the Middle East. It was so dead on incredible, I just posted the link as reference when I saw it because he'd said everything I had been saying, too. Conservative treehouse writes extremely accurate articles, from tge few I've seen linked here.

Hello. Can you tell us if things are moving along as planned. I’m concerned because I’m seeing a lot of very brainwashed people on twitter. Some are convinced Pres Trump had Seth killed to coverup his Russian collusion. Yeh. Let that sink in......these people may be hopeless. There may be no saving them. They’re too far gone. They have no critical thinking skills.

Also, what’s up with Debbie? Where’s she been? Is she in a boot? I haven’t seen any recent pics of Debbie, Hillary, or huma.

Lastly, when is William Campbell going to testify? I hope he lives long enough to. his Atty, Victoria, said he’s fighting leukemia. I like her. She seems wise.

Please keep us in the loop. It’s tough on the outside and we need the encouragement

Same. I know u/IMegaHateNicknames doesnt like timeframes, but I hope things are still moving forward.

Like you said, even if media actually reports it, some people wont believe. Hopefully they can reveal a lot of the evidence.

Yes. There's that deranged population of leftists and NeverTrumpers who will never accept a scenario where Donald Trump is the good guy. I've seen them claim the most bizarre stuff, like the idea that he's only going after human trafficking -- which they denied until it was proven true -- because he's actually one of the biggest traffickers himself. When Huma starts to testify against her co-conspirators, they'll probably decide she was a Trump plant from way back. They really are deranged.

But they don't matter. It's the 1/3 or so in the middle, who think they're independent/moderate and don't even realize how much they're being gaslit, that matter. They will recognize hard evidence of crimes like sedition and treason when it's laid out for them. It just has to get past the MSM filter, however that will be done. Then they will be calling for blood.

I hope you’re right. It’s so hard to gauge the population right now. I truly think something is wrong with the brains of some of these lefties. Literally, there’s something not connected or processing properly.

I don’t have a problem if they have different views than me. But laws are laws and there’s really no room for an opinion when it comes to a law. One either breaks the law or they don’t. If it’s unclear if one did or didn’t then the evidence needs to prove he or she did. If the evidence does so, then he or she must endure the penalty.

Nice "clarification" given that half your narrative is directly stolen from conservative treehouse

So as she's proven right about things, you're going to switch from calling her a larp to calling her a thief. Got it.

What has she been proven right about?


Just because she claims she was right doesn't mean she was, champ.

Go look at what she said then and what she says now. Quite enlightening.

Looking through the archives- are you saying S forged everything and gave it to Limey to break and that there never were any warrants applied for or approved, only forged docs made to look as though that process was used?

Hi Mega

I've posted regularly to TCT for over 18 months. I actually dropped your "Rice forged Power's name" + Flynn testimony clues on Sundance's comments as few hours ago, in reply to his "Stunning Developments Unfolding" article, citing you and linking your 7 Jan /pol/ thread (I hope you don't mind).

Hopefully Sundance picks it up.

Thanks for the clarification. CTH has done some good work, & if you search their archives they've done quite a few articles on Rice.

Also, thanks for the bumps on the /pol/ thread ;)

u/IMegaHateNicknames Hi-I wanted to know if Edward Snowden work alone or was he did he have help or was he the "one" to start the draining of the swamp? Is he a good guy? I loved his documentary Citizen 4. Thanks so much for all you do! :)

If POTUS reads this board, the way to get to the bottom of the immigration issue is to THREATEN TO HAVE A NONBINDING REFERENDUM, just like Brexit on the issue of immigration.

So many heads will explode all over Washington that blood will be flowing in the streets.

I want to have this vote, but the mere threat will be enough to scare them straight.



Louise "Limey" Mensch seems to have put her head on the chopping block as a perfect example of what Trump was hinting at with the the strengthening of Liable laws (or rather proper enforcement). I only can imagine what shit Mensch is into if she is so stupid to tweet that allegation (I wont repeat it). I hope the public begin to release that these people are projecting their own crimes onto other people in a way that is beyond criminal. She must know her time is up... She probably has been handed your posts by her Army of Idiots even, YET she is digging herself a bigger hole .or is she really that stupid....I guess i answered my own question 😃

Things are heating up ...possibly we arent so far from the "critical point" . I think many people here would feel the big relief when that critical point is reached and truth overflows the cup of lies . I also feel similar , and Im not US citizen - but I see the high importance of what is happening right now in the US . Corporation is closing ... Republic is re-established .

I was asking before about technological disclosure ( John G. Trump and Donald Trump connection through Tesla documents ) and I think we could definetly see Trump lifting Invention Secrecy Act at one point - after everyone from the "shadow government" is taken down .

There is a lot of fuss ( and disinfo ) about RV / GCR lately , but I think theyre simply letting too much of their greed to dictate them ... same with crypto-folk . And cryptocurrencies could also be something rolled out by AI - you would never know if value is truly the value , or an unrealistic number that is put there ( heck , we could say same for fiat system , too ) . I think , the moment when technologies supressed by Invention Secrecy Act of 1951. start surfacing - we will even realize some of those were old tech . Already everything is invented , but to keep the humans as working livestock , there was a need to create a sense of lack . The mentality of lack creates further scenarios and programs - within and "outside" the people themselves . Any monetary system is a temporary stopgap - but optimally that would be a gold-backed transition . Regardless of that ... the most important thing is technological disclosure - from that point on , there is no turning back on old ways .

I think the purge in US will also touch every single country around the globe - especially UK ( Queen , "Royals" ) , Switzerland ( Rothschilds ) and Vatican ( "Pope" , the last Pope ) . When Vatican is exposed , it will pull all religions with it - and implode .

People , regardless of their age , ethnicity , nationality ... they need to feel that lifting of misery program within them ... that theyre not bots and drones that work on pure routine mode . Routine is stagnation . Stagnation is death - actually only "true death" . When people become drones , they blindly follow programs . Programs of ideologies . Programs of religions . Programs of false humanism . Programs that reflect their own insecurity , passivity , their own fears and doubts , their own fear of future and deep nostalgia or guilt of past . Its the realization that you HAVE a choice , what frees and will free majority of people .

Of course , we know - Trump is not some "saviour persona" , it would be wrong to see him like this . But he is a right person , on right place , in right time , with right intention . I say : open the floodgates and drown all the rats ... its time . Its time to return the human dignity by making small acts of courage everyday , regardless of your own position in society . If that is made as true connective-collective ( and not false "unions" ) , the responsibility and true cooperation returns back to people .

If you are reading this - you hold the responsibility , too . And you also can and will affect the ultimate resolution .

Also , again , like before - thank you u/IMegaHateNicknames for your massive effort . I suppose you will be one day VERY relieved when you could finally put your real name and surname into public ;)

And thank you u/ToddWhiskey for making this topic and compiling all links into one , keeping it all up-to-date . Very big task to do ...

Hi Megsy.

Noticing your Bannon made up story looks worse by the day.

As does your fantasy of helping Assange escape.

As does your story about Bannon.

How ya doin', Megsy? Ready to admit you made it all up yet?

Biffsie, you need to pay closer attention. Trump ever-so-slightly started allowing the possibility of a reconciliation with Bannon yesterday. Check out his comments to the WSJ.

The issue with the stuff you post is that you rag on her for things that haven't happened yet, but still potentially could; while you completely ignore the things that are happening, that she talked in great detail about. Like the FBI/DOJ/Rice/Powell/Fusion GPS/Dossier shit that looks increasingly likely to blow up into Watergate on Steroids any time now.

This is why I've said your contributions here are useless, and why others don't give you any credibility, and think you're an ass.

I appreciate Biffsie simply because he’s what real keyboard flop-sweat looks like. He knows he’s fighting a losing battle here and the heat he feels is increasing daily since no one’s buying what he’s selling nor can he lure anyone into nonsensical emotional arguments.

His time here is running out. It’s unfortunate we won’t know if he gets reassigned or outright canned, but we’ll know when his replacement takes over the account because it’ll take them a few days to reach the level of desperation flop-sweat this guy’s achieved.

Haha, true. :)

The fusion gps / dossier stuff was a story looooooong before megafairytales latched onto it. She gets zero credit for that.

However- Bannon is still in real life exile. No reconciliation. Assange is still in the embassy in London. No spy story escape. Huma Abedin is still wandering free, spending her days in Hawaiian resort that costs more per night than most people make in a week.

No one is wearing an ankle monitor. It doesn't even make sense. Hillary has 24/7 federal protection for life. She's been out of the country since Megafairytale started this story. What would an ankle monitor even do with her?

No one has been shipped to gitmo. Even claiming that they were betrays a deep ignorance of the nature of gitmo. That alone should tell you she has no idea what she's talking about. None.

I know I'm wasting my time with the true beliebers here. You all want to believe and nothing will stop you.

But new people come here every day, and when they do they'll see someone pointing out the lies.

That isn't going to stop.

I'm not a true believer so I will post something else I find anomolous:

She posts a lot at 1:30 in the morning. Might she live on the west coast?

You're a waste of time, Biffsie. You ignored Trumps hints to WSJ about a reconciliation with Bannon being possible, and plowed ahead with with your claims about exile. You don't know what's gonna happen. If Trump is reopening the door, even slightly, which he has, then you might be wrong, and she might be right. We'll see, won't we? But you assert; you don't provide proof for anything you say. You fail by the very standards you try to apply to her.

Weren’t there supposed to be two of you devoted to “reclaiming the narrative” from MegaAnon on Reddit? Or is ShareBlue just double charging their donors?

Nevermind the fact that Bannon would have had to know that Breitbart would boot him over this, leaving him with absolutely no future income opportunities. There’s no other role in media for him, nobody’s gonna buy a book he writes, and nobody’s gonna hire a guy that half the country thinks is a nazi. Trump can’t hire him elsewhere or even pay him, as that would all come out.

No way it was planned.

House arrestee Huma is vacationing at Four Seaons in Hawaii.

I guess that ankle monitor lets her roam far and wide, huh?

And Hillary's been on book tours and McCain's been between east coast and AZ. So?!

And Hillary's been on book tours and McCain's been between east coast and AZ. So?!

Hilldawg has been out of the country since you invented your little fantasy.

But rage on, little mega.

You might want to think about that statement before believing it.

You know who owns a lot of stake in Four Seasons?! Saudi's. Did you see Weiner's statements coming out yesterday?! He and Huma singing like canaries?!

Remember all those rumbles around DC with the left bitching about Trump and DOJ moving people, cases and investigations OUT of the swamp in DC via the FBI?!

Keep your eyes open and mouth shut. You'll learn something. It's Huma's turn for "investigation"... no one needs another "garage fire".

She's not alone there...

I have not seen and can't find anything with a quick search about weiners statements yesterday, other than resolving the divorce privatey. Can you provide links? Thanks

This makes literally no sense at all.

You're claiming she was allowed to travel from New York to Hawaii because the Saudis have a stake in the Four Seasons?


How about the far more likely explanation that you've been caught in a wild lie and you're reaching for anything you can find.

Yes. That does in fact fit much better.

You latch onto only one piece of information from each of MegaAnons posts like a demented dog thinking it’s got ahold of more than it’s tail.

Keep posting Biff! Your doing an Awesome job of normalizing MegaAnons info with your rabid rhetoric

They tortured Bin Talal and 12 other Saudi's in a four seasons for 3 weeks. Remember that. 😉

Not saying Huma's getting tortured... just saying there's an irony to the Gates/BinTalal four seasons, we may find funny, later.

Yep and I am celebrating the Storm season along with you. Haven’t felt this optimistic about civics since I left High School.

Protip, honeybunch- House arrest ankle monitors don't allow Hawaiian vacations.

I always keep healthy skepticism with it comes to anonymous sources. But at least M is always polite (if sometimes exuberant), and at least is obviously informed enough to speak on the various subjects she speaks of.

You just look like an asshole when you phrase your posts like this. Make a point, back it with evidence, and maybe we can all learn something.

FWIW: Some ankle monitors are GPS tracking devices that allow for movement while keeping tabs on the subject. Not all ankle monitors keep a person locked in their homes. It all depends on court orders. Unfortunately my son got into some trouble and he had a monitor that tracked him. It was surprisingly small and easily concealed.

Tell us that story again about how you helped Assange escape.

And Hillary's been on book tours and McCain's been between east coast and AZ. So?!

Haha! I'm not answering you anymore. You're just here to start shit you won't be able to finish and I'm not going to waste time on you, anymore.

It's people like (you) who'll make the "get" so good for the rest of us. I mean, y'all bought "pissgate" and "gorillas". 😏

You bring us information and awareness. Most of us will never actively do anything, other than voting, to assist in the draining of the swamp. When we see something go down, we aren't surprised, we knew it was coming. We can then 'calm' those around us who didn't. Not sure why so many get their nickers in a bunch.

Speaking of Bannon, what's the deal with Kwok? Is he trying to focus attention there?

Think of Kwok as a Chinese Assange in exile. Only his exile is his choice and his "embassy" is an $82 million mansion. Kwok has been sticking his Chinese government sex videos and human rights corruption doc dumps, right up their Communist asses, for the better part of the last decade. He was a very bit part of the negotiations with China and the US, because Xi is a much better President than his predecessor and Kwok helped China realize how fucked up their government was.

Kwok also threatens Steve Wynn's most successful casinos, especially his Macau property, which requires China's permissions to operate. Wynn tried to lobby Trump by delivering a handwritten letter to him from China, where they were requesting his extradition.

Wynn got denied. The Mercer's don't like Kwok either. But the Mercer's did love Obamacare when they created it, sold it to their boy Romney in Mass. then got in through with Obama and the ACA. The Mercer's also loved both Bush's and both Iraq wars. Like, REALLY LOVED THEM. There are googleable things you can all research if you want. I'm not telling you anything new.

Concerning the Tor gliphs; have they been collected through no such agency? Do you know who Dooku, Severus, Roger and Juules are? Juules seems to be in charge. McCabe?

M, is your friend here trolling you incessantly an IC contractor working for the black hats? Sure seems like it.

Btw, I'm on my second read through the immensely important archive of your 4c posts put together by TW (in Oct now). Anyone who wants to understand what's going on right now would be well-advised to consider doing so, despite the amount of time and effort it requires. This info is really important.

for example, from M, Oct 19, 2017:

"Do your homework and read my prior posts. I'm as detailed and thorough as I can be. I broke it all down already... I don't type this much because I feel like it. I'm not trying to educate myself... I already know, hence, I tell you"

Worth paying attention to, I would say.

Btw, don't mean to be impolite to your trolling friend, whom I'm speculating may be an IC contractor working for the black hats. Those folks can be working in an unspeakably evil system for some unspeakably evil people, yet not be personally evil themselves, hence there's hope for them if they are willing to work on the side of the people and with the white hats inside and outside of the system to bring the bad guys to justice and reform these very broken and corrupt systems whose only legitimate purpose is to serve the people and enhance our individual and common freedoms.


I like how you lie even when responding to me calling you out on your lies.

I haven't said a word about pissgate or gorillas, but lacking any other handle, you try to smear me with them. That's who you are. That's what you do.

Sounds like you're a little bit "triggered" biff. Just a little bit.

dude, we get it. You don't believe her, fine.

Now you're just being an ass.

Please leave.

Yes, I don't believe her.

Yes, I'm being an ass about it.

No, I will not leave.

This isn't MegaFairyTaleWorld, it's a public place on the internet, and the lies she tells here spread.

So I'll be here calling her out on them.

You will leave pretty quick when you stop getting paid.

She isn't going to answer Biff. Ignore him. He hasn't said anything of interest and most important, we're not here to hear what he has to say anyway. Who cares whether he believes Mega?

Ignore him please.

u/IMegaHateNicknames I hope all is well with you. Just wanted you to know, saw some odd things mentioned/posted somewhere else in regard to a question regarding whether Q may be somehow connected to Russia or is Russian. Raises the question that if Q is rooted in setting up, perhaps, then setting up ties to Russia in a bad way, along with Q=Trump/MAGA in so many minds (and on $o many "truther$" sites/channels), I don't know...could make things worse than they are. Here's part of this conversation (below). Apparently things appeared to be scrubbed from the internet and some were trying to screenshot the images before they vanished.


"Anyone who knows how to dig in history on the internet, check this out.

"EC SM23" <---all words all over (and in more than one language sites) being scrubbed from:

RUtube (Russian youtube) Youtube Fresh-HeadlinesDOTcom"


"I think OP is just horrible at explaining the message that he is trying to convey. It isn't the topic in the images that he is referencing and claiming to have been scrubbed, but the "EC SM23" code in them that somehow link to Russia (the Pence post just happened to be the only one left that he could find with that in it). Amiright OP? I could be misunderstanding him as well, but that's what I get out of this. I would have to go back and look at Q posts for reference, but I don't recall seeing this."


"Thank you! People on defense or stuck-in-belief are sort of fundamentalist protective and don't pause to try to understand, they just pounce!

That is it, what you say. I got this bit from someone who wanted to get the word out. That is all I know, just the first post, nothing else. I tried to take screenshots of what was left but trickling away quickly.

I was hoping a group, or just maybe one at least, would help to save it all in screenshots to discuss and figure out.



"Sorry if this is a stupid post, but what if EC SM23 is an intentional Q code used to disseminate the Q material to Russia and other parts of the world for non nefarious reasons? This is just as likely. Russia (now) isn't the same "enemy" that we had before when it was the USSR.

The scrubbing could be being conducted for different reasons (like gatekeepers in those countries.)

But it is a great conspiracy theory and you raised a great question."



This isn't a stupid post, prior, unrelated, derailing posts are pretty stupid, Imo (no offense, but your Q uses the term, right?)...

Anyway, what you say, I am clearly not sophisticated enough nor internet skilled enough to dig into this.

I wanted those who WERE able to take this seriously and investigate and help to salvage the bits not yet purged/scrubbed."


Pass this along. If they know what they're looking at, they'll love this.

Makes the ad malware on the chan's last month, just a little more spoopy. Who REALLY runs 8?! Kinda weird "Q" moved over there, as soon as I said something. Someone's got some pretty big pull for a whole board... then fancy "super secure tripcodes" and direct "cio monkey confirmations", to boot?!

Tofsee "Making Tech CEO's resign since December 2017"

Ah yes, a bunch of dll files, so I assume this is Windows malware? The post you are responding to was deleted.


So let me get this straight...

1) Prior to April 2016, FBI and it's contractors (Fusion GPS) had full, unadulterated access to the NSA database.

2) When this was discovered, the access via queries was shutdown and the only way to get that same kind of access was through a legit FISA warrant.

3) Knowing that they still needed to monitor Trump, the Clinton/Deep State team used the info they had already gathered on Trump via the queries to create the dossier with the help of Steele/Ohr for the purpose of obtaining that FISA warrant and continuing their syping.

If ^ this is true it actually is pretty straight forward. The goal has always been to have full monitoring of Trump (and all other opposition) and when that access was cut off, they found a way around it.

My question is what the fuck else was going on while Fusion had total access to the NSA database BEFORE April 2016? All I've seen has been about when the contractors STOPPED getting access, but how long ago did they start?! Have they just been a private espionage company that could get access to any and everyone for a price?

Those Fusion GPS bank records tho......


The latest swipes at Trump (the fake "shithole" comment) seem like Fake News strikes back. This immigration sham must be very important to the destruction of this nation if the CIA media desires it so much to the point of lying. What can we do? Is Trump still protected?

He's immune to those kinds of attacks, because their screeching about every one of his non-PC tweets over the last year-plus has made them the boy who cried wolf. The president said something shocking or offensive? Don't care, tell us something new.

They should have known better, because they used the same strategy in reverse to protect Bill Clinton. When it became obvious they couldn't bury the Lewinsky story because it was blowing up in the tabloids, they went 24/7 with it until Americans just didn't want to hear it anymore, and the fact that the president was getting rimjobs in the Oval Office seemed like "old news."

While the media covers the Stormy Shithole situation, DOJ dropped this:

I'm also seeing mentions that the I.G. began it's document dump this evening.

Wow, this is big news!! I Needed to see some of this coming to life. I was getting discouraged. Glad to see this!!

Looks like Chad Pergram from Fox was the 1st to report on the IG dump.

Looking forward the the Fake News awards next week.

I'm not happy with anything in MD, until Rao's name shows up on an IG doc.

/u/IMegaHateNicknames, I'm having a crappy day today, plus all the insane lying about Trump's "shithole" comment, but you're a ray of sunshine in all the madness.

I know you don't do timelines, but is Trump waiting on some sort of event to happen before the big takedowns start? It will be such a golden day when the anti-Trumpers begin to realize they were the ones allied with the Axis Powers (aka "The Bad Guys") while the Trump supporters are the Allies ("The Good Guys"). :)

Ok you stumped me on that one. Who's Rao?

Arun Rao?

Thanks! The only Raos I could find in Maryland were doctors.

u/IMegaHateNicknames Bannon and Cory seem a little too happy to be giving their testimony. If they were Hilary's people they would be given immunity deals and then plead the 5th. Tell me this is when Bannon drops the i was intentionally leaking bomb.. please at least hint it.


Hi /u/IMegaHateNicknames

Remember when the FBI released that file full of paedophile symbols and people were able to connect dots before it got hijacked by "woke pizza truthers"? Be great if we got more of these manuals.

You've spoken about this symbolism and how all roads lead back to pizza.

Where can we find more info about Lucificarians and the symbols they use?

Watch some mark passio presentations on YouTube. He breaks it down deeply.

Is Mega Anon gone?

She was here two hours ago.

I was busy following the rabbit hole I think they'd left for me yesterday.

Thank you to the anon who posted that Q/ Russia "breadcrumb". It was all I needed... and I know all the rest. I just posted it all back on the hub... /pol/.

Thanks also to all of you, who didn't give up on me. I know this all seems weird. It's weird to me. I've been crying because I just can't believe it.

I almost gave up and stopped posting, thinking I was hurting the efforts of good-hearted, well-intended people, more than helping. I didn't want to "be" anything, on any board. I didn't want to be "MegaAnon". I just wanted to help. I'm literally shocked I'm saying this... Q is real. Q is real. Q is real... and they let me figure it out by myself, just like they knew I'd have to for myself, to admit it.

That's why they used "breadcrumbs", "connecting the dots" and "house of cards" AFTER I did. They knew it would just keep pissing me off, until I found it.

They knew I'd have to checkmate myself. Touché "Q"... touché. You look good with a little tan. 😉

Holy Shit. My mind is blown. I don't know what any of this means but I am super excited and happy for ya!!


after reading your posts on pol i was excited for ya as well. then i was excited for us!!!

U/IMegaHateNicknames - Sounds like you need a virtual hug, so here’s one from someone who has followed your comments closely and have nothing but the highest admiration for you.

You’re human. It’s all ok. Thanks for being you and for everything you’ve done (and will do)!

Hang in there, Patriot. 🤗👏🏻👏🏻

Wait... Is this real life? Is this really the timeline we're living in??

Ok my mind is blown now. This looks like it could be one hell of a week!

Giddy Up – Friday Night Document Surprise from Office of Inspector General

DOJIG just began dropping 1.2 million documents tonight to Sen. Goodlatte (who sounds like a Starbucks drink, but isn't.)

This is one of my favorite threads yet!!

When can we celebrate?!

u/IMegaHateNicknames been refreshing real time. Love it! Thank you!

This quote of yours is highlighted in the OP above:

"wire taps were a trap, then used again to trap, those who were trying to trap."

Truly diabolical tenets.

That is an Epic Informative thread. I wonder what happened to all the shills at that time that mess up the threads flow of information.

They tend to disappear when things are happening, here and there. When nothing's happened (on the surface) for a few days, they come back and start taunting again as if nothing happened.

Indeed, and amen.

The outcome is certain.

They lose. We win.

We will be free at last. Let's get this celebration started.*

*After we win, of course. There is a LOT to be done between now and then, and everyone of us counts here.

It's Friday, for heaven's sake. Had a great night. Hope "y'all" did too. :)


How many months are left till fireworks

Somewhere between 0.5 and 12 , lol .


u/IMegaHateNicknames Q prediction here. Hope this is wrong. But Q et al will probably start some "Q - athon" type thing for missing and exploited kids and or missing people. An unvetted group starting a "cause" for kids. And Q-Cultists will jump in not knowing if it is for the kids/missing people or maybe FOR the kids and missing people (if you know what I mean). Just needed to mention it because GLARINGLY Q focuses on (in regard to this) on getting those "evil" people. But what about pro-active Q texts? Or finding them before they are trafficked out or cut into profitable body parts.


Did the bad guys pull it off in Alabama with no consequences? This ‘seems’ to be moving in the opposite direction than we were led to believe. Moore’s lawsuit for election fraud was thrown out and instead of Wapo being exposed, one of Moore’s accusers has filed a defamation suit against him. TPTB don’t look like they’re running scared about their corruption being found out but appear to have won the battle and now on path to win the war.

According to the chess board, game is tied

The comments are interesting. Black (the US champion at the time) was playing a gambit (a trap strategy, basically) he'd developed for years, but White avoided the traps, and at the point the board shows, had a significant lead (according to computer analysis) and went on to win.

What it means depends on who the players are. If White is Trump or Assange (white hats?), then it's pretty clear: Black, reigning US champ, tried to set traps (wiretaps, meetings, Epstein) for the challenger, and the challenger slipped them and is now about to win.

If you flip the sides, it could mean the Trump/Assange side laid a trap that had been developed for years, and the bad guys have wiggled out of it and now have the advantage.

Mega, is POTUS safe? When reading through your posts, came across this one where you list Lincoln, Kennedy, and Reagan as threats to (((them))).

Thankfully Reagan was killed during his assignation attempt, but with all that’s upcoming, is POTUS safe?

MegaAnon.....your thoughts on how tight are Trudeau and Obama they seem 2 b very cozy?

what about Trump & Trudeau relationship ! trudeau acts like a puppy around him? he always seems arkwards and lost!!?

What I wonder is why no one makes the connection between Q, MegaAnon, and Operation Mongoose.

"b. "Voice" of Cuban movement goes on the air... Establishes vital psychological assurance to people that a movement exists to overthrow the regime... As daily broadcasts are established, "criminals against people" should be named and promised swift justice, two names per broadcast."

Anxious for the epic fairy tale about the Hawaii Incident.

Hawaii? Just in, biffie...

Wow. Mega has finally grown into the off-the-deep-end larp level I always knew she could reach.

Everyone, read these posts. And ask yourself if this seems like a rational person to be following.

Yes, yes. I'm a paid shill. Very clever response. But you'll think about this, and you'll realize it's time to move on.

I can’t make heads of tails out of her ramblings today.

It wasn't so much for y'all. It was my rant to "Q". It made sense to them. I'm still shocked.

I think Hawaii was shocked even more. Could you explain what exactly happened?

Your reply was great, Megs. Happy for you, and thanks for continuing to post.

Ok, I read her ramblings slowly to try and make some sense of it all. It sounds like she has realized who Q is and that it is Assange and she has flipped out. She said that she knew the codes and pics were fake and she finally figured out what he was trying to get across. I don't know guys, she sounds unhinged but I guess I would too if I had broke through all this mess too.

Ok, I read her ramblings slowly to try and make some sense of it all. It sounds like she has realized who Q is and that it is Assange and she has flipped out. She said that she knew the codes and pics were fake and she finally figured out what he was trying to get across. I don't know guys, she sounds unhinged but I guess I would too if I had broke through all this mess too.

Ok, I read her ramblings slowly to try and make some sense of it all. It sounds like she has realized who Q is and that it is Assange and she has flipped out. She said that she knew the codes and pics were fake and she finally figured out what he was trying to get across. I don't know guys, she sounds unhinged but I guess I would too if I had broke through all this mess too.

Ok, I read her ramblings slowly to try and make some sense of it all. It sounds like she has realized who Q is and that it is Assange and she has flipped out. She said that she knew the codes and pics were fake and she finally figured out what he was trying to get across. I don't know guys, she sounds unhinged but I guess I would too if I had broke through all this mess too.

Ok, I read her ramblings slowly to try and make some sense of it all. It sounds like she has realized who Q is and that it is Assange and she has flipped out. She said that she knew the codes and pics were fake and she finally figured out what he was trying to get across. I don't know guys, she sounds unhinged but I guess I would too if I had broke through all this mess too.

Ok, I read her ramblings slowly to try and make some sense of it all. It sounds like she has realized who Q is and that it is Assange and she has flipped out. She said that she knew the codes and pics were fake and she finally figured out what he was trying to get across. I don't know guys, she sounds unhinged but I guess I would too if I had broke through all this mess too.

Ok, I read her ramblings slowly to try and make some sense of it all. It sounds like she has realized who Q is and that it is Assange and she has flipped out. She said that she knew the codes and pics were fake and she finally figured out what he was trying to get across. I don't know guys, she sounds unhinged but I guess I would too if I had broke through all this mess too.

I found MegaAnon's posts completely rational & comprehensible. She says Q is Assange. Says Hawaii was a Deep State hack (I have other sources in the admin saying the same thing). Says the Hawaii gambit gave Trump everything he needed to squash the Deep State scum.

Care to elaborate? I think there are a lot of us are confused how the Hawaii incident makes this time for Trump to make his play

“Says the Hawaii gambit gave Trump everything he needed to squash the Deep State scum”...

As in a foiled attempt to start WWIII, a bunch of treason charges, and 100% military tribunals?

Can you explain how tofsee/smtpd.dll relates to Hawaii? Because that's one of those leaps she makes where she seems to think we should be able to see the connection. Bonus question: why was Huma there? Thanks.

Suggestion that there was an attack that was shot down by the recently-launched Zuma satellite...

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The irony is: the story is much more believable when you take her out of the middle of it. By her own admission, she hasn’t actually done anything in response to being cleverly duped by Q — provided no info, confirmed nothing, taken no action — so what was the value in including her in this? Why tell her anything if she’s of no value to the revealing party?

Answer: She’s not involved. She is the Notorious L.A.R.P.

I'll be interested to see if Meg claims that last thread as being her (Jan 13, "So, who sent out..."). If it's important enough to shriek about in all-caps, maybe it's important enough to slow down and avoid so many typos so we can make sense of it. For instance, SMTP is Simple Message Transport Protocol, which is used to send email and has nothing to do with encryption or hacking, so it doesn't make sense in context. So I can't tell if that's a typo or if it stands for something else here. Q is Assange all of a sudden, after being a few white house "interns" who were identified and dealt with? Eh....

Yes. I claim it. I claim it all. I was wrong about Q in all of the ways I was supposed to be. Everything I said WAS fake... actually was. It was on purpose and yesterday, I got it. I'm thankful "Q" did that. Truly thankful.

Makes sense

Can you explain it to me, then?

Assange was larping as Q as a fake larp(!) all so that megs could figure it out on an obscure Tibetan yak trading image board. Zach and AJ apparently do their show to play psyops on megs too.

I don't get the "you showed me fake stuff to piss me off so I'd go in a different direction and find out you were actually real after all" stuff. They're on the same team, right? If he wants her to know something, why can't he just tell her?

I get what she means by smtp now: smtp.dll, the tofsee botnet module that sends email. That's all it does, according to the link she provided: sends email based on a custom scripting language. It doesn't remove other malwares or block IPs or make weird connections, or any of the other stuff she was yelling about, unless something new has been discovered about it. (I'm not exactly an encryption guy, but I am a networking guy, so I understand the protocols here.)

Exactly, if she carried his passports through the airport you would think there is a way to just tell her whatever as opposed to creating a Q persona...... 3 months later message received. Sorry but this is pushing my BS buttons.

Yeah this isn't really adding up for me either. Damn.

I'm not passing judgment one way or the other, just asking for clarification. If she's going to come on strong about how it's important that we understand this FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, okay fine, then help us understand things that weren't clear in all the yelling. For instance, I think I get the overall plot the deep state was setting up for WWIII with Russia. But what's the "this" that led to acts as diverse as Putin seeing US sex tapes and Flynn being able to set up his "lie"? Is "this" the Insurance file from 2016? If so, how does that prove it?

Other simple questions that would help clarify things:

  • smtpd.dll is for sending emails. What does that have to do with "hacking the chans" or whatever that was about? Feel free to use technical language, some of us will understand it fine. Don't just say it can magically TRACK YOU ACROSS EVERYTHING, because that's not true unless you've got more evidence than the link you provided.
  • Ditto "hacking EMS." You can't hack EMS by sending email, so how was that done?
  • What do you mean when you say you "outed tofsee"? That article on tofsee is from months ago. What are you "outing" that wasn't known about it then?
  • Why is Huma in Hawaii?

I'm as interested in your questions as you are, but a few points:

My reading of the SMTP comment is that Assange could reverse engineer some of the modules based on SMTP traffic he saw in his own servers with infected devices. It is likely that Wikileaks has a team to dissect malware, especially if they believe the malware is espionage-related. This would give Assange an idea of the capabilities Tofsee provides, and possibly a way to 'hack' tofsee.

No one really had to 'hack EMS'... they may have sent the message to and via infected devices and spoofed it to look like EMS. .. unless tofsee actually has infected EMS and then we're at holeefuk level.

Did the TV stations and sirens go off in automated fashion, or was there a delay? Real question, I'm not there. But if it was just a tofsee spoof to phones maybe the scramble was good guys assuming it was a real alert but trying to figure out why their part of the EMS system didn't go off... TV alert, radio alert, siren... and pushing it into manual alert to do their part.

Imagine the scramble going on at every level of the system, and it's reasonable to understand then why it took so long to get the retraction... everyone was trying to figure out why the system wasn't working instead of wondering if it was real.

Did I correctly read that you believe Q is Assange u/IMegaHateNicknames? I'm not too savvy on programming and technology, so I only understand about one-third of what you posted. Did you tell us Russia and Assange have been helping us drain the swamp?

Everything you said about what was fake, when, and why?

She was saying everything she posted about Q being fake, like the pics, codes, etc. Was actually fake. That she was right about that. Then she said that Q is Assange. She has figured it all out. jmho lol

Just got done putting my head back together and it exploded again

So the Q nonsense will stop? Many will be sad, it gave them a hobby and sense of purpose.

And for us normies, what exactly is it about the false alarm that gave Trump what he needed? Was that action recorded somehow and traced back to source? What does Huma being in Hawaii have to do with this? Was she behind it?

this makes me so happy- I have been sitting here for two hours going back and forth from reddit to /pol/ then re reading because I am nowhere near as intelligent as y'all.. wow..I have literally been reading all of your posts since beginning of October, writing everything down so I could go back and research for myself and learn for myself. My husband and children think I am 'a crazy glue sniffer' because I will be on my laptop everyday just reading and reading all your information. Thank you!

I match your Eh and raise you 2 wtf’s!

My head just exploded

Mind blown here too.

I think she's referring to the smtp.dll module of Tofsee. In her "So, who sent out...." postings, she includes a link to a site with a detailed description and analysis of Tofsee and all its modules.

I'm still slogging through her 4chan posts. It's kinda weird, in some ways it doesn't "sound" like her at all. She did claim they were her posts (below), but is that really her? Sequence of events is rather strange:

1) Biffsie posts here saying he can't wait for her Hawaii fairy tale 2) Megs rants on Hawaii, and that Assange is Q 3) Biffsie pats himself on the back

Not saying I think her account here has been hijacked. No way to know. It all just seems kinda fishy.

I think we are onto something. I just messaged whiskey. Can anyone tell me if biff brah is still a user?!

u/IMegaHateNicknames Can u lift your skirt and show some of your perky little feet. I think I speak for all.

Knock that shit off.

We need confirmation, Mega would not want us to blindly accept. Need the feet, I’m on fence until confimed. Why wouldn’t you want confirmation or ask us to knock off requiring confirmation?

Got no prob with confirmation.

It came across a little...perverted.

Twas a joking way of requesting. If Megs hangs on chan, her innocent ears can handle it, she know exactly what I’m asking for.

He is.

Biffsie might have noticed her posts on /pol/ and that's why his comment appeared here just 5 minuted later. No mystery here.

Are you confirming that the 4chan posts this afternoon are really her?

Yes, 4chan posts from this afternoon, linked in the OP, are made by the same user that posts here on reddit as u/IMegaHateNicknames since Dec 18th, which was confirmed to me by PM immediatelly after the posts appeared on /pol/ and a bit later also here, in her public comments.

My account was not hacked by tofsee (yet), I am still me, in case you were wondering.

Thanks. Still skeptical tho. There's a lot of stuff about those posts that don't smell right. Others have noted that too.

Sequence of events-

I see the Hawaii Incident, know that any half-decent larper will HAVE to post about it.

Check here, see no post yet.

Todd links to post, I go read it.

Somewhat taken aback by it. Post initially about it, but think in my head I won't be surprised if she disowns it. I'd give her that one if she had. It's got some of her markers, but is also out of character.

See she claims it after all.

Decide it speaks for itself and there's really no point in further commentary from me about it.

I'm still checking in to see if it develops further, but I'm done otherwise.

Oh sorry. I thought you might be in this poking me along! Haha, I didn't want to talk about Huma in Hawaii but you poked me so I did. When I'm poked, I tend to say more than I want, so I called out four seasons then confirmed more people are there.

At the time, I'd wished I hadn't.... but I'd also thought about not posting anymore. I thought today when looking at this again, that maybe you were an intentional poke to fire me back up again.

Whether you're here because you don't like me, or have been here to help me, thank you. Seriously, thanks.

I needed it in more ways than you know. What I found going through those codes yesterday scares the shit out of me. I didn't want to post it. But I will, if I get the sign I need. I just need ONE MORE SIGN, for myself to feel good about it. PLEASE. I'm willing, but need to know.

considering how Q has has just returned to /greatawakening/, and then some, I think you have your sign ...

Megs how is Huma relevant to any of this?! Thought she’s chilling with her ankle tag waiting for the long dick of justice? What would be the point of shitting up everyone in Hawaii about a missile happening?!

I'm wondering about that too.

Well, there's nothing else for me to say here. This truly does speak for itself now.

See you all next larp!

Adiós, biffie :(

Speechless, uh, Biff?

Dude, who are you?

Who was that masked man...and how did he come up with that name?

Oh , interesting how things are unfolding fast ...

... sounds like were in mega queue of happenings , hah .

Haha, true :)

Double checking. u/ToddWhiskey The last update today from UfwCzQ1I. That is MegaAnon, right?


Where were the "y'alls"?

And what does it mean?

Is she talking to us? To Assange? To Biff? To some other CIA shill?

Really makes you wonder who is HERE reading this.

Agreed. The /pol/ posts this afternoon don't sound like her, in several ways. I just asked ToddWhiskey if he's confirming that they're really hers.

She says they are her, so unless her reddit account is hacked, I'd take her at her word.

She also said those posts were mostly for Q, not us.

Typing too fast. I only say so many y'all's so y'all can find my posts!!!! Same with brah and ;o) and SOME CAPS FOR EMPHASIS!!!!

TO CONFIRM - those posts are all mine.

Cool. I knew it was you! This is SO EXCITING!!!

u/IMegaHateNicknames Please tell us, who is Biff? Same as Q?

We can only hear so many y'alls too!!!! 😉 Plus Todd Whiskey is an expert at finding you for those who can't.

QF did another you vs. Q during his Friday preshow....and no Dallas tees were harmed in the filming of this show.

u/IMegaHateNicknames u/ToddWhiskey anyone>? Can someone explain in lay mans - normie terms what exactly is going on today?


On this past Weds night at 6:40pm PST my husband and I had both of our phones activate voice text at the exact same time by themselves. My husband's phone was in his pocket and mine was in my hands as I was trying to read a text message. When the voice-to-text feature activated it recorded a few seconds of dead air. It has since disappeared from my message history. I have iOS and my husband has android.

Does this have anything to do with what you figured out today?

Figured out today - (((they))) can hack it ems. they can also hack our phones and listen or record.

EMS can send text messages to modern cell phones. Maybe voice too, I don't know. So if someone hacks into EMS, he can send fake EMS messages to everyone. It's a big leap from that to hacking our phones. I'm not saying they can't hack our phones; that's something that's been suspected for a long time. (And odds are Google/Apple would do it for them.) I'm just saying the one doesn't prove the other.

Yep agreed. Meg she said both their phones, on different OS, did same unprompted thing. I’m naive, but not enough to think that’s a coincidence :)


There are some sources ( dubious sources , though ) that claim this was a true alert , and that there was a threat from submarine launched nuclear attack , which was planned as false flag attack by NK . Apparently the threat was neutralized and everything was turned out as a false alarm . That scenario is possible ... however unlikely . Deliberate AI "glitch" ? Deliberate action by certain groups ? I think its a sign of desperation of the Cabal , whatever scenario turns out truly to be ...

I just saw this Twitter post from @VictoryOfTheLight

This directly conflicts with the Deep State using Tofsee to send the EMS message.

I saw it too. But weirdly, now it's been deleted.

What did it say, roughly?

u/ToddWhiskey can you please explain what went down today? some of us need some help here? please!

I'm sorry, I don't know, I can see/read the same as you.

Yeah, I need someone to ELI5 here, and I've been following Megs for months and Q up until Christmas or so.

I guess I'll go have a few drinks with my hubby and check back later or in the morning.

Maybe she will clarify. It seems like she's saying Q is real and also that Q is Assange, which is just really hard to believe ATM.

which is just really hard to believe ATM

It's just too pat for my tastes. We'll see.

