Reminder that the Clinton Foundation is one of the most highly rated charities on the planet, while the Donald Trump used the Trump Foundation to buy multiple paintings of himself and pay legal settlements.

0  2017-10-28 by Pineapple__Jews

Four stars.

The real conspiracy.

*while Donald Trump


The Clinton foundation is corrupt as fuck.

How's the Trump Foundation?

Probably as corrupt or more but fuck man, the Clintons are sewer slime.

Bill fucked Haiti as pres and the foundation fucked them again.

But what about drumpppfffff!!!!!!

You realize four stars is a good thing right?

I give you zero stars

Facts suck sometimes. :(

You're premise is that the Clinton Foundation "is a highly rated charity". When it's been proven that it's essential a slush fund and a money laundering outlet as well as a route for bribery. And you know what Trump does the same thing. Guess what? They are all on the same god forsaken team. When you accept that none of them are looking out for you and that you need to start thinking for yourself you'll be on the right track.

You're premise is that the Clinton Foundation "is a highly rated charity".

Yup. A highly respected charity rater gave them a perfect score.

Wait a you think Hillary had threatened to kill them if they didn't?!?!? My God...

You shouldn't trust a charity rater. That's like trust JD Power awards. Those ratings are not a reflection of any sort of investigation or inspection of the financials of the charity. How do we know this? Because there are several senate committees that would like access to the financials and they can't get access. Case in point

Aga Khan Foundation is one of the biggest proponents of microfinance in the world. Micro finance has been denounced as an evil parasitic tactic to trap people into "debt bondage". Do some research on it and you'll be surprised. And yet they have a four star rating as well. Please try and look at things from a neutral perspective. You'll be much more effective at communicating your ideas.

Remember when all of the credit agencies were assigning 4 diamond ratings to mortgage derivatives when they were in fact shit?

Partisan. Get with the program

Haiti <3 Clintons

That makes Hillary losing to Trump, even funnier.

Alan Smithee


All posts are satirical and/or in the nature of parody. Nothing posted should ever be believed by anyone, ever, at any time, for any reason.

Fun fact: Alan Smithee is pseudonym used by directors who want to disown themselves from a film.

For the love of God please tell me you were being sarcastic?

Not being sarcastic at all, "Pineapple__Jews." Smithee (RIP) was one of the top legal minds I've known. And I know a lot of top legal minds.

So you are aware that is a satire account?

Are you aware you're a satire account?

It's not a satire account, and everything written in that post is verifiable. Look. It. Up. But keep attacking the source, I'm sure it'll take you far in life.

How about sharing real sources?

Nah, I've got better things to do than argue with a mentally ill troll.

Well in the future when you do give sources can I recommend not using joke Twitter accounts?

Is this satire?

Nope. Highly respected independent charity watch group.

So the charity pays you? You're Shilling?

You misspelled propaganda.

One charity watchdog, Charity Navigator, no longer rates the foundation because its “atypical business model can not be accurately captured in our current rating methodology,” according to the organization. “Our removal of The Clinton Foundation from our site is neither a condemnation nor an endorsement of this charity,” they write. In essence, the various, wide-ranging projects and federated nature of the organization didn’t properly mesh with Charity Navigator’s ranking methods.

I guess they removed the rating and re-added it?

LOL so how much did they pay the ratings agency?

Anybody can pay off anybody to get a highly rated award. I'm sure Trump's Foundation is a self-serving clown show. The Clinton Foundation has ton more blood on its hands, however.

You didn't stop for a single second to wonder at how a foundation run by a crime family is a top rated charity? Like, this didn't set off any alarm bells at all.


What crimes?

I thought the Clinton Foundation was just where they wash their bribes from dozens of "doners" who they happened to help out while in power.

I absolutely is.

This charity rating website is probably made and owned by a Clinton Foundation law firm.

Highly rated by whom? Organ traffickers and pedophiles?