My mother has early onset Alzheimer's. I think it should be treated as an allergy to Aluminum. If I can figure this out after moving and taking care for her for a year, why cant they?

18  2017-10-28 by Tha_Dude_Abidez

If they look at Alzheimer's as an allergy I think they will find the cure. I just wished they would and it would be funded.


Have you looked into detox programs?

We've got her drinking Fiji water which is supposed to help her detox from the Aluminum. I'm hoping the research this article references is correct:

Fiji is not particularly good water. Someone is feeding you shit.

Seriously? Why is it so bad?

Just to qualify this, I was an environmental chemist for 20 years and 50% of my work was with drinking water, I'm not just punching out on Fiji water because I like Dasani or something. It is about impurities. Look at the label on Figi, they advertise their impurities as a feature. It is kind of hilarious to me, it has a profile like sorta cleaned up tap water.

Quick experiment I usually give to people who don't want to spend money in my lab. Clean 2 stemless wine glasses really well, the kind with smooth sides. Put your oven at like 450°f. But a cup of your figi water in one, put a cup of any purified or distilled drinking water in the other.

Now bake those for several hours until it is completely dry, and compare the residue. Bonus points if you have a nice scale that goes to 2 or 3 places past 0, carefully weigh and record the initial weight of both glasses before you put water in them. Then weigh them again when they are completely dry and cool. Calculate the difference, and you have total solids for both waters.

The distiled water might have like 50mg/l of residue. The Figi, iirc (I tested all the commercial waters at one point) will be at about 250mg/l. Now these aren't necessarily "bad" contaminants, but it is dirty water compared to actual clean water.

Thank you for the clarity my friend! I'll start researching Fiji more but I have to say since she started the Fiji there was a noticeable difference. It was startling for anyone that had been around her for the last few years. It's hard to put down something that may be working. I will continue to research though and wouldn't have had it not been for your post here. Thanks again!

Never discount the effect of placebo man. Someone told you this would work, and by george you feel like it kinda works :)

And maybe it isn't a bad thing, maybe I should not have ruined it for you. Maybe there is a contaminant you are sensitive to in the water you were drinking before? Who knows. I hope you figure it out though man. Nice talking to you!

Thanks man!

If it was me and my mom, and she's willing, I'd get a consult with a detox specialist:

Thanks for this!

Aluminum is in everything we use while living our lives. All of us aren't stricken with Alzheimer's. Some of us, I believe, are allergic.

Interesting, the PhD I am seeing for CBT therapy mentioned an Alzheimers-heavy metal correlation to me in our session just this week!

I think they know. I also think they're scared to come out and admit it. Think of the aluminum exposure you have each day whether it be by deodorant or by your pots and pans and everything in between. Some of us are allergic and some are not.

I’m in my 30’s and my blood tested higher levels of aluminum. My Dr. uniquely embraces/offers alternative treatments and ordered a regiment of IV chelation treatment. Could it be that there is little money to be made from chelation treatments, so focus is placed on developing new and more profitable vaccines and pharmaceuticals?

I think that the Aluminum gathers in the brain of those allergic. Would blood tests show differently?

No idea, but an interesting question! I’ll look into it...

Thanks so much man! I really appreciate it!

It's been on the radar, good info in this post.

Thank you!

Aluminum is not a heavy metal though

Perhaps not in the scientific community , but my understanding is that in the medical field, the definition of what constitutes a “heavy metal” is more vague, and in human blood aluminum is considered a heavy metal.

Man, I am sorry that you are going through this with your mom especially so early in her life. She is lucky to have you. Older people, even those with their mental faculties intact, need an advocate to navigate the medical system. (Actually, anyone regardless of age could use a medical advocate if they're sick in the US because the system is so screwed up and navigating it is the last thing they should have to think about when they're sick.)

You're clearly not afraid to question proposed diagnoses and treatments. And to do some research yourself. Again, your mom is lucky to have you for support.

Thank you so very much for your kind words. I really appreciate it! Thank you again!

It's funny. It's like the bots and the shills have no clue how to react to this post.

I'm sorry about your mom. You might want to look inro Lion's mane mushroom. There are clinical studies showing improvement for people with mild cognitive impairment (i.e. early stage dementia) in the areas of memory, cognition, and learning. Lions mane mushroom seems to have unique neuroregenerative properties, and no side effects. There was a seller on ebay out of Florida (if I recall correctly) who was selling capsules that were a blend of mycelium and whole mushroom water extraction, and selling at a very fair price.

If you are interested and have trouble finding links to any of the above, message me and I'll try and find them again for you.

Thank you so much my friend! Will do!

Buy “focus factor” it’s a brain vitamin thing.. just google focus factor. I believe it’s what it is called. Wife’s grandpa ultimately lost his life to this disease.. RIP to him.

I'll look into it! Thank you!

  1. Get her off of statines NOW.

  2. Have her eat 8 eggs a day.

  3. Profit

The brain is 75% cholesterol.

MDs don't know jack shit about anything except trauma surgery and a handful of infectious diseases.

Man could you explain further on this?

Alzheimer's disease is a physician caused illness.

Thank you man, watching these now

You're welcome.

Thank you so much my friend! Will do!