The last 50 years have been deliberately conditioning the populace to respond to the word conspiracy as inherently false specifically for when these JFK documents would reveal a Coup d'état of the US Gov’t occurred in 1963

254  2017-10-29 by Konkey_D0ng


Conspiracy theorist? More like critical thinker.

The two are not mutually exclusive.

with that much prep you'd think they would also destroy files that would say

But that’s the real game. Do something like this, condition people for 50 years to believe what you want them to, then tell them what you did and watch cognitive dissonance wash over your people. Now you are free to do whatever you want.

Israel used the CIA to kill Kennedy. Zionist have control of America and we voted trump bc he seems like our only hope. There, mystery fucking solved

If Trump is our savior, we are deeply and truly fucked.

Yeah, but think about the level of fucked we were before he ran. Imagine having either Jeb! Or Hilary as president right now. Trump is actually a leader that can get things done as opposed to obama who was a puppet

Well, we will see what Trump manages to get done over the next 4 years. I doubt he can get the wall built.

November 22, 1963 is never referred to as a Coup d'Etat.

It is always "the Kennedy assassination". Because "Coup" denotes a change in government. Which there was. Kennedy was going back to the Gold standard, and had become convinced of the fruitlessness of Vietnam.

So they killed him. You can't do that without willing co-conspirators. Like LBJ.

Consider the change in subject matter across all conspiracy across all conspiracy forums in the last 10 years. Then the change in the last 5 years. The emergence these grandiose, irrational topics that wouldn’t even be entertained on a conspiracy forum a decade ago. As we drew nearer to the possible release date of 2017 the more outrageous and non sensical topics have become. The surge of vitriolic comments that make rational discussion either impossible or drown it in a sea of irrelevance. I am being very careful as to not single out any specific topics as this is how legitimate discourse is infiltrated and thus obfuscated.

As someone who has been lurking on conspiracy forums for a long time, I respectfully disagree that the irrational hasn't been represented quite well for a long time. Other than that, your point stands, just saying that equating "conspiracy" with "crazy" and even "mental illness" began further back. Maybe Art Bell?

You’re right. It goes back much more than 10 years. Art Bell and then Alex Jones absolutely. I remember watching Alex Jones in the 1990’s. I also am a long time lurker of conspiracy board. In the OP I say 50 years.

I've noticed it a LOT on YouTube in particular. You can't watch any type of 'truther' video, even ones done by very legitimate, professional researchers who present great evidence and rationales etc, without seeing in the comments tons of commenters and sbscribers demanding that they mention or address stuff like flat earth or whatever. Definitely seems to be designed to try and discredit anyone who wants to get out the truth about certain things.

Absolutely. YouTube comments are a cesspool.

You know nuttin Jon Snow

I just can never escape the feeling that there are far, far, too few of us.

Indeed. One of the disturbing conclusions I’ve drawn from within these documents is the sheer number of informants / agents the alphabets had in place as a fly on the wall before and after the assasination. It’s obvious this process only became easier with the internet. The most difficult pill to swallow is acceptance that there is no sense in trying. They won.

The claim that "there would be too many people involved, it could never be kept secret" has been disproved by this very incident. The one thing that (other than the audacity of the daylight, public murder of a sitting POTUS who was waaay more popular at the time than, say, Donald the Dotard is right now) that bothers me perhaps the most naggingly since I first viewed it, it the SS stand down coming, I believe, out of the airport. One agent even give the "raised shoulders arms extended at the elbow from the waist palms up with raised eyebrows and surprised expression" to indicate "WTF?!?"

Seeing the unedited Zapruder and reading about the process by which it was undertaken was, as is all new hard data associated with the Coup, bittersweet.

The confusion and SS agent throwing his arms up is heartbreaking. I haven’t heard about an unedited zapruder film being released? Where’d you see this?

I can't recall if it was Vimeo or YT. It looks just like you expect. Kennedy takes a head shot in the forehead.

The edited version had to take the bullet hole and the bloodspray out of the frame. In the process of eliminating these artifacts from each frame, it creates its own video artifact, the black streak. I saw the video ~a year ago or so.

I see. The fireball fired by James Files. Can I ask what your username means?

I agree with this 100%. Why?

Because, unlike other nations, the US has a Constitution. Also, people are educated/conditioned to strongly uphold the Constitution.

In other countries, you can have a coup and people will accept the new government after a while. But the US Constitution requires a legitimate succession (ie. lawful transfer of power) A coup is not a legal transfer of power. Anyone looking to overthrow the government know they face resistance from the general population that believes in upholding the Constitution.

So if you're going to have a coup, you have to conceal it and maintain the appearance of a lawful succession. If it was a coup, the people behind it needed to have LBJ on side.

Remember, the CIA is all about regime change whenever the leadership of a foreign country won't go along with the program. So when Kennedy didn't go along, when he threatened their very existence... is it so hard to think that the CIA pulled off their own little regime change inside the US itself?

They planned everything out. Get rid of the leader. Make it look like there's a Constitutional transfer of power. Set Oswald up as the lone gunman (the patsy). Kill off all the inconvenient witnesses in the following years and make sure the media goes along with the official narrative.

And discredit anyone who thinks otherwise "as a kook".

What’s going on with the upvote figures today? The last I remember chcexking everything in hot was in the hundreds. Now it’s several thousand?

You're doing God's work obi

And that, gentlepersons, is one of the best "nutshell summations" of the Kennedy Coup d 'Etat you are ever likely to read. This should be stickied on every political sub on the site.

Very well said, sir.

It’s absurd that the norm is that those who consider information from MSM to be undisputed fact are considered reasonable and intelligent. Whereas, proposing skeptical inquiry of the official narrative is met with anger, opposition, and taunts of mental instability. We now have official government documents proving that conspiracies do in fact exist. This precedent should enlighten the minds of those who think all open-minded thinkers wear tinfoil hats.

it won't. most (intelligent) people fear using their brains. because using your brains has consequences.

Not so hard to believe since there was previously a coup plot on record thwarted by Smedley Butler during FDR's Presidency known as "The Business Plot"

It was a conspiracy that started the United States! Was it inherently wrong to have done that?

I wish the community could abandon the term "conspiracy theory" for a new term that represents us better. As long as the general public equates "conspiracy" with schizophrenic far fetched fantasies, we're just spinning our wheels, no matter what is uncovered.


CIA Document #1035-960 instructions for journalists how to deal with critical thinkers by degradation using the term "Conspiracy Theorist."

Is this a real document? See the comment above where a commenter says both those terms.

The only people who would buy that are so incomprehenisbily stupid they're not even on the chess board. Don't worry about it.

In 50 yrs we will be lucky if people even still care about 911

Was just wondering. That’s a lot of rems. Personally never visited that particular board, many others though. Some of which no longer exist.