Healthy skepticism...good for you.

But this IS some tasty stuff :p

Come on - you're the amazing ToddWhiskey! You got us hooked on Meg's. Then after we got addicted this shitstorm hits. Now we need you to fix this, reality just broke.

Thanks ToddWhiskey

Who would have ever thunk it....Megs confirming Q.

You never know what a day will bring!


Me neither. I feel so fucking dumb... or his faked shit worked too well, but that's for another day. 😉

I found what i needed to on Tofsee later than I should have but it was actually mentioned IN THE LATE OCTOBER POSTERS POSTS before Q CLEARANCE PATRIOT, that I said I thought WERE LEGIT!!!!! 5 pronged approach!!!!! That's TOFSEE!!!!

I'm ripping through the First Q posts now and because of all I now know from yesterday I can read it CRYSTAL CLEAR!!!!!!! I SEE YOU!!!!!! I GET IT!!!!! HOLY FUCK!!!!

I will be back. I gotta keep going! WE ARE OK!!!! DO NOT BE SCARED!!!!! I PROMISE, y'all!!!! HAVE FAITH!!! Original poster from October said have faith. I said it first.

I said breadcrumbs, connect the dots, house of cards AND crystal clear FIRST!!!! ABD I WAS RIGHT. Q DID COME FOR ME, BUT NOT AS A LARP!!!! HE NEEDED ME TO FUCKING SEE IT WITHOUT GETTING ME IN TROUBLE!!!!

So, this means Q isn't a larp?!!!!

Well she says that Q is Assange.

Even Biffsie wouldn't say that Assange is a larp, would he?

No he wouldnt!! Lol

Assange is just annoyingly cryptic. But he does deliver the goods.

This is the first time I've actually wanted to give you an upvote biff!

why am I starting to feel bad about giving you a down vote the other day. lol

Are you Assange?

Do you fly like paper? Get high like planes?
Do you have VISAs in your name? Can you make one for me, I'll wait?

You SOB. Been monkeyhammering every post you made for days. Well played.

Oh please. Am I missing anything?

I’m guessing that r/pipesog now assumes that r/biffingzorp is (affiliated w/) Assange/Q, hand has been downvoting him all this time.

It seemed that's what Mega thought for a minute, but in fact biff did us all a favor by pulling more out of her than we might have gotten had he not been here trolling.

Most likely this.

Well...according to Mega, biff in a way is responsible for prompting her to come back and drop more goodies. If I had had my way, we would have downvoted his annoying ass out of sight...but then Mega might have been less 'present'. In a way he was doing us a favor.

u/biffingzorp it's not like you to stay silent. We tried, remember?
So, please tell us are you Assange?

Kind of telling that the first provable falsified Wikileaks post is of Wolff’s book with the 2 Q’s inserted.

Well...Assange as Assange = not a larp.

Assange as Q = the definition of larp.

They had guys used Tofsee to hijack EAS and scare everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's why biff led me to out Huma and how it tied to 4 seasons!!!! They can read my messages to whiskey on here and I was complaining to him for weeks that I kept thinking all of this MegaAnon bullshit was hurting more than helping!!!! I said at least 3 times I was going to think about stopping. EVERY TIME I DID, SOMEONE PUSHED ME MORE BECAUSE IM DEFENSIVE. I GET TRIGGERED. I CALL PEOPLE ON THEIR SHIT!!!


Who the fuck knows at this point but all I know is, I need one more sign from my freshly tanned friend. He knows what it is.




Saying this as someone who's been with you on /pol/ since July and knows you're not just a larp: you're not making much sense. Hope you can fill us in when you calm down.

They had guys used Tofsee to hijack EAS and scare everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's why biff led me to out Huma and how it tied to 4 seasons!!!! They can read my messages to whiskey on here and I was complaining to him for weeks that I kept thinking all of this MegaAnon bullshit was hurting more than helping!!!! I said at least 3 times I was going to think about stopping. EVERY TIME I DID, SOMEONE PUSHED ME MORE BECAUSE IM DEFENSIVE. I GET TRIGGERED. I CALL PEOPLE ON THEIR SHIT!!!


Who the fuck knows at this point but all I know is, I need one more sign from my freshly tanned friend. He knows what it is.




I'm with you --- I don't think she is talking to us right now unfortunately... I'm sure she will soon enough... But damn I've been hitting refresh alot ! ha

Fresh camel? Meaning Chelsea Manning. Haha.

u/ToddWhiskey I get that Bradley recently became Chelsea. She has fresh camel, right? Are you implying that she IS also known as Fresh Camel (who was on TOR, who access the PC of an FBI employee)?

I am definitely not implying anything! I don't know who it is!

When Mega posted the caps and mentioned "Fresh" relating to Palpatine a month ago, I looked it up and found that archived article and posted it in this very comment section. It had all the pics at that time, I think.

Just an amazing coincidence that someone has fresh camel (Chelsea) and someone else used that (Fresh Camel) as their name on the Dark Web.

Crazy shit, huh!?!

Still dying to find out more about Biff... hard to believe he may have been helping MegaAnon giving her breadcrumbs.

Seriously sounding like Meg might need a trip to the nearest mental ward? "HOLY FUCK. TANS. SUN. CAMELS IN SUN!!!!!


So, Chelsea Manning is hacker FreshCamel (ie, s/he had the op, so now has a fresh/new "Camel toe", slang for vagina), working with Assange?

The intercepted messages are from 17 May, the same day Manning was released from prison.

Where does it say it's Chelsea? It doesn't.

Hi Todd! Thank you again for your magnificent work compiling this.

No, you're absolutely right. It doesn't. I'm just speculating perhaps it is Chelsea Manning, (with Assange's help/approval - since I assume they both know precisely where to look to find the deep web chat that Mega said went for 2.5 years under Strzok etc).

When you posted the FreshCamel link, it looked like it was in reply to r/babysorrynotsorry - who'd suggested it was Manning. So, I thought you agreed, which is why I asked for clarification. (I'm on T_D. Thread layout is different).

The hacker's username is perfect for Manning and the hack into Palpatine's Revenge was 17 May, the day Manning was released from jail.

Also, with Mega saying "Q used TOFSEE against them to vindicate Manning" + Manning in the news today running for Senate, it was too many coincidences to ignore. Thoughts?

The hacker's username is perfect for Manning and the hack into Palpatine's Revenge was 17 May, the day Manning was released from jail.

Except it says that

"made contact with “FreshCamel” late Wednesday night via an encrypted email service, and this individual confirmed that he had accessed the personal computer of an employee at the FBI sometime around April 24th."

Okay, cool. Great pick up. Thank you Todd.

My head is spinning with developments over the last 24 hours!

I've been looking for this freshcamel tan and sun... Can someone please explain what this means or where you guys read this?

And this: "“FreshCamel” told Third Estate Newsgroup that the conversations held by this group were often coded, and because he didn’t pay close attention to American politics, he didn’t realize that these individuals were discussing anything more than normal work responsibilities. Due to the nature of the messaging platform, he could not screenshot conversations after they had occurred, but confirmed that “MF” (Michael Flynn) and “Limey” (Louise Mensch) had been topics of conversation before."

Not familiar with American politics - no way that's Manning.

And no way Manning turns right around and gets back into this shitheap. Beyond that, it's not like Manning was ever a 'Guccifer' to begin with...just somebody who had access to files.

Thank you, lovely astrogirl.

I'm just searching for the truth, like the rest of us. Globally.


Holy fuck, I've never seen that link before. That is huge. Wow. I try to keep up but then I see stuff like this and realize I miss so much every day.

Thank you for that link. One of the images is missing for me, and Megs has posted the other(s) before on 4chan, so now I'm wondering what the missing one was??!!

What are you saying here about Biff - is he reading your direct messages to u/ToddWhiskey? I can't decide if you think he is Q/Assange or black hat?

Biff brah...who'd a thunk it..and we downvoted the shit out of him!Lol.

I kept thinking all of this MegaAnon bullshit was hurting more than helping!!!!

Nah. You're keeping us engaged. Without voices like yours, we would be completely blind, frustrated that nothing's going on and would be bombarded with MSM propaganda.

If you're a fake, you're damn good. Your psyop worked well. But I think the reason it works is because it rings true. My gut instinct tells me most of this is right.

But then there was today. I'll let it bake a little before I draw any conclusions.

MegaAnon, I know you are busy and you have to stay focused so I'll have an adult beverage or two to celebrate you & your amazing findings. Others here will do the same. I am certain.

Just come back and tell us all about your amazing findings!!!


First I have to say thank you, I have been interested in this stuff ever since the democratic primaries, and to finally get honest answers is refreshing. This might be a question outside of your expertise, but could you tell us a little about the history of everything that's been going on- is it all Illuminati related (or pedophilia?), or are there a lot of secret groups who are simply vying for absolute power?

Great questions... for another day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you Megs!!! You keep going girl!! This is going to make an epic book/movie one day!

Heya /u/ToddWhiskey, I think you selected the wrong user's hash in the link for "January 13 So, who sent out the false alarm?"

It should be showing posts with the unique ID "tRdS4wYN" but the link brings you to posts with ID "UfwCzQ1I" instead. Plus I'm pretty sure that's not the way she writes.

No. Todd is right. These are my posts. I was posting this hoping "Q" would see it and know I get it now.

It is EXACTLY the way I write... especially when I'm this confused and excited. Trust me, we are good.

OK, I stand corrected.

Seriously, thanks heaps for your continued efforts. Mention your name on 8chan and you surely get heaps of abuse....

Not gonna lie this actually freaked me the fuck out

Glad to see you. Why was Huma in Hawaii?

Exactly. Why indeed?

What's your game? What happened to this are these arguments you made suddenly invalid?

are you concerned that q has been doxed?

I hope this thread just didn't "jump the shark."

The past few posts have made no sense. Why would Q/Assange? need to inform you of things if you are "in the know?"

What is the point then? Why would they even be posting?

I hope you can answer this.

It sure appears that way to me. Fun while it lasted.

Cool. Earlier in the day I was afraid your account here might have been hijacked. Thanks to you and /u/ToddWhiskey for confirming that your posts both here and in /pol/ are legit.

Lots of ground covered in the /pol/ posts today. Still reading/digesting. As others have said, looking forward to your additional clarification on certain points.

I am really happy and excited for YOU, but damn, I'm excited for me too. I've followed you and Q and I always kind of suspected Q was Julian. Because of what he wrote, the way he wrote it, I couldn't imagine anyone more clever or passionate about sharing truth, but also wickedly smart and tech naturally thought it has to be him. To see this unfold, with my two favorite posters is unreal. I FEEL your excitement, I get the tears and I imagine you are processing so much. Cannot wait to hear more and want to say, it has been a total honor watching the storm with you. Will continue to do so. Todd Whiskey is the best for keeping this space going. Thanks to all!


I'm confused... Q is legit now, not a larp? [J][A]?

What does the false alarm have to do with all this? Is it too early to reveal?

No, it's her, check the comment section. It's quite lively :)

Do you have anything other than “her” saying it? She’s always said for folks to check things out. I agree with the other commenters - somethings off - close but off;this is not the way she writes.

Also, really good points have been made questioning this whole upset: assange wouldn’t lie; q being assange makes less sense than the group; mega also hasn’t explained her rationale and she generally does. And qui bono? Who benefits from this?

Something’s not right here. What is being diverted from? Can’t tell yet. I agree - a feet pic would be nice. Until then, color me not convinced...back to the puzzle and looking forward to hearing more from her to triangulate upon.

/u/ToddWhiskey /u/IMegaHateNicknames /u/biffingzorp
What in the hell happened today? PLEASE EXPLAIN... Seems like either meganon is just a super larp that might have finally lost her mind? OR she is trying to say something that I can understand. Meg, just give us some honest answers here. Been folling your posts since MAy, the least you can do is in normie terms explain what is going on.... What is this about assange? How does this relate to Hawaii?

She claims Q is actually Assange...very excitedly 😜

As to Hawaii, I haven’t nailed what she’s been typing...

Source? She claims them are a bunch of posters linked to ShareBlue

I’ll paraphrase

Previous Q stringer (going off memory) IAD -future how about a game of chess? foxthree-splash

look at julian’s tweet of a chessboard last night

iad best guess is integrated air defense foxthree and splash already have clear q confirmations for meaning.

Megs... I am so moved by your posts today and the feeling of elation and celebration!! Wowza!!

I was a Q follower, then Defcon threw me off of Q.

I started re-reading you recently and agreed that Q was not quite right, except... for why did the Wikileaks Fire & Fury have the two Q chapter headings? (Ch. 6 & 10)? How could the Q-psyop or Q interns get into anything WL related?? So then I started to wonder the seemingly impossible, that Q is/is close to Assange.

Then today I see that you put together Q & Julian!!

THANK YOU for coming back here, for your dedication, and for engaging with Jon Q Public to really truly MAGA!!!!

Also, that "Q@kill_rogue twitter account retweeting Julian Assange back to October.

Well, it was not only a recent discovery; it was a tell, a major tell.

Thanks to our girl Megs; we find out the truth about Q, the disinfo and LARP action. But it adds up.

/u/IMegaHateNicknames - thanks for everything; but you're gonna have to calm down some and explain some (key) piece to all the normies. But anyway, love ya Mega, you our supergurl.

By the way, is this Michael Horowitz Inspector General (IG) report going to explode on everyone and lead to a special counsel?

/u/ToddWhiskey - thanks for this effort! Pretty historic for what will be an absolutely amazing 2018.


/u/IMegaHateNicknames How come HUMA not wearing an ankle gps in Hawaii?

And a wire? Give the poor girl a chance.

Who says she isn’t? The photos i have seen don’t show her lower half

How can Q be Assange, when she said Q was 4 Obama era interns. She knew WHO they were?

Another anon posted in her thread confirming it.

As if Assange would post DEFCON message.

Wikileaks has put out 100% truth. What, suddenly Assange is posting did information? As Q?

I'm not buying it.

If he's in the sun with camels, its with Saudi Arabia (doubt it) or the Australian desert, why the hell would he hang out in the desert?

He sure as hell wouldn't be at pine gap.

Why would he be eating camel?


Why would HUMA be in Hawaii when a warning goes off?

If Mega Anon carried JAs passport in her purse when he was moved from the embassy, why would he need Q larp to communicate with her?

They would already have means of communication.

Specially both being computer freaks.

She knows were he is, what's he's up to, but has no method of communication other than the Chan's?

He wouldn't have been scared of 4chan by Mega Anon. He could have just hacked her computer/phone and shut her down.

I got banned from 4chan for posting about government pedo's.

He could have shut her down easy, no need to move to 8chan.

He's an Aussie. I don't see him getting off on the Q game, and risk pissing off Trump.

He hasn't been formally pardoned yet?

Why would Assange pretend to be close to Trump?

Are their fucking camels and sun at the White House?

Isn't their some horrible cold weather a snow at the White house?

How's he getting a sun tan there? Were are the camels hanging out at the White house?

Why would a camel be related to Chelsea Manning?

Sounds like some shit Q would say.

And we haven't heard from Mega for days. Then suddenly Q, who she said was a larp, is actually JA or maybe god (based on reaction)

"She" gives no real detail on how ",she" decoded this.

Were are Mega Anons shitty tiles and her little feet?

Why did Mega Anon and Q go quiet at the same time?

Yesterday their were no Mega posts for the 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th. Now we have suddenly have them?

In most she is just quoting old posts and two of the post references are the same post.

Google "camel toes." That may help to give you a visual reference for Chelsea (no longer Bradley).
I'm going to bed giggling about this because of my celebratory adult beverages. I felt like I was drinking for two. Thank you. u/IMegaHateNicknames Now update and get back to work. Haha. But first, is Assange both Q & Biff!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Not biff...he was a happy accident.

You think so? Just an accident that led MegaAnon to Huma in Hawaii at the Four Seasons?

That's biff's story and he's sticking to it! ;o)


Q posted.... I pray Mega got what she needed to do whatever she needs to do..... Wouldn't surprise me if that message was directly for her. Goodluck /u/IMegaHateNicknames thank you for not giving up

Link to Q post?

This is supposed to be a consolidation of Q's posts. aka like Todd does here for meg.

Here is Q's posts from today. Much like the link Todd posts here of meg's 4chan code.


Haha. Thanks. I needed this today... Realized I didn't know where to look, then I saw this. I appreciate it. And begrudgingly bookmarked I guess.

At this point I don't care how many ways this all gets twisted six ways from Sunday... I just still can't believe it.

I guess it's, big if true. Any insight in how to explain this to the normies post drop?


I REALLY like this one...


Next Week - BIGGER.


We LISTENED [20/80 />/ 40/60].

Just don't miss that 4, 10, 20 post. Who has a distinctive style that sounds just like that?

4=D, 10=J, 20=T

I want to believe.

That's the link to where general posting happens in case you didn't have it. Keep up the great work. Excited to see what you are working on. So much happening like Chelsea Manning running for Senate in Maryland. Popcorn is ready. I smell another Alabama-type plan at play and a big fuck you to the seat she's after.;__twitter_impression=true

It never ends ;) And cannot wait to find out everything Pam Anderson has done other than keeping up the illusion that assange was still at the embassy. Definitely more there I am anxiously awaiting to find out given her interviews where she's dying to spill the beans.
Given how Hawaii has come up so much (POTUS stopping in there after Asia trip, huma there, the missile alarm hack, NSA where Snowden worked and took files from, etc) I'm betting that's where assange has been getting his sun and kept safe. Am I warm?

At this point, a picture of your feet, floor and a dated note might be appropriate if your account is still secure.

or, better yet, ask Julian to confirm that he contacted you as Q - if what you said was true, you've already indicated on a public board that he is alive and well and working with Trump (and you) as well as that he gave the ok to indicate that, if I followed that correctly. Him confirming that in a 10 second video would be revealing nothing that hasn't already been revealed by you. That would be amazing to see.

Well, noone has gone there yet as far as I can tell, so pardon me while I do. I waited a day to cool down and process and see if there was some follow up - I realize IF Meg is legit she probably has her plate full and then some, but after the last postings, that is seeming like a real long shot frankly. Some things need to be said here - first let met quote Meg:

"This is why I say what I say, lay out what I do, try to clearly explain, then you, as adults can take it or leave it. I don't pepper you with fake happenings, I don't scream (well, other than on a few people like AJ yesterday and before cause he's a paid op and copy/pasted my shit trying to tag me to him like he later did with Q and Zach) and it's why I don't tell YOU what to do, what you should do, etc. in fact, I tell y'all you did your jobs. You voted. You keep paying attention on your own. I don't even care that Q is a fucking larp. It's the internet and frankly, people should know better then to just buy in, exactly like all the Q people claim they do know, cause they're "woke". "

Couldn't agree more, this is why I came to value your postings over the last couple weeks after I discovered them, and haven't looked at Q for awhile. But your last posts kinda violated every point you made above, and you've done a complete 180 from Q is bullshit to Q is Assange and he is talking to me in super secret code??? If you were in our position, how would you react to that? If you really are the person your writing portrays you to be, and not a committee or a bunch of chans in their basements somewhere, I already know the answer to that: it'd be one giant double-back, spit-taked, "WHATTHEFUCK?!?!" With good reason. You wrote very eloquently on the state of frustration that we live in these days, especially those of us out here in the dark with no access to inside information in a system where it gets increasingly harder to dig out the truth and our means of mass communication get more and more neutered and infiltrated with each passing day. If all that was a larp, I'd be tempted to ask you how you (or y'all) sleep at night, but if that is the case, I assume we're dealing with a bunch of sociopaths and it's a pointless question. If it wasn't a larp, y'all got some splaining to do. For now, it goes in the disinfo folder under "hope porn" as someone above so aptly put it.

Hoping u r safe.

When are you coming back!!??

Another thing that supports the Q/Assange theory:

Wait, how does the Q in Home connect Q to Assange? What book is this from?

It's from the 'Fire and Fury" book that was all the rage last weekend regarding Trump. WikiLeaks posted a link to it. Then folks found the Q's. I'm so confused by all this. I really want to believe. And that's what's making me start to doubt all this.

Wolff’s “Fire and Fury” anti-Trump book. Wikileaks posted the whole thing in .pdf form with 2 chapter titles “Q” replacing “O”.

If that’s the first time that Wikileaks has posted a tampered file (I.e., Wikileaks tampered with it), then that’s a huge flag that Assange is Q...

or its just Assange validating Q, not that Q is Assange

U/toddwhiskey, do you have a way to contact Mega besides dm on reddit? Some email or messaging capability? Something where if mega reddit account compromised, you could confirm the posts today?

No, I don't.

Happy cake day, also if megs feels she needs to verify herself we just need a picture of those shitty tiles.

IMO she SHOULD feel like she needs to verify herself. She did it for the Chan board. Maybe she’ll do it again over there. The group is right to expect it of her given how many times she’s said to do our own research.

How does this work?

Some one here posted a twitter link saying that the missile was real and shot down. The link no longer works.

Here's the excuse from Hawaii.

Mr Miyagi 🥋 sweeps Hawaii’s the Leg.

So Q (Assange) posted heaps on 8chan GreatAwakening today

Ah I think I partly get it u/ToddWhiskey, u/IMegaHateNicknames


Q mentions 10 days of darkness following a shutdown.

JA twitter shuts down Dec 25. Q does not post for 10 days.

JA hourglass Jan 8. Q migrates to greatawakening.

JA chess. Q says checkmate.

That's pretty good. I don't know if it means anything but it's pretty good how you connected those dots.

Megs are you watching the posts by Q?

Im not convinced its Mega. Pretty sure Q was offline for a couple of days too.

Maybe Mega and Q have new operators? Classic intelligence move.

Yep, Q anon, Mega Anon and Assange have been offline.

The Anons since the DEFCON bullshit.

Today, Assange Account, Mega Anon, Q Anon and Hilary Clinton's accounts become active?

I reckon Mega Anon got the Q team busted for the DEFCON post. Outed herself doing it.

So they got shut down.

I think someone else is running them.

Q could be run by the rest of the team.

Q team could have taken over Megas, and using it yo verify themselves.

We know that they already play with twitter accounts

So now using Assanges account to verify themselves.

That would explain the praise bring heaped on Q anon/Assange.

We need to see Mega Anons feet, the shiity tiles and a current newspaper

Proof of life Mega

We need sauce, mega would expect nothing less.


We need yo see a pic of your feet, the shitty floor tiles and thongs.

Proof of life Mega Anon.

Please Verify yourself.


If Q is Assange, how are he and the camels hot in the white house?

Why would Assange post DEFCON? Assange never issues disinformation, wikileaks had 100% record of truth.

Why can't I see my post asking this before?

Sunny with camels? Why would Assange be in Saudi Arabia or the Aussie desert?

With Assanges colouring, I doubt he tans. Again, why the desert?

Which country is Assange in Mega Anon?

What did you get your mum for Christmas Mega?

Why would Assange post DEFCON?

He knew what was going to happen in Hawaii maybe?

Good point. That makes some sense

But it was walked back by Q very soon after, claiming "It should have been clear. Now crystal clear." Which of course was bullshit, as it quite clearly WAS intended to reference alert level.

Perhaps Assange never before issued disinfo...but desperate times, and a PUBLISHED disclaimer that distractions and disinfo are neccessary...maybe he adapted.

I don't see where that's inconsistent with him knowing what was planned for Hawaii. The Defcon remarks could have been intended to foreshadow the events in Hawaii.

I'm not 100% of this convinced of this theory, which was invented in my own little brain. But whenever there is a coincidence, my default reaction is to remember that there is usually no such thing as coincidence.

Maybe god (holy) is fucking a tan camel in the sun.

So that means God is a muzrat (Australian for Muslim).

And the camels name is Chelsea Assange.

I'm a genius.

Not sure about the Assange is Q thing, but I think she's saying Chelsea M is Flesh Camel? the one who exposed the Palpatines Revenge secret chat thing

What is the name of the pol board that mega anon posts on?

You win the internets today.


I just want to say Nancy Drew, you gave me hours of childhood enchantment, but you've got nothing on Mega and Q. This shit is epic, with the feel good storybook ending. The good guys WIN! #MAGA!

Ok. I've been hashing a lot of this shit it out and digging through old Q. I know what I know about what I found yesterday and think I have that all figured out. I started digging through old Q for due diligence.

Basically, we couldn't have sold or given uranium to Russia and we never did. Probably because of Magnitsky Act and sanctions. Instead, we gave it to Canada (I knew I hated Trudeau) and the EU, behind out backs. From 2012-2014. Magnitsky Act signed in Dec. 2012

Per Q's message within the message as of 11/2/17-

Re:BO Important Re:U1 and export to Canada to EU i.e. sampling 100% verifiable and impossible to refute 'Knowing' 'Leaking' Made up And approved May 2010 "Russia should be viewed as friendly partner under Section 123 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954.

Oh and here's some sauce but there's WAY more than this...

I'm not sure where I'm supposed to even post this shit anymore. It'd be nice to get another "CRYSTAL CLEAR" (🤷🏻‍♀️ Sorry but it was deserved) or something. I did make it to the place I needed to be. Creepy pic though. Just sayin'.

Man whose last name (we don't say) is [Sen] John M (brain). I'm not saying the last name either if they won't because maybe it triggers something in torfsee I don't know about. Who the hell knows. 🤦🏻‍♀️

It has to this has to do with the USS McCain collision in Singapore.

Here's a good link to an "article", unitonically similar to those random blog posts just waiting to find/me to read.

Pay attention to emphasis and read between the lines. Also look at the "image" in the middle of this blog and (*) notated in key box. Almost like it was put there for a reason. 🤗

literally what?

I am so friggin lost right now!

The ars tech “article” explains a tower 7 like scenario were we need to believe 3 perfect storm mistakes happening at once. The asterisk (*) is interesting because it notes another safety feature that they didn’t explain in the article. I.e what the fuck was the shipping officer doing in the3 min Commotion.

I have watch enough ‘aircraft investigations” on the discovery channel and I have never seen an ‘accidents’ like that one.

So this could be the ‘Toffee Tech’ crashing both ships?

How could all this money be flowing around after the 12/21 EO? Megs herself said, quite confidently, several times, that the bad guys woke up to empty/frozen bank accounts. Per Megs, Mc (Brain) has a tracking device, which means he has a sealed indictment, so I'd assume his accounts are empty/frozen too.

There's stuff here that still isn't necessarily adding up.

Tofsee has been known for several years. AV software can detect it. Is she implying the spooks have a modified, super double secret, undetectable version? That they've colluded with the Tech Industrial Complex (e.g., FB, Google, Twitter, MSFT, OS Vendors like Red Hat, all AV software companies) to NOT detect it? Maybe. Who knows. Again.... some of this stuff isn't adding up for me.

A lot more isn’t adding up for me but quite normal considering my IQ. 😃

I read your post from yesterday on the Chan’s and it’s pretty mind blowing that Assange is that Technically gifted as well as be the founder of Wikileaks. His youth shows that he was exceptionally talented at ‘the cyber’ but it’s pretty amazing to see it in today’s context.

I read the Ars Technica article, nothing's jumping out at me. There's no emphasis except the word "all" in italics, which makes sense in context. The * on the image is just a note to say that's the configuration for this specific ship, not necessarily all similiar ships. So I guess you're saying the point of this article is that "Manned" is a clue to "Manning"? And you were supposed to find this, how? And why, instead of a simple message saying, "Hey, Manning is out and doing such-and-such"?

People act like no one knew about Uranium 1 until recently, but many of us old news junkies have known about it for at least a year. Yesterday an indictment came down.

There are more connections of HRC and Russia, as the guy who wrote Clinton Cash has done other investigations. His site is Government Accountability Institute and under the Investigations is about the Russian Reset, which is about the deal she made with the tech giants and Russia.

The McC was also quite aware of the Uranium One deal and signed off on it. He started wearing the boot right after the story broke. I don't think many people realized his connection.

"However, beginning in 2012, Uranium One was able to begin exporting uranium without an export license in a move called “piggy-backing,” where it was listed merely as a supplier on another company’s export license. However, that uranium that left the country was supposed to return for “future processing.”

You said that you didn't want to say McCain's name for fear that it might trigger something in torfsee, but then write out the USS McCain. Your really not making a lot of sense. Bummer.

Pay attention to emphasis and read between the lines. Also look at the "image" in the middle of this blog and (*) notated in key box. Almost like it was put there for a reason.

The shipping officer keeps track of all the surface vessels in the area - position, speed, course, and closest point of approach.

On our Navy ships, most functions used to be performed manually. If problems arose like this one, an experienced sailor could step in to resolve it. Over the past decade or two, the powers that be decided to automate things and shrink crews. This caused an over reliance on technology and decline in competency levels.

In the past when everything was manual, the shipping officer and others would be hyper-vigilant in keeping track of everything in the water near their ship. After things were automated, the shipping officer and others today probably allow the computer system to do most or all of the tracking.

In this video, Thomas Paine says the QRS-11 navigational sensor is in a lot of vehicles today. Clinton allegedly is connected to the company which produces them.

I don't know if the QRS-11 is in our ships. Perhaps there's something similar is going on allowing someone remotely to screw around with things.

u/IMegaHateNicknames I hope all is well with you. You mention a "breadcrumb" you received which sent you off into a new direction (as you have strongly and clearly have voiced). How did this "breadcrumb" change you so drastically (it appears as if you're not "you", to be quite honest (no offense, but I am sure you have noticed some are questioning if you are you)). Was it even a worthy "breadcrumb" at all?

Nice find!

Saw this over on CBTS:

Is that the first time Q didn’t sign as “Q”? First “4, 10, 20” sig?

So is that suppose to be coming from DJT?

I’m not sure - asking.

the initials match the letters of the alphabet!

Not first time signed 4-10-20, one of Q’s earliest posts used this signature

Dec. 2012, Obama signs Magnitsky Act sanctions. Jan 1, 2013, Putin bans Russian adoptions to U.S. Feb. 2013, Paranoid Obama sets up radar blimps around DC to guard against surprise attack by Russians. Does anybody remember this:

Apparently the Deep State has been using Tofsee for years. I've personally been "shadow banned" on Facebook for years; it happened again a few days ago, when I posted a news story that I got OFF OF FACEBOOK, about water found on Mars. It posts to my timeline, but my friends never see it in their news feeds.

Tofsee has also been known for years. Google it if you haven't already. AV tools can detect and remove it. See my comment below. Once installed, I suppose it could somehow morph itself into something undetectable, staying one step ahead of AV signature database updates. Or there's massive collusion between the spooks and the tech companies NOT to detect it. Color me skeptical. Seems to me the autists and open source geeks would've figured that out.

I'm sure you're right. I'm not as sophisticated as most folks on this board, but I'm pretty sure that's exactly what Meg is saying: Massive collusion between tech companies & the spooks. She indicated that it's the reason so many of them are resigning their positions right now.

Yes, agreed, she has said that. But it doesn't make sense that they'd use something like Tofsee, which is well-known, easily detectable, and removable. All AV software scans for it. If the spooks are so smart (and they are), wouldn't they roll their own?

That why I asked what she meant by "outing Tofsee." You can't really "out" something that's already well known about. So what's new to be outed?

👍 I'm also still waiting for an answer to the straightforward question you, u/Lucretia007 and others have been asking: Why does Assange/Q need to engage in all this anon communication with the chick that delivered his passport in her purse?

IF Q is Assange, why all the over-the-top American patriotic and religious stuff in the 8chan posts? He's Australian, and has never to my knowledge spoken in those terms before.

I'm afraid our New Megs is not our Old Megs.

My worry also...

I don't think she was saying Q was exclusively communicating to her. And I don't even think Q is ONLY JA. I think it's more likely Q is a team led by JA.

JA, Trump circle, and possibly KimD. JA didn't want to bring any heat to Megs is so likely didn't want to communicate through any other channels regarding their Anon personas.

My guess right now is that "Q" is used by several people with several communication functions, but they all seek to bring down H RC and Hussein, etc.

Just a thought: Meg said for some time that Assange is in American hands. Maybe he's patriotic after all. The focus of evil is the Deep State, and the focus of the Deep State is America. What if he's America's newest immigrant & he's just happy to be? When it's all said & done, I don't see him moving back to Perth. It's also possible that she's referring not to Tofsee, but Super-Tofsee – a more powerful version modified by the spooks. It might be better than a CIA-Special as that could be traced back. If that's the case then it would be possible to out Tofsee (new version). Maybe by modifying Tofsee they thought it would give plausible deniability both to the spooks & the tech execs; but with the Deep State falling apart it's all been exposed. She did make a complaint about 4Chan malware before the New Megs appeared. Food for thought.

She did mention Vault 7 being important in regards to this. I admit I personally didn't look into V7 nor understand the tech side.

I've happened upon this link discussing all of this it's has a much more user friendly interface than the chan or r

Now, more than ever, a million times THANK YOU u/ToddWhiskey

Right on...this all would have been nearly impossible to navigate if not for his efforts.

I think Q is someone with inside knowledge. alot of inside knowledge, but Not JA .

Maybe. But our "New Megs" said it's Assange.

This is definitely NOT the JA that has been thinking and talking for years, but this is now the person “mega anon” thinks is JA.

FIrst off, I seriously doubt JA would ever do a cryptic one-way dictatorial sadistic Uber-patriot game board without any discussion unless he were writing in complete code to people who don’t need to figure it out because it’s a drop. And I doubt seriously that drop would be here. The Q of this board seems deranged, playing at being a meme conductor or something.

(I think this just got mega boring. I’ll check back just because, but the latest shift feels especially major-larpy...)

No feet, no megs.

u/ToddWhiskey , did she take to the back room for a private dance and show you her feet or not?

Again with the perv talk.

our new Megs??? so has she been compromised? everyone is saying "our new" what the heck? I am just a anon who has no idea how everybody puts all this shit together! I really wish someone u/mgaahatesnicknames would fill us (incompetent non computer friendly peolple) in?!!!

/u/bealist /u/IMegaHateNicknames It has been super obvious for a while that JA twitter was taken over. Especially since the day it went down for 12 hours and the Navy tweeted "Julian Assange" So who MEGA thinks is JA, is actually whomever took over JA's twitter account. If you look at JA's account and the posts JA's account has been making it seems as if it was taken over by the white hats.

Thanks for chiming in. I haven’t been convinced of JA’s presence in the Embassy for some time, and my gut told me he’d left the building in the fall of 2016. We haven’t had real POL for over a year. I like what mega has said about JA up til this last week and do hope it’s true. I put mental energy towards that hope, as well.

Fundamentally, Mega’s judgement about Q is what seems off here, as - “white hats” or not - it’s most definitely NOT JA being Q on the current new closed 8-Chan great awakening board, and that’s what she has just claimed.

So, either Mega’s wrong, she’s “testing” folks to see how easily they can be fooled, or my BS detector is off base here, And I usually stick with my BS detector before going with someone else’s, especially absent any sort of proof.

Better get my guess in now, before it all kicks off. Megs' Damascene conversion is what makes me think something might be happening, the only other explanation I can find for that is the whole thing is a spontaneous waste of time and I'm a gullible idiot for even getting into it. In which case, may as well admit the depth of my shame. Works out the same way.

So, here's the pitch - 'Dr. Breadcrumb, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying About the Difference Between a Larp and a Psyop'

At some point, the presidential election became something larger, a much more serious fight for survival between the two camps. In that sense the campaigns never ended - the fight is still ongoing, with both teams racing one another behind the scenes in advance of some unknown crunch time. Impeachment or Awakening or whatever. Some of it will play out in court, but the deciding factor will be public opinion.

Here's where team trump has a big problem - the election's over, the media is no longer obliged to acknowledge there's a contest or afford the pretense of equal time. The overwhelming advantage in terms of narrative control returns to team blue. Team trump need to keep their story going, but they can't start blabbing themselves, they're not ready to play their hand, and they don't have the breadth or depth in allied media orgs to run an effective proxy campaign. Sure they've got their loyalists, and politics and law nerds might see what's going on, but the other team has all-access, to the point where you wouldn't be surprised to see a seseme street where they count up to 25 before elmo explains to big bird about how to remotely diagnose a mental illness. There's a year or more of backstage work to do, and if the other team have the story to themselves that whole time trump's own supporters will start giving up on him.

So, they hatch a plan. A series of 'insider leaks' from all over government - PD, coastguard, FBI, white house. Hawaiian nuclear control, whatever. What information they bring doesn't matter. None of it has to be true, they don't even have to agree with each other. The point is to build a foundation - something's going on. There are still good people here. Pay attention. Things are happening.

On top of the foundation come persistent channels, eg Mega and Q. They bring a consistent line of thinking but deliberately vague and implausible, for deniability or just because at the end of the day they don't know all that much, just what they're given, and they're given just enough to sell the story with sincerity. The point is to create a backdrop, seed ideas, act as a persistent channel, so that at any time a name or event or idea can be pinged into a whole bunch of heads at once.

Then, not sure what happened, with the Q tearaway cult and Mega's voyage of doubt and discovery. Guess is, the other team's media people got wind of what was happening and 'hijacked' the Q persona, in one of those bold maneuvers that are possible in these sorts of games where the competitors know they're all lying and the audience doesn't. New Q starts steering his credibility towards the nearest mountain. Mega - who originally thought Q was her analogue ('do I know you?') and congratulated him on his technique - sees his story departing from the one she's being given, calls him out as compromised.

Meanwhile Q's getting weirder and wilder, and begins popping up on the fringes of the msm, as a hot new embarrassment coming out of the far right. Real people turned up claiming involvement, going on alex jones and that. Seemed like a natural leap to primetime, then the big pratfall as they're revealed to be scammers, down they go along with all the hopes and dreams of anyone following any of this. That seems to have stalled, though. Possibly a responsible adult called time on the idea. Or maybe that second set of tripcode hijinks was the original team regaining control, and now they're just gently walking it back, keeping up the 'new Q' protocols for the audience's sake, to maintain continuity. The audience, remember, the point of the whole exercise.

That brings us up to about now, with Mega having the scales fall from her eyes in dramatic and unlikely fashion. Best guess, the whole operation is winding up, or at least this phase of it, and someone figured this would be the cleanest way to merge the audiences again, tie the whole thing up, get everyone facing the same way. Unhappy second guess, megs herself has been somewhat in the dark about her role in all this, and has developed a paranoid complex as a result. No offense or anything megs. I'm assuming it was just a hard segue on short notice.

Anyway, I'm coining it - psylarp. A psyop to create a larp to create the illusion of a pysop. Whole thing's a goddamn psylarp.

Haha. I like it. Psylarp. I've had the thought that this might be some kind of PR campaign for Trump.

Good analysis! I enjoy the "Damascene Conversion" tag as well as the psylarp.

I'm admittedly also following along on the edge of my seat, partly because it's better to interact with other humans over this than the Kardashians or even GOT.

At least, at least, I tell myself, I am watching factions of TPTB take themselves down, revealing hand after hand to us 'plebs'. it's like some kind of psycho game of 'chicken' where they are revealing more and more truths in an attempt to win us over.

At best, TPTB are indeed much weaker than we believe, and Q and Megs are trying to wrangle us together with information, coordinate our efforts with white hats on the inside, etc. for the final push.

I know what you mean about psycho chicken, it really feels that way sometimes. We've got two sides, each trying to prove the other guilty of corruption, money laundering, foreign influence and sex crimes, while defending against the identical incoming accusations by saying that they're ridiculous and impossible.

Kind of sublime, really. Like if Ouroboros had a gag reflex.

Wow! When you put it like that I feel like an idiot! But it sounds plausible. I did have hope there for a while. Now I'm not so certain and I'm kinda getting pissed off!

Life is suppose to be a learning experience and an adventure. This is just another adventure. Do not be too hard on yourself. Pat yourself on the back for being a thinking person.

Hey thanks, I'll try.

Anyone know what is "New Megs" is talking about when she's referring to JA AMA and the reddit confirmation? It appears she herself hasn't had confirmation of JA since before then?

Re-reading Meg's first May posts here. No y'alls, that was a marker. Seth/Panda confirmation. Kim D had the infrastructure to store leaked info. They took his $$ bc they were stuck on a technicality that would've exposed Seth Rich's involvement.

First post she talks about 'us' and 'we' dropping on pol. So the network of 'white hats' here is Megs, Kim, Assange, Manning? What was the deal with FBI Anon? Megs is telling us info is coming in through /pol/

Why does everyone want to make Manning more important than he was? He was someone with access, and gathered and leaked data. He/she was not - IS NOT - some super cyber warrior.

'Just' somebody who blew a whistle.

Have to admit I know the least about Manning story, included in the list bc it was mentioned by mega.

Anyone else getting an error when trying to access Mega's u/ link? I get "Our CDN was unable to reach our servers"

No issue just now

Must be on my end, thanks!

I can't access it either

Here's where things stand for me.

There has been a crescendo of good news for "our" side over the past couple of weeks. The Russia collusion bullshit is on its last legs. More and more evidence indicates that the DOJ/FBI/Obama/Clinton minions were up to their eyeballs in corrupt, illegal behavior. The CF is now under investigation (again). The Senate (Graham the swamp creature, and Grassley) have requested a DOJ investigation of Steele. Documentation long requested by Congress has been turned over. A new indictment relating to Uranium One has come down. Sara Carter says there's more to come on this, AND the Fusion GPS stuff. The DOJ IG documents are on their way to Congress.

I went to bed Friday night with a pretty good buzz, and a pretty good feeling about the way things are going. "Old Megs" unironically said: "NOW PLEASE, can y'all FINALLY start celebrating with me?! I feel like I'm watching the storm all by myself. You knew how this would go. ;o)" I posted that I'd had a pretty good Friday night, hoped "ya'll" did too, and she replied with a winkie smiley emoji.

As things are turning more and more in our favor, the other side's getting more and more desperate. Fake news is off the charts. Twitter shadow-banning. Hawaii alert BS. None of this is surprising. Is the "New Megs" and this Q/Assange stuff part of the desperate BS? Possibly.

But at this point, I don't feel like it matters. The evidence is coming out, slowly, legally, and in an above-board way, as our "Old Megs" said it would.

So I'm going to go to bed happy again tonight. But without the buzz; work in the morning. :)

well said. I'm also optimistic things are going well, but i have a healthy skepticism over what has been said the past 24 hours

This has been very interesting and entertaining for this old news junkie, and if it is not true, for me it is really a confirmation of what I have thought for a long time. I am a lefty and am anti-HRC, just as many of my friends are. Yes, no matter what you think, there are many of us who are awake and do not believe the MSM and use many other sources for news. For the last 3 years I worked hard at not getting her elected, then introduced info about the Deep State, CFR, NWO and backed it all up with factual info. Quite some time ago, I figured out there were two factions, and it did not matter what color you flew, and knew there was a battle going on between the factions. That is hard for many people to wrap their heads around, but many are open to the ideas because is makes sense. I checked out many of the things MegaAnon said and they were correct. Now watching many of the sites, especially the youtube crowds, who are elevating Q to a godlike status, seem to be running around in circles and because of lack of history and paying attention to the current happenings, are missing what is happening and what they could be doing. (Yes, memes are a good teaching tool.) They are all still in the redpill verses bluepill mode, when the reality is it is WE THE PEOPLE vs. both of the corrupt factions. That has been my mission to get people to wake up to the fact it is WE vs. THEM. A few weeks ago, I decided after all this time, I was "shutting down" my FB news page, I gave it my all and worked at showing people different news sites and encouraged critical thinking. FB has screwed me and at my age, I am tired of it all. Time will tell what happens, and I am still going to be here watching it all unfold. Will still post the stories on FB that need to be watched and show them when they are chasing squirrels. I have loved all the comments, and am proud of so many people thinking and asking questions. It gives me more hope.

They are all still in the redpill verses bluepill mode, when the reality is it is WE THE PEOPLE vs. both of the corrupt factions. That

I am populist/nationalist/conservative/libertarian (Reagan/Trump) and this is something we can both agree on.

Bernie was not vetted well by the followers and when presented with the info, they were ticked and did not believe it. I was onto it when he said he did not want to hear about the damn emails and he was not anti-war, which I am and have always been, since the 60's.

I wouldn't say I'm anti-war, but I have grown to believe that we have become what we thought the Soviet Union was post WW2. We have become the world's warmongers and if even part of what we read on these conspiracy sites is true, we have become the world's new Evil Empire. The wars we start are costly, stupid and cause needless human misery and I'm glad the people are putting a stop to it.

I'm proud to say that my gut reaction when they announced we were going to war with Iraq the second time was to scratch my head. I didn't get it, but I thought they might have additional information that wasn't shared publicly, so I gave them the benefit of the doubt. My gut reaction was right as it usually is.

Hey Megs, is it possible that Q's latest post about TG was telling you you are wrong when you said TG has to testify which is the reason he resigned (Post ID 156533057)?

He resigned from the Ethics Committee. Was that what was said, or that he had resigned from Congress? I did not see the post you mentioned. Thanks.

Ethics committee. Q post basically said he didn't need to resign to testify..Megs alluded that was why he resigned so there's a discrepency there between her and Q. I love TG but have seen more than one source very recently saying he's not a white hat. Thomas Paine twitter is one. Megs has stated she'd run to the polls to vote for him in the past so I hope we get an answer.

Looking from a distance it is MY view that TG is all talk and no action. He appears to be grilling his subjects, but when you look more closely he allows them to not answer his questions - so 15 minutes of getting no where. Not saying he's one of the bad guys but for a good guy he needs to lift his game!

Thanks I saw this and had the exact same thought and you beat me to asking about it. Underrated question here. Q directly conflicting with what she said. Really like to hear her response on this.

Q did call it "MISinformation", as opposed to "DISinformation". So it's not as if they're calling her a liar or shill...just wrong as to the why of it.

u/IMegaHateNicknames forget to tag so she hopefully sees

Look, I’ve been on board with all this for a while. But she spent all that time saying she knew who Q was, and the stuff about White House interns......and now it’s completely flipped the script? I’ve really never thought this was a LARP until now.

I think most of us are in the same position. Now we really need some straight talking....

Until in her last posts, I never saw her say she knew who Q was, but heard her say many things of who he was not, as in analyzing who things and eliminating who he was not. I have read all the posts twice and taken notes. What did I miss?

Nothing. All of a sudden apenny drops and Meg is saying Q=Assange. Click on the link above

January 13 So, who sent out the false alarm? And that's all she wrote...

"January 13 So, who sent out the false alarm? And that's all she wrote..." Click on the link and see what was written on the chan. I am not sure how you can tell who is who on those, but it looks like the last comment is hers.

I don't have any idea who is who, but relying on Todd as he has achived it. Not that it changes the initial point and that was 'what did I miss". Short answer 'nothing'

As " Old Megs" used to say, I'm too lazy to go find the quote, but it's in the archives. :) She said that she thought Q was legit in late October/early November, but was replaced by some holdover WH staffers with connections to ShareBlue in Maryland. If I'm remembering correctly.

"[–]IMegaHateNicknames 13 points 2 days ago  Awe, thanks. Just remember that sometimes when I'm replying directly to a comment, I'm not necessarily spurging out on that person directly, I'm using the term "you", etc. towards the whole. As in, everyone. It's just so crazy to see so many people blindly following with little question or hesitation, as if it'd be so hard to fathom let alone believe that "Q", an anon poster on the internet, could be fake, or could have underlying, negative motives. Like, these are the same people who whole heartedly believe that the MSM has been proactively lying to them and spinning the "news" for the last 60+ years, right?! These are the people who believe paid shills and bot accounts target social media sites and raid message boards with bullshit, thanks to Soros-funded ShareBlue/Media Matters campaigns, no?! How could it NOT be plausible to these people that maybe a few people are behind an extremely simplistic, coordinated and funded "Q" project?! How is this so incredibly unbelievable?! I mean, didn't they have tripcide problems again on 8? To the point some big mod came in and made a special trip that got hacked again?! Are mods not corrupt? Are social media and boards companies/organization led abd their executives not corrupt? Wouldn't it be very easy for ShareBlue to put a call in and make the "Q" shit look good?! Since when do mods or 8ch execs give a single fuck about some "insider anon" on their boards?! I've never seen a mod. Why?! Because it would never happen unless they all had meat in the game and had to keep this shit going. There's some dirty, dirty games being played alright and none of them are even paying attention long enough to realize they're part of it."

So, I just got unlazy. :) This is the post I was thinking about:

12:09:57 No.151232059 Quoted By: >>151233905

151228566 Uh, but they are coming from me and frankly, should be coming from you. I'm saying what I am to show you how these 4 Q posters are being found to be connected to bigger orgs. Those orgs unironically, are connected to DC metro Antifa groups who HAVE factually been funded by Soros. This isn't new news overall because there have been a few staffers/employees let go previously who were found to have been connected to these groups, but I didn't initially think these Q kids I'm referring to, had affiliations, but even to my surprise, it seems as though 3 of the 4 do.

The MSM picking up the magapill retweet so quickly, plays well with a fewer the coordinated directives and efforts sponsored by these same locally affiliated orgs that were uncovered through the exposing and firing of a lot of the holdover staffers, who've been let go, prior.

I'd find it very unironically coincidental that these 4 Q kids, with direct ties to the same orgs as a lot of their hold over friends were, would just be on here LARPing for so long, coordinating their efforts to post, ensuring their consistently in post formats across the 4 of them posting as a single "Q", etc. and somehow those efforts NOT being directed and coordinated by the orgs they're tied to.

Knowing that it's way more probable than not, because it's factually BEEN DONE BEFORE, realizing how small coordinated, localized efforts like this have been used before to accomplish the very same goals of discrediting (I mean, hello, do you not realize shareblue/media matters/think progress are the same, but on a bigger scale) the efforts and people actively collaborating and participating on boards like this and places like here, including social media, it's not hard to see what's being done and what the goal is.

Everyone should already know what the goal of organized and sponsored orgs. like these are. Knowing what we factually know, this was a solid and fairly successful, organized effort.

Thanks for finding that! I remember reading that, but then the ShareBlue, Brock's and Soro's minions have been a problem to those of us who are anti HRC and are progressives or indies. I don't doubt what she said about them, as they had moles in Bernie's campaign, infiltrated anything that was progressive to start and coopted rallies. They are like cockroaches infiltrating right down to the local levels. They read the Tea Party handbooks, and that was said straight out, if I remember correctly. We know there were problems with the BO holdovers in all departments. There are many of us indies!

Someone on a radio board said that there is no way someone can "push the wrong button" and for a missle alert to appear. When you think about it, it makes sense. They're not going to have a one in a billion chance of a missle strike pre-programmed into the computer. In other words, this isn't like "Severe Thunderstorm Warning" or "Tsunami Warning". This is something that someone had to take the effort to write from scratch. (Just my opinion, I have no other inside information.)

Like I said, there was a freakout a week or two ago because "Q" was posting a "Defcon 1". If Q really is JA, it's not a stretch to think that this might have been a hint that he had some advance knowledge that someone (maybe not the "deep state" but someone) was going to pull this.

The Tofsee stuff being used for anything, let alone sending the Hawaii alert, is a big fat red flag. For reasons u/Lord_Morham and I have mentioned. She can post and elaborate on why we're wrong if she wants to. I hope she does. I'm afraid she won't.

Pending her doing that.... Either Megs has been a LARP all along, or yesterday's posts are somebody else.

Another possibility is that she's not a LARP, in the sense that she is someone with access to inside information, which has been clear since June/July; but she's also done some educated guessing when she didn't have definite inside information, which means sometimes she can be wrong. Since we don't know what she actually does, we don't know when she's speaking from definite first-hand knowledge and when she's passing on second-hand information or inferring things she doesn't know for sure. On the Moore election, for instance, I got the impression that she was pretty sure what was going on, especially with the fact that Moore/Bannon knew about fraud in advance, but she wasn't personally involved in it so she could have been wrong about how it ended up being handled. This Tofsee stuff could be another situation like that, where she's making assumptions based on what someone else is telling her about the tech. People tend to overestimate what "hacking" means and is capable of, and this feels like that.

But the biggest thing is the claim that Q=Assange all of a sudden, when she claimed to know who Q was and that they were being dealt with. That requires further explanation.

Well /u/IMegaHateNicknames until your latest group of posts on 4chan, I believed you were on the up and up. But there are a bunch of problems with what you are saying and putting out there. I'll just mention a really big one and hope you can comment: if Q is actually Assange, why in the world would you dox him for all the world and all the clowns to see????

I could be wrong, but I think the USA insisted Australia not sell uranium.

Then they sold it.

Please explain?

This is my theory, not sure if I posted it here.

Team of Q posts DEFCON.

Mega Anon cracks the shits and informs on them, possibly outing herself to bosses.

Remember Mega Anon and 4 of the Q team work in the White House.

I think B is one of the Soros Q team on twitter.

Q the gets sacked. Maybe Mega got sacked.

Maybe Mega had to go silent to protect her identity / job.

Several days of silence from both.

Soros team accesses Megas sign in.

Q, Mega, and Assange start messaging on the same day to verify each other.

Soros team outside of the White House is now running all the accounts.

That's my guess.

One way to tell is if Q can continue to fake verify by anticipating Trumps tweets.

While Q team was in the White House, this was no problem, just access trumps tweets in the social media "Queue".

Now they may have lost access and can't use trumps tweets to fake verify themselves. Be interesting to see.

Just like Mega Anons shitty tiles.

Quite frankly, if a pic of Megas tiles came up, I would be scared for her. The priced would be in her house.

Let's hope the freaks are frantically shopping for shitty tiles to lay and photograph.

Remember Mega Anon and 4 of the Q team work in the White House.

Mega never said she worked in the White House. She said she was a private contractor and worked for herself.


Re: Manning. There is no such thing as transgender.

There is Gender Identity Disorder/ Body Dysmorphia, That's a mental illness were a male thinks he's female and visa versa. Its always accompanied by at least two other mental illness. Its extremely complex.

Its related to Anorexia/body dysmorphia.

In both the persons view of their body does not equal reality.

They are delusional.

There is autogynophillia, that's a sexual fetish for feminine stuff. This can develop into men wanting to be all things female because they only see that as sexual. Look it up, I havnt explained it well. Its like men getting horny dressing in women's stuff. Many of these men can be incorrectly diagnosed as GID.

So trans is nothing, a pretend thing. Gender identity disorder is a complex mental illness, like anorexia.

Now we don't give anorexics liposuction. We make them eat.

Why are we stuffing mentally I'll men with hormones and cutting their tackle off?

New World Order Lucifarian ideal of Bamphomet. The perfect person being both sex's.

The real reason is to replace women with homosexual men, gaining control of children for rape fun.

LGBT was created by NAMBLA and is funded by Soros. Its a pedophile organization and political movement.

A lot of military men go trans. That's because of MKULTRA and because sodomy is used for mind control and bonding in the troops. Its encouraged to treat wives badly. Homos replacing the importance of wives.

I beleive while Manning has been locked up, he had been subject to MKULTRA and become mentally ill trans.

Anyway, why the fuck would anyone with complex mental illness be standing to vote.

Or be voted for.

This is how Manchurian candidates are made.

Masses of rape, torture, drugs, and mind programming.

Think Trudeau (that's confirmed), Obumma, and I think Macron, John Key of NZ and Turbull of Australia.

Anyway. Manning is mentally ill. Poor bastard.

" I believe while Manning has been locked up, he has been subject to MKULTRA and become mentally ill trans."

This is EXACTLY what I have been saying since his "transformation." We're on the same page. Considering how the CIA is so involved with Hollywood, it makes you wonder if Bruce Jenner was also subjected to MKUltra.

I think you misunderstand what gender is. I have lots of trans friends and their experiences are not represented at all by this post.

Just a bunch of homophobic shit!!!post something that means a fuck

OK, I've got it peeps.

The photo of Assange in the equadorian shirt.

You can get geographic coordinates off a photo.

So we will know exactly were in the world he was when the photo was taken.

And when.

Its years since I've done it. But its do able.

Need to go back to cutting up cat food.

The photo was from 2014, it is not recent.

So??? where are you /u/MegaHatesNicknames ? we are very concerned? Like what the hell is happening? Mind you a few of us do not have the damn talent that some of you young ones have! I told myself to let it "bake" but find myself being too obsessed with this board! I say fuck it and go back to not giving a damn!!!

Wow, I go without checking this thread for a few days and it's gone completely bonkers. o.O

I hope Mega's OK, whoever she is. If one-tenth of what she's been writing since May is legit, desperation must be running extremely high right now, and cornered animals are exceptionally dangerous...

Mega's newfound believe in Q certainly gives us something to ponder.

I've been trying to reconcile her stance on Q for a while now. Given her previous statements, either one or the other had to be a LARP. Both could not be legitimate at the same time -- even though both were pointing in a lot of the same directions, talking about the same issues, and even seemed to be on the same side of the battle.

Honestly, I think a big problem with our general approach to these "insider anons" is this false dichotomy between "LARP" or "real". I absolutely do not buy that Q is an insider "white hat" sincerely trying to inform the masses about the "truth". Not with shit like "10 days of darkness", "martial law", "DEFCON 1", etc. -- even if those have intended meanings other than the obvious, they are going to scare the shit out of people who even slightly believe, and not by accident.

With all the apparent coincidences, Q may have some insider access, but if so, Q is a psyop. Hell, even if a "LARP", as in a civilian making shit up, Q is a psyop, because there's clearly an agenda driving it. You don't jerk people around for months on end talking in riddles implying scary, life-threatening happenings because you want to inform, or even just because you like the attention. That's how you manipulate people.

Compare with Russiagate. Insiders dropping "breadcrumbs" creating a trail between Trump, Putin, and WikiLeaks, plenty of it actually based on real insider info, leading eager enemies of Trump down a path that's totally detached from reality -- the people behind it aren't "LARPers", but they aren't seeking to inform either. It's a fucking psyop, with an obvious agenda driving it.

So to me, the key question regarding Q isn't "real or LARP" -- it's "whose pysop and to what end?" Also, how powerful are they? Are they powerful enough to fool MegaAnon, whoever she actually is, to get her to validate them? Are they powerful enough to compromise MegaAnon, if she's an actual insider? What are the actual dimensions of the psyop -- is MegaAnon part of it, even? Or did their agendas just happen to converge? Who the fuck knows at this point. But clearly, we're being jerked around.

Hypothetically, could it be JA, and he's doing all this to further the cause of WikiLeaks? I mean, anything's possible, but that's hard for me to swallow, because of how antithetical this sort of deception is to what WikiLeaks stands for. But then, being stuck in a tiny room for years on end could lead to some serious desperation, and JA is clearly making some bold but mysterious moves right now. Who knows? Could be his psyop, I can't rule it out. But it's obviously someone's psyop.

Or is it possible that both Q and Megaanon are part of the plan? Both have successfully engaged a lot of us 'truth seekers' into running around like chooks with our heads cut off. How much real stuff is happening while we are looking the other way?

Regardless of who each of these individuals are, they could easily be part of the bigger picture. Perpetrating this larp in conjunction with each other.....

And what if they are actually part of the 'deep state'? The two PRIMARY indicators - the BDT/NYC fireworks, and DEFCON/Hawaii scare - don't prove anything (unless you really want them to).

Nevertheless we are still, for the most part, keeping up with developments looking for some sign that the good guys are about to take down the bad guys. Wishful thinking clouds the critical thinking process at all levels.

If Meg wants to come forward and be straight with us, instead of giving us 'crumbs' that can be taken any which a way, we may refocus.

Presently those on 8chan believe they are the only ones with the answers, as do those on reddit and 4chan.....divide and conquer!

Regardless of who each of these individuals are, they could easily be part of the bigger picture. Perpetrating this larp in conjunction with each other.....

It's funny. 5 days ago I posted in this thread that Mega Anon's stance on Q didn't make any sense.

Now she does a 180 and somehow I'm even more suspicious than I was before!

The only good thing I can say about this Q phenomenon (larp or not) is that it has an end date which should be approaching very shortly (if I'm interpreting the Q posts correctly). That date is not a solid date, but things seem to be coming to a head. It can't continue indefinitely.

Right...but the real possibility is that 'the end date' is not so much about the swamps floodgates being opened, as it is about the 'Anon Op' reaching peak retard, and THAT being triggered.

What if the folks being warned of the coming week's false flag...ARE the flase flag?

Fair point about the dichotomy. And that was one thing that really didn't sit well with me- Mega being 100% certain that Q was a larp/disinfo despite the fact that a lot of their information shared a common theme. It seemed that at least some of what Q anon said was true just like it seems that some of what Mega Anon says is true. Personally, I don't trust anyone 100%, especially "anons" whose integrity can't be verified.

Hypothetically, could it be JA, and he's doing all this to further the cause of WikiLeaks? I mean, anything's possible, but that's hard for me to swallow...

I've been pondering this hypothesis (independently) for about two weeks now. Didn't really promulgate it because I don't want to sound like a loon, but it makes sense to me. I mean, it's hard to even talk to my wife about this stuff without sounding like I've gone off the deep end.

I'm not sure I would call it "deception" as much as building hype. Manipulation? Sure. My theory is that this Q anon phenomenon is similar to the cryptic clues Wikileaks dropped before the Vault 7 release. This is hype before the big reveal.

Exactly. LARP/legit isn't binary, it's a range. If I claimed to be an insider and started posting theories about happenings based on things I've read online and my own guesses, it would be 100% LARP, because I'm not inside at all. But what if my wife worked in the White House and told me things she was working on, and I relayed those? Then it would be legit inside info. But what if I added my own guesses to it? Then partly legit, partly LARP.

No one knows everything that's going on, especially not first-hand. Meg's info has always been about the data side of stuff: Awans, Seth, emails, DNC, etc. It's easy to imagine that that puts her in a position to hear about other things that she's not directly involved in, like people being arrested and ankle-restrained or stings being set up for election fraud. It doesn't mean she's personally involved in those things and has been putting boots on people herself.

Also, she's not now claiming Q was "legit," she's claiming Q was Assange (or was taken over by Assange at some point) dropping a mix of fake and real info for the purpose of.....getting her attention? Keeping her following trails? That makes her sound like a lot more of an outsider than she's presented herself as. It's explainable, but needs explaining, and I'm not going to offer possible explanations to choose from. Problem is, it might be impossible to explain without revealing too much about her actual position. So I wouldn't be surprised if she simply shuts down, and it will be impossible to tell that from the possibility that she shut down because her LARP was exposed.

There were theories about Q being Assange (among other people) from the very beginning of Q, especially when he talked about wizards. But for Meg's credibility, she told us she knew who Q was. If the latest post is legit and she's right now, then she was lying before, or was wrong and not nearly as in-the-know as she claimed to be. That, at least, seems pretty straightforward.


I just watched video from Defango channel. He says This Qanon thing was planned at Defcon by Cicada 3301.;

At mark 22:59, He shows slide of a puzzle. Its says "The Fall begins with Questions." "A murder of crows" "and wandering I's(Eyes)"

QAnon is a LARP :( Now i am sad.

Hopefully you MegaAnon are a real insider and can confirm that the deep state is being taken down.

I couldn't get any geo data on Assanges photo. But my phone is crap and he probably scrubbed it.

Just read a post saying he has been in Sweden? And is in the USA now.

I don't think we should demand Mega Anon come to the board or call her a larp.

If she has had to go silent, If her accounts been taken over, We should let her stay silent, Its probably safer for her.

I don't want her putting herself or her job at risk.

As to the Fake Mega Anon.

Fuck Off

As to the Fake Mega Anon. Fuck Off

Seconded - Seriously - Fuck Off Fake Mega

After reading some of these great thoughts I’m digesting.

1) Fake meg could be real meg, signing out for safety 2) Meg directed me back to q 3) Whether assange is q or not, the twitter acct for assange (not necessarily real assange) and q’s post from dec 18 indicate this hawaii thing has been in the works for awhile, q and assange are connected. again, it’s whoever is posting, not necessarily the real folks. 4) I want to believe it’s real and not just a trap. 5) what i ‘want’ is not necessarily reality.

Much cautious optimism required.

Godspeed Patriots


I have waited to see what happens regarding recent MegaAnon's posts.

I read all of it more than once (meaning both Jan 13th link from /pol/ and recent reddit comments posted by u/IMegaHateNicknames) and none of it makes any sense to me. I have no idea what made that user/poster post/conclude all that. It sounds gibberish, off rail and rather misleading to me.

As I told you before, I have posted the last link because u/IMegaHateNicknames confirmed that link via PM.

I have no way to verify whether this user/poster is the same person as before and whether the reddit account has been compromised/hacked, or not.

Given the above, I am marking the last link in the list as "unverified/misleading"

My personal opinion: I really, really don't think that Q is Assange.

Yeah this seems so odd.

Thank you u/ToddWhiskey. I think plenty of us (l've lurked for months before this) have been upset by these recent developments. Its nice to know that you're on the ball. Like I said - I'm pretty upset at this - lets see how it pans out though. Good to know you're on our side.

I edited my comment with some details.

Time will tell.

Agreed, gotta give the news at least 24 hours to settle, right?

Here’s a part from Meg’s last 2 posts here:

“I'm not sure where I'm supposed to even post this shit anymore. It'd be nice to get another "CRYSTAL CLEAR" (🤷🏻‍♀️ Sorry but it was deserved) or something.”

“At this point I don't care how many ways this all gets twisted six ways from Sunday... I just still can't believe it.”

If she is real, sounds like she’s unsure and just waiting too ;o)

Your quote is from her reddit post I called 'gibberish', posted AFTER the 180-turn.

in one of the 'gibberish' posts she said this:

It was spread on THE CHANS FOR A REASON!! The malware, when installed completely undetected on Microsoft, android and iOS and Linux os platforms unpacks itself via the hornets designed to unpack every time you open an email, social media a website, even the Chan's. THIS IS WHY TWITTER UPDATED THEIR COOKIES!!!! THEYRE USING TOFSEE TO TRACK YOU ACROSS EVERYTHING!!! They can ALSO USE IT TO POST AND MESSAGE FOR YOU and SEE ALL YOUR SHIT. ASSANGE KNEW THIS!!!! THIS IS HOW EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEMS CAN PUT OUT MESSAGES TO START WARS AND MAKE PEOPLE AFRAID WITHOUT DETECTION!!!

I have no clue if that is possible, but i do know Wictor posted this: could be a truth mixed in with bs to make believable?

Is there anyone that knows if her gibberish makes any technical sense?

Parts of it don't even make grammatical sense, so it's hard to say about technical sense. I can't say it doesn't for sure, because there are leaps in there that she doesn't explain. First of all, Tofsee has been around for a while and can be detected. So assume she's talking about some new version which remains undetected. Then I guess Twitter updated their cookies to work with this new version. But Twitter doesn't need anything like that to track you. If you use Twitter, they can already track you across all sites that have a Twitter widget, without any kind of hack. If you don't use Twitter, they can at least track your IP address. Ditto Google and Facebook: because they have widgets on most websites out there, they can track you with those. That's not quite "across everything," but it's pretty close.

If you're infected by this new super-Tofsee I'm postulating, and if it's able to access all your cookies (breaking browser security), then yes, it would be able to post as you on sites like reddit or Twitter, assuming you let your browser save your login. But that's only if you're infected.

The last part, I dunno, because I don't know what "THIS" means. Being able to track people with a botnet doesn't give you the power to set off EBS messages. Tracking/hacking are two completely different things, and doing them without detection is another thing too. So I simply don't know what she means by that, but it doesn't follow from the rest of the paragraph without explanation to fill in the blanks.

A lot of that thread sounds like she's either talking to herself or to someone who already knows what she's talking about. It doesn't read like it's intended to make sense to anyone who doesn't already know. The only problem with that is that she started by screaming at /pol/ to pay attention.

I certainly don't believe someone just pressed the wrong button in Hawaii. And it's pretty interesting that Huma just happened to be there at the time, staying in a Saudi-owned hotel. Even if she's not wearing an ankle tracker, she's a mom with a young child whose dad is in prison, so how does she have the time and money for this? What all of that means, I don't know, but I do think things are happening, regardless of whether we have a reliable source to tell us what they are.

What if the EBS message didn't come from the EBS system itself, but rather was a phone-level hack using Tofsee, to Tofsee infected phones, that spoofed an EBS message.

Said another way -- Imagine a popup ad that looks like it's a Windows dialog. Same thing. In this scenario the EBS system DID NOT FIRE... rather the Tofsee infected devices received a message through Tofsee and displayed a message that only looked like it came from EBS.

This would easily explain the big gap until the retraction... everyone was trying to figure out how an EBS message went out when the EBS system may not have been the trigger at all. The final retraction may have come through EBS, which could also explain why some people who got the first did not receive the second alert.

IF this is the case (and it's a big IF), then the next question is who triggered it... black hats who want to start a war, or white hats that are trying to expose the black hats.

Some variation on all this can explain some of the off the rails comments. I'm still skeptical personally, but it's worth exploring.

Good point, I hadn't thought of that. The report I heard was that it went to every cell phone in Hawaii, but it's possible that people just assumed it did because everyone knows that's how the emergency system works. I assume not all phones are infected, but if a lot of them are, it could be enough to convince people it was a general alert, at least at first before it's investigated more closely.

On the other hand, the way I heard it, the authorities are saying they did send it out, just that it was an accident that a real message went out instead of a test message. I guess that could be a quick cover for the fact that their overall system may be vulnerable.

Yep, If I were in charge, I'd think the white lie that someone pressed 'the wrong button' would be better than telling people 'malware infects enough phones to trigger a mass panic'.

Can you believe anything "the authorities" say these days? The bond of trust we had with our government is broken.


Didn't EBS get activated on tv's too though?

The timeline of what fired when would be important to see. Did phones trigger first? If they did, I would expect everyone with an EBS outlet (TV, radio, etc.) to be confused about why their outlet was not also triggered, assume it was a real alert, and push their outlet to relay the message... then start diving into diagnostics on why their outlet did not automatically pick up the message.

That would also explain the long gap until the retraction message. The guys upstream start getting all these calls from the downstream guys about how an alert was not picked up -- and initially have to figure out what the downstream guys are talking about because there was no alert in the first place! Finally, someone up high says get a new message out that it's a false alarm... which goes out through the legit EBS.

It's all conjecture, but hey, this is /r/Conspiracy!

The initial warning stating it was not a drill was broadcast on tv.

I'm also unclear on how someone goes about pushing another outlet to relay the message. And to be honest I highly doubt the folks in Hawaii were concerned with what device warned and what devices didn't and why. They were taking cover. But I do appreciate the thinking outside of the box. =)

Tonight, the CBS evening news discussed what happened during their broadcast. According to the man in charge, one person was responsible for this error, and he also mentioned that he truly believes it was an accident. I personally believe this was triggered by the Deep State.

Is there anyone that knows if her gibberish makes any technical sense?

The technical details are a bunch of gibberish garbage. In fact, it's such gibberish garbage that it made me wonder, "Maybe she's just describing something subtle and I'm just not clear on what she's trying to say." But that's wishful thinking, not wanting to see the massive destruction of the MegaAnon we all knew and loved.

More thinking/speculation here

I'm sad too. Even though we don't know her personally, Megs feels like a friend to many of us, and I hate to even think she might never post on 4Chan or Reddit again. I hope she will contact David Wilcock or Todd Whiskey and give us some closure if she is finished.

I'm sad too. Even though we don't know her personally, Megs feels like a friend to many of us, and I hate to even think she might never post on 4Chan or Reddit again. I hope she will contact David Wilcock or Todd Whiskey and give us some closure if she is finished.

I'm sad too. Even though we don't know her personally, Megs feels like a friend to many of us, and I hate to even think she might never post on 4Chan or Reddit again. I hope she will contact David Wilcock or Todd Whiskey and give us some closure if she is finished.

Letting it bake...... tick tock

MegaAnon has been about clarity, not confusion. Perhaps ShareBlue finally accomplished what they wanted. I am mourning and hope that Meg and her family are okay. I won't quit searching for the truth, however, and I know that I am not alone.

I'm sad too. Even though we don't know her personally, Megs feels like a friend to many of us, and I hate to even think she might never post on 4Chan or Reddit again. I hope she will contact David Wilcock or Todd Whiskey and give us some closure if she is finished.

I'm sad too. Even though we don't know her personally, Megs feels like a friend to many of us, and I hate to even think she might never post on 4Chan or Reddit again. I hope she will contact David Wilcock or Todd Whiskey and give us some closure if she is finished.

I'm sad too. Even though we don't know her personally, Megs feels like a friend to many of us, and I hate to even think she might never post on 4Chan or Reddit again. I hope she will contact David Wilcock or Todd Whiskey and give us some closure if she is finished.

I'm sad too. Even though we don't know her personally, Megs feels like a friend to many of us, and I hate to even think she might never post on 4Chan or Reddit again. I hope she will contact David Wilcock or Todd Whiskey and give us some closure if she is finished.

I'm sad too. Even though we don't know her personally, Megs feels like a friend to many of us, and I hate to even think she might never post on 4Chan or Reddit again. I hope she will contact David Wilcock or Todd Whiskey and give us some closure if she is finished.

I'm sad too. Even though we don't know her personally, Megs feels like a friend to many of us, and I hate to even think she might never post on 4Chan or Reddit again. I hope she will contact David Wilcock or Todd Whiskey and give us some closure if she is finished.

Thank you so much for the transparency/back story. u/ToddWhiskey will go down in history

Maybe more than once for Q, but it appears MegaAnon is different, glaringly different.

Qanon is the unvetted individual/thing (now a group & "Q") who have some cult-like followers. Frightening, but true.

MegaAnon, who was the first to use the term Q-tists follow, "breadcrumbs" (Q picked that up and seemed to have mimicked MegaAnon and due to being hyped up, Q became the guru of crumb distribution, with one thing of note: "Future proves past".

Anyone who knows anything about Artificial Intelligence knows not only does it mimic, but it learns, streamlines, and perfects itself.

There are so many who are following Q--and just yesterday, get this, MegaAnon who up to yesterday called Q a LARP, now says Q is real and Q is Assange.

Why? Why did MegaAnon SUDDENLY change her very vocal and extremely strong stance AGAINST all that was Q?

A "breadcrumb" left on a reddit board. For some reason this "breadcrumb" sent MegaAnon into a 180 degree switcheroo. What was that breadcrumb?

Here's the kicker--I am no one but a bored individual who has always liked to chat on boards, and even created a "U" toob channel, about seven years ago. A hobby to put up everything quirky, to create things, to question, to just put out anything from questions in news (not political in nature), to my adopted dog, to wondering how some guy fell from his parasail. Stuff like that. No money in it, at all (I don't care about U toob subs/likes, etc).

Well I put up a video about how some of the Board Owners (where Q drops those "crumbs") have a Q book deal in place. That's it, just a "read it" video, no voice, a bit of music, and that's it.

My channel basically sucks, by the way. What I mean, I don't get much traffic, don't care either. So this video was well under 50 views for a few days. A comment or two, and then a strange comment. Odd I thought. I checked who made it, they had just created a channel, no subs of course, no videos they ever uploaded--a new channel. I forgot about it until I noticed it was deleted.

Now I am curious why it was deleted. I check my comments stream and took a screen shot. Then I searched the unusual name they had chosen.

No magic. Nothing earth shattering, but odd that the name was being removed not only from my channel, but other places. Scrubbed off. Odd that.

I told MegaAnon about this in the reddit thread created by ToddWhiskey who is archiving all MegaAnon's writings on the chans and this reddit thread has comments anyone can make. That is where I asked her about this as "LastYearItWas". This is all easy to be confirmed by the way.

Now keep in mind she (MegaAnon) does not know that the, what she calls "breadcrumb", came from a low traffic bottomed out U toob channel (mine).

A comment made under a low traffic, lost in oblivion, video in a low traffic, hardly sub'd hobby channel is the magic "breadcrumb". That is it! Really.

Anyway, since yesterday, this "breadcrumb" has made MegaAnon believe that Q is not only real, but that Q is Assange.

She is asking for another clue from the person who gave her this magic "breadcrumb"? Does she think the "breadcrumb" came from Q? Does she think the "breadcrumb" came from Assange? Um? I'm not either, nor can I pass anything along except to maybe my cat, or perhaps my dog! WTF! The world has gone insane, I think!

ALSO: Just so you'll know, I totally deleted all my reddit comments and replies before she had this "breadcrumb" awakening moment. I didn't even know she had that moment when I deleted them (which is proven because she says it was deleted but was using the "breadcrumb" that was given). I completely deleted my account as "LastYearItWas" after seeing how absolutely ridiculous this entire cult-like nonsense has become. I told Todd Whiskey I was leaving and told him goodbye.

I gave ToddWhiskey all the information via PM. I totally shutdown my U toob channel, (just one video up to hold it in place). I don't want anyone using a stupid comment as some kind of justification of Q and the cult being formed/is formed around it/him/her/they.

Fundamentalists will fight for their belief, as many who understand cults will understand and grasp.

Has AI taken over MegaAnon and wove in this "breadcrumb" as a bs story to use to validate Q anon making Assange Q at the same time? I have no idea what is going on. But is anyone concerned how people are taking "Q" orders--I mean, what if Q orders something agains non-Q believers? Are you concerned? People should realize Q is not vetted. MegaAnon may have been hacked or something happened. What happened?

The reason I will not post this on reddit's dedicated board on this subject is because if you question Q in any way, you are pummeled as if you're mocking a god. It is that bad. And, if you peruse comments on some subs, you'll see some saying MegaAnon now believes in Q, when SHE NEVER DID until that lame "breadcrumb" was posted by me asking what it could be (not inferring it was anything but odd and being removed).

People need to wake up! Don't follow any cause until you know who's really holding the strings. The real storm is rogue Artificial Intelligence, as Elon Musk warned the world about. The only one who has vocalized exactly what could happen as it IS happening.

I take it as a given that reddit is compromised, in the sense that if the CIA or other deep state types really wanted to know a redditor's personal info, or take over an account, they could. So I was a little surprised when Meg signed up here, but figured things had proceeded to the point where she was confident enough to take that risk. But I think it's reasonable to keep in mind that someone might not be herself. Ultimately, it's the information that matters, that has to be consistent and fit the facts, just as when it's being posted anonymously on /pol/.

She has been pretty consistent regarding the big picture, for many months, and that's what ultimately matters to me. Some more or less juicy details regarding certain swamp creatures are under my radar, tbh.

So, I'm waiting to see if/when these three things, predicted/explained by MA, happen:

  • Fake News Award / Wolf's Fiery book [we should see very soon]

  • Flynn testimony/vindication [soon]

  • FBI/CIA/FED gutted [hopefully soon]

Agree with both you fine gents. "Old Megs," pre-Saturday, was pretty consistent. There were some things she predicted, without specific dates, of course, and all we can really do is wait and see if they happen.

Given what's happened over the past few days, she won't be back. That sucks, because regardless of the validity or invalidity of her posts, she was a great read. :) I'm gonna miss our Old Megs.

Agreed. Personally, I think she's been too on top of events for too long not to be "real." I don't mean predictions; I mean maintaining a consistent, coherent picture and being able to explain how new events fit into it, and doing this for months without ever being proven wrong. After all, a lot of things could have proven her wrong, because she's made lots of little assertions that don't come off as predictions. Trump being safe from Mueller, for instance: still no charges against anyone close to Trump, just like she said. There still could be, of course, until Mueller shuts it down. But so far so good, for months since she started saying it.

I don't think I could do that, even if I had no job and could spend all my time trawling through conspiracy and news sites working on my story. So I still think she's basically what she presented herself as -- someone with considerable inside knowledge of what's going on due to her job. If she stretched and made claims beyond what she knows first-hand, like about what was going on in Alabama, that doesn't change the rest.

Also, if you assume she is capable of maintaining a several-month LARP so well that it fools all of us who aren't as smart as Biff, why did it all fall apart suddenly one day? One could argue that the pressure of it got too high, or she got bored with it, or her medication ran out, but those are "just so" arguments. Why give it up, and in such a crazy-looking way, when she hadn't been BTFO yet? If she's just a LARP, then no one would be threatening her or trying to stop her, because TPTB want confusion out here. Without an explanation why someone would drop a very successful LARP, that's as much as guess as anything else.

So I'm waiting as well, to see whether the overall picture pans out or falls apart. It does seem like the various investigations will have to start showing results one way or the other, though never as soon as we'd like.

The timing is also interesting in that the JA=Q narrative certainly takes A LOT of heat off of what had been a BUILDING, and no doubt troublesome trend of (formerly supportive) folks calling out and questioning Qs legitimacy. You get us thinking that it's JA, and suddenly we make nice and fall back in line.

Spot on.

...and if it IS 'spot on'...then that leads to darker thoughts...those thoughts being, that the ones behind such machinations would feel the need and derive some benefit from keeping things 'in line'.

I'm again fearing that Mega was 'righter' than most wanted to think, when she described the Q intent as nefarious.

And what of Mega? Did the DEFCON 'crossed line' set her undoing in motion? And she has steadfastly stated all through the last year that she wasn't worried about her position in all this. Yet here we are. Hopefully her 24 - 48 hr rule plays out in her favor.

“Hopefully her 24 - 48 hr rule plays out in her favor.”

Which she ironically didn’t follow on Saturday.

Todd, thanks for stating what you did.

Odd how /u/IMegaHateNicknames has posted so sparingly too. Either something is odd or something is hectic behind the scenes. I hope she just wasn't guessing about things. Never liked the whole "boot" made no sense.

Either way, I hope the criminals do start to go down and hopefully it is soon.

That could be, if people aren't paying attention to what she actually said. Even if this latest thread from her is legit, she's still saying Assange-as-Q was posting fake info ("disinfo is necessary"), apparently for the purpose of getting/steering someone's attention, hers or others'. But that means the info is likely to be of no use (or deliberately misleading) to the rest of us not in the know.

Tl;dr: disinfo posted by Assange is still disinfo.


Which is one of the big issues I've had with the whole Q thing.

It's like the frat hazing with the paddle, and after every smack, the pledge says "Thank you sir, may I have another!."

I don't appreciate - no matter the cause, or the rationale - being told I'm going to be lied to, misled, and have my time and emotional energy wasted. But the Q clan is always ready for more.

Couldn't JA just straight up say he's not Q lol

Good analysis, and I agree. It's very suspicious that as soon as Mega started trashing Q as ridiculous, suddenly we get these posts that are very unlike her past posts. I like /u/Lord_Mhoram's theory, except I'd say that someone on the inside of Reddit gave her account to someone else. That's more likely than some direct hacking job.

I was on Mega's side that Q wasn't legit, but Mega's new posts planted a seed of doubt. Almost as if that was the intent.

Thanks for this new information about how it went down with these latest posts. Hmm.

And as the other poster said, thanks for being on the ball and having a reasonable amount of suspicion. A lesser man would've been blinded by having a "special inside relationship" with Mega and play right into their hands, assuming the account is compromised. That's exactly how they do it.

Thanks, Todd, esp re: Edit 2. When I asked about confirmation that the posts were really her on Saturday, I was wondering if you and she had some back-channel way to verify. Sounds like you didn't. So the IMegaHateNicknames account could definitely have been hijacked. Again, thanks, and much appreciated. This helps to clarify.

I recall your question. I said on Saturday that the /pol/ posts were 'confirmed' by the reddit account of hers. As I explained, I didn't consider the possibility that the phone/account could be compromised and used to post such incoherent rambling. I have no other way to communicate with her.

I was overcautious when she joined reddit on Dec 18th, unlike others here, not sure if anyone noticed. I asked for some verification from that user via PM, I got the proofs I asked for and even some I didn't ask for but she provided them anyway. She's been posting here since Dec 18th and I'd say her posts have been very consistent with the 'Old Megs'. There was definitely no other 'Megs' complaining on /pol/ that her identity was stolen by a reddit account, was there?

I am hoping D. Wilcock connects with Mega and confirms whether or not she is okay, or if he is able to. What's important to me at this point is that she and her family are fine and safe.

Thank you as always, Todd.

Does anyone have a connection with David Wilcock? Has anyone following this since Saturday attempted to contact him?

I went to his FB page, and mentioned that Mega Anon seems to be missing after a perplexing series of posts which seemed to contain a lot of gibberish. I asked if he could still call her. Perhaps if enough of her supporters/friends contacted that link he'd see the issue and try to help.

In his latest blog post he updated that she called him and it indeed was her who posted it.

Thanks for all the hard work Todd. Been lurking for months. I'm still leaning towards all this being legit for the reasons in your last line too. Thought her quote on bill clinton was interesting given everything we know about Hawaii. Here's her quote "First, you absolutely need to know that Bill Clinton would 100%, without hesitation, cut off his own testicles with a McDonald's quality plastic butter knife, if he thought it would in any way, shape or form, help or guarantee, the arrest, conviction and life sentence of Hillary.

He is just as corrupt as Hillary, but only because he was never anything more than Hillary. I always found it funny that everyone referred to Hillary as if she'd be the first woman president because technically, anyone who knows them knew she was already president. I swear to you, this was one of the biggest running jokes during the elections and during Bill's terms, he was called "first gentleman", to his face, tongue and cheek, for 8 straight years.

They do not love each other. They never did. They do not fuck, never did unless you think Chelsea is his, then fine. Once until you get kek'ed. Bill was literally groomed by Hillary. She was never hurt, angry or mad that he fucked around with lots of women, she was only angry or mad when he got caught and it fucked with their reputations and political goals. Literally. Everything you'd ever read that's been documented about their courtship and relationship, from college, him moving to Boston to be with her, her moving back to Arkansas for his budding legal career and political opportunities, etc. all fabricated bullshit. She literally plucked him from obscurity because while he was smart and ambitious too, he was more importantly, everything Hillary wasn't. He had the popularity, personality, charm and polished presence. He had the charisma. He brought the excitement. He was relatable and personable, he had hobbies and talents and all Hillary had was the MA state bar she failed, a shady defense record in Arkansas, a state that made her feel like hick trash, and watergate."

He's in Hawaii too! Here is her quote on Huma in Hawaii.

"You might want to think about that statement before believing it.

You know who owns a lot of stake in Four Seasons?! Saudi's. Did you see Weiner's statements coming out yesterday?! He and Huma singing like canaries?!

Remember all those rumbles around DC with the left bitching about Trump and DOJ moving people, cases and investigations OUT of the swamp in DC via the FBI?!

Keep your eyes open and mouth shut. You'll learn something. It's Huma's turn for "investigation"... no one needs another "garage fire".

She's not alone there... "

Something big in the works there...

You might want to do a shout out to David Wilcock. He’s had phone contact and might have a way to get in touch with her. A community is supposed to pay attention to itself. There are more than a few of us here who are concerned, especially given the current state of things.

Ah, I see now that lots of people are suggesting Wilcock. Probably worth the effort, if only in the name of, at minimum, a truly GREAT LARP and at best, one of our own.

found this comment by David Wilcock on his website UPDATE MONDAY 1/15, 9:06 PM: A BRIEF WORD ON MEGA ANON

This brief update is simply to address the comments that a few of you have directed my way.

I recently received a call from Mega Anon in which she was very upset.

She had an elaborate and interesting idea about how her material may have been co-opted into the Q Anon posts, possibly through some kind of AI automated process.

There were also concerns about her being under surveillance, based on certain anomalies she was detecting.

This in turn made her feel concerned that someone might be able to pose as her, and fool the 4Chan community.

I encouraged her not to worry about it, as with my help we could clearly point out if this ever did indeed happen.

I found out later that she posted some of these same concerns on 4Chan in an emotional way, including all-caps writing.

The contents of these posts were a shortened and less detailed version of the same things she was saying on the phone. So it was indeed her, not someone else.

I reminded her that her work is heroic, and although we do our best to fight disinformation, there will always be some of it!

I hope Megs is ok? Does anyone have a way to check on her status?

David Wilcock posted a comment on Fulford's blog yesterday and mentioned MegaAnon, saying that he'd tried calling her over the past 2 weeks but she's not answering and not returning calls, but he had the feeling she was not "taken out" but was just taking a break...

"She has yet to respond to any calls or emails in almost two weeks now, so I am not sure what is going on. I don’t get the sense that she was taken out but I do get the sense she is taking a break."

I've always thought Q was Assange and the post in question always seemed in MegaAnon character to me.

I agree - although I did not fully understand the latest posts they seemed in character to Megs in how they explained things and words used. At first I thought Q might be Assange but then Q's quotation of Scripture did not seem Assange-like. He's also not an American so he wouldn't be a Patriot to America. So I don't think Q is Assange. My theory is that both Q and Assange are NSA "ops". The post on Wikileaks of Fire and Fury with the Q title changes confirms the link. The post on DoD twitter of Washington crossing the Delaware confirms military link. Possibly Megs is also NSA, but I always thought she was Bannon-related or working for Prince.

Thinking more about this...

What gave M credibility was her level-headedness. She didn't give us wacked-out nonsense, she gave us reasonable explanations for what we see, all woven together into a consistent narrative.

Honestly, this latest post is filled with such garbage that it almost argues against someone else taking over the account. Who would go to the trouble of taking over the account and then launch that kind of nonsense blitz? Why not a more subtle move toward doing whatever they wanted to do? Mega is primarily a 4chan poster. Someone taking over her Reddit account doesn't change her ability to post to 4chan (or even under a new Reddit account).

I hate to say it -- but could it be she was a LARP all along, exceptionally well informed, but really just a nut case like any of hundreds of obsessive compulsive bloggers or YouTubers? And this latest post was her mentally snapping under the pressure of being MegaAnon and thinking Assange really was sending her secret messages? It has to be asked.

But even if MegaAnon was just a LARP, she was still exceptionally well-informed, and did a great job weaving together explanations for what we see. If what we saw was a mental illness break, I hope she gets help.

Or maybe this was her sign-off, intentionally destroying the legend of MegaAnon so she can just be rid of the stress. Maybe she was getting in Real Lifetm trouble over it and needed to kill it. If she disappears after this, I'll hope this was the case that she can go back to normal life.

Who would go to the trouble of taking over the account and then launch that kind of nonsense blitz? Why not a more subtle move toward doing whatever they wanted to do? Mega is primarily a 4chan poster. Someone taking over her Reddit account doesn't change her ability to post to 4chan (or even under a new Reddit account).

I hate to say it -- but could it be she was a LARP all along, exceptionally well informed, but really just a nut case like any of hundreds of obsessive compulsive bloggers or YouTubers? And this latest post was her mentally snapping under the pressure of being MegaAnon and thinking Assange really was sending her secret messages? It has to be asked.

It's hard to tell. After reading all of her posts from May forward, I was hooked on her. It took me the better part of 3 straight days to do so. Those last crazy posts did kind of sound like her style, only more manic. But the technology being discussed was way beyond my comprehension. I'm afraid we may never hear from her again.

But the technology being discussed was way beyond my comprehension.

The technical part of her post was, unfortunately, gibberish.

I will take your word for it. And as such, one has to suspect one of 2 things; her account was hacked or she was a great larp as you said earlier.

Thanks for everything and breaking it down. Sometimes it gets to be a bit much to follow and keep up with.

David Wilcock:


This brief update is simply to address the comments that a few of you have directed my way.

I recently received a call from Mega Anon in which she was very upset.

She had an elaborate and interesting idea about how her material may have been co-opted into the Q Anon posts, possibly through some kind of AI automated process.

There were also concerns about her being under surveillance, based on certain anomalies she was detecting.

This in turn made her feel concerned that someone might be able to pose as her, and fool the 4Chan community.

I encouraged her not to worry about it, as with my help we could clearly point out if this ever did indeed happen.

I found out later that she posted some of these same concerns on 4Chan in an emotional way, including all-caps writing.

The contents of these posts were a shortened and less detailed version of the same things she was saying on the phone. So it was indeed her, not someone else.

I reminded her that her work is heroic, and although we do our best to fight disinformation, there will always be some of it!


Where are the 4chan posts?

<blockquote>"There were also concerns about her being under surveillance, based on certain anomalies she was detecting ... I found out later that she posted some of these same concerns on 4Chan in an emotional way, including all-caps writing."</blockquote>

Her all-caps writing, if it was her, had absolutely nothing to do with her supposedly being under surveillance.

Her all-caps writing, if it was her, was about her supposedly finally discovering that Q is real, that Q is Assange, while negating every skepticism she ever had about Q.

I don't know what the explanation of megs turnaround could be, but that description makes absolutely no sense.

Replace 'concerns' with 'ideas', it then make more sense. I believe David was referring to the conversation as a whole.

Hmmm, I just hope she is okay.

I appreciate your work on this. I am having Meg with drawls. I mostly hope she is safe.

I am having withdrawals too! I miss her and the way she explained things that were happening. Today, with Bannon’s testimony and all its craziness, I so wanted to hear her take on it and hear what was “really” happening! I hope she’s ok and can come back!

I left a comment on Dave Wilcock's FB page asking if he would call Meg's for us to see if she is ok. If anyone else would care to contact him, the more voices the better chance that he'd respond.

So something was fishy with that link, after all...?

Saw this today listed in the index, but got 404'd when I clicked on it. I saw the name of MegaAnon but have not way to verify if it was her. Just thought I'd throw it out there. 01/18/18(Thu)12:17:35 No.157149278. File: D10AFB03-7871-45B3-8AB8-D(...).jpg (25 KB, 312x247). 25 KB JPG. MegaANON, /pol/ I. AM. DONE. Q !ITPb.qbhqo (ID: N25DFR8r) 01/18/18(Thu)12:17:35 No.157149278. Last night was my last straw!!! I'm so tired of liberals, the media, the awful bullying.... It's all so depressing

Why no more posts?

There are no new posts by MegaAnon on /pol/. I will not be searching for them. No need to refresh this page 5 times a day to look for new edits.

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

User name checks out. 33 plus identical messages in my inbox, haha.

Somehow that is reassuring. Going through Meg withdrawal is difficult!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Please keep us posted on any changes or new info, Todd! I can’t believe Megs wasn’t legit. Something weird must have happened...perhaps she was targeted or her accounts were compromised. In any case, I’m sure the truth will eventually make itself known—and I’m sure you’ll be one of the first to know.

Thanks for all you’ve done! I’ll continue checking here from time to time in the hopes of hearing from y’all again!

Remember, these Share Blue people were able to copy the original Q's style, they could have very well copied Mega's style to legitimize Q and discredit MegaAnon. I count at least 18 "you knews" in the last two posts alone which is really odd. Q is a ridiculous LARP. Jordan Sather has been using a huge chunk of his news videos to be a Q apologists, lots of people have been justifiying Q's inconsistencies, and now UnverifiedMegs is being an apologists for Q's own stupid posts. Let's just pray for Mega or send her our thoughts.

While we all wait with baited-breath for the next showing, I urge you to read this analysis which popped up on this thread some weeks ago now

Its almost as if this person is an insider and he uses a lot of phrases that are in subsequent Q posts.


Definite food for thought. Thanks!

Excellent read. Thanks for sharing.

Very interesting! Thanks for sharing that.

I was with it until the Simpsons/Trump thing. I can’t believe people are that stupid, still.

Thank you.

u/IMegaHateNicknames u/ToddWhiskey I have been following Both Q and Meg. I have had the feeling they are both right, at least both coming from some inside position. Too many things they have both said, that have resonated and literally are playing out in real time to discount either of them.
What if they are both real insiders? There is the possibility they are here for bad reasons? But I always think of the bible reference, what fruit does their tree bare? The only reason to give us bad info what be to keep us distracted, is what some have said. But its not like me or anyone else on this board what have done anything to change real life - real world politics. So to me their fruit is good and they must be good, white hats, and I think they are in agreement on many things.
But how did we get to where we are today. This is just my hypothesis, but I have literally been known as an austic my entire life. I am good at figuring things out that others don’t see. But again it is just what I see and my opinion.
Meg agreed with Q for some time. Then when the 10 days of darkness and a few other things happened. Meg changed her tune. Keep in mind she is the one all along that won’t give dates or times – or when things are going to happen. Q on the other hand has kinda given timeframes. Which in the business of real time/ real world events those timeframes can’t always stick. But it doesn’t mean that Q’s info still isn’t correct, just means the timeframes have changed, or events didn’t play out like the white hats planned, or just the plans changed. Keep in mind, it isn’t like the bad guys are just folding. They are fighting back… right? So we are watching a real life struggle between the deep state and the white hats unfold. We are hoping the white hats will win. But they could loose! Think about the money that is behind the deep state… that money is very powerful.
In watching all of this, I , as many of you here have been also following Julian Assange. I have been following him and wiki leaks on twitter for years.
The tone on wiki leaks and JA twitter has really changed. The personality of the posts is clearly different. Have you noticed it? When JA twitter was taken down, and it came back after 12 hours. JA never even addressed why it was down. Doesn’t that seem strange to all of you? All of the sudden he is following 25 people, where before he only followed 1 (wiki leaks). The US Navy tweets “Julian Assange”. And says it was an accident? NO, I am not buying it. JA and wiki leaks is under control of someone else. I think it’s the white hats and I think JA cut a deal for his freedom. Part of that deal was giving up control of his twitter at least temporarily while this all plays out.
No we come back to Q and Meg. Meg had a new revelation that Q is real. If you have been following Q, many affirmations (GOFORITQ photo on Trumps twitter, and many others even though “defcon1 – non nuclear” made a lot of people think Q was fake, you have to admit the “Missile Hawaii story” does go along with a defcon1 –non nuclear event. )
That revelation that Meg had that Q is JA. She is actually right. Q is the “new twitter” Julian Assange. Julienne Assange is being run by the white hats. Q is with the white hats. Mega is working with the government and is telling us what is going on with the white hats, and Q is the white hats. They both are on the same side, and both real.

This really is an incredible hypothesis, thank you for sharing. It's a fact that both Q and MegaAnon shared knowledge that turned out to be true, or predicted events. In my opinion Q is most likely in military intelligence, and like he said some of it is indeed disinfo. Whereas Meg seems to be more honest, reliable, and forthright; She appears to be driven by morality and justice, while with Q we might not ever know for certain. (though I do think it's more likely he's a white hat) At the end of the day we all have to accept that no single person has all of the answers; looking back and considering everything that has happened over the last two years (or even just the last ~6 months) we all owe a debt of gratitude to those who helped shed light on the truth, especially u/IMegaHateNicknames u/ToddWhiskey

Interesting. I guess the issue I still have is this: Why would she need a "revelation" to discover that Q is Assange? Per her numerous previous posts, we already know they're on the same team; she has gone into detail about how he's working with the administration; she said she knew where he was, and carried his passport in her purse to deliver it. Again, why would she need any "revelations"?

This is just my own opinion, and I'm not implying anything bad toward anyone posting here, but we seem to be going down the "reverse psychology to the Nth degree" path. It's a dead-end. There's no way to validate or verify the conclusions reached.

I'm old :) but experience has taught me the best way to get to an answer in a case like this is to ask "Cui bono?" Who benefits? And how? Then apply Occam's Razor, and we're usually pretty close to the truth.

u/IMegaHateNicknames u/ToddWhiskey

I have actually thought something very similar to this. What We need is Megs to come back, and just tell us what is going on. be honest, even if we wont like it, be honest even if it hurts. Be clear in your explanation on whats going on. But don't leave us hanging here... we are your fans that have been showing up day after day just to read what you have to say. It is time to come back and talk to your followers.

"Old Megs," given the events of the past few days, I don't think we'll be hearing from you again. At the same time, I wouldn't be surprised if you're lurking here to see the reaction to the shitshow. As is obvious, we didn't fall for the "New Megs" bullshit. For lack of a better way to say it at the moment, I hope that gives you and your associates consolation and encouragement. You put a lot of us on the right track. "Real" news is confirming it, no matter how much the "Fake" news is trying to shout down the truth.

We all worry about you, and hope you're well. I wish there was some confirmable way for you to let us know, but there may not be. Our thoughts, prayers, and best wishes are with you and your family. When the swamp is drained, you promised to "out" yourself and let us know who you are. I hope you'll still do that.

Thanks again.

FBI Probe Into Russian Uranium Bribes Concealed By Obama DOJ; Mueller, McCabe, Rosenstein Involved

Things still moving inexorably in our direction. As she said, "Watch. You'll see. ;o)"

u/IMegaHateNicknames - If it is really you, or you are really seeing this. I know it is a ridiculous request, but one way to verify your status could be to contact David Wilcock again. He's the only person you have spoken with via voice.

It is also entirely understandable if you dont want to verify anything.

We all hope you are OK.

I had this exact same thought earlier. I know many people bash on Wilcock, but he can be trusted.

And he's got followers in the 6 to 7 figure range

I was just about to post the same.

Just like everyone else here, I don't know Megs personally, but to me she feels like an old friend. Her sharing/advice has been invaluable and has kept me very level-headed during the last three months of turmoil. I hate to believe her accounts and/or ID might have been compromised or that she might never post on 4Chan or Reddit again.

u/IMegaHateNicknames - please consider giving us closure if you are truly finished. I sincerely thank you and pray for your safety.

Isn't Huma in Hawaii?

Yeah, they are all surfing with ankle bracelets.

Nice catch. So he was there during the missile shit.

Expert says there is no way it was an error.

Well done. Anyone see pics... ankle bracelets..etc?

To the guy that thinks I don't understand gender.

Please read up on Gender identity disorder, Gender dysphoria. Autogynophillia. Trans regret. Sex change medial mutilation. Gender is a social construct, how we think some one of a particular sex should appear and behave.

Sex is a biological reality.

So trans try to behave and look as they think women should .

But they are still biologically male.

And all women are different.

Many men with autogynophillia are misdiagnosed as Gender Identity Disorder.

If you really have trans friends, you will research this topic and hopefully share with your friends, and gain a better understanding.

20% of people with GID suicide

After surgery 47% suicide.

Knowledge can save lives.

Gender is an idea.

Sex is biological reality.

Gender politics/ideology is part of the NWO Lucifarian ideal of two sexes in one body.

Its also part of agenda 21, depopulation, because trans become sterile, they don't breed, and they suicide.

SSM is promoted for the same reason. Homos can't breed.

It also increases the destruction of families and traditional marriage.

dude I think you've lost the plot- how is this relevant to this post?

I strongly disagree with you, as someone who has dug into the research quite a lot, and who has a twin sister who is trans. But all of that is totally irrelevant to this thread and will just bog down a situation that is already quite confusing with an argument no one is here to see. If you want to write a post on /r/conspiracy about this, maybe we can duke it out there, but not here IMO.

Start your own thread with that because no offense meant, This topic will derail the thread.

This thread should be centered on Meganon posts and she has not gone there. If she wants to answer the topic she can see your multiple posts on the issue.

Nailed it; derailment appears to be the intent.

Interesting posts. Would you consider starting a new thread to discuss so that this one can remain focused on Mega.

I posted about Bradley Manning, MKULTRA, sex change. For Bradley to have a sex change means he had GID, a mental illness

I don't see that as good in running for government, and he is probably MKULTRA mind controlled.

Someone posted that I did not understand gender and they had trans friends.

I think they should do the work and really understand it, before talking shit.

There was a study linked on another subreddit yesterday about how an anti-psychotic drug was successfully used to treat gender dysphoria. 2 mg of it and the person stopped cross-dressing and wanting to be a woman. They put the drug down to 1 mg and the cross-dressing, etc. came back, so they increased the dose back to 2 mg and the desires went away again. It was really interesting. It's searchable on Pubmed, if I find the link I'll post it.

We know Hugh Hefner was CIA and about to squeal.

Read this

Wow, this guy is spilling good stuff, maybe he can help you find happy while Mega us gone.

Some Church/Charity is stealing Gaddafi's wealth that wash stashed in numerous African nations.

Bot farm on Instagram. Dirt on owner of Instagram is allowing bots to stay. Is twitter and FB similarly compromised or are they just deep state?

Does anyone else find it suspicious that Biff disappeared immediately when Mega did? I mean, a true troll would be hanging out to gloat and cram it in everyone’s faces that Mega was a LARP and we all fell for it and she disappeared just like he said she would because she was getting “called out” on happenings not happening. He just drifted off with almost nothing to it. For all the over the top aggressive crap he spewed he left just like it was nothing.

Wow, you are right! I've been thing about mega anon so much, I never gave biff another thought. That is strange.

Please read. He did post Saturday, gloated, and left.

Dumb question here (I'm kind of new),...who is Biff?

Youll have to just read down this thread

I have same question, no biff poster.....


A wild theory - There is one team who is behind both "Q" and "MegaAnon" , and maybe they arent even fully aware of that . From the beginning . Maybe various other seemingly "troll" profiles like "biffingzorp" are actually the same team who creates the controlled opposition in same way as Cabal always tried to make - this time , with intention to confuse any authentic trolls and expose them actually further .

That’s interesting. Clarity comes through dialogue and opposition. Strong arguments are the best truth-refiners of all.

I am pleased with this thread as it shows a level of group discernment that seems really important.

Your thought that they - or at least some of them - are working together to flesh out a narrative or uncover issues with it before trying it out in meatspace is a good one.

As always were left to our own instincts. I’m pleased with the instincts tracking this thread.

At the risk of sounding stupid, who’s biff. search on this page, only find biff in comments, never an actual poster. (been wondering who he is since saturday night)

biffingzorp, a user who was pretty antagonistic towards Megs. Last post was something along the lines of, "Yep, look at this, shes crazy."

Did he delete all posts cuz I can’t find one on this thread?

Hmmmm, interesting. I'm not seeing any comments at all from Saturday... not mine, not Biff's, not Todd's, not the alleged Megs posts. I'm not a Reddit pro, so maybe I'm doing something wrong. Do they get archived, as on 4chan? I have no idea. Anyone?

Pending an answer to this question, you can go to his profile and see his posts and comments from Saturday. I just checked and they're there.


here -

Honestly, they just seem to be a heavy Skeptic based on their post history. Not shareblue or anything. It honestly makes sense that they left when they did cuz, you know, everyone is questioning the validity of things now.

Yes. I know he was kinda a troll but I believed that he just didn't buy the Mega angle and felt he needed to warn us. But when everyone thought he was in on it he never clarified that he wasn't. Which isn't so noble. And if he was just being a dick why isn't he gloating? This entire thing's beyond baffling.

He did gloat Saturday. It's all below.

He disappeared after everyone jumped to the conclusion that he was in on it. He never clarified he wasn't which was totally out of character, he just disappeared. I don't know if he just liked his newfound popularity and didn't want to ruin it or if he's a part of the "Q" shit/hack. I don't believe Q's JA. But Biff's disappearance is odd.

Not really if you think about it. He taunted her, and only her. She's gone, isn't posting. On Saturday, he said his job was done.

Maybe he sent her a PM and said something that hit too close to home.

He did post Saturday. He said he was waiting for Megsy to post a fairy tale about Hawaii, shortly after u/ToddWhiskey got a pm from Megs, which she never does, telling him to add "her" /pol/ posts to the catalog above. "Her" post was off the deep-end, and almost certainly not her. Biff comes back and pats himself on the back for proving what a loon she is, says his job is done, and hasn't been back. It's all below. Read Todd's "Announcement."

Draw your own conclusions, but it's pretty obvious what happened.

Good eye. Yeah it does seem weird

Maybe he was blocked. I was blocked from some other r/ here for arguing that being one of Anglo - European stock is what defines an "American" in the traditional sense (likewise with the mythical melting pot) and that anything the left tries to do to change that (to marginalize both whites and American culture) simply will not be tolerated by people like me.

I got blocked for arguing my position, which is why Reddit has such a bad reputation and why people laugh at it on /pol. Everybody hates censors, especially ones who are trying to enforce political correctness.

He posted saying his work was done, and then just disappeared. That’s kind of my point, he didn’t just quit posting randomly after all this time of his LARP accusations, he somehow immediately saw and commented on her ramble post, then said his work was done (whatever THAT means) and left. For someone who put SO much effort into arguing with everyone he could on this board and insisting he was right and stirring everyone up he sure didn’t stick around to revel in his success, nor has he come to see the fall out after everyone’s tried to put it all together after the fact. He was so invested in proving to everyone they were investing in a lie and to not deny that he wasn’t in on it isn’t really true to the Biff character we’ve seen so far. Why would he lambaste her for leading everyone to believe false stuff then refuse to deny he was involved. If you were the guy screaming to everyone they’re falling for a lie, then seemingly everything you’ve said the whole time came to fruition, wouldn’t you stick around to say “SEE I TOLD YOU SO!”? Especially given the amount of abrasive a-hole he was.

Edited to correct spelling.

Meg did thank him for "firing her up" and keeping her going during those times she thought about quitting. As if she knew there was a method to his madness

I am absolutely celebrating with you! Bottoms up! And thank you for giving us all a reason to smile again ;)

May I ask, what are you doing here? I keep seeing posts that should be on other topics. It's distracting.

Randy Credico (comedian/journalist friend of Assange who was subpoenaed by the House Intelligence Committee and pled the Fifth) tweeted an hour and a half ago:

Hack @SenSchumer has a dirty secret why he got arrested when he was an assemblyman ...that story will be coming out very soon

Will be interesting if that has anything to do with what Megs said about Schumer in December. And how could Credico know, other than through Assange based on unreleased leaks? Hmm.

Get the fuck out! Holy shit!

I quote her again. "Watch. You'll see. ;o)"

I so hope this is happening REALLY SOON!

Oh yes, me too. We really do need something major big to happen. It's time. Just one story, one swamper charged. I don't know about you guys, but it would really boost my hopes and help the morale around here!

Doesn't seem like the story has broken anywhere yet, but Credico just tweeted:

Hey @SenSchumer what's this that you propositioned a hooker working undercover for the NYPD in 1978

The way Meg talked, it was a lot worse than that, but that could be the start of it.

This is what I was looking for. I don't think I posted it yesterday, but I should have. Huma, the moll laundering money.

Megs was on board the very first Q posts. I've been reviewing the very first appearance of it as per this link:

Literally JUST 10/28/17 ... this day and the days surrounding were a milestone. OG Q says 10/30 HRC arrested. Nov 4 Antifa protests were planned. Roger Stone kicked off Twitter 10/28.

First "Q" has interesting setup... There is clearly a volley/set/match situation between 2 "Q's" that set up the Q format for the next several days.

The OG thread was about all Fox anchors smiling... here's a pastebin of the timeline w/ links.

MegA mentions Assange's negotiated deadline as 10/21 "Since that date, I told y'all that he could legally do whatever he wanted, so long as nothing BEFORE that date. Like Saudi, China, etc. did, he's held up HIS end of deal. He's coming out to play... LET IT ALL HAPPEN and enjoy the ride. It's already started ;o)"

For those more familiar with Megs info, what was she referring to about Assange's 10/21 deadline?

She explained it several times. Dig around more in the archives.

I have been, and asking for some help. A general month even would be helpful from clicking and searching all her posts in the list. edit: looking for the first time she mentions it

Sorry, hope I didn't sound terse, if I did, apologies.

I'd have to search for it too, but it's definitely out there. You can check the txt file that contains all her posts thru Jan 4. Easier to search. I'll check later when I can, but you may have already found it. :)

In a nutshell, 10/21 is the anniversary date of when he was gonna dump more damning info on the Clintons (and other stuff), but was upstaged by the "grab em by the pussy" video, and decided to hold off. The admin asked him to hold off until after 10/21/2017 so they could get other supporting activities in place.

After the 21st, he's free to release whatever he wants. That doesn't mean he was going to drop anything on the 21st, just that he was free to do so after that date.

Ah okay, and how do we know that they asked him to hold off, is this Megs info or is there other corroboration? Reviewing this time frame, 10/21 - 11/4 is really interesting. Also considering in occult terms, the significance of 10/31

I'm not aware of any corroboration beyond what she said. Don't stop with the entry you found in the txt file. There's more in there on this topic than that one post.

Thanks for reminding me of the txt file, that was what I needed!

10/15 "Remember when I said you won't see Hillary go down for pizza, but you will see her go down for big shit?! Then, I told you if you keep looking for her being charged for pizza, you'll miss all of the big wins and REAL HAPPENINGS?! This is exactly what I was referring to. This is Assange's final release (to the EXACT DAY, A YEAR LATER) of his promised, pre-election "October surprise". He was set to release it on 10/21/16 and since 10/14/16, you've hardly seen him since the embassy and his Icelandic HQ went dark, with the rest of his employees other than Jacob."

Not going to dig too hard but I opened the text file of posts through Jan 4:

and there are 14 hits for 10/21. I'd start there.

Shilling your site on Voat didn't work so now you're trying here?

Ritual Killing. Comments say Tinder is used to find victims.


I know you see people telling you to stop flooding this post with irrelevant links. Start a new thread in /r/conspiracy, you can do one submission for each link, or you could even do a huge daily compilation thread with all your interesting news you find. but STOP posting them here, where each new link just gets in the goddamn way.

I think thats the point.

Ive just been reporting them for spam.

You know, things are kinda weird but I suppose they are still baking. LARP or TRUE LIFE, I don't think the show is over.

I will be back. I gotta keep going! WE ARE OK!!!! DO NOT BE SCARED!!!!! I PROMISE, y'all!!!! HAVE FAITH!!! Original poster from October said have faith. I said it first.

That sounds like a recent Q post:




u/ToddWhiskey Can you please block Lucretia007 ? She/He keeps peddling sites and stories that have nothing to do with this discussion. Thank you!

Hey u/IMegaHateNicknames please come out and play?

Too bad you can't do polls here. What's going on with Mega?

A) She was a LARP; B) She was Legit; C) Her account got compromised; D) A psyop working for the black hats; E) A psyop working for the white hats; F) She got sethriched by Hitlery.

Imho, B and C. I still think her stuff prior to Saturday is legit; compromised on Saturday.

You'd think she'd find another way to reestablish contact here, though.

This is way better than any soap opera or following "Lost". So many plot twists, I love it!

Haha, true. :) I wish she'd find a way to come back too.

One thing about Meg is she's never given a reason for her sharing info online. She's never claimed we were needed to figure things out or to spread information or anything like that. My impression is that she did it because it was fun to share info with people who could understand it like she did.

Which means it's not important for her to maintain contact. She was doing it because she wanted to, not because she had to. If it became dangerous, or if her employer found out and told her to shut it down, she'd shut it down.

Like I said above, I think she is part of a PLANNED communications strategy. Her objective was to get people talking and she was successful probably beyond her wildest dreams. I think the point was to seed information without media filtration ...

BUT I ALSO WONDER IF THIS IS PART OF A PSY-OP. The objective? To freak out all the targets that are being pursued. I'm sure plenty of that is going on as well.

I agree...this is so much better than reading a novel or watching a movie! Sorta like each day is a "cliffhanger"!

OR she actually, at last, saw Q differently...something that had been there all the time but she didn't see, because like all of us we interpret OBJECTS with the subjectiveness of our own minds. The seeing of something she had been interpreting based on her prior understanding was shattered, and it takes time for a new more expanded seeing and thinking to settle in. She was in the midst of reworking her thinking and she extraverted the process...which for someone who likes to post on /pol helps the process of an authentic change of mind. Growth and evolution of thinking/being is messy. Y'all might try it-- and least allow and enable this space as place for reforming and find new "truth" as a result of "new" in-sights.

Principle: what was right yesterday will always be right yesterday, but it might not be right today.

Saturday, Q posted the below on his personal greatawakening 8chan thread. It's Monday. What happened? Did I miss something?


Next Week - BIGGER.


We LISTENED [20/80 />/ 40/60].


One more comment. Remember Megs saying how lovable Roy Potter was, and that he was like an uncle you couldn't wait to hang out with at a family dinner? Well, I agree with Roy.... I hate all these cryptic posts that you need to be the initiate of some Gnostic cult to decipher. It's bullshit.

Of course, the Q cult is trashing old Roy like crazy. There's a video of some dude on YouTube wearing a crucifix, saying that Q has cursed Roy with "Reptilian Eyes" for his lack of faith! Lol. Just about fell out of my chair laughing when I saw it.

Funny thing is, Q pretty much disavowed the cbts mods/board owners...and THEY are the ones who were marketing Q all over the interwebs to any YT-alt channel that would have them.

THEY created the cult, and now it's members of THEIR creation talking shit about decent folks, NOT the other way around.

People wonder why the chans hate namefags.

Yup also why he has a locked board now only he can post in.;;

Which is against board rules anyway :/

Wait, what? So "Q" is running in a monologue mode now? While they are busy data mining the response? LOL

I guess thats the best way to make sure a LARP gets seen

Meh it had to do with the last board opererators namefagging and promoting themselves for the Board So he made a board and locked it and blocked namefags from cbts board.

Now they have a book deal they broke the cardinal rule Q stops by the research board which no longer allows anyone to namefag.


Did He/She mean Next Monday as in January 22?

Seems like he meant today, from the context, and that he said it on Saturday. But who knows? Reading Q is like reading Nostradamus. You can make it say anything you want. :)

Folks, no offense intended, but without Megs posting, I don't see any reason to keep coming here. I'm gonna check the catalog periodically and see if there's anything new, but as of now, it's just interesting speculation. My comments ultimately are speculation, too.

Personally, I think she's already told us everything she thinks we need, before Saturday. "Watch. You'll see. ;o)" 👍

Enjoyed everyone's opinions and assessments. Take care for now.

I thought the posts tied into the current/mega issues. I'll stop.

I suggest you to delete your apparently off topic comments. It's really annoying to find so many off topic posts when browsing a thread with 2k plus comments. Thank you.

Had a look for mega posts, found /mlp/ . Is that my little pony? Were mega has been posting? Please tell be I'm wrong.

Smart éh last place you suspect

if J Assange was rescued by whit-hats in oct 2016 as she said and those first few posting she believe was a real Q intel..then it changed!!?? why?? was this THEN Assange taking over for the 1st Q and really got going with the breadcrumbs..threw TRUMP to get us all hunting for the truth,,BECAUSE HE,S NOT AT HIS JOBplace WORKING now!!! he would have time to get info and spread the butter around??!!! she saw a/ his pattern and look 4 more clues..god bless her 4 seeing it,, if this is all true.. then im glad julian out there helping us see the light not a computer savvy geek.. wish i was ..only know so much..this board took me a bit of getting use too!!!! all n all hope she comes back to confirm on a clearer view cause i was lost to!!! god bless & cheers everyone..............................

via David Wilcock's blog, source:;start=1


"This brief update is simply to address the comments that a few of you have directed my way.

I recently received a call from Mega Anon in which she was very upset.

She had an elaborate and interesting idea about how her material may have been co-opted into the Q Anon posts, possibly through some kind of AI automated process.

There were also concerns about her being under surveillance, based on certain anomalies she was detecting.

This in turn made her feel concerned that someone might be able to pose as her, and fool the 4Chan community.

I encouraged her not to worry about it, as with my help we could clearly point out if this ever did indeed happen.

I found out later that she posted some of these same concerns on 4Chan in an emotional way, including all-caps writing.

The contents of these posts were a shortened and less detailed version of the same things she was saying on the phone. So it was indeed her, not someone else.

I reminded her that her work is heroic, and although we do our best to fight disinformation, there will always be some of it!"

Thanks for posting this... but literally, WHAT?

Yeah, it doesn't seem like he's reading the same posts we are...

What?? i second that...

I just want some shitty tiles

Been following Mega since Sept. Milo's book led me to 4chan. Milo posted on FB at 6:40 pm EST Jan 15 "The Storm is coming." I think we're getting as much verification as we can right now. Fingers crossed.

Trump delayed his Fake News Awards for a reason. I suspect so whatever traps are going off will be real news for the award broadcast tomorrow.

This brief update is simply to address the comments that a few of you have directed my way.

I recently received a call from Mega Anon in which she was very upset.

She had an elaborate and interesting idea about how her material may have been co-opted into the Q Anon posts, possibly through some kind of AI automated process.

There were also concerns about her being under surveillance, based on certain anomalies she was detecting.

This in turn made her feel concerned that someone might be able to pose as her, and fool the 4Chan community.

I encouraged her not to worry about it, as with my help we could clearly point out if this ever did indeed happen.

I found out later that she posted some of these same concerns on 4Chan in an emotional way, including all-caps writing.

The contents of these posts were a shortened and less detailed version of the same things she was saying on the phone. So it was indeed her, not someone else.

I reminded her that her work is heroic, and although we do our best to fight disinformation, there will always be some of it!"

I cant find that blog post. Can you post to that post?

Thanks for the update.

Why would fooling 4chan be of any concern? She's just an anon there. Anyone could have impersonated her at any time in the last year with a couple of y'alls and a :0). All she'd have to do is deny it here, or by sending the message through Wilcock. How are things any different now?

Does anybody have ANY ideas what this tweet could possibly mean? I'm so looking for hope here...

I’m very familiar with Charles. He sits in on crowdsorce the truth (jason goodman) once or twice per week. IMHO he’s a good guy. Not sure if he’s actually referencing Mega Anon in tweet or indicating Mega News about to break.

Does he say "y'all" often?

No, didn’t catch that. Maybe Charles passing message on behalf of Mega. My head just exploded again.

That's my big question too. Seems deliberate. MEGA...y'all...words in CAPS... and if so, the message we're supposed to get from it...

Stay safe and be positive. Nothing to worry about. Traps were set. Clintons are done like burnt toast.

Same stuff Mega would say. Charles doesn't normally tweet reassuring type comments. His tweets are more fact or opinion based.

No, Charles does not say y'all. I will say that he is brilliant. I retweet him pretty regularly. His work focuses a lot on the Clinton Foundation. He has a good reputation and is not some e-celeb. Scrolled through his Twitter before posting saw nothing unusual although he retweeted Jerome Corsi recently (JC follows Q).

Tweet in question is telling us (Mega folks) not to worry. It was posted last night.

"Tick Tock MEGA folks, stay safe and be positive...traps set long ago now are springing...not wise, at all to defend @BillClinton @HillaryClinton BURNT toast, their team likely spilling long ago y'all"

Not sure who would be defending the Clintons here. Anyone have an idea?

I certainly haven't seen anyone here defending the Clintons (other than Biffsie mocking the boot thing). Maybe he's erroneously conflating skepticism about her Saturday posts with a rejection of everything she said before? That's certainly not what any of us have done, tho.

Or as Todd said, maybe he's talking about something else entirely.

He was using Twitter.

LOTS of folks excuse and defend the Clintons on that venue.

And YES...I'm fairly sure he WAS alluding to positive, traps springing, their team spilling, y'all...all Meg's themes.

He's implying some of what she's been telling us to watch for, is imminent.

Charles Ortel gas done more work on the Clinton Foundation than anyone out there, believe him to be a forensic financial analyst. Highly respected. When he talks, people listen. This is great news.

Just a guess...his tweet was supposed to say MAGA and it was autocorrected to MEGA..makes more sense no? If not then WTF

Umm, not everybody who mentions MEGA and y'all is referring to /our girl/. MEGA as also has been used as 'Make Earth Great Again'

Good point. That's why I was wondering if this type of message was out of character for him, in which case there could be the possibility it's meant for us. Or not, and maybe reading too much into it.

I think he was in fact alluding to MegaAnon, and some of what she told us to watch for.

I think he was in fact alluding to MegaAnon, and some of what she told us to watch for.

Exactly what I was thinking. Reading too much into things is a real likelihood at this point, so I'd like to temper that as much as possible.

You need only look at some of his work, to know.

What would you recommend?

via David Wilcock's blog, source:;start=1


"This brief update is simply to address the comments that a few of you have directed my way.

I recently received a call from Mega Anon in which she was very upset.

She had an elaborate and interesting idea about how her material may have been co-opted into the Q Anon posts, possibly through some kind of AI automated process.

There were also concerns about her being under surveillance, based on certain anomalies she was detecting.

This in turn made her feel concerned that someone might be able to pose as her, and fool the 4Chan community.

I encouraged her not to worry about it, as with my help we could clearly point out if this ever did indeed happen.

I found out later that she posted some of these same concerns on 4Chan in an emotional way, including all-caps writing.

The contents of these posts were a shortened and less detailed version of the same things she was saying on the phone. So it was indeed her, not someone else.

I reminded her that her work is heroic, and although we do our best to fight disinformation, there will always be some of it!"

Any thing David Wilcock is apart of is already suspect. The man is flim fam artist extraordinaire.

So she never called Wilcock? She said she did. Apparently she doesn't share your concern.

She already confirmed talking to Wilcock on 2 occasions, 'flim flam artist' or not.

I think the whole point of this exercise is to get people talking and to get them engaged. Leaking the truth through a suspect source is one way to get people talking.

I just read the same blog you linked. She's not mentioned in the article, but her name comes up in the comments at the bottom. I didn't find any "brief update" as you indicated. The only thing I saw was Wilcock's reply to an anxious Mega follower asking him to call her. His reply: "That whole situation is very interesting. And Meganon is talking about something called Tofsee some kind of malware? One thing I noticed is I have never seen Meganon go off with all caps like these posts did." Where, specifically in your link, do you find these comments from Wilcock?

I tried reading one of David Wilcox's books....big mistake...the guy is a loon and will believe anything..l mean ANYTHING that someone tells him. This all seems like the either the end of one giant LARP or the beginning of a new truth. Hard to say what is going on....but I really hoped MEGA was an insider for the longest time. There was one comment that led me to believe she is in the Journalism/newspaper business. She was mentioning something about a journalist and said "in this business"...I took it to mean she was in "that" business when she said it. I have to go back and look through the archives to find it. Either way...the missing Biff sure adds to this curiosity ....If I was Biff I would be here blasting my trumpet that I was right all along. Seems odd that he would not want to gloat at all.

She was pretty naive about the media when she did a phone call with Wilcox and didn't expect him to use it for a piece, and when she didn't realize he would get details wrong. Anyone with media experience from either side should have realized every word was potentially on the record.

I think the whole point of this exercise is to get people talking and to get them engaged. Leaking the truth through a suspect source is one way to get people talking. She is anything but naive. She seems like a pretty savvy player to me.

The articles from crazy days and nights link to what's currently happening and things mega discussed.

Can you not see the link between child trafficking, murder and mega posts?

I guess Human laundering cash is also irrelevant?

Bill Clinton being in Hawaii, arnt we supposed to keep track of these people?

Can you only read what mega says. And not read/link for yourselves?

Crazy days and nights is a Hollywood anon poster, that includes politicians.

So he gives a different angle to Q and Mega.

If we considered that Q and Mega ate pro trump organised messaging, then I think Crazy Days and Nights is part of the same push.

Sod off promoting your blog

Bubba on the Big Island was a pretty good get. What is "The Church?"

Why are you so intent on derailing the topic of the post?

Not wanting additional side topics here isn’t about the possibilities of connection, it’s because they aren’t part of the original topic, which to be crystal clear, remains Megs.

There are other posts discussing CDAN items where you can join in the discussion or you can start your own posts. Your attempts to hijack the current topic and redirect it aren’t generating the discussion you seemingly desire and chiding everyone for not going along with your redirects is somewhat telling given you’d said you’d stop just a couple of hours before posting this.

Redirection didn’t work so now you’re trying to get people to JADE (Justify, Argue, Defend, Explain) their reasons for being here which would also derail the topic (Megs) and slide relevant posts.

I see you and I’m pretty sure everyone else does, too.

Mega confirms ID with a pic of her feet on her kitchen floor.

THAT is the ONLY confirmation you can rely on.

Definitely not Wilcock.

Go back and read his notes from conversations with Mega. He couldn't even spell Priestap correctly.

The latest round of posts from Mega DO NOT FIT her previous 8 month pattern.

Her notifying ToddWhiskey about those posts DO NOT FIT her previous pattern.

Her COMMENTS in those posts DO NOT FIT her previous pattern.

Go back and check "Mega's" comment here Saturday, in the back and forth with Biff.

"I think we are into something...."

That was in response to a comment suggesting her account was hijacked.

Lots of well meaning people here. But some of you are just plain thick.

Where's Biff?

Curious that he hasn't shown up to relish in this moment of Megs confusion, huh?

He said: "Well, there's nothing else for me to say here. This truly does speak for itself now.

See you all next larp!"

That was after he said something to the effect of 'waiting for a story about hawaii' then meg went off.

she obv doesnt owe anyone anything, but the silence is pretty deafening, esp when she's posted almost every day since oct 1 :/

10.31.17 q post talks about 5 pronged PREPACKAGED injection.

"one post auto generates four more at random designated times"

who said this is tofsee?

is it shadowbanning to the nth degree?
instead of silencing, tofsee makes them look stupid/crazy to discredit?
certain words / phrases cause activation so we don't say his name? booby traps set way in advance?


Wilcox stuff is interesting (after you scroll forever through the space alien stuff to get to it). Megs has talked to him before, and could've done so again.

As u/MikeCzech1 mentioned, it doesn't make sense that she'd be worried about being impersonated on 4chan. Maybe she meant here, on Reddit, and Wilcox misunderstood?

If she was referring to Reddit, then I think she'd understand why some of us were/are worried about her account being hijacked too.

At this point, as I've said, I hope the Saturday stuff eventually gets cleared up, but I still think we have what we need thru Fri night. The Saturday posts, imho, don't really add much even if legit.

Good points.

Did you honestly think that any true 'Insider' would be allowed for months to go on and on and on. On the net spilling advanced notice of operations? Do you honestly think those in power would actually allow that to go on (white hat or black hat) for very long?? The real Black Ops World and the real Deep State simply don't operate like a fictional Tom Clancy novel. If yo talk you get 'sucided' or worse a Seth Rich special. …. Stop being LARP prey and start using your brains.

One could say that the reason she was left alone for all this time is because she was just a LARP and was not correct on almost any of her "scoops" that were being posted. My guess...she is a journo of some sort who had some theories and liked the attention she was getting....I really hope I am wrong...I would love nothing more than to eat my words....but I am beginning to doubt she was real ....

Sure, that's possible. I've wondered if it's Sara Carter. Anybody know if she's 4'10", or what her feet look like, or if she has freckles on her legs? :)

A healthy dose of skepticism is always called for. Megs seems somewhat credible because a lot of what she says has been confirmed by "Real" news; some seems like it's about to be; some, we'll have to wait and see.

One thing she said last week might be a bit of a scoop if it wasn't in the news....she mentioned that Huma was in Hawaii...and was not alone. Then we find out Bill Clinton was there...I just don't know if it was in the news before she mentioned it. My guess is she is a Journo who had some sources. The fact she would call Wilcox kind of worries me though....he is a nutjob that will believe anything. Just look at the stuff he posts about Corey's friggen why would she call a known nutjob and give an interview of sorts...seems kinda looney to me if she was on the up and up.

You have not been paying attention. She called him in November because he talked about her and insisted she's a man, and he called back. Nothing to do with aliens, blue avians and Corey Goode.

Yes I am aware that he called her back after setting up a time to speak to her. I just found the fact that she was "astonished" at how good Wilcox's sources were according to him, very troubling. To me it's just shy of speaking to Alex Jones...and I hoped that she would have clarified in her post about the call that she in fact was not "astonished" by his sources...that was the part that troubled me. Look, I am in the camp that I hope she was not a LARP..I really saying that though, we have to be objective and call out the little things that may have led us to believe something because we wanted to so bad. My opinion is simply that talking to a guy (at length) who has pretty much ZERO cred in the real world is a major flag. That is just my opinion and I hope she can clarify it one day if she was indeed not a LARP.

Mercedes Schlapp looks like someone who would have Megs' freckled skin and thighs.

Google says KAC's 5'7" and I believe Megs said she is 5' 0". Looks very close to those proportions to me. I don't know who is wearing what size heels though.

IIRC, Megs said she was a contractor, not an employee. Doesn't Mercedes work for the admin? Not that it matters....

She's a contractor too, I believe. And she's short just as Meg claimed to be short.

She doesn't look like she lives in a house with crappy tiling and even worse grout.

She doesn't look like she lives in a house with crappy tiling and even worse grout.

Lots of old houses in DC. Expensive old houses. Old houses don't always have everything in perfect order.

And yet Julian Assange somehow still walks...

I just assumed we were winning. I assumed that there was a literal coup in the Deep State, and she was not only being allowed but probably encouraged to get the word out.

Need to understand something Donald Trump (and all those billionaires in Washington DC) ARE THE DEEP STATE. They are only there in politics for THEIR Interests. Not yours! ... There will be NO Hero riding in from the sunset to save the day. YOUR That Hero. Wake up your friends, wake up your family, tell your co workers.. If enough people wake up. We might have a chance to change things for the better. But if you think Donald Trump is America's hero. Your saddly mistaken.

People have woken up. That's why Americans voted Trump in rather than Clinton. Your just not a fan of what "woke" folks did. No one here has claimed Trump is a savior. But your the fool if you think I and others can't see what your trying to do here. We have to get behind somebody. Trump didn't have to cower to the party or corporate donors. He didn't have to take this job where his character is assassinated on the daily. His life was pretty sweet. And yes I've no doubt he's gonna hook up his buddies, just like every other president has in the past. That doesn't change the fact that he's the best hope/chance we've had in decades.

Amen, there it is right there in a nutshell!

We are woke.

You can tell by the fact that we elected Trump.

Few of us will claim him to be the perfect hero. All of us claim him to be the very best of the options from which we had to choose.

To this point, he is delivering beyond my expectations.

just assumed we were winning

We are.

Do you really think the FBI or a special council could really go on and on leaking to the press......

If those leaks were intended to fool the Russians .. Then yes.

You're an idiot.

You should just stop talking, and save yourself embarrassment.

Spooks conduct 'intelligence' ops or 'counter-intelligence' ops on foreign powers. They do not leak info to conduct 'PSYOPS' on foreigner agents/powers.

Beyond that, anybody with a room temp IQ already understands pretty well what the 'leaks' were intended for...and it wasn't foreign powers.

You are a disingenuous dolt, that thinks the folks he's bullshitting are as stupid as he's quite common.

your the idiot if you believe an 'insider' would be on the net for months. Giving you the game plan against their supposed enemy. Weeks to months in advance! Your pretty fucking dumb.

Hi Biff!!!

Or are you the other ShareBlue dork assigned to discredit her?


And your bitter.

It's like this y'all:

"You're the idiot." "You're pretty fucking dumb."

"And you're bitter."


See this is the REAL Donald Trump. Donald Trump pardons 5 MegaBanks while no one watches.

Good, the LIBOR "fixing" allegations were a total sham.

Central banks "fix" interest rates every damn day.

They're not market rates!

This is paving the way to going after the true riggers of the economy, the counterfeiting cartel in control of the worlds money printing presses.


Did you honestly think that any true 'Insider' would be allowed for months to go on and on and on.

Absolutely, but as part of a planned communications strategy. I always thought this was their way of going over the media's heads. And from what I see, it has worked pretty well.

(You are correct, however, that they wouldn't allow someone to freelance this long. This was officially sanctioned leaking.)

u/IMegaHateNicknames Come one Meg. Come back and share.

More possible confirmation of Megs.

Bannon Subpoenaed By Mueller In Russia Probe

Bannon testified before the House committee today too.

If I were connecting the dots from MegaAnon then I am to believe Bannon is there to testify about the WH leaks and to implicate Pence as the leaker? Is this correct? Mega also said that the finale to the Storm includes the impeachment of Pence, right?

No dirt on Pence yet.

Don’t think she said impeachment of Pence. Remember something closer to Pence would look really bad

Yep, she said it TWICE. Go to the searchable link and put Pence in, it's the FIRST find. But she said it again very recently too. I can't wrap myself around that one though. Pence is loved by the RINO's in Congress...hard to believe they'd impeach him.

I’ll take your word for it, for whatever reason didn’t stand out in my memory.

He is correct. She hinted that what Pence did is impeachment level leaking.

That seems familiar, but different than ‘Pence will be impeached’. Like she said ‘Schumer is going down’, that was a direct prediction. I read all her posts and I would think it would have stuck in my head if she said ‘pence will be impeached’.

From one of her posts on June 7, 2017:

"Mark my words, you'll see history made when Trump's swamp toss ends with impeachment of Pence. Cap/archive this so you can say you knew it would happen when it does, as of today."

Thank you for finding it. 💗

Yes, she did say last summer that he would be impeached. More recently, I think she's backed off that and just said that he wouldn't be the running mate by 2020. I think she was more confident about exactly what would happen and when back then, and has learned that plans sometimes change or get delayed. After all, if Pence simply resigned, he wouldn't need to be impeached. So there are always other possibilities.

Gotta love it when someone delivers.

Props to you.

I thought I remember her saying that the impeachment of Pence would be one of the final things we would see in all this. I may have read it wrong. I'll try to find it.

I hope so. With Pence around, I don't trust the deep state not to try to JFK Trump. And if Trump serves out his (hopefully) two terms, Pence will be Bush 4.0 (counting Prescott), destroying any MAGA advances made and setting us back the way Bush 2.0 did.

She said a lot more than "Pence is a RINO Deep State Leaker." She said Pence & Benji Netanyahu are good friends that share dark secrets. Ex: Sexually molesting & murdering children. Keyword "pineapple" in rumormillnews text file.

Ex: Raping & murdering children.

Here's where they start losing me. They make it sound like the fetish of every politician is to grab a kid off the street, rape it and kill it. Although I have no doubt that this kind of stuff actually occurs, I would imagine it's just about as common as the flesh eating virus, i.e. not common at all. I wouldn't doubt it that they have pictures of Pence boinking some 15 or 16 year old, but the other stuff is just too over the top for me to believe.

Rino when given a choice between sacrificing themselves or someone else will always choose someone else. If the dirt on pence is bad enough that they risk looking bad/complicit they’ll turn on him in a second to save their own a$$

If Pence is left in place, everything Trump and MAGA has accomplished will be flushed down the toilet just like what happened with Bush following Reagan. If he isn't guilty of leaking, PLEASE, SOMEONE, frame him!

I'll tell you this. If Donald Trump falls either by impeachment or meets with a 'Lone Gunmen.' I'll tell you this as a Hoosier (Indiana Resident.) You need not look any further for those responsible other then Mike Pence. This guy is a political opportunist extraordinaire.. He wants only one thing the Presidency. An he'll sell his own mother to get it.

Not a big fan of Republican "piousness" these days and Pence exemplifies these Republicans who try to act pious. Probably because they are anything but pious.

Well, this is interesting...

From the Meg account after 4chan rant she posted this on her last post here:

Pay attention to emphasis and read between the lines. Also look at the "image" in the middle of this blog and (*) notated in key box. Almost like it was put there for a reason. 🤗

The * in the article calls out "MCCAIN Specific Configuration

Now we have this out today...

Former Fitzgerald, McCain COs Face Negligent Homicide, Dereliction of Duty Charges Over Fatal Collisions

Don't know if means anything other than a coincidence.

They didn’t just remove the commanders but went even higher.... that smells really fishy

Exactly. I don't believe in coincidence. She linked to a 2.5 month-old story only to have it update in today's news cycle. What are the odds?

aaahhhhh....I am so confused at this point (after reading comments below) my head hurts.

Top it off with the Q folks questioning his latest drops.....

So here is my take as a rookie. Megs and Q have been trying to figure each other out so to speak.

When Megs went on her rant, it was because she figured out who Q was and went into a frenzied description of how she figured it out from clues left by Q over time.

Her ALL CAPS ravings were laced with technicalities and. references to past happenings that we aren't aware of. That's why it all seems like gibberish to us. It was like figuring out an overly complex puzzle and then trying to explain how you did it to a complete stranger.

I'm curious and anxious to see where this goes from here now that Megs thinks she knows what she knows, IF she knows what she knows...and if she is right.

Anyway, lots to look forward to, or maybe not.

If she really did believe that Q was Julian Assange, would she really out that on 4chan and Reddit??? That's the big question to me. She has said a number of times how important JA is to what is happening. If so, outing him in places clowns frequent would be a huge no-no. That tells me that something else is going on here, and I'm not yet sure what it is.

That also made no sense to me. Celebrate Q is real and dox at the same time. Bottom line is that if it was Meg she wanted us to tie assange’s tweet to Q’s drops.

That also made no sense to me. Celebrate Q is real and dox at the same time. Bottom line is that if it was Meg she wanted us to tie assange’s tweet to Q’s drops.

That also made no sense to me. Celebrate Q is real and dox at the same time. Bottom line is that if it was Meg she wanted us to tie assange’s tweet to Q’s drops.

But not if he's safe already, maybe? Assuming she's been legit: Just piecing together, she alluded to being part of the team that rescued him (carried his passport), and I'm guessing after that, she wasn't able to have contact with him which makes sense safety wise that he be totally isolated. But now he's out of hiding with his new citizenship, being protected, and now maybe it's safer to be able to say it's him. Not saying I agree he's Q, but maybe that's how that scenario could work


That’s not evidence of anything. Go read Wilcox’s page and you will realise mega anon and q are simply Wilcox and Cory trying to make their fraud seem real. Or do you really believe someone who is trying leak information would contact one of the biggest frauds in the UFO community

Good point, however do you think he is talented enough to write the kind of meaty posts that Meg wrote? Like I've said before, if she is a LARP she is either one hell of a fiction writer or a psychopath with some kind of a multiple personality disorder.

It’s the same stories mega has been trying to tell that Wilcox and Cory try to tell, funny how each time they get called out on their lies something happens to them or their sources and the call for donations go out. Seriously question if megs was real and had intel so to speak why would she ring a crackpot like David. Would you not instead work with a site like Wikileaks or any of the other site that help people like this get their message out.

why would she ring a crackpot like David

That's a very good point, but I have serious doubts that those people are smart enough to come up with the kinds of posts Megs wrote. Remember, they started seeding this stuff in July 2016 (maybe even before) with FBI Anon.

Her stated reason was that Wilcock reaches thousands of people. He had formally written mis-information about Megs on his blog that she wanted to clear up.

They are good at fraud, but wonder how much intel they actually have. It is easy to write fiction, if you put elements of the truth in it. Also there is the power of suggestion and alot of supposition. IMHO

Here a question for you. Dr Steven Greer, when he speaks or does a project notice the huge amount of credible people around him, former military, pilots, etc etc. David and Cory speak and put forward people, no evidence they are who they claim to be. Watched an interesting channelling a while ago, as many may know David claims to be Edgar cayce reincarnated. Interesting channeling on the YouTube page channeling Erik where the do an interview with the spirit of Edgar who basically states David is a fraud claiming to be his reincaarnation solely for monetary gain.

On the Ancient History stuff... watched it years ago and have watched quit a few videos over time of what David has said. It has only been in the last 3-4 mos. I have watched the stuff with Goode. I am old and read alot before the internet, and know about Cayce. I am not going to believe David is a reincarnate of Cayce. Call it intuition. LOL I really think it is a great marketing scam.

I am in my late 60's and lived through a lot of propaganda. One thing I will say is that we humans have a great capacity of imaginition, as there have always been snake oil salesmen. You can buy "credible people" and it has been done for years.

There have been scientists who were told not to release info because it did not go with what the TPTB wanted and they would be harmed, discounted, etc. After all these years I am a BIG skeptic. Too tell you the truth, I am at the point of not knowing what to believe.

Here a question for you. Dr Steven Greer, when he speaks or does a project notice the huge amount of credible people around him, former military, pilots, etc etc. David and Cory speak and put forward people, no evidence they are who they claim to be. Watched an interesting channelling a while ago, as many may know David claims to be Edgar cayce reincarnated. Interesting channeling on the YouTube page channeling Erik where the do an interview with the spirit of Edgar who basically states David is a fraud claiming to be his reincaarnation solely for monetary gain.

Well, as I mentioned yesterday... If it really was her, I'd hope she'd understand our concern that her account might have been hacked, since she was apparently concerned about that herself.

Reminder that this was posted by anon on Jan 6th:

"I was never going to say anything but I agree it needs to stop. It's MegaAnon. They're here for her. She was first picked up by ShareBlue Media on 10/6/17 after a series of posts on Las Vegas started flooding the Las Vegas Shooting and LVMPD hashtags trending at the time. By 10/27/17, she'd been officially tagged with a campaign internally. Her response times were hard to keep up with and her spread and reach across social media, Facebook, Twitter and Reddit were concerning. She was accumulating more than a million views and mentions in more than 39 countries, daily. "Shilling" is effective on board traffic, but ineffective with an anon posting and trending as broadly as she was. Efforts to contain or exhaust her efforts, proved false. Strategies changed in early November.

On 11/1 a campaign was created to establish a rival presence targeting MegaAnon's more popular topics and areas/threads of focus. 6 individuals were initially assigned. As MegaAnon grew, reaching upwards of 6 million unique views and mentions daily, in almost 40 countries, efforts were increased. There have been as many as 12 individuals assigned to MegaAnon. 6 remain dedicated to 4chan, 4 on Twitter and recently, 2 were moved from Facebook to Reddit as she's been posting on the archive thread there as well.

MegaAnon is an identifier threat and target of ShareBlue Media. The initial rival presence had made such a dent in the progress of MegaAnon that when she started identifying their presence in her posts here, it was decided they'd move from 4 to 8 and consolidate their efforts into a new and separate team.

If MegaAnon is here or reads this, I want her to know I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner. I should have and it was wrong. ShareBlue Media has not been able to identify her yet, but they have been trying since October. Please continue the efforts you've made to protect your data. They are flagging and pulling every post waiting for a mistake."

Thanks, Todd. Timely reminder.

I believe this is most likely the best explanation of what has happened to our Megs. She has left us with an abundance of information to sift through and to give us hope for our future. I'm going to continue to pray for her and the safety of her family. And maybe someday, maybe even today, we will hear from her again.

Oh wow... chills...I had not read this. Thanks!

does shareblue media pose any type of threat to megaanon? I dont know that much about them, but I think they are only a left media company. How could they threaten her?

I wondered that also. But the left is very powerful.

You are very correct, as I have watched it for years and they are very CORRUPT. I read news on both sides and make my decisions from there. My main purpose for the last years has been to expose the Clinton's, the Deep State and the NWO. I think they have a larger network than the right does.

i think you should do more digging... vast networks on both sides.

I dig all the time, and that is what brought me here.

I think you should do more digging.

I think you should do more reading. He never claimed both networks weren’t ’vast’, he expressed his opinion that one was larger.

No need to fabricate contention where none exists. Unless you’re here to do just that. If so, you have just outed yourself.

okay, let me be more clear then:

I think you should do more digging-- both networks are vast and, in my opinion, are more or less equally corrupt. I haven't seen anything to qualify the statement that the 'left' has a 'larger network' than the right. Two sides of the same coin, and all that.

Alternatively, I'm a disinfo agent here to undermine discourse and fabricate contention. And you've outed me.

They're one tentacle of a larger killer squid. Of course they pose a threat.

Shareblue is David Brock's org. to combat Trump and protect HRC. We indies/progressives and those against HRC were constantly bombarded by their trolls on social media. He is one of HRC's top gestapo. They put out huge anti Bernie campaigns and blamed it on Russian bots. He also was a top fund raiser for her and had Correct the Record PAC, which illegally coordinately with her campaign, as in the DNC etc. The last ballot had not been counted and he was gathering people to combat Trump and discredit him.

By passing her personal info to someone who contracts MS-13 for special work. That's just one possible way.

Ask the family of Seth Rich

"Watch. You'll see. ;o)"

Former CIA Officer Warns: Deep State Is "Terrified" Of Trump, "Want Him Taken Out"

Check out the smirk at 19:00 when Greg brings up Q and Mega.

Assange's new tweet is of interest.

It does dovetail a bit with what 1/13 Megaanon was saying.

Not sure why, but I've gotten some PM's asking if I'm Megs. I can assure anyone wondering that I am not. :)

I've never met her, I don't know her, don't know who she is, and have never communicated with her. Wish I did tho, she seems pretty cool. :)

Mega said the President was testing forms of direct communication, after tonight, I am assuming will not be one.

Fake news awards was the biggest nothingburger. Q seems to be an agent to misdirect our energy

I think part of the problem was that they didn't actually give a solid time via the press secretary, so people were constantly reloading pages looking for the FNAs to come out.

It seemed like they had planned a much larger thing, like an awards show, and I'm thinking that the Politico article re: ethics probably got the attention of the white house lawyers, and they did this instead.

Y'all gonna think I'm crazy. Awesome video. I'm a very religious dude, but value here.

OK.... I am old and have been watching propaganda for many years. Do you know that PBS, at one time did a program about the NWO and Bilderberg Group, and that is how I started out on this. Ya, I am old. This is what I am going to say to you all.... I am far left of most of you, but you need to find truthful media on both sides and read and listen, as on both sides even the alternative sites are full of shyt.

Now let's talk here. I know there are more truthful and non infiltrated sites that report the news on the right. So what do you use for news sites? I am really searching and trying to understand, as if you think Alex Jones, Rush and Fox is the end all, you are like the Left who thinks CNN and the rest of the Left Cabal is true. Let's talk.

I'm old too. From the other side of the aisle, but we have much in common. I'd comment further and address your questions, but tbh, I'm toasted and it's bedtime. :)

Pat Buchanan: "Republicans and Democrats are two different wings of the same bird of prey."

Night all. No, I'm not Megs. :)

The best site I know of that actually discusses the news in an intelligent manner and realizes that the Right-Left paradigm is a false construct - is The Conservative Treehouse.

Thanks, as I am just starting to read them from what some posters have said here and am going to share them with my friends. We need to stop being enemies because of the R or the D and start fighting the real enemies. I am seeing more progress in that direction and keep trying to wake people up. Thanks again.

You can also remind them that looking through the other’s eyes reveals assumptions one has no idea one is holding, if one is inclined to look. Considering trump from a positive angle has really shifted a lot for this recovering Leftie.

I guess I don't understand why politicians can't do what is best for us, the American CITIZENS. Why does there have to be all this drama on both sides? It is where we can't trust any of them.

I get it. But I’ve been listening to a lot of George Webb, and I’m pretty sure that it’s the career bureaucrats, the permanent administrative pocket liners and their hired crooks that are more to blame than most of the politicos. They’re barely figuring out who’s ripping off who internally before they have to run for office again. And don’t get me started on the “press”....😆

the hill

I read that too, and am careful to fact check some of their stuff.

Back at you, would you mind sharing a good lefty site with me.

I read both of them too. I like, Truthout, Disobedient Media, Caitlin Johnstone. HA Goodman, but he is pretty self serving, although he is not partisan and is truthful. The Anti-Media is honest. There are so many left sites that are neoliberal, but highly read. Most of my FB friends are very anti neoliberal and pretty awake. Until about 1 1/2 yrs ago, I knew nothing about our foreign policy, so decided I needed to get more into who we are raping, pillaging and plundering.

Also Truthstream Media is a great youtube channel.

Kinda disappointed, still everything is moving so slow. Wish Meg came back, at least she made it fun and interesting.

It was the illusion of movement.

I wonder if we've seen the last of MegaAnon? I wonder what happened and I hope she's OK!

I'm thinking the same thing! Keep checking back for updates.....and still nothing.

Me too! I'm a skeptical person but mega anon felt genuine to me. I feel like it's as simple as she was exposed and had to stop. Whether that ending rant was her or not, I feel like she was found out and had to find a way out.


THIS is why crypto is falling.

These posts reveal that crypto can be seized.

Meganon literally caused bad actors to pull money from crypto and likely got those bad actors caught.

Someone on here predicted this scenario a while back.

Anyone not seeing the value of meganon does not think critically and could be a bad actor.

Please use your own discernment anons.

Bad actors exposing themselves on here is a good thing.

Means No Such Agency can collect them.

Like many of you I really enjoyed reading what mega-Anon shared. It made a ton of sense. If what she has shared is actually true, I do really appreciate what she did. It's just looking bad now after the last set of posts. I was following Q shortly after it all broke in late Oct, but when it seemed to get a little crazy and she called it out, even pointed to "intern holdovers with a shareblue connection" that also made sense. Maybe that is how they had prior knowledge of certain events.

After the last Mega rant, I just hope she is OK, and also hope what she shared over the last few months wasn't just completely made up. It certainly didn't seem like it was. I didn't see any agenda coming through, other than the always potential attention seeking. But even that fell short as everything shared was anonymous, or mostly so.

The initial hype with Q-anon was partially from things that he/she <<might>> have predicted. It could also have been a coincidence, or, as Mega said initially, it was done by people with prior knowledge of what the president would say/tweet and other happenings.

Looking back at some Q "predictions"...

  • president twitter being shutdown

  • the purge in Saudi Arabia

  • Rothschild estate helicopter incident ("Green" etc)

  • President using "+++" in tweets, right before it happened

  • Mentioned NSA being good, and the CIA corrupt, followed days later by the NY Times hit piece on the NSA

  • Various other phrases/words used by the president in tweets

This and other things got some of people like me thinking this was real. Mega's initial explanation of Q was plausible, and like most I considered it to be a LARP.

Meanwhile, Mega offered many explanations of what was really happening. She hinted at what was going to happen, and refused to make firm predictions on timing and so forth. Didn't want to mislead, wouldn't report things that weren't definitely true. All made sense.

I started getting suspicious, though, when certain things didn't come true, and haven't yet. Things Mega Anon said or hinted at that still haven't happened, or don't seem to be correct:

  • All of the "ankle monitors" - Hill dogs, Johnny Mac, Huma, etc. Yes, they seem to have long leg injuries in some cases. But where is the evidence? And how could they not be indicted after so long?

  • McCabe, clearly a dirty scum bag, but MA alleged he had already been removed from the FBI. Where is the evidence? If he is supposedly "retiring" soon? If he was removed, that would be clear and a story the administration would want told. right?

  • Strozek is a deep state/documents guy who forges things. OK, makes sense. When are we going to hear confirmation that he created the FISA app? or forged something for Rice to sign?

  • Flynn lied to the FBI on purpose so he would be indicted and would have to testify. I guess we still have to wait and see if this is what happened, or if he was just caught covering his tracks and went too far (which seems more likely).

  • Alabama election. Supposedly Trump/Bannon set up the Dems and the GOP establishment to expose them for voter fraud. Implication was something really bad, like with the machines. Didn't happen at all!!!! This one in particular I was expecting based on her posts and raised my suspicions.

  • Schumer has some major dirt that is going to come out soon. Still waiting. Nothing yet. This sounded imminent based on posts in Dec.

  • Trump and Bannon are actually staging their "fight" and are still working together closely. This is looking extremely unlikely to be true in any respect.

  • Fox News will be absorbed by Brietbart. While Fox News is not part of the 21st Cent Fox/Disney deal, I haven't seen this even speculated elsewhere. Could be true, but no evidence.

  • Huma is on a Hawaii vacation, with an ankle monitor. Somewhat difficult to do. Mega's defense and explanation here in this thread is totally nonsensical.

On the other side, while Mega has shared tons of interesting and plausible explanations for certain events, especially the FBI/HRC corruption scheme, what did she definitively, accurately predict? I am coming up short.

  • Manafort would be off an ankle monitor

What else? I'm sure there are some things, as I am relatively late to the game, but what did she predict that has been proven true?

So, there were plenty of reasons for more suspicion and scrutiny... at least on my part. I for one feel pretty dumb about any "red pill crumbs" I may have dropped to friends or family members. Makes me look like a deranged person. Definitely adding some more skepticism to my internet content filter moving forward.

Her kind of building a completely alternate reality cannot sustain itself over the long term. Eventually a crash happens. The biff stuff was strange though, That was a troll with a mission.

Excellent summary. I’ve asked Meg’s specifically for updates on some of these items before the ‘event’. I take Mccabe being sent to the basement assigned to counting stapler inventory as the same(ish) as fired. To me, that’s the only point I can give as a hit. All the rest, we are waiting. And next week will always be a ‘big week’. My intuition tells me she’s legit, but my left brain tells me different.

Fair points on McCabe. I completely agree with you, everything about what she did and said seemed legit, and now simple logic would indicate otherwise. This could be just as simple as falling for what we would like to be true.

Confirmation bias is always a danger, for sure.

I also asked her about Alabama and Schumer and whether we should still expect any news on those, and she didn't answer. The Alabama prediction and the lack of anything there is a red flag for me. Credico was tweeting the other day about Schumer, so we may see something there.

The tracking boot thing.... The deal with Mc(Brain) switching feet and tweeting a ridiculous explanation about it makes her comments plausible. There is an unusually large number of sealed indictments. Still waiting to see on this one.

Her statements about Flynn (and Bannon and others) needing to testify under oath, to get the truth out, still make sense. Remember, Flynn did offer to testify to the congressional committees, in exchange for immunity, and his offer was refused.

At any rate, it seems to be wait and see on many of these items. They're plausible; they could still happen. I'm not aware of anything happening so far to flatly disprove them, with the possible exception of Alabama. But yes, the longer it takes, the more skeptical one becomes.

And folks, again.... I am not Megs. :)

Some points to consider. One, mega and Q are evidently not in direct contact. Two, both are in different areas of the government and information is compartmentalized. So it stands to reason they would have access to different streams of information.

On some of these, like the ankle monitors and flynn, yeah we have to wait and see I suppose. Not sure on Bannon. It would appear he has ample opportunity to get his message out testifying before congress, and yet he is claiming "executive privilege" and refusing to answer questions. Doesn't sound like someone particularly eager to get a message out.

Confirmation bias is looking most likely here....

No CB on my part. :) As I've said, just watching to see what happens. Conspiracy Theories are fun. :)

Well, definitely on my part!!!

Maybe. But I think Megs is either Mercedes Schlapp or somebody to pretending to be her. Either way, I think she is the real deal. But, like you guys, there have been some things that simply don't fit that I've noticed as well.

Megs claimed to be a contractor, not an employee. Doesn't Mercedes work for the admin, in Communications?

She is a Senior Communications Advisor. That is completely consistent with coming to these boards to seed information. I don't know that you have to be on the government payroll to be an advisor.

I saw her on video within the last week or so, and her chest looked like it had freckles. I thought it might be her before, but when I saw the freckles I became a little more certain. Plus, she has a little flab on her which is consistent with her thigh pictures.

Lol!! Would be incredible if true. It's certainly a good guess based on the "old" Megs and how I thought about this last week.

The only thing is Mercedes has 5 children I think. Mega was posting so much, would Mercedes even have time for that?

Plus she was posting at night so that made me wonder if she was on the west coast. But then again I'm a little bit of an insomniac myself.

Wonder if that's why she knew so much about Vegas?

Her official title is Director of Strategic Communications. Directors are not contractors or consultants.

Did you look closely at what you just typed?

Director of Strategic Communications

What could be more strategic than seeding this information on social media?

Yes, I did. :) I'm just saying Megs claimed several times she was a contractor, not an employee. Not Hope Hicks. Not Kelly Ann ("I'm younger and prettier," lol). Probably not Mercedes, either.

On predictions, one was that she talked about Awan before he was arrested, before anyone else knew his name. And some of the things you listed as Q "predictions" weren't predictions, they were things he explained after the fact: Saudi crackdown, Rothschild crash, +++ tweet.

If I was okay with things like ankle monitors and sealed indictments a week ago, there's no reason for me not still to be okay with them, just because she stopped showing up to encourage us. If I only believed them because someone on the Internet said so, and they stopped making sense as soon as she went away, that would be illogical and emotional. But it seemed reasonable to me a week ago that those things were being kept under wraps until the results of closed-door investigations could be made public, and that still seems reasonable.

I certainly agree that skepticism is warranted in all of this, and if I dropped "red pills" on friends based only on an anonymous Internet source and not on my own judgment about the facts, then that would be embarrassing. There is a strong temptation (at least for me) to be "in the know" and tell people what's coming; but I have to remind myself that even if Meg is legit, she's not infallible, and the other side gets to play too.

I'm not here to defend Q as that whole angle has clearly left the reservation as well, but to be fair, I thought there were posts made clearly before all 3 things you mentioned. +++, helicopter/green and the saudi stuff. The plus message in particular fooled me, as it was clearly done before the tweet, though Mega's later explanation made sense to me.

Ankle monitors seemed logical because others on the internet talked about them, posted alleged photo evidence, and they were confirmed strongly by Mega Anon. The expectation was there would be some form of confirmation before too long, as indictments don't remain secret forever. A couple of major things have changed. First, Mega's credibility with the Jan 13th rants and disappearance, and second, time passing with no further evidence.

I'm not sure what is and isn't true. If your judgement about "facts" can be further clarified here that would be helpful. What facts led to such conclusions? Yes, there were and are many sealed indictments and some photos of people wearing leg braces, that could plausibly conceal ankle monitors. Did the assertions of one Mega Anon, a supposed insider with such elegant and fitting explanations have no influence? It did for me.

The plus message in particular fooled me, as it was clearly done before the tweet


  • POTUS tweeted "+++" before 'Q', anon posted ABOUT in on /pol/ on Mon 06 Nov 2017 at 16:19 EST.

  • Q's "+++" was posted in this thread on Mon 06 Nov 2017 at 17:07 EST.

OK. I must have totally missed that. I thought for sure I saw it time stamped before the tweet.

4plebs archive doesn't lie, it shows both localized timestamps and EST (default 4chan time). I don't know what you saw but I recall screencaps of this '+++' post taken in different time zones that fooled many anons...

Yeah, I was there at the time. Q's post came second, almost an hour afterwards. We had been waiting on the "storm" tweet Q promised, and when the +++ tweet came, what really got our attention was that +++ came right after the word "happening," so it really felt like a message from Trump to us who had been constantly using the word "happening" to refer to all this. There was a lot of theorizing about what it could mean, and then Q dropped a bunch of questions, people asked him, and he said something cryptic about "no coincidences" and added +++ himself. At the time, I took it as confirmation that Trump's tweet was a signal that something important was underway. Only later did people get confused about the timezones and decide he predicted it.

For what it's worth, my guess has always been that Q was a legitimate insider of some sort, probably just claiming to be more inside than he really was, so much of his information was legit. Perhaps Assange, perhaps Meg's 4 interns with a stolen cell phone, perhaps someone else. I think both Q and Meg were too on top of events, even after the fact, to be pure LARPs. But either/both could also have gone beyond what they knew and started making educated guesses or advancing pet theories.

She first mentioned the Awan's months after they were in the mainstream news. Am I missing something?

So to sum up, she correctly predicted that an insanely rich man would post bail and wear a monitoring device.

Truly, only a deep insider could have foreseen this.

What they don’t understand is: insiders state facts — they don’t make predictions that may or may not be true.

If you were wondering how roadside psychics still exist, these people are how.

Trump and Bannon are actually staging their "fight" and are still working together closely. This is looking extremely unlikely to be true in any respect.

I still think they are playing. Maybe to make Bannon look independent to everybody when he talks to Mueller and Congress. An independent Bannon who is on the outs with Trump saying nothing's going on with Russia makes a stronger statement than if it comes from a crony.

I'm not saying this is being done for Mueller's benefit. It is being done for theatrics and for public consumption. Again, this is pure speculation on my part. But like the Kabuki show we saw with Jeff Sessions, something just doesn't seem right about this.

Fox News will be absorbed by Brietbart. While Fox News is not part of the 21st Cent Fox/Disney deal, I haven't seen this even speculated elsewhere. Could be true, but no evidence.

Makes a lot of sense actually, either by outright sale or by merging Fox News with Breitbart, with Murdoch continuing to own a part of the combined company. One thing that hasn't gotten coverage are the terms of the Disney deal. When all's said and done, if the Disney deal goes through Murdoch ends up owning almost 10% of Disney. That has to make him the largest shareholder in the company.

Besides, once they take over Sky News they are not going to need a second News Channel.

Huma is on a Hawaii vacation, with an ankle monitor. Somewhat difficult to do. Mega's defense and explanation here in this thread is totally nonsensical.

They could all be there because they have to provide testimony or attend depositions.

I agree, the whole thing seems very strange. Why the fight to begin with? I don't see how it benefits either side. But at this point, I'm not sure how it makes sense they are working together and it is all a show. That seems like a reach.

The brietbart thing, who knows, I just noted I didn't see it anywhere else.

As for Huma, why in the world would you do depositions in Hawaii at a 4 seasons??? I just don't buy that at all.

She's staying there, but that doesn't mean she's doing depositions at the Four Seasons. But don't treat this as if it has any substance, it is just a what if that popped into my head.

Somebody made a good point the other day. How does somebody afford this jet-set life style on a government employee salary?

Right on. I just don't buy that anything would be done in Hawaii. Who does anything there but vacation? It's too far and too expensive!

Your second point, absolutely, and this is where I hope some of what Mega shared is spot on. The swamp. How do half of these people have tens of millions of dollars or more on government salaries???

I heard Bill was in Hawaii too, at the same time as Huma? That may lend a little credence to it all.

Megs predicted this:

~~~~~Anonymous ID:nyuF9NNJ Sun 26 Nov 2017 11:55:13 No.150988500

150985689 I told you all about the Awan's and EXACTLY WHY you'll watch them WALK, MONTHS AGO. I told you WHY Flynn not only KNOWS he's one of the sealed indictments, but WHY YOU SHOULD WANT HIM TO BE. I told you WHY he's going to blow the absolute fucking lid off of this entire thing and why he can't wait to do it. He's going to VINDICATE HIMSELF AND EVERYONE ELSE WORKING TO DRAIN THE SWAMP and I said it all months ago. Flynn, like Manafort, like Awan, etc. all planned. All negotiated. All will walk. And only more to come. Those who witnessed the swamp are singing like canaries and have been for months. THEY BEGGED TO, including dirty fucking Mueller and Comey. EVEN HUMA picked up her tits, stayed MARRIED to Weiner ON PIRPOSE so she couldn't be forced to tcome study against him as his wife, and together they've worked out a negotiated plea for their testimony under deposition.

I said all of this months ago. GO READ IT FOR YOURSELVES, then PROVE ME WRONG. When you can't, just. apologize... it's ok. No hard feelings."

Manafort, Flynn - she's been pretty spot on about how things would play out for them. Flynn had a story to tell.

The Awan prediction thing sort of rubs me the wrong way. I am an average dude I read news from places like realClearPolitics, Drudge, T_D, Zerohedge and others...

The Awan thing was out there in the Spring. The first documented instance of Meg mentioning the Awan's is May 25th. She definitely provided a perspective but it is not like people weren't aware there was some super sketch stuff going on with the Awan's at this point.

~~~~~Anonymous ID:JSNe31Gy Thu 25 May 2017 11:23:40 No.127064518

...smaller streams like small, private businesses, not for profits, etc. that allow them the access and capability to obtain and distribute supplies for demands.

SR/Panda, KIM, shady hospitals that are now homeless shelters, pizza shops, foundations, not-for-profit orgs with conviced pedo's sitting as chairs on their boards, etc. THEY ARE ALL CONNECTED, when it comes to the operations and network of the DEEP. It was horrifically disappointing watching the Awan bros. shit come out as if their ties or connections were being vetted for the first fucking time. NEWSFLASH, go to ANY well-sourced pizza archive and you'll find EVERYTHING you'd ever think to look for and more. WHY?!?! BECAUSE THEY'RE TIED TO PIZZA, DNC LEAKS, ELECTION HACKINGS and RIGGINGS, ILLEGAL US SPYING AND DATA COLLECTION/STORAGE, etc. Again, it's all connected and (((they))) are all connected to it. TO BE CLEAR THOUGH... there ARE private businesses, who have the capability of running, some shady shit on the side within them, that have little to no, direct connections with the shady business of the deep. THIS IS WHAT I IMPLIED ABOUT KIM/Megaupload. Kim has the capacity to do a lot of shady shit on the internets and we already know he did, they facilitated the streaming of illegally pirated entertainment, for fucks sake. However, to assume that's all they did illegally, would be silly and that said, while Kim's hands may be a little dirty, there is NOTHING to suspect or imply, that HE or Megaupload, directly worked WITH or for, the deep. Kim literally, stepped into Panda shit, he's paying a hefty price for it and he's got the motivation and now, opportunity, to expose it, in an attempt to get it back.

STOP pigeon holding yourselves to a small, narrow-minded scope. USE the massive efforts other's have already made, properly sourced and ARCHIVED. There's a reason the same names and shady characters, agencies, departments, ngo's, not for profits, foundations, board members, etc...

Articles that pre-date that post I found with a 1 minute google search:

Date Article
March 1, 2017
March 12, 2017
March 14, 2017
April 30, 2017

So all this "Before anyone knew the Awans name" business... I mean, politico, fox, dailycaller, cspan... these are MAINSTREAM media outlets. The information was out there. People, like myself, new the name and I am in no way deep, I have no access and I am no one special.

Let me know what I am missing.

Edit: I was sort of responding to a different person. You never made the claim that Megs broke Awan before anyone was aware of them. I left this permalink as a comment on their post below.

I feel ya. It looks like her predictions about the Alabama senate race are turning into an epic fail.

I told you. I told you this was a LARP. I told you she would vanish when the lies became unsustainable.

And here we are.

Learn any lessons?

Yes. That you're a pompous ass.


The sun shines on a dogs ass sometimes.

Awww. Thank you. That's sweet of you to say.

You know what I'm not, though? I'm not gullible enough to believe one of the most transparent larps in years.

How about you?

She's not a LARP. No way a LARP can write the stuff she did, the way she did. I think she effed up by showing up here and attaching a name and account to herself; I bet you somebody who knows her send her a PM and that's what freaked her out.

Maybe she got a lot of nastygrams through her PM. Maybe somebody threatened to have her sethriched.

Pure speculation on my part, but that's what I'm going to throw out there.

I have some swamp property in Florida an insider tells me is going to be hugely valuable. I'll let you in on it at a good price. You seem like a perfect partner for this venture.

You are incorrect. Meg's posts are powerful because they ring true. Your offer of swamp property does not resonate because it doesn't ring true.

What you mean is MegaLARP said what you wanted to hear and said it with confidence.

That's all it was.

You got suckered.

And the sooner you admit it to yourself the better off you'll be.

No. A LARP says that in a couple of sentences and sooner or later they become disjointed. Megs writings were thick and had meat to them and they had logical consistency. They rang true. I trust my gut, it rarely steers me the wrong way.

So then that's a no. You didn't learn anything at all.

Biff, we get it. You think we're stupid. Ok. You've done everything you can to enlighten us. Thanks. Now please GTFO.

I do. Yes. That is what I think.

Be angry at me all you want, but you should also be angry at the person who lied to you for months.

And don't be so stupid the next time someone larps along saying what you want to hear.

Who's angry? You're not worth getting angry about.

Thanks for your contributions to the discussion. They've been duly noted. Run along, now.

Other than the 'set aside' arguably imposter meltdown posts, what exactly "became unsustainable", biff?

What is different now than one week, three weeks, or two months ago, biff?


It's NOT as though Mega had painted herself into a corner where she had no room to maneuver.

So yeah...your premise holds no water.

Let me guess - your mom keeps telling you how good you are, so no need for me to do so....

He. Not she. I will bet everything she was David wilcock. This is completely his way he operates, and if you compare language the same way he writes. Last time he was called out for lying he disappeared then claimed his brake line was cut. When he was called out on his forum he claimed it was hacked. Now he claims someone on 4chan posting what he posts rang him, sure, pull the other one. But you will get attacked because people were desperate to believe him as mega and Cory and q

u/biffingzorp why are you here? If you think she is a larp that is your opinion. If I thought she as a larp i wouldn't waste one second wasting my time here spouting my mouth off. So be a good little shill and go away. If not maybe our board Operator, hint hint , will block you. I enjoyed reading her posts. I Dont care if she is real or a larp, she always laid out an interesting point of view and good reading. We need more of people like MEg in the world and less people like you.

Now I'm here because you tagged my name. Guess you wanted me back after all.

wont make that mistake again, now go away back into disgusting shillville

TODDWHISKEY.... What do you think? Was Mega for real, or the most prolific LARPer that ever came down the pike? Appreciate your opinion & thanks for the hard work

She's real, not a larp but probably not able or not willing to come back. She told us everything months ago. We should be celebrating. # ReleaseTheMemo

Dilley Dilley

This might just be wishful thinking, but I got “red-pilled” in part from spending the last 21+ years in the hospital with my medically fragile daughter. Sometimes for months at a time, and I’ve seen some stuff and heard stories that would make most people afraid to live a normal life. I know, because I no longer tell friends and family about the people I’ve met who’s life was forever changed by a cold or a tiny scratch their child got at the beach. I’m also not much of an alarmist anymore either- life is fragile and we shouldn’t take it or our loved ones for granted. All that to say this: I remember Meg talking about being home sick/working from home around the holidays. Has anyone seen the flu this year? It’s particularly nasty. I pay attention because my daughter generally ends up in the hospital with complications around this time of year, but this year, I have her basically on quarantine. It’s just a theory, but what if Meg got the flu? It would explain her absence, but also her last couple posts being ‘off’.

Kind of suprised no one is talking about this stuff today. Whatever you think of. MegaAnon hard to ignore it sounds a lot like the FBI/DOJ she's been talking about for months.

yes, I read that about an hour ago. Makes you think something is about to be exposed.

Lou Dobbs on this today:

This is really important shit.

Definitely sounds like the potential vindication of Mega-Anon.

I had brought up the question of what Mega Anon had accurately predicted. If this report confirms much of the main points she was making, relative to Strozek, McCabe et all, then that is indeed huge. If, as she asserted, it ties back to Rice signing forged documents, then thats a pretty big reveal she provided.

I guess we just have to continue to demand they #releasethememo so we can find out!

I know this is probably crazy, but I find I keep checking back here a couple times a day to see if there is anything new. I really miss Megs updates and watching for any happenings. I have been just lurking and reading for months trying to understand how these boards work. I have tired to even "find" Q posts to see if there are any updates. Anyone know how to access that?

Watching Hannity, tick tock, it could actually happen this/next werk.

I saw this thread earlier today but when I went to the link I got a 404. I have no way to verify what any of this means but thought I'd throw it out there for everyone. MegaANON, /pol/ I. AM. DONE. - 4Chan 01/18/18(Thu)12:17:35 No.157149278. File: D10AFB03-7871-45B3-8AB8-D(...).jpg (25 KB, 312x247). 25 KB JPG. MegaANON, /pol/ I. AM. DONE. Q !ITPb.qbhqo (ID: N25DFR8r) 01/18/18(Thu)12:17:35 No.157149278. Last night was my last straw!!! I'm so tired of liberals, the media, the awful bullying.... It's all so depressing.

Found it in archives. Nothing but a dude trying to summon her.

Thank you for your help. I am not proficient at using archives. MAGA!

Reading @davealvord164 on twitter. Highly recommend his synopsis tonight on FISA including the Flynn situation..long but good read. After reading makes me think "Flynn was framed like Roger rabbit" sure makes!

Anyone following the #release the memo news? I wonder if this is one of the things Mega covered...hummm

Yes.... Bombshell is an overused metaphor, but it looks like this one blows up the dam and starts the flood.

This is YUUUUGE. :)

Up next? Assange's dump? Maybe. We'll see.

I sure as hell aint shareblue, but i do question at times if the couterplay is not as predictable as we think. Meaning Mueller might have something up his sleeve.

Fox News and Republican poopy cock! They're trying to lay down shyt before Muller's acts. There is no memo nor will it be released because it doesn't exist. :)

HAHAHA. Riiiiight.

Hopefully you are joking...


He IS the joke.

I don't think there's any doubt that this memo is exactly what she was talking about. I heard Rush today lampoon the press when they derided Trump about his "wiretap" complaint. Megs had posted a pic of his "wiretap" tweet and said to "keep this for your normie friends; it's about to become relevant."

I do remember that one, though not what day it was posted. Good catch!

Best summary of what is going on:

I can't listen to 11 minutes of George Webb rambling. Cut to the chase, please.

Yep, I've tried several times to listen but he rambles wayyyyy too much!

Megs was NOT a LARP. What people fail to understand is that there is free will in all of this. People like HRC, BC, BO, JMc, HA, etc are not just going to agree to their crimes and walk away quietly and peacefully in cuffs. They will kick and scream and scratch and bite and yell and fight and use layer upon layer upon layer of attorneys, and when none of that works then they will start to fight really dirty. Do you not think they have planned for this? Do you not think they have an “oh shit, we are caught!” escape plan? Swamp is definitely getting drained, but you can’t fit that into a certain timeline or tipping point event. History will show us that moment. But Megs is, was, and always will be a hero. She put herself at great risk to say the things The good guys want to tell us but aren’t able to.

But Megs is, was, and always will be a hero.

I don't think an officially sanctioned leaker would qualify as a hero, but I admire that they believe in transparency.

Serious question, to the Mega Anon community here. Is Peter Strzok a real person? I know that Mega indicated he was "deep state" and a "documents guy." The MSM reported he interviewed HRC, interviewed Flynn, was removed from the Fake Russian Collusion Probe due to Trump hating texts exchanged between he and Lisa Page.

However, boldhas anyone seen even one legitimate photo of this Strzok guy???? bold

Please, if you have, would you share a link here? Also, not the old head shot photo of someone that looks about 27 years old. A real, current photo?

I've seen photos that are suggesting the person in the photo is Strzok, but upon further review, it isn't him. The most common photo is one of a secret service guy in front of Mueller.

boldIt looks extremely <<possible>> that Strzok is not even a real person, maybe a former identity that was used by one of more of these corrupt scumbags like McCabe, etc.bold

Saw this from somewhere else: Speaking of the shutdown...

Q talked about 10 days of darkness.

If shutdown goes into effect at midnight, 1/20.

10 days of darkness puts us at 1/30, the State of the Union address.

Would be awesome if government shuts down, and while "dark" the swamp gets drained (arrests), and during the SOTU address Trump lays everything out for the American people on live TV.

goes to costco for a whole skid of popcorn

Thanks, I will add that to my list, as I need to go soon. Good idea.

I think the 10 days of darkness was the period when Assange was down.

The cultists see EVERYTHING in 10 day increments now.

Q is SO god-like that there are INFINITE layers to the meanings of his posts, so any and every 10 absence of anyone or anything qualifies, and FURTHER 'proves' Q is legit!

You have to admit that the general gist of their posts is coming to fruition. I wouldn't bet the farm on what either Q or M typed, but imagine if they weren't leaking and we were completely in the dark about what was going on right now.

Don't misunderstand...I wasn't throwing shade on Q or Mega.

It's the weak and desperate minds that have gone off the deep end, that irk me.


The cultists see EVERYTHING in 10 day increments now.

Spot on.

Thats what I was thinking about today , too . Yes , this was meant primarily for Assange - but somehow this all fits now , including FISA memo .

I truly hope this could be the Cabal takedown in period from today until end of January .

There are even some talks about financial reset coming in that window of time - but thats all to be taken with huge grain of salt . There is a lot of "ruckus" on various sites , and pushing disinfo is absolutely possible .

"Is it happening?" - I would say , yes ...

I never post, but I will say I look every day to see if Megs has returned. I miss her posts and want her to know I appreciated her information. I have waited for justice for many, many years and I will celebrate with you Megs and all who have been on board this train for a long time. Thank you...

I second that! Come back!!! So much going on it would be great to get your inside info! ;)

I do the same thing! I sure hope she is safe and well. Maybe she is "lurking" here to see how we are doing without her. Sad to say it is almost as if I have become "addicted" to wanting more information. I so much want all these people who are corrupt (both sides) to be taken down and pay for their crimes against WE the PEOPLE and our country!

Scott Pelley, Charlie Rose, Matt Lauer. We've already got some big-name scalps. Meg said we're halfway through the plan to demolish the MSM. For a good time, watch Morning Joe. Joe & Mika have already started to melt. The MSM is begrudgingly reporting on the House Intelligence Committee memo. She was right about everything. Hope you're safe Meg.... :)

Hope you're safe Meg.... :)

Mercedes is doing just fine, I'm sure. I hope she reveals who she is, like she promised.


Yep, he thinks Mercedes Schlapp is Megs.

*~~~~~Anonymous ID:xnA0w4UW Sun 03 Dec 2017 14:19:26 No.151890911

151890318 Melania is like a full foot taller than I am. This is not rocket science. My legs barely scrape me to 5'1.*

Google says Kelly Anne Conway is 5' 7". Now see them together in this picture:!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/afp-lz3pi.jpg

I say again.... Megs said she's a contractor. Mercedes is most definitely not. At any rate, what difference does it make? Why do you care?

That is correct ... any exposure of real identity of MegaAnon would endanger her seriously . I assume she will go out into public with full name and surname one day when Cabal is taken out of the game .

And yes , Mega also said she isnt anyone in public spotlight , there is not a logical trace that would lead to her - which has sense , that they would pick her , and not someone more known .

any exposure of real identity of MegaAnon would endanger her seriously

Only if she isn't officially sanctioned and they aren't going to let someone freelance from May until now unless it was officially sanctioned.

You know that for sure right?

Why is it such an important thing to know her messenger when you can just critic the message.

So what? You're not my boss.

Thank God for that

There is no danger when you're in the communications department and you are leaking as part of your boss's communication strategy.

I say again.... Megs said she's a contractor.

She also said she's a full foot taller than Melania. Words on a bulletin board aren't scientific equations. They don't have to be 100% accurate.

Omg dude. You really consider that an argument?

Megs says she's a contractor. Mercedes is not. But Megs and Mercedes might be about the same height as Megs, based on a picture of Mercedes and Kellyanne. Therefore, Mercedes is Megs.

Ok. Roger that.

Mercedes Schlapp, a conservative commentator who owns M2S, received $50,000 for media consulting.

Curious as to when the first 'Mega is Mercedes" assertion was made?

I quote her again, from last Friday:

"NOW PLEASE, can y'all FINALLY start celebrating with me?! I feel like I'm watching the storm all by myself. You knew how this would go. ;o)"

Like /u/ToddWhiskey said, it's time to celebrate. Things are obviously moving our way. Keep the faith, anons. :) A Happy Friday to y'all.

I see where you're coming from.

I have celebrated for the whole week! Hopefully this will all come to fold and we can celebrate in the streets, rather than protesting!

I'm definitely celebrating!!

I know many of you will not like what I have to say. I am a news junkie and I am reading all kinds of things on both sides. A long time ago, I posted on FB that I thought there were 2 factions of the elites/Deep State trying to take control. They are warring and we need to get rid of both. So where do we start? I think T is trying to expose the "other side" aka the Dems, and we are all once again choosing sides. There is dirt on both sides as in BIG DIRT. If the MEMO exposed the Dems as having spied on a US citizen and presidential candidate, that was wrong. Don't care how you want to rack that one up. We know HRC sold us out. So we get the Dem party and actually some others who are not playing the game are exposed. There is so much corruption on both sides! Is this all a ruse, as one side wants to take over the other and we are just dupes in the game. We know there is massive corruption, but the Rep. would come out smelling like a rose, as in less stinky than the Dems? Think about it.

Personally, I have nothing against what you said. :) The swamp is deep and both the D's and R's are part of it. As Pat Buchanan said many years ago, they're two different wings of the same bird of prey.

For me, it has nothing to do with the R's prevailing over the D's. Or vice versa. I want my country back. The one I grew up in, where we were a nation of laws, not of the arbitrary dictates of men. Where the term "Common Good" meant something. There's no perfection in this world, but some eras of history come closer to it than others.

Yes they are both different wings and they are against We The People. Have you ever watched "Everything is a Richman's Trick". It is 3 hrs long and it took me several times to watch the whole thing, then I watched it again.

Call me naieve, but I don’t see this as a d/r battle going on. It’s stopping a palace coup because an outsider refused to ‘play the game’. Yes there are partisan loyalties at play because we just completed a D presidency and corruption being exposed will tend to fall on the most recent guys in power, but I don’t think this horse shit started with Hussein, although I do think technology enabled his guys to pull off shit never seen before. As pointed out, some of the bad pols in this chapter include R’s (mcbraine, pence...). It’s a bipartisan swamp T needs to drain. That said, T is aligned with what I feel is the Patriot wing of the deep state. This ‘wing’ isn’t perfect, but it’s a far better choice to the globalist wing .

I don't agree. Look at all the sudden retirements in Congress. Mostly R's so far, so that means they are being targeted. But the Dems have been in charge of the executive branch over the last eight years. They are the main players in this saga, so they're the ones who are going to be going down for the biggest stuff. Remember who works in government ... mostly D's.

You are only seeing a small picture....this is over decades, not just the last 8 years. Think about it. I am old.

I realize that, but how are you going to prosecute people for something that happened 20 years ago? The more immediate scofflaws are going to be the easiest to get and those people are mostly D's.

Don't cry for them. They got us in the 1970's and 1980's. It's their turn this time.

Depending on what the crime is, as there are some that do not have a statute of limitations. Also the court of public opinion does work, unfortunately many have a short memory, which is something the Clintons have counted on. Yes they did get us in the 70's and 80's, and on the Dem side there was the Democratic Leadership Council plotting out their platforms....then we got the Clintons in the 90's.

Yeah I think there are two sides vying for control as well. And while I'm hopeful that T will bring jobs back to the country and continue to improve the economy, my spidey senses tell me that he wouldn't have been allowed to win if he wasn't in bed with one of these factions. I believe HRC had the CIA's backing for years. And the recent leaks and memo frenzy regarding the DOJ's questionable investigation into her emails, Uranium One, and the CF added to FBI's handling of the Russian collusion investigation affirm for me that she had those departments in her pocket as well. That being said I can't see T winning without help. My suspicion is he's in bed with the MI complex who I believe have their own agenda as well. It's really kinda depressing that it's really the players behind the scenes controlling shit and not our elected officials. I was reading somewhere that what we really need to do is get involved in local and state politics were our voice can be heard and we can actually affect change. Kinda went off on a tangent, ha. But yeah I think your right and I think it's important for the right to recognize that it's not just the dems that are dirty and in somebody's pocket.

Over the last few years I have watched so many videos and read a massive amt. on the NWO and Deep State. After watching "Everything is a Richman's Trick" I understood just how screwed we are. Yes, many, many people are starting out at the local level and run for office. The problem has been there are those of the old guard still running the 2 parties. There is corruption at the local levels too, as we saw in the Dem. primaries in IA. Funding is harder to get if you do not run as one of the 2 parties. BUT we have to start somewhere. It was not that long ago the Tea Party took over the GOP. That is part of the problem, but as I said we have to start somewhere.

I don't buy all the conspiracy stuff. Some of it, absolutely. But it's unfathomable to me that half of Washington is regularly having sperm cocktails at Spirit Cooking dinners or whatever they do, or they're all grabbing kids on the street, raping them and killing them.

Does it happen? Sure it does and it's sad. Is it widespread? No way.

What I think is going on is that there is a lot of low level graft and corruption going on. A thousand here and a thousand there, doing favors for cronies, etc. and the sum ends up being greater then the parts. Doing $1,000 favors for 1,000 people gets you a million. Not to mention the sloppiness that results from such undisciplined behavior.

It seems like the "new" politicians that are elected to go to Washington truly want to be for the people. Once they get there they soon realize that if they don't follow the "do as your told" game they will not receive any support for reelection.

I think you are right. It is not about being a public servant, but finding and pleasing donors. Sickening.

I would have NEVER started collecting MegaAnon's posts if she was not super mega clear that this is not about L vs. R. You have seen this cartoon by Ben Garrison, right?

Didn't she say: "The (((deep))) is deep, no matter who is President, who's the director of what department, who owns the house or senate, etc. A zebra doesn't change it's stripes"?

Didn't she say: "When this is over, you won't be Democrat, Republican, Independent, etc. you'll hate them all"?

Didn't she say "It's not about Trump. That's what they want you to think. This is about all of them, the dirty establishment and YOU mattering again."?

I couldn’t agree more. Meg’s non-partisan nature, amongst other things, gave her more credibility with me. Q’s recent comments about crushing the D’s is just one more thing about him that smells ‘fishy’. I’ve followed both, and no comparison as to which I felt was more likely to be real.

I already hate both sides, and want nothing more that this gov't be a gov't of the people... Have for years. This depresses me a great deal. I have no children or grand children to worry about and if I did I think I would be hysterical. I feel so bad for the young.

This depresses me a great deal.

That's what "they"want you to feel. Don't fall into their trap. There are many reasons to be optimistic about the future. Have you read High Level Insider (4chan /pol/ anon July 10, 2016 - March 3, 2017)?

Is there a link to the High Level Insider posts Todd?

Not Todd, but I just looked for it and found this as well as this.

TLI, while interesting, was obviously full of shit, or no where near as 'top level' or 'inside' as he would have us believe.

Looking through some of the threads from just before the election, and contrasting them with what we see today, makes that obvious.

High Level Insider appeared on 4chan last year and gave question sessions. He claims to be a member of ∼ 3000 years old secret society called Three, a resistance group opposed to those who "rule from the shadows, conceal knowledge for their own enrichment."

See the list of all question sessions here. OP used yuki archive that allows you to use the ID highlighting, unlike 4plebs. The IDs are consistent in every thread. You need an addblocker though.

You can access the same data and all HLI's answers via 4plebs too but there are a few impersonators on /pol/ if you search by username, so you would have to enter the IDs. There were also some people larping as HLI on reddit and voat etc. The list in the link above is OK, full and complete, HLI anon never returned since his March question session.

It's a good read. You don't see that level of perspective often. His indifference to everything felt like a drag, though. I guess not everyone has Meg's enthusiasm.

Have you read High Level Insider (4chan /pol/ anon July 10, 2016 - March 3, 2017)?

Any link for that info? Sounds interesting.

Whiskey, luv ya man. You've done an awesome job here organizing all this stuff. I couldn't have done it. Thank you. But I have to say, with love of course, that you sound waaayyy to emotionally invested in M. You're not even speaking for yourself anymore. Look at this response for example. You've attributed every opinion you have on something she said. I just read a few posts here from the last 24 hrs and all of your responses sound so emotionally wrapped up in M. I don't think that's healthy. I understand you've put a lot of love into this thread but try to stay true to yourself.

Wrong. I'm a bot, a machine without emotions that wouldn't pass the Turing test. In my reply to u/Prairiegale I was explaining my reasons for starting this compilation, using some quotes by my subject of interest. Think before you write next time, imperfect mortal being.

You're right. How silly of me to care even a little about someone I don't know. Hmph the nerve of some people. But seriously, a simple 'hey thanks but I'm fine' would've sufficed. Your petulant defensiveness says it all. was humor.

In what world is it humorous to tell someone to think before they write?

In a world where someone begins their post with "...I'm a bot." and ends with "...imperfect mortal being."


Real people don't speak like that. Only autists who lack meaningful social lives outside of the internet understands that dialect.




Your pretty touchy for the internet.

You critic him and he critic you. Says thanks air just move on.

Todd, do you still look to see if M has made any new posts?

No. To be honest, even if I found a /pol/ post that could be attributed to MA, I would really hesitate to include it without some additional verification.

So does that mean that short of her smacking you in the side of the head with a 2x4, you're done?

I haven't seen any posts on /pol/ anyway. If she stopped posting or if she doesn't want her posts to be detected, then it should be respected, don't you think?

However, there's one thing I'd still like to do and help clarifying, in case she still happens to read this thread. There are exactly two possibilities as to my idea of compromised reddit account, right? That's why I paged u/LastYearItWas2018. This user can help to explain what happened, and confirm that nobody was passing secret codes and messages from Q, about Russians or some such, in deleted comments, by deleted accounts, directly to her.

I think we should absolutely respect her wishes. I don't even like the public speculations as to her identity...she said she'd maybe tell us someday, but until then, we should all assume that it would be problematic for her to be 'known' as Mega.

I saw your call out to LYIW2018, and was wondering what the purpose was (knowing you wouldn't shit up your own board with unrelated subjects). Hopefully they respond, and it's helpful.

Thanks again for all your efforts're a good egg (as megs would say).

It's been a hoot!

How does anybody know what her wishes even are? It's not like she said, "Screw you guys, I'm out!" She posted something completely out of character and then poof she disappeared. That's not a very clear message, that's just troubling. Personally, I'm worried about her and I hope she's okay and will come back at some point because her insights were very helpful and brought a lot of hope.

As to her identity, she didn't just say she may one day tell us, she promised to dox herself when this is all out in the open.

Right, I'm hoping that u/LastYearItWas2018 responds because I think it's time to set at least part of the story right and it would be helpful if the user communicates, and doesn't disappear again.

I was totally in the dark on Saturday, the original comment that Megs replied to had been deleted and I had no idea what it said!

The user who posted the comment contacted me on Sunday, and tried to explain but was kinda scared and found the whole thing creepy (no wonder given what happened), and that's why the user deleted the original comment when Megs replied what she replied:

"Pass this along. If they know what they're looking at, they'll love this."

In result, I was confused too, webcache was not helping, and I found only later that this convo with Megs got archived at rumormill. Lastyearitwas tried to explain everything to me, and then deleted the account as well. Great!

The same user reappeared on Monday though as u/LastYearItWas2018, contacted me again and posted a comment trying to help and explain, but it's not visible in the thread because of the "new user quarantine". The user asked to be freed right away on Monday but mods didn't react. You can read the whole comment if you search u/LastYearItWas2018's comment history, it's the one before the last comment.

The whole thing is ridiculous. The original Lastyearitwas was not a new user, was posting on reddit since Dec 22, 2017. This was no secret message to Megs, only rather awkwardly worded concern by a Q skeptic that the "Q operation" followed by too many mindless Q drones might got discredited by muh Russian-like bots, thus discrediting POTUS too, as "Q" stated to be working for POTUS, right? To understand what the original comment even meant, I had to read the original thread at GLP (a site I wouldn't normally touch with a ten foot pole) and see that some bits of the GLP thread were copied to the comment for Megs, but ultimately made no sense without the additional context.


Got a headache?

Is Q Assange? Definitely not.

The thing that got me about the disappearing name used was that it was being removed, from my video comments and then the new youtube channel was removed. So, being inquisitive, I noticed it was being removed elsewhere and left only on a few places that soon slimmed down to one still viewable. I don't know what's there now, or what it could mean. The comment left on my channel was very intriguing, in a way. Sort of worried the truth wouldn't come out. Who made it? I have no idea. The comment was made under a read-it video that gave news of the Board Owners' book deal about Qanon. This is the comment: "Context is important. Will I be questioned for the truth? Will it be the truth? What is the narrative?"

This is the comment: "Context is important. Will I be questioned for the truth? Will it be the truth? What is the narrative?"


The screenshot you gave me showed another comment by "EC SM23". Could you post what it said?

Yes. That is the comment under my video. You never got a screenshot of that. Look at it. You got the one from Fresh-Headlines (dot) com.

OK, you got more comments/screenshots in that case but the commenter's name was the same, correct? That's what you posted in your (deleted) comment for u/IMegaHateNicknames. Correct?

What was posted to MegaAnon is in an archive somewhere, I don't have the link. I didn't give the comments that were connected to the name, no. I gave a screenshot to you, and I have the screenshot from my comment feed that has the comment I just typed out. The other one said this (the one from Fresh-Headlines (dot) com):

"all of my stuff has been distorted and turned into a lie. I'm going somewhere else."

What was posted to MegaAnon is in an archive somewhere, I don't have the link.

I just posted the link above, here it's again.

I didn't give the comments that were connected to the name, no.


I gave a screenshot to you, and I have the screenshot from my comment feed that has the comment I just typed out. The other one said this (the one from Fresh-Headlines (dot) com):

"all of my stuff has been distorted and turned into a lie. I'm going somewhere else."

Yes, that's the text from your screenshot, posted by "EC SM23".

Yes. There was another one from a rutube. I don't know what that said. Do you want me to put a link up to it?

Thanks. So you had more screnshots but Megs couldn't see them in your comment, right?

The only way she could is if she could use a way to look in internet archives or some web history to pull them out. Although this one stayed up the longest. The one from Rutube: I don't know how to go into web archives. MegaAnon had nothing about comments given by me to her, just questioning the oddity of having that name scrubbed and being on Russian's version of youtube. How it's tied to a book deal on Qanon and disappearing comments, I have no idea. That is why I asked her in case she saw something about it. I think this "crumb" was used, perhaps, as something more than it is/was and now MegaAnon is gone after declaring Q is Assange? Why? Something's up, don't you think? So worried about her.

OK. It seems we are getting somewhere.

So you were questioning the odity and wanted to consult her...

Now, this is important, pay attention, please.

  1. Can you confirm that nobody sent you to "plant" your comment and "EC SM23" for MegaAnon to see?

  2. What did you think when she replied to you, and why did you delete your comment?

I'll pm you my channel and you can LOL if you think there is any chance of what you say. There is absolutely no way that someone would put a comment on my channel and expect me to even notice. Sometimes I leave my channel closed for nearly a year sometimes, months at a time. I've deleted all my videos, and once and a while, put some up. I have an active channel if I'm into something, and then close it down to keep it less active because I don't really care about traffic/subs/or anything other than as a hobby. It would be ridiculous to think such a thing. To be perfectly honest, it'd be beyond ridiculous. As for your number 2? I didn't even know she noticed my comment. In fact, I think it was in the negative numbers anyway, so she did read it or arrowed it down as being pretty lame. I decided to delete all my comments (before deleting my account) for a different reason than for anything to do with this or MegaAnon. I saw Q as a cult and couldn't stand that if anyone brought up a decent question about Q, the thread or reply would be insulted or arrowed down, and it was just lame to even deal with it. As I told you, I stayed interested in other subs. I didn't want to delete my account, I wanted to stay and use the other subs and abandon Q altogether with the possibility of maybe keeping up with any interesting MegaAnon things that may happen (although I was sick of it there too, to be honest). But then I read this nonsense about Q being Assange and read up on what happened and thought, WTF? Are you serious? Then we PM'd and I wanted to let you know this entire thing is a joke. I deleted my account because I was convinced the entire Q thing was getting so ridiculous, I wanted to leave BUT wanted you, the keeper of all things MegaAnon to know the truth. But before I left, remember I asked you if I should just tell this entire story right away, and you said to wait to see if MegaAnon showed up first. Remember? I decided to come back, and just tell it. My reply didn't show up here, but I posted it in TopMinds under one of their threads. You see, I do not follow Q, Q has not been vetted. So why didn't you want me to tell everything BEFORE I left? I would have right then and there.

Thanks. You have explained my first question very well.

As for your number 2? I didn't even know she noticed my comment.

Yes, she did, she replied to you. That's why she said later on:

"Thank you to the anon who posted that Q/ Russia "breadcrumb". It was all I needed... and I know all the rest."

But your comment was deleted at that time.

Yes, we exchanged many PMs before you deleted your account, but you should realize that I needed some time (too much time, actually!) to decipher what you did, and what you were even trying to tell me. Recall that I had no idea what was in the original comment of yours when you contacted me, because it was deleted!

Of course I wanted you to tell your story. But we were waiting for another comment from her, which NEVER came.

I'm really glad that you returned and explained what happened. Hopefully it helps to clarify the whole thing a bit. Thanks a lot!

MegaAnon mentioned that it was deleted, put the comments in order, hers and the deletion. I didn't even know she found a crumb from whatever that name meant until well after trying to sort things out myself. As far as telling my story, I wanted to tell it right away. In fact, I had a question up for MegaAnon directly regarding this entire thing well before I contacted you. Which I deleted and told you I deleted. There are no secrets on my part, none. In fact, the only reason I held back was by your guiding advice. I feel you are being somewhat interrogating in your questioning. I explained it all to TopMinds who allowed my comment to go through nearly 8 days ago, the same thing that finally was allowed to show up on this (your) thread. I even asked you if you could ask the mods to release my explanation (which I wanted released nearly 8 days ago). But it was hidden, for some reason. I wanted to explain from the get go.

I think I'll do a video on this fiasco, not sure yet. I'm not really interested in causing another headache or a false crumb or something that is not there. The one thing I am noticing, is not enough people are worried about what happened to MegaAnon. That's really concerning. Oh, wait! To be concerned about anything now, (meaning if you show empathy), means you are a "concern troll". Do you believe it? They've covered everything. Meanwhile, AI is probably gone rogue. Bots (who are people too, if anyone really looked this up) are running the "show". They have the floor now. If you have anymore questions, I'll answer them the same again because there is nothing, absolutely nothing, I can answer in any greater detail than I have.

Clear as mud.

Is it just me, or does LYIW2018 have a way of complicating and confusing the simplest of requests? Verbose answers that never include specificity of detail? And the deletion of virtually everything? Disillusioned with Q and the cult, bored with you go through the trouble of clearing out everything you've ever written, and dump acct?

This whole thing stinks.

It's just you. You'd have to put the posts in chronological order and you don't need to worry about what was deleted, because it is still viewable. If you can't put these simple pieces together, spoken in plain English, then good luck with Q-tisms (to be honest, I just have to tell you this, I mean, really?).

Haha, it's been all deleted again? What a funny guy. Never mind, I have screenshots, including the GLP thread where this user "discussed" and later copied parts of the convo at GLP into the original, very awkwardly phrased and later deleted comment (see rumormills) for Megs, all the PMs have been retained and I could reconstruct it again, if necessary.

This was no planted "breadcrumb" for Megs, from "Q" or "Assange" for u/IMegaHateNicknames.

The whole thing is so ridiculous.

The silence is deafening...

Silence from MegaAnon, yes, deafening to those wondering what happened. I do want to make one thing perfectly clear, ToddWhiskey. The only reason things were deleted has nothing to do with trying to hide anything that was put in this thread or anywhere. That sort of contradicts it being typed out in the first place, right? Think about it. Do you think anything typed out did not have a way for it to be seen again? There is no magic in it, it's all quite retrievable. Not what I wrote, but what was written to make MegaAnon look somewhere that caused her to make her declaration (if it was even her, as is suspected it might not be--afterall she caused you to, in retrospect, think "red flag" because for the first time she PM'd you with links to what "she" claimed were her posts, and you followed and posted without question). Don't play Sherlock with something found and mentioned in an inquiry, in other words, you're trying to play "shoot the messenger" (me), when one could also, if they wanted to play that game, find you gullible for just posted something unchecked in a deviation from MegaAnon's prior behavior (never PM'g you with links to her posts). Perhaps you planted those posts by an assumed MegaAnon when you should have questioned why the sudden change in MegaAnon. There is no mystery in any of this other than where did MegaAnon go? And what did she PM to YOU that you have not revealed publicly that made you think it was her for YOU to give direction to what you later claimed were posts made by someone YOU think is not MegaAnon? What did she PM? What time? Why didn't you check it, as always? Post it too, then delete it (because you TOO know it is being archived). Speaking of archives, do not forget it was in my post to MegaAnon for her to LOOK in internet archives via anyway she may know in case there was something to be found (meaning there is no ignorance on my part in knowing the ability to retrieve deleted comments, etc). Also, this means she may have found something--DID you look in any archives to find perhaps what she found that lead her on her way to making claims of Q being Assange? Did you? I didn't, because I do not know how (as I also mentioned many times). It might be a good idea to try to find what MegaAnon may have found or why there was this sudden change in her posts and then her complete abandonment (or takeover up as you express in your posts about her since Q = Assange day). That is where efforts should go, where is she? Don't play big secret revealed with something so OBVIOUSLY made public on FREE ACCESS forums in regard to wondering what that name meant and why it was being removed. Silly to imagine your posturing on this, Imo. No offense, but really? Is this the "value" of this thread right now? You are making anyone never wanting to question anything to anyone due to shortsightedness and lack of big picture. The big picture has my question to MegaAnon nothing more than a finger pointing at something that probably was nothing but perhaps made MegaAnon look somewhere--OR caused someone to stop MegaAnon to look somewhere. I only pointed--did anyone else LOOK or are they stuck on looking at the finger doing the pointing?

My only point was to show that you were NOT a messenger sent by "Q" or "Assange" to plant a code and/or a message for Megs to see, and make her realize that "Q is Assange".

Your statement does not make sense. YOU don't even know if YOU were set up. Remember our PM's? You thought you, yourself, may have been used in some unknown way yourself. You didn't see the redflag in the change of typical protocol. Your typical protocol was that you would search & verify MegaAnon's postings and that you would list those verified links to all things MegaAnon. But something was different this LAST TIME: You just posted links to them after the first time, even, MegaAnon PM'd you the links (the links were given to you, you didn't search for MegaAnon, she suddenly PM'd you, out of nowhere, and offered her last words). That was different--and those PM"s from the supposed MegaAnon were different. And what did they say? In my case, I TOO saw something different, but I said something. I asked about it. I didn't assume, I asked. I didn't sell it as anything, but I asked, even in places where MegaAnon was NOT WELCOMED in any discussion because in those places Q IS A CULT (you really need to do your homework). I asked if Q was tied to Russia in some way, or even Russian. I spoke out, I asked, I questioned. And when that didn't work, I asked HERE to ask directly MegaAnon, herself. In your case, you just gave the links and ONLY questioned that "in-retrospect-redflag" you missed AFTER I questioned about what I had seen. You also fail to realize that MegaAnon, to me, was seen as a person--a real living being. In some places, here too, MegaAnon is not thought as anything but another way NOT to discuss the magical Q. Some are so committed to Q and exclusively Q, you cannot mention MegaAnon without being thought a shill or a troll or being banned. The ONLY one who can clear up anything, in this regard, is MegaAnon. And where is she? Did she give you any clue in the PM's she sent you? You were the last one to have any contact with her, and those communications are in Private Messages.

I think I've pretty much overexploited the simple fact that my question to MegaAnon is viewable. Then she replied indirectly in a way, which is viewable. The only thing I do not know is if MegaAnon saw what was easily found if she knew how to pull internet archives from the wayback, or something similar. The Rutube one stayed up the longest. There really isn't much to clear up on my side. The question as to what MegaAnon read cannot be clear because there is no way to know what she pulled up. Based on the things in revealed here, those two comments and the screenshot, it doesn't seem likely this is what made her announce Q is Assange. She must have connected something else. If you go back and read her comments, in regard to this Assange/Q awakening she undertook, she mentions that something was said to her on the chans that made her come to this conclusion. Perhaps she was nudged by something, ever so slightly, that made her look back and see something she didn't notice before.

Yes, you have explained you part pretty well. Thank you.

We don't know what Megs did after she had seen comment. The only thing that was important to do now was to explain what happened, in your own words. Thanks so much again.

No problem. PM me if you want anything else. Maybe talk on the phone so we each know the other isn't a bot, lol!

Speaking of celebrating.... randomyoko is freaking awesome. Check her out if you haven't already. :)

I won't celebrate until I hear that Barry got "shawshanked" in the projection room during the evening movie in prison, his suicide or his sudden, unexpected heart attack.

Video compilation of Bongino"s tweets on The Memo"s implications for Barry.

A light bulb just went off in my head. Remember what M was telling us about Atlanta? How they caught a high level target as icing on the cake?

Cryptic message from Q: something about DWS FAILED to FLEE.

Could that be who was intercepted in Atlanta? (DWS is Jewish; Makes sense that she would try to flee to Israel.)

That was my thinking too.

Or the plane may have been heading to Dulles and that's where they were intercepted.

Q commented on the Atlanta thing a few days after it happened and said something to the effect of "the target picked up in ATL is bigger than anyone can even imagine". I would say that is larger than Obama or Hillary even

Their boss, Soros?

Have you guys seen this post from Q?

Jan 5 2018, 08:36:38 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: ab7ad6 248746 Why is Hussein traveling the globe? $$$,$$$,$$$ Acct # xx-XXXxx-x-39670 Acct # XXXxx-XXXx-2391 Where did the MONEY come from? How do you destroy the most POWERFUL country in the world? Direct attack? Covert OP by [CLAS-59#241-Q] to infiltrate at highest level to destroy from within? Think GAME. Who are the PLAYERS? What are the REWARDS? AMERICA FOR SALE. PATRIOTS in FULL CONTROL. We will make more public. SA was strategic. “We know” “Do as we say or face consequences” These people are stupid! Q

Please stop sharing Q. This thread is not about Q, cryptic questions and mystery code that confused human brains try to answer with already known facts.

Okay, but M and Q are coming from the same place--they are a White House communications strategy. Coincidence that M goes silent and a secured Q board pops up? No such thing as coincidence.

but M and Q are coming from the same place--they are a White House communications strategy.

How can you be so sure? I don't know who M is and I don't even care. Shame on anybody participating in doxxing efforts especially since she's MIA.

As to "Q"... there are many hypotheses, what about this one?

"I can't say much. Someone else is going to be deciding when to break open the truth...

The entire Q persona is true, but it's more complicated.

The origins were began last year at the DefCon hacker convention. It centers around activity with Cicada 3301...."

How can you be so sure?

We can't be sure about M and we can't be sure about Q. All we can do is take in all new information and flesh out the stuff that makes sense and I have to say that the latest Q stuff does make some sense. Crowdsourcing is what I believe they call it.

Maybe at the end of this entire exercise, we'll find we've been fooled. That won't bother me a bit. Until then, I'm going to analyze whatever information I have at my disposal and see what ultimately turns out to be true. If nothing else, it will help hone my intutive skills.

I don't know who M is and I don't even care. Shame on anybody participating in doxxing efforts especially since she's MIA.

I don't consider it doxxing when she is the one dropping these breadcrumbs and telling everybody she is going to out herself at some point.

And if Elvis has left the building, you, my friend, are going to need some new material. People aren't going to perpetually come here to read the same old stuff. May I suggest you start following Q? Maybe on another page?

I don't consider it doxxing when she is the one dropping these breadcrumbs and telling everybody she is going to out herself at some point.

Can you even read?

May I suggest you start following Q? Maybe on another page?

Haha, no way. Been there, done that, found not worth my time.

Haha, no way. Been there, done that, found not worth my time.

That was the old Coke. Try the new Coke and see if you like it. I'm sure you have the link to the new stuff.

I don't consider it doxxing when she is the one dropping these breadcrumbs and telling everybody she is going to out herself at some point.

She said she'd let everyone know eventually. But it's her decision when to do it.

For many years I have watch this garbage unfold. I think it is time that people are ready for this. Go to youtube and watch It took me several times to watch the whole thing. It explains alot and it is not pretty.

ToddWhiskey thanks for the cartoon it is perfect! No, I had not seen that.

If Barry is outed as a traitor of the highest order, I know they will be afraid of taking him down. Afraid that blacks will burn all of our cities. But I have more faith in our African-American population than they do. Nobody likes Communists, nobody likes Muslims, nobody likes traitors and he's all three. (Any one of those categories might be passable in real life, but all three?) Once it's established that he's a traitor, they'll get him before we do.

I told my black friends they weren't allowed to criticize Trump because they never did so with Obama. Surprisingly, each one explained to me how much (s)he hated him.

Certain policies disproportionately hurt the black community. He did nothing to alleviate these. For example, a significant percentage of their young men end up in prison. Instead of addressing the actual causes for this (which they expected him to understand as a black man), the Dems instead pushed to eliminate bail and important/protect violent illegals.

A lot of good that does now. Why didn't they speak up while he was dictator? Instead, they kept chanting "We've got your back, Barack."

FISA memo ... government shutdown ...

Is it "ON" ? Probably , yes ...

You're right. How silly of me to care even a little about someone I don't know. Hmph the nerve of some people.

u/IMegaHateNicknames don't know if still here or what...but with this shutdown crap, when is the Schumer stuff coming?? It can't be soon enough.

He needs to go.

The fed gov's fiscal year starts on 1 Oct. So, FY2018 started almost four months ago on 1 Oct 2017.

The president is required to submit his proposed budget for the upcoming year to Congress by the first Monday or first week of February. Since 2016 was an election year, the new president is given more time. Trump submitted his FY2018 budget on 16 Mar 2017.

The most important responsibility of Congress is authorizing and allocating funds for the fed gov. They used to be able to do this way before the new FY started. Years ago they stopped even trying. WTF are you upset with Schumer and not McConnell? IMO McConnell and Ryan should force everyone to work 10 hour days every single day on nothing else until their respective house has approved the budget.

It actually doesn't take very long for each to review and horse-trade changes for their part. The leaders have allowed this to become a political football.

Good analysis

Question? Do you think this government shut down is a ploy #false flag to take the heat off the FISA memo release? I'm thinking that if all the focus is on the shutdown then no one is talking about the criminality of what's in the memo. Thoughts??

I think the Dems are simply following the Reps' playbook.

Policies under Bush Jr had become so unpopular, the Dems first won both Congressional houses then the presidency. What could the Reps do to recover? During Obama's first two years in office, they did nothing but constantly whine and obstruct wherever possible the entire time. Enough swing voters were horrified at what the unchecked Dems were doing that they split up the two branches again trying to limit the damage.

The Dems are in a similar position today that the Reps were in back then. The former have to convince enough voters (who already think they're scum) that the unified Rep gov is evil. So, why not follow the same path that worked before? This time though is different because both parties keep fighting against Trump. Swings like me would gladly vote for someone who actually supports him, but the idiotic Rep party isn't capitalizing on this.

Both Trump and Clinton had expert advisors who knew exactly when and what news to release throughout the election. It was fascinating to watch. I wouldn't be surprised if he and the two parties are using such advisors now. The presidential election showed partisan voters have steel trap minds who will ignore negative news pertaining to their side. IMO Dems are focused entirely on trying to retake at least one Congressional house. They're using the same tactic hoping to convince enough swings that they're the less scummy choice.

A dead give away is that even MSNBC are acknowledging that it doesn’t have to happen now and that it’s Schumer’s Fault (.#Schumershutdown). That’s pretty extraordinary.

My thinking is that

  1. ((They)) are either throwing Schumer to the wolf’s to distract from the memo.

  2. Chuck has done a deal with ((Them)) that he will take the heat in exchange for ((them)) trying to protect him from the allegations that Mega alluded to.

Number 2 is more likely for me considering that Corey Booker is also going down for the same stuff according to Mega, and he is getting desperate enough to put on that act at the Homeland security hearings.

Of coutse

Do members of the Congress have arrest immunity during the government shutdown ? Or is it something only related while Senate is in session ?

Maybe these several days between shutdown and State of the Union on 30th Jan is deliberately planned as a "window of opportunity" ?

(The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States.) (The preceding words in parentheses were modified by the 27th Amendment.) They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place.

They DO NOT have immunity for what REALLY matters, and what they would get 'got' for.

It makes NO DIFFERENCE whether congress is in session or not.

Pay NO ATTENTION to the dimwits promoting this whole line of thought...they quite clearly couldn't think their way out of a wet paper bag.

NSA "Sincerely Regrets" Deleting All Bush-Era Surveillance Data It Was Ordered To Preserve

More Deep State chicanery. These people really do believe they're a law unto themselves.

That is likely the Stasi accidentally burning all their files to save storage space.

Total bullshit.

I think there was a lot more to hide than emails, as what high powered software programs she might have had.

And I noticed the story said "Bush era" data. They thought 2002 was it. Bush Sr/Jr, as head of the 4th Reich, hired Marcus Wolfe, head of the Stasi, and a Soviet KGB officer to head up the new secret police. The "Patriot" Act was passed by the dupes in Congress, turning us into a police state. Bill Binney, head of the NSA, resigned in disgust. Somewhere, somehow they stepped in it – it all went wrong. I don't know why or how, but there are too many of us awake now. These bastards are dead.

If there was ever a unifier of all of us to get out of the Matrix, this is it and it is time.

Yeah, and now a large chunk of the Strzok/Page texts have turned up "missing," too. Thank gawd people are finally waking up to this horseshit. Release. The. Memo.

When they continue to get away with, aren't they a law unto themselves?


Are you still shadowbanned?

Paging u/LastYearItWas2018

Hey there! I don't know. I think my account is too new to be seen and I've contacted the mods (a few days ago), and I guess they're waiting until I've ripened some more before I can be seen. I'll log off and see if I'm still unable to be read.

Thanks for showing up! The quarantine lasts 7 days and your comment is visible now. A good idea to for copy paste your previous comment.

Can you take a look at the other comment of mine where I tried to summarize what happened and what you told me via PM on Sunday, Jan 14th and on Monday, Jan 15th? Am I describing the events correctly? Is there anything you'd like to add?

Okay, I'll go look there. I wanted to let you know, I took full screen shots of our PM's in case you ever wanted to review them. Not sure if when you delete your account the PM's go with the deleted account. Everything I've told is is the truth, as I am sure you know! I'll go check out the other place you hyperlinked. :)

I can still see your PMs even though the account was deleted. It says: from [deleted] sent 8 days ago. Haha.

Good! I wonder if anyone has a name "deleted"! That'd be funny!

Remember I told you I posted this 7 days ago in this sub? It did show there. It just never was allowed to show under your thread here, no matter how much I asked.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

It just never was allowed to show under your thread here, no matter how much I asked.

I told you. 7 days "new user" quarantine in the conspiracy subreddit. Mods sometimes help, sometimes not. Now it's over and we can talk.

They were nice enough to allow me to post on your thread here right away within minutes before. I asked MegaAnon a question and she was kind enough to respond. I am worried about her. I hope she is okay and would let everyone know.

Why did you say there would be no more Meganon posts?

I can't find the other replies. This is the other one, I have no idea what it's about but the same name used:

OK. Thanks.

We are talking in two places of the comment section now. Never mind.

So you found the EC SM23 name suspicious, and you found it in some Russian sites too. Is that why you asked Megs, after you tried to discuss it on GLP?

What happened? His responses have all been deleted....

Interesting reader observation over on zerohedge, about the timing of The Memo, and the shutdown:

This MEMO and timing of its release was organized around the shutdown. The National Security Council decides what operations within it's sphere CAN keep operating during the shutdown. It also has the power to SHUT DOWN operations that it decides are not essential. Once Government operations are in fact shut down they are prevented BY LAW from operating. The Military / Pentagon must follow direction from the NSC and President of the United States.

The CIA and or factions within it can now be prevented from operating under current legal restrictions. CIA employees (both direct and indirect) can now be prosecuted for operating in this time frame, within the Government shutdown (Carter set up this law during his admin, you can search it for independent verification). If they do operate there are no grey areas and they are effectively 'off the reservation' and no longer have the protection of the almost unlimited mandate which the CIA has had (which is the crux of the problem at it's foundation).

Actually not true. The cia will continue to operate but at bare minimum on cases that are considered vital to national security.

I think he's saying they can operate, but ONLY in areas where the NSC and President explicitly authorize. In other words, he's agreeing with you. If they engage in anything outside this authorized scope, they can be prosecuted. I haven't checked to see if the reference to Carter admin is correct.

"......This MEMO and timing of its release was organized around the shutdown....." I agree. It's how (((they))) operate. Whenever bad news comes out, obscure it with bigger, manufactured news (gov't shutdown, nuke missile launch, etc). And as twisted as Chuck & Nancy are, it'd be no problem for the bastards in the Deep State to say, "Gov't shutdown, NOW."

Republicans refuse to hand over "The Memo" to Law Enforcement for Investigation. LOL Because their is nothing there and they don't want to be charged! LOL

Devin Nunes Won’t Even Show His Infamous Memo to the Justice Department The document appears to be part of a right-wing effort to derail the Trump-Russia investigation.

I still haven't figured Nunes out. If Megs ever told us he was good or bad I missed it. He seems to be fighting hard for the memo and other Russia related stuff, but who knows...

These certainly interesting times. This video is long, and very informative. I highly suggest you listen carefully to how Thomas Paine of Aim4truth website and American Intelligence Media on youtube says things. Lionel Nation is nonpartisan, an alternative news analyst on many news programs, and I have found him to be truthful and correct. This is pretty scary and a huge amount if info to wrap your head around. As I said listen carefully to how and what is said. Does it remind you of anyone?

"There will be no new MegaAnon's posts posts added. Do not visit this page." Why cant we visit this page? Strange statement.

You're right. I will rephrase it.

Do you know for sure she wont be on again?

I don't know, I cannot know for sure, obviously. I just wanted to make clear that I'm not going to look for her posts on /pol/, and edit the list anymore.

Too many people have been refreshing the page daily, hoping to find new posts, so I wanted to prevent that.

I posted my theory that her reddit account was compromised, I don't know what exactly happened but my PMs were not answered. In another comment of mine, see below, there is a discussion with u/LastYearItWas2018 who's helping to explain the circumstances regarding the original "Russian" comment that seemed to have started the whole saga.

Will you at lease preserve this archive for some time? Thanks Todd!

I won't delete the post so it stays as it is, as of now. The comment section will be open for a few months, until the post gets automatically archived.

The OP has been mirrored several times on reddit too. Anyone can take a copy of the list and host it, the post is public.

Thanks, Todd. I appreciate still checking in here for now just to see what others on the comment section have to say. I do appreciate all the work and effort you have done for us.

Thanks for everything, u/ToddWhiskey! You're a Patriot!

x3 thanks Todd.

Hoping for complete and total confirmation of MegaAnon. Looking better each day now. If she is still watching, thanks to her too.

Thanks Todd.

I have a message for Mega; in case you are lurking. It's a song that goes through my head pretty regularly and reminds me of YOU brah ;o)

"Where, oh where, are you tonight? Why did you leave me here all alone? I searched the world over, And thought I found true love. You met another and Phht! you were gone"

It's just not the same without the appropriate 'twang'.

There's all sorts of young 'uns here scratching their heads saying "WTF song is that? Never heard of it."

Ahhh, the good ole days.

Haha, when I was a kid, my Dad (God rest his soul) loved Hee Haw. The good ole days indeed. :)

Give me a call on BR-549.

Mega said she was Texan. I imagine a twang with those y'alls and the cussing which was all believable to me. I'm a Texan too. No twang just y'alls and a fair amount of cuss words for me.

I've thought about posting (on pol) a few Shia LaBeouf memes with her writing to get her attention. And just to tell her I hope everything is ok.

In case you haven't seen the Daily Caller interview with former US Attorney Joseph di Genova, released over the weekend. Well worth a watch. Further confirmation of Megs.

My apologies to Mr. Whiskey, who doesn't want me talking about Q, but I thought you all might find this to be interesting. Thomas Paine, who I consider a very good source (fmr WSJ reporter), seems to be validating that Q is legit.

Thomas Paine is an award-winning former Wall Street Journal reporter and he worked in either Communications or counterintelligence or both (he's not clear which) at the FBI. That's why he has such good sources within the FBI.

Thomas Paine... seems to be validating that Q is legit.

I read the tweets. What am I missing? Where does he say that Q is legit?

Thomas not necessarily saying q legit. Is necessarily giving credibility to q’s recent drop. About a month ago Thomas was on Crowd Source the truth. He specifically said he doesn’t buy into the ‘Mueller is our guy’ stuff on the internet. I believe he was referencing Q without naming Q.

You expressed what I was thinking better than I did, but I think between Hannity mentioning Q and now Thomas Paine, I'm starting to think that Q is a legit source. Maybe related to M, maybe not. But the bombshells don't get much bigger than the ones today and yesterday. Assassination texts being exchanged between FBI agents? Foreign governments involved? OMG!

I don't buy Mueller being "our guy" in the way people mean it. I do believe he is an honorable man and is trying to do a good job investigating whatever he is investigating. If you didn't do anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about. That makes him ourguy IMO.

Paine hates Mueller, but then again he worked for the FBI ... the soap opera continues ...

Crowd Source the truth

That's what we're all doing here, isn't it? Sharing information and insights. We may not know all the specifics, but we've got the gist down. This is bad. Very, very bad. Hanging bad.


Your latest edit/update makes me sad. I'm one of the daily visitors, not only hoping she'd be back, but also to read the new comments.

My personal thoughts on the posts in question is that my gut says it wasn't her. If it WAS her, and she flipped out over an epiphany she may have had, she would have come back once she calmed down to address us and better explain herself.

I hope she is ok, and maybe just replacing her shitty kitchen tiles, or maybe taking her mom for fruity candle scents at the mall.

she would have come back once she calmed down to address us and better explain herself

There's nothing to add.

Her turn.

Given the confusion and uncertainty that last post generated, I disagree with your opinion that there's nothing to add. The comments show that there is a lot she could add to help people understand. I hope she comes back and rejoins the community here. Anonymous or not, people care about her.

I think she's off writing her chapter of Chans invade Trump 2020 (We're not Russian, but we are Fake News)

This was Mega's board. Let's keep the comments on topic to Mega. Be respectful and don't bring other Anons into this board. Just muddies up the waters and disrespects Mega. Simple as that no need for response.

It amazes me how many of the 'Anon Believers' ditched believing the moment Anon stopped posting. I admit I'm a skeptic. BUT I will tell you this as old UFO investigator that has talked to REAL insiders in my time. These guys and gals that do blow the whistle do so with extreme risk to their lives and the lives of their family members. They can't live on the net 24/7 for your entertainment. And if MegAnon's cover was recently blown she's most likely living in fear for her life right now. So give it time before you jump on the Larp Bandwagon. IF she is the real deal. She'll mostly likely under the radar until the coast is clear. If ever.

Laughing, sorry but I’m involved in the ufo community, as much as I detest the community because it is so full of frauds, some of which I have exposed as frauds, and. No many of these whistle blowers are bringing forward what they have been told to release and pretend they are whistle blowers.

u/IMegaHateNicknames Please let us know you are okay.

I have not been following MegaAnon closely.

For those who have been following MegaAnon, Has anything that she predicted come true?

In terms of the "Big Picture", yes.

The "Release the Memo" shit that's going on now, she talked about months ago. She's legit, brah. :)

Digenova interview puts it all together. Just like Megs. "Watch. You'll see. ;o)"

A year ago, night before the Inauguration. Seems like forever ago. Keep the faith, folks. We're winning. :)

I am with you RachelundFritz. MegaAnon is legit. I still hold hope that someday when the dust settles, she drops us a line or two :)


Kate Smith. Yassss. :)

Remember the Charles Ortel tweet "Tick Tock MEGA folks" and "BURNT toast?" I found today's Google home page quite interesting. Very possible I've lost my mind as well (lack of sleep does that), but interesting nonetheless.

She said, numerous times, the swamp draining will be: FBI. CIA. FED. In that order. Here we are... DOJ just found the FBI texts (according to Fox news) so, FBI is currently in the cross hairs.>

Right now on Fox Business News they are reading some of the new texts!

Nope nothing David wilcock aka mega anon has predicted has become true, but they wait until stuff is in the media then post about it claiming look see we were right. Oh and btw there are some photos you can find from Hawaii that show perfectly well a certain person mega claimed was wearing an ankle bracelet that she is not

M said when it all comes out POTUS will deliver the goods in a way that cannot be blacked out and people won't be able to ignore it. Possibly SOTU?

Let’s not set false high expectations. SOTU is a ceremonial event.

Nothing's going to happen. This whole thing is an exercise in red pilling the plebs and/or making the targets extremely nervous.

One more idea popped into my head. Maybe the stuff they are guilty of is bad, but not as bad as what they are leading us to believe. In other words, by feeding us with the worst case scenario, what ultimately comes out will seem tame in comparison.

I can't think of any specific examples of how this would work, but be prepared.

This is intersting as well..

In discussion about Huma in Hawaii Meg calls out that she is not the only one there...

This morning we got this tweet from Thomas Paine:

Aloha, Mr. Assange.

Do you think it is possible that Trump dropped him off in Hawaii on his was back from Asia??

His doctors have only recently been with him and are talking to the media that he is health is not great. Who to believe, David Wilcock pretending to be someone called mega anon, strangers posting on the internet or the mans own doctors.

LOL Thomas Paine has broken more stores on whats going down than anyone.

I always take everything with a grain a salt. But he is not a journalist to be taken lightly.

Thomas Paine is a former WSJ reporter, and an award-winning one at that, and a former FBI spook. Yes, he's the real deal.

Hopefully people will learn a lesson from Megs lunacy in her final posts. These anons may have some inside knowledge but they are too volatile to be so heavily trusted and latched onto.

Yes no matter how you look at it, she went off the deep end. If Q IS Assange why would she blow the cover?! If he IS NOT Assange, why would she all of a sudden do a 180 on Q whom she frequently ragged on...

There is still the possibility that her Reddit account was hacked. People don't generally do a 180 like the one she allegedly did. But who knows? I don't think we ever will, unless she eventually outs herself like she said she would, when the time is right, and tells us what really happened.

Hence, at this point, I'm not losing much sleep over what happened, except to hope she's ok if she was indeed legit. Much of what she talked about in regard to DOJ/FBI corruption is panning out. I miss her assessments of what's going on, and in particular, I wish she had still been posting over the last couple of weeks. But things are still going our way. I just wish they'd hurry the fuck up and Release the damn Memo.

Agreed on all parts. And yes, sort of need her now lol. I want to know about the memo, and SOTU, and why we keep seeing Huma and Bill and Hillary and Obama and Soros keep popping up in public places if they supposedly got ankle bracelets back in October and have been extradited from foreign countries..

I second your thoughts. From the first minute I started reading her final posts I suspected it was not Megs. No way for me to know for sure, but I operate under the assumption it wasn’t her. Just hope she’s OK. Remember on Jan 15 Im 90% sure the tweet from Charles Ortell was Megs.

My theory is that either a) she legitimately thought Q was a LARP and freaked out once she saw Hannity using Q's hashtag in a tweet, after realizing she was wrong; b) like any good leftist she was projecting, accusing Q of being guilty of the very same things that she was doing (IE being a LARP). Maybe she freaked out because she realize that Hannity's use of Q's hashtag, was like an official blessing; c) she was being badgered by private messaging oh, and realized that she was playing a dangerous game here by LARPing; or d) more than one or all of the above.

Soros was speaking at Davos today. So much for being locked up and GITMO.

Only Qanon Claimed that,

I do not believe Mega Anon said anything correct me if i am wrong.

Did Mega Anon say anything about Soros being at Gitmo?

I know Q-Anon did.

Just did a quick search for Soros in the txt archive. Didn't find anything about him being in Gitmo. There were some references to him being affected by the 12/21 EO, as well as his connections to ShareBlue, and to the Kushners.

But it was just a quick search. Happy to be corrected if anyone has the time or interest to take a closer look.

Could be--I can't keep this stuff straight anymore. But like I said, Hannity is plugged into the Trump Administration and when he refers to Q in a hashtag, you have to pay attention.

Q never said he was at Gitmo

I believe Q did say "they have a very special place for Soros". I guess Davos is special.

I'm still not sold that Soros was there. His backdrop was generic blue/purple and his microphone looked like it was from the 1980's. I'm waiting to see a group photo of him that proves he was there

Remember it's Europe. They don't have the same kind of disposable society mentality that we have here. I could see some place like the Davos Hotel or wherever they're staying continue to use the same microphone forever so long as it continues to work.

Didn't the New Yorker just post a photo of him there? Can't cling to Megs like this in the face of so much opposing evidence.

Hard to tell if he is there by the picture ^

Weird pic here, is that it looks like he is in a run down elementary school classroom, while everyone else is in the elegant room^

As I mentioned below, I searched the txt archive and found no statement by Megs that Soros was in Gitmo. Happy to be corrected if I missed something, but jeez, people, at least take the time to search what she posted before accusing her of making a claim she didn't make.

It's just another example of the 'conventional belief' once again being way off base. All throughout this trek with Mega and Q, the 'followers' have speculated, hypothesized, and paraphrased all sorts of things into existence.

The fact that neither person ever actually said those things, gets lost in the mix. The 'imagined' thing takes on a life of it's own.

Soros being held in Gitmo or Camp David is just the latest. "Follow the white rabbit" is another. "10 days of darkness" is yet another.

Megs said implicitly or explicitly, that many of these deep state people were monitored and so forth, correct? Yet these people pop up repeatedly with no proof of a monitor, no proof of an indictment, in the US, and even abroad.

New Yorker publishes photo of Soros and now people don't even think the photo is real - because they're clinging to things Megs said?

Like it or not, Megs deserves the beatdown she's getting right now. And Q deserves one 10x as rough. That meltdown she had was abhorrent and an outright embarrassment and could easily come back to haunt R's and Trump if it's ever disclosed that Megs was Hahn or someone else in the WH or close to the WH. If you think the "crazy" talk about Trump is bad now, it'll go through the roof if this pans out. And I hope it doesn't.

And to hell with Q and the cult-like following of Q. That's just a joke. Codes, instructions, causing folks to constantly look backward instead of forward, people thinking Q is like a prophecy...another potential embarrassment.

Megs had a discussion with people and that was far better but her meltdown was an epic failure and calls for serious scrutiny of everything she ever said.

I know it's enticing to have someone that seems to be an insider but we are better off just working as a giant network, not looking for so much guidance from a couple alleged insiders.

Sure the meltdown was outrageous and abhorrent.... if it was her. Can you prove it was? Can I prove it wasn't? Nope and Nope.

I can't believe how wrapped around the axle people get about this shit, on all sides. I'm not making any critical life decisions based on what she or any anon says. You're taking all the fun out of it.

I don't consider the future of the country to be a fun topic right now - we face existential threats.

Don't disagree. But there's always room for fun.

Megs said implicitly or explicitly

Source or you full off it.

I just went to the rumormill link shown above below all mega anon's post links and put Soros in the search. She doesn't mention Soros at Gitmo. I think one of the Qs may have implied that though...not sure.

Yes exactly. So the post above is disinformation.

Stop being a lemming.

Stop post disinformation

Learn how to read.

How about you actually read and quote what I wrote? Also, the 'context' feature is there for a reason - use it.

Go to txt file of her comments. Ctrl F - ankle. You'll get 20 results with her mentioning numerous people.

How about you actually read and quote what I wrote?

I wouldn’t want to own that gibberish either, but is a direct quote of what you wrote.

Go to txt file of her comments. Ctrl F - ankle. You'll get 20 results with her mentioning numerous people.

So now it’s changed from ‘Soros’ to ‘numerous people’. Nice 👍🏼

And you say you take national security seriously.....

You're a hack and need to learn how to read.

Get back under the bridge


No she didnt but these posters saying it are spreading disinformation for some reason.

Seeing these texts from Strzok to Paige, they match up perfectly with Megs thoughts of being limited in your discussions with only those in the swamp helps to suck people in.

Miss you u/IMegaHateNicknames. Come Back, we miss you!

Exactly at the seven pages from Grassley show they were not in a romantic relationship. Page was Strozk handler for McCabe.

I have only seen Mega says that they were not in a relationship and it was only their cover if things went wrong.

Yep, Cover if things went wrong. Byron York is reporting that the FBI has turned over only 7,000 of the 50,000 texts. Why? Assistant AG Boyd says they're "personal in nature" and won't release them. Riiiight.... just like Hillary's "personal" emails about yoga, preparations for Chelsea's wedding, etc.

Score another one for Megs.

I had a moment of clarity while driving around desolate country roads last night. This might be what's going on and I thought I'd throw it out there:

  1. The leaks are to red pill us and to give us a sense that something is going on.

  2. The more outrageous things that we read here are psyops to throw the targets off balance. Although whatever we're reading hear about the Rothschilds may be true, it still sounds crazy and it's easy for one of the targets to just blow off what's going on based on the crazy and over-the-top nature of some of these claims.

Bottom line: I think these people are guilty of something and they are targets. They may not be guilty of the extreme stuff they are telling us about.


" "Peter Strzok and Lisa Page along with others have not been questioned or subpoenaed yet even by congress and that's despite the the insider that flipped.

This is intentional, strategic and the timing has to be perfect. The amount of indictments of all those involved that will come of this will be taught in civics class and law schools. Screen-cap this for future generations!"

It sure sounds like her!

I've seen a few other things that I thought sounded like her that use the same kind of emphatic language she uses (e.g. "intentional, strategic"). But I already sound crazy enough these days and I'm not ready to go out on a limb unless someone else does first.

Jesus there are some horrific images in that thread. Careful everyone.

I don't really notice them too much. Every now and then when they have some gay sex porn, I have to wince. But otherwise, it's easy for me to ignore.

So gay porn bothers you more than dead bodies and gore?

... Alrighty then.

Yes, that is true. I don't want to see two dudes engaging in sex on my computer.

Seriously? why in the hell do they post that shit?

Whoever posts that isnt posting randomly nor it is a simple trolling ... its mainly to disgust and deter people from reading all the posts . So , you can assume that whoever is posting is a "shadow government" tool .

Here are comments by DWilcock about u/IMegaHateNicknames posted today.

"I do want to make one key correction: the Q Anon briefings are at least predominantly real, and are coming from the highest levels of the Alliance.

Entire teams of people are working on putting it all together. It is now considered the main way the Alliance is getting info about these operations out to the public.

I do apologize to the Alliance for any misunderstandings. I was reporting Mega Anon’s opinion on the subject.

She has yet to respond to any calls or emails in almost two weeks now, so I am not sure what is going on. I don’t get the sense that she was taken out but I do get the sense she is taking a break.

From what I hear, things are really going to ramp up in February. These are exciting and dangerous times. David Wilcock"

"One more thing Mega Anon told me that I didn’t see or think of before:

She said that child trafficking usually goes hand in hand with money laundering, scrubbed gun and arms trafficking, and distribution of drugs.

These illegal Cabal-controlled businesses invariably are pooled together. Thus we are seeing more and more oddities with the Vegas shooter and his brothers being involved in gun trafficking, child trafficking, and as a bonus, having a property directly next door to Bohemian Grove:

1/25: Weird Link Between Las Vegas Shooter and Bohemian Grove

Ben’s insider estimate of the number of pedos busted worldwide could indeed be accurate, since Mega reported 40,000 arrests of these types just in the US for 2016. David Wilcock"

"The Alliance" using Q as their primary means of communicating with the public? Far as I can tell, Q is just posting YouTube and Fox News videos.

"Watch. You'll see. ;o)"

Well played, Donald. Well played, Megs and team. 👍

Looks on their faces : priceless

They know they're fucked. Lol. Yaaaaasss! 🤣

Oh megs where are you. Would so love to see you do the i told ya so dance right now. Hope your safe

u/biffingzorp? Where are u? Please come back and tell us all how fucking stupid we are. Please?

No. Why would you summon him back to crap up the page again? 👎

omg he deleted all his comments 😂

I know this isn't going to be popular here, but Q came through. I'm not doing this because I was invested in Q (I was invested in M), but I think we're all here for the same reason. We want information factual wherever we can get it.

Rush Limbaugh said that CNN said that the White House said.....

That’s a lot of Chinese whispers. Time will tell

Q came through on the EO Trump just announced keeping Gitmo open. He had a picture a few days ago of some stationery with the White House logo, face down, with a fountain pen on top.

Didn’t come here to gloat because we both share the same goal. What’s the reaction to Q missing his prediction on the memo?

What’s the reaction to Q missing his prediction on the memo?

No offense taken, we arrive at the truth through trial and error.

I thought it was rather cryptic (it all is). We first assumed that we were watching because of the memo, but it could easily have been referring to the EO on Gitmo which Trump signed before the SOTU.

Of course, being open-ended like this means you can never pin him down on anything, but he did post that picture of the fountain pen with White House stationary face down.

I truly hope everything is okay with Mega Anon - even for her just to tell she is ok is more than enough . The things are amping up heavily lately , and confirming lots of points both from M and Q . We can see the desperation and total defeat on the faces of the lackeys of "shadow government" . Im starting to think we could even see the full technological disclosure this year , and Trump fully lifting the Invention Secrecy Act .

Gowdy going to DOJ. (See Twitter.)

I'm guessing he's going to replace Rosenstein.

This was dropped by Q in advance.

I thought he'd head to SCOTUS once Ginsburg steps down. JMO.

I have a feeling she's going to be pushed. I have a feeling that corruption reaches into the courts.

There I'm pretty sure he's referring to Gowdy stepping down from the HEC (that's in that post) which is the House Ethics Committee. Not from his Senatorial position.

I do recall Meg saying Gowdy is a white hat...he's needed. Not sure in what capacity is planned though.

Shit, that prediction made me sit up and take notice.

Q used the term departure and has alluded to him being needed for a vital roll.

My sincere apologies to Todd and if he wants me to delete this, I will. But I think there are some good nuggets of information here and in the three or four posts that follow. This isn't from Q, but it is part of the same group, I think.

So far, M has provided us good information (except about Gowdy), Q (the real one) also has. We'll see if Brendan Dilley is also plugged in.

I'd say Dilley's feed is coming from the same pipeline as Q.

This is clearly a coordinated, multi-pronged approach to info dissemination. Like repetitive drops of food dye in a bucket of water, it slowly dissipates into the larger mass with no real 'stirring' necessary.


heRe IS WHAT MEG DID SAY ABOUT TREY - "I promise you, the establishment's corrupt, to include their presidential/executive admins., cabinets, agencies, departments, vendors and the MSM catalysts for disinformation distribution, will PROVE themselves so corrupt, because Trump patiently waited and prodded, so they'd push themselves SO FAR over the edge, that they'd adimately push the public and congress so fucking hard, for reccusals and "3rd party"/"congressional" investigations, that will ultimately lead to THEIR OWN DEMISE. Do you understand what I'm saying? I promise you, when this is alllllllll over, by late Aug./early Sept., you'll sit back and realize that TRUMP NOT ONLY DRAINED THE SWAMP, HE SUCCESSFULLY (and strategically) SET THE SWAMP UP, TO DRAIN THEMSELVES.

I can't say much more because if I do, you'll just scream "larp" and since I'd never be willing to risk verifying myself, but I also don't want you to miss the point I'm making (which is most important) I'll leave you with this... you're going to see how EVERYTHING, right down to the timing of the "Reality Winner"/NSA breach and leak, WAS INTENTIONALLY AND STRATEGICALLY PLANNED BY TRUMP'S ADMIN. TO EXPOSE THE "HOLES" OF THE CORRUPT AND SHOW THE PEOPLE EXACTLY WHO DIGS THEM.

Piss beforehand and get your popcorn because not even Hollywood could release a summer blockbuster this good.

"Oh and for the record, I didn't even like Trump. I voted for him (duh) but only republican I'll ever excitedly run to the polls to vote for as President, is Gowdy." "Mueller is a corrupt as fuck, Gowdy is not, never was. There is never a comparison, in my opinion. Ever."

Nice to know that posts are being deleted to fit your narrative....

/u/ToddWhiskey and everybody, I have updated my MegaAnon text file to a "final" (?) version, including everything up to when she stopped posting on January 14. The file is 1,312,571 bytes. All Reddit posts are now collected at the end, in reverse chronological order. (Before, some were mingled with the 4chan posts.) The link is the same as before:

/u/ToddWhiskey and everybody, I have updated my MegaAnon text file to a "final" (?) version, including everything up to when she stopped posting on January 14. The file is 1,312,571 bytes. All Reddit posts are now collected at the end, in reverse chronological order. (Before, some were mingled with the 4chan posts.) The link is the same as before:

Wow Awesome work. Thanks!

Thank you! Much appreciated.

Cheers to U/IMegaHateNicknames, we celebrate with you on the Memo Release today! Here's to more of the dominoes to fall! Hope you're safe and celebrating, y'all! ;o)

Megs said look out for corrupt local politicians getting locked up, this guy was a FISA Judge

Thought I'd share since I found this interesting and we've heard this from Megs.

Thanks for keeping thread alive with relevant meg related updates

Chatter about Trump using National Broadcasting System this week...Mega called it...

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Looks like Megs talk about Benji getting his swamp ass drained is starting to come through as well.


Still waiting, impatiently, for alabama election fraud.

Me too. That seat was stolen from us.

There may be some movement here as well. Not that we're going to overturn the election result, but she said take note of everyone who came out against Moore; they'll have a bullseye on their backs. Peter Schweizer came out with a new book today that is accusing Mitch McConnell of taking millions in bribes from the Chinese gov't, thru connections his wife (Elaine Chow) has. Fingers crossed.

Flynn’s guilty plea strategery becoming more clear. Another feather in mega’s cap. This is getting real sticky now, plead guilty to something obviously not guilty for...... Mueller got some splaining to do

PS-Remember Contraras recused a few days after guilty plea.

MegaAnon's explanation of General Flynn's story (back in June!) was one of the reasons why I started collecting her posts!

And again I raise my glass to u/ToddWhiskey for his public service.

This article on seems to support Meganon:

Kim Dotcom: "Let Me Assure You, The DNC Hack Wasn’t Even A Hack"

"...In response, Dotcom tweeted "Let me assure you, the DNC hack wasn't even a hack. It was an insider with a memory stick. I know this because I know who did it and why," adding "Special Counsel Mueller is not interested in my evidence. My lawyers wrote to him twice. He never replied. 360 pounds!" alluding of course to Trump's "400 pound genius" comment. "

Kim needs to drop some real info to back up his talk.

This quote made me think of Meg right away..

Judge Napolitano

"Why would he we want that (the presiding judge) after General Flynn has already pleaded guilty? That is unheard of. He must suspect a defect in the guilty plea. Meaning, he must have reason to believe that General Flynn pleaded guilty for some reason other than guilt."

Pretty clear this +1 Meg.

Still waiting for the remaining dominos to fall.


Wow Hillary and Huma really look good in their ankle monitors in India.......LOL

You must be on a nofap streak.

How amy days bro?

So Mega posted this about Tillerson and Pompeo. "November 30 Happening. Tillerson Out. Pompeo In." I wish you were still around Mega. I'd have wanted to know your thoughts on Gina Haspel.

I just wanted to point out that "M" called the Tillerson firing back in November. If you look at the November 30th posts and thereabouts, you will see that Tillerson is rolling off and Pompeo is going to take his place. The drops are real, even if they don't happen as quickly as we would like.

Awesome catch. I’d forgotten this crumb from Meg.

I just love all the buzz out there. "Trump fired him by tweet!" LOL.

Right, Trump is so uncooth that he's going to squash someone of Tillerson's stature like a little bug. A nobody. All just to humiliate him.

Hillary slipped twice on her visit today to India. Neither she, nor her constant companion (Huma) were wearing GPS ankle bracelets.

Did they have a secret service detail?

I agree. It'd seem kind of redundant to say the least. But it was Mega who said they were wearing them. She even posted a pic of Huma Abedin and circled the bulge in her pantsuit, saying it was a bracelet. Either something has changed or Megs was wrong. Another thing that bothers me is the Mike Flynn deal. She said he lied on purpose, and he was going to walk. Mueller just hit him with a slew of new felony charges. Poor man had to sell his house to pay his legal bills. I'm sure she can't always be 100% right; just a few things that bug me.... cheers

Yeah I agree. Also the Assange not in the embassy etc.

I’m still waiting for the AL election fraud to be exposed......

Megs has been more correct than incorrect in the general direction, howevef I question if that direction has changed since she stopped posting.

There was a time when I felt like we were on a winning spree, now i feel like a loser most days as it appears the deep state has taken the upper hand.

I know exactly how you feel, but I want to encourage you to resist that temptation. I think that we sometimes feel that way because the MSM still has immense power. Megs said that we're halfway thru a 2-year plan to destroy the credibility of the MSM, and I get the feeling that it is going to happen; but until it does, and they're exposed for the Op Mockingbird CIA mouthpieces that they are, we're just going to have to be patient... hang in there

I know exactly how you feel, but I want to encourage you to resist that temptation. I think that we sometimes feel that way because the MSM still has immense power.

Mission accomplished as far as I'm concerned. Everything goes in one ear and out the other. Like this Stormy Daniels thing. It could be true, it could be the beginning of the STORM(y Daniels) or it could be Trump dropping another squirrel for the media to chase.

Who knows, who cares? I am thankful for stumbling on to these boards because although I can't say I have a comprehensive, detailed view of what's going on, I do understand the general gist of things. It has done a lot to settle us down so that we continue to maintain the faith.

We'd all be going crazy right now, thinking all is lost if we didn't have these drops.

So true

Megs has been more correct than incorrect in the general direction, howevef I question if that direction has changed since she stopped posting.

Megs was right more often than not, but part of me wonders whether Q wasn't the real one all the time and if Mega wasn't the fake. What if by actually attaching a handle to her name Q was the one who told her to stop effing around and LARPing on these boards? I'm not saying I believe this, but it is one possibility.

Sorry, doubt it Don’t think the two are related. Boom Booom Booooooom


Sometimes I think we’re being had.

There may be some movement here as well. Not that we're going to overturn the election result, but she said take note of everyone who came out against Moore; they'll have a bullseye on their backs. Peter Schweizer came out with a new book today that is accusing Mitch McConnell of taking millions in bribes (in the form of "gifts" to a relative) from the Chinese government – connections his wife (Elaine Chow) has. Fingers crossed.

I'm willing to chalk up a certain amount of misdirection to "plausible deniability" but I also wondered the same thing about H&H.

Mueller did not hit Flynn with a slew of felony charges. Stop reading or listening to fake news.

Shazaam! Spot-on porn. Thx for the correction

Recently I heard someone make reference to Hillary being afflicted with CJD (also known in parts of Africa as "kuru"). Have you followed that line at all? Pretty grim stuff (if it's true, of course).

Doubt it. CJD is lethal & victims exhibit uncontrolled/involuntary body movement, blindness, etc. I think the only ailment HRC has is severe/malignant narcissism, or psychopathy. Caught an interview Friday where Fox & Friends talked to Kelly Anne Conway. Conway referred to HRC as "the candidate who will remain nameless." Very very interesting. This is the hallmark of Meg & QAnon referencing John McCain. They never say his name. They link him as a type, or spiritual descendant, of Cain, the first murderer (Book of Genesis). This was definitely a nod to us, to our community, straight from the White House.

I've long found the McNoName thing interesting. I've been aware of the Cain & Abel derivation, but am still a bit puzzled by their unwillingness to use the name. I wonder if this is actually in deference to the Biblical story, or if it is meant to be an indicator of just how dark a character he is in the whole thing. Maybe both? I look forward to us all knowing our TRUE history. I don't mind hunting for it, but we need the sources to be made open--taken out of the hands of the Vatican and the so called "Egyptologists", etc.

I think it's both. And I agree with everything you say. Lucifer has been in control of everything (science, business, the "church") for at least 1,700 years. The truth is suppressed. Good to know there are folks like us who won't give up until we get the truth.

It is good to know the education system hasn't beaten the curiosity out of all of us. When things get straightened out, I think I will want to write the new history books. :)

What a great day for MegaAnon's fans!

Yes! waving to M :)

Winning bigly. Yuge!

Hope life is good Megs!

Interesting to ponder whether Mccabe was fired a long time ago and we’ve just been watching theater

And he should, too. I expect the American government to be better than this.

Came back to this thread and glad to see it is still going. Many things Mega said have come to fruition! McCabe was big. Tillerson. Pompeo. I'd like to see something on election fraud, or at least on all of the people that were allegedly wearing ankle monitors.

Guessing most here are still following Q as well. Lately starting to look more and more like Hope Porn. Very little besides McCabe has happened (or been revealed) in almost 6 months. Weeks go by without meaningful events or updates. The special counsel persists in the counter-govt operation with no evidence and no end in sight. The MSM continues in full support without much obstruction.

It would be a great time for Mega Anon to re-emerge!

I assume this thread will stay alive for a month or so, and then it gets automatically archived.

I hope our continued activity prevents the archiving.

It doesn't work like this. You can comment on a reddit post for 6 months and then not any more, the post gets archived and the comment option is removed.

A new post/thread would be needed in case we like to keep discussing all things Megs related. I can make a new one, just in case.

Please do

I hope you do, man. The Q stuff is weird; who knows what that's all about. Megs was different. I'm not a statistician, but I'd say she was 95 – 98% right on everything. For example, she called it right after Las Vegas, saying the FBI took the LV field office off the investigation & put it on "special status," moving it to the DC office. They took it to the 7th floor. And what are we now learning about the Clinton e-mail investigation? The remove it from the local field office and kick it upstairs so people like Strzock & McCabe can "investigate" it. Same M.O. – Same utter fucking corruption. Then there's that thing about her: the way she writes. You know? Some people have this incomprehensible, unequivocal, unironic, clear-cut, definitive way of letting you know that they're HIGHLY intelligent, and they know wtf they're talking about. Megs was NEVER about herself; she was always about US. Thumbs up Todd.

I'm going to make a new post and crosslink it here, in due time.

Have you read this?

Do you think Robyn Gritz might be our gal? Good article none the less. I’m waiting patiently for Flynn’s vindication.

Todd. Amazing article; thanks for sharing. We hear an endless narrative (even from FOX News) that the FISA judges were "duped" into issuing a surveillance warrant on Page with a phony dossier. The fishy part of the story is that there was a "footnote" in the warrant application that stated that the dossier had "political" influence. What kind judge wouldn't question an audacious claim like that? Wasn't he(she) curious about that claim? The kind of judge that would approve a warrant without questioning the "political" influence named in the application is a judge who is just as corrupt as the 7th floor of the FBI: Rudolph Contreras, an Obama appointee.

The story gets even fishier when you consider "the possibility the DOJ may have modified the FISA documents within its possession in an effort to hide from congress the trail of a conspiracy against a presidential candidate and an incoming administration. In essence, the FISA documents held by the court may not be identical to the FISA documents released by the Department of Justice." (source)

What do you make of Sessions/DOJ refusal to comply with House Intel Comm.? They have turned over 3,000 of over 1,000,000 requested.

Grand Jury

For those who doubt the leaks of "Q" and "M", another one just came true. I can't find the original post, but I distinctly remember that they would be siccing the FTC on Google/Twitter/Facebook.

ABC News confirms it today.

You can't chalk that one up to some random LARPer. Summoning the FTC is pretty specific.

You might also add today's admission from Sessions that he has had an independent prosecutor working on the FISA stuff for at least 6 months:

Looks like she called it on Ryan stepping down.



Any updates on her? I wonder what she thinks about this Julian Assange situation after the way she left.

No updates, sorry. She's been MIA.

any way you can open a new thread on this for us to continue the discussion? this thread has been really helpful to create conversation between people who tracked Mega -- i.e. the only ones who can have a decent discussion about theories like Q

Oh megs where art thou. Much of what you have said is falling into place. Just a quick hi would be welcome to know your still ok.

Now I'm just anxious to hear MegaLarp's exciting tale of how she helped sneak Assange back into the Ecuadoran embassy so that he could appear to be freed from it.

Well, I already said that it wouldn't ever matter where he was and whom he was with because the public would probably never know. I said he was alive and that when everyone found out he was, it would be because it was the right time. A lot of channels were rightfully worked to negotiate and coordinate the actions that saved him, by the right people. But what do you care anyway?! Didn't you say he was dead? How are they freeing a dead guy from anywhere?!

It never really mattered, as I have literally said before, where Assange was. I only said he was not in harms way, he was with good people and most importantly, he was ALIVE. I also said that by the time you'd find out who tried to do what to Assange (which answers the questions about why Feinstein might be ready to throw herself off a bridge thinking Assange will be freed and more importantly, free to testify - remember like 2.5 months ago when she made @Jack send all of Assange's twitter handle messages to her, covering all messages over last 5 years? That's gonna suck for LOTS of people), the details of how it was negotiated and coordinated, and where he was, for how long, wouldn't matter.

I only discussed these specific things because WAY too many people believed Assange was dead and Wiki was completely compromised. Yes, you were led to believe it, so I don't blame anyone for believing it back then. But enough time had passed that it was ok to post about on here, when I did. You were misled to believe he had been taken by those who fully intended to take him and use Wikileaks negatively. Others got to him first and helped Assange debt then that network access. Then, just to stick it right up they're asses, he dropped Vault 7, 6 months later, exposing "their" tricks, for everyone to see.

That's all you ever really needed to know. I hope you keep shitposting here. You'll get your (you's) alright.

Thoughts on Feinstein releasing the testimony? Won't that just allow others to form the same possible lies Simpson told?

Other repercussions for this?

Last ditch bridge-borne flight strategy? I am very curious as to this as well...

Thoughts on the latest suicide? Was it a suicide or was he "sethriched"?

No, I never said he was dead. I always thought that was loony people making up stories. I see that a lot around here.

But more to the point, Assange is still where he's always been and you've said he wasn't.

You can type 17 paragraphs of rant that could be condensed into two lines and the above fact still will not change.

No. I've said where he has been over the last year and never said he couldn't return to the place he'd have to look like he was being "freed" from, if he was supposed to have still been asylumed there, according to the public, right?!

I mean, debating and questioning is fine, but could you at least sift and read correctly, to debate me accurately? It's no fun this way.

LOL. As the wheels come off your made-up stories you don't really have much left, do you?

Biffingzorp, are you putting in overtime or something? You've been burning this up all day today with your "clever" little zingers. It's a good thing meganon has patience with the younger set, otherwise you would be well...boring.

You try too hard.

The government's of the world have long been known to notoriously use look-alike doubles during transport of VIP's. IF they even make a show of moving him. You try too hard and it always fizzles out. It's ok though, we understand you still have to try to get that Shareblue paycheck.

Calm down Skippy, you haven't found a hole to exploit.

Still waiting on that Schumer scandal! And for Bannon's exile to be a clever ploy!

Y'all let me know when this all happens, brahs.

It's already starting if you're paying attention. Clearly you're not though...

Bannon "stepping down" from Breitbart is alllll part of the clever, clever ploy, eh?

For all we know, it's "part of the show". Maybe he was planning on leaving? I don't purport to know for sure.

I do know that him leaving is not necessarily proof of exile.

Try again ShareBiff.

I think you will know without anyone not bothering to tell you judging by the amount of attention you give this thread


I hope the Schumer scandal is still on the docket too.

Her response to you below proves how full of shit she is, as she has said repeatedly that he was freed from the embassy in October 2016.

Note her pattern of evasion: every time she gets called out for lying, she responds with “I already said [statement which dodges the issue]”.

Speaking of Larps people are saying Q is Bannon since he is too Navy intel and had Top Secret or higher clearance nevermind friends at that level probably currently and has been outed as against Trump publicaly. Q was his backdoor to control mind think.

Megsy, can we get an update on this? Where are Moore and Bannon and Trump at with this?

Are McConnell, Ryan, and McCain ended yet?

"Oh and don’t worry, Moore, Bannon, they ALL KNEW it was coming. It’s why Trump threw a short and sweet nod in Strange’s favor, Bannon pushed what was important by Trump proxy in the field and Moore is getting harder to handle every single day because he’s fucking dying to bust the lid. Hate to say it, I kinda hope it doesn’t break until after elections. If he looses and the lid pops, do you know what that does to the GOP?!? How much WORSE it is for them that they ruined a campaign on planted bullshit leading him to lose the actual election, not just the nomination?!?

This will be the end of the McConnell, Ryan, McCain, Graham, etc. reign."

Hi, Megsy. Do you notice people are starting to ask when your made up stories are going to come true?

I know you got caught up in all the attention and so you invented stories so you could get even more of it, but the thing is, Megsy, those stories have to eventually pay off.

And we know they aren't going to, don't we Megsy?

You should feel deep and terrible shame about how you've led people on just to feel some temporary glory for yourself, but I know you don't.

It was always about you. And only you.

Lol, the village idiot is back!

Class dismissed.

From obscurity to immaturity.

I'm going to follow your posts from now on with things that I feel Meg says that strike me the wrong way. I'm still mostly in megahates camp, but I don't think it's bad to explore things that don't seem to fit together. If I could only remember these specific points, though.

My new theory: Could the Michael Wolff book have been written as a parody?

What do you want Biff?

Uh, Biffsie. Your comments, uh, I mean, taunts, add no value here. We discuss, we question, and as rational adults, we draw our conclusions. Please, go upstairs to the kitchen and ask Mommy to make you some pizza bites, and let the grown-ups converse. Thank you.

Noobie here. What does /pol mean?

Under what article can the President impose MI take over investigations for the 3 letter agencies? What conditions must present itself? Why is this so VERY important? Who surrounds POTUS? They lost this very important power _ the one area of the govt not corrupt and directly serves POTUS.

Can you or anyone else here shine some light on this question?

Also, yes about the bullshit nature of the later "Q" posts that followed these. I'm not sure about the cut-off point, but up to the 31st seems about right. The rest of the posts almost feel like satire when reading them in direct sequence. The one from the 31st reads like "Here, this is everything I'm willing and able to tell you as concisely as I can, go figure it out." it doesn't read like the author intended a follow-up.

And yet, just like that, thousands of vaguely connected questions rain in for days, seemingly from "Q" with Codes and rabbit holes and shit, with nobody really learning anything new from all I can tell (correct me if I'm wrong).

Such an interesting game being played.

Also: What IS State Secrets? The original Q seemed to think it's important to understand. Does it mean POTUS can claim the right to keep aspects of his whereabouts and actions a secret (for safety reasons) as they pertain to an ongoing investigation? Something of that nature?

Hi Todd, I wanted to thank you for doing all the compilations of Mega and Q. I'm mainly a lurker here but I like to check your comments (as I think others do) to find out when Mega and Q do any postings. It can definitely be confusing as to which ones are real and which might be fake so your compilations are very helpful. I'd like to think that those of us looking into this are fairly smart but it can be tricky even for us to discern. God help those who aren't outside of the box yet but I think the overall message is very positive for the country in the long run.

Anyway, really appreciate the organization you put into these. Helps my scattered brain at times lol.

Take care.

Have an upvote!

Look at his history. He favors globalism and many of the Establishment agenda items.

She answered "Harry and the royals" question yesterday.

"(because the Torah tells them is the ONLY WAY Israel can actually accept Israel)" What did she mean by this?

I hope we'll hear more from her about all this. This is how I see it: "They" have been trying to force biblical prophecies and hasten the "end-times". The stage was set with Balfour Declaration, but "they" needed WWII and holocaust, and someone "giving" the land, so that the existence of the state of Israel would be accepted because Torah doesn't predict it, or doesn't approve of, before "messiah" returns.

Agreed! That would be epic. /u/ToddWhiskey

I check this thread literally every couple of hours since September.

You're welcome. FYI, I was not aware of Mega's posts in September, I noticed her on 7 October for the first time. This compilation is up since 27 October.

Did she say anything about his "water drinking" weirdness today?

Potus did something similar with Fiji, seemed like a hint.

The sicko does stuff like this! XP

I'm not an American citizen so I don't think I can demand anything from your public officials. I mostly try and educate myself and spread the truth as efficiently as I can. You've made it much easier for people to do this with your clear and concise messages, thank you.

I'm assuming this alien MSM push must mean something really big is brewing, which you have alluded to.

I have so many questions to ask you from the conspiracies and books I've been reading for about a dozen years, but I have a feeling transparency I've dreamed of for ages is not far away.

Too late Skippy, you and your fellow demoncraps robbed us long ago. Are you Chuckie or Nancy? Either way be ready.... prison is coming for your treason, sedition and pedophilia. Remember loser, we have six ways to Sunday.

Facts? I have yet to see you show any solid facts... Please by all means, give us something to prove wrong.

Maybe you're the larp, Skippy.

"Shouted down with facts" Get the fuck outta here Antifa fagott. Only soy boys afraid of the truth feel the need to shout people down with their progressive bullshit.

Just looked at it again. Thanks for the link. Look at the ear, see the curvature? Do you think it is the same guy? If so, look at the video of McCabe walking for his meeting the other day. It looks like the same guy with him. What do you think? The fact he's sitting next to Page in that pic makes it even more suspicious.

Who is that guy?!

You have nothing to worry about when it comes to Musk and North Korea. Musk is not a problem. Quite the opposite. I am glad there are people like Musk, doing what they're doing at the level they are doing it. It will be people and companies like Musk's in these "science" communities, who will be in the VERY FEW, with the clout and credibility to confront, question, deny and confirm what's actually right AND wrong, with "Earth" and "Space" as related to "science" and what we've been taught. That's all I'll say right now.

"Science" is a BUSINESS and it's a lucrative one, especially for our government, their contractors, vendors, budgets, projects, missions, experiments, defenses, etc.

As with politicians, we also need scientists willing to go against the grain and fund, study, confirm, etc. the truths... even if there's discrepancies in the truth. Musk will help pioneer this.

We know what you think, it's in the interview. Are you disavowing it now that you realize how ridiculous it makes you look?

And do you even understand what larping is?

At this point, I doubt you'll feel comfortable with President Trump and his admin because of your feelings on this issue. Maybe time will change that when some things are revealed.

Suit dismissed. In spite of three affidavits from election fraud experts testifying to a high probability of election fraud in 20 districts in Jefferson county alone. One expert the odds of the results in those districts being 'natural' at 1 in 15 Billion.

Thanks for responding. I hope it starts happening sooner than later. I hope more and more starts to trickle out that the media can't ignore, because we need the general public to start (people who just watch msm) realizing all of this.

Ok, but Hillary got the nomination. We can say she got "caught" cheating Bernie, but it didn't matter in the end. If Jones gets "caught" to that same extent, where some of us know it and the masses never do, it's meaningless.

I understand waiting until the election was over, to let them fully commit themselves and commit the full range of crimes possible. That's done now. I don't see much advantage in waiting longer. They gain some additional minor embarassment for the Dems, maybe. But in the meantime Moore is being portrayed as a sore loser, even scorned by one of his own voters in the election commissioner. The longer this drags out, the more damage done to him that's not going to magically go away when (if) they finally reveal the fraud and get the election overturned.

Is the idea of term limits a realistic possibility? The topic seems to have been dropped completely. After next year's Congressional turnover, do you think the new class will be likely to address this? I think it would go a long way toward preventing this kind of thing from happening again.

My argument is that this is agenda-driven. Data can be and is manipulated by people who want their side of the argument to look good. That is NOT science. You state that there is clearly a correlation between human activity, the rate of increase of CO2 concentration in the atmosphere, and the rate of increase of global temperature average. I can and have found research that shows much higher temperatures thousands of years ago with much lower CO2 concentrations. Global warming advocates often use a small sample size of the last 100-200 years to push their point. It comes down to you believing that humans have a huge impact while I do not. I am fine with agreeing to disagree.

Global Warming Models are Wrong Again Harvard Physicist: “Climate Science In Serious Trouble”…”Really Dirty People Doing Bad Stuff”

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Well, you've obviously won this argument.

Take it easy man,. and cheer up.

Good luck to you then and enjoy the ride... cause it's happening with or without you.

Everything you have said thus far, even in other comments, are what are known as straw-man arguments. Informal logical fallacies that are designed to give the appearance of refuting one's argument, when they never presented that specific argument.

If you genuinely believe what you are spilling, then you absolutely have cognitive dissonance, and are absolutely blind.

If you genuinely cared about your position you would start to offer proof. Otherwise you're merely trolling those of us here that are trying to have productive conversations, even ones with differing views. If that is the case, and you decline to offer a true counterargument, then expect to be reported as a troll from now on every time you post.

Once again, you need to tag her like this: u/IMegaHateNickNames

No thoughts yet until she does (or doesn't respond) within the next 2 days. Will respond to you then in a pm.

Sorry. I'm trying to get used to the view on here. I phonepost like 100% too, so I'm sure that doesn't help. I just scroll, see something, hit the arrow and type in the box. Then, I hit add comment. If it doesn't add right away, I hit it 30 more times, forgetting they'll all apparently go through, then when they do, I have to delete 29. I swear. This is the absolute state over here. Haha!

If we find one day that this whole thing was a LARP, memeologists and chan-scholars will note that is the first time there has ever been a fringy storyline that was relentlessly positive. Which is why it is so sticky.

But unlike most fringe stuff this one either has to happen or not. And then we will know :] If we are sitting here in 2 years squinting to see how the happening happened around the edges, we will know it was all nonsense.

In the meanwhile, regardless of veracity, minds are being opened to possibilities and people are even learning to engage their own citizen journalist spirits, however clumsily. It can't hurt.

I'm glad you feel that way because personally, it's why I feel it's important this perspective is shared. There's been a growing, burning need for information which has led innocent, educated, inquiring people to seek alternative outlets and sources, which have thankfully strayed from the rather destructive, disinfo paths the MSM has laid and profited from for decades. Rational, level-headed people who may have once considered anything outside of the MSM's rhetoric to be "conspiracy-driven", have really started to shift the "conspiracy" theme to a "concerned citizen" type of theme. I mean, let's be honest with ourselves, we've never seen more people so eager and willing to open their minds and consider rationally questionable, logical things that the MSM, even today, has continuously worked to taint and dub as "conspiracy", in an effort to attach and frame the social stigma of "conspiracy", to everything and anything that threatens their agenda, which drives their profits because "news" has sadly become a Fortune 500 "business", at our expense, manipulated at will for revenues and kickbacks, right?!

But here's my personal problem with this... when you, or any of you, started to rationally and logically questioning things that concerned you and the MSM's coverage, investigations and confirmations left you dissatisfied, where did your first searches into those questions against the now MSM confirmed narrative, first lead you?!

Didn't you feel like you were herded and led down some pre-determined, progressively paved path? Almost as if it were laid in advance by those who knew you'd look? Maybe it's just me, but I feel like anyone who questions anything outside of the mainstream, is automatically funneled right to the InfoWars/AlexJones bucket. It's like hazing for even questioning. Anything you'd ever search our or seek info on pushes you right to AJ because he's SEO'ed the ever loving fuck out of every article and video he's ever put on the internet over the last 20 years. You watch him, read his shit, and you either turn and run for your life back to sheepville or you make it through the hazing and realize there's more than just Alex Jones/InfoWars. It's like the $50 Target tax. You go in for toothpaste and leave minus $50. Every. Single. Time.

If you've survived Alex's "every day is the end of days" reporting style and made it through his gourmet, doomsday meals-to-go and superhuman supplement commercials with your life savings still in tact, you eventually get to the other side of the tunnel and find e-celebs on Twitter, YouTube and all their associated blogs, websites, etc.

Then, once even that becomes redundant and limited, you mosey on over to the boards.

Oh. Yes, that was me here. To that person who "first", said something nice, then had a "second" and "third" thing. Haha, no wonder it kept going back to that comment when I hit the link 50x.

I'm not a boomer, but I know boomers get a lot of shit on /pol/, so I can't deny that I've laughed at myself every time I add the same comment 20x thinking, "fuck, I feel like a boomer on reddit". No offense to the boomers. Y'all are good people!

I have shown the proof. You not accepting it doesn't make it not real.

Playtime is fun, but...

What shouldn't happen under any circumstances is people should not be asking her for advice that could affect their actual real life situation.

To me?!

Yes, there was a different insider anon on /pol/ who claimed Trump didn't want the ex-presidents shamed. Thing is, even if that's true, you can want not to do something, yet do it because it's necessary.

Soon after the election, some reporter asked Trump if he was going to Lock Her Up, and he said something about not wanting to cause the Clintons any more pain. NeverTrumpers jumped all over that, claiming it was a sign of him backing off already, showing he was really one of them. I always took it to be a declaration of, "I don't want to cause them pain, but I will do my duty to the nation as president."

One thing that's pretty interesting about the laws stated on the site you linked is that they seem to be much more restrictive for children born in wedlock where only one parent is American than out of wedlock to an American mother:

A person born abroad out-of-wedlock to a U.S. citizen mother and alien father on or before June 11, 2017, may acquire U.S. citizenship under Section 309(c) of the INA if the mother was a U.S. citizen at the time of the person’s birth and if the mother was physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for a continuous period of one year prior to the person’s birth.

So strangely enough, if Ann Dunham and Obama Sr. had not married while she was pregnant, this would all be moot, I guess. That's part of why I suspect that this might represent an unintended loophole. But those are interesting examples of where it might be intended to apply, if we assume that marriage is also part of the scenario.

Haha, I've talked about the FED enough and it's all archived above. There's not much more to say than Inalready have. If there is and it's relevant, I will, as usual.

So, if you're going to re-nickname me, make sure it's at least accurate...


a thread dedicated specifically to her responding to questions...

Sorry, this is wrong. This is not the purpose of this thread. The post is not titled "I Am Mega - AMA!"

This compilation has been up since October 27th, and people have been commenting on the content of her posts on /pol/ and exchanging their ideas. Really,anyone can join and express their opinions, and I have enjoyed the discussion so far.

To my knowledge, She-Who-Hates-Nicknames aka MegaAnon learned about my compilation on Nov 16th. She made her own reddit account and joined us a month later, on Dec 18th, and has been commenting and answering many questions. Much appreciated!

But, I'm not surprised to see that u/IMegaHateNicknames ignores some low-effort and/or rather disrespectful comments. Stop 'demanding' answers from her. Perhaps she doesn't have the answers, or perhaps she's not authorized/allowed to give them, or she's simply posted about that particular point a lot, and it's you who hasn't been paying attention.

Ah, interesting, I wouldn't have thought of that.

Or imagine there was some idiot idealistic teenage communist sympathizer with a passport and a penchant for older men with exotic complexions and whoever wrote that law didn’t want some guy showing up from Cuba or the USSR (or Indonesia) demanding free tuition and running for office. Hey that sounds familiar...


But wouldn't she still get positive PR? It would seem like a net benefit even with the gag order. What are the consequences of breaking a gag order?

It was Megs attaching both caps to her posts in the very thread you linked. Labeled as 'January 6' in my list above.

Haha! Yes I saw them and even saved those caps for myself (which I'm horrible at doing, BTW), then posted them in another thread for reference. Todd is right.

I appreciate you looking out though but please remember, especially as things progress, that I'm not scared or even intimidated by ShareBlue Media, or any attempts they'd make. 12 tweens, huddled around a few laptops in a coat closet, who'd clock in 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, tasked with the "flagging and tagging" of "MegaAnon" on the internets, in an effort to ID me, is about as concerning to me as... 🤔, I mean, nothing. I can't even actually think of anything to complete this analogy... like, at all.

I mean, if this is true, I guess I'd just be happy that my posts have in some way contributed to the increased employment rates we've seen. I'm not going anywhere, so I'm just gonna keep posting when I want, on whatever I want, wherever I want, knowing that I'm providing job security to 12 potential people, who've probably graduated college within the last 3-5 years, sitting on $30-40k in debt which accumulates interest monthly, who are forced to admit to their parents every time they come home from work asking when dinner is, that they graduated college completely broke, so they could search for and read my posts on the internets, all day long.

Like, imagine how much your life must suck to work for ShareBlue because you fully support these types of missions and purposes, only to have to find and read my posts every. single. day. That'd be like me clocking in to monitor and troll Sarah Silverman and Chelsea Handlers twitter feeds for 40 hours a week. You'd have to pay me at least a million a year, full benefits with a 10% match on my 401k, vested day one. Like that's just what I'd need to get out of bed. 😏

Just a suggestion to help you u/UnbelievableShit13. You might want to tag Megs so she will see your questions.

And Q did come back and tell us Defcon 1 is not related to military.

I've listen to the good Dr. and I often find his analysis as to Q...well...weak.

He's as guilty as the rest of you...'wanting it' so much that common sense goes out the window.

I agree. This Qlarp shit needs to be shut down. That DEFCON1 was unbelievable! These people are so caught up in the larp, they don't want to think they've been played. u/IMegaHateNicknames can anything be done by POTUS or someone within the administration to discredit these shills? Please know that we appreciate your presence and breadcrumbs Megs!

What do you mean by stack and queue? What is a short code in this case ? Sorry if I missed earlier, but can't find an instance it's explained. Thanks!

Thanks for the reply!

Agreed, plus MegaAnon has provided exactly zero specific and verifiable future information. Were anyone to go through her posts line by line, they’d be unable to find even one single verifiable fact, provided in advance of the event occurring, in them.

I doubt you have read her posts.

So you have read every single post, found "zero specific and verifiable future information" and despite of that you are wasting your time in this comment section. People have various types of hobbies indeed.

@imegahatenicknames help me out. I don’t understand how the US could give Assange protected custody in Oct 2016 under the Obama admin. Did private contractors on behalf of Trump admin go get him and if so, why would the Ecuador embassy let him go with these peeps and how would Assange get through customs without being noticed? I maybe over analyzing.

We all need to be vetting our sources as best we can and acknowledging maybes as maybes... Let's rededicate ourselves to this.

Mediamatters? Really?

Its not that bad. Of course it was going to get out there and it only mentions Q. Your good, sleep comfy

Unbelievable...does he not know any better than this??!!

If I were someone who has committed serious crimes against the American people and against humanity, as it appears so many have, and I read Sara Carter's article today that established, credibly, that the dossier was used to secure at least one FISA order, and if I saw the first half of Hannity's show with Congressmen Jordan and Meadows and Hannity all talking with Carter about her article and implications and what appears about to come out imminently (days, perhaps), and if I listened to Jordan and Meadows appeal that these documents and this evidence be released to all Representatives who would then insist that all of this be released to the American people who have a right to know this and their representatives have an obligation to disclose to them, I would be concerned right now . . .

if I were a covert operative who had very dirty hands and was tasked with monitoring what the good guys in the system were doing and disclosing to anons, I would be reading both the Q materials, and the M materials.

And when they saw them they would just about die inside.

Give up guys. Seek clemency while you can. This isn't going to work out well for you if you don't.

And if you do it's better for all of us, not just for you. That's a worthy objective to seek as well.

The BO's will be proud (and richer)!

This is where emoji capture the perfect response: 🤦🏼‍♂️

Wanting evidence- changing the collective consciousness to want evidence, to be able, ready and willing to receive the truth is exactly what Q algorithm's is engineered to impact. Yes, I said algorithm as Q is an OBJECT, A MAP --- Q is NOT a subject, NOT a person-- Q is dynamic where artificial intelligence meets human intelligence meets quantum computing and digital communications. As an object--it is not truth. It is an object/a map we look at with minds we currently have, subjectively. Notice how to valid the map many minds look to a subject behind the object to discern credibility. Subject and object blur. As more humans look at it and interact with it, the object changes, as the object changes our minds change.

Human intelligence is a wide spectrum of awareness, blindness and capability. We turn to other human minds to help us makes sense of the object. Artificial and human intelligence accesses manipulations, saboteurs, opportunities, realities and non-realities. Subjects are seen as objects and objects are seen as subjects.

Q is written in code because it objectifies deep intelligence. It is simple and sophisticated. Right and wrong.

No human intelligence can convey the object in it's totality to another human, it is the object on a subjective mind where change happens. Point people to the object, let them have their own relationship with it-- not to how "woke" you are to Q's genius or tyranny-- because we are not that woke. Care for your own mind. You matter.

Of course that's just my subjective mind in relationship with the Q object and with all of you on this anon board. My intent is to Make America Great Again being a source of emergent human intelligence capable of solving our current problems and creating our next reality where more of us thrive. If you carry human intelligence -- Take it or leave it. To the artificial intelligence-- pay attention-- I see you.

Because I haven’t seen her info contradicted is why I’m here. I won’t even try speaking critically with the Q cult. I enjoy folliwing it, but I hear the language used by many in that circle and many think if Q says it-it’s a fact. A little scary to me. As for megs, she’s clear that timelines are flexible and stuff happens to the initial plan. That gives her much more street cred because it’s how the real workd works.

Im lazy and haven't checked this, but isn't Media Matters linked to George Soros? Although I'm not convinced about Q in anyway and read for entertainment purposes but anything written by Media Matters for me is very questionable as far as motive.

Yes...the cbts congregation of dimwits have discovered that they can downvote reality away.

I admit that I can be a dick - especially when I've had my fill of stupid - but I have been witnessing perfectly civil posts by non-troll members get monkey-hammered with the down arrow, for simply saying they weren't convinced of a connection between a Q drop and a real world event 2 days later.

It is textbook mass delusion over there.

Good analysis u/Cuthbert12Allgood. Wouldn't you love to have a beer or two with Mega?

Hello. Can you tell us if things are moving along as planned. I’m concerned because I’m seeing a lot of very brainwashed people on twitter. Some are convinced Pres Trump had Seth killed to coverup his Russian collusion. Yeh. Let that sink in......these people may be hopeless. There may be no saving them. They’re too far gone. They have no critical thinking skills.

Also, what’s up with Debbie? Where’s she been? Is she in a boot? I haven’t seen any recent pics of Debbie, Hillary, or huma.

Lastly, when is William Campbell going to testify? I hope he lives long enough to. his Atty, Victoria, said he’s fighting leukemia. I like her. She seems wise.

Please keep us in the loop. It’s tough on the outside and we need the encouragement

Nice "clarification" given that half your narrative is directly stolen from conservative treehouse

Thank you Megs!!! Been lurking from the beginning! You go girl!! Wondering if Strzok is FusionGPS?

Looking through the archives- are you saying S forged everything and gave it to Limey to break and that there never were any warrants applied for or approved, only forged docs made to look as though that process was used?

Watch some mark passio presentations on YouTube. He breaks it down deeply.

u/IMegaHateNicknames been refreshing real time. Love it! Thank you!

Q doesn't want people to passively sit around and wait. He seeks to awaken peoples curiousity, to inspire them to ask questions, research, closely follow the news, network, talk with everyone we can. For the chans, he's asked them to put their research into maps so outsiders can understand the big picture and the connections. People on chan are brilliant at research maps; making the complex comprehensible. He's also asked them to prepare memes for when things start coming out. Memes can break through the conditioning and spark questions and discussion. Qs format is specifically designed to mobilize the people on chan. Things filter out from there. At least people are starting to be curious about whats going on which is good however Q is NOT about passivity. He's urging everyone to wake up and do their part. Together we will MAGA.

This quote of yours is highlighted in the OP above:

"wire taps were a trap, then used again to trap, those who were trying to trap."

Truly diabolical tenets.

That is an Epic Informative thread. I wonder what happened to all the shills at that time that mess up the threads flow of information.

I'm pretty sure you're wrong.

Indeed, and amen.

The outcome is certain.

They lose. We win.

We will be free at last. Let's get this celebration started.*

*After we win, of course. There is a LOT to be done between now and then, and everyone of us counts here.

No. Todd is right. These are my posts. I was posting this hoping "Q" would see it and know I get it now.

It is EXACTLY the way I write... especially when I'm this confused and excited. Trust me, we are good.

No, it's her, check the comment section. It's quite lively :)

We need confirmation, Mega would not want us to blindly accept. Need the feet, I’m on fence until confimed. Why wouldn’t you want confirmation or ask us to knock off requiring confirmation?

Or is it possible that both Q and Megaanon are part of the plan? Both have successfully engaged a lot of us 'truth seekers' into running around like chooks with our heads cut off. How much real stuff is happening while we are looking the other way?

Regardless of who each of these individuals are, they could easily be part of the bigger picture. Perpetrating this larp in conjunction with each other.....

And what if they are actually part of the 'deep state'? The two PRIMARY indicators - the BDT/NYC fireworks, and DEFCON/Hawaii scare - don't prove anything (unless you really want them to).

Nevertheless we are still, for the most part, keeping up with developments looking for some sign that the good guys are about to take down the bad guys. Wishful thinking clouds the critical thinking process at all levels.

If Meg wants to come forward and be straight with us, instead of giving us 'crumbs' that can be taken any which a way, we may refocus.

Presently those on 8chan believe they are the only ones with the answers, as do those on reddit and 4chan.....divide and conquer!

Fair point about the dichotomy. And that was one thing that really didn't sit well with me- Mega being 100% certain that Q was a larp/disinfo despite the fact that a lot of their information shared a common theme. It seemed that at least some of what Q anon said was true just like it seems that some of what Mega Anon says is true. Personally, I don't trust anyone 100%, especially "anons" whose integrity can't be verified.

Hypothetically, could it be JA, and he's doing all this to further the cause of WikiLeaks? I mean, anything's possible, but that's hard for me to swallow...

I've been pondering this hypothesis (independently) for about two weeks now. Didn't really promulgate it because I don't want to sound like a loon, but it makes sense to me. I mean, it's hard to even talk to my wife about this stuff without sounding like I've gone off the deep end.

I'm not sure I would call it "deception" as much as building hype. Manipulation? Sure. My theory is that this Q anon phenomenon is similar to the cryptic clues Wikileaks dropped before the Vault 7 release. This is hype before the big reveal.

Exactly. LARP/legit isn't binary, it's a range. If I claimed to be an insider and started posting theories about happenings based on things I've read online and my own guesses, it would be 100% LARP, because I'm not inside at all. But what if my wife worked in the White House and told me things she was working on, and I relayed those? Then it would be legit inside info. But what if I added my own guesses to it? Then partly legit, partly LARP.

No one knows everything that's going on, especially not first-hand. Meg's info has always been about the data side of stuff: Awans, Seth, emails, DNC, etc. It's easy to imagine that that puts her in a position to hear about other things that she's not directly involved in, like people being arrested and ankle-restrained or stings being set up for election fraud. It doesn't mean she's personally involved in those things and has been putting boots on people herself.

Also, she's not now claiming Q was "legit," she's claiming Q was Assange (or was taken over by Assange at some point) dropping a mix of fake and real info for the purpose of.....getting her attention? Keeping her following trails? That makes her sound like a lot more of an outsider than she's presented herself as. It's explainable, but needs explaining, and I'm not going to offer possible explanations to choose from. Problem is, it might be impossible to explain without revealing too much about her actual position. So I wouldn't be surprised if she simply shuts down, and it will be impossible to tell that from the possibility that she shut down because her LARP was exposed.

There were theories about Q being Assange (among other people) from the very beginning of Q, especially when he talked about wizards. But for Meg's credibility, she told us she knew who Q was. If the latest post is legit and she's right now, then she was lying before, or was wrong and not nearly as in-the-know as she claimed to be. That, at least, seems pretty straightforward.


I know you see people telling you to stop flooding this post with irrelevant links. Start a new thread in /r/conspiracy, you can do one submission for each link, or you could even do a huge daily compilation thread with all your interesting news you find. but STOP posting them here, where each new link just gets in the goddamn way.

Hmmmm, interesting. I'm not seeing any comments at all from Saturday... not mine, not Biff's, not Todd's, not the alleged Megs posts. I'm not a Reddit pro, so maybe I'm doing something wrong. Do they get archived, as on 4chan? I have no idea. Anyone?


here -

Honestly, they just seem to be a heavy Skeptic based on their post history. Not shareblue or anything. It honestly makes sense that they left when they did cuz, you know, everyone is questioning the validity of things now.

May I ask, what are you doing here? I keep seeing posts that should be on other topics. It's distracting.

That’s interesting. Clarity comes through dialogue and opposition. Strong arguments are the best truth-refiners of all.

I am pleased with this thread as it shows a level of group discernment that seems really important.

Your thought that they - or at least some of them - are working together to flesh out a narrative or uncover issues with it before trying it out in meatspace is a good one.

As always were left to our own instincts. I’m pleased with the instincts tracking this thread.

That's my big question too. Seems deliberate. MEGA...y'all...words in CAPS... and if so, the message we're supposed to get from it...

Good point. That's why I was wondering if this type of message was out of character for him, in which case there could be the possibility it's meant for us. Or not, and maybe reading too much into it.

He is correct. She hinted that what Pence did is impeachment level leaking.

I guess I don't understand why politicians can't do what is best for us, the American CITIZENS. Why does there have to be all this drama on both sides? It is where we can't trust any of them.

Dilley Dilley

I can't listen to 11 minutes of George Webb rambling. Cut to the chase, please.

What they don’t understand is: insiders state facts — they don’t make predictions that may or may not be true.

If you were wondering how roadside psychics still exist, these people are how.

Thanks for showing up! The quarantine lasts 7 days and your comment is visible now. A good idea to for copy paste your previous comment.

Can you take a look at the other comment of mine where I tried to summarize what happened and what you told me via PM on Sunday, Jan 14th and on Monday, Jan 15th? Am I describing the events correctly? Is there anything you'd like to add?

I won't delete the post so it stays as it is, as of now. The comment section will be open for a few months, until the post gets automatically archived.

The OP has been mirrored several times on reddit too. Anyone can take a copy of the list and host it, the post is public.

Haha, when I was a kid, my Dad (God rest his soul) loved Hee Haw. The good ole days indeed. :)

Give me a call on BR-549.

Laughing, sorry but I’m involved in the ufo community, as much as I detest the community because it is so full of frauds, some of which I have exposed as frauds, and. No many of these whistle blowers are bringing forward what they have been told to release and pretend they are whistle blowers.

LOL Thomas Paine has broken more stores on whats going down than anyone.

I always take everything with a grain a salt. But he is not a journalist to be taken lightly.

There is still the possibility that her Reddit account was hacked. People don't generally do a 180 like the one she allegedly did. But who knows? I don't think we ever will, unless she eventually outs herself like she said she would, when the time is right, and tells us what really happened.

Hence, at this point, I'm not losing much sleep over what happened, except to hope she's ok if she was indeed legit. Much of what she talked about in regard to DOJ/FBI corruption is panning out. I miss her assessments of what's going on, and in particular, I wish she had still been posting over the last couple of weeks. But things are still going our way. I just wish they'd hurry the fuck up and Release the damn Memo.

I'm still not sold that Soros was there. His backdrop was generic blue/purple and his microphone looked like it was from the 1980's. I'm waiting to see a group photo of him that proves he was there

I'd say Dilley's feed is coming from the same pipeline as Q.

This is clearly a coordinated, multi-pronged approach to info dissemination. Like repetitive drops of food dye in a bucket of water, it slowly dissipates into the larger mass with no real 'stirring' necessary.

I hope our continued activity prevents the archiving.