What is the strongest piece of evidence indicating extraterrestrial life?

20  2017-10-28 by Deadlyaroma


your overall look dude.

Hasn't it been confirmed every couple of years they found single cell organisms on Mars? I've been pretty glued to the news since 98' when I found Fark.com and I remember this news popping up as a new discovery ever couple years... Is this the Mandela Effect? Because I just did a quick look and it seems like they still aren't sure.

Nah, finding a single-celled organism on Mars would be the most profound discovery in human history. Other than the discovery of the burrito, of course. You'd definitely know.

Every few years they find something on Mars that is kind of big deal. For example, we've found evidence that Mars once had flowing rivers of water.

We have found rocks here on Earth, that appear to be from Mars, that contain fossilized evidence of life. I'm not familiar with the circumstances of those finds, but from what I understand, it is not possible to say with certainty that the evidence originated on Mars. It may have developed once the rock crashed to Earth.

You're probably thinking of one of those.

They find "organic compounds" and sometimes "complex organic compounds". I think the word does severe discredit since an organic compound is any molecule with Carbon besides Carbon Monoxide and Carbon Dioxide. It's simply called organic because all known organic life is Carbon based. You don't need life for Organic Compounds but you probably need Organic Compounds for life. This single term is responsible for so much misunderstanding.


I would say the intricate crop circles that pop up using complex shapes and symmetry. http://list25.com/25-amazingly-complex-crop-circle-designs/

I believe most were found in England. I mean I can see TPTB developing some sort of laser weapon to create these with satellites or something in order to communicate with another group who can see the pattern and then make out the message or something like passing notes and maybe that is all it is. I think if anything that may be the best evidence of some form of communication either to us or through us.

The amount of stars and planets in a possibly infinite universe.

The universe is estimated to be about 13.8 billion years old, and life on Earth is thought to have developed around 3.8 billion years ago.

Life could have started evolving not long after the big bang in certain pockets. So I'd say a conservative estimate of 4bn years before life beginning to evolve and another 4bn years for it to evolve to intelligence. That still leaves 6bn years of head start ET could have on us.

Simply put it's highly improbable ET doesn't exist, and it's highly improbable ET hasn't visited us. Our technology is minutes old on their potential time scale. We might as well be stone age by how advanced they could be compared to us.

From the point in time humans were aware planets existed to the point where we made it to the moon is a a mere moment in the galactic time scale. If other life forms exist and have evolved before us they could have already been flying around for a million years.

I would think the universe would have to evolve at least a little closer to the way we se it now. Full planets, less violent phenomena, more distribution of the building blocks of life and then life could spark.

It's highly improbable ET hasn't visited us. Our technology is minutes old on their potential time scale. We might as well be stone age by how advanced they could be compared to us.

It's very likely that light speed is a universal speed limit that no alien tech can surpass. In this case, when habital planet's are so far away, and our radio waves haven't extended very far into space, I don't think it's unlikely at all that ETs have never made it to Earth.

came here to say this -- the odds that planet Earth is the only planet that has millions of species is so astronomically small... you would really have to be a brainwashed to bet on it.

Roswell is the smoking gun case.

they found a body.

The air force telling the news 📰 that they received a flying disc with bodies in Roswell?

Implants under the skin and scars or modified bodies/parts.

Can you go into more detail?

People have found on X-ray or by happy chance because of irritation, small rice sized implants. Similar to keratin or silica but implanted under the skin. Around the elbows, wrists or breast area. Typically resonate a frequency when still embedded but when removed the resonance desolves.

Mark Zuckerberg

You cannot block me. Whooossh, whirrr, oooOooOo.

countless hours of first-hand witness testimony of high ranking government officials and whistle-blowers.

Do you have a source for the most credible account of one of these instances?

If you look in to his story you Will find put that he first began believing in ufo's after he retired and started Reading books on them. He never recived info while in office.

Exhibit (B): SIRIUS: from Dr. Steven Greer - Original Full-Length Documentary Film


The Earth has been visited by advanced Inter-Stellar Civilizations that can travel through other dimensions faster than the speed of light. They use energy propulsion systems that can bring us to a new era. Humans have also developed these systems, but those in power have suppressed them in order to keep us at the mercy of fossil fuels. It is time for you to know…and this documentary will let you in. Please enjoy “Sirius” for FREE and share with your friends and family.

Sirius Disclosure: Evidence

The Disclosure Project has coordinated over 800 whistleblowers from high level defense contractors, government officials, and military/intelligence individuals to testify regarding ET/UFO secrecy & new energy and technology suppression.



This Youtube Playlist From Sirius Disclosure, contains 61 recorded testimonials by a wide variety of Military and Government witnesses with direct knowledge of, or experience with, non-terrestrial technology and beings.

As far as physical evidence, I'd say the pyramids.

The amount of time they cut, moved & place the blocks every 3 minutes at a precise location that lines up with Orion's Belt is pretty astounding. Considering how much brass/copper tools they'd have to use, there wasn't much artifacts laying around. Not sure what they used to make it smooth & shiny enough to make it glow. But for what reason actually?

The Pyramids might have been built by the survivors of Atlantis. Graham Hancock makes a great case for this.

I think they are going to trick us into thinking aliens exist...

They being who? The shadow government? Or do you mean they in a more demonic tone?

Yes shadow government and basically...Satanists.

I saw one when I was younger. It was humanoid, and bright, as in light shone from it. I've spent years of my life trying to find information on what it might have been. The closest I've come is that some fringe sites say that beings from Andromeda or Pleadies appear as light beings. Who knows. But for me, I saw one and remember it as clear as I remember my mothers face.

lol at people who would more readily believe they are being visited by aliens from andromeda than in God or angels

The Christian religion was just a control device invented by humans to control other humans. "Follow these rules, or you will burn forever." Bible stories are allegories and legends. For example, we have a lot of evidence which suggests there was some kind of global flood. However, we have no evidence which suggests a man built a boat that somehow contained all the animals.

I mean, what makes more sense? That a religion invented a few thousand years ago in the desert before we had technology or global communications is actually 100% true? Or, that highly evolved forms of life exist elsewhere in the universe and have often visited this planet?

Go watch the Disclosure Project.

The aliens are already here.

Biology is an inevitable consequence of the laws of physics

our own existence. if it can happen here, it can happen elsewhere.

You cannot block me. Whooossh, whirrr, oooOooOo.

The Pyramids might have been built by the survivors of Atlantis. Graham Hancock makes a great case for this.