Vegas Shooting Disappeared

31  2017-10-29 by optimisticnegativity

Is there a reason why when I search “vegas shoo” nothing pops up, when before just typing “vega” you would get recommended results including “shooting” and “shooting conspiracy”.

I can’t find any videos on drone attacks. Weapon analysis or sound comparisons.



The goobers blocked everything. Even my comments sometimes on reddit get blocked. Since they have been doing this - it has made me more open minded and now confirm all conspiracy theories are no longer theories. Doing this is proof of theories being true. They should be blocking the millions of scams going around on the net but yet their concern is free speech censoring.

That’s what I thought too...

Makes me wonder if all of the Nov 4th rumors are true 0.0

How could it be? I haven't read much, so I assume it's fake. A riot? Maybe. But even if someone could get 500 armed socialists to go wild in Chicago, they would be smashed before nightfall. How would a revolution work? Cops are 100% loyal to the current system and are 100% anti-communist.

Yeah, i watched a lot and today I had an urge to see if there was any news.

Little did I expect to not find ANY news...

There's a pretty active and aggressive attack on all Vegas shooting posts. Especially the one's claiming it was a hoax.

Further proof of where the truth lies